#skull theories
zecoritheweirdone · 1 month
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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shayberri789 · 1 year
My theory on the NtN ending:
Cassiopeia wasn't the only one to betray Jod thousands of years ago. She wasn't the only one to see that what Jod was doing was wrong and put plans in place to deal with it.
Anastasia the first almost had perfect lyctorhood and watched her God kill her cavalier in front of her so she couldn't do it. Maybe she really would have died. Maybe she would have gone the paul route. Maybe she would have survived and Samael would still be around. But he was killed in front of her and she had no say in it.
Alecto was odd, and a little dangerous, but she's the soul of the earth and if Jod could kill the most important person to Anastasia of course he could kill the thing who loved humanity so much she gave them power over life and death.
And when the Lyctors were convincing him to kill his pet revenent beast, the pin point of his greatest sin and a being in constant pain and hurt, maybe Anastasia, the one left behind, the one maybe magicked to silence through a sewn tongue, cursed jaw, felt sympathy and kinship with Alecto. Maybe she knew Jod would never truly kill Alecto. Maybe she was the first person in hundreds if not thousands and millions of years to look at Alecto with compassion and actually say "I will help you if only you tell me how". Maybe she made a promise to protect Alecto, maybe she made a promise to look after her while she sleeps. Maybe she made a promise that one day she'd come and wake Alecto up and they'd solve things together. Maybe one day they can undo what John did and maybe Alecto can have peace, finally, one day. And maybe Alecto swore that for the debt of waking her again she would do anything for Anastasia, any one thing, if Anastasia woke her up in a time when things could change.
But by the time Anastasia, frail with her necromancer build and squirreled away at the edge of the solar system, started reaching old age she realized it was too soon to wake her up. Too soon to send her into the lyctor viper pit again, not while Anastasia was so weak. So she tasks her daughter with guarding the tomb. "This door must stay shut until the day comes when the emperor must die" she says, and her daughter repeats this to her son, and so on and so forth until the body in the locked tomb becomes Armageddon. Not locked away for her own protection, not awaiting the day for the tomb keeper to wake her up and try again, not awaiting the day when the nine houses get to restart. No, she's the greatest enemy of god, she must be locked away lest she start Armageddon, locked away for the protection of the emperor and their duties to her tomb an icon for devotion.
But the bloodwards hold for 10000 years and one day the curse of silence will be lifted from the jaw of the ninth house tomb keeper, and the oath to Alecto is preserved in the Anastasian bloodline. And the daughter of the tomb keeper has awakened the monster once again
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luck-of-the-drawings · 3 months
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#cw flashing lights#LOOORRD OF LIGHTNING SAAAAVE ME!!!!#RAAAHHHH I LOVETHIS SONG SO FUCKIN MUCH AND I LOVE GILLION SO FUCKIN MUCH RAAHHHH!! RAAHHHH!!!#BUT YES YES I HAD LIKE A WHOLE OTHER HALF TO THIS SKETCHED OUT BUT IT WONT FINISH COOKIN FOR A MILLION YEAARS!!!!#MAYBE SOMEDAY.....#ANYWAY. this is my first time actually syncing audio to my animations. normally i domnt know howww.#i animated it all in fire alpaca AND THEN i mixed everything in a pirated movie maker. it kinda uh. sucks. but its WHAT I GOT BAYBE!!#i relaly like how i animate swishy hair... i was inspird by eris from sinbad. i can only HOPE i got on that level w the watery flowyness#LIUGHTNING IS HARD TO ANIMATE TOO. I WATCHED ALOTTA VIDEOS ABSORBED MINIMAL TUTORIALS AND UHH I THINK I DID OKAY!!#better than bad!!! but i can still do better. eventually. ugh. FLASHING LIGHTS TOO HUH? U LIKE ANIMATINGB FLASHING LIGHT?#U LIKE MAKING THE BLACK N WHITE FLICKER RLY FAST UNTIL UR EYES BLEED OUT UR SKULL?? YEAAAHH YOU DO!!!#im also vry proud o the title cards i made at the beginning teheheheh. dependign on where riptide goes i MIGHT change it#BUT HEY THEORY TIME? I HOPE ONE OF THE GODDESSES COMES DOWN TO PILOT GILLIONS BODY SO THEY CAN BEAT THE FUCK OUT O THE OTHER GODDESS#WHO IS ALSO IN SOMEONE ELSES MORTAL BODY. GODS COMING DOWN TO WREAK HAVOC OVER PETTY DISAGREEMENTS OOOGH HOW FUN!!#GOOD ON YOU CHAMPION!! YOUR VESSEL HAS BEEN TRAINED TO BE STRONG AND HARDY. PERFECT FOR CHANNELING DIVINE ENERGY.#OHHHH WHAT A PERFECT WEAPON YOU ARE. NOW GO AND IMMANENTIZE A WATERY ESCHATON#PARAGON OF OCEANS WRATH I WANT TO SEE YOU DROWN THE LAND. DESTROY!!! EAT!!! BURN!!! RAAAGHH I NEED GILLION TO GET MORE POWER!!!!#ALSO in other news i uh. actually posted this onto twitter forever ago but forgot to post it here bc i can only post it from pc and BABY!!#IM NOT ON THE COMPUTER OFTEN! NOT ANYMORE!! NOT ANYMOREE!!! IM FREE BAYBE!! i used to be so miserable. sometimes i think abt that.#ANYWAY. pls enjoy. just this much took so long. i love makin the lil guys move.... ouh.... hava good day if u get the chance to.
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albino-parakeet · 1 month
“You okay Darius?”
This is the scene I was talking about in my previous post btw. A good chunk of JP fans I’ve seen think of it as really silly.
Music used in the BG: Jurassic Park 3 Soundtrack: Plane Ride/Alan’s Nightmare. At around the 1:30 mark
Transcript undercut
[Darius relaxing in the passenger seat of Ben’s van. Large footsteps approach causing the Dino ornament on the rear view mirror to bounce. Darius looks in the rear view mirror to see a glimpse of something]
[Darius turns to the driver side to see he’s alone]
Darius: Ben?!
[The footsteps stop and a shadow falls on the passenger window. Darius turns round in his seat and is met with an Allosaurus]
Allosaurus, in Brooklynn’s voice: Darius.
[Darius is frozen as the van disappears from under him, leaving him on the ground. Defenseless]
Allosaurus, still in Brooklynn’s voice: You said you’d be here.
[Darius unable to speak, sits in terror at the theropod circling him. Until the Allosaurus roars, mixed with Brooklynn’s screams, lunging at him. Darius throws his hands up in a useless effort to protect himself.]
Unknown Voice: Darius!
[Darius is shaken away by Ben, who is keeping his eyes on the road while driving. The grip on his shoulder is firm and almost painful, but grounds him from his night terror.]
Ben: You good, bud? You were having a bad dream.
[The screen changes to black with text meant to be read as Darius]
Darius, off screen: Yea… I’ll be fine.
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captorations · 10 months
you are trapped in a room with one person who really wants to talk about inversion theory, and another person who really wants to talk about quadrants. you have a gun with a single bullet. who are you shooting
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The Locked Tomb Series- Alecto Theory
Brace yourselves this is 3000 words of me connecting dots that aren't even there.
First things first, this post is an amalgam of various brilliant theories I have seen posted on Tumblr, so if anything feels familiar, that will be the main reason. I am just going to present my own take on this, and hopefully add something new to what we already have.
                The subjects of today’s conspiracy theory are Alecto and Anastasia -and Cassiopeia in part, the vow to Anastasia’s bloodline and what could very possible be, Dios Apate MAJOR.
                So let’s start with what we have from the books, and feel free to correct me or add sth I might have forgotten.
                Anastasia and Samael are the only ones of the original Lyctor batch, that didn’t complete the Lyctorhood process, thanks to - in no small part – John, and/or possibly Alecto. (“I am sorry about Samael”). Which could mean that Alecto was somehow involved in the whole process going wrong, and thus she feels responsible for Samael’s death, or that she was close enough with Anastasia and Samael, that she herself felt Samael’s loss, or she felt for Anastasia’s grief. (I like to believe that they did have a tentative friendship even before the vow thing happened.)
                Anastasia is also the only one of the Lyctors we know, so far, to have had children. Which is an important bit on its own, (Can full Lyctors, have children? If so, are they different from other children, necromantic or not? Is there a reason that in spite of biological capability- if it exists-the other Lyctors have chosen not to have children? Even with Augustine’s and Mercymorn’s plan we see that in the end Gideon is conceived with Wake’s material – John is a whole different story as far as Lyctorhood goes so he doesn’t count.)
Back to our discussion though, Anastasia’s bloodline was so important to the Ninth House that it has been preserved for 10.000 years. We do not really get a clear picture on whether the Reverend Family knows why the continuation of the bloodline is important, Harrow certainly doesn’t, but it was so deeply ingrained to them that Anastasia’s bloodline must remain intact, that they effectively committed genocide, dooming the House’s future, in order to produce one more direct descendant of the Saint that wasn’t.
We do get a hint, a rather big one, on why the preservation of Anastasia’s blood is so important, in Nona’s Epilogue. Alecto states that Harrow is “the blood of the tombkeeper” after kissing her and drawing blood. What did she taste on Harrow’s blood I wonder? And how did she recognize the taste, as the taste of Anastasia’s line? Did the vow she initially made to Anastasia herself involve them drawing blood? Did it bind them to one another, so deeply that they ingrained themselves into each other on a molecular level?
To add to this, young Harrow, young desolate Harrow, who had had enough with her life and was prepared to die, young Harrow who opened the Tomb for that express purpose, loves Alecto from sight. And decides to keep living for her. And there is something exceedingly weird to just how much Harrow loves Alecto. Alecto is probably the most attractive person Harow lay her eyes upon to that day, true, but this instant infatuation, and its persistence throughout the years has something more to it, don’t you think? As Gideon points out, both to herself and to Ianthe, Harrow’s heart belongs to the dead cold body in the Tomb. And said cold dead body in the Tomb, recognizes Harrow from sight when she wakes “Alecto recalled her, for it was a face once dreamed in Alecto’s dream.”
And this line begs the question. Could Alecto dream, in the tomb? If so, how? And what did she dream of? Did she dream of Harrow? Why did she dream of Harrow if that is the case? Or did she dream of Anastasia, and the resemblance is that great? On the other hand, if this refers to Harrow first opening the Tomb, and looking at Alecto, does that mean that she was in some form conscious throughout that stasis? Does this mean that she could have heard and felt Anastasia while they were both locked in the Tomb, for however long the other woman lived?
(The scene where Nona describes the feeling of Anastasia's hands in the water and feeling safe. I am going to cry.)
I do have an interesting theory about Alecto’s “dreams” but we’ll get there in a bit.
Something else that is fishy, is that the Ninth, is the House of the Sewn Tongue. It sounds a bit like too much flesh magic for a bone magic house to specialize in, right? The cure to the Sewn Tongue on the other hand? Removing the mandible and all that? That sounds like a Bone Magic solution to a flesh magic problem. And I wonder if the fact that the Ninth House’s emblem is the Jawless skull, insinuates that the Ninth is not so much a house where many secrets are kept – though this is undoubtedly true, as the Ninth is known as the House of secrets by the other houses – as much that in the Ninth, all secrets are revealed. Where the sewn tongue is healed, and the truth comes to light. And I’d like to point out that it sounds a bit like foreshadowing, and a promise. Anastasia has been betrayed by John and sworn to secrecy, and then locked in the Tomb to die and take his secrets with her. I feel like the jawless skull acts as a constant reminder, that even with the sewn tongue, all curses can be broken, and all secrets will eventually come to light. And it feels like a promise to John, that her House, the house of secrets and unspoken truths, will be the one to rid of the sewn tongue and bring the truth he so fears forward. And this aligns a tad too well with the Sixth’s mantra, Six for the truth, over solace in lies.
And you know what else fits here, in this concordance of the Sixth and Ninth Houses? Cassiopeia and Anastasia’s friendship. Their alliance if you will. We know they both worked closely together trying to figure out the perfect Lyctorhood process, and it is possible that Anastasia made her attempt a bit before Cassiopeia. The exact same attempt, that performed in perfect conditions ended in failure, with John ultimately killing Samael.
 We also know that Cassiopeia left contingency plans in place, should the emperor become a hindrance to the empire. And from what we have seen of Cassiopeia in the books, it is safe to assume that she is driven, determined, exceedingly intelligent, perceptive, logical, and excellent at planning. She is also the one to point out John’s less than favorable qualities pre-Resurrection such as his interest in taking vengeance on those that wronged him being bigger in his interest to save lives.
So, we have, Cassiopeia and her logic driven, truth seeking brilliance, and Anastasia, the thorough, overly methodical researcher. We have them both working on perfect Lyctorhood, and we have them both, in one way or another, being betrayed by John. Chances are, that they were the first post Resurrection to notice John’s flaws, the first to concoct a plan against him. But contrary to Cytherea, Mercy and Augustine, they are more subtle than those cannonball attempts. No, I believe they planned. And they planned long term, and together. Cassiopeia left her House a note, left them instructions, she was preparing them for when John would become a liability. And then an aforementioned amount of time later, Anastasia is asked to design the tomb.
We do not really know anything about Alecto’s relationships with the other lyctors apart from the fact that most found her revolting, a “monster” in Mercy’s words. So here is a thought, perhaps Anastasia, the one of the original Eight to never ascend, perhaps the one whose failure Alecto was involved in – “I am sorry about Samael” – finds kinship in John’s unnerving pet, his undead “cavalier”, the one he betrayed first, the soul of earth. Perhaps they even became friends. Perhaps she and Cassiopeia realize the extend of what John has done and realize that Alecto is the key to undoing it. When John refuses to kill Alecto to appease the others, the plan fully forms.
So, they construct the tomb. And Cassiopeia is well-known for building mechanisms within houses, so maybe her and Anastasia create secret passages, and mechanisms with extra access to the tomb that would be independent of John sneaking in, or whatever he planned to do with that blood-ward.  And hear me out, we know that Cassiopeia stayed 7 minutes in the river before being torn apart by the resurrection beast – at Mercymorn’s account at least, not sure how reliable of a narrator she is. But what happened during those seven minutes? Paul says he thinks he knows how to get to the Locked Tomb via the River. So, the river and the Tomb are connected. What did Cassiopeia do, I wonder? (Here I’d like to say that my other theory is that she did eventually die, or rather was consumed by Varun the eater, much like Judith Deuteros was. The RB burned through her in what, a couple months? How long would a Lyctor last? Perhaps that was the reason that Varun didn’t resurface until 100 years after Cassiopeia’s presumed death. She could have been alive and slowly wasting away, while still making failsafe within failsafe until she lost her sense of self and eventually wasted away)
To recap until now, the first part of my theory is that Anastasia and Cassiopeia dissatisfied with the world John had made and the truth he had served them, probably worked together to find the truth. And they worked together from the shadows, to create a plan, a long-term plan, with which they could bring John down if the need ever arose, and undo what he had done. And Anastasia’s bloodline and their secrets are really bloody important to that plan. (Also, some nice symbolism about the Ninth being about secrets revealed, rather than secrets kept, and that functioning as a bit of foreshadowing.)
Now into the second part of my theory. Anastasia’s bloodline is so important because she has bound her bloodline to Alecto. And I think this happened in the premise of the Vow Alecto has made to her, or they have made to each other. This might be part of the initial vow, of which we know nothing about, apart from the fact that Alecto pledged herself to Anastasia, and that it is important enough that she pledges herself to Harrow, or a failsafe within it. A failsafe to ensure that should Alecto wake after Anastasia has passed, she will not be fooled by any imposters, or anything else John might have planned. Or perhaps, a failsafe to ensure that even if John changes his mind and finds a way to rid of the body within the tomb, to “kill” Alecto, she will not be completely gone, she will keep existing within Anastasia’s line, thus ensuring that the plan for John’s demise can still be enacted and that the soul of the earth will not be dead.
That plays really hard in the Alecto is within Harrow from the beginning theory. And I will explain. I believe I saw something that looked like this in Twitter by lesbian_mothman, but I do not really remember so I apologize if all this has been said before.
In all the dream chapters with John, we relive memories from just before and after the resurrection, and John talks to Harrow as if she is Alecto “You always say that Harrowhark” as a response to “I still love you.” Or when Varun recognizes the Earth’s soul “green thing” within Nona in the car chase scene, or when Judith regaining consciousness asks “Harrowhark?” and Nona replies, “No, and I never was.” So that begs the question of how much of Harrow is Harrow, how much is Alecto and how much are the 200 souls within her? (And there was a crowd of dead children there. They were striving loudly against living children on the far-off shore of the tomb. CHILLS)
In Nona we learn that Palamedes and Camila on the one hand and Pyrrha on the other have two different theories about who Nona is. The Sixth believe that she is an amalgam of Gideon and Harrow, and Pyrrha believes she is Alecto, golden eyes and all. And I am more inclined to believe that it is indeed Alecto, or at least a part of her, that resides within Harrow, and took the wheel when both Harrow and Gideon were gone. Think abt it. Gideon is back in her body, and we have no idea what the hell happened to Harrow, only that she doesn’t have the wheel, and Nona acts nothing like Harrow or Gideon did. It’s like she is learning how to be human for the first time. She learns how to love and be loved for the first time. So with no soul to govern the body, the part of Alecto within Harrow takes the wheel.  
And then there is the candle metaphor in NtN. Alecto’s soul is the candle passed from one necromantic heir of the Ninth to the other.
So long story short, part of the vow, if not all of it, is that part of Alecto will always live within Anastasia’s descendants, so long as they are necromancers. And here comes the part of Alecto’s dreams. Because if indeed she lives within the souls of Anastasia’s necromantic descendants, does she see through their eyes? Does she feel through their hearts? Does she dream of their lives, while locked in the Tomb, while a part of her lives in them? Is she conscious within them? Or does the whole thing act like a cavalier- lyctor sort of connection, where she cannot take the wheel unless the other soul in the body Is gone?
 Part of her soul is bound to Anastasia’s line, and they are bound to her, and over the course of 10.000 years do they spill over? Alecto to Anastasia’s descendants and they to Alecto.  Was this part of the plan to have a failsafe within Anastasia’s line in case something happened to the body in the Tomb? Was it a promise Anastasia made to Alecto, to give her a chance to live, to be human, through the lives of her own descendants?
All in all, I guess I could some it up in a few concise points.
Cassiopeia and Anastasia worked closely together, they were friends and allies and saw in John, the unfulfilled promises he made, and all the faults he tried to cover with rewriting his own version of history.
They decide to make a plan, a long term one, a detailed one, for when John is more a liability than it is worth. And thus, Cassiopeia creates the mechanisms in the Sixth and leaves the protocols for the rest to find. Truth over solace in lies.
Meanwhile Anastasia attempts to ascend, and John kills Samael. Alecto might be consciously or unconsciously involved and harbors guilt over Samael’s death.
Anastasia probably befriends Alecto or finds kinship with this strange being that is the soul of a planet that no longer is.
The planning continues and John after being asked to kill Alecto decides to lock her in the Tomb instead and has Anastasia design it. He later asks her to stay in the tomb and guard Alecto. (Antigone style)
Anastasia designs the tomb, probably with Cassiopeia’s help, probably with a few hidden mechanisms of its own and or a secret pathway through the river, an extra way out.
At some point, Anastasia sires a line, and she makes her vow with Alecto.
The vow probably is in regards of bounding Alecto to Anastasia’s line so long as there are necromantic heirs. A part of Alecto is constantly alive within each descendant of Anastasia’s.
It might work a bit like the lyctoral process, because Alecto only takes the wheel when there is no Harrow and no Gideon in Nona’s body, aka when there doesn’t seem to be another soul guiding it.
Alecto dreams. Whether she dreams of herself within the tomb and that’s how she recognizes Harrow on sight – from the memory of Harrow first unlocking the Tomb – or her dreams are glimpses of the lives Anastasia’s descendants lead I don’t know.
Alecto is thus bound to Anastasia’s line by blood. She recognizes Harrow by her blood, tasting either Anastasia, or the part of herself residing within it, when she kisses her. It also ensures that the line is intact the vow is intact and it’s not a pretender trying to fool her.
Anastasia and Cassiopeia planned to bring John down by opening the tomb when the time was right and leaving her to Alecto’s (and the RB’S???) mercy. There is still a lot left to be explored.
The tomb is to remain closed until the time has come God has to die. We can all see how that can be misinterpreted to > if the tomb opens God will die. And instead of a promise to be fulfilled it becomes a terrible terrible thing, that will spell everyone’s doom.
The freaking skull of the ninth is a threat, a foreshadow and a promise. The Ninth was a house that should have died with Anastasia in the tomb. But it didn’t. It continued existing its bloodline unbroken for 10.000 years. Nine for the tomb and all that was lost. The Ninth is predominantly I feel a house of mourning – the whole nuns, all black, and skull makeup thing. But it is also a house of secrets. It is a house represented by the cure to even the tightest secret held. So the Ninth, the house that should never have been the house that should have died with its secrets in the tomb of its inception, is the one that will break the sewn tongue, and reveal all the secrets, bringing the truth to light.
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shima-draws · 1 year
I just got to the whole Fogbound Lake part of the story where Team Skull is about to gang up on you and your partner and like. Idk if this is a common headcanon or just smth I’ve personally believed for years but. When Wigglytuff comes charging out of the woods chasing his Perfect Apple at the EXACT moment Team Skull was about to attack you…that cannot be a coincidence. I bet you he was probably standing by the entire time, probably even before Team Skull came out of hiding, watching his apprentices solve the mystery of the Groudon Statue…and then when Team Skull revealed what absolute assholes they were, and even hinted at what took place in Apple Woods…he was probably like oh NO they don’t. Not MY apprentices. Not MY guild. So he chose to come running in at that exact moment. And played the oblivious buffoon card right up until the very end, and promptly served Team Skull’s asses to them on a platter.
I mean we get lots of little hints within the game (especially his special episode) that Wigglytuff is way smarter and way more resourceful than he lets on. I just love the idea of him jumping in to protect his apprentices and thrashing Team Skull to hell for not only being bullies but also for lying to the guild? And playing Chatot for a fool? NOT gonna stand. Nothing but respect for MY Guildmaster
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heros-shade-fanclub · 16 hours
i've always adhered to the idea that termina isn't a real place but rather a representation of link himself. and it makes me unwell if i think about it too much. to be quite honest with you
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rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
sorry I'm having late night majora's mask thoughts and they might be half thoughts and not super coherent, but... the fact that link learns the song of healing from the happy mask salesman from an organ...... like... I don't know, I'm wondering how that fits into this whole healing thing, since what he heard from an organ last time was basically the source of all his trauma, now becoming the first anchor to help people moving on (starting with himself)
I don't know, it's also the thing about koume and kotake being basically kind swamp grandmas in this one despite the gerudos being pretty much still gerudos (even arguably crueler) otherwise...
like I don't know if that's anything, but I'm wondering how his time in Termina helps Link process This Gigantic Part of his trauma, and how that ties up with Skull Kid and Majora (and the moon itself, awful and horrendous and destructive from outside then incredibly calm and beautiful and childlike within)... and what he gets out of this and reapplies to Hyrule later, especially given we're in the backstory of Twilight Princess and we all know how that goes!!!
I don't know, I always felt like Ganondorf (and Zelda, and any of the major NPCs) just not being present in the game (Zelda memories/fisherman situation not accounted for) was actually a pretty potent choice, because these characters are everywhere but in a distilled form; and I think Ganondorf especially (given he's the reason Link is not doing fine in the first place) exists in the moon, the Mask, Skull Kid, Ikana...
But also it's a game with such tenderness for the monsters (the re-deads dance when nobody is looking, the mummy is a loving father that his daughter tries to protect from you, the dekus are fully fledged people...), and it's a game that rejects evil as a fixed characteristic safe for the corrupting object (AND EVEN THEN you get the moon's insides where every boss becomes a literal child), so I can't help but wonder how Link's little brain is processing this whole mess on uhhh This Side of the equation
(I'm taking on the metaphor angle, I'm not onboard for the "it's all a dream" game theory sides of things, I think it can both happen for real and be a metaphor at the same time, to clarify, and I think it's the most interesting setup narratively so vOv)
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r3d-m3dic · 10 days
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these two look the same. If you gave the top girl a belt and black gloves I'd think she's just Irina Spalko but animated.
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cephydots · 2 months
Dante is Ayin -> slep 💤
Don Quixote is a Bloodfiend -> 👀 👀
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So I absolutely DIE every time I think about the whole "Mike was recreating the best thing he'd ever done when he asked Will to be best friends again" in the s4 bedroom scene, but LOOK:
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They're in the same position that they had been in the swingset scene all those years ago, with Mike being way taller since he's standing/sitting on the bed and Will being way shorter since he was sitting on the swing/kneeling on the floor.
So. If we had a swingset scene, this would be a DIRECT PARALLEL to it.
But I'm fine tho (me when I lie)
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felix-krain · 8 months
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No One Lives Forever
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ive had a realization
okay warning: spoilers for l&co book 5 (basically the whole series)
idk if anyone has said this or thought of this before but recently i remembered that when Lucy had the first conversation with skully when lockwood & george were in the room, she said it was so important because it was the first proof anyone ever had that they could talk to type 3s. She said everyone who ever claimed that they could talk to type 3s was declared insane or died before they could prove it. but lucy is definitely not the only one who has ever been able to talk to type 3s. and we know because of the skull (who is a type 3 obviously) they learned about the other side and about Marissa being Penelope. And we also know that Lockwood & co is the only independent small agency like that and that dosent operate like other agencies. I think that agents who found they could talk to type 3 would probably mention it and it would get mentioned probably to the adults. And in these situations, its easy to set up situations for agents to die "on a case" like Fairfax tried to do in tss. So I think when someone would claim they could talk to type 3s, Marissa was scared to being found out and would set up the death of said agent. (this also explains why they so many jars of them going down to the fittes furnace like the skull was gonna) Until Lucy. No adult supervisors, and Lockwood trusts her 100%. they never mention it to authorities bc it would be too much attention. So Marissa wouldnt have known about it. Until it was too late.
idk if that made any sense or if it was super obvious and im just dumb but yeah something j thought about the other day
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albino-parakeet · 21 days
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Thought the difference was funny so here’s that meme with the closest thing to a “face reveal” I’ll do.
Granted I was dressed up to run errands and such when I was watching lol. Yes that’s a Jurassic Park button up. I own three different ones.
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laniemae · 8 months
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I’m surprised not much people are talking about this scene in Double. Mikoto’s standing there in a crowd of mannequins and then he’s suddenly covered with ripped, black pieces of paper when a red figure and a blue figure, likely representing mikoto’s and John/orekoto’s seperate identities struggling to fit together. And how it keeps rearranging itself and put together with sticky tape. And also there’s the skull that appears on Mikoto’s paper and the graph (?) that appears on John/orekoto’s side. I’ve noticed a lot of wavelength and graph imagery in double which I’ll probably talk about in the future but this is just an interesting detail to me.
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