#sleepy schedules arc
paldean-ranger-brandy · 5 months
Good news: my body has evolved beyond the need for sleep, I think. I stayed up p much all night slogging through the backlog of mission reports and am on active field duty today and I have noticed zero drop in performance.
I am beyond the need for sleep. Surely this will not bite me in the ass later.
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ambiguousgrass · 2 years
I'm reading transcripts of the exile streams and just. Wow. C!dream was a fucking asshole. Like I've watched these streams before but sweet jesus I forgot the extent of his bullshit.
#I've been in the fandom since november 2020 and I watched as many vods as I could from before then but I've mentally blocked out/forgotten-#so much that it feels like I'm watching for the first time again and it's a bit strange lol#grass yells into the void#block men#tommy was doing his best and it just makes me so sad the entire exile arc was fucking rough he did not deserve that#<- hot take I know /sarcasm#no but like the fandom is definitely aware of exile but I feel like so many people haven't watched the streams so they're not really aware o#like I've seen a lot of dark!sbi discourse which I'm not going to touch with a ten foot pole btw leave me the fuck out of that#but anyway I've seen so many people get upset at the actions of the characters in dark sbi works and claim that the author shouldnt've-#written something like that meanwhile they wholeheartedly support c!dreams actions#idk it's just a bit funny to me#again I'm not taking a side on the whole dark sbi thing I really don't want to be involved in that shitfest#but some people who are vehemently against the genre are a bit hypocritical imo#if you're gonna be an apologist (or whatever people call it) for a character don't denounce another character for doing the same things :/#god I am so tired my sleep schedule is so fucked up and my pain meds arent working so I'm very opinionated today while being sleepy#not a great combo lol I'll probably delete this later if I come back in a better state of mind and think all of what I just said was bs#<-very likely#I'm afraid to tag this as discourse so I'm not going to plus all of the stuff that would merit that is in the tags soooo#should be good I think#dear lord I need to sleep
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venusflwers · 1 year
im surprised at hiw early im feeling tired
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positively-mine · 1 year
Could you do a Balam-sensei courting you post please?
Balam Shichiro courting you
What he’d do in this situation to court you
A/n: My schedule is a mess and I wasn’t planning to write this tonight but when i thought of Balam sense I I couldn’t stop 😵‍💫 Also doing 2 situations for him, will write the human ver when I’m free. Not proofread bc I’m sleepy so if there is ANY mistake, pls tell me :’)
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His crush for you is very innocent
He can tell what he’s feeling but doesn’t know what to do
Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
So he decides he’ll keep it under wraps
spoiler: he’s unsuccessful
Whenever he’s free he’ll like to pop by your table/ class and talk to you
Totally random topics
Like about his students or species
His thoeries
Or just small talk
Also is more comfortable with taking his mask off around you
I hc that he likes to write motivating messages for you on post its
And leaves them in bizarre places for you to find them
In between students papers that you’re marking
A potted plant that you randomly pass by in the hallway
don’t question it, but if you really want to know..
He sends tiny animals to leave them there
Once he knows that you’re ok with his ministrations
Sends different flower species to you
Every time you receive a flower it holds a different meaning
He hopes that you’ll be able to piece it together
(He’s too shy to say anything) ( ´∀`)
When he sees you walking down the hallway, his eyes linger on your form
He can’t help that he’s body naturally seeks you out
After what happened he makes sure that he always keeps an eye on you
Not in a stalkerish way
But by leaving a little plant or animal that he can communicate with
Still respects your privacy so don’t worry about the details 🙂
He’s getting a little impatient that you’re not getting it
So he might decide to take things into his own hands soon
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qwib · 7 months
Looking For VtM Players
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Hey ho! Two of my players have recently put down their roles for the foreseeable future. They're sticking around as friends, but that means I'm looking for new players to add to my roster.
New Orleans by Night has been running for two and a half years and is entering its final arc. Interested? More details are under the read more.
Chronicle name: New Orleans by Night / The Dusk Club
Base system: V5
Any homebrews?: Many. V5 is basically unrecognizable save for the basic roll system.
Language: English
Preferred time/timezone: 6pm GMT+1 (Berlin) / 12pm EST (New York). We have players from both the US and Europe, so this is the time we stick to. Our sessions tend to run an average of 5 hours. Day of the week is subject to change depending on player needs.
Where: Discord, sessions held weekly in text. (Meaning sessions are scheduled weekly the same as they would be for a voice session, except everything takes place in text.)
General description of the chronicle: Current applications are for my Chronicle “New Orleans by Night”; but as that chronicle is nearing its end within the next year, we are exclusively looking for players that will also want to join us for our next upcoming chronicle, “The Dusk Club”. 
The Dusk Club: Led not by me but @cthylla-rlyeh, this Chronicle will start running after New Orleans is finished (roundabout a year from now). Cthylla has been a player of mine for almost 2 years now and is one of my best friends as well as an incredible Storyteller.
New Orleans by Night: Following the Beckoning, New Orleans is left in a power vacuum. Countless parties are vying to be on top. A Tremere Prince works hand in hand with the Second Inquisition to stay in power; an ancient Tzimisce considering herself Lilith reborn is sacrificing Thinbloods in droves in an attempt to awaken an Antediluvian she believes to be sleeping underneath the city. We are Anarchs, trying to create a world in which Kindred of all walks of life can live together in peace - but some nights, it’s hard to even catch our breaths.
This chronicle has been running for two and a half years and we are well into the story, but I have prepared a timeline document summarizing prior events. Feel free to ask for the document at any point in your application. Your character will receive all the XP the other characters have accumulated over past seasons.
Nothing interesting ever happens in Mosspoint. A sleepy little town by the sea, the most earth shattering news you heard in recent years was when it-girl Caroline Kyng cheated on her boyfriend. Meaningless gossip. 
But everything is about to change. What was supposed to be a nice evening out at a concert will turn into a massacre, thrusting you into a life you never would have believed possible, all while coming to terms with your own death… and what it means to be a Thinblood in this world.
All players will be playing Thinbloods in this Chronicle, but your sire’s Clan will affect your abilities, merits, and flaws. The daywalker merit will come free to all Coterie members. A primer document exploring Mosspoint exists.
Required experience level: Should have at least a general overview of the setting. Given how far we are into the chronicle, I would rather not be explaining the system to you.
How to apply: Simply send a message introducing yourself to either me or @cthylla-rlyeh
Anything more?: As a group made up entirely of queer people, we are exclusively looking for other queer people. 
We are extremely invested in these stories and our characters, and would love for you to bring the same level of enthusiasm to our table - we promise to welcome you with open arms. 
Our chronicles are filled with extremely triggering content. If you are sensitive to themes of sexual assault (kept off-screen, but discussed), body horror, gore, addiction, disability, self harm, suicide, and homophobia, our table is not for you. If you have any specific triggers, feel free to ask. 
We will not be jumping right into the chronicle with you. Rather, we will be holding multiple one shots with applicants to vet how we work together. The number of one shots we hold will depend on the number of applicants so we can give everyone a fair shot.
Ultimately, we will be looking for 1-3 new players.
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imaginidol · 11 months
Soobin: Too Sleepy
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The quiet sounds of Soobin's steady breathing accompany the ceiling fan's cooling breeze. There is no sun outside, only thick clouds dropping half-mist and half-snow.
Even when it was chilly outside, Soobin wouldn't sleep without his fan.
You're lying down on one wing of your L-shaped couch while Soobin sleeps on the other wing. Your faces meet in the middle, both meant to be watching a TV show before he fell into a deep slumber.
You didn't mind spending your only free Thursday evenings with Soobin, only to have him sleep on you -- you took it as a compliment. He felt safe enough to sleep at your place.
Or maybe he's just tired from work.
You had turned off the television by now and had turned your attention towards him, watching him as he gently slept away the minutes of the otherwise gloomy afternoon. His bangs had fallen over his eyes, his left cheek was completely squished under his face as soft snores escaped his nose.
You gently run your fingers through your friend's hair, moving the thick locks away from his eyes.
I could get used to this, you thought to yourself.
After a few minutes, he shifts in his sleep, and he brings his arm up towards his face. He rubs his eyes as he groggily tries to wake up.
"Mmm," he smiles at the feel of your hand against his hair, and he reaches to take your hand in his.
He wraps his fingers together with yours, bringing them to his lips.
Then, he does the unthinkable.
He falls back to sleep.
Oh, you thought, now studying the new position of your hands intertwined with his.
Is this... is this platonic or something...?
Soobin, you knew, could be a heavy sleeper when he was terribly exhausted. It was especially busying nowadays, with all the preparations for their upcoming comeback taking up most of his schedule.
But what was this? Was he awake?
People can sleepwalk. People sleep-talk all the time. And even hug in their sleep, too.
I guess people can sleep-handhold now...?
You're all too squeamish on the inside for your own good, probably blushing like crazy on the outside. There's no way he's awake. There's no way he knows what he just did!
Does this mean... he likes me back!?
You smiled at the devious thought crawling through your mind, that your friends-to-lovers arc was finally about to set off with Soobin. So much so, you started daydreaming about him. Eventually, you fall asleep, too.
An hour or so later, Soobin groggily wakes in mere confusion as to where he's at. Then it all comes back to him: he's at your place.
We were watching a movie. Or a show. Did I fall asleep..?
He begins to pull his fingers up to his eyes to rub them, then suddenly feels his hand wrapped around something.
Wait, not something.
But someone.
His eyes trace his fingers to yours and then back to where you are now, snoring fast asleep from the other wing of the L-couch.
Shit, he thinks, unsure of what to do.
You grabbed my hand while I was asleep!
He smiled at the thought of you sneaking your hand into his, thinking it could have only meant one thing: you most definitely liked him back.
He smiled and blushed at the sight of you, thinking about whether this was the first time you'd ever grabbed his hand in his sleep or not.
He excitedly pulls his phone from deep within his pocket and snaps a picture to ask about it later.
Smugly, he pulls your hand just a bit closer to his chest, and patiently waits for you to wake up. This wasn't a very good plan, because five minutes later he's back on cloud 9 dreaming away with you.
If only you knew that in fifteen minutes or so, you'd both wake up together and smile at each other at the feeling of your hands cutely intertwined against his chest.
If only Soobin knew that accusatory fingerpointing as to who-grabbed-whose-hand-first would follow suit.
If only you knew the face he'd make in disbelief when you told him he was actually the one who did it first in his sleep, only to be met with a pillow thrown at you and an accusation that you were lying and trying to blame it on him.
The laughter would soon turn to a throw-pillow fight.
All the pillows are gone, and he jumps the couch to tackle you and say, "You held my hand first!"
You stand your ground, laughing and squealing, "I'm not lying!"
He'd pull out his phone and proudly say, "I took a picture first!"
You'd grab the phone and throw it onto the rug under the coffee table.
He'd pin you down against the couch to get you back.
The laughing would fade to smiles.
Your smiles would endearingly invite each other closer.
Your lips would gently touch.
He's then yours to have, to keep, and to love...
finally as more than just a friend.
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kirantalks · 7 months
Entry number ??? A sign that I'm still watching qsmp tubbo :')))
RIP my sleep schedule, I woke up at 12 am to see British streamer in qsmp purgatory and had work at 8 am (damn you, timezone). This once VOD watcher had ascends to stressed and sleepy live watcher. And I blame Tubbo's streak thingy bc I got interested in that. And yes; I'm very biased in qsmp blue team. My pocoyo profile pic should tell you that. I may like many others like qPhilza, qJaiden, qFit, qBagi but I don't really like qsmp red team for their toxicity and stay on my qsmp blue team lane. (I'm barely awake enough to even send hateful stuff, and I'm not really someone who likes to argue with people (tap that block or mute button if you don't like to keep seeing them people!)
In that D1 Purgatory; they were divided into three groups. Red, Blue, and Green. If I'm correct the order of the team announcement was Blue first, then Red, and Green at last.
Red team spawned in a Tundra, if I'm correct, which is not bad, or not good either. They had problems with water since the beginning (and half of them are literally not online). And Green team spawned in a Bamboo forest, and had access to water, very much directly, making them the most profitable spawn of the three.
Now, blue team spawn was literally in Ice biome, which the place that supposed to be the utmost bad in Dante's inferno, and most of them can be categorised as such without doubt. Their team literally filled with people who hated eo before this purgatory arc, unlike other team, sounds like a cursed team requirements don't you think so?
First row of cubitos we seen on the blue team announcement literally said that. There was qTubbo with his whole scheme ready to fight & not to mention the distrust people had for him. qPierre, which from what I gather had a bit of operation with Cucurucho. qTina, which is a demon who disguise as a cat(?). qPac, freshly from the nether before the event started. qBBH which was literally kidnapped a fed worker.
The second row was qLuzu, which had connection with Arin & codes (?), sadly for qLenay, qNiki, and qRivers I haven't seen a stream of them, but both came from the ice prison. qPol was the one directed the ads for federation, and probably a traitor or so. I remember that people use to analyse the video or so. qMariana, though was literally chucked to lore by codeflippa, and qMissa is our sopping wet cat dad that clutch us up, and is apparently a grim reaper too, like qBBH.
The problem in this team is not only just spawn point, but also unlike the other two teams who look at eo and say "yep, in these two weeks I'm gonna be with this guy & I need to made friendship", their first thinking was just resources and individuality first. They were all the people who didn't trust too much. And insanely smart and tactical about it too. They were cautious, can fade to the background when needed, and bunch of geniuses who can be threatening when they want to be.
It all proved when they were asked to choose a leader, and they all first wanted themselves on it. They all got swayed with qTubbo being the leader though, because he's the Youngest (JK, I'm sure they think it was the best choice to have him leading them). Then the blue name problem; SoulFire team. I'm not sure who suggested it first, but maybe qLenay? Or qMissa suggested that, I need to check other vod first. (Update : It was qBadboyhalo with the soul vulture lore, cuties. Really,.)
qTubbo really made the team worked well, and in a sense of distributing leadership to other people and such. You can literally see it working together nicely, and I genuinely admire qTina for being the best co-leader. When qTubbo(?) ask her where everyone go in day 1 or 3(?) She knew where they are. She's a queen & singlehandedly revolutionise food in this purgatory. Ms. Teanakitten is one of the best of the best, ladies. Write that one down in the history.
And qBadboyhalo and qPierre! They immediately dropped down the vendetta, working together to win! What a turnaround this is. And they worked well together too! when qPac is back, its getting good and good too! Not to mention, the rest of the SoulFire team too! qPol, qMissa, qNiki, qLenay, qLuzu, qRivers. You're all amazing, and the admins knew that you're all be unbeatable.
I fear I'm writing too much but this is nowhere near my thoughts of how the gameplay work, but fuck it, I'm gonna make so many post and drink water to keep the sleepiness away woo!
P.S qsmp admins, you guys are the best
P.S.S Yeah, people needs to appreciate team SoulFire more, and I want to make a post about it too!
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accidentalmistress · 1 year
Accidental Mistress - Nothing Holding Me Back
I am. So tired. I've had like... three and a half hours of sleep that were split into two chunks, five hours apart. Emergency vet shenanigans in the wee hours of the morning. Everyone is fine, although we are all sleepy. BUT I DIGRESS. Even sleep deprivation won't interrupt today's release schedule! Mostly because I already had this one fully written... Whatever. Onward!
(For more Accidental Mistress content, check out the Master Post.)
Please do not reblog to non kink blogs, minors DNI.
Title: Nothing Holding Me Back
Word Count: 1,601
Content and Warnings: snz (male)
In which a kitchen mishap spurs Noelle to a level of boldness she has not shown before, for which Oraion suffers the consequences.
After nearly a year of living together, the witch Noelle had largely grown used to the sound of her demon companion Oraion's sneezing as it echoed throughout her tower on a daily basis. Of course, this did not mean that she no longer took note when it happened, only that it no longer startled her as often as it did at first. Although, when he would sneak up behind her while she was distracted and sneeze right next to her—then it most definitely startled her.
It was not unusual for him to sneeze in multiples, and oftentimes he would have full-blown fits, but usually these only lasted for a minute or two at most. So when Noelle glanced at the small clock that sat next to the open book on her desk and realized that Oraion had been sneezing at varying intervals for about ten straight minutes, she became a touch concerned.
She followed the sound down through the tower until she found the demon in the kitchen with his hands gripping the edge of the counter. His head was bowed, red hair falling around his face and concealing most of it from Noelle’s viewpoint behind him. His long tail swayed to and fro, its sweeping arc interrupted by the odd, erratic twitch.
“Guh… h-heh- heh! … mmnh -sniff- … hih… ah-hehh- HEH! -hhnnng n-no! No, I-I’m not guh-going t-to s- s- hiihh- augh-”
“Um, Oraion?”
He jumped and turned to look over his shoulder. Streaming, red-rimmed eyes met Noelle’s with a wide look of surprise before they fluttered closed.
“Oh n-no- eh-hiih- hiiihh- hiiIIHH- HIIIESHOOO!”
Noelle stepped further into the room. “A-are you alright? What happened?”
Oraion rubbed a finger beneath his septum and sniffled. His nose was quite red and inflamed, with the flush crossing his cheeks and into his long ears. As she drew closer, something on the counter past him caught Noelle’s eye: an overturned spice jar with its contents spilled and scattered across the surface.
“Is that pepper?”
Oraion nodded.
“H-had a bit of a mishahhh-hap, uh, -snnff- a-and it, uh, it- we-went hehHEHehh! nnguh- -ssdnff- w-went everywhere.”
Another pass of his finger beneath his nose. Grains of pepper stuck to his upper lip, and Noelle realized that he was covered in it, like he’d been doused by a very confused demon hunter who knew that some common kitchen spice repelled demons but couldn’t quite remember that it was salt. It was in his hair, on his skin, stuck to his clothes—just what kind of ‘mishap’ could have caused all this?
“Oh, I-I’m sorry. You could have gotten me, I would have helped clean you up.”
“W-well, I could c-clean it up if I wa- heh- w-wanted.” He held up a hand and mimed snapping his fingers, the gesture he usually used to cast spells. “But I thought this was -sdnnff- an excellent opportunity to p-p- ihh-hiiihhh- mmnh- ahem, practice huh-holding back.”
Noelle blinked. “That’s why you’ve been sneezing for the past ten minutes?”
“H-has it only b-been that long? Fe-feels like hours- eh-hehh! Mmmhh- No, I duh-don’t hah-have to sne- snee- heh-heh- sneeheeze! heh-hehh- HEH! Oh shit, y-yes I d-do-! hiiihh-hhiIIHH! HIIHSSHHIIEW!”
It felt so awkward not to say anything after he sneezed, but he also didn’t like being blessed—which, as a demon, was fair, she supposed. Instead, she had started rubbing his arm as a little gesture of acknowledgement, so she reached out and stroked him.
“-snnffft- Thanks.”
“Mm. So, you’re sort of… testing your limits?”
“You could seh-heh- s-say that. Oh, gods, it burns.”
Noelle shifted her weight and fidgeted with her hands as a strange feeling crept into her. There was something about his effort to hold back, stubbornly withholding relief from his tortured nares, florid and sniffling and begging for release from the burning tickle of the pepper that still clung to him—it made her want to see him fall apart and succumb to a fit all the more. After living with the incubus for so long, perhaps he’d rubbed off on her more than she thought.
“Gosh, you poor thing. Um, let me get something to help.”
As she crossed the kitchen she wondered what he thought she meant. Perhaps a remedy to ease his symptoms. Instead she accessed the pantry and reached up amongst the hanging bunches of drying herbs, taking down a fairly fresh bundle of fragrant lavender. The sing of her pulse raced in her veins. Managing her excitement was key—with him already being sneezy she could get away with a certain level of interest, but if she let herself get too hot and bothered the demon’s intrinsic sense for her arousal might tip him off that she was up to something.
She kept the herbs hidden behind her back as she approached Oraion. The demon was still absorbed in rubbing and sniffling and trying not to sneeze. Noelle bit her lower lip. She had never done something this bold before. Despite her best efforts, Oraion must have suspected something. He paused with a knuckle under his nose and locked eyes with her.
It was now or never. One last step to cross the remaining space between them, and Noelle produced the bundle of lavender. She had meant to wave it beneath his nose, but she was so nervous she actually shoved the flowers directly into his face. One of the flower heads poked directly into a nostril.
“O-oh, oops…”
The effect was instantaneous.
“Wh-what are you-?! hehh-HEHH! HAESHIUU! heh-TCHOO! ih- hih- HIHH- HIHH’SHIIEW! Guh- l-lavender- -snnff- M-Mistress you know hehh-how muh-much lavender tiihhhckles me! hiihh! hiih’ISSHU-ISSHU-ISSHU-hih-SHOO!”
Noelle bit her lower lip and pulled back the flowers.
“I-I know, but don’t you think you’ll feel so much better if you let out all those sneezes you’ve been keeping in?”
“B-but th-eh-heh-hehISHIUU! th-the p-pe- heh-hehh-HEHH’TCHiu! p-pepper, I- heh- I can’t- HEH!”
“Mm-hmm, so you’d better sneeze it all out, now, okay?”
With a little more care, Noelle shook the flowers just in front of his nose. Ever the obedient Servant, Oraion’s eyes squeezed shut as his chest heaved, sucking in a great, hitching breath.
“ehh-hhHEEHHhh! hehHHSHHHIIIEW! ah-hahh-aaahhh! GEH-SHHIIUUU!”
Desperate to expel the combined onslaught of the burning pepper and allergenic pollen, Oraion’s suffering sinuses unleashed sneeze after violent sneeze with hardly a moment for breath. He’d had helpless fits before, but never had the urge felt so damned intense. It burned and itched along his entire nose, from nares to bridge and back through his nasal cavity. It wouldn’t be so bad if it felt like the sneezes were earning him any actual relief. Instead he just sneezed and sneezed while that spot just below the bridge, his most sensitive and ticklish, buzzed with a tortuous intensity.
He pressed the back of his hand beneath his nose and quickly dampened it with a messy sheen. Tears streamed from his eyes, which he could hardly keep open, but he noticed that Noelle was holding something up other than the cursed bundle of lavender: a handkerchief. He’d no idea what had gotten into her to make her torment him so, but he wasn’t about to let her have all the fun. Instead of grabbing the handkerchief, he grabbed the hand holding it with both of his own and pulled it in so she was holding the cloth to his nose. He’d see to it she felt every last outburst of this fit she’d inflicted on him.
Even muffled into the handkerchief his sneezes were heavy and unrelenting. Now touching Noelle skin-to-skin, he could even more clearly sense her arousal. Gods but she was enjoying this, wasn’t she? Little sips of pleasure flowed into him, and the more his sneezing thrilled her, the more he began to enjoy it himself. Build and release—he couldn’t deny it was almost like sex. Now if only he could breathe.
Noelle began to worry that maybe she had gone too far. It took quite some time before Oraion’s fit showed any signs of stopping. When it did begin to slow down, though, she noticed that the little sounds the demon started making in the growing spaces between each sneeze were almost… erotic. As if she wasn’t already turned on enough. When he’d forced her to hold the handkerchief for him, she thought she might faint on the spot.
“Ngguh…-snnf- Since when did you ge-get so aahssertive? HEHshu!”
Noelle dropped her chin slightly while looking up at Oraion over the rim of her glasses.
“I suppose I have a good teacher…”
Oraion’s own scarlet eyes lit up with a hungry gleam.
“Oh, you’re going to be the deh-death of m-me- heh! HEH’ISSHIEW!”
He finally let go of her hand and took the handkerchief himself, blowing his nose into it several times. Noelle touched his elbow.
“Should we get you cleaned up, then? After that, maybe we could… lie down together. You know, until you catch your breath.”
Oraion chuckled. “Oh, are you certain you want to do the cleaning up part? -snnff- Don’t want me getting pepper all over the bed? All over you?”
“Hm, that might be a little less pleasant for me than you think.”
“Well, that’s fair. Don’t want it getting into any sensitive places… hehsshhiu! -snf- Plus that adorable nose of yours is so regrettably stubborn. Someday I’ll tease a sneeze out of you, Mistress. -snf- Soon as I find something that works, anyway.”
Noelle blushed. “Oh, y-you don’t need to worry about that.”
“I know I don’t, but it would please you.” He touched her chin with his fingertips. “And I am always looking for new ways to do that.”
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ot3 · 2 years
I actually think the orv webtoon pretty much fails as an adaptation. In the novel you're meant to identify with kdj and relate to him heavily, it's even written in first person for this: it's not "he did smth", it's "I did" ("You did"). This works right into the ending which wouldn't hit half as hard without it. And in the webtoon he's only a character. A protagonist. There's no identifying with him like this. The way he's drawn there doesn't help either...
i would definitely have to agree that the orv webtoon just absolutely does not have the same feel the webnovel does, and that it's much harder to get in kim dokja's head. but i would have to agree in that it fundamentally fails as an adaptation.
for starters, i think the idea that you can't identify with/project onto a character unless the narrative is actively holding your hand in doing that is a pretty baseless claim to make. there is quite literally nothing that could stop a person from looking at any kind of fictional character and saying 'wow hes literally me for real' no matter how much distance the narrative puts between you and them. it may take a little bit more active desire from The Girl Reading This but I don't think it's nearly as much of a stretch as you're making it out to be, especially as the story progresses and we get to the arcs that serve to make kim dokja feel a little more believably 3 dimensional than he does in his early epic isekai protagsweep cringe behavior.
also, even if what you were describing was true for every webtoon reader - that kim dokja is just A Protagonist, and not as much of a vessel for projection - i think that's genuinely an adaptation of orv that has a lot of merit and a very interesting meta-relationship to the source material. when you consider the webtoon's publishing schedule, webtoon readers are going to be operating on a timeline much closer to that of KDJ reading the original wos updates. He essentially is yoo joonghyuk to everyone who has begun reading it now, a sort of impossibly resilient protagonist they could choose to lean on for the better part of the next decade. and i think that's super interesting. kim dokja has never been more yoo joonghyuk than he is in the orv webtoon. that's not a bad adaptation at all! that is in fact very interesting to me!
the thing about adaptations that's really tricky is that it is 1. physically impossible to 'accurately' adapt a story from one medium into another. the medium is so intrinsic to storytelling that by necessity things are lost, changed, and gained in switching from one to another. and 2. considering the wide range of opinions people have about a source there really is no consensus about which exact things about a text have to be 1:1 translated in order for an adaptation to be 'faithful'. im very far behind on the webtoon but everything i have seen so far i think has done the best job it can translating it into a comic.....
.... except for the art style
i really do not like the way this person draws people, yeah. the same face is so rampant that it's genuinely difficult for some people to tell the characters apart. it's got super uninspired character design which i think is a crying shame that does a lot of these characters a huge disservice. i wish they had picked something less generic looking. but in many ways, generic looking exteriority fits orv. i can aaaalmost appreciate it from that angle, and im sure it's helping orv gain traction with the kind of people who regularly read webtoons (i am not one of these people) but. yeah. i find the way sleepy c draws people to be pretty ugly, if we're being honest.
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your colors
~1,5k words
orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
set in the belt corruption arc/immortal fears. its just fluff. slightly touches on some deeper stuff in the au canon but its like nothing lol. they are just cute cause i had a need. also no i did not proofread this i am tipsy (sorry)
@midnightpretenders0 as promised 💜
on ao3
Humming quietly to himself, Kip watched as the black coat of paint slowly covered his nails one by one, with shift and precise brush movements. He had practiced this enough times by now to know how to do it effectively and without being too messy, and he was honestly really happy about his handiwork. Nail polish was one of the easiest things for him to bring back to his daily look after he started to recover and the hand jitters stopped being so frequent, funnily enough.
He was very fond of the black color, though Kip wasn’t opposed to trying out more if given the chance. He had talked to Penelope about it, her helping him with choosing brands and picking colors she thought might fit him, eventually getting him to a rather large selection to choose from depending what he was feeling when it was time for a repaint. Still, he most often defaulted to black, occasionally dark red, as those made him felt most like himself, them being his signature colors more or less.
Kip’s eyes rose up from his work as he heard the balcony door being clicked open, with a smile on his face he watched the blond walking out to the morning air with two cups of coffee in his hands. Cassidy had probably noticed that Kip was awake way earlier than him, which wasn’t anything unusual considering his odd sleep habits and schedule right now. But despite still feeling a bit off about everything, Kip wanted to be on the road with him for a bit. It had been too long since he had been able to spend time together with Cassidy, and this was the only way right now that they were able to do it.
As he lowered the cups on the table, Cassidy took a seat on the chair opposite from Kip, watching the hands he had rested on the table as he waited for the nail polish to settle and dry. He had seen Kip do this a few times now, but something about it just fascinated him every single time. Cassidy wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but something about seeing him with nail polish intrigued him. Maybe it was the fact that it was like a gate back to what used to have been, that it was a true sight of normalcy for him, for Kip.
“They look nice,” he finally stated, watching as Kip beamed back at him. Considering the neat work he could do on his nails, even with his non-dominant hand, it was still slightly odd for Cassidy to see the slightly uneven eyeliner the man was sporting. Kip was definitely back into taking better care of the way he looked, taking what little steps he could to go back to the normal of before, and Cassidy was definitely happy about that. But the unevenness of everything was still slightly throwing him off.
“Black really suits you.”
Kip looked down at his nails, nodding his head a little. “Yeah… Though I would love to try more colors some day.”
Cassidy followed up with a nod of his own before reaching for one of the coffee cups, lifting it up to meet with his lips. Kip observed him from under his brows, watching as Cassidy’s eyes traveled from him to the view beyond the balcony railing. It was rare to see the man without his sunglasses, but Kip was glad he was allowed such a pretty view this early in the morning. He was definitely privileged in the way he was able to see all of this, but Kip didn’t complain. He did enjoy watching those blue, still slightly sleepy eyes in the morning sun especially.
The longer he looked at Cassidy, the more a thought rose itself in the back of his mind. Kip kept glancing down to his own nails, then looking back at the other man seemingly paying him no mind, just enjoying the quiet morning moment with him on the balcony. Kip wasn’t sure how he was going to ask him about it, but the longer he kept looking at Cassidy and especially that hand that was holding the coffee cup right next to his face, the more the urge to do something about it took him over.
Finally, Kip pushed himself up from his seat, gathering a rather questioning look from Cassidy at the sudden movement.
“I’ll be right back.”
Cassidy nodded slowly, but Kip was already gone by the time he was done with the gesture. He wasn’t entirely sure what the Brit’s deal was, but he wasn’t going to question it. He had learned to let Kip do his thing mostly uninterrupted, at least as long as it all seemed harmful, to try to help ease him back into daily life and being comfortable with himself and being around others. Other times it worked just fine, sometimes Cassidy had to intervene, but he had learned to just let Kip try and see what came out of it. And these kinds of sudden bursts of activity and inspiration weren’t anything unusual for him, Cassidy was fairly certain he had been like this before too, so seeing him return to that kind of behavior of really wanting to do something or act on things was more than welcome in his books.
Soon Kip returned to the balcony, this time getting a slightly bit questioning look from Cassidy as he watched Kip lower more bottles of nail polish on the table. His eyes traveled from the already black painted nails of the other man to the new bottles, orange and light blue, slightly confused about what he was planning on doing.
Cassidy growing even more so confused as Kip reached a hand towards him.
“Gimme your hand.”
Cassidy hesitated for a moment, but eventually obliged as Kip didn’t seem to let him deny him. He swapped the coffee cup from one hand to another, slowly offering the now free hand towards Kip. The man took it with much enthusiasm, gently lowering it to the table before reaching for one of the nail polish bottles, twisting the top of it open.
Cassidy just watched him, allowing Kip to do his thing. He had to admit that he had never worn nail polish before, and feeling the slightly sticky and cold substance even through his nails was a rather weird feeling. The brush was in very capable hands though he had to admit, as Kip barely painted outside of the nail, working very carefully to make sure his work was perfect. Cassidy observed as he painted every other nail light blue and every other orange, before motioning for his other hand to do the same.
He had no reason to say no. Something about watching Kip work so effortlessly and with such focus was fascinating to him, and it had honestly been so long since Cassidy had last seen him be like this that he couldn’t help but to watch him, stare at him, as Kip focused so hard on making sure the paint job was even and as close to perfect as possible. Cassidy had seen Kip do this plenty of times on himself, but there was something else about him working on someone else. The usual perfectionist was there, sure, but maybe it was the clear extra love and care he was putting on this job that made it seem even more adorable than Cassidy already thought it was.
As Kip finished his work, he finally looked back up at Cassidy, trying to get a reading from his face. The man hadn’t resisted or barely moved during the process and Kip had been so focused on getting everything perfect that it had been hard to say what he had been thinking so far. Cassidy was looking at his hands, from the distance, clearly observing, but he remained silent. And yet, Kip could see the little smile tucking from the corner of his lips on the usually so stoic face, that he was already counting it as a victory.
“I thought,” Kip finally spoke up, as if trying to justify his work after the silence grew too unbearable for him to handle, Cassidy finally looking directly back at him, “You might like your signature colors too. They suit you.”
Cassidy nodded, watching a smile rise up on Kip’s lips. “I think they’re great. Thanks.”
Ever so blunt, but Kip knew he meant it. He stood up, gathered the nail polish bottles in one hand, stopping by the table for a moment as he leaned down, pressing a quick little kiss on Cassidy’s forehead.
“Now don’t move for a while, they need to dry,” he stated, watching as the blond nodded back at him before Kip disappeared back inside the hotel room briefly, in the time he was gone leaving Cassidy to wonder how in the world was he going to finish drinking his coffee though.
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fnaf-sxc · 11 months
This question had been stuck in my head for some time now
Why does Clown avoid Goldie's checkouts?
Ahh interesting question yes yes! Basically Clown either lies or distracts Goldie everytime he can
Goldie's checkouts are scheduled on the HQ, he will go one day to check on all rentals at different hours depending their deliveries until he gets them all. He will call Clown to remind him of the checkout, to what Clown always respond with a "I'm busy right now, will go as soon as I'm free" and just never comes. Goldie has to leave as it gets late (also Clown is not a Main HQ animatronic so he has no reason to go there)
Goldie then asks him to walk by the Workshop so he can give him a checkout. Clown HAS to go to the workshop to drop the parts he collects to Goldie, he always go late at night or very early in the morning where nobody is there, leave the parts and walks away, telling Goldie he was free just when he wasn't there, avoiding it
And when they are together on the same place, being Goldie staying out late at the workshop or finding Clown on the street or inside a building he will get excited and suggest to do that checkout now that they are together. There Clown has to distract Goldie so he forgets about it, being by showing him something else or enabling him to talk. Saying he has a delivery can't work in this situation sadly, but luck always smiles at Clown and he gets off free, with the usual invitation to go to the workshop for a checkout
In Clown arc Goldie mentions the checkout:
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And he gets out free because of Blackice
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Goldie is very responsable at his job... but gets way too flexible when it comes to Clown
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi Chapter 11
New year, new schedule. I realized "posting daily until doing so is unsustainable and then taking very long breaks" isn't actually faster than the slow and steady approach. Turtles were right all along, though I'm not sure how many of them were. That's why from now on my new schedule is going to be Two Posts A Week. Yes. Yes yes.
Speaking of the weak, Keiichi and Rena. They're sleepy. Mion, meanwhile, isn't even present. Keiichi thinks Mion might not exist.
At school, everyone is taking the disappearance of some Toddlers very seriously. How strange. Unfortunately, for school to be normal, Mion would have to exist. It all sucks for everyone.
Keiichi and Rena try to have a Lunch Arc, but they flub it because of the writer's strike, so I'm not even going to dignify it with a detailed analysis.
Rena decides to shift gears and give Keiichi secondhand Women Exposition instead. Keiichi thinks the exposition sounds wrong and bad, and Rena agrees, so they decide to solidify the Watanagashi arc of Higurashi as one all about people using the wrong sinks out of an inflated sense of superiority.
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the second half of this sentence is not what the first half of this sentence led me to expect
Rena reveals that the Toddlers had been in the middle of a culinary project which they left half-unfinished.
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Dumb Fuck!
Seeing Rena activate Detective Mode is awesome though. She really IS like one of those young girls who can read the blue text. Now we just need Keiichi to kick his "guy whose text is often blue" quotient up a notch.
Rena says that Toddler 01 is so inferior to Toddler 02 that she even sucks more at garbage cans. Fascinating.
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Wow! I'm learning so much from reading Higurashi!
Also wow, I just noticed, she is really killer at reading the blue text. Um, no pun intended I guess.
Rena reveals the final ace up her sleeve: The Toddlers didn't have any soy sauce.
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i wish i lived in hinamizawa, i could get so much free soy sauce
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and bread pudding, maybe
Rena does her Sherlock Holmesian monologue where she says it was all the malicious work of a soy sauce saboteur. "Who was the saboteur?" asks Keiichi. "lol idk anyways acab" says Rena, and leaves.
Keiichi also leaves, and he and Rena go to the same place, and it's a cop place. More specifically it's the location Ooishi happens to be in, which is Keiichi's house he sleeps at every day. Keiichi decides to plant some death flags and then make Rena leave.
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what a fucking nightmare person
Ooishi reveals that the mayor had hemorrhoids. Wow, that reminds me of my favorite meme song!
Keiichi makes a deduction and then gets immediate amnesia. Classic Keiichi.
Keiichi is confused about where Shion's awesome mayor incident fits into the mayor's busy schedule. He's really confused and possibly about to explode.
Ooishi asks what the big deal was with the temple, and Keiichi is like "Um, literally nothing?" and then curses his own bad habit of revealing information. Yes, the bad habit which he has: revealing information.
Hmm I don't like that Ooishi keeps saying things like "Everyone who went in is being sacrificed, y'know?" and "I had no choice but to ask you, Keiichi, since you went in there, y'know?" Is there going to be a dramatic Shion death reveal?
Oh. The answer was yes, five seconds after I asked. By which I guess I just mean "Ah, Keiichi finally noticed."
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Oh, the NEXT day? Like RIGHT after?
Ah, I guess all Keiichi's intimate phone conversations must not have happened then. That. Seems true. Yes.
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Oh, that's an awesome trick. He could use that to acquire more piss.
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Anyway I don't have the slightest inkling what's going on. THIS is the arc that's supposed to be easier to figure out than the Rena one? How messed up were the events of the Rena one, then?!
Keiichi screams so hard the scene transitions, and now he's waiting for the obligatory Shion section of this chapter.
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Ah yes, the extremely real ladder incident.
Anyway, the obligatory Shion section of this chapter occurs.
Shion immediately learns that Keiichi is home alone.
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Classic Keiichi.
Keiichi wants to ask Shion if the Toddlers are okay, but he gets scared that what she says will make him scared, so he asks Shion if the mayor is okay and she says "No," and he gets scared.
String music??? Is playing??? What is this, Umineko?
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me when i'm listening to someone sobbing
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You should probably have doubts my dude
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These twerps really are two peas in a pod huh. That's scary.
Shion is scared of Keiichi again. Keiichi tells her to tell him a longer mayor story so he gets less confused and doesn't explode in the future.
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Ah but Shion doesn't live in Hinamizawa. Are Shion and Mion Parent Trapping REALLY REALLY HARD with ultra commitment to the bit? That'd be extremely abnormal.
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Unfortunately, Keiichi relatable moments. Um, minus the part where he's having a phone conversation with a crying person. That's categorically not a thing I do, for several reasons. Um, anyways.
Shion enters Comedy Mode and brings the obligatory Shion section of this chapter to a close.
Meanwhile, in Side Story Land...
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Isn't that the backstory of that trans girl from that fighting game? I dunno, I don't play games from genres that SUCK.
Allegedly, Mion has a tattoo covering her entire back. Bah, modern media, always with the female characters whose backs are covered in tattoos. One day in the name of gender equality I'll do that to a male character. ...Actually, that might already exist and be called Yakuza. I dunno, I don't play games from series that SUCK.
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It would be really fucked up if Ooishi was just completely lying his ass off about Shion having been gone for days, but actually she was just chillin' the entire time. I don't think that's what's happening but it would be fucked up. Ooishi's mahjong buddies seem to be his devout followers also, unless that's part of the rules. I dunno, I don't play games that SUCK.
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syn4k · 1 year
Hello I would like to hear you ramble. What’s on your mind?
I care about you so much thank you for doing this one little thing. you are genuinely one of the sweetest people in our life right now and i do not thank you enough for it
i'm thinking about how some of my favorite characters would act while sleepy
naturally of course this means My Usual Set Of Blorbos but ok. let me explain further.
if you fall asleep next to or generally nearby someone, that generally belies that you trust them to not hurt or kill you while you're at your most vulnerable. also a person can be guessed on how generally uptight/anxious they are by how quickly they can get to sleep, with obvious differences and caveats to this of course
some very quick notes on this feat. some of the guys we often have thoughts about
xisuma generally just doesn't have any serious feuds or enemies. like he's just not the sort of guy to start something serious with someone and especially not if they'd like, fuckin' murk him over it while in close proximity (the EX arc in s8 is an outlier here but i might discuss that later. might not. dont have many coherent thoughts on this. idk)
we have held for a while, though, that he Does often stay up late working (paperwork is no joke! it fucking sucks!) and so often falls asleep in random places, like at the table while working or even while standing up a few times in the kitchen. he's just the sort of guy who can do that but also it just sucks like imagine waking up and oh my god how long have i been standing here my legs HURT christ above i didn't even pause my music jeez!
one time doc walked in on him in the "asleep standing up in the kitchen" state at like 4am because doc doesn't sleep being a creeper hybrid and just. carried him to the couch and dropped him off there. doc is one of the only people who can do that sort of thing because he's just built like that physically btw. i like to think that x still has no idea how that happened to this day
(Hmngh,) Pibble Riffs
i think s2 pix also stays up late working but since he also gets a lot of naps during the day this doesn't matter. his sleep schedule is just eternally fucked and he's accepted this. the emperors get a lot of messages sent at 4am from him, but they all know this man is just Like That and don't worry about it too bad
archeologist pix can sleep Anywhere. i mean anywhere. he holds that the ground is actually hella comfortable if you're used to it and he's also been spotted just sleeping on solid rocks in the middle of caves in a place where no mobs can reach him
s1 pix has anxiety and only sleeps during the day due to Desert so usually the nonhuman emperors are on standby to drop by if he has like. an anxiety attack at 2:30 AM or whatever.
jimmy, opening his door: i brought blankets and chocolate pix, curled up in bed in a fetal position: [mumbled] thanks jimmy, pull up a chair: the horrors again? pix: yeah jimmy: you realize you can't eat chocolate lying down right pix, sighing and sitting up: i know
many thoughts. this ramble was sponsored by My Nickname Isn't Sleepy Boy For No Reason, Y'all
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #49: Wound Up
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Alright! We’re on the final Issue of The Trial by Fire Arc and with this being Issue #49, we will be finally covering the infamous Issue #50!... is something I would say if I had been actually planning on doing that. Unfortunately, you will have to wait for a while longer, as next on my schedule is Sonic the Hedgehog - Free Comic Book Day 2022, followed by Imposter Syndrome (which is a miniseries I had been waiting for to cover for ages and I’m really looking forward to). Once that is done, I will move on to The Battle For The Empire Arc.
So, for now, enjoy this incredibly creepy image of Belle staring directly into your soul.
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After we left off the last Issue with Team Chaotix wondering who had been causing chaos in Central City, we join in this Issue Belle, Tails and Sonic in an experiment with a couple of Badniks.
Sonic is covered in a sheet, with Tails hiding behind a bush, holding onto a rope waiting for Belle’s signal. She hooked Tails’ device to Motobud’s nonagression subroutine and is preparing for a wireless broadcasting to the other Badniks. Admittedly, she is a bit nervous, only to finally activate it after Sonic impatiently taps with his foot, reminding her that he’s still waiting. Tails then pulls off the sheet...
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...revealing Sonic in all his glory as he monologues how he sure hopes he won’t get attacked by any Badniks. The Badniks stare at him, and while we’re at it, their eyes are all glowing blue, having a similar shade to Belle’s eyes. Then, to Sonic’s disappointment, they proceed to ignore him, leading to him cracking a smile and wondering if he’s really that boring if he’s losing to a rock. Tails, on the other hand, is happy that their attack response is completely negated. Honestly, I really love this scene, as it feels so innocent yet hilarious.
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Belle is elated, noting how if they figure out how to make the programming stick, they can save all of Eggman’s robots. Tails notes how they shouldn’t get ahead of themselves, as Eggman might be up to something, referencing the campground fire and the power outage, but adds how it isn’t his style. Sonic replies how, if Eggman starts something, they’ll handle it and now all he wants is lunch (wait, tacos?). Tails asks Belle whether she wants to join them, but Belle replies how she wants to stay out for a while, hugging Motobud (who now has a cute flower as a replacement antenna.
Now, before I move on, it should be noted that these parts arcs have also been a subtle character development for Belle. Remember how she started out as a scared robot girl who was just trying to find her father and felt like no one cared about her, only to slowly gain more and more courage as she interacted with Sonic and his friends, deciding that her goal would be to save the Badniks from Eggman. Honestly, I think this is the happiest she has been since her life with Mr. Tinker.
On a side note, this and the next Issue is where we will also finally bury the whole Mr. Tinker debate.
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Later that night, Sonic is sleeping on the couch, a book sprawled on his face, but wakes up as he hears scraping. He sees Motobud scratching the door, wondering if he wants to go out.
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He taps Motobud, only for the little guy to swipe at him, now in full attack mode. Sonic dodges, landing on the couch as a sleepy Tails exists the room, wondering what is going on. Before Sonic can answer, they hear a crash and we see Belle, now creepily muttering how she has to get out, her eyes glowing purple.
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Tails runs up to Belle, noting how she’s under control by some kind of signal and tells her to fight it back. Instead, Belle attacks him, but Sonic quickly protects his little brother.
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He asks Tails whether he can fix this, with Tails replying that he should stall for time and that he might find something. Sonic kicks Belle back and dodges Motobud, noting how this has “mad doctor” written all over it. He then asks her to blink once for Eggman, twice for Starline, but Belle responds by turning her head around and pulling her tail, smashing the bookshelf into pieces. Sonic falls over, realizing she’s not in bantering mood.
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Sonic asks Tails whether he’s got anything, dodging Belle as she smashes the TV into pieces and then gets tripped by Motobud, with Belle leaping at him, her finger turned into a scalpel, almost gouging his eye out. Sonic dodges her, only to gets pinned by Motobud, with Belle looming over him, her hands turned into tools.
Honestly, that is a really creepy sight.
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Fortunately, he is saved by Tails, who tackles Belle and slaps a Zeti Zapper on her as he apologizes, basically frying her.
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Tails then calls out for Belle, who gets up, telling them she’s okay. Tails explains to her how he had the prototype Zeti Zapper left over, which should stop any signals going in or out, asking her once again if she’s fine.
Belle suddenly gets up, explaining how this was a beacon. All the Badniks have been called, with Eggman basically summoning an army and Belle... Belle is pissed off. She’s shaking, she’s ugly crying, and she’s completely done with Eggman. She doesn’t want to search for him anymore to make him turn back into Mr. Tinker, but she will go find him to chew him out as she’s tired of being yanked around.
This is basically Belle reaching her breaking point and deciding to go for one final confrontation.
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Tails asks her whether she knows the coordinates, with Belle notes how it is somewhere at the south, but it’s already fading. Sonic notes how they still have one more Badnik, carrying Motobud outside and letting him go, allowing him to lead the three towards where all of the Badniks are going.
They find a truck with some farmers down the hill, being surrounded by Badniks, but Sonic quickly saves them, telling them not to bother the Badniks and to get to safety.
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Some time later, Tails remarks how they had been following the Badniks for hours, wondering if they’re getting close. Sonic has no clue, replying how there’s nothing but woods here. Tails decides to fly up to check on things and to his shock, finds an entire city created by Eggman.
He quickly rushes back to Sonic and Belle, telling them about it. Belle notes how they have to stop Motorbud, but Sonic replies how their new friend isn’t going to turn around and he knows only one way to stop him (namely, smashing him to pieces). Belle wants to put the Zeti Zapper on Motobud, but Tails notes how she’ll be vulnerable to the signal.
Having exhausted all of her options, Belle admits how she had been studying Motobud’s construction and believes that she would be able to cut his power, although she isn’t sure whether that would happen without scraping him. With grim determination, she takes out a screwdriver, noting how she’s not going to let Eggman have Motobud.
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She searches through Motobud, finding the right cable. Sonic tells her to hurry up, as the Badniks have them surrounded. After Tails gives her a reassuring gaze, Belle pulls the cable out, completely devastated.
Motobud turns off, and the Badniks Tails and Sonic have fought stop attacking them. Both are relieved, turning to Belle, who has found a note inside Motobud. How she didn’t spot it before, I have no clue.
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So, the note turns out to be a letter to Belle from Mr. Tinker himself (confirming that Motobud was the same Badnik Mr. Tinker had been working on when Starline held him hostage). The contents of the letter are... intriguing to say the least.
He writes how, despite being a captive, he doesn’t want any rescue, but he wants to confess to ease his conscience. He has lived a good life, bringing joy to everyone and watching Belle becoming a wonderful woman. He’s sickened by the thought of being Dr. Eggman, as told by Starline, and he admits that he cannot deny the logic of his evidence.
Mr. Tinker then proceeds to write how he isn’t Dr. Eggman, but if he does lose himself in this nightmare, he is truly sorry to her and the whole world, adding how he loves her and saying his final goodbyes.
Now, I have to pause here for a moment to set some things straight. We all know that Mr. Tinker is just Eggman with amnesia, meaning for the latter to turn fully good, he has to lose his memories of who he is. Eggman may have a shred of good inside him, or rather, a shred of decency to actually realize to help the heroes when the world he’s trying to conquer is in danger of being destroyed. He is not a good person by any means, and that is quite clear. Yes, he may have teamed up with Sonic a couple of times, but it is for his own reasons (and he certainly doesn’t want to be frenemies with Sonic like Boom!Eggman).
So, what Mr. Tinker has written is only from the perspective from an amnesiac with limited knowledge of who he truly is. I don’t really believe that we can take his confession as some serious evidence that Eggman is truly sorry for his actions since it was written at a time where he had no clue what he really had done. Sure, Eggman had a moment of reflection that one time, but he’s an egoistical megalomaniac hellbent on conquering the world. There is no way he would ever write something like this if he had his memories in-tact.
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Belle breaks down crying, calling herself stupid for even thinking that she could make a difference. The letter flies out of her hands, with Sonic stopping it and giving it back to her, replying how she already made a difference by doing good, by making friends, and that nothing can take this away. They’ll keep moving forward together.
Honestly, Belle’s previous insistence on bringing Mr. Tinker back makes sense. She isn’t stupid for thinking that she could make him turn around, as the only thing she ever knew in her life was Mr. Tinker being a good man who liked helping people and fixing stuff. Even after she saw Eggman in action, she probably thought that it had to be some kind of mistake, but after their meeting during The Test Run! Arc, it was made clear to her that Mr. Tinker is there no more and this letter just confirmed it.
However, she can still carry on Mr. Tinker’s legacy by continuing to help people in her own way. Belle’s now with the Restoration and she had set a goal in her mind to reprogram the Badniks. All that she needs to do now is to get proper closure.
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It appears that Belle has realized this too, deciding to go along with Sonic and Tails. Sonic grabs both of them, deciding to kick into sonic speed and dash towards the city.
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The final showdown is about to begin, but first, we are going to cover who’s really behind this massive Badnik gathering.
#Previous Issue
#Next Issue
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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noelashe · 1 year
Can i hauve a mood swing pretty pleeeease. Energy drinksve been doing nothing literally nothing except push back sleep schedule LITERALLY nothing else This depressive shit sucks ass. Man. Im so sleepy nad tired allthe time n itjust Never ends I think i should watch my little pony. I wasreading the comics but i kinda dont give a flying fuck about king sombra and its at his arc rihgtnow so i dont really care about that rait now.
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litfeathers · 2 years
Show Me the World Outside: A drabble based on an animatic created by @rileyclaw.
Rating: T Content warnings: Implied/referenced child abuse. Credits and other links will be at the end notes.
“Page two hundred five…paragraph twelve…rule number four…Oh! That’s…YES!” 
A gloved hand poked at a sleeping palisman, waking it from its slumber on a caped shoulder.
“Psst! Flapjack! Look!”
Hunter grinned excitedly, holding up a thick, leather-bound book for the sleepy cardinal to inspect.
“Look, this is perfect! And the information we’re looking for is buried in other topics, so no one should be able to figure out what we’re doing!” 
Hunter jumped out of his seat, shoved the book into his bag, and opened the study room’s door, glancing furtively back and forth before casually stepping off, whistling as he ambled across the library with his hands in his pockets. 
When he entered the hallway, he dared to allow another grin to brighten his face. 
“If this is it…and I can manage to save my uncle…can you imagine how proud he'll be?” he whispered to Flapjack. “I can see it now!”
He made an excited fist with one hand, and gestured in a wide arc with the other. 
Flapjack chirped from his hiding spot under Hunter’s armpit.  
“Were you even listening? And YES, I remembered deodorant this morning!” Hunter groused, making a disgusted face at his palisman as they made their way down empty halls. “I’m not a slob!” 
“Well, I’ve been running around in full armor all day! It doesn’t last forever!” He said, taking a surreptitious sniff of his free underarm. “Okay, I don’t even smell. You’re full of it.” 
Flapjack chittered and teasingly squeezed his eye shut at the offended teenager. 
“Very funny. You’re a riot,” Hunter said, rolling his eyes as he purposefully power-walked to his room. “Oh…by the way. Wanna practice more aerial tricks tonight? Out in the fields? It’s a full moon, and no patrols are scheduled. It should be safe.” 
Flapjack chipped happily. 
His eye suddenly glinted with mischief. 
“I can’t wait!” Hunter said with a grin. “When we get to play flyer derby again, we will be the most impressive-“
Flapjack shot out from under his cape. 
“Wah! Oh, this again!? HEY, GET BACK HERE!” 
The bird chirped, and took off down the empty hallway. 
“I hate it when he does this!” Hunter groaned to himself, tearing after the crimson streak.
Flapjack shot down abandoned hallways, and up quiet stairs, and through grand entryways, all while a white and gold blur sprinted after him, barely keeping up. 
“I’m going to start carrying my artificial staff everywhere so this can actually be fair!” Hunter hissed through heavy breaths. “Is that what you want? For me to replace you with an insulting simulacrum? When I can use my teleportation spell, you’ll be singing a different tune, BIRD!” 
Hunter bolted into a larger hallway, finally gaining on the bright red fugitive. 
He started to laugh, his cheeks red, his cape billowing behind him as he lengthened his stride and put on a burst of speed.
He teasingly reached out to make a grab for Flapjack. 
His head slowly turned, and his blood turned to ice. 
A tall, caped figure was standing with its back to him, at the end of the massive hallway.
Flapjack froze, having seen the exact same scene. 
The bird allowed himself to be grabbed, and shoved back under the cape. 
Hunter’s heart raced. He hunched over, his breath coming out in panicked huffs. 
He turned…
…right into a looming figure, and an icy blue gaze that bored into his face. 
All the air left his lungs. 
“Why, hello, Hunter. Having a busy day?” Belos murmured, leaning down to peer into his nephew's pale face. 
“Yes, Uncle. Very productive. I was just on my way to my room to retire for the evening,” Hunter said, his voice only betraying the slightest tremble of breathlessness. 
“Indeed! And what were you able to accomplish to make your time so…constructive?” 
“I…progress has been made on retrieving more palismen.” 
Belos reached out to clasp a hand on Hunter’s shoulder.
“Why, that IS excellent news! And when can we expect to have them?” 
“Now, Hunter. Are you exaggerating or lying to me?”
Belos’s grip tightened. 
“I require palismen to fight this affliction, and to keep up my strength. They are akin to medicine.” 
He leaned in. 
“…and they are wicked. Made of the most fetid of wild magic. Destroying them not only restores my good health, it rids the isles of their evil. So…”
He leaned in even closer, to murmur in Hunter’s ear.  
“If I find that you have been hiding something from me. If I find that my beloved nephew has been heartlessly and selfishly keeping a life-saving remedy from me, his ailing uncle, who has done so much for him…”
With a sickening pop, dark green sludge leaked out of Belos’s creaky knuckle joints, and oozed onto the pure white fabric covering Hunter’s shoulder.  
“…I will know exactly where your allegiances lie. And I will react accordingly. Am I understood?” 
Hunter’s heart was in his throat.
He could only nod weakly. 
“Good. Now run along.” 
Hunter bolted to his room, as fast as his feet could take him. 
He slammed the door shut and slid to the ground, his sweaty tunic sticking to his back as his hip hit the floor. He leaned against the door to catch his breath.
He silently opened his cape to let Flapjack out, not looking the bird in the eye. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, quietly and shakily as Flapjack landed on his knee. “Don’t worry. I won’t. I’ll never allow that to happen to you. I’ll change his mind and come up with a solution. I promise. As long as I’m useful, Uncle Belos is kind and fair. He loves me.” 
Flapjack didn’t respond. Instead, he silently fluttered to Hunter’s shoulder, and leaned against his neck. 
Hunter gave him a scratch on the crest, his eyes half-lidded with a sudden exhaustion. 
His fingers subconsciously brushed along his cheek scar, tracing the indent with the rough fabric of his glove.
“He loves me…right?”
So I was rewatching Rileyclaw’s Fish in a Birdcage animatic (as one does), when I got the inspiration for a quick drabble. I love the scene when Belos almost catches Flapjack, so I decided to write something based on it. Thank you for making Fish in a Birdcage, Riley. It inspired me to be creative and write again, and I'm super grateful for that. You can find the animatic here. The link to the AO3 version of this drabble can be found here.
Thanks for reading!
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