#polinated knight
reashot · 26 days
Oh No Jaune Turned Into A Little Kid!
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Smol Jaune: Onee-chans please help me, I can't find my parents .. Uhh why are you all looking at me like that?
Weiss: Ara, ara~
Blake: Ara, ara~
Yang: Ara, ara~
Ruby: Awa, awa...
Yang: Close enough, Ruby.
Blake: Don't worry shota little Jaune. Us Onee-chans will help you find your parents.
Weiss: *slurp*
Yeah just follow us back to our hotel room. So we can keep you safe there.
Yang: Yeah... Who knows what kind of sick degenerates wanting to lay their hands on such a...
Little body...(😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Smol Jaune: I don't know my mommy always tell me that I shouldn't follow stranger.
Ruby: If you come us we will give you lots of toys.
Jaune: Really?! Yay! Toys, toys, toys....
Spoiler: There were no toys.
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sea-owl · 11 months
Thought this be a cute little prompt featuring dragon!Bridgertons aka how Penelope accidentally courted a dragon. 
Penelope Featherington never got why people feared dragons so much. She lived near a nest of dragons all her life and they never bothered her or her village. 
Also all these knights that keep trying to take and take from the dragons. They all claim the dragons stole, but have they ever thought that maybe trading with the dragons to solve that issue? Or giving them some sort of gift? Penelope got lots of neat stuff when she traded with the dragons like her golden embossed journal. Granted she never seen the dragons when she did her drop off for trades but still! It doesn’t have to be much either. All she left was some food and eight coins from her allowance. Sometimes she would tell stories from the village, some of them seemed to like those too. 
It honestly started out as an accident. A stray wind had caught a then 10 year old Penelope’s bonnet and blown it right into the entrance of the dragons nest. It was made out of a very nice silk and lace, but it was a little older. When young Penelope had found out where her bonnet had flown into she had squeaked that they could keep it and ran off. Later that night Penelope found money for a new bonnet outside her window. 
Now years later Penelope sat down at the entrance when she was dropping off some eclairs. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while,” Penelope said as she counted her sixteen coins. She thought to bring extra since she has been away for a few months. “Mama sent me to meet with some penpals I’ve been writing to for a while. I believe I’ve told you about them before. Kate and Sophie are so much fun. It’s also funny watching them rein in Simon and Michael too. Oh and Phillip! He’s knows so much about plants! I think he might be my favorite. I’ll have to bring them sometime for the you all to meet. I’ll make sure they bring a gift.” 
Unknown to Penelope another group of knights had climbed up to the entrance of the nest.
“Ms back away from the cave! There lies a dragons nest!”
Penelope rolled her eyes. “I know. The whole village knows and they don’t bother us.” 
The group of knights continued to try to argue with Penelope as she continued to ignore them and make sure she put out the right amount of coins. One knight had caught sight of the gift Penelope was leaving for the dragons and he did not like that.
“Let go of me!” Penelope demanded as the knight roughly grabbed her. 
Hearing a roar from inside the cave Penelope looked down in time to see a blue tail wrap around her waist before it yanked her backwards. The sudden grab had knocked the girl to the ground. Laying on her back she could feel herself being pulled further into the cave. What she saw though was beautiful different colors of fire being blown around and above her. 
All too soon the fire disappeared but now in her line of sight were emerald green draconic eyes. They were rather beautiful in her opinion. Penelope soon realized the tail wrapped around her belonged to this dragon. 
Penelope looked up to see where the sound had come from but all she saw was seven more draconic eyes staring down at her. “Well, this is the first time I’ve seen the inside.”
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dollypopup · 1 year
a (not)short list of unpopular polin opinions
+Colin saying that he 'found/met himself' on his travels is GOOD, actually, and Penelope should be overjoyed that her friend put that kind of work into himself. she should be happy the letters between them were genuine connection instead of him using her as 'free therapy' as some people like to state
+Colin is not using Penelope as free therapy, ffs
+Colin's line about not courting Penelope couldn't have possibly 'ruined her prospects' because she already had 0 prospects
+Colin caring about Marina even after everything went down is proof he has a good heart and nature and would make an excellent partner. (do i think he should have visited her still? no, i think she deserves her privacy, but Colin didn't do anything wrong in the S1 situation and him coming to check on her, being nice to her husband and her children, and feeling concern about her happiness is HEAPS better than how other men in this series have treated their previous romantic partners)
+Penelope being upset he isn't interested in her is 100000% valid. Cutting him out of her life for it however is toxic as hell (and celebrating her 'ghosting' him is very telling)
+Penelope was SUPER out of line multiple times w/ Colin, in particular when he's clearly heartbroken. Nearly confessing her crush on him in S1 was bad and selfish (his engagement JUST blew up very publicly by her hand) and when he comes back from traveling (aka: trying to heal after said blow up) asking about women he met is very tone deaf. reminding him she herself is a woman is ALSO very tone deaf
+Penelope has been and continues to be a bad friend to him, partly by her own admission when he complimented her on being a loyal person and she said she didn't deserve that (good news: this means she can have a character arc becoming a better one!)
+Calling Colin 'stupid' or an 'idiot' simply because he doesn't realize Penelope has a crush on him or for verbalizing things poorly is ableist and it needs to stop being so normalized in this fandom
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do you have any polin fic recs?? 💕💕
Yes I have a lot!!
Starting with some of my favoirte authors: logogram, kbeets, Katie_500, LightLeadingMe, Fire_Lily89, StillPink, LilyWhiteflied, LizzieD, ArdentCastle, lixabiz, LeighAnne_Balsdon, and CVHSquill
Starlight- Lazy Tuesday Morning
Making It up As We go Along -Lazy Tuesday Morning
Caught- Allthatwehaveshared
Engagement- Katie_500
The Traveler Who Annoyed Me - tweetysrcclt9
A Bee and a Butterfly- Ash
Grown Up Love - Nevermore_red
gold - LightLeadingMe (a bunch of oneshots)
The Temptation of One Penelope Featherington- LadyTuesdayMorning
Fill of Love- logogram
The Storm- Lilyofthevolume
Bedding Mister Bridgerton- StillPink
Love Me Like You Do- georgialee06
Unexpected Suprise- Ayamos
My alltime favorites that I reread constantly are-
Fill of Love & Which one was it again? logogram
Tempting Scandal -StillPink
My Knight in Shining Armour - Fire_Lily8
The Storm to Weather - Nervemore_red
(Also will shamelessly plug myself: EM_with_A_Y)
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colinspens · 2 months
The Polin fandom needs to stop putting Debling on a pedestal when we know nothing about this man. I’ve seen horrible takes by “Polin fans” saying Debling will be Penelope’s knight in shining armor and teach Colin how to treat her right. That she needs to be properly courted and romanced before “settling” for Colin. These are the same people who campaigned for Debling and Penelope having sex the SECOND the fake Sun article dropped. There is a fine line between being a Polin fan and a Penelope only fan. You only see Colin as a prize Penelope earns instead of his own person. That’s why as soon as he doesn’t act according to your standards, you start rooting for the other guy. This season is about Penelope AND Colin. I’m tired of his own fans being his biggest haters.
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...It is possible I am about to bring the Bridgerton fandom down on my HEAD, but I have an opinion and I am sharing it.
The show hasn't set writer Colin up sufficiently well for me to believe that he is going to catch professional jealousy about Pen being Lady Whistledown.
Yes, we got the journal reading scene, and it is well established that Colin is a prolific letter writer. I am also aware that the fandom is happy to headcanon Colin being as prolific a letter writer as he is made out to be is setup that he is a prose writer. But um.
Contextually, when all you have to communicate with people is letters? Like, that doesn't necessarily HAVE to equate to also being an excellent prose writer. For one, when you're writing a PRIVATE letter to someone you like (such as a friend or family member) your audience is extremely specific, so you don't have to tailor to a general audience. The skills are different. I imagine the letters being a combination of text messages and a Tumblr blog and a Facebook profile before Facebook became functionally unusable. It's a means of connecting and sharing experiences, and given how the Bridgertons react to the letters and their content, it's basically an amateur travel highlight blog. Which is why the letters and journals worked TOGETHER in the book to establish Colin as a good travel writer, because he had the letter format and the longform format. They complemented each other and there was more emphasis on Colin actually engaging with his journals in the book. Like, he was talking about editing them and refining the prose and really engaging with the text. That piece is missing in the show for me. He doesn't seem to really give a damn about the writing unless the plot needs him to in a given moment.
We got two full seasons of Penelope building her private life around Whistledown and finding time to write and struggling with writing and working out the logistics of getting published and protecting her identity. Even without the time jump in the book that gives her extra experience as a runaway successful gossip columnist, I believe that writing is important to Penelope in the show.
Colin spent season 1 being a naive white knight, without so much as a hint that our boy is a writer. But maybe he discovered writing on his travels. Ok, fair enough, but then why didn't they have him working on writing in season 2 when he was feeling directionless and purposeless? Would that not have been a direction and a purpose? He just...kinda shows back up in season 3 and there's a journal for one scene and we're expected to believe that he is suddenly as avid a writer as Lady Whistledown? Sorry, no, I'm not sold. We don't even get what might have been an interesting internal conflict where his fuckboying around the ton in a desperate attempt for validation is CONFLICTING with some kind of internal validation that writing brings him. Like...the foundation and the groundwork and the moments that Penelope gets to establish writing as something important to her just are not there for Colin.
I honestly think I'd have preferred them to drop writer Colin altogether (I'd have been disappointed as hell) rather than try to token in the writing with like...the letters and the singular journal scene. Writer relationships can get MESSY and DRAMATIC and...I would have loved that. But the show just hasn't spent enough time there for me. I'm still here for the Polin relationship, but I wish we'd gotten the love and care in setting up writer Colin (or even a fraction of it) that Penelope got.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
What are your thluggts on polinated knight.
Its jaune and team rwby as a poly relationship.
I think that Pollinated Knight is a good concept, but that concept has been sullied by the fact It is rarely used to it's full potential.
Because, it's always Jaune With team RWBY. Never team RWBY with Jaune.
I never, ever see the inner dynamics of RWBY. I'd love to see Weiss doing Blake's hair, or Yang and Jaune surprising the others with a trip, or Ruby and Blake kissing with others being jealous that it's not their turn.
I could do it, probably, and I would love to want to see more of it, but the only of it I see is Jaune Harem stuff.
Pollinated Knight gets a r/GTBAE / r/Surprisinglywholesome.
It should come as no surprise when I say that obviously this is without Enabler. It's just two sisters that share three Romantic partners.
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thekatebridgerton · 9 months
Also, favorite show polin and book polin scene
Favorite Polin scene in the show... Again, one straight out from the books. Colin rescuing Penelope from Cressida's pettiness and dancing with her. Putting Ms blonde and mean in her place. While also being Penelope's knight in shining armor.
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And as for my favorite book scene... You already guessed it, the carriage scene... But not because of the sex. It's because in this scene it's the first time that Penelope tells Colin to go screw himself.
"I wouldn't dream of denigrating what you've done," he said condescendingly.
"Of course you would," she interrupted.
"No, I wouldn't."
"Then what do you think you're doing?"
"Being an adult!" he answered, his voice growing loud and impatient. "One of us has to be."
"Don't you dare speak to me of adult behavior!" she exploded. "You, who run at the very hint of responsibility."
"And what the hell does that mean?" he bit off.
"I thought it was rather obvious."
He drew back. "I can't believe you're speaking to me like this."
"You can't believe I'm doing it," she taunted, "or that I possess the nerve to do so?"
I love this specific part of the carriage scene so much exactly because Penelope and Colin drop the act. He likes to think of himself as her protector, she lets him know he's not, he's just a whinny piss baby who runs at the sight of responsibility and she's actually been doing quite well protecting herself without his input. And her refusal to let Colin protect her, makes him furious. Because up till this point they both had each other in some sort of pedestal where neither believed the other was capable of being nasty. But here's news for you Polin. You both are cut from the Same two faced cloth! Pair of idiots that you are. When they both stop pretending to be nice, they're mirrors of each other. AND I LOVE THAT
It serves Some seriously delicious tea
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antipolin · 4 months
LMAO there is a Polin who thinks Netflix is going to pay truckloads to debut the season 3 trailer at the Super Bowl.
Also there is one who said that Nic and Luke aren't allowed to post photos together because Netflix want to keep their public appearances together until the promo starts proper since they want this season to be HUGE (yes, she put HUGE in capitals). Like they actually believe Nicola isn't posting pics with Luke because Netflix told her not to, since when has Nicola ever cared what anyone told her she could and couldn't post? It doesn't matter what Netflix said to her if she wanted to post pictures with Luke she would.
LMAO there is a Polin who thinks Netflix is going to pay truckloads to debut the season 3 trailer at the Super Bowl.
Yes, because debuting a romantic regency era show trailer during the Superbowl is where their target audience is....
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Granted, people can like both. But that isn't exactly where you'd want to debut a trailer like this.
The only trailers that debut during the Superbowl are like.... Blockbuster films & shows. Likely this year are: Deadpool 3, Dune part 2, Inside Out 2, etc.
But the only shows that have debuted trailers or TV spots during the game are Marvel shows like Falcon & the Winter Soldier, Moon Knight... Maybe they'll drop something for the Agatha show but I doubt it since that's not coming until like Halloween. And Marvel content is light this year for Disney Plus.
But there's no way Netflix will pay that much money to drop a trailer for a romance Regency show during the Superbowl. Be serious.
Also there is one who said that Nic and Luke aren't allowed to post photos together because Netflix want to keep their public appearances together until the promo starts proper since they want this season to be HUGE (yes, she put HUGE in capitals)
Yeah I know, they were in here claiming the same thing. Like what a weird thing to say b/c it's not like it's a big secret they're the leads? Also, I highly doubt Netflix is tracking what they post on their instagrams, they don't care about the stars of their projects and their social media that much.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
How does every Bridgerton sibling meets their love in the Royals Au? and are some of them from important families too or not?
I haven't thought through all of the siblings yet but I'll give you what I've got thus far;
Saphne: Simon is the Grand Duke of a neighbouring Grand Duchy and is invited to Princess Daphne's debutante ball as she celebrates her 18th birthday. Daphne is immediately taken with him after they share a dance but it wouldn't be for another couple of years until they met again. She makes her affections known to him and while hesitant to cross the line of courting his best friend's younger sister, Simon can't deny how he feels and eventually makes her his Grand Duchess.
Kanthony: I've mentioned it in an earlier post but they actually meet during military training. Anthony's only recently become the new king and grieving the loss of his father whilst Kate is the only woman among the cadets and also suffering after her dad's recent passing. The pair take their grief out on each other and then many years later down the line they cross paths when Anthony is paying a visit to the RAF base Kate is stationed at. They make amends and begin a friendship until Anthony realises the happiness he once possessed before his father's death has now returned with Kate in his life. He doesn't want to ruin their friendship but every time he's around her he feels like he might burst unless he tells her how he really feels. After several weeks of self control Anthony finally confesses how deeply his feelings run for her, though apologises to her for ruining things between them, saying he understands that she would have no interest in being with him and all of the baggage that comes with dating the king. Much to his shock and great relief Kate kisses him and tells him she's glad that the feeling's mutual.
Polin: Penelope is the daughter of the country's disgraced former prime minister, Archibald Featherington. Her mother used to be a soap actress and now appears on panel shows all the time while her sisters are reality show stars. All in all, her family have garnered a certain reputation in the public eye though Penelope's character remains relatively unknown until one day seemingly out of nowhere Prince Colin announces his engagement to her. Princess Eloise had befriended Penelope when they were little girls and the royal family were hosting a dinner for the prime minister and his family, and ever since they had been best friends. Of course Colin became as close to her as Eloise and would write to her during his years away in the navy, though it wouldn't be until he had retired at 33 that he would find his new purpose in the world by becoming Penelope's husband.
Philloise: In this universe Phillip Crane is the younger version of Sir David Attenborough and a national treasure in his earnest and passionate study of the animal kingdom. He is knighted for his services and dedication and in the dinner hosted afterwards in the palace he is acquainted with Princess Eloise, with whom he shares an hours-long conversation with her about his latest documentary set in the Amazon rainforest. What a fascinating man. Eloise had thought to herself. I must fuck him. For the next year if there was any event which Phillip was known to be attending, Eloise would insist on going as well, and then much to her delight he was invited to a charity event held in the palace gardens. She was shocked when she tracked him down to find him with a son and daughter she had previously been unaware of but seeing his gentle nature as a father and listening when he opened up to her about his worries that he wasn't good enough of a parent to the twins only made her want him more. Naturally Sir Phillip was shocked when he realised the princess had been trying to get with him for some time, having previously been oblivious of the prospect of someone like Eloise being even remotely interested in him, though once he knew Eloise carried a torch for him, he fell hard and fast for her.
Grucy: Queen Lucinda had ascended to the throne of her country after the scandalous abdication of her brother King Richard when he ran off with his sister's lady-in-waiting, Hermione. In their country there was a far stricter requirement of who they could marry meaning anyone less of noble birth would simply not do. Though she was the sovereign, her uncle pulled all the strings and had orchestrated an arranged marriage between herself and the crown prince of a neighbouring country, a plan between her uncle and her fiance's father to unify the two countries. At her coronation the Bridgerton royal family attended, including Prince Gregory, and it was love at first sight for the pair. Lucy wanted to break off her engagement in favour of a love match with Gregory but she remained trapped underneath her uncle's ruling thumb. Gregory had begged her to run away with him but she felt duty-bound to her country and went ahead with the wedding. Except, when she was asked by the archbishop if she took Prince Basil as her lawfully wedded husband, Lucy replied "I don't." The biggest wedding of the year turned into the most shocking as Lucy confessed in front of TV cameras and millions watching at home that she couldn't marry without love and that she didn't want to be forced into marriage just because someone had told her to, with a pointed gaze at her infuriated uncle. Her fiance shrugged, agreeing with her then casually admitting he was gay, much to his father's ire. While popularity turned against Lucy's uncle and Basil's father, Lucy and her ex-fiance's popularity sky-rocketed, and her country was overjoyed for their queen at her second wedding only a short while later when she married a man she very clearly loved.
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reashot · 4 months
Give Us Your Virgin!
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Papa Arc: Halt! Who goes there!
Ruby: We are the Four Wicked Witches and we hath come seeking something important.
Papa Arc: You to come here knowing that this city is protected by the Arc Clan.
Weiss: Citizens Of Vale! Heed our demand!
Yang: If you don't want your city to be destroyed...
Blake: Then give us something we want.
Ruby: A virgin! The beautifuler the better. And if you don't we will kill everyone in this city.
The Rest of the Arc Clan: One moment. Huddle up Boys!
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A few seconds later...
We agreed to your term. We will give you a virgin.
Weiss: Great give her to us.
Papa Arc: Never said it's a her. *throws Jaune*
Jaune: Ouch! Dad what the F, man!
Papa Arc: Take one for the team son.
RWBY: Even better....
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Jaune: Kyaaaa!!!! *girlish shriek*
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sea-owl · 10 months
Next up for the Pokemon au we have polin!
Colin -
Now Colin was gonna evolve his Eevee into a Jolteon so he could troll Benedict the way Benedict trolled Anthony, but before he could get the chance, his Eevee evolved into an Umbreon one night. He thought it was so much cooler than a Jolteon. With his need to play the hero and fix everything, I can see him having a knight like pokemon like Gallade. He also has a Cerluedge, another knight like pokemon, but this one also symbolizes that hidden temper he has. His trickster and charming ways earned him a Zorua, which he later evolved into a Zoroark.
In order Umbreon, Gallade, Cerluedge, and Zoroark
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Penelope -
Like the Bridgertons with bee pokemon Featherington family give their children catipillar pokemon to raise into butterfly pokemon. Penelope was given a Wurmple. She thought she would end up with the moth pokemon dustox like her mother. She was happy when wurmple evolved into a Silcoon and later a Beautifly. I see girlie raising psychic and ghost pokemon, both helping later on with her Whistledown business. She has a Gardevoir she raised from a Ralts when one wandered onto the Featherington estate and the ralts felt comforted by Penelope's emotions. She has a Chandelure that she may or may not use at balls to help direct her to where the good gossip is via flickering of it's flames as her pokemon blends in with the other fire types that are used for light at balls. People were confused by her Misdrevious later Mismagius because she's such a sweet girl? How did she train such a mischevious pokemon? Then, when the Whistledown reveal happened, people were like it makes sense now.
Beautifly, Gardevoir, Chandelure, Mismagius
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triviareads · 2 years
The way show Benedict is superior to book Benedict! Show Benedict does foreplay and has more of an earnest (if that can be the right word) or a sweetness about him. I just want Sophie so much 🥺🥺😭
I'd love to know where he does foreplay on the show because from what I remember, in S1 he was just furiously making out with two women post-Granville/Wetherby-spying in what seemed to be the writer's desperate bid to prove his heterosexuality (not just one woman! Two!), and then in S2 with Tessa (who I fully believe was written in in another bid to desperately prove Benedict's heterosexuality and cancel out his chemistry with Sir Henry) they're kissing and then she sort of pushes him down on the bed and straddles him and goes for it.
That's not to say I dislike the show version of Benedict. You're right, he's funny and earnest and that bit where Tessa puts her fingers under his chin and tilts his head up and the way he looks at her all wide-eyed is hot and very Dev-Patel-Green-Knight-Face-Touching-esque. It also makes me wonder based on the fact that in both seasons the women seem to lead their sexual encounters (esp. in S2 with Benedict being fully nude while Tessa is dressed which is... evocative) if that's going to carry over into his season. Or is that too much to hope from this show :(
I think what we've learnt in 3 seasons of the show is that his love interest will need to have some serious chemistry with him or it will fall flat like S3 probably will based on the 2 seasons we've had to observe Polin's (lack of) chemistry.
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kaldurrr · 1 year
so so so desperately want colin to be penelope’s whistledown informant. he played her cousin like a fiddle to get evidence on the scheme then the final scene is him getting a bunch of men to join a club that he will now be presumably being a part to continue distinguishing himself (all of whom he can listen on, providing a different perspective, source of information)
like i also think the polin vibe for season 3 is going to have some element of lady and knight dynamic (colin’s declaration of wanting to protect her and do right by her) BUT THE WHOLE THING WITH THE QUEEN’S SIDEPLOT AND BUILDING UP THE WHISTLEDOWN SCHEME WITH QC SAYING SHE COULD BE SO MUCH MORE LIKE PLEASE
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sirius-bus1ness · 22 days
Epsilon 2
Prince Epsilon is in James Poline's arms.
It is almost perfect, he thinks a touch hysterically, his prince a solid weight and perfect. He is beautiful, here, eyes gazing up at him with something raw in his gaze, a small, wistful smile tugging at his lips. He looks at James like he is trying to remember, like he is the desperate one between them.
Almost perfect.
Epsilon is beautiful, has always been beautiful, red cheeked and wide eyed and open palms inviting him into a dance he could not deny himself of. James had always thought he'd have the space to follow his prince everywhere at all.
His prince smiles at him, aching. He is as bloody as he'd always been, open palms red and dripping. This time, it is not someone else's. This time, the red comes from inside of him, staining white silk red and he smiles, still. James wishes he would stop smiling that way, like he had already left him.
"Please," he rasps out, pleads as he presses his fore head against silver hair, "please. Don't leave me. I can't - not without you, please."
Epsilon makes a sound like he's been punched, and James presses harder against the stomach wound, wishing Zarhis is here to heal. Wishes he is magic, wishes so much and desperately and the world blurs together in a watery haze and his prince -his his his, the one who holds his loyalty, his fealty, owner of his eyes and heart and his entire world, still - weakly wraps around his wrists.
He does not pull away his hand, simply turns to bury his face against soft hair. It smells of strawberry and blood and he hates, loathes, grieves because it is Epsilon's. He gasps, a sob, eyes closed tightly, "please, my lord, please. Do not go where I cant follow. I am your loyal knight, I lo-"
"Don't," a soft, broken sound like it hurts and he turns, looks at Epsilon. Heartbreak stares back up at him, his prince at his most vulnerable, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but dont. It hurts too much. Don't say it, I'm sorry."
The tears fall. He does not know if its for him, the way the words steals breathe from his lungs and the certainty that the only one he ever loved in this heart rendering way is leaving him, or if it is for the ache in Epsilon's eyes as he asks James of the impossible. There is grief in his eyes, but not a trace of regret.
"Selfish," He whispers, because it is. To request his silence in this shattering world is a selfish request from his selfish prince, and James hates. The world, the situation, the prince. The knight, too, holding tightly to a man already giving up. "But you know?"
He cant help but ask it. Does his prince know? Like the goddess gave her eyes to a mortal she loved so he would give his to Epsilon? Did he know? Epsilon closes his eyes, then meets his gaze once more. He smiles, soft and sad and cruel in its adoration, "yes, yes of course. And I, you. Always, I am sorry."
The grip on his wrist loosens, hand cupping his face. Epsilon looks at him tenderly, and he is sorry for it. Not like this. James wanted his prince in his arms, had wanted since they were two boys in anonymity whispering of running away where the world could not touch them, but not like this. Not with death looming above them, and his prince damning him to silence.
A thumb, soft and tender, brushes a against his cheek. He leans into it, and weeps.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 6 months
Ok, so I've been thinking about my favorite Bridgertons (admittedly mostly I'm ANTSY for Season 3 news, but we're going to pretend I was doing something productive with that energy), and I have decided to make Book and Show lists of my favorite Bridgerton men and partners.
Disclaimer: I'm a Polin girl. Colin is topping every list and everyone else is competing for silver, so bear that in mind.
Book Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. Our boy is a writer and basically the human incarnation of a golden retriever. Best Bridgerton, no questions.
Anthony Bridgerton. Say what you want about the daddy issue, but this man managed to keep things together throughout his dad's death and the antics of seven siblings. As a fellow oldest child, RESPECT.
Gregory Bridgerton. Despite this man being objectively the dumbest of the Bridgerton boys, he's at least a bit of a sweetie.
Benedict Bridgerton. I do not understand why people like Book Benedict. He spends the entire book going "women are stupid." He has a literal bowl of rocks. Dislike.
Show Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. I warned y'all. Babyfaced boy who wants to be in love and has a white knight preoccupation? I feel like Angelica Skylar looking at Alexander Hamilton and going "I want to take him far away from this place".
Anthony Bridgerton. The single most relevant recipt: "Do you even know all the ways a woman can be seduced?" Also, despite flaws and arrogance, still a kickass older brother holding the ship together.
Benedict Bridgerton. Show Benedict is a sweetie pie and sensitive and frankly I am here for sensitive artist.
Gregory Bridgerton is ten. He should not be on this list.
Book Partners
Michael Sterling. I would bring the merry rake into the family. This man...yes, Michael, I do want another kiss AND I want you to tell me about when you were wicked.
Gareth St. Clair. Daddy issues aside, Gareth is a decent human with critical thinking skills and a wicked sense of humor. I can get behind this.
Simon Basset. He's...fine? I guess? I'm not super enthusiastic, but I'm also not necissarily kicking him out of bed.
Philip Crane. *yeets into a lake*
Who is at the top of your list of Bridgerton men and male partners? Or heck, your list of Bridgerton ladies and female partners? (I am a Penelope and Francesca girl myself!)
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