#ryun hyun
busylazy · 5 months
Sweet Home Season 2's Peaches
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Lots of peaches 🍑 in this season 😅
three male character 🍑 exposure
probably just body doubles (except for Lee Jin-wook) but still 🙊
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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Shin Dong-yup danced for the first time in 'immortal' history...Jo Hye-ryun won the championship
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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AIMERS 에이머스 'Somebody' MV
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzUgdLsRFjc
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best-of-kdrama · 11 months
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama May 2023 🧡
1/5: Run Into You with Kim Dong Wook, Jin Ki Joo. 16 episodes; sci-fi, romance, mystery. Trailer
5/5: All That We Loved with Oh Sehun, Jo Joon Young, Song Jae Rim. 8 episodes; romance, youth. Trailer
6/5: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 with Lee Dong Wook, Kim Bum, Kim So Yeon, Ryu Kyung Soo. 12 episodes; historical, romance, fantasy. Trailer
10/5: Race with Lee Yun Hee, Jung Yoon Ho, Hong Jung Hyun. 12 episodes; business, melodrama. Trailer
12/5: Black Knight with Kim Woo Bin, Esom, Song Seung Heon. 6 episodes; sci-fi, action, adventure. Trailer
15/5: Oh! Young Shim with Song Ha Yoon, Lee Dong Hae, Lee Min Jae. 10 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
24/5: One Day Off with Lee Na Young. 8 episodes; food, life. Trailer
29/5: Delightfully Deceitful with Kim Dong Wook, Chun Woo Hee, Yoon Park. 16 episodes; drama. Trailer
31/5: Happiness Battle with Lee El, Cha Ye Ryun, Jin Seo Yun. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
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So many new shows to watch!!!
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99snse · 6 months
BANNED FCS ⸻ updated, 11/20/23
disclaimer: this list should not be taken as a matter of my own opinion. each individual listed has a source attached for your own education and should be carefully considered in all of your fc choices. if you feel as if any individual has been mistakenly listed here, please feel free to reach out to me privately to discuss the circumstances surrounding their placement. ultimately, i did not create this list as a means of causing negatively, but it is much more important that we hold each other accountable and i hope to provide a running list of fcs that would be inappropriate or otherwise problematic for usage.
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Kim Ji-soo (actor), bullying & alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Jung Joon-young, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Choi Jong-hoon, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Seung-hyun (Seungri), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Kim Hyung-jun, alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Wendy Son, perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kwon Ji-yong, blackface to imitate Trayvon Martin (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), blackface to imitate Oprah (source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), blackface to imitate Nick Fury (source)
Lee Gi-kwang, blackface/perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kim Jong-dae, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Yoon Bo-mi, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Jackson Wang, appropriation & ignorance of black protective hairstyles (source)
Henry Lau, homophobia & transphobia (source)
Park Jeong-soo (Leeteuk), fatphobia (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), fatphobia (source)
Choi Si-won, homophobia & transphobia (source & source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), fatphobia (source)
Amber Liu, instances of expressed racial prejudice in response to police brutality (source)
Jessica Ho, allegations of assault (charges dropped), homophobia, usage of slurs (source & source)
Kim So-won, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism (source)
Wong Kun Hang, weird comments about dreadlocks (source)
Yong Jun-hyung, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Roy Kim, Burning Sun involement (never prosecuted)
Eddy Kim, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Kim Young-woon (Kangin), present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Jeong Jin-woon, present in voyeurism chatoom (source)
Lee Chul-woo, present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Son Chae-young, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism & right-wing conspiracy group QAnon (source & source)
Liu Yifei, support of police brutality during Hong Kong protests (source)
Donnie Yen, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Fan Bingbing, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Jackson Wang, support of Chinese Communist Party & its use of forced labor in Xinjiang (source)
Christian Yu
Park Sun-young (Luna)
Lee Ji-eun (IU)
Kim Jong-hyun, passed away
Tany (Kim Jin-soo), passed away
Ahn So-jin, passed away
Go Eun-bi (EunB), passed away
Kwon Ri-se, passed away
Kim Dong-yoon, passed away
Seo Min-woo, passed away
Goo Ha-ra, passed away
Choi Jin-ri (Sulli), passed away
Moon Bin, passed away
Lee Ji-han, passed away
Im Na-hee, passed away
Park Soo-ryun, passed away
Jeong Joong-ji, passed away
Yoo Joo-eun, passed away
Jennie Kim, taking part in "The Idol"
Kim Min-gyu, general carelessness for perceived support of korean conservative party amid prior (unresolved) allegations of bullying, sexual misconduct, and misogyny (source & source)
Kim Tae-hyung, ignorance surrounding the cultural relationship between black hair & durags (source)
Lee Jeno, fatphobic comments (source)
Park Jisung, colorist & fatphobic comments (source)
Park Chanyeol, colorist comments (source)
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chinzillas · 2 years
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DRAMAWEEN 2022: ↳  Wednesday (October 26th): that’s our queendom a favorite female character(s) MU DEOK - ALCHEMY OF SOULS YOO JAE YI - BEYOND EVIL GOO RYUN - TOMORROW HONG JI AH - SELL YOUR HAUNTED HOUSE NOH DA HYUN - LINK: EAT LOVE KILL
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internod · 5 months
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍 / actividad doce.
Aquella zona del Papillon persiste sumida en el caos, y la noche, implacable, parece no tener piedad. Nubes de tonalidad ceniza se congregan con pesadez en el cielo, como recordatorio tangible de que alguna vez el fuego amenazó con consumir cada rincón. Ahora, la pregunta sobre si el origen de esta crisis se debe a anarquistas o a los propios vástagos se desvanece en la urgencia del momento. Tanto si te encuentras entre túneles de cemento como si quedaste atrapado en una multitud repleta de descontento, el inexorable paso de las horas ha pasado a ser una nueva forma de tortura.
Quizás hayas llegado a pensar que nunca más te reuniras con tus seres queridos, que tu cuerpo se deshidrataría hasta consumirse por completo. Todos los escenarios parecen pintar uno más desolador que el otro. A pesar de ello, una luz al final del túnel afortunadamente no está compuesta por rayos solares que amenazan a los cainitas que finalmente logran regresar: Roman, Luka, River, Aurora y Sumer. ¿Esos son todos? Sí, al menos por ahora. Encontrar el camino de regreso no ha sido tarea fácil; el laberinto interminable ha jugado con ellos, llevándolos de un lado a otro entre desniveles, agotándolos al límite. Aún les queda enfrentarse a la batalla que se desata entre la escuela y el hospital.
La valentía, en ocasiones, se confunde con la imprudencia, como bien lo han experimentado Dana, Aren, Binna, Jojo, Theo, Ryun y Mercury. Optaron siempre por el camino más corto, aunque eso les trajera consigo consecuencias. No importó si sus manos se quemaban en la búsqueda de un mapa, si las pistas a seguir eran falsas, todos los caminos los llevaron a manos de guardias anarquistas que intentaron retenerlos con toda esa brutalidad característica. Incluso si las heridas y el desgaste físico no se ha hecho esperar para este grupo de vástagos, la negligencia en cuanto a su propia seguridad resultó ser su beneficio al final de la noche, y solo les tomó dos horas más recobrar su libertad. 
Queda a su consideración etiquetar sus acciones como prudencia o miedo. Esconderse entre las paredes les acercaba a un final fatídico. Nunca antes se había escuchado de vástagos que sobrevivieran a la hambruna. ¿O acaso pensaban cazar entre ellos? Yeri, Esra, Seomun, Mortisse, Leo, Hyun y Ryota, merecen reconocimiento por su intento, ya que el miedo a las caricias solares fue la única razón que les hizo pensar dos veces. Sin embargo, Sunwoo, Hao y Eunseo no pudieron mover ni un pie. Últimos vástagos en alejarse de promesas de fatídico final le deben éxito a rostro menos esperado, el Priscus del Sabbat parece manejar a los discípulos de su secta a simple gusto y placer, manos limpias detrás de su espalda dejan entrever cómo todo aquel esfuerzo será eventualmente cobrado. No son necesarias ni las palabras de su parte, y su partida es tan rápida como inhumanamente posible.   
Quizás primer conjunto en librarse de cadenas que anarquistas pretendían atarles es el más afortunado, incluso si cualquier transeúnte a su paso podría exigir respuestas o cualquier tipo de información sobre lo que ha sucedido dentro de tétrico espacio, cuentan con suficiente gracia del reloj para moverse hacia sus hogares nuevamente. Aquellos que han batallado contra secuestradores podrían verse un poco limitados por el cansancio sobre su cuerpo y la falta de vitae, más si tienen la suerte de vivir cerca de la zona, podrían encontrar refugio en un lugar diferente al que vampiros organizan para quienes son libres muy cerca del amanecer. 
Amplia se erige aquella escuela secundaria frente al parque, donde emergen como sombras los ausentes. Enclave se convierte en el refugio más rápido, aunque no sin la colaboración de otros cainitas que permanecen vigilantes ante la situación. Cortinas, aferradas a las paredes con cinta, tornillos y cualquier cosa imaginable, dan testimonio de la urgencia de la situación. Algunas ventanas, cubiertas con cartón y cualquier tipo de material disponible, reflejan la improvisación ante la necesidad. Los pisos superiores son prácticamente vetados por aquellos que hacen guardia, comprometidos a proteger a los suyos del sol inclemente. Quienes emergen últimos de los túneles se ven forzados a habitar este espacio desolado, despojado de aquellos que deberían llenarlo. El amanecer temprano adquiere un matiz peculiar en esta estación invernal. Los culpables de noche desoladora, por otra parte, brillan por su ausencia.
— ¿Alguien ha visto a Siddharth?
En medio de la vorágine, una voz se alza confundida. Muchos fueron testigos de su captura junto al resto de los prisioneros, e incluso si cercanía con el alba puede estar agotando cualquier energía restante — ausencia de conocido rostro no pasa desapercibida. ¿Es él el único que no ha regresado? ¿Era posible perderse tanto allí? A pesar de la búsqueda, no logran avistarle en ninguna parte, y no pueden arriesgarse más en aquel sórdido lugar. Sin embargo, el tiempo es crucial en estos instantes. Corre, vástago, corre, o serás besado por la estrella diurna.
¡Buenas tardes a todes! Esperamos que estén disfrutando del sábado. Mientras que los rehenes han sido liberados, pueden notar que cada quien cuenta con una historia diferente. En el caso de Roman, Luka, River, Aurora, Summer tendrán la posibilidad de elegir entre volver a donde deseen o quedarse en el establecimiento. Por otro lado Dana, Aren, Bina, Jojo, Theo, Ryun, Mercury pueden elegir quedarse, o irse a un lugar no demasiado lejano si es que planean volver a casa. En el caso de Yeri, Esra, Mortisse, Leo, Hyun, Ryota, Seomun, Sunwoo, Hao, Eunseo, quedarse en la escuela será obligatorio para no poner en riesgo su vida frente a clásico enemigo vampírico. Los vampiros que se hayan quedado cerca para esperar a estos vástagos o ver el desenlace de los hechos, podrán decidir si se quedarán hasta el final y permanecerán en el establecimiento, o qué movimiento harán.   Son libres de adaptar las conversaciones en el momento que deseen, al igual que tienen la posibilidad de continuar las conversaciones que han llevado de momento hasta donde quieran. La inclusión de esta intervención es algo que sugerimos en caso de que sientan que sus convos están demasiado avanzadas y creen que no hay más para desarrollar en el setting original, pero la decisión de avanzar o no recae últimamente en cada dupla de usuaries. Pueden conversar entre ustedes para coordinar qué pasos seguir, por ejemplo, pueden optar por continuar por la misma temporalidad que llevaban u optar por hacer un salto temporal.  Por otro lado, dentro de unos minutos estaremos publicando más starter memes teniendo en mente aquellos grupos que no se mezclaron en la primera tanda, y deseen hacerlo ahora. De todas formas, no es excusa para saltearse ninguna convo previa ni nada parecido. Por favor, consulten con sus partners antes de cerrarlas si es que ese es el camino que quieren tomar. Les agradecemos su lectura y participación, ¡nos leemos!
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reve-dream · 7 months
Books actor Hong Kyug has read
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1. 村上春樹 「職業としての小説家」/Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami (2015)
[Nylon Korea March 2018 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
2. Livro do Desassossego/The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa (1982)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post | 2021.10.26 naver fancafe post | Dazed Korea January 2022 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
3. Wenn die Haut zu dünn ist: Hochsensibilität – vom Manko zum Plus by Rolf Sellin (2011)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
5. Henry V by William Shakespeare
[2018.10.12 bluecages instagram post]
6. 제11회 젊은작가상 수상작품집 : 강화길 <음복> "The 11th Young Writer Award Collection: Eumbok (Partaking of Sacrificial Food and Drink)" by Kang Hwa-gil (2020)
[매경Economy interview ② 2020 | Cine21 June 2020 1259th edition]
7. Winners Take All by Anand Giridharadas (2018)
[Cine21 June 2020 1259th edition | bluecages Q&A instagram story | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
8. Bieguni/Flights by Olga Tokarczuk (2007)
[매경Economy 2020 interview ②]
9. 村上春樹 「色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年」/Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (2013)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story | Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람 | Dazed Korea January 2022]
10. The Shallows by Nicholas G. Carr (2010)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story]
11. 강화길, 서이제, 임솔아 <소설 보다 : ���름 2020> "See the Novel: Summer 2020" by Kang Hwa-gil, Seo I-je, Im Sol-ah
[bluecages Q&A instagram story | 2020.07.14 bluecages instagram post]
12. Agnès Varda: Interviews, Ed. T. Jefferson Kline (2014)
[bluecages Q&A instagram story]
13. 박은지 <여름 상설 공연>/"Summer Permanent Performance" by Park Eun-ji (2021)
[2021.11.03 bluecages instagram story]
14. 전하영, 김멜라, 김혜진, 박서련, 서이제, 한정현, 김지연 <2021 제12회 젊은작가상 수상작품집> "The 12th Young Writer Award Collection" by Jun Ha-young, Kim Mel-la, Kim Hye-jin, Park Seo-ryun, Seo I-je, Han Jung-hyun, Kim Ji-yeon (2021)
[bluecages instagram story]
15. 村上春樹 「女のいない男たち」/Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami (2014)
[2022.02.08, 2022.02.14 bluecages instagram story | Allure Korea March 2022 | Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
16. 한강 <작별하지 않는다>/I Do Not Bid Farewell by Han Kang (2021)
[Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | 2022.09.19, 2022.10.01, 2022.10.03 bluecages instagram story, GQ Korea February 2024]
17. 김진영 <아침의 피아노> "The Morning Piano" by Kim Jin-young (2018)
[2022.05.30 bluecages instagram story | Marie Claire Korea June 2022]
18. 정보라 <저주토끼>/Cursed Bunny by Chung Bo-ra (2017)
[Marie Claire Korea June 2022 | Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
19. 최은영 <애쓰지 않아도> "Don’t Push Yourself" by Choi Eun-young (2022)
[bluecages instagram story]
20. 太宰治 「人間失格」/No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (1948)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
21. 장강명 <한국이 싫어서> "Because I Don't Like Korea" by Chang Kang-myoung (2015)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
22. 松家仁之 「火山のふもとで」 "At the Foot of a Volcano" by Masashi Matsuie (2012)
[Minumsa naver blog/Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
23. 박준 <운다고 달라지는 일은 아무것도 없겠지만>/"Although Crying Would Not Change Anything" by Park Joon (2017)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
24. 한강 <소년이 온다>/Human Acts by Han Kang (2014)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
25. 한강 <채식주의자>/The Vegetarian by Han Kang (2007)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
26. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro (1989)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
27. 松家仁之 「光の犬」 "Dog of Light" by Masashi Matsuie (2017)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
28. 유현준 <공간이 만든 공간> "Space Created Space" by Yoo Hyun-joon (2020)
[Littor 36th edition/읽는 사람]
29. 한강 <여수의 사랑>/Yeosu by Han Kang (1995)
[Cine21 LIST 2022/GQ Korea February 2024]
30. Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski (2020)
[2023.01.17 bluecages instagram post]
31. 읽는 사람-허윤선 인터뷰집/Reader: Interview Collection by Heo Yoon-sun (2023)
[2023.04.15 bluecages instagram story]
32. 한강 <내 여자의 열매>/Fruits of My Woman by Han Kang (2000)
[Elle Korea September 2023]
33. 한강 <검은 사슴>/Black Deer (1998)
[GQ Korea February 2024]
34. 한강 <흰>/ The White Book (2016)
[GQ Korea February 2024]
35. Haruki Murakami 「一人称単数」 / First Person Singular (2020)
[bluecages instastory]
36. Yoshifumi Nakamura 「住宅巡禮」 "Housing Tour"
[bluecages instastory]
Goodreads Listopia:
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movienized-com · 2 months
Destined with You
Destined with You (Serie 2023) #WiHaJoon #KimRoWoon #JoBoAh #LeeBongRyun #ParkKyungHye #LeePilMo Mehr auf:
Serie / 戀愛不可抗力 / Un amor predestinado Jahr: 2023- (August) Genre: Drama / Romantik Hauptrollen: Wi Ha-joon, Kim Ro Woon, Jo Bo-ah, Lee Bong-ryun, Park Kyung-hye, Lee Pil-mo, Yura, Hye-Young Jung, Bong-sik Hyun, Mi-Ram, Park Jung Eon, Jung Sae Rom … Serienbeschreibung: Beamtin Hong-Jo (Jo Bo-Ah) ist wunderschön, doch hinter der selbstbewussten Fassade führt sie ein Leben in Einsamkeit. Kein…
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enterenews · 1 year
Excellence Award Cha Ye-ryun “Thank you Joo Sang-wook and I love you”
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Cha Ye-ryun received the Excellence Award in the daily drama category amid congratulations from her husband Joo Sang-wook.
On December 31, the ‘2022 KBS Drama Awards’ was held at KBS Hall in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.
Cha Ye-ryun, who was loved for her 'Golden Mask', won the Excellence Award in the daily drama category together with Park Ha-na. After being called her winner, Cha Ye-ryun shared her joy by hugging her husband Joo Sang-wook.
Cha Ye-ryun said, “I am grateful to the viewers who received so much love for ‘Golden Mask’ and made it possible for the viewership rating to reach 18% in such a difficult time. During the 8 months of filming the 100th episode, there were many people I was thankful for. During the 100th episode, there were many hardships and I felt my own shortcomings. At that time, teachers Na Young-hee, Lee Hwi-hyang, and Seonwoo Eun-sook helped me well, so I was able to finish well,” she said.
Then, she said, “I did a drama called ‘Elegant Mother and Daughter’ and the director chose me, so I did it for the second time. It was the director's last project, so I'm thankful that he chose me. I was grateful to actor Lee Hyun-jin for being with me,” he added.
Cha Ye-ryun also expressed her gratitude to her family. Cha Ye-ryun said, "I'm going to be with my mother-in-law and son Joo Sang-wook, who are watching on TV, at the festival on the last day of December, and for the first time in an official position, I want to say I love you and thank you." thank you so much mom I am grateful to my husband, Lee Bang-won, Joo Sang-wook, whom I love the most in the world. Thank you for always being by my side, cheering me on and holding my hand, telling me that I can do well whenever I'm having a hard time. I love you,” she showed affection.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jo Hye-ryun Jeon Mi-ra Lee Hyun-yi Yun Tae-Jin, Uruguay
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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pacpiner · 2 years
A love so beautiful korean drama
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Cha Heon lives along with his father (Lee Dong Kyu), his mother had kicked the bucket earlier in his life. Shin Soli’s parents (Jo Ryun, Yoon Seo Hyun) are salt of the planet, funny types to watch they encourage their daughter in her love for Cha Heon. Hui Ji becomes hooked on painkiller drugs but ultimately breaks freed from the addiction. Another pretty female student, named Oh Hui Ji (Park Ji Won), includes a crush on Cha Heon also, and sometimes that brings her into conflict with Shin Soli, although they ultimately find themselves burying any hatchets and remaining friends. Last but not least, we meet be-speckled and funny Jeong Jin Hwan (Jeong Jin Hwan, same name as his character), the category clown, who has his own unrequited crush on Kang Ha Young.Īlso on the sidelines could be a class troublemaker, Wang Se Hyeong (Kim Dong Kyu), who sometimes breaks out of his dark side to assist other students in need, ultimately proving himself a decent guy. There’s also attractive female student Kang Ha Young (Cho Hye Joo), closest to Shin Soli, who includes a crush on the college doctor. We also meet Woo Dae Sung (Yeo Hoi Hyeon), an athletic student, excellent at swimming, and he includes a not-so-secret crush on Shin Soli. They include a shining personality and artistic (but not the best student in the world) Shin Soli (So Ju Yeon) who is seventeen years old, and who includes a huge crush on quiet, smart student Cha Heon (Kim Yo Han) who wants to be a doctor. We begin our story within the Springtime of 2006 and are introduced to many high school classmates who are friends sitting within the same classroom together every day. This drama was made previously by the Chinese, but after seeing this glorious Korean version, there is no way it could compare on behalf of me to the current fine delectable concoction of Korean production. Really, the chemistry between all of those actors was just dynamite and helped carry the show into the Excellence A+ Category on behalf of me. The show wouldn’t are identical without them. the most supporting characters, played by Cho Hye Joo and Jeong Jin Hwan, were also a complete blast to look at, too, and had me giggling quite a lot throughout the series. His character was just more awkward in expressing his feelings for the feminine lead character, more standoffish initially, but as time went thereon was clearer to the audience that he had fallen head over heels for her, and my heart softened toward him. I also had quite a case of Second Male Leaditis (what I call the phenomenon of liking the second male lead character over the primary male lead character) in actor Yeo Hoi Hyeon ( “ While You Were Sleeping“, the film “ The Last Princess“), but because the story progressed I did warm up to the primary male lead character, played by Kim Yo Han, quite a bit. She was superb at playing a shy young thing, and she or he ended up being my favorite character of all. I could tell she was in her twenties in reality, but the makeup artists did an excellent job transforming her into an adolescent for many of the drama. I used to be particularly entranced by the actress, So Ju Yeon she may be a fantastic actress, and she or he had me smiling and laughing throughout most of the story. Most of the young cast here was new me, which was nice, too, to observe some fresh faces for a change. So refreshing! The main characters of “A Love So Beautiful”įrom left to right: So Ju Yeon, Kim Yo Han, Jeong Jin Hwan, Cho Hye Joo, Kim Yo Ha, So Ju Yeon, Yeo Hoi Hyeon If I could make an analogy to American television dramas, it absolutely was like going back in time to clean-cut teen and family-oriented shows just like the Waltons or Happy Days within the 1970s. With the planet under such stress thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic it had been sort of a breath of fresh air to observe a show so clean and old-fashioned, with good morals seen throughout, and characters who remained friends during all their youth into adulthood. Frankly, this one made me realize how tired I used to be getting off all the darker-themed K-dramas the Korean show business has been making lately. 🙂 that’s the best compliment I can play any Korean drama. The drama will make you feel relax because of the young castĪ darling, upbeat blast into the past, reflecting a time when Korean dramas were still sweet and innocent and just plain FUN to look at, “A Love So Beautiful” (2020-21) captivated me immediately with the exuberance of its perfect cast, who all had terrific, sublime chemistry together! Because I’m older I usually tend to avoid the youth dramas, but I’m so glad I made an exception and checked this one out: it had been so great that I ultimately couldn’t follow the other Korean drama running at the identical time, and that I put several on the back-burner to look at later.
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yee-your-last-haw · 4 years
Friendly reminder that Zen thinks V's beauty is equal to his own beauty.
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incrrt-mystic17 · 4 years
When you were aiming for a certain charater’s route but got the others instead.
The character you were aiming for:
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mysticerror · 4 years
when you havent slept in four days for mystic messenger bcus your dad taught you that losing sleep = something being important to you
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