#piccola me
animatormentata · 2 years
Non ho saputo tutelarti. Avevo in mente un futuro migliore per te.
Non sta andando come speravo,sono forse troppo diversa dalla persona che volevi e di cui avevi bisogno.
Perdonami. Per tutte quelle volte in cui non ho saputo difenderti e proteggerti.
Non ti sei mai meritata quelle lacrime,non ti sei mai meritata quel dolore.
Tu volevi solo essere accolta e stretta nelle braccia di qualcuno. Volevi solo una parolina di conforto, una comprensione e una presenza stabile e sana nella tua vita.
Volevi solo esprimere i tuoi pensieri senza sentirti opprimere e giudicata.
Volevi solo non avere paura di dire un tuo pensiero,intimorita da una loro brusca reazione.
Volevi solo essere compresa. Essere lasciata libera di sbagliare e di capire dai tuoi errori.
Ti sei trasformata in una persona insicura,paranoica,ansiosa,sottomessa.
Perdonami. Avrei dovuto fare qualcosa molto prima e salvarti da questo soffocamento.
Io ci sto provando,ogni giorno. Quando faccio dei passi in avanti non passa molto tempo che succede sempre qualcosa che mi fa andare a ritroso di altri 10.
Ti giuro che ci sto provando,ci sto mettendo tutta me stessa. Forse ci metterò ancora un po’ di tempo ma tu aspettami.
Io ti prometto che un giorno ti salverò.
Te lo prometto.
Intanto,perdonami piccola Son..
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massei1 · 4 months
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7 gennaio 2023
Ore 00:43
Ciao piccola grande donna, come stai? Di tempo ne è passato, ma se permetti vorrei parlare un po' con la vecchia me.
Eccomi, sono qui.
Mamma mia quanto eri immatura, ingenua e forse con troppa poca autostima. Avevi ricevuto una bella batosta vero? Sai com'è finita? Siediti è giusto che prendi fiato e ascolti quello che è successo in questo anno e mezzo.
Speravi in un suo ritorno? Ma così non è stato. Spoiler, a suo modo si è fatto anche sentire però era troppo tempo dopo per te bella.
Voglio dirti che l'hai superata, ma anche io nuova me sto avendo delle difficoltà. Perché il tempo non cuce tutte le ferite.
Non dico che lo amo ancora. C'è qualcun altro adesso. Però ho messo solo in questo anno in studio, tutto quello che è stato. Forse non ti amava. O forse c'era solo una grande sintonia tra voi. Guarda il lato positivo ti ha insegnato tanto. E ti ha distrutto tanto.
Però piccola donna hai confermato quello che già pensavo di te: sei forte, hai cazzimma e ci sei riuscita a superare tutto da sola. Ti sei messa in gioco, hai sbagliato e ti sei divertita. Hai dato nuova luce a te. Hai scoperto parte del tuo carattere che forse lo avevi ma era nascosto. Hai affrontato sfide che una ragazza di 23 anni non sa manco dell'esistenza. E ti posso dire: complimenti.
Ed adesso qui, fiera di quello che siamo diventate.
Come andrà il futuro, non ne ho idea. Viviamolo. Divertiamoci, ridiamo e facciamo cazzate. Meritiamo amore, baci abbracci e carezze.
Stiamo spedendo.
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apropositodime · 18 days
Ridatemi i miei cinque anni! 🤨😛
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burroesalvia · 3 months
Con tutto quello che ho passato e che sto passando tutt'ora penso di meritarmi un guardaroba intero di Margiela. Anche le scarpe. Funziona così, vero? Chi soffre alla fine viene ripagato in questo modo.
Io non avrei niente da obiettare.
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sayitaliano · 3 months
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lovelydeps · 3 months
Che bella clar(la regia mi dice che ha vinto Sanremo giovani) scusate un attimo devo cercare una cosa. Ok è più grande di me. Che bella Clara
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kerorowhump · 8 months
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"It's not convenient for you, babygirl. Whoever falls in love with me ends up hurt."
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justmoreocs-writing · 27 days
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Sy hadn’t meant to follow the young woman. He had spotted the red hair and was drawn after it like a moth to the flame. It had been years, and he would have recognised Lucinda Turner even now. He was sure of it. Part of him had wondered though, thought it was just some lack of sleep induced mirage.
But her laugh. Even in his memories it was a sound he’d almost forgotten. The warmth behind it, the pure joy… There was no mistaking it.
His heart thundered against his chest, as if eager to reach her before he did; as if calling out to her, even as she got lost in her own world entirely. She was talking animatedly to a woman; the smile on her face like undiluted sunlight every time she turned her head.
Sy drew closer, desperate to reach his best friend and all at once terrified as well. She thought he was dead, how did he explain that trick?
A wave of people hurried between them, momentarily blocking his view, clearing his thoughts. Luce had moved on, she was happy and he dare not destroy that.
Sylvain Alfonsi took off down a side street before the crowd cleared. He moved quickly down twists and turns that most in the city avoided but were completely open to him. He missed Luce looking over her shoulder, scanning the crowd absently. He missed the look that might just have reunited them and instead let out a shaky breath. So close, they had been so close and for once he’d bottled it completely.
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ecleptica · 1 year
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stessi occhi
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snimeat · 2 years
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twstinginthewind · 1 year
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Here's Joker for the @bunnwich Yuletide event, one of the makers of the Heartslabyul Holiday Treats! This is a joint effort with @twst-the-night-away so make sure that you see Violetta's card for the second half of their shared story!
Card assets from @alchemivich and @100night, and Jo's sweater texture is by brightrainbow on freepik.
Joker paced grouchily across the floor of the Heartslabyul kitchen, complaining to her roommate. They had been sent there as punishment by their housewarden, who had caught them in the act of breaking one of the house rules; they were making fudge for themselves in their room, without checking to see if anyone else wanted to be included. It was an often-forgotten bylaw, since very few of the students were likely to cook outside of the kitchen. “.... And if it’s not enough for everyone,” she said, in her best impersonation of Riddle, “you have to go make more, my ear! Oof! It’s not like we KNEW he was gonna walk in on us making candy in the dorm room.”
“Especially not at that hour.” Violetta sighed, half-slumped at the wooden kitchen counter. “I suppose someone tipped him off.” Her chin plopped into her hand, and she mumbled, just barely loudly enough for Joker to hear. “I guess they didn’t think to ask for a bribe …”
Joker paused in her pacing to stamp her foot petulantly. “Ridiculous. Who’d want to tell on a couple of adorable girls like us, just minding our own business in our own room?” She stood for a moment, thoughtful. “.... maybe he smelled the chocolate?” She twisted a lock of hair around her finger. How obvious was it from outside, when they did their little cooking experiments? She’d have to step out and do a sniff test the next time.
Violetta shook her head. “You’d think we would have been found out by now if that had been the case … and we have to make it all by ourselves, too.” She planted both elbows onto the counter, looking like she was trying to become one with it. “It’s not so bad when it’s just for the two of us, but … our whole dorm, and any guests?!”
“We’ll be up all night working on this. What a punishment, having to make all of the sweets for the Yuletide Treat spread.” Joker groaned, and started to pace again. She looked at the clock, impatient to get started. “Where’s our darling vice house warden with the ingredients, anyway?” she asked, saltily.
As if replying to a summons, the kitchen door creaked open. Joker’s heart fluttered as Trey came inside, arms laden with shopping bags. He smiled when he saw the girls. “Did someone mention me?”
“Ah, there he is.” Violetta straightened up slightly. “Need any help unloading?”
“Icanhelp!” Joker almost tripped over her own feet rushing over to take some of the bags, but was waved off with a chuckle.
Trey hoisted the bags onto the counter, giving his usual crooked smile. Joker felt her cheeks get a little warm at the sight, and hoped it wasn’t too obvious to the other two. She started to open a bag in an attempt to distract herself. “It isn’t all that much, I’m afraid,” Trey said as he unloaded one of the other bags. “Sam’s usually not prone to running low on supplies, but with the Yule preparations and all…” He shook his head apologetically. ���I did my best, ladies.”
“Let’s see …” Violetta began sorting through the items that Trey had put onto the countertop. “Marshmallows. And … evaporated milk? And at least … ten bags of chocolate chips?! But they’re an assortment of flavored kinds.”
Joker was taking an inventory of her own as she unpacked, murmuring to herself. “A bunch of cookies, a couple pounds of cream cheese…” She closed her eyes for a moment, as if searching for an idea. Something went click, and she smiled briefly before looking over the items again. She turned to Trey. “No eggs?” she asked, giving him a sad look.
He shook his head again. “No eggs. Sam said most of his really perishable stuff was all bought up.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, I think I ran into Ruggie on the way over there... Anyway. Yeah.” He spread his hands over the assortment of items. “This is it.”
Joker pouted. There went that idea.
Violetta had also been thinking, it seemed. “Trey, we’re allowed to use any ingredients from the kitchen, right? Not only these? Because if I had some butter and sugar …”
Joker stared down at the stack of ingredients. “I bet we gotta work with what we’ve got,” she said bitterly, rolling her eyes. “Builds character or whatever. I can’t do a cookies and cream cheesecake with no eggs. I gotta think…” She put her hands to her temples, mentally going through the recipes that her mother had taught her over the years. Cream cheese and cookies, there has to be something there…
Trey laughed gently. “Butter, sugar, and flour are fine. I at least talked Riddle into letting you use the basics.”
“Eggs are basic,” Joker huffed, crossing her arms. She pursed her lips and gave Trey an impatient look, as if daring him to disagree.
He responded firmly, matching her gaze with a level one of his own and mirroring her arm-cross. “Those are reserved for the mini-quiches. I’ll be handling those.”
Defeated, Joker sagged, whining. “Wehhh. FINE.” She started to pace around the kitchen again, thinking out loud. “... I know I can make something with those ingredients… Lemme look at the chocolate chips again.”
Violetta read the labels of the bags to her roommate. “There’s dark chocolate, white chocolate, butterscotch and one bag of mint chocolate …” She closed her eyes, also deep in thought. She mumbled something just outside of Joker’s hearing, then nodded. “I think I have an idea.”
“Oh!” Joker slapped her forehead; the memory finally fell into place. She knew what she was doing now. “Save me two bags of the chocolates, the cream cheese, and the sandwich cookies.” She spun on her heel, and smiled sweetly at Trey, brushing a lock of hair back from her face. As cutely as she could muster, she asked him, “Sempaaaaaaai, do we have a nice, heavy hammer?”
Trey took a step back, startled. “A hammer? I have a mallet for tenderizing meat, I think …”
Joker nodded. “That’ll do. I need to smash things.” Trey raised an eyebrow, but didn’t pursue the idea further.
Violetta snickered into her hand. “Too bad my idea doesn’t involve a little therapeutic violence …”
Joker looked over at her, deadpan. “Who said it was for my recipe?”
“... Anyhow.” Trey straightened his glasses, and nodded towards the girls. “If you two think you can do this with what we have, I’ll leave you to it. Just make sure to clean up after yourselves, and make enough for the whole party. Understood?”
Violetta nodded, but Joker sighed. She tilted her head. “How much trouble will there be if we don’t?”
Trey tapped his foot. “At minimum, you’ll have to clean any caked-on messes that you leave in the morning. As far as not making enough….” He let his voice trail off, looking thoughtful. “As you know well, the Queen does have a rule about sharing sweets. I don’t think Riddle would be too lenient with you if you don’t make enough.”
Joker groaned, and drooped dramatically across the countertop.
Trey smirked. “I’ll get out of your way, then. If you have any trouble, call for me, all right?”
Violetta’s shoulders slumped, and her sigh echoed Joker’s. “Yes, Vice Housewarden …”
“We’ll let you know, Vice Housewarden.” Joker raised her head, and gave Trey a quizzical look. “But, um. What were we planning on serving the guests if Vivi and I weren’t roped into this?”
Trey paled slightly and took a step towards the door. “Funny you should ask. It was going to be—” He took a moment and stared at his bare wrist in shock. “Oh, would you look at the time?? It’s past curfew; I should be getting upstairs. Good luck, you two!” He stepped quickly out the door, letting it slam closed behind him, and leaving the two girls staring at each other.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to read part two!! Happy holidays and a wonderful Yuletide to you all!
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apropositodime · 7 months
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"Fammi entrare"
Lui le rispose di NO
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evadingreallife · 1 year
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justmoreocs-edits · 24 days
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Random Dialogue Prompts: The Piccola Rossa Series (Peaky Blinders)
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eileenguy · 1 year
Piccola (played by Jodie Foster) in the Goncharov family album
source: "Out of Time: A Deep-dive into the Making of Martin Scorcese's Goncharov" more simply known as, "Out of Time"
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☆ click for better quality ☆ png by me ☆
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chiptrillino · 10 months
Se é di alcuna consolazione nei confronti di questi incivili: la mia famiglia beve dal lavandino come la tua seguendo il ragionamento che
l'acqua del lavandino é ugualmente potabile e piú economica di quella in bottiglia
bere direttamente dal lavandino é "anti-igenico" (qualcosa a che fare con la saliva? Bho, mamma non é mai stata chiara)
SOLUZIONE: bere dal lavandino usando un mestolo.
Fortunatamente l'acqua nei nostri lavandini e perfettamente potabile (eppure nel bagno!) Pero capisco che voi dire e grazie mille per il sostegno! -Alzo il mestolo per fare chin chin- Voglio aggiungere, che ci sono varie ragioni per cui e preferibile bere l'acqua imbottigliata in confronto ad quelle del rubinetto.
-Sapore di cloro -Acqua dura che causa una notevole formazione di calcare -Presenza di mioplastiche (sempre queste maledette mioplastiche...) -Contaminanti dovuti alle tubature (acqua rusticità, sapori non gradevoli)
forse per uno di questi motivi tua mamma te l'a 'aveva proibito come bambino/a?
ovviamente, bere l'acqua dal rubinetto e meglio economicamente e per l'ambiente, ma purtroppo non e sempre una opzione. Sopratutto acanto il mare o sull'isole.
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