#side note tf is this ship name
auroura101 · 1 year
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Just let it happen
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cozones-hellhole · 1 year
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weepinglilvessel · 9 months
-Based on a previous ask
If you're taking suggestions for other names for eclipse au iterators, i was thinking sliver of straw could be sliver of stars. Stars and constellations / etc tend to be very important to religions and their surrounding mythology which i think works well with slivers 'mysterious' vibe and also their lore as it is right now. (That we, the viewers know, anyway.)
Additionally, unparalleled innocence could easily be tied to the 'daytime' version of the sky (so the opposite of sliver of stars, since the stars only appear at night.) In the daytime, the skys got clouds and like poets singing its praises for being pure and clear or dark and stormy and 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺. Could also give innocence a wilder temper because of this?? Could also jab at their canon actions and repaint that in an interesting new way.
I also just did a quick google of the name ino, because innocence could be shortened to ino, and the name relates to both poseidon thalass, and galini. Thalass and galini represent sea and calmness respectively, which could further tie into either the sky and its wild ways. Poseidon is..poseidon.
It would follow the current theme of (character) vs (character), even if only by personality and not conflict between the two specifically. Though a conflict would be neat 👁
Also making sliver of straw sliver of stars would make her partners with Moon Moon considering yk,, moon and stars,,,,, which would also relate back to the mentor-ship between the two. The stars surround the moon, and are also far, 𝘧𝘢𝘳 older and more experienced than the moon could ever hope to be.
Also the visual idea of the stars falling and dying and leaving the moon alone in the night sky is so. So. Hfjdhshsgggz
-no sleep anon
Also im so sorry this is so LONG i just really like space themed things 👉👈 i dont know of sliver has a eclipse name yet but idk stars are neat. I dont know if i shouldve broken this into two or something so um, sorry if this really floods your ask box
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AHEM anyways,
To get this out of the way, I won’t be talking about UI in this post specifically just yet because I’m still working on how she will contribute to this Au more. BUT I will keep her idea in mind.
SLIVER ON THE OTHER HAND WOOO!! Sliver of Stars, I’m liking that quite a bit! I thought about her design and thought I would change it up just a little to match the name a bit. Of course her personality I gave her still stays, but I did adjust the colors.
A lot more purples and reds, cream colors and dark colors stayed, and sparkles of course. I was gonna make her more blue because of the dark blue night sky, but I also wanted to keep some of her reddish tones in like the original. So I went with a sunset/sunrise type thing, but dark enough that you can still see stars.
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Then we have the constellation. I was searching up a star constellation the was more on the mysterious side and found the scorpion one. It fit kinda well tbh. Blindfold with X stayed, but I did get rid of most of the X’s in the other design. I might add a few more back in but I’ll decide that much later.
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Now here is my little thinky process for Lunar Moon and Sliver:
Moon was like Pebbs at the time. Curious of her older iterators intentions/ways of thinking (this was during the time Moon was just built). Sliver taking note of this and allowed Moon to hang around her for quite some time, telling Moon things that she couldn’t comprehend at the time and giving advice if needed. Moon looked up to Sliver a lot and followed in almost every single step she took. That was until Sliver died unknowingly, leaving Moon with questions to be forever unanswered.
Spiraling into her even more aggressive attitude and snarky behavior as an unhealthy way of coping (you can thank another anon for this idea)
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How tf did I get here, this was about designing and I started rambling COUGH
Anyways, don’t worry about the ask being long, I don’t mind. Besides, this was a really cool idea and I appreciate it, so thank you❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎
(Wrote this at 2am we sleep deprived together XD)
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my-mt-heart · 7 months
I obviously haven’t been very stoked about a lot of choices this first season—the opposite if I’m being honest—but when I first listened to the radio scene, it felt like a reprieve from those feelings. Norman’s performance is perfect. I could sense his urgency to get a hold of Carol, and of course once he does, his tone melts into something much softer, something we know he reserves only for her. I appreciate the long pauses he takes to study her voice. He hears something in her words that we don’t (🤨). He worries that maybe she’s not really okay.
Carol’s line “you never need to worry about me, Daryl” makes me think back to her “I love you too” in the series finale, or more specifically the weightlessness of it. Melissa said it was Carol’s way of taking care of Daryl. She wanted to make it easier for him to leave, and at first, I wondered if this time was supposed to represent more of the same. We understand why Daryl sounds excited because we have the privilege of reading his body language. Maybe when Carol hears it, she thinks he’s enjoying himself out there. Maybe she's reluctant to admit how much she misses him because she doesn't want to take him away from where he really belongs.
Here’s where I’m struggling though. Theoretically, Melissa would’ve had Norman’s footage to play off of while she recorded her side of the conversation. That's how it's typically done. We know both of them always play off each other brilliantly. We’ve seen it countless times. It’s why their chemistry works. It’s why we ship them. But in this scene, I'm not getting any of that. There’s no emotion behind the words, none of Melissa's nuances, and the more I listen to it, the more I realize it isn’t Melissa’s voice at all. It really pains me to say it, but it sounds like AI.
If that’s true, then you'll have to be patient with me while I take the time to fully process my feelings about it. After everything—booting Melissa from the show in the first place and then gaslighting her fans about it—AMC wants to use a copout loophole in Melissa's contract (what many actors have had in their contracts hence the need for a strike) to jeopardize Melissa's integrity, deny everybody what they've had to wait a long time for, Melissa, and cheapen what could've been the most impactful scene of the season? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s just lazy, manipulative, disrespectful, and infuriating.
I was really excited to analyze a new Caryl scene today. Believe it or not, I don't want to keep hating on the show. I want to enjoy my two favorite characters, but as others have said, I’m tired of bending over backwards to arrive at some—any—hopeful conclusion about Caryl’s future. It’s hard enough when the writing is as inconsistent as it has been, but now AI is involved? No one should have to exert energy on analyzing a performance that doesn't exist. It's a poor reflection of Melissa's talent and a huge disservice to Caryl's story. I'm heartbroken.
Good to see her trending though. She deserves all the love she's getting today.
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On another note, because I don't want to make a separate post about it, I also watched the scene where Daryl gets mad at Laurent. **TRIGGER WARNING*** As someone who grew up in a very "loud" household and experienced PTSD from it, I wasn't put off by the anger. I understand Daryl wants to go home, and the kid ruined what seemed like his only chance. It's the name-calling and Daryl putting his hands on Laurent that specifically crossed the line for me. The show is clearly trying to force Daryl to draw comparisons between him and his dad, but this feels like something Daryl has already worked through on the flagship show. The moment he saw Carol flinch on the farm, he knew he wanted to be different. Carol and TF helped him be different. He is different. He doesn't need to prove that to himself or anyone else anymore. Enough of the character regressions.
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 6 months
Occasionally Asked Questions (updated when necessary)
Q. Can I use this idea?
A. Yes, you can use the bad tf fic ideas if you want! (If I have a fic idea I want to write and feel jealous about I will simply not post it to the bad tf fic ideas blog.)
Q. How do I credit you?
A. If you use one of the bad tf fic ideas and you choose to credit this account, then you can just write 'inspired by ...' in your author's note and link to the post. This is not mandatory.
Q. What do I do if I think something you posted is bad? Or what if it makes me feel bad?
A. This account is pretty agnostic about ships and characters. It occasionally contains NSFW written content. It contains all sorts of themes, including ones that may make you feel bad. And I don't delete ideas for being bad (see blog title for details). You can block the blog and you won't see it in your followed tags, though, which should take care of most of these concerns.
Q. Why did you block (or soft block) my blog?
A. Many possibilities! Really strong chance it's not personal. The most common one is that I often block blogs that appear to belong to people who are still in highschool or that have these "do not interact," policies that contain a) vague criteria that might or might not include this side blog (like if they say "basic DNI criteria," or "etc.," or something), or b) specific criteria that definitely does include this side blog.
Also, if you are rude to me, I will block you.
Q. Do you accept submissions?
A. No. This is just my little side blog where I queue up fic ideas. I don't have any intention of it becoming a submissions blog.
Q. How often do you post fic ideas?
A. One a day. This is the challenge I've set and I don't currently see it changing. Maybe I'll stop after a year?
A. 'tf-fic-ideas-of-variable-quality' may be more accurate but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
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ol1verdrawsyt · 1 year
What r things you like about the dsaf community, and things you don’t like about it? Just curious to hear some thoughts! :D
Oh boy, I have a lot to say abt this one. I'm just gonna preface this by saying, I have a very special place in my heart for dsaf. Idk where I would be today if I hasn't have found that trilogy. With that being said, I'll start with the good.
Tw: opinions 😱😱
For starters, its a very welcoming community. Because a good majority of the community is queer, it makes it a safe space. In my experience, it was the first time I felt open and comfortable being myself inside of a Fandom.
It's also a very talented community. Like holy hell, have you seen those amazing Henry fanarts with him in the void? They're fucking epic!
Finally, the DSaF community is pretty sweet to new artists. I remember when I was in the piggy Fandom, they were brutal man. I got bullied constantly for my art and was pretty close to quitting for a while. In DSaF though, I just simply received constructive criticism and people helping me rather than shaming me.
Now onto the not so great
First, the ships that shouldn't really be normalized. Steven x Peter is probably a big one. Peter had a wife, Steven was a horrible boss and sent Peter to the factory knowing what would happen to him, and that he had a family (we know from Peter and Jimbo that you can refuse to do that. In the slightly evil ending, Peter refuses to send Jimbo to the factory) and also they canonically hate eachother. Also the horrible power imbalance? Like, idc what your excuse is, shipping boss x employee is just wrong.
And yet, this is like the 2nd most popular ship in the Fandom. I'm not done with it either cuz the people who ship Steven and Peter lead into my next point.
Being toxic towards straight ships. I'm gonna preface this before anybody gets mad by saying, I am a trans and queer man, I can have an opinion on this.
So Peterline is not a very popular ship despite it being cannon. Caroline is Peter's wife, and you see her at the end of the perfect ending. I've been bullied before (mainly on tiktok) for shipping this. I've had someone just go off on me because I'm "taking away gay rep and that Peter is canonically a gay man." Like, tf?? Also, side note: he isn't. Dogman confirmed the characters sexualities and Peter is "probably straight." Not to mention he had a wife that he chose and married himself, not a manufactured one like with Steven. But back to my point. Peterline is overshadowed by all of the Steven x Peter shippers because it's EVERYWHERE. I don't even know why it's a ship in all honesty. But heaven forbid you don't ship it and ship Peter and his WIFE.
You thought that was the worst of it? Wrong. We go away from the side that's mainly queer/allies and go to the homophobic side. Yep. There are homophobic/transphobic DSaF fans despite a good majority of the main cast being queer. Luckily, they don't really show their faces anywhere near the queer fans, so we're all set. I have seen them comment on davesport posts before though complaining. Speaking of davesport:
Davesport has completely taken over the Fandom. I love davesport as much as the next person, but if you truly love something, you have to admit the flaws. First, the weird kinda fetishism of it? I won't name names **cough cough daystars cough cough**, but there are artists who draw this ship and intentionally make the characters look like teenage boys and not old zombie men. Plus, people kinda romanticizing / glorifying the fact that Dave stalked and had an unhealthy obsession with Jack. That isn't cute and romantic that "he loves him so much that he broke into Jack's house on multiple occasions and watched him sleep 🥺🥺🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️" (genuine comment I saw btw, minus the emojis cuz I wanna make sure people know it's satire what I'm saying). Plus, people are bullied for shipping anything other than Davesport. I can understand if it's a proship (I'll get into those fuckewads later), but someone shipping anything other than davesport will get you witchhunted in this community. I know I said I don't like boss x employee, but I don't hate someone if they ship something like Harry x Jack or something. There are people genuinely scared of showing that they ship that because of the hard-core davesport fans. Final note on this point, it's the only DSaF content being made. I want more Blackjack and og managers art pls I beg of you I want more art of the og managers. But instead, it's just davesport again. It gets to a point where I'm kinda tired of it.
Next point: people babying characters. Now, I won't name names **cough cough daystars again cough cough** but there are very popular artists who get away with this. The biggest ones I can think of are Peter, Roger, and Jack. Here's why I think this happens:
Jack: Because he's shown to have a soft side. It's mainly seen in DSaF 3 on the flipside with him gently talking to the other souls and telling them that it's gonna be ok and he'll help them find justice and peace. Also, he is somewhat civil to Dave at the start of a few routes so probably from the fucking davesport shippers again.
Roger: Because he's hinted at to have an anxiety disorder. Hey there! Person with a diagnosed anxiety disorder here. DON'T FUCKING BABY US! Like, just because you have an AD doesn't mean you need 24/7 protection and babying because "what if you get scared 🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔". People with ADs can do amazing things despite it. And Roger is no exception. In the evil ending, he goes off at Jack about everything he's done and doesn't break a sweat. He's probably the strongest out of the 3 phone guys because he's the first person (other than Peter) to stand up to Jack when he's doing something wrong.
Peter: Same as Jack, he's shown to have a soft side. Mainly when talking about how he remembers his wife and family, and invites Jack to live with him and Caroline despite (to his knowledge) he's only known Jack about a week. But like with Roger, he puts his foot down when needed. In the evil routes, Peter takes Jack back to his office and just let's him have it. He goes off about the fucked up shit Jack has done and even throws in some amazing lines like
"That's Mr.Cawthon to you, employee. We certainly aren't friends."
"Employee, let me tell you something. I am a VERY good boss."
"It takes the truth to fool me, or close to it. And you've played me for a goddamned fool."
But of course, with this community, that entire badass scene with Peter and Jack is overshadowed by him being "uwu smol bottom gay boy"
I mentioned them earlier, so here it goes: the proshippers. They're everywhere. Some of the biggest dsaf artists **cough cough fucking daystars again cough cough** are proshippers. It's mainly a problem on tiktok. I've seen people ship: Peter x Dave, Dave x Henry, Steven x Henry, Jack x Peter, Henry x Dee, Henry x Jack, Dee x Jack, Jack x Dee x Peter x Dave. It's honestly disgusting, and I really don't wanna talk abt it anymore.
Next, people drawing Henry skinny. This one pisses me off a lot. People draw Henry as a skinny little bottom boy and not the fat old man he is. There's a lot of people guilty of this. **cough you probably know who I'm abt to say cough cough**. Some people try at least. For example, I tried sticking with my roblox-like bodies and giving Henry a very big torso. Later on, I finally learned how to draw plus sized bodies, and so now that I can, I immediately implemented it. Some people just don't even try.
Finally, people mad at dogman for moving on from the series. I shit you not. I came across people complaining about this just last night. Here's the thing: DSaF has a lot of problematic stuff in it. Nobody can deny that. Dogman has apologized for it on many occasions and doesn't want that to represent his work now. He moved on to Dialtown, where he can now get paid for his hard work and pay his team. But because he isn't talking abt DSaF anymore, people refuse to even look at Dialtown. It's just kinda...childish in my opinion? It'd be a different story if you just simply didn't enjoy Dialtown. Like that's fine and understandable, the game isn't for everyone. But really? Just because the creator moved on from his problematic past and made something original, you want nothing to do with him. That's just stupid.
Alr ty for coming to my Ted talk. If someone wants it I'll do one of these with Dialtown (there isn't much bad, it'll just be me ranting abt how much I love Dialtown)
Btw don't harass anyone I mentioned here if I did mention them. It doesn't solve anything, and you just look like and asshole.
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ladykailolu · 10 months
I wanna talk more about Blondie
I feel like she and Mela would get along, they’re both total queens and Blondie also likes to dance, she also loves hot chocolate, ballet, flute music, smooth jazz and classical music, fashion* and fashion design, and afternoon tea parties
*she’d get criticized at her job because instead of wearing a police uniform she’d just walk around in her designer clothes with her badge in her coat or something
(once her name starts to really get out there, she gets quite wealthy, and she usually spends it on clothes or charity stuff, as she does believe in reformative programs preventing crime)
I can see her hanging out with the gang including Godot, cause like, one of them copes with his trauma and sadness by being cryptic and bitter, while she deals with her trauma and sadness by being a little silly
Black Coffee guy and hot chocolate with rainbow sprinkles lady
Home girl and coffee boy are both working in the prosecutor’s office late and as a kind gesture, she makes him a cup of extra dark hot chocolate, cause she thinks he’d like it [she doesn’t know how to make coffee cause she doesn’t drink it, as she’s an insomniac]
“Just something to help get through the night from one late shifter to another”
but I actually ship her with Franziska,
Cause it’s like the sun lesbian* + moon lesbian (*bisexual but whatever)
U know opposites attract
Franziska is this uptight, formal, thin and sharp young woman, who’s secretly cute
Blondie is this bubbly, soft and curvy, quirky slightly older** lady, who’s secretly a badass
** she’s like in her early to mid 30s
And both have near perfect records
Blondie can be Franziska’s pet detective (like got Gumgum is to Edgybaby)
Nah but really they’d be an interesting crime fighting duo, and make great gfs
They both classy hoes (hoes in an endearing way)
What do u think?
I was immediately picturing Blondie making a dirty chai latte or dirty hot chocolate for Godot in that there's coffee in it and she tries to make it dark and bitter to his tasting. And she might even bake him bagels with cream cheese to go with the coffee (or maybe that's just me projecting lol)
She sounds like the generous person who brings in sweets and the like to be enjoyed by the whole detective team, and Gumshoe is just taken by those gestures and has to stop himself from eating the whole thing.
Despite being a dark and bitter cryptid, Godot finds himself smiling more when Blondie's around. The coffee she makes is....well, there's always room for improvement 😊
God just imagine Blondie and Mela getting together over tea and confections, and Mela starts explaining about all the silly, shameful things one of her cousins has been up to. She spills the beans of Gyro's failed love affairs and the mess he's made of them, and Blondie has to stop herself from laughing or she'll get the hiccups. They just roast tf outta him and it is glorious lol!
But how does Blondie react upon seeing Gyro's little bastard girls? I feel like Sadie-Mae might like her. Maggie would like her because she seems fun and nice (much, much nicer than her father, that's for sure), and Paxe is a bit disinterested. As a side note, give Paxe a whip and she'd become a little Frannie lol
I was imagining that Mela would purposefully kick out Caesar and Gyro from the house for a day so she could host a little girls-only get together with Gyro's daughters, her gf Jodie and Blondie. There, Mela dances with Blondie and teaches her this Spanish dance she recently learned. And Blondie makes hot chocolate for the kids.
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dionysus2xborn · 1 year
Who is that fancast for Henry Winter? I’m literally obsessed
AHAHAHAHA! ME TF TOOOO FREN!!!!! I'm so sorry i thought i put the name, i'll go add it rn! He's Sergei Goroshko, a Russian actor and i'm obsessed with him since the first (and atm, only) thing i watched him in Major Grom: Plague Doctor. He plays a character named Sergei Razumovsky and is ungodly howt! If you like gingers and or severely traumatized and then spiraling sorts of "villian" characters. But, yeahhh.. i'm obsessed tbhhhh. Like wow. just... wow. I must read this comic ASAP. Also watch all his other stuff. As well as the actor i out for Francis, he's got two things he crossdressed in and im just like mhmmm... i must watch this for science as soon as possible. Sorry this is just an appreciation post at this point... actually im not at all sorry about it. LOOK AT HIM!!!!!
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heres (queer ship) lil peak from the movie: https://www.tumblr.com/dark-wackademia/715034328692850688/um-ima-just-leave-this-here-for-anyone-whos?source=share
lol enjoyyyy. glad you liked my fancast for him! <3 i thought he'd slay as Henry and now im gonna be disappointed if ever they make it and he's not him tbhhhh
(side note, he has developed vitiligo and i think he looks gorgeous and we should all appreciate him more. tbh, in this house at least..)
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also bonus pic of him being chaotic because i for one am obsessed with the structure of everything on him aidnakhfeqnkfeh built by the gods ass, fine ass, perfect ass prince that he is. GOSH!
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emeraldvsociety · 1 year
Intro Post!(?)
I caved and made a tumblr 😏 Hey y’all 😏 Welcome to my braindump.
Quick intro:
Pronouns: she/her
Name: Em(?)
90% of what I post on here is probably going to resemble shit-posting because I’m going to be honest—I take myself way too seriously on social media and it’s nice to just let my inner thoughts go crazy. I’m going to post on here like it’s my finsta (minus the thirst traps) (Maybe). I will also probably rarely post on here because idk I don’t know how Tumblr works quite yet, and I don’t want to make a fool out of myself.
Okay if you’re going to read any of these dumb notes read THIS ONE: I am VERY passionate about Domestic Violence Awareness because (spoiler alert) I nearly lost my life to domestic violence (the spoiler is that I lived). As such, I am heavily involved in the DVA community. I meet a lot of people with similar and slightly different stories to my own, and I’ve been exposed to and know plenty about abusive dynamics. My point is, I am not comfortable writing/reading certain relationship dynamics because it makes me uncomfy. I’m more sensitive than most to this type of stuff so please respect that I will not write and actively avoid anything involving ANYTHING that might be seen as a slippery slope toward abuse.
Now, I know fiction is fiction and all that jazz so that being said: I don’t hate it if anyone ships something in the grey area. That’s totally fine! Literally, I do not care. Just please do not ask me to WRITE anything involving boss/employee, teacher/student, officer/subordinate, abuser/victim, huge age gaps, etc. I will actively avoid content like this, and I CAN NOT write it (unless there’s clear commentary that it’s BAD). This doesn’t mean that I can’t interact with people do create it either. If you want to know the specifics of my boundaries feel free to ask. If I could do anything in this world, it would be to purge it of the violence I faced. I can’t do that, but I can put out a creative form that emphasizes that love should never hurt. Minors please DNI. A minor does not need to be interacting with a junior in college working on grad school apps fr.
Requests are welcome! Especially for Dad Harwin and Strong Babies ficlets! However, I will say that I only write one longfic per year and that honor goes to Man on the Moon (and its brewing sequel) so just keep that in mind.
I actively avoided getting into fandoms because… listen y’all… I have been a Star Wars super fan since I was three. I wrote my first SW fanfic when I was like seven (I still have it—I honestly might post it because it’s adorable). My point is though, I KNOW how toxic the SW fandom is, so please do not bring that around me. It just sucks the joy out of me. So if I seem hesitant to engage in the community that is why.
HOWEVER, if you are Team Green, you are more than welcome to spew fictional politics on my posts. It’s part of the reason I love the HOTD fandom. It’s so immersive lmfao. But! I am allowed to attack your fictional politics back. I am literally here to spread Team Black Propaganda!
Something I will not tolerate is ANY FORM OF MISOGYNY. As a lover of women, it is my sworn duty, m’kay? Please respect women. This means ANY type of misogyny. This also applies to biphobia or anything I deem as anti-lesbian.
I am bipolar (2) and my hypomanic episodes really drive my writing up. So if you’re ever like “wow how tf did EmeraldTeller86 manage to write 10k worth of nsfw material” it’s likely because of my hypomania. Anyway! I am medicated and managed so please do not worry. The only side effect of my (hypo)mania is overly wordy pieces. It’s my outlet ig.
I haven’t been writing NSFW pieces for that long so if you’re like “wow this is cringe” y’know I probably somewhat agree. But I’m allowed to be cringe as long as it’s not on the main. Just let me have fun, dammit! I have to be the standard of beauty on the main and live up to impossible expectations so let me be cringe here!
I am a trust fund baby. And while I say that in a “haha you can make fun of me for being a spoiled brat” way, I also want to acknowledge my privilege and just let y’all know that if I do ever say something insensitive let me know! I am a person (despite layers of internet screens and manic tendencies) with empathy. I never want my existence or anything I put into existence to cause harm.
The Slayyter Remix of “Gimme More” describes my life pretty well tbh.
I am mostly in CST, but I'm occasionally in CEST / GMT + 1, and rarely in HKT / UTC + 8.
I’m in my prescribed flop era rn. In active recovery tho. Kind of.
I love to read! So if you want to send me anything please feel free!
If you know my real name please don’t reveal it 🥴 I don’t want Society to win!
I’m thinking about posting weekly updates (just of life ig? Song of the week, book I’m currently reading, how my writing is going, etc).
Once again, I do not know how Tumblr works so please be patient as I learn the etiquette around these parts.
I'll pin this later if need be. Ig
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dxn0 · 2 years
Joker gets Rejected (why tf did I write this)
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Before Reading: This is solely a crackfic and nothing else so don’t take any of this seriously. My friend is also writing this with me so I’ll link their tumblr at the end. Also, I don’t ship Joker x Female Dancer. Have fun reading this and happy birthday you fucking clown.
Somewhere inside of a manor was a clown performing clown stuff. The clown prepares a few rockets before playing the manor’s games. He can’t wait to bash a bunch of adults around. While focusing on his task, he hears a feminine voice in the background. He turns around to see who this mysterious person is, lo and behold it’s a familiar face. Her black hair was encased under something that looks like a shower cap but for dancing. The outfit she was wearing was of a pink one piece dress that looks like a damn bathing suit. He knew exactly who she was because no one would wear that unless they’re from the circus.
“Natalie, is that you?”
The woman whips around. “Huh? How do you one of my names that I used to hide my identitty cause I’m a bitch?” Side note: I don’t think she’s a bitch but fuck it. Side note from dumbass: I made her a bitch.
“Wait what?” Another woman was talking to her before his confrontation. 
“Oh my god, Natalie I missed you. I’m the Weeping Clown from the circus :D.”
Natalie or I guess Margaretha or Natasha changes the tone of her voice and says,“Ew, you ain’t Weeping Clown. Tf you talking about. He ain’t buff, he a scrawny mf. Didn’t Weeping Clown get abducted by a spider thingy?”
“I was turned into a hunter when I got caught. Please I miss you, Sergie was a whore and messed up my face PLEASE wAHHHHHH.”
“No get away from me you over stuffed, body builder, clown ass bitch. Ain’t I or anyone else would believe this weird ass bullshit that came out of your wide ass mouth.” 
“Oh don’t you come after me! You don’t look like my hoe in those years, again he a scrawny mf and died from a whole ass spider. Like honestly, what a loser.
Everyone else from the Hullabaloo was watching from afar and were asking all of the four wh’s. The what, why, when, and who. Joker was busy tearfully begging Margaretha that it’s him, so he couldn’t see the other hunters of the manor take some photos of him to blackmail. Margaretha continued to deny such a thought and books it. Haha get rejected L loser lmfao fuck clowns hoe ass bitch. anyway my bestie’s tumblr <33: https://mara-dumbass.tumblr.com/
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Ok, so normally, I would say this on tiktok, but I feel like this is a better place to say it.
I don't care what you ship. I Ship Soundwave and Thunderhowl sometimes. I am literally the inventor of Jazz x Wild Wheel.It's not the end of the world for you if someone else ships something you don't like. Also, at one point in time,*cough* 2021*Cough*I shipped the two most hated ships(on tiktok, anyway)known to man. I do not ship those ships anymore and rarely refer to them by name, BUT. It's an important thing to note about me because it's the reason I feel people in the TF Fandom should feel free and safe, to ship who they want to ship on all Platforms.
I've noticed On tiktok,especially, but also Twitter before I Uninstalled it, how much people were getting Attacked for a ship. I went along with the other people, so people didn't think I was supporting that person, when in reality, I didn't give a shit. I could care less. As long as it's not a child and an adult, or smth like that, I didn't care.
Like Soundhowl, to me, is okay because they are technically both Adults.
And don't even get.me.Started.on the fact that someone was so damn pissed that I was a Megaop shipper, THAT THEY PERSONALLY WENT ALL THE WAY TO FUCKING MESSAGE ME, ON TIKTOK, ASKING IF I "WAS BRAINDEAD FOR SHIPPING MEGAOP" bro is the reason my Messages are turned off on tiktok. If you follow my tiktok and you want to ask me something, send an ask or dm me on here. I'll answer it then.
But yeah, the fact this fandom is damn cruel towards shipping.. EXCEPT ON HERE. You guys are literally the best on here. Also, some of my Tiktok mutuals are also on here too.
But every fandom has its bad sides. Just let people ship what they want to ship and everything will be fine.
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zonenahas · 2 years
Best usb to hdmi adapter for mac sierra
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27mm PPĢ x HDMI, 1 Mini DisplayPort, 1 DisplayPort 1.2, 1 DisplayPort out, 1 audio, 5 x USB 3 Downstream, 1 x USB 3. Buy usb to hdmi adapter usb 3.0 to hdmi converter 1080p hd display audio video converter for windows 7 8 10 computer only not support mac/linux/vista with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. HDMI, USB 3.1 Type A X 3, USB Type B, USB 3.1 Type C, Kensigton Lock, DisplayPort Out, Headphone jack, Mini DisplayPort In, DisplayPort InĢ7", IPS, sRGB 99%, 10 bit (8bit + A-FRC). USB-C, Stereo speakers, 3 downstream USB-C, HDCP 1.4/2.2, ambient light sensorĢ7", IPS, 2560 x 1440, 1000:1 contrast, WLED, 350 nits, 16:9, 14MS GTG, anti-glare hard coating 3H, Delta E
Auvio usb to hdmi adapter driver Driver File Name: auvio-usb-to-hdmi-adapter-driver.exe Driver Upload Date: 10 February 2020 Last Driver Version: 1.4.7 Driver File. Here you can find auvio usb to hdmi adapter driver.
This adapter allows you to expand multiple displays at the same time, Simultaneously output audio and video to HDTV, projector, slide projector and other devices.Ĭonnects a USB-enabled devices (such as laptop, desktop) to a HDMI-enabled devices( such as monitor, projector, TV). Anonymous Auvio usb to hdmi adapter with a macbook pro There are a number of different ways to achieve that connection. The HDMI port can output 4K footage at 30Hz, and lowered. Extend or mirror your workstation to another screen. Its 4 USB-A ports can connect to mice, keyboards, HDDs, or SSDs, and the USB C port can pass 60W of power through to your MacBook. Supports resolution up to (1080P) over USB 3.0. USB 3.0 to HDMI Cable, Bukeer USB Male to HDMI Male Charger Cable Splitter Adapter - 1.5M 【NOTE】ONLY FROM USB-TO-HDMI Displays (TV/monitors).You can also to download the latest driver from the link we provide.
To help you find the perfect USB to HDMI Adapter among a wide variety of options, we constantly update our collection with new and trending models.
【Install Driver】For first time to use, you need to install the driver. In this article, we’ve put together a collection of the best USB to HDMI Adapters that are currently available on the market.
Extend or mirror your workstation to another screen. My display is a sharp 1080p TV with an HDMI connection, High Sierra and a MacBook Air. At first, I have the Anker 5-in-1 USB C Adapter, and it is one of the most affordable yet best USB C Hub that you can try out. Supports resolution up to (1080P) over USB 3.0. Using a HDMI-DVI adapter or a USB-C to DVI adapter and connecting. from the device, then reconnect power (if needed) then the USB cable. It can link up your USB-C and HDMI 2.0 gadgets with 4k resolutions at 30Hz, with ports also on the side for an SD card, TF memory card, and two USB-A 3.0 connections.
【Premium Quality & High Performance】Built in with premium quality chip for stable performance and long life. Choose About this Mac from the Apple menu on the top left corner of your main.
Not support other device with usb 3.0 port like PS3/PS4, Xbox, Chromebook, Roku, etc.
【USB to HDMI adapter cable】Connects a USB-enabled devices (such as laptop, desktop) to a HDMI-enabled devices( such as monitor, projector, TV).
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0 notes
anonymous-eggy · 2 years
- imagine how weirded out his crew would be at your presence. I mean sure they've had royalty on board but only ever to get them somewhere on rare occasions. But you????????? You're???? You're gunna be helping around????? Okay now you're helping in securing the sails? Okay cool...wait nO CAREFUL HEY WATCH OUT ITS CROWDED????? heY HEY HEY WHY DID CAPTAIN JUST PULL A DAGGER ON YOU TF????? NO NO NO YOURE GUNNA FALL OFF DECK-
So basically they're all baby sitting you 24/7 now. They're so scared of you getting hurt because you're not used to being aboard such a huge ship plus they're not ready to see that side of the captain
- hiding fruits!!!!!!!! In all you're things!!!!!!!!!! You gotta eat bb!!!!!!!!!
- lipstick marks on government documents? Only for you <333
-basically becomes your anger translator
- LOVES LOVES LOVEESSS to kidnap you in the middle of events just to sit in peace for a few minutes with her lover,,,so cute,,,
- I feel like even as children she'd do this alot? Like just randomly come to kidnap you in the middle of the night?
I feel like once you and Theo got together again it might be a little hectic at first??? Cause now you're both taking care of your kingdoms so it takes a little getting used to but if he ever has to leave for somewhere before you wake up he'd feel sooooooo guilty. Imagine him leaving you notes n random places on days you don't get to see him?????? Like
-you looked so stunning on the palace ground today, I hope you'll let me see that beautiful smile at dinner tonight at 7?
-you looked a little worn out after today's meetings. Would you like to meet at the balcony for a few refreshments?
Like even after you're official he'd be so polite <3
About Sawyer????? I genuinely thought his character was so hot and had so much potential to be simp worth but I feel some ways the writers kinda fd this up would be
-made his character revolving on mc and him falling in love at first sight doesn't really suit him?? Like I get it he's a li but still that quick???
-didnt really think of lesbian players when they made him tbh-
-he had way more screentime that the other li????for what???????even if she shows up a bit later there's so many paid choices for him but not her???????????????
Not to mention how unfairly they treated tess's route
Okay this ask is already way too long so byE
-dumb bitch anon
i bet they definitely teased him (respectfully), but were thankful for the change of heart.
and then suddenly you come along and they see a whole new side of caring from him. suddenly, they get to see what he's like when he doesn't keep someone an arms length away. 😭
which would only increase how much the crew respects and doesnt understand you.
first of all, theyre used to royalty being snobby or at least indifferent towards them. and yet here you are, a whole ass ruler of a realm that fought dark magic, politely asking a crewmember what their name is and how to tie a certain knot and listening incredibly intently.
second of all, it took you... like less than three days to kool-aid man burst through the walls he had built up since childhood. and some of the older crew had been trying to do that for years. JUST WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU HUH. HOW.
everything about you just goes against prior experiences and encounters and confuses the heck out of them 💀
they would do literally anything to protect you. they adore you. it rained the other night? you get a bunch of "be very careful, your highness! the deck is slippery!" and if you do slip, Rian and any crew members around are leaping to balance you. like how a parent catches a baby before it can fall 💀
not because they think you cant take care of yourself! they just really really like you and don't want you to get hurt.
"i believe strongly that discussing this matter would not be the best use of our time at the moment"
"they mean 'stop wasting my fucking time and lets get this shit done bc IM TIRED OF THE BS'"
imagine if she writes lil notes with them sometimes like "noticed you didn't have time for breakfast, take this to go, my love <3" UGH 💕💕💕💕
HE'D SO FIND WAYS TO STILL SPEND TIME WITH YOU. and... as much as Maeve doesn't like him, she loves you which means she really wants you to be happy, so i could see her taking care of things for you so you can hang out with Theo and spend time with him 😭
good lord dont get me started on Sawyer. honestly, his character is just... incredibly flat and his personality is one that makes me uncomfortable 💀 he just acts like the type of dude that would commit microaggressions and make terrible jokes and then tell you that you're overreacting when you call it out. WHICH IS LITERALLY BECAUSE THEY WERE SO LAZY WITH HIS WRITING. HE RLLY DID HAVE POTENTIAL 💀 i will admit, he would have been better received if Tess had gotten a proper route, but the way he's shoved onto the mc makes me really uncomfortable bc NOT EVERYONE WHO PLAYS LIKES MEN OR IS EVEN ATTRACTED TO SAWYER!
the writer for roadkill was very lazy with his and Tess's characters and it upsets me so much 💀
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
Something Positive on the Wild Kratts fandom [for once]
Ok so I've bitched about how this fandom is basically PBS Kids' equivalent of hell... half of my social media accounts involved tearing it a new one... however there is a positive side to everything, including this, as in...
It is creative as FUCK.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've seen some actual amazing stuff done by fans of the show. The biggest examples I'll present are some fan-fics I've read as a kid.
Because here's the thing. When I was a kid, I had no understanding of the line between fan-fiction and what the fanfiction was based on. I would just read a WK fan-fic and think it was an actual episode. I didn't learn until 4 years ago that Power of Nature and Element Charge were fan-fics and not an actual series that somehow flew over my head.
Wild Kratts, as a show, manages to educate viewers about many animals, whilst involving insight into its own story. The fanfictions based on the show do that, only with more creativity because it's many different people making concepts that they enjoy. That's what fanfiction is and will always be and as much as there will always be the shitty ones, I definitely think the better ones deserve the praise they get.
And something funny I find is that some of the fanfictions educated me about animals more than the show did. For example, I read a fanfiction where the Wild Kratts adventured with electric-eels and in that story, I learned what the 3 organs of an electric-eel were as well as the fact that they were fish, not eels. Yeah, where tf was that in the show?? LMFAO.
And I've already mentioned Toodles and Salutations, but it still baffles me how an entire fandom can give two characters such backstory and character based on a one-off scene from the first season. Like, holy fuck I'm impressed. And I could name many more examples, but I don't have the time to. Nevertheless, that does not defeat my point.
THIS is what we need more of. More people using their creativity and making content that can actually entertain people, explore ideas of the show, add their own unique ideas or preferences [ones that are NOT offensive or disgusting], improve some of the show's problems, or even work to educate people about animals that the brothers are yet to adventure with. Any of those and so much more. We need THAT.
We do NOT need the K*cest artists who post that shit publicly to Pinterest and Google. We do NOT need the K*cest writers who rip-off the likes of Catradora or some other gay/popular ship and slap it onto the Kratts as an attempt to look "reVoLuTioNaRy" and "unique." We do NOT need the white supremacists that are to this day, still bitching about Koki's recast. We do NOT need the zoophiles that have been plaguing A03 for the past 5 years, (like seriously, why the fuck are you in a fandom filled with people who love animals, you're just signing your death warrant by being here). WE DO NOT NEED THAT TYPE OF ENERGY IN THIS FANDOM OR ANYWHERE.
Does this count as a rant about the fandom? Yes: Did I go back to bitching about this fandom's problems? Yes. But it should still be noted that we need more of the actual good content in this fandom. So this is both a rant about the bad things in this fandom, and the good things in this fandom we need more of.
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dedepiggy · 2 years
I watched 908, and I don't know what to make out of it.
Desclaimer: my personal opinion carries not weight what so ever.
In general, it goes back to the S9 rhythm. The Blacklister is average interesting and. average evil (seriously, local politicians are way worse). I am surprised this one is of any worth on the list.
On a side note, illegal doping in its core is a game of pharmaceutical science among development countries, namely US, Russia, Germany, etc. The real question is who gets caught and who doesn't.
Going back to the Blacklist itself.
I honestly can not remember any of the Blacklister from this season if I don't rewatch, but if they don't stick, why bother a second time.
Cooper is still struggling with his blackmail, and now got second dead body on his hand. Meanwhile he still clocks in, barks orders, and leads the TF. Hands down good old Coop is the most efficient person on this show. Since his arch is dragging this far, I wonder if the person behind all this is No.2 on the Blacklist.
Aram: tech genius but not a field genius, left his victim to the perpetrator. Oops 😬. Didn't he say that someone swallowed a flash drive 5 min before her death and the flash drive ended in her intestine? It's impressively gruesome, but not true. If he only knows how fast is peristalsis.
Dembe got blamed for Liz's death for showing her Red's letter. So Liz died knowing. That gave me some closure at least, but obviously not to Red, yet he can't kill Dembe. Red's black aura finally scared the shit out of Mierce, who is all about eat piece love. So she is gone and who is Red going to blame this round? The silver lining is that his bed won't be too crowded in the near future.
Park/Ressler. I don't like them as partners and I don't ship them. I just can't not warm up to their interactions. Whenever these two have a conversation, it's either weird (the peegate), or condisending (Park's lectures). And why on earth Ressler has to cuff himself to the desk to detox? Have opiates impaired his intelligence? (Blame hypoxia) Poor fella can never get a break.
But clean shaved Ressler does look good.
I like poking fun of it more than watching the actuary episode these days.
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fellhalcyon · 2 years
things for which i do not take responsibility:
whatever tf reality is up to at any point while i am otherwise occupied
things for which i do take responsibility:
my playlists
for ships
dan + yok from not me [may never recover from them]
sajou + kusakabe from doukyuusei etc. [the one (1) reason i still believe in love]
for media in general
murderous, doomed [evidence that my lit prof wields eldritch magic because i thought i Detested the iliad]
my fics
at least for the moment
in case my little sister sees this
my fandoms
bad buddy [แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน]
thai bl series by gmmtv, university-set boy-next-door enemies-to-lovers romcom, basically romeo and juliet but make it gay and thai and really fucking funny and sweet and there are lesbians!!!
led by two of the best actors thai bl has to offer
haven’t finished this yet but i need to
legally available free, with eng sub, on youtube
blueming [블루밍]
korean bl series, rivals-to-lovers university film students romance, startlingly profound and poignant in its treatment not only of awkward young love but of family trauma, quietly but gorgeously shot and overall just great. one of my favorites ever. it hit all the right notes for me. great rewatch value too (and also there are kind of possibly baby lesbians)
adapted from the webtoon ‘who can define popularity?’ by tak bon
legally available, with eng sub, under the vip subscription to iqiyi
kinnporsche [รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก]
thai bl series by be on cloud, currently airing, enemies-to-lovers mafia mystery with lots of action of both the gunfight and the *ahem* swordfight kind, great cast and acting, great production quality, storyline taking some worrisome turns recently but for better or worse i am utterly hooked
adapted from a webnovel by daemi but apparently worlds better than its source material so far
legally available, with eng subs, free (tv version) and subscription only (uncut version) on iqiyi
long time no see [롱타임노씨]
korean bl series by strongberry, a queer indie production house for which i would run barefoot to the ends of the earth. webnovel writer and one of his fans fall in love only to realize that they are both hitmen on opposite sides of a mafia turf war.
it’s a love story but it’s also a story about the best and the worst of family and it is! so! good! low budget but awesome acting, filming, chemistry, action scenes, humor, the whole nine yards. kinnporsche might let me down but this mafia bl will always be there for me
legally available, with eng sub, under the subscription on gaga
meow ears up! [น้องเหมียว ในห้องผม]
sweet silly little thai bl, currently airing, about a comic artist falling in love with a catboy featuring equally adorable side ships including a lesbian couple! the wigs may be horrible but the vibes are friendly and full of light
adapted from the manga ‘hey, your ears popped out!’ by tracy hu
legally available, eng sub, with a subscription on gagaoolala. a few episodes have been uploaded onto youtube too
mó dào zǔ shī [魔道祖师] ‘grandmaster of demonic cultivation’
basically a gay chinese soap opera historical fantasy, really long and wildly confusing and often rather ridiculous but once it gets hold of you it will never let you go
webnovel by mòxiāng tóngxiù, adapted into a manhua and a donghua of the same title and a live-action drama called chén qíng lìng [陈情令] ‘the untamed’, donghua and drama both censored but the ‘b’ in ‘bromance’ is irrelevant
drama legally available free, with eng sub, on viki
mr. unlucky has no choice but to kiss! [不幸くんはキスするしかない!]
japanese bl, currently airing, university-set magical realism (?) romance-with-ulterior-motives. carrying on the proud tradition of great shows with wtf titles. reminds me a lot of cherry magic (cute clumsy dork x swoonworthy gentleman) but we’ve already gotten a kiss and there might??? be lesbians???? here’s hoping
adapted from a manga of the same name by tsuyu gamoko
legally available free, with eng sub, on gaga and under the standard subscription on viki
not me [เขา...ไม่ใช่ผม]
thai bl series by gmmtv, fast-paced action meets slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance meets clumsy but culturally groundbreaking sociopolitical critique, boys kiss and commit arson and cry
great premise, high suspense, a little rushed and confusing at the end but still awesome and the side boys had me by the throat the whole time
legally available free, with eng sub, on youtube
ocean likes me [나와 같은 바다]
 korean bl series, currently airing, shy udon chef and manic pixie dream musician open a seaside noodle shop together, started out really shaky but gets better with each episode, lively acting and sweet chemistry eclipses a frankly shitty script
half the couple is holland! the first openly gay idol in k-pop! which is a major win as he is an icon and a treasure! and the other half is han gi chan of where your eyes linger fame so it’s a win-win situation
legally available under a standard subscription, with eng sub, on viki
plus & minus [正負之間]
taiwanese bl series, currently airing, childhood-friends-to-lovers lawyer couple and strangers-to-coparents-and-also-lovers side couple and also i am holding out for lesbian bartenders. possibly my favorite series on air at the moment
seriously it’s so cute and funny and charming! it reminds me of history 4 but much much more wholesome and mature
legally available free, with eng sub, on gaga and on viki under the standard subscription
the pornographer [ ポルノグラファー ] series
japanese live-action yaoi series adapted from a manga by marukido maki, a study in artistic melancholy, these bitches gay and also sad and horny, rated nc-17 for a reason
consists, in order, of ‘the pornographer’ [6 eps], ‘mood indigo’ [6 eps], ‘spring life’ [short film], ‘playback’ [movie], and ‘spring life continued’ [short film]
legally available free, with eng sub, on viki [first three only]
semantic error [시맨틱 에러]
korean bl series, university-set, enemies-to-lovers romcom that is just all-around nice. short, sweet, great acting, convincing chemistry, engaging story, pretty pretty visuals, and a fun score. there’s a reason why everybody loves this one
adapted from a webnovel of the same name by jeo soo ri but from what i can tell the drama is better
legally available, with eng sub, on viki under the standard subscription
word of honor [山河令]
another gay chinese soap opera historical fantasy! also very long, also quite confusing, but underrated as hell and even gayer (despite censorship) than the untamed. look up lipreading videos on youtube
have not finished this one yet but i desperately need to. it’s just so long but i promise i will get to it
adapted from the webnovel faraway wanderers by priest
legally available free, with eng subs, on youtube and under the standard subscription on viki
to be updated as i get my shit together!
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