#ppl act like its incestuous or something
minimoefoe · 9 months
caryl shippers do realise that ppl saying they see daryl and carol as having a mother and son dynamic doesn't mean they think carol is a haggered old woman and daryl is a child, right? 😭 like its not about what age they are it's just about the vibes their dynamic has. carol could be younger than daryl and still be the 'mother' in the dynamic
I don't even see them as having a mother and son dynamic but ppl being like 'oh so you're ageist and think daryl couldn't possibly be with someone a few years older than him' is wild like I don't doubt that some ppl are against the ship for weird age reasons but for the most part I really don't think that's what's going on. I dont think I've ever actually seen someone be that way. and every time I've seen someone bring up the age gap and get mad it's always in response to something that isn't even talking about their ages
shipping daryl with someone younger than him (eg connie) and not shipping him with carol doesn't mean someone is choosing those ships purely based on the character's age and you're weird if you assume that all the time and try and pin stuff on ppl bc you wanna get mad they don't ship the same thing as you
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Sorry about that, I know incest is bad. I was just trying to state that they may probably be evil enough to engage in that sort of thing, that it would be the sort of thing that they might do, that's all. LIke, I'm trying to say if the 17 and 18 of the future timeline are really so horrible and disgusting and evil to do all the thing they've been doing, then they obviously would do something really disturbing and upsetting things like incest with each other. YOU COMMIT INCEST AND YOU DIE!
[Follow up to this post here]
Here's the thing... Incest isn't necessarily connected to evil. Being evil does not mean you commit incest. What makes incest bad is the lack of respect for the person you're related to and how it could effect possible children who will more than likely have physical deformities and/or mental issues (either born with the mental issues or develop them after finding out their parents are siblings and the bullying that is likely to happen to them).
Not to mention that incest is mentally damaging for both parties regardless if they are of the same or opposite sex. Out of respect & love for family, this act should not be committed.
And even if a person is evil, that does not mean that by default they commit incest too. Evil people can respect each other & not do such a thing. As mentioned before, incest can be mentally damaging, and mental damage is very similar to physical damage (at times even worse). So, do Future 17 & 18 attack and try to deal serious damage to each other? No. Future 17 & 18 have a respect amongst themselves. In fact, they only respect each other. That respect prevents them from harming each other physically or mentally or in any other way as well.
Besides, Future 17 & 18 are programmed to kill humans. They are not evil by their own free will. Glimpses of their free will are seen in a few instances.
Future 17 & 18 killing people at a carnival so they can play on the rides.
Future 18 playing a video game, then ended up blowing up parts of an inhabited city out of anger after she lost.
Future 17 making a game out of running over people.
In the end, these all tied in to their objective to kill humanity that Gero programmed them to do. They became weapons programmed with an evil objective. Even their brief moments of free will resulted in them completing their objective.
I don't see those two committing incest. Their horrible actions are a result of their minds being reprogrammed. They hate humans and only respect each other.
(I used the word "reprogram" a lot in this reply...)
Also... it's more like "YOU COMMIT GENOCIDE AND YOU DIE!"
An incestuous relationship between 17 & 18 is just an innacurate view of the characters. Similar to how people think Gohan loves fighting & Chi-Chi forced him to be a scholar. That's not canon & not accurate at all.
But, ppl will write what they want to write when it comes to fics and stuff. I personally find it more interesting when the characters are kept mostly in character. Not a fan of OOC writing.
One of the few characters I can think of that would have some sort of inscestuous attraction to a relative (besides Saiyans on Planet Vegeta possibly engaging in it for power reasons) is a younger Bulma towards Future Trunks.
But even then, its one-sided because Bulma doesn't know Trunks is her future son from an alternate timeline.
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And imo, the funny thing about this is that Trunks is basically a male Bulma with Vegeta eyes.
So, Bulma is mostly attracted to herself in some sort of comedic, narcisistic, & awkward way.
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The other characters that could possibly partake in incest are those from the Demon Realm. Instead of technology based science, their realm is magical based & seems to be run by a completely different/separate set of rules. So, the concept of incest may not even exist in the Demon Realm. If the concept does exist... does anyone think demons even care about what we consider taboo? They're demons without human morals. I doubt they think "this is bad." If anyone's gonna engage in incest, my money is on demons.
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janiedean · 3 years
i find it funny that all the arguments against sansan or sanrion is about the age gap being problematic and then people ship her with jaime who's OLDER THAN TYRION and i think also older than sandor OR they'll ship her with jon who she grew up considering a brother and is actually a cousin making it incestuous. oh and when the books start theon is like 18-19 years old while sansa is like 11 i think? but yes, tell me more about why your sansa ships are superior to sansan or sanrion LOL. oh also let's not forget the ~pure~ ship of sansaery where margaery basically pretends to be friends with sansa and acts nice for her own advantage which is easy to do since she's lonely in king's landing but drops her th emoment it gets convenient, not to mention pretty much framing her from joff's murder which like sure, sansa escaped cuz LF had it planned but if not she would've been killed then :) a very healthy dynamic indeed. they really don't want to admit that they only care to ship sansa with canonically hot guys and their real problem with sansan and sanrion is both sandor and tyrion are supposed to be ugly and physically quite the opposite of the prince charming she's looking for (but they are more prince-like in character) and ignore that her whole arc is learning to look beyond appearances and names and superficial stories.
I mean other than confirming you that jaime's older than sandor bc jaime has seven years on tyrion who's three-four years younger than sandor and sandor's like 29 in agot... he's older than both of them and I'd like to add willas tyrell to the list of people that are seen as better options.... and he's also older than both sandor and tyrion, I... can't disagree with anything here because like we don't even wanna touch my beef with sans*ery but it's for the same reasons as you said and at the end of it I also can't disagree with the last paragraph because that's... like... the point of the narrative like sansa is obv ending up with someone who doesn't look hot for standards but is actually good on the inside which both of them fit the standard for, and again while I think sandor's it for obv reasons if sanrion was endgame I wouldn't be complaining (ngl I was hoping lowkey for them to get the show bc it was obvious sansan wasn't gonna be a show thing so might as well have a 50/50 split even though I guess having the show wouldn't have been that great in retrospective BUT ANYWAY) yeah what you said about the whole arc and again like... sansa/jaime is top five most hated ships for me too bc it's doubly ignoring that sansa and jaime have LI that aren't standard attractive so I'm not even touching that but yeah like
sorry but when it comes to problematic ships again there is literally nothing in asoiaf that's not somehow problematic - again the most wholesome thing in there is sam/gilly and I reiterate gilly has a baby because her father raped her and her own mother was the same so................. like no one has any leg to stand on when it comes to MY SHIP IS WHOLESOME bc no ship in here is 100% wholesome or has characters who are themselves 100% wholesome so the fixation about how these two ships are specifically bad is suspicious like really really sus
also I'd like again to point out for the umpteenth time that while there are things that I really don't vibe with (and in this fandom esp I can't do incest ships) I don't go around judging ppl for being into unhealthy dynamics or being like EW IT'S INCEST BAD because honestly I have better to do with my life, but my problem is people going like AH MY SHIP IS MORALLY BETTER THAN YOURS when it's a badwrong/ish dynamic and trying to sanitize it - like own up to it no one is gonna judge in this damned fandom and if they do good luck being coherent and don't go at other people like 'ah yeah mine is better than yours because it's so much more wholesome' X°D
also like... again there's limits and limits - I can absolutely get why someone would not like sansan or sanrion because they do have problematic elements like if someone reads blackwater and feels uncomfortable ofc I'm not gonna tell them WELL YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT, if they blacklist sansan and they don't come at me telling me I'm a pervert then all good? but like to do the comparison I can't get over how in the show sansa told theon she'd do to him what ramsay did all over again after he didn't help her when she didn't even tell him WELL WE SHOULD RUN AWAY TOGETHER just help me run away because for me that is like... I can't ship it when the show narrative never asked sansa to be accountable, I won't ever go to a the*nsa shipper telling them EW HOW CAN YOU LIKE IT WHEN THAT IS A THING because... the way I can like sansan with its problematic elements or secondarily like sanrion with its problematic elements (nvm that the superior tyrion ship is tyrion/bronn anyway) they can like th*onsa with its problematic elements? but just don't go around harping at ppl because everyone has their limit to something and it can be glaringly obvious or not (I mean if I tell you that th*ramsay isnt my cup of tea anyone could understand why seeing the background, or idk for me brienne/hyle hunt is a way bigger nope than brienne/tormund ever could have been but a lot of ppl in jb fandom feel the contrary which is absolutely fine again I can't stand the idea of b. with someone who bet on taking her virginity because of personal reasons even if he realized he was wrong but for others the way they wrote brienne/tormund in the show was uncomfortable to that degree and so on) and as long as you behave like an adult... then who cares what you ship
meanwhile instead there's the... fixation on those two esp within the context you mentioned and honestly I'm kinda tired of the 'gross old dudes' rhetoric thrown at them when neither of them is old or gross and they both are abuse victims with trauma never mind the ableism in spades (that one more glaringly at tyrion for obvious reasons and on tumblr I wish it wasn't like......... 80% of the general fandom but people dismissing sandor's shitty coping methods as HE'S A VIOLENT DRUNK when like..... he's the only one who's actually not violent with her sansa and he has thirty years' worth of ptsd on him are also a peach) like... can you please realize the implications of what you're saying please and thank you
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calypsolemon · 4 years
kind of just wish anti-anti ppl would stop acting like ppl who create triggering content always do their best to ensure others are sufficiently warned before engaging. I believe in the organization of content over outright banning as well, bc historically banning is a bad fucking idea. But in anti-anti spaces there's this extremely present sense of denial that anybody who engages in questionable subject matter has ever been lax in sufficiently labelling their content or crossed someone else's boundaries. There's no acknowledgement that the reason why so many ppl have to add "x shippers don't interact" to their art posts is because in the past people would freely associate their content with a pedophillic or incestuous ship, regardless of how triggering it could be and how obviously the artist did not intend such an interpretation. There's no acknowledgement of how many fic writers actively refuse to tag noncon or abuse or major character death bc it might spoiler their fic, and then say "dont like dont read" when someone says it upset them. There's no acknowledgemt of people who think trigger warnings are sjw bullshit and that its funny to post explicit content in main tags that teens frequent. And there's definitely no acknowledgement that some people simply deny that child/adult ships or incest ships or noncon could ever be widely triggering subject matter, either bc its been normalized to them or because they simply dont care about other people.
Like, ideally I'd love to live in a world where ppl who engage in questionable content always tag their shit and are always responsible as to where they share it and who they share it with. But the fact of the matter is they're simply not, and in fact many are actively invasive of other's boundaries. The reason why we have so many people gunning for extreme and possibly harmful measures to prevent this is bc they have a hard time visualizing a future in which people actually do care about keeping said content away from those it could hurt. And when anti-antis rally around the idea that every person who claims to have been hurt in this way actually just barrelled past 50 trigger warnings to complain about something they didn't want to look at anyways, I don't blame them.
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naughtygirl286 · 2 years
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So yeah we went to see that movie The Northman this past Tuesday and I'll have to say it was really very good! I don't want to say to much about it being I don't want to ruin the journey and I feel this movie is a journey. where you follow the life of Amleth a one time prince as he goes on a quest to avenge the death of his father and the loss of his family and kingdom. So yeah it is kinda of a revenge story in a way..
The best way I could maybe describe this is its like Conan the Barbarian, The 13th Warrior or Gladiator its that type of movie but of course this is dealing with vikings and its very raw,grim and gritty but is done on a grand scale.
Its very well acted Alexander Skarsgård is amazing as Adult Amleth (the Northman) and I loved Anya Taylor-Joy in this also I have been seeing her in alot of things lately if you haven't seen Last Night in Soho yet you should watch it its great! Willem Dafoe wasn't in it as long as I thought he might have been I felt his role was rather quick but I was surprised Nicole Kidman was in this I didn't think she would be in something like this? but she does play a good somewhat villain as the scheming, manipulative and somewhat incestuous mother of Alexander Skarsgård Amleth.
the action was really good it felt raw and hard hitting it can be kinda violent but I didn't find it was over the top I felt it was done in a very realistic way.
The visuals on this also were great and especially the cinematography and camera work were really amazing some of the sweeping shots of the landscapes and everything were I'd have to say rather breath taking.
there is subtitles at times that you have the read but One thing that I thought was cool is that they had these chapter/title cards through out the movie it was a cool thing to do
other then that with out giving way too much I thought the movie was great! the ppl I went with thought it was too so I would highly recommend going to see it I feel its a big movie and deserves to be seen on the big screen but yeah I say see it when you have a chance.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 years
I'm going to be roleplaying with someone and they want to do a mother/son relationship, like not in the usual way. Like, what is the ACTUAL relationship between Gabrielle and Lestat? What is it really? I want to do a thread, but I don't want to trigger anyone or make it look all grim and incestuous. And I sincerely apologize if I've offended you by asking the question. I just dunno.
[By the way, I usually answer things with a relevant fanart/image/gif, but in this case, I think it’s too serious a topic for that.]
“And I sincerely apologize if I’ve offended you by asking the question.”
No offense taken, it’s a fair question! 
I am a little wary that this is a bait set out by those who see things in RP/fiction as “promoting” something in real life. A bait set to invite the kind of anti-shippers who are looking for a way to tear me down regardless of how I respond, when all I ever want to promote is:
The 3 Laws of Fandom.
(And I’ll quote a relevant piece of it from @ozhawkauthor, but please read the whole post):
“Much (though not all) fandom is about shipping. There are as many possible ships as there are fans, maybe more. You may have an OTP (One True Pairing), you may have a NOTP, that pairing that makes you want to barf at the very thought of its existence.
It’s not up to you to police ships or to determine what other people are allowed to ship. Just because you find that one particular ship problematic or disgusting, does not mean that other people are not allowed to explore its possibilities in their fanworks.
You are free to create contrarian content, to write meta about why a particular ship is repulsive, to discuss it endlessly on your private blog with like-minded persons.
It is not appropriate to harass creators about their ships, it is not appropriate to demand they do not create any more fanworks about those ships, or that they create fanwork only in a manner that you deem appropriate.
These three laws add up to the following:
You are not paying for fanworks content, and you have no rights to it other than to choose to consume it, or not consume it. If you do choose to consume it, do not then attack the creator if it wasn’t to your taste. That’s the height of bad manners.
Be courteous in fandom. It makes the whole experience better for all of us.”
I want to make it very clear that I’m answering this as someone who supports exploring dark themes and taboo topics in fiction/RP. As long as you are not violating real living person’s rights, or invading any real living person’s space*, then you are doing nothing wrong. I’ve been blocked. I try to tag for things that can be triggering/upsetting to others, but I will not self-censor to appease everyone, so I absolutely support ppl unfollowing/blocking me if what I post makes them uncomfortable.
*Posting your fic/RP with the appropriate warning tags is a form of respecting others’ space and rights. If they don’t like your writing, they can block you, too. Their dashboard is their responsibility.
“I want to do a thread, but I don’t want to trigger anyone or make it look all grim and incestuous.” 
I think grim and incestuous could be very interesting to explore; not every fic/RP can be a fluffy Coffee Shop AU! 
Re: Concern about triggering anyone, I’ll repeat myself, it is everyone’s responsibility to curate their own fandom experience and as long as you are tagging and putting content under cuts, it is their responsibility to protect themselves. If they are incapable of that, then they should ask a trusted person to monitor their internet use. 
People are triggered by many things, not just taboo and darker themed writing. This person’s triggers are Jello, Popsicles, Soup Broth, please read it! And to quote from that post, “a lot of ‘activists’ on tumblr aren’t looking to actually help anyone or make anything better: they’re sadists cruising for new victims.”
TL; DR: Anon, do what you and your partner are comfortable doing.** If RPing it as a ship squicks you both out, don’t do it. If Rping it as a ship is exciting to you both and you want to explore that taboo, go for it! Just be sure to tag it with the right warnings, and add cuts so that ppl will be protected from content they may not want to see. You can also RP privately however you like, there is no rule that says RP must be done publicly. 
**If your RP partner is pressuring you to RP something you are uncomfortable with, then I would suggest not RPing that with them, and similarly, if you are pressuring your RP partner to RP something they are uncomfortable with, I would suggest not pressuring them into it. 
Hit the jump for my response, cut for length, and discussion about possible incest between fictional characters.
“I’m going to be roleplaying with someone and they want to do a mother/son relationship, like not in the usual way.”
Is there a “usual way” to RP? If you’re suggesting in the ship way, it is something I’m sure exists.
Ppl RP with canon in mind, or without it. 
“Like, what is the ACTUAL relationship between Gabrielle and Lestat? What is it really?”
That is a question with a ton of landmines, so I’m not going to say that they are definitely a ship or definitely not, it’s up to the individual reader/RPer to decide based on their reading of canon, or diverge from canon and write the characters however they see fit. This kind of exploration is one of many ways to engage with the characters and I see nothing wrong with canon-compliant or not canon-compliant writing, either way.
Personally, I can see both sides of the argument. 
>>Not as a ship: There are some who see them purely as a mother and a son, and DEFINITELY nothing more. She does come to his rescue at the rock concert (how did she know to go to him? She has telepathy, but being his fledgling, she cannot read Lestat’s mind; she could have picked up the warnings from other vampires, or Louis might have contacted her), there are several times in canon when she asserts herself in an authoritative manner. She’s protective of him when he’s in a coma, and she slaps some sense into him when necessary. All these things can be filed under “motherly.”
It’s easy to not ship them, so I don’t really need to provide further canon evidence, they are, biologically, mother and son! There’s nothing more to add to that.
>>As a ship, Unpopular Opinion: one could argue that they can be shipped, because:
A) He becomes her maker, which changes their relationship to him being more of the “parent.” 
- During the initial phase of Lestat turning Gabrielle in TVL, as he’s taking her life, he says she’s no longer his mother (to be fair, this is the kind of intimacy a vampire feels when feeding on anyone, but still, worth mentioning):
Myknowledge dimmed and flickered and there was no mother anymore,no petty need and petty terror; she was simply who she was. She wasGabrielle.
- Then, once she’s turned, she insists on being called by her name instead of “Mother,” so some take that as proof that she doesn’t see herself as being his mother anymore, in the mortal sense of the word. 
B) The act of making a vampire is extremely intimate, it has been compared to childbirth. It’s the most intimate act a vampire can share with anyone. I believe in fanon that it creates a physiological bond between maker and fledgling, so one could extrapolate to say that the act itself could create a ship. 
Note: In most maker/fledgling relationships, there is some assumption that turning the fledgling is done to bind maker and fledgling as a ship; essentially making the fledgling into a companion for the maker and the maker into a companion for the fledgling. In this case, Lestat turned Gabrielle in order to save her life, not knowing if he would even survive the act, so I don’t think this was a factor here, neither of them necessarily intending to be in a relationship together, but the physiological bond discussed above would still be a possibility.
Also worth mentioning is that he asks for her consent, as he had not been asked for consent himself, and the question is very clear:
No words again, just the silent thrust of it, and the question, more immense than could ever be put into words, Do you want to come with me now? DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH ME INTO THIS NOW? I hide nothing from you, not my ignorance, not my fear, not the simple terror that if I try I might fail. I do not even know if it is mine to give more than once, or what is the price of giving it, but I will risk this for you, and we will discover it together, whatever the mystery and the terror, just as I’ve discovered alone all else. With her wholebeing she said Yes.
^This could be construed as him wanting her for a companion and her agreeing to it. 
C) LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX. This is a point of debate for many fans, whether the Ricean vampires can have penetrative sex. In my opinion, in canon they cannot, and while penetrative sex is NOT A REQUIREMENT to a relationship (there are relationships where there is no penetrative sex and they are no less valid than those which do have it, in my opinion), the incestuous aspect of a Lestat/Gabrielle ship is alot less squicky for me knowing that they aren’t able to literally bone in the mortal way. Some would argue that the bloodsharing is more intimate than penetrative sex, and that’s fine, but still, being unable to literally bone is just so much less squicky, in my opinion. But ppl made fanart of essentially that and it was still very funny, to me! 
Call it what you will, but the first bloodkiss shared in canon is between Lestat and Gabrielle on the night she is turned.
^^^ALL THAT SAID, I wouldn’t shoot anyone down who ships it, they are both adult fictional characters. One could argue that there is some canon evidence to support it, but canon evidence is unnecessary. 
Again, Anon, do what you and your partner are comfortable doing. If RPing it as a ship squicks you both out, don’t do it. If Rping it as a ship is exciting to you both and you want to explore that taboo, go for it! Just be sure to tag it with the right warnings, and add cuts so that ppl will be protected from content they may not want to see. You can also RP privately however you like, there is no rule that says RP must be done publicly. 
If your RP partner is pressuring you to RP something you are uncomfortable with, then I would suggest not RPing with them, and similarly, if you are pressuring your RP partner to RP something they are uncomfortable with, I would suggest not pressuring them into it. 
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neopuff · 7 years
riverdale ep 1-3
these twins always make me >___>
oh yeah i knew jason was gonna die
this is very artsy
i thought he was murdered
oh......a mom for veronica
what is a...chocolate shoppe? and why? does it sell? burgers?
is veronica the new kid
the gay kid gweiopubgoewgnew
the acting in this is terrible
the archie actor is clearly not a real ginger so i approve of this casting lmao
“to pass time i started composing poems in my head” shut up archie
archie: says anything betty: amazing!
betty: ive been thinking about us- archie: is that a hot bitch i see
“we do, both of us, together”
oh....archies dad
thats not archies dad
archies dad got that fat gut
“im a sophomore’ BITCH NO UR NOT
im still dying theyre supposed to be 15 gwenpiubgewo;gwe
“gay, thank god, lets be best friends” im gonna piss and die
love these pussycats
“ive had every flavor of boy except orange” its better that
im pissing im
shes the music teacher
why wouldnt they just make up a new teacherniogwepng;ew WHY IS SHE MS GRUNDY!!!
archies dad/veronicas mom have a....history
“chose the rich kid”
so many divorced parents
outdoor cafeteria
when will i see a high school that has one of these forreal
i assume its a west coast or south us thing
kevin: refers to cheryl as a widow me: i called the JOKES
“is cheerleading still a thing?” “is being the gay best friend still a thing”
the dialogue in this show is terrible its so funny
im glad betty/ronnie is a good ship
grundy is all turned on by archies music
this is so gross and im DYING
“i dont think thats a good idea” cuz u fucked a 15 year old bitch
theyre not talking about the fucking
did cheryl murder her brother
why doesnt just one of them say it and not mention the other
bitch ur the only one who’d get in trouble ur an ADULT
that was so lackluster
like yeah....not the kind of heat i meant :\
im glad cheryls the villain i always hated her
veronica: i know who u are [has known her for 2 minutes]
this dialogue is so unnatural and bad its cracking me tf up
get WRECKED cheryl
veronica: betty and i come as a matching set
i bet u do
time for football
“what you got something better to do” dont be rude
“why did you defend me” just accept the kindness u fool
i like mr lodge
this is very awkward
was polly a character in the comics i dont remember her
“both of us” gewinouogbewgew
in the headspace
“archiekins” gweinouobgweo;ngew
“cheryl blossoms cheerleading squad.......”
bettys mom is so annoying
she sounds familiar
mr lodge just sent a lotta money their way
why did the coach call his dad
he said hed give him a day
impatient ass
archies dad is just like :\
these actors dont look related at all
which is funny to me
oh good its the pill in ibiza song
i love that veronica is the speech giver in this show
moose/kevin gwiuebogiwgew
where is REGGIE
my SON
openly talking about the illegal secrets at a big party
i just realized reggie is the asian guy
i didnt hear his name and couldnt figure out who tf that was gweopiubgwe;ngwe
im a fool
whered ronnie go
dancing with the gay guy, god
“i have this fantasy of us as a power couple” who asks someone out like that
this is super awkward
cheryl is gonna murder...everyone
they could just
“cheryl blossom truly is...the antichrist” just all her a bitch like a normal person
“we’re not just friends we’re best friends” shut up archie
hes NEVER FELT for betty
if these two make out i s2g
once they kiss cheryls gonna open the door
foolish children
ronnie dont DO IT
what how tf would she know they made out
did they not come out at exactly 7 minutes
ok but wheres betty
oh hey jughead
i like jugheads not-crown
now shes goin straight for love
“of course i love you” hes being so...obtuse
ok now its about not being good enough
did they find jayjay
and look at that
he got shot in the head
probably by his sister
its obvious cheryl did it
im sure theyll switch it up like somehow it was secretly jughead
but it was cheryl
ok ep 2
why were they even fuckin at 6 am
cant believe they made moose gay
i forgot his gf’s name in the comicsniguwebgew
the actor that played jason was so uggo
maybe someone shot him for being so openly incestuous with his creepy sister
i know its like plagueing archie now but i feel like this should help him
“are you up?” “no” “youre killing your mother”
he went to grundys house
and hes shirtless
“you could be expelled” “we could go to jail” NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS WOULD HAPPEN TO HIM!!!
pedophilia is not a two way street
bettys mom is...the worst
betty plz dont talk to your bitch mother about your life
i love archies eyebrows
i hope this is the end of archie/betty forever
“sardonic humor”
bye jughead
is kevin not out to his dad
“the yellows for friendship” sure
veronica is so aggressively into this friendship
the otp stays together
betty u are a fool
that is your future WIFE
hi mr weatherbee
cheryl is wearing a spider pin gewoinubgewlngkew
archie and mr weatherbee just gonna
make eyes
jughead: archie you KILLED him
no jughead i was just fucking the hot prof
jughead: ew
kevin moose is your new bf
“fate throws us together” ok
why is he rejecting moose
because hes in the closet???
hes clearly trying to come out cmon
everyones terrified of cheryl now so thats good
bettys mom
“i ship it” why
“moose has an official girlfriend...mitch” i feel like i heard this line wrong
oh, betty
dont cry sweetums
“im supposed to say yes” THE DIALOGUE
ronnie is trying so hard with these dramatic white ppl
they couldnt even keep weatherbee fat
is this channel afraid of fat ppl
does this bitch just sit in her empty ass music room all day
is she not really even a teacher
bitch get a dog and leave teenagers alone
this is not high school cheerleading
one of the girls here actually looks like a high schooler
cheryl just called herself exoticgewiongewiogew; CUZ YOURE A GINGER? BITCH
i die
betty why
betty dont do this
cheryls a crazy ho
i know theyll make up by the end of the ep but still
“like we were meant to be best friends” gweniguebwg
2nd grade tutor
“oh, little archie-” little archiewgn;klew I DIE
references are what i live for
i cant believe betty let cheryl into her house
wheres her mom to scream and chase her out
there goes that
betty dont let her into ur HOME
whats betty doing
terrible thing to say
are they not friends because archie stood him up
i guess bettys mom coulda killed jason
“sometimes a friend is better than a boyfriend” actually, always, not sometimes
oh reggies finally doin something
gonna keep up the reggie/jughead rivalry
“you wanna d the right thing” the way archie said that made it sound like he wants to fuck her and she doesnt want to
but whatever
so does jughead and bettys friendship not exist in this universe
nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions
this dialogue is still awful its so funny
i hope it never improves purely for my amusement
out door pep rally...
good shit
cheryls having a Time
god the kid that plays jason is so uggo
bye cheryl
finally getting a genuine emotional response from her
were they gonna fake his death for attention but then he was actually dead
make up
veronica is over here like “betty and i were destined to be friends” and betty is like “im sure we wont know each other in a week”
aww archie and jughead back 2gedda
does jughead know betty or not
wheres the jughead/betty brotp of my past
veronica and jughead: interact me: yes...
im glad that, unlike in the comics, archie is not dating both girls at once and then also every other girl he meets
where ya goin weatherbee
i doubt a school like this would have a chalkboard instead of a smartboard
did she do it
im sticking with my fake death for the attention theory
im enjoying this show
but i dont think i could take multiple Dramatic Teen Shows
how could cheryl be wearing that skirt in public school
“the plan was bananas”
jason just wanted.....to leave
thats fine
who got shot
in my neighborhood it wouldve just been the hunters
is archie gonna have a shiner for the rest of the show
is betty not poor as shit in this universe?
i shouldve guessed from her moms outfits
“a lois lane type like you” nice and ronnie can be clark kent
omg leave grundy alone so she can die in hell
why didnt you just say that you were alone
a date....
hes hot
good call, ronnie
“hes kind of a player” dont be racist, betty
he is hot as hell tho
awww “juggie”
finally jughead and betty are 2gedda
jughead you need shit for your college applications
oh right, dilton
“im not ten years old” but you are 15 which is not very different
so if chuck is in the show is nancy gonna be around too
ronnie/chuck is a good ship
“to OUR relationship” shut the fuck you youre a pedophile
the sticky maple....
chuck was cute
ronnie is gonna tear him apart
why does chuck have to be a dick!!! chuck was always a nice guy
betty: [COVERS FACE]
destroy him
why is chuck a villain im bothered but also hes the worst destroy him
this terrible au version of chuck is terrible
“nothing is off the table...except for my body” weiugblewnkg
i love the pussycats
is this every other girl chuck did this to
its ethel
hi cheryl
go away
whose this kid
ok jughead
dont steal his ice cream
dilton shot a gun gwoinegbpweo;nglwe
survivalist?!?! DILTON
why do the pussycats roll their eyes at josie
“a bnd with b&v”
did they find...ze book
so the football players dont even fuck the girls its just about getting a date and a selfie???
cheryl, doubting her brother
just take the book
why not...just take the book
bettys rly lucky her mom isnt violent
(for now)
she looks super awkward in that
the sound of bettys lil demons in her head
“and a hot tub....”
this is such an awkward conversation
just imagining this with real 15 year olds is ridiculous
oh hey ronnie
chuck youre so fucking stupid
shes wearing a swimsuit and heels this is CLEARLY A TRAP
black is not a good hair color
ronnie: im so turned on
i just realized why archies dad is so familiar
he was on generator rex AND clone high
love it
part of me always liked archie/josie
15 is not late wtf
“slut shaming...its what they call it when sluts get shamed” wow
when does bettys mom get murdered
are they gonna burn him
shes fine shes just pissed
dads gonna support u now
must be NICE
gweoniugbweo;gew bettys face when ronnie said she called chuck “jason” was so funny
are they gonna do some she went off her meDS OO---OOOHHHA AAAHHH TERRIBLE BEAST
#burn it
cheryl tryin to make up for ze past
i still hate her idc
omg when does grundy get murdered too im done with this pedophilia subplot
dilton you fool
im happy juggie and betty are hanging out
dont mention ms grundys car
im tired of this pedophile plz shoot her next
ok im all caught up
whens the next episode
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dragonbearer · 7 years
Incest, Legally and Socially (there’s a difference)
Some intense thoughts on incest, its legalities, and what it means in real life with @breakiitdown​. It’s been an absolute pleasure working this out with you and I feel pretty damn good about this whole discussion. Tons of respect for you for being willing to discuss this with me and holding my hand when I got stuck. This’ll be going into my overall discourse folder.
Some editing done for clarity’s sake. Be warned: it’s LONG (2300 words of chat)
Can I ask, do u support incest irl? cause I’ve been seeing a lot of arguments for shimadacest saying since it’s not legal in japan it's alright to ship it, though most people are uncomfortable on explaining if they believe it should be legal or not
If it's between two consenting adults, I don't see a reason why I should intrude on their personal business.
But if it's between people with a severe power differential, then no.
I would still be a little squicked irl but I wouldn't really have a position either way.
ye like tbh I see incest between cousins as something that probably wouldn't be that bad but between siblings its often difficult since they’ve had to grow up together and social conditioning can start at such a young age and what not but
The sibling incest part is sticky for me imo
But all the parts of incest that are bad - force, rape, molestation - would be bad between any two people anyway
Incest on its own isn't necessarily a bad thing - just what it can be accompanied by
yeah that’s why ppl don't like when adopted people get together either generally speaking cause of the growing up thing and the slow social conditioning that would/could occur even from smaller or seemingly innocent acts that could manipulate someone into liking them,,
That’s why in general the idea of incest to me isn’t?? Bad per se but
You mean grooming?
Like if two ppl were separated @ birth then fell in love and happened to be siblings it would be fine but I think the thing of growing up together
I knew there was a word for it I just forgot it
True, but I think grooming falls into power differential too
Which is a bad thing in any relationship
I mean - it's unlikely
Incest between two siblings that's completely healthy and consensual
Very, very unlikely if they grow up together
But intellectually, in that case, then I can't see a viable reason it would be wrong
and since I can set the terms of a fictional ship in any way I want, I can just be like "ok but in THIS au what if the incest was perfectly healthy and happy"
And 3 years, imo, for siblings isn't that big of a difference
Ofc genzo still has its issues, but I write it for that reason, not bc I want to make something happy and healthy
ye I feel that just recently seeing all the arguing that incest should be fine instead of saying "it's fictional and who cares" has been... hmMMm
I'm arguing against the concept that incest itself is a bad thing
It feels like trying to say sex is bad bc ppl can be raped to me
Incest =/= abuse
I mean I think in general incest between two people who grow up together will probably end up in a unhealthy way but there's a few cases where that’s not true
bc the whole "attack the shippers" thing starts with slandering the basic morality of ppl for shipping something incestuous
Not for anything else - just the incest
bc if u start attacking unhealthy dynamics in a ship, practically any ship in the fandom is under fire
But in your rules you also say you don’t support incest irl
As in, I don't endorse it happening
I wouldn't tell ppl "yo it’s okay if u kiss your sis"
I don't like blanket statements
And something like "I don't generally support real-life incest but if you're happy, healthy, and consensual then it's your life and I hope you find yourself satisfied with your choices because I want people to be happy" is a bit long
I realize in real life, incest is *usually* unhealthy
Not always, but usually
But I won't vilify people for committing incest, I will vilify them for whatever crime they committed
Am I making sense?
ye but I think its ok to say that in most cases incest esp. in cases where they've grown up with each other is normally abusive just like in most cases you'd consider physical attacks abusive even if that's not always the case
I said that
but you said you didn’t think it was abusive I mean I think its chill to call incest as a whole an abusive thing as an idea and in most cases, but that doesn’t mean all cases are actually abusive
I’m confused now
Like the exception not the rule
Ye me 2 tbh like u don’t think incest is abusive except for most of the time?
Not even like u specifically I’ve just seen this argument before and never really understood it either
Let me try to equate it to something else
For example
Relationship between a subordinate and their superior
This is discouraged in most places of employment bc of how it can be abused
But that doesn't mean that every and each case of it is abusive and thus should not be treated as such
I see the topic of incest in the same basic guideline
It can and has been abused, many cases where it happened is abusive
But that doesn't mean incest IS abuse automatically
ye but people still call that general act abuse like if someone told me they were in a happy consenting relationship in either of those that'd be cool but I don’t think the whole act should be rewritten to someone that’s not abusive because of the few cases
Well, a lot of legislators agree with you, which is why incest is illegal in some places
But in others, they don't
And the question is "why should incest be illegal?"
And you know, a lot of the abusive potentials are brought out
But that's already illegal anyway
Child abuse, statutory rape, sexual molestation, etc. etc. is illegal in most countries
Which can cover the cases of incestuous abuse adequately imo
But making incest illegal catches those few ppl who ARE non-offending and places them under legal scrutiny
Grooming is already considered child abuse anyway, and we all understand why harming a person in that form is bad
But if we were to illegalize incest, there needs to be a reason
And when prompted for a reason for why incest, not abuse, JUST INCEST is bad, ppl trip up on the question
The article I linked on that post explains the concept p well
ye like I agree that it should be legal and everything but I also don't think it’s necessary for people to say that incest as a whole is non abusive cause even with the boss and student thing it’s something that’s generally not allowed but not illegal because people consider that dynamic is abusive but that doesn’t mean every relationship holds abuse within it
I prefer to say that incest on its own isn't abusive, but can and usually leads to abuse
Which, to me, is an important differentiation
I grew up debating and that kind of wording is super important bc they change how situations can be taken
I think you mean that I think incest is non-abusive
I think the concept of incest is, but not the practice of it
On its own, cut off from any other concept, it's simply not harmful
But reality is complicated and tangled, which is why incest is rarely on its own
And thus is usually harmful
tbh I’m confused like incestuous relationships that involve living and growing up together normally lead to aspects in a relationship that are abusive but it’s wrong to generalize incest relationships as abusive? If that’s what u mean?
That is exactly what I mean :D
I still feel like that’s making the exception the rule for all incest relationships like I get that some incest relationships can work out but when referring to incest as something that’s abusive is that like ?? Bad 2 do
It’s not the incest itself that is abusive
I mean
If an older man groomed his daughter and sexually abused her, that's a crime
If an older man groomed his neighbor's daughter and sexually abused her, it's still a crime
One is incestuous, one is not
But the basic crime is the same - abuse
But that situation still happens very regularly with siblings since when they're both kids and one starts to feel sexual attraction they could still groom them into thinking that sex is normal between the two of them since they live and grow up together it's not always like the power imbalance between them
Ahhhh okay
So it's like
One party convinces the other party to engage in something despite reluctance, right?
Or generally leverages them into it, somehow
That’d be coercion
Resulting in dubious consent
yeah like that normally doesn’t really need 2 include a power balance in order to work cause I know in that situation it’s a good example but for family relationships it’s sort of more common since it's something that’s not escapable and constant
but I mean if they live together it could just start as small things that may be considered platonic that then lead into more sexual things that the person who is interested tells them it's normal and that’s just what families do and they believe them because over a period of time that's what they've been shown
Man, I hope no one checks my google history bc the amount of research I'm doing on the topic is getting higher and higher
This is pretty good
Child psychology studies say that
Incestuous actions between siblings/cousins/whatever is pretty common
"Sexual behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate, not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally, mutually appropriate curiosity" and studies have defined the dynamic u described as such
So it's still a form of abuse, regardless of actual power
Ye like that’s the only reason why I don’t believe incest is always wrong is because those situations don't involve influence over someone when they're a child n what not in most cases
So ye, that's p much all I have on the topic
Does this explain my thoughts adequately?
idk like I get that cousin relationships and what not are in general not abusive but I’m still sort of confused on why you don’t consider sibling relationships in general abusive
Like I still know there’s exceptions to all but is it just because u don’t want to like let the few think that their relationship is bad
bc I object to the idea of blanket statements
As in, saying that every case of sibling incest is bad, abusive, and should be illegal
Isn’t saying incest isn’t abusive a blanket statement as well
Which is why I said incest isn't abusive unless ________
Just imagine like a big list
With a ton of different sections of cases where it IS bad
cutting away all the abusive parts until the few non-abusive cases are left
Incest does not mean Abuse
a.       Unless ______
a.       In situation X
                                                                          i.      Example A:
I mean I don’t think it should be illegal but the general concept of incest and what it holds is abusive just like w the teacher student thing it’s not illegal but a lot of people consider the general concept of it as a teacher abusing his power over a student even if that isn’t the case in 100% of cases all of the time
Wait is it illegal I don’t even know I just assumed it wasn’t because that’s lame
But the thing is
Ye but ppl still feel comfortable calling that abuse like
It depends on the country
some places it is, some places it isn't
But I protest against "most people think"
bc a lot of that comes from this knee-jerk GROSS reaction
Ye I’m just crediting the TV shows and movies I watch I don’t have a source lmao
A lot of the "this is how things are naturally" and "society says so"
I mean, not to equate lgbt ppl with incest but
Once upon a time
Being homosexual was a horrible abomination against humanity and you can tell what I thought about that, being bi myself
So I don't think about what most people think, because most people work off their initial, society ingrained rules
And not look deeper into the whole concept of why something is morally wrong besides the first feeling of disgust
I mean I don’t think we should say incest relationships are horrible abominations against humanity but I still think it’s reasonable to tell people using your position as a family member to initiate relationships within your household is abusive
like I don’t think it’s disgusting but @ the same time I don’t think ppl should be encouraging ppl saying it’s not abusive if u want to convince your kid to kiss u like,,,,,
That’s why it’s so hard to have relationships in families because there’s a certain position of power u have regardless if u want it or not as an older brother or father or sister or whatever
I get u
But I think I got where we're divided now
Legally, I think it's better to say incest isn't abuse UNLESS certain conditions are met - in a legal case, innocent until proven guilty is paramount ESPECIALLY when judging a incest case (as opposed to a case of abuse)
But socially, it's better to say incest is abusive UNLESS certain conditions are met - because socially, just staying away from incest is for the best and the criterion of healthy incest is incredibly narrow
*high five*
I feel like I made a breakthrough
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