f-ngrl · 7 months
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rappers after military: yami tommy, sik-k, hash swan, rohann
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hurtificial · 2 months
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puddingmilkt · 7 months
[歌詞翻譯] Rohann 李盧橌 - Lily (Prod. Fredi Casso)
發行: 20.05.19 / 專輯: neveland
比別人更遲開始新一天 很久沒照鏡子 反正再不會見到那一臉幼氣 鬍子倒是長得更快更黑 那曾經慷慨的少年 溺斃於社會裏 再也回不到那模樣 但人們批評我變了 對著我指指點點 連隨成長的自然變化也不接受 安慰失去意義 聽起來多麼虛僞 我有因此而變更冷漠嗎 你與我視野角度不同 即使把我意_成別的 那盲點差距仍無法填補嗎 枕在媽媽為我洗的衣服上 那香味總被別人的更濃 會先向別人伸出手的 那個年幼的我不再存在 愛只是個虛殼 在這個尊重已死的世界上 知道 我們都知道 心知肚明 仍要假裝不知情嗎 不斷對外指指點點 到底怎樣才是按照自己心意生活 相似 我們越來越相似 但要內心相通 還是困難 我們需要放下食指 舉起尾指 及早把堆積的灰塵撣掉 收起歌詞異想天開的歌曲 認清現實會讓人變得遲鈍 又是會令他們屈服於壓力 或者其實能做得酷一些 我嘗試把傷痛全部藏起 當作是我丟臉的陰暗面 但正是那種羞恥感 釀成掠去人們性命的心魔 說到底 人要活下來 還是需要表裡不一 在他們眼中 端莊正直 金錢和人氣的代價是用努力換來 我為此拋棄了學生時代 你又曾為著什麼付出過 在你觸不及的那盡頭 是我的自卑感 被鍵盤砸碎的生活 我努力就夠了嗎 理想幻滅 外出轉轉 盡情浪費著青春 在橋上奔跑時 定睛凝望陽光 與這個世界不同的是 它很美 知道 我們都知道 心知肚明 仍要假裝不知情嗎 不斷對外指指點點 到底怎樣才是按照自己心意生活 相似 我們越來越相似 但要內心相通 還是困難 我們需要放下食指 舉起尾指 及早把堆積的灰塵撣掉 知道 我們都知道 心知肚明 仍要假裝不知情嗎 不斷對外指指點點 到底怎樣才是按照自己心意生活 相似 我們越來越相似 但要內心相通 還是困難 我們需要放下食指 舉起尾指 及早把堆積的灰塵撣掉
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dorsie · 21 days
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lotreckk · 1 month
blackfyres 🖤⚔🩸
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arte072 · 5 months
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Rohanne Webber in her Lannister era 🕷️🕸️🦁
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coldraindropsss · 6 months
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chiaracognigniart · 2 months
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Daemon and Rohanne for #SixFanarts ship challenge commissionated by @linaartsblogsworld
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rohanneofcoldmoat · 14 days
The spider/web sigil of Rohanne's house suits her so well. It fits the in-universe perception of her as this black widow femme fatale drawing husbands in to kill them (like a female spider cannibalizing its mate), while simultaneously representing how she is tangled in this web that is the legacy of her house as laid out by her father's will. After being forced into a succession of marriages starting at the age of 10, her father posthumously demands that she wed again within two years of his death or lose her position as ruling Lady of Coldmoat, all while the shadow of Lucas Longinch, the man her father left to "protect" her, looms large.
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swallowtail-ageha · 8 months
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f-ngrl · 11 months
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2023.05.29 rohannlxiv 비상
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asoiaf characters rated based on how likely they are to own a thermomix.
ned: 2/10 has no idea what that is and is, upon introduction, mildly terrified of it
catelyn -10000/10: ideologically opposed to the thermomix, those things are NEVER even getting CLOSE to her precious kitchen, hates the thermomix and its users with frankly demonic fervor
lysa: 1000/10 self explanatory
tyrion: 7/10 has one and secretly regrets the purchase but still uses it to make pretentious ass hipster shit he himself doesn’t even like but he is desperate to get some use out of it
brienne: 0/10 lives off protein bars, brussel sprouts and tap water and is scared of her own kitchen
cersei: 10/10 collects expensive kitchen gadgets like one might do with lego sets; rarely ever uses it, though, because actual meals don’t agree with her ozempic intake
jaime: 5/10 secretly yearns for it but will tell anyone who asks (or doesn’t) that owning a thermomix is emasculating
edmure: 9/10 has bought one but got electrocuted so hard he had to go to the er when he tried to hook it up
olenna: 3/10 is intrigued but completely and utterly unable to order anything from the internet
rhaenyra: 10/10 can’t be bothered to actually work it herself and has a servant do it for her
alicent: -1000000000000000/10 HATES the thermomix and HATES its users and will shame you on facebook if you own one
helaena: 20/10 the first thing she’s buying once she moves out
alysanne: 0/10 also a part of the extreme anti thermomix movement
rohanne: 20/10 where do you think those handmade poisons are from?
stannis: 0/10 those things are a waste of money and he eats but for sustenance, food intake is not supposed to be fun or enjoyable because life is meaningless
selyse: 20/10 ooooh flashy gadget oooooh
davos: 1/10 he can admit that it is neat but finds that it takes the joy out of the process of cooking
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goodqueenaly · 10 days
Hello Good Queen Alysanne, I have a few questions about Gerold Lannister. Why do you think he and Rohanne Weber eventually got married, given that the latter didn't initially consider him as a suitable suitor?
Do you think Gerold had a hand in the death of his niece Cerelle?
Is there any textual evidence that suggests he had an influence on Tywin, given that both of them appear to be politically astute?
Long, more under the cut:
With respect to why Rohanne married Gerold after Eustace’s death, I think it’s important to keep in mind that Rohanne was already attracted to Gerold during the time of “The Sworn Sword”:
[“]Were I given to wagering, I should place my gold on Gerold Lannister. He has yet to put in an appearance, but they say he is golden-haired and quick of wit, and more than six feet tall … [sic]” "… [sic] and Lady Webber is much taken with his letters." The lady in question stood in the doorway, beside a homely young maester with a great hooked nose. "You would lose your wager, good-brother. Gerold will never willingly forsake the pleasures of Lannisport and the splendor of Casterly Rock for some little lordship. He has more influence as Lord Tybolt's brother and adviser than he could ever hope for as my husband.["]
Now, during the events of “The Sworn Sword”, I could see where Rohanne might have thought Gerold was not ideally suited to be her husband, especially given what she needed on a politico-dynastic level at that moment. Rohanne’s primary concern was not simply to marry, but to marry a husband who would help her maintain the delicate political position she occupied. As both a ruler in her own right and the heiress of her father’s very specific will, Rohanne needed a husband who would be both willing to serve as consort to her as lady regnant of Coldmoat and available as a spouse when the second anniversary of Lord Wyman’s death passed. Gerold might have inherited all the Lannister wit and good looks, and might have written Lady Webber some charming letters, but as Rohanne wryly noted to the septon, Gerold seemed to have little incentive to leave Casterly Rock to become her lord husband, especially in the short time she had left at that moment to remarry. If Rohanne believed that she could not lure Gerold Lannister away from the Rock, much less in a very timely fashion, then I think she concluded that Gerold was not a good choice to be the next Mr. Webber, so to speak, no matter how much Rohanne might have personally liked him.
However, after Ser Eustace’s death, Rohanne may have felt quite differently about her position and her nuptial future. The terms of her father’s will dictated that Rohanne be wed by the second anniversary of Lord Wyman's death, and by strict definition, Rohanne had done just that: with the second anniversary of her father's passing occurring within “the next new moon” of the septon’s conversation with Dunk, Rohanne had definitively become a married woman by the deadline of the will. If Ser Eustace had then died sometime thereafter, there may not have been much cousin Wendell or Lord Rowan could have done to assert the will’s provisions in their favor; after all, nothing in the will, so far as we know, said Rohanne’s husband on the day of that anniversary had to stay alive for a set amount of time after that date. Rohanne was now (seemingly) unquestionably, (seemingly) irrevocably, Lady of Coldmoat for the rest of her mortal span - still subject, of course, to all the sexist and patriarchal prejudices of Westerosi society, but free to marry without the shadow of the will hanging over her.
In that sense, a romance with Gerold - and I do tend to think it was a romance, Septon Sefton seemed to catch onto a real and mutual sense of personal attraction there - might have appealed to Rohanne at that place in her life. She who had been married five times, never apparently (or certainly primarily) for love, now could think first of herself, as a person, when it came to the question of a future marriage, secure as she was (or ever would be) in the question of her ancestral holding. If one of the richest and most powerful lords of the realm still wanted to marry her after Eustace’s death (and Gerold was probably Lord of Casterly Rock himself by that time, given that his niece Cerelle died in 213 AC, within two years of Rohanne's marriage to the aged Eustace), perhaps Rohanne believed he must have been truly in love with her, rather than just her title and castle. No longer as anxious, perhaps, about keeping a firm grip on Coldmoat lest it be wrenched away from her, Rohanne may have felt more free to consider a marriage that would inevitably take her away for significant periods of time from the Reach (and may have felt consoled by the fact that Gerold as a lord husband would be a pretty intimidating figure for her ostensible Rowan overlords). Already having been attracted to Gerold for some time, finally free to marry as she chose, secure in her holding (or, again, as much as she could be as a woman ruling in her own right) and perhaps believing that Gerold loved her for herself, Rohanne I think was ready after the death of Eustace Osgrey to marry Gerold in a way she hadn’t been when the events of “The Sworn Sword” occurred. 
As far as Cerelle goes, I tend to think no, Gerold did not murder her. Unlike, say, Viserys II, who I definitely believe murdered nephew Baelor (in what GRRM may portray as an internal character conflict for Viserys), I don’t see the motivation for Gerold to do the same to his niece. As regent for a toddler lady regnant, Gerold already held all the power in the Westerlands, and would do so for at least the next decade, if not considerably longer. Where Prince Viserys was, perhaps, constrained, and frustrated, by the will of an adult, male, very much self-assured kingly nephew, Gerold had a free hand as Lady Cerelle’s regent for every legal, military, and diplomatic decision made in the Westerlands, and would for the long foreseeable future (and indeed, there would be aspects to Cerelle’s rule as Lady of the Rock, that Gerold, as her nearest male relation, would likely always have (until and unless she had a husband or son), like the position of Warden of the West). Rather, I think we are supposed to see Gerold and Rohanne as parallels here: just as Rohanne was wrongly suspected for the deaths of some of her husbands and her children (although two of those deaths were very naturally explained by Rohanne herself), so Gerold was, I think, wrongly suspected of the deaths of his brother and niece for what may have been (especially in the case of his niece) the simple bad luck of a physically perilous pseudo-medieval world like Westeros. I certainly could see that shared unhappy experience drawing Gerold and Rohanne together; conversely, I cannot see Rohanne, who fought so hard to assert herself as Lady of Coldmoat in her own right, falling in love with a man she might have reasonably suspected murdered his liege lady-niece to become a lord himself. 
As far as Tywin goes, it’s important to note that Tywin never knew his grandfather in the latter’s own lifetime: while baby Tywin supposedly bit grandfather Gerold’s finger upon their first meeting, Gerold died when Tywin was only two. Consequently, Gerold was probably more known to Tywin by his reputation, and perhaps increasingly by his legend. As the rule, or misrule, of Tytos Lannister continued, and Lannister authority in the Westerlands imploded, perhaps Tywin looked back nostalgically to the days of “Gerold the Golden”, the intelligent, shrewd, able lord who “greatly increas[ed] the wealth of House Lannister, the power of Casterly Rock, and the trade at Lannisport” (much as, say, I think various generations of Targaryens have looked back to Jaehaerys I as a sort of ideal king presiding over a golden age for the dynasty). This, so Tywin may have thought, was the sort of lord the Westerlands needed - not his, Tywin’s, weak, genial, overly generous father, but his strong, confident, capable grandfather. Too, with young Tywin serving as a page and cupbearer at the court of King Aegon V - a king who had ascended the throne in no small part thanks to the arguments, and the gold, of Gerold Lannister - I could see where Tywin might have seen his grandfather embodying a much better relationship between House Lannister and the crown than his father did: while in the west Lord Tytos was bungling the rule of his domain so badly that King Aegon V had to send in his own knights multiple times to keep order, at court Tywin might have been hearing courtiers’ nostalgic stories of the great Lord Gerold who had not only kept peace in the west but whose generosity with word and coin had given the king his crown. While we don’t know much about the specifics of Gerold’s rule, and so don’t know what he did in particular that Tywin may have sought to echo or recreate, I can certainly believe that Tywin wanted to model himself, to some extent, on his grandfather for his, Tywin’s, rule as the future Lord of Casterly Rock.
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 4
By Jota Saraiva
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highgardenart · 7 months
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Rohanne of Tyrosh
“a different tale claims that Daemon was not so much opposed to wedding Rohanne of Tyrosh…”
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