#sk answ
angelpuns · 6 months
More about the pretty consistent body pain thing that's happening, I'm not sure if something is actually wrong with me or if its just the affect of overworking myself for liiiiikkkke 6 years??? ( arguably also overworking nyself before that now that u thjnk about it but moreso te past 6 years )
yeahhh and then also before that I'd did marching band and like- did it knowing I didn't have great knees :/ hmm just thinking thoughts
Sorry for the rambles I just like to think aloud and it helps doing it somewhere public :/
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syrakhanistan · 6 months
Dark clouds over the Pamirs
<<<A series of recordings from a certain source.>>>
Recording 1.
Time: 05:56 Japanese Standard Time.
Date: ????, 2XXX.
Location: Mitakihara, XXXX XXXX XXXX, Upper Offices - Briefing Room.
<<<Beginning of Log.>>>
<Idle chatter, before being interrupted by the clattering of papers.>
"Settle down, Heartcatch Squad. I know you're newbies and all, but this operation is all hands on deck, so I don't have time to discipline you."
"Ayo, boss? These papers... you're having a laugh, right?"
"No time for questions or debates today, I'm afraid; I'm rather serious about this topic. So I would suggest you use your collective braincells and start learning both Russian and what those Russian words say... Don't want to press the wrong button and be launched into the air, after all!"
<Nervous laughter.>
"Heartcatch Squad, listen up. As I say, this operation will involve our entire force. That's why you've been woken so early; it's gonna be a long, long day. Now, if you'd take a moment to look at the screen..."
<A click of a remote.>
"The flight plan will take roughly 10 hours, give or take a few. We will refuel in air when we reach the Wakhan Corridor, while in Chinese airspace; our friends in Beijing did owe us a favour, and they're also more than happy to give the Syrakhanis a good kicking after their little fiasco a while back."
"But, XXXX - what's the reason for... for all this? Isn't that place essentially invulnerable? Isn't this just a long-winded way to meet our fate?"
"Heh. You have no idea. The nation and it's military themselves are gonna be the least of our problems; when we do this, we may well be making enemies of the whole world, if our diplomatic corps don't get things right."
"Y-you can't me-"
"I do."
<Clatter of a chair.>
"That's MADNESS! This is insane! Why would the Warm--"
"Acting Warmaster."
"XXXX-sama! We weren't expecting..."
"Sorry, sorry. But I thought I would personally advise this particular squad. After all - She was the one that made your little gang official."
"Wait, you mean-"
"Yeah. This operation is to save Her. Or, at the very least, get us on the path to saving her, and redeeming her name."
"Alright. We didn't know her long, but she was good to us - better than we expected."
"We're with you, 'til the End."
<<End of log.>>
Recording 2.
Time: 1834 JST/1404 Afghanistan Time.
Location: ~30,000 feet above the Pamir Mountain Range, straddling the Kyrgyzstan-Syrakhanistan Border.
<<<Beginning of Log.>>>
<<This is AWACS Curator to Heartcatch Squad - you're trailing the rest of the formation. Sound off for us, would you?>>
<<Heartcatch 1 here. One of our members had an itch on thei-->>
<<...Heartcatch 2, sounding off.>>
<<Alright, well get it together. We're within a few minutes of Syrakhanistan's airspace, so catch up to the rest of your pals and maintain radio silence.>>
<<Radio silence, eh? Have something to hide, aside from an awkward itch?>>
<<WHO W>>
<<...So much for subtlety.>>
<Clearing throat.>
<<This is Blueberry, to AWACS Curator; put me on to all channels.>>
<<...If you're sure, boss.>>
<<This is Ninth Blueberry to Unidentified Responder, your attention is noted.>>
<<XXXX-chan? We've heard lots about you, hee hee.>>
<<I bet you have.>>
<<This is SKS CENTCOM. We've noticed that you have quite a few flights in formation with you, rapidly approaching our airspace borders.>>
<<We don't have you on records for a diplomatic or business oriented trip, especially not with a formation of MiGs.>>
<<Ha yourself, genius.>>
<<Eyepatch 1, please be silent for just a moment.>>
<Aggravated sigh.>
<<This is SKS CENTCOM. Sorry about that.>>
<<Don't apologise. All of *them* are like that.>>
<<...What are you saying, Blueberry?>>
<<...SKS CENTCOM, patch me in to SKS ACTUAL.>>
<<XXXX-chan, she's not gonna answer~>>
<<SHUT. UP. She WILL answer if she's-->>
<<If I'm what?>>
<<Oh, you've done it now.>>
<<=This is AWACS Curator to All Friendlies, prepare for imminent combat within the AO. I repeat, prepare for combat.=>>
<<If I'm what, ACTING Warmaster? I'm waiting for your response.>>
<<Tell you what. Take your fleet, and turn around now, and I won't even bring this up to our bosses. I mean, unless Nine is in on this...?>>
<<Shove it.>>
<<Excuse me?>>
<<How dare-->>
<<SHUT UP. You're hiding HER, or at least HUNTING HER. We KNOW she's alive, and that blasted fucking ship you're hiding in the Red Sea is our only hope.>>
<<You know what I'm talking about. The Shambhala is there, and you know it... Isn't that right, Ake-->>
<<You will bring death to all of us if you even go there. Don't even try THAT, unless you've really lost the plot.>>
<<Ha ha, touchy eh? Don't want your pals to know that little secret?>>
<<PLEASE, don't do this, don't do any of this. You can't be that far gone, right? Come on; you know what's at stake, right?>>
<<Oh, I'm VERY MUCH aware by this point. But you've done this to yourself; and now, it's time to play ball.>>
<<SKS CENTCOM to ALCON, cease activity, PLEASE. We can't-->>
<<Eyepatch 1 to SKS CENTCOM, I'd suggest butting out of this particular convo...>>
<<You're insane.>>
<<Pot calling kettle, FIRST-SAMAAAA~. No wonder your sister barely talks about you.>>
<<...We're done here. You've brought this on yourself, >>
<<This is SKS ACTUAL via SKS CENTCOM. To all units along Area PT6, engage any and all contacts in your area. Rules of Engagement restrictions are... Irrelevant. Free Engagement. Over.>>
<<...Here we go.>>
<<AWACS Curator to all friendlies, break! Break! Break!>>
<<You've done it now, XXXX-chan~>>
<<So be it. I'll dance with you. All forces, with me - we have a superweapon to crash, and a hat-wearing murderface to save. Godspeed.>>
<Static, mixed with the sound of explosions and magnetic rail fire.>
<<<End of recording.>>>
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
hmkuhhmwwuhhmuhhmuh wwhmuh idk y hm uhm
Uhmo hm bt use hmkhmuh, tv
Gd if wtng n accent lk Italian hm y hmuh amijhmuh
Close y n order. N hm n thin asi n hmm uhhmuhhmkhmuhhmuhhmuhhmuhhm
Appl uhoh n undescribedness n nt desfribing uhoh n ppl say do time lk dues n idk nt nw n n rej n vague n sth n pejorative, lng, pol lng, hmythere, oh rsrch hm. Ok fr cncpts yh ww those days. Kndl. Uh. Hm mybe. Less describe popups khmuhhmuhhm. Uh.
Business ug, dam use isntru rel, n juvie n scaring hmuh,hm,uh,fr them mybe, hmuhkhmuhhm
Want be in prison? Hmm,food
Hmuh n uh. Y anx
Ww hm uh uh n 2 egg
Ye y offc hm tv hmkhm, medium,hmkhm,uh,hm,which,hm,ok,hm,uh. Taste yrs, hmkhmuh,hm, cant all, uh,hmkhmuh,hm,uh,
If need. Playlists of wt. Course, we see ,uhkmu
Hmksshugnohmuh, mny,kbye ww hmuh* les* khnuh ww ordr hm lng hm uh hm oh nt be old oh hm uh hm uh. Yh not delightful or sentimental mystery, nt contradiction uh, not any type or mix , ok,hm. Not char. Not uh ok. Hm. N not dam miserable. B hm, oftn
Uncl hm, distant n md i nt say or answe, n u nt say st so sound t doig stuff y. Ohno business hmuhmuhhm,eh,khmuh,hm,uh,hn,uh,hm
N hm. Uh. Hm. N sthhm,inshw, canada
Hm sty hm idk y i did, maybe liked it idk,hm,saxo,or hm, place, or hm, hm, idk,hm,b weird to mention it b idk hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,k,hmuh,hm,yh, weird both, ok,hmk
Advnc librarian hmuhkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm, smplkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh, prej?idkhmuhhmuh,hm,hahhmuhhm
Tv editing neird religious basements hm y, shcl,uh,no,uh,dam, sell,uh,hm,uh,no,uh, aito, indoctrinees,hm,uh
U person w adult faces, lk faces u make that you call adult. Idk wt adult is, js a big trend. Adult nt clr lk mature or js wt knw or js say wn not. Bhm, uh tm yh. Bh, ppl who say be adult try modelling w the faces or try modelling n mk faces mixing the model n human nature or their reaction. Okhmuh ed. N the 1 mr ppl in adult or say wt doing is adult bc adult a commandment, lk cultural hidden bible ok good evening
Interesting, uh,hm,more,n uh khmuh hm
Hm n smile n nk n sth uh
Tv sound hmkhmuh,hm,uh, agn,hm,mybe ,hm,uh,hm,khmuh,hm,uh,kh,muh, or be ad or s n say ohnos okhm uh
Wt importance of lf, nt makey, ok ideas, depends if have stake of material or psychology, eiter b where ij transperence without euphemisms or hints, unsetlled y, bc not kicked ij balls enough or shared our kicking in balls of souls. Ok weir ok last in it, gift or sth, confusion, okhm, more ww , period,hmkhmuh,ok hmyh n shiny hmww dam okhmuhhmuhhmuh hm uh hm uh cn
Stbl n not agn, y degrade, uh,hm,uh
Hm uh dam idk do i sk
Lead or sth,uh,hm,
Ok food n evoke ,hmkhmuhhmuhhmuhhm
wrd n system. Nt system often, smtms b hm, uh
Hm burp n nt fit abuse thinking b still can do btr nt a pass or delay, be btr
Recor hem theme?hmkhw choosez uhhm, bk b hm idkhmkmu, relly, yhmuhkhmuh,hmy,hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,wwhmuhkhmuhhmuhhm
Hmk snny hmk rpt hmkhmuh
0 notes
bananaff · 2 years
Goo lon book reviews for kids
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The activities are designed designed for you to h ave fun w ith your child w hile developing and reinforcing science skills. The activities use materials found in your h ome an d make learning ex periences out of everyday rout ines. This booklet includes a range of activities for families with children from preschool age through grade 5. It reflects the importance of inquiry processes and content in science achievement as described in the Nati onal Science, released in 1996 by the National Research Council of the National Academy Education Standar Standar ds of Sciences. Helpi ng Your Chil d Learn Science Science is part of the president’s efforts to provide parents with the lat est research and practical information designed to support children’s learning at home, at school and in the community. Bush has ma de clear his commitment the goals of raising standards of achievement for all children and o f providing all children children w ith highly qualified teachers and w ith instruction that is based on scientific scientific research. Through the No Chil d Left Behin d Act of 2001 commitment to 2001 , President George W. When you least expect it, a moment for learning w ill occur: occur: A bit of ice ice cream drops on the sidewalk and ants appear some cups float float an d some sink wh en you’re w ashing dishes dishes static electrici electricity ty ma kes your hair stand on end when you put on a sweater. Without Without expen sive chemistry sets, sets, equipment or kits, a child can be introduced easily easily to the natural w orld and encouraged to observe what goes on in that world. Science “ha ppens Science ppens”” all around us every day, and you h ave endless opportunities opportunities to invite your child into the w onders of science. What’s far far more important tha n being able to give a technical explanation of how a telescope telescope wo rks is is your w illi illingness ngness to nurture yo ur child’s natural curiosity curiosity by ta king the time to o bserve and learn together. As a parent, you don’t have to be a scientist or have a college degree to help your child learn science. When w e encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, predictions, offer explanations and explore in in a safe environment, we lend them the kind of support support that they need to become succes successful sful science students and scientific thinkers. This is wh y parenta l involvement is so importan t in children’s science science education.
Curiosity Curiosity is natural to children, but they need help understanding how to make sense of wha t they see and to relate their observations observations to their existing existing ideas and un derstand ings. Being “scientific” “scientific” involves being curious, curious, observing, asking how things happen and learning how to find the answ ers. In search of answers, w e use science science to both enlighten and delig delight. Lis Listing ting of materials and resources resources in this book should not be construed or interpreted interpreted as an endorsement by the Department of any private organization organization or business listed herein.įoreword Why is the sky blue? Why do things fall to the ground? How do seeds grow? What makes the sound and music? Where do mountains come from? Young children a sk their parents hundred s of questions like like these. Other materials mentioned are provided as resources and examples for the reader’s convenience. Children’s books and magazines are mentioned in this booklet booklet as examples and are only a few of many appropriate children’s books and periodicals. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center a t (202) 260-9895 260-9895 or (202) 205-0818. This publication is also ava ilable on t he Department’s Web site at: On request, th is publication publication is ava ilable in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette. Learn Science with activities for children in preschool through grade 5 or ord order er online at : ww w./webstore/C webstore/Content/search.asp ontent/search.asp Those wh o use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a te letypew riter (TTY), should call 1-80. If 877 is not yet available in your area, ca ll 1-80 1-80 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Or fa fax x your request to: (301) 470-1244 or e-mail your request t o: or call in your request toll-free: 1-87 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS). Department of Education, Office of Communications and Outreach,, Helping Your Child L earn Science Science Washington, D.C., 2005.ĮD Pubs Education Publications Center U.S. While permission permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part for educational purposes is granted. To order copies of this publication in English or Spanish, write to:įirst published in September 1992. Department of Education Margaret Spellings
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smallkore · 3 years
🎈&🏆 :D - whenjunhuihui
Hi Sofia long time no see 😊💖
🎈When is your birthday?
My birthday is in 16 October (1999) I'm 21 now)
🏆Tell a story about something you've won
I haven't 1st places in my life, but I had some second and third places on poetry and literature competitions in my middle school)
Send me emoji and I'll ask your question
another version of answering to the second question: I won hearts of my subs *blown kiss*😂😎
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bangbangchanie · 3 years
strangers || choi yeonjun
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Pairing: college student!yeonjun × college student!reader (fem)
Genre: fluff, angst, mostly slice of life
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol, unedited, idk what else lol
Description: Yeonjun finds himself needing a favor from you after Soobin tries but fails to cover for him.
A/N: i wrote this during this past week and it's the first thing I've finished in a while. I'm not sure how i feel about it but i am glad i finally finished something that i don't hate lol. I meant to post this sooner and then i remembered it and was gonna chicken out, but it's yeonjun's birthday in SK, so i figured i should do it as a sort of birthday present. Lol, happy birthday to our 4th Gen It-Boy 💕 - Admin Peachy 🍑
A sigh left Mrs. Choi's mouth as her call to her son went to voicemail for the nth time that week. She had been trying to get in touch with him as his father was having a very important business dinner and his boss was hoping to see Yeonjun there. Not only that, but she herself was hoping to see her son after nearly two months of not seeing him. They lived in the same city, for crying out loud!
She had her suspicions that he was up to no good. He had been a troublemaker in high school. While he got good grades, he didn't apply himself enough, and she was certain this new freedom wasn't going to help that. But, she couldn't just confront Yeonjun. She didn't want to seem like a helicopter parent or make him think she didn't trust him, but she worried about him. She wanted him to be safe and healthy and get a good education.
But, if she couldn't speak to him herself about it, what could she do? After considering her options, she decided to call his best friend Soobin.
"Oh, hello, Mrs. Choi," Soobin said upon answering after just two rings. Gosh, if only her son was the same way. Not that the two were extremely different. Soobin was also a known troublemaker in high school, but it seemed getting a job in college had taught him more about responsibility. Maybe Yeonjun needed a job. "Is everything ok?"
Right, she was on the phone. "Hi, Soobin. I hate to call you so suddenly and just get straight to the point without asking how you are, but I've been quite concerned about Yeonjun lately," she confessed to him, getting right to business. "I've been calling him all week, and he isn't answering me. Is he doing alright? He's not hanging with that group of kids he got into all that trouble with in high school, is he? What about his classes? I just know he's skipping them."
Soobin gulped inaudibly, panicking because of the questions. Yeonjun wasn't hanging out with that group anymore, but he was certainly partying and getting drunk almost every night, which meant he was skipping classes because he was too hungover. Of course, he couldn't tell Mrs. Choi that. But, what was he supposed to say? He needed a good excuse that she would buy.
"Actually, Yeonjun has been going to his classes. He's just busy because he's studying so hard." That was an awful lie! She'd never believe that. Think, Soobin...think! "He's studying hard because he started dating this girl from one of his lectures. She's really studious, so she's been making sure he's staying on top of his work."
That seemed believable enough. "Really? A girlfriend?" Mrs. Choi asked, sounding pleasantly surprised. "Well, she sounds lovely! Why didn't he tell us this? Oh, that doesn't matter now. The important thing is that he's found himself a girlfriend and is doing well. Tell him to answer my calls, will you? Thank you so much, Soobin!"
She was quick to end the call, leaving Soobin's head spinning. Whatever the case, he was glad he saved his friend.
"What the hell did you do?!" Yeonjun cried out as he burst through the door of his and Soobin's apartment. Soobin, who was sitting on the couch, jumped from shock. "Why the fuck would you tell my mom that I'm studying hard because I have a studious girlfriend?!"
Well, at least he finally answered her call. "What do you mean? To save your ass! Your mom called me today asking why you aren't answering her calls. She could somehow tell you weren't going to classes and being reckless, so I had to lie to make her think you're going to your lectures regularly and are just busy with something other than parties," Soobin informed him, not understanding why his friend was so pissed. "I told her you were busying studying, and then I added the studious girlfriend part so she'd actually buy it. You should be thanking me."
"Thanking you?! I should kill you! My dad has an important business dinner this weekend hosted by his boss, and now I'm expected to come with my new girlfriend. Do you know how fucked I am? How the hell am I supposed to just find a studious girlfriend in three days?! I mean, look at me! Smart girls aren't exactly rushing to date slackers like me."
Soobin hadn't been expecting any of this. Obviously, he would have come up with a different lie had he known the nature of Mrs. Choi's call. "Well...fuck!"
Kicking his shoes off, Yeonjun ran a hand through his hair. If he showed up at the dinner with no girlfriend, his mom would know something was up. He needed to pull this off so she wouldn't worry about him so much. But, how could he possibly do that?
"You just need to find a fake girlfriend," Soobin suddenly remarked, snapping his fingers. "Like in the movies! Ask a girl to be your fake girlfriend to trick your mom."
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "This isn't a movie, and those movies are stupid. They set up two good-looking people to fall in love," he pointed out.
Waving him off, Soobin said, "Well, duh, it's a movie; that's supposed to happen. This won't be as complicated because you just have to trick your mom. Find a girl, bring her to the dinner, maybe stage some photos to send your mom for a couple of weeks, and then you can tell her you guys broke up."
He made a good point. As long as his mom was buying it, it didn't matter what others knew. The commitment wouldn't be as big as in the movies, and it wouldn't interfere with his daily life.
"Where am I gonna find a girl?"
That was how the two ended up in Yeonjun's English lecture the next afternoon. It was the only class that Yeonjun had where Soobin was free to tag along. They just hoped the professor wouldn't notice.
As students filed into the classroom, both boys began to size them up. Who seemed to fit the description Soobin gave Mrs. Choi best? Putting themselves in her mindset, which girl would she choose?
"Dude," Soobin said, sitting up a bit straighter after hitting Yeonjun's chest. Looking over, Yeonjun saw Soobin was staring at you. You were dressed in a simple blouse and cute skirt. "She's perfect...but I feel like I know her from somewhere."
Yeonjun thought you looked familiar, too, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Visually, you were perfect. You were cute, first of all, but you also appeared put together. Still, your intelligence level was the most important item on their checklist.
But, it became apparent quite quickly that you were quite smart and studious. You were one of the few students in the class that bothered to answer the questions. Aside from that, you remained quiet. Yeonjun couldn't quite gauge your personality, but that didn't really matter. All he cared about were your looks and brains.
"I remember how we know her," Soobin whispered to Yeonjun as the lecture was coming to an end. Yeonjun looked at his friend with a curious expression. "She was the class president our second year, remember?"
A look of realization appeared on Yeonjun's face. That was right! They never talked to you, but they naturally knew of you since the class president played a crucial role in the classroom. "Yep, she's perfect," Yeonjun remarked. The professor ended class and left. "Come on, it's go time."
Standing up, the two boys rushed over to your seat. You noticed the sudden presence, looking up and seeing two boys towering over you. "Um, can I help you?" you asked, feeling a bit nervous.
You didn't seem to recognize them. "You're Y/N, right?" Yeonjun asked, and you nodded slowly. "I'm Yeonjun, and this is Soobin. I don't know if you remember us--."
Cutting him off, you commented, "You're the guys that caused that explosion in the Chemistry lab."
Ah, so you did remember them. "Right. Hey, in our defense, it was an accident," Soobin remarked. "Plus, no one got hurt."
That didn't change the fact that they nearly destroyed the lab room. But, that was besides the point. "So, I know you didn't come over here to reminisce on old times...we weren't even friends in high school."
Smart girl. "I need a favor," Yeonjun informed you, getting straight to the point. "To make a long story short, I need a fake girlfriend by Saturday because of this idiot, and I think you'd be perfect for tricking my mom."
You finally stood up, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder. "Me? Why would I be perfect?" you asked, surprised by his words.
"You're smart and appear put together...that's really all it takes at this point."
Wow, how flattering. "No offense, but why should I help you? From the looks of it, you're the only one benefitting from this. You're the one that needs my help, after all."
Maybe you were annoyingly smart. Still, Yeonjun found it amusing. "I think you'll find that the dinner party you'd be attending would be quite beneficial," Soobin informed you on behalf of his friend. "You'd make many great connections."
Great connections? What was this dinner party? "I'll tell you what," Yeonjun spoke up. "If you find that the dinner party is beneficial enough for you, we'll call it even. If not, I'll give you two hundred bucks."
200 bucks? For some dinner party? That seemed like a lot. "How can I trust you?" you asked.
"Well, you're the one doing me a favor, so knowing that it's all fake is kind of collateral. If I don't hold up my end of the deal, you can tell my mom it was all fake and screw me over, so I kind of have to be a man of my word no matter what."
Hm, good point. "Are you busy right now? If you're interested, we can go somewhere and work out the details," Yeonjun added.
You were free, and you were finding this intriguing. Besides, you really wanted to know more about these potential connections through the dinner party. "Ok, let's go," you said.
Soobin left for work, leaving you and Yeonjun to discuss the details at a table in the main quad. He had ever so kindly bought you a lemonade that you were happily sipping on as you opened your notebook to a blank page.
"What's that for?" Yeonjun asked, drinking an iced coffee.
"The details. I mean, I think I should know what's expected of me if we're gonna pull this off, yeah?"
You were agreeing? "Mm, I love an obedient girl." You made a face at his joke, making him laugh. "I'm kidding...kind of. Anyway, does this mean you're gonna help me?"
Nodding you grabbed a pen from your backpack. "I mean, I have nothing better to do, and I'm intrigued by this dinner party. Now, tell me what kind of girlfriend would your mom want you to bring home?"
Yeonjun thought up a list of things his mom would look for in a potential daughter-in-law. Honestly, you thought it wasn't too demanding at all...just a nice, loving, smart girl.
"Oh, do you have any nice dresses? You'll want a nice dress," Yeonjun suddenly remarked. "We can go shopping for one together before the dinner. Besides, I think it'd be good for us to spend some time together and try to learn a little bit about one another to really sell this."
Wow, a free dinner, possible connections, possible money, and a free dress? This was a pretty sweet deal. "Yeah, that sounds good," you told him. "I think that we should also come up with a list of rules."
A small groan left his mouth as he said, "No! Don't tell me you're into those stupid movies. A list of rules is never good."
You giggled at how against it he was. "I don't mean rules like 'You must kiss me on the cheek once every couple of hours.' By rules, I mean things like 'Don't leave me alone for extended periods of time' or 'Don't mention this and that around my mom.'"
"Oh," Yeonjun said, not realizing at all that that was what you meant. "Yeah, that's smart. Let's do that."
Briefly, you guys came up with a set of basic rules that definitely needed to be followed. A smile appeared on your face as you wrote something down. "What? What are you writing?" he asked. You handed him the notebook and he read aloud, "'Absolutely no romance! Hand holding and hugs only! Don't fall in love!!!' Well, that goes without saying. You wrote that just to spite me, didn't you?"
As you nodded proudly, Yeonjun chortled and shook his head. Things were definitely seeming to go well. All he could hope was that the dinner would go smoothly.
Yeonjun was in your apartment waiting for you to finish getting ready. He was looking around at all of your things when the door opened. "Y/N! Are you--oh, hell," a girl greeted him. It was Yeji, your best friend and roommate. "You must be Yeonjun, right? Y/N told me about you."
Well, not so much about him, but rather about the deal you two had. "It's nice to meet you," Yeonjun said, feeling a bit awkward all of a sudden. It was kind of pointless getting to know one another when this was a one-time thing.
"Ok, ok," you said, rushing out of your bedroom as you haphazardly put your earrings in. "Sorry, I'm ready. Oh, Yeji, good, you're home."
A big smile appeared on Yeji's face. "Y/N! You look so pretty!" she exclaimed. You were wearing black heels and a simple yet beautiful periwinkle dress. "This dress is gorgeous."
You couldn't hide your smile or your blush, never one that did well with compliments. "Thanks...Yeonjun picked it out for me."
Turning to look at him, Yeji found Yeonjun looking away as he shyly scratched the back of his neck. "I just thought it was a nice dress," he mumbled, unsure what to say. "I gave it to her, and it ended up looking really good."
Was he trying to compliment you? Yeji couldn't tell, and it seemed to go right over your head. "I'll, um, wait in the hall," Yeonjun added before leaving the apartment. He felt uncomfortable with Yeji around. There wasn't anything bad about her, but it almost felt like he was meeting your mom, which wasn't something he was used to.
"He's handsome!" Yeji exclaimed, somewhat lightly hitting your shoulder. "You're so lucky."
You giggled, shaking your head as you adjusted the new heels. They felt uncomfortable since they were new, but you'd manage. "Why? It's one fake date," you reminded her. "I hope you enjoyed looking at him while you could...you're probably never gonna see him again. Not around here, at least."
Ugh, sad. "Well, you shouldn't keep him waiting. Have fun and be safe, ok?"
Nodding, you two hugged before you joined Yeonjun in the hall. You were surprised to learn Yeonjun could drive, but you were definitely glad since it meant you guys didn't have to take the bus; you didn't want to risk ruining the dress.
"Nervous?" Yeonjun asked as he slid into the driver seat after he let you in first.
Were you nervous? "A little bit. I want to pull this off," you remarked. "Plus, I'll be surrounded by tons of people I don't know, so that's a bit worrisome. I'm sure I'll be ok, though."
Yeonjun watched you fiddle with your fingers nervously, making him chuckle lightly. His hand rested on your hands, stopping them from their movements. "It'll be ok. Besides, you'll have me there."
His words made you relax a bit, offering him a thankful smile.
The house you two arrived at belonged to Mr. Choi's boss, and it was the most beautiful mansion you'd ever seen. "I didn't even know there were mansions in Seoul," you said as you got out of the car. You always thought there were too many buildings to have mansions.
"Well, not downtown, of course, but in the outskirts of the city like this, they're quite a few," Yeonjun explained to you as someone went to park his car.
You suddenly felt underdressed, but Yeonjun had been the one to dress you. Glancing at him, you had to remind yourself of what he was wearing: pin-striped slacks, a white button-down dress shirt, and black loafers. It was a nice outfit, but a more casual business-like outfit.
"Are you sure I'm not underdressed?"
Yeonjun glanced at you, seeing that you seemed a bit worried. "You're definitely not underdressed," he informed you. "The parents and other employees tend to be overdressed, but you'll fit in with the rest of us."
That definitely made you feel better. "Ok," you said after letting out a shaky sigh. You held your hand out to him. "Let's do this."
He smiled, taking your hand in his own before you two entered.
"Yeonjun! You're here!" Mrs. Choi called out when she spotted her son, her eyes lighting up when she saw you two holding hands. He released your hand to give his mother a hug. "And you must be Y/N. I'd be lying if I said I've heard so much about you, but I'm certainly looking forward to getting to know you."
You hadn't been expecting her to hug you, too. Yeonjun laughed at your panicked expression. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am," you said when you separated. "I apologize that we didn't tell you about our relationship sooner. Yeonjun was just nervous about us meeting...you know how guys can be."
She nodded before saying, "Oh, yes, Mr. Choi was so nervous about me meeting his parents that we were practically engaged before it happened! I'm not surprised that Yeonjun takes after him...especially since you're his first girlfriend."
His first girlfriend? That was surprising. "Mom, I'm gonna take her to meet some of the others," Yeonjun said, feeling embarrassed.
"Oh, alright, but I will be stealing her from you later to get to know her."
He hummed in understanding before once again taking your hand in his own, leading you away. "Who are the others?" you asked, beginning to get used to the way his hand felt holding yours. It wasn't a stronghold, but it was a secure one.
Taking you up the stairs, he said, "There are other children of employees here. Most of them are younger and suck, but the boss's son Beomgyu is cool."
"Wait, you still haven't told me what company your father works for."
Glancing back at you, a smirk appeared on Yeonjun's face. It made your heart flutter slightly. "He works for SJ Group."
That made you nearly choke on your own spit. SJ Group was one of the biggest conglomerates in Seoul! No wonder Soobin said you could make great connections at the party. "I'm at a dinner party for SJ Group?!" you cried out in a hushed tone so no one else would hear you. He nodded, finding your reaction amusing. "How could you not tell me! This is a huge deal, Yeonjun! I haven't even had time to mentally prepare. Do you know how many questions I could have prepared?"
Reaching out, Yeonjun booped your nose. It made you stop talking, totally shocked by the action. "Calm down, nerd," he told you, making you scowl. "It'll be fine. Just getting on their radar is good. Plus, they'll remember you since you're here as my girlfriend."
Well, that was a start at least. Knocking at one of the doors, Yeonjun stuck his head in, finding Beomgyu on the couch in his room playing video games. "Hey, you're here!" Beomgyu exclaimed, happy to see his friend. "Right on time, too; I was starting to get really bored."
Just like Yeonjun, Beomgyu didn't care for work parties or the other children. "Oh," Beomgyu added when you followed Yeonjun into the room. "Who's this?"
"This is Y/N, my girlfriend," Yeonjun informed him.
Oh, he wasn't in on the plan? Beomgyu suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. "This is your girlfriend? Yeah, right! Come on, dude, really, who is she?"
It made you feel insecure. Were you not good enough for Yeonjun? He was quite handsome, but you didn't think you looked that bad in comparison. "I fucking hate you. She's my fake girlfriend to trick my mom...it's a long story."
"I'm, um, going to use the restroom," you said, turning and leaving before either boy could say anything. You didn't even know where the bathroom was, but you didn't care. At least you'd have time alone to search for it.
Yeonjun hit Beomgyu's arm. "Dude, you probably hurt her feelings!" he exclaimed.
That made Beomgyu's eyes widen. "I didn't mean to! I just meant that there's no way a guy like you could land a girl like her," he explained to his friend. "Just based on appearance, you guys are opposite. She's all light and precious, and you're dark and gloomy. Plus, she's too hot for you."
Rolling his eyes, Yeonjun commented, "I could totally land a girl like Y/N...she's just not my type."
But, Beomgyu made a good point. You were far more put together than he was. Plus, his jet black hair, tattoos, and piercings made him seem emo to many people. Sure, he was a troublemaker in the past, but he wasn't like that anymore. He skipped classes and partied a lot, but he wasn't causing trouble. Still, just from the few hours he spent shopping with you, he could tell he wasn't your type, too. For some reason, that irked him.
Yeonjun sat down to play video games with Beomgyu. It wasn't until the end of their second-round that Yeonjun realized you hadn't returned. "Shit, I forgot about Y/N," he remarked, standing up.
"Wow, some boyfriend you are," Beomgyu teased, earning a glare from his friend. "Come on, let's look for her. I should make an appearance before dinner, anyway."
The two left Beomgyu's room to search for you. Thankfully, they didn't have to search for too long as you were out on the patio alone with Yeonjun's mother. She must have intercepted you.
"I guess I just worried Yeonjun would never find a girlfriend," Mrs. Choi told you, making Yeonjun's cheeks light up. Beomgyu had to stifle his laughter. "He never mentioned any girls before, and it seemed that he pushed them away. I always thought girls might be scared of his appearance or something."
She thought that? "Yeonjun was quite popular in high school. A lot of the girls in our year were into his bad boy appearance, actually. He always got the most gifts during Valentine's Day, too," you explained to Mrs. Choi. "His locker would be full of them by the end of the day, but I don't think he cares for the holiday because he always threw them out. Still, he made sure to do it when no one else was around, and I think he did it to spare their feelings."
You knew he did that? He always thought he was alone when he did. "I just think Yeonjun is a bit misunderstood. He may look intense and standoffish, but he's actually really kind and considerate. I remember one day in high school when it was raining. He had brought an umbrella to school that day, but he ended up leaving it on the desk of another student that had forgotten their own. Really, I noticed he was always doing sweet things for the others, but I don't think he ever thought much about it. I think he just saw it as something natural that he didn't need to gain anything from."
Mrs. Choi was surprised by the slight sparkle in your eyes as you spoke about her son. "I never knew about any of that. Well, I'm glad to hear he was so popular. I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you, Y/N, but I guess it makes sense since Yeonjun chose you out of all of those girls," she told you. It wasn't true at all, and, even if it was, he hadn't chosen you in high school, but you didn't say anything. "I'm just glad he met someone that can see the real him...someone that can see his pure heart."
Yeonjun had to recover from his shock, unable to listen to you talk about him any longer. "There you are," he spoke, going outside to interrupt. "I was starting to get worried, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my mom stole you."
After all, she said she would. "We were having a lovely conversation. Weren't we, Y/N?"
"Yes, I was enjoying it," you commented. You were surprised to find that you meant it, and Yeonjun was surprised that you sounded so sincere.
The four of you, including Beomgyu, went to join the main party for dinner. Surprisingly, you talked to many of the other guests, and you found that the conversations were quite interesting and enjoyable. You had expected to be alone most of the party, but the conversations just came naturally.
Time was slipping away from all of you, and you were only snapped back to reality by a loud clap of thunder. "I didn't even realize it was raining," one of the guests confessed, looking outside as it was pouring. "Was there any rain in the forecast?"
It seemed the storm was an unexpected one. With knowledge of the storm, everyone slowly but surely began to leave the party. "Yeonjun," Mr. Choi spoke, walking over to where the two of you were standing. "Your mother and I have decided the road conditions are too poor for you to be driving. We insist that you and Y/N stay the night with us. We can have someone bring your car home in the morning."
What? Staying the night? That was certainly not part of the plan. Then again, neither was the storm. You couldn't blame Yeonjun for any of it. "What? You want Y/N to stay the night?" Yeonjun asked, clearly just as flustered as you.
"Well, you don't expect her to hitchhike to Seoul or get a hotel, do you? She's your girlfriend, after all, son. Besides, your mother seems quite ecstatic about having her over."
His parents had a point; the road conditions were poor and only getting worse by the minute. The idea of driving home worried you. "I'm grateful that you'll have me, Mr. Choi," you said, unsure of what else to say. "They're right about the roads, Jun...especially at this time of night."
He was too caught off guard by the sudden nickname to argue. That was how you two ended up in his bedroom back at his parent's house. The house was huge. It wasn't as grand as Beomgyu's place, but it was still nicer than anything you were sure you'd ever be able to afford.
"I assume you two are fine sleeping in here together," Mrs. Choi said, fixing the bedspread. "I mean, you two are adults, after all. It's probably not your first time sharing a bed."
She laughed at her own words, happily teasing her son. "Mom!" Yeonjun cried out, making her laugh once more. "It's late, and I'm sure we're all tired."
It was his way of telling her to leave. Thankfully, she decided to give him a break. "Sleep well, kids," she said, gently smoothing your hair before leaving.
"Your mom is really nice," you commented.
He chortled. "Yeah, it must be nice for you when she's not saying something to embarrass you every five minutes," he pointed out, making you giggle. "I think it worked, though...she seems thoroughly convinced."
There had been times even he forgot momentarily that it was all fake. "Nice job with that nickname, by the way."
You beamed at him. "Thank you! I thought it would be a nice touch."
"Why don't you wash up first? My mom left some pajamas for you in the bathroom," he told you.
Nodding, you went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. Yeonjun grabbed his phone to text Soobin about how everything went. As he was doing so, he saw a text from Beomgyu.
It read: I take it back...you and Y/N even fooled me tonight. You guys look cute together, and she seems really sweet. Maybe think about everything before you "dump" her.
Beomgyu was admitting he was wrong? Geez, what a crazy night. Things went well, but almost too well...it was definitely an unexpected night.
"I should text Yeji before she worries," you mumbled to yourself as you sat on one side of Yeonjun's bed after you had both washed up. "She thinks you're hot, by the way. I don't know if you were interested."
Why were you telling him that? "I'm not interested in anyone else but you, angel," he said jokingly, gently caressing your face.
Your body was on fire, feeling embarrassed by the pet name and sudden affection. Worst of all, you didn't hate it. "Stop messing around."
He chuckled, watching you get under the covers. "My mom really likes you. In fact, you were a big hit at the party. I think the other moms were jealous." Turning the lamp next to his bed on, he shut the main lights off, climbing in next to you.
"Well, I really like your mom, and I enjoyed myself tonight. I had so many interesting conversations," you told him, and he was glad you had a good time. "Speaking of which...you've never had a girlfriend?"
He forgot his mom had said that. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he said, sighing softly.
You shook your head, turning on your side a bit to look at him. "No, I'm genuinely surprised. In high school, you were always the hottest guy in our grade...some girls made a list. I mean, I guess I never saw you with a girl, but I guess I just thought you dated."
"I don't really think being hot is a compliment. Like, obviously it is, but I feel like girls thought I was hot without knowing anything about me. They focused on my looks, so that was what they liked me for, nothing else."
That was actually sad, but he had a point...being hot wasn't some great compliment. "Well, I'm honored to be your first girlfriend, even if it is fake," you told him, making him crack a smile.
It reminded him of your conversation with his mom. "I heard you telling my mom you thought I was a good person in high school," he confessed to you. "I didn't know you were so obsessed with me."
You rolled your eyes and said, "Oh, fuck off. I was the class president, so I paid close attention to everyone. But, I really did think you were sweet, and I still do. I don't know why you act like you're not, Choi Yeonjun, but I can see right through you."
He sat up a bit to look at you, surprised by the effect that your words had on him. This was all supposed to be fake. Things weren't supposed to go this far...Yeonjun should have dropped you off at your apartment with no intention of ever seeing you again. He wasn't supposed to find you cute, and he certainly wasn't supposed to want to kiss you.
"Let's go to bed," he said, turning to light off.
You were surprised but didn't say anything, wondering what had gotten into him all of a sudden.
All he could do was lie awake in the darkness, unable to stop the voice inside his head telling him that he should have kissed you. But, what right did he have to kiss you? After all, you were only strangers.
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taksshipis-tired · 5 years
P’t zvyyf wslhzl kvu’a obya oly wslhzl
It’s done. I am done with all these cryptic asks. I’m not answering any more.
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queenwinwinie · 6 years
Russian Roulette (NCT Fanfic) Mafia AU!
Chapter 2 - Mad City
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In the previous chapter - Akina has finally found the mysterious mafia leader named TY as she pretends to be a mob bosses daughter, however due to a small error Akina made, he discovered that she was an undercover spy working with the South Korean MPD.
The fearful dark haired man that held her at gunpoint has taken Akina and they’re heading to an unknown location that she will soon wake up to...
Akina’s eyelids fluttered open slowly as she awakened from her deep slumber. The room she appeared to be in was dark and stuffy with multiple monitors and LED screens plastered all over the walls. She stayed in the same position before attempting to move to adjust herself to the situation and surrounding. ‘How did I get here, where even is this place? I can’t remember anything at all…’ she thought desperately trying to remember anything that happened to make her end up here. Suddenly she attempted to sit up to maneuver around the room but instantly slammed back down again onto the cold metal bench she had previously been asleep on to find that her wrists and ankles were tied strongly together with rope. Akina wriggled around before realizing it was no use and it was only making her breathless. She lied there motionless for around 10 minutes until a metal door, which was about 2 meters away from her view, clicked. She froze as a large figure strolled casually through the door, it was the dark haired man from earlier today… That’s what happened. After seeing his face she instantly recalled all the events that had took place previously for her to end up here, she had a gun pointed to her head and then the last thing she could recall was him practically kidnapping her. 
“Oh, look who's finally awake,” he said unamused, “did you have a nice rest?” He sat on the end of the iron bench, leaning over to see Akina’s blank expression. He chuckled quietly. “Who are you and what are you planning to do to me?” Asked Akina confidently. “Well, first my name is Jung Jaehyun, and second I’m just going to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.” He lifted himself away from the bench and walked over to one of the computers, the room was silent apart from the sound of Jaehyun’s shoes clicking across the hard marble floor. He quickly turned it on, signed in and then made his way back to the vulnerable girl. He crouched so that his stern face met hers and he whispered strongly to her, “what do the police want from us?” Akina stared deeply into his eyes and paused before she answered his blank question. “I don’t know,” she replied calmly, “I was just given some details and told to find the leader - which I have done.” Jaehyun sighed heavily at Akina’s useless information and stood up scratching his head. “Surely there has to be more than that.” Akina shook her head side to side and attempted to shrug her shoulders, “the only people that have that sort of information are the detectives working on the case itself, technically I was just used to lure you guys in, which I succeeded in,” she confessed. Jaehyun slyly slipped a pistol out of his pocket and held it against the skin of Akina’s forehead again, she gulped nervously. “Right… this is how you want to be then? I’m going to take you over to that computer and you’re going to do everything I say.” He ordered her and she mouthed a quiet okay in response to his task. Jaehyun grabbed Akina and hauled her across the room, still tied in rope so she couldn’t escape, and threw her onto a desk chair in front of a large computer monitor. “Tell me all the details nicely and I won’t do anything to you, but if you wanna be difficult then I will harm you if needed,” he smirked nastily. “No! I won’t tell you… I can’t tell yo-” Akina stopped mid-sentence when the harsh metal pushed into her temple and she heard the trigger click, “okay, okay,” she responded panicked, “first you need to install a private server that only employees of the SK MPD can access so type in…” She continued to give Jaehyun the details to access the information on their mafia and he searched database after database for clues and details. “I told you I have nothing on my database, assignments or records on your case, but you didn’t believe me.” Argued Akina while Jaehyun continued to search. It was silent for about an hour apart from the clicking of the keyboard and an odd huff of annoyance from Jaehyun, it felt like an eternity just sitting there unable to move or speak.
Eventually Jaehyun let out a surprised gasp and he concentrated harshly on the computer screen. Akina turned to face him then back to the screen, it displayed: ‘NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY (NCT)’ the only information in the database was the details Akina confirmed yesterday and some suspects. So this is their Mafia name… Jaehyun dropped the gun then slid down heavily into the chair next to her and sighed. “Nothing… absolutely nothing.” Akina looked at him helplessly and requested if he could untie her from the ropes. He agreed and took a sharp knife and aggressively cut through the thick rope. Akina let out a long sigh of relief and gently shook her arms and ankles to ease their stiffness. Jaehyun stared at her as she sat back into the desk chair and huffed defeated. After a short while Jaehyun turned to her, “at least we tried, however there is nothing on there - I suppose that’s a good thing actually,” Akina nodded in agreement, “thank you for helping though.” Akina looked at him stunned at his words and blinked in confusion. “Well to be honest I only helped you because you held me at gunpoint, but whatever.” She replied stubbornly. Jaehyun laughed at her response and stood up to turn off the computer, “right then… Let’s take you back to Taeyong and explain that there’s no information.” Akina followed his actions and removed herself from the surprisingly comfortable chair. “Who’s Taeyong?” She asked interested. “TY” He replied.
Suddenly Jaehyun grabbed Akina’s wrist and she flinched in pain, “ow!” she cried highly. Jaehyun and Akina both looked down to see that her wrists were purple and burnt from the rope and when Jaehyun held her down earlier. “Oh,” said Jaehyun concerned, “We’d better get you patched up before we send you anywhere.” Akina was surprised with his sudden act of kindness and questioned him, “wait… If I’m your hostage shouldn’t you not be looking after me? Like leaving me in a room to starve or something?” Jaehyun turned to her, “we’re a mafia, not a terrorist group. Here at NCT we want to create peace in this messed up, dystopian place we call earth. The government and higher ups have corrupted our planet and ways of living. Religion has caused outbreaks in wars and us as humans have slowly begun to destroy earth itself.” Akina stood still taken aback by Jaehyun’s powerful speech, “pollution, deforestation, racism, homophobia, the list goes on. We want to rebel against the South Korean government for their wicked rules and that’s why the police want us; they don’t want vicious rumors getting spread but it’s the truth. I’m not going to hurt you, only because you don’t understand and you haven’t actually turned against us. In all honesty, you could help us, but if you do turn away from us then...” Akina could feel the determination in Jaehyun’s eyes as he preached to her, she wished people could understand it but even she couldn’t much herself. Jaehyun suddenly twitched as though he was snapping back to reality. “I’m sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me… Let’s go and get some bandages.” For a moment he had a sad, defeated look in his eyes but immediately replaced it with his usual, bold expression. ‘I think I just saw a totally different side to this group…’ She whispered to herself.
After quickly patching and cleaning up her wrists and ankles, Akina couldn’t get Jaehyun’s words out her head. He was right about the pollution and homophobia stuff, but what did he mean about the government? What are they trying to hide? Her thoughts were disturbed when Jaehyun slapped his hand on his thigh and rose from his seat. He held his hand out for Akina to lift her up and she generously took it, “finally we can get going to Taeyong, he’ll be starting to get concerned. However he’s not gonna like the news we give him.” Akina slumped her shoulder but Jaehyun grabbed her arm and began leading her down the endless empty hallways to what is presumably Taeyong’s office. After knocking on the large oak doors, Jaehyun pushed them open to reveal a large Victorian yet oriental style room. It had red wallpaper with small golden symbols on which Akina presumed was NCT’s logo and half the wall was dark oak borders. She stared breath taken, admiring the luxurious room, only to be interrupted by Taeyong’s deep voice right next to her ear. “Take a seat Akina.” He hissed her name into her ear as she walked to the brown chairs. She took a seat and Jaehyun stood quietly behind her while Taeyong sat on the opposite side of the desk from her. “So,” he mumbled as he sat forward, “what fucking information have the police got on us?” Akina looked down as a strike of failure filled her, “none,” she replied bluntly. Why should she have to feel sad, she’s supposed to be working against them. Taeyong abruptly stood up and slammed his palms against the wooden desk and Akina flinched at the hard sound. “Right, I don’t know who you think you are but I expect answ-” He was cut off when Jaehyun interrupted him. “She gave me all the details to access the databases but there was nothing to do with us on there. The only information included was on Akina’s report from yesterday however they were very vague.” Taeyong slumped back down into his chair and fidgeted with his fingers, unsure of how to react. He smirked, “That’s got to be a good sign though,” he reassured himself, “that means we should be safe at the moment unless she hands in anything.” He stared sharply at Akina as he said this and she shrunk under his gaze and mean words. Everyone in the room was silent as they doubted and thought to themselves. “Guess we have no use for you now,” said Taeyong as he turned to stare out the large window behind him, “sadly we’ll have to keep you here though seeming as you know too much… Oh and you can’t go back to your job.” She went to argue back with him but stopped when she realised what he meant. He was right, she did know too much: their plans, who they are and what they are capable of.
After a short while Jaehyun clicked his fingers and took in a deep breath like a light bulb just switched above his head. “I have an idea,” he started, “we could use this girl to bring back information for us from the police department. If you think about it, she can access everything at her workplace.” Taeyong turned back around to listen to Jaehyun. He continued, “I reckon that some information is only accessible from the heads of department or cases themselves as you can’t reach their databases online, also a lot of discussions take place within the offices themselves so although they’re not on the database, they will be discussed in real life.” Akina’s mouth shaped a perfect O as he planned a new use for her. He was smart and now Akina didn’t have any hope of escaping this one. After a while of them discussing the cunning plan, another idea popped into TY’s head. “Ah!” He stood up proudly, “you know what else she can help us with? Making allies with other mafia organisations, we can pretend she is our ‘mob bosses’ daughter and arrange meeting for her to marry someone so we can form an alliance.” He clapped his hands in victory and Akina sat there stunned at the sudden news. “Wha- what!?!?” She stuttered aloud, “I can’t do that! That’s just crossing the line!” The two men stopped and glared at her. “Why can’t you do it? That’s the excuse you made to befriend us, a mob bosses daughter,” Taeyong smirked knowingly and watched Akina’s face drop in regret. I wouldn’t say befriending was quite the word to describe the situation she thought. “But, but…” It was no use complaining, she practically dragged herself into this one. She sighed in defeat and then Jaehyun patted her shoulder lightly as he spoke to Taeyong, “damn, she’s been quite the helper hasn’t she?” Akina sat with her head down staring at her white heels that she was wearing the night previously. Wait what time even was it? She lifted her head to look out the foggy window, it was still dark but she really couldn’t tell. “What time is it? How long ago was it since you kidnapped me?” She asked curiously. “10 years.” Joked TY as he replied to her innocent question. “About 4 hours,” answered Jaehyun truthfully, “it’s about  4:15 am currently so I reckon you should get some rest.” He faced Taeyong who nodded in agreement then turned to his desk to look at some sheets. “Before you both leave, I have the rough plans for tomorrow set out,” said Taeyong, “at about 11:50 am, Akina will go out with Kun to practise her skills needed for the mafia meetings and discuss her issues with work. After that, you will arrive back here and I will discuss matters further.” Akina and Jaehyun nodded in sync and bowed before leaving the room. “Oh also, Kun is waiting in the lounge for you two to show Akina her room,” Taeyong winked at her before she exited the lavished room and sighed exhaustively. She felt as though she was going to pass out any minute but continued to follow Jaehyun through the building to find a member named Kun.
She was starting to feel anxious as she drew nearer to the lounge. Who was Kun? His name didn’t sound Korean but she didn’t care about that, would he be another scary guy who would hold her at gunpoint until she falls asleep. She hoped not. She daren’t ask Jaehyun as he scared her enough so she silently followed his lead with the toxic thoughts deep in her mind. The pair finally arrived at the lounge after what felt like forever, walking through dark empty hallways. The walls were a light cream colour and the floor was a dark wood, drenched in a heavy woolen rug. Three large, brown leather sofas sat in the center of the room in a sort of U like shape and on the wall opposite was a ginormous flat screen television that looked as though it belonged in a cinema. There were vintage cabinets dotted over the walls that varied with all sorts of different things from: board games, bits of paper, antiques, weapons to snacks. It really was interesting. A few old paintings hung lazily on the bare walls and a glass table stood cleanly behind the huge sofa, decorated with candles, decor and photographs. It felt as though Akina was at a rich home, however this was a lounge for a famous mafia organisation. She was brought back to reality when she heard a man’s voice, “hi!” He said cheerfully, “I’m Kun, you must be Akina if I’m correct?” She nodded her head and bowed to him. Jaehyun gestured to Akina, “she’s extremely tired as you can probably tell, so I advise you lead her to her assigned room now if possible.” He declared. Akina wasn’t sure if Jaehyun was attempting to be kind or just insulting her. Kun chuckled at his comment and signalled for Akina to follow him, Jaehyun decided to tag along too. Again they wired through endless hallways that all looked the same, at this point Akina was practically dragging her feet across the laminate flooring, fortunately they arrived.
Kun quickly unlocked the door and Akina made her way straight to the single bed. She flung herself onto it and it creaked quietly under the force. Kun and Jaehyun looked at her, amused at her sudden immaturity, and laughed. Before Akina could even get undressed or wipe off her makeup, she was already flat out on the bed. “There’s no point in even attempting to speak to her now,” concluded Kun, “look at her, she seems so peaceful just sleeping there.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes at Kun’s comment and sighed. “Sure whatever. Just make sure you’re there when she wakes and try to gain her trust. We’re counting on you to help us take this plan to the next step. You need to convince her to help us...” Jaehyun continued without noticing how unbothered Kun was. “Yeah okay I understand.” Kun cut him off eventually and walked over to tuck Akina into her duvet and smiled. “Tomorrow will be a success,” He said promisingly to Jaehyun, “I’ll teach her everything she needs to know.” After that the two men abandoned the small bedroom while Akina slept heavily right up until mid-morning…
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. Vanessa Laine Bryant (m. 2001) No, Kobe Bryant is not married. Bryant's ex wife,Vanessa Laine Bryant, filed for divorce on December 16, 2011 citing irreconcilable differences. Both parties stated that all issues related to their divorce resolved prior to the filing. Kobe and Vanessa both filed for joint custody of their two daughters, Natalia, 8, and Gianna, 5. Is Kobe Bryant married - Answ… www.answers.com/Q/Is_kobe_bryant_m… 2. https://www.bing.com/search?q=kobe+bryant+married&go=Search&qs=n&form=QBRE&pc=SMSM&sp=-1&pq=kobe+bryant+married&sc=5-19&sk=&cvid=B7D40612E4C6431DAE160855F129453C 3. Kobe Bryant carries guilt over wife's miscarriage - NY ... www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/kobe-bryant Mobile · Mar 03, 2015 · Kobe Bryant choked up and fought back tears as he took the blame for his wife's miscarriage, calling it: "Something I gotta carry forever." "The reality is ... 10 Things You Never Knew About Kobe's Wife Vanessa Br www.latina.com/entertainment/buzz/10-things-you-never-knew-about Mobile · Jan 12, 2013 · When it comes to Kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa Bryant, we know some of the basics: That she stayed with him after his sexual assault trial, forgiving him for ... Images 4. Much like her husband Kobe, Vanessa Bryant has been a ... www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/la-sp-kobe-vanessa-bryant Mobile · Apr 17, 2016 · Much like her husband Kobe, Vanessa Bryant has been a contradictory, at times polarizing public figure. ... "Once he decided to getmarried… Kobe Bryan: Wife Vanessa Bryantinsists she would have ... www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2190018/Kobe-Bryan--Wife... Mobile · The married the following April in Dana Point, California, when he was 21 and she was 18, and share two daughters, Natalia and Gianna. … Kobe Bryant Divorce from Vanessa Bryant | TMZ.com 5. Kobe Bryant Divorce from Vanessa Bryant | TMZ.com www.tmz.com/category/kobe-bryant-divorce Mobile · Kobe and Vanessa Bryant launched their reconciliation tour last night by hitting up the Warner Bros. Golden Globes after-party together ... just a few days after Vanessa called off the … Vanessa Bryant, Kobe’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know ... https://heavy.com/sports/2015/01/vanessa-bryant-and-kobe-wife-bio... Mobile · With speculation growing over Kobe Bryant’s future following the news that he’s out for the rest of the NBA season with a … Who is Kobe Bryant dating? Kobe Bryant girlfriend m.whosdatedwho.com/dating/kobe-bryant Mobile · Kobe Bryant has been in relationships with Jameika Williams … Occupation: BasketballSpouse: Vanessa Laine BryantBorn: Aug 23, 1978 Videos 1:18 6. 'We were expecting...and um...expecting our second child during that time...and there was just so much stress, she actually, she actually miscarried,' Kobe Bryant said of his wife Vanessa. (SHOWTIME) Kobe Bryant choked up and fought back tears as he took the blame for his wife's miscarriage, calling it: "Something I gotta carry forever." "The reality is it happened because 7. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/kobe-bryant-carries-guilt-wife-miscarriage-article-1.2135283 8. Something I gotta carry forever." "The reality is it happened because of me. That's something I have to deal with," admitted Bryant, who suffered aseason-ending rotator cuff tear in January. The Los Angeles Lakers star made the emotional revelation, which dates back to his 2004 rape case, in the Showtime documentary "Kobe Bryant's Muse." "We were expecting...and um...expecting our second child during that time...and there was just so much stress, she actually, she actually miscarried," Bryant said of his wife Vanessa. 9. Bryant was arrested in connection with the sexual assault of a hotel employee at a Colorado resort in 2003, but the case was dropped in September 2004 when the woman opted not to testify. The 36-year-old spoke about the ordeal and how it impacted his family. "It's something...I have a real hard time dealing with that 'cause I felt like it was just my fault," Bryant said in the documentary, which premiered Saturday. "We should be building our family," he continued. "But because of my mistake, because of this tough year, we lost a baby." 10. KOBE AND VANESSA The Reconciled Couple  That Parties Together ...  1/14/13 8:15 AM PDT KOBE BRYANT'S WIFE DROPS DIVORCE!!!  1/11/13 6:15 PM PDT 11. KOBE BRYANT'S WIFE Sells Mansion for $3.2 Mil  1/9/13 6:15 PM PDT KOBE BRYANT Comes Out of Hiding  for NYE With Vanessa!!  1/1/13 3:13 PM PDT KOBE BRYANT & VANESSA It's Like We NEVER Separated  12/13/12 9:47 AM PDT KOBE BRYANT & VANESSA HOT LUNCH DATE  10/17/12 6:33 PM PDT 12. http://m.tmz.com/#!category/kobe-bryant-divorce/ 13. KOBE AND VANESSA BRYANT DIVORCE OFF ...  For Now  6/12/12 10:00 AM PDT 14. http://m.tmz.com/#!article/2013/01/14/golden-globes-kobe-bryant-vanessa-photo/ 15. THAT PARTIES TOGETHER ...    1/14/13 8:15 AM PST 41 Kobe and Vanessa Bryant launched their reconciliation tour last night by hitting up the Warner Bros. Golden Globes after-party together ... just a few days after Vanessa called off the split.  The on-again, off-again, on-again couple announced last week they were pulling the plug on their divorce, which seemed like a foregone conclusion after they were seen together at the 12-12-12 concert and on New Year's Eve. Rebounding has always been a strength of Kobe's game. 41 COM 16. KENDALL & KYLIE JENNEREviction Notice a Huuuuuge MistakeLeasing Co. Says: Our Bad!!!3/11/18 17. http://m.tmz.com/#!article/2018/03/11/kendall-kylie-jenner-eviction-notice-mistake/ 18. http://stylecaster.com/kendall-jenner-body-shamed-feet-nude-picture/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_2624200 19. On Sunday, the “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” star posted an artsy, black-and-white nude selfie on Instagram. The shot showed Jenner posing 100-percent naked in a garden with her hands over her breasts and her feet on a chair. Despite baring her entire body on the internet, critics could only concentrate on one thing. Read more: http://stylecaster.com/kendall-jenner-body-shamed-feet-nude-picture/#ixzz59QkMl671 20. http://redirect.viglink.com/?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_152076008124924&key=32a62106df0a261c11d7df1238ac665f&libId=jeml5w9j0100n95y000MA18mo689v&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fstylecaster.com%2Fkendall-jenner-body-shamed-feet-nude-picture%2F%3Futm_source%3Dzergnet.com%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_campaign%3Dzergnet_2624200&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zergnet.com%2Fi%2F2554781%2F38712%2F0%2F0%2F152555773%2F1&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fstylecaster.com%2Fkendall-jenner-body-shamed-feet-nude-picture%2F%3Futm_source%3Dzergnet.com%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_campaign%3Dzergnet_2624197&title=Kendall%20Jenner%20Body-Shamed%20for%20Feet%20in%20Nude%20Picture%20%7C%20StyleCaster&txt=The%20Real%20Reason%20Why%20Hollywood%20Stopped%20Casting%20Jessica%20Biel%3Cspan%20class%3D%22zergdestW%22%3ENickiSwift.com%3C%2Fspan%3E
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telepathicapathy · 4 years
I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I've slept maybe 12 hours in the past three(ish) days. I want a nap. And Yet
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distpubindia · 4 years
MBA Assignment Solution
SK Enterprises which manufactures Audio systems for Retail market in consumers is now planning to make audio cum navigation systems for the B2B market for Automobiles with various price points and sizes. As the sales and marketing manager, how would you.
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smallkore · 3 years
Hi kore! I have a request for you! a cartoon poster for Kai's album (the member form exo) please! - mikrokosmosa
I did it ! I made it not like a cartoons)) Actually it’s something like old science fiction books I think)) Hope you like it)) And I like this album so so much I was wanted to do something when the album was released so thanks for the request)))❤❤❤
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smallkore · 3 years
hiiiii mutual 💞 i thought i should do an official greeting lol
Your official greeting is accepted lol💖💫
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smallkore · 3 years
Your blog layout is really unique💗
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smallkore · 3 years
give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡
ILY one more time💖💫😅
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smallkore · 3 years
hey, here’s a friendly reminder that your original content is incredible!!! let’s spread some support by sharing this message to 10 other blogs whose creations you love, and don’t break the chain ❤️✨ have a great day/night and remember that you’re loved!!!
Thanks 💖💖💖💖💖🥺
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