#sanguine fic
You should draw Jonah Marshall dog metaphor maybe ..
This took criminally long for me to draw, I am sorry TWT
Thank you so much for the ask, I was ecstatic seeing it!
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Idk if you meant my au for Sanguine Jonah now that I look at the ask closer but if you didn't, feel free to send another anon and you may get two for the price of one
You knoe the drill, flats and line art under the cut
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Instead of a raging insomniac, what about Sun and Moon handling a Y/N who is a furious narcoleptic? It would involve Sun coaxing Y/N to stay awake because yikes, even Moon agrees that it's a problem to sit down for one second at the security desk and immediately slump over into a dead sleep.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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in the mood for a modern au. banishing them to Community Theatre.
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caelesjjk · 2 years
Sanguine Masterlist {hiatus}
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⟶ summary: Marry the vampire king. Save the kingdom.
Your father is the king of a rare human kingdom that has been plagued by famine and sickness. And in a last ditch effort to save the kingdom, he has arranged for you to marry the vampire king to the north. Your hand in marriage in exchange for his help in saving your kingdom.
Everything you swore could never happen between the two of you begins to unfold as you spend more time in the vampire kingdom with its king and his subjects. Can you learn to love this place and it’s beloved ruler?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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madam-whim · 1 year
You know what Martin Septim says when you talk to him about his past as a Sanguine cultist? 
“We threw ourselves into the riddles of daedric magic. We hungered for forbidden secrets. Knowledge and power were our gods.”
This. This is what he says. And now that I think about it, it’s just pure luck that Sanguine was the prince he stumbled upon, because with Martin’s original goals in mind, things could have been a lot worse. What if it had been Hermaeus Mora instead? Or Mehrunes Dagon himself? Both are more in line with what Martin originally wanted.
Would Martin have ended up as one of those poor souls forever lost in Apocrypha? Would old Hermaeus have seen him and decided to create a Dragonborn collection?
Or would he have been with the Mythic Dawn, perhaps, with Mehrunes Dagon probably knowing exactly who he was?
I really don’t know, but wow, Tamriel would have been doomed.
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lyonface · 5 months
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All Things End
Astarion x Tav | Sanguine Series | Fanfic by Lyonface
On the final day of Leofric's stay in the city that had been their home for almost two decades, during a night of chasing the promise of fuzzy, warm relief from the pain of losing their wife, comes a sudden stranger who offers them company, and something else.
This is a sequel fic to That Sickening Feeling.
It is a part of the Sanguine Fic Series for Baldur's Gate 3.
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tiptapricot · 8 months
(Suggestive/body part related content in preview)
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And finally my second preview for @sanguinevampirezine’s ferociously fresh 18+ add on 👀 If you like robots, vampires, and semi-sexual body horror (and are 18 or older) check out the add on content! And if not, check out the rest of the fangtastic works the main zine has to offer!
I had sUch a delight making this piece and I’m sOOOO EXCITED to get to share it auGgh!!! Preorders are open, go grab a copy now!
[ID and transcript: a preview for a zine add on story. The text is stylized, imposed on a red background splattered with blood. It reads: Shuffle Off That Metal Coil, written by Michael H.
He cannot shake the thought once it has taken hold. It is so simple, so right. The vision of fresh mass swelling within him makes L57PA keen in rushes of binary and spiking heat, muffled in the safety of his own mind and the padded walls of a storage closet.
Could his wires pump with more than volts? Could they grow full and warm and squeeze against his gears? Could his servos stain his chassis red with the fresh pink strain of muscle? The images whirr through his mind at night, his exhaust ports blowing in overtime. (End of preview snippet.)
The zine’s info is visible at the top and bottom of the image, reading: Sanguine, An Original Vampire Zine. Pre-orders now open. October 13th to November 26th. /end ID]
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glimmerglanger · 2 years
tfw you acknowledge to yourself that, no, this story really must be two separate stories
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Nocturna Sanguine 10
Status: complete ! This is the finale | fic info and chapters
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Words: 2,416 | will upload to A03 again this week 
⚠️warnings: vampirism, sexual content, langauge , mentions of death and a town full of demons
Previous chapter || all chapters/ fic info
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Valentina’s lab
Adjusting the goggles on her face, Valentina takes a closer look at the flask. Once satisfied, she scoots over to the microscope.
The brother's blood continues to fascinate her; it behaves like nothing she’s ever seen. Aside from a witch hybrid like herself, it's the only other vampire blood resistant to werewolf venom. In all her years alive, she’s never heard of a double vampire, and Upirs were long believed to be extinct.
Over the time she’s kept them here, she's found time to work in the lab, take notes, and study the blood. She even added it to a few spells to see how it interacts with magic.
Earlier that morning, she added the blood to an ancient spell in place of a long-extinct root, and surprisingly, it worked. She hit a gold mine. Her boys are indeed special, in more ways than they know.
Sitting back, she took the goggles off and smiled to herself.
“A whole new world of possibilities - “her eyes shoot to the door.
Valentina unlocks and opens the heavy door with one gesture of her hand.
“Hello, stranger.” Valentina crossed her arms casually and flashed a smile at Dahlia. “I wondered where you went.”
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“You were occupied with your playthings up there,” Dahlia matches her smile and comes to a stop in front of her, “surprised you noticed.”
“Ouch.” Valentina frowns, then reaches out to grab her hand. Dahlia wraps her fingers around hers.
“It takes a lot to put a vampire in a catatonic state, what happened last night? They didn’t even stir when I walked in.”
“The Descent.”
Dahlia whistles, “you must really like them.”
Valentina brushes it off, and changes the subject, “so, what adventures did you have?”
“I was in Hades town. Thinking of staying there a while.”
“Ah,” Valentina stands and lets go of her hand. “Las Vegas for demons. Not for the faint of heart. A deliciously good time though.”
Dahlia smirks then gets a look in her eyes like she’s reliving a memory.
Hades town is just a nickname, coined by the demons. It used to be called Crows End and some stupid human opened a portal, they were fooling around with an ancient text for Halloween. They unknowingly opened a portal directly from hell. The town got overrun.
Any attempts to banish the demons or close the portal have failed to date, and most have given up. Those with magical abilities set a boundary around the town to leave it contained until they figure out what else to do.
Ever since it’s become party central for Demons and other supernatural creatures alike. Even with the bad record of what happens to humans looking for excitement, many still flocked to the town. They end up dead, trapped, possessed or in love with the darkness. Some love it so much they stay and assimilate.  
Valentina has only gone once, with Dahlia. They stayed for a weekend, and it was one of the wildest things she's seen in years. But it is not a place she’d stay for any longer than 2 days. She likes her mansion, her comforts, her velvet couches, and expensive fabrics.
Dahlia quietly studies Valentina as the silence between them continues, until Valentina breaks it,
“Are you sure you want to stay longer? That place - “Valentina doesn’t finish the sentence.
“You’re worried about me, cute,” Dahlia smirked, “I’m okay. You have your playthings, I found some of my own there. I'm not ready to give them up yet.”
“You’ve always been free to go as you please,” Valentina sighs, “you’ll be missed.”
“I know.” Dahlia tugs on her lab coat, “I’ll be back, in a couple of weeks maybe.”
“Good, don’t be a stranger, “Valentina winks at her then heads to the other side of the room, “while you’re here, would you like to help me with something?”
Dahlia walks over to the closet and grabs a white coat, she glances over her shoulder at Valentina, “Since you asked so kindly.”
Later that Day
The bath water is deliciously warm, so much so she almost falls asleep. Valentina is in the middle of the tub, knees to her chest. To her left is Roman, and to her right is Ivar.
Roman alternates between dozing off and taking a puff of his joint. Currently, he's taking a very long, lazy drag. His head against the rim of the tub. He holds the smoke, then blows it out in small little rings. “Is this normal? I feel like I need 10 more hours of sleep.”
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Ivar chuckles, his eyes still closed as he rests in the tub.
Valentina leans over to Ivar and plants a kiss on his exposed neck, then turns to Roman and takes the joint from his fingers. He watches her take a hit, then inches closer and opens his mouth. Their eyes lock on each other as she blows smoke into his mouth, then seals it with a kiss.
“It’s normal. It should wear off in a day or so.” she settles back into her previous spot.” Sanguis Ebrius.”
Ivar opens one eye. “What's that?”
“Blood sleep. It’s common after an experience like that. Sleeping for long periods recharges and repairs our systems. Sanguis Ebrius is like heavy sedation, in some cases, depending on how much blood you ingested, it can resemble a death-like state."
Roman rested his head against the tub again. "Shit, cool."
Valentina passes the joint to Ivar, who declines, then goes back to Roman.
“In myths, do you know why they warn vampires not to feed on other vampires?” Valentina rests a hand on each of the guy's legs under the water.
Ivar volunteers an answer first, “in some vampire cultures it's actually forbidden, but they never explain why. It creates a bond.”
Her eyes float from his to Romans.
“Isn’t it an act of sex?” Roman lifts his head again. “It creates a psychic link between vampires, so they can reach each other's minds,” he takes a hit, holds it, then blows it out, “which is a fucking lie 'cause I can't read your thoughts for shit.” he points at Valentina.
Valentina sits up and moves the suds around with her hands, “It’s different with me, I’m a hybrid. If you were in the tub with any of the vampires you fed on last night, then yes, you’d be able to connect telepathically. If the bond is strong enough, you can view their memories.” She scoops up a handful of water and tosses some at Roman, then Ivar.
“Vampires who feed on each other begin to nest. It's believed they become increasingly dangerous, and ravenous, like a pack of wild animals. That's one of the reasons it is taboo, in most cultures. But, you’re both right, all of those are side effects. The reasons vary depending on the source. In many of them, only elders are allowed to drink from vampires.”
“Like you?” Roman grins. “You're a hot ass elder.”
Valentina and Ivar laughed. Ivar splashes water his way.
Still smirking, she closes her eyes again, enjoying the warm water and calming scent of lavender.
The Next day, afternoon
Valentina climbs into the driver's seat. One more night of rest did the job, and the guys are back to their old selves. Roman, after yelling shotgun, climbed into the passenger seat and pushed it way back, crashing right into Ivars knees.
Ivar kicks the seat, then slaps Roman on the back of the head before moving over. “Asshole.”
Music plays at a comfortable level as the car speeds out of the driveway. They’re on the road for a short while until they reach the city limits.
Valentina pulls the car over and puts it in park. Her eyes land on the sign up ahead.
‘You are now leaving Whispering Pines, please come again’
Valentina exits the car first, followed by a confused Ivar and Roman.
“What's going on?” Roman asked.
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Valentina sits in the hood of the car and gestures toward the sign.
Roman shakes his head, “No fucking way, last time I tried that it spit me out like a fucking chew toy.”
“That won't happen this time, promise.” She reclines further, watching them with a grin.
Still hesitant, the guys stare at each other.
When Ivar takes a curious step forward, Roman grabs his arm. “No, fuck that. She’s playing a game.”
Valentina chuckled in response. Ivar glances at Valentina, and despite his uncertainty, detects honestly in her eyes. He decides to trust her. Ivar pulls from Roman's grip and heads to the barrier. He rushes forward before Roman can stop him, using vampire speed.
With his eyes closed tight, Ivar comes to a stop and waits. Nothing happens. He opens his eyes and looks around. He’s past the barrier now. Completely unharmed.
Grinning, he walks through it again, then a third time.
“No way.” Roman takes slow steps forward.
“Go on cutie, give it a go.” She winks at him when he glances over his shoulder at her. When he doesn't move, she mouths the words, “ go on.”
Roman carefully approaches the barrier, then jumps through it. Nothing happens. Only Ivar cackling behind him. Roman flips him off then runs through the barrier a second time.
“Shit, we’re free, you let us go.” with bright eyes he rushed over to Valentina and grabbed her legs, then planted kisses on each knee.
“You earned it, both of y- “ before she can finish her sentence, Roman kisses her.  
Roman grabs the side of her neck and teases a second kiss, “you kidnapped us, held us captive, took our blood. Brought us the sickest vampire orgy ever, and now we're free? You have a fucked-up way of saying you like us, Valentina.”  
She shrugs and runs her nails down his chest, “ah, well, you know.”
Ivar stands at the side of the car, his intense blue eyes burning into hers. Roman still hovers over her, kissing the side of her neck now.
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“Any fine print?” Ivar asked.
“Of course,” she throws her head back as Roman kisses her neck, her eyes return to Ivars, “I keep what I took. And you can’t go on any more killing sprees in my town, or close to it. That's it.”
“Yeah right.” Roman scoffs and then bites at her neck. His hand moves up her thigh.
She purrs and closes her eyes, “You are not stuck anymore. You could leave right now if you wanted. Though, it would be a shame to get me this worked up and just - leave.”
Ivar crosses his arms, amusement fills his expression, “And the blood?”
“I keep what I took. And if you felt so inclined to leave me a little more, “she shrugs, “I’ll take it.”
“So greedy, you took so much already.” Roman whispers, his lips moving to her ear lobe.
A mischievous grin fills Ivars lips. He goes quiet as he thinks it over.
Valentina reaches out for him, and he steps closer again. “I propose we go back, one more round of fun before you two set off into the sunset.”  
Valentina slides across the hood and gets off, then returns to the driver's seat. Ivar smirks at Roman and takes the passenger seat. Once they're all in the car, she pulls something out of her blazer pocket, two small velvet pouches. She hands one to Ivar, then Roman.
Ivar opens his first, “ blood, your blood.”
“Your blood is resilient. However, if you ever find yourselves in trouble, or unable to fight something on your own, that's your plan b.” she starts the car up, “use it wisely. And, don't get any ideas, it's been spelled for its intended use only.”
Roman chuckles, “aww she likes us.”
Valentina turns the music on and puts the car in drive.
Late that night
Roman leans against the car smoking a cigarette. “Come on you two, what is this, a damn romance novel?”
Valentina and Ivar both ignore him, they’re still holding hands and shit, acting like a bunch of love-sick teenagers.
Ivar caresses the side of her face as his other hand rests on her lower back. “Will we see you again?”
She kisses his jaw, then his cheek, “you know where to find me. And, in a way, the three of us will always be together. We’re deeply bonded. Now and forever.”
“Someone's feeling neglected.” Ivar darts his eyes to Roman.
“The brat prince, always hungry for attention,” she sings before drawing Ivar into a sensual kiss. When the kiss breaks, she makes her way to Roman.
Before he could say anything, she shuts him up with her lips. Post kiss, he has a big smile on his face.
Valentina takes a step back. “Well, what are you waiting for, go, be free.” She holds her smile a little longer and tries to ignore that unfamiliar pang inside of her.
She wants them to stay, but she won't ask, and she won't beg either.
Roman winks at her and then climbs into the driver's seat of the car. Ivar gets in next, then closer to the door. Both of them watch her for a moment as she stands in the driveway.
Valentina blows them a kiss, then turns around and walks back up to the house. They guys linger for a moment longer, then drive off into the night.
15 minutes later
It feels good, damn good to be in his car again listening to his music. Free to do as they please. They zoomed past the exit sign and were headed to a place unknown. Though he's singing along with the music and is more animated than ever, Roman has one thought in the front of his mind, one he’s trying to shake.
A minute later, he glances over at Ivar who is staring out the window, he's got one of the reflective looks on his face. Roman turns the music down.
“You know what's fucked up?”
“What?” Ivar turns his head to look at him.
“You’re a lucky bastard Ivar. You hogged her, you got way more time with her than I did.”
Ivar grins, “we could always turn around.” he raises a brow.
Roman brings the car to an abrupt stop.
“Extend our stay for as long as we please, then, go wherever the road takes us.” Ivar adds.
Roman smiles wide, reverses, then turns the car around.
“You are a fucking genius man. “Roman turns the music up and heads back to Whispering Pines.
💕 Thats it!
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Adam gives me trans vibes but that's because I always hc him as trans 😭😭
I can definitely understand the vibes for him! By all means hc him that all you'de like!
For Sanguine I haven't written Adam as specifically Trans but honestly, yall go hogwild!
I've written Dave as a trans guy, and one other that I may reveal later, but for now it's a surprise ;]
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erotetica · 1 year
I usually think of tolkien elfs as socially androgynous bc. I’m tired BUT elfsogyny is interesting in 2 ways:
a) rule 63 maedhros/fingon au where where another way feanor is ‘heretical’ is he’s a bad girl-dad. Like. He married a freewheeling bra-burner & he lets his 7 daughters do whatever. Finwe doesn’t sign executive orders 2 let his other kids do whatever so for public favor/their political careers, the nolofinwions r living more conformist. Fingon’s introduction to princessing is gendered in a way she does not like. Haus Feanor, as always, likes to eat nettles for fun and profit so r63 maedhros is still just. A senator. Fingon thinks she’s soo feminist until she doesnt. It’s just The Rise and Fall of Girlboss Culture: the fic
b) rule 63 au where celegorm is the only daughter of feanor, is raised essentially as miriel 2, & bc following Orome is a masculine pursuit she is apprenticed to Vaire. Bc celegorm is the butch version of hannibal lecter all the time, and bc spiders also weave, she discovers an ungoliant cult in the avathar. Something something she helps Luthien escape from nargothrond. Something something she makes Luthien’s magic jacket Because They’re Friends, but she weaves dark magic into it because she like, can. Something something the spiders in nan dungortheb eat beren and luthien. Gender Roles Have Far-Reaching Bad Outcomes For Everyone: the fic
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lockewrites · 2 years
Twilight Thorns
@blossom-adventures​ sent: “Hidden Tavern, Twilight, Red Berries” & “Entering a Daedric Realm” for @nirnwrote​
F!Dragonborn & Sanguine || Semi-NSFW || 1514 words AO3
Rhea attends one of Sanguine's lavish parties. Spicy content mentioned, but nothing in graphic detail.
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The sweet, musky scent of roses greeted her as she found her footing. It wasn’t the first portal Rhea had stepped through, but it was certainly the least taxing physically; normally, she was left with nausea and dizziness, but this one merely filled her body with a strange buzz, an excited tingling in her limbs.
An ogrim stood in front of her, its arms barely crossed over its chest as it glared down at her. Behind it was an imposing metal gate, taller than the daedra and lined with just as tall shrubbery, making it difficult to tell just what it was blocking.
“Need a name,” it grunted, though the “voice” was more like gravel beneath a boot.
“Rheanon Blaire,” she replied. “What’s yours?”
The ogrim gave her a confused look before answering, “Allit.”
It unfolded its arms, revealing a scroll in its hand; the beast began scanning what she assumed to be the guest list, rolling it an impossible number of times given its apparent size.
As it continued searching, Rhea pulled a parchment from her pocket and held it out to the daedra. “I was given this invite.”
“Should’a said so sooner,” it huffed. With an unsettlingly large hand, it pushed open the gate and allowed her to pass.
Rhea stepped through and gaped at the scene before her. A castle, far larger and more lavish than any jarl or even emperor could boast stretched far into the twilight sky; the grounds were decorated with a dizzying array of colored lanterns and candles, and music that wasn’t heard until passing through the gate spilled from somewhere beyond the castle walls. The lawn itself was laced with rose bushes, statues and fountains, many of which expressed a variety of different coital positions, and the different-colored liquids, which wafted a strong and bitter smell, were no doubt the strongest alcohols to be found in Oblivion.
A deep voice startled Rhea. She looked down to find a horned, crimson-skinned being standing in front of her; he barely reached her mid-thigh and was adorned in his weight in jewelry. She suddenly felt very underdressed.
With a nod of his head and a jingle of his embellishments, he spoke again. “If you would kindly follow me,” he said, “I will guide you to our dear Lord Sanguine’s party.”
Rhea followed him along the twisting path, which seemed strategically placed to pass by the most vulgar of the lawn decor, until they reached the ornate castle doors. Two more daedric beings stood guard; they were far quieter in terms of appearance (and quite literally, as they spoke no words at their approach); their skin and armor were stone-like, as though Sanguine carved them out of granite and granted them mobility.
This close, she could feel the music pulsing in her chest, her heartbeat seeming to match the pace; her stomach tightened and the corners of her lips twitched upward.
The pair of guards opened the doors, revealing ostentation on a scale the vainest of mortals could never dream. Somehow both bright and ambient; flames glinting off the numerous gold surfaces scattered around the grand hall, showing every curve of the piles of bodies writhing in time with the band’s deep, vibrating music.
Inebriation hung in the very air itself, smell and effect, and in simply standing there, Rhea felt that excited tingle shift within her muscles to relaxation and a desire for gaiety.
A servant approached her, holding a tray of gold goblets, each filled to the brim with a shimmering liquid that shifted colors in the light. She took one and sniffed it: cinnamon, vanilla, and various herbs she couldn’t place. With a shrug, she took an exploratory sip; the drink burned all the way down her throat and into her stomach, but pleasantly so, like the heat from a sauna but under her skin.
As she continued on her drink, Rhea looked toward the heart of the hall; a throne as tall as a building, lined with golden thorns and jewels of the bloodiest red, and sitting with as pleased a grin as any was the host himself: Sanguine. An androgynous figure stood beside him, animatedly speaking to him, their arms flailing as they shared their story. Sensing her gaze, Sanguine’s crimson eyes met hers, and his smile widened as he gave her a wink.
Rhea returned the smile and raised her goblet to him before downing the rest of it. After grabbing another, she wandered around the grandiose room, stepping over people enjoying carnal pleasures and skirting between those twisting around the band’s melodies.
“I had wondered when you’d be making an appearance, Rheanon,” a silky voice spoke behind her.
She turned, finding Sanguine standing close enough for her to have to crane her neck to properly meet his gaze. The embellished robes he wore were left open, exposing his chest and the scarlet etchings along his skin; matching black fabric hung low on his hips, graced with gold chains and beads that shimmered perfectly with his movements. He took her hand and brought it to his dark lips.
“I didn’t want to show up prior to the mass orgy,” she replied. The skin beneath his kiss prickled. “This is a bit more lavish than your last party,” Rhea added.
Sanguine chuckled. “Oh, my dear, that was a mere gathering catered to your needs,” he explained. “With you off galavanting and saving the world, a party such as this would be far too overwhelming. But you certainly needed something, and I’m always one to oblige.”
“Oh?” Rhea took a long drink before continuing. “Well, I’m flattered someone would go to the trouble for a stranger like myself.”
“Ah, but you’re no stranger,” he corrected. “Not to me, and not to my siblings. We’ve all had our eyes on you for quite some time.” Sanguine reached out and ran his clawed finger along her jaw, stopping beneath her chin. “It’s not every era the divines grace Nirn with a piece of themselves within a mortal’s skin.”
Her smile fell, and Sanguine’s hand dropped in response.
“Is that why I’m here?” she asked, her tone indignant.
He quirked his eyebrow.
“That’s why all the others have sent for me,” Rhea said. “‘I’ve chosen you as my champion,’ ‘Do this menial task for me,’ ‘You’re power incarnate, and I want it for myself.’”
Sanguine clicked his tongue. “You misunderstand my intentions.” His hand hovered over her chalice a moment before the liquid topped itself off. “I seek your company simply because you are intriguing. And I know you’re capable of indulging in the pleasures of your world, and I’m curious if you can continue to do so in mine.”
After taking a sip of his own, he continued, “So, perhaps, that is part of it–your very nature being a point of interest. But, I’m not about to request you return to Nirn to do my bidding, as I’ve no doubt my siblings have done on many occasions.”
Rhea furrowed her brow. “So, you… what? Just want me to enjoy myself?”
He grinned, showing off his sharp fangs. “Precisely.” He tilted his head, some of his dark locks falling around his horns. “Was that not obvious from our first meeting?”
With a shrug, she replied, “I figured you were trying to butter me up. Get on my good side before asking me to run off and cause hell.”
Sanguine chuckled as he dipped his finger into his drink, pulling out a strange, red berry.
“My Rheanon,” he purred, leaning in close, his breath smelling heavily of his drink. He brought the berry to her lips, which she involuntarily parted and accepted. “I only seek to be on your worst side.”
A deep flush settled in her cheeks and her lower abdomen fluttered. She swallowed hard, too deep in his trance to even taste the fruit, and said, “Well then, you’re, uh, a nice change of pace.” In an attempt to swallow her stuttered words, Rhea took another drink, moving too quickly and spilling a bit from the corner of her mouth.
When she pulled the glass away, Sanguine gathered the excess from her mouth with his thumb and dragged his tongue along the length. It only served to darken her blush.
“I don’t think you’ve freed yourself from the shackles and worries of your world just yet,” he remarked. “I know your divine soul is not so easily taken by daedric influence, but even so, alcohol and the like can still offer some respite.”
He shifted to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She glanced at the point of contact.
“Why don’t I show you how a Daedric Prince properly indulges?” His nails grazed along her skin as he guided her to the front of the hall. “I do so enjoy having a deserving guest of honor. It’s like its own form of voyeurism.”
Rhea let out a nervous chuckle and motioned to the fornicating bodies. “This isn’t voyeuristic enough for you?”
“Oh, darling Rheanon,” he said, shaking his head. “This is simply white noise.”
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silverstark · 2 years
Fever Dreams Pt.2 of 2
An AU of "Sanguine" my 2ha au fic of the 0.5 timeline featuring mpreg. This au has a hopeful ending. Major spoilers for the novel.
cws for all the 0.5 timeline plus mpreg and implied forced pregnancy
Liu-gonggong's voice sounded some distance away. It had probably been the thing that woke him.
"...Yes, they confirmed that Hua Binan has been living in Guyueye all these years," Liu-gongong was saying.
Hua Binan...that name had appeared in his nightmare. Chu Wanning wondered why it was showing up in his dreams again. Hua Binan's face, so terribly familiar, appeared before his mind's eye again.
Chu Wanning must have stirred or made a sound. There was a hand running down his back soothingly. Chu Wanning frowned in some confusion. The gesture was too gentle to be...
"Mo Ran," he murmured hoarsely.
"Shh," a voice said.
This unfamiliar person was right next to Chu Wanning, sharing his bed. Chu Wanning opened his eyes in shock and outrage. He froze at the sight that greeted him.
Mo Ran was looking at him. He had been the one gently stroking his back and urging him to sleep. Chu Wanning waited for Mo Ran's expression to twist into disgust and paranoia like it usually did.
"Wanning," Mo Ran said. Then he grimaced.
"...Shizun," Mo Ran said.
There was something strange about Mo Ran's expression. He seemed almost sheepish.
Before Chu Wanning could figure out just what was going on, Mo Ran suddenly took his arms back and wriggled off of the bed. He knelt on the ground facing Chu Wanning. Then he kowtowed.
"Shizun, please forgive this disciple."
Chu Wanning was more confused than ever. He looked at Liu-gonggong for a hint about what to do, only to find that Liu-gonggong had also prostrated in imitation of his emperor.
"No, I meant...I know I'm beyond forgiveness. I know I was wrong," Mo Ran sobbed. "I can never atone for what I did. But, Shizun..."
Chu Wanning stared. A wild, heartrending hope was burning through the fog in his mind. Perhaps it had not been a dream. Perhaps it had been real.
"Mo Ran," he began.
Then he remembered the nightmare half of his dream. If there was a chance that he really had killed Hua Binan, then there was a chance Hua Binan had succeeded in his own goal too.
"Mo Ran," he asked urgently, "is our baby-"
Mo Ran suddenly looked up at him with wide, startled eyes. He didn't answer right away. Chu Wanning began shaking in terror. He put his hands over his abdomen in denial, in grief. But then Mo Ran spoke up.
"The baby's fine! The baby's okay. I'm sorry, I just..."
Chu Wanning exhaled in relief. All the fear turned into annoyance at Mo Ran for leaving him in suspense.
"Then why are you apologizing?" he snapped.
Mo Ran flinched and returned to his prostrating.
"I...I was wrong. I know now," Mo Ran said. "I remember everything."
Chu Wanning's heart had just begun to calm down. Now it began racing again; this time with hope.
"What do you mean?" he asked warily.
"Liu-gonggong overheard about the Eight-Sufferings-Long-Hatred Flower," Mo Ran explained.
Chu Wanning inhaled sharply. Mo Ran shouldn't be able to remember that name. The curse prevented him from discovering it. Unless the curse had been broken.
"I realized, even though the curse was broken," Mo Ran continued, as if the world hadn't just changed for Chu Wanning, "the flower was still in my heart. I destroyed it."
"And all these memories came back," Mo Ran concluded.
Chu Wanning couldn't say anything. His mind was spinning. His heart was racing. His eyes were fixed on Mo Ran.
"I'm sorry," Mo Ran said.
"Get up," Chu Wanning replied. "Come here."
Mo Ran hesitantly obeyed.
Chu Wanning stared at him. Mo Ran's face was miserable and pale. There were deep shadows under his eyes. But there was a light in his eyes that Chu Wanning hadn't seen in many, many years. Not since the terrible, cold night when the rift opened and Shi Mei fell into the snow. Chu Wanning had noticed the change in his disciple but he had been unable to look past his own guilt and self-disgust to realize what it meant. He had failed to notice the curse take hold of Mo Ran. And Mo Ran had suffered for years because of it.
The longer Chu Wanning stared at Mo Ran, the blurrier Mo Ran's face became, until Chu Wanning blinked and felt a tear spill over onto his face.
He and Mo Ran spoke at the same time.
"I'm sorry."
Mo Ran looked confused and weary. "How can it be you that is apologizing?"
"I didn't protect you."
"How could you have known?" Mo Ran asked.
That was precisely what was wrong!
"I didn't pay attention," Chu Wanning said shakily, "I didn't notice the curse."
It was an apology he had held in his heart ever since he had learned of the curse. Years' worth of sorrow and regret flooded through him, choking his throat with tears. He closed his eyes in mingled grief and relief. He could finally get to say what he always wished he could say to Mo Ran.
"I didn't know until after...after I lost my core. And then I didn't know who had cast the curse or how closely they were watching us. I had to pretend not to know."
Mo Ran was quiet in response. He murmured, "Wanning" softly but then said no more.
"I'm sorry," Chu Wanning repeated. "I know I was unkind. I couldn't risk them finding out that I knew."
Mo Ran finally interrupted him. "How can you say that?"
Chu Wanning opened his eyes to meet Mo Ran's. Mo Ran's eyes sparked with frustration now.
"How can you say that you were unkind, when I-" he cut himself off.
His expression crumpled. Chu Wanning could see shame, guilt, and regret. It was not right for those emotions to be on Mo Ran's face or in his heart.
"That was not your fault," Chu Wanning said gently. "The things you did...they were because of the curse."
"You're wrong," Mo Ran muttered.
His eyes flickered to Chu Wanning's hands. Chu Wanning still held them over the baby. He had kept them there less out of protectiveness and more because he found it reassuring to feel his baby safe beneath his hands. Now that Mo Ran was looking, Chu Wanning felt protective again.
He suddenly realized he didn't know this form of Mo Ran. Taxian-Jun had loved this child of theirs- but Taxian-Jun's mind and desires had been distorted by the curse flower. The child only existed as a result of the flower's effects over him. Chu Wanning didn't know if Mo Ran could love such a child. He didn't know what he would do if Mo Ran rejected them.
"Shizun," Mo Ran suddenly pleaded. He dropped to his knees again to kneel before him. "I know I have no right to ask this. I know I sinned against you. But, please, can we...can you...please, I- I really want this child."
Chu Wanning glared to hide his immense relief.
"What are you kneeling for? It’s my child too.”
Mo Ran seemed surprised. "So then, you truly want this child?"
A sense of humiliation rose up in Chu Wanning. Taxian-Jun's words echoed in his mind, calling him a whore for feeling pleasure in the torment that Taxian-Jun put him through.
"It's my child," Chu Wanning snapped. "No matter what, I will keep them safe."
"Oh," Mo Ran replied dumbly.
He stopped pleading for their child's life then. Chu Wanning thought it was the end of it, but then Mo Ran spoke again.
"That's why you didn't want anyone to know that I...favored our child," Mo Ran said slowly. "It wasn't just the Empress you feared. You knew that Hua Binan would be watching."
Chu Wanning didn't say anything. It was true. Mo Ran didn't need a confirmation at this point.
“Hua Binan attacked you because I didn’t listen,” Mo Ran concluded.
“No,” Chu Wanning countered.
“Why else would he seek you out?” Mo Ran asked bitterly.
“He came to Sisheng Peak to make sure you survived,” Chu Wanning said. “He only found out about…about the child once he was here.”
Mo Ran looked skeptical. Chu Wanning understood his confusion.
“He needed you alive. The reason he cast the curse on you, was so he could use your power,” Chu Wanning wearily reminded him.
Mo Ran thought it over for a bit.
“Why? To what end?”
Chu Wanning sighed. He had been asking himself the same question every day for years now.
“I don’t know,” Chu Wanning admitted.
He closed his eyes. He was suddenly exhausted.
"Shizun should rest," Mo Ran said after a moment.
Chu Wanning didn't have the energy to argue.
"Will Shizun stay here? That way I can- my guards can watch over you."
For once, it seemed a genuine question. Chu Wanning didn't know how to respond. It was too much, all of a sudden. Mo Ran had returned to himself. Mo Ran had asked to keep their baby. Mo Ran was asking Chu Wanning to remain in his bed. Chu Wanning's head was heavy with the remains of a fever and he was afraid that this was all a dream.
Instead of answering, Chu Wanning lay back down and curled up in Mo Ran's bed. Mo Ran said nothing more to him. He heard him whisper quiet orders to Liu-gonggong, or perhaps his guards. Then he walked back to the side of his bed and hesitated there. Chu Wanning could feel him watching him even though his eyes were closed.
"Wanning?" Mo Ran called quietly.
Chu Wanning did not respond. For some reason, his heart began beating faster again.
"I'm sorry," Mo Ran said in that same quiet voice.
Mo Ran said, quieter still, "I don't know how to atone..."
Chu Wanning had wanted to pretend to be asleep. But, upon hearing Mo Ran's lost, sorrow-filled lament, Chu Wanning couldn't help but sigh and open his eyes. Mo Ran winced.
"I didn't mean to wake-"
"Are you going to stand there all day?"
Chu Wanning glared. Mo Ran met his glare, looking both chastised and somehow stubborn.
"...I want to keep you safe," Mo Ran pleaded.
"You're injured."
"I'm mostly healed."
"Oh? Then why were you in bed just now?"
Mo Ran's handsome face blushed with color. Chu Wanning hadn't seen that reaction since what felt like another lifetime. He unwillingly softened his expression in response.
"Let me stay," Mo Ran stubbornly requested.
Chu Wanning should have sent him away. But...
"It's your bed," Chu Wanning reminded him.
Then he turned his back on Mo Ran and drew the covers over his head. He unconsciously held his breath. There was a long pause. Then, the bedding rustled as Mo Ran slipped into bed behind him. Chu Wanning sighed in relief.
Author's Note: I wrote this to celebrate Seven Seas' official English translation of 2ha, come out next week. Let me know if you liked it!
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
This is Way Too Stupid to post but I’m doing it anyway
The most prevalent characters in The Dez Illusion
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Hermaeus Mora
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secretarykang · 2 years
chatting over foreign drinks
tw: drinking ( light drinking tbh, they get a bit tipsy)
based on the au where saeclus lives, karl’s plan fails, and him and devyn can get married in peace and live their happy ever after <3
summary: with the wedding happening in less than a month, devyn has questions about the tragedy that almost happened. a few drink with her father bring her answers.
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“Two more weeks, hmm?” said Dong Hwa, taking a sip of brandy. In exactly fourteen days his daughter would get married. He was happy, he really was, especially after everything that happened in the past months.
Devyn nodded, her hand above the glass, questioning if she should finish the brandy or not. It was her third and the drink was quite strong. Saeclus gifted the bottle to her father when he arrived for their official meeting. Founder’s alcohol was known to be stronger than other clan’s beverages, and it surely got both Kangs tipsy.
“Can I ask you something, papa?”
The man turned his head in her direction, blinking a few times as he focused his eyes on her.
“Do you think it was him?”, she asked, taking a sip from her drink right after — not finishing it though.
Dong Hwa let out a sigh and moved his gaze from her to the glass on the table. “I asked him if it was his doing. He just looked at me with big eyes, just like he did when he was a boy and got it trouble with something.” he replied and looked back at her. “I asked him again, ‘Did you?’, to which he responded, ‘Do you think I did it?’”
“What did you said?”
“I told him that I don’t know. The discussion ended there.” he said, watching Devyn’s gaze shift to the glass in her hand. Even if vague, it was a confirmation of her question.
Why would Karlheinz do such thing to her? Why would he try to take her happiness away from her? She was a good friend and a devoted subject. She spent so many years in his service, growing the kingdom with him, for him… and this was what he does in exchange for everything she offered him.
“I don’t know why he did it. Maybe he saw Sanguine as a threat to the him or the kingdom, maybe he didn’t found him fit for you, bu—“
“With all due respect, he is my king and my best friend, but he has no right to decide who is or isn’t fit to be my husband.”
Dong Hwa said nothing of her interruption, and instead continued where he left, “He won’t try again. Not after he saw your reaction, not after he saw how broken you were by his mere disappearance.”
Devyn finished her drink, trying to drown the memories of that dreadful period. When she found out that Saeclus disappeared, it felt like someone ripped her heart out of her chest. And when he was found, barely living it was ten times worse.
Thankfully, he recovered, and in just two weeks he would be her husband. Nothing else mattered.
“The honeymoon, you’re spending it at his house? Or yours I suppose.” her father asked, offering her a smile as he changed the subject.
Devyn slowly stood up from her sit, ready to join her fiancée in bed after replying to her dear papa. “Yes, and I know: it’s cold. I’ll survive a bit of cold.”
The man let out a laugh and finished his glass as well, “I’ve been there a few times with your mother. Unfortunately, some of those few times happened in winter. Saying that it’s cold is an understatement, my darling.”
He stood up from his sit as well, leaving the room with his daughter as he continued speaking. “But the bed will surely be warm. Your mother and I barely left it.”
“You spent your entire honeymoon in bed? What where you doing the whole time in bed?” asked Devyn as they reached his bedroom.
Dong Hwa let out a chuckle and patted his daughter on the shoulder, “Good night, dear.”
Devyn was left alone in the hallway after her entered his room. Perhaps, if she was more sober and less tired she would’ve understood what he meant, but the brandy was strong and she was sleepy.
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Sanguine x Sheogorath, Sheogorath x Haskill
It is done
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