#sebastian et ciel
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Art book No. 4 is here! Yana T shows her prowess for drafting. Her precision is beyond this world. ( part 1 )
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anawkwardlady · 7 months
Talking with mutuals I had the really cursed thought of... And what if the "Human that actually is an animal" character from Kuro wasn't Pluto but a cat character?
So heres some thoughts :
Spicy lady that slowly learns how to socialize.
Long untamed dark hair et dark empty eyes.
Hiss at strangers but when she gets used to Ciel and the whole staff, randomly pokes them. Sometimes she also slaps them.
Extremely eerie.
Sometimes weirdly cuddly.
Noodlecore. Lazy as fuck.
Will reach for your food from under the table.
Doesn't care about being clothed or not. (and she is most of the time unlike Pluto)(sometimes she would be put in really cute clothes but it would look pretty off on her because she is completely unbothered about it and the behavior doesn't match)
Leaves birds and mice at people's feet (especially Sebastian)
@nullbutler suggested calling her Marie based of the Aristocats and I think it feets really well (normie name for an unhinged person).
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cangrellesteponme · 11 months
Sometimes I laugh alone thinking about Sebastian and Ciel randomly saying french, weird old sayings out of nowhere in the most serious tone ever. Like can you imagine they're having a really shonen moment with Ciel feeling like everything is over and Sebastian is like.
Sebastian : Young master...*puts his hand on his shoulder* Il faut poser ses couilles sur la table sometimes.
Ciel : ... you are right! *rips eyepatch dramatically*
(for those who don't know "poser ses couilles sur la table" or "to put one's balls on the table" roughly means "to be bold and assert dominance")
the way I can perfectly imagine Sebastian saying "Sometimes, you can't have le beurre, l'argent du beurre, et le cul de la crémière." JGFJFGJFKK
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kalyria1674-blog · 1 year
Kuroshitsuji : Quelques réflexions
Je pense que je mettrais à jour ce billet au fur et à mesure, quand je le penserais pertinent. Pour ceux potentiellement intéressés par mes divagations, attentions aux possibles spoils.
Il y a quelque chose de très louche avec le système shinigami... car, quand on y réfléchit, si la liste de la mort rend chaque décès comme étant le coup du destin, alors le principe même de punition shinigami perd toute sa substance. Tenir pour responsable les suicidés alors que leur fin était a priori décidé pour eux depuis le jour même de leur naissance est juste dérangeant à tant de niveaux...
Je viens de me rendre compte que si tout les serviteurs des Phantomhives ont la même attitude que Bard, alors le taux de mortalité parmi le personnel doit être de 0%... puisque ceux-ci sont prêt à démissionner avant de trépasser. C'est macabre... mais touchant par sa dévotion.
Je suis en train de relire l'arc du Weston College et, avec le recul, je me rend compte combien la déclaration de Sebastian est ironique, que le double sens soit volontaire ou non. Ainsi, quand Cole trompe ''Ciel'', Sebastian souligne qu'il a la capacité de ''sentir les gens de sa propre espèce'' (du moins dans ma traduction). De prime abord, c'est à prendre comme ceux qui usent des autres pour faire le sale boulot à leur place... sauf qu'après, en confrontant Cole, l'une des raisons de son inimitié envers ''Ciel'' est que, selon lui, ''celui-ci ne comprendra jamais les sentiments d'un second fils qui n'héritera jamais d'un quelconque titre''. J'ai été surprise mais je trouve cela brillant et, sans l'excuser aucunement, je trouve que ça donne une certaine profondeur au personnage de Cole ainsi qu'un parallèle accru avec ''Ciel'', sachant qu'au final, les deux ont décidé de se battre pour obtenir ce qu'ils voulaient et usent des mêmes armes. Auparavant, Cole m'était antipathique mais, maintenant, il l'est un peu moins.
Je me demande si la déclaration d'Edmond sur son incapacité à juger les autres est une allusion à Dereck... en fait, c'est probablement le cas. Et c'est à la fois triste et ironique venant de la part de celui qui vient de la maison avec les gens de plus haute naissance, ceux qui sont censés être entraînés à juger les gens depuis l'enfance.
Pour ce qui est de la cérémonie d'ouverture du tournoi du 4 Juin... Alesteir Chamber, compte de Druitt, est-il vraiment venu à Weston juste pour voir son neveu ? Ou bien a-t-il obtenu une entrevue avec un certain directeur qui a pu lui montrer son dernier chef-d'oeuvre en date ?
Est-ce juste moi ou bien Greenhill, le Préfet des Lions Verts, est le sosie d'Erwin Smith dans Shingeki no Kyôjin ? Hum...
Comme dans beaucoup de choses dans Kuroshitsuji qui sont présentés comme des gags, je me demande si l'obsession de Charles Grey pour la nourriture n'a pas une origine plus sombre que celle actuellement démontré dans le manga...
J'y pense mais... si le principal de Weston avait dû être remplacé peu avant/après Campania, ça aurait été un fait connu et impossible à cacher, non ? Au moins parmi le personnel. Pourtant, personne n'a rien dit à ce sujet même quand Sebastian les a interrogé. De plus, quand le ''principal'' dévoile son véritable visage, aucun des P4 ne semblent surpris de son apparence malgré qu'ils sont censés avoir des ''Thés de Minuit'' avec le véritable principal. Si celui-ci avait changer en cours d'année (quand ils ont été nominés), l'un d'eux l'auraient sans doute mentionnés puisqu'il aurait été le même que celui de l'association Aurora. Mais cela ne s'est pas produit donc... était-il en poste depuis plus d'un an, date à laquelle les P4 avaient été nominés ? Sans compter que je doute qu'Undertaker ait trouver des sponsors parmi les nobles en les invitant dans son salon funéraire de l'East End, sachant que ceux-ci auraient sans doute voulut obtenir une certaine confirmation avant tout financement. Donc... depuis combien de temps Undertaker est-il le ''principal'' du collège Weston ?
Pour ce qui est de l'arc du Music Hall, quand ''Ciel'' et Sebastian trouve Violet (chapitre 125), celui-ci est encore en vie mais à peine. Sauf qu'il est également entouré des cadavres de gens de haut-rang. Devons-nous en conclure que, sous prétexte de les aider, Undertaker a assassiné plusieurs des hauts-gradés de l'armée britannique, des chefs de Scotland Yard qui maintiennent l'ordre public ainsi que le représentant de la Chambre des Lords. Et cela juste après être, selon Diedrich, aller ''faire un tour'' en France. Comme la révélation sur les jumeaux et la désastreuse situation de ''Ciel'' suit de près, cela reste relativement inaperçu mais... l'Angleterre entière doit être politiquement et militairement déstabilisé suite à ce coup, non ? Surtout si on rajoute que de nombreux naufragés du Campania faisait partit de la haute-société anglaise (et sans doute aussi étrangère), ce qui a dû avoir de lourdes conséquences nationales. Progressivement, tout s'accumule et Undertaker, qui déteste la reine Victoria, est à l'origine de tout cela. Coïncidence ? Hum...
Pur faire suite au point précédent, si l'Angleterre est destabilisée sur ce point, que fera donc la reine Victoria qui aime avoir le contrôle sur son empire en sachant que celui-ci est le plus puissant au monde. Que fera cette femme face à ce genre de problèmes politique et militaire alors qu'une jeune fille impressionnable et assoiffée de connaissances, seule personne au monde capable de créer l'un des gaz les plus mortels qui soit, se trouve actuellement sous sa coupe ? Je ne vais pas mentir, je m'inquiète pour Sieglinde.
Toujours dans le chapitre 125, quand Othello rencontre ''Ciel'', il dit que celui-ci lui ''dit quelque chose''. Du moins dans ma traduction. Mais pourquoi son visage serait-il familier ? Il n'a pourtant aucun lien connu avec ''Ciel'' ou Ciel. Le seul qu'il connaît avec certitude, c'est Undertaker et, là encore, il prétend ne pas l'avoir revu depuis 50/70 ans.
Aussi... Othello est aussi un expert médico-légal qui a les connaissances dont il prétend manquer à Undertaker pour mettre son plan en place... mais ce dernier a quand même exercé le métier de morticien (et légiste pour les Nobles du Mal) pendant des années donc si Othello se base sur une expérience passée de plusieurs décennies, rien ne dit qu'il a raison sur ce point.
N'est-il pas étrange que le ''Campania'' ait appartenu à la Blue Star Line qu'administrait Mr Phelps ? Et comme par hasard, c'est celui qui a accueillit une société voulant ressusciter les morts ? Juste après l'arc Book of Murder ? Voilà qui est bien étrange...
Je suis au courant de la théorie basée sur son médaillon voulant qu'Undertaker soit le grand-père de Ciel. L'idée ne me dérange pas (surtout que j'ai remarqué que, dans l'arc Campania, ils ont donner des cheveux argentés à Frances Midford) mais ça me paraît quand même quelque peu évident par rapport aux autres twists. Bref. Quoiqu'il en soit, je sais que la plupart des gens assimilent cela (surtout dans les fanfictions) à une romance tragique entre Undertaker et Claudia/Cloudia. De mon côté, je ne peux m'empêcher, quand je considère l'idée, de me rappeler qu'a en croire ses paroles sur le Campania quand il présente ses poupées, le shinigami considère ces dernières plus belles que de leur vivant. Pourquoi cela ? Car elles ne peuvent dès lors plus ''réclamer bruyamment'' ou ''dire de mensonges''. Si l'on prend cela en compte couplé au fait qu'il est probable que Cloudia Phantomhive ait été le Chien de Garde de la reine à son époque... eh bien disons que l'amour fou jusqu'à des décennies après sa mort n'est pas la théorie que j'ai tendance à prioriser.
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July Monthly Recap:
So I forgot to do my July version of this, so here it is, and my August one will follow shortly! I read 18 books in July, including a couple of re-reads of some of my favorite comfort books, Howl's Moving Castle and The Blue Sword. I also read one other 5-star book in July, We Could Be So Good, but mostly the last couple months I've been finding a lot of duds and not a lot of hits, unfortunately.
Adrift in Starlight by Mindi Briar: 4/5
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall: 3/5
Flowerheart by Catherine Bakewell: 3.5/5
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert: 4/5
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian: 5/5
The Accidental Alchemist by Gigi Pandian: 4.5/5
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones: 5/5, re-read
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley: 5/5, re-read
Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez: 2/5, dnf
The Surviving Sky by Kritika H. Rao: 3.5/5
The House Witch by Delemhach: 2.5/5
Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot: 4/5
Rain: A Natural and Cultural History by Cynthia Barnett: 4.5/5
A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation Vol. 1 by Misaki: 3.5/5
A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation Vol. 2 by Misaki: 3.5/5
A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation Vol. 3 by Misaki: 2.75/5
Lumberjanes, Vol. 6: Sink or Swim by Nate Stevenson et al.: 3/5
The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard: 4.75/5
And my progress on my 2023 goals below the cut:
23 in 2023: 15 [+1]
Read 100 books: 120/100 [+18]
Translated works: 4 [+3]
Physical TBR: 10 [+0]
Top of TBR: 3 [+0]
Books in Spanish: 0
Read 40% AOC: 23.1% [+3.5%]
Discworld Books: 2 [+0]
Series: 20 started vs. 25 caught up/finished [+4/+2]
Storygraph recs: 2 | avg. 3.25/5 [+0]
Indigenous authors: 1 [+0]
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theplaytheroist · 2 years
For I Such Yearn Chapter 2: For I Search
Morning already hits for Elizabeth, waking up by the sunlight shining to her face. Paula appears in her room, setting up for today's morning.
"Good morning Lady Elizabeth! What are you planning to do today?" Paula claps her hands. "I actually wanted to do some investigation on Mey-rin" Elizabeth mention. "Really? What brings this up?" Paula asked. "Well, Mey-rin and I hang out in the City of London yesterday. Mey-rin remind me of Ciel but in a different way. She dropped hints for me and all, treated me with respect. Don't tell my mother about this" Elizabeth explained. "I won't, don't worry Lady Elizabeth. Good luck for researching on Mey-rin" Paula bows.
Elizabeth joins with her family on their daily breakfast. Elizabeth of course ponders about the hints on Mey-rin of what she is as a person. Though, she doesn't want her family to be suspicious of why Elizabeth acting like this today so she ignored these thoughts until she is alone. After Breakfast, Elizabeth is in her Library, looking at the books that academic that Mey-rin and Ciel would read.
"These Academic books what Mey-rin reads are usually accessible for the rich... unfortunately. But what Academic books would she read?" Elizabeth took out the Academic books.
Elizabeth notice the Academic books that reprinted them from centuries ago, especially from 15th century.
"Hmmm, Mey-rin also mention she study Demonology as well. But, there's no books about Demonology....unless we have one here" Elizabeth looks around the titles for demons on it.
Elizabeth looks at every bookshelf and still nothing about demons. She is frustrated at this, knowing that researching on Mey-rin is hard as it is.
"Man, sometimes I wish have inhuman abilities to solved everything but it'll be to easy and boring" Elizabeth comments.
Elizabeth checks on the academic books, looking at the titles and noticed the book from the 15th century that she took out, it reads 'Pour un tel j'aspire".
"That's weird, why the title is in french" Elizabeth noticed the title.
She opens the book to see Latin words on the pages above, it seems like it can still be translated. She turn the pages to see it is full French sentences. Now she can read and understand French taught by her tutors and Latin she's gonna learn soon but why this book is full French.
"This is interesting, let me see what I can read from it here" Elizabeth begins to read.
Elizabeth noticed the word frères et sœurs meaning siblings in french.
"The two demonologist who consider themselves siblings are the strongest in centuries ago, both of them disappear and never seen again. The male french inquisition and contract demon was executed by his people and female assassin goddess left her people after his brother death. It was the end of the age demonology and never brought to life again after the two siblings left their home country Saint-Zacharias, France"
"Yessh..., I feel bad for the male french inquisition, he didn't deserve that fate" Elizabeth somber.
Elizabeth checks on the author name, written by Gregory Simon. Her eyes narrows, how did her family got a hold of this book?
"Hey Lizzy! Your fiancee is here!" Edward shouts. "Huh?!" Elizabeth jolted from her brother shouting. "Yessh, it seems like your deep into your reading. Hahaha! It sounds your improving your intelligence baby sister, that's great!" Edward noticed. "Ummm, yeah right I am Eddie! Wait, why is Ciel here?" Elizabeth questioned. "I have no idea to be honest" Edward shrugged.
Elizabeth took her book to her room and place under the drawers to hide it. Elizabeth sighs, really bad timing for Ciel to come, she felt like there's something more to this book then it lead on. Elizabeth left her room, went downstairs to the entrance to Ciel and Sebastian.
"Hello Ciel, Sebastian, what brings you two here? It's a surprise that your here at all" Elizabeth asked then chuckled. "You never asked me to come here" Ciel answered. "I do want to but your busy with work and guard dog mission, how can I ask you to come and visit when you so busy all the time" Elizabeth mention.
Sebastian raise an eyebrow on Elizabeth, it seems like Elizabeth is expressing her problems towards the Young Master. It's not like it's false, the Young Master schedule have always been busy and never bother to put aside a day off or a break just to spend time with Lady Elizabeth.
"I....supposed that's true" Ciel acknowledged what Elizabeth said. "Well anyway, it's nice that your here but ummm, you two can go back home now, besides anyway Ciel, you have work to finished" Elizabeth insisted. "I can stay with you, I can work tomorrow" Ciel quickly respond. "Oh...that's nice...I guess?" Elizabeth surprised by his words.
If Elizabeth gonna be honest, she wanted to read more of the book, to know the truth why her family has that book and wanting to find out about Mey-rin. But maybe she ask what Ciel wanted to do, maybe chess and books that he likes to read.
"We play chess if you like or we can go to the library to talk about the books we've read" Elizabeth mention. "Fine by me, we can play chess in the library if you like" Ciel responded. "Okay then, great" Elizabeth shows a small smile.
At the Library where Elizabeth sets the chess at the table and set up the pieces. Ciel is black pieces and Elizabeth is white pieces. Elizabeth knowledge of chess is difficult at times, she knew how easy Ciel will beat her, she felt bad that she's not an opponent for Ciel at all.
"Checkmate" Ciel place the pawn in front with queen behind the pawn. "Good game, must've been easy for you" Elizabeth comments bitterly. "You can ask me to help you get better at chess Lizzy, I don't mind at all" Ciel narrow his eyes. "No don't worry, I don't want you to waste your time on me. Look, it's already getting late, you work tomorrow right?" Elizabeth mention. "Are you okay Elizabeth?" Ciel reacts with a concern tone. "Yeah I'm just not myself today, that's all" Elizabeth sheepishly rubbed her neck. "I noticed that, if anything you want to talk about, you can come visit my mansion" Ciel insisted.
"Yeah right, like I can believe that Ciel" Elizabeth comments bitterly.
"Of course, thank you Ciel" Elizabeth smiles warmly. "Have a good night then" Ciel left the library with Sebastian.
Elizabeth sighs in relief as she heads to her mother who is currently reading on her bed.
"Mother, can I ask you something?" Elizabeth asked. "Of course dear, it's nice that you finally spoke to me, you've been to quiet lately today, are you alright?" Francis expressed her concern. "Yeah sorry for worrying you though Mother. I need to know, why did you have book called "Pour un tel j'aspire"?" Elizabeth mention. "Oh, I figured as much, that book has been there since my mother has it" Francis close her book. "Grandma Claudia? Why does she have that book?" Elizabeth asked. "During her Guard Dog years, she actually took a demonology mission by mistake! She found the book during a raid when the Demonologist fighting off Rouge Demonologist, she took it because one of the Demonologist told her to keep it and let the person who knows this will find it some day. I never got to read it but did you read it Elizabeth?" Francis explains then asked her. "Yes I have, it was full of French, it's about two Silbings, one is a male french inquisition and contract demon and one is a female Assassin goddess, the male was executed by his people and the female left her people for good. I felt so bad for them, cause I felt they suffered so much even before reading the rest" Elizabeth informed as somber the thoughts. "Well, continue reading it, your smarter then everyone looks, whatever it is, I know you can do it, I know you can" Francis smiles at her. "Thank you Mother Elizabeth hugs her. "Not a problem dear, now have a goodnight" Francis kiss her forehead.
Elizabeth heads back to her room, opening up her drawer with her book, continuing to read in French book, a paper fall out from the book, she opens it and it's written something the caught her eyes on the message on the paper, it reads;
Ceci est mon dernier message pour vous deux, Sébastien, Mey-rin, si vous lisez ceci, je suis désolé que vous ayez souffert, être choisi comme déesse assassin et démon contracté n'est pas ce que le destin voulait être. Quel que soit le chemin que vous choisissez de suivre, j'espère qu'il vous rendra heureux tous les deux, cordialement,
Votre professeur, Gregory Simon
(This is my last message to you two, Sebastien, Mey-rin, if you read this, I'm sorry that you two have suffered, being chosen as a goddess assassin and an contracted demon isn't what fate wanted to be. Whatever path you choose to follow, I hope it'll make you two happy,
Sincerely, your teacher, Gregory Simon)
It all makes sense now, why Mey-rin is into Demonology. But also, her brother book is name is Sebastien then....what is it that the both of them did during the 15th-16th century? She highly doubt they are rouge demonologist but...she still ponders what happen to them.
"For now I know what Mey-rin is, I hope for the best she answered but still...what unknown what I got into exactly?" Elizabeth looks at the book.
Elizabeth shakes her head, trying to clear her mind for today discovery she have learned today. She put her book under the drawer as she sleeps away, this time more at ease now knowing and hopefully the answer for Mey-rin.
Here we are, something interesting is gonna happen! I hope this chapter is good enough for you all! Remember that I wrote this for fun and it somehow turn popular, I'll be shock but anyway! See you in the next chapter!
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lebrisereve · 1 year
FILMS 2023
All the Beauty and the Blood Shed - Laura Poitras
Ashkal - Youssef Chebbi
La Romancière, le film et le heureux hasard - Hong Sang-Soo
Showing Up - Kelly Reichardt
Anatomie d’une Chute - Justine Triet
Le Procès Goldman - Cédric Kahn
Portraits Fantômes - Kléber Mendonça Filho
Rotting in The Sun - Sebastian Silva
Le Ciel Rouge - Christian Petzold
War Pony - Riley Keough and Gina Gammell
Asteroid City - Wes Anderson
Il Sol dell’Avvenire - Nanni Moretti
Yannick - Quentin Dupieux
Hong Sang Soo - De nos jours …
Sur l’Adamant - Nicolas Philibert
Goutte d’or - Clément Cogitore
The Fabelmans - Steven Spielberg
Aftersun - Charlotte Wells
La Montagne - Thomas Salvador
White Noise - Noah Baumbach
La Femme de Tchaikovsky - Kirill Serebennikov
Eternal Daughter - Joanna Hogg
L’Amour et les Forets - Valerie Donzelli
Passages - Ira Sachs
Les Chiens de la casse - Jean Baptiste Durand
Dirty Difficult Dangerous - Wissam Sharaf
Voyages en Italie - Sophie Letourneur
L’Été Dernier - Catherine Breillat
Le Livre des Solutions - Michel Gondry
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christophe76460 · 1 year
Regardez "COMPTE LES BIENFAITS (Fast Forward Session) Sebastian Demrey & Jimmy Lahaie" sur YouTube
Ce chant prend une autre valeur lorsqu'on sait ce qui a motivé son auteur à l'écrire: dans l'incendie de sa maison, il a perdu sa femme et sa fille.
Suite à cela il a écrit ce magnifique chant.
Strophe 1
Quand le vol de la tempête
Vient assombrir ton ciel bleu,
Au lieu de baisser la tête,
Compte les bienfaits de Dieu.
Strophe 2
Quand sur la route glissante,
Tu chancelles sous ta croix,
Pense à cette main puissante
Qui t’a béni tant de fois.
Strophe 3
Si tu perds dans le voyage
Plus d’un cher et doux trésor,
Pense au divin héritage
Qui Là-Haut, te reste encor.
Strophe 4
Bénis donc, bénis sans cesse
Ce Père qui chaque jour
Répand sur toi la richesse
De son merveilleux amour.
Compte les bienfaits de Dieu,
Mets-les tous devant tes yeux,
Tu verras, en adorant,
Combien le nombre en est grand.
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Yana’s contribution for GFantasy’s 30th anniversary. Wowww! Ciel as an oyster.
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Kuroshitsuji: Sisters in hell, in heaven and purgatory.
Jenny, Sam and Isabela are three very close sisters, with joys and joys. But not everything is rosy color for the three are unaware of their origins and why they are so different from others.
Suddenly the three of them were divided. Isabela woke up without her sisters and her ruined but unknown world found Ciel Phantomhive and her butler Sebastian Michaelis. Maybe it was to help him at once ... for his plans.
Little by little he encountered extravagant and strange people: William t. Spears, Grell Sutcliff, Ronald Knox, Alan Humphries and Eric Slighby from a headquarters in England. Undertaker, a simple gravedigger, right? All of these will fill your life with love and help you rediscover yourself with your sisters and ... reveal your dark past.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 / Everything Started ...
Chapter Text
It was always the same old routine, wake up and attend the young master, tell him what is on his agenda, verify that the servants do not burn or destroy the mansion. But today was going to be different I hope .... This day I did my tasks with more care and caution, since I wanted everything to be perfect for her and surprise her. Everything was in order and clean so I went to see the young master to know if I wanted something. When I had nothing to do I went to make up, I went down the stairs with a black box with a red ribbon to her favorite tone.
Sebastian: Why did not he come? I'm sure he'll come this time. "I looked at my watch and it was late, it had taken a long time, but wait for me since she always makes me jokes.
It was time to go with the young master to enlist him to sleep, I went to my room and left in the closet the box next to the other boxes I make every year for her. When he enters my master's room, he was Angry as it had taken a while.
Ciel: Sebastian, why did you take so long? -Ann-angry Sebastian, shouting.
Sebastian: Eh ...... or I'm sorry Bocchan.- With my hand on my chest I leaned.
Ciel: What's wrong? , This day you have been very distracted and worried .- * I had not realized that I was distracted, maybe it was because I was afraid that she would not come.
Sebastian: young master, I must say I have a sister.-This made Bocchan be surprised.- Today is her birthday, she is my younger sister.
Ciel: What's your sister's name? - with some curiosity.
Sebastian: It's called Lucy Morgan, she and I are children of Lucifer, the King of Demons, but I have not seen her since the eclipse Vita et Mors Semper .- * I will never forget that day because I found maybe My soul mate
Ciel: Sebastian, I want you to tell me what happened in the epoch of Vita et Mors Semper. Show me the contract in your left eye.
Sebastian: As ordered, It was in the year 1866 ....
In 1866 ..... London
Those days I was with my sister, we were very close we were always going to look for souls to devour them but I was tired of eating souls with low quality, so we started looking for souls with a hatred and spite. But there were not so many that my sister He was starting to get fed up.
Lucy: I'm hungry already, Brother.-watching people pass from the ceiling.
Sebastian: Calm down, little sister, you just have to wait and .....
Lucy: Hey look, in that alley a group of novice demons, let's see.-jumps off the roof and runs off.
Sebastian: Lucy waits .... arg .... it's serious.- * always the demons are more disorderly killing who they please, only those who are born demons or children of Lucifer are very powerful, but they are not and interfere In all, that annoys me.
As we approached we saw the group beat and trampled a young shimigami, but I could see that he had his glasses personalized so he was a recent graduate. But I was surprised how that shimigami got up and tried to use his scythe but one backyard, Though he recovered; That was weird, my sister did not like that since she does not like to be created much since they are not demons completely. I saw that the biggest of them hit his face so hard that he fell to the ground, shot his scythe along with his glasses began to bleed his nose.
Demon: That you are no longer brave without your glasses, useless. -the yard and then spat.
XX: I'm never going to fall so low, moust .... -that's the devil I grab it from the throat and lift it.
Then I saw what I never imagined, the face of the shimigami was of fear and panic, suddenly his eyes closed due to lack of air, I felt like something I had never experienced was concern for him and I was very angry, I approached the Demon, Lucy tried to stop me.
Sebastian: Put it down or you do not know who I am. - My eyes turned pink.
He released him and told everyone to withdraw and they did so with a terror in them as they knew the consequence of facing Lucifer's son. Lucy approached the shimigami checked it, since he saw me very worried about him, he turned to see me.
Lucy: He is stable but has several wounds and needs rest, What do we do? .- Seriously.
Sebatian: Let's heal his wounds and when he wakes up, we'll take him into his world to take over. -I'll grab him as a bride's style and Lucy helps me grab his scythe and his glasses.
We took him to an abandoned house, where I laid him in bed, while Lucy grabbed things to heal her wounds, after she wrapped her wounds, we let him rest, while preparing some food for him. That Lucy approached to me.
Lucy: What did you see? - With some intrigue.
Sebastian: I do not know and ... - I heard the shimigami woke up so I went to the room, I saw how scared and disoriented, grabbed his glasses and put them on, he panicked.
Sebatian: Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, my name is Sebastian Michaelis. - Suddenly my sister comes in and he tries to get up but the blows and injuries do not leave him.
Sebatian: do not move or hurt yourself more. "He turned to see me and I saw emerald eyes, I feel.
XX: My name is William T Spears. "Something flushed and serious.
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Ciel: Wait, you fell in love with William-surprised.
Seabastian: If I fall in love with him, but it was not all ..... - serious.
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 / The Encounter
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Sebastian: If I fell in love with him, but it was not all ..... - serious.
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After that we helped them to improve since it was a shimigami recover fast, but little by little I felt something I never had, same day at night I went to make dinner, while Lucy changed the bandages to new ones. When He left the room and looked at me with a serious look. But I did not take it seriously.
Sebastian: I brought you some food, since you need to eat. "I approached to give him the meal.
William: Thank you very much. "A serious tone, he was a little flushed.
He tried to take the plate but it started to hurt the stomach where he had been kicked, so I sat on the bed next to him, help him feed him, it was rare for sure my father would get angry since he is a shimigami and we are natural enemies, but I did not care I only thought of him. Until Lucy came in, I knew something I knew.
Lucy: Brother, you're not going to bring him something to drink. He must be thirsty. It was true, as I had forgotten, so I stopped and went fast for water.
Arrive fast because I did not know what my sister was going to do and I heard what I said to William.
Lucy: You know? I know you feel something for my brother so I'll just tell you a little thing I do not want you to take it as a threat rather take it as a warning, if I see you hurt him, I swear you will not finish it. "He smiles sweetly.
In that enter with the glass of water, soon I'll talk to her, this is not going to stay that way.
Lucy: Well, I'm going now, can you keep Sebastian eating? I'm going to fix some issues .- I agreed, it goes but I saw that she gives him a serious look and william swallows with a little fear.
Sebastian: Calm down, she's like this with all the people I know. "He smiled at her, so he would calm down.
William: Thanks for everything, I thought you demons were cruel creatures that only care about themselves and that they had no feelings .- * it hurt me and that was true everyone was almost like that * -.
Sebastian: Well ....... in the morning we are going to go to the Shimigami Kingdom, so rest.- I got up and let him sleep, although he was surprised -.
The next morning we went to the Shimigami kingdom, it was totally different from what I thought was more modern in the human world, but we had to be on the roofs because they could not see us demons in their kingdom. Lucy could not stop admiring the place because it was something that never saw in her life another kingdom apart from ours and humans.
William: You can tell they have never seen anything like this. "Watching as my sister smiled, watching the shimigamis pass with their books and scythes.
Sebastian: Well, she never leaves our kingdom if she does not go out with me, our father adores her very much since she is the only child in our family, since our mother died.-She was special to our father, but I had no envy since I I love her too.
Willliam: Oh sorry, actually I ........-In that appeared a boy reddish hair, a sharp denture, lenses by some more refined crimson red, with a typical suit of shimigami and heels red and black.
XX: Wirus! It's meGrell Sutcliff, where you were. - rushing to embrace William, but I pushed him since he still did not recover from his wounds.
That made him fall to the ground, but he got up angrily.
XX: How dare you treat a lady, you ...... - angry, but he saw me and his cheeks turned pink.
Lucy: Perfect what I needed, another that goes for my brother. - angry, since she saw that scene -.
Grell: Who is this? Well, there are demons in the kingdom, if they are not from here. - scratching his head.
XX: That's what I was wondering too. - an orange-haired shimigami appeared, her eyes emerald like all shimigami, light-blue lenses and her shimigami suit with a straight skirt and black heels. Spears that has happened I worry when you did not come back from your collection.
William: Excuse Elisa Carson, I was ambushed by demons, I was not here if it was not for Sebastian Michaelis and Lucy Morgan who saved me. - serious and formal, towards her, but she looked at him with tenderness until she saw more of my sister.
Elisa: You were the one who stole a soul, because of you I had my first extra hour.-angry with my sister.
Lucy: But it already happened and it was good too. - I was challenging her, I tried to stop her but she was already in harm's way.
In that, Elisa invoked her scythe was an ounce but double-leafed, tried to attack Lucy but opened a portal to London and pushed her sister was not going to stay behind knew her.
Sebastian: What I lack. - I came back to see William, it was not right, so help him to go and stop them.
William: Come on, I have a feeling. - I opened a portal.
Grell: Wait, a lady can not run with heels. - running to go with us -.
In London....
We arrived in time a little. It was a close combat between two immortal beings almost destroying everything in their path, did not care if someone discovered them only cared about destroying themselves.
Elisa: What's wrong with you ?! Why you rob me, demons like you, are horrible and repugnant beings who only think of each other, making deals to humans when they are in their vulnerable state.-Trying to hurt Lucy with his double-leafed scythe with fury- .
Lucy: Oh come on, but I saw her first and it's not my fault that you were waiting ridiculously on that roof. - Dodging easily and making fun of her, * that's why I just let her out with me since she's impulsive * -.
We were looking at me and william, also Grell. Elisa hits Lucy tightly, but Lucy hit her back. And this was probably Lucy was going to be transformed into her true self and still does not control her powers.
William: Elisa, please stop fighting, please remember that we made that promise when I was in the academy, remember we're like brothers.-trying to make her voice calm.
Elisa: Not now William, they did this to me and I will not allow it. -I attacked Lucy but my sister did not elusive made a cut in his arm, suddenly came a Cinematic Record, of her and I playing when we were more little ones-.
I had to do something or if they were not going to destroy the whole city or worse lose my sister, so do not hesitate to push Elisa and push Lucy away, but she pushed me mad.
Lucy: What do you do, I had it all controlled. "Furious.
Sebastian: You were not, you know what happens when you become angry in your true self and ..... in that she exploded.
Lucy: Of course I must be the weak one, while you handle everything to perfection since you are the exemplary demon and I.-In that appeared an angel with long white hair, violet eyes, with a white dress, too appeared a gray-haired shimigami with a black sack.
XXX: We hope not to interrupt this fight, but please we need the world are in danger. - said it with so much concern the angel, that we all care.
Hello everyone, I hope you like this second part, comment if you like and please share it. And I ask an apology if I have a little spelling, English is not my mother tongue
Hello everyone this is my first story of Kuroshitsuji and I hope you like the story I do with the heart comment if they like it or not and why, to change it or not.And I hope you like this story. This story contains homosexual couples.
Thank you for helping me give me strength to my friends for giving me the idea of making the story.
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
cielois AU where Seb is so fucking annoying about it like
Sebastian : my Lord, your beloved called.
Ciel : ... can you not say this like that....
Sebastian : I apologize, you might prefer : your darling, your beau, your cher et tendre, your sweetie, your blond of choice-
Sebastian : is waiting... ooh you're blushiiiing *pokes him*
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kalyria1674-blog · 11 months
Kuroshitsuji : Quelques réflexions 2
Ce post fait suite au premier (avec le même titre) car les limites de caractère par post sont une chose scandaleuse que j'aimerais voir disparaître de ce monde. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas possible. Donc je pense que je vais faire une grande réorganisation dans un moment.
Dans Book of Murder, je ne sais pas pour vous, mais il m'a toujours parût évident que Sebastian n'était pas mort (en dehors de l'évident ''il est un démon'') et j'ai été déçue d'a quel point cela a t-il été peu relever. Après, je n'en veux pas à Conan Doyle qui est opticien, pas légiste, mais l'absence de pâleur cadavérique de deux des ''victimes'' aurait dû mettre la puce à l'oreille. Surtout après une telle hémorragie dans leur cas respectif. Sans compter que Grey a empalé l'Allemand à travers sa chemise... et personne n'a remarquer le trou qui est mystérieusement apparût ?! Ou est-ce moi qui suis trop tatillonne ?
Dans l'arc du Campania, je noterais quand même que, non seulement Druitt n'est pas surpris de la nature d'Undertaker mais également de celle des autres comme Grell et Ronald. Peut-être même se doute t-il de quelque chose concernant Sebastian s'il était toujours là (Ryan Stocker l'était pendant le combat même s'il ne fût plus représenter après un moment) pendant qu'ils en parlaient tous. De plus, même s'il aurait peut-être pu se sauver de Campania seul en ayant préparé une issue de secours face à la présence des poupées (quoique... je lui donne peut-être trop de crédit mais il est vrai que je ne l'apprécie pas du tout et le voir comme 16ème personnage le plus populaire m'a sidérée), je ne vois pas comment il aurait pu s'attacher tout seul comme il y fût retrouver comme ''survivant miraculeux''. Et puis, j'aime l'idée d'Undertaker sauvant son mécène seulement pour l'abandonner sur un radeau, attaché, au beau milieu de l'océan. Je pense que c'est le genre de mauvais tour (je respecte ma parole mais pas comme tu l'aurais penser/voulu) dont il est tout à fait capable.
Sebastian est vraiment un salaud. Là maintenant, c'est la première pensée qui me vient à l'esprit. Jusqu'ici, j'avais toujours trouver sa ressemblance avec Vincent anecdotique mais ce n'est qu'en relisant le chapitre 134 que je me rend compte que, quand Ciel découvre le corps de ses parents et que celui de son père se retourne, la ressemblance avec la ''mort'' de Sebastian de Book of Murder est flagrante. Sachant que Sebastian n'a pas été abattu mais c'est réinstallé ainsi par la suite, en sachant que Ciel serait forcément amené dans la pièce pour voir son ''cadavre'', prendre la posture et le visage de son père assassiné était d'un niveau de cruauté que je ne peux qu'a peine envisager. Avant, je pensais la réaction de Ciel abusive. Maintenant ? Je l'encourage. Je dois revoir s'il a utiliser sa main baguée pour lui flanquer toutes ces gifles. J'espère qu'il l'a fait, cela améliorerait certainement mon humeur.
Dans le flashback de ''Ciel'' de son 10ème anniversaire, juste après avoir compris la mort de ses parents et s'être effondré dans le hall censé accueillir sa fête et celle de son frère, il entend des bruits de combats. En s'y dirigeant, il tombe sur Tanaka qui regarde, figé, une scène qui ne nous est pas montrer. Mais quand ''Ciel'' se dirige vers lui en pleurant, dans ma traduction, il lui dit ''Ne venez pas ! Maître Ciel est... cette scène est bien trop dure pour vous !''. C'est une chose étrange à dire à ''Ciel''. Pourquoi ne pas juste lui dire qu'il y avait un danger quelconque et de s'enfuir ? Que l'Assaillant était là ? Si, à ce moment-là, Tanaka parle de Ciel, il y a deux possibilités que je peux entrevoir. Soit le vieil homme a confondu les jumeaux dans la panique... soit Ciel se trouvait dans ce couloir à l'endroit de l'attaquant. Cela pourrait-il signifier que Ciel a vu le.s coupable.s ? Quand on y pense, il est curieux (et suspect) que Ciel ait eu la bague en sa possession depuis le bureau et ce soit possiblement rendu dans ce couloir. Qui sont, comme par hasard, deux des endroits où nous sommes absolument certains que l'attaquant s'est retrouvé et sans doute assez peu de temps avant l'arrivée de ''Ciel'' puisque Sebastian semble l'attaquer à peine une ou deux minutes avant l'arrivée du cadet. D'ailleurs, Undertaker, qui a vu la lanterne, saurait-il le fin mot de l'histoire ?
Quoiqu'il se soit passer dans ce couloir, c'était assez traumatisant pour que même Tanaka se fige et hésite à se lancer au combat. Et, pour rappel, on parle de l'épéiste expert qui n'a pas ciller avant de se lancer face à une soldate entraîné et coupé en deux une balle envoyée par une arme de pointe. Servir de garde du corps dans Book of Murder face au magnat qui a voulut gifler ''Ciel'' est une chose. Trancher une balle projeter à grande vitesse par un pistolet militaire amélioré est d'un tout autre niveau. Toute cette scène ne fait que conforter mes soupçons comme quoi le manoir fût assaillit par une créature surnaturelle. Rien d'autre ne pourrait éliminer les serviteurs et maîtres de maison sans qu'aucunes alertes et/ou tentative d'évacuation ne soit menée. Rien d'autre n'aurait pu dépasser les réflexes de Tanaka et le poignarder dans le dos alors que celui-ci peut réagir à une balle de fusil.
Pour alléger un peu l'ambiance, suis-je la seule a trouver ironique que la relation entre Ciel et Sebastian que certains fans (et auteur de fanfictions) attribue à la relation entre le compte et son majordome correspond davantage à la relation entre ''Ciel'' l'enfant et Sebastian le chien ? Le ''je t'aime, moi non plus'' ou encore le ''je t'embête pour ton bien'' sont des comportements que nous avons vu le chien des Phantomhives adoptés, à la fois quand ''Ciel'' ne pouvait pas sortir mais aussi durant l'attaque. Contrairement à Sebastian qui, bien qu'il finisse toujours par sauver ''Ciel'', est celui qui le met constamment en danger, le force à gérer une pression qu'il ne mérite pas et se moque constamment de lui. Et tout cela pour quoi ? Pour, égoïstement, façonner ''Ciel'' pour ses besoins personnels. Soyons clair, Sebastian me met en colère mais je ne le déteste pas. Cependant, que quelqu'un dise qu'il cherche à faire au mieux avec Ciel me fait lever les deux sourcils car ce n'est vraiment pas le cas. Et quand un fichu chien se débrouille mieux que vous en la matière, je crois que le temps d'une sérieuse remise en question a largement été dépassé !
Si les shinigamis naissent quand les humains se suicident, alors je ne veux pas imaginer la taille du département japonais qui a une culture orientée sur les ''suicides honorables'' préférés aux ''morts honteuses''...
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kinja145 · 3 years
Devils Like to Dance Manga - Chapitre 1
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C’est un projet que j’ai commencé en 2019 que je n’étais franchement pas sûre de finir. Mais je l’ai fais, et je dois dire que j’en suis plutôt fière ! Ce projet est une adaptation en manga/BD de la fanfiction Black Butler “Devils Like to Dance”. C’est une très, très bonne histoire, je la recommande à 100% uwu
Je ne vais probablement pas continuer à la dessiner malheureusement, c’est beaucoup trop long et j’ai littéralement pris 2 ans juste pour un petit chapitre (mais connaissant mon obsession pour l’histoire, il se pourrait que je finisse par le faire...)
Même si j’ai dessiné ce chapitre, aucun des personnages ne m’appartient, et l’histoire non plus, @Yana Toboso et @hateweasel​ en sont, respectivement, les propriétaires.
Cette fanfiction est anglaise à l’origine, mais je la traduis depuis quelques années en français sur FF.net, AO3 ou encore Wattpad !
You can also read the english version here !
Et si vous venez à vous demander ‘pourquoi est-ce que ça ressemble à ça ?’ devant certaines pages, sachez juste que je n’ai aucune idée de comment marche les proportions, l’anatomie, la lumière, les ombres, etc (et c’est sans doute pour ça que certaines pages ont été ruinées après encrage mdrr) Le tout a été dessiné en l’espace de 2 ans, donc mon style de dessin a dû changé aussi de case en case
J’espère que ça vous plaira !
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Bonus storyboard :
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Ch 182 - The Indian Wars
I know there’s been a lot of controversy about the last panel of the chapter, and I wanted to say a few things about it, but mostly in relation to the historical setting in which this flashback happens.
Note: If you’re totally unfamiliar with the Indian Wars, check out the video in this post or look at my #indian wars tag. (Don’t @ me about the name of the series of wars; that’s what they’re called.)
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It’s shown at the beginning of the chapter that there’s violence on both sides and Bard wants no part bc he’s been taught to respect and be grateful for the Natives.
I won’t get into the potential lie in what Bard was told about the “thanksgiving story,” bc the truth of it doesn’t matter (as far as this context goes). The important thing is that Bard genuinely believed that the Natives had helped his ancestors and he owed them a debt.
It’s fine if the chapter’s ending made you uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t have been a surprise considering the setting and the time period.
It was a violent time. The American government absolutely did horrid things, and some of the violence (from the Natives) was a direct response to it. Some were warring tribes taking the opportunity to further displace more peaceful/smaller tribes as well as kill both American troops and settlers (like Bard and his family).
There were so many wars during this time west of the Mississippi that I can’t even get it all in one screenshot. But I will include this excerpt since it refers to Arizona and the Apaches, which Bard has specifically mentioned before:
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Arizona ranked highest… in deaths from the wars. At least 4,350 people were killed, including both settlers and Indians…
We don’t know where Bard’s homestead was, but he did mention Arizona and snakes before, which myself and others had theorized could have been a reference to the Snake Wars and the Snake Indian tribes in that region (see below).
It’s likely we’ll never know exactly where Bard was living or which Native tribe(s) killed his family, but if we do, we may get some insight next chapter.
I have an older post that talks about the Snake Wars in particular, back when I was trying to figure out which wars Bard may have fought in. In addition to being some of the bloodiest conflicts of this period, they also ended around 20 years too soon to have been the one from which Sebastian recruits Bard.
From my post on the war:
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This timeline would fit the events of ch 182, et al., since it’s likely Bard lost his family 10-20 years ago, and likely closer to 20. If so, it’s possible that his family experienced an offshoot of the violence of this particular period/region, and it could explain why Bard mentions both Apaches and “snakes in Arizona.”
Just as Yana showed a (slightly accelerated) version of real history during the Green Witch Arc and the horrors that people can wreak on one another (tanks, poison gas, etc), she is showing a glimpse here.
People calling Bard/Yana a bigot based on that last panel also forget that he specifically says he never wanted to be part of that. He didn’t want to kill anyone initially.
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Once again, the theme of the manga is that humans are more demonic than demons. In my opinion, that is the intent here as well, and to also have Bard’s story parallel Ciel’s.
It will be interesting to see what happens next chapter, and also how Bard behaves when we return to the present, since he seems to have a very strong feeling against hurting innocents. It’s possible this could have been bc he was always that kind of person. It’s possible it could be bc he remembers his innocent family being killed. It’s also possible his experiences while in the Calvary drove him to feel that way.
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Regardless, ch 182 is set in a violent time and Bard is established at this point as not having a previous grudge or bias against the Natives. More than that, we can’t say until we see the conclusion of this arc.
NOTE: I am open and welcome civil discussion of this matter, as well as corrections on historical information. Anyone who is not civil will automatically be blocked.
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