#rabbids hot take
magicalgirlanon · 1 year
Hot take: the Rabbids are a lot smarter than most people give them credit.
Now I’m not saying they’re all rocket scientists. (In fact, the only astrophysicist Rabbid I can think of off the top of my head is Scribbles, and he’s from the ancient past.) What I mean to say is that they are quite similar to humans, with the biggest disparity between the two being that most Rabbids are Right-Brained while humans are mostly Left-Brained.
For those of you who don’t know, the Left side of the brain is in charge of logical thinking and math and stuff as well as controlling the right side of the body. The Right brain does emotions, creativity and outside-the-box thinking, as well as controlling the left side of the body. (Don’t ask me why it isn’t the other way around because I have no idea.)
Rabbids are not total idiots. They have their own games, music, culture, an entire language, a boatload of inventors as well as a handful of geniuses. They just seem stupid to most people because most people are Left Brain and Left Brainers are boring as heck.
TLDR: Rabbid brains are not sideways. They are simply perpendicular to that of the average human. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 month
Regarding the Itaewon ask.
I think it shows how much people rely on kdramas and maybe even fanfiction when it comes to their thoughts on South Korea. Because as someone who did no research on the different districts in Seoul (yet), mainly because I'm not planning to visit soon or care about where BTS live (invasion of privacy, imo), I too thought of Itaewon as the party hot spot. Which it is but I guess as with all things SK it is a lot bigger and more diverse than just that.
But thanks to your post I'm now educated.
I think Bam might be the deciding factor, and I hope JKs mansion has enough outdoor space to satisfy a dog his size. Anything else would be bordering animal cruelty which is not who JK is at all.
Also, as you said, security is really important and I assume that there's a lot of protocols for both the general Itaewon and Gangnam areas to protect the many celebrities living there. That on top of the excellent security BigHit has given BTS puts my mind at ease.
My last point is that I don't really see JK being a club going person. Firstly, he's THE JJK and it'd be sadly very dangerous for him to just go out and be drunk in a public space. Especially since the idol image in general is so sterilised, and if him drinking a few beers last year at home caused an army-wide panic that he was a depressed alcoholic, I don't wanna imagine what leaked pics of him from clubs and bars would lead to. Their loss of normality is something all members have talked about repeatedly, and it's one of the saddest aspects of their reality we as fans have to understand. On top of that, the constant presence of saesangs and rabbid fans isn't something you truly forget about.
JK's privacy had been invaded way too often already. I hope the mansion has security that puts the White House to shame.
~Ask Anon is referring to~
Hi lovely!
I appreciate what you’re saying! Thank you for sending this in, I try not to answer just for the anon but for myself and anyone that wants to take the time to read my essays (I have a problem with talking too much 😩🙈). I’m so glad you were able to learn a little something new too💪. It’s difficult to say or show something that hasn’t already been said so that puts a smile on my face for sure.
Don’t even get me started about the different versions of JK people have in their heads of him,
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if I start I’ll never stop, and tbh that goes for all of the members 😪
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Please more secure than the White House 🥴
I too hope wherever he lives, after this pause in their lives is done, is more secure than The White House, The Blue House, The Kremlin, Buckingham Palace, I could go on! I NEED THEM TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE PLACE OF PEACE, PLEASE 😭
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Nice talking to you.
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bramble-scramble · 3 months
It's late at night. Woodrow is working on a poem, aided by candlelight. The two of them are on the bed, Tom curled up at Woodrow's side. The pressure of his body against the smaller Rabbid's own helps the poet feel at ease. Tom watches as he writes... he notes the little details - like how the candlelight glints against his glasses. His eyes trail down when he notices... something.
A vein on the poet's neck, pulsing in time with his beating heart. Carotid artery, he recalls. Tom is frozen in place, hypnotized. Damn it, his mouth is watering. He doesn't want to ruin the moment... perhaps if he just put his lips to the area.. it would satisfy his urge. He tenderly kisses from the poet's cheek, down to his neck - where he can feel blood gushing against his lips. Woodrow picks up on the lingering kisses, and pulls down his collar - an invitation. But Tom fights his urge to feed - he just wants to appreciate Woodrow's beautiful body. He wants to keep his dear poet as-is, alive.
The poet is surprised at his hesitation. "It's alright, Tom. I feel fine; I can spare a bit."
But the vampire shakes his head. "I wouldn't want to distract from your writing, my dear." He snuggles back next to the other, taking out a book of his own, trying not to think about his desires. He can still feel and hear the heart beating next to him, the constant rhythm under every little shuffle of the blankets and the scratch of quill on paper.
The feeling of the kiss lingers in his mind, the knowledge that a thin layer of skin and fur was all that separated him from that flavor, that warmth, the feeling of hot blood rushing down his throat and dripping down into his stomach that was otherwise cold as the grave. The experience and the taste he loved above all things.
Only... Maybe be doesn't love it above all things.
After several more minutes, the voice of the poet rings out in pride and excitement. "I'm finished with this one! Would you like to hear it?"
"More than anything," says Lord Phan.
[BTW! I believe I've succeeded in tagging everything for the vampire AU that was on my blog, so... Feel free to browse and relive some bloody Phandrow goodness 🩸👀]
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 7 months
Rabbids Invasion hot take:
I don't hate season four, yeah the finale sucked but other than that it wasn't that bad?
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cosmo-production · 8 months
mario + rabbid inccorect quotes but i brought back rabbid yoshi; BTW were still going by initals so there RY now
mario: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
RR: What did you two do? RM: mario: RR: You’re not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
mario: Watcha doin? edge: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. mario: Scandalous. mario: Can I help?
RY: Hello, I'm RY. I work at a shop now. Here to help. Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget it. Very helpful, as that does happen.
mario: What are you talking about RR? You love it here! RR: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
RP: Hey RY, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this. RY, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah? RP: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, RY!
peach: RY, I am questioning your sanity… luigi: I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
luigi: look RP, I'm not shaming you but… luigi: Actually yeah, I'm TOTALLY slut shaming you.
RP: Sorry, who are you? peach: Oh, I’m peach. RP: Oh yeah, I’ve heard about you from mario. RP: Are you their friend or something? peach: No. peach: I’m their therapist.
RM: Dom or sub? edge: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
luigi: So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl…. edge: …. RM: ….. RP: …… RR: ..Who? luigi: That's the thing we don't- Everyone stares at RR
peach: What did you get on your shirt? RP: Rust. peach: From what? RP: Weapons. peach: Time for more adult supervision.
peach: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? edge: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
edge: Remain CALM! slaps RP multiple times
and now a word form the courageous duo mario: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. edge: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
RP: Where did you get that tomato soup? RL: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
luigi: Why don't I like this person? peach: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder. luigi: Maybe it's because their name is "RY". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous? peach: No. luigi: That's because your name is "peach".
RM, looking at a map: It’s a barren, featureless wasteland out there, isn't it? mario: Other side, RM…
peach: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult. luigi: Myself.
edge: So, luigi is late today. Anyone wanna bet why? =mario: I say they slipped through the subway grate and is having a fight with a terrible mole man. RY: I don't know about that…I think either their alarm clock didn't go off, or they're in line at the bank. RM: Take this more seriously! luigi was clearly taken in their sleep! RR: I bet they tucked themselves into the bed too tightly and got stuck. RL: Maybe they fell into another dimension where they're more interesting…? luigi arrives luigi: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank. RY, clapping their hands in excitement: HOT DAMN!
RM: RL said I was their second favorite person, and I was bummed, but then they said RP is third. They have no favorite person. They’re holding the position open.
peach: What do you do when someone offers you drugs? RP: Take them! RL: Punch them in the neck! luigi: Say thank you! RM: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance! peach: … peach: No.
mario: Are you good? luigi: In what sense? mario: Generally. luigi: Oh, definitely not.
peach:*working in her garden edge: *put money on her lap* how do i say leave me alone midnite in flowers!?
peach: Awww, why don't you like cats, edge? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love?? edge: I don't know your highness, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor. peach: edge: I'm ALLERGIC.
luigi: Why do humans have different blood groups? RY: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
edge, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? RM: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. edge: Ohhhh- luigi: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
luigi: Ow! peach: What’s wrong? luigi: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. peach: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was 1ST crowned.
mario: My friends say I'm the most charismatic out of the group. RP: Well, you always have a smile on your face. mario: Thank you. RP: RP: What drugs do you take?
peach: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons? RP: Fake?
RY, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? edge: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. RY: RY: Water you doing?
edge:if i die you can have what little i own peach: "if" you die??? edge: my life is fueled by spite, spite against my creator peach: okay time for another therapy session
RL: Truth or dare? RR: Truth. mario: How many hours have you slept this week? RR: RR: Dare. mario: Go to sleep. RR: I don't like this game.
RL: Woah dude, premarital handholding? That’s just not cool or groovy.
edge: You are a spineless twit! RP: You cannot talk to me that way, I am your superior! edge: A six-year-old girl could talk to you that way! RP: Yes, because that would be adorable. edge: No, it's because you are a five-year-old girl and there's a pecking order.
RY: mixing different alcoholic beverages together RL: What are you making? RY: A mistake.
peach, about to leave the house: Don’t spend all day watching YouTube, okay? RL: I FORGE MY OWN PATH!!
the rabbids trying to cook without peaches help RP: How would you like your pancakes? RL: Plain. RM: With sprinkles! luigi: Chocolate chips. RY: Potatoes. RL, RM, and luigi look at RY RY: What? They're good.
RM: bro… I’m bleeding… RL: Oh god… what’s your blood type?! RM: B positive… RL: I’m trying to but you’re bleeding-
game night or atleast how the spark hunters did it edge: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game… RM, nodding: Knife Monopoly. edge: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is. Don't worry shes learning
mario: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like… a lawyer to you. Ok? RP: Okay. later peach: RP! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. mario, whispering: Deny everything. RP, loudly: That isn't a chair.
RM: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter “A”! RR: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon. RY: ten buried zero found
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titleknown · 10 months
Hot Take: The Wario Ware games were to the Wario Land series as the Raving Rabbids games were to the Rayman series.
And I do not mean that as a positive comparison, even if the Wario Ware games are leaps and bounds better than the Rabbids ones.
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i got some takes regarding rabbids with the hairless variant to help you out, due the lack of hair since birth, they of course need extra care like both not only hairless cats but also normal hairless rabbits/bunnies like they are way more likely to bath, and use lotions, sunscreen and are way more likely to wear clothes specially sweaters, gloves, shoes, socks in the ears and paw feet, scarves (if is cold), including hats and wigs.
but sometimes thankfully the longhaired/woolly ones after getting sheared/trimmed for the summer may donate their fur to make wigs or even something to the hairless ones to wear.
Hairless Rabbids come with a lot of health issues. Poor them! And yes, they have to wear clothes all the time or they'll risk either to freeze or to get sunburns. Also skin infections are very common. I guess for them to be regularly healthy, they would have to live near some healing hot springs.
I love the idea of angora Rabbids donating their shedded/sheared fur to the hairless ones! Adding this to the follow-up analysis, thank you!
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wonderkat11 · 6 months
My ideas for Just Dance 2 Animal AU
It’s Raining Men/Lari = Turtle.
TikTok/Kayla = Shiba Inu.
A-Punk/Thomas & Mia = Dog & Cat.
I Got You (I Feel Good)/Benjamin = Kermode Bear.
When I Grow Up/Lady = Flamingo.
Toxic/Ivy = Siamese.
Idealistic/Neona = Bat.
Girlfriend/Amy & Matilda = Fox & Rabbit.
S.O.S./Anzia = Coyote.
Dagomba = Asiatic Golden Cat.
Move Your Feet/Charlie = Iguana.
Proud Mary/Mary = Ostrich.
Hot Stuff/Nelly & Benny = Apes.
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)/Laura = Hippopotamus.
I Want You Back/Thor = Quagga.
Iko Iko/Arizona = Crocodile.
Katti Kalandal/Veena & Manjul = Elephants.
Holiday/Goldie = Hyena.
Call Me/Samara = Labrador.
Sway (Quién Será)/Arista & Quinn = Swans.
Satisfaction/Isaac = Leopard.
Hey Ya!/Moses = Monkey.
Mugsy Baloney/Nia & Callum = Gazelle & Dolphin.
Baby Girl/Matthew (Matt) = Owl.
Jungle Boogie/Harry = Cheetah.
Crazy in Love/Anjia = Poodle.
Soul Bossa Nove/Aleena & Sam = Parrot & Red Wolf.
D.A.N.C.E./Lime = Toucan.
Sympathy for the Devil/Auli'i = Devon Rex.
Rasputin/Boris = Bull.
Jump in the Line/Caroline & Alexa = Giraffe & Arctic Fox.
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go/Eric = Gazelle.
Walk Like an Egyptian/Rula = Camel.
The Power/Khalid = Otter.
Jump/Momoe & Graham = Gray Foxes.
Monster Mash/Frank = Elk.
Take Me Out/Pyra = Octopus.
That's Not My Name/Jane = Rabbit.
The Shoop Shoop Song/Marie & Svetlanta = Gazelle & Coyote.
Cosmic Girl/Mariana = Panda.
Body Movin'/Juliana = Venom Snake.
Viva Las Vegas/Sebastian = Crab.
Alright/Amanda & Dan = Siamese & Monk Parakeet.
Rockafeller Skank/Kevin (Or you can call him DJ DNC3) = Skunk.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?/Rob = Red Wolf.
Funkytown/Oob = Darwin Frog.
Jai Ho! (You are my Destiny)/Kammi = Indian Leopard.
Firework/Icy = Fox.
Pon de Replay/Yui = Hyena.
Barbie Girl/Diva & Rex = Swam & Wolf.
Pump Up the Volume/Mikey = Hedgehog.
Maniac/Isabella = Flamingo.
Born to be Wild/Wolf = Wolf.
Professor Pumplestickle/Zeka & Pumplehead = Coyote & Frog.
Crying Blood/Miranda = Dalmation.
Down by the Riverside/Jennifer = Dove.
Fuetbol Crazy/Alice = Savannah.
Kung fu Fighting/Master Mantis & Dawn = Goat & Tiger.
Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika)/Steve & Elsa = Bear & .
Nine in the Afternoon/Mona & Jake = Cat & Dog.
It’s not Unusual/William = Pug.
Chicken Payback/Louis = Jersey Giant Chicken.
Crazy Christmas/Santa = Reindeer.
Skin to Skin/Perry = Parrot.
You Can’t Hurry Love/Gigi & Lily = Dolphins.
Why oh Why?/Michelle and Howard = Bear & Red Robin Bird.
American Boy/Taio & Julia = Owl & Jaybird.
Come on, Eileen/Soraya & Lucky = Fawn & Mouse.
Song 2/Zack, Bianca, & Josh = Deer, Penguin, & Arctic Wolf.
Spice Up Your Life/Jazzy & Pink = Peacock & Squirrel.
Here Comes the Hotstepper/Shaun = Rabbid.
Movin' on Up/Mindy = Snake.
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alleyraccoonv3 · 9 months
Incorrect Quotes with my Blorbos Part 1
Ryoma: I just watched Blitzo jump off of a spinning chair. Luckily, he wasn't hurt that badly. But the whole time, Jay was screaming for help, which caused Lance to run in to help Blitzo. Just note that all of this happened in the span of six minutes.
Osomatsu & Lance: (accidentally set the kitchen on fire)
Osomatsu: We need an adult!
Lance: Osomatsu, you are an adult!
Osomatsu: We need an adultier adult! Get Alphys!
Stocking: Wait, hold up, why did you draw yourself like that? Kokichi: Uh, like what? Stocking: Like with gorgeous, muscular legs. Kokichi: Uh, this is what I look like. Stocking: … Kokichi: THIS IS WHAT I LOOK LIKE! Stocking: Okay, then I want big beefy arms. Hot ones. Sneezy: I wanna have a cowboy hat! Kokichi: Okay, arms and hat. (draws them) Osomatsu: Ooh, give me a cowboy hat too! Kokichi: You can't just take Sneezy's hat idea, Osomatsu! He thought it up all by himself like a good boy! Come up with your own thing! Osomatsu: BUT I WANNA LOOK COOL! Floofty: Put Osomatsu on one of those stupid baby tricycles. Osomatsu: NO!! Kokichi: Tricycle, done. (draws it) Rabbid Rosalina, want anything? Rabbid Rosalina, making finger guns: Pew pew. Kokichi: A blaster? No, that's not really our style. Rabbid Rosalina, making finger guns: Pew pew. Kokichi: You know what, okay. (draws it) But it's just for holding, not for shooting.
Blitzo, holding in laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Floofty: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Blitzo: Blitzo: Water you doing?
Keroro: "I lost a bet." Keroro: The second-most ominous phrase in existence. Ryoma: What's the first? Keroro: "Let's make a bet."
Osomatsu: slams books down in front of Kyle Osomatsu: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Kyle: You could of said literally anything else. Osomatsu: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble. Kyle: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
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orchideon · 1 year
Hi! I’m Orchideon! Welcome to my blog! 
This is p much my main blog, so you’ll see reblogged stuff along with my writing! (Which can be found under #my-writing !)
(my non-writing thoughts n stuff can be found under #not-writing)
I might not post super consistently or often, so please keep that in mind if you send in a request!
Atm, here’s what I write for!
-Cookie run (I play kingdom but will try my best with run too!)
-Pokémon (the humans, not the. Uh. Pokémon. I don’t write for scarlet and violet either since I. Haven’t beaten them yet, sorry- I do p much all prior gen games tho!)
-Monster prom/camp/trip
-Sonic/sonic boom/mmmmaybe IDW/Archie? (These may take longer, and in these, the reader will always be Mobian if romantic.)
-I can do Phantom and Woodrow from mario + rabbids sparks of hope (but like. Only those two)
-Genshin Impact (these may take a hot minute with Fontaine characters)
I mostly do (and prefer to do + will more quickly do) x reader stuff, but I can do canon x canon too! I do both platonic, and romantic content! I also do poly stuff as well!
(Here’s a list of what I’ve written!)
I have a few rules when it comes to requests, those being:
-No gross crap. (Romantic child content, incest, etc)
-I will not write racist/homophobic/ablist/transphobic/etc content.
-I don’t do crossover content as of 1/11/2023, sorry. It’s a bit much for me to handle when I write.
-I don’t post nsfw, my blog is sfw.
-I have the right to refuse requests
Thank you for stopping by, and have a lovely day!
Requests: Open!
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Can I just say that I love the addition of "ABC, you know what to do!" to your recent asks 🤣 I think that we can all agree that if the finale by some miracle turns out to be a great episode that isn't Lucy and Buck getting 90% of the airtime, it's because someone else intervened. Did Timmy come home?? Speaking of him, I love (sarcastic) how he JUST chose to randomly post a Buddie BTS that he acknowledged in an interview as being a specific nod to the shippers and the fountain shooting up being a "metaphor" and open to audience interpretation 🙄 That man has always been *SO* ridiculously online that I'd ordinarily say that he knew exactly what he was doing by posting that at this time, but since deleting his Twitter, maybe he lost some of that online-ness and it really was just out of the blue. Idk. The lizard part of my brain wants to think that he saved the finale and there will be a different Buddie metaphor at play (ahem, the couch) but the other part of my brain is preparing for an Eddie/Marisol date in a montage 🤮 And maybe Buck with the baby and Kameron on his couch 🤮🤮 Wishing us luck, because we will need it!
Look, I just think ABC could pull off some really funny shit when they take over but that's only if the do the right thing and put their foot down about who is planning the arcs on the show. I'm not expecting a huge announcement out of it, *maybe* if we're lucky there will be something about her stepping down by HER choice due to *insert PR nonsense here* but I'm moreso going to be looking at the episode quality and pacing and arc because the show has had a markedly different feel since she took over. At least ABC will be promoting TF out of it to try and keep up viewers with the network switch so we might get more information that way on what to prepare for.
I'm also not going to pretend Tim is the greatest either since he handpicked KR to take over and LS has been a mess pacing and arcs wise too this season so IDK what was going on in those early 911 seasons, if there was someone else involved or if LS's issue is something RL related. But no matter what something has to change because this show deserves to go out with more than a fading whimper over its last few seasons.
Also, I have to say I'm fine with Buck getting a lot of screentime and taking charge during the big rescue because regardless if the writing earned that for him over the season (they didn't), it's something I WOULD like to see for Buck and I am HERE for some firefam feels after we were robbed in 6x11. I do NOT want to see L at all so I'm already bracing for that nightmare but hopefully the renewed backlash means they won't waste too much time on that. As for the rest of Buck's stuff, I'm prepared to be disappointed by all of it but hopefully it also won't take up too much time. And maybe if we luck out ABC will just handwave away anything too egregious and ignore it like it never happened.
Also, I could be totally wrong and we'll get something super amazing for Buddie which would be great! I love being proved wrong when I was pessimistic about something! But I'm not gonna get my hopes up, that doesn't work for ME personally. Good luck to all of us and good luck to ABC who are inheriting a hot mess and an absolutely rabbid fanbase.
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star-arcana · 1 year
Why Barrendale Mesa is my favorite planet right now!
Hello my fellow Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope enthusiasts and lovers, I want to proclaim my everlasting love to Barrendale Mesa as my favorite planet and I will explain why:
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1.What is Barrendale Mesa?
Barrendale Mesa was one of the first places the Rabbds colonized. It was once a fertile and rich planet with verdant fields, until the Rabbids stripped it of its natural resources and left it barren as we can see here below:
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It looks still beautiful, but you can easily make the case of how depressing it looks and therefore isn’t as great as other planets with more vegetation such as Palette Prime and Terraflora or are great places for vacation like Beacon Beach or Pristrine Peaks, who still have a rich enough biodiversity to be considered acceptable for most Rabbids and Humans. But I think it fits with this game being set in space, where a lot is barren out there and yet it is still beautiful or do you want me to tell that our other planets aren’t beautiful? Look at Venus, at Mars, at Saturn, at Uranus...these planets are Barren and yet beautiful, because they capture our imagination and represent something for us that is very crucial for the game, I’ll leave it at that for now. Let us go back to what this planet is! Barrendale Mesa represents a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by people who want to rebuild this place after many of the original inhabitants left it barren and decided to plunder other planets (such as Palette Prime, Pristine Peaks, Terraflora and Beacon Beach). You might think it’s impossible to make such a place bloom again, but as we see with Momma, the many other Rabbids here such as Victor and Gespard (an artist who made many works of art such as the frescoes of Beacon Beach or the murals here in Barrendale Mesa), it’s anything but impossible. Momma came here to help the Rabbids fix their tech problem with the Robo T-Rex by using its Battery Pack to adapt the WIndmill into a renewable energy reactor for the Ring Stabilizator:
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It’s a machine that does this according to the memory, to fix the erosion problem that plagues this once verdant mesa. With it, Momma can allow vegetation to return and transform the planet back to its former state, before it became so barren. This Ring works sort of like a terraforming tool you see in many Sci fi worlds such as Star Trek or Spore, where with technology, empty planets can become fertile and green. It’s like an artificial tree and fertilizer in one that can undo desertification and thus restore the planet again. Momma is a genius really and there is something about her, I will keep for now, but maybe you got it and want to tell me it...Anyway Barrendale Mesa is also home to a few Rabbids isolated from society where they live in here in this desert to join Momma or explore its canyons. Also, small green places can be located where the Silly Chuckfish challenge takes place and even within the darkmess Dimension we see canals of Water creating lush green flora, showing us how there is Hope. So in short, It’s sort of like a small desert community you would find in the U.S., as the word Mesa is a reference to the city Mesa in Arizona, a city within a hot and barren land. For those who live there, Barrendale Mesa might remind them of their home, so for those who live there, what is your opinion on Barrendale Mesa? Does it represent really the more isolated communities there well or is it uncanny? What do you think? I ask, because now due to Barrendale Mesa, I wanna live in Mesa, if it weren’t for the fact that I am aversive to warm climates. Let us continue:
2. Barrendale Mesa incorporates ALL 4 seasons!
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I make no secret that I love season theming in games and this is also why I love holiday themed events in games as they make me really feel good and show me the diversity of nature and human culture really well like the chinese new year, Christmas, Ramadan and you name it. All of the previous planets were themed after 1 season of the year. Beacon Beach is summer, Pristine Peaks is Winter, Palette Prime is Autumm/Fall and Terraflore is Spring. Barrendale Mesa would be all seasons in one, it represents the hotness and coldness(Deserts can be very cold, especially in the night) of both Summer and Winter. The withering and blooming of plant life of Autumm and Spring. Barrendale Mesa pretty much is the representation of life in the universe as a whole. It is small, simple and fragile and needs to be protected and cherished or we end up all in a dark mess...each part of the plant life, each living person is a Spark of Hope for something more, something bigger, something that fulfills all how needs and desires... The Sparks of Hope!
3.Barrendale Mesa is the planet of Hope!!!
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Barrendale Mesa is where we encounter Daphne, the most cunning and devious of the Spark Hunters and after her defeat, Cursa comes in and wants to squash us, but at the final moment, Rosalina seemingly breaks free of Cursa’s grip and creates a portal for us to escape Cursa’s wrath in time, which we did. The Party is devastated of course and yet, at the same time, they feel something that makes them not give up. Rosalina’s final act of defiance awakens within Rabbid Rosalina and Jeanie the feeling of Hope, the Hope that if Rosalina can fight back against Cursa and saved them, that they can defeat her...Jeanie had trouble understanding this feeling, until Momma told her what she is feeling and points to a Darkmess Crystal that reveals Cursa’s Origin:
SHE IS A FRAGMENT OF THE MEGABUG FROM THE LAST GAME AND MUTATED WITH STELLAR DEBRIS INTO BECOMING CURSA, AN EVIL BEING THAT IS HELLBENT ON TAKING OVER THE GALAXY WITH IT’S DARKMESS...It attacked the Comet observatory to gain the power of the Lumas, but fought against Rosalina and possibly one, only for their clash to send the Lumas and some Rabbids to fly into space, fusing, and thus they became the Sparks, a new species with endless power. Rosalina merged with Cursa and was under her control, but not without resisting her at every turn. Now with this info, the heroes are armored with hope to defeat a being made of Fear and Hate, Cursa.  Barrendale Mesa gave the heroes the best weapon in Space and one that can power through anything. Barrendale Mesa might be like the odds to win against Cursa or the chance to live long within this dangerous universe pretty harsh and unforgiving, and you would be right that it’s hard...but there is still hope, Hope to live in a universe without Cursa, without having to worry about heat death and hope to make our lives better and find what we really want.
I did not mention the superficial stuff like the music and boss battles, because they are irrelevant, and I think I made my case very well and I Hope we can all see eye into eye! Now tell me what you think of my post? Is it shit? Or is it hopeful and thought-provoking!
May the Sparks of Hope guide us to our dreams and hopes!
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bramble-scramble · 1 year
In sleep he sang to me
Ok, so... I couldn’t think about Darkmess Phantom without thinking about.... y’know.
Darkmess Phandrow.
Woodrow followed his ears through the forest, drawn by faint noises - a sort of roiling, bubbling, squishy sound. It was familiar by now, but it never stopped being revolting - especially considering what it entailed. Nevertheless, it was his duty as warden to see what was caught in the ever-increasing darkmess today... oh, how could he ever have guessed that his title would lead him to such a burden?
He let out a gasp of astonished horror, finding not a woodland creature or even a small rabbid villager caught in the puddle before him. No, instead- a massive figure, not CAUGHT in the puddle so much as... generating it. The darkmess seemed to leak from the blackened bottom half of the creature, the rounded body of which laid there like... like a slightly deflated balloon. And yet it was not a brute beast, but a person, for it wore fine but tattered clothing. A rabbid? It had the telltale ears, and yet... what manner of rabbid was this?
The warden crept round the edge of the puddle to get a look at the victim’s face, and when he did, he fell to his knees. He knew what he was looking at, now- or rather, WHO.
The Phantom’s eyes were closed - or his one eye; the other was covered by a mask - and his mouth was slightly open. Was ... was he... Woodrow looked at the body again; its balloon-like girth was rising and falling, ever so slowly and slightly. Was that... breath? Did the ghost even breathe? Surely he did, being a singer, after all...
Heedless of the acrid goop surrounding him, Woodrow leaned forward and put a paw on the singer’s cheek. He did not wake. He was so pale... was he always like that? Woodrow had never met the man in person, after all. So why... so why did his entire soul cry out in grief at the sight before him?
Perhaps merely because he knew what he was seeing: the Phantom was sick. Very, very sick. Woodrow had come across enough suffering and injured creatures in the woods - especially these days - to recognize such a thing. He moved his paw to the singer’s forehead; indeed it was blazing hot with fever. The Phantom was fighting the darkmess inside him, and it was killing him. 
I should call the others, thought the poet. The heroes, the other refugees, Dryad - they’d know how to handle this. And yet... Woodrow was afraid. What would the heroes do? Put the Phantom out of his misery? Oh, they would show mercy for their friends who were caught up in Cursa’s power, but what was this man to them? An old enemy, and a tough one at that. He had already been causing trouble throughout the galaxy in this new form, before going missing some time ago. Would they show mercy to him, too? Or would they take this chance to rid themselves easily of a formidable foe... there wasn’t always room for mercy in this world, anymore.
No... no, he couldn’t tell them...
Once again braving the vile sludge, Woodrow reached out, hooked his own paws under the Phantom’s arms, and dragged him out of the puddle, with all his strength. The warden caught his breath, looking at the slight trail of darkmess the unconscious rabbid had left behind him, like a snail. He shuddered with fear and pity, and dragged him just a little bit further. He ought not to be so heavy- he was part balloon, wasn’t he? - but he was just filled with the terrible stuff. When they had made it quite a ways away, far enough to be safe, Woodrow collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. He leaned against a tree and cradled the singer’s face to his chest, breathing hard, and then-
A groan.
Phantom’s blue eye opened slightly. “Who... are you...” the voice was low and raspy, as if every word pained him.
“Shhh, shhh,” said Woodrow, caressing his burning forehead with the back of his paw. “Worry not about that. I’m going to take care of you.” I haven’t the slightest clue how, he thought, but I will.
“...Thank you...”  came the hoarse voice again, and then he closed his eye once more.
Woodrow held him tighter. What in the name of the stars was he going to do now? Well, he would figure it out- right now he was exhausted, phsyically and emotionally. So tired... he closed his eyes.
And a voice came to him. No, not a voice, just... a thought that wasn’t his own. An interloping presence.
Don’t you want to join him?
The thing was... he did. Oh, how he did.
Within the rapid weavings of his imagination, an image appeared before him at once. Two artist-kings, on their thrones... two theatrical masterminds... the star of dark operas, and at his side, his darling Poet... the writer of his librettos...
Oh, how his fellow-king loved his work! Such destruction it caused, such violence! Woodrow’s poems, coming from that voice - it could level kingdoms, it could decimate planets. And they would start right here, on Palette Prime, taking revenge on anyone who had ever insulted the poet or his work, who had ever rejected him, who had ever run him out of town.
Such unheard-of calamity, such power they wielded, together! They fed each other inspiration, as each other’s muses, an endless cycle forever... And after each deadly performance, his king would come to him, alive with adrenaline from the stage and hungry, so very hungry, for inspiration... 
Woodrow’s eyes shot open. Something was not right. The unconscious Phantom had begun to ooze darkmess from behind his mask, and from the eye-slit of said mask a tentacle had emerged. It had slithered into Woodrow’s collar and wrapped itself around his neck, and its tip was poised pointed at his own face, swaying slightly like a snake about to strike; seemingly stopped only- stymied in confusion - by his huge glasses.
The poet yelped, and the tentacle uncurled itself from around him, rapidly, snapping back into its source, disappearing. The singer groaned again, softly, in his fevered slumber.
Woodrow did not drop the Phantom in fear; only held him even closer, and through some compulsion, gave him a small kiss on the tip of the ear. By the stars... he thought through the tears that now welled in his eyes. I won’t let it take me. And I’ll save you, too.
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puppygirlisland · 2 years
the princess peach rabbid is kinda hot
i am not taking questions at this time
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svenerd · 5 months
Games zu Weihnachten - Geschenke-Ratgeber von 0 - 18 Jahren
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Photo by Michelle_Raponi on Pixabay
Spiele für Kinder - Die perfekten Spiele bis 12 Jahre
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Photo by ShortSword on Pixabay Passend zur anstehenden Zeit, in der Geschenke für Weihnachten gesucht werden, stellen wir euch die perfekten Gaming-Geschenke für Kinder bis 12 Jahren für Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox und PC vor. In den Videos am Ende jedes Abschnittes werden alle Spiele kurz vorgestellt. Den Inhalt der jeweiligen Videos findet ihr hier, inklusive Zeitstempel in den Videos. 00:00 Intro 00:48 Mario-Spiele Super Mario Odyssey New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Super Mario Bros. Wonder 02:42 Bauen und Spaß haben Minecraft Minecraft Legends Minecraft Dungeons Super Mario Maker 2 Dragon Quest Builders 2 05:29 Lego Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker-Saga Lego Marvel Superhelden 2 Lego Harry Potter Collection 07:16 Sport und Spaß Nintendo Switch Sports Ring Fit Adventure Mario Tennis Aces Mario Golf: Super Rush Mario Strikers: Battle League Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen: Tokyo 2020 11:07 Lebenssimulationen Disney Dreamlight Valley Fae Farm Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life My Time At Portia Landwirtschafts-Simulator Animal Crossing: New Horizons 14:48 Hüpfspaß Kirby und das vergessene Land Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe Disney Illusion Island 16:26 Abenteuer Stray The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening 17:32 Rennspiele Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged Team Sonic Racing Lego 2K Drive 20:09 Pokémon Pokémon Karmesin und Pokémon Purpur Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! Und Pokémon Let’s Go, Evoli! New Pokémon Snap Meisterdetektiv Pikachu kehrt zurück 23:14 Action/Shooter Splatoon 3 Powerwash Simulator
Spiele für Jugendliche - Die perfekten Spiele von 12 bis 18 Jahre
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Photo by wal_172619 on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:03 Was sollte man beachten 02:05 Fantasy-Spiele The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Tales of Arise Kena: Bridge of Spirits Elden Ring 04:08 Weltraum-Spiele No Man’s Sky Starfield 05:07 Fahren und Fliegen Forza Horizon 5 Forza Motorsport Gran Turismo 7 Wreckfest Microsoft Flight Simulator 07:31 Playstation-Spiele Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition Horizon: Forbidden West Complete Edition Marvel’s Spider-Man Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 09:24 Lizenzspiele Hogwarts Legacy Mittelerde: Mordors Schatten Mittelerde: Schatten des Krieges Lego Der Hobbit Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga Guardians of the Galaxy Batman: Return to Arkham Batman Arkham Trilogy Lego Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham Lego DC Super-Villains 11:20 Hüpfen Super Mario Bros. Wonder Rayman Legends Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart 12:38 Cozy-Games Animal Crossing: New Horizons Stardew Valley Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22/23 14:18 Sport EA Sports FC 24 NBA 2K24 NHL 24 Madden NFL 24 16:27 Strategie Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Anno 1800 Civilization 6 17:58 Puzzle Portal 2 / Portal Begleiterkollektion It Takes Two Untitled Goose Game 20:13 Spiele digital verschenken
Spiele für Erwachsene - Die perfekten Spiele für volljährige Zocker
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Photo by chriswanders on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:01 Für Rollenspiel-Fans Baldur‘s Gate 3 The Witcher 3 Divinity Original Sin 2 Disco Elysium – The Final Cut 05:31 Für Filmliebhaber und Nostalgiker Robocop: Rogue City Starship Troopers: Terran Command Aliens: Dark Descent Alien: Isolation 08:13 Für Strategen Crusader Kings 3 Stellaris Total War: Three Kingdoms 11:20 Für Gesellschaftsspieler The-Jackbox-Party-Pack-Reihe Party Animals 13:55 Für Horrorfans Resident Evil 4 Dead Space Remake 15:58 Große Hits zum kleinen Preis Yakuza 0 Immortals: Fenyx Rising Far Cry 6 Death‘s Door Vampire Survivors 18:21 Die absoluten Mainstream-Blockbuster The Last of Us Part 1 Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War Ragnarök Diablo 4 21:18 Für beste Freunde und Partner A Way Out Remnant 2 We Were Here Forever 24:16 Für Leseratten Slay the Princess 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical 26:15 Geheimtipps für die, die schon alles haben Pizza Tower Warhammer 40K: Boltgun Cassette Beasts 28:11 Worauf ihr beim Kauf achten solltet Read the full article
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bahamutgames · 7 months
September 2023
Happy October! I'm a little late here because I had to take a health break from being online for a few days. But I'm back now! It's getting colder outside, and Halloween (my favorite holiday!) is right around the corner!
Also... hello new followers! This blog has basically been a ghost town since I started it but unexpectedly, some gifsets I made last month REALLY took off! So now I've got almost 50 followers. Usually I wouldn't do so much preamble on a roundup post but I feel the need to explain myself a little bit. This is what this blog is mostly for, posting my thoughts and opinions on games I played recently. To keep them neatly organized and also not clogging up everyone's feeds. I understand this is NOT what most of you followed for, so feel free to unfollow if you like. If not, I hope you enjoy what I have to say!
As with EVERYTHING I share here, these are not reviews. This is just word vomit from me sharing my thoughts on games. Nothing I say should be taken as fact, and if anything I talk about is interesting to you, you should absolutely play it and form your own opinion!
That's that on that, let's tackle the September games!
Rayman Origins (November 15, 2011) - PS3
Hey! Look! I beat my first Rayman game! Similarly to BB, I actually got this game years ago, but never managed to beat it at the time. But with the Rayman Mario + Rabbids DLC out (which I still haven't bought lol BUT I WANT TO REAL BAD!) I figured it was time to finally take the plunge into this series! And I LOVED it! I was having such a killer time with it! Super gorgeous visuals, AMAZING music (I love how goofy it is the lum song was stuck in my head forever afterwards lol), genuinely funny plot, very fun gameplay, the works. But... Partway through the game, suddenly the whole plot changes and you're no longer dealing with demons? And then you have to go through all the worlds a second time and fight a final boss that has nothing to do with the story? Only to then afterwards be told to go through AGAIN and collect almost all the electoons so you can fight the ACTUAL final boss in a super long, super brutal level that's just a long string of memorization. It felt like the second half of the game was made by a different team, it just didn't feel nearly as good and it kinda killed the game for me in the end. I did enjoy the first half a lot though, so I will absolutely check out some of the 3D Rayman games soon, but I might steer clear of Legends atm.
One thing I have to say though: dude the Nymphs are SO hot! Like, they are SO fine it's actually insane. A lot of games will make horny character designs and flaunt them constantly and they're just okay. But no, Rayman Origins earned it. I'm so thirsty for them, that character designer deserves a raise. ANYWAY-
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Mortal Kombat 11 (April 23, 2019) - Xbox One
And here we go with my first gamepass game of the month lol. My sister was very kind and gave me a month for my birthday, and one of the first things I beat was a simple arcade run of MK11! MK is a series I actually have an odd amount of history with, but it's also a series I just never really got into. But I did find myself watching the 11 story mode, and I'll try it out whenever it comes into my path. So, here we are. I played as Scorpion, who tends to be my favorite especially whenever Reptile isn't available, and just did a run of the Arcade ladder. I had a good time with it! I'm always impressed with how simple it is despite how edgy it is. And I think being able to make your own custom movesets is super cool (mine mostly just consisted of his classic moves cause they're all I know lol.) Game looks great, has some really gorgeous stages, again, considering how edgy it is, and I thought the final boss was really neat. My only complaints come from the lootbox stuff, I know you can unlock everything for free but I really hate when games put all the customization options behind random chance rather than just putting it in a shop where I can pick and choose what I want. Injustice 2 did the same thing, but thankfully in MK it looks like you don't have to pay for anything. Neat time other than that though.
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Gyromite (August 13, 1985) - NES
Next up is a game I didn't technically "beat" since it has like 99 levels. But I did play through the first few levels out of curiosity and I actually enjoyed it so much I wanted to give it a shout out! Gyromite is actually one of the NES games made to work with ROB from Super Smash Bros. Brawl (they made the NES after that game came out). And I wanted to see if I could emulate ROB... I could not. But I already had Gyromite downloaded so I decided to play it myself, and I gotta say. I think it's more fun by yourself with 2 controllers! You play as a scientist trying to get all the bombs without getting touched, and you use the second controller to lift and raise gates to help bridge gaps or stop enemies. Also, you can collect carrots to distract enemies. It's really basic but it's actually a SUPER fun game that I think deserves more love! If you haven't tried it, I do think it's a neat little experience that really deserves to be on NSO.
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Dracula X (July 21, 1995) - SNES
Hey, my second Castlevania game! And uh... man idk I did not like this nearly as much as Super Castlevania 4 lol. Idk what the consensus on this is, I know fans consider it to be a non canon stripped down version of a much better game. But I figured I could play this in a night, and I was right! Also, I'm no good at Metroidvanias so I figured I'd play the platformer. And yeah, this game kinda sucks. Feels super clunky to play, has some bizarre enemy placements that make the game almost impossible at some scenes. And generally, outside of some nice sprites and the always BANGING Castlevania music, it's just kinda boring. The only real praise I can sing (outside of the super good music) is that the Wolfman totally kicks ass! He was so cool and genuinely the best boss fight in the game. So while I wasn't really into it, I know that if I had played the REAL game this was based on, it would probably have been a lot better.
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Venba (July 31, 2023) - PC
Next up is another Gamepass game! I wanted to play Venba since I first saw it because it just looked really nice and cute! And that's exactly how I'd describe it now that I've played it! It's a very nice story about an immigrant mother, her relationship with her husband, her child, and the food she cooks. And so each level consists of you trying to cook a meal with your mother's cookbook, which has become really messed up over the years. Each level is a puzzle where you try to figure out the right way to cook, and see how it brings the family together. I really had a great time with it! These simple and cute games are always a blast to play and a nice breath of fresh air. And it actually made me pretty emotional. Obviously it's not the same experience at all cause I'm white but it did seriously make me think about my relationship with my mother who also came to America for similar reasons. The game actually almost made me cry lol, but more importantly, it made me hungry! I might have to try cooking some stuff they showed in it! Biriyani in particular really caught my interest as something that just looks CRAZY tasty. And hey, maybe I'll ask my mom to help me make some Romanian food too haha.
Outside of that, the music is really nice, I think most of it is licensed? Or at least is lyrical music performed for the game and it's great. And I particularly loved the art style, which no outlines and a more spraypaint looking brush. It's incredibly unique looking! And Venba herself is SO cute, she's so fine. I love her. I want her to be happy. If you're looking for a nice, short game to play through for an easy and relaxed experience, I can't recommend Venba enough!
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Metroid: Zero Mission (February 9, 2004) - Gameboy Advance
Remember when I said I didn't like Metroidvanias a game or two ago? Well, sometimes you gotta step out of your comfort zone. I've only beaten 2 games in the genre before, Ori and Radical Rescue. Ori was good and RR was... neat. But I've never beaten a single metroid in my life until now! I chose Zero Mission for a few reasons, but two big ones are that it's a remake of the first game. And the second is that I actually did play and enjoy this one in the past. But clearly I did not get very far cause I didn't remember SHIT lmao. I planned on playing this side by side with a walkthrough, but I'll admit I actually had a faster and way more fun time just genuinely using the maps the game gave me and just running around. It's fun to figure it out and get upgrades and be like "OH I can do that thing now!" it's like a collectathon lol. The music is nice, the sprites are KILLER (I'm a huge GBA sucker after all).
But of particular interest. Dude. Oh my god. The Zero Suit scene. Holy shit. It's so scary! I was seriously screaming during it! It does such a good job of building tension and just making the situation so scary and dire, and then jump scaring you when the space pirates actually go through doors and climb through vents. It was seriously so bone chilling. But then getting the full power suit and running back through the ship and seeing all the space pirates cower in fear at your might, even hiding in the places you had to hide before? Genuinely brilliant. It was so exhilarating and got such a good reaction out of me. I absolutely ADORED this game! Idk if I'll play many more Metroidvanias past this but damn am I glad I gave this one a go!
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Punch-Out!! (May 18, 2009) - Wii
And last, and least! Punch-Out!! Another game series I've never beaten any games in before! I could have played the NES one which probably would've been shorter, but again for a few reasons I decided on the Wii one. It's the newest, seems to be the most popular(?), and also was new when I was a lot younger so I have some nostalgia for when it was coming out. So I played it and uh... Yeah I really did not enjoy this game at all. I know this series is SUPER beloved with tons of fans but I just do not get the appeal. Tons of memorization, the characters are all kinda ugly and also yeah it's kinda racist, boring gameplay. Idk I just was not really into it. Full disclosure, it is a bit of a skill issue. I could not beat Soda Popinsky so I had to use an infinite Star Punch cheat lol. Everyone else I beat legit or at least did the first round and then cheated (I only did this for the characters after Soda, when I stopped caring). But not, him I could not do.
It's not all doom and gloom though. I do think the music is also pretty good in it. And I do have to give the game some props, everyone who comes from another region does legit speak their native language I believe. Which fucking rules actually. And I guess it gave us Little Mac in Smash Bros. Who is fun. But idk, yeah I just wasn't really into this. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. At least I played it!
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