#remember when we were able to follow reblog chains backwards? :|
hello, i am back and requesting more stitch x naga content for this world :)
Sorry this took me so long to get to, but I turned it into a nice lil oneshot! Also written for @last-operator-standing who requested it as well!
AO3 link will be in the reblogs! 
тупой идиот
Characters: Stitch x Naga
Warnings: Violence, blood, language 
Word Count: ~2100
That was the first thing Stitch thought when he met Kapano “Naga” Vang. He was arrogant. Naga was someone who was so full of himself that he would go out of his way to let everyone know who he was and exactly what he thought about them. All. The. Time. 
God, he was annoying.
Had Perseus not expressed the importance of the warlord’s supply chains, Stitch would have killed him ten times over already, something he had already done countless times in his imagination. Thinking about the ways Stitch could go about killing Naga, to make him finally shut up, was the only thing that got him through days like today, where he was put on a mission with the other. Currently, Stitch was wondering how quickly it would take to suffocate the man with his Nova-6 gas, what Naga would look like as he withered away from the toxic chemicals. 
It almost brought a smile to his face. At least, it would have if he hadn’t just watched Naga breached into the building they were supposed to infiltrate silently with a grenade launcher.
“тупой идиот!” Stitch yelled, cursing the man in Russian as an alarm began to sound throughout the base. Whether the other had even heard Stitch was unclear as Naga had already run into the building, swinging around a fancy assault rifle from his back with a mad laugh. With an exasperated sigh, Stitch pulled out his own weapon, trudging into the base behind Naga, where inside, bodies were already beginning to pile up.
“‘Bout time you showed up!” Naga laughed, turning his head to greet Stitch. Although he had his mask up and had those stupid sunglasses on, Stitch could see the fire in Naga’s eyes, the wicked grin he had on his face as he reloaded his weapon. The man was passionate about his job; Stitch could give him that. “So, are you going to help or what?” Naga asked, a sense of mockery in his voice. 
“We were supposed to move in silently,” Stitch hissed back, moving to take cover beside Naga as a horde of enemies emerged on the other side of the hallway. 
“What difference does it make?” Naga laughed, wanting to get a reaction out of Stitch. 
The man was too serious all of the time, always looking at Naga with that look of disapproval. Like Stitch thought he was better than him with his cold, brooding exterior. Kapano had been quick to pick up on the fact that Stitch didn’t like him and even quicker to realize just how easy it was to get under his skin. And, with how easy and fun Stitch made it, how could Naga not want to try and press all his buttons? Surely at some point, he was going to snap and Naga couldn’t wait to see what kind of person was lurking under Stitch’s silent demeanour, especially after all of the stories he had heard about him. 
“What difference does it make?!” Stitch retorted, his voice filled with a wave of certain anger that brought a grin to Naga’s face. “If we are unable to complete this mission successfully, it will be your head that Perseus puts on a spike,” Stitch spat. 
“Then I guess we should complete the mission,” Naga smirked. “Unless, of course, you don’t think you have what it takes. Because I can do this without you if you need.” 
Stitch growled in response, physically pushing past Naga with his shoulder, knocking the smaller man out of the way; if Naga wanted to play this game, there was no way in Hell Stitch would let him win. Stitch opened fire on the wave of enemies approaching them, his LMG tearing through a dozen of them within seconds. 
“So you do remember how to shoot!” Naga exclaimed from behind Stitch. Instantly Stitch turned his head to shoot him a death glare but only saw the man pointing his handgun at him. Before either had the chance to say anything, Naga had fired a shot, the bullet flying just past Stitch’s shoulder and into the head of someone else approaching. “You missed one,” Naga pointed out, another smirk under his mask. This time, he was the one pushing Stitch aside to advance. 
The alarms were blaring as the two of them made their way through the compound, each room seeming to have more armed guards waiting for them. The flashing red lights illuminating the base were soon the only source of light after Naga had made the bright decision to pull out his grenade launcher again when the duo made their way into the control room. 
“You know you could have just flipped the switches, right?” Stitch asked, clear annoyance in his tone.
“Well, yeah, but, c’mon!” he proudly held up the weapon in his hands. “You wanna give it a go?” he asked, holding the launcher out to Stitch, who crunched his nose in disgust.
“A weapon like that demonstrates no skill of the man wielding it,” he stated, turning away. Naga jogged to catch up with him,
“I don’t think I like what you’re implying,” he said, jabbing a finger at Stitch. “The way I see it, I’ve done a lot more work here today than you have.” 
“The only work you’ve done today is fuck everything up!” Stitch’s voice was getting louder with each word he yelled. 
“Then why am I the one with the intel we need?” Naga smirked, holding up a floppy disk in between his fingers. Stitch’s eyes went wide,
“How long have you-” 
“It was in like, the first room we went into.” 
“And you-!” Stitch huffed in frustration, curling his hands into tight fists. “I am going to tear you limb by limb and watch as the maggots-” 
“Over here!” a voice interrupted Stitch’s threats. The shout was followed by the sounds of even more guards on their way up to where Stitch and Naga were standing. 
“I am going to slaughter you once we make it out of here,” Stitch growled at Naga, moving to position himself behind cover. They were currently in the middle of the building. The room was wide open and already littered with bodies from when they first arrived.
“Please,” Naga started, reloading his rifle. “How many more of them can there even be at this point?” However, as he said this, both entrances to the room they were standing in were suddenly filled with a dozen more people, at least, on each end. Stitch shot Naga another death glare, who just grinned in response.
Stitch shook his head, holding his tongue as the enemy began to push their way into the room. At the front of the line advancing, the guards were equipped with much heavier gear, meaning it was taking a lot more bullets to get them down. By the time the armoured ones were out of the way, the remaining enemies were within close range, giving neither of the two men time to reload their weapons. 
Naga was quick to pull a knife from his pocket, lunging towards the person closest to him and driving the blade through their neck. 
“Messy,” Stitch mumbled, watching as Naga quickly moved to the next person, using his knife to paint the floor a new shade red.
 Instead of using a knife, Stitch simply grabbed the barrel of the gun from the person closest to him, twisting it out of the way as the person holding it held down the trigger, splattering the wall behind Stitch with bullet holes. Stitch then brought his knee up into the person’s chest, and as they stumbled backwards, he snatched the gun from their hands and shooting them point-blank in the skull. There were just enough bullets left in the magazine that Stitch was able to easily pick off the rest of the people on his side just as Naga finished filleting those on his. 
“See?” Naga asked, wiping blood off of his blade. “That wasn’t so bad.” Stitch shook his head, 
“Do you ever shut-” he cut himself off as he noticed one of the men on the ground still moving behind Naga, reaching for a gun inches away on the floor. “Get down!” Stitch yelled, not even hesitating to run towards Naga, pushing him out of the way just as the gun was fired. 
“Damn!” Naga exclaimed, quickly scrambling back to his feet. “Did you just save my life?” he laughed, scooping up the gun that had just been fired. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Stitch,” he chuckled again as he put a bullet into the skull of the person who had just tried to take his life. However, as Naga put the gun away, he realized that he had received no reply for his snarky comment.
“Stitch?” Naga turned around, his eyes scanning the room for the other. “Oh, fuck, Stitch!” Naga exclaimed, rushing over to where Stitch was on the ground. He was currently clutching his side, blood oozing through his fingertips. “Oh, no, no, no,” Kapano muttered, quickly looking around the room for something he could use to help. There was a first aid kit on one of the walls that he scrambled towards, simultaneously pulling out his radio to call for evac as he rushed back over to Stitch. 
“So,” Stitch started, a small laugh escaping his lips. “You can care about someone other than yourself.” 
“Please,” Naga remarked, pulling out bandages. “We already discussed whose head it would be on a spike if I fucked up this mission.” 
“Well, we did get the intel,” Stitch said, his breathing getting raspier. Naga shook his head, 
“This is my fault,” his words were so quiet that Stitch could barely hear them. “Can you even breathe with that thing on?” he asked a second later, looking towards the gas mask over Stitch’s face. Without waiting for an answer, Naga moved to undo the straps holding the mask in place. 
“H-hey,” Stitch tried to protest, watching as the other tossed his mask to the side before applying more pressure to the gunshot wound on his stomach. “That’s not fair,” Stitch coughed. 
“Why-” Naga started to ask,
“You can see my face, but I can’t see yours?” Stitch laughed a little again, a laugh that turned into a groan from the pain in his stomach. Naga rolled his eyes, but he did decide to humour the old man and pulled the mask off his nose to under his chin. 
Stitch shook his head, his mind suddenly seeming detached from his body as he reached his hand up to Naga’s face, gently grabbing the side of his sunglasses, slowly pulling them off his eyes. Naga wanted to smack his hand away, but for some reason, he found himself unable to move, his breath caught in the back of his throat as Stitch gazed into his eyes.
“Now I’m happy,” Stitch muttered, a slight grin on his face as he lowered his hand, placing the sunglasses on the ground beside him, his eyes also locked on the other. “Hm,” Stitch started, interrupted by a cough that left a trail of blood under his chin. “I didn’t think your eyes were brown. They’re beautiful...” 
Naga opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly he found himself at a loss for words, though he could feel the redness in his cheeks grow the longer Stitch stared at him, and he quickly averted his gaze, praying to god the evac would get here soon. 
“Ah,” Stitch chuckled, having noticed the other’s reaction. “There is a way to shut you up,” he laughed again, leaning his head back to rest it on the wall behind him. Stitch closed his eyes, “That’s good to know,” he said quietly. 
Before Naga had the chance to say anything as if he would have had something to say anyone, the evac team burst into the room, the medics shoving Naga off of Stitch to take over on applying pressure. They moved fast, lifting Stitch up onto a stretcher, leaving Naga standing there, suddenly feeling helpless. 
“Do not let him die!” Naga heard himself yelling as Stitch was ushered away from him. “If he dies, I will personally see you all to your graves!” He could tell that he meant every word he was shouting. 
He needed to see Stitch try to shut him up again… 
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night Part III
(Author’s Notes: Hello readers! Here is Part III of The Last Night, a Jordelia fanfiction, from Cassandra Clare’s Chain of Gold. As always thank you for reading and please do give it a like, reblog, comment, and let me know if you’re interested in more. Happy and safe quarantine to you all!)
Here is Part I
Here is Part II
Thunder crackled over the carriage as it drove down central London. The streets were empty this time of night except for those wayward travelers and the few patrons on their way home from the pubs. Rain fell in torrents in a way that Cordelia hadn’t seen it rain in a long time. With her head resting on Alastair’s shoulder, their hands bound together like when they were small children, she watched the city that she’d grown to love blur past her through the window. Alastair had taken her hand when she emerged from the Institute and hadn’t let it go since. Her skin, just a bit lighter than his own, but still similar. He smelt like their father she noticed: a warm spice mixed with smoke. It was comforting in that it reminded her of home: of white hot sand, open kitchen windows, and colorful tapestries that her grandmother said were known to capture spirits. As a child, the intricate black designs reminded her of runes by the way they swirled and bent and stood out amongst the other colors, because of that, she believed there to be magic in carpeting. 
When they’d visit Sona’s family in Persia, Cordelia felt a deep and dormant part of her come alive. She’d join the other children in the sand coated streets and run barefoot in the shadows of the clay buildings. Men would fill the hallways with laughter; women, adorned in their colorful silks and intricate beading, would throw flowers from windows as the children ran by. When it would come time for them to leave, she’d wish that she was a tree with roots so strong that nothing could uproot her.
How desperately she wanted to share that part of her with James. To run with him in the warm shadows, barefoot as their own laughter filled the alleyways. They would drink spiced tea in the garden while exchanging their favorite pieces of literature by the trickling water fountains. 
No, she couldn’t let herself think that way any longer. He wasn’t hers to fantasize about anymore. She would need to learn to fold up those thoughts and bury them away into a distant part of her. It was the only way to survive. The hardest parts aren’t the goodbyes, she thought, but the flashbacks that follow. The memories and what-could-have-beens. 
“Layla?” Alastair stirred her gently. “Where have you gone to?”
“Home.” She answered sleepily. 
He patted the back of hand gently. “We’ll be there shortly.”
“Not that home.” Cordelia sat up and turned to face her brother. “Do you remember going to grandmam’s house, in Persia? Do you remember their house on the top of the hill that looked out over all the clay city? Do you remember the way the kitchen smelt like abgoosht?”
Alastair nodded. “I can’t believe you remember it. You had been so young.”
“I remember all of it,” she said. “Do you think that we could ever go back there?”
“Of course, Layla.” Alastair reached up to cup her cheek in his gloved hand. “We can go wherever you’d like. Idris won’t be like it was before. We’ll have each other, and before long our new sibling to keep us busy. Lucie can come to visit, Anna, and—” His voice trailed off with his thoughts. Cordelia wondered if he thought about Thomas. She had wanted to ask him what happened between the two of them, but if Alastair felt anything like the way she felt upon simply hearing the name James, she didn’t want to be the catalyst for his pain.
She hadn’t told him of her plans to join the Iron Sisters. She hadn’t told anyone. It seemed terribly cruel to keep it a secret from her brother who was about to uproot his entire life in London to live with her in Idris. He tried so desperately to make it sound like a fairytale and the adventures that would follow. 
“Alastair,” she began, “I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” 
“I’m—“ She noticed for the first time the thin webs around his eyes and the deepening crease between his eyebrows. He’d already put so much of his life on hold because of her, to protect her, she couldn’t allow him to do it any longer. “I’m not going to stay in Idris and I don’t think you should either.”
His dark eyebrows drew together. “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”
“There’s nothing for us there.” She took a deep breath, trying to draw strength. “Because of what I’ve done, the Clave won’t likely allow me to join in missions, and by affiliation you’ll be excluded as well.”
“Where would you go?” Alastair’s tone grew more firm.
“To the Iron Sisters.”
“No.” Alastair shrank away from her as if she’d struck him. “The answer is no, Cordelia.”
“I’m not asking.”
“Well as your older brother and your guardian, I’m saying no.” Alastair moved to the other side of the carriage and rapt twice on the glass window.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m turning this carriage around that’s what I’m doing.” Alastair nearly shouted at her. “Had I known your intentions of joining that underground cult, I would have never agreed to leave London.”
“They’re Shadowhunters,” said Cordelia, “just as you and I are Shadowhunters.”
“I would never be able to see you, Cordelia.” 
The carriage merged onto the side of the road and came to a stop. 
Alastair turned back around to face her and slowly slid down into the seat. “You’d be isolated, worse than Jem, it’d be like—like you were dead.” He turned to look out the window as the rain fell in crooked streams over the glass like translucent veins. His jaw shook the way it did when he was adamant about something and could not be budged. 
“I want to be known for something other than scandal,” said Cordelia. “The Iron Sisters offer me the chance to change my fate, to take back a semblance of my honor, and do something with the life that I have been given. Alastair?” She reached for him but his expression had gone cold. “I won’t let you waste another moment of your life because of me. I made my choices and I’m ready to accept the consequences for those choices, but I will not let you shield me from this— the way you did with father.”
“You had a childhood because of what I did.”
“And you will have a beautiful life because of this.”
Alastair dropped his hand from his mouth and shook his head. “No,” he whispered. “No, I will have nothing.”
He had said once, offhand, when he thought no one was listening, you don’t actually end up with the people you love, but with the ones who stay. At the time, she thought it cruel and the thought made her sad. She felt as thin as a piece of paper. The last thing she wanted to do before leaving was upset her brother. He will heal one day, she thought. One day, he will forgive her. He’ll find someone to love and to stay.
Their driver came around to stand at the carriage window awaiting further instruction. 
“Dâdaš.” His eyes that mirrored her own flashed to her. They were red and full of rage: at her, at everything. She reached for him again when their carriage jolted forward, nearly throwing Cordelia into Alastair, except she didn’t quite make it and instead ended up sprawled out on the carriage floor.
“Bloody hell.” Alastair turned to the window where the driver had been standing, but he was no longer there. 
“What was that?” Cordelia asked, pushing herself up to her knees.
“I’m not sure.” Alastair reached for the door. “Stay here. I’ll see what’s going on.”
“I’m coming with you.” Cordelia successfully got to her feet and followed her brother out of the carriage— the rain so thick she could hardly see in front of her.
“Martin?” Alastair called for their driver. “Martin, what’s going on?”
Cordelia glared down the dark road where she thought she saw a figure standing in the middle of the street, but it very well could have been a trick of the mist. Rain dripped down her face, flattening her hair, and drenching her clothes in minutes. A horse screamed in agitation behind her, but when she turned around to investigate, she felt her foot catch on something. She looked down, expecting her boot to be caught on a stone, instead finding a blood red hand wrapped around her ankle.
“Run, Miss Carstairs, run.”
She fell backward when the carriage started moving again. A scream only comparable to nightmares ripped from her throat as the wheels rolled over Martin trapped underneath it. Afraid to open her eyes, Cordelia fumbled to her feet again. The skirt of her dress becoming increasingly heavy with water but she managed to find her footing.
“Martin.” She sobbed, turning around slowly, when a pair of arms reached out for her. She screamed, but recognition settled in, as Alastair’s face appeared before her own. He pulled her into his chest and whispered in her ear not to look. 
“What’s going on?” She demanded over another ripple of thunder. 
Alastair had a spear in his right hand, held out in front of them ready to empale whatever or whomever came near. At some point, he had abandoned his waist coat and tie. “I don’t know.” His eyes danced sharply around them. “Draw Cortana, I believe we’re under—“
Before he could finish his sentence, a great wind beat down on top of them and for a moment the rain stopped. Simultaneously, they looked up as a Diggoron demon with a wing span of twenty feet, a body the length of a whale, and the jaws of a dragon screeched above them. Its sharp tail, barbed with spikes, swung down towards them.
Alastair shoved Cordelia aside and took the brunt of the hit sending him flying through the air and into the darkness.
Cordelia landed painfully on hands and knees, but in a moment, her hands reached behind her and grabbed the hilt of Cortana. Instantly, she felt warmth radiate through her palms as if she’d grabbed the end of a burning log and not the metal end of a sword. The blade rang as she drew it from its home and held it out in front of her. 
Her breath came out in a white cloud as the air around her took on a great chill. Rain dripped into her eyes marring her vision. The air smelt heavily of sulfur and the metallic tang of freshly spilt blood. 
Her feet slipped on the pavement as she ran in the direction Alastair had been thrown. The streets were empty and unnaturally dark without the glow of the moon. All of the lamps had been snuffed leaving her alone in complete darkness. She hadn’t enough time to draw a night vision rune, besides her Stele was tucked safely in her bag on the runaway carriage. 
When she was a child, as a part of her training, she would wrap a blindfold over her eyes and let loose a Revarrt demon, a small seemingly harmless bug except it packed a terrible sting if one allowed it too close. It had a particularly high pitch buzz. With her eye sight gone, Cordelia would hold out her blunt weapon as if it were Cortana and wait for the buzzing to come close and swing. 
It felt as if she were back in the training room in Idris again, waiting for the buzzing to get close enough to her. 
“Cordelia!” She heard from her left and stopped. It came again from behind her. “Cordelia!” Her name took on different voices: Alastair, Lucie, Sona, Matthew, Elias, James.
“Cordelia.” Something hissed right behind her ear. She swung Cortana in an ark but whatever had been there had left in a wave of smoke.
“What do you want?” She yelled into the darkness. “There’s no need for games.”
She felt something brush the side of her neck. In a flash of gold, Cortana cut through the air, but once again she was met with nothing. Movement caught the corner of her eye on her left. A dark mound lay in the middle of the road.
She stumbled into a run, Cortana’s weight in one hand, as she raced to her brother’s side. A slow, dark current circled his head and ran down the street.
She fell down beside him, Cortana clattered to the pavement beside her, as she carefully picked up his head in her hands. There was blood everywhere, more blood than she thought she’d ever seen in her life. Head wounds bleed the worst, she told herself. It was fine. He would be fine.
“Cordelia.” More blood seeped from between his lips, staining his teeth. “You— It wants—“
“Don’t speak.” Quickly, she found a hole in the hem of her dress and ripped a piece from it. It was wet and filthy but she pressed it to his head and picked up his hand to hold it in place. “I’m going to find the Stele. We’ll put an iratze on you and it’ll be fine. Hold that in place.”
He mumbled something as she stood up again.
A gust of wind, so powerful it nearly pushed her forward, swept past her again. As she reached for Cortana, a moment too late, the spiked tail of the Diggoron demon connected with her chest. 
A spike lodged into her ribcage, but she hardly noticed, looking out at the glistening city of London from such great heights. For a moment, while her body lay suspended in the air, she thought about how quiet it was. Without even a chance to scream and all of the air knocked from her chest, it was inexplicably silent- as if time and space had stopped. 
The bliss, however, was short lived. Her stomach flew to her throat as her body fell through the air towards the earth and landed back on the street sliding across the stones like a limp doll until her back slammed against a wall.
Sound and pain rushed back to her. Unable to draw breath into her lungs, her heart rate elevated in her ears, it felt like she were drowning on dry land. Rain ran into her eyes and spilt down her cheeks as she looked up at the blackened sky swirling with rain and mist. 
A figure came to stand over her. For a brief moment, she thought the face familiar. The tangle of dark hair lay limp now and the eyes, went from warm yellow to black. His fingers grazed her cheek as he spoke her name.  James. A great pair of wings spread out from his back and the darkness seemed to swallow her whole. 
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Name: Kim Age: 26 (27 in September) Writing Blog URL(s): @jinterlude​   
Nationality: Filipino-American Languages: English  Star Sign: Virgo MBTI: ISFJ-T Favorite color: Any shade of blue  Favorite food: Ah, I have so many, but I really do love ramen & this Filipino noodle dish my grandma makes. Favorite movie: West Side Story. A close second is Pride & Prejudice (2005) Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road  Favorite animal: Pandas Go-to karaoke song: Upside Down by A*Teens (I think I just dated myself) 
What fandom(s) do you write for? Mainly BTS, but I have written for SVT, EXO, GOT7, Monsta X, B.A.P, & NCT
When did you post your first piece? Oh dang, when? Hmm… I want to say Oct. 2016 (?) on my first blog (I had deleted and came back to Tumblr).
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I mostly write a combo because it just happens that way! My main genres are: fluff, romance, & humor/crack. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? I mainly write OCs stories because that’s what makes me the happiest when it comes to writing, but I still write x reader fics for drabbles and oneshots. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Funny story. The reason why I started writing for Tumblr is because an old group of friends said that I should write a funny story based on a college class of mine, so I did and here we are. 
What inspires you to write? Usually, it’s my imagination, but other times it’s either the song I’m listening to or even the show I’m currently watching. Right now, my inspiration draws from anime. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? Genre wise, I love writing fluff & romance. AUs wise, I’m a sucker for Royal/Royalty. Mafia/Gang & Soulmate AUs would be a close second. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Oh, wow. I honestly never thought about that before. I think for me, the one thing I hope my readers get from my stories is at the end of the day, please do something that will make you happy. Your own happiness should always be a top priority for you. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? I take a break! Instead of forcing myself out of the creativity slump, I just take a break and let my mind recharge. Then, I go back to my outline and look over while listening to music that I know will spark some creativity juices. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? My favorite works (yes, I couldn’t pick just one) are my Royal!AU Seokjin series (Fight for Me & Our Second Chance). I love the amount of time and effort I put into those two stories, and I’m simply in awe at the world and characters I created. My second favorite is my latest Seokjin oneshot, Protecting Each Other. It’s my first story that exceeded 10,000 words, and I’m just proud of how that turned out. Successful wise, I would say it’s, This Little String. It’s a Soulmate!Taehyung oneshot based around the red-string of fate, and every other month, I see someone like and/or reblog it, so I say that’s pretty successful!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Seokjin hands down. I mean, not only is he one of my ultimate biases, but for some reason my creative banks dishes out ideas and inspiration for him like it’s nothing. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? I personally don’t think so. You are still writing original content that derails from the source material (or adds to it), all you have to do is just replace your idols’ name with an original character name, and there you go. What do you think makes a good story? For me, I’d say that if you’re honestly proud of the end product, then that story is good, and your readers will see that. What is your writing process like? First I get an idea, or I like to call it, “it appeared to me in a vision,” then I outline it (if the idea lingers in my brain), and then I start writing and editing. Sometimes I’d sprint with my fellow writers on a server I’m in, and other times, I’d put on music and just let my brain go wild. Most of the time, I’m sprinting with friends. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? If I had the time, probably. I can see my Royal!AU series becoming an original story with different characters and an expanded plotline. What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? I am a sucker for F2L I (friends to lovers)! I just love the idea of dating someone who’s your best friend, so why not date your best friend, if the feelings are mutual of course! As for tropes, I dislike, I can’t say that I have any. I think it’s because (and I feel so bad for this), I don’t really read much stories other than what my mutual friends have written. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? It means the world to me because I do like knowing if I’m doing something right or if I need to go back and edit something for clarity. Mainly, I get likes and reblogs (with no feedback), and while it’s still nice of someone for taking the time to like and reblog something, I would like some feedback, please. I’m still grateful no matter what, though!
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? I think it’s the support of my amazing group of friends/mutuals! It’s thanks to their support that my work is reaching a wider audience, and it just means the world to me that they read my blood, sweat, and tears. I love them so much, especially my close friend, Jey (softjeon on Tumblr)!
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? For coffee, my go-to is a Caramel Macchiato with Soy Milk (from Starbucks), but lately I’ve been using my Keurig, so I just Peppermint Mocha and 3 tsps of Sugar (I can’t stand bitter coffee lol). For tea, I really like Mango green tea from Gongcha (another boba place chain). 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? My dream job is to be an elementary school teacher, however, I am currently working on becoming a social worker where my population will still focus on children/students. So, it’s a good compromise!
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?  If I could have one superpower, it would be cryokinesis aka ice manipulation!  
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? Oh, that’s a tough one, but if I had to choose one, I would go for the 1960s so I can see the Beatles live!
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? No, because it’s thanks to those life lessons that I grow up to be who I currently am. Sometimes you have to go through those harsh experiences to be a better version of yourself!
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken, then I can feed my family for months. 
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? Oh, hands down, I would be the stereotypical geek/nerd. Though, I was called a “preppy” in 9th grade, so that was a first. 
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yup, especially ghosts! 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I can say the alphabet backwards! 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Oh, hands down, especially when it comes to writing smut. I’ve seen other blogs condemn writers who write smut about real people, but my thing is that these idols are merely face claims for a character that the author is writing about. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? I think so! Every artist has a voice, especially with what’s going on recently, we need to be able to use our voices to spread light on certain issues. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? I used to think that way, especially when it came to writing x reader inserts since I know that’s what “sells” to the Tumblr audience. Now, I’m perfectly happy with writing x OC stories, and I’m content with my stories getting at least 5 notes. If it breaks 10 notes, then that’s a success!
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? If they did, then I wouldn’t know. Most of the time, I think my writing is okay with people. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Yes, my soul friend managed my old blog once upon a time and actually read one of my smuts. I was so embarrassed! But at least he said it was tastefully written, so that’s a bonus? 
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? Always remember that it is okay to take breaks/go on hiatus! 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? My advice to those who want to start writing but are too afraid put themselves out there is to simply go for it. I was that person who was afraid to put their writing out there for the world to see, especially with some already established BTS writers on Tumblr, but I went for it. At first, it might be discouraging but know that your mutuals/friends will always be your number one supporter! Use their support as a motivator to keep writing and finding your groove! Then, eventually, all of your readers will start trickling in and showering you with the love and support you deserve!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? I wouldn’t say regret joining but more like allowing my life to be revolved around it. At one point in my life, it felt like a second job/chore for me, and Tumblr should never be that type of site! 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? Oh, I have so many! The ones that come to mind are definitely Jey (softjeon), Beanie (jinned), Nina (j-sope), Kenz (parksfilter), Renae (mygsii), Atlas (astraljoon), & Niah (randomkoalablog) to name a few! I love these amazing people so much and cherish their friendship to the moon and back!
Pick a quote to end your interview with: "Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
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The Arrangement
Chapter 10:  The End 
Hello my pretty deers!  Here we are at the last chapter.  Thank you for sticking through with me.   If you missed any chapters they’re linked below or click the link above and it will take you to AO3. I hope that you enjoy this short and sweet finale. 
Summary: Here we are at The End.
“Welcome Lord Shikamaru, we are glad that you were able to attend a Council meeting.”  Shikamaru nodded politely, taking his seat between Temari and Kankurou.  Now that he had officially married into the ruling family he was given a seat on the Council as was tradition.  It now made sense why her relationship had been scrutinized.  They wanted to ensure that whoever married into the family fit into the Council’s agenda.  The caveat was that he was only given the seat because he was a male.  Temari’s own mother held no governing position.  
Garra opened the meeting and Shikamaru faded in and out.  He wasn’t quite sure what his role was meant to be.  Ultimately, he was there to support Temari and her brothers with their direction for Suna.  It was interesting to be part of another Village’s ruling government, but he was waiting for one specific event.  
“I have a new piece of business I’d like to present.”  All eyes widened in surprise when Temari made the announcement.
She stood there proudly, her eyes fierce and determined.  The air in the room had shifted.  “I know that traditionally the council has had a say in the relationships for the ruling family, this is a practice unique only to females.  Specifically arranging marriages.  I would like to abolish this practice.  In addition, whoever marries into the ruling family will be given a seat on the Council regardless of gender.” The members of the Council stared at her like she had grown two heads.  Shikamaru and her brothers just looked on proudly.  
“Lord Shikamaru please reason with your wife, this is a necessary practice for Suna-”  Shikamaru’s hand slamming angrily against the table stopped the councilman’s tirade. 
“The Princess was addressing the Council, not me.  If you have something to say you will address her respectfully.”  He was really fucking tired of these people ignoring her for the sheer fact that she was a woman and had reduced her to being just his wife. 
“My apologies, Princess Temari-”
“No, this is not a discussion.  And your reasoning is flawed.  This practice is intended solely to maintain the status quo. To ensure that the only ones invited to this table are people just like you.  I regret to remind you all that outside of the ruling family, your position on the Council is not finite.  You are all relics of the old Kazekage.  When a new Kazekage is installed that person along with their advisers has the right to handpick the Council.  This is information that you all conveniently failed to share with Garra.  Who we will choose will be far more diverse and inclusive than who we have seated here.”  
She took a deep breath, her eyes still blazing.  “I am not asking for permission.  I am simply informing you that things will change and Suna will change with it.  The Sand and its people will only be better for it. The world is growing and evolving.  Your backward practices are chaining us to a troubled past, but no longer.”  The council began to complain and sputter their dissent but Temari was unmoved.  Shikamaru just stared at her awed and amazed.  They were unprepared for his Herricane.  
Following the meeting, Shikamaru and Temari made their way to watch the desert sunset needing some peace and quiet.  
Temari leaned into her husband feeling a heaviness lifted from her shoulder.  “How do you feel?”
“Empowered, worried but excited for the future.  God help anyone that thinks that they have any control over my child’s heart.”
“You can be really scary.”  He teased her kissing the top of her head.  
“Good, I’d hate for you to forget that.”
She took a deep breath her eyes taking in the buildings as the lights started to flicker on.  She knew that her actions would have some serious consequences but she was unafraid.  She was ready to face the future knowing who she had by her side.  
Temari’s expression was soft and contemplative as the sun began its descent.  “Sometimes I think about what my life could have become if I had never met you.  If you hadn’t been there if you weren’t willing to play along.  Right now, I’d be a shell of who I am, nothing but a pawn to the Council.  I don’t think that I could have lasted very long living like that.” 
The idea was frightening. That she could be reduced to nothing more than some man’s wife in an unwanted marriage. “It’s impossible to remember what life was like without you in it. Even now I can’t imagine it. There’s no me without you Tem.”  She smiled up at him kissing him softly.  It was hard to disagree with. 
“ Perhaps my brothers and I had very little choices, but no longer will that be the only path.  Our children will choose their direction in life. What they want to be, and who they want to love.”  Freedom would be the greatest gift she could give them. 
Shikamaru nodded, placing a protective hand on her stomach.  “I don’t think that this little one should be worried about the Council.  Its mama is a beast.”  She laughed in response placing her hands over his.  This change was something that she’d been wanting to present for a while.  Knowing that she was about to bring a child into the world only solidified her decision.   They’d sacrificed so much for a peaceful world. Now it was time to make it one that they could be proud of.
“That night when I asked you to get involved in this crazy mess, did you think that we’d end up here?”
“If I did, I don’t think that I would have agreed.”  He replied honestly. 
He chuckled pulling her in closer.  “At the time, I was just helping a friend.  This innate need to keep you safe, to protect you from them.  I could never allow anything to shrink who you are, to reduce you to nothing more than a pretty figurehead.  I thought that as long as I accomplished that then I’d be happy.  I found out early on that it was more than that.  I wanted to keep that role for the rest of our lives.  To keep you safe, to watch over you, even if you didn’t need me to.  I wanted to be the person that you went to whenever the world became too much.”  A warm hand cradled her face, a soft smile crossing his lips.  
“To always be a knight that always protects its queen.”
At times he still questioned what he did to deserve her. She’d not only lead Suna to a brighter future she’d be there to support him as he guided the Nara clan. A weaker person might falter under the pressure and position but not her.  
She reached up to kiss him, her arms wrapping around him.  So much of her life had been defined by tragedies and events out of her control.  Shikamaru though, he was the one thing that she had chosen for herself, that she selfishly held onto.  That decision for her happiness changed her entire life. 
The stars were reflected in her eyes.  Hope, excitement, and joy shining through.  “I think that you’ve gotten it incorrect, my love. For it’s the Queen that protects her King.”
The End  
The Arrangement:  
Chapter 1:  The Set-Up
Chapter 2:  The Proposition
Chapter 3: The Participants
Chapter 4:  The Declaration
Chapter 5:  The Fear
Chapter 6:  The Performance
Chapter 7:  The Meaning 
Chapter 8:  The Challenge 
Chapter 9:  The Goodbye 
Temari is a Queen.  Temari would never let anyone manipulate or control her babies.  In my universe, ShikaTema have Shikadai and a daughter so hell no would that ever happen lol 
This is my longest baby.  Writing a multi-chapter was a new challenge but an enjoyable one.  I'll miss it.  Thank you for all your love and support.  Each read, like, reblog, comment, and positive thought is precious to me.  I truly appreciate it all.  Love you my sweet deers! 
*Till the next one!
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elizabethemerald · 4 years
Dreams of Drowning: Chap 10
Before they can rescue Claire Jim and his friends need more information. Jim is sent back into 49-B for reconnaissance. He and Claire are desperate to be with the person they love. And the Lake house will receive an unwelcome guest. 
Please Reblog if you like! Please, please, please!
Jim couldn't help his annoyance as he walked back into his work. He would love nothing more than to never see this building again till they broke in to free Claire. Strickler however had stressed that they couldn't let anyone know that they were plotting something. 
"If you don't show up," Jim could clearly remember his voice. "They will know we know. And the last thing we want is them knowing we know they know."
That had brought nothing but confused murmurs from everyone else. When Nomura had clarified that they didn't want to tip their hands too soon they had finally nodded their understanding. 
Strickler had continued, "You two will be our men on the inside. Gather as much Intel as you can, but keep these with you." He had handed out a bracelet to both Jim and Toby. Hidden on the side of each was a small button. "If you get found out, this will signal the rest of us. We'll do everything we can to get you out of there."
Jim had communicated the plan so far to Claire that night while he dreamed. Then reluctantly returned to work the next day. 
He made sure to document everything he could, taking picture after picture of security cameras, the security guards and anything else he could think of. The one place they had almost no information on was the basement levels, the very levels where Claire was being held. If their plan was going to succeed they needed to know what was down there. 
Toby had volunteered to get "lost" and find his way down there, but Jim felt he had too much to risk. So when he got into work he prepared Claire's food and took it to the elevator himself. 
It was a simple affair to step onto the elevator along with one of the researchers who worked below. They recognized the tray of food going to what they had dubbed "the entity." 
Jim wanted to scream at them. He wanted to don his armor and force them to release her. Claire is a person, he wanted to shout. Not some lifeless thing to be studied! They've been willingly hurting her and he wanted to take revenge on every single one of them. 
With more restraint than he would have thought himself capable of, he did not attack them. Instead he followed them out of the elevator. He pushed the tray down the hall carefully angling the hidden camera to capture everything. 
There were even more security guards down here. Multiple cameras catching every angle. Even the doors down here were heavy metal, with only small portholes. But Jim couldn't risk getting caught looking through them. 
He followed the researcher in front of him to a pair of massive doors. He passed the tray of food off to the security guard at the door. He turned away with more restraint than he would have thought possible. He tried not to let his rage show on his face as he walked back to the elevator. 
Behind Jim, the door that he knew lead to Claire’s tank opened and an amazing melody filled his mind. He recognized it as one of the songs that had been playing on the radio when he had driven Claire to the party. 
As the music overwhelmed his senses he couldn’t resist the urge to start to dance along with the music. Right there in the hallway Jim danced. He was surrounded by staring researchers and concerned guards and still he danced. 
When he turned around he found himself face to face with Dr. Morgan. Her eyes were wide as she watched him dance in place. Even with her right in front of him, the woman who had been hurting Claire so badly and so often he couldn’t resist continuing to dance. 
“I-I-I’m so sorry Dr. Le Fay.” Jim struggled to say. Even as he addressed her he spun in place.  She stared at him for a moment longer than seemed to shake herself. 
"That's quite alright Jim. Step this way, you can dance to your heart's content in this room."
She lead him to one of the rooms with a small porthole window. She held the door open while Jim tried to reign in his dancing. There was a look of wonder on her face as she shut the door behind him. 
 When Jim was by himself he reached out with his mind to Claire. As soon as his magic touched her the music overwhelmed him and he began to dance again. 
"Claire! What are you doing?" Jim called to her. 
"We didn't get a chance to dance at the party and I know you wanted to." Came her reply. Jim couldn't even pretend like he hadn't badly wanted to dance with the woman he loved. "Who knows when we can next dance together. I just want to dance with you."
Jim let the music flow through him, he shut out the room he was in, and in his mind's eye, he could see her there. He danced with her waving back and forth, spinning this way and that. He could feel cerulean flames pouring down his arms as he danced with her. Their magic flowed together just like it did when they awakened his mother's magic. He could feel, as their magic sang through his blood, an answering song. He could feel Barbara's magic join them in their dance, Toby and Darci he could feel distantly as well. 
The two of them danced together as the music flowed and their magic flowed with it. Claire danced in her tank, twirling as much as the chains on her arms allowed, while Jim danced in the room. Even though they weren’t in the same room their dance was perfectly in sync like they were in each other’s arms. 
Eventually Jim stepped back laughing. He could feel Claire’s laugh in his head as well. The music faded from his mind. 
“I love you, Claire.” Jim thought. 
“I love you too, Jim.”
More than the thought, Jim’s mind was filled with the overwhelming feeling of Claire’s love. He matched the feeling, pouring his own love for her into the air. He bowed low to the empty room and felt her bow in return. 
"I'll get you out of here, whatever it takes." Jim whispered. 
He sheepishly stepped out of the room he had been dancing in. However neither the guards nor researchers approached him. A few threw him odd looks but no one said anything. And Dr. Le Fay had disappeared from the hallway. 
Jim hurried to the elevator and ascended to the kitchen level. The rest of the day passed by in a blur, his joy made him feel like he was flying. 
* * *
Jim walked into his mother's house and all eyes immediately flew to him. He paused his hand still on the door knob. Strickler, Nomura, Toby and his mom all stared at him. 
"Jimbo, are you the reason I've had Eres Tú stuck in my head all day?" Toby asked, cutting him off. 
"Or are you perhaps the reason my wife felt the overwhelming need to dance with me to music only she could hear?" Zelda asked. 
Jim blushed up to his ears. "Ah, well that was partially my fault and partially Claire's."
"Young Atlas, I thought I had stressed the importance of remaining unnoticed if we weren't to show our hands too soon."
“I’m sorry-Actually no I’m not.” Jim set his shoulders back. He stared at all of them, but he could feel himself looking through them, looking at the woman in the tank. “I love her. I’m going to do whatever it takes to free her, but if there’s anything I can do to make her imprisonment less awful I will.”
“Jim-” Strickler started but Toby interrupted. 
“Actually that makes a lot of sense.” Toby said. “I felt how much they loved each other during the dinner. If anything like this was happening to Darci I would probably do the same.”
“I-” Walter tried to start again. 
“I agree.” Barbara said, she put her hand on Zelda’s cheek. Dark blue light shone in her eyes and at her fingertips. “I could feel their emotions during the dance. Any small thing we can do to reduce her suffering. I would do the same for you.”
She said the last directly to her wife. Strickler looked between them all then shrugged his shoulders magnanimously. 
“It is clear I am the odd man out. Not just on this matter either. Still we need to begin our discussions about what to do. If we want to be able to free her this year.”
Jim sat on the couch as Strickler pulled up the pictures he had taken. They were so close to a good plan, but it would take time to perfect. But how much time? In many ways he worried about how much time Claire actually had. 
Before Stickler could start his little presentation he got a phone call. He stepped aside to answer it. Barbara dimmed the light of her magic, and Toby sat forward to look through some of the pictures. 
“You found him? Where is he?” Strickler’s sudden shout brought everyone’s heads whipping around to face him. Strickler looked at them, his eyes wide. He hung up the phone. “Bular has been sighted! Heading this way.”
A crash from outside the front of the house brought them all to their feet. Jim had his amulet in his hand, he quickly ran to the front window and looked out, Toby over his shoulder. As they watched Toby’s truck was tipped over on its side. 
“Awe, not my truck!”
Jim pushed past him, throwing open the front door. From the other side of the tipped truck came a familiar figure. Bular still wore his black leather jacket, though he had forsaken his helmet. 
“You’ve gotten strong, but I’m stronger too!” Jim said, holding out his amulet. 
“I’ll carve your spine out! Your mother and her wife too!” Bular roared. 
“I’ll kill you before I let you hurt her again!” Jim held up the amulet, pale blue fires racing down his arms. “Daylight is mine to comma-”
Before he could finish the incantation Bular charged with a roar. Jim didn’t have time to avoid the attack. He took the hit just as his armor finished appearing around his body and was knocked flying backwards. He crashed through the front wall, shattering windows and throwing furniture flying as he slid to a halt in the living room. 
Everything hurt. Jim groaned and felt blood trickle from his mouth. Even with the protection of his armor he could feel multiple broken ribs, and his arm sat at a wrong angle. Each breath wheezed out, and blood foamed at the corners of his mouth when it did. 
“Jim!” Barbara fell to her knees at his side. Blue light flared from her hands and shone from her eyes. “Oh my god Jim!”
Even as he struggled to maintain consciousness, the question whirled around his head. How could Bular be that strong? No human was that strong. Unless… Unless he had taken some of Claire’s magic. 
He could feel his mom’s magic flowing through his body, knitting the wounds back together, fixing his ribs and his arm, pulling the blood out of his lungs. But it wasn’t fast enough. He could hear the crunching of glass as Bular walked into the hole in the wall he had created. He knew he wouldn’t be healed fast enough to protect his mom. 
Through blurry eyes he saw the massive tank of a man step up to her. Barbara stood, light shining at her fists as a shadow extended out from Bular’s body. He reached out a hand toward her throat. 
“Get away from my wife!” Zelda screamed. Then there was a crack and a flash. Bular stumbled to the side. Barbara immediately turned back to Jim and he felt even more of her magic flow into him. He could finally see clearly enough and the ringing in his head faded. 
Zelda Lake-Nomura walked down the stairs with a combat shotgun in her hands. She fired again driving Bular back and away from the woman and step-son she loved. She moved forward pushing Bular out of the house with another blast from the shotgun. 
“Arm yourself old man!” Zelda said, than tossed an assault rifle to Strickler. He caught the rifle out of the air and began firing at Bular as well. Zelda glanced to Barbara. “I told you I would protect you if he ever came back to the house. Now get Little Gynt back in the fight. I think we are going to need him.”
Jim stood up shakily as Zelda and Walter forced Bular back and back again. Barbara helped him to rise, magic still pouring from her hands. He took a deep breath and didn’t feel any more pain from that. He flexed his armored hands, and allowed Daylight to appear in his hand. 
“Where’s Toby?” Jim asked. 
“Right here dude.” Toby pushed aside some of the rubble to get to his friend’s side. “Not to put more pressure on you Jimbo, but Darci is definitely going to kill us both if this bastard kills us.” Toby glanced out the hole as Bular roared. “And bullets don’t seem to be doing much.”
“Well let’s see what magic can do!” Jim stood up and shook out his shoulders, then marched through the hole. 
He appeared just in time to see Nomura roll to the side as Bular charged past her. He slammed his hand into the ground, tearing up chunks of the street to stop his charge. He roared again as he turned to face her, while Jim walked up beside her, Daylight in his hand. 
Now that Jim could see him clearly he could see there was something very wrong about the other man. His eyes glowed red, and black energy swirled around his body. Dark patches, like scales appeared on the visible skin. He was massive before, now he was enormous. He towered over Jim and looked like he could toss cars aside. A smirk filled the man’s face as he watched Jim step forward, blue fire roaring down his arms and across his torso. 
“I see you’ve come into your own magic!” Bular laughed and pulled something from his pocket. “But your puny armor is nothing before my strength!”
Jim recognized the black stone Bular pulled from his pocket. Corrupted Heartstone!
“Everyone get back!” He shouted. 
Bular cracked the stone in his hand like it was a walnut. A dark cloud blasted out of the cracked crystal. Jim materialized the shield on his arm to cover his face as the shockwave nearly took him off his feet. When he looked again his mouth opened in horror. Bular was changing in front of his eyes. Becoming something else, something monstrous. 
Massive horns burst from Bular’s head. They curled forward and back framing his face. His body grew even larger, bursting through his clothes. Black stone, just like the Corrupted Heartstone covered and replaced his skin. The red of his eyes blazed, almost burning into Jim from where he was standing. 
Jim allowed his helmet to form around his head, the faceplate dropping into place. If Bular killed him here, he would kill his moms next, then Toby and Strickler. Claire would never be free. There was no turning back now. He gripped Daylight tighter and charged. 
Bular raised his arms to protect himself from the first few slashes. When he swung back Jim cartwheeled back out of reach. In the small breath of space Bular put out his hands and two wicked looking swords materialized in them. 
Jim took a deep breath and braced himself to charge in again when Bular howled in pain. The monster spun reaching towards his back. As he turned Jim saw a pickaxe sticking out of his back. 
Toby didn't wait for Bular to turn all the way around, instead he swung with a sledge hammer at the side of his knee. Bular dropped to one knee with a roar of pain and rage. 
Jim ran forward to slash at Bular's side while Toby pulled the pickaxe from his back and swung it again, embedding it this time into Bular's arm. 
The wooden handle of the tool shattered as Bular wrenched his arms back then slammed them into the ground. A black shock wave of energy shot out of him knocking both Jim and Toby into the air. 
Jim arched up, flipping in the air to land on his feet a few yards away, Daylight still in his hand. Toby would have flown forty feet had his Nana's car not been parked twenty feet away. 
"Tobes!" Jim screamed. Toby's body was crumpled against the car. Jim pulled back his arm, allowing Daylight to vanish, the flames at his hand glowed white hot. Bular charged him and just before he was hit he unleashed his magic. 
The beam of blazing light slammed into Bular. The beast he had become was tossed backward by the blast. He was sent flying clear out of the cul-de-sac and into the green belt. Jim didn’t wait for Bular to land, instead he was rushing to Toby’s side blue flames pouring down his arms. Before he reached Toby a wave of navy light flashed over him. 
“Jim don’t touch him!” Barbara ran in front of him, her eyes blazing with her light. “I’ll heal Toby, you protect us from that!”
Jim turned back to the greenbelt and could hear the distant sound of snapping branches as Bular pushed his way back toward them. He materialized his shield on one arm and Daylight in his other hand. Strickler and Nomura moved to the car, bracing themselves on the other side of it, their guns aimed over it. Barbara carefully cast her healing light over Toby’s body, while Jim braced himself. 
With a crash Bular knocked down the last tree in his way and charged. Jim knew he couldn’t dodge or get out of the way. If he did Bular would kill Toby, and his mom, before she could finish healing his best friend. He set his foot back and braced himself for the impact as Bular sprinted toward them, his head low and his swords held wide. Just before Bular hit him, time seemed to stand still. 
Jim could feel his fires burning in waves down his arms. His mom’s light was shining from her eyes. At the moment of impact he saw another wave of magic roll over him, emanating from behind him. Orange flames rolled past and around him. 
He could see through his own eyes. Bular charging forward, hate and rage burning from his eyes. He could see through his mom’s eyes. Her navy light shining down on Toby’s body, trying to heal the damage the impact had caused. He saw through Toby’s eyes. Looking up at Barbara and feeling a sudden surge of power flow through his body. And he saw through Claire’s eyes. He saw Morgan and Gunmar dragging a massive Corrupted Heartstone into the chamber that held her tank while she strained against her taut chains. 
Time suddenly returned to its regular speed. A shockwave blasted around them all throwing Bular down the street again. The orange flames burned around them mixing joyfully with Jim’s blue flames. He felt his feet start to leave the ground and turned around with difficulty. 
Barbara was floating in the air as well, the light had faded from her hands, but blazed even brighter from her eyes. Walter, Zelda and the car they were sheltering behind all were slowly floating, wreathed in orange flames. Toby was bathed in fire. It poured from his eyes and flared at his fists. 
“Tobes! You’re ok!” Jim said as he started to turn upside down as he floated. 
“Yeah I am. I feel great!” Toby said. “And look I have magic!”
He pulled his fists into the air and everything that was floating rose even higher. 
“Well your power is amazing, Mr Domzalski, but perhaps you can return us to the ground and we can focus on our current problem?”
Strickler gestured toward Bular pulling himself up a few yards away. 
“Gladly.” Toby said. 
The flames retreated back into his body and they were all lowered gently to the ground. He stuck out his hand his sledgehammer flew to him. As he held it, it changed. The hammer blazed with fire, slowly changing shape until it looked closer to a warhammer. Then he stepped up beside Jim. Barbara stood next to them her own magic almost blindingly bright. Walter and Zelda flanked them reloading their guns. 
“This ends now Bular!” Jim shouted. “Leave now and never return.”
“Never! I will make a river of your blood!” Bular roared, then charged. 
Jim and his friends braced themselves together. Blue flames flowing down Jim’s arms. Light flaring from Barbara’s eyes. Orange flames roared around Toby’s body as he hovered in the air. This was his family. The only person missing was the woman he loved. But he would face down Bular, then Gunmar and Morgan as well. Jim would do whatever it took to free Claire. Whatever it took. 
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missbrooklyn2you · 5 years
“This was all a bet?!”
Hi! I hope you enjoy my very first Gruvia fanfiction. Warning: lots of angst. If you like it, please show some love by liking, commenting, and reblogging. Thanks!
And yes, this is an AU. I call it “GreatHeart AU” where they are college students, but they still have their powers, and additional characters, places, and events may appear in the plot. For now, this is a oneshot, but very long!
Juvia bounded happily up the steps towards Gray’s apartment to celebrate their 7-month anniversary as a couple. The past few months flew by in a blissful blur as the cupcakes that she held in their cardboard package knocked against the edges. She remembered the first day that he asked her out.
“You want to go to the movies…. with me?” She asked, surprised.
His debonair persona exuded confidence as he flashed her a crooked smile. “I mean, why not? You’re so shy and quiet, and I would like to see what lies behinds those beautiful eyes of yours.”
“You can’t be serious...” She hung her head to use her blue curls to hide a smile that escaped.
“Serious as a heart attack,” he said, flashing her another wide smile. “Please? I promise you would have a good time.”
And they did. Followed by several others. She remembers all the nights of them falling asleep to her favorite shows, him scooping her up in her arms suddenly as they walked back from GreatHeart, the university they both attended, which never failed to make her laugh as she begged him to put her down.
She toyed with the necklace that hung from her neck, a beautiful rose gold pendant with her initials in cerulean blue. She struggled to stifle a smile as she reached into her pocket, and pulled out a key for his apartment, one that he had given her just two months ago. Her mind traveled back to that moment.
“You want to give me a key to your apartment?” She asked in between bites of her blueberry muffin. They had just left their literature class and were grabbing a snack at the local cafe. The question came out of nowhere. “But why?”
“Because I want you to be able to come over whenever you want.” He said calmly, placing the key in her soft palm as she was left aghast at his request. “If anyone should be able to visit me whenever they please, it’s you, Juv.”  
“I can’t. I really shouldn’t- “
“Well, I’m not taking no for an answer, baby girl.” He sang as he leaned back in his chair and smiled to the ceiling. “Not taking no for an answer at all.”
By the time she drew herself back to the present, she was already in his apartment, setting the keys down on the countertop in the kitchen.
“Where could he be?” She whispered to herself as she turned the corner to the corridor, which led to his room. “Of course, in there.”
She quietly approached his door and turned the handle soundlessly. It seemed as if he was engrossed in a conversation to even notice her presence. She opened her mouth to speak when she heard Jules, a good friend of his on the other end of the phone. It was on speaker.
“Man, what?!”
“I know, today is our anniversary and I have something special in mind for her. But first, I will have to come clean to her about our agreement.”
“No way, man! I can’t believe you!” Jules roared with laughter on the other end as he struggled to compose himself. “I can’t believe you actually fell for that broad! Imagine how she is going to react when she finds out that the only reason you asked her out was because you lost a bet with me and Miles. We had to threaten you to even speak to her!” He laughed again. “I mean, seriously. Did she believe that a weirdo outcast like her would actually have a chance with Gray Fullbuster? She’s dumber than she looks, man. Surely, you don’t have real feelings for her, man.”
Juvia’s heart fell into her stomach as she listened on in horror. A bet? The only reason they had this relationship, was because of a bet? Hurt and anguish twisted her stomach into knots, tears pricking at the side of her eyes. The cupcakes dropped from her hands as she covered her mouth to stifle a sob.
Gray spun around in his computer chair before paling at realizing what Juvia had just heard.
“Juvia- “
She didn’t allow him to finish as she picked up the cupcakes and hurried off down the corridor to the front door. She had to get out of here. Before her floodgates opened and she had a complete breakdown in his apartment. The same apartment where they have laughed and smiled together. The same apartment that she woke up in after countless study sessions having run late. The same apartment that she vowed she would move into when she graduated.
Gray’s voice rang throughout the small complex as she strode to the door. “Juvia!”
The door was right there. She reached for the bronze knob before it completely casted over with ice, freezing it shut.
“Juvia, let me explain!” He said as he reached for her and spun her around in his arms.
“Juvia has heard enough.” She stated calmly as she lifted her hands into formation to cast a spell.
“Juvia, just let me- “
“Water Restraint!”
Before he had a chance to react, he was pulled to the far side of the living room, where an abstract painting hung on the tan colored walls. His wrists and ankles were bounded to the wall as he hung there like a rag nailed to a wall.
“Please just let me explain!” Gray said as he struggled against her restraints. Although made of fluid, this spell made her water impenetrable, as tough as steel.
“Explain what exactly?” She said as she slowly spun around to face him as she stood in the center of the room now. “Explain how you lied to me? Allowed me to believe that you actually-” She cut herself off in a bitter laugh as she paced the room, her blood as hot as lava as it coursed through her body. She pushed a strand of hair back from her face as she faced him again. His face was unreadable. A mixture of regret and pain painted a look that she had never seen before, the very face that she dreamed of every single night since that fateful day he asked her out.
“You actually made me think that I was someone that you liked. Loved even!” She thrust a finger in his direction as she glared at him. “How many times?” She asked slowly as she elevated herself to his level through a water disc that she had conjured up.
“What do you- “
“How. Many. Times? How many times have you told me that you loved me in this very room?!” She screamed furiously, her rage coming to a peak. “How many times have you kissed me and held me and whispered any and everything to me, all the things that I longed to hear from you? The things that I replayed in my head over and over again until they became my inside voice? Until every morning, the first person on my mind would be you, the person that I would try to make time to see every day between Ms. Gary’s class every Thursday? Or the person who I couldn’t wait to talk to each night, just to hear your voice?”
Her voice went to one of pleading as she searched his eyes, their noses nearly touching. “Huh, how many times?”
“Juvia, just let me say something. Please…”
She drew herself backwards on the disc as she looked at him, desperate to hear anything now. Her silence was a cue for him to talk.
His head hung down as his long dark hair covered his face, his voice so low, she strained to hear him.
“It’s true. I told you numerous times that I loved you. And at first, it was because of the bet, I will admit. But then, it became true.” His eyes lifted to meet hers. “Every single thing that I said to you since then was true. I was a jerk to use you like that, and sorry is not even the word to describe how I feel right now.”
An iron fist gripped her heart as she stared at him, urging him to continue. At the very moment, breathing took all the energy in the world as she listened on. His head hung back down.
“Everything that I have said to you in this very apartment had been true. At first, I tried to prove to myself that it wasn’t real. To remind myself that she was all a bet and that I didn’t have any true feelings for you. That after a month, I would just ghost you and never have feelings for you. But I was wrong. So wrong. I love you more than anything in the world, Juvia Lockser. You mean the absolute world to me.” His eyes lifted to meet hers again. “You are the strongest person that I know, the person that has helped me to realize what love truly is. That love is the feeling that you get when they are the first person that you want to call when something bad happens. The first person you want to call when something good happens. The person who you fall asleep on the phone with every night as you just listen to them talk and talk, never getting tired of them. And you hope that they don’t stop talking because you want to remember that same voice in your dreams as you go to bed that night. You helped me become a different person, Juvia. I know that there is more to life than just girls and partying every night. But it’s coming home and seeing you make brownies in my kitchen because you heard I flunked my final after studying so hard with you for weeks over it. That it’s wanting to spend every waking moment with you. Please, just give me another chance, Juv. Please.”
Juvia hung her head as she released Gray from the restraints, gently easing him back down to the soft carpet beneath them. Gray reached for her cheek to look at her, causing Juvia to draw back wordlessly as she toyed with the chain that hung from her neck. After a few moments, she unclasped it and held it in her hands.
“Juvia, no. Please.” His words pierced her heart as she tightened her grip on it. “Don’t……”
His voice trailed off as she reached for his hand and gently placed it in his palms, wrapping his fingers around the jewelry. The front of her shirt was damp with the tears that had fallen and her voice hoarse.
“Juvia is glad of all the moments that she and Gray have spent together. She will always have love for him. Always.”
A ghost of a smile crossed Gray’s face as he took a step towards her. “Juvia...” he said, breathlessly.
Her face lifted as she met his eyes with hers for one last time.
“But Juvia cannot love a liar. No matter how much she loves him.”
Air. Gray needed air. So much air. Right now, he could hardly breathe as he looked at the woman that he had fallen in love with. Her sapphire locks matching the orbs that looked back at him, her face red and puffy from crying. He would never be able to look into these eyes again. To watch them light up as he told a corny joke or watch them flutter open and shut as she tried desperately to fight a long needed rest, just so she can talk with him for five more minutes. He dropped to the carpet as his knees buckled underneath him. He stared at the carpet, stricken.
“Goodbye, Gray.” Juvia breathed as she ventured towards the door. Everything in her was broken. Shattered. The beautiful relationship that blossomed over these past few months vanished as sand in the wind.
“Goodbye, Juvia.” Gray whispered as he heard the door click behind her. “Goodbye.”
Edit: If you have any thoughts or would like to see a part two (with a much happier ending, possibly, let me know!)
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novantinuum · 5 years
Death and All That Follows (Ch. 2)
Fandom: Trollhunters
Rating: K 
Words: 4000~
Summary: When Merlin's elixir began to work its magic, it cleaved the then-human trollhunter's soul in two. One half lived on in a hybrid's body. You know how this portion of the tale goes, of course.
But what of the other half? What happens to him?
Well... this is his side of the story.
Chapter One
Note: Unfortunately, fic circulation online is getting harder and harder as the months pass. Please, if you read to the end and enjoy, consider helping me out by reblogging this post, or even commenting/giving kudos over on AO3. Thanks! :D
Chapter 2
His soul eclipsed with sheer happiness and relief, he practically threw himself at his once-thought-lost friend. For a split second he feared it was all grief and smoke and mirrors, that he’d merely phase right through the troll’s blue tinted spectral form, even though grabbing Kanjigar’s hand earlier surely proved this world had some degree of solidity. But blessedly, this was not so. Draal stumbled one step backwards as Jim wrapped his arms as far around him as he could, dropping his head against his chest.
“You’re alive,” he gasped in relief.
“Not alive, regrettably. Not really. This is the Void, remember? I’m nothing but a ghost, same as all the others.”
“I don’t care! I watched you die,” he said, barely able to croak out that last word in his hoarse state. “You took that knife for me, and then you fell and you turned to stone and died, a- and the cavern collapsed, and I couldn’t even stop, couldn’t mourn, o- or-“
“Jim,” Draal reminded in an almost uncharacteristically gentle manner. “My death is not your burden to bear. It is my life and my honor to serve the trollhunter. To… to watch over my friends. And I can rest easy knowing that at least that part of my duty has been fulfilled.”
“But you’re my friend too,” he said, peering up to meet his green and gold rimmed eyes. “I should’ve protected you, should’ve saved you! I was so close, and then…”
Instinctively, he lifted his hand to dab away tears with his palm, before finally realizing with shock that he hadn’t actually been crying at all. He didn’t notice until now but he never had been here, at least not in any physical sense. His heart wept, and he felt like his eyes were puffy and wet, but they somehow… weren’t. Why weren’t-? Oh. Oh, of course. He was a spectral being now. His body was nothing more than an outline of hard light, woven together by the might of ancient magic. And much like the Void’s window to reality, this instinct to feel the tangible effects his emotions summoned was merely an afterimage of the human life he’d left behind. Unneeded habit. Distantly, he wondered how long it’d take for habits like these to fade away, but at recalling the centuries many of his predecessors had spent in this place he quickly shoved this distressing notion into the back closet of his mind. He’d address that elephant in the room later. Much… later.
One day, just one day without a double dose of existential crisis, that’s all he wanted. Wow, it’s almost depressing how low the bar was.
Draal moved Jim’s small hands off his stone skin, breaking their embrace. His expression shone with genuine affection, but also a lingering sense of duty.
“Nevertheless, it in the past. Now is not the time to mourn what could have been, not when there’s still a battle to be fought.”
“He’s right,” Deya spoke up from behind them. “Deep beneath Arcadia’s streets, while the trollhunter trains under moonlight, the dark magic grow stronger with each minute that passes. We can sense it.”
“Morgana,” spoke a distant, stray soul in a mournful baritone, flitting about around them in a flickering azure haze.
“Morgana is free.”
“The Pale Lady!”
He swallowed hard. The reminder of the eldritch witch who’d tormented his friends only served to heighten his anxiety, festering like an incurable itch in his overactive mind. Another soul moved in haste right past his ear. He bit back a yelp as he flinched, dodging it. Its whispers were fervent, in rhyme, teetering on the edge of madness:
“She returns in haste and fury, Clad in emerald without light! Crystal’s flame will burn no longer, Snuffed out by Eternal Night-“
Deya lifted a hand towards this restless spirit. “Peace, Heliosa, peace. I promise, our hour of glory will soon come.”
Heliosa’s cryptic whispers abated at her words. Her spectral form grew still, hovering in the space between Draal and Jim. It seemed she didn’t plan on manifesting fully like the others, however. Odd. He scoured his mind as he gawked at the spherical light, trying to test if his knowledge could place a face to her name, but he came up blank. History lessons in Blinky’s library felt so achingly distant now. All those lazy evenings between missions spent in the warmth and familiarity of Trollmarket… the nights Aaarrrgghh let Claire and him lean against his back as he rested, and how his mane of hair always engulfed them… Toby, twisting the amulet’s antiquated translations of A Brief Recapitulation into endless puns… the in-joke he shared with Blinky once upon a time, with their running tally of the (rare) occasions they caught Vendel smiling…
His features softened at the rush of fond memories.
“-may recall from Blinkous’ many, many lectures, is one of the most spiritually attuned trollhunters, and-“
Hold on, when exactly did Kanjigar start talking again?
“Wait, wait, wait,” he spluttered, holding up a hand. The elder trollhunter paused, peering at him with pursed lips. “Sorry, what? I, uh- I kinda blanked out there a bit. Sorry,” he repeated, desperately ignoring the slight embarrassed crack in his voice.
Draal titled closer to whisper in his ear, or at least as close to a whisper his bombastic friend could manage. “My father was introducing you to Heliosa the Harbinger.” He gestured towards the soul still hovering between them, its inner light pulsing at a heartbeat’s pace.
“Oh!” Distantly wondering if there was any way to save this conversation, he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. God, he might as hell have stuffed them in his mouth. “Uh- hello. I’m… Jim. Jim Lake Junior. Although you probably all know that already, so-“
Deya bestowed him a thin, pitying smile. “Be aware, she’s become a troll of few words within the past decade or so. Today is quite the rarity.”
“Hence why we’re introducing her,” his immediate predecessor nodded. “She only speaks in verse. You’ll soon grow used to it.”
Heliosa, still manifesting as a burst of spherical energy, began to dance in unpredictable corkscrews around the small gathering. The display left him mesmerized, gaze obediently following the faint trail of her glow like a cat’s paw to a pen light. Once more she spoke, her willowy voice laced with an unquestionable arcane authority:
“I foresaw the choice of Merlin, Knew the Lake of fate’s design, Centuries prior, time predicted Hunter born of humankind. Born of flesh, remade forthright Daylight’s child chained by night By wizard’s magic forged anew To eclipse Darkness with their might.”
The three trolls standing beside him gawked— Deya and Kanjigar in noticeable awe— clearly not expecting such a vocal presence from this trollhunter of old today. However, where their reaction brought pleasant surprise, all he felt was… well, the only way he could think to describe it was as a sort of reverse dread. His brow creased, her prophetic truth leaving him hollow. It stripped him bare, like a pumpkin with all its guts scooped out. With a spoon. He found the mere idea that destiny wove the threads of everything he’d experienced— that despite his many gambles and unpredictable strategies she’d led him by the hand to this very moment unhindered by chance— deeply uncomfortable. If fate really was his master, then… then he must be nothing. A minuscule, predestined knot in life’s tapestry. A mere pawn, his choices be damned.
Not that he ever had one to begin with.
He felt his spectral form collapse into a dense pinprick of light, perhaps to match how tiny he truly felt.
“I- sorry, excuse me,” he breathed, genuinely not knowing if he’d said these words aloud or if they merely existed as an echo within his mind.
Everything revealed since he awoke here suddenly becoming too much for Jim to process at once, he pulled himself away, immediately taking to floating as if second nature. The presence of Draal and all the others grew smaller and smaller as he sank further into the shadows of their metaphysical forge.
Betrayed, by destiny…
So, so alone.
I have to finish the fight! Alone...
If you walk out that door, you will die!
What choice do I have?
Oh there’s always a choice. Run away, save your skin!
My amulet does not make mistakes…
Despite whatever doubts you may have, it is now bonded to you. This is a mantle you cannot refuse.
I thought you said I had a choice!
I care, I do! I just see the bigger picture...
Your humanity is not enough, you are not enough!
In order for Merlin’s magic to work, something had to be left behind.
So what am I, then?
Ambient noise emanating from the dull thrum of the forge became all but absent at the call. Impossibly stubborn and not desiring visitors in his current state of distress, he shifted his presence further into the shadow.
He was being stupid, he knew. The voice calling was clearly Draal’s. Why the hell was he hiding from Draal? And after all they’d experienced together...
As he tried to evade him, he bumped directly into a solid, warm surface instead. Living stone, life energy pulsing beneath. He felt a hand swipe towards him and he dodged. At this point he genuinely didn’t know if it was out of reflex or because he actually wanted to avoid his friend.
“Jim,” he repeated, stressing his name. “Look at me.”
Even if the only stimuli he could truly intake right now in this form was sound and touch, he swore he sensed the moment he himself pulsed with light, matching the wave of annoyance cresting within his mind.  
“In case you haven’t noticed, I kinda can't do that right now,” he shot back.
“I do not mean-“ Draal sighed, the rough sound betraying his otherwise calm facade and revealing his concern. “Look with your soul, not your eyes.”
Despite his current cynicism towards everything in the universe, he gathered his wits and began to focus in on himself. Soul, not eyes. Soul, not eyes. Puzzling, and infuriating. He had no physical form, how on earth was he supposed to—
Oh. Oh. That’s new, he thought, feeling the slight pricking of another consciousness against his own. The consciousness’ shape intrinsically matched with what he knew of Draal, like how one might recognize someone by scent or the timbre of a voice.
“Ah, so you’ve found it. As you can sense now, we exhibit a different kind of sight here.”
“What… is this?”
“We’re the souls of the dead. How else would souls communicate, without the form granted by the amulet’s binding magic?”
“So. Let me get this straight. Basically, you’re saying the physical Void as I know it only exists through Merlin’s magic?”
He gently hovered beside his presence as Draal paused to consider his next words.
“As far as I’m aware, yes? Do remember,” he said, before Jim could probe for information he apparently didn’t have, “I arrived here mere nights ago. Father has only explained so much.”
“Okay, and about that.”
“You. I- I thought the Void was, y’know. Just for trollhunters. How did you…?”
“It was my father’s doing,” he explained. “At his request the elder trollhunters made an exception for me, against the normal rules. That’s all.”
“Well, I’m glad they did,” Jim said softly. “If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that some rules are worth breaking.”
“Some, yes.”
The troll’s presence pulsed with genuine warmth against his soul’s own. He wondered, if he had capacity for sight right now, if he’d see his friend smiling.
“Now tell me, flesh bag. What distresses you at this hour?”
His heart skipped a beat. Well, if he still had a heart, it would’ve skipped a beat. (Language technicality was going to be the death of him here.) In lieu of working organs, he was pretty sure his soul did about the equivalent.
“I’m fine now, really,” he hastily attempted to cover up.
Draal was absolutely not having it.
“Hmm. Interesting.”
“Wh- what is?”
“Your strange definition of ‘fine.’ You ran away, and then hid in the shadow for twenty minutes.”
“Uh- okay, okay. Fine. Or, or,” he stuttered, “not fine, I mean. Just…. there’s a lot to unpack. That’s all.”
“Are you planning to elaborate, or leaving me to ponder forever?”
Jim lapsed into momentary silence again as he considered. Draal was only wanting to help. He knew this. Also, where once his worry was vulnerability, now he literally had nothing left to lose.
“Well for one,” he eventually began, biting sarcasm coating his words, “I’m dead. I killed myself, and now I’m stuck here with a bunch of- of moody former trollhunters for all of eternity. And then. And then! Apparently, it sounds like every day of my life was bound by some divine destiny, or whatever. And I was fine with that, at first, with the idea of destiny. Because I thought-“ the emotion he’d been stifling began cracking through his level headed facade- “I don’t know! I thought it was something I could control. I thought that the amulet chose me for who I was. For being... special, as stupid and selfish as that sounds. But all of this was prophecy, Draal! It was always meant to happen! So what’s the point in it specifically picking me if I was just a pawn to fate all along? And not only that, but one of my predecessors literally knew Merlin was gonna blindside me with all this half-troll business and do they ever consider giving me, you know, a little heads-up? No!”
“It was only a prophecy.”
“Yeah, well it was a prophecy about me! I would’ve wanted to know. Maybe if I had more time, i-if I had the foreknowledge, could actually think on it before just- God, this was all such a mistake!” he cried. He could sense his spectral form growing cold and dim, only suspended by a single thread.
Draal’s consciousness brushed against his in what might have been his attempt at a metaphysical pat on the back.
“You miss your friends,” he observed.
Jim considered levying him a snarky ‘no duh’ in response, but his soul was too weary for sarcasm right now. Instead, with a little focus and a shimmer of daylight, he manifested himself physically once more and wrapped his arms around the one true friend he had left. He pressed his forehead against his chest.
Draal lowly huffed through his nostrils, slowly returning the embrace. While the fierce troll would never admit it, Jim knew from the hours spent fighting by his side that he cared far more than one might assume. Most of the ‘tough guy’ act he exuded was precisely that: a facade. Draal was actually fairly sentimental, and more soft-hearted than a lot of other trolls he knew. (He’d kept a few knick knacks gifted to him by his father in the basement.) If Jim ever brought it up he’d probably throw him in a headlock, though. Some things never change.
“They won’t ever- they don’t know I’m dead,” he said, words sticking in his throat. “They’ll never know, ‘cause to them I’m not-! I-I… can never see them, ever again.”
“I understand.”
He stood there leaning against his friend in relative silence for a time, his breath shaky as he allowed the rest of the emotion coursing through him like an avalanche to gradually dissipate. Draal didn’t budge an inch, still resolute in his duty to support the trollhunter. The smallest of smiles broke through his anguish at this thought, curving across his face. He was so grateful for that.
“Blinky,” he began, small and hesitant, as he pulled away from their hug. “He always said that destiny… that it’s a gift. Thing is, it really doesn’t feel like one right now.”
“Would you like my input, Trollhunter?”
He met Draal’s eyes, the troll peering into his in such a knowing way that it almost made him squirm. “S-sure. Go wild. I’d take anything at this point.”
“You’ve chosen to define the sum of your life as the destination every action leads you towards. But have you considered that perhaps… what matters isn’t where, but how?”
“I’m not following, sorry.”
“Destiny may guide you, act as a beacon for days to come. But in the moment, you decide how you react to the challenges life throws at you. That choice is yours, and yours alone.”
“Oh, great,” Jim muttered, a sour cynicism corroding his tone. “Helpful. So life may suck, but hey! At least I can approach it with a smile!”
“No. That is not what I mean. What happens in the moment has far more impact than you realize, Jim. Consider me, for instance,” he explained, jabbing a finger solidly against his chest. “You chose to spare my life in our duel. A single life. Do you really think the elders’ vague prophecy could’ve ever predicted a young human having the courage to break entirely from tradition, to forge his own path? I wouldn’t be here right now without your intervention. Your camaraderie, and your friendship. Every action— even the smallest— creates ripples, Trollhunter. Do not be so quick to forget that.”
At this reminder, the hollowing of his chest receded, his anxieties ceasing to eat away at him so quickly. Draal was absolutely right. Even moving through the patterns of fate, he still exhibited a great deal of agency. Even within the framework of a game he didn’t create, he possessed the capacity for free will. His grim assumptions earlier were wrong. He wasn’t somebody’s pawn, he was the hand strategically moving the pawn.
Nevertheless, a pang of melancholy ran cold like a shiver through his bones. At the edge of war, he sure hoped his living counterpart realized this too.
“So… what do we do now?” he said. “Not like, about the battle,” he clarified hastily, “but. Just in general? It’s way too quiet here. I could do with some sparring, or something.”
Mischief glinted in his friend’s eyes.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Blue clashed against blue in a myriad of sparks, the magic that held together their physical forms flickering like television static each time they struck a hit. Jim Lake Jr. grinned as he leapt clear of the latest attack. Draal, compressed into a dense ball and unable to slow himself down, continued rolling up the side of the practice ring and clear into the rafters. Somewhere far above, the troll condensed himself to light and all but dissapeared.
“Hah, missed me!” Jim shouted in triumph, backing a few steps up as he scoped the area. His fingers wrapped ever tighter around the hilt of his sword. “Still one hit ahead of you. Y'know, my offer to play easy is still on the- Whoa!"
He manifested his shield in one hand just as his friend, chuckling boisterously, appeared from thin air and swung a playful punch at him. Even in the Void, the contact shot dull vibrations all the way up his arm.
"Not a chance, novice! Tied!" Draal countered, and immediately tucked himself into a ball again. The rumbles of his movement across the stone reverberated powerfully throughout the vast halls.
“What in the name of-!“  
Jim almost regressed back into his spectral state himself right then and there, the surprise of the elder trollhunter's voice merely the cherry on top after Draal's sneak attack. His form flickered as he returned Daylight to its mount on his back.
“Oh, Kanjigar!” he said, plastering an innocent smile on his face. Draal rolled to a stop in between them, looking equally as sheepish. “Are you here to, uh- to spar too?”
The elder trollhunter pressed his palm against the ridge of his forehead. “Am I here to- no! No, of course I am not! We do not wage battle in the harmony of the Void! And Draal, you too?” he exclaimed, widely gesturing at his son. “Must both of you make a mockery of this sacred space?”
Without so much as a second thought, Draal pointed at Jim. “It was his idea.”
“Hey, excuse me!” he hissed at him under his breath, embarrassment growing evident in his posture. That rat! He bailed him out, and in front of one of the greatest trollhunters to live, no less. Still, Kanjigar  was  his father, (and Jim couldn’t imagine ever lying to Blinky, himself), so he supposed he’d have to excuse the betrayal. He sighed deeply, and leveled his gaze towards the great troll with a demeanor of assured confidence only a fellow trollhunter would ever dare summon. “With respect, I’ve only been here for like, barely an hour, if that, and I’m already dying of boredom.”
Kanjigar blinked, utterly failing to capture the deeper meaning of his words. “I’m afraid I don’t follow. By all measures you’ve already died, Jim.
“I know that I’m-“ he groaned, carding his fingers through his hair. “Never mind, it’s- it’s just a figure of speech. My point is, I’m not gonna just float about the ether and armchair quarterback every single little fight my other self has like you, okay? I- I need something to do. Something that won’t be stressful as hell."
"What, like sparring? Sparring is not customary here."
Draal huffed in annoyance, and began to hollowly recite words his father had likely imparted when he first arrived. "Because the Void is a peaceful domain wherein trollhunters should seek the calming pursuits they never had opportunity to give thought to in life. Supposedly."
"We do not wage battle because our lives were a battle, young trollhunter," Kanjigar stated simply.
"But that's not fair, it's calming for me!"
He pondered on this fact as the words passed his lips, upon reflection surprised at how accurate they were. He'd actually grown to look forward to his training sessions with Blinky or Draal, back before the loss of Trollmarket. They were routine, ever-evolving, and functioned as wonderful stress relief. Many a day he'd spent letting his frustrations out on the forge machinery after a bad Spanish or algebra exam.
“Wow," he said under his breath, mostly to himself. "That's actually true, it really is. Huh. Crazy how much can change in a few months. But!" He lifts a finger for emphasis, talking directly to the others once more. "As I was saying."
"Yes, do continue," Kanjigar said, peering between him and Draal with narrowed eyes. He crossed his arms, thoroughly unimpressed.
Jim's hand moved to cover the amulet, hanging directly over the space his heart once occupied. He glossed his thumb across its rim. "I guess... the crux of the matter is, certain customs of the troll world had to change when the amulet picked a human. And now, with part of me dead, it’s the Void’s turn. I'll keep my distance from everyone else while sparring for courtesy's sake, but for the record, it makes me happy. I don't aim to stop."
And with that bold statement, he let his armor fade into light. The expression of dumfounded shock that crossed that old troll's stony face in response was almost enough to make him audibly bark in laughter for the first time today. He pocketed the amulet, and walked past his elder.
"You coming?" he said, gesturing to Draal. "I thought I'd explore around a bit more."
"Count me in."
“I heard you shouting in the distance. Tell me- what did I miss?” Deya asked as Kanjigar returned to the others.
“Nothing important,” he groused. “Only Lake and my son desecrating every rule they happen to lay their eyes on.”
She tilt her head at him, in a matter-of-fact sort of way. The knowing smile she presented— top row of sharpened, squarish teeth showing between her lips— whisked him back to the time when he the foolish youth called by the amulet, and she was one of his elders. Long, long ago.
“They’re sparring, aren’t they?”
“Exactly! And as dictated, the Void is a place of eternal peace. A peace that currently, they’re uprooting by way of their irresponsible foolishness!”  
Deya’s laugh rang out as clear as a bell. “Oh, lighten up, you old misery,” she teased, swinging a punch at Kanjigar’s shoulder. “To hell with the rules. It's perfectly harmless, sparing here. Let the youth have their fun.”
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spnbaby-67 · 6 years
Craving You. Chapter19
A/N; Hi ya’ll, I am so sorry that it took forever to get this out to you. I have ran into a bunch of issues that have been recently cleared up. It constituted to writers block. But thanks to a wonderful anonymous person who pushed me to write helped me get back into writing. I hope this chapter is ok because I had no idea where to go with it at first. Only one more chapter to go sadly but thank you all so much for sticking around and telling me that you like it. This is my first ever series that is based on the song Craving You from Thomas Rhett. Also a huge thank you to Lakota @mein1928 with her help on editing some coma’s and such, I am a horrible person when it comes to coma and editing sentences. Also to Gaynor @secretlyfurrydragon she encourages me and keeps me motivated even when she’s sick as a dog to help me beta to. Without those two I’d be stuck. So thank you both.. Keep in mind that this is an Au alternate universe where Jensen is single and its just for enjoyment and to keep my head sane. Writing is my only thing I have to keep fighting everyday. I love you guys, and thank you again for the amazing comments. You are all awesome.. Please don't copy and paste on other sites reblog and comments are ok just no reposting. Thank u. Love ya all
Warnings: Gunfire, character injured, fighting, cussing, angst stuff..
Pairing; Jensen and Reader, Jared padalecki Gabriel, Kali, Cassie, Mark Sheppard, Mark Pelegrín, Bobby, Garth, Hendrixson, Jeffrey dean Morgan,
Jared’s POV
Moments before we were to go into the building to get Jensen and Kali out, Jeff’s cellphone had gone off with a list of download files, of so called employees that were in on this. We all took a good look at it, then we prepared to go into the building to get the innocents out. The second text Jeff got from HQ was an idea of the whereabouts of where Jensen and Kali may be, she had scouted the building herself on the down low before she had gotten caught but she was able to sent the information in they needed. Thanks to her doing that, we can rescue them and others that may be held against their will and we won’t be stumbling around in the dark looking for them.
“Alright, listen up you yahoos. No daring rescues, you follow my commands and keep your eyes open. Look all angles before you proceed, Jared and I will go in first, clear, then move on. You see anyone that is not on this list, get them out and have them stay by the van for safety. Rufus will be there to help them as well as Garth. Do I make myself clear on this?” he looked at all of us.
We all agreed and gave him our word we do as he said, then we put our tactical gear on for our protection, I held my breath a moment to pray to god that Jensen was ok. He’s like a brother to me and we have been in situations before where either he or I had no way out, but we always managed to rescue each other. But it’s always the same, because you never know if this may be his last. All situations are different, and it killed me to know I was this close to him. My heart pounded trying to push down my thoughts as we entered.
We pulled together and entered the building, people who were in there were looking at us freaked out a bit, but we showed them our ID’s and they were escorted out the building. We then took the stairwell and we looked before we opened the door to make sure no one else was hiding in there, then proceeded on Jeff’s command. The sounds of our boots echoed on the metal stairwell, and I kept thinking God don’t let anyone hear us coming because they could do anything to Jensen and Kali. I shook my head at the thought, Jeff opened the last door and we went into a hallway that was dark and very gloomy. Reminded me of a antique basement in some old house. There were no doors or windows and lights that shown above us were weak, not showing off a lot as our shadows moved across the walls.
Jeff held his hand back telling us to stop, he looked at me. “I hear gunfire, I want you all to be careful from here on out. Look for anything suspicious, Kali did say the door was built into the cement wall to make it look like nothing was there. Look for any cracks or anything, I’ll go this way, and you go straight take Gabe with you. Hendrixson and I will stay together.”
I nodded my head and we went to where we heard the gun fire. Once there, we were close enough to see someone coming out, I recognized her from the files. I let her walk away as I snuck up on her and covered her mouth from behind. “Do not make a sound, you do and it’ll be the last you ever do. Understand?” She nodded her head then I turned her around to face me. “How many are in there?”
She swallowed. “Everyone, good luck getting your friend back.” I narrowed my eyes at her in hate, then past her off to Gabe he took her out in handcuffs.
Turning back around, Gabe was able to open the door slightly. I told Jeff where we were and they came up in the rear as we all went in. “FBI! EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW!” I scanned the area to see where everyone was and what we were dealing with. To my surprise, Jensen and Kali had it under control.
Jensen’s POV,
After Mark was spilling my life to Y/N, I wanted to punch him so hard in the face and make him wish he never said anything. But that’s how Mark is, he’s vindictive and in order to get things done his own way he will do whatever it took. He walked over to me, took the back of my head in his grasp and bent my head back and looked me in the eyes, “How does it feel to have your life taken away Lieutenant?” He said with a evil sounding laugh.
I jerked my head back out of his grasp and showed him, I gathered enough strength to slam my forehead into his nose knocking him off balance. He stumbled backwards holding his nose that was now bleeding from the hit. Two of the goons that were holding me forced me down on my knees.
Mark stood really close and over me, he took a knife from his pocket moved it to my neck. I felt the blade nick my skin as I hiss. “Try it again and it won't be just a nick.” He then walked away from me and over to Cassie who was at Y/N’s side and dangerously close. “I want you to go to the front office and let everyone know they can leave for the day. Don’t give any inclinations of what’s really going on. If they ask questions, just tell them that we had a leak in the building or something. Understand?” He kissed her cheek and gave her a smile.
“Hm, what about her?” She took her hand to his cheek as she rubbing gently down his face.
“I’ll deal with her personally, right now we just need everyone out of the building so no one will get suspicion with what’s really happening,” he winked at her then kissed her.
She started to walked off, but Y/N had other ideas, I saw her place her foot out and Cassie not seeing it, tripped over it and landed face first on the ground. I tried to get away because I knew what was going to happen. Mark goes over to her and slaps her so hard it echoed in the room as her head jolts back with the slap as a red mark appears on her face. “Try it again you little bitch and it’ll be your last time,” he hissed at her.
He helped Cassie up and what I saw next was a surprise as my heart jumped, Kali was free from her ropes and jumped up to help Y/N, the goon holding me wouldn't let me go, so I couldn’t help her, I was still in handcuffs, but Kali had slid the keys to me which I grabbed before the goon could reach them. We fought as Mark Sheppard came from behind me and jumped on my back. His arms wrapped around my neck and forced me to bend backwards. I was struggling to breath, as he had me in a choke hold. I heard the gun go off in front of me, I then managed to put my full force into elbowing Mark Sheppard in the stomach as he fell down gasping for air. I then with Bobby’s help managed to uncuff one cuff, then turn around in time to knock Mark S out and the goon try to leave the room.
Cassie had left the room, Jared had busted in with the rest of the guys, Mark P stood there with his hands up in the air after Kali had control of him. My heart froze when I saw Y/N laying on her back on the ground with a pool blood beneath her.
Once I knew everyone was contained and handcuffed, I ran over to Y/N’s side. She wasn't moving, and barely breathing. I swallowed hard and looked up at Jared, “Call an ambulance, now!” I ordered him and tried to kneel as close as I could to her. My hands were shaking when I tried to hold her, but I remembered we weren't supposed to move them.
Jeff came over to me after clearing the room as he kneel down to check the wound. “Shit! I can’t tell if there is an exit wound,” as he took in a harsh breath.
“F-From the way it looks,” I tried to speak but I couldn’t as my heart felt like it literally stopped beating.
Jared came over to me and tapped my shoulder, “Ambulance is on the way, we have them all handcuffed and Hendrixson has Peligrino in cuffs and chains.”
I heard him talking but inside my head it was just noise, I was so worried about
Y/N, that I didn’t care what happened to me right now or anyone else. She wasn't moving, the color in her face drained from beautiful rosey red to pale white almost in seconds. Her forehead was covered in sweat, hair was matted, I took my right hand and removed some stray strands back from her face to see her. “Y/N? I’m right here ok? I’m here baby, and I’m not leaving you. Please hold on for me. I.. I love you.” I bent down to kiss her lips, they were turning blue and covered in her blood. “Don’t you give up you hear me!” I begged her, maybe a bit angrily, but I was trying to hold back a sob. Tears started to fall from my eyes, I would wipe it away and another one would follow. I then gently kissed her forehead and held her hand in mine. I closed my eyes a moment to say a silent prayer that YN’s going to be alright.
Jared’s POV
Moments before we were to go into the building to get Jensen and Kali out, Jeff’s cellphone had gone off with a list of download files, of so called employees that were in on this. We all took a good look at it, then we prepared to go into the building to get the innocents out. The second text Jeff got from HQ was an idea of the whereabouts of where Jensen and Kali may be, she had scouted the building herself on the down low before she had gotten caught but she was able to sent the information in they needed. Thanks to her doing that, we can rescue them and others that may be held against their will and we won’t be stumbling around in the dark looking for them.
“Alright, listen up you yahoos. No daring rescues, you follow my commands and keep your eyes open. Look all angles before you proceed, Jared and I will go in first, clear, then move on. You see anyone that is not on this list, get them out and have them stay by the van for safety. Rufus will be there to help them as well as Garth. Do I make myself clear on this?” he looked at all of us.
We all agreed and gave him our word we do as he said, then we put our tactical gear on for our protection, I held my breath a moment to pray to god that Jensen was ok. He’s like a brother to me and we have been in situations before where either he or I had no way out, but we always managed to rescue each other. But it’s always the same, because you never know if this may be his last. All situations are different, and it killed me to know I was this close to him. My heart pounded trying to push down my thoughts as we entered.
We pulled together and entered the building, people who were in there were looking at us freaked out a bit, but we showed them our ID’s and they were escorted out the building. We then took the stairwell and we looked before we opened the door to make sure no one else was hiding in there, then proceeded on Jeff’s command. The sounds of our boots echoed on the metal stairwell, and I kept thinking God don’t let anyone hear us coming because they could do anything to Jensen and Kali. I shook my head at the thought, Jeff opened the last door and we went into a hallway that was dark and very gloomy. Reminded me of a antique basement in some old house. There were no doors or windows and lights that shown above us were weak, not showing off a lot as our shadows moved across the walls.
Jeff held his hand back telling us to stop, he looked at me. “I hear gunfire, I want you all to be careful from here on out. Look for anything suspicious, Kali did say the door was built into the cement wall to make it look like nothing was there. Look for any cracks or anything, I’ll go this way, and you go straight take Gabe with you. Hendrixson and I will stay together.”
I nodded my head and we went to where we heard the gun fire. Once there, we were close enough to see someone coming out, I recognized her from the files. I let her walk away as I snuck up on her and covered her mouth from behind. “Do not make a sound, you do and it’ll be the last you ever do. Understand?” She nodded her head then I turned her around to face me. “How many are in there?”
She swallowed. “Everyone, good luck getting your friend back.” I narrowed my eyes at her in hate, then past her off to Gabe he took her out in handcuffs.
Turning back around, Gabe was able to open the door slightly. I told Jeff where we were and they came up in the rear as we all went in. “FBI! EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW!” I scanned the area to see where everyone was and what we were dealing with. To my surprise, Jensen and Kali had it under control.
Jensen’s POV,
After Mark was spilling my life to Y/N, I wanted to punch him so hard in the face and make him wish he never said anything. But that’s how Mark is, he’s vindictive and in order to get things done his own way he will do whatever it took. He walked over to me, took the back of my head in his grasp and bent my head back and looked me in the eyes, “How does it feel to have your life taken away Lieutenant?” He said with a evil sounding laugh.
I jerked my head back out of his grasp and showed him, I gathered enough strength to slam my forehead into his nose knocking him off balance. He stumbled backwards holding his nose that was now bleeding from the hit. Two of the goons that were holding me forced me down on my knees.
Mark stood really close and over me, he took a knife from his pocket moved it to my neck. I felt the blade nick my skin as I hiss. “Try it again and it won't be just a nick.” He then walked away from me and over to Cassie who was at Y/N’s side and dangerously close. “I want you to go to the front office and let everyone know they can leave for the day. Don’t give any inclinations of what’s really going on. If they ask questions, just tell them that we had a leak in the building or something. Understand?” He kissed her cheek and gave her a smile.
“Hm, what about her?” She took her hand to his cheek as she rubbing gently down his face.
“I’ll deal with her personally, right now we just need everyone out of the building so no one will get suspicion with what’s really happening,” he winked at her then kissed her.
She started to walked off, but Y/N had other ideas, I saw her place her foot out and Cassie not seeing it, tripped over it and landed face first on the ground. I tried to get away because I knew what was going to happen. Mark goes over to her and slaps her so hard it echoed in the room as her head jolts back with the slap as a red mark appears on her face. “Try it again you little bitch and it’ll be your last time,” he hissed at her.
He helped Cassie up and what I saw next was a surprise as my heart jumped, Kali was free from her ropes and jumped up to help Y/N, the goon holding me wouldn't let me go, so I couldn’t help her, I was still in handcuffs, but Kali had slid the keys to me which I grabbed before the goon could reach them. We fought as Mark Sheppard came from behind me and jumped on my back. His arms wrapped around my neck and forced me to bend backwards. I was struggling to breath, as he had me in a choke hold. I heard the gun go off in front of me, I then managed to put my full force into elbowing Mark Sheppard in the stomach as he fell down gasping for air. I then with Bobby’s help managed to uncuff one cuff, then turn around in time to knock Mark S out and the goon try to leave the room.
Cassie had left the room, Jared had busted in with the rest of the guys, Mark P stood there with his hands up in the air after Kali had control of him. My heart froze when I saw Y/N laying on her back on the ground with a pool blood beneath her.
Once I knew everyone was contained and handcuffed, I ran over to Y/N’s side. She wasn't moving, and barely breathing. I swallowed hard and looked up at Jared, “Call an ambulance, now!” I ordered him and tried to kneel as close as I could to her. My hands were shaking when I tried to hold her, but I remembered we weren't supposed to move them.
Jeff came over to me after clearing the room as he kneel down to check the wound. “Shit! I can’t tell if there is an exit wound,” as he took in a harsh breath.
“F-From the way it looks,” I tried to speak but I couldn’t as my heart felt like it literally stopped beating.
Jared came over to me and tapped my shoulder, “Ambulance is on the way, we have them all handcuffed and Hendrixson has Peligrino in cuffs and chains.”
I heard him talking but inside my head it was just noise, I was so worried about
Y/N, that I didn’t care what happened to me right now or anyone else. She wasn't moving, the color in her face drained from beautiful rosey red to pale white almost in seconds. Her forehead was covered in sweat, hair was matted, I took my right hand and removed some stray strands back from her face to see her. “Y/N? I’m right here ok? I’m here baby, and I’m not leaving you. Please hold on for me. I.. I love you.” I bent down to kiss her lips, they were turning blue and covered in her blood. “Don’t you give up you hear me!” I begged her, maybe a bit angrily, but I was trying to hold back a sob. Tears started to fall from my eyes, I would wipe it away and another one would follow. I then gently kissed her forehead and held her hand in mine. I closed my eyes a moment to say a silent prayer that YN’s going to be alright.
Forever tags….
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