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tetsunabouquet · 1 month
Kanato Sakamaki's Favorite Movies: Headcanon
A/N: I like to believe that Kanato watches children's movies with Teddy when he's bored, especially the creepy ones. If Reiji isn't bribing Kanato with candy then he's bribing him with subbing some foreign kids movies that Kanato wants to watch.
-The Addams Family movies. He adores Wednesday's humor.
-Whilst he needs to be in a very specific mood for it, he enjoys watching the Prince of Egypt. He enjoys the plague scenes a little too much.
-De Griezelbus. He thinks its such a shame the R.L Stine era of children's horror received so few movie adaptations. It's his biggest gripe with the western entertainment industry.
-Gremlins, its his favorite Christmas movie.
-Watership Down. Kanato is probably the only person in existence who didn't end up with nightmares.
-All episodes of Sechs auf einen Streich where the villain gets killed like the Hansel & Gretel one. Kanato is surprisingly snobbish about faithful fairytale adaptations and actually despises Disney.
-Which is why he supports the Shrek franchise.
-And also wants to watch any horror movie that's based on fairytales and children's books. He's even seen the Winnie The Pooh horror movie.
-Whilst it's more aimed at older kids, he still considers Van Helsing (2004) to be in the children's category of films. Not that this is him insulting the movie, as despite the inaccurate depiction of vampires even Kanato understands an icon when he sees one.
-Coraline. If only he could replace his brothers with those button eyed puppets…
-Monsters & Co. He really enjoys the concept of boogeymonsters.
-In regards to horror movies with a children's related theme; possessed toy movies. He literally owns one and is watching these movies with one. It's his literal thing so of course, he'll watch movies regarding the subject too.
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a-sentient-cup · 1 month
fellow Sechs enjoyer hell yeah!
transmasc android icon
Hell yeah
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fallingforfandoms · 10 months
About last/this night:
Ganz viel Liebe an Sonja, Fabian und Ben. Für die Choreos und das Chaos drumherum. Für die Freiheit und die Freundschaft. Und für den Moment, als wir "Under Pressure" von Queen aus unterschiedlichen Gründen zusammen sehr gefühlt haben.
Und genauso viel Liebe an diesen Barkeeper am Ende. Eventuell hatte ich einen sehr netten "wir haben Samstagmorgen und du bist seit sechs Stunden hier" kinda talk mit dieser cinnamon roll. Und eventuell hat er mit mir zu "Angels" geschunkelt. Und mir 'nen Shot ausgegeben. Was will man mehr :D
Und was war sonst so los heute Nacht? Well, da wäre noch diese iconic exchanges:
"Kannst du Discofox?"
"Äh, meinst du echt, das passt zu-"
"Discofox passt zu allem."
"Boah, nee, das hier pack ich nicht mehr, mir ist megaschlecht."
"Was is'n das?"
"Gin Tonic."
"Also, wenn das so ist ... nehm ich."
Oder, um es in mal mehr, mal weniger verwackelten/vorteilhaften Bildern zusammenzufassen:
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zadzunny · 11 months
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This is my top five off data so far
5. Mañana by The Marias and Young Miko
I love the vibe of this song it’s so melodically hypnotizing and I love toxic Young Miko
4. Pasiempre by Arcángel and Jhayco ft Myke Towers Omar Courtz and Arca and surprise ft of bad bunny (so humble his name is nowhere)
This would be higher but I don’t like Arcángel right now so he bumps this down for me Bad Bunny i know you’re working on an album right now it’s all over your Astro chart I can feel trap bunny coming back this is just a small taste and I’m fucking excited
3. Volver by Rauw Alejandro and Skrillex ft Four Tet
Rauw sounds amazing and I fucking loved him on this track and the way the music flows becomes so hypnotic and trippy and like I’m so obsessed
2. 11 y Once by Sech and E.Vax
Sech kills this his voice is so fucking good and I love how funky this starts the way mojabi ghost flows into this is kinda magical and I looooove the guitar and bass in this song it really is something I’ve never really heard anything like it
Before we get to the very obvious #1 I have honorable mentions I want to say that I love but I have not played as much as I have played these five songs collectively I will revisit in a month
Desde las 10 by Kany García
Love it very melodic but idk kinda wish it was at the end cuz it disrupts the flow for me if I listen to it in order
Lo Siento BB :/ by Bad Bunny and Julieta Venegas
I’ve had this song on repeat since it came out I fucking love Julieta Venegas Mexican Icon so… old news for me
Corleone Interlude by Chencho Corleone
What a good fucking take on old school regatón it was so dynamic wish it was longer and I get why it’s an interlude
Ok finally here’s my pick for number 1
Mojabi Ghost by Bad Bunny
Fucking duh this is my number one like Benito said on Pasiempre ‘el conejo y tainy son Kobe y Shaq’ this is such a fucking banger the way I have already listen to this song 20 times before 12 pm is wild I’m a podcast girly a YouTube video girly a Netflix in the background to be able to function girly and music has never itched that scratch for more than 30 minutes but this song has kept me going
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@themousefromfantasyland @softlytowardthesun @princesssarisa @superkingofpriderock @faintingheroine @notyouraveragejulie @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz
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After the Beast, the Frog Prince is probably the most famous animal groom character in fairy tales. Sometimes portrayed as a complete victim unfairly cursed, other times portrayed as a deeply flawed man who was cursed as a karmic punishment, at the end of the day he will always help a princess in exchange of friendship and companionship, wich will make him turn back to human form.
The appeal of the Frog Prince is how, under an appearance that frightens and repugnates us, he simbolizes virtues like loyalty and kindness. And today, i make this humble list of my favorite portrayals of this iconic character.
Number 08: Shigeru Chiba/Daniel Woren in Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics
This encarnation starts with a bit of an aristocratic arrogance, to the despair of his servant Henry, who wants to help him find a princess who may break his curse. But as the episode goes, we see other aspects of his personality, like how much he values the keeping of a promisse, how much he enjoys to tell jokes at the table, and the fact that he is capable of being gentle and apologizing. That is why he gains the number eight spot on this list.
Number 07: Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen in Disney's The Princess and The Frog
Naveen was once the spoiled Prince Heir of the Kingdom of Maldonia, who has to learn how to confront reality when his parents cut his allowances. Wanting to gain easy richess, he falls in the trap of the villain Dr. Facilier and is turned into a frog. Soon after, he kisses Tiana thinking she will undo his curse, but actually turns her into a frog as well. Now, verbally fiting a lot, the two go into a journey to regain their human forms. In this journey, Naveen learns with Tiana how to be more responsable and hardworking, becoming a better person. And discovers true love for the first time. This engaging character ark is why he wins the number seven spot.
Number 06: Sinbad in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child
This retelling set in a tropical african kingdom presents audiences to one of the most romantic and sensitive portrayals of the Frog Prince.
His disgust at the tought of eating flies, and the song he sings about becoming friends with Princess Ebony are the highlights that made him worthy of the number six spot.
Number 05: John Paragon as Ribbit in Cannon Movie Tales: The Frog Prince
In this direct to video movie, Ribbit is a fun, energitic dandy, who helps little Zora in her training to become a Princess, after she promisses to become his best friend forever. He teaches her elegant manners, how to dance, how to speak in public, while encouraging Zora to be more confident in herself. Basically, Ribbit is the sweet and loyal friend that everyone wants to have, and that is why he wins the number five spot in my hearth.
Number 04: Alexander Merbeth as Prince Floris in Sechs Auf Einen Streich
This big eyed cute kawai designed Frog Prince is in the most faithfull adaptation of the Brothers Grimm tale: he appears offering to retrieve the golden ball, demands Princess Sophia to keep her promisse of being his friend, is trown at the wall by the Princess, regains his human form, then later marries the Princess and his servant, named Henry, releases three iron rings from around his hearth because he is happy that his lord is human again. The main adition is that this time he waits some time to see if he will take Princess Sophia as his wife or not. He basically in my number four encarnation for being faithfull to the original tale without fear of being judged as "too weird".
Number 03: Michal Dlouhý/Michael Mattys in Juraj Herz's Der Froschkönig
This encarnation starts as a moody, spoiled, arrogant and cruel man, who seduced and breaked the hearths of many women. He gets fascinated by a young princess, promissing true love to her. But when he kisses another women in front of her, he breaks the princess hearth as well. So he is transformed into a frog to learn a lesson. His slow proccessing of his guilt and shame, along with his creatively grotesque design, are the most engaging aspects of his character, wich earn him my number three spot on this list.
Number 02: Robin Williams as Prince Robin in Faerie Tale Theatre
This encarnation of the Frog Prince was cursed as a baby because his parents forgot to invite into his christening the Fairy Godmother who helped him to be conceived. Because of that he grows up as the rejected son his parents hide. But despite this rejection, he manages to cope with lots of sass, humour, singing and dancing talent, and dashing sword fight abilits. The climax is the fight where he saves the Princess of an scorpion. Wich finally earn him the Princess's trust, and the number two spot.
And now, the moment everybody was waiting. My number one portrayal of the Frog Prince is...
Number 01: Gordon Thomson/Jerry Nelson as Sir Robin the Brave in Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince
This was the second of three TV movies in Jim Henson's Tales from Muppetland series (the other two were Hey! Cinderella and The Muppet Musicians of Bremen). In this movie, Sir Robin the Brave was cursed by the evil witch Taminella Grinderfall into become a frog, and he lives displaced among the garden frogs, who don't believe him when he tells he is a cursed human prince, and even laugh at him. The only frog who befriends him is Kermit, who offers to teach how to swimm. Later, despite still not being the best swimmer in the garden, he does justice to his epitet of "the Brave" when he goes deep in the water to recover the golden ball of Princess Melora, who also was cursed to speak only in spoonerisms by the same witch Taminella. This earns Melora's trust and friendship, and the two along with Kermitt, must unite forces to break Taminella's curses and stop her from becoming Queen.
Sir Robin is very kind, polite, and a sweet romantic. And he becamed so popular, that later his character was retconned: from a human prince, he becamed Robin the Frog, Kermitt's innocent nephew. For both being a likable and charismatic interpretation of the fairy tale prince, and becoming an important member of the Muppet family thanks to the special's success, Sir Robin the Brave has become my number one favorite portrayal of the iconic Frog Prince.
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world-of-news · 4 months
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knuddels-admins-team · 8 months
Der Admin (Kurzform für "Administrator") beschreibt ein administratives Ehrenamt im Knuddels-Chat. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen speziellen Status für sehr erfahrene und von den Stammchattern demokratisch gewählte Mitglieder des Chats. Die Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, für ein gutes und für alle angenehmes Chatklima sowie die Einhaltung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) und des Knuddels-Knigge zu sorgen. Um die Erfüllung dieser Aufgaben gewährleisten zu können, stehen den Admins, neben den allgemeinen bekannten Funktionen, auch einige spezielle Chatfunktionen zur Verfügung, von denen sie bei Bedarf Gebrauch machen können. So ist es den Admins beispielsweise möglich, Mitglieder durch eine Nicksperre vom Chat auszuschließen, wenn diese zum Beispiel Verstöße gegen die AGB begangen haben. Eine Liste aller amtierenden Admins findet sich ganz unten im /h-Popup.
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Mitglied (205)
2911micha, AaliyahShane, Ach, Acou, Allium Sativum, Allrounder2006, Andre, angryshark, Anni maliisch x, Aro Volturi x, AudioSuckA, BadBoy4ever, Balticker, Banshee, Barbiepuppenfresserin, base62, Binelicious, BlackLostSoul, Bladinator84, Börchen, Candela, carla100099, cepo, chrissi38, CookieDough x, Cränkz, Cuore Rosso, dark-teufel2005, Dat Rücker, der coole felix, DeusVultMoH-Sefa, DevilsQueen, dirrrrrrrty-14, Dr Steve, einUser, Embrace, enricoreiss, ErdbeerPraline, eXilant, fangnix, Felix105m, Forcy, freches kätzchen, frechundsüß19, Fro, Frozen Hope, Funkelnder Weihnachtsmarkt, Funny honey, g1rlw1thd, Game, garath-boy17, Girlmoregirls ma, glitteringcandy, Gluecksbringer x, Glückssternchen93, Guisy feat Cati, Halinaa, handballgirl1987, Hard Enduro, Heiki, Hein20, Herrscherin des Eises, Hexa, Hill, I>Voodoobarbie<I, Ich atme ein und RASTE AUS, IchBinMirSicher, Iomee zu Westfal, Ivar der Seefahrer, Jack17, jean-darc72, Jessie, Julchen1986, Jule555, JumpstyleChris, Kaba1990, Kartoffelwuschel, king-kerg, kingchiller, KlEeNe<3KaTtA<3, kleeneskleen, knuddelige maus 789, knuddels queen 42, Knurrpuschel, König Gil-Galad, Königskind, Königspinguin, Legende, Lena1224, Leonie Griffey, Letzter blauäugiger Drache, Lila38, lili-sophia, Lille, lisa99, Loewenherz<26>, Lolmops35, lonelywolve32, Loyal, Lucy12w, lämmie, Mabuse, mailylylylylyn, Maltorian, Marilena, Medididi, Melli 61, Micha1977m, Michii, midnight roses, MiSSVanillaBaby, Mona40, Mortisian Blackfeather, Mr Krampus, mrs fabelhaft, m u s i k v e r r ü c k t, Mäuschen73347, Narkol, Natnat2982, nature-balance, nerdpunk, Nessa2006, Neutronenreaktion, Nightfee39, Notfallsanitäter, Nööölpf3rd, pandastic, papasylvio, Passato, pharao72, PhüLü, Plueschzombie, policemann, powertina, Prettywoman38, qballleipzig, QueenBeast, R0cky, Realplayagirl2000, Reddiamant, Regenbogenfischchen, Regenbogenzauberstein, riesaboy, RigoSH, Roses for summer, ruhig, sabetorie, Sayaki, Sceptically, Schneckii93, Schneecristal, Schnupfnäschen, Schuechterne-1989, server33, Sh4nnon, Silberschwinge, SimplyChris, SiSSi von Krolock, skatass, SmokinPanda, Sohn von Teufel oder Engel, Sonic>iJay, Sovereignly, Stefan, Sternchaen, sterrnschnuppe, Sweetesdream, süßertiger1991, SüßeVanyMaus, Tabacco, Tauren der Horde, teddi 23, thomy70, Tiger307, timme82, Twicks, TxG, Vampir Missy, Vergöttert, VeriHH, Waldkätzchen, Weltenbummler76, Werder@Lady, WerEWulF, wichtel13, WiNo2k, wuschel26, x4erocell, x Acadia, x baaabyface <3, xD ChRiS =D, x louve, X MAFIA papst <3, x Momo x <3, x Nici <3, x Rebellin, xXDarkSoulXx, XxgroßerTeufelxX, xx Niico <3 xx, Xx Pumilein xX, Ypsilon, YuriH, Zeitverschwendung, Ärztefanin908, ÜOoOJojoOoOÜ
Teamleitung (3)
Chris30014, Holgi, Kaddi
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suseetrends · 10 months
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Daddy Yankee ft. Sech- Para Siempre (Official Video) Song
PARA SIEMPRE song lyrics penned by Ramón AyalaCarlos MoralesJhonattan ReyesJohnny LópezJustin QuilesMiguel MartínezRamsés HerreraJorge Valdés, music composed by Vinny DeLeón and Michael Fuller, and sung by Daddy Yankee, Sech from the movie Daddy Yankee ft. Sech- Para Siempre (Official Video).
Global music icon Daddy Yankee and Panamanian musician Sech debuted the music video for their duet “Para Siempre” on YouTube as part of their LA LTIMA VUELTA farewell tour. Yankee’s farewell album, Legendaddy, which featured the song and other music videos, is currently debuting this new audiovisual work on YouTube.
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soqagidajuk · 2 years
Schritte plus 1 lehrerhandbuch pdf printer
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           Bachelor Geowissenschaften · Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Modulhandbuch Archiv. Ältere Versionen des Handbuchs. 1.4 Wie ist der Bachelor-Studiengang Geowissenschaften in Freiburg aufgebaut? von mehr als 200 universitätsweiten Veranstaltungen des Zentrums für. Bachelor Geowissenschaften · Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Sie sind hier: Startseite › … › … › Modulhandbuch Archiv › Vor 2019 › Handbuch 26.11.2013. Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind den Modulen jeweils 5 ECTS zugeordnet. © 2022 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. zurück. Das Studium der Geowissenschaften in Freiburg ist gestuft strukturiert und beginnt mit dem Bachelorstudium. Dieses wird nach sechs Semestern mit demUni Freiburg Modulhandbuch BSC Geowissenschaften PO 2018-19. PDF document icon uni-freiburg-modulhandbuch-bsc-geowissenschaften-po-2018-19.pdf 1 — PDF Links. studium.uni-freiburg.de/de/studienangebot/studienfaecher/modulhandbuecher/uni-freiburg-modulhandbuch-ba-geschichte-nf-po.pdf/view Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Modulhandbuch. Das Modulhandbuch B.Sc. Geowissenschaften 1enthält alle wichtigen und aktuellen Informationen zum Das Bachelorstudium Geowissenschaften vermittelt in sechs Semestern die Grundzüge der Kursinhalten etc. finden sie unter: Studierende -> Modulhandbuch 1.
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jigusoupazuru · 4 years
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trans sechs icons
requested by @aaronoodle
(pictures from @canonlgbtcharacters and @gunnmlastorder , icons by me)
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saldemicabeza · 3 years
y yo bailando contigo en mi mente
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mydreamsarejanked · 4 years
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i made these for tdov also,,, sechs is. my guy. i love him.
these vectors were by curlyhairedboy on deviantart!
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leonaluv · 3 years
What makes you so attractive? / how do people viewed you?
Choose a movie aesthetic 😍 1. Jennifer Body (Megan Fox) 2. Cat woman / James Bond 007 (Halle berry) 3. Strangers from hell / Tale of nine fox (Lee dong ) 4. Are you human? ( Seo kang Jooon) 5. After the sunset / Till dusk till dawn - ( Salma Hayek)
Pile one~ Megan looks in this film is so iconic like the energy she gives fire 🔥😤 she knows how powerful she is. Stylists deserve an Oscar because of the way they dress so-called teens in moves back then. She is supposed to look older than her age.
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"You make me say Oooh oo baby "
The vibe that you know what you want in your life. Even if your more reserved, but the energy you give off is yang /solar in a way that you can command people and get what you desire if you went for it. People get the feeling that it seems that you know more than you let on. The native image can make others want to protect you.
An alluring aura people want to get to know you even though you might shut them down immediately. "You need to leave!!!" - Karen energy always people might get a sexual feeling from you that you will be a wild card. For some it could be your long dark/auburn hair.
People love your personality how you can manage to multitask between school/work/home and personal relationships etc. How often you change up looks and style 💈 maybe general aesthetic love seeing you in a new light 🔆. Preferably love your style especially the way the dress 👗 fits you or suits you. Regardless of looks people just love who you are. High energy 🔋 you either go with the flow or you stick to your plan see it through for the long term. Successful queen of wands energy 🔋.
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2.Halle berry - her iconic swimsuit was one of the top icon outfits of her careee 💞also she was catwoman.
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2. " That's my best friend she a real bad bitch, drive her own damn car, ...is that bestie in Tesla 💋... "
Now this pile of energy 😎 whew now you are confidently ready to jump into action and say what's needed. People know that you are coming from a place of love if you called them out on their bs. Like tough love from a mother figure 💓and love how soft & nursing, you can be. That you don't easily give and you see a variety of options. People get the sense that you might have some cash to 😣 like you can pay for their meals. sugar mama or sugar daddy.
You're outgoing nature and how you often hang out with your people. Easy going and no filter. You keep it real just tell people to shUt up 😩 and how you rather just be at home by yourself. People appreciate your honestly. Strength - ( I got twice) inner strength - you inspire others to be confident. To be their self instead of putting on a fake persona.
Now I know my mean queens 👸 & kings all have such a soft side to them like in tv shows/movies 💜. ( curly hair - curvy body 💖 brown eyes )
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3. Tv series but my man Lee is so fine so he deserve a spot.
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3. " Doing too much, shut up, you ain't doing enough, I like doing much... Just bought a 100 acres and my celling disappears "
- queen of swords - cold. Hard. Demanding .authority ahsndjk 😆 we can the stop the reading here because that is the message. People view you as the loner but mysterious like you living a double life 👣. People don't know what to expect from you but honestly, they are digging the serial killers vibes you give off. You probably could start a cult if you wanted to. People want to know what is it about you that makes you the way you are.
You also seem like have money - financially stable. You like making money moves .Ambitious. People see how you connect with others so easily and just achieve your dreams. You put yourself with new people to learn from them. I think you could also help people who are normally ignore in society. Ceo energy -
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4. Are you human (Seo kang joon) 😍 he looks unreal in it
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"I wish this story was a photo so that I could slide it"
"You weren't bad, you were a curse (Yeah)" now a curse can be a blessing to some
People see you as a hard-working person who overcame many obstacles. You feel like a friend someone past life friend to people. The energy of the sun coming out after it has been raining for two weeks. Kids are excited to finally play with their friends outside .
You are spiritual and tend to help others out in your way using your practices. View as a traveler or mature vibe that you can ask about anything without judgment. How protected you are of your loves one's and how you are family oriented. Your the one who sets up people around you to meet up have a good time.
I think you also have good up 💖 people appreciating your looks - especially your booty and dancing.
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5. Now I wanted to be her 😝 another iconic Queen
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You could have sorta addiction it could be to like social media, alcohol, or smoking. People enjoy watching you do it. You might date around and keep to yourself. Walk away from things that aren't serving you. People love the fact that they can dominate you in a sexual sense and other ways.
You kinda just let go of people once they don't something you dislike. Fashion on point 💅🏾 " I look like I'm fresh off the runaway " 👄 sex appeal👄
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Choose as many or just one 🙄
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@princesssarisa​ @superkingofpriderock​ @sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @amalthea9​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ 
Lips red as blood. Skin white as snow. Hair black as ebony. The fairest woman of all.
Snow White is one of the most iconic fairy tale characters ever created. And also  one of the hardest to portray. This happens because, the story is less about her as a person, and more about following her exploration of the world and how this world reacts to her. The tale calls her a princess, but really she is more meant to be a common everygirl for a variety of readers and audiences to see themselves in. So the greatest challenge to portray the character becomes how to make at the same time universally relatable, and an individual character, and today, i’d like to share my favorite portrayals, that camed closer in acomplishing this goal.
12º Laura Berlin in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2009)
Berlin’s Snow White acts as an outgoing, playfull young lady who deep down is trying to deal with the longing for her dead mother. And then, her father marries a new, vain and cruel woman, and sayed woman orders that the portrait of the previous queen be trown out, wich obviously makes the princess verbally snap against her father weak-willed and her tyranical stepmother. And then her father has a stroke and her stepmother orders her death. Here is a young lady in an emotinal turmoil and distress, wich makes her very relatable to audiences.
11º Nicola Stapleton and Sarah Paterson in Canon Movie Tales: Snow White (1987)
One of the first times that we see the fair princess explicitly growing up from child to young adult. Nicola Stapleton is probably more charismatic as child! Snow White, having more time on scene where she gets to sing with her father, explore the room where her stepmother keeps the magic mirror, until finally having to run trough the woods and meeting the dwarfs, but Sarah Paterson also makes adult! Snow White likable, singing about her desire to someday leave the dwarfs house because she is growing and may need her own space, and showing the doubt between fear and curiosity in her interactions with her disguised stepmother. This highlights more the themes of coming of age and confronting ones fears from the tale.
10º Yuri Amano/Donatella Fanfani/Eileen Stevens in The Legend of Snow White (1994)
In this italian-japanese coproduced anime, the twelve year old Snow White is an inquisitive, merry and kind girl, that has to adapt to a more scary reality when she has to run away from the castle to not be killed. At the dwarfs house, where she is so hungry and tired she takes all bread from a basket and sleeps for hours, she decides to give her hazelnuts and try to do shores to compensate for entering the house and eating the bread. Unfortunally, being a princess who lived in comfort all her life, she fails hard when she tries to do domestic shores, burning bread and cutting lettuce that she tought were garden plagues. But she is so sweet and kind, that it doesn’t matter. Conquering the affection of people for who she is, and not for what she can do in exchange, is the greatest strenght of this encarnation.
09º Elizabeth McGovern in Faerie Tale Theatre (1984)
A lonely girl who just wants some atention and love. Those are the characteristics that McGovern’s Snow White extablishes for herself in her first appearance, trying to impress her stepmother with juggling tricks learned with the Court Jester. Later, in the forest, when she is about to be stabbed, she prays to God for the soul of the Huntsman who is about to kill her, and to her surprise this act of kindness is what changes the Huntsman’s heart and convinces him to spare her life. In the woods she finds the dwarfs cottage, and can finally have friends to talk about things like her nostalgia for swiming in the castle moat/pit. She won’t feel alone again. 
08º Kristin Kreuk in Snow White: The Fairest of them All (2001)
In this Hallmark TV Movie, Kreuk gives a 16 year old Snow White who searches friendship in garden gnomes. In a way, she expands the theme of loneliness explored by McGovern, and goes deeper about it, relating sayed loneliness with beauty: she is an awkward and melancholic person, who feels that people only care with her pretty appearance, but don’t actually come close to truly meet her as a person. In a lesser hand, this idea of a person who thinks being considered beautifull is hard could sound absurd and over dramatic, but the screenwriters and Kreuk’s sincere performance make it a compelling dilema.
07º Natalie Minko in Schneewitchen (1992)
An energetic fifteen year old, who likes to run around to play with the Court Jester, and mess up the kitchen while doing pancakes that glue in the ceiling. Minko’s Snow White is one of the few Snow White’s who is allowed to act as a normal teenager: she makes messes, she sometimes verbally fights with people, she constantly questions the adults around her, all the wille still being a genuinelly kind hearted person pursuing the path of truth.
06º Tamara Rojo in Emilio Aragon’s Blancanieves (2005)
I loved watching the DVD of this ballet production over and over as a kid. Trough dance movements, Tamara Rojo gives us a gracious and fun princess. Whetever she goes, a party will always start.
05º Adriana Caselotti in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
My first portrayal of Snow White. The Disney version was raised working as a palace scullery maid, wich her stepmother hoped would make her ugly. But that didn’t work. She grows beautifull in body and soul: her singing voice is so sweet it is enough to make a dashing Prince fall in love with her, the animals are always engaged by her joyfull and sassy conversations, and she has a firm way of talking that assures a position of leadership among both the animals and the dwarfs who later befriend her. Really, she is awesome. What can i say about her that hasn’t been sayed already?
04º Marguerite Clark in Snow White (1916)
The version that inspired Walt Disney to make his version. Based on a 1912 stage play, this is the version that extablished being raised as a palace scullery maid as the reason Snow White is good with domestic tasks despite being a rich princess. Clark’s Snow White is also compassionate, sweet, romantic and dreamy, and she mix those qualities with some energy and spunkiness, being an almost wild girl.
03º Carol Heiss in Snow White and The Three Stooges (1961)
The sass, spunkiness and sweet romanticism are back, but with a new adition: an athletic hobby. Carol Heiss was originally a golden medal winner olimpic ice skater, and this movie was made to capitalize in her popularity at the time (along with reviving the Three Stooges popularity). So, we extablish in this version that the heroine who is linked to the snow loves the winter, and one of the most popular sports in this season. No other version before or after that did this, even tough its the most obvious and most awesome thing to do with the character. Ad to that the (uncredited) singing voice dubbed by Norma Zimmer, and you have one of the most complete portrayals of Snow White: she is beauty, she is grace, she can sing, she can cook and she can ice skate. She is the most interesting woman that ever lived.
02º Sakiko Tamagawa/Julie Maddalena in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Orphaned from her mother at birth and having a father who is always too busy rulling the kingdom to pay attention to her, this version of Snow White grows up raised by a nurse named Doris, and playing on the garden with a young boy named Klaus. Her favorite pass time is to climb trees to pick apples, her favorite fruit. But one day her stepmother, who for years has been ignoring her, calls the princess to her chamber, and asks if she thinks herself to be most beautifull than the Queen. Annoyed with the absurd of the question, Snow White calls her stepmother out in her vanity. What follows is her running away, having to survive as a fugitive. Getting lost from her Klaus and stumbling in a root, she crawls for her life, until being saved by the seven dwarfs and their wolf friends. Time passes, and she finds a bit of fullfilment while slowly learning to do domestic chores to help the dwarfs, and finding friendship in the wolfs and a giant black bear. But she still craves to reunite with her friend Klaus and to find some love, while the Queen’s menace lures in the air.
And now the moment everyone was expecting... My number one favorite portrayal of Snow White is:
01º Camryn Manhein in The 10th Kingdom (2000)
I know what are you thinking: “Wait, a two episode cameo in a tv minisseries, instead of a protagonist, this is your favorite”? Yes. Yes, she is. In the Hallmark minisseries The 10th Kingdom, a young lady from the real world comes to the magical world to help to disenchant a Prince that has been turned into a dog. This dog prince is Snow White’s grandson. And then the heroes arrive at the Dragon Mountain in the 09th Kingdom, and Virginia has a conversation with the spirit of the late Snow White for counsel. And Snow White counsels Virginia by simply telling her story of once being an afrayed, lonely lost girl in the woods, finding new friends in the dwarfs, suffering three murder attempts from her stepmother, being aesleep for years with the poisoned apple in her troat, until the Prince’s servants stumbled with her casket so she could trow away the apple piece, so she could finally live happily ever after. While she narrates the tale, she says that she knew the danger presented by the ribbons, the comb and the apple, but she also knew that she could hide in the dwarfs cottage, afrayed to be hurt, forever. And her husband was a good man, but she saved herself from death. With that dialogue, Manheim’s sensitive and wise Snow White ressignified the fairy tale for me, making me appreciate better the story and her character. And that is why she my number one portrayal of the fairest princess of all.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Elke Arendt in Schneewitchen (1955), Maresa Hörbiger in Schneewitchen (1971) and Elaine Bilstad as White Snow in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995).
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