#please vaccinate
banrionceallach · 7 months
It's flu season again so please go get the annual flu vaccine. Flu is not just a bad cold and can lead to serious illness whether you're immunocompromised or not.
Flu vaccines are generally available from your doctor or pharmacy and depending on your personal circumstances you might be eligible for a free dose. If you have to pay like I did, in ireland it's 30-35 euros max and well worth it.
I have had the actual honest to god influenza once in my life. It was absolutely miserable.
Also, ask about covid boosters as well. I'm not in one of the prioritised groups, but I enquired at the pharmacy anyway (explaining that I live with my elderly parents) and they were able to accomodate me as they had a sufficient supply. Covid has not gone away and everything new we find out about it's effects on the human immune system is horrifying.
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toshootforthestars · 7 months
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megamijadeheart · 12 hours
The mysterious leg pain I had assumed was a result of moving and carrying lots of shit turned out to be Shingles.
If you had chicken pox as a kid? And now you have joint or muscle pain that ice and heat and painkillers doesn't seem to help, and then you find a patch of hives/rash/'maybe pimples but I don't usually get them here'? Go to urgent care asap because the anti-viral medication they can prescribe is more likely to be effective if started within 3 days of rash formation. And Shingles irritates the nerves directly, so a prescription nerve pain reducer is so very helpful for quality of life.
Just a reminder that viruses linger in the body after they have run their initial course and can have secondary infection cycles that are more debilitating than the initial one. People who have been vaccinated against chicken pox (rather than being encouraged to get it as a kid to then have immunity) will not have a chance of Shingles later in life.
Covid 19 hasn't been around long enough for us to know if it will have a second cycle, but there have been findings of some strains altering host DNA, and having nerve or brain function debilitating side effects in some people. Not to mention Long Covid.
When I was a kid in the 80s, parents would deliberately take their kids to visit friends who had chicken pox, with the idea that it would "get it over with" and then their child would be safe from getting it later in life. Sounds a lot like the "herd immunity" I've heard some people talk about.
But getting sick doesn't make you "safe". Viruses stay in our bodies. They alter us. Vaccination prevents that.
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dillyt · 8 months
Great news for uninsured adults in the USA who want a COVID-19 booster! It now appears that ALL CVS locations are now active participants in the Bridge Access Program. The Bridge Access Program gives out free Covid-19 vaccinations to 18+ adults who otherwise can't afford one, so if you have a CVS near you, please go get one! For others who don't have a CVS near them, please go to vaccines.gov, click on "Find Covid-19 vaccines", fill out which vaccines you prefer (you can mix different vaccines if you have to so i reccomend just marking all of them for the age groups you need), and when the next page loads mark the "Bridge Access Program Participant" option to see only locations that are Bridge Access Program participants. Hopefully, other places that aren't CVS will start participating soon, so just check back every so often to see if there are any updates. The CDC Bridge Access Program website also has more details on what locations will be participating, but only CVS is appearing as an active participant on the vaccines.gov location finder at the moment.
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writtenonbone · 8 months
Hello, I am curious. When you guys were in school did you have an ‘immunisation day’ where everyone get in lines to receive vaccinations?
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jingyichickenwings · 2 years
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I do ONE presentation on canine parvovirus and suddenly my phone thinks I am Super Interested In Feces. I am not. The bowel sepsis Googling was last semester. Leave me alone.
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I actually love glass onion being set deep in covid times but where's the post that was like . Glass Onion should have ended with benoit blanc getting home and testing positive for covid . I really think that would've tied the whole thing together
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tiktaalic · 7 months
klances are so ahistorical. "it was the top ship on the internet for 3 year i've never seen anything like it" well then do your destiel research. i know fandom university isnt real because if it was you would know your HERSTORY about how she's historically placed in year in review lists. you would know the first year they tabulated ships in 2014 and destiel was number one. you would know their weighted end of year average over EIGHT YEARS is like 7 or 8 because they have neverrrrr placed below the bottom twenty. and are top ten more often than not. and number 1 several times. destiel is destiel forever has stayed at the top of the list for NINE! YEARS! this year. the YEAR voltron stopped airing klance dropped 18 spaces. the year after that it dropped ANOTHER 19. the year it premiered it was #6 to destiel's #4.
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awesomecooperlove · 1 month
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starshineyellow · 7 months
Hey Americans, it’s fall 2023 and the adult Covid vaccines are STILL FREE at certain pharmacies. Even if you have no health insurance. Even if you have health insurance but the insurance company likes to whine about CVS being “out of network” for vaccinations.
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Find out more FAQ stuff from the CDC here:
And find your local locations with free vaccines below. Once you’ve put in your zip code and hit “go”, on the next page, make sure to click the checkbox that says “BRIDGE Access Participant” so you know these locations have the free shots.
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rthko · 3 months
Does the "COVID is AIDS" crowd sincerely believe that 80+% of the US population will suffer an agonizing death in a few years? Because COVID is bad but if you are forecasting a literal apocalypse I don't even know how you function.
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l3irdl3rain · 9 months
Last 24 hours over here have been a nightmare. Zorah met the Roomba for the first time. I usually wait to run Roombert until she’s asleep in her bed. Unfortunately she woke up in the middle of his cleaning session and I presume was so scared she had a little diarrhea on the floor. I did not notice this in time and Roombert had to be completely taken apart for deep cleaning.
Then I noticed last night that Zorah was stumbling even more than usual, and not in the usual “my hips and feet hurt” way. I was concerned maybe her blood pressure was getting too low with the medication we are using so I brought her to the clinic today. Blood pressure is normal, but we’re going to try lowering the dose of pain meds she’s on.
Then right before bed Duncan had a bellyache apparently because he projectile vomited (I measured, it flew 14 inches). I was a little concerned but figured I’d just wait and see if it was a one off thing. Got home from work just now and he apparently did that 2 more times while I was at work this morning 😟
Now the good news for Petunia is that she gets to wait a little longer for her vet visit so that I can bring Duncan in this afternoon.
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feralthembo · 4 months
the general public: oh its ok if it gets more common because it will mutate into less severe strains that wont kill anyone we care about
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henpeckedho · 2 years
Hi everyone. If you are in America, or near the American border on the east side of Canada, please get your polio booster if you can, or the polio vaccine if you didn't get it as a child.
Polio has been found in the NYC waste water.
Polio is more infectious than the alpha variant of covid was, and more infectious than the flu.
While 75-90% of people who contract it will not show symptoms, they are still contagious.
Polio causes a variety of symptoms like partial or compete paralysis, lifelong muscle pain and weakness, and/or viral meningitis.
There is no cure for polio. Only prevention and then management of the symptoms.
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noswordinourlake · 6 months
I know the pun PROBABLY doesn't translate to Chinese but with Shen Yuan's canonical love of dick jokes and Shang Qinghua being canonically the Short Peak Lord I do wonder why I've never seen a fanfic where SQQ!SY calls SQH "pocket rocket"
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toshootforthestars · 1 year
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wsbgnl (Dec 7, 2022):
The US has "learned to live with covid" not by effectively addressing the problem, but through a broad deliberate effort to erode empathy, break solidarity, desensitize the public to mass illness and mass death, and inculcate a sense of hopelessness and futility
wsbgnl (Dec 23, 2022):
Ah yes, what pandemic? What 650,000 American deaths? What global vaccination campaign? What OSHA standard? What hazard pay? What PPE? What building upgrades? What paid sick leave? What rapid expansion of the public health workforce? What sustained vaccination outreach?
Quote Tweet: President Biden (Dec 22, 2022) We've delivered free masks, free tests, and free vaccines.On my watch, Americans aren't facing COVID alone.
We’ve offered to deliver four rapid tests per household this month. Some stores still have free masks left over from last winter. Vaccines are at the pharmacy. What more do these people want? Is it supposed to be my job to get everyone vaccinated and control transmission too?
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