#regina hawke
poppykru · 2 years
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DO REVENGE (2022) dir. Jennifer Kaytin Robinson
Mean Girls (2004) dir. Mark Waters
10 Things I hate About You (1999) dir. Gil Junger
Jawbreaker (1999) dir. Darren Stein
Thelma & Louise (1991) dir. Ridley Scott
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shivunin · 1 year
Winter's Grasp
In which Hawke takes unnecessary risks in Lowtown and Fenris tries to discern why; cross-posted to AO3 here
(Maria Hawke/Fenris | 4,834 Words | Hurt/Comfort | CW: Blood, canon-typical violence)
Winter hung heavy over Kirkwall. 
It did every single year, but today the cold fought Hawke’s steps and cut right through her robes. There wasn’t much to do about it now but bear it, so she tugged her scarf higher around her cheeks and bent her head against the wind that raced down the alleyways. 
She did not, strictly speaking, have to patrol the city. She knew that. Aveline had been very clear: that’s what guardsmen were for, and Hawke was for being a rallying point, a light in the darkness—or something. Maria hadn’t really been listening; she’d been planning her route for the night instead. 
Really—the intensity of the wind was the only thing she hadn’t planned for. 
“C’mon, Miser,” she said, her voice muffled by the scarves, “One more alley and then we’ll go home. Promise.”
The mabari was coated with snow, such that he looked nearly shapeless against the backdrop of the snow. If the streets hadn’t been so dirty, the hound might be near-invisible. Instead, he looked like a pillow torn to shreds and given life. 
A… chilling thought. 
Hawke chuckled to herself at the thought and stuffed a loose curl back under her cap. If the others were here, she might share the joke—but they weren’t. They were probably all wisely snug inside their various homes and bolt-holes. 
Just like she ought to be. 
The two of them passed through the Lowtown market, which was full of people hunched against the cold. Most of the vendors had tucked haphazard braziers of some sort in the stalls behind them—sure to be at least one disastrous fire later—but Hawke couldn’t blame them. She passed more than one resident of Lowtown hesitantly pawning some bit of jewelry or moth-eaten scarf for firewood. When she thought she could do it unnoticed, Hawke surreptitiously dropped coins in their path. She knew exactly what she would have done if someone had offered her money for firewood when her family had been living here; better that they think they were taking advantage of some careless passerby. 
In some ways, the weather was less brutal in the alleys. The close walls cut the sharpness of the wind, though the stillness of the cold that replaced it was no kindness and the rooftops wept brutally sharp icicles. Hawke was regarding the persistence of the cold with no small measure of irritation when a trio of thieves leapt from the rooftop and attacked. 
After everything—the Deep Roads, the Arishok, and everything since—three thieves were nothing. She would have disposed of them handily if it hadn’t been for the reinforcements who showed up—and the reinforcements for the reinforcements—and by the time the fifteenth fighter raced down the alleyway toward her, Hawke was getting a bit winded. 
Well—alright, winded, but also one of her hands was having trouble hanging onto her staff and poor Miser was limping badly. Perhaps Aveline had been right after all—it would be humiliating, wouldn’t it, to die in some frigid alleyway because she hadn’t wanted to trouble anyone for company? Because she’d been bored and feeling sorry for herself? Because the variety of naughty novels Isabela was always sneaking into the manor’s library had not been enough to satisfy Maria’s itchy feet? 
The fifteenth fighter raised their sword high, the metal gleaming in the dim light that filtered through the clouds. This was it; Maria knew it with a dim sense of dread. There was nowhere to dodge and nowhere to run; when she reached for the Fade, her fingers grasped at magic as insubstantial as snowflakes in a hot bath. She would be carved in two from shoulder to hip and that would be that. 
Only—at the very apex of the swing, a hand, glowing blue and humming with a familiar energy, thrust itself through his chest and stayed there until the man’s gasps turned to silence. 
The wind howled down the alleyway. 
Fenris, still just as poorly attired for the weather as ever, considered the limp body slumped against the wall. When he flicked blood and viscera from his gauntlet, the red slash of it looked almost festive against the paler snow piled against the alley walls. 
“Come here often?” Hawke coughed, feeling for the wall until she could lean against it more firmly. 
“Drink a potion,” Fenris snapped, nudging the body to the side and striding closer. He stopped beside Miser first, feeling carefully along the bloodied rear leg. 
Hawke did as he said, fumbling for the vials at her belt, then pulling the cork with her teeth when her gloved hands couldn’t manage. The potion burned while it knit her back together, but the sensation was pleasant. Or— it was better than nothing, anyway, and her skin had long since started to go numb. 
“I had—” she began, but he interrupted almost at once. 
“You did not,” Fenris said crisply, “Have him. He would have cleaved you in half. Why didn’t you send for me? Or any of the others?”
Hawke grimaced behind the safety of her scarf and straightened stiffly from the wall. Fenris was slightly further along the alley, crouched beside Miser, who seemed more than happy to be tended to. 
“Oh,” she said, “I find it quite attractive when you scold me. You should go on doing it.” 
Even Maria, no matter how oblivious she pretended to be, could not have missed the furious green of his eye peering over his shoulder at her before he turned back to the hound. 
“Hawke,” he snapped, a warning in his voice. She stumbled closer—because the health potion hadn’t quite managed to fix everything, but she couldn’t stomach another just yet—and slid down the wall so they were at eye level. 
“It’s miserable out here. I didn’t want to drag you out into it; I know how you feel about the cold.”
Fenris muttered something uncomplimentary under his breath in Tevene and let go of Miser’s leg at last. He’d smoothed some poultice over it, green-smelling and thick, and poor Miser had stopped panting quite so hard. 
“Good boy,” Hawke murmured, reaching for the mabari’s head and scratching his favorite spot behind one ear. The hound leaned into it, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.
At long last, she sighed and looked at Fenris. 
“I was feeling sorry for myself,” she said, “wandering the estate alone. Wanted to find some trouble. It’s been a quiet month; this seemed better than nothing.”
Fenris did not respond to this. He just went on looking at her. 
“Yes, alright. It was stupid,” she sighed, rolling her eyes, “But really—this is the fourth or fifth of these alleyways and I was doing just fine before that last bastard.” 
“Hawke,” Fenris said, shaking his head, but when he rose he offered her a hand. 
Hawke held on tightly and  levered herself to her feet. Fenris didn’t step back when she straightened; instead, he lifted his other hand and traced the healing line of a wound along her cheek. His brows furrowed. 
“You should have sent for me,” he said, in that deep voice that always made her stomach flip, “I would have come.”
“I know,” she said, leaning into his touch, “That’s why I didn’t call. I didn’t want you to have to follow me around in the cold because I was bored and spoiling for a fight.”
His eyes traced her face carefully, looking, she knew, for more injuries. He’d likely search her for more as soon as they were home, too; she was well aware that his penchant for drawing her baths was really an excuse to strip her naked and look for hidden hurts. 
“Better in the cold with you than standing at your graveside without,” he said, though the words were somewhat softened by the undercurrent of worry in his tone. 
“Ouch,” Maria said, frowning. Fenris lifted one shoulder, then turned toward the mouth of the alley, still holding her hand. 
“Come,” he said, “We should get you home.”
“Alright,” she said, and followed where he led. 
Hawke entered the estate with her usual attention to neatness and decorum—which was to say, she shed scarf, gloves, hat, and cloak in a messy line from the door to the stairs. 
Miser snatched more than one garment from the air with delight despite his injuries, and deposited them in the box on the bench beside the door. The cloak, at least, Hawke tossed over the newel post before trudging up the stairs. 
Fenris watched all of this with a rueful sort of affection, but he didn’t bother objecting. She’d long since pointed out that he had little room to speak about her neatness given the state of his manor. He couldn’t argue with that; but he also didn’t see the need to tell her or anyone else that the “body” in his foyer was, in fact, a practice dummy wearing robes he’d found in a trunk. The appearance of a rotting corpse by the doorway was, he’d found, an effective means of dissuading visitors. Why none of their friends had ever noticed that it neither stank nor decayed was beyond him. 
“Something to say?” she asked from the top of the stairs, resting a hand at the generous swell of her hip. Fenris shook his head and began to follow her to the second floor, his fingertips brushing over the sodden wool of her cloak before tracing up the wooden railing. 
“Must I repeat it?” he asked, “You already know what I would say, in any case.”
“Hawke,” she intoned, scowling fiercely, “I will never understand why you do not see fit to keep your home in order. It is simple enough to disrobe in one room.”
“I do not sound like that,” Fenris said, successfully preventing the smile from creeping up his face. 
“Hawke,” Maria went on in the same voice, unsuccessfully preventing herself from smiling, “You slovenly creature. I have stubbed my toe on your staff for the last time! Fasta vass!” 
“I certainly don’t sound like that,” Fenris told her, nearing the top of the stairs. 
“Ah, my mistake,” she said in her normal voice, backing away and undoing her belt, “How about this?” 
Hawke hung her belt on the doorknob behind her and turned it, stepping backward into her bedroom without once looking to see what might be inside. 
“Hawke,” she said again, in her impression of his voice, “You ravishing creature. Your every move is like poetry, and the taste of you on my tongue is like the finest of wi—oomph!”
Fenris darted forward in a burst of speed and snatched her up in his arms, kicking the door shut behind him. Her belt jangled against the wood and gradually fell silent. Neither of them paid it any attention; Fenris was too busy pressing her carefully back against the wall and catching her mouth with his, and Hawke was too busy laughing in between his kisses. 
“I should—tease you more—often,” she gasped when she finally stopped laughing. 
Fenris grunted and nipped the skin at her jaw, his hands finding the ties along either side of her robes and undoing them easily. He had no interest in explaining that he wasn’t reacting to her teasing. The fervor in his touch was entirely due to the sight of her in that alleyway, pressed back against the wall while a greatsword descended toward her head. In that split second, Fenris had been able to see the aftermath all too clearly: the blood spilling from the joint of her neck, the white of bone pressing through her shoulder, the lifelessness in her eyes when her spirit finally left the body behind. 
It mattered little that he’d prevented Hawke’s near-certain death; it only mattered that he almost hadn’t.
Hawke often laughed at him for the way he checked her over after battle. Fenris had never much minded her laughter, and he’d never felt the need to explain himself. Maria could laugh all she liked, so long as he could be assured that she wasn’t hiding some grievous injury from him. He knew her too well to think she wouldn't do just that to keep him from worrying; he’d seen her do it to any number of her friends on numerous occasions.
Now, Fenris ran a hand along the bare skin of her side, marking the sharp hiss of breath between her teeth when he touched her ribs; ah, a bruise there. Her sigh when the backs of his knuckles brushed against the curve of her breast was altogether different, soft and warm against his neck. Enjoyable as it was to hear, he ignored it for the moment in favor of undoing the clasp at her shoulder. 
“Tell me there’s a bath,” she said as he pushed the sleeves down her arms and left the robe in a puddle on the floor. 
“There is,” he told her, stepping back from the wall and walking her with him to the bathing room’s door, “It may yet be hot.”
“Remind me to give Orana a raise,” she told him, eyeing the clasps of his armor as they went.
“If you give her any more money a month, she will buy her own manor and leave you here to pick up after yourself,” Fenris told her absently, scanning the room before they stepped through the door. 
Hawke shrugged and stopped beside the bathtub, which was, in fact, half-filled with steaming water. For a moment, neither of them spoke. Fenris busied himself with the ties to her smallclothes and Maria unwound the cloth of her breastband. 
When at last she was entirely bare and she’d kicked the cloth away from the bath, Fenris raised a brow and took a step back. In response, Hawke rolled her eyes upward, sighed, and flicked her fingers. A little ball of golden light formed over her head, simultaneously illuminating and casting shadows over her naked skin, like an echo of the sun itself. 
Ah; yes, that was a bruise forming over her right ribs. Already, it was purple in an angled line—some sort of staff strike, he thought, or the flat of a sword. She’d bent easily enough to remove her boots at the door, so it must not be a break. There—the blood drying down her left arm. From the amount of blood in her robes and down her arm, it must have been deep. When Fenris dipped his hand in the hot water and smoothed it over her skin, most of the blood washed away in trails of reddened water. The potion she’d taken must have sealed that wound first—which likely meant it had been among the worst of her injuries. 
Best to check the rest in any case; one could never be too sure.
“Turn,” he told her, and Maria did so, sighing and shaking out her hair as she turned. Fenris shifted the mass of her hair over one shoulder, his fingers lingering in the curls and smoothing them away from her back. He would not be distracted by the constellations of freckles over her shoulders; he would remain focused until he was certain she was well enough for anything but a bath and sleep. 
Fenris ran his hands down soft ridges down her back, then crouched to examine a series of bruises along her thigh. The marks dotted her leg from hip to knee, obscuring the ripples of silver that usually decorated this stretch of skin. Hawke made a soft noise when he touched the edge of one and Fenris drew his fingers away. 
“How bad?” he asked. She looked at him over her shoulder, frowning. 
“It’s fine, Fenris.”
“The marks beg to differ,” he said, “The hip—how bad?”
“Bruised,” she said stiffly, then sighed, “Alright. It’s a bone bruise—but it will be fine soon enough. I swear, you fuss like—”
“I fuss,” Fenris interrupted, standing, “Because you refuse to take care of yourself.”
Maria frowned and turned away.
Her woolen cap had mussed her curls; if left like this, they would be impossible to wash. Fenris pursed his lips at the back of her head and set about untangling them one by one, easing the knotted strands loose before running his fingers through them again carefully and thoroughly, from root to tip. 
“I can take care of myself,” she said more quietly, and the ball of light over her head winked out, “You know that well enough by now—or you ought to.”
“In a fight? Yes,” he agreed, pressing his fingers firmly against the skin of her scalp until she sighed and leaned back against him, “But after? Hawke, you would fight on broken legs if you could find the means to balance. That you would win the fight does not alleviate the worries of those who care for you.”
Fenris cleared his throat and lay one last curl amongst the others, letting his hands settle on her shoulders instead of her hair. 
“Perhaps you have not considered that it…may pain me to see you hurt. To know that you would not seek help if your wounds were grave.”
Hawke turned to look up at him, then looped her arms about his waist. 
“What would help right now?” she asked, meeting his eyes, “My hip hurts and my ribs ache. You can smooth ointment over them when we’re done here. What else?”
“Take me with you,” he said at once, tracing the angle of her jaw, “Do not leave me behind next time.”
Maria made a face—the one that pressed her lower lip out and ought to have looked childish. It didn’t, though; it made her look sorrowful instead, as if the whole of the world had abandoned her. It was an act; he’d caught onto that particular performance almost at once, and now the expression only made him want to bite her bottom lip. 
In fact—yes, that was a good idea. 
Fenris dipped his head and indulged himself, taking the plump warmth of it between his teeth until she sighed and melted into him. 
“Will you?” he asked after a moment, and kissed the skin just to the right of her mouth. Hawke shivered slightly; Fenris didn’t flatter himself by thinking her reaction was due to his touch alone. He could feel the bumps along her skin and knew all too well how cold it had been outside. 
“Will I?” she asked, her eyes softly closed. 
Fenris kissed each one of them with exquisite care. 
“Bring me with you next time?” he said.
“Mmmhm,” she said, tilting her face toward his. 
She couldn’t see him; Fenris smiled at her, shaking his head once, and set a kiss upon her lips. The contact was soft and brief and not nearly enough to satisfy—just as he’d intended. 
“Promise me,” he told her, “If not me, then someone else. You know better than to fight alone.”
Hawke sighed and opened her eyes again. 
“I promise,” she said, and paused, “But only if you climb into the bath with me tonight.”
He’d already intended to; but perhaps it would not do to tell her as much. Fenris frowned as if the idea galled him. 
“Very well,” he said, “After you.” 
Hawke grinned and rolled forward onto her toes to peck his cheek. She climbed into the bath without further complaint, but she didn’t relax against the angled back of the tub. Instead, she folded her arms on the edge and rested her chin there, watching him with open curiosity. 
As if she’d never seen him undress before. As if it was still the first time.
Fenris huffed and removed his belt, then loosened the clasps of his breastplate along either rib and shoulder. She watched each step with interest, and her lips parted when he set his tunic aside at last. 
“I do not understand,” he told her, untying the laces at the waistband of his leggings, “Why you always look at me like that.”
“Oh?” she said, tilting her head until her cheek rested against her arm and she was watching him sideways, “Perhaps I am your lover and I like the look of you. Maybe I am plotting something. Or—perhaps I find the world around me miraculous and full of wonder. I don’t know, Fenris, why do you think I still watch when you take your clothes off?”
Fenris rolled his eyes and climbed into the tub opposite her.
“You know what I meant. The…surprise.”
Hawke said nothing for a moment; only dipped her head backward into the water before leaning back against the angled side of the tub. For a moment, her eyes searched his.
“I suppose,” she said at last, “I may stop feeling like your presence here is a…a happy accident someday. I haven’t been able to shake the feeling yet.”
Fenris didn’t know what to say to that immediately; they did not often speak of the three years they’d spent apart, and he found he did not wish to do so tonight, either. He dipped his head back into the hot water instead, weighing his responses. 
After he sat up, slicking his wet hair away from his forehead, Maria wetted her bottom lip and added:
“Is it so wrong? To think that you are beautiful?” a pause, “Do you…want me to stop watching you?” 
“No,” he told her firmly, slicking his hair back from his forehead, “I do not. I…”
He took a deep breath, shifting the water around them, and sighed. 
“Nevermind. You have done nothing wrong; let us leave it.”
There was no way to tell her it wasn’t the act itself he was questioning, but the manner with which she watched him. Amazed, yes, even surprised; but there was something in the back of her eyes, behind the happiness. That hidden thing—he supposed he might call it grief, if he had to name it at all. 
What would make her grieve him even as they came together again?
“Alright,” Hawke said, and reached for the first of several ointments and balms she used on her hair, “Why were you in Lowtown, anyway?”
“Why do you think?” he asked, reaching for his own bottle of soap. He’d never asked her for it, but after he’d begun to spend more time at the manor Hawke had wordlessly produced his preferred scent and left it on the side of the bath he preferred. 
Yet somehow it still baffled her that he disliked seeing her hurt.
“What tipped you off?” she asked, leaning back until her hair spread beneath the water, swirling and free without the weight of the air to hold it in place. 
“I came to see you,” he told her, “Orana told me where you’d gone.”
“Did you come here for a particular reason, or did you just miss me?” 
“Yes,” he said, and she raised a dark brow.
“Yes? Both?”
“Do I get to know why, then, or do you mean to stick to single-syllable answers?”
“No,” Fenris said, and smiled faintly at the outraged expression on her face, “I came to make sure you ate something, and perhaps to read together for a time.”
“Oh!” she said, surprise crossing her face and chagrin hard on its heels, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that. I would have stayed, if I’d known.”
“Hmm,” Fenris said, “Well. It is fortunate that I found you when I did.”
“I feel fortunate whenever you find me,” she said, yawning.
Fenris chose to let the comment pass, and watched as she finished her extensive hair routine. When she was finally done, her eyes heavy, he rose dripping from the tub and reached for a towel. He didn’t think to glance at her again until he stepped onto the tile and wrapped the towel around his waist—and when he did, he saw it again. 
Grief in her eyes, tucked behind the affection and the exhaustion. Fenris crouched next to her to look more closely and she tilted her head to follow him. 
“That,” he said, “That is what I mean. What is wrong?” 
“Nothing,” Hawke said, but her lips pressed hard together after she spoke. 
Fenris narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Truly, I…” she sighed, “It is nothing worth speaking aloud, in any case.” 
She stood then, reaching for her own towel and wrapping it tightly around herself. Fenris rose and held out a hand for her, which she took as she stepped from water to floor. 
“Hawke—” he began, but she shook her head. 
“Leave it,” she said, “Please.”
Fenris pursed his lips, but nodded and let go as soon as she was solidly on her feet. 
When she’d reached the bed, he found the ointment in her desk and climbed onto the mattress at her side. 
“Ribs and hip,” he said, unscrewing the cap and setting it aside with care, “Anywhere else?”
“No,” she said after a moment.
“Hawke,” Fenris said, and nothing more. 
“My shoulder still aches,” she said, “But it’s nothing to—really, Fenris, I’ll be fine.”
“Hmm,” he said, already rubbing the ointment into her shoulder. Hawke sighed and settled onto her folded arm. The ointment tingled over the tattoos on his fingers, imbued with magic as it was, but it was little more than a faint irritation. 
After a moment, she rolled onto her other side so he could treat the bruise on her hip. That was when she spoke, facing away from him as his fingers smoothed the green salve over the worst of the bruise.
The bruise was worst just above the bone. Fenris rubbed the salve in there, fingers careful and gentle, before gathering more and smoothing it over the line of bruising that extended halfway to her knee.
“I…Kirkwall is my home,” she said, and when he glanced at her face he saw that her eyes were closed, “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. But it…it has taken almost everything from me.”
Fenris waited in silence, gathering more salve on his fingertips and finding the next set of bruises, red-purple and  swinging over the swell of her backside. 
“I…thought if all I had was things, it wouldn’t be so bad to lose them. I’ve lost everything before, you know, in Lothering. I could manage it well enough if it happened again. But with everything happening lately, and you…”
Maria took a deep breath, as if to say more, but let it all out in a rush instead. 
“Nevermind,” she said, “Nevermind. You’re right. It’s all foolishness.”
Fenris finished with the salve, watching the firelight glisten along the line of it. She looked gilded when she lay like this, the line of her bare skin lit by the sconces and the hearth behind them. In the beginning, she’d seemed impossible to him; like a painting of a woman given life but not sense. 
He knew better now—despite her insistence on taking ridiculous risks. 
So instead of letting it lie, Fenris screwed the lid on her salve again and spoke. 
“I am not going anywhere,” he said, watching his hands on the lid, “No one can make me leave but you.”
She shifted on the bed before him, set a hand on his knee. 
“Fenris,” she said, and nothing more. 
“Do you believe me?” 
Hawke’s eyes were dark and deep; easy to get lost in, he’d often thought. In that moment, he saw nothing but warmth and worry there. 
“Yes,” she said at last, “Yes. I do.”
“Good,” he said firmly, and her hand fell away when he rose to return the salve to its drawer. 
He pulled on the linen trousers folded neatly at the bottom of her armoire and tossed one of her tunics in her direction. As she unwound the drying cloth from her hair, Hawke spoke. 
“About reading,” she said, “Would you still consider it if I fed you?” 
Fenris, who’d turned away to pull on a tunic that’d been folded with the trousers, smiled faintly while she could not see him. 
“Perhaps,” he told her when he turned, “If you will allow me to stay for the night. Your room his warmer than mine.”
Hawke’s eyes gleamed, and her wide mouth spread in a smile. 
“I think,” she said, “That can be arranged.” 
When he woke in the night to her murmured “don’t go, don’t go,” it was Fenris’s hands that shook Hawke awake. It was his neck she hid her face in until she fell asleep again, and it was in his arms that she woke when dawn crept through the window. 
Neither of them discussed this over breakfast. What would be the point? 
But Hawke never again wandered through Kirkwall without at least one of her friends nearby—and it was a rare day that Fenris was not at her side.
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onlyangel-supremacy · 2 years
i feel like do revenge is gonna be the future mean girls
like it’s gonna be the iconic teen movie from the 2020s
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athenepromachos · 1 year
Her Majesty on film...👑
Bette Davis in "The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex" 1939
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And "The Virgin Queen" 1955
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And one of my personal favourites. Dame Flora Robson in "Fire over England" 1937
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And again in "The Sea Hawk 1940
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Here, her Majesty gives her view on English ships and the Spanish Ambassador 😁
Vivat Regina Elizabetha 👑👑♥️
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gayalicent · 2 years
"Do Revenge" is a movie for those who watched Mean Girls and rooted for Janice and Regina George to end up together
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aestheth1cc · 2 years
even though SHE HIT DREA WITH A CAR Eleanor never had the upper hand
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indiafishydish · 1 year
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I’m not his señorita. He won’t be laughing either. No one’s laughing at lava hell.
Coke and Pepsi finally found a compromise they say
Ashley went after the wells.
Easy she mused
Sue and Kelsie also? Oh awe, honeys, no
Things are getting deeper. I guess.
“I hate that water.”
Don’t be afraid, ever simply because god will take care of us.
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dchan87 · 8 months
WATCH: 98 minutes of Connor Bedard Highlights 🤯 | Chicago Blackhawks
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hazenllas · 2 months
requests are open!!
— ☆ —
^^ indicates smut
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BOTTOMS (2023)
-Hazel Callahan
Can't get enough
If only
Teenage Romance
"I Wish You Were A Boy"
Cute little hazel callahan headcannons
Hazel Callahan x masc!fem!reader
WILLOW (2022)
-Kit Tanthalos
(Coming soon!)
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-Robin Buckley
(Coming soon!)
-Eleanor Levetan
(Coming soon!)
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Softest Heart
So What Can I Do?
-Regina George
Regina's Pretty Girl PT. 1
Regina's Pretty Girl PT. 2
Regina's Pretty Girl PT. 3
Mommy's Girl ^^
Heartless and Heartbroken
Unwanted Words
-Leighton Murray
At Home
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Group G, Round 2, Poll 8:
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Propaganda under the cut
Taylor Hebert / Skitter
Gaslight: She’s constantly gaslighting herself, like seriously all the time. Mainly because she couldn’t properly process her own emotions to save her life. ‘I’m totally fine after doing [fucked up thing]. Totally fine. It was my only option, and definitely not a result of my own deep-seated trauma affecting the way I perceive and interact with the world around me. Plus it’s not like it was even *that* fucked up. Actually, it was definitely the most moral choice in that situation. I had no other option. They forced my hand’. No they fucking didn’t Taylor. You had tons of other options, you’re just too much of a traumatized mess to recognize them. And *Worm* is well-written enough that, because we’re constantly seeing things from her fucked up point of view, we believe her. Especially when she describes events slightly yet very significantly differently from how they actually *textually* occurred previously in the text, but not so obviously that the readers notice without it being pointed out to them. It’s only during interludes from the POVs of other characters that we get a view of her without that lens of self-delusion. Gatekeep: Probably the weakest of the three for her, but somebody else could probably tell you more. Girlboss: She has the power to control bugs, with perfect coordination, infinite multitasking, and even proprioception. What does she do with that (in no particular order)? Rot somebodies dick off. Stick flies up his urethra. Eat his eyes with your bugs after he’s already disabled. Stick bullets ant up somebodies anus. Have bugs clean off the sweat and other material immediately after losing your virginity. Use your bugs to to drive a car through a city post-disaster while blind, without anybody else realizing you’ve been blinded. Get stabbed in the shoulder through bone, and proceed to monologue to the stabbed without showing any signs of pain. Line up bugs on people your shooting at with bugs on your gun to give you pinpoint accuracy. Hide massive amounts of bugs in the folds and crevices of your body, as well as in in your hair. Join a gang of supervillains. Carve out somebodies eyes. Turn butterflies into an instrument of terror. Kill a baby. You know, just completely normal things for a barely 16 (pre-timeskip) / not-quite 18 (post-timeskip) year old girl to do (most of these were pre-timeskip).
[copied from @lakesbian so credit to them]
*rotting a guy's dick off with brown recluses. on accident. *realizing due to her accident that it's actually pretty effective to put bugs on genitals and starting to threaten people with putting tapeworms up their asses on purpose. and also putting bugs up asses and peeholes on purpose. really if theres an orifice she puts bugs up there on purpose *dips her bugs in capsaicin before putting bugs up orifices on purpose so it hurts more. [skitter voice]i just dipped every tarantula hawk wasp in my villainous lair in liquid pepper spray so nows not the time to get stupid with my ass *using spider silk to create rube-goldberg machines of suffering i.e hauling a dude 3 stories up into the air and then dropping him, shattering all of his limbs on impact. all while casually holding a conversation w/ someone else *using centipedes to hollow another villain's eyes out and then putting maggots inside and just Leaving Them There with the intent of the heroes she hands the villain over to finding the maggots later and being scared of her *killed parahumans' wonder woman equivalent by putting bugs in her lungs and then using those bugs to make silk in her lungs to block out airflow. while monotone-quoting something wonder woman had said to threaten her earlier back at her as she died. wonder woman wasn't even in the room to hear it she just did it anyway. *only time she has ever successfully been jailed is when she turned herself in on purpose *made a phone call using bugs once. not villainous but very funny and iconic *used bugs to swang around a disintegration knife on a massive length of silk, killing like 50 people instantly, because she wanted one (1) person in the room dead and was willing to just shotgun that shit until it worked out for her. and then immediately after proceeded to think of herself as "not much of a fighter." because she has psychological issues. *mind-control kidnapped several thousand people once *literally made fun of god's dead girlfriend until he got suicidal and died about it *drove a car. blind. using bugs. no one realized she was blind for like 12 hours because she's a bug freak superorganism of a girl who walked around using bugs to triangulate perfectly w/o vision. also not villainous but still iconic *wanted to put 10000 black widow spiders in a shared villainous base to make costumes out of spider silk w/ and when the other dude who lived there was like "wtf can we not??" she was like "huh that's surprising. you don't want 10000 black widow spiders in your home? why? are you arachnophobic or something?" because she's a freak. *fucked, got up, and immediately made several hundred bugs crawl across her naked ass body to clean her off. because she's a freak. her boyfriend has had spiders on his dick he's just going to have to live with this *literally psychologically cannot refrain from putting bugs in the hair and clothing of everyone within a several block radius to keep track of them at all times because she's a panopticonic freak. like i'm talking "her friends occasionally talk to bugs they see under the assumption that it's her spying on them, and they're Right" level panopticonic freak. she rocks. *did i mention she's 15. world's most autistic freak 15yo dissociates hard enough to kill god more at 7
Regina George
Mean Girls became a template for high school drama movies, Regina being the meanest of the titular "mean girls"
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nicohischierz · 3 months
connor bedard a devil: devs!player
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hischif you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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you were in california and jamie had asked you over for dinner with trevor and jack and one of their new teammates. a rookie.
during the dinner, jamie introduced you to mason, a fellow canadian who had just been drafted by the ducks in the 2021 nhl draft.
the three of you spent the dinner tormenting the poor american.
“it was really nice meeting you mason. remember to text me whenever you want and i’ll be there,” you told the young boy, giving him a hug.
and true to the word, mason texted you whenever he needed help, especially as he moved up and down the roster.
by the time world juniors came around, you and mason were best friends on snapchat and had a sixty day streak.
you congratulated him when he was named captain and constructed a regular facetime schedule for mason to gain advice and to rant.
during on of your facetime sessions, you happened to notice a little head walking past ever so often.
“who’s behind you mase?” you asked.
mason turned around and spotted connor giving him a sheepish smile. “that’s just bedsy,” he replied, nonchalantly.
“connor bedard,”
you nodded your head in realisation. “hi connor, it’s nice to meet you,” you called to the boy.
connor popped around and said hello. the boy then started animatedly talking about how he looked up to you as an idol. the way you went against all odds and became the first women to get drafted to the nhl.
from that day onwards, whenever you spoke to mason, connor would also be in the room and chime in whenever he felt like it.
but as the competition got cancelled due to covid, you wished the boys luck and gave connor your number with the order to reach out whenever he felt like it.
and he did just that.
as soon as he got back to regina, connor spent any moment he could asking you for advice on how to cope with all the watching eyes.
he’d spoken to mason and kent as well about the advice you’d given them and decided that suffering in silence wasn’t the best option.
summer worlds
when it came to summer worlds, connor had asked if you were willing to come watch. and so you dragged nico with you to meet the bedard boy.
kent saw you first and gave you a hug before calling connor over. the young boy ran to you, lifting you up in your hug.
“hi connor,” you mused.
“hi. thank you for coming,” he whispered.
you squeezed him before stepping back. “of course! neeks and i didn’t have anything planned for this time so we thought why not,” you replied.
throughout the tournament, you spent time with the canadian team, especially connor, the boy followed you and nico to dinner sometimes and had a long standing dinner invitation for when he gets drafted.
nhl draft
connor was nervous.
everyone had hyped him up to go first overall but he saw what happened with shane.
after the draft lottery, you had called him immediately. you asked how he felt about potentially going to chicago and he answered that he was fairly uncertain.
nico had been the one to push against the hawks getting a draft pick that high. but gary bettman didn’t listen.
during the awards, connor came up to you and nico with a shaky breathe.
“i’m kind of scared to go to chicago,” he answered truthfully.
nico put a hand on his shoulder and brought him in for a small hug before handing him off to you. connor wrapped his arms around you first.
“if you want, i can come with you to rookie camp and help you get settled in, but im sure your mum will be there too,” you assured him.
upon thinking of hehe you knew in the organisation, you realised frank and kevin would be at rookie camp. so you informed connor of them and gave him a little advice “everyone’s going to be a little scared so take it and make friends. one of the toughest things for me was i never spoke to anyone during my rookie camp. jack spoke to me a bit but that was all,”
when he heard his name called, he was relieved that he was going to the nhl. he stood up and hugged his family before walking down to find you.
connor pulled you in for a hug and whispered in your ear “thank you for everything,” before walking to wear his jersey.
first game
you made a call to sid.
“y/n, i can’t tell my teammates to stop their defence and let him score,” the older man whined.
“sidney it’s hi first game and he’s nervous!” you emphasised.
sid shook his head. beside him tanger and geno were wearing enormous grins upon hearing your request.
you huffed before thinking of another plan. “well then can you at least be nice to him and let him win a face off?” you asked.
sid chuckled and turned to his two teammates “we will make sure sid let’s him win a face off,” they promised.
majority of the devils team piled in to yours and nico’s living room in order to watch the first game of the season with you.
and they all vowed not to hurt the poor boy. which brendan smith broke
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My ruthless (aka evil) OCs
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Template here for anyone wanting to give this a go
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glaucouscherubim · 7 months
↳˳;; ❝ Roxanne-Rose "Roxie" Parisᵕ̈೫˚∗
[Implied fem reader!]
First one to the month, Stereotyped queen bee and cheerleader. With a but of add ons...
Includes: Not pre-read, no drafts, Gay awakening, Mentions of kidnapping.
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Plump lips, dirty blonde hair with a red scrunchie, short skirt, dressed in the school’s colors.
She wore a bomber jacket that matched her brother’s, dressed in her cheer uniform for spirit week. The bright red lip gloss complimenting her dark eyes. Her eyeshadow and mascara sparkling and shining.
All eyes on her and her friends.
The Regina George. The Heather Chandler. The-
“Roxanne-Rose Paris?”
“Here.” She raises her hand.
The Roxanne-Rose Paris.
She just goes by Roxie though.
Sophomore year, Cheer captain. She is rude, snarky, sarcastic, and the queen bee. She is a grade above you and lives in her Mother’s manor.
She had past relationships, from her brother’s friend and most of the captains to the sports team. Only a small fling though….
Then, she saw her brother looking over at a table... where you sat…
Wanting to one up her brother, she did it before her brother could: To walk over and introduce herself to you. And then her brother followed after [much to her annoyance.]
It was slow, but she thought your demeanor was cute, adorable even. You were so friendly! How could anyone not want to be with you?
She began to slowly hangout with you for a bit. Before practices, before classes and in between them. But, she began hanging out with you and clinging to you more when her brother hung out with you.
It wasn’t fair that he saw you on both A and B days! It wasn’t fair that he shared Five periods with you combined on A days and B days!
It wasn’t fair that her good for nothing older brother and his dumb small brain that couldn’t win a single game this season for some reason gets to have you all to himself!
She would rather have you wrapped up with rope and placed in her closet and duct taped to a chair so that she could admire you by herself! Keeping you away from her brother and having all your time 24/7! Two birds with one stone!
Oh gosh… she’s sounding like a psychopath…
Why is she so possessive over you?!
She sees you as only a friend… right? She sees you as only a friend. Keep cool, Roxanne-Rose. She is not closeted. She is not gay. She has never been gay. Not like that’s a bad thing, but she is not gay. She dated guys before! Multiple! She likes guys! She’s attracted to them!
But then she sees you running in track like a fucking hawk. How are you running so fast? Why do you run so quietly?…. Why do you have hunter eyes? Why does she feel the same way about you like when she had a crush?
Does she? SHE LIKES YOU?! Wait, you can’t like her back, right?
But… what if you did?! Would you love being hers? Being wrapped with duct tape and rope in a room?!
"Cool it Roxie. Just breathe in and out. You sounds like a maniac psycho. make sure no one suspects anything. Even if You had a chance, I'll just scare them off with my thoughts…."
╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳
“Hey, babe.” She greets you, joining you and her brother as they walk you to your chess club. She snaps her compact shut after fixing her lip gloss.
Just act normal, Roxanne. Act normal.
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xwiedzmax · 3 months
After a looong time of writing down, analyzing and editing, heres my analysis of the c!Sherbert playlist :] First, I wanna say, the songs that are in italic are unavailable on youtube, therefore hidden in the playlist, but theres an option to show unavaiable videos. marked them to avoid confusion (thats why theres 1 repeat song, some might be also out of order but im unsure) the order i wrote the songs down is: [title] - [artist] - [meaning] (songs from musicals/movies just say [title] from [name]) on some of the songs i was kinda unsure of their meaning, thats why theres question marks. basically means that i think thats their meaning, but im not 100% sure also one last note- this playlist is so well made- like the songs have such great meanings for the different arcs for Icarus, its so satisfying to listen to every song and see how it relates to Icarus :] anyways- time for the analysis Icarus - Bastille - Icarus [Wack/Quixis] Redesign Your Logo - Lemon Demon - wack, changing, Quixis Any Day Now - Bo Burnham - wackkkk & - Tally Hall - wack, changing, Quixis? Comb Attack - Jack Stauber - ..vibes?? Hungover in the City of Dust - Autoheart - Quixis? Mr Backwards - Jack Stauber - Quixis?? Never Meant to Know - Tally Hall - Ic vibes, Quixis Out of The Box - Jack Stauber - Ic vibes [Corruption] Digital Silence - Peter McPoland - Icarus, Quixis?, Fable/Gods, Corruption? (many ways to interpret) Under My Skin - Jukebox the Ghost - Corruption Able (Extended) - Jack Stauber - Corruption Mirror Man - Jack Stauber - Corruption Brass Goggles - Steam Powered Giraffe - Corruption, mainly Bleed Magic - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Corruption, Momboo/Manipulation? [Icarus/Quixis] Gold - Imagine Dragons - Ic, Quixis, Wack Gold - Spandau Ballet - Icarus, them being positive, remembering s1?? Creature - Half•Alive - Icarus [Runaway Arc] Path to Isolation - Jeff Williams - Runaway arc, not remembering Bet On It from Highschool Musical 2 - Regret, wanting to remember? Problems - Mother Mother - Not remembering, runaway arc [Broters/Family] Two Birds - Regina Spector - eye duo s1 Family Line - Conan Gray - brothers (prince trio) Call Them Brothers - Regina Spector - brothers Brother - Kodaline - brother Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage - brothers Icarus - The Crane Wives - Icarus, brothers Family Jewels - MARINA - Morningstar Family, Icarus, young eye duo?? When the Day Met the Night - Panic! at The Disco - Isla, Fable and Enderian Icarus - Emma Blackberry - young Icarus?? s1?? I've Got You (Sherbert's Lullaby) - Zenni - young broters
[Sherb & Enderian/Momboo?]
Fine - Lemon Demon - early s1? My Eyes from Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog - Sherbert and Momboo, whisper duo If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin - Sherbert and Enderian (Sherbert and Momboo?) Laplace's Angel - Will Wood - Corruption (Enderian/Momboo?) [Corruption/OB/Whisper Duo]
Ways To Be Wicked from Descendants 2 - Corruption, OB Heathens - Twenty One Pilots - Corruption, OB, whisper duo?? I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE - Måneskin - Corruption, OB Twisted - NateWantsToBattle - Corruption, Sherbert to Enderian, OB? Ramalama (Bang Bang) - Róisín Murphy - Corruption Secret - The Pierces - Whisper duo Hawk in the Night - Madds Buckley - Whisper duo Sharks - Imagine Dragons - Corruption, OB? Lies - Will Jay - Corruption?? We Both Reached For The Gun - Richard Gere - Corruption? OB? Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off - Corruption Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz - Corruption Can't Stand The Rain - The Rescues - OB, Corruption Bust Your Knee Caps (Johnny Don't Leave Me) - PomplamooseMusic - no explanation behind it 6up 5oh Copout (Pro / Con) - Will Wood and the Tapeworms - Corruption, Prison Murders - Miracle Musical - Corruption? Nothing Left To Loose from Tangled - Corruption, DenialTM [S1 Finale] As The World Caves In - Matt Maltese - s1 finale What If Tomorrow Comes from Black Friday Musical - s1 fianle [S2 Beginning]
New Life - Alex Ernst - s2 beginning People I Don't Like - UPSAHL - s2 beginning Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall - Sleepover?? s2 beginning? [Runaway Arc]
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors - Lack of memories??? What Did I Do - The Correspondents - Remembering/runaway arc It's Not The Same Anymore - Rex Orange County - Runaway arc Could Have Been Me - The Struts - Remembering [Anger at Centross]
Brutus - The Buttress - Anger at Centross Absinthe - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Anger at Centross The Main Character - Will Wood - Anger at Centross/Thinking theyre in the right You're Not Welcome - Naethan Apollo - Anger at Centross Blood // Water - Grandson - Anger at Centross Lonely - Imagine Dragons - Regret/lonely?? Goner - Nicholas Podany - Angry at Centross??? [Regret]
Rock In God's Shoe - Sushi Soucy - trying to reach out to the gods? blaming them? no idea how to label this one- Moonsickness - Penelope Scott - Regret? Blaming themself? Is There Anybody Here? - The Dear Hunter - Regret, Haley Maybe Man - AJR - Regret? Wanting to be better/change? Chasing You - Capital Cities - Regret, Haley The Garden - The Crane Wives - Haley? New Eyes - Echos - Regret, wanting to change [Post Unlocked]
The Tornado - Owl City - s2 finale/unlocked/could be a few things Birds - Thomas Sanders - birb, silly happy Ic (post Unlocked) Look Who's Inside Again - Bo Burnham - post Unlocked Let Me Make You Proud - Tangled - wanting to impress Fable? thinking theyre in the right? wanting to revive Haley? wanting to revive Centross? d e n i a l? (so many fit this) the fruits - Paris Paloma - Fable, Quixis? Down The River - The Crane Wives - Angry at Quixis? Hero - Regina Spector - dont know [Post Cathedral] Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo - (seeing) Centross Do What You Gotta Do - Descendants - Fable manipulation The Cave - Mumford & Sons - Fable manipulation/Ic in denial Paid In Exposure - NateWantsToBattle - Fable manipultion Natural - Imagine Dragons - Fable manipulation Burning Pile - Mother Mother - After killing Haley Consequences - Lovejoy - Regret abt Centross Icarus - Luvbug - Regret abt Centross/Regret abt Haley The Bad Guy - Thomas Sanders - Regret abt Centross/Regret abt Haley Daniel in the Den? - Bastille - Regret abt Centross? Ruin - The Amazing Devil - Ic blaming themself Icarus & Apollo - Ripto - Prison duo, Centross dying 505 - Arctic Monkeys - After Centross death Show Yourself from Frozen - Seeing Centross, excited thinking Fable can revive people Still Feel - Half-Alive - Excited at Fables ideas? Denial? [Specific Line Tagging]
Machine - Imagine Dragons Suburbia Overture - Will Wood Enemy from Arcane The Search - NF Misery Fell - Tally Hall When You're An Addams from Addams Family Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled We Don't Talk About Bruno from Encanto The Cave - Mumford & Sons In My Blood from Journey to Bethlethem thank you for reading all of that, have a nice timezone :]
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erasine · 10 days
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Reposting my Rhaenyra playlist 🥹(& YES THIS IS INDEED RHAENICENT CODED)
★ If You Feel Better - Emilie Autumn
★ Fire - Delta Rae
★ Bleed, Honey - Honey Gentry
★ My Lagan Love - The Chieftains & Lisa Hannigan
★ Angry Too - Lola Blanc
★ There She Goes - The La's
★ She - dodie
★ In Fact (Demo Version) - Gregory and the Hawk
★ The Bolder Thing To Do - Gregory and the Hawk
★ Burn Your Village - KiKi Rockwell
★ Take Me to War (Live) - The Crane Wives
★ Antebellum - Vienna Teng
★ The Call - Regina Spektor
★ Real Boy - Lola Blanc
★ Cherry - Lana Del Rey
★ Never-Ending Summer - Wes Reeve
★ I Know Those Eyes / This Man Is Dead - Thomas Brochert & Brandi Burkhardt
★ Youth - Daughter
★ Johanna (Reprise) - Eleri Ward
★ Raphael - Flower Face
★ Take Care of Yourself - Le Siren
★ Tender - Lisa Hannigan
★ Starchild - Ghost Quartet
★ Dream Girl Evil - Florence + The Machine
★ Chiquitita - ABBA
★ Wes Come Back - Rodes Rollins
★ Know Better - Evita
★ Venus Fly Trap - MARINA
★ Love Will Make You Do The Strangest Things - Dirt Poor Robins
★ Without a Fight - Lady Pills
★ Harbinger - Kiki Rockwell
★ Mothers - Lili Furfaro
★ Kingsword - Heather Dale
★ Holler House (KLR's Version) - Spence Hood, Katherine Lynn-Rose
★ For Her I Dare - Samantha Moore
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