#snippets of a roleplay
cpt-winters · 4 months
Hostage / Kidnapping Whump - Part One (Part Two)
His shot went wide as he staggered, a loud bang ringing through his ears as something tore between the gap of his chest and shoulder armour plating. Warm liquid trickled through the soldier's fingers as he pressed a hand to the wound, raising his rifle back on his opponent with the other. The next shot simply pinged off Whumper's armour.
There wasn’t time for Whumpee to even register his bolt thudding into the wall as his back hit the floor, his opponent already grappling him to the spot. He winced as the attacker jerked his arm to the side, flaring up his shoulder as his vambrace was lifted clear and clattered to the floor beside them.
“It’s nothing-” The mercenary grunted as he wrestled against Whumpee’s arms. “-personal.”
“Tell that to everyone you shoot?” he bit back, muscles straining as his wrists were forced together. Whumpee continued to buck against the other, leg rearing up until his kneecap connected.
Fingers jammed into his wounded shoulder, earning a gasp from him as they sank deep into his bloodied flesh.
Panting as the gloved hand was jerked back out, Whumpee glanced back down as the binders clicked around his wrists. “Fuck you.”
The other paid the comment no mind as he slid Whumpee's sidearm from its holster, clipping it to his own belt as he shifted his weight, getting back to his feet.
Watching the man as he reached for the vambrace abandoned on the floor, Whumpee kicked his leg up again, heavy boot slamming into the mercenary’s crotch plate. With the other man instantly buckling over, Whumpee allowed himself a scoff before going for another kick.
Whumper lost his footing as Whumpee swiped a leg behind his knees, sending him to the ground with a heavy thud.
Scrambling around as his opponent recovered, Whumpee reached for his rifle, the familiar click of a gun behind him freezing him in place.
“Let’s not do anything stupid.” The mercenary walked back around, weapon sights trained on Whumpee's head as his other hand fiddled with his comlink. “Now, tell your buddy to meet back up,” he instructed, kicking the rifle out of arm’s reach.
“Go to hell,” he spat, shooting the other a glare as his helmet was lifted off.
Tossing the helmet to the side as he switched on the comlink, Whumper soon dropped it in favour of freeing up his hand.
Whumpee let out a pained yelp as the knuckle plate dug back into his shoulder, metal tearing at the ripped flesh before coming back red. Still catching his breath, he bawled his fists as the man stomped down on his comlink a moment later to cut off the brief transmission, electricity crackling as sparks spewed out under the pressure.
“Any more funny business and he’ll run in just in time for me to blow your brains out.”
Whumpee’s gaze wandered over to the door as the mercenary’s quiet footsteps circled back behind him. “He’ll kill you. You know that, right?”
“We’ll see.” He made no further comment as the seconds trickled by, the barrel of his gun lightly pressed against Whumpee’s temple.
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hi-fi-normal-au · 3 months
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this is an ultrakill joke i just want you guys to know that
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crownshattered · 2 months
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❛ your mind collides with the drow's. the sudden sensation of fear overwhelms you, but you realize it is not your own -
- it is hers. ❜
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protected by kiki ❤ & ↺
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offurandfeathers · 4 months
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"Excellent. Now. Elements are... easy, compared to Wildshape. They are gentle waves in a calm, almost immovable sea. Your power is what empowers an element. That is what determines whether you'll create simple sparks or a raging Fire Ball. Your focus is what allows you to manifest it on the physical plane." He took a moment to take a sip before continuing. "For Wildshape...It's quite the opposite. It's like a storm, a tsunami of life, of energy. Catching a single thread is incredibly difficult. It escapes you. it runs wild and free. When you manage to catch one, you have to fight against the beast's power. The stronger the beast, the more difficult it gets." Another pause, where Halsin takes one of the quails from the basket. "You have to focus on your body. Every single toe, finger, limb. You have to feel everything in order for the beast to merge with you. But at the same time, you have to fight back against it. You cannot let it overpower you, for it will take over and lay claim on your physicality. However, if you overpower it, then the Beast will be subdued and run away. You'll lose shape. You have to find a... middle ground that will be convenient for you and the beast both. Balance in everything."
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sugarpsalms · 6 months
They call me Sugar Ten WIPs because at any given time that's how many docs I'm juggling but!! Take a lil peek at something that's dropping a couple updates from now in my shuggy series. This one feat. Mihawk because I like to sprinkle in them as a throuple now and again as a personal treat.
He saw them both more frequently than they saw each other, so on the rare occasions they were all in one place, Mihawk expected to be ignored; not out of disinterest, precisely, but as the natural consequence of being neither Buggy nor Shanks. It seemed...unavoidable.
It hadn't happened yet, and there was nothing about that night to suggest that it’d be the one where it finally would, but the anxiety was persistent. Not to say he was anxious. Not to say that anyone, least of all them, had somehow managed—
“Hawk? Are you listening?”
Shanks’ voice pulled him out of himself. When his eyes refocused, Mihawk realized he’d been staring into the fire and that Buggy and Shanks were staring at him, having abandoned the conversation Mihawk hadn’t realized he was expected to take part in. 
He had been listening, but more to their tones than anything. He liked how Buggy’s voice pitched higher when he was saying something nasty. His laugh was a smack of cold rain, and Mihawk liked how well Shanks took it. He liked how easily severity rolled off Shanks’ back. 
“What else would I be doing?” 
“Don’t know, but you looked about eight leagues away.”
Mihawk turned the glass of ale sweating in his hands, reacquainting himself with the body he’d been floating outside of. He adjusted in his armchair, stretching his legs out toward the hearth and crossing them at the ankles to slot between his company. 
Buggy and Shanks had dragged their own chairs in front of him; too close, surely, for comfort, but they didn’t seem to mind. They kept their legs tucked, blocking most of the fire’s heat with their backs, the cast of light giving Shanks a halo and purpling Buggy’s hair. They looked warm as embers, beautiful, Shanks dark from the summer and Buggy’s lipstick smudged. Mihawk wanted quite badly to touch them. It took all his strength not to.
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shiniestcrow · 4 months
The group confronts Kagha about her connection to the Shadow Druids. Sage is almost glad when the fighting starts; having to listen to Kagha defending her choices is grating on their nerves.
The fight ends predictably: with Kagha, the Shadow Druids and whoever else joined her side dead. Rath isn't happy and neither are most of the other druids. Sage doesn't particularly care at that point. The tieflings won't have to worry about getting kicked out before Sage and the others manage to take out the goblin threat anymore. The kids are somewhat safe for now.
When they leave the grove again, Wyll speaks up: "I have to say, I'm a tad surprised you didn't try talking her out of it. You've been surprisingly successful so far whenever you do."
Sage looks back at him, then past him at the gate receding in the distance. They shrug. "Even if I had convinced her, it probably wouldn't have changed the beliefs of the others there. And besides, she was trying to get a child killed. If we hadn't intervened that first time, Arabella would probably be dead. I don't forgive that. A better person might be glad if she changed her ways but I don't care."
They turn back, leaving the grove further behind them.
"I suppose you could be right," Wyll says, voice trailing off.
Sage shrugs again.
For everyone's sake, they hope Halsin will be alive and actually able to bring the druids back to their senses.
For some reason, Sage had always assumed druids were kinder people than most. The whole connection to nature thing and all that. Of course, that assumption had been quickly proven wrong. We don't allow drow in here this, foulbloods and outsiders and parasites that. They scoff. "Let's hope this Halsin is a better guy than most of the druids we've met so far."
On that point at least, they can all agree.
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st4rstudent · 4 months
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Unfortunately, it has gone quite slow. This writing thing has HANDS!!! It's just a short one story since I haven't actually wrote anything in a whiiileeeee. i think its about maybe halfway done
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notyetfixed-a · 7 months
i feel like i got nothing accomplished today and i'm totally okay with that.
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silverutahraptor · 2 years
Here, have the Very Soft (tm) ending of the OTHER HashiIzu smut WIP I somehow found in my files because why not
“… Well,” Hashirama says when they’ve both finally caught their breaths again and Izuna is beginning to ponder the logistics of getting clean versus just staying like this forever. The latter sounds preferable. “That was pretty intense.” He nudges Izuna until he opens his eyes again to blink at him. “Was it everything you wanted?”
Izuna grins widely, if tiredly. “It was perfect. You were perfect.” He rouses himself enough to press butterfly-soft kisses to Hashirama’s chin and then his jaw. “You’re really convincing all evil,” he whispers when he’s reached Hashirama’s ear. “And creative,” he adds as he’s nosing at the side of the Senju’s neck. “So really, thank you, and I hope you liked it as much as I did,” he tells Hashirama’s chest before succumbing to the tiredness in all his limbs to just collapse back down on top of the ample stretch of muscles. It’s one of his favourite places.
A soft snort. “Creative? This was your idea and it turned out really well, no complaints here,” Hashirama says cheerfully and curls his arms tightly around Izuna. One of his hands begins to smooth down Izuna’s side, the gentle warmth of chakra healing scratches and bruises in its path. “Thank you for trusting me with—this.”
Izuna hums. “It’s your fault for being so perfect,” he murmurs, suppressing a yawn. “… Though I really hope no one is sending me on missions for a few days.” Or they’d get a very much reduced mission capacity simply because he’s really fucking tired now. Pleasantly so, happily so, but still.
“I think I’ll be able to spare you,” comes the mock contrite answer. “Barely.”
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iloveasmr · 9 months
so ep 3 for arc 2 of the westhaven story was posted a couple of days ago, i listened to it and i wish the listener interacted with the other characters more
like onyx or the rest of the takers team (ik they did in ep 2 but like whole team talking together), or like the listener playing the game and come across the other players
but i understand why he can’t really make that happen, still a really good episode though!
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shapeof-evil · 10 months
most people in the fog do not expect Michael to have complex thoughts... he is just the mask to them.
it is safer this way, he thinks. the mask intimidates them. keeps him safe from the Doctor.
...he hates Lery's with a passion.
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battlekilt · 1 year
Be careful about roleplaying with me, or you'll get replies that include parts like this:
Clones had… remarkably resilient immune systems, that had been engineered to near perfection. Like all humans, the Clones were decanted out of their tanks with the natural immune response inherent to all humans. What they received had been altered, an improvement from Jango Fett, who suffered from mild allergies. Despite that, their immune system was still dumped, purged out of their bodies, and left the infants defenseless for the first cycle of their lives. For six months, the tiny Clones were quarantined in their small, watery nurseries. During that time frame, a new immune system was reintroduced into their small bodies, one that had been engineered by the Kaminoans to surpass the strongest and healthiest of natural-born humans. For the most part, it left Clones like Rex immune to nearly all versions of the most common ailments to circulate through the known pockets of humanity. There were derivatives of many thought extinct or at least nearly extinct, wiped out from the common human populace. They were resistant to many common forms of chemical warfare, and had toughened responses to radiation. However, there were limitations. Among them had been the Blue Shadow Virus, which likely hadn’t even been a consideration for the Kaminoans, who only knew how well it had been eradicated out of the galaxy, left to the horrors of history and myths. Surely, their Clones would never cross paths with it. Oh, how sorely they had been mistaken. Because, of course Clones came across the terrible disease. Only once, in all of Rex’s young years, had he ever endured the experience of being sick. It had one of the later immune augmentations the Clones had been given. Out of them, he had one of the worst responses; something that had to do with his mootie traits. As bad as it had been, it was nothing in comparison to what he had felt in that bunk and in recovery. Though, the helpless was worse than that, at least as far as the Captain was concerned. How it felt to see vod’e die sick and withered, rather than in valor and with acts of bravery in the battlefield, to pull a sad, simply little blanket over the face of a brother who should have perished as a Trooper—on his feet. Then there was the weight of Ahsoka’s small body in his grasp, against his body. When he began to be too weak to properly hold her, and he was forced to make the act mutual, Rex was at a point when he almost couldn’t bear it anymore. He and all the men in that bunker would have given their lives, agreed to a suffering ten times worse than they were guaranteed, just to save her life—or give her a peaceful passage to the next.
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hi-fi-normal-au · 3 months
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ortensiawhiskers · 1 year
I know my parents know I write fanfics but my soul left my body when I tried to show my mom something I was proud I did for work & w a slip of my finger there’s a paragraph of text it right there 😭😭😭
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wein-bitte · 1 year
A Breath From The Edge [Snippet]
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To call Sebastian Castellanos a simple word like 'alcoholic' was an insult. He wasn't just an alcoholic. He was a grief addled, psychologically broken, volatile, temperamental, boar-headed man who thought that there was nowhere for him to go but down. He had lost his daughter to a fire and his wife left him soon after because she couldn't take him any longer--she couldn't deal with his issues any better than he could but, lucky her, she got to leave. Sebastian was stuck in this head. Coming into work an hour late and with the smell of alcohol on his lips, he entered his office and dropped into the chair behind his desk, making it creak with effort. He licked his lips and leaned forward, pulling out his flask from his coat pocket, tipping it back unseen behind his computer monitor. Exhaling a breath, he put the silver container away in a drawer and booted up his PC, the red 'Krimson City Precinct' reflecting in the dead emotion of his eyes. Running a hand down his face, the sound of his scruff against his fingers surprising him, he pushed air from his lips. The Sergeant knew his new partner was due today and he knew they'd never met, but he didn't want to meet him. He wanted to be alone. The universe certainly wanted it for him, so why shouldn't he embrace it--the deep, dark, painful emptiness that his life had become.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Lightly Mixed: 4B for Scarlet Zirconia-Nikos. Scarlet realizes the joy of dating a Werewolf, namely being his breeding pet during mating seasons...
(Monster breeding, firing blind with the gif choice)
Lightly Mixed: 4B
Scarlet had been so excited when she’d first started dating Leo. He was so nice and kind to her—a total teddy bear of a man that cared for her and treated her like the most precious woman in the world. He was handsome and strong, too—as a half-Grimm, it took a lot for her to feel sheltered and secure in another man’s arms, but with Leo it was as comfortable as her own bed.
Perhaps it was this pleasantness that had kept Leo from revealing his secret so long, but after a year of dating, he finally decided to reveal the truth—he was, in fact, a werewolf. He braced himself for the worst, waiting for Scarlet to look on in terror and fear…but none of that came.
Instead, Scarlet looked almost…hungry.
The next full moon Leo witnessed, he wasn’t alone in his padded basement safe room. Scarlet licked her lips as she watched her handsome boyfriend transform, his muscular and towering form growing ever larger, ever stronger, and with a cock that rivaled even the savage Grimm she used to fuck. His howl sent a shiver down her spine, and immediately she stripped and assumed the position—down on her back, hands hooked under her thighs, spread and awaiting her new breeder.
As Leo finally focused on her, she felt a rush of excitement. She bit her lip as he approached, feeling his cock slightly rub against her folds, before her head rolled with a sudden gasp as his cock slowly sank into her. Her eyes rolled back, tongue rolling out for a brief moment as the massive member sank deeper and deeper into her—and then, suddenly, she felt hands hold her thighs, as the cock pulled back.
Her eyes locked onto the golden gaze of the werewolf over her, and she nodded with excitement, before throwing her head back in a violent scream of ecstasy as Leo began fucking with reckless abandon.
By the time morning came, both Leo and Scarlet were beyond exhausted, cuddled up in each other’s embrace. Scarlet would not be doing anything today, which how brutally her werewolf lover had fucked her legs into jelly, but the thought only made her smile with satisfaction and cuddle ever more into her lover’s embrace.
She couldn’t wait for the next full moon.
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