#rebecca as an agent
grapecaseschoices · 1 year
🔥 + a certain maternal figure whose name starts with R and ends in ebecca
I almost thought this was going to be about MarceIIe
My honest opinion about Rebecca: fuck this bitch ass. All my homies can't stand this bitch ass.
I think Rebecca is a terrible mother and is such a good liar because she deludes herself so easily. I think making excuses for Rebecca is an interesting... take. And that's all I say on that because this is about her and not those people.
THAT BEING SAID, I still think -- i dont think i like her as a character, so much as what she represents. It is the idealization of the past. It is the mammothness of grief and loss. It is saran-wrapping one self in it while not actually confronting yourself in it. It is the selfishness, it is the fact that is understandable and human. It is loving and love not being enough -- for a number of reasons [because she never wanted to be a mother, because she spent so much energy loving Rook, because words are paper thin without actions, because perspective matters -- because her view of things isn't the detective's]
I think so many stories have parents [especially mothers] -- heck people in general, be able to soldier on after a loss. To see what they have left and for that to be enough. And that is valid ... it isn't everyone tho. There aren't enough-- no that's not true, at least in general, but like with mothers ignoring the breathing beings that need them and cleaving the past. Bridgeton did it (twice) and whatever the shows faults. I loved that. Its messy and painful and human.
So tl;dr I dislike Rebecca for how she hurts and hurt the detective, and the story is in their POV. And parents who refuse to GET it ... is familiar, in various ways. But what she represents? What she could be in a different story that acknowledged what she IS ... and does? I'm so into it.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
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Ides of March in New New Providence.
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sunyfan · 2 months
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Happy 14th Anniversary of Generator Rex!
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seraphinitegames · 6 months
Will UB know about Rebecca being the ex-chamber member or Rook being the human liason for Wayhaven just like detective?
Can't even explain how much i love all the TWC books and Adam, hehe💖
Unit Bravo are aware that Rebecca was an ex-Chamber member, it's just they all assumed that Rebecca would have, you know, told their only child that fact so wouldn't have mentioned it, lol! :D
But it's also not something they mentions as they also are very aware that Rebecca gave it up at a difficult time in her life.
They didn't know Rook was a human liaison though! Bit of surprise and something else that makes them realise there's far more to their handler than they've thought for the past many years!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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fiyaharts · 20 days
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holix for anon!!
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neopuff · 2 months
generator rex // sad machine [ youtube ] [ instagram ]
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triysn · 1 month
Y’all ever think about how Rex is like. An orphan. Of all his cartoon contemporaries, he’s the only one whose parents are just straight up, explicitly dead.
And like, yeah, you could argue that for some, their relationships with their LIVING parents are like equally traumatising as having dead ones (cough cough phantom cough). Plus Rex has holiday and six.
But like holiday and six are very much paid to take care of him. Like, no matter how good their intentions are, they are still very much people with jobs and their own agendas.
You think Holiday ever had to ignore how wrong it felt to experiment on Rex and take samples and reduce him to a bunch of numbers and test results but she HAS to because that’s her job and she needs to find a cure for Beverly, needs to figure out how he works.
Or Six having to train Rex to be a weapon, probably in the exact way he was trained. The dual motivation of “this is for his own good, to keep him alive” and “I’m literally being paid to manipulate this kid who trusts me with the goal of ensuring the outcome providence wants in battle” and wondering if one can ever cancel out the other.
Like they care. They care about him so much. But Holiday still does her tests and Six still trains him and doesn’t tell him about Noah. Neither of these things is for Rex’s own good. They’re trying, but they work for Providence. They are literally, undeniably complicit in Rex’s abuse. All they can do is control the extent of the abuse. They love him and they’re getting their paychecks from controlling him.
That’s so fucked up. That is so cool.
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This was my last sketched panel of the Holix comic rated E I want to make. I started to like getting stuck on art and not being able to continue. So much going on.
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Since is the same Six, I was like I'm not going to draw his head 20 times, so I sketched it with what I already had, but with Holiday is different because of having long hair or the customary bun.
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4nnih6 · 6 months
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My piece for @bambeptin's Generator Rex art telephone: promises!
I did many things differently here from how I usually work (the lineless color styling and many texture gradients + layout), so this was a lot of fun! Thank you for organizing this art telephone, Bamboo! The piece before me by Bean @forestryfae was so impressive in my mind, I had to find a way to represent everything in that, as well as make my own take on it and the whole piece became a fun challenge.
Previews, WIPS and close-ups below under the cut!
Work-In-Progress pics:
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I enjoyed working and finishing this a lot, so looking forward to finding more art telephone's and other challenges to take part in again one day :)
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faust-lane · 3 months
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bambeptin · 7 months
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thank you to everyone who participated, and thank you for your patience!
it's been fun watching it evolve - be sure to check out all the artists featured ⚙️
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hollydogs · 7 months
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i want you to hold your head and soothe your twitching nose, dumb thing
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2minutes2midnight · 5 months
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Fitzsimmons - Museum Date AU
Happy Birthday @besidemethewholedamntime 💛! I hope you have day as wonderful as you are! May all your dreams come true Rebecca 💛!
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sunyfan · 12 days
For GOOD or ILL - Colored
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
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The Agency has take a *keen* interest for sure!
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patrickcann · 1 year
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family :D
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