#rosier twins are really close
aithusarosekiller · 11 months
Fun fact: in the Dorlene fic, Sirius and Regulus are twins
And it's only briefly mentioned bc it's Dorcas' pov while she's taking care of Sirius
while Reg is with their bitchass parents
but essentially their parents visited for the royal celebrations
And their birthday happens during that span of time and OnionBurger only acknowledge Reggie's birthday and ignore ris completely
I also have a related work planned which shows each November 3rd from when they were kids to the year after the fic is set and goes into the different family relationships in more depth that I can't justify going into in the main fic
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priniya · 2 years
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summary: when sirius said siblings are off limits, james never thought he would break that rule as his best friend was the only one to have siblings close to their age, but everything seems to change when the sister sirius swore to hate because of her cruelty has several detentions with him and she’s not as cruel as her brother described.
notes: james potter x black!reader. reader is a twin sister of regulus, kinda angsty at the end, hurt/comfort, sirius is kind of an ass. not proofread
PART 2! • taglist (click here to be added!)
you really thought that the detention with james potter would go easy. not a word would be shared, him not even looking at you as he probably know your relationship with his best friend, and then you two would have a week free from each other, but james potter seemed to be interested in you – or more likely, how did you end up in a detention.
he saw you as a perfect black, that’s how sirius would describe you, or your twin brother whenever someone brought up your name. and no matter how positive it sounds, he was always negative, never mentioning your childhood, and how attached you were to him.
the perfect black daughter, more ideal than narcissa or bellatrix, the one who would never obey her elders unlike sirius or andromeda, the one who would do whatever they say to please them.
well, it was partially true, you could give that to him. but you nor regulus weren’t like any other family members. you weren’t brave enough to stand up to your parents and survive the punishment with a smile on your lips like your brother did, you two were two afraid to do anything that could make orion or walburga mad.
but both of you were proud slytherins, with regulus being one of the best quidditch players of your house, and you impressively good at whatever you touched. you were plotting against your parents, the death-eathers and everyone that could get in the way of your plan. an escape plan, to runaway somewhere far like france or canada, while everyone thinks you died. nonetheless, sirius couldn’t know that – he barely spoke to any of you, which just worsened when you were invited to the deatheaters meeting at your house.
in his eyes, you were nothing but a piece of shit like rest of your family for being unable to runaway earlier, for having no one to runaway to, as the rumors about your enjoyment in dark magic spread at school with light speed. however, unlike sirius you had your twin, always ready to stand up for you and vice versa, always ready to fight anyone who says a bad thing about you.
sometimes you and regulus would sneak out of the house and wander around the crowded streets of london, thinking how would your life looked like if you weren’t wizards, if you weren’t born into a family with an obsession of blood status and keeping it pure.
what made you even more perfect in everyone’s eyes was that you looked exactly like a female version of regulus, or more accurately, he looked like a male version of you. wearing the same clothes when you didn’t have to wear robes, and it wasn’t like you planned it – you had a gut feeling to wear your expensive like hell, black coat, and so had he. you looked intimidating, walking next to your brother, evan rosier and other friends of yours with faces that seemed to never experience any emotions. like rocks, untouched by people’s words, stares and pointing fingers.
“how did you end up here?” your companion asked out of sudden, making you shift in your chair. you already finished cleaning the classroom but there was still more than an twenty minutes left, and you couldn’t just leave for whatever reasons. “didn’t expect to see the perfect black sister having time to bother herself with things like detentions.”
“and why does it interest you, potter?” a sigh slipped from between your lips as you rest your chin on the left hand. “so my brother can have more reasons to despise me, because as i presume, you’ll tell him.” you didn’t even let him have a glimpse of your mimic as he could only see your back.
“oh, miss black, who do you think i am?” you heard him get closer, and take a seat by your side, probably briefly looking at the book you’d read. he could swore to merlin, he thought it’d be a book containing black magic spells you would cast if flinch didn’t confiscate your wands. but it was far from dark margic. “i’m just curious, have heard a lot of… things about you and wanted to check myself.”
you fixed your black hair before quickly considering if you should tell him the real reason or the made up one you’d told evan and pandora. “hmm, what would i get from telling you?” you leaned closer to him, revealing your face. it was one of your first encounters with james potter, and hell, you know it wouldn’t be the last one, since there were at least four next weeks of detention together.
“we could figure something out, y’know.” he shrugged, scanning every inch of your flawless skin, starting at your eyebrows and eyes, through lips to chin. you were gorgeous, and james couldn’t blame the first years that sometimes followed you like a lost puppy around the castle, trying to gain your attention or the girls having their lesbians awakening while watching slytherin’s practice with you as a substitute for your brother. every comment he had heard about your immaculate beauty was so real, that he could swore he would develop a crush on you in other circumstances. “just tell me.”
“i stood in my brother’s defense, the one you know better.” you replied, averting your look back to the book you were reading, not really bothering yourself to catch a glimpse of james’ parted mouth as he realized the sense of your words. “any more questions or can i finally focus on my book?”
“why did you- how did you-?”
“as much as some people tries to say, i do care about my family members’ well-beings, even though they refuse to talk to me or my twin.” you let out a little too harsh than you planned. “and no one will say anything bad about my brother unless it’s me or regulus.” you didn’t even wait for his reponse, leaving the classroom as soon as the clock hit nine in the evening.
you could say everything, yet you decided to reveal part of the thing that happened. and you knew that james would, most likely, tell your brother how you tried to gain his attention by making up a story. what you didn’t tell him was the part where you broke lucius malfoy’s nose, completely forgetting how much influence had his father on yours, and how mad they would be.
the next detention went… smoother. james didn’t bother you with questions about elaborating on the reason of your punishment, however it wouldn’t be james potter if he stayed quiet. especially when you didn’t have to clean the classroom again, just sit in silence while mcgonagall watched over you, but unfortunately (for you) she had to leave.
“miss black, didn’t expect you here.” a chuckle left his mouth, sitting himself in front of you, taking in your gorgeous face. “any kid’s dreams of dating you crashed last week?” for a moment, a millisecond, he could see a shadow of smile on your lips, and james potter felt like he already accomplished his mission for today.
“how did you guess?” you rolled your eyes in a playful manner, allowing yourself to look at the boy in front of you. his dark curls fell onto his forehead, and you could swear if it wasn’t for his glasses that somehow kept them out of his eyes’ way, he wouldn’t see a thing.
and you couldn’t know that, but james potter wouldn’t let himself miss such an opportunity to just stare at you for at least few minutes. it was strange, he never wanted to just look at a girl, who wasn’t lily evans and interested in him at the same time. though somehow, you were living free in his mind, making the boy catch himself on staring at you during meals.
“pulled out some prank on snape lately?” you added before he replied, a hand put under your chin as you leaned over the table, watching his every move. his eyes lit up immediately on your visible interest in whatever he had done during the previous week. “not a fan of snape?” james questioned, his eyebrow higher than usually.
“please.” you rolled your eyes again. “is there anyone who’s a fan of snape besides your girlfriend?” you let yourself smile at him for a brief moment, before shifting in your chair.
“evans s’not my girlfriend.” his replied shocked you, you could’ve sworn to yourself you saw them snogging somewhere. not that you cared with whom james was making out. you didn’t care, at all. “rumor has it, you two hook up a lot.”
“i’d throw up over him rather than do anything that involves physical touch. he disgusts me.” you knitted your eyebrows together at the so-called rumor, you already heard from sirius on christmas.
“why? because he’s a half-blood?” the gryffindor seeker blurted out before thinking, causing you to back out from the conversation, a strange feeling of pain raising in your heart. it was something he would regret saying later at night, processing every inch of your talk, realizing that everyone thought you were a pure-blood supremacist, and probably it wasn’t the best thing he could say to you.
“because he’s a misogynistic piece of shit, potter. snape could be a highly born pure-blood wizard, the best one out there, but if he says things like this about your little girlfriend when she’s not there or any female in general, he’s a piece of shit like any of his friends.” your words came out harshly, but you felt disrespected by someone who tried talking to you first.
the rest of the detention you spent in silence while james was explaining something that involved brooms and words snivellus, regret, and some other things you didn’t pay attention to, too busy counting minutes to the end of that cruel meeting.
however, the third and fourth were much more… pleasing, you could say. the boy pulled an expression like if he actually wanted to get to know you on his own and found out what made you silent a week earlier. it almost felt like it was planned, mcgonagall’s presence needed somewhere else, and a bunch of sweets you adored, snatched from the kitchen in a little bag in his hand.
“sorry. for the last time, i said some stupid shit that didn’t mean to come out like that.” he confessed, genuine in his voice was so clear that you couldn’t held back a smile, forming on your lips upon seeing his gesture. “don’t say shit like i didn’t have to. i did. i wanted to apologize, and get to know you.”
“hmm, apologise accepted.” you spoke out softly, offering him a bar of chocolate. “but, mister potter, why do you want to get to know me so bad? thought other people know everything better than me.”
he shifted in his position, getting closer to you, a mischievous smirk spread over his lips. “y’know, miss black, you’re an interesting person, and i can’t get you out of my head, so i had to do something about it.”
the upsides of your immaculate skin was that it tended to get red-ish rapidly, and that comment of his with the flirtatious tone made you burning red. without any shield to cover your face, you broke the eye contact with the gryffindor, and smiled involuntarily, feeding up his ego.
however, it didn’t took you long to look him in the eyes again, continuing the conversation with a smug smile that matched his. “what would you like to know, ask and i’ll answer.”
you awaited questions like how is it to be a death eather, or have you ever thought of killing someone for your parents’ sake, or anything that would make you cringe inside. although, he firstly asked you questions people never remember the answers to — what’s your favorite colour, muggle movie, a book you could recommend him to read in a free time.
“james potter likes contemporary romances?” you laughed, shaking your head at the answer to the last question he gave you. there was no imagine in your head of james potter, the great seeker of gryffindor, reading a contemporary romance book with eagerness and passion. “i’ll like whatever you recommend me, pretty girl.”
“hmm” you dragged out the words, searching for something in your bag. an exclusive, limited edition costing thousands of muggle’s money, of your favorite book – the pride and prejudice by jane austen. there was a brief moment of hesitation, was he just playing around and you would never get it back, or does he really wanna read it? there was something in his eyes that made you trust him prior to handing him the book. “it’s my favorite one.”
“you like classics?” you nodded.
james felt a weird, tingling feeling in his stomach as you clarified it was your favorite one, and now he had it in his hands. he recognized the muggle author, because his mom read a lot of muggle classics and romance in her freetime. it was bizarre to learn you liked muggle book, hardly ever mentioning a wizard one.
for the rest of the third detention you just… talked, ending up with being walked by him to the basement, so the disscusion you had wouldn’t be cut off so suddenly. the fourth one was even better, the best of them as there was no awkwardness between you two, despite the closeness of your bodies. he sat next to you, your arm and leg touching his whenever he leaned closer.
this time, you were the one talking — infuriated by some guys from ravenclaw that had catcalled you a few times on your way to the detention and one had tried to touch you, thinking it was okay to touch anyone without their consent. they were seniors, finishing school in june when you were a fifth-year, frightened by the vision of writing owls in may.
james just nodded his head, not daring to interrupt you even once, maybe in fear of getting hit by your hands that couldn’t stop moving ever since you started your monologue. he just chimmed in a few times saying true and yes, but he was focused on how your eyes flickered with annoyance and anger, making you even prettier.
“are you even listening to me, james?” the way you empathized his name made his stomach do a flip, a whole acrobatic performance. it was one of the first times, or even the first, when you referred to him as james, not potter, not mister potter or anything you’d called him before, james. “yeah, yes, sorry. assholes from ravenclaw, right?”
he walked you to the entrance of slyherin common room for the last time as it was your last detention together for a while, and you smiled at him warmly before disappearing behind the doors. the first thing you saw after stepping into the room was your brother’s interested smile.
“potter walking you here? someone got a crush.” he laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you climbed the stairs up to his dormitory. “sirius would probably kill him if it was true, my dearest little brother.” you replied walking into the room of your brother and his few friends.
“sirius would kill who?” rosier walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waistline, winking at you with a flirtatious smirk. “quit it, evan. she’s my sister.” regulus was faster to reply.
you plopped on evan’s bed as it was the only free one and sighed. “reg thinks a certain gryffindor has a crush on me because he walked me here.”
“okay, yeah. james walked me twice and regulus thinks he has a crush on me for simply being nice, after literally interviewing me.” you mumbled, crossing arms on your chest. “there’s nothing to discuss here, he’s a gryffindor, a potter, it’s just inherited kindness.”
“and why are you so involved in figuring it out, sister?” your brother asked with a smug smile, his eyebrows high up as he thought he found out about your great secret. “do you reciprocate his little crush on you, huh?”
“shut up, asshole.�� you rolled your eyes, throwing one of evan’s additional pillows at him. “do i look like a 5’4 ginger with a gryffindor’s scarf hung around my neck?”
“please, if i’ll see you one day in a fucking gryffindor robe, i don’t know who i am going to kill first, your future boyfriend or you for cheating on me, pretty girl.” evan sat beside you, almost immediately throwing his hand over your shoulder, pulling you closer to his still wet-ish chest.
you laughed, making yourself comfortable. unfortunately for regulus (who always wanted to kill any of his friends that tried to hit up on you), you enjoyed your flirtatious relationship with evan. “you think really highly of yourself, mr. rosier, took my first proper make-out and you think you decides on which robes i wear?” you shot back, biting back a playful grin appearing on your face.
“you know what i mean, sweetheart.” prior to regulus gag, you sent your friend a kiss and he pretended to catch it and hide in the depths of his heart. “of course, lovely.”
“please, get the fuck out if you want to be all couple-y here with each other.” andrew, another friend of your brother, groaned with fake annoyance as you sent evan another kiss. “what, andy? you jealous or something?” your friend laughed in an answer.
the next time you saw james was when a guy that tried to harass you, walked into the great hall with ugly, red hair and a robe with a large, inscription above his head “i harassed a younger girl.” he sat at the table across the hall, a mischievous grin spreading over his lips as you were the only person his eyes had focused on.
fifteen minutes later, you met him under the willow tree, a smug rosing on his face when you caught his glance. “miss black!” he called out, waving at you. “did you like what i did? especially for you.”
“it was… funny, you know.” you chuckled, taking a seat next to him as you had around twenty minutes left before anyone that could suspect basically anything would walk out of the castle. “i can give you that.” you mumbled, closing your eyes when your head touched the rough tree limb.
“sooo, you should go out with me as a favor, pretty girl.” he sent you a charming smile that would make your legs weak if you weren’t sitting next to him. “maybe on sunday, watchu think?”
you wanted to disagree, say no to him and explain yourself that your older brother, his best friend at the same time, wouldn’t be fond of this idea, though he looked at you with those alluring, brown eyes of his, and you couldn’t deny. “fine. sunday, it is.”
and that’s how you two began to go out, sneaking around and lying to your brothers that nothing really went on with the two of you. nevertheless, sirius was completely unaware of your little dates as anything had barely changed — james still talking about lily with a picture of you in his mind, and you… still didn’t talk to him. whatsoever, regulus knew about everything by connecting the dots and following the clues you left him unwillingly.
“i’ll kill him, hope you know that.” he spoke out suddenly, when you tried to get to your classroom in time, especially because it was potions and slughorn never tolerated lateness. never if you weren’t his favorite students that he collected like gems, giving them privileges and other additions that were probably against school rules. “huh?”
“potter.” you froze in your tracks for a minute. “if he ever lays a hand on you like our father did on our mother or do anything that upsets you, he’s dead.” a warm smile was painted on your brother’s mouth as he cocked his head to the side.
“what? don’t look at me like that. i’m not dumb as others to not notice the smiles he sends you from across the hall or how you disappear to hang out with julie, when she’s alone in the common room.” he exclaimed, a few laughs left his mouth, when you still frozen, looked at him with horror in the eyes. “i’m happy for you, chill, ugly face.”
“you’re not mad? fuming? furious?” you asked, voice somehow still low when you entered the classroom. “will you try to name all the synonyms for mad? and i’m not, y/n. i’ll leave that for the other brother you have.”
you gave him a quick side hug, before occupying yourself with anything that the teacher said, scolding you for being late, again. however, all you had on your mind was the date, your soon-to-be-boyfriend took you on.
it was the date, you’d say… a surprise one, and with james, they were on the normal basis. he would somehow let you know that there are places you need to be at night and a guide on which type of clothes should you wear (and a few notes saying how good you look during the day). then, he usually awaits you beside the enterance to your common room under the invisibility cloak, waiting to finally be able to kiss you. three nights ago, you two ended up in the pub, drank a few butter beers and met a few people that sixteen and fifteen years old probably shouldn’t met at night, they acted nice though.
however the night when everything went downhilld was the night you were supposed to spend in the library, studying to the upcoming owls that stressed the living shit out of you since the beginning of school year. a cup of coffee standing beside the books to transmutation, your biggest nightmare, dark red stains adding a little life to the white cup that was emptying with every other moment.
you were about to get another sip of the sweet liquid you’d prepared earlier, when it was snatched from your hand while someone planted a sweet kiss on your lips. “hey, love.” his voice so soft, and delicate you almost passed out from the tingling, warm feeling in your abdomen.
love, love, love. you would let someone kill you to hear it one more time.
“jamie, hi.” you tilted your head to the side, smiling at the boy warmly. “that’s the first time i see you in the library, something happened?” he shook his head with the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen.
james was the only person along regulus that you had never minded having any form of physical touch, as you grew up with the minimum you sometimes got as a reward. with all the other boys that tried to get somewhere near you at the parties it was just weird, having their arms thrown around various parts of your body had never failed to make you uncomfortable, even with evan you couldn’t be fully okay.
but james… you craved it to function like a normal human being. his touch was like oxygen, the feeling of his hands on your waist, hips, hands was… enchanting, making you want to live again. it was like if you were in a romance book, having the full epic, first sight, soulmates love with a twist (your brother’s hatred towards you). was it love? you couldn’t say yet.
“just wanted to spend some time with ya, y’know?” his hand flew to his curls, ruffling it as he lowered his eyes, focusing himself on the books in front of you. “transmutation? the old hag loves me, you could’ve said something.”
“i tried to figure it out on my own, but i barely moved from the starting point…” you let out a low groan, hiding your head in your hands, exhausted. “didn’t want to be a bother, you know.”
“love, i got outstanding from my transmutation owls, it’s like an easy revision for me.” he planted a kiss on her check, before leaning closer and stealing another sip of her coffee. “i’ll get us something to eat and you’ll be first in your classes”
“mkayy, thank you, jamie.”
well. there wasn’t much of studying, if you were honest. when the lights went finally out, your boyfriend put the invisibility cloak on top of you, so ms. prince wouldn’t catch you past the curfew. the minute she closed the library’s door, you felt potter’s lips crashing into yours, one of his hands pulling off fabric of the cloak.
he sat you down on the table, tossing the books aside. his hand gripping your thigh firmly, after sliding it underneath the fabric of your skirt. you could feel the burning marks his touch left on your skin, heated kisses tracing down your neck with hickies almost all over it.
you would probably keep going if it wasn’t for someone that dropped whatever they had in their hands upon seeing you two. before you could notice any characteristics of the person you heard james let out a mumble “oh fuck”.
and then you saw your brother’s face.
oh fuck indeed.
he stormed to you and before james could even react, he was hit by the shoulder of sirius whose eyes were still on your face. “stay the fuck away from my brother.” the way he empathized the word brother made you feel like someone just stabbed you in the back repeatedly. with the moment these words left his mouth, your whole expression changed to the emotionless and blank, the one you gave everyone but your friends.
“sirius…” your boyfriend sighed, his hand, the one that had a grip on your thigh, was now on the oldest boy’s shoulder. “don’t. this is between me and her.”
“stop messing with my friends’ heads. you don’t deserve to be near them, none of them is a fucking deatheather like you or the other one, none of them will ever be, because unlike you two, they’re good.” he spat, eyes burning with fury. “i don’t care how many of your charming smile you had to give him to take the amortentia from you, but it’ll end, sooner or later.”
“you don’t even know me, sirius.” you stated, your tone still and awfully cold as you got off the table and stood in front of your brother. “don’t act like you do, brother.”
“don’t call me that.” he replied, taking your wrist in his hand. “i don’t fucking care that we grew up together, that we share our last names. we’re not siblings since you and regulus joined his forces. so stay the fuck away from james, he doesn’t even love you, the only thing he talks 'bout is evans.”
“does he, really?” you cocked your head to the side, not letting his words influence you, not here. “you know, maybe your so-called brother wouldn’t have to lie to you if you weren’t so obsessed with hatred you have towards me and regulus. maybe he could tell you that he was the one who started bugging the shit out of me, maybe he could tell you how did we even meet.”
you could see sirius flinch, averting his gaze to potter, who tried to get in between you for a moment now. “don’t tell me it’s true, prongs, after what she did to me?”
“what i did to you? you were the one who left, brother, you’re the one who cut us off the second we were sorted to slytherin, you runaway and you’re mad, because i and reg were fucking kids who wanted to survive.” your voice broke, nevertheless, it didn’t stop you. “you didn’t even try to do something, save us, yet both of us were so fucking stupid defending you whenever someone brought you up. i broke lucius’ nose when he talked shit about you, but fucking evans is closer to being your sister than me, i’m so sick of it.” you couldn’t hold up your coldness, and calmness and you broke down within the end of the sentence, mascara smudged all over your cheeks as you cried while running out of the room.
you didn’t expect james to run down after you — you thought he’d stay with his friend, becuase there weren’t anyone you thought would run after you (excluding regulus, because he would jump into the flames with you). so when your boyfriend barged into the moaning myrtle’s bathroom you were shocked.
“baby…” he spoke out quietly, pulling you into a hug, gentle but tight. you didn’t even look at him, just cried your eyes out while breaking his heart by saying how tired you are of everything, and how you wanted sirius to be your brother again. a few kisses were planted on your hair as he tried to calm you down.
“jamie, please don’t leave me now.” you pulled away to look at him, eyes already red and swollen from tears. you weren’t used to show how vulnerable you were, and a thought of your boyfriend leaving you, because of it was so realistic in your head.
“what? why would i?” he knitted his eyebrows. “y/n, i love you and i know that deeply inside you care about what sirius think of you, but you have nothing to be sorry about, okay? with that said, i won’t leave you, never, okay?” you nodded lightly, resting your head on his shoulder.
“i love you too.” you whispered. “at least we don’t have to hide anymore, right?” a small smile painted on your lips upon your words.
“it’s us against the world right now, love.”
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Evan Rosier Headcanons:
I think his favourite colour is red because his mother grows the most beautiful red roses and the colour remind him of her. 
Evan's dad died when he was young, so young that he doesn't remember the man at all.
I think Evan and Pandora are cousins just as I think Evan and Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa are cousins. Evan and Pandora's dads are twins and then they've got Druella who is their older sister.
Evan is a big-time mama’s boy, and he only speaks French with her because she doesn’t feel as confident in English. Even with other people, he usually translates for her. 
Evan and his mum are very close and she’s probably a little too dependent on him. This probably comes, in part, from the fact that he's been the "head of Rosier house" since he was basically an infant. If it was up to her he would never marry because she thinks no one is good enough for her son. 
I think Evan’s patronus would be a swan because they symbolise grace in dealing with others as well as commitment which is something I think really stands out in Evan. I also just think a beautiful animal who can have a horrible temper (I’ve been bitten by a swan, they can be nasty fucks) fits Evan very well. 
I think he was a fighter to the very end, this is even proven by the whole “he took some of Moody with him when he went” thing, because if there’s one thing about Evan it’s that when he does something he does it with his whole person. 
He obviously knew Regulus from before Hogwarts with their families being connected and all (they're like??? sort of cousins but not blood cousins or like a cousin's cousin or something weirdly complicated that I can't be assed to figure out) but they weren't close until they got to know each other at Hogwarts. They were also roommates.
I think Evan is really shy about PDA because in his head everything has to be proper. 
He seems like the kind of guy who’d polish his shoes just so he could kick you in the face with a clean shoe. 
If we indulge in a bit of RoseKiller, I don’t think he made the first move. 
I think a lot of his feelings are unsaid and rather shown through his body language. His eyes will linger on a person he’s worried about, he’ll stand closer to you, even if in private he’ll tangle his fingers with the person he cares for, calloused hands desperate to bring some sort of comfort he can’t say with just words. 
He’s well-spoken yet always think he falls short when trying to express himself. For this reason, he's actually very quiet.
He's really fascinated by bones and would collect them as a child. He's got multiple expensive and very old wizarding artefacts that feature bones.
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foursaints · 13 days
hey! what are your thoughts on canon rosier twins when evan joins the de? even better, why do you think he did it? and how does pandora react?
okay SO. at hogwarts, i see evan as having been an unremarkable student but an extremely gifted healer. he was indifferent to the de & blood supremacy in general, and remained neutral post-graduation, the same as his sister.
however, i think their lives post-graduation really differed. evan went to st. mungo's as an apprentice, and was swiftly "let go" for obvious reasons (dark magic, inability to fit in, obvious lack of ethics). this was really life-ruining for evan! the only path he ever saw for himself fell from underneath him!
i think tom was aware of this prodigal but disgraced healer-in-training, dismissed for malpractice, and took an interest in him. the DE needed a healer. evan could practice medicine AND be free to experiment creepily with zero rules, so he took the offer (it was made for him)
i don't think the twins lost touch, but this made it MUCH harder for them to stay close. pandora turned out well for herself!! she had a husband & a career, while evan spiraled. this fraying of the bond is life-ruining for both of them.
i think they stayed in touch throughout the war, but pandora was a MESS knowing he was in danger. he swore he was just doing healing, not fighting (true), but it still killed her to see him & killed him to see her come undone. their bond started to repair itself after voldemort died, and evan came to be with her for her pregnancy. he was there for every second and moved in with the lovegoods. it was a little strained but they were together again & that's all that mattered
we know that canonically luna was born a few months after evan died (late 1980 vs feb 1981) which is just SO heartbreaking to think about
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veryinnovative · 1 month
i dont know how i would manage being lied to so much
what would you do? and i mean maybe im just so emotional but i cant picture myself ever trusting those ppl again. i dont care if their lies are justified.
like how do you even handle all that
truly the fic also raises the question 'how would you handle it when decades-old friendships that have become your only existing family are put in jeopardy' but one thing is... it's fic... there's the suspense of disbelief + the fact that regulus is from an entirely different world. like. you really don't have to take tt that seriously but if u rly want to know:
the point is that it's not really a 'what would you do' situation because comparing your upbringing to regulus' is (nearly) impossible. unless u grew up in his specific breed of insanity household and dealt with the complex family dynamics and harsh environments he faced, it's hard to truly understand his perspective. regulus experienced things and made decisions that most people never encounter, which shaped his moral compass and that of his close friends in unique, although 'regressive' ways. their expressions of love and affection are/were deeply intertwined with concerns about life and death, prioritizing survival and the well-being of one another at all costs. even though they eventually escaped their harsh life, the lingering effects still impact their lives profoundly.
it's almost impossible to apply our typical rational thinking or ethical solutions to a situation like regulus', especially when his upbringing often required drastic actions for damage control or as preventive measures. his (family's) + the slythering skittles' circumstances were so extreme that they demanded a different approach to decision-making and problem-solving than what we might consider normal.
regulus killed barty's dad. andromeda and narcissa arranged bella's journey to france and locked her up in the manor. the rosier twins orchestrated the deaths of their parents.
to reiterate: this issue is not merely about justifying the actions of everyone who deceived reg. it also involves recognizing that from childhood, an environment was fostered where resorting to drastic measures was normalized in a sense. such behaviors were not only condoned but encouraged in extreme circumstances, as evidenced by regulus' actions, like drinking poison and killing barty's dad without prior knowledge. this highlights the troubling notion that committing severe acts can be excusable if believed to protect each other's well-being. that's the entire problem. everything in this story has unfolded from this shared trait: elaborate acts of sacrifice and savior complexes and being so traumatized that your brain is wired to do the ultimate in order to prevent more loss.
what everyone did was shitty. it was. but it's important to see why it happened and how it can be remedied, especially considering that no one has ever done something to break regulus' trust before, but regulus has done tons to break theirs. and again, maybe they could have acted accordingly when regulus' suicidal tendencies resurfaced, but they have never known better or tried to.
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birlwrites · 7 months
I was going through your dark lord wip tag because I was in the mood for Lore etc and I noticed that you've talked about all of the other Black family members, but you've only very rarely mentioned Andromeda, in both answers to asks and in ttdl itself. So I was wondering if you could tell us about her? I'd like to know how you think of her. Is it spoilery to reveal if we'll get to meet her sometime in atfhv?
we probably will meet her at some point but she'll be a very minor character because i had to stop somewhere - but yes i have plenty to say about andromeda!!
as far as the cousins go, growing up, andromeda, being the oldest second oldest bella it doesn't *matter* we're *twins* second oldest, was generally the Voice Of Reason. she was very sensible, which is exactly why regulus and sirius always, Always fell for it when she told them bullshit stories about pegasi actually being normal horses who jumped off cliffs and flapped their legs really hard until they sprouted wings. all horses can do this, it's just that most of them don't want to. unicorns sacrificed their ability to sprout wings in exchange for other magical powers. regulus and sirius believed this for years. along with much other bullshit andromeda made up
she was close with her mom and the rosier side of the family, and while she and bellatrix were very close, they weren't inseparable the way regulus and sirius were. she was a slytherin prefect, and prefect meetings were how she met ted - eventually they were paired together for rounds, at which point andromeda's already-flagging devotion to her prefect duties completely bit the dust, and their rounds were not what i would call Productive. rather, that was weekly (or twice-weekly!) Secret Date Time
also, i'm not saying that andromeda running off with a muggleborn was part of what inspired bellatrix to dive even deeper into blood purity as a sort of revenge on her not-sister, but i'm not Not saying that
andromeda knew she was going to leave for a long time before she did it - first she was working up the nerve, and then she was just planning it. she pulled away from her family a bit, but slowly enough that people just thought she was growing into a more reserved adult than she'd been as a child (which is exactly what narcissa Actually did). it took years, which is a good moment for me to say that in this universe, andromeda didn't run away straight after graduating from hogwarts - she did it several months after turning 20, shortly after the conclusion of the summer social season, to be exact
she'd been out of hogwarts for years (and keeping up a secret relationship with ted the whole time, secret in the sense that she'd met his entire family and was acquainted with his friends and Nobody Was Allowed To Breathe A Word To Anyone Who Didn't Already Know), she'd laid the groundwork to leave and like. find employment, and at that point, after years of looking for a way to make it all work, she was ready to go
she didn't *want* to leave, i should say - but the political climate in britain was swinging back towards blood purity, and her family would never accept her relationship with ted, and she spent a long time coming to terms with the idea that she didn't want to live her life stuck in a family like that
and she chose her moment carefully - right after the summer season ended, so her family wouldn't have to deal with it during the season, and by the winter solstice banquet, it would hopefully have mostly blown over. that meant her only options were times when narcissa was at hogwarts for her final year, but if anyone could skate through That social situation and come out the other side unscathed, it would be narcissa, and also andromeda was just done waiting for a perfect moment that would never come. she figured if narcissa reached out to her, she'd apologize for the timing - then narcissa never did.
andromeda doesn't want to be controlled - that's not to say that she's this wild person who's all over the place and doesn't want to plan ahead of think about the future. just the opposite, actually. it's that she's very confident in and resolute about her own ability to create a good life, and she doesn't want to be told she's doing it wrong for stupid superficial reasons. she didn't leave with the intention of cutting herself off from her family (although she did fully expect that *they* would cut her off) - it was more about setting a boundary and making clear that she's in charge of her own life. and if house black couldn't handle that, too bad for them
she and bellatrix have the same voice, but also they don't. bellatrix talks faster and sounds more lively, and andromeda talks more slowly and has settled into her voice more - people who know them both are often surprised to realize that it's not that bellatrix has a higher voice and andromeda a lower one, it's just that they use their voices differently. first impressions of her are that she's pretty mellow, but she's actually just very good at planning out how to do what she wants, in such a way that it means that if andromeda gets sharp or aggressive, it's because something's gone wrong in her plan and she's pissed because now she has to use brute force to make it work
but also andromeda is just. ruthless about her priorities. she wasn't always, but she decided to be around when she decided to leave. if she got caught up thinking about side concerns (my sisters will be upset; i won't be around to try to sway my family away from blood purity; i'll miss my mom; etc), she'd never get what she actually wanted - which was her own life going the way she wanted it to
she hasn't been a target for recruitment into the order because dumbledore doesn't think she cares much for the greater good, and he's not wrong, although he's not totally right - andromeda cares very much about the war. she cares about making sure ted and nymphadora (who's almost 4 atm) will survive it. she won't go into the fights and put her life on the line, because she has people she's decided to be there for, and she's not going to change her mind on that, especially not if dumbledore tries to do it for her. (but, like, she'd be willing to support from a non-combat role, so dumbledore is partly wrong)
the main reason that i don't talk about andromeda much is simply that her absence has made much more of an impact on regulus than her presence has. she left when he was 9, and while they spent summers at black manor together, andromeda was the least likely of the sisters to spend time playing with her kid cousins, especially as she grew more set on leaving. she left around the same time as arcturus and melania's deaths, and orion ascending to the lordship, and then sirius diving into a heap of blood traitors at hogwarts - it was a time of so much turmoil that andromeda leaving isn't even really its own separate Event in regulus's brain. just a part of those couple of years.
there's 'the before times,' when they spent summers at black manor with their grandparents and their cousins including andromeda, and 'the after times,' when they spent summers in london, only visiting their other family, and also regulus barely saw sirius, which, ngl, he cared about much more than he did about andromeda leaving
she's living her best life, tbh - or rather, her best life possible under the circumstances. she doesn't even know sirius was disowned; she avoids the society pages, because when she used to read them, they just made her incredibly sad. she certainly doesn't know sirius didn't end up in slytherin
(also, while i'm rambling, it's not that none of her family reached out after she left - it's just that the letters she got were just trying to persuade her to come back, as opposed to attempting to keep in touch. once she married ted, the letters stopped immediately, except for the one informing her she'd been disowned. neither of her sisters wrote to her - they were both reeling, and pissed off, and intending to give her the silent treatment when she came back, and then she Didn't.)
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coldfanbou · 2 years
TIAM Side Stories: Day Trip
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Time for a picnic. A lot of side stories are going to be happening during the time skip just because it provides me with a lot of obvious time where we don't know what happened. Anyway, let's enjoy a trip with Nayeon and the twins.
Length 1.4K
Taking time to relax, you sat on the couch, head back and eyes closed. “Wakey, Wakey,” You hear being called when you open your eyes; Nayeon is above you, staring at you. “Hey, I was thinking of taking Hina and Ari out for some fresh air; want to come along?” 
“Sure, I’d love to take my girls out.” Nayeon has a gummy grin upon hearing your response.  
“Great, I’ll get their stroller.” Nayeon disappears into the house to get the stroller as you prepare, packing a few snacks and water. When everybody was ready, the two of you headed out. Sitting side by side, Ari and Hina carefully looked at everything that passed by. The twins were holding hands; it was more like Ari was holding Hina’s hand. Ari would thrust out her other arm and babble, and Hina would follow her lead in a much quieter voice. You and Nayeon would laugh upon hearing the twins talking to each other in baby speak. 
“Seems like they have their own language, huh Nayeon?” 
“Yeah, it’s adorable.” The two of you watch the way the twins act. Ari is the louder and more energetic of the two, and Hina usually follows along.  As you push the twins along, you see the countryside's beauty and pause to see a solitary tree on a hill in the distance. A small path of worn grass leads up there.
“Nayeon, let me get a picture of you.”
“I want to take a picture of you. Look how beautiful it is here; it’s a perfect place to take a picture. Look over there at the tree; that’ll be the perfect place.”
With a smile on her face, she agrees. “Alright.” As you make your way up, you get in front of Nayeon and the twins to snap a quick picture. “Really? Right here?” 
“Really, Nayeon. You look beautiful, and the twins look so happy with you.” You couldn’t see it, but Nayeon’s cheeks got just a bit rosier. Looking at the picture you took, you focus on the twins. Hina was smiling at you with her free hand reaching out to you while Ari was looking at the area around her excitedly. After a few minutes of walking, you reach the tree.
“Wow, this is a great view.” From the top of the hill, you could see the seemingly endless green fields; some paths cut through the green like rivers with gentle curves.
“Told you so. Nayeon, I packed a few snacks for us. We could have a little picnic here.” 
Nayeon chuckles, a little happy at the idea of this being a date between the two of you. Not that she would say something to you about it being a date. You take Ari out of her seat first, handing her to Nayeon. When Ari saw Nayeon, she clapped her feet together, happy to see her. Ari immediately nuzzled her tiny body close to Nayeon. “Ari really loves you, Nayeon. I hope you don’t rub off on her.” You say playfully. 
Nayeon opens her mouth in shock. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asks before slapping your shoulder. 
“She’ll be way too confident and get herself into trouble. Did Jihyo tell you about how Jisoo hid from Chaeyoung and Momo? Ari will be a thousand times harder to take care of with your confidence.” You pause while you pick up Hina. “ It won’t be all bad, though; she’ll at least have chosen a good role model.” Hina gently places her head on your chest, her small hand gripping your shirt, sniffling a little. “It’s okay, Hina; I’ve got you.” The two babies babbled to each other, and by the looks of it, Ari scolded Hina. Hina was the shy one between the two and would cry easily, especially if separated from an adult for too long. Everyone made sure that Hina was always with someone. Ari, on the other hand, was outgoing. If a stranger were to come up to her, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that she would smile at them. You could leave Ari alone for a while, and she would find some way to entertain herself. Each baby had a favorite member they liked; for Ari, it was Sana, and Hina’s was Dahyun. Those were the members they spent the most time with. 
“Ari, don’t be like that to Hina. You’re going to have to take care of her.” Nayeon says, catching Ari’s attention. The outgoing baby pouts, drawing a laugh from the two of you. As you finish setting up the large blanket, you lay down Ari and Hina between you and Nayeon. You grab a few snacks from the stroller basket and catch the toddlers’ attention. Ari and Hina turned their heads when they heard you pull them out. 
“These aren’t for you,” seemingly understanding; the twins frown at you. As you hand Nayeon her sandwich, her hand holds yours for a second before pulling away. Her fingers rubbed against yours softly. You pull out some bottles for them, and their expression instantly goes from sad to happy. Their little bodies shake with excitement; they kick their legs as best they can and reach out for their bottles. At their age, you didn’t have to hold their bottles anymore; their tiny hands could grip them now. While the babies drank their bottles, you and Nayeon watched the skyline eating your snacks. You pull out your phone and tell Nayeon to say cheese. Once you have it taken, you show Nayeon, whose gentle smile is heartwarming. She carefully studies the picture of you, Ari, Hina, and her lying down and eating. Once she nods, you take a look at the picture yourself; seeing the happy expressions on everyone’s face brings you joy. 
“Nay, thanks for everything.” You say with no warning.
You caught Nayeon off guard with the sudden statement. “Where’s this coming from?” 
“I just needed to thank you, after everything with Mina, you all made such a great effort to help me. So thank you, I felt depressed for a while, but with all the support you’ve given me, I feel much better now. I couldn’t have done all this without you guys, without you.” 
“Oh… well… you’re welcome.” Nayeon’s unsure what else to say at the moment; brushing her hair behind her ear, she tries to think of something. “I just really wanted to help you. You mean a lot to… us. Some of us may not admit it, but we obviously care about you and the kids.”
“Thanks for caring about me, Nayeon.” As you look over, you see that Nayeon has a bit of mayonnaise from her sandwich at the corner of her mouth. You grab a napkin and lean over to her; Nayeon turns to you in surprise and stays still as you gently wipe her mouth. You laugh out loud as you tell her, “Even now, you still can’t eat without making a mess.” 
Nayeon doesn’t say anything for a moment before eventually countering with, “I am not that messy!” You don’t catch sight of it, but the blood rushes to her cheeks, making them beet red.
“How many times did I have to clean up after we had a meal? Oh yeah, every time.”
“Not every time!”
“Most times, and you would always have something on your face.”
“You could just tell me when I do.”
“I could, but the one time I did that, you said just to wipe it away,” Nayeon remembers this moment as soon as you mention it. She covers her mouth with her hand, trying to hide her rosy cheeks. At this point, she could die from embarrassment. 
“I have to say, it is pretty cute, though.” Nayeon has to look the other way for a moment as she tries to stop smiling. Ari finishes with her bottle and smacks your leg with it. “Oh, are you two done with your bottles already?”  When you checked the bottles, they were empty. You and Nayeon finish your snack before getting up and putting the twins in the stroller. Once they were in the seats, you gave Nayeon a sudden kiss on the forehead. It was a habit for you to do this whenever you and Jihyo were taking the children out. It was only when you had pulled back that you realized what you did.  “Oh, sorry, Nayeon. I’m just really used to doing that.”
Nayeon waves you off, covering her face so you can’t see it. As the two of you walked back home with the now sleepy children, she thought about you. She thought about how she felt, and Nayeon became resolute that she would talk to Jihyo about this. She needed to; what was once buried was bubbling up to the surface.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Hi! I really like your headcanons, they’re lots of fun! But I had kind of a dumb question as I was scrolling through your blog… who/what are the Slytherin skittles? Thanks in advance, if you decide to reply, for explaining to a new fan!
Hehe thank you 🫶🏼
the Slytherin Skittles are as follows:
Regulus Black- younger brother of Sirius (obviously) and a Slytherin. He’s kind of grumpy but we love him (see; kitten) he’s often shipped with James Potter (Starchaser/Jegulus) or Barty Crouch Jr (Bartylus) He’s the one who found the locket in the cave and died trying to get it.
Barry Crouch Jr- same age as Regulus. He’s canonically a Ravenclaw but is commonly shown as a Slytherin. His personality is very similar to Sirius’ but more sinister. He’s usually shipped w/ Evan Rosier (Rosekiller) or Regulus Black. He kidnapped and impersonated Mad-Eye moody for the entirety of GoF and he also helped torture the Longbottoms. He joined the DE solely to piss off his dad (it worked, and he also killed him midway GoF)
Evan Rosier- same age as the two above. No canon house but is shown as a Slytherin. His personality is a bit wack depending on what you’re reading, he’s more down to earth than Barty but they’re still a very chaotic duo. Shipped w/ Barty. He’s mentioned once in Karkoroff’s trial (“and Rosier! Evan Rosier!” “Rosier is dead.”)
Pandora Lovegood- once again same age as the boys above, and doesn’t have a canon house but is usually in Ravenclaw. She doesn’t have a maiden name so it’s up to you (usually Rosier as Evans twin, Malfoy, Lestrange or Lovegood) Her personality is close to Luna’s but she’s got more of an edge. Shipped with her husband (Xeno) or Lily Evans (pandalily) She died when Luna was 9, experimenting with a spell that backfired.
Dorcas Meadowes- she’s a year older than those lot (so marauders age) and her house is very all over the place. In this instance she’s a Slytherin (which is more common lately) Her personality also kind of changed but she’s very competitive and a bit cold. Her main ship is with Marlene McKinnon (dorlene) which is as popular as Wolfstar. She’s mentioned once when Harry is being shown the picture of the original Order, and she was killed personally by Voldemort.
sorry I went on but of a tangent, I just love talking about em. I tried to stick to a bit more canon and base knowledge of them. Hoped it helped :)
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shiftingaround · 8 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hogwarts University DR
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This has been such a long time coming now, but I'm FINALLY sitting down to actually do it!
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This DR follows the plot of the books and movies of Harry Potter, however, there are some small changes. Kind of similar to real life, a lot of the prejudice lies with our parents and their parents etc., this does lead to us getting dragged into the mess of the war and Harry still being seen as the 'Chosen One'. But, none of the actual students at Hogwarts hold the same level of prejudice our parents do.
In this DR, witches and wizards are sent to study at special Wizarding and Witchcraft Primary and Secondary schools where they are taught how to read and write, basic maths and English (because where do they actually learn this stuff?) as well as some simple charms, transfiguration and potions etc.
After they finish secondary school and turn 20 years old they are then sent to study at Hogwarts for University before they decide what they would like to do for a job after school, and to learn more about the magic they possess. Depending on what they want to do they can leave school early if they should so choose too.
None of the students die (so Fred is safe, as well as Lavender and anyone else who canonically dies who was a STUDENT at Hogwarts throughout the series). But Remus, Tonks, Sirius or any of the older characters that canonically die, still do die.
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BACKSTORY: I was born into a pure-blood family, but I am actually a half-blood.
NAME: Lucinda Rosier (the canon Rosier family were scripted out)
AGE (at the time of shifting): 20 years old
DATE OF BIRTH: 26/08/1991
WAND: Beech wood wand with a Dragon heartstring core 12 1/2" length
My mother fell in love with a Muggle man, and accidentally fell pregnant with me. Before anyone found out she confided in a very close friend of hers named Reagan Rosier and they decided they would marry to protect both her and me. It would also help Reagan, as he's gay, but due to his family desperately wanting an air they are very unaccepting of that side of him. So, they continued as friends, and were wed for convenience.
They never wanted to lie to me about my background or about who my real father was, so as soon as I was old enough to understand why it needed to be kept a secret, and to even understand the concept, they told me. And luckily, from then on, I was able to have a relationship with my biological father Edward.
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MOTHER: Merula Fleur Rosier (nee Crowe)
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STEP-FATHER: Reagan Aurelius Rosier
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BIOLOGICAL FATHER: Edward Redmayne (and it's just Eddie Redmayne. I'm going to be honest, with all these strange names flying around, I found it disturbingly difficult to come up with a normal name... I also just love Eddie Redmayne, so...)
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FRIENDS: My closest friends are mostly just members of Slytherin house, so, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott etc.
I did script that everyone gets along quite well regardless of house so I have friends from all houses. I am also quite close with the Weasley twins and the Golden Trio.
And I of course scripted my IRL best friend into this DR as well!
I didn't script Mattheo Riddle in, because if I'm really honest, I don't fully understand who he's meant to be. Nothing about his fanon backstories makes sense to me.
S/O: Draco Malfoy
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Hopefully this gives at least a little insight into the mess that is my Hogwarts University DR! I don't think this is super interesting and some of it is probably a little bit cringy, but it might help give people some ideas for their DRs?
I'll most likely do my 9th Member Stray Kids DR next as that is currently my main DR. If my main DR changes though, that will most likely change!
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orbitfalls · 5 months
YESSS OFC I WILL LOVE!!! and aaaa yes 80k im so proud of myself!!!! out of order is my first ever fic (still a work in progress but she's grown quite long lately heheh!!) so it has a very special place in my heart<33 i definitely do feel like i've improved a lot since i started writing it, but i think that progress is a good thing yk<3
it's wolfstar- and jily centered, or at least it started out that way, but Pandora and Barty lowkey started taking over the story as i got progressively more and more invested in their characters. The plot itself is still about wolfstar and jily, and they're still the MCs, but half the chapters are just pandora and barty being icons at this point😭 then barty and lily started flirting and i was like, WOW, HOLD ON, WE'RE GETTING WAYY OFF TRACK HERE so i invented ✨east of eden✨ to let my inner demons unfold (and east of eden has now become my favourite to write, unsurprisingly). this is also essentially how i got into shipping bartylily lol<3
oh and look at that, i've already gotten off track in my own rambling again... let me tell you about out of order!!
it's a boarding school AU, and a muggle AU with a modern setting. the concept is that sirius and james are your standard it-boy roommates and have been for the past several years (peter erasure:( didn't much like his character when i started writing it and it's too late to change it now), but the story starts off with remus transferring to their school and being assigned to their dorm, which starts a bunch of drama, because remus is a rather famous influencer. The Thing is, though, that wolfstar used to be very close, but a Big ThingTM happened two years ago which sparked a HUGE conflict between the two of them that no one else knows about, and which would be a huge scandal for Remus' career if it ever got out. the whole thing's very dramatic and tense, and there's a bunch of drama happening on the side lines while the story unfolds. i'm adding a little snippet below that's really not that little because i just can't shut the fuck up. it's set at mary's birthday party, narrated by an ecstasy-tripping remus lol<3
(forever pushing the albino rosier twins agenda btw)
As Remus trips through the tightly packed dance floor, even the familiar of faces distort and disfigure, napes growing fingers that stretch through tinsel-decorated locks of hair and eyes that are too wide, or too round, or just misplaced in general. Mostly, they're brown, or green, or blue. Some are heavy-lidded, some are red around the edges, some have dilated pupils. Pandora's eyes have a sort of reddish purple shade. They're the type of eyes that are round and sort of puppy-like, with a little space of white that droops below her irises as if she's always looking up. She's traced them with eyeliner that stands out against the pale surface of her skin, and when she smiles, gentle creases form under her platinum bottom lashes. "Remus." Her voice sounds like she's speaking through a shallow body of water. Her eyes look like little purple suns. Remus sees them rise and fall over the horizon and imagines how his lifespan shortens by another day every time they move. He imagines how ancient she must be. This is why you shouldn't do ecstasy in the bathroom, he supposes. He blinks. She's looking at him still. He blinks again. "Aren't you supposed to hate me?" "Hate you?" Her head tilts to the side. There's something faintly unsettling about the way her features bend with her emotions, not a cold and motionless face like Regulus' or a vivid display of dramatics like Sirius', but some third and different option entirely. "I don't do that much. Why do you think I should hate you?" Remus shrugs. He's sort of forgotten. "I don't know. Aren't you Regulus' girlfriend?" "Certainly not," she laughs. "Regulus is family. Sure if you'd hurt him, I'd hurt you, but I wouldn't have to hate you to do that." She says it easily, not the trace of a threat in her tone. She's quite a small girl, smaller than both Lily and Regulus - still, Remus' intuition tells him that he'd be in deep trouble if she ever decided she wanted him to be. Remus sways slightly. The song changes and more people press onto the dance floor; he feels the pulse of the wood under his feet. It beats in sync with his own pounding head. Pandora smiles, and Remus watches her eyes crease. She says, "But Regulus isn't the one you damaged, at the end of the day, so I hold nothing against you." She's got a pretty voice, softspoken and a little deep for a girl, with a posh finality to the details of her words. She pronounces them properly, pierced lips moving around each syllable like she's blowing bubbles through a piece of gum: Certainly. Pop. Regulus. Pop. Sure. Pop. "Oh," Remus says. He feels like a tree in the wind. "That's good." Pandora laughs. She reaches out a small hand, fingers heavy with silver rings. There's one on her middle finger, shaped like a snake. It hisses at Remus. "Come, let's go to the others," it says. Pandora's hand is sort of warm, but also sort of cold, like when you put your hand into water so cold it seems to ignite your skin.
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unfortunate-arrow · 9 months
𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝: 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 | part 1
part 2
𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙝 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙆𝙖𝙙𝙚
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Nicknames: J
Name Meanings: Jonah → Hebrew, “dove” ; David → Hebrew, “beloved” ; MacKade → Irish, Scottish, “from the wetlands.”
Date of Birth: June 2, 2030 (at 2:38 am)
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Amir Wilson 
Parents: Nate MacKade and Nova Hartley (@gaygryffindorgal)
Siblings: Wyatt Hartley and Zoey Vanessa MacKade 
Godparent: Paddy MacKade
Patronus: Black bear 
Favorite Subjects: History of magic, transfiguration 
Least Favorite Subjects: Herbology 
Extracurriculars: Keeper and then seeker on the Hufflepuff quidditch team
Hobbies: Quidditch, hurling, football/soccer, reading, Star Wars, rugby
Personality: Kind, supportive, humble, adaptive, reserved, intelligent, honest, hardworking, stubborn, reliable, practical, perfectionist tendencies, impulsive moments
About Jonah: As the older twin, Jonah is the quietest of the three MacKade siblings. He’s got a generally good relationship with his older brother and twin sister. However, he is easily annoyed by Wyatt’s teasings and Zoey’s headstrong tendencies. He’s closest to his twin sister, though, even when he wishes she would stop trying to protect him and let him handle things for himself. He also has a good relationship with both his parents, with a slightly closer relationship with his father than his mother. In addition, he has a close relationship with his cousin, Ian.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Jonah was sorted into Hufflepuff. He joined the quidditch team in his second year as a keeper but in his fourth year, he switched positions to play seeker. He enjoyed spending time at Hogwarts and he really enjoyed playing quidditch. In addition, Jonah’s favorite subject was history of magic, something that he had in common with his father.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Jonah went on to become an archivist for a museum. He had worked for the ministry for a few years, but wasn’t very happy with that work so when a position opened up in a wizarding museum, he eagerly jumped at the opportunity to transfer position.
Jonah’s middle name is after his late paternal grandfather.
Jonah does not like rats, as one bit him when he was a young child and that incident kinda scarred him… when it came to rats, anyways. 
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𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙅𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙆𝙖𝙙𝙚
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Nicknames: Flower, Flo
Name Meanings: Flora → Latin, “flower” ; Jean → English and Scottish, “God is gracious” ; MacKade → Irish, Scottish, “from the wetlands.”
Date of Birth: October 27, 2028 
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Lara McDonnell
Parents: Finn MacKade and Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
Brother: Ian David MacKade 
Godparent: Nate MacKade
Patronus: Dapple gray mare
Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, study of Ancient runes 
Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic 
Extracurriculars: Chaser on the Ravenclaw quidditch team, captain of the team in her sixth and seventh years 
Hobbies: Quidditch, hurling, running, Gaelic football, reading
Personality: Athletic, intelligent, logical, inquisitive, reserved, quiet, outgoing, friendly, organized, detail-oriented, warm, stubborn, curious, direct, sarcastic
About Flora: As the eldest, Flora is very much her father’s daughter, although she’s got a lot of her mother’s temperament. She’s got a generally good relationship with her younger brother, Ian, and is closer to her cousin, Zoey. In addition, she has a good relationship with both of her parents, although she is a bit closer to her mother than she is to her father. In some ways, the similarities between Flora and Finn make it hard for the two of them to get along pretty well.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Flora was sorted into Ravenclaw. However, Flora was a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. In her third year, Flora quickly made the Ravenclaw quidditch team in the position of chaser. She fell in love with the sport, and began exploring muggle sports like hurling and  Gaelic football. In addition, Flora was made team captain in her sixth year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Flora decided to go professionally and started her career playing for the Kenmare Kestrels. She also went on to play for the Montrose Magpies before becoming a philanthropist. 
Flora’s middle name is after her paternal great-grandmother. 
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𝙄𝙖𝙣 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙆𝙖𝙙𝙚
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Ian → Scottish, “the lord is gracious” ; David → Hebrew, “beloved” ; MacKade → Irish, Scottish, “from the wetlands.”
Date of Birth: May 18, 2030 
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Faceclaim: Paddy Holland
Parents: Finn MacKade and Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
Sister: Flora Elspeth MacKade 
Godparents: Owen and Paddy MacKade
Patronus: Husky
Favorite Subjects: Charms, flying 
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, study of Ancient runes 
Extracurriculars: Keeper on the Gryffindor quidditch team
Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, photography, football/soccer, hurling, 
Personality: Reserved, impulsive, courageous, fly by the seat of his pants, stubborn, honest, curious, loyal, practical, responsible, jack-of-all-trades, observant, independent
About Ian: As the youngest, Ian takes after his mother more so than his father, although he has Finn’s temperament. He‘s generally got a good relationship with his sister, although he’s closer to his cousin, Jonah. In addition, he has a good relationship with both of his parents, although he’s a bit closer to his father. He’s also got a good relationship with all of his dad’s brothers, being closest to his Uncle Owen. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Ian was sorted into Gryffindor after a six-minute hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. He took a bit of time to grow comfortable at Hogwarts, but it was helped that his sister and cousins were also at Hogwarts too. In his fourth year, Ian joined the Gryffindor quidditch team in the position of keeper. In the fifth year, Ian was named prefect. In addition, Ian began discovering a passion for photography in his fifth year after his father gifted him a camera as a Christmas gift. However, he never wanted photography to be a career. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ian went on to become a broom-maker.
Ian’s middle name of David is after his late paternal grandfather. 
Finn taught Ian about photography, although Ian figured out much of it on his own while at Hogwarts. 
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𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙊’𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡-𝙇𝙚𝙚
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Nicknames: Jem, Jamie
Name Meanings: James → Hebrew, “supplanter” ; Michael → Hebrew, “who is like God” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall” ; Lee → English “meadow, pasture.”
Date of Birth: November 24, 2030
Gender: Male ; he/him
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim: Paxton Booth
Parents: Declan O’Donnell-Lee and Callie Black (@mjs-oc-corner)
Sister: Harper Aurora O’Donnell-Lee
Godparents: Dora and Brendan O’Donnell-Lee
Patronus: Erumpent
Favorite Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, charms, flying, potions
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, astronomy 
Extracurriculars: Care of Magical Creatures club, beater on the Ravenclaw quidditch team
Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, drawing, hiking, animals 
Personality: Intelligent, curious, quick-witted, compassionate, stubborn, slightly impulsive, empathetic, kind, friendly, reliable, thoughtful, hardworking, “fight me”
About Jem: As the eldest child, Jem is a good combination of his parents’ personalities. He takes after his mother a bit more so than his father, but in general, his personality is a good combination of his parents’. He has a good relationship with both of them, but is closer to his paternal grandfather, Granda Barnaby. Granda Barnaby helped to foster Jem’s love of creatures and animals by allowing him to help out at the O’Donnell-Lee Creature Reserve and Rehab Center with the harmless creatures. In addition, Jem is also close with his little sister.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Jem was quickly sorted into Ravenclaw, following in the steps of his aunt Violet, great-uncle Conor, and great-aunt Ruth. He found himself at home in Ravenclaw quite quickly. He adored his time at Hogwarts, which helped to foster many different interests. He joined Ravenclaw’s quidditch team in his fifth year as a beater and joined the magical creatures club in his third year. His love for magical creatures grew with each subsequent care of magical creatures class. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Jem became a magiozoologist. He studied the field under the guidance of the non-familial members of the O’Donnell-Lee Creature Reserve and Rehab Center. Eventually, Jem inherited the center, after his aunt Dora retired. 
Jem shares his middle name, Michael, with his great-uncle Ryan, his great-grandfather, Seán, his great-great-great-great uncle, and his father’s cousin (Ryan’s son). His greatx4 uncle and his father’s cousin both have Michael as their first name, while Great-Uncle Ryan and Great-Granda Seán have Michael as their middle name. 
Fun fact! Jem was Declan’s original name. In his first iteration, Declan was named James Ryan “Jem” O’Donnell-Lee. Naming Declan’s son, Jem, was a fun nod to that. 
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𝙒𝙮𝙖𝙩𝙩 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙆𝙖𝙙𝙚 • 𝙕𝙤𝙚𝙮 𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙆𝙖𝙙𝙚
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𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙊’𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡-𝙇𝙚𝙚
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jewishregulus · 2 minutes
could u give your thoughts / analysis on evan and pandora ? separately or together as the rosier twins
me getting asked this abt evan and pandora and saints getting asked abt the carrows a millennia back …. the custody agreement is going crazy ….
i of course feel the need to disclose before this post that all of my evan and pandora thoughts are filtered through a “would saints fucking say that?” pump in my brain …. so for most of my rosier twins thoughts i must redirect u to @foursaints of course …. with that being said here r some things that really define them 4 me :3
i think that pandora is defined by her connection to life where as evan is connected to disconnection and death …. in the sense that pandora is like . the way an open wound pumps blood in spurts as it struggles to keep the body moving . i think pandora finds wonder in the way the body struggles to sustain itself . i think dead things bore her: but cutting someone open and watching as their lungs struggle to intake a breath? that would get her !!! where as evan finds comfort in the silence that comes with death . in the predictability and the ease of it . very much the dynamic of pandora is very much alive and evan is very much dead …… but i do not think these r very stuck in roles . bc i think another very important rosier twins thesis is how much of each other they Are . while evan is the physical representation of death n dying he still romanticizes studying the living … bc he can see it through his sister …. and pandora may enjoy watching the struggle for life but in the end she lets most things die , as she is her brothers sister forever ….
i do not see either of them as murderous and gorey without intent though . i do not think they fall into the degenerate gross category of this . it is all genuine interest and love. none of it is for the sake of it happening . it’s an interest they only express close to their heart with people they connect with and or on their own in their own sacred environment ….
i think their codependency is very key and i can see evan and pandora , in their first few months of hogwarts , sneaking away to the common room or to empty classrooms or somewhere to just sleep in eachothers precense . the seperation hogwarts provides them , although very little, is disastrous to their little world . these are people who have never been apart in their entire lives . all they know is eachother and everything they do outside of eachother they need to make sure they understand through eachothers lenses . in every relationship they have the other is a key important factor …. oh how i love you sibling codependency
again take everything i say w a grain of salt bc i am a regulus enjoyer first human second . most characters i mainly view through a lens of how they impact Him and his story …. but i am breaking through my autistic inspired bias bc i just find them so interesting . i’m blaming saints i love off putting twinks and their equally as off putting but more humanity driven sisters .
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
breakup with your girlfriend, i’m bored.
james potter x fem!reader, platonic!remus lupin x reader, james potter x lily evans
summary: james’ journey onto finding love; just not with you.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: unrequited love, angst, swearing, crying, mentions of food, self doubt/insecurity, pining, mentions of murder, mentions of marriage and kids
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— 0:00
‘You got me some type of way
Ain't used to feelin' this way
I do not know what to say
“so, mates, i think m’finally getting somewhere with lils!” the tone of excitement thickly lacing the bespectacled boys words. “m’sure of it.” he continued, a bit of confusion in his words but still the same amount of excitement as before.
his brows were furrowed and he picked at the skin of his fingernails trying to relieve himself, further wringing his hands a few times before looking at his friends for their input.
“m’so— m’so happy for you, prongs. really, that’s great.” your voice faltering as you continued to speak, trying to scoundrel up a tone of excitement that would’ve played off well enough. instead all you were feeling stone cold truth of dejection.
But I know I shouldn't think about it
Took one fuckin' look at your face
Now I wanna know how you taste
Usually don't give it away
But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it’
a fake smile plastered your face, trying to push back the tears that wanted to desperately prick at your eyes. you tried to further block them from escaping your waterline as you hear the boy jabber close to every single day about the red head he had been continuously fawning over.
the day went subsequently normal; potions, transfiguration, break period, plan pranks and dinner. but unfortunately for you, you didn’t have the privilege to share a messy dormitory with the four other boys leaving their conversations and discussions open about you and more your feelings.
“d’you think y/n was a bit off today?” peter asked abruptly from the place he sat on the oak wood floor, catching the attention of the three other boys who were seated on their separate twin beds. furthering to retain all memories of you from that day attempting to identify where you might’ve seemed ‘off.’
‘Then I realize she's right there
And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair"
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
“maybe a lunch a bit, she looked a little melancholy, i guess.” sirius answered this time, recalling the memory of you speaking in a very disconsolate tone. “y’think it’s anything major, or just stress?” he questioned again, beginning to worry about his close friend.
“dunno, i don’t think so.” the lycanthrope added to the conversation. he recalled james’ new confession about the red headed girl, and your extremely unhappy expressions following; of course noticing a bit at the time when it was occurring but just assuming you had a bad day with evan rosier pestering you for a date.
maybe... maybe she— but they’re best friends? his thoughts were extremely close to scrambled, remus was an observer, he was clever and sharp-witted; but this, he couldn’t figure out.
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right
“oi, y/n!” a deep voice called in the distance, putting your light jog to a stop in the middle of the courtyard leaving you to stand in the grass. swiftly turning around you were met with the taller fawn-haired boy, who looked tremendously determined.
“i’ve, uh, ‘ve got to ask you something, and it may seem foolish, but i think i just still ask you.” his voice hurried like his panting breaths from running across the school to find you, asking around the library and your dorm mates.
“yeah, moons, sure, anything.” affirming the boy who looked a bit confused, and worried but you didn’t know if it was for his sake or yours.
he grabbed your wrist in his palm pulling you on the prickly grass over to someone more private like to speak with you. “d’you— d’you like prongs? more than friendly...” the boy sputtered, further acknowledging your blown eyes like someone had just committed murder in-front of you.
But I don't care
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored’
“i— uhm, well, that’s a bit— why d’you think— remus, what the fuck!” your words taking a halt every few seconds with a recurrent sputter trying to figure out where the question had even came from, or how he even knew.
“i saw— i saw the way you acted at lunch the other day. i jus’ wanted to know if it’s true.” he asserted, no present lingering touches of judgement in his tone.
remus knew what it was like to be judged, so whenever you had the urge to jabber out all of your problems he was the boy you had always ran too first. knowingly, or not. but he felt particularly disappointed in himself that you hadn’t trusted him with this potential secret.
‘This shit always happen to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps?
Practically on my knees
“yeah— i do.” you admitted with a breath, guilt taking a pang at your heart. and anger taking a swig at your brain; how could you be so fucking stupid.
“remus, but you can’t— you can’t tell him, or anything.” your tone was hushed, and only meant for remus’ ears. feeling a tinge of embarrassment warm onto your cheeks, knowing someone you loved clearly didn’t reciprocate those feelings.
“i swear, i won’t. but m’here for you, i don’t want you feeling like you can’t tell me anything.” his words soft, and his tone genuine. why couldn’t you have fallen for someone like him? but instead, you crush on someone who was in love with someone else.
But I know I shouldn't think about it
You know what you're doin' to me
You're singin' my songs in the streets, yeah, yeah
Actin' all innocent, please
“c’mon, y/n.” he beckoned you to follow him, resting his arm on the curvature of your shoulder feeling his side press against your smaller one and guiding you to transfiguration with him.
why? why did you have to be so damn foolish? because it was her, with her beautiful red locks, her perfect maroon lipstick, her exceedingly amazing grades, her ability to be silly for a moment and loosen up. why couldn’t you be her? why couldn’t you have what she has.
it’s because it’s simple; you weren’t lily evans and you were never going to be.
When I know you out here thinkin' 'bout it
Then you realize she's right there
And you're at home like, "Damn, she can't compare"’
“guys! guys! she said yes!” james announced whilst scuttling across the mahogany floor of the common room. his actions at a halt flopping his body over the scarlet-red couch and a grin on his lips.
“who said what?” sirius muttered, glancing up from the map for a moment before looking back down in ascertainment.
“lily-pad! i asked her on a date and she was like, ‘yeah, fine, potter. but if you’re late i’ll kill you.’ just like that!” he pretended to play out the conversation for a moment, his thrilled movements and inflection almost animated from how happy he felt.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right’
remus briefly glanced at you, concern swirling in his hazel irises, meanwhile, your eyes widened for a moment. you plastered yet another fake grin onto your lips, about to congratulate your crush on winning a date with his all time infatuation.
“prongs! oh my merlin, that’s amazing, i’m so happy for you!” putting on the best impression of exhilaration for your best friend, the act only remus could piece together and break apart.
“no way! prongs, mate, i knew you could do it!” sirius spoke, his tone fein for his best friend who had been in a pinning coma for the last few years.
‘But I don't care
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend’
the boys continued to congratulate the boy, remus only giving him a nod and a smile. the marauders paying no mind to it and instead james merrily talking about the red head; his red head.
you weren’t his, and you never would be.
yet another realization struck you, the urge and need to move on present in your nervous system almost begging you to find someone else and to hide away from all the pain that could swallow you whole.
‘With your girlfriend
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
You could say I'm hatin' if you want to
But I only hate on her 'cause I want you’
you were now sat on the smooth ivory bedding that perfectly hugged your bed, remus’ body right beside yours. except you weren’t comfortable, you wanted to cry a valley of tears that could’ve lasted a life time.
“why is it her? why couldn’t he want me, am i not enough?” you spoke through broken sobs, feeling remus’ agile hands rub up and down the column of your back.
“you’re enough, y/n/n. he’s a bloody git for not seeing that.” remus spoke, sponging a kiss on your hairline. he felt the wet tears graze his shoulder, slightly contracting at the cold feeling but paying no mind to them as he comforted you.
‘Say I'm trippin' if you feel like
But you without me ain't right
You could call me crazy 'cause I want you
And I never even ever fuckin' met you
Say I'm trippin' and it ain't right
But you without me ain't nice’
“m’the bloody git! i fell in love with m’best friend who’s in love with someone else! next thing you know i’m accidentally setting dumbledores beard on fire, and accidentally spawning voldemort for christ’s sake!” your words mumbled and obstruct from the tears that had over come you.
you whipped your face free from tears for a moment, basically scrubbing the black colour of your mascara down your cheeks. “you’re not alone, you know? m’right here.” his tone, yet again, sincere.
you felt undeserving of his coddling, that your messy puppy love was so little compared to his issues. “i can tell your belittling your problems right now, you’re aloud to be upset.” he whispered, trying to assure you all he could, whilst disrupting you from your senile thoughts.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right
But I don't care’
“merlin, she’s fantastic.” the brunette finished his third speech of the day on how ‘amazing’ lily is. yeah as if him pining after her wasnt enough, then what the hell was this?
the devil poking at you for cheating on your herbology test in first year, the time you accidentally tripped peter when rushing to potions, maybe it was the time you put belching power in sirius’ drink everyday for a week because he said you had a flat arse?
what the hell did you do to deserve this incessant torture that had been inflicted upon you. we’re you being dramatic? probably. but the boy you were quite literally in love with could not stop talking about how he wanted to ask another female to be with him, companionship, life, marriage, children. he wanted everything with her.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, baby, girlfriend
With your girlfriend’
but then again it was also extremely simple.
he just simply didn’t want you.
he wanted lily fucking evans.
‘With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
With your girlfriend’
taglist: @fathermarty @kittykylax @terr0rizer @aspiringsloth20 @maddoxsmythologicalmind @amourtentiaa @dear-luna @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
if your username is crossed out that means you gave me the wrong username or your settings for public display tags are off!
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foursaints · 2 days
how do you think they all met? like obviously evan and pandora are our fav unhinged twins, and ev dates barty, but how do THEY meet? and how does regulus fit in? is he barty’s friend or pandora’s friend? and dorcas? is she in the group in your version of them? 
(also what do they/you think of snape? 👀)
to me the timeline goes
i. regulus & barty are peripheral childhood friends. their parents didn’t get along but they plastered together at pureblood events. to barty this was more of a casual fondness, as he never saw reg much, but regulus considered barty his Only Friend growing up. there was a mutual tinge of desperation to their friendship and they became inseparable at hogwarts <- lots of slytherins ponced around for reg’s Black Scion Stamp Of Approval, but regulus mostly kept to barty because of their childhood warmth
ii. when the rosiers stopped being homeschooled in 3rd year, reg quickly became obsessed with pandora. meanwhile barty was having at least six concurrent crises over The Rosier Boy Being At Hogwarts (barty’s first impression upon seeing evan: I think i huave dragonpox) but reg’s friendship with pandora helped. they were aware of the rosiers for pureblood reasons, but the twins kept to themselves before hogwarts. pandora is the first and only person that regulus ever actively sought out for friendship
dorcas hangs out with the ravenclaws to me!! i hc her in the same social circle as emmeline vance & amelia bones. i could see her being friendly with regulus, but i like having the skittles as a closed unit of Four so i can parallel them w/ the marauders
(re: your last question. i fucking love snape sorry everyone. i used to dislike him for crimes against lily but i read some fics that really got to me)
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
I really like rping and love pushing my characters but I have a hard time thinking of stuff for them to do! Do you have any recs for which characters you think will be easiest to plot for?
I get it, some folks do better plotting with a blank slate and some do better with a foundation to springboard from. For what you’re after, from our current bios, I'd suggest taking a look at:
Marlene McKinnon - she’s one of our four captives, so she’s got built-in plots right there (not to mention some pretty fraught connections to the other three). Then there’s the fact she has a comparatively fleshed-out family background and is oh yeah also currently an unwilling spy for Voldemort against the Order and she’s basically cake for plots imo.
Emmeline Vance - another of the captives, so all the same things apply there, but she’s got a less defined family background if you prefer coming up with that from scratch. She’s also the girl who figured out who was in charge of the Order before she even graduated, and told Dumbledore to let her join rather than the other way around, so she has history of being an active person -- but now she’s sort of paralyzed by the trauma of her captivity. That might make her the best choice for someone who likes pushing their characters but struggles to plot it themselves, because Emmeline is sort of in that position herself -- and oh yeah, she also doesn’t know that her “safe” job off the battlefield has put her in direct proximity to a Death Eater spy working for the folks who tortured her!
Gideon Prewett - our fourth and final captive (aside from James, who is already taken), he’s also got job ties to Frank and Alice Longbottom as well as a twin brother who’s the reason he joined the Order in the first place.You could easily build either tension or friendship with the Longbottoms (or both!) and definitely plenty of angst with his brother, given the many things they should be talking about but haven’t yet.
Fabian Prewett - likewise has plenty of conflicted feelings over his brother’s capture, and like Marlene he has some nice pre-defined family background and feelings there to build on, plus how his feelings on lineage (and the duties thereof) may be impacted by hanging-out with so many halfblood and muggleborns who don’t have those expectations. And of course, like Gideon, he has the built-in connection of a twin in the Order -- the twin he almost got killed by joining the Order!
Theodosia Selwyn and Evan Rosier and Emma Vanity - all of our spies for Voldemort have loads of plotting potential both for the practical sense of what they’re doing for the Dark Lord, and for their various personal feelings regarding said spying. That also gives them plenty of reasons to interact with other characters -- both for their own purposes, and because it’s literally their job to get close to these people (too bad that sometimes means actually getting close to people they’re supposed to be betraying...).
Caradoc Dearborn - he’s both one of the established leading voices within the Order and he runs one of their safe houses. Plus said location is a pub, which makes it both an official and an unofficial hang-out of the rest of the Order. He always has a reason (and a place) for interacting with other characters. Add to that his exacting nature and his shrewdness, and he has a reason for both noticing and prying when he sees someone acting off.
Peter Pettigrew - he has the Marauders for his closest connections like usual, but he’s also in a very different position in this game than a Peter usually is, being that he’s fallen into a leadership role in the absence of James. This leaves lot of fun new twists on his relationships with his best friends as well as making him a valued and integrated member of the Order. If you’re looking for a character who’s going to be directly involved in the war, he’s probably your best choice -- not that everyone isn’t going to be pulled into our battle events, because they are, but Peter is probably going to end up leading a fair amount of those tasks.
While we certainly tried to provide lots of different sorts of plot springboard points for all our characters, these are just some that I think have stronger “preexisting foundations,” so to speak. We wanted to have bios that would appeal to all sorts of different play-styles, after all, and looking through the rest of our castlist may spark other ideas so please don’t feel like you’re limited to just these! We’re always happy to discuss plot-ideas for any of our characters. Hope this helps!
-Admin Nicky
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birlwrites · 1 year
scrapbook snippet: seventh year
this is a warm-up i did, sort-of-vaguely set in the atfhv universe but i don't think it'll make any sort of actual appearance, just based on my general writing process.
featuring: soft established rosewater, talking about the future (referencing complications due to both of them being set up to inherit control of different noble houses), THE CHAISE
It's alarmingly easy to accept Evan's silent offer, sink onto the chaise in the space at his side. Regulus used to think of himself as more... well, independent. Desks and armchairs and twin beds. But the allure of this took hold of him around the same time that Evan did—sofas and loveseats and a chaise longue big enough for two, if they keep close.
A sofa is simpler, a bed more comfortable, but Regulus has a soft spot for the chaise. It was a gift from Hogwarts, after all.
Besides, he wants to keep close. Sometimes that's the only thing he knows for sure.
Evan's fingertips are light as they run through his hair, his voice soft. "My parents are giving me the townhouse as a graduation gift. If you wanted to know."
"I didn't know you had one." The Rosiers certainly don't spend any time there.
"That's what makes it such a good gift—now the upkeep is my responsibility instead of theirs. And someone gets some use out of it."
Regulus doesn't have to be a genius to figure out why Evan is bringing this up now. NEWTs are approaching, and then graduation will bear down upon them like a freight train, and their neighboring beds, their shared meals, even Regulus's office—they'll all vanish, relegated to a bygone era of their lives.
He knows what it's like to wake up without Evan nearby. There are the summer and winter holidays, after all. But they don't feel real in the way that Hogwarts does. They've always been temporary.
"What will your policy be on callers?" he says, because it's easier than what he wants to say.
Even as recently as fifty years ago, people got married younger—right out of Hogwarts. That was when they were beginning their adult lives, after all, and they wanted companions for the journey. They don't really do that anymore—there's no traditional flurry of proposals in the spring of seventh year, no flood of weddings every July and August.
Even if there were, it wouldn't be simple. Not for two heirs.
"Well, you can come over whenever you want," Evan says comfortably, and as expected as it is, Regulus still feels a little warmer because of it. "There'll be a private Floo in the drawing room. I'll give you the address. You'll just need to come over an hour or so before mealtimes if you want food."
"Very practical."
"And I'll make sure there's Assam."
Regulus is already pressed against Evan's side, but he's momentarily swept away by the urge to press even closer, impossibly so—he has to content himself with hooking one leg over Evan's, pressing his lips to Evan's collarbone maybe a little too hard, and Evan stops stroking Regulus's hair to hug him almost tightly enough.
"Get a chaise too," Regulus says to Evan's neck, just to hear him laugh.
"Consider it done." He loosens his hold, goes back to stroking Regulus's hair—it's practically habitual for Evan at this point. "Purple again, or shall we branch out?"
"How are we meant to choose furniture colors when we haven't seen the rooms?"
"Oh, I'd redecorate if necessary." Like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Even if I said I wanted bright orange and green stripes with silver trim?"
"You came up with that design concerningly fast."
"You are, as ever, tactful about your instantaneous rejections."
That makes Evan laugh again. "If you really wanted that, I'd at least take you to a Healer for a health screening before saying no."
"How reassuring."
A few breaths pass, soft, even, before Evan says quietly, "We could pretend you lived there too."
Regulus has to shut his eyes.
"I know you can't, not really," Evan says, and the gentle movement of his fingers through Regulus's hair seems restless rather than absent-minded, or maybe neither. "But we could pretend."
Regulus pictures it—a townhouse, new to them both, a master bedroom meant for two and two only, a pantry full of whatever they want, invitations addressed to both of them, a fabulously ugly chaise longue photographed for posterity before being completely reupholstered however Evan wants it, because really, Regulus doesn't care. He wouldn't care even if it were utterly hideous. He'd just look at Evan instead.
He'll just look at Evan instead.
"It's not impossible," Regulus says, because it's easier than I'll make it possible. "Just very, very complicated."
Evan hums in agreement. "Is now when I'm meant to say that you do like complicated, or were you not setting up a punchline?"
"I like complicated." Regulus kisses Evan's collarbone again. "We'll figure it out."
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