#reflecting on richonne
whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
Rick was in love with his son’s best friend. Michonne was in love with her best friend’s dad. 😊
It’s cute thinking that, before 6.10, Rick and Michonne probably both were hesitant to act on their feelings for each other based on how Carl might feel about it - only for Carl to be immediately on board and not surprised in the slightest once they got together 😋
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I love how much Richonne loves their eldest son, and how Carl has always played a huge part in Rick and Michonne’s love story. Since the moment Rick and Michonne laid eyes on each other, Carl was there helping bring them together and ultimately helping them realize they were meant to be family. And years later, even from the other side, Carl helped bring Rick and Michonne together again. 🥲
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phoeberigley · 2 months
oh also one more thing on richonne: the hatred towards michonne IS RACIST. like y'all are pissed off that your aLpHa mALe rick grimes (even though that isn't really who he is, but that's for another day) is in love with a dark skinned black women and has a black child with her. like y'all should really reflect on why one of the first things said about rj when he was introduced was that he was a michonne hallucination or that he wasn't ricks (please go to hell you racist pos). and why some of y'all can't seem to wrap your racist brains around the fact that michonne is soooo much more than a "killing machine" or the black women with a sword.
like i remember seeing the way other white people talked about michonne online when she first came onto the show and even the way other white people in my school talked about her. and don't even get me started on the idiots that say richonne came out of nowhere even though there was SEASONS of build up and the fact the if it was a white women y'all wouldn't bat an eye, y'all just didn't want a dark skinned black women finding love.
anyways stay mad cause richonne is #real love.
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findyourlovely · 2 months
Lots of speculation on when these two fell in love in the original timeline— here’s my personal head canon:
Michonne falls for Rick when he kills the claimers. I always felt like this was true and when Danai confirmed it I just knew I could trust their vision with the new spinoff. I started shipping Richonne together in the “must’ve been something else” era but I wasn’t actually expecting AMC to have the balls to follow through. but Michonne’s “you’re okay because I’m okay” moment sparked the hope that this relationship was really happening, just off the symbolism of what this moment meant for her.
She’s never felt like she had someone who could step up to protect her but Rick fully proves himself in that episode. That is a man who would do anythinggggg to protect his family. She doesn’t judge him, she understands he did what was necessary. And after the way she lost Andre, she could never trust her heart to a man unless he had that level of grit to protect his own.
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I think she’s consciously aware of her love for him as they entered those gates at Alexandria. She doesn’t tend to initiate physical contact with Rick, but this moment with him and the kids in the car is an exception. This is her recognizing exactly how hard this journey has been for Rick and she knows that he did it anyway. For her. He lets her lead him into the future and she’s starting to wonder if it could be one where maybe they build something together for real(it’s already real she’s literally a mother to his kids and his closest confidant and he stares at her ass at every opportunity).
Ricks shenanigans with Jessie set things back but I still think she already knew her own feelings. It’s just not something she would let herself really think about until they’re in a stable place.
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I think for Rick, he starts to fall in love with her after she tracks them back in S4. I don’t think he knows it yet but the way he slid down that door in happiness cannot ever be anything but loverboy behavior. This man is elated to see her and 100% would have been okay just staying holed up in that house indefinitely. She makes Carl laugh. And the next day he straight up asks her to commit to coparenting with him, so clearly Rick isn’t trying to risk a separation ever again. Michonne’s presence restores his hope. And he loves watching her sweet relationship with Carl.
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Rick consciously understands the depth of his feelings for her outside those gates of Alexandria(or in the moments leading up to it). Because that man would have never walked into that community if not for Michonne’s sake(not even mentioning the 100 mile march to get there). He knows that well enough to tell her so! And now he tells her he’s struggling with how “the rules keep changing” in part because he knows she’s the one he wants to let in, and the implications of pursuing that are monumental for him and his kids. Who else matters enough for this much self reflection?
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Ofc we have to wait for Rick to deal with his PTSD rebound first, but the foundation is right here. These two were already it for each other, they just needed to feel safe enough to lean into it.
Y’all let me know if your timeline is any different.
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thebluemoonjune · 27 days
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Home (Richonne One-shot)
Even with Rick's difficulties and trauma, the Grimes family is still going strong after two weeks since Richonne made it back home.
Her life had long been defined by womanhood and motherhood, long before this. Her first was not long for this world, and she had lost her second, but she still had a daughter and son whom she would give and do anything for. She had murdered for them. She battled on their behalf. She could even leave them with a promise to bring their father home. Many things happened and she was on the verge of giving up as well, but heaven had eyes. They were finally back together. As one family. She opened her eyes to discover her hubby still sleeping. He's normally awake before anybody else owing to many bad nights, but he slept better than he has in recent days, forcing a gentle smile on her plump lips. He was so gorgeous while he slept; his steady heart and breaths were enough to make her fall in love with him all over again. After two weeks at home, she had to constantly reassure him that they were safe, that he was doing fine and that they were truly home. They would never recover any of that lost time. Not her year of struggling to recuperate and survive, nor the eight years it utilised to break him. She slid out of bed and put on her bedroom slippers to prepare breakfast before everyone awoke.
In his nightmares, he heard his children's footsteps, laughter, and impromptu singing. He would feel both asleep and awake in his spirit while he experienced the joys of parenting. Then it would be blankness, when he couldn't remember his oldest's face or how he came to terms with the fact that he'd never see his wife or daughter again in this life, let alone see his youngest, but he'd wake. He'd be greeted by his beloved's face, and his children would sometimes be wrapped up in the blankets with them. "Father" is an attribute of a man that comes to life when he is with his kid, and it does so because he adores them, enjoys being with them, and values the connection they share. He was still a father. It was a lengthy dream. One in which his son was dubbed a sacrifice. His son is not a sacrifice. He was his son. He had certain ambitions and goals, but they were cut short. If he were here, he'd see that everything worked out in the end. He would recognise and adore his little brother, and he would realise how much his litter sister had matured. He was his son, and he missed him. He loved his son unconditionally, and there was no price to it. His wife had awakened before him. An unusual occurrence. She must have been preparing breakfast for him and the children. His children. He was still a father. He was still a husband.
Placing the plates, knowing it was about time, her family got down. She continued to reflect. Feeling a new person develop within you and raising them to be self-sufficient was both the greatest joy and the greatest challenge. It combined with her previous successes to shape who she is now. Being a parent should be like that—not an extra or an "add-on," but a fundamental topic around which other interests revolve. Now she was pregnant for the third time. Her child, whether a boy or girl, is her child, as are their elder siblings. Her kid had her soul in their heart, and her heart will be theirs forever. Her child is free to live, grow, and love whoever they want, since no regulation can include such a blessed thing. If her child ever needs her help or advice, she will be there for them. She would go through the gates of hell to keep them safe, feeling honoured and grateful for the opportunity. Each child is a precious gift. She was lonely and without any comfort the last time. After all, what comfort could a three-year-old provide a pregnant widow? Her husband missed their son's first step: his initial words. They had lost out on those experiences together, but now they had another chance. Were they both afraid? Yes, but she had everyone she needed with her this time. They'd be okay.
Walking down the stairs, he heard her steady steps. She’ been placing the plates, knowing it was about time, for the family to go down, lost in her thoughts. Her placing her hand on her tummy drew his attention. They were once against expecting. Their child would be born in a few months, ready to seek and receive love, to be part of that lovely protective web of emotions that gives, nurtures, and protects, just like his or her siblings. Once Again. They would once again encourage them to be the greatest versions of themselves, to rewind, to abandon the poisonous cynicism and instead weave the love web that their kid would want. She was the finest mother he'd ever known, the greatest wife, and he aimed to be the ideal husband and father.
Placing the final plate, she gazed upon her husband’s face. “Hey, baby… Want some eggs?”
“Yeah…” He planted a kiss on her lips, deepening it the first chance he got. The kiss went on for two whole minutes before she managed to break it.
“Yes ma’am.” A chuckle escaped his lips before his face grew pensive.
“I had a dream.”
“Oh, I thought you were sleeping better.”
“I am, darlin’. I am… It was about Carl.”
Put all unpleasant memories in your left hand and all happy memories in your right. Memories danced on the edge of his thoughts, alternating between cherished times and terrible recollections, walking a fine line between consolation and misery. The world went on, indifferent to the sorrow that enveloped him, like a dark cloud that followed him everywhere, casting a shade on even the okay days. Those were the sentiments he held in the CRM. Then he couldn't recall the faces, which was worse than everything else he'd experienced in that godforsaken place. The weight of loss hung on his shoulders like an unbreakable load. Things were different, however. He was home with his wife and children. He could see his son's face again and had a photo of him his daughter, a little younger than he remembered her when he was taken. The fact that he could see his son's face was incredible. He was at home with his family. It wasn't an awful dream after all.
“He came to say hi.”
“I’m happy for you. Maybe he’ll visit me sometime?”
“Mhmm. Maybe Andre will.”
Her eyes welled and a weary smile came to her lips. “Maybe.” Next thing, Rick wrapped his arms around her and the swayed from side to side, resting his chin atop her head.
“I thought I told you sit, Grimes.”
“I will. For now, I just wanna love on my wife… Our boys, they’re in a better place, watchin’ us, wantin’ us to live life.”
He was, by no means, religious. He grew up a Baptist, and he would go to church every once in a while with Lori and Carl before the new world but his faith had left him long ago, but when it came to their children, he had faith. Faith that they weren't hurting and they were happy. Faith that they would all be together again. Was he hypocritical in his thinking? Yes, he was; regardless, it was how he viewed things.
A pair of heavy footsteps came running. Their children had arrived, ready to start the day. Breakfast consisted of fluffy pancakes, eggs, and berries, all as warm as they would be in the sun, with maple syrup threaded on top. It provided a tranquil sense of comfort, which helped to start the day off well.
“Morning, sleepyheads.”
“Mornin’ Mom! Morning Dad!”
“Morning, Mama! Dad!” Unlike his sister, her son hurried through the morning hug he owed her and rushed to his father’s side. “Oh.”
“Hey, junior.” He beamed, ruffling his son's curly brown hair. How’d you sleep, hmm?”
“I slept great!” Rj proclaimed, pulling the seat next to his father.
“What ‘bout you, Judy? Sleep alright?”
“She was doing homework till 10:30.” Michonne poured the three orange juices. “I think they are giving her too much work. I don’t like that they skipped RJ either.”
“I argue about Judith, but skipping grades just means our boy takes after you.”
“Two whole grades? He’s eight, Rick.”
“And he’s brilliant and I’m proud of him.” He gazed deep into her eyes. “I’m just happy they’re living normal lives.”
“I’ll talk to Judith’s teacher.”
“I go with you.” Rick gave her a deep grin, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “Four eggs for breakfast, fried in a brushing of olive oil, lightly salted... so perfect. Just the way I like ‘em.”
“So perfect, Mama,” RJ said, obviously following his dad, earning a warm smile from both his parents.
“I’m glad you and your daddy like it, baby…” Michonne placed a bowl of freshly cut tomatoes at the centre of the table and her two special men reached for some. “Judy? Since school is finishing early, what’s your plan for the rest of the day?”
“Well, I promised Gracey I’d help her with her assignment.” Reading the disappointment on her parents' faces, she added, “I can’t tell her I can’t.”
"No, sweety, we’ll manage. But you keep your weekend free, okay?”
“Daddy is taking you out after school. Just the two of you. Behave.”
“I always behave.”
“Yeah, right.” Judith rolled her eyes
“I do!”
“No, you don’t!”
“Alright, alright… Eat up or you two will be late.” He simply stared at his his then his wife. The joy was apparent.
“Once upon a time, there were two children, one boy and one girl. Their parents loved them like a thousand suns, and they grew up to be clever and carin’. The father joined ‘em in the kitchen and danced to insane music; the sillier, the better. He followed ‘em with fingers that could transform them into monsters with a single twitch. The mother encircled ‘em with affection and defended ‘em like no other lioness…”
He smiled softly as he saw his junior yawn. Trying to persuade RJ to sleep in it is like separating an octopus from its prey. There might have been some anger rising in him—frustration—but he had missed too much of his son's life to harbour such feelings. They were both overly obsessed with one another. Even after three bedtime stories, he wasn't ready to leave his kid. His namesake, who was about to be dethroned as the youngest, was all he could have wished for. RJ begrudgingly closed his wide brown eyes and allowed the realm of dreams to take him. He kissed him good night on his forehead, dragging his feet out the door after taking one last look for the night. The couple opted to announce their new addition to their children later, preferring to focus on connecting and reconnecting right now.
Entering the bedroom, he smiled. Rick and Michonne gave each other their full attention as they celebrated Rick's good day of connecting with the children, specifically RJ. The temperature outside had dropped to practically freezing, but inside, they had a raging fire, also known as each other, and were soon pretty cosy. Michonne lay in bed across from Rick, her feet resting in his lap.
"I guess RJ is knocked out?"
"Yep." His shoulders slouched. "He put up a good fight, though."
"Don't feel too sad... You have tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that one. We have time."
Rick let out an anguished sigh and was stimulated by her toes moving over his leg. "We do," he explained, his voice gruff yet calm. "I wish he could stop ageing, if even for a few years."
"Okay, don't get carried away over there," she said, smirking.
Chuckling at her words, he tugged on her feet. "Get over here," he stated, suggestively.
And with an amused smile, she sat on his lap, and as she adjusted, she could feel Rick hard beneath her.
"Hard, huh?"
"I am," He threw one arm around her waist and pulled down the strap of her silk pink nightgown. He squeezed her right breast and kissed the back of her neck.
Michonne felt his desire and rolled her hips, tingling from the sensation of his dick against her pussy. She should have become used to him by now, given their frequent screwing, but they had more than eight years to make up for. Her bodily response was still strong, which seemed strange. But every time he touched her, it was distinctive. Addictive even. She let out a small sigh as his left hand moved south, pushing beyond her panties to touch her slit. He didn't waste any time, which made her happy. She adored how much he loved her. How much he longed for her. She relaxed her body against his and extended her legs, granting his wish to explore. His fingers began to work. He pulled her off and stroked her clit as she vibrated softly on him. 
"Rick," she forced out softly, his fingers much overpowering her thoughts till she came.
He inhaled sharply as her breasts crushed against him, and his lips brushed against hers. Rick felt his dick buzzing. He really wanted her. She drew him in for a deeper kiss, holding his hair and inviting him to join her on the bed.
On top of her. He was both kind and passionate towards her. He landed another kiss on her lips before moving down her body, delivering several on her stomach, his dick only becoming harder as he returned to her chest. He enjoyed how well the breasts fit in his palms. Her pregnancy with RJ filled them out considerably more than they were eight years ago. It was the first thing he noticed. He sucked and nibbled her hardened nipples.
He licked and lapped at her erect nipples, smiling as she groaned in return. He admired her figure and enjoyed touring it. He'd missed her silky, creamy, dark brown skin and all of her lovely muscles. "Shit," he muttered into her ear, making both of them snicker. But the lightness immediately faded as he resumed their kiss and the top of his dick got cosy with her entrance. They both murmured silently, anticipating the moment to follow as her clit touched his tip. Their lips got chaotic while he sought to find his way inside, and their moans grew louder as he pressed into her.
"Right, ahhh!" Michonne muttered as he pressed on and began thrusting.
"Ahhh!" She gasped with a gentle moan. Filling her to the brim, pressing along her walls. He was great. It was greater once he started pounding. He rolled his hips methodically and sensually, hitting numerous places simultaneously, kissing her neck and grasping her breasts, captivating her entire body. She experienced an upheaval and was unsure if she ever wanted to get off. If she wasn’t already pregnant, he’d surely knock her up tonight.She could feel the impending climax as his dick worked against her clit with each stroke.
"Darlin', I'm gonna come," he declared, breathing against his wife's throat. He could feel the rhythm in his chest and his vision was a swirl of loveliness before him.
He enjoyed how thick and clinging it was actually. They had become soaked during sex. Michonne seemed aware of her actions, despite her suggestions indicating otherwise. The fashion in which her hips met his.
The couple shared unrivalled chemistry, which resulted in an incredible time between the two like all those years ago. The sort of sex that came with wet, sloppy kisses, strong grunts, nicks and scratches, bites, and chaotic, incoherent curses in moments of deep lust.
Rick felt Michonne's limbs weaken and the feeling of her bathing his dick, similar to how his fingers felt before. The taste of his name on her lips motivated him to finish quickly. The smell of sex filled the air as he grunted and halted his grinding. He rested, his forehead brushing hers, and caressed her belly with tenderness. Their thick lungs were filled with love and lust—even before they came.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Rick's smile was so vast that you could scarcely see his eyes, and her flush was like flowering blossoms, conveying the love of her heart. They were so fortunate to be able to look directly into each other's eyes at that silent moment when the rest of the world was placed on hold. She put her palm on his chest and felt the tempo of his heartbeat. They had a wordless feeling of joy. Joy was a vital part of the recipe for life, and when they were happy, their lips curled into matching smiles.
“It’s good to be home.” A soft smile played on his lips.
“It is.”
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givesupp · 3 months
The Ones Who Live (episode 4 spoilers)
My head feels like it's going to implode in on me and I just need to vomit my thoughts somewhere before it does. I remember hearing about the The Walking Dead (literally everyone and their mother was talking about it). I remember never wanting to watch it because it was SO popular and I've never been a huge fan of watching anything while it was still going live and everyone was into it. I'm weird IDK.
I had just finished up another TV series and was feeling empty, as one usually does and just wanted to dive into a new series. I chose The Walking Dead, finally deciding to give it a chance. I binged the first 4 seasons on Netflix and as I was doing this, it was literally becoming life saving. Only a few short years prior to starting the series I had just started dealing with severe depression. It was crippling. IYKYK. And to make a long story short, falling in love with this show, falling in love with Rick Grimes gave me something to hold on to.
'It's just a show' - this has been said to me many times. But it's not just a show to me. It's a lifeline. Its taking an inspiring moment and grabbing it with the only strength you have left and burning it into your head because if they can do it you can do it. You'll think about it the next time you feel like you can't get out of bed because there just isn't a point. It's taking a character and watching him fight for his sons life while everyone around belittles his character as a father and leader and using that the next time you feel like your chest is about to cave in from the sheer force of anxiety that just hit you like a mack truck. And you think about this character persevering while you sit in the corner of your bathroom floor with a cold rag on your face just simply trying to breathe.
So many examples, so many moments TWD has breathed life back into me when nothing else could.
And then Richonne.
Oh my god, what a fucking absolute treasure to emerge from this series. The slowburn of it, the showcasing of patience and friendship, love and trust and overcoming loss and hardships - together.
Finding your person. Camaraderie. True, real love. A soulmate. This? Despite loss, death at the hands of others, death at the hands of your own, tragedy, hopelessness, mental illness, losing your child? I can't even find words to express what Rick and Michonne mean to me separately, but as a couple? I am unable to express in words because it just would not do justice to what they actually represent to me in my own personal life.
Nearly a month ago we were given The Ones Who Live episode 1. And I remember watching that and having to physically remove myself from my home, go outside, sit down on the ground and reflect while sun soaking near a river. That's how blown away I was over the writing, the story, the emotions centered around this character that I have watched and grown to love over years.
Episode 4? EPISODE 4 is a fucking WELLSPRING of emotions, struggle with mental wellness, disagreement, unconditional love, immense hurt, understanding and patience. A relationship struggling to be what it was, if not anything at all. A broken man and a broken woman. A son, who has DIED years ago still finding a way to be the one who brings his parents back together. Who brings strength to his dad even after all this time...
Carl placed in the palm of his fathers hand as a sketch on a broken phone breathing life back into him. This, from his wife. Finding a way to save him. Giving him a sense of purpose, meaning back to him after he declared his own death not that long ago because he could not and does not ever want to live without her.
You cannot tell me that this show isn't important.
That it isn't life saving.
That it isn't at the very least forcing us to reflect and discuss and acknowledge our own lives, our own relationships, our own mental health, our own circumstances, our -
This isn't just a show to me.
Thanks for reading my vomit novel.
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richonnesbitch · 2 months
Reflecting on Richonnes love story from the beginning to the happy end .. it’s been an emotional and certifiably crazy ride. To be apart of this experience has been nothing short of incredible
If you would have told me 12 years ago when I started shipping them that Rick and Michonne would have a love story so beautiful and epic and iconic that it granted them their own spin off series dedicated to their love for each other I would have never believed you!!! And yet here we are. Life is so good sometimes.
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theeblackmedusa · 11 months
through your eyes
a/n: @designbydae thank you for this prompt!🩷your mind >>>
i decided to write this with richonne bc it seems very them
Prompt: "Can you write something about two people who have the bright idea to trade eyes so they can see themselves from the other person's perspective? Ideally they're in love but any other details are up to you. Who started the conversation? Do they both think it's a good idea? What are the chances that things could go wrong???...I just think it would be a neat concept if it was something that could happen on real life. Imagine how intimate it would be to feel your lovers eyes in your body or to really see your own body for the first time"
warnings: minors dni as always, language, don't ask me what universe this is set in bc idk lol i just known i love this prompt, fluff and angst, richonne loving each other
wc: 836
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Rick didn't have the highest self esteem anymore. In his old life, he was a standout. Handsome, strong, capable. Now, all he saw when he looked at himself was a murderer. A bad man.
He’s killed. A lot. He’s sure that at this point, he’s unredeemable.
He tried to tell her that, tried to let her know that she can't possibly be making the right inference about who he is and the things that he's done, but every time, she told him that she knew what she saw.
She’d made the suggestion one night when he was wallowing in his self-hatred, trying to convince her to get away and to run as far as possible to save herself from his darkness.
I just want you to see what I see, Rick. Just…give it a try for me?
He’d so hesitantly agreed, unable to believe that she saw anything good when she looked at him. He trusted her. He’d put his life in her hands. But, he couldn't shut off the evil voice in the back of his mind telling him that she'd been lying to him the whole time.
More than anything, he wanted to please Michonne, so if him looking at himself through her eyes would make her happy, he’d drink a damn potion and take a look in the mirror.
Now, they were both standing in front of the bathroom mirror with closed eyes as they worked up the courage to open them. As excited as Michonne was to know what Rick saw when looking at her, she knew that something like this could go wrong. What if she didn't really want to know what he really thought? Rick was in the same boat, nervous to find out if that voice in his head had been right the entire time.
“I…I’m going to look,” Michonne finally spoke, breaking the silence that they’d been standing in for God knows how long.
“Thought we were lookin’ together.”
“Then, you look, too.”
Another beat of silence.
“I’m afraid,” he admitted, voice weak and wavering.
“You shouldn't be. This will only prove what I’ve been telling you.”
More silence.
“Alright. I’m ready,” he told her slowly.
“On three?”
Michonne opened her eyes, which were now a piercing shade of blue, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was the most beautiful that she'd ever seen herself, surrounded by a haze of pink and lavender. She was…glowing and she felt her heart skip a beat as she looked at herself.
Emotions were overwhelming her. Admiration, adoration, love…they were all rushing through her when she looked from Rick’s point of view. She allowed herself a smile and she could swear it's never shone so bright.
“This is what you see? I look…perfect?”
She was truly shocked. Sure, she was a confident person, but she had her insecurities. Looking with Rick’s eyes, however, she couldn't spot a single problem with herself.
Rick had yet to respond to her, and she was growing concerned.
She let her gaze flicker to his reflection and her mood changed immediately. Loathing replacing love and abhorrence taking the place of adoration. Her heart broke for him, hating that this was how he felt when he saw himself.
“Rick,” her voice was shaky as if she might cry. “Rick, say something.”
She was hoping that her eyes weren't failing him, that he felt the same amount of love for him that she did when looking through her eyes.
“I, uh, I don't…this is…new,” he finally spoke.
He didn't quite know how to place what he was feeling as he looked through Michonne’s deep brown eyes. His reflection was flickering between pink and a deep red glow. He didn't feel dark and scary anymore. That voice had finally stopped its raving about how bad he was. Instead, a softer one had replaced it, words like “strong” and “brave” and “nurturing” coming to mind instead of “killer” or “unworthy”.
“Rick, you have to know that what you see…that isn't real. None of it's true. You have to know that. I need you to know that.”
As she continued looking at him through those icy eyes of his, she could feel the shadows leaving her. That hatred had shifted into acceptance, and she couldn't be more relieved to know it.
It wasn't completely fixed, but it was progress. He was adjusting, learning that what he’d been seeing in himself wasn't really him. That was enough for her. She could work with that.
“I love you, Rick. I mean that,” she told him.
“I love you, too. God, I love you,” he exhaled, still staring at his reflection.
They stood in silence once more, taking in their reflections with the eyes of their lover. Neither of them know how long they’d been standing there letting passion and love flow through them, but it was Michonne who broke the silence again.
“I think I want to keep your eyes,” she joked. “I look hot. I mean…really hot.”
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morewinepod · 3 months
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Happy Wine Wednesday! Candi is back this week to talk about one of our favorite ships - #Richonne! We’ll be covering #TheOnesWhoLive, so of course we wanted to reflect on the couple in anticipation of their spinoff.
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Idk if it's because Danai Gurira is in Black Panther but the way I'm hoping that nashuri becomes the richonne of the MCU. Two warriors taking care of their people. They're both in charge but one of them is more in charge. Everyone else seeing it.
"I'm still with you." "We can find a way." "Something's going to happen, just don't make it happen." "You could have.." "They're all our people."
It's the mistrust to trust. It's the partnership. It's the yielding. It's the pause. It's the reflection (double entendre). It's the yin and yang. It's the respect. It's the equals.
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heyitsmelouiss · 7 years
Danai talking about rick and michonne on extra tv. Didn’t see this before so I just wanted to share in case you guys haven’t either!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Hiiii. My mind is buzzing now with all kind of things! About Beth-Meggie- Leah AND that music box! What do we know? It is broken, while she is loking at it. But what do we see, at least two times? That we have the ballerina which is lighter in shade (Beth) while her reflection in the small mirror is darker, too dark imo(Leah). Leahs pullover this episode is similar to Beth's when they "die" only, Leah's is darker in shade. Back to the music box (part 1)
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I love your hype! And this is a super interesting analysis of the music box. I never noticed that the reflection is darker or that there are times we can't see it. I just never thought of that.
But I agree. My theorists peeps and I were just talking the other day about how, especially the way Leah's arm is lying when she dies (like Beth's) it actually looks a lot like the cast Beth wore on that same arm, except that it's black where Beth's was white. So, I really think you're right about this.
And I DO believe we needed to see Leah die before Beth could return, and that we should see her very soon, now. (Hopefully as a coda in 11x17).
And there's actually a lot of precedent for this in the show. As I pointed out HERE, there was Mitch back in 4x08. He was an evil, anti-Daryl and we saw Daryl kill him right at the end of the episode. Directly after he did that, Beth ran up behind him. So, I kind of think Beth should be figuratively running up behind Daryl any second now.
Similarly, we had Andrea die in 3x16, and Beth came front and center with Daryl the very next episode in 4x01. It felt like there was a large gap there at the time, but it was only because we had to wait for the next season to come around in the normal cycle of the show. But really, it was the very next episode.
Another example of thought of is Rick. Back in S3, after Lori died, he saw hallucinations of her. But it wasn't really her. It was Rick's guilt over how they left things that made him see that. And even after he stopped doing his crazy-town-out-in-the-field thing, he continued to see her periodically throughout the season. He would look up at the bridge over the prison and see her looking down at him. Which just showed that he hadn't moved past his guilt yet. He hadn't put her to rest for himself.
Then (I'm going somewhere with this, I promise) in the finale, after Andrea died and he brought all the survivors of Woodbury back to the prison, he looked up again, and she was gone. Which meant he'd finally laid her to rest in his own mind and moved past the guilt of what happened.
And the VERY next episode, we see the first real evidence of Michonne, Rick, and Carl acting like a family. You could even argue the fact that exactly 2 episodes after Lori died, Michonne showed up and the prison and she and Rick had a little...eye contact.
I'm just saying they often show a character putting their past to rest and directly after, embarking on a new romantic relationship that ends up being healthier than the previous one.
The third time they did this with Richonne was after Jessie, which was a very unhealthy relationship for Rick. The very episode after she died, Richonne went canon. Similarly, Carol and Zeke didn't actually go canon until after Tobin died, and Carol had talked to him and gained some closure over the relationship.
So yeah, all this is just to say I agree and, from a pattern standpoint, it would just make perfect sense for Beth to show up in some way in the next episode.
Thanks Dear! Xoxo! ☔️😘
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
🀄️reflecting on richonne
What The Ones Who Live has made abundantly clear is that finding Rick and bringing him home was a mission fit for Michonne, and Michonne alone. Because Rick didn’t just need to be brought back home - he needed to be brought back to life.
Sure, other characters could have located him and tried to rescue him from the CRM, but Rick needed more than a rescue…he was in need of a resurrection. And there’s only one person on the planet capable of doing that for him and it’s his wife, the love of his life, Michonne Grimes.
Rick is a man who for all intents and purposes chose to die because he couldn’t see her face anymore and started to believe he never would again. He was only ever going to come alive again when her eyes, her presence, her heart was back in his life. He was only ever going to be free from not just the literal but mental shackles of the CRM when he could hold her in his arms again and reconnect with the woman whose heartbeat he shares.
I love how this story stayed consistent to the message that was true in the main show as well, and that’s that Rick needs Michonne. And Michonne needs him too. Rick’s relationship with Michonne is the one dynamic in his life where he’s poured into as equally and deeply and lovingly as he pours into her. Where he doesn’t have to be anything but himself. It’s the one relationship that can bring him back time and time again no matter the circumstances.
Richonne is a love supreme because they are two halves of one heart. So saving him - not just in body but in heart, mind, and soul - it could only ever have been her. 😌
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cubanblacktita · 3 years
What I’ve Done in 2020:
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
Tagged by @siancore​ and @richonne4life​
First a big shout out to all the Richonne fandom for being so welcoming, loving, amazing and incredibly patient. This year brought the horrible pandemic, as we all know, but talking about silver linings it also kind of made finish watching TWD and falling in love with Richonne. Something that send me straight to fan fiction, not only as a reader, but also to try my hand as a writer. I’ll never thank @siancore enough for her patience, dedication, wisdom, amazing writer skills and extraordinary heart. She made possible that I am here today and I will be forever thankful. 
So, being late to the fandom and all means my list is not long (actually just one fanfic LOL)  but here it is... 
1. Stay a while 
Status: WIP (I just updated yous guys!) 
Summary: What if they were both leading actors in a TV show? What if their characters have brought them together, more than they should? A bit of angst with lots of fluff. Warning: kind of a mix of Richonne and Dandy because I am complicated like that.
A/N : I had this idea one day and I couldn't get it out of my head, I guess it happens like this most of the times for writers,, you consecrated ones should know I guess). Anyway, it is my first fic and though I was a bit nervous and anxious about it because there were so many phenomenal writers with such incredible works out there, I decided to take the chance and go for it. The welcoming was beyond what I could dream and hope for. I never intended to write more than five chapters but then there were things I needed to include and here we are, ten chapters and counting. Thank you to all those who follow, favorite and review, thank you for staying with me. Just THANK YOU! 
Hopefully, life in 2021 will allow me to complete this story and maybe, create some more. I will continue reading and reviewing in the meantime. 
Tagging whoever wants to join but specially @christina831 @katanaqueen3476 @emeraldislegirl @its-teeteedee 
Peace out, 2020.
Stay safe, y’all! :) 
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richonnelover05 · 3 years
What I’ve Done in 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
I started reading Richonne fan fiction April of 2020 and became so enamored with it that I eventually thought I would give writing it a shot and posted my first story in September 2020. I could not believe I actually wrote one to completion and was astounded that anyone would read in much less leave positive reviews. I appreciate this community so much!  
Here are five of my fan fictions (I am Richonnelover05 on the Fan Fic site)
I am tagging @dillie60 @joifull1st @blkgurlsmuse and @richonne4life - I wish I could sit here and tag everybody!!
The Come-up and The Comeuppance 
Rick's wife is a cheater, but Rick's new lawyer friend Michonne will make everything better.
Those Crazy Alexandrians
This story will chronicle the wild time they had during the first month or so after arriving in Alexandria. This absolutely does not follow what happened on the show! All the crew are in the story.
The Man, The Machete and The Mayhem
When Rick's family is placed in a dangerous situation, Rick will do whatever is necessary to bring them home safe.
Haunted Apocalypse 
This is a silly spooky story in time for Halloween. Rick and Michonne enter a haunted house and some nefarious shenanigans ensue. Think Scooby Doo meets the haunting of hill house meets supernatural. ZA prison time period. 10 chapters.
A Christmas
Four Christmas one-shots related to each of the four stories I have written. A Mayhem Christmas, A Haunted Christmas, A Crazy Christmas and A Come-up Christmas.
I do have a few upcoming..
These are five of my seven works for 2020!  Thank you to everyone  keeping Richonne alive and I can’t wait for all the new stories in 2021!  Happy New Year!!!!
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callmeshaq · 4 years
(in alphabetical order)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
(i wanna be) down with you - Summary: Sam & Bucky work together at a pizza place. Steve and Monica are tired of them.
IT (2017)
Mike Hanlon/Stanley Uris
thinking about you (and you know i always do) - Summary: In which Mike and Richie are best friends crushing on Stan and Eddie, who are also best friends, respectively. Title from “Marlboro Nights” by Lonely God.
wherever you are (the place i belong) - Summary: Stan and Mike take a road trip. Title from "Ready To Run" by One Direction.
Stranger Things (2016-)
Lucas Sinclair-centric
you better run - Summary: Lucas is targeted by Vecna. Title from “Beat It” by Michael Jackson.
Lucas Sinclair/Mike Wheeler
to be in love (and not know it) - Summary: In which Mike and Lucas are the last ones to realize their feelings for each other.
Teen Wolf (2011-2017)
Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura
Animal Instinct - Summary: Scott and Kira are mates.
Fallen Star - Summary: In which Scott and Kira face a tragedy.
God, I Love You - Summary: Scira one-shot book.
How to be a Mom Without Realizing It - Summary: In which Kira is the pack mom.
Queer Eye for the Werewolf Guy - Summary: The Fab Five is summoned to help Scott McCall.
to be loved (and to be in love) - Summary: Scott and Kira through the years. Title from “18” by One Direction.
Varsity Reds - Summary: In which Scott and Kira have a typical, human high school romance.
The Walking Dead (2010-2022)
Carl Grimes/OC (Zora O’Neil)
happiness will always find you - Summary: Rick reflects during Carl and Zora’s wedding. Title from “Here for You” by Neil Young. Part two to "(she is) love)."
of thanksgivings and estranged mothers - Summary: Carl and Zora prepare for Thanksgiving but an unexpected person makes an appearance in Carl's life again. Part Three to "(she is) love."
(she is) love - Summary: Carl takes his girlfriend, Zora, home to meet his family. Carl x Black!OC. Side Richonne.
Daryl Dixon/Connie
crush - Summary: There’s a new cashier at the university bookstore. Daryl may or may not keep buying things as an excuse to see her.
Rick Grimes/Michonne Grimes
life with the grimes kids - Summary: Small stories of events in Andre, Judith, RJ, and Maxine's lives. Part of the "(she is) love" and "the pieces of us" universe.
the pieces of us - Summary:  Snapshots of how Rick and Michonne came to be. Prequel to “(she is) love” but can be stand alone.
You'll Still Be My Star - Summary: Singer Michonne Hawthorne and Actor Rick Grimes are a couple. This is some of the press about them. Title from "Umbrella" by Rihanna.
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What happened?
lol so I wrote my background knowledge: who, what, when, where. Great. Afterwards I tried to jump straight into dialogue and I was like .... how do Danai and Andy even talk. I haven’t heard an interview from them in so long. I want the choice of words I use to reflect their own diction, tone, sarcasm etc. so I only got about 5 lines in and stopped because I realized I would have to do my research before I continued. So I watched a couple sdcc interviews this morning and plan to watch the Richonne panel a little later today.
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