#schneeplestien angst
askzeguddoctah · 4 years
Father’s Day
(( OOC: Little bit of warning before any of you proceed, there is mentions of alcohol and some small act of violence at the end. Drink responsibly kids. Other than that, Happy Father’s Day to all of you! ))
The day Henrik always dreaded...
Currently the doctor was seated in his office room in his house, leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed, the lights having been kept off. His mouth was covered like usual by his face mask, one of the elastic bands slowly slipping off from behind his ear. His hair was matted down from the teal cap he wore, the faded lime green strands covering most of his glasses. His white lab coat lay draped across his lap and the teal scrubs he wore underneath it were wrinkled. 
The attention of the scene is drawn to his desk which was covered by papers and pens. A few beakers of multi-colored liquid were scattered across it, some glowing an unnatural green or blue, being the only source of light in the dark room. On the papers themselves were what looked like nonsense scribbles, though some legible phrases could be made out.
“---- is not what is used to be.”
“Where have ---- gone?” 
“Did --- ever ---give me?”
The more papers there were, the more scribbled writing came with them. Paper after paper had nothing but nonsense, while others were covered with writing so thickly layered, it seemed like it was painted with black paint. The amount of pens that were there made sense now. 
A soft clink is heard as a lone empty glass bottle gently hits one of the wheels of the chair Henrik was slumped back in. His arms were draped over the arms of said chair as he continued to sit there with his eyes closed, breathing slowly. In his right hand, a small photo seemed to be held in a deathly tight grip, while his left hand was limply open, as if reaching for the bottle that was slightly rolling across the floor below the dangling hand. 
A slight twitch in the doctor’s hand, along with his shallow breathing helped confirm that he was indeed still alive. A soft clink resonates from the bottle once more, the label of it becoming illuminated by the glow from the beakers.
Jack Daniel’s Whiskey
A small amount of the liquid was still left at the bottom of the bottle, gently sloshing around as it slowly rolled back and forth on the floor. Seemed like Chase wasn’t the only alcoholic among the brothers. Better to have these kinds of secrets kept in dark rooms like this, eh~? Does no good to try and hide the other bottles in your bottom drawer. The doctor lay limp in his chair, unconscious from the liquor he had drank, the only movement from his twitching fingers and the slow rise and fall from his chest.  
After some time had passed, and the continued clinking of the bottle, Henrik slowly opens his eyes, letting out a groggy sounding groan. He lifted his empty hand to his face, removing his glasses for the moment and wiping at his eyes, then removes his mask and puts his glasses back on. Stained on his cheeks were multiple tear tracks, some dried, some fresh as the doctor turned his attention to the photo in his other hand. His bleary eyes stared at the figures in the photo. The taller of the two was holding the hand of a smaller one, while also resting a hand on their rounded stomach. 
A soft, broken sob slips from the lips of the doctor as he places the photo back on the desk next to the picture frame it had been in previously. Silence settled in the room, the bottle now just resting against the doctor’s foot as Henrik slowly looked down at it. He reaches down and carefully picks it up, examining it with a blank look on his face. He tightens his grip on the bottle, a soft muttering of words coming from him before the bottle is released from his hands with surprising strength from the drunk doctor, aimed at the opposite wall. 
“Happy Father’s day to me....”
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jaeyleo · 4 years
“Hold them down” with any three egos 👀👀
tws: extreme distress and panic attack, fire mention
“No! No!! Please! Leave me alone!!”
Jonathan sobs his way through the delirium, strung out on memories of a long forgotten Knight trapped inside his mind. His brain cannot take the amount of panic, the amount of power that courses through him right now.
“Everything is alright,” Henrik soothes, taking a step toward the boy, who is ready to attack at any given moment. “Everything is safe, you are safe.”
“Look at me, John. Look at me.” signs Jameson, tears pricking his eyes as he watches his nephew suffer. He can almost feel the heartache, the headache, the tingling of his fingers and the way his hair stands up at the back of his neck. “Can you take some deep breaths for me? Slow, slow, it’s okay.”
Jonathan watches his Uncle sign, tears pouring down both of their cheeks as rain falls to the leaves of great trees and splatter into the grass below them.
The boy wipes away the water in his eyes, which are both glowing with a terrified, adrenaline fueled scarlet. They are loud, wailing, begging for relief as the Knight writhes and claws and screams inside his head.
“Please,” Johnny cries, his hands beginning to heat with an ethereal fire. “I d- I don’t want to hurt you! Please Uncle James- U- Uncle Henrik please please go please!!!”
The boy’s head pounds and pounds from trying to keep the power inside of him, aching, burning, spreading throughout his body and harboring inside his chest and hands. He sees colors he’s never seen before, hears a voice he doesn’t recognize, watches his Uncle inch closer and closer to the uncontrolled power locked inside his chest.
“We are going to help you, John,” Henrik says, taking another step. Behind his back he holds a syringe, ready to sedate the poor boy, so scared and so confused, so horribly, horribly tortured by a body that isn’t is. By a power he didn’t allow into his body, but took him, held him, kept him for their own survival.
Jonathan’s hands come up to his face and he sobs, pressing himself into the wall behind him. His chest heaves and heaves with panic, clawing desperately for air as his lungs constrict and refuse to let him inhale anything new. He feels like he’s out in space, with no oxygen, and no gravity to ground him to the Earth he feels breathing beneath his feet and shaking bones. “Go, go, please,” he sobs. “I’ve done this before, I can do it by myself please it’s going to hurt you please!”
“Let us help you, honey” signs Jameson, as soft and as reassuring as he can manage. “It will be easier this way, I promise. I promise.”
Johnny feels a wave of power surging through his veins, and the fire in his hands burns bright before he pushes it down. It hurts, it’s painful, it’s torture. He is in agony trying to keep it all inside, locked away with a nice little key that is just barely out of his grasp.
The Knight takes over his brain for only a moment, launching him forward toward the doctor to attack. Henrik’s free hand is already grabbing at the boy’s, while also trying to keep the syringe away.
“Hold him down!” he shouts, and Jameson rushes to his nephew, grabbing each of his wrists and pinning them to his chest. He stands behind the boy, sinking them both to the ground and just holding him, holding him and holding him as the fire in his chest makes him thrash and scream and sob. He bangs his head into Jameson’s collar bone and shoulder, over, and over, and over. Let go!!! Let go!!
A needle is carefully pricked into the boy’s arm, sending a medicine, strong and safe into his body.
Jonathan sobs and sobs, writhing in his Uncle’s grip, another rush of pure anxiety filling his brain as he sees the needle enter and exit his arm. He hyperventilates, unable to take in even the smallest amount of air.
“C- can’t- c- can’t—“ Johnny starts, his movements beginning to slow, his body beginning to tire. “Can’t b- breathe Uncle J- James I- hh- uh- huuhh—“
Jameson releases his nephew in the current hold he has, turing the boy round so he is held close to his chest. He rocks the boy, holding his head up and keeping him so close, so safe, so warm and so tight. Tears stream down his face and land in Jonathan’s hair as he sobs now, too, destroyed that his boy, his nephew, hell, his son, is so horribly torn apart, shattering and falling through his fingers like dry sand on a windy beach.
“Okay, okay,” Jameson taps Morse into John’s back, even if the boy cannot understand it. He kisses his hair and his head, loving him, sheltering him from harm as the poor child desperately clings to him, trembling. Slowly he falls asleep in his Uncle’s arms, whimpering, heaving, clutching at his shirt and burying his face into his chest. “Okay, okay. It’s okay.”
Tear filled eyes drift up to meet Henrik’s who looks just about as broken as the both of them. Something in his face is still strong, however, still ready. Still collected. Still the good doctor, prepared to tackle anything.
“We will help him.” Henrik reassures, reaching out a hand to grasp Jameson’s shoulder, and down to push away the hair clinging to Johnny’s skin by sweat and tears. “Come on. Let’s get him to Marvin, ja?”
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luckbandit · 6 years
A Glitch in His Own System
There was blood everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, on his hands. It just doesn’t go away. The blood is all Marvin can see, staining his palms and his soul as he sees the source of all this wasted life. The blood is coming from his brothers. Marvin’s breath quickens. No. No. No. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be them. Anyone but them. Anyone. He wouldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe it. It’s not true it’s not true it’s not true-
But then again, Marvin can see their bodies. His families corpses littered the place they once called home. Now it was their graveyard. Jackie’s jumpsuit was ripped up and stained, the hero’s blood mixing with the suite making it darker than it should be. It was impossible for Jackie to be this still. The hero was always on his feet, wether to stop criminals or just to take care of his younger brothers. Now he will never be able to watch over his city or his family ever again.
The magician spotted Schneeplestien lying next to him. The red seeped through the doctor’s shirt, covering his lab coat. It appeared that every single wound and cut Schneeplestien has gotten during his nine month absent with the glitch has reopened, spilling his life onto the floor he was laying on. The doctor’s eyes were blank, glassy, emotionless, and Marvin couldn’t help but think of all the patients he has helped and all the people he will never be able to.
It was too much. Marvin took a step back and stumbled on something. He regained his balance and looked over to see Chase’s gun resting in its owner’s hand. Marvin didn’t want to believe it, but it was too obvious that the ammo has been emptied into the father’s head. Curing his depression but ending all ties with the people he was hanging on for.
And then there was Jameson. Poor, innocent, sweet Jameson. The youngest and most inexperienced. The baby. It almost looked as if he was sleeping peacefully but the slit throat said otherwise. He barley had a chance...
Marvin was freaking out, his heart racing and his blood stained hands shaking. But not in the way you’d think. He wasn’t freaking out because of the blood or the fact that his family is lying dead at his feet. Marvin is freaking out because he did this. He killed his brothers.
And he liked it.
The magician remembers relishing in the betrayal in Jackie’s eyes. Smiling as he cut open Schneeplestien’s already made wounds. Laughing as he made Chase shoot himself in the head. Getting drunk on Jameson’s fear as he slit the youngest’s throat open. He remembers doing it. And he remembers loving it. Every single second of it.
...And that’s when Marvin woke up.
Panting and shaking, Marvin took a deep breath and lied back down on his pillow, closing his eyes to try to calm himself. After minutes of calming and deep breaths, the magician opened his eyes and looked at his clock. 4:00 am. Marvin sighed and sat up, trying to get those images and sadistic feeling out of his head. The nightmares were getting stronger and more vivid, making it harder to resist the temptation of making those nightmares reality.
The dark magic was getting to him, but Marvin couldn’t let it fully consume him. Not yet, at least. He had to hang on, had to make sure that he remained in control. Not only for his sake. But for theirs.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Could you make an angst Henrik? Like, someone comments about something Henrik's insecure about
I’M DOING MY BEST! (Henrik Von Schneeplestien X Reader) Requested
Thank you dooperboopers for requesting and I hope you enjoy.~
Note 1: Can be read as platonic or romantic. ;)
Note 2: Spoilers for the Ego Lore.
Henrik had been busy for 2 weeks so the other egos decided to literally drag him out of his office to have him join board game night.
“I do not see zhe point in dragging me out here for some stupid board game,” Henrik muttered bitterly. 
“Hey, Candy land isn’t stoopid, it’s a classic that deserves our time!” Chase argued as he moved his character across the board.
“I agree, plus it’s nice to play something with you guys,” You add, Henrik sighs and moves his character. Shawn rolled his eyes at how grumpy the doctor was.
“If ya want to play something else, we can,” Shawn commented a tad annoyed. 
“Like?” He inquired.
“Operation,” Henrik tenses slightly. 
“No, let’s just continue,” He muttered.
“Whaaaat? Ze Great Henrik Von Schneeplestien refusing to show off his skills?!” Anti mocked, Henrik glared.
“Guys don’t-” You’re cut off by Marvin.
“Surprisingly, Anti has a point. Where’d the good and confident doctor go?” He asked, a bit concerned.
“Let’s just drop the subject and keep playing,” Henrik growled lowly.
“Nah, I say we switch to Operation! That sounds a hell of a lot better than Candy Land, no offense Chase,” Jackie pipes up.
“None taken! While CandyLand is a classic, Operation is the UBER classic! And it'd be great to see Henrik’s rad surgical skills!” All the egos started agreeing and talking about Henrik. He silently got up and left, returning to his office.
You happened to notice the good doctor slip away amongst the chaos and decided to follow him, asking Chase to play for you. You knock on his office door.
“Henrik? Are you okay?” There’s a few moments of silence before Henrik responds.
“E-Everyzing is fine, I just remembered I needed to do something important. You don’t have to vorry, go join the fun,” He says awfully cheery, almost to the point it sounded fake. You frown and cross your arms.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Is this about what the others said? I swear I’ll-”
“I-I’m fine Y/N,” His voice cracked and it sounded a lot sadder than last time, scolding the other egos would have to wait. You reach your hand for the door handle and turn it, only for it to stop not even half way. Locked, fantastic.
“Henrik, are you really okay?” You ask gently, there’s silence.
“I’m here for you if you need to talk, I’m not leaving you alone with whatever’s troubling you,” You announce as you sit down next to the door. You could hear Henrik approach the door and stand there, almost as if he was hesitating.
“I… Vould you be villing to listen?” 
“Of course,” Silence once more before you hear shuffling behind the door, Henrik seems to have sat down by the door.
“I… Scheiße… Vhere do I even start…?” 
“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere,” Henrik takes a slow, shaky deep breath.
“. . . I’m not as confident as I used to be, before Jack’s operation I had all the confidence in the vorld… but now I wear a confident mask, before I begin to operate on a patient I’m panicking, vhat if I lose them because I’m an incompetent doctor? Vhat vould I tell their family…? Sometimes it goes away because I’m too focused on the patient, but other times… I need to ask someone else to take my place… I’m not as great as everyone says I am… I’m just a doctor with basic motor skills and hand-eye coordination…”
“. . . How long have you been feeling like this?” 
“A few months I zhink…” You shift yourself to be a bit more comfortable.
“Henrik, you’ve saved countless lives. Whether you believe it or not, you’re one of the best damn doctors out there. You’re compassionate and empathetic towards your patients and always ask if they want to try something out. I know what happened with Jack still hurts you and I don’t blame you, not one bit. You did your best and saved Jack despite the odds. You are in no way, shape, or form an incompitent doctor,” There’s a few moments of silence. A click enters your ears as you see the door open.
Standing on the other side is a disheveled Henrik on the verge of crying, you smile gently and extend your arms out for a hug. He collapses into you and buries his face into your shoulder, shaking, crying and whispering German under his breath. You wrapped your arms around the doctor and comforted him.
You’d ask him if he’d like therapy later, you’d worry about the other egos later. Right now you’d be here for Henrik and make sure he’s okay. You’ll always be his shoulder to cry on, you’ll always be there for him, and you’ll always love him no matter what.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
Have you heard? I'm doing a 100 Follower Event!
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sammachu · 5 years
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100% Real Doctor
The best doctah around town with a şp͞ot̡le̸ss record! 9 out of 10 people recommend you to seek help by D́͢ŗ̷.̶̢̕ Schneeplestien, he can help with any problem! He’d never let any of his f̨̲̞̜̪̯r̢̥̜͔̖̱͈̮i̡̫̲̖̹͓̫̟͘é̮̟̩͎̥̭̥ņ̶͖͙͔̖̜͉ͅd̵̳̤̗̞͝ș̡͇͍̜̦̖̝͚̜ patients down, he never has! …R͏i͢g͜h̸̡͜ţ?̨̡
H̵̞̤͖̲̞̹̫e̻̱͎͇̗̮̙̞͚'҉̧͔̳͇̬̪͉s̵͍̼͎̜͟ ̧̛̣̤̝a̹̲̜̞̙̜̼̯͞ ̶̡͉̼͘n͟͏̡͔̦̟ó͎̟͔̬b̶̢̘̙͜o͕̝͢d̀͏̪̞͖̠͉̪̥̯y̨̹̯̰̣͙̫͔̲͇ ̸̳͙̮̤̖̰̼͞ ̱͕̞̤͜ ̡̙̲̥ͅ ̶͢͏͍̼͈̝̜̳̟ ͞͠҉̫͉̪̙͕̞̭ ̶̱͓͙͎͈̣͎̣͢͢ ̴̙̻̥͘ ̵͓̣̪̥̥͕ ̹̼̳̭̟̜̖ ̞͕̭̰̜̰̭̝͓̀ ̶̡̣͙ ͔ ̛̻͔̖͈̭̘̀͡ ̧͈͇͟ ̢͙͔̖͚̲ ̶̨͕͓̞ ̶̥͔͈̟̻̯̫ͅ ̤̠͝ͅ ̡͔͎̩͔ ̸͙̟͉͙ ̟̟͔̜̬͝͝ ͖̣̹J̴̮̯͚̫͇̘͈͜u̜͉͇̣͈̲̻s͏̝͎͈̱̗̙t̴̞͎ ̖͘͞a͇̞͎͕͔͈̲͡͞ ͚̘P̘̼̜̲͙̯͙U̩̟̲̗̤͇̤̝P̝̭͓̠̙̠̘͍͞P̷͙͖̮̬͉͉͎̣E̡̗̭̮̞͓ͅT̴̸̸͓̹͚͓̥̦͙ͅ
It’s the doctor’s turn, only two weeks left! Does this count as a teaser for next week or just angst in general? XD Hope you like it, the gif took a lot longer than I expected ^^*
I’m not that proud of this one tbh :/
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i-am-parsec · 5 years
Welcome to the JSE Fanfiction Masterlist!
All fics are classified by the character/ego they are focused on. They all have tags/trigger warning, so it’ll be easier for you to find something you like.
Want to be added to the list? Follow the instructions at the end the post! All JSE fanfiction, no matter the platform it is posted in, the lenght, the genre, etc, is welcome here, so don’t be shy and join the JSE Fanfiction Masterlist!
PS: If any of the links are not working, please let me know!
TW: Trigger Warning
NSP: No Summary Provided
NGE: No Genre Especified
Glitch by @sinpaicasanova (one-shot): Jack is a freelance writer that's tipped off about a strange webpage located on the Deep Web that's rumored to make people disappear without a trace. Needless to say, he finds what he's been looking for. [Darkfic//TW: Blood/gore, injuries, cannibalism, snakes, demons, deep web]
Strings by @epicfangirl01 (poem): A short poem about the green goblin.[NGE]
Dance with the Devil by @epicfangirl01 (one-shot): Chase is struggling with his alcoholism after seeing his family move on. [Angst]
Make Your Move by @the-editor-is-bored (multi-part fanfic; on going): Chase is send into Anti’s world, and must make it out from the nightmare of shattered time and broken memories [Angst//TW:blood and needle mention]
The Father by @greenglitchbitch (one-shot): a take on Chase and Stacy’s conversation from the “Bro Average” video. [Angst//TW:suicide]
Unaddressed Letters by, well, me :D (multi-part fanfic; on going): Chase goes missing after Stacy decides they should divorce and the stress and pain of the situation lead the young woman to write letters to her missing partner as a coping mechanism. What starts as a way to relief her worried mind will lead her to the truth behind her husband’s demons. But knowledge, like everything in life, comes at a price.
Time To Make a Deal With The Devil by @lildevyl (one-shot): Set after the game Tie a game about depression.  When we see it is Chase playing it confirming our suspision about Chase taking over the Channel for Jack.  Crossover with the Markiplier Egos as well. [NGE]
The Static Calls My Name by @lildevyl (one-shot): Chase Brody is so tired of everything. After a fight with Jackieboy, Chase hauls up in his room pondering on what he should do with his life and why he was even created. Then he hears the static calling to him. Based on the Prompt "I hear it calling my name." [Darkfic]
Henrik/Dr. Schneeplestein
No submissions yet
Marvin The Magnificent
The Magician by @greenglitchbitch (one-shot): Marvin is an actual wizard, and he uses real magic in shows, but has to make it seem like it’s stage magic because if human found out, he would be burned. One day, a fellow witch confronts him about it. [NGE]
Marvin In Wonderland by @sinpaicasanova (one-shot): Marvin is a bored aristocrat who longs for excitement and adventure. And that's just what he finds when he's suddenly thrown into a bizarre world called Wonderland. But he's not alone in these strange woods. A mysterious creature is watching him closely, just waiting to make his move and ensnare the curious boy for himself. [Smut//TW: Hypnotism, possessive behavior, master/slave, dubious consent]
Jackieboy Man
The Hero by @greenglitchbitch (one-shot): Jackieboy Man tries to fight off villians who are robbed a bank, but is defeated, leading him to doubt his ability to protect the city. [Angst//TW:blood mention]
Jameson Jackson
No submissions yet
Miscellaneous (i.e. various egos)
Shorts by @iris-the-asparagus (short drabbles): a series of short drabbles about various egos. [NGE]
Kingdom Of Bones by @iris-the-asparagus (multi-part fanfic; on going): A royalty AU of sorts. [NGE]
Reborn by @iris-the-asparagus (multi-part fanfic; on going) And maybe second chances aren’t worth what they take from you. Rebirth cannot erase the sins of the father, no matter how hard you try. [NGE]
Miles Before I Go To Sleep by @senseless-septic-shambles (multi-part fanfic; on going): Jackieboy Man has been missing for so long even he is losing hope of ever finding his way home. Henrik Schneeplestien is struggling to cope after the events that left Jack in a coma. Chase Brody is trying to piece his life together after it crumbled around him. Marvin is feeling separated from his family. Jameson Jackson is fighting his own demons. And Jack is sleeping through it all. Ev̡ęr͝ythi̸n͏g is go̡i͞ng̢ acc̕ord͏i̶ng ţo̕ ̡p͞la̡n͠. [NGE]
World Initiative by @edgyishere (AU saga ; finished): [NSP] [Angst//TW: provided on the chapters masterlist]
Septicscape by @lildevyl (multi-part fanfic; on going): Jack being trapped inside of his own mind and with the help of his Egos he must find a way out. And help save the "Mindscape" before the "Corruption" takes over. [NGE]
If you want to be added to the list, send me a message with the link to your story that includes the following info:
The title of the fic
The main character of your fic (i.e. on which ego the fic focuses on)
The genre (e.g. angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, smut, etc)
A brief summary of the story
Tags/Trigger warnings for the story
This will help me add you on the list faster and more efficiently!
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Jacksepticeye fics - A Master Post
Hello everyone! I think it’s about time I make one of these, don’t you? I do have a link to it on my blog, but I don’t believe people can reach that on mobile. So here you go! 
Short Stories
Voicemail - a series of messages found on Stacy’s phone. 
Capture - JJ is missing and Jackieboy Man is determined to find him, no matter the cost.
Delerium - prompt: JJ doesn't come home for 3 days, and when he does, he’s delirious.
Despair - We haven’t seen a canon appearance of Jackieboy Man for like two years so… where has he been? Warnings: Rather brutal, implied torture
Discovery - sequel to Despair, Anti strikes out against another Ego and Jackie finds himself with two roommates this time. 
Stress - Henrik finds himself overworking and Jackie has to intervene. 
A Choice - Anti captures both Jackie and JJ, and offers Jackie a choice. 
Your Fault - Everything is going wrong around Jackie, and he is failing his brothers. Who’s fault could it be but his own? 
I’m Sorry - Anti has Chase in his grasp and completely in his control. 
Sinking - Jackie finds himself in a sticky situation he can’t get out of on his own. 
Show Time - Marvin finds himself fitted with a shock collar, courtesy of Anti. But no matter his problems, the show must go on. 
What is My Life - Accompaniment to Miles To Go Before I Sleep, about Jackie and Henrik’s time as captives.
Snippet fics. 
“You’re gone… I watched you disappear.” Jackie, Henrik, Anti
“What if I never get better/You said they’d come home.” - Henrik - Chase
“Where did all these scars come from?” - Chase, Marvin
“Don’t touch me I’m scared” - Jackie, JJ
“You’re noisy, be quite”  -Henrik, Chase
“You don’t seem yourself tonight” - Marvin, Chase
“You’re in no position to order me around” - Jackie, Anti
“You made your choice!“  - Jackie, Marvin. 
Dad!Chase - Chase, JJ
Fire - Marvin, Henrik
Idiotic - Jackie, Henrik
“Just for tonight - I promise” - Chase, Chase’s children, Anti.
Thunderclouds - Jackie
Limp - Chase, Marvin
Bubblegum, actor, angst - Chase, Stacy. 
Fresh leaves - Chase, Chase’s kids. 
Delirious - Jackie, Henrik
Sweltering - Marvin, Jackie
Poor Unfortunate Souls - JJ, Anti
Mother Knows Best - Marvin, Anti
Doctor from Turslow - Chase, Henrik
I Dreamed a Dream - Chase
Anxiety/Panic attacks - JJ, Marvin. 
“What’s that Smell?” - Jackie, Marvin
"Who are you?" - Chase, Anti
"I'll show you what that big word means." - Henrik, Anti
"There's nothing left." - Jackie, Anti
Fallen from Glory AU
Something goes very badly wrong and Jackie finds himself on the run, the blood of 23 people on his hands. Unable to trust his own actions, unable to go home to his brothers and unable to show himself publically, Jackie is isolated and alone, struggling to figure out what his next step will be. 
News Report - Henrik, worried about how late his brother is out, finds JJ watching a news report that shakes his whole world.
Aftermath - Jackie wakes up bruised and disorientated, shocked by what he had done. 
Return Home - JJ can’t sleep, and an intruder interrupts his attempts. 
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Jackieboy Man has been missing for so long even he is losing hope of ever finding his way home. Henrik Schneeplestien is struggling to cope after the events that left Jack in a coma. Chase Brody is trying to piece his life together after it crumbled around him. Marvin is feeling separated from his family. Jameson Jackson is fighting his own demons. And Jack is sleeping through it all.
Ev̡ęr͝ythi̸n͏g is go̡i͞ng̢ acc̕ord͏i̶ng ţo̕ ̡p͞la̡n͠.͞ ҉ 
| A03 | 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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smallgayblanket · 5 years
Fresh Muse List
In case you guys were curious about my characters I have a big old list:
Anti   (Usually the softer kind, has green emerald glowings eyes which turn staticy blue when hes vulnerable/being open/himself. He can be an asshole though and does in deed take out bad guys with his knife.)
Jameson Jackson  (Mute but does actually still have a voice- his vocals are in ruins and he's kinda dealing with poor eating making him dangerously skinny. He works as a bartender and has silver tipped brown hair that's a little bit longer than the others.)
Crank  (Robot Ethan ego. He’s an utter mess- eyes sometimes fizzle out, joints stiff, has emotional issues. He also has a corrupted voice in his head that is real nasty when he pops up and sometimes takes over their shared frame.)
Blank  (Fricking soft boy, his aura is hard to control and sometimes controls him. He has a rare heart issues which makes him prone to fainting and collpasing without much warning.  Still, he tries.) 
Jackieboyman   (Super hero boy! Super buff, caring, kind, and tol.  Lilac/Gold eyes. Little odd strip of red in his brown hair. The best voice.  Works as a gas station worker to hide his identity (he looks great in the blue button up and glasses.) He.’s ftm trans. Sometimes I HC him as a phionex other times he has pretty golden whips of light.)
King of the Squirrels   (Otherwise known as Simon. He’s a hybrid, Tail, ears. Omega. Very sweet, little skittsh and frzzled. Wears glasses and cozy sweaters- likes making nests and being out in nature. Loves PB but is actually allergic..doesn’t keep him from eating it though.)
Henrick Von Schneeplestien  (Grumpy german doctor who lives off of coffee. He is willing to assist those in need and really needs to sleep.)
Chase Brody  (He’s got his youtube channel and a bunch of positive vibes! He’s strugglign sometimes with depression but its not always so bad. Sometimes he had real bad migrains though, and he also suffers from chornic fatigue making his days shorter or hard to get teverything done.)
Wilford Warfstache  (We know him, lover of bubbles and pink. Talks funny, loves candy. Chubby man.) 
Yandere  (Nonbinary somewaht MTF.  They’re a real cutie, will punch dickheads without a sweat and really just want someone to be their senpai and let them fall for them head over heels without running away..) 
Were-Eth  (Ethan got bit by a werewolf and now deals with that. Basically an Ethan muse with a small twist. He’s absoultely adorable with the tail and ears and sharp teef.)
Mark  (Abused and kidnapped by Author My Mark is a little bit softer then the guy he’s based on. He’s a little bit shorter and alot more anxious and unsure of himself thanks to Author breaking him down. He’s vcovered in lots of scars spescfially his wrist’s and does not like water much. )
Bing.  (Tries his hardest to be good, bit glitchy but he’s chill. He tries to skate, and jokes wen nervous. He’s pretty sweet though.) 
Edward Iplier  (Absoulte adorable dork, He tries to help everyone and anyone no matter what- I’ve kinda fallen in love with the idea of him only having one arm but that’s only one of many ideas. He loves space, he’s chubby and also loves food. He’s got a prety neat aura ablity too.) 
Robbie.  (Soft grape zombie boy. He’s sweet and innocent as ever. He’s easily th e shyest of the bunch and doesn’t always talk to much. He loves getting affection though and is always eager to please.) 
And meet my OCS! Some of them are old- and alot of them are new! There's a little description for each just to get your interest~
Quinton  (A Hybrid of Demon and Angel otherwise called a Guardian.)
Ori ( Very pure angel boy AU of the angel half of Q - a little androgynous when it comes to clothing he/him sometimes they/them.)
Zeno  (A DJ with a somewhat secret love for dancing too. Only has one arm.)
Lumi (Ghost boy- literally- he died and he’s kinda like Danny phantom in reverse- he can turn solid but eventually has to rest and turn back to being unable to interact with objects)
Eztli   (Pretty grump guy who was cursed by a witch to be immortal- although it made his blood kinda..weird..)
Gallio (Strawberry Hipster guy- A photographer who also has hypoglycemia)
Aomi (A blackberry witch- hes not very great at spells yet but he tries!)
Lucas (A moonstone gem perma-fusion. Quite a nervous wreck.)
Eme. (A smart scientist. Human. Nothing special.)
Chris. (Camp leader! He’s based off David from camp camp but hes far more buff and hes not so over the top. He has his own green house and is part dryad.)
Alex  (A very confused, overly optimist Alien who doesn’t know what they are. Come from the planet Eutychia)
Locus  (Fish boi!  Transparent fins, glowy patches, plays harp + loves music)
Lir(A Tiny Octopus/Human boy!!)
Reese (Passionfruit bab! Literally. He kinda contains passionfruit pulp but don’t cut him open!!! :< Or do if you want weird angst >_>)
Benji (Strawberry shortcake boi- Cursed tape /bandages. Demi half god. One eye. Uses notes to communicate but also sign. Really. Good sweets maker)
Small bois- These boys are pocket sized! though sometimes I do like to think about them being human sized ^^.
Kiyan. (A little assistant android. Created to assist! He works at a post office currently. Pronouns do not matter to him though its usually he/they/it.)
Tobias. (Made of hair gel. Eats soap. Someone stop him before he gets a tummy ache. He/him.)
Hinto  (Guy made of foam slime- He was kinda based off Remy aka Sleep from the fanders.)
Glowstick bubs (They are tiny boys who glow like well- glowsticks but also lavalamps, very pretty to look at. and theyre nocturnal!)
Theo(A tiny ink creature. He makes a mess but hes adorable.)
JellyBubs! (A collection of tiny sentient jelly babies, The main one being strawberry aka Jeri. They dont mind what you calm them but usually they works best.)
Miel (A tiny little bee boy! He makes honey.)
Moyachi  (Cactus boi!! Loves water and has clear/lime green tinted aloe/herbal helpful blood. Spikes up at defense from bad people)
Apocolyse Squad:
Long story shot: The planet Keres,  Left uninhabitable after the invasion that ruined the air and killed almost the entire race. I have loads of stuff to talk about for this gang of 6:
Sameal o’Ceirin (Being of smoke- partly blind.)
Mallory Thomas (Part cat! Can talk to animals. Nonbinary/genderfluid.)
Hamrish Benat  (Also goes by Hami/Hayden. He/him. 4 eyes, soft tongue. PTSD. Super soft boy. Loves soap cutting videos (and doing it himself) and bears/plushies - Has an arrange of cute face masks. Is a trained nurse and learning to be a pediatrician.)
Joshua who cares (An asshole lets leave it at that.)
Andy Peters (Strong, kind. Kind of like Tyler Scheid, He/him.
Adrian  Géarán  ( Real anxious. Gets bullied alot. bit of a weakling/cry baby to some. Has a pretty shit immune system struggles with food and sleep.. He has a Demon esc-Tail, fire abilities, likes to make little robots. He loves iron man. He/him.)  
Liren Pichi (Deaf peaches n cream boi- Nickname Pichi.  He wasn’t part of the squad- however he did end up landing on their planet- he had some rough encounters with the aliens ^^)
Neighbours AU:
These guys all live in the same little  cul de sac
Lynx is from planet Ananke.
They all live on the new homeworld, Ermioni. (Its basically earth just a few more creatures live there and the government is less of a mess.)
Blake Aglaia  (She/ her.  A human with a gift of being able to put emotions into glass balls..)
Lynx ?? (She/her/they/xe/ xir  An alien and human, the alien somewhat resides inside its host but they coexist. Sometimes goes feral)   Alien half likes to go by Perse  (Percy)  They have cool looking saliva- viens that run down their arms that are pretty cool- sharper nails/claws? Tendrils. Large ol mouth. Lots of point ass teef.
Demon fam:
Hyacinth ( A six-armed demon. Grows flowers on his skin based on emotions. He’s a huge mother hen, will care for anyone. Enjoys cooking and gardening and children.  He/Him)
Rhys  (They/Them. A Demon with a great curiosity about humans) Feri  (The sibling of Ryhs)
Anthos (Rhys and Hy’s summoned accidental toddler.. He has a cute tail and tinnny horns.  He/him)
Douglas Connelly  (He/Him A regular chubby human bean! Loves baking and music.)
Donovan Amores  (He/Him/ Real fricking cool and smokin hot Bartender with a love for dogs. Dougs roommate. Has glowing fuckin orbs- donates his heart- is smooth as fuck, background heavily Spanish (moved when young.))
Haris Alaksim Real name (lost in translation  (Huitzilopochtli God of sun and war) ) - A god whom Dono is very close with and donates his heart two one every 3 years during the day of the highest sun. He is a god / Mouros.  Donovan refers to him as “Dios gentil”  or “ Viejo colibrí sabio”   (“El viejo colibrí sabio es un dios gentil” (The old wise hummingbird is a gentle god.)
Donovans Family
Rem (They/He/Him Looks after magical creatures- Cane is from Haris)
Oscar  (He/Him.  Not sure what trinket or power but He’s just a casual store worker w/ good arms. Surprisingly good with knives- perhaps has one from Haris?)
Nicole  (She/her/they/them.  Makes clothes..possibly got some ability to do with seasons..?  Perhaps earrings or a bracelet from Haris)
Javi  (Makes jam, cute boy, wears cloaks. Has a cute little jar necklace  ^ a proper sized magic jar.  Doesn’t mind whatever pronouns but usually prefers he/him/boy.)
Luca (FTM Trans bookkeeper- Talks to Haris most often and likes to ask questions..Has precious books…Possibly a special pen..)
Forest bois:
Cypress (The soul of the forest - Mentor of Rem. Doesn't mind what you call him but usually leans masculine.)
Unicorn boi (Yet to be fleshed out. Hes got very rare blood- lost his horn and lives with a giant inside of a bubble?  He/him/it)
Fyn. (Mushroom boy. Protects a gate. Lost his twin in a fire caused by humans.. He/him)
Fie. (Bat boy. Love fruit. Is ironically scared of the dark- shy but cute. He/Him)
Moh. (Fairy/incubus hybrid.  They/them)
Tucker. (Bunny hybrid- cool guy with bunny ears and a tail. Soft white patches on his chest. Got a bit of an attitude but is chill- is also friends with Ainsley. He/him but is usually mistaken for a girl because he by bunny standards is..)
Ainsley. (Fawn boy. Wears glasses. Much like a deer, skittish and nerdy and keeps to himself. Tries to keep Tucker out of trouble but usually ends up dragged along instead)
Izekiel  Iris (A being of Paint!  Stutter, anxious, hallucinates. Zones out alot. An amazing artist though. He/him though has feminine tendencies.)
Matty   (An experiment, part human, part lizard, part dragon. Much smol and cute. Hes very quiet, selectively mute on occasion. Lots of scars and trauma, scars on his arms and constantly needs to wear bandages. Very easily tired. he/him.)
Nes. (Based of off Crankgameplays as face claim but he’s basically his own thing at this point. He’s been through alot of angst and trauma and some really nasty stuff ^^’ (He killed his parents, the ice cream truck driver tried to abduct him, he was experimented on in a very bad place, and now he's an utter wreck who will cling to anyone who gives him the time of day. He has murder tenancies but is full of guilt and hates whenever he hurts anyone. Lots of panics. Very hard to handle if you aren’t patient.)
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dragonlover123a · 6 years
Demonic Guardian
(E/c)- Eye Color
(H/s)- Hair style (curly, straight, fluffy, etc)
(H/l)- Hair Length
(H/c)- Hair Color
(S/c)- Skin Color
(Y/h)- Your Heritage (White, Black, Hispanic, etc)
(M/n)- Mom's Name
Being scared, lost and alone was one thing, but being five years old and stalked by a creepy older man who said he was friends with your Mommy? That was on a whole other level.
You, a little 5 year old kid with striking (e/c) eyes, gorgeous (h/s), (h/l), (h/c) hair, and probably the clearest (s/c) a five year old can have, was currently running for your life from a strange man.
"Get back here you little bi-" he yelled, only pausing his insult to look up at the other man whose leg you had just ran into.
Not even bothering to look up, you apologized. "I-I'm sowwy, I-I didn't see you, pwease excuse me" you stammered out, trying to stand back up, only to fall to the ground again. Only this time, a large pale green hand with black claws flashed out to grab your arm and prevent you from hitting the ground.
Finally looking up, you realized why the man chasing you was so frightened. This dude was huge! Taller than what's considered normal. Not only that, but he had glowing green eyes in pools of black, and a huge bleeding gash across his throat that didn't seem to bother him at all. But despite his frightening appearance, his eyes where gentle as they looked you over for any injuries. "Are ye okay lass?" He asked in a strange voice, and accidentally showing off razor sharp teeth.
You shook your head and glancing at your pursuiter before looking back at him. His eyes followed your gaze and he seemed to understand what exactly was going on. "Lassie," he whispered in your ear, "I can protect you from him, but ye have to pretend like I'm yer adopted father okay? And then we can find yer real parents once he's gone"
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, "Daddy! The big meany over there is trying to take me somewhere bad!" You exclaimed. Yup, you've done this before. Mostly with cops though. Sometimes you did it with people who liked to dress up as your favorite superheroes, but that's for another time.
The scary looking man you where holding onto stood up to his full height as he placed you on his hip and stared down the now nervous looking creep. "Is this true?" He asked, "are you trying to take away my daughter?"
"W-well, I-I, I didn't realize she was-" he stammered out, clearly fearing for his life right now. The one holding you stepped closer. "I would highly suggest you get out of my face right now," he growled out, "otherwise the little one might see something that will haunt her nightmares for the rest of her life, and I personally don't want that"
The other man wasted no time in getting the hell out of there. Smirking in triumph, the tall scary looking man looked down at you. "Now that he's gone, may I have your name, little one?" He asked. You looked down and bit the inside of your cheek. Mommy had always told you not to give your name to strangers, but this one did just save your life. "It's (y/n)" you muttered, and he smiled, seeming to know what you just said. "Beautiful name. Now, let's see about finding yer parents, shall we? They must be worried sick"
After a while of walking, you learned a few things about him. Like that he wasn't human, and he was more than a century years old. Also about what he can do, like travel through phone wires and track down your mother just by your scent alone. Finally after what seemed like forever, you spotted her. "Mommy! Mommy I'm over here!" You called out, waving to her.
The woman looked up from the security desk and breathed a sigh of relief, not even fazed by the strange man holding you. "Oh thank you so much for finding her! I was so worried!" She exclaimed, taking you from him, "I'm (m/n), and you are?" "Anti" He responded, turning to leave, "you be a good girl (y/n), and we might just meet again" he called over his shoulder
You never forgot him, and you never saw him again. Until twenty years later you where coming home drunk and a bunch of men where following you. And you, at 25, had grown up to be a gorgeous young lady. Only problem? You had stopped growing way to early in life and was stuck at a miniscule 4'6. Your body had developed like it should have, so you where proportionate, you where just really short and sometimes it sucked, like right now. After some (sort of?) quick thinking, you ducked into a nearby alleyway only to find out you where blocked by a wall and now trapped. And you where about to accept your fate, when a pair of long, black jeaned legs stepped out in front of you and you heard an all to familiar voice before you blacked out.
Next thing you know, you woke up at home in your own bed as the morning sun shone through your window. Getting up and putting on a comfy robe, you walked down to the kitchen to make your preferred morning drink, only to stop in your tracks when you saw a familiar figure on your couch. Making your drink now forgotten, you studied the sleeping man in your living room. First thing you noticed was how big he was compared to your tiny customized couch. His head was resting against the back cushions, his wide shoulders on one arm and the small of his back was on the other while his butt and legs hung off. Next thing you noticed however was the green skin and the large bloody gash across his throat. Could this be the same man? There was no way after 20 years he looked exactly the same, could he? Now curious you decided to lean in a little closer. Bad idea. His eyes flew open and before you could react, his forehead connected with your nose as he was trying to get up. Spoiler alert: a glitchy demonic entity's head is a lot harder than yours. Now screaming in pain, you fell into the now empty couch cushions.
Realizing what he just did, Anti rushed to your side. "Holy shit, I am so fookin sorry!" He apologized, placing a hand over the one over your bleeding nose. "Lemme see the damage, I can fix it." You shook your head no and tried keeping your hand there, but he was stronger. He quickly assest the situation before getting all the needed supplies to bandage up your broken nose. All the while he explained who he was, why he was in your shitty apartment, and that he recognized you from when you where a child, which confirmed your suspicions.
In the next years, you would learn to really truly love this demon who really cared for you, meet and become part of his crazy little family that consists of, a zombie, a superhero, a doctor, a dapper mute, a vlogger, a magician and an explorer. After a few years, Anti finally struck up a nerve to ask you if you would be his forever and of course, you said yes. Decades past, and you start to become old and gray. While he on the other hand, seemed to stay young, strong and tall.
He knows your at the end of this wonderful journey, and he's kinder, more patient as he helps you with your day to day routine and memory problems. Soon enough your laying on your deathbed, your hand on his cheek as a tear slips out of his eye and down his cheek. "I don't want to lose you Little One" he chokes out. You smile, and study his everlasting features one last time. "You won't Anti, I promise" you breathe out, before going still.
He holds your still body as he cries, and his brothers are a little surprised too actually see him like this. "Zere iz nozing ve can do for her now" Schneeplestien says, placing a hand on his demonic brothers shoulder. "But, ve can turn her remainz into a diamond and embed it into your knife." He offered. Anti nodded and let go of (y/n). He made a vow, and he was going to keep her by his side for all eternity, for he had become her Demonic Guardian
A/n: I legit choked up writing the end there. So I hope you enjoyed it angst gremlins. But anyway, feedback is always appreciated and reblogs are better than likes, yadda yadda that kinda stuff
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jaeyleo · 5 years
3 and 12 with henrik, jackie and marvin
edit: this fic is old, jackie is not a teenager in this!
3: “Hold them down.” 12: “I know that you’re scared.”
“Henrik, just look at me, okay?”
Johnny held his hands out, slowly stepping toward the previously puppeteered doctor. Warm brown eyes held captive the terrified, tear streaming blue, keeping all of his attention in one place.
“Do you know who I am?” Johnny asked, halting his careful steps for a moment as the doctor looked more threatened the closer he got.
“Jonathan,” the doctor replied, clutching the syringe in his hand a little tighter. His reddened eyes were staring down the hero, though periodically snapping toward any outside noise he so happened to hear— or at least, thought to hear.
“Good, good,” John said, relieved to know he had at least that. His eyes kept glancing down to the syringe and the liquid it held inside, his expression showing only a fraction of his fear. Of course Henrik had to grab a needle. Of course he did.
“I know that you’re scared,” John began, daring to take another small step. “But I promise you, he’s gone. You’re okay now, I’m just- I’m here to help you, okay? You’re safe, buddy.”
“Safe,” Henrik whispered once, twice, three times, seeming as if he were going to lower the syringe before his eyes caught the sight of Anti. Standing against the wall, hands at his sides, behind Jonathan.
Henrik’s breathing picked up and he raised the syringe, bloodshot eyes staring down the monster as more tears streamed down his face. “Pseudo.” he said, pointing at the monster. “Not safe! Liar!”
“No no!” Johnny stammered. “That’s Marvin! That’s not Pseudo, buddy. See his hair? And his sweater? That’s Marvin, that’s all Marvin.”
“Jonathan,” Henrik said, reaching a hand out to him as he saw the man begin to smile, an ocean of black blood pouring from his neck and staining the white t- shirt he knew he saw. Marvin doesn’t look like that. Marvin doesn’t smile like that. Marvin doesn’t have black blood, Henrik knows it!
John stepped a little closer, and so did Pseudo.
“Jonathan,” Henrik repeated, his voice breaking, hand still reached out toward the hero. “He is not Marvin...! He is not!”
“Wait,” Johnny whispered, and the monster followed his order. “It’s okay,” he said. “You’re safe with me, just look at me. Don’t look at him, look at me.”
Slowly, as John got closer, the doctor tore his eyes from Pseudo. He could never keep them away for more than a second, but it was eventually two seconds, and three, now four, until his eyes were just on Jonathan. Just on Jonathan.
The hero gently grasped Henrik’s hand, coaxing him to give up the syringe as well. Johnny tossed it to the ground, flicking his hand up a bit to let it levitate, then softly touch the wooden floor. There should be no sudden noises when a puppet first gets his strings cut. Henrik always said that.
Henrik shut his eyes for only a moment, letting Jonathan wrap his arms around him in a safe, tight tight hug. In a moment of fear he opened his eyes again, staring back at Pseudo...
Back at Pseudo....
“He is gone..!” Henrik shouted, whipping his body around to look, look, look! But he can’t break free from John’s body.
“Hold him down!” Pseudo shouts, and before Henrik can grasp onto the words he is swept onto the ground and being held in place by Jonathan, wrists pressed hard into the ground and his friend sitting sideways on his legs to keep him from moving.
Henrik is screaming now, screaming and screaming and screaming and thrashing in place trying to be set free. He can’t be a puppet again, he won’t do it! He won’t!
“Shh, shh,” Johnny soothed, as Pseudo’s hand gently set onto his forehead. “It’s okay, Henrik, it’s- y- you’re okay.”
Soon Henrik is still, mumbling, pleading, whimpering, and sobbing, clinging to Jonathan’s shirt as he feels himself scooped up into another hug, drifting down to sleep in Marvin’s spell.
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