#shark capsizes boat
eric-sadahire · 1 year
While fishing off Myrtle Beach, a tourist capsized his boat
Petrified, he yelled to an old man standing by the shore, “Are there any sharks around here?!”
“No.” the man hollered back. “They ain’t been around for years.”
Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming towards shore. Halfway there, he asked, “How’d you guys get rid of the sharks?”
“We didn’t.” the old man said. “The gators got ’em.”
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yourplayersaidwhat · 4 months
Turns out the Cleric is quite serious about religion
Context: I'm playing a deep gnome monk/cleric, who worships Umberlee. The Umberlee part never really came up, until last session. 
Me: So we're chartering a boat across the ocean? 
Fighter: Yup. 
Me: We're getting on now?
DM: Yes. 
Me: Great. I walk over to the side of the dock and upturn my entire gold purse into the ocean. 
Me: I must pay tribute to the great queen of the sea. 
Wizard: Oh dear lord you worship Umberlee. This explains so much. 
DM: You see one sailer is attempting to cut his hair with a knife. 
Me: Can I stare at him in a way to intimidate him to stop? 
DM: You do so, and he sees you. He is throughly creeped out by this. 
Me: You dare offer tributes to Sune while in the Stormgoddess's domain. 
Fighter: You know we never saw this side of [my character] before and I don't like it. 
DM: So after this pirate skirmish you find the captain has fallen overboard. 
Wizard: Oh shit. Hey [My character] your a strong swimmer right? Can you rescure him? 
Me: And disobey the Wavemother's will?! 
Wizard: Ok, I'll figure something out. 
Me: Do not harm her sharks. 
Wizard: Of course there are sharks. 
Rogue: Damn waves that high we are bound to capsize and drown. 
Me: And thus you've sealed our fate. As the Sea Queen demands.
Me: *Laughing* *Holds up the pages of wiki pages I've printed out about Umberlee* I've come prepared! 
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Laddies we got an Au
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Long post below the cut and some disturbing imagery, so be advised.
So it takes place after Pearl sunk Abalone and his fleeting. This time however her sisters actually stuck around to check on her after everything and actually managed to help her open up…some how.
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Though her heart wasn’t stained black she will never be the same.
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However she was able to build up the strength to talk to Lord Oyster again. She never fully forgave him for giving away her pearl, but he was there after the attacks to take care of the pirates who had somehow managed to avoid dying to take them to justice. This showed the mermaids that some cookies could be trusted. Because of this Pearl became a guardian for The House of Oyster and oh boy did that do wonders for their reputation!
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With her making peace with all her pain she didn’t fully become Black Pearl and is kinda grey(-ish purple) I need to work on her design a bit more obviously, but she followed a lot closer to Crimson and takes her job as a protector seriously enough. Some may wonder if she enjoys a good fight more than defending her friends.
Also her sister and Frilled Jellyfish have her tokens to try and brighten her up some.
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Through all this Lord Oyster swore he would redeem himself to his moon (she asked him not to call her that anymore lol) So he dedicated a good chunk of resources to trying to locate her pearl! This mission was passed down through the generations until finally…
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Oyster Cookie had finally gotten a big lead and was able to send one of the best captains and his crew out to try and recover it.
Unfortunately they ran into a slight problem.
The sea the pearl was said to be found in was rough and could capsize a ship twice their size. Caviar wanted to go alone, but with a crew as stubborn as he they braved it together as one! (Candy Diver died in a different accident and Caviar still managed to find them and bring them aboard because he’s just that good at sniffing out crew mates.)
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Alas it wasn’t just a storm.
It was a trap.
A band of pirates forged a letter hoping Oyster herself would show up so they could get a nice tidy ransom, but when a harder than nails crew showed up in their place they were far from pleased.
The Salty Shark crew hold their ground well, but being outnumbered four to one never seems to end in your favour.
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Caviar was the last to go down and was thrown overboard to his watery grave like the rest of his crew. After The Silent’s crew was demolished completely the pirates set out to “commandeer” her, but immediately things started to go wrong for them. Things went so wrong that at least two were killed on their scramble to get off the boat while many more met their soggy fates as they threw themselves overboard in preference to whatever was on their with them.
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Guess what movie franchise this is based on :D
As the legend says the captain pulled himself up out of the deep that night and sails his waters of the Duskgloom searching for his crew to bring them safely aboard and finally leave that damned place. However the captain’s kindness runs short with strangers who cross his path, especially those who fly the skull and crossbones.
The Silent is still under his full command and all orders are carried out will full efficiency.
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Now Oyster wanted the return of her pearl to be a surprise with a big celebration after, but when the captain never returned and those she sent to look for him disappeared she had few other choices than to send her most capable guard.
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
“Professor Manta Ray” Crowley
Floyd’s nickname for Crowley has been rotating in my head for quite some time now. I’ve seen people talk about it and the fun connections to Crowley, so I decided to go in for a deep dive about Manta Rays, or at least how they may relate to Crowley \(//∇//)\
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Floyd first calls Crowley this in Port Fest event, and I don’t believe he has ever referred to Crowley with this nickname yet in the main game. Floyd’s nicknames have specific significance to them and are unique to each character. The nicknames tend to relate to both the appearance and traits of an aquatic creature.
Manta Rays have the largest brain to ratio of all fish, and they’re quite intelligent. Manta Rays can map out their environment well, and recognize specific spots to return to repeatedly, which also demonstrates their long term memory. Big Brain Crowley real…Some can lives for many decades, averaging to 50 years. It’s believed Mantas have the potential to live up to 100 years, but due to environmental conditions, they often live for about 20-30 years.
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Manta rays reach sexual maturity rather late in life, about about 10 years old, and usually give birth to only one offspring at a time. Some groups of Mantas can migrate for hundreds of miles. Manta Rays live in warmer, tropical waters, which is fitting considering Crowley’s preference to vacationing to tropical places!
Funnily enough, manta rays may be some of the few fish that can pass the mirror test, which is fitting considering Crowley’s connection to mirrors (Dark Mirror, the 5 mirrors he wears, etc). Although a completely formal mirror test can not yet been conducted on manta rays, an adjusted mirror test shows how the manta rays didn’t interact with their reflection in the mirror as if it were another manta. It suggests they recognize their own reflection, a feat very few fish have been able to so far, which attests to their intelligence \(//∇//)\
But I think a notable part of Floyd’s nickname is how the Manta Ray is associated with the devil! Manta Rays are referred to as the “Devilfish” or “Sea Devil.” Although Manta Rays are very docile and don’t even attack humans, their sheer size and the devil-like “horns” (cephalic fins) on their heads gave them a bad reputation. And since Crowley’s first name is confirmed to be pronounced like “Dia” instead of “Dire,” this may be a reference to Diablo the raven. And of course, Diablo means devil! (Trying so hard to not think about my silly Levan Crowley theory rn )
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Even up to the 1930’s, it was a common myth that mantas would capsize boats and drown the sailors on them by leaping out the water and crashing down. Some myths said that mantas would purposely drag sailors down with their large fins to drown them. This folklore was spread by sailors that feared the mantas size, and to be fair, manta’s can reach a “wing span” of up to 30 feet (9 meters) depending on the species (this wingspan refers to the Giant Manta Ray. More average wingspans we’re about 5-7 meters) Interesting how this myth is prevalent with sailors, and that this nickname was first brought up in the Port Fest, where the costumes and events are themed after sailors, right? Despite it being a myth, I find it funny how Crowley is given a nickname of a fish said to “drown” sailors, aka the TWST boys who are dressed up. I think in this event in particular, it makes sense because Crowley suddenly dropped the truth about the concert the boys had to put on haha. Still, main game wise, I am thinking about this myth 👀
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Since Manta Rays are so large, they have very little natural predators (currently their biggest threat is overfishing by humans). The few predators tend to be large sharks and orcas. Mantas often swim in loops to filter-feed and corral their prey, which tend to be small schooling fish, plankton, krill, and shrimp 😭 I’m sorry, Yuu.
Random fact, but “Manta” means blanket or cloak in Spanish. Seeing the flat and large body of the Manta Ray, this name makes perfect sense haha. It also makes me think how Crowley is potentially“cloaking” himself underneath his mask and cape, but I think I’m stretching the theory as usual haha!
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Something I love about Manta Rays is how they “breach” the water. Scientists are unsure of why exactly they do this- maybe it’s a mating technique or a way to rid of parasites. But either way, mantas often leap out of the water and flap their fins, making it look like they’re flying. I think this was a very fitting fish to nickname Crowley after, considering how he always flies into and out of Special Lessons!
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This also seems random haha, but although Finding Nemo is a Pixar movie, it was released by Walt Disney Pictures. And currently, Pixar has so many ties to Disney. It’s to the point that there has been a theory that Sebek’s father is based off the dentist in Finding Nemo! I adore this theory too, it would be such a fun tie in.
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So tying back to that same film, there’s a character called “Mr. Ray.” He is a white spotted Eagle ray, which is a type of stingray. Mantas and sting rays are not the same for sure, but let’s be generous here haha, since they’re often mistaken for each other. Mr. Ray the schoolteacher in the Great Barrier Reef. Floyd’s full nickname for Crowley is Professor Manta Ray. Mr. Ray is a silly and goofy teacher, but also has his protective moments for his students and shields them underneath his body when the human scuba divers appear. It reminds me a little of the TWST manga, where Crowley protected the students from OB! Riddle with a magic barrier. And bringing back how “Manta” means blanket, I think this tying in with Mr. Ray overall gives Crowley that paternal vibe. Crowley repeatedly refers to the students as eggs or little fledglings, so this may potentially be a fun reference to that.
I want to add that I think it’s interesting that Floyd’s EN nickname to Lilia is Devilfish. Manta Rays are often called Devilfish or Devilray, which is actually the name of different species of Mantas or even stingrays. But…Lilia is really named DEVILFISH and Crowley MANTA RAY?! HELPPPP 😭😭😭😭😭
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In Lilia’s case, the Devilfish nickname is referring to a “flapjack octopus”, which is…adorable \(//∇//)\ Although the EN translation of Devilfish still holds accurate (flapjack octopus are also called “pancake Devilfish”), it gives a different image, no? 🤣 Devilfish/Octopus in general shares a very similar mythology of being a danger to sailors by capsizing by their ships and drowning them. Just…something for me to think about.
In the end, a lot of these could be coincidences! But since Floyd’s nicknames are certainly purposeful and tie into each character very well, I think some of these facts ring true for Crowley. Since Mantas are well known for their brain-to-body ratio, and known as a Devilfish, I think at least those two facts are purposeful connections! \(//∇//)\
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Fallout 4 really coulda made the 'Living by the sea' vibes so terrifying. Of course, people know of mirleurks and stuff. But what about the things they don't know about. The fear of the unknown.
We know that sea life was also affected by radiation. We've seen the size of a mirelurk queen. We know that sharks exist from the corpses.
So. How do we know megalodons aren't back in the Falloutverse. Or krakens don't exist. Sea life enlarged and at an unimaginable scale, unknown to the survivors of humanity as they lurk beneath the waters.
What if Sole had been told not to cross the ocean to Far Habour. What if there's a reason that, after 200 years, no one has brought back voyager boats and sailing the oceans to reconnect the world. What if they know better. Or maybe they realise they don't know anything at all.
What if Sole set up a nice base at Spectacle Island, and is confused when Hancock refuses to see it. Sole jokes that he's paranoid, but he reminds them he grew up on the waterfront. He helped his dad fish when he was younger. Boats don't scare him. The water doesn't scare him.
"It's what's in it," He explained coldly. He sat down in the sand, shotgun in his arms. Sole asked him to elaborate, he said he couldn't. "You wanna go after the Institute, fine. I'll help. That's an unknown I can handle. But, I ain't getting in that boat, and neither should you."
"I'll...Ask someone else."
"Can it be Danse?"
Sole thought he was being dramatic but quickly realised that none of the companions were keen to travel across the water.
There was that time Sole once jumped off the Prydwen and into the deep sea, so far from shore, only to hear a guttural noise around them. They couldn't see anything. The water dark blue, and filthy, almost black from when the world was scorched. But whatever it was, it was large enough that its voice vibrated through their entire being. They convinved themself it was a whale. They know whales don't sound like that.
On the days Sole is at the castle, they like to look out at the ocean. Or did, until today when they saw a large boat in the distance become capsized. They almost sent their own boats out to help, but Preston placed a firm hand on their shoulder. His eyes told Sole everything he wouldn't. Preston's not the type to let people die. So, Sole turned the radio up so none of the other soldiers could hear the distant screams for help and distress calls. And to drown out their own guilt, watching as the last fisherman attempted to swim desperately to shore, only to be dragged down below the waves. Sole didn’t look away until the boat finally sank. When they did, their eyes landed on the East Wall, which was under reconstruction from when the mirelurk queen had emerged. Sole wonders if that was even the largest sea creature out there.
When Sole's getting ready for bed, Preston knocks at their door gently. "Even I can admit when something is a lost cause," There was a guilt dripped into his tone. A silent apology to the fallen men. "I'll tell our guys to stay out of the water for a few days. We can rely on the nets for fish."
"We should set up a limit for how far out our boats can go."
"We will. Tomorrow. For now, get some rest." He's halfway to closing the door when Sole speaks again.
"I jumped off of the Prydwen once..."
"Excuse me?"
"I was fine. I wanted to go into the water. I did."
"Excuse me?"
"I couldn't see anything. But I heard something. I felt the sound go through me. I think it was a whale."
"Think or hope?" Sole doesn't say anything. Preston gets his answer regardless. "Was it close to you or do you think it was fine?"
"Think or hope," Sole mirrors. "I don't know. It was large."
"That seems to be a theme with the ocean."
"...Is that why no one has tried to cross the ocean again in 200 years? I thought...I thought there'd be pirates again out there. Or something. That massive wooden ships had made a comeback somewhere."
"I can't say. For all we know, maybe people have tried." Sole doesn't want to think about the connotations of that.
"No one wanted to go to Spectacle Island."
"I'm sure it looks nice but...To be honest, neither would I. I'm Sorry."
"It's fine. I get it now...I don't think I do anymore, for a while...John wouldn't get in the boat."
"Hancock...Is a smart man. Sometimes."
"Sometimes? You're saying that to the person that jumped off of the Prydwen."
"True, you do make Hancock look like Einstein."
"Thank God people still know Einstein," Sole mumbles. "John's smarter than he let's on."
"He once showed up to my door, drunk, asking if I thought Nick had a penis. Then, if he did, if it could be classed as a vibrator. I refused to answer or ask the context for why he wanted to know."
"...On that note, goodnight Preston."
"Goodnight, Sole."
Sole stares at the ceiling as they try to sleep that night. The sound of the waves crashing against the walls keeps them awake.
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
prompt em consider... dads!shan has big BLÅHAJ and libby has baby blåhaj (in lower case shhhh... he baby) (shan got them matching set ok ok)
& they r like... doing a shark attack on bea & bea is like 'shan!' & then they both get a lecture about 'spreading selachimorpha misinformation'
The living room is in shadow, lit only by the flickering light of the TV. Beatrice, curled on her side on the couch, runs a thumbnail down the seam joining the front and side panel of the seat cushion beneath her head. On-screen, the camera pans across an empty beachfront, a hint of a dark fin slicing through the water. The soundtrack picks up, and Beatrice's breathing rate escalates in time, watching as two small boats capsize, spilling their occupants into the water. The fin parts the waves like a needle through silk, and the hairs stand up on the back of Beatrice's neck.
Something's changed in the air, she thinks, has sent shivers running down her spine as a man treads water, unaware of the imminent danger closing in on him. Her mouth twists ruefully, her fingers encircling the bareness of her left ring finger and squeezing, twisting.
A creak behind her, the shark driving up out of the water in front, something soft and solid launched over the back of the couch and landing on her. A concerted crow of "Shark!" Beatrice shrieks, then coughs, works her hands up beneath plush fabric to cover her face. She groans, and raucous laughter comes in response.
A heavier object rolls over the back of the couch, lands solidly on her stomach, squirming and giggling. Beatrice cracks her eyes open and reaches out to caress the side of Libby's head.
"Gotcha," Libby bubbles, poking Beatrice in the chest with her tiny stuffed shark.
"You got me," Beatrice agrees placidly. She shoves the larger shark away from her face and dips her head to kiss Libby's forehead. "You think of that all on your own?"
Libby shakes her head, tilts it towards the rear of the couch. "Aunt Shan helped."
"Oh, did she now?"
Beatrice taps Libby on the nose. "Your Aunt Shannon should know better than selachimorpha misinformation."
Shannon rises from behind the couch, twisting and turning until her back gives an unsettling crack. "Your Aunt Shannon can't even pronounce seal-chimp misinformation," she replies, ruffling Libby's hair. "And," she continues, turning to Beatrice, "I'm not the one watching the movie that completely altered public perception and fear of sharks."
"I just needed to make my brain stop for a bit," Beatrice sighs, sitting up out of the way as Shannon vaults over the back of the couch and reaches across her for the remote.
"Baba, what's seal-chimp misinfo'mation?"
"Selachimorpha," Beatrice corrects gently, pulling her blanket back around her shoulders. "Selachimorpha misinformation. People telling hurtful lies about sharks." She glances up at the screen as title cards rush past. "Shan, can you look for that BBC show? I can't remember what it's called."
"Yes, the one about sharks."
"No, I mean it's literally called 'Shark'." She grabs up her shark plush again and presses its snout to Beatrice's cheek. "On it, kiddo."
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innerchorus · 6 months
...Gurgin and Ranna claw-nail buddies
Also Yoshitaka Amano's Narsus, check these out:
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Actually let me post the whole illustration even though it's only tangentially relevant, because it's one of my favourites.
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This is, by far, the most attractive version of Narsus to me. This particular illustration is from Book 10: A Gathering of Clouds.
Honestly, if I didn't already know what Amano's Narsus looks like, you could have told me this was an illustration of the Holy Master himself and I would have believed you 100%. Funnily enough, Narsus is described as having an air of evil/wickedness to his expression in this scene, where the characters are speculating about what will happen in Misr with Hilmes. It's amusing and I can't blame Narsus for having an attitude of 'wouldn't it be great if Prince Hilmes died in a foreign land and never returned to Pars to cause trouble again' but damn, the line about hoping that his boat sinks still fucking hurts me for some reason.
"Storms at sea are unpredictable. The ship may capsize, upon which poor Prince Hilmes will become shark bait, for even though his talents are outstanding, unfortunately he has alway had bad luck." Ouch.
(The insight into Daryun's view on Hilmes provokes a similar reaction in me; again, it's totally reasonable that Hilmes is an enemy who he would fight and kill on sight for more than one reason, but... the fact that despite this, Daryun feels a bit of sympathy for him because even though the hardships of his youth were in the past, as an adult, no matter what his dreams expand to, he always falls short just as he approaches success. Ouch again.)
(Let me also just share Daryun's thought that 'the fact that Prince Hilmes was born in the same era as Narsus can only be said to be his misfortune'.)
Like, objectively some of this is quite funny but I do feel saddened by the 'Hilmes sucks and he should die'-ness of it all. And it's even worse because you know Hilmes hates being pitied and they definitely are finding him pitiful here.
Clearly I am doomed to have Hilmes thoughts at the slightest provocation, I did not intend to type all this out but here we are.
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odybee · 5 months
G/t Secret Santa Gift
@sugarthegecko hello! I'm your Secret Santa. I'm sorry it took me this long to get this gift to you, things have been a bit hectic where I am.
I wanted to try something new and wrote a one shot! It also comes with a few colored sketches I made along the way of the two antagonists. I will put the drawings at the end of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Word count- 3854
Contains: Intentional fearplay, implied vore (let me know if you think I should add more here, this is my first time posting something like this)
It was a beautiful day to be beneath the waves. The normally dull weather that hangs over the Bermuda Triangle was set to clear for the entire week, leaving uncharacteristically safe conditions for a reconnaissance mission that Jack had been losing his little mind over for months.
A small vessel carrying a family heirloom, a gold-crested lock box dating back a few hundred years, had gotten hit by a stray wave, forcing the captain onto a lifeboat as his ship capsized and quickly sank. The good news is that the captain survived, which is how Jack got enough information to take the job at all. His recounting of where the boat was when it went under was spot on too, which is especially nice because finding out where the wreck is was only half the battle for this particular job. See, in escaping the ship with his life, the captain wasn’t able to get the lockbox, meaning it went down with his ship. The family it belonged to was less than thrilled, to say the very least.
And that’s when Jack heard about it. The family was willing to pay a fortune to whoever stepped up and got the box back; not that Jack was diving for an extra paycheck. Even before he had decided he wanted to be a marine archaeologist, he'd been enamored with stories of the mythical Bermuda Triangle. Tales of monsters appearing from its shadowy depths, however unrealistic, were something he liked to think about to keep his job interesting when things got slow. He could just see a megalodon’s lifeless eye peering up at him from the inky water, just waiting for him to get close enough to-
“Helloo, Jack? You there?” A voice sounded from the receiver in Jack’s mask, making him jump a little in surprise.
“M-Huh? Sorry Lori, yea, I’m here.”
“Good. Please try to focus? There could be sharks or marlins.”
“Of course, my bad.”
Lori is Jack’s assistant. A bit of a hardass, but he’s been getting through to her lately. Once the nerves of jumping into the water and sinking into the dark wear off and it’s just the two of them, she can be really fun to talk to. For however long the communications decide to keep working in their masks, that is. Water pressure doesn’t play nice with lightweight electronics.
As the silent descent continued and Jack made a mental note to complain to his manager, a boxy silhouette began taking form in the sea of shadows beneath him. A thin line of bubbles excitedly glimmering in the glow of Jack’s headlight made its way up from the shape,  meaning they were right on target.
“Bingo! You got an eye on it, Lori?”
“Sure do. Here’s hoping my camera’s still works, I just got a new lens for it.”
“Camera? Ooo, we actually gonna try to get a picture of a sea monster?”
“As much as I’d love to, no. Our clients just said they wanted to see where the box ended up. Plus, it’s great publicity. Tourist subs don’t get this far down. I’ll send you a postcard from the kraken’s stomach if we end up finding one though.” Lori fidgeted with the bulky tool as she descended a little ways above Jack, ensuring that nothing was gunking up the lens.
“What? You can’t get eaten! I’d be all alone down here..”
“A great white shark once said, ‘fish are friends, not food’. You can be friends with the kraken, or you can join me in its belly.”
“Yea yea, I bet the fish would be fresh in there anyways.” Jack made first contact with the wreckage now just beneath his feet as Lori playfully responded in disgust. The white plating of the boat’s hull barely had time to erode, much less allow algae growth, so it almost looked like it could float again. And it probably could have, were it not for the captain’s incompetence. Jack had thought it sounded strange for just one stray wave to send a boat under so quickly, so it was likely that the poor guy just didn’t do proper maintenance on the vessel’s coolant pipes and didn’t want to admit it. Nothing short of a missile could send a boat down that easily otherwise.
Feeling satisfied with his inspection of the boat’s port side, Jack made his way up to the open door of what appeared to be the helm. Peering in, there looked to be a small ladder leading down from right behind the captain’s controls.
“Okay, I’m gonna start looking for the box. You coming?”
“Yea, just getting some pictures of the outside first. Let me know when you find it so we can swap out. The two of us might clog up the cabin if we both go.”
“Aah, good thinking. Alright, I’ll let you know.” And into the wreckage he went.
“What the hell is that? Some kind of malformed angler fish?”
“I’m trying to tell you dude, it’s a human! I saw another one swim into that wreck, too!”
Nac layed low to the seabed, shyly pointing a claw at a tiny figure as it waved a cone of light around in the water. Every now and then it would suddenly flash an even brighter light from a box in its hands, then swim off to flash it at something else. Nac had to suppress a startled flinch in his tail at the brightness.
Nac’s more squid-shaped friend Rel rested in the seabed alongside him, squinting in confusion at the little human as it floundered about, flashing its light seemingly at random. “I didn’t know humans had lures, nor that they came down this deep. Are you absolutely positive that it isn’t just a big angler? I’m hungry.”
“Yes! Positive! I’m pretty sure that one’s ‘lure’ is just another human gadget, which I’ll bet is how they got all the way down here too. Cool, right?”
“Yea, I guess,” Rel sighed. “Oh well, they’re small but they’ll have to do. Dibs on this one,” he finished as he tried to take off from the sand. But before he could get anywhere, Nac latched onto one of his tentacles and held fast.
“Ugh, what is it Nac?”
“Jeez, chill out for a second, dude! We never get to see humans down here. Could we at least..” Nac’s tail twitched a bit as his eyes lit up. “Could we at least mess with them a little first? You’re hungry, I’m bored, it’s a win-win!”
Rel pulled back and put two fingers up to his chin, mulling over Nac’s proposal. “Mmm fine. But I’m taking both of them.”
“What? Hey! I’ve never tried human either, dude! Share!” Nac pouted, his claws subconsciously digging into Rel’s flesh.
“Ow! Okay, fine! I’ll take the one closest, you take the one in the wreck. Now would you please let go?”
“Sounds good, buddy! Have fun and don’t get hooked!” Nac exclaimed as he bolted off into the dark.
“Right.” Rel moped, staring at his prey. The passengers on this boat were supposed to have been his anyway! How was he supposed to know that it was only empty because the one thing he sank it for had gotten away?
Whatever. Perhaps this really would be more fun.
“What was that?”
Lori’s voice came on suddenly after silence had taken hold of the comms for a good ten minutes, making Jack bump his head against the ship’s hull. Ow!
“If you mean the sounds coming from the boat, that would be my head slamming against the hull.”
“No no, it wasn’t a sound, just..” Lori went quiet for a moment. “Nevermind. I’m seeing things.”
“We can call the expedition early if you want,” Jack checked his oxygen gauge. “I could do with a fresh tank anyway. We’re gonna have to make stops on the way up.”
“It’s fine, just keep looking for the box. I’m done out here.” Lori swiveled her head around as she made her way up to the door that Jack’d swam in through, but she couldn’t see anything. It was all black past the cone of her headlight, which was beginning to feel uncomfortably small. “Could you hurry up please? The water isn’t getting any warmer.”
“Sheesh, alright, hold on. I just need to- Ah! There it is! Lori, I found the-”
“Hello? Jack, you there?”
But the comms were nothing but static. It wasn’t exactly a surprise; these microphones were in desperate need of an upgrade. But something didn’t feel right this time. Something felt terribly, terribly wrong. There was a shadow, some inky blot that kept just to the corners of her eyes. It could be a shoal of fish, but then, why would it move like that? It’s almost as if.. As if..
Lori jumped violently as a few rhythmic knocks sounded from the boat’s main body, a signal that she and Jack had come up with the first time their microphones cut out to make sure they could still keep track of each other in the wreckage. She swam close to the hull to return the knocks, and as she did so, something brushed past her foot.
Immediately, Lori flipped around and prepared to bop a shark in the nose, but nothing was there. It was still just water, sand, and the void beyond her light, unknown and unyielding. She could feel her heartbeat start to pick up, the claustrophobic confines of her suit seeming to constrict her body in nervous warmth.
Just then, through the static of Lori’s mask, Jack’s voice started coming back through. “Hellooo? Loriii? Lori Dory Oreo, you there?” 
Lori steadied herself, the relief of hearing Jack’s voice overshadowed by the intense need to stay completely on alert as she took a moment to respond. “Jack, I think something is here.”
“Uuh yea? There is a boat, maybe some fish, and this totally awesome box that I’m coming out to let you take a picture of.”
“No, Jack, I mean something is in the water. I think it’s watching us.”
Jack laughed in cruel dismission. “Oh haha Lori. Good try, but I’m not that easy to scare. Good on you for taking the opportunity while we’re here, though!”
“Jack, seriously. We have to go right now. Screw the bends, we just need to-”
“Need to what?” 
“Lori? Did this stupid thing cut out again?”
“It sees me.”
“What? What sees you? Lori, are you okay?”
“Lori, come on, this isn’t funny anymore. I’ll be out in a sec, just hang ti-”
The feed cut to static once more, leaving Lori completely alone, staring at two huge, luminous yellow eyes like a guppy in floodlights. She wanted to move, wanted to swim up and out of the water with all her might, but she simply couldn’t. The thing’s gaze froze her muscles into place, as if the water itself had turned to ice.
Without warning, a ginormous clawed hand shot out from the black shroud, enveloping Lori’s entire body before she could even scream.
Lori wasted no time in thrashing against the creature’s flesh with everything she had. The utility knife that’d been clipped to her belt was instantly freed, wildly slashing an escape into the walls of her pale prison. The creature loosened its grip in response, but only just enough to let Lori’s head pop out while it squeezed the life out of her. Even as dark spots began taking up her vision, she dared to look up at its face.
Dark, navy blue skin beautifully complimented the yellow eyes of a face that looked insultingly human, apart from two long, pointy ears. Long, white hair unfurled from the top of its head; each lock a set of tangling waves to further drown Lori’s hopes in. But she was too exhausted to fight now; any oxygen she had was forced from her lungs. Unwilling to gaze into the creature’s maw, she let the last of her waking moments be spent looking into its eyes.
She wondered why it looked so disappointed.
And all went dark.
“Lori? Lori?! Goddamnit, this stupid microphone! One second Lori, I’ll be right out!” Jack called into the dark cabins of the boat, his fists banging against the walls as he made his way out. In all his panic, Jack hadn’t realized that he made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, placing him on the starboard side of the hull’s interior.
Right where he could see a huge, perfectly circular gash that’d been punched into the ship’s metal plating.
“What the hell?! But he said-” but he had no time to waste. He had to get out of the ship right now, and he figured the breach should be just large enough to let him through, even with all his gear on.
Without a second thought, Jack grabbed the edges of the hole and prepared to hoist himself out into the open water. He only needed one mighty kick, and then he’d be able to find Lori and get the hell out of he-
Jack snapped his head up at the sudden noise, only to be met face-to-face with some massive thing with a human face. It had a long, toothy grin on its pale, scarred countenance, and every one of its teeth looked sharp enough to cut diamond.
Jack retreated back into the boat.
He clawed onto any surface he could in an attempt to force himself deeper into the ship’s body, desperate to get away from the thing just outside the paper thin walls. Jack could hear it chuckle as he clamored away, but just as he had clung onto a door, the thing started sucking water out through the breach. The force of the current was so strong that Jack’s hands were ripped away from the doorframe, sending him careening into the beast’s terrible jaws.
Rather than being instantly ripped apart, Jack growled into his mask as his stomach was met with several rows of teeth and his tank clinked against the thing’s lower set. The sharp points were catching on the fabric of his suit, just barely avoiding cutting into his skin. In an attempt to regain his bearings, he curled up and placed his hands against the monster’s lips, desperately trying to ignore the fact that he was about to be bitten in half.
“Nac, would you quit toying with it? I’m still hungry and the sun will be down soon.” another voice suddenly chided from somewhere behind Jack’s head.
“One shecond,” the sharkish creature responded, its voice rattling through Jack’s skull like a bell. “Itsh really hutting uh a hight!”
The other voice gained an edge in its tone. “Don’t speak with your mouth full.”
Jack’s fruitless struggle against the shark’s jaws suddenly came to a halt as it plucked him out of its lips like a cherry stem, thankfully with all of his lower body intact, except the utility knife that was supposed to be clipped to his hip was gone. Fingers were wrapped around him just as he tried to kick away, and there he continued to squirm.
“I said it’s really putting up a fight! See? Look at this one go! Even now it’s still wiggling around.”
“Yea, they tend to do that when they’re about to die. Speaking of, you should really be getting on with it.”
“Whatever dude, I was getting to that!”
The hand holding Jack’s entire body in place loosened up, allowing his blood to run cold and fast at the sight of an approaching maw. His headlight served to reveal every gruesome detail he hadn’t been privy to from the beast’s lips, including bits of viscera stuck between its three rows of teeth.
What if thats-
“OH MY GOD, WAIT, WAIT! PLEASE!” Jack pleaded through his mask after suppressing a gag. But his cries didn’t even reach the shark, not even a flinch came of its ears.
Flippers met the surface of the monster's tongue. It was too soft to push off of, not that anything he did would allow him to escape. The shark’s gills were probably quivering in anticipation, waiting to bring him down, down, down. What more could he do but jam his eyes shut and.. and..!
A pause. It seemed to last an eternity. Jack’s mouth had opened, but he didn’t know why. Let alone that it had released a sound loud enough to rival the thing he was about to be silenced by.
“Nac, please. This is getting old. And why do you look like that? It doesn’t taste that bad.”
The monster, henceforth known as Nac, once again plucked Jack out of his jaws, then brought Jack to the front of his face. The two stared at each other, both some strange mix of horrified and confused.
“Did.. did you hear that?” Nac spoke, almost in a coo. “I think it just talked to me.”
“Oh sure, Nac, because that makes complete sense. Listen, if you don’t want to eat it that badly, just give it to me. No need to make up such utter nonsense.”
“No, really!” Nac’s voice shot up again. Jack felt like he was going to implode. “I think it made a word! Like, a word word! Listen, I bet it can do it again, see?”
Jack was abruptly turned around and presented to a second enormous creature with a human face, this one having a tentacled lower half and extremely long hair. If the lack of care Nac had in handling Jack’s body didn’t kill him first, then surely his heart would pound hard enough to escape from his chest.
The other creature raised an eyebrow at Jack, then sighed and leaned in so he was close to its ear. He supposed that meant he was supposed to speak, but the words weren’t coming out. The lump in his throat just wouldn’t al-
“Ow! QUIT IT!” Jack yelled, feeling three rough taps against the top of his helmet. The navy blue creature in front of him jumped slightly. Jack froze in place.
“See! I told you!” Nac barked as his friend pulled away.
“B-but, how is that even-” it paused. “I’ll be.. Right back.”
The other monster’s tentacles disappeared into the abyss, leaving Jack and Nac alone together. For a moment, they just stared at each other in silence, but Nac was quick to fill it with a torrent of questions and niceties.
“This is so gnarly, dude! Oh my god, hiii! I can actually say that now and it isn’t weird! Do you think it’s weird to talk to fish? Rel says it's stupid because they can’t understand what you’re saying, so it’s even more weird that you of all things would be able to talk back! Do you have a name? Do humans even have names? Do you guys know any other fish like us? Go on, talk!” 
Nac’s smile returned to his face, somehow even larger than it’d been when Jack was trapped halfway inside of it. This couldn’t possibly be happening. It had to be some sort of decompression-induced fever dream. In just a moment, Jack would wake up to Lori squawking at him to get back on the boat.
“LORI!” Nac’s ears twitched as Jack piped up again. “Where is Lori?!”
Nac’s slit eyes seemed to stare straight through Jack at the question.
“Aheheh, erm, uh, well, about that. The other human, they’re..” Nac looked around as though trying to catch her swimming away. “Theeeyyy’rrreee- oh! They’re right there! See? Rel has them!”
Nac turned Jack and pointed into the dark, where two yellow spots preceded the return of the second giant creature, Rel. In its hand was the comparatively small, black-and-silver form of Lori, lying completely still.
“O-oh my god. Oh my GOD! LORI! LORI!” Jack began squirming again, wanting nothing more than to make sure his friend was okay. But the shark held firm.
“Calm down, this human is fine.. Somehow. I felt its heart beating through this extra layer of skin you wear. Is it how you two managed to get down here?” Rel quizzed Jack, who had ceased struggling to lock eyes with the thing holding his friend.
“I-I, just..” Jack checked his oxygen gauge. Less out of necessity, and more out of habit for the sheer fact that not a bone in his body wanted him looking these monsters in the eyes. Forty-five minutes remaining, miraculously. He steeled himself, “Could you please, please bring us back up? I need to know if she’s okay.”
“Eh? Why would we need to go up?” Nac swam to Rel’s side, turning Jack along the way so that both monsters were in his view. “Are you trying to leave?”
“No! No, we just.. Our tanks only have enough time left for a few stops, and I don’t want Lori to get the bends. It might kill her if we don’t take our time.” As much as he wanted to get out of the water, Jack knew that it would only make matters worse if he wasn’t careful. Though he couldn’t see Lori’s actual condition, he chanced a guess that it wasn’t great if she’d passed out. Even if the monsters were just toying with him again, asking for their help was a risk he had to take. It didn’t seem like either of them wanted him gone anyway.
“Right.” Rel said promptly, though he looked at Jack like he’d just grown an extra head. “And, what exactly does that mean? Can’t you breathe here?” “..What?” Jack felt like he’d been slapped in the face. What kind of a question.. “N- Okay, you know what, wait. How about this. I’ll explain everything on the way up, and if you really want to, we can chat on the boat. I’ll also let you know when to stop and go, that way we can avoid barotrauma. Does that sound okay?”
“Yea, sure dude! Sounds good!” Nac, surprise surprise, put on a big stupid grin once again.
“I.. Suppose so. Just, don’t try to leave. Okay?” Though it seemed like Rel had composed himself, his eye twitched a smidge as he looked at Jack again.
Jack shrank back a little. “No problem!”
Jack wasn’t sure how long either of their composures would last in the long, cold journey back up to the surface, but he had to hope that it would be enough time for him to at least see Lori awake again. He himself had questions for the two sentient fish men he was somehow communicating with, and he had to admit that it was a bit exciting. Never once did he think that the stories he’d been told as a child were anywhere close to reality, and yet here he was, wrapped in the claws of a megalodon and conversing with a kraken, all while being in one piece. Of all the things to come of this trip beneath the waves, only one was certain.
It was going to be a long way up.
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(This last drawing is a reference to a Spongebob scene. Just seemed in-character for a guy like Nac)
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 2 months
Hello! Happy nice ask week! I would love to know what it was like to travel on a sailing boat for months! Was it scary? Did you almost capsize? Did you see sharks?!! How did the dog cope? And did you know "keep Austin weird" was a real thing or did you see that t-shirt and start screaming as I would have done?
Hi Cig thanks for this nice ask!!☺️
As for living on the boat, my hair hated it and is still recovering, but I LOVED IT even with the challenges it poses, like back and neck pains from weird shaped beds and rolling and slamming into the waves some nights, and the conflicts and emotional rollercoaster ride it is to live in such a small place with 7 other people. I like traveling and living more primitively and having to work fir water and sleep and transporting yourself because it intensifies the experience and clears my head which makes me able to relax in another way that I sometimes need. But also, the gentle rocking, the community with other boats, the fixing stuff and tying the boat tasks, setting sail and steering the boat, AND THE SUNSETS BUT OH THE SUNRISES WHEN YOUR NIGHTSHIFT BY THE WHEEL TAKES YOU INTO EARLY MORNING 😍 insane. And waking up and immediately jumping into the sea and everything we got to see and experience on land because we were able to transport ourselves. I would recommend it to anyone!
Luckily we did not capsize!!😳
- But I was scared sometimes anyway!🫣🙃
I know realistically, that it takes a lot for a boat to capsize like a lot a lot (if it gets pushed too much onto it’s side by the wind that will also make the wind pass over the sails and ease the pressure as the wind usually isn’t blowing downwards, plus it is weighted in the bottom both by the keel and by lots of cargo under the floorboards because the boat I was sailing on has made it’s way from Denmark to the Caribbean so it has a lot of food and just things and stuff stored in there!
Still, I have anxiety so.. the times I was most scared was sailing in the English Channel (I sailed with them from Denmark to Spain back in the late summer last year, too as the owners of the boat are friends I know from home). But sailing close by so many HUGE container ships 🚢 and just handing over control of my life to others my own age and younger who I didn’t know that well? That was for sure a challenge! (Like our dear Carlos, I have a certain degree of control issues)😌
The other time I was scared, was on this trip, sailing north- and south-bound in the Caribbean during especially early January and actually up until February hit, because the trade wind was still coming strong in from the east, just the waves it had created in the Atlantic were shorter as they neared land and met the Caribbean ocean (at least this was our theory don’t hold me to it too much) which meant we were sailing with the wind coming strongly in from the side AND high waves (at least I thought they were super high😅) and so the boat was being laid down sideways a lot and I got a little scared🥹 🫣 it’s weird bc having anxiety, and knowing rationally that the boat won’t tip over, but also loving the speed and thrill of it, it’s an internal battle going on !
My friends have decided to head back and are trying to talk me into crossing the Atlantic in the other direction, like west to east, and that I am also a little scared of even though I also really want to! I have a month or so to decide so we’ll see.
We did see sharks! Or really, I only saw one shark 🦈 and it was actually very cute and not as scary as the emoji looks if that was a real shark. I say that and it makes me sound all nonchalant, or like one of those people that do not find sharks scary - I find sharks to be Very Scary!!! But this one was maybe one and a half meters, and it was a nurse shark which are known for being non-aggressive and having a diet of nothing larger than reef fish and it was lying on the reef 🪸 relaxing and we saw it while diving and came very close! Maybe it was the way it so didn’t care about us and were lying still for the most part and swam away when it started swimming, or that nurse sharks also have a cute mustache 🥸 or maybe it’s that being 14 meters under water and having your only source of life being the oxygen tank on your back makes you weirdly calm in a survival-instinct kind of way 😅 but I didn’t get scared!
Bonus info we also swam with pilot whales!!!!! Out from the coast of Dominica 🐋 that was one the coolest things ever to have happened to me.
The dog has lived on that boat since he was a puppy, and he is a very agile and calm and boat-trained dog who loves to go swimming and never gets seasick and adorably sways from paw to paw to compensate for the boat rolling and I love him 🥰🐶 obviously he’s not mine but my friends’ dog so I can’t post a picture of him but he is very cute and adorable!
I DID NOT KNOW KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD WAS A THING NO!! But I didn’t scream either because I was traveling with a friend whom I have not talked that much to about being in fandom, and whom did not know that that was the main reason why I wanted us to start our roadtrip in Austin🫣🙃 but I did get very excited and then extremely confused which I sometimes get when I have to make a decision about buying things and especially choosing between options cause my brains literally lacks the ability of decision making. So I went back and bought it at a very inconvenient time and had to apologize to my friend for it (I did feel honestly feel bad but I’m also glad I got the shirt) and luckily she forgave me and it all ended well and then I googled it and learned that it was a real thing 😌
Sorry for the long 🍑 answer I got carried away! And thank you again for asking about my travels it made me happy that you’d want to know ☺️
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stuckasmain · 6 months
Thing about Jaws 2 that bothers me the most is that there’s simultaneously too much focus on the teenagers and not enough. The movie has a bunch of great scenes and ideas behind a sort of sloppy execution.
The concept of a bunch of kids adrift on their capsized boats being targeted by a shark is great. It’s sort of a callback to Quint’s story in the original (in that it’s a similar survival situation). Having a bunch of kids picked off and struggling to survive, bonding in a traumatizing experience. Great! A lot of the teens are enjoyable characters (except the cousin. She should’ve been eaten first I’m sorry)
Except the movie doesn’t commit. Not enough kids are eaten. 90% of the movie is escalating the situation only to have a fake out! There’s so many fake out attacks and a severe lack of fake blood. This shark made a boat explode and took down a helicopter but couldn’t get more then 3-4 teenagers? I’m not asking them to jump the shark (haha) which they sort of did with the helicopter, just not to have so many fakeouts— it takes the genuine edge of the first film and the concept and spits on it?
Additionally having this flip floppy treatment of Brody where there’s these great scenes with his family or showing just how much he cares as a chief and person. For the movie to then mistreat him but then go hero mode and it’s— the movie has so many things it wants to be it doesn’t dedicate to any of them which is a shame.
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skin-of-my-teeth · 4 months
Shark Bite
Tags: vore
Mermaids but... not?
Shark-hybrids Jimin and Jungkook are both chubby from constantly over-eating. It's one of the perks of being a predator, after all. The world is your oyster.
They swim around lazily, their bellies fat and round from a lucky feast that resulted from a capsized sail boat. Even though it was a lot, it's never enough, and they scan the corals below for any unsuspecting fish hybrids that they can attack and have for dessert.
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ivebeenghosting · 2 years
I saw your mer!Bruce posts and a wild idea hit me but please stay with me. What if the situation what flipped around where Bruce was the Fisherman and Clark was the merman.
One day Bruce accidentally caught him, and after seeing Clark getting restless and scared stuck in the net, he lets him go, handing a couple especially large catches on the way.
Next day, the same thing happens where Clark is reeled in with blood all over his hands, clearly injured badly. Bruce discovers Clark saw something caught in the boat motor after recognizing the fisherman from the day before and wanted to help before the boat sank but didn't know how. So he just. Jammed his hands in. I mean, It worked but now blood is spewing everywhere.
Bruce angrily (but gratefully) scold him, while patching up his injuries. After going off on his rant, he hands the merman some more fish and just begrudgingly lets Clark stay on the boat until he feels better (because he can't just tell his savior to leave??)
Through a few weeks, Bruce keeps running into Clark via fishing net who always come with a safety warning like rocks up ahead, sharks following you, not much fish in the area, things like that.
Gradually Clark is just there everyday, warning or not because he likes the company, flopping onto the boat so often that Bruce just deals with it
Maybe Clark faces some stigma for being a sharkman, seeing he's an alien in Canon. Bruce is the only one he's met who treats him kindly despite his appearance and him being much stronger than the average merman.
Idk, just thought it was a wholesome idea :)
i love this so much it is a really wholesome idea :)!!!! 💕💕💕💕
love the idea of clark meeting a human who showed him one single moment of kindness and being like i am ur problem now :)
no but seriously him showing up first with warnings of danger just to repay the human for his kindness like i owe him i cant just let him die and then struggling to find excuses to keep running into him and then eventually just being like sorry i live with you now, deal with it :) is such a cute idea and makes a lot of sense I love idea of bruce begrudgingly just letting this huge fish almost capsize his boat daily trying to flop onto the deck :))) 💕💕💕
also check out @supermanstoddlerleash for their giant mer!clark au if ur looking for more mer!clark content <3
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lowetyde · 1 month
@exiled-eyes :: CLOSED STARTER !
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the full moon's glow melted across the ocean's rippling surface, foam intertwining with its soft reflection. serene calm existed in that space between sky and sea. however, further down, creatures of fin and fang stirred. under the cover of dark, a serpent slithered. scales of sea-glass. milky skin. eyes like the ocean, cold and unforgiving. marlowe moved with a strength he'd not displayed in months. it had been only a few weeks since the return of divine ianthe, yet, in that short time, his power had been renewed. the merman was free to hunt, to lead, unflinchingly by her side.
his tail whipped impatiently as he circled the black waters in wait, when finally, patience taut, the target of his affairs tumbled onto his side of the chessboard. a rowboat's bow pierced the salty surface, followed by the hull and two feverish oars paddling with haste toward the grandiose pirate ship anchored less than half a mile from shore. marlowe shot forward with the swiftness of a harpoon. the muscles in his tail were tense with excitement.
however, marlowe had underestimated the strength of this single oarsman. the boat was nearly halfway between land and ship in the couple minutes it took him to reach its old, wooden underside. the creature wasted no more time. he spiraled downward into the deep; then, when not even arm's length from the sandy floor, he snapped his tail in one swift motion and flew back in direction of the stars. arms pinned to his side, marlowe rammed directly against the keel, sending the rowboat swaying dangerously. he threw himself against it again, but, lacking the momentum of his first assault, it still refused to capsize.
moving out from under the rocking rowboat, he slowly began to circle it with the virulence of a shark. rolling onto his back, a head of blonde curls emerged from the shaken waves, followed by a webbed hand curled against the capping's edge. " tsk tsk, someone's in such a hurry. won't you stay a while, my dear ? " he tugged with might and the boat rocked and rocked and rocked.
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amethysts-angel214 · 1 month
Did you know that Oh! Jesus was going to have 3 more episodes? Well, that's because those episodes were scrapped, while the other 3 still exist. I will resurface them from the dead.
Episode 4: "A Sad Prayer"
The setting is Hawaii. There is a fisherman's family. One day, the boat capsizes in a storm and the father goes missing. The mother is in despair, but the young child believes that "his father is holding on to the planks of the boat and is safe." The mother embraces her son and prays to God. "Oh, well, we can't give up yet. God, please let him live." Nora, hearing his prayer, casts a spell. The mother and son prayed to the sea every day from the top of the cliff. The villagers sympathize with them, saying, "Poor thing." Boron is impressed, but asks Nora. "Wow. You can pray like that to someone who is no longer with you. By the way, Nora, did you save your father? Where is he?"
When Nora went in the direction she pointed, Boron was surprised at the devastation. Sure enough, his father was floating in the sea, clinging to the plank of the ship, just as his son had wished. However, there were many sharks circling around him. The sharks had been prevented from approaching by Nora's magic, but in the middle of the sea, the father was frightened and calling for help. Boron: "What?! Is this helping him???" Boron instinctively used his storm magic to blow a gust of wind. The storm blew the father, still clinging to the plank, out to sea and he reached the shore. A muscular giant came and listened to his father's heartbeat. The giant was shocked at his father's cardiac arrest and began artificial respiration. Boron: "Now he can go home. How about it, Nora? I helped him." Nora applauds with a smile.
A villager runs into the mother and son's house. Villager: "Your husband was rescued in the next village!" The mother and son drive to the next village, where they see the father leaning on the shoulder of a giant. The two of them are wearing matching outfits and are making love. Perhaps the artificial respiration was wrong, but the father who was rescued had become romantically involved with the giant who had rescued him.
Something inside the mother snaps. The accelerator is pressed hard. The tires spin. Son: "Mom?" The car continues to hurt the giant and his father, crashing into them. The two are thrown like a chain reaction and pushed off a cliff into the sea. Boron is surprised.
The mother is out of breath in the car, then suddenly comes to her senses and turns to her son, smiling as she speaks. Mother: "Now, let's pray for Dad again." Son: "What?... Ah... O-okay." Mother and son pray from the top of a cliff, facing the sea. Son: "Please come back to me, Dad, who won't make Mommy angry." On the sea, a giant and his father are floating, crying out, "Help us!" Sharks are circling around them. Boron: "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 5: "Capitalist Society"
The setting is Japan. There is a businessman whose sales figures are not increasing. The product he sells is "Get in Shape with the Bible." It is a set of a DVD of dancing to gospel music and a Bible. However, the businessman who is not selling well makes a wish. "Oh, God, I want to increase my sales figures." Hearing these words, Nora casts a spell. Then, the leather shoes he is wearing turn into bright red magic shoes. The next moment, regardless of the businessman's will, the shoes control his feet and he runs into various houses. "Wow, that's exactly what I wanted! Healthy products for the mind and body!" The products sold one after another at the places he visited.
His sales performance at the company is growing, and a cute girl he likes has even turned her attention to him. The businessman is happy about this, but he has no time to spend the huge bonus he received, and is forced to work from morning to night, at the mercy of his red shoes. He can't take off those shoes even if he tries. The idea of ​​getting in shape with the Bible is spreading throughout society, and Boron doesn't find it funny. He doesn't find the spread of the Bible interesting, and he's also physically repulsed by the creepy dance. If you get hit on the right cheek, you put on the left cheek. Boron: "Eeek. I get a weird aura and it's creepy..."
Boron wants to stop this trend, but Nora is dancing next to him with her Walkman on. Boron is disheartened. Meanwhile, the businessman is overworked and wants to quit. But he can't quit because his performance is improving. In the dilemma of wanting to quit but being unable to, the businessman pretends to be cheerful but is getting more and more tired. After laughing hysterically and insanely, Ding... The red shoes fall off his skinny feet, who died from overwork. Boron: "Humans are stupid. What's the point of working yourself to death?" Everyone in the company is crying because the businessman died from overwork. His cute daughter is also crying because she's lost her love. Boron: "Isn't that right? People always realize they've lost something before they realize it. Well, it's fine. That strange trend has died down." At this point, the president shouts. President: "Oh, because this guy is dead, our company's performance will plummet!" The employees start crying even louder at the president's words. Boron: "Eh?"
The funeral of the businessman is being held. When the DVD is put into the player, "Trance Sutra" is displayed on the TV screen. On live TV, the announcer shouts, "Using the Bible to shape yourself is outdated. From now on, you'll lose weight with trans-sutras!" At the same time, the company president and employees begin dancing in front of the businessman's coffin. In a capitalist society, even the death of a businessman is used to advertise a product. His performance report jumps up again after he dies. Boron says, "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 6: "Possessed by the Devil"
The setting is England. A girl is writing a letter. "Please come home soon, Daddy. My new mommy is acting strange." Then her stepmother arrives. The stepmother picks up the letter, reads it, tears it up, and slaps the girl. The girl is in tears. The stepmother prays to heaven. "Oh, God, please let that child be possessed by the devil." Nora hears her prayer and casts a spell. Then Boron's body starts to move uncontrollably and enters the girl's body. The girl's voice changes to that of Boron. Girl (Boron): "Hey, stepmother. Don't think you can get away with doing this to me. You too, Nora!" The stepmother is shocked and calls the priest. The exorcism ritual begins.
Boron is trapped in the girl's body and feels cramped, so he goes wild. To the priest, he sees a possessed girl raging on her bed. The priest desperately shouts at Boron to get out, pouring holy water over him. Priest: "Go away! Filthy beast! Free the child from her suffering!" Behind him, the stepmother smiles. Girl (Boron): "Hey, look closely! Damn priest! This girl's suffering is your stepmother's fault! People are always hurting people! Don't blame the devil!" Furious, Boron uses magic to summon thunderclouds and cause a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes the garden and there is a power outage. The priest says, "This is the Great Demon King!" and runs away, but he does hand the bill over to the stepmother. The stepmother, annoyed, takes out a knife and stabs the girl, saying, "I'll kill the demon!" The pain makes Boron move away from the girl. Boron: "Oh no! That was close. I was almost killed." The knife was stuck in the girl's right shoulder. The stepmother tries to finish off the girl, who is writhing in pain.
The father returns. He opens the door and sees the stepmother about to stab his daughter to death in the midst of a flash of lightning. Father: "What are you doing?" Stepmother: "Oh, you. No, it's not that, this is because the girl is possessed by the demon." Girl: "Dad, help me!"
The next day, after the rain. The stepmother is handcuffed and taken away by a police car. Boron: "Really. That was quite a disturbing incident." The girl suddenly looked up at the sky and began speaking into the empty space. Girl: "Thank you, Devil. I heard everything you said." Boron's face went red, and Nora smiled. Boron: "Oh! Jesus! Don't thank the Devil!"
Welp! That was a blast reading those! Bye! Have a great time!
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vampiricsheep · 3 months
7 and 11 for Ollie and Quincy!
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7. If asked to list a few fun facts about themself, what would they say?
"I'm one hell of a sailor. Do you have any idea what it's like crossing the ocean on a boat built for 5 without a single passenger or crew member on board? Now imagine the stakes of capsizing includes withering from the saltwater and being torn to shreds by risen sharks."
11. Obligation or initiative, why do they do what they do? Is there something/someone specific that motivates them? (bonus: has their motivation changed over the years?)
Ollie takes initiative when an opportunity arises and they don't wait any longer than it takes to assess if it's a scam or a trap. Early bird gets the worm and all that. As for obligation...they don't make a lot of pledges in order to avoid that trap. Unless it threatens their professional reputation, if something sucks, they hit the bricks (or the waves, as it were).
Their past motivation was pretty much solely profit, and while switching to tours hasn't really raked in as much dough as trading secrets and artifacts, there's still a strong undercurrent of that need for money that's just as quickly spent on brief comforts.
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7. If asked to list a few fun facts about themself, what would they say?
"I suppose that depends on what you consider to qualify as a 'fun' fact. Would it amuse you to know the birds singing above you are only animate through my magic?"
11. Obligation or initiative, why do they do what they do? Is there something/someone specific that motivates them? (bonus: has their motivation changed over the years?)
He acts out of curiosity and where it favors comfort. He isn't one to take active initiative; instead of involving himself in situations, here prefers to lurk just out of sight to observe.
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roguexpogue · 6 days
@unitcd cont
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"Dude, you guys are all I got left too. We're always going to need a plan before we act. Unless we want to end up like our dads. Your's is gone, Sarah's is gone, mine is...he's remained to been seen. But, you know. He most likely capsized his boat drunk off his ass, and got eaten by sharks. Luke Maybank style."
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