#so i had to change a birthday thing to byler
imgoom · 1 year
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fluffyfangirl · 2 months
hello light of my life could i please please ask for a drawing of will giving mike a kiss while mike has like a skewed birthday crown on his head <33 thank you x
Oh hi my dear! Of course! (somehow your ideas will just spark new ones in my head. You will get exactly your prompt, but I did more than I wanted and it'll take a while, and.. Anyways! Here's a sneak peak:
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the-dungeonmaster · 17 days
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The string that holds us together || Byler
WARNINGS: internalized homophobia
short summary: where mike finally spills the beans. and meanwhile on an ordinary night in november, two boys depart in a garage
requests are open!!
a/n: hai another flickergate fic to add onto the other 18 already existing fics. ^_^
heres the link to the og tumblr post (well, i think its the og post 😭) anyways i’ll stop yapping enjoy!
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Will Byers had finally made a fascinating discovery; Mike Wheeler was an asshole.
Honestly, he didn’t know why he defended the guy for so, so long. Mike treated him like shit, why would Will feel like he should be the one begging for forgiveness to him?
Like, take for example, he didn’t even bother apologizing to Will after their argument in the rain. After he’d lost Will again when he biked away. The rain drowning his tears rolling down his red cheeks away. Even after he and Lucas had found him near Castle Byers destroyed by Will’s own hands, his lips never uttered a singular “Sorry.” Oh, but him and El? Those two made up quick. Next thing Will knew, Mike was professing his love for her and how he “couldn’t lose her again!” Has he ever said that about Will? His own best friend?
Or maybe, how Mike probably never even dared to pick up a pen and start inking down a letter for Will. He could write down El letters no problem. Hell, he could write her an entire book! But to Will? Someone he’s known since he was six years old! He couldn’t even call? Then, of course, to make up for the no contact, he decided to give Will the most half-assed hug to ever exist at that airport.
Or how about when he forgot his birthday. March 22nd. His best friend. Someone who Will considered the most special person he’s ever met. Someone who Will wants to spend the rest of his life with, forgets his own birthday. Who the hell does that? I mean, what? They’ve friends for seven- eight years?!
But right now, right now he has to pretend none of that ever even happened. He has to shrug all of that away. Pretend his heart wouldn’t ache at how he was slowly losing his once best friend.
Because some shit is more important than how his old tight-knit relationship with Mike is literally hanging on by a thread at this point. Like how they needed to save the world. Again.
The Upside Down was dark. And cold. It didn’t look like it changed at all, but even so, a chill ran through Will’s back with every step they took in this twisted dimension. Then somehow, by some Satan-blessed miracle, he got lost with the last person he wanted to be with; Michael Wheeler. Just peachy.
“I-I’m just saying, it’s a fucking wonder how Steve Harrington managed to survive in this shithole for so long, you know? Like- My sister, she’s a fucking badass, right? And Eddie, that guy’s got survival instincts, he could thrive in an apocalypse for years. And that uh- what’s her name- Robin? Yeah, she’s- she’s cool. But Steve? The same guy who got absolutely shitfaced by your brother?” Mike scoffed.
“Uh-huh.” Will was only partially listening, trying to keep up behind Mike and his weirdly long legs.
They were navigating themselves towards the Wheeler’s house, but it’s literally (and figuratively) hell trying to look for it in the Upside Down’s dark atmosphere and clouded skies. The only thing lighting their ways was the bolts of lightning that would occasionally crack and thunder in the crimson red sky. Oh, and the continuous flickering of the streetlights.
Mike continued to ramble on, wanting to at least make small-talk, Will knew that this was just another way to try and cope with the fact they had gotten themselves lost in a completely different dimension. Another way to try and convince himself that everything will be fine. Will knew too well.
As they neared the neighborhood, a vine cracked around the two.
“Mike, shut up.” Will raised his shotgun, cocking it, the latter only nervously chuckled before gripping his pistol.
An eerie quiet fell between the two, it was suspenseful. Anxiety struck Mike between his ribs after every second that passed by that the silence didn’t break.
A loud screech played from the distance, and the two let out a deep sigh. “Holy crap.” Will exclaimed, lowering his gun on the ground. He sat down and brought his knees up to his chest, holding his head in his hands.
Mike’s breathing was all over the place, his heart was racing. (Because of his anxiousness. Not at all because of the way Will looked holding that gun.) Whatever that thing was hadn’t even attacked them, yet he was a rattling mess. To be fair, it is his first time in this hellhole.
“Are you okay?” Mike finally spoke, still trying to catch his breath.
“Fine.” Will swallowed a lump in his throat, “Let’s get going.”
Mike nodded, holding his hand out for Will to hold. Surprisingly, he didn’t refuse it, using it to get back on his feet. “Yeah, let’s go.” And just for a split second, Mike had given Will that look again. Where he just looks so mesmerized and smitten. As if Will had hung the stars in his dark horizon. It didn’t last for any longer than just a split second.
After a while of walking, they finally reached the Wheeler’s residence. Where everything happened. The house where Mike himself couldn’t even call it home. “Come on, follow me. I’ll lead you there.”
“I’ve been to your house a thousand times, Mike. I know where your garage is.” He wouldn’t let Mike see it, but in the faintest of all smiles, was a grin plastered on Will’s lips.
“Yeah, but it’s dark.” Mike retorted.
No shit, Sherlock! Was what Will wanted to say, bitterly. But he kept his mouth shut for the rest of the time. “Fuck. It’s locked.”
“Great.” He sighed, “Could you lead me to the keys as well?”
Mike hesitated to answer, as if he was debating if Will was being sarcastic or not, “It’s gotta be here somewhere.” He finally replied, pushing himself between Will and the door.
The two split up, despite how dim it was, Will at least had common sense. So he started to look for bowls that could hold the keys. Maybe they were hooked against the front door? He continued searching, flashing his light on for the darker areas of the house, such as the basement.
“Will!” Mike called out, running back to where he left him. “Found the keys!” He beamed, and Will literally felt his heart skip a beat at how much he missed seeing that smile.
“Don’t shout so loud! Remember, if any other creature hears you, so can Vecna.”
“Right. Sorry. Hive-mind.” He swung the keys around before twisting it in the door. “Open sesame.”
Will snorted, trying to keep his guard up for anything that could lunge at the them at any second. He shone his flashlight against the shelves on the wall. “Mike, crowbar.” With no question, Mike ran over and took it from the toolbox.
He stuffed it inside his backpack along with his other materials. As he tried to make it fit, a pair of longing eyes bore into the back of his head.
Will grimaced, when did they get so distant? Physically, they were close. But emotionally, it feels like he doesn’t even know him anymore. As if they haven’t known each other since kindergarten. As if he hadn’t replied ‘yes’ to him that day on the swings. It’s felt like eons since they last had a conversation without a thick cloud of awkwardness floating above them.
If El had never came along would their relationship remain the same? But then again, if she had never saved him, there would be no relationship at all. Will used to be so confused why he had so much hope in Michael Wheeler, but these past few years made him understand why. It’s just so hard to say it out loud and a guilt would rise in his throat every time he thought about it.
His friend perked up at him, “Yeah?”
“Are we… still friends?”
“What?” Mike scoffed, confused.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” He paused, thinking it over. Were they? “You don’t- You don’t think of me as your friend anymore?” He asked, voice faltering in worry.
“No! No, I- I just..”
“I dunno… we were just so close. But it feels like there’s this huge gap between the two of us now.”
“It feels like you’ve been pushing me away.” Will finished, his brows furrowing.
“I’m not pushing you away.” The tallest out of the two stated, Mike looked dejected, like he was trying to convince himself of that more than Will, who broke through his lies easier than everyone else. Because Mike always kept his walls thin and easier to break whenever it was Will. Because it was him, and not anybody else.
“Then why does it feel like I can’t even say anything to you anymore?! Like, you just turned into everyone else? You didn’t even-“ Will cut himself off, tears burning the back of his eyes. He took a deep breath, wiping his hands on his pants.
Mike’s chest tightened, has he been neglecting Will? All this time? Something inside of him wanted to beat himself up for letting his friend- best friend deal with everything, his own inner conflicts all by himself.
Will let out a laugh, though there was no humor behind it. It was dry, flat. “Couldn’t even call?”
“What- What do you mean!?” He stuttered, “I did call, Will! I tried! But you never picked up! You’re acting as if you haven’t been pushing me away as well! Ever since- Ever since I arrived in Lenora you’ve been weird—“
“Weird? Really? Really, Mike?! I’ve been the one acting weird?”
“Yeah! Just-“ Mike sighed, “You know what? Forget it. It’s stupid.” Mike threw his hands in the air, trying to mediate the situation yet failing miserably. He grabbed a bike, removing its brakes, twisting the handles in his palm.
He wanted the fighting to just stop altogether. He couldn’t face Will. He couldn’t face the effects of the conflicts he caused. Because if he did, then everything would crumble. The Earth would crack and break in two while he tried to balance himself on both sides above the split made. And eventually, he’d fall. And fall endlessly into the scars of his mistakes. The scars that run deep into his veins, his soul. Everything hurts.
“No. No, Mike, you can’t keep doing this to me. You’re- you’re doing it again! You’re pushing me away! You’re shutting me out!”
“I’m not! Please, can we just stop?! This is meaningless okay? Where are you even going with this?! You want me to say sorry? Apologize?“
Will didn’t move or say anything, his brows furrowing further, his mouth pulled into a deep frown.
“Then I’m sorry, Will. I’m sorry! I’m really fucking sorry. I’ve been a selfish dickhead and I’ve just been scared. Okay?! So fucking scared.” He screamed, panicked. The first tear that dropped fell from Mike. The waves hit the walls hard, and it was as if a dam had finally broke. He finally broke. “I didn’t want to see- acknowledge you, I couldn’t even stand looking at you anymore! Because something in me would ache, like- like something burning in my fucking soul! And it hurts, Will. It hurts so much. And I’ve felt so guilty for everything that I just… I thought the best solution was to just push everyone away! Push you away…” His voice cracked at the end, tears falling endlessly against his rose tinted cheeks.
He huffed out a breath, “I’ve been going crazy because of it. And I just… I don’t want to keep lying to you anymore. Wasn’t that our number one rule? ‘Friends don’t lie.’ If- If you could even consider me as your friend anymore.” Mike wiped his tears away, ridding the blurriness in his eyes keeping him from seeing his best friend.
Will stood before him, mouth agape. He didn’t realize it, but at some point, he’d started crying as well. Everything, every word Mike said, it felt like boulders finally crashing down from Will’s shoulders, freeing him from the weight of his guilt.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, sorry, Will. I shouldn’t have said anyth-“
“Stop apologizing for one fucking second, Mike!” Will cut him off.
And there was this moment. A beat.
Then without any thought or reason, driven by pure impulse, Will threw himself against Mike, colliding their mouths together. His lips were soft, and wet. Will had waited for this for so, so long, it became maddening and impossible for him to stop himself from lunging towards his best friend, his crush for basically nine years, the love of his fucking life. Will kept his hand against the low of Mike’s back, the other cupping his cheek. His thoughts scrambled, unable to make one coherent thought because he was kissing Michael Wheeler , (who he once thought was as straight as a ruler, but he’s been wrong about a lot of things.) Kissing Mike was like finally letting go of all the suppressed tension bottling inside of his stomach. Kissing Mike was freeing his soul from the chains of his insecurity and hopelessness. Kissing Mike felt so fucking good.
Fireworks exploded in Mike’s head when he finally got to taste Will Byers, or maybe that was just lightning thundering behind them. The piece of string that wouldn’t stop pulling at his heart had let go. And all the yearning, and hoping, and wishing came true. Everything became so confusing, he hadn’t imagined Will to even look at him with that same look of longing he’d always give him. And so God help him, if this was another cruel trick by Vecna, he’d rather just get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid. He grabbed Will’s hands, intertwining them into his own.
Will finally pulled away, lips pink. Sometimes he wished human beings didn’t need oxygen to live, because then he could kiss Mike for longer than eternity. “If you’re… going crazy, then we’ll go crazy together. Okay?” He said firmly.
“Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Crazy together.”
Will tittered, “Asshole.” He held his best friend close, not wanting to let go.
A loud buzz rung above the two, the light in the Wheeler’s garage started to glow. And faintly, you could hear an echo of a voice from the other side.
Meanwhile, on a seemingly ordinary day in November, were two boys giving their final goodbyes to each other for the night.
“It was a seven.”
The other turned.
“The roll, it was a seven. The demogorgon, it got me.”
“See you tomorrow!”
As Will biked away, a flicker of the ceiling light buzzed in the garage.
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starsarefire824 · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
aw thanks lex!!! <3
I'll stick with Stranger Things ones for this, in no particular order.
Lay Me Down Slow (M, 2/3) It's 1998 and Will is anxiously making his way to a bar to meet up with Mike, who he hasn't seen in over a decade. Emotions run high as he shares a drink with him, and when a confrontation turns violent, it leads to truths being told and the two of them finding each other again. Will POV.
I am having entirely too much fun with this one!!
Demons of Change and Wildflower Eyes (M, ongoing)- High school hasn't been easy for Will Byers, and he's had to live with the emotional scars of a loveless father and supernatural worlds as well as the physical ones from the hands of the bullies that make his everyday existence hell. One night, when he's looking for some peace and quiet Will comes upon one of them and something surprising happens. As he and Mike Wheeler tentatively open up to each other, they just might discover they may be exactly what they need to give each other much needed healing and self-acceptance. Can they survive everything that comes along with that?
This is probably my most obscure Byler fic? But I enjoyed writing it and I liked exploring some different dynamics between Will and Mike. I plan to get back to this one soon.
Death Lies in Wait- (M, ongoing)- Massachusetts, 1890. Max Mayfield is twenty-six years old and at the hand of her parents, settles for a marriage of convenience to a widowed lighthouse keeper. A stranger she'll be trapped with for the rest of her life on a lonely strip of land surrounded by nothing but endless, lonely sea. But, as she settles into her life, and she and her new husband try to coexist, they get wrapped up in a mysterious presence on the cape. It calls to them. It's lulling and coaxing and sings to them at night. Max discovers the secrets her new husband keeps. Mermaids and ghosts of the past come to haunt them.
Madwheeler/Byler//Lumax Gothic AU- Mermaid Will.
Historic gothic au and arranged marriage trope along with sea nymph/ mermaid Will? Idk man, it’s just the type of fic I want to see in the world and I needed it. I can’t wait to get back to this one!
Touch Me Like You Know Me- (M, complete)- Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
I forever be obsessed with Mike looking at Will in this one. The themes just make me emotional and I felt proud of it more so than any other fic I've written I think.
The Pact (M, ongoing)- A pact between Max and Mike gone wrong gets them both unanimously voted out of the Party and they find themselves stuck with each other the summer after Graduation: fighting, commiserating, and begrudgingly discovering they are a lot more alike than they originally thought.
What kind of started as a joke fic, has turned into one of my favorite things I've written. I really liked getting to explore Max in this as I had never written for her before and I just really, really dig the partycule vibes of it. This also was probably the fic I've had THE MOST fun as far as interacting with readers in the comments and everyone has truly made it something really special to me. <3 Especially you Lex!
*ACSoL is my like first child who I'll always include, but can't put it here this time. But delving into some of Will's darker issues in a post-canon setting is what got me so excited about this fandom in the first place and also made me realize Will is my favorite character.
Thank you so much! I'm gonna come drop this in your inbox now <3
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erikiara80 · 1 year
3x03 analysis: Byler and other theories
In this episode there are so many things that this is almost a masterpost of everything I talk about here, lol.
I’m gonna start with Will. There’s so much about him, starting with the title of the episode, The case of the missing lifeguard - The vanishing of Will Byers. Not a coincidence, in the episode where the Mind Flayer(Vecna) is officially back
1. Will and dragons
The Will the Wise drawing + dragons at Castle Byers. No surprise there
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When we see this, we hear Mike saying his 1x01 line: “Something’s coming...”
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But I found something else here, one thing that is connected to three theories! Willel twins, birthdaygate and Will and dragons. I’m gonna talk about dragons first.
So, this is one of the lifeguards El and Max talk to while they’re looking for Heather. The name on the magazing is Rick James. A singer who in 1985 released his 8th album: Glow. I was like, what? This can’t be a coincidence.
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Glow. We know that Will’s been associated with lights/electricity since S1. And he’s also associated with dragons.
In the movie The Last Dragon, the Glow is the power that a martial artist develops when they reach the final level of martial arts, known as... the Last Dragon. They’re basically able to concentrate so much mystical energy that their hands start to glow.
In S4, Steve and Robin talk near the poster of that movie at Family Video. So, Will, dragons, and energy that makes your hands glow. Like this?
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My theories on Will and dragons: 
Will, dragons and Gozer, a ST-Ghostbuster-DnD parallel important for S5
The Last Dragon and the power of the Glow
2. Byler
Many people have analyzed Will and Mike in this episode, and the rain fight, that mirrors the fight at Rink-o-mania in S4. This is a very important episode, I’d say one of the most important. For many reasons. 
1) The episode starts with Max reassuring El that Mike will come crawling back to her in no time, begging for forgiveness. But not only we immediately see that that’s not the case, and that Mike is complaining with Lucas about girls and showing that he doesn’t even think he did something wrong.
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The episode ends with Mike riding in a storm, at night, to beg Will for forgiveness, because he knows that he’s been a total asshole. And he doesn’t care if Joyce or Jonathan can hear him. It’s true and he’s gonna tell everyone that what he did was wrong. (I love that Lucas is there too and wants to apologize. I love their friendship)
2) But all this happens because this is the first time Mike has deeply hurt Will. The shock in Mike’s eyes tells everything. That he’s never seen Will so upset and angry.
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And then this. He didn’t want Will to go away. He wanted him to stay with him. He wants to play games with Will in his basement for the rest of his life. And seeing him leave like that under a storm. Hurt. Angry. That must’ve really hurt. 
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And if Will hadn’t told him that the Mind Flayer was back. If Mike and Lucas had found him and talked with him, showing him that they were truly sorry and didn’t mean to hurt him, maybe the next day, Will and Mike would’ve spent time together and talked. But in any case, Mike wasn’t ready to understand. Yet. 
Now, let’s talk about Willel.
3. Billy-El-Will parallel 
Here Billy’s eyes, when he’s fully possessed. The color doesn’t change (same for Heather and the other Flayed) Only El and Will’s color eye change. And if El’s eyes change when she’s using her powers, maybe the Mind Flayer was using Will’s in S2. 
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I wrote about this here
Billy, El and Will’s eye color
Did Will really cast Fog Cloud in S2 in the tunnels?
4. Willel twins
@chirpsythismorning​​  I don’t know if you noticed this. Third theory the magazine is connected to. El and Max are talking with the lifeguards and there are two interesting details.
One is the Happy Birthday on the poster and the TWO on the magazine. So the birthday of two people? In a scene with El. Interesting.
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 Here it’s more clear. 
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And the other thing is the date: ‘76. The only two numbers we see. 76, like 1976, this mysterious year they keep mentioning. 
In S1, when this reporter is talking about Will’ “death” and says this:
“...Byers isn't the first person to drown in Sattler's Quarry. You'll recall only seven years ago...” 1983 - 7= 1976
(screenshot by shippingfangirling013)
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And in S2, in the article about Terry Ives. I think it’s also the year she said that Brenner stole her baby daughter. Mid-1970s. Not early 70s (1971). But in no timeline El was born in the mid-1970s. She would’ve been seven in S1. So maybe that’s the original timeline, and that means that Terry isn’t El’s mother.
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Other possible hints. I love this shot
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El and Will’s same reaction
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The Happy Birthday cup that we see often throughout the show, since ep 1 (it’s also in the next ep, near Will, when he talks about the Mind Flayer)
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This shot with Hopper and Joyce and the pic of a baby between them (not the only time it happens. We also see two babies between them at Malvald’s in 3x01) But there are even bigger and more interesting hints imo in other episodes of S3, and throughout the whole show.
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What I like in this ep is how Hopper mentions Sarah. “After Sara I had to get away. I had to get the hell out of that place... Outrun those memories, I guess.”
Always interesting when they mention memories. Especially since we’ve only seen the same memory of Sara for years. And they never explained why Hopper was at the lab when she died.
These are the theories to understand what I’m talking about: the Willel Twins theory and the many reasons we can’t trust what we see: 
chirpsythismorning theory on the parallels between Joyce, Terry and two real victim of MKUltra
Will and Sara Hopper 
Terry and El’s flashback are different
All the signs in 2x07 that make the whole Kali ep sus
Parallels between Kali ep (2x07) and 4x07 (The massacre at the Lab)
There’s so much more, but this post is already so long.
In Part Two I’m gonna talk about the parallel between Will’s kidnapping and El at Heather’s house. The parallel between the Creel House and Heather’s house. The dnd campaign as foreshadowing of S5. The clocks and other things. What an episode!
tagging you, as always : ) @lilitblaukatz​
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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Posts Made After Seeing The First Shadow
(click here for the TFS section of the google doc)
(click here to go to a tumblr post with the posts I made BEFORE seeing the first shadow)
I Am Henry Creel vs You’re Not Henry: Changing Rooms, Fringe, Henward, TFS, Walls, and Convincing Edward That He’s Henry (x)
The Gay Ones: Henry Creel Is So Gay, How Did Any Of You Guys Come Out Of TFS Thinking That He’s Straight? (x)
TFS and The Edward Timeline: We Definitely Saw Edward Timeline Events During TFS (x)
“Gay Henry Truthers Are Erasing An Interracial Relationship During The 50s”: No We Aren’t, The Struggles Of An Interracial Relationship Are Still Very Much Present Even With Gay Henry & You’re Actually The Ones That Are Erasing Key Aspects Of Both Henry and Patty (x)
Silly, Terrible Play: Henry Ripping Off Virginia’s Dress and TFS Henry Breaking The The Fourth Wall (x)
The Hawkins High Backdrop in TFS: Why Is Almost Every Place Hawkins High? (x)
I’m Not A (Violent) Dog, I Don’t Know Why I Bite: Henry Creel Vs Cujo (x)
The Town That Didn’t Exist: Rachel, Nevada (ft. The Creel Murders, and Will’s Birthday) (x) 
TFS, Rachel Nevada, and The X Files’ Dreamland Episode (x)
Elvis Cloned By Aliens: Was Anyone Gonna Tell Me That Elvis Had A Twin? ft. Kissing Cousins and TFS (And Henward Are So Absolutely Real) (x)
TFS and Chuck E’s In Love: All Roads Truly Do Lead To Edward (x)
TFS and Tommy: The Ball Gag (x)
Timeline’s Wrong (I Mean, Off) (x)
Henry’s Blood Transfusions and Universal Donors (x)
Democreatures Smelling Blood, Blood Transfusions, and Dimension X: Was Brenner Trying To Make The Lab Kids Immune To Dimension X Via Blood Transfusions? (x)
Why Was Brenner Touching The Soteria Spot On His Own Neck During TFS? (x)
Two Slick Cats: TFS and Henward vs the Everly Brothers (x)
Why Did They Gag Henry? (x)
Stupid Girl: Brenner and Henry vs Byler (x)
Henry’s Shadow Voice vs Brenner’s Angry Voice (x)
Who’s Henry vs You’re Not Henry vs You’re Not Him: Why Is Brenner Henry? (x)
Something No One Could Understand Except For Me, Henry: What’s Up With All Of The “Brenner Is Henry” Vibes (x)
Did Brenner Shock Henry During The Spyglass Lab Scene? (x)
Henry In The Nevada Caves, Bob’s JVC vs The Creel Camera and The Descent on the S4 Board (x) 
Where is Henry’s Scar? (x)
You Have To Be Your Father: Did Brenner Jr Become Brenner Sr? (ft William Brenner) (x)
From Captain Midnight: TFS and the Captain Midnight Broadcast Intrusion (x) 
This is Your Dream: Was TFS Patty’s Dream? At Least Partially? Did Patty Go Missing At Age 12? Are Her And Henry Hooked Up To NINA Together? (x) 
But It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe If You Believe In Me: It’s Only A Paper Moon, TFS, and Things Not Being Real (x)
Henry Looking Up During The Creel Murders in TFS vs Edward (x)
TFS Orderly Henry VS the Weird Henward During NINA: Are They The Same Guy? (x)
My Sweet Boy vs I’m Not Your Boy: What Is Up With The Brenner-Virginia Parallels in TFS? And What’s Up With The TFS Brenner-vs In-Show Victor Resemblance? (ft The Girl (Boy) He Stole) (x)
Following Us: TFS vs It Follows (x)
I Lost It: Henry Lost His Innocence In That Cave (x) 
Did Henry Push Scott Off Of A Quarry In Nevada? (x)
Be Not Afraid: Henry’s Weird Shadow Bone Snapping Seems To Triggered By Fear (x)
TFS and The Rabbit: We Still Don’t See Henry Kill It (x)
Stardust Spider, Sensory Suits, and Alan Munson’s Silver Spandex Suit (x)
Dream A Little Dream Of Me: Is Patty Real? (x)
The Stolen Girl: Was Patty Stolen By HNL? (x)
It’s Not About Him, It’s About Dad: How Patty’s Puppy Love For Henry Ties To Her Issues With Mr Newby (x)
Walking After Midnight: Virginia Creel Continues To Be Weird With Henry (x)
Henward, TFS, Rabies, and Patty’s Bat Wings (x)
You’ll Come Crawling Back vs Crawling Backwards: What’s With The Crawling In TFS and ST? (x)
Crawling Backwards, A Thump On The Head, and The Cave (x) 
Jesus: They Keep Paralleling Virginia and Patty Re: Henry (x)
Was Martin Brenner A Boy Scout? (x)
I Love You: Gay Henry, Puppy Love Creelby, and Virginia-Patty Parallels (x)
You Don’t Know Him: Hentty and Edward (x)
TFS, Twins, and a Henward Concept (x)
The Man Behind The Curtain: The Wizard Of Oz and TFS and Patty Being Dressed Like Dorothy (x)
Patty and Henry Being Compared To Romeo and Juliet (x)
MR ELECTRIC SEND HIM TO THE THEATRE REALM: I Could Not Pretend- Did Henry Send Edward To Do The Play In His Place? (x)
A Canon Event: Brenner, The Creel Murders, and TFS (x)
You Don’t Age and You Don’t Shave: TFS Brenner’s Hair and Scruff Are Weird (x)
The Hurt Means You’re Out Of The Cave: Jim’s Letter vs TFS (x)
Alan Munson Vs 7 Year Old Henry & The TFS Hair Styling Choices (x)
Henry’s Scooter Vs Will’s Bike (x)
The TFS Newspapers About The Creel Murders (Edward Creel is So Real) (x)
TFS, ST, Yuri vs Murray and Characters Pretending To Be Other Characters (x) 
Hentty, Mileven, Kisses and The Fleshflayer (x)
Henry Creel is Presumed Dead- Right? The TFS Creel Murders Are So Damn Weird, And Henry Broke The Fourth Wall AGAIN (x)
Anything Is Possible: TFS Creelarke Crumbs and a Patty-Scott Parallel (x) 
Say It: Even More Hentty Familial Parallels (x)
The Project Rainbow Poster vs Will Getting Flayed: Why is Will Connected To Brenner Sr AGAIN? (x)
What Are You, Henry Creel? Detect Thoughts and Reading Minds and Doppelgangers and TFS: Is TFS "Henry" A Doppelganger? (x) 
Well, Now Where Do We Go? Nowhere! vs The Girl From Nowhere (x)
The Source: How Did Brenner Convince The US Gov Not To Kill Henry/Let Him Keep Henry in TFS? (x) 
Does The Hawkins Library Appear In TFS? (x)
Hickman Hill vs Hick With A Buck Knife: More Clone and Edward Stuff in TFS (x)
I Hope They Throw Away The Key: Parallel Between TFS and The Wall (x)
Who is Who? What is What? Doctor Martin Brenner and Henry Creel: What Does The Man Want? Why is Brenner Henry? Get That Man Out of The Boy's Head! (x)
Making Kids Kill Cats: Digging Into Brenner vs the Shadow (x)
Music Boxes, Changelings, and The First Shadow (x)
Maxine, Patricia and Brecna (x) 
That Lab Extra That Looks Like Patty (x)
The Most Evil Man In Hawkins: Don Melvald and Brenner Sr (Ft Richard Brenner and Brenner Sr's Punk Era/Axel Delivering Brenner Subtext and Ketamine) (x) 
Fake Moons: A Paper Moon vs The Moon Landing (Ft TFS Doppelganger Connections) (x) 
That Wasn’t Me, That Was Patricia: Split, ST, TFS, and Miss Patricia vs Patricia Newby (x)
I'm The Only Friend You'll Ever Have: Did Patty Get Agent Smith’d During TFS? Why Is Brenner Everybody? (x)
Captain Will the Wise of Many Colours: Brenner Sr, Will, and Saruman (x) 
You Are Nothing: The Voice Of Saruman, The Wizard Of Oz’s Voice and Henry’s Shadow Voice (Ft The Brenners) (x) 
You Have To Be Your Dad: Will and TFS Brenner vs In-Show Lonnie (x) 
Father And Son: TFS, Brenner, Cat Stevens, The Cycles, Cat’s Cradle, 8:15gate, Radiationgate and Cat’s In The Cradle (x)
Youre Part Of The Secret Squadron- Or Are You? Were Henry and Patty Actually Captain Midnight Fans? Is 7 Year Old “Henry” Brenner? (x)
Those Who Can’t Do, Teach: What The Hell is Up With This Mr Newby Picture? (x)
No Choice But To Act vs TFS (x)
Patty and The Balrog (x) 
The Girl From Nowhere? What About The Old Drug Dealer Man From Nowhere? (x)
What's With All The Miniatures and Shrinking? Featuring Welcome To Marwen, TFS, The Incredible Shrinking Woman and More (Initial/Intro Post Re: The Miniature Stuff in ST) (x) 
Why Is The UD Outside Of Hawkins High? (x)
TFS, The UD vs Oz and Will's S2 Poster (x)
You Need Me: Brenner and Henry vs Lonnie and Joyce (x)
TFS Henry and Boy Scouts (x)
The Fly (Is Undone): There Really Are No Throwaway Scenes In ST (x)
A Boy Like Me- Over A Shot Of Karen Wheeler? Ft “Henry” Creel is Not A Chick & Swapping Places: What’s With Lipstick and Gender Swaps In ST? (x)
25 notes · View notes
weirdo09 · 1 year
mi amante
a byler 90’s au fic(might make this a series)
moving away from chile really hurt will but he knew that they needed to move with the military fallen and the country in shambles, desperately needing stability. kind of like will at this moment but the maldonados were already on the plane to hawkins, indiana. just because he knew why didn’t mean he liked it all the same. to be truthful, will thought that the move was mierda(bullshit) but he wouldn’t say that in front of his mom, the one who was struggling the most. she’d just divorced with jonathan and will’s father, leonardo ‘lonnie’. will was glad that the piece of shit was out of their lives but he would still miss his home which was forever chile.
after a 13+ hour flight, they landed in indianapolis. then after a 5 hour drive, they finally arrive in hawkins. it was a small house but it had character or at least that’s what joyce said. it was better than their tiny apartment in the outskirts of santiago. first look around the house, will would say that it’s cozy, maybe even livable if you got rid of all the boxes full of things. they brought a few things from chile like photo albums, joyce’s record player and so on. will headed to his new room and sat down on his bed, there he thought that he should give america a try.
first off, will woke up with the most excruciating headache then, he tripped and fell in the shower. “mierda!”(fuck!) will exclaimed roughly . jonathan knocked on the door, “ciuda esa boquita!” (watch your language!) he called before going in the kitchen, will huffed. after quickly changing, he rushed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. jonathan was just finished making empanadas de pino, will could smell it from a mile away. he grabbed one and took a bite, “veo que alguien tiene hambre.”(i see someone’s hungry) jonathan said chuckling, will rolled his eyes. joyce popped into the kitchen due to the smells coming from there.
“hola cariño, listo para tu primer día?” (hi, baby, ready for your first day?)joyce asked will, fluffing his hair. will groaned in protest but smiled. “hola, ma, sí.”(hi, mom, yes) will replied, taking another bite of his empanada de pino. joyce played a record of paty maldonado then she gave her youngest son a tender look, “aww, mi bébé ya esta tan grande!”(aww, my baby’s all grown up!) joyce gushed, pinching will’s cheeks. will yelped “mamá! me tengo que ir!”(mom, i have to go!) joyce stopped pinching his cheeks,”oh, ok, ten un buen día!”(oh ok, have a good day!) she called as will made his way to the door. “ok, mamá.”(alright, mom) will said before waving his family goodbye. “te amo, cariño!”(i love you, baby!)joyce said before will closed the door.
like most american high schoolers, will had a car to drive to school. though, the other teens were probably more up to date, will’s was a 70’s chilean beaumont but he loved it nonetheless. it was a gift for his 16th birthday, jonathan and joyce were secretly saving for another car just for him and will has forever grateful. as will drove, he took a look at the scenery hawkins had to offer. sure, it wasn’t as rich as santiago but it would have to be his home now. soon after, he made it to school, will took a breath. ‘aquí vamos.’(here we go) will thought as he got out his car and locked the doors. there at those blue doors he would see a bunch of students laughing and talking. sure, he knew few english but he certainly knew more than his family.
will decided to pass the hoards of people to his home room. he took a glance at the paper he got in the mail. ‘señora jackson?’ will thought as he scoured the halls for her room. one person who caught his glance was mike wheeler, resident of hawkins since he was born. at first glance, mike could’ve swore that he’d seen the shorter boy somewhere before but soon couldn’t remember where. whatever force pushing him towards the boy must’ve been invisible because when mike looked, he saw no one behind him. he then looked at will, who was giving him an annoyed glare. “uhm, do you need help?” mike asked, will nodded in fear of him saying something in spanish. mike looked for approval to see will’s sheet, will granted it. “oh, mrs. jackson? i have her too, i’ll take you there.” mike said with a small smile.
to be honest, will was intrigued by mike coming up to him but soon lost interest until he said that he’d lead him there. will was never one to automatically accept help but he thought that this kid could be useful so he followed him. a few minutes later, the two made it to mrs. jackson room with time to spare. “uhm, thank you.” will said softly, pronouncing each word carefully. mike smiled, ‘his accent’s cute.’ he thought. “your welcome, wanna sit together?” mike asked, will looked at him before slowly nodding. they picked seats in the third row, will took a seat first, placing his bag next to his chair. mike did the same, taking out his supplies. will took out his sketchbook to pass the time, mike peered over, catching a glance at some of will’s art.
will could feel mike staring at him and he would call him out but what the heck? some boy’s seemingly obsessed with him and he’ll let him. though that doesn’t make it any less annoying, it was like mike was staring holes into him. will huffed before closing his sketchbook and putting it back in his bag, replacing with his notebook. mike took that as a sign to stop staring at will, not that he could help it. it was just that will looked so…what’s the word? hot. mike’s always thought that he was the littlest bit queer but he’s never really explored it and has never really wanted to until will. he began to think a little bit more about will before mrs. jackson called for class to begin session.
after class, the two went their separate ways to their next class. however will’s class had to be one of the most boring classes, yet. so, he asked to go to the restroom to probably wander the halls til the end of class and actually use the restroom. then, will was off….to the restroom. unluckily, mike was on his way to the restroom as well and he was carrying a… spray can? besides that, will decided to follow him because why not? he sneaked behind mike and found him graffiting a stall very poorly. this was too sad to see so will called out, “you’re doing it wrong.” mike jumped and turned out,”oh, hey! uhm what’s your name?” mike asked, will have him a look, took the spray can and did some actually good graffiti.
‘damn, he’s good, really good.’ mike thought as he and will look at his handiwork. will have mike back his can and mike looked at him like he was the best thing in the world. will gave him a confused look when he looked a little too intensely at him. “my name’s will, by the way.” will said carefully, mike nodded, “mike, mike wheeler.” he said with a sheepish smile. “chao.”(goodbye) will said before leaving the restroom. “wait-.” mike began to say but will already left. “shit.” he cursed, touching his cheeks to find they were hot. will bursted in fits of laughter when he exited the restroom and he didn’t stop until he made it back to class. the teacher looked at will unamused as he walked in. “where were you? you were gone for 15 minutes.” the teacher asked. will just stared at him, “sorry, bad food.” he said with a smirk before sitting down at his desk.
some of the students laughed and the teacher just huffed. troy whispered to him, “hey, that was good. nobody stands up to mr. harvey. want be friends?” will rolled his eyes, “no thanks.” troy huffed in annoyance “do you know who i am?” he asked, will chuckled. “i don’t need to.” he said before turning around to face this mr. harvey. troy glared at will but then turned his attention to mr. harvey. the day went by smoothly after all that well until, mike and will bumped into each other quite literally. mike wasn’t watching where he was going and tripped, falling into will’s arms. he really wanted to curse out god at that but will didn’t show any discomfort, really he just looked unamused.
“oh, shit, sorry!” mike said before scrambling out of will’s grip. will just shrugged and began to walk again when mike stopped him, “uh, hey, i wanted to ask you something!” mike called out, making will turn to face him. “can i uh have your number?” mike asked sheepishly, will started laughing. “yeah sure, mino.”(handsome guy) will replied, mike didn’t really pick up the last part but didn’t complain. will took out a marker and wrote on mike’s skin his house number. he stuck his tongue out while doing so, mike was mesmerized. “ok, there.” will said after he finished, mike just stared at him in adoration. then he shook his hand to get out of his trance, “thank you.” mike said breathlessly, will nodded with a smirk before walking away. ‘god, he’s beautiful.’ mike thought before mentally facepalming himself.
at the end of the day, mike was mentally drained. he was dreading staying there any longer but he was also dreading going home. with nancy out to college, his parents seemed to forget him more than before, if that was even possible. at least, he still had holly to look forward to seeing at home. his baby sister was his joy, one of his first best friends besides lucas and dustin. funny enough, lucas was sitting next to him, probably writing down notes for basketball practice with dustin on his far left, doodling. they both despised mrs. smith, she was the rudest teacher yet and she gave the most homework. mike was looking at the clock, counting down the seconds when they’d be dismissed.
the bell rung and mike ran at the speed of light out the room, he was so fast mrs. smith didn’t even see him leave. mike looked at his arm, will’s number still there, signed will m. ‘wonder what the m stands for.’ mike thought as he exited out the school building. walking down to his car, he spotted will about to get into his. “hey, will!” mike exclaimed, walking over to will, he looked up and smiled at him. once mike was close enough, will hummed. “uhm, i just wanted to say bye.” mike said with a smile, will nodded. “bye, mike.” he said before getting in the driver’s seat and driving away. mike watched as he did, sighing. ‘what am i doing? i can’t seriously be into this guy.’ mike thought as he continued his walk to his car.
unfortunately, there would be a unappealing surprise awaiting him there, troy. mike stopped once he saw him, troy glanced at him and smirking maliciously. mike began to slowly walk over, “what do you want, troy?” he asked, troy dryly laughed. “do you know will maldonado?” troy asked, mike looked down ‘so that’s what the m stands for.’ he thought before answering troy. “yeah, so what?” troy took his hands out of his pockets and walked closer to him. once they were a few inches apart, troy said, “he denied my proposal.” mike cackled unexpectedly. “what? did you ask to marry him or something?” mike blurted out, still laughing. troy gave him a cold stare before saying, “no! i’m not a queer! i asked to be his friend.” he said, mike stopped laughing.
“ok but what does this have to do with me?” mike asked, about to push troy to the ground and get in his car. ‘why would his rude ass ask to be his friend? he’s mine after all.’ mike thought before then thinking, ‘wait stop, will’s not yours!’ troy huffed, “i thought he’d be useful to me, i guess not. so, i’m going to beat you up, maybe that’ll satisfy me.” troy said before getting in a stance. mike had two reactions to what troy said, run until you get home or try and fight him. luckily, will just happened to cruise by when he saw what was happening, troy threw the first punch at mike. he missed but will stomped on the brakes and got out. he walked over, mike glanced over at him and troy threw another punch…..but it didn’t land for will stopped it. mike opened his eyes to see will in front of him, giving troy a death stare.
troy stumbled before getting balanced again. “ah, if it isn’t will himself!” he exclaimed, rubbing his fist. will just stared, awaiting his next move. mike just stood frozen in terror, sure after all these years, troy still terrified him. troy threw a punch and will blocked it, also throwing a punch and landing it hard at troy’s nose. troy fell back at the force of it, hitting his head on the ground. will looked at his fist, wiping the blood off on his jeans. mike looked at the scene in front of him. will had just knocked out and broken the nose of his childhood tormentor, he slowly walked over to will before stopping a few inches. will turned around to face him, “thank you, will.” mike whispered, will just stared before he was thrown into a hug.
mike had wrapped his arms around will’s waist in a hug. will stood frozen, he’d never gotten hugs like this but it felt nice so, he leaned into it. “your welcome….mike.” will whispered back, slightly tightening his grip on mike. mike chuckled wetly, letting go of will and he did the same. “uh, we should probably go home.” mike stated, wiping his eyes with his right arm.(will’s number is on his left.) will looked down at his feet then looked up at mike, “yeah.” he said with a small smile. mike returned it then walked over to his car, “see you around?” mike asked, will nodded. he then walked over to his car, mike called to him “i’ll call you!” will smiled, saluting. they both went into their cars and drove away, leaving troy alone on the ground.
as will drove him, he replayed what he did in his mind. he had punched a random guy for another random guy well, not really he knew mike a little but certainly not enough to start a fight. then, that other said random guy hugged him and he started to feel something for him, not really sure what that something but it’s indeed something. god, why were feelings so hard? will didn’t know, really didn’t want to find out. he sighed and continued driving.
mike, on the other hand was in a spiral trying to figure out what happened. will fought a guy for him! for him of all people, it’s just shocking because he’s never had anybody to fight his own battles for him and mike’s not sure if that should be ego brushing or not. whatever, he still liked the guy, like really like liked. hell, he was smitten for him even though he would begrudgingly agree with it, he was down bad for will and he just wanted to know if will felt the same. mike sighed, focusing back on the road ahead, just a few short minutes til he’s home.
will finally arrived home. he got his bag and keys, locked the car doors and went inside. there he found his mom making churrasco, the smell practically hitting his nose also making him drool and remember he hasn’t eaten. will closed the door and floated to the kitchen. music filled his ears as he walked in, seeing his mom and brother dancing while the food was cooking. “hola, cariño como fue tu primer día?”(hey baby how was your first day?) joyce asked while still dancing.“estuvo bien, ma.” (it was ok, mom) will replied, joyce stopped dancing to hug her son. she gave him a tender kiss on the right cheek. “bueno, anda a ducharte y comemos.”(alright, go take a shower and get ready for dinner) joyce told will, fixing up his outfit. “ok, ma.” will said before vanishing to his room.
after the shower, will’s head felt clearer. he put on some pajamas and made his way to the table. the maldonados had a great time eating, laughing and chatting, just the three of them. after dinner, they danced and danced. about hour later, will headed to his room, he laid down on his bed thinking about what the next day will bring.
what’s for sure is that you won’t know until the next chapter, stay tuned. this was a joy to write and i’m sure the next will be just as great
tags list: @foodiewithdahoodie @aimz304 @unprofessionalprofessional @evil-gay-person @pimplepogue @xhavibee @eefonline @eggo-owl @verashalurks @finalgirlharrison @ronanticized @buckieduckie2 @yelenapines @finalgirlkaspbrak @hoteadepresso(idk, can i tag you? yk what it’s ok) @ohfallingdisco @delusional-dingus @thefruityfours @thegayupsidedown @willelfanpage @atbyler @she-wont-miss
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newronantic · 2 years
usually i read tons of fics, make a masterlist, then maybe add a few more as the hyperfixation fades out. that clearly did not happen this time. i had 12 pages of ao3 history to sort through for this. enjoy part 2!
Byler are married with kids! There’s lots of flashbacks to them as kids, them dealing with trauma, and them being incredible parents. They have 12 works and i’m too lazy to tag all of them but i’m obsessed with every single one
Byler in College by orphan_account
An account of Mike and Will's first year of college, recounting their experiences, the changes in their lives, and how their relationship grows and develops over the year.
Shrike by StepfordSnarker
It's the late '80s, and Will is coping with the loneliness of having left the Party behind. Somehow, through it all, he still has feelings for his childhood best friend, Mike, though he's growing to regret that fact more with each passing day.
It's the early '90s, and Mike is coming to understand that there are some people worth losing your false sense of self for. But now that Mike and Will have parted ways, this realization may have come too late.
Mike Wheeler is Doing Just Fine by AtomosphericNonsense
Mike Wheeler is doing just fine. No. Really. He’s okay. He’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with him. Nothing to see here, just mind your own fucking business. 
(AKA: local stressed and queer teen has a mental breakdown, yells at a lake, and then has several more breakdowns.)
Where It All Makes Sense by jancies
It had been three years. Three years since Vecna. Three years since California. Three years since Will almost admitted his true feelings for Mike. He just wished there could’ve been a moment. A moment where it all made sense.
baby, we’re perfect by bookinit
Senior year in Hawkins. Will and Mike figure some things out.
you rearrange me ‘til i’m sane by miketozier (smallcuts)
Will has never had a girlfriend (or a boyfriend) before. There may or may not be one person behind the reason why.
anything, anything by inblue
Five years after the Byers family leaves Hawkins, Mike and Will rediscover each other within a small apartment in New York.
i’d make a deal with god by smoosnoom (moonsooms)
Will finally rips off the band-aid. Mike won't let him.
just a secret under lock and key until then by willow_lark
Mike Wheeler's birthday is tomorrow. December 20th. The day he, like all people on their sixteenth birthday, will swap places with and discover his soulmate. He and El have been planning the logistics for weeks, and it's kind of getting on Will's nerves.
Will, for one, really doesn't want to see Mike tomorrow, especially not when they haven't spoken in years and Will's still bitter about the breakdown of their friendship. He doesn't want to think about Mike Wheeler. Or his feelings for him. And, despite what he may want, he's pretty sure that he's not ever going to have a soulmate anyway.
That's four things that Will holds as firm convictions. Only one of them will actually end up true.
He doesn't actually need to see Mike Wheeler in order to have to deal with him.
real sweet but i wish you were sober by ew_spaghetti0310
3 times mike drunkenly tells will he loves him + one time he was sober
you are so gorgeous (it makes me so mad) by andiwriteordie
It's sophomore year of college, and Max's best friend, Mike Wheeler, has just met the guy of his dreams. The only problem? Mike's mystery crush just so happens to be dating the guy of Max's dreams.
Static Re-Connection by IllogicalFallacy
A miles-apart, oblivious mutual pining, emotional summer vacation disaster-fest starring Mike, Will, and one incredibly unreliable radio connection.
kiss it better by beansie
Mike and Will, through the years and in between the lines of friendship and something more.
What do you do now, Will the Wise? by RainbowNixie
The party is playing D&D together and Mike, as the dungeon master, won’t stop trying to make the Paladin and the Cleric flirt. He’s basically making moves on Will through the game. Will is caught off guard by this, and doesn’t know how to respond to the following question:
What do you do now, Will the Wise?
Everything comes down to a simple roll of dice.
the boyfriend problem by RomeoWrites
Ted Wheeler thinks Mike has been dating Will since they were twelve-years-old. And Mike doesn’t know quite what to do with that information. Until he does.
chiron in gemini by babydraygen
Christmas, 1986.
More than half the town of Hawkins evacuated when the first earthquake hit in the spring. For those that stayed, life is carrying on as normal. Or as close to normal as it can get. Sometimes lights flicker, you get used to it.
Then Max Mayfield wakes up from her eight month long coma and it's hard to pretend things are ever going to be the way they used to.
Roll for Strength by midnighteverlark
Mike has been acting weird lately - making excuses, being evasive, smiling to himself when he thinks no one is looking. And the hickeys are the nail in the coffin. Will knows Mike has a new girlfriend that he hasn't told anyone about, and he's determined to dig up clues about this secret lady-love. Not because he's jealous. Will has moved on from Mike - really. He refuses to spend his whole life pining over someone who's never going to want him. He just wants to find out about this mystery girl, to make sure she's right for Mike and she's treating him well.
But when Mike invites his lab partner from biology along to a party, Will is a tad distracted from his mission. Because Emmett is pretty clearly gay.
time after time by bookinit
The fact that Mike is single now isn’t relevant. It can’t be relevant. Another girl will come along, and it won’t be Will because he doesn’t have the right parts. Wasn’t born the right way, the way that Mike would have preferred. It’s fine, except for the fact that it’s not fine at all, except for the fact that it’s so not fine that Will’s life is in imminent danger due to how fucked up he is over it.
But boys don’t cry, according to The Cure, so Will won’t either. He’s trying to take it to heart.
who am i (to ask for more) by bookinit
Five times Will Byers came out, and the one time someone came out to him.
i don’t want you like a best friend by andiwriteordie
Five times Mike Wheeler tells someone else about the feelings he has for his best friend, plus one time he actually tells his best friend.
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sloelimbs · 1 year
Since you’re asking for requests, lets see you work your magic with the words “rain” and “hair” for Eddie and Chrissy.
jumping in again to signpost towards my askbox for requests! notes: byler as a side pairing (mentioned) and tw for loss of a parent.
The night before her wedding, Chrissy seriously considers what would happen if she just made a run for it. It’s an option. After all, she’s not a teenager anymore. She’s not a cheerleader anymore. She’s changed in immeasurable ways and she’s spent her whole evening alone thinking about them. She’s braver now, so why is the instinct to run? From the end of her hotel bed she’s staring at her shoes for tomorrow. They’re Louboutins. She wore them on her twenty-first birthday, and to Corroded Coffin finally playing the Garden, so they’re special to her. It was the same year Doctor Feelgood charted at number one, and so it had been a good year for the boys.
From her shoes her gaze drifts to the mirror. She’d had longer hair then. Chrissy had cut her hair pixie-short after her mom died, and breathed out a sigh of relief. Hair holds memories. This new hair only holds him, and her friends, and her daddy laughing with the not-so-little ones over beer and chips at so many barbeques. Will and Mike, who’d have thought? Maybe trauma draws them together so tightly that they’re inseparable, now. That goes for all of them. The whole Party, and the adults beyond. Why, Joyce and Mr. Hopper are sleeping just down the hallway from her, and she doesn’t even know them that well. 
And then, somewhere else here… Eddie is sleeping. Probably. She hopes so; they have to be at the altar in five hours, and if she’s not running away then she’ll be annoyed if he oversleeps. She should sleep too, but she thinks that if she lays down then that strange seasick feeling will come back. What if this is a huge mistake? What if this is the thing that changes her too much? Chrissy gets up and pulls her robe on - BRIDE across the back courtesy of Robin’s talent with a sewing machine - and scrubs her hands through the curling bob that now sits on her head. Eddie combing his fingers through it over lunch, peeling strands off of her cheeks when they’ve gotten caught in the rain… How long could she feasibly grow her hair before she started to get annoyed with it? How much of Eddie’s touch could she keep with her at all times?
Just as her fingers touch the door handle - not running, just going for a walk - there’s a knock against the wood. A soft little tap which she wouldn’t have heard if she’d been asleep.
“Chrissy?” Just as gentle, barely above a whisper. “It’s me. You awake? I saw your light was on…” Trust him to know which window was hers. She smiles to herself, even though he’s demonstratively not sleeping.
“You should be in bed, Eddie. Where’s Uncle Wayne? He’s supposed to be keeping you contained.”
“I’m an animal, baby. I can’t be tamed. He fell asleep like two hours ago, I’ve exercised remarkable self control in waiting this long and I both deserve and demand a treat. Lemme in. Goodnight kiss.” Well, what can she say to that? Chrissy opens the door and grins at him; level, because he’s crouched to her height with his eyes closed. “See? I’m not looking at you. No bad luck for us, Mrs. Munson.”
“No.” She kisses his nose first, for good measure. “Only easy breezy days with plenty of beer and guitar strings, baby.” He closes the door behind him as he presses her back into her room and opens his mouth to hers.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Byler ficlet
Will woke up to the sound of footsteps approaching his bed and soft giggles. He instantly knew what was going on yet he preferred to keep still and pretend to be asleep.
"One, two, three..." he counted in his head before the lights came on and someone jumped on top of him.
"El! Be careful, your not a baby anymore" Mike chided in a stern voice. They had been married for almost 9 years now and 6 years ago they decided to adopt Eleanor; starting the Byers-Wheeler family.
The little girl grinned showing her 2 frontal teeth missing. A soft chuckle escaped Will's lips as he hugged his daughter tight and kissed the top of her head.
"Happy birthday Dad" she squealed as she snuggled closer "Dad and I did breakfast for you"
He noticed that next to his husband was a tray with lumpy and slightly burnt things he guessed were pancakes. Of course, he didn't say anything of the sort and instead said "That's great honey. I'm so proud of both of you..."
Suddenly she gasped and said, "Daddy, you brought the presents, right?" to which Mike nodded, a warm smile spreading across his face while pulling out a messily wrapped present plus two envelopes and giving them to Will. Who carefully took them and started to unwrap them. The package was a box of paints and crayons while the envelopes had 2 a drawing of the 3 of them under a rainbow with the words "love" written around them and a poem written by his dorky husband.
Before Will knew it, tears started to fall. He remembered how all those years ago Mike had forgotten his birthday and he'd been forced to lie about his feelings for the sake of the world. 15-year-old Will would have never guessed he'd ever marry Mike. Heck, he even thought he didn't deserve happiness or love.
Things have changed a lot ever since the war ended. Back then everything had seemed so negative and horrible. Will had felt unloved but now, 52-year-old Will was hugging his beautiful daughter while his husband kissed him and lovingly felt his hands.
Will Byers-Wheeler was happy and that's all that mattered.
Hi! This is the first time I'm making my writings public so pls tell me what you think! Don't doubt in giving me tips and thinks I could improve (do this kindly tho). 🩵💛
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
one of the birthdaygate doubter anons from earlier, no.1 please please please don't ever compare me to a mlvn ever again there are few more insulting things I could be told, no.2 I feel like I maybe didn't explain myself properly so I'm gonna try again?
a. I don't care too much about background details bc while I feel they're helpful little easter eggs for analyzing things I feel the more important thing to keep in mind is how something actually affects the narrative and characters, and that goes for any theories not bdaygate so I'm just saying you don't need to list out all the one off lines and stuff I WAS actually reading the birthdaygate posts originally I PROMISE I have seen a lot of the stuff
b. so I said that I don't think birthdaygate makes sense narratively, and that's an opinion that hasn't really changed. you compare it to how they're subtle about byler, but the way they're subtle about byler is just by not stating that it's an option, but it still follows standard friends to lovers tropes, and they've still set up narratives with an inevitable byler conclusion, such as will being the one who pushes mike to say ily to el, with HIS OWN feelings as a motivator. whereas with birthdaygate the clearest pointer aside from all the background details is just that it happens to be march 22nd? it feels like they left it way too up to chance that the audience would remember it's will's birthday. I didn't even remember, and I've always been a pretty avid st fan.
what I think they would've done is state in some way not just the date, but the significance of the date, that way you are certain that detail will have significance later in this season or the next, like how will lied about the painting so we know that has to fall apart eventually. they could've had a character other than mike joyce or jonathan mention that it's will's birthday. this could've totally been a throwaway line from dustin, or they could've shown it marked on someone's calendar, but instead they rely on you to remember a detail from 2 seasons ago that wasn't even the most important part of the scene it was in? this especially feels like an odd conflict to not even slightly mention in text until s5. this feels like something where at least the START of that narrative would have to happen in s4
and then even if you do still think this qualifies as properly setting up a plot point, (which is your prerogative and your opinion to have. and obviously one I don't agree with it just feels like an unusual writing choice to me and doesn't feel like the way they normally write things) i still don't see how this actually smoothly integrates into the story while positively contributing to character and plot development? like we are nearing the end of the story, while we probably don't know the fullest reach of vecna's powers, memory stealing still feels like one that comes out of left field, and a pretty large plot point to introduce in the last season when you're supposed to be wrapping things up. it also feels clunky for character development? what do we get out of this? like do we like birthdaygate just because it sounds cool or because it would actually be narratively satisfying for the story? because I just don't see it concluding well, that feels like WAY too big of a thing for him to have just stolen the memory of will's birthday for shits and giggles and then done nothing else, and it also would make other shit with character actions and stuff weird I think. how did they not forget his bday in the time between s2 and s3? sorry I'm starting to get off track point is I literally don't see what birthdaygate actually CONTRIBUTES to the narrative. like if it happens what's the point of it though
a. Technically Easter eggs aren't intended to be caught by everyone the moment that they appear. And so, if they're only willing to give us Easter eggs to hint at birthdaygate in s4, it's probably because they want to save that official revelation for s5, meaning bringing it up more blatantly, would make those easter eggs less exciting and the surprise in s5 pretty anti-climactic. Easter eggs are literally designed so that only a few people with keen eyes notice them at first, and it often requires those very people informing the majority who are not fixated enough to look into the details themselves.
Also a little side note, I decided to look up the origins of Easter eggs in popular media. A lot of it was related to coding and gaming, but there was a section on broadcast media, where they literally mention Stranger Things using the number on the Surfer Boy Pizza van in s4 promo to leave a 'special message'... Even the literal Wiki page for Easter eggs supports birthdaygate??? Like come on now!?
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Yes these easter eggs are fun when analyzing specifically in terms of theorizing right now, but their true value lies in rewatch value in the future. Easter eggs make future revelations more satisfying, because anyone can argue something came out of nowhere, however, if there are 1, 2, 3, 4+ things hinting at it, then the argument it came out of nowhere becomes slightly flawed.
Details are extremely important. I wouldn’t personally discredit them by saying they're less important, even when compared to what is said outright, especially in ST case. More often than not, what is said outright isn’t always them informing us of the facts, sometimes it’s there to intentionally trick us or to subvert. We know this because the details often contradict what they’re outright telling us. They often SHOW instead of TELL, which is an important rule for filmmakers who want their audience to think a little bit. We should be paying attention to the details, as it’s likely it’ll be necessary for us to understand what’s to come. And so, if you're picking and choosing which details to care about, you are bound to miss a thing or two...
b. Though it's not exactly encouraged right now (for obvious reasons), I can guarantee that the promotion surrounding s5 is going to make a big emphasis on the importance of rewatching the show. It's very likely we're going to be seeing the actors and Duffer's themselves voicing how necessary it is that viewers rewatch the show to prepare for what's to come.
Byler for example is something that a lot of the ga doesn't see as happening, and it's mostly because they just haven't rewatched the show recently, either not since watching s4, or even more likely they've probably only watched the entire show once through.
Does that mean that if 99% of casuals viewers assume it's not happening because the signs weren't obvious enough, that byler endgame would be bad writing? Or that it’s bad writing bc rewatching is necessary to fully understand/appreciate it? No, I don't think so! Not at all! Because there is a lot of evidence in the details. It's just that it requires the viewer to watch it more than once, and also pay closer attention, to see it for themselves and believe it.
All of us are in this tag because we rewatched the show and paid attention to the details. We could be just as clueless as the rest of the audience if we only watched the show once and moved on. But something caught our attention, which lead us to looking deeper. It wasn't just handed to us on a silver platter.
In fact byler was almost handed to us in s4, only to suddenly be ripped away in the most gut-wrenching way, leaving pretty much all bylers to seriously doubt endgame post vol. 2 (some still indefinitely). Hell, the actors and creators themselves are still trying to convince us Milkvan is endgame! BUT the details!??!! The details are what made a lot of us rethink everything and that's when we slowly started to figure out that the answers were hidden in the details, despite what was outright said to us contradicting that.
Yes, a good portion of the audience is oblivious and in the dark about almost everything beyond the most basic outright narrative in front of them. But ST wasn't intended for viewers like that, nor was it intended for viewers to watch it like that indefinitely. Right now it's unfinished, and so the Duffer’s do get a kick out of people missing things. They're even known for lying about certain things because they don't want the audience to get too close to the surprises before it's revealed.
After all, there would be no fun in everyone knowing what's to come because they stated it outright. There is an appeal to the surprise factor while we're still waiting. But when it's complete, it will all come together and make sense. So when we do finally have the ending, that's when we'll be able to watch the show the way it was intended to be watched; from beginning to end, then rewatched, again and again, as much as we please, assuming we want to see all the hints we missed in the details for ourselves.
When it comes to needing a bigger hint about the date, I think I understand your frustration. You think that if they were to explore birthdaygate at all, it would need to be brought up in the narrative in a way that everyone watching would be able to go OMG they forgot, and for it to be an in canon concept in s4, before they delve into it officially in s5.
However, I disagree.
Having someone, say Dustin or Lucas mention it, in a one off comment, would have taken away the excitement that is bound to come from them exploring that concept in early s5, potentially even s5 opener early...
I don't want to get into all the rumors and speculation, but there is quite a bit of potential evidence that they filmed scenes we haven't seen yet, because of BTS related to Noah and Will's character potentially, which circulated during s4 promotion ie. him filming at rink-o-mania in his blue plaid, the actor for lonnie being at the table read, noah and his body double in different costumes near a baseball field...
Another thing people completely overlook, is that the Duffer's themselves have admitted that s5 opens in a way that starts right off where s4 ended. They even went far as revealing they know how it starts, and they have no intention of changing it.. It's almost like parts of it might already be set in stone (filmed)?
Do I personally think Birthdaygate is going to be revealed in early s5, potentially even s5 opener early? Yes. Is that 100% likely, obviously not.
Maybe that's why it's easier for me to digest it and give it a lot more consideration? Like why bring it up blatantly in s4, if the plan was for it to open s5? It would also create a lot of hype for the final season once it is revealed, either by hinting it in s5 promo or in the first 10 minutes of the final season.
Quite frankly, a lot of fans are losing hope in the show's credibility because of the Duffer's admitting to forgetting Will's birthday. And so upon the revelation they didn't forget, that it was actually a big ploy to not spoil that revelation coming at the start of s5, would mean all the details are mostly likely intentional. And everyone coming to that realization, going back and watching, is going to lose their shit.
I don't think it's a reach to assume that all that extra time they had allowed them to be able to leave hints, put there intentionally so that when we do have the whole story, we can look back both impressed with their attention to detail, but also slightly embarrassed because we doubted them in the first place. Because the details are so fucking obvious that it's kind of insulting to buy into the lie at all.
Now onto your final point: memory stealing.
You say Vecna being capable of ‘stealing’ memories would be coming out of left field and so I urge you, and everyone honestly, to rewatch the show because…
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In case you forgot or don't remember, s2 had an entire plot focused on Will and memories.
As the Mindflayer gained more control over Will, it caused him to lose his short-term memory. People like Bob, Hopper and Dr. Owens, who he didn't have strong connections (memories!!) with, he no longer recognized by name:
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Although Mike encouraged Will to look at the bright side of things, that he could technically be a super spy with his ability to see/feel what the Mindflayer was feeling, even having access to his now-memories (I wonder if they could make it any more obvious how important memories are?), it also came with cons.
As the Mindflayer started to gain more control of Will, his short-term memories started slipping. Those parts of him were being taken over and hijacked. The only thing that allowed Will to keep fighting on, despite him barely holding on by the end of s2, was those important memories he shared with Joyce, Jonathan and Mike.
And so how does birthdaygate fit into that?
Well, this is where it gets kind of epic.
At the end of 4x07, we see El manage to defeat Peter (Henry). Though this wasn't present day, this was back in 1979, before Vecna ever had a plan for Will.
His original plan at that time, was to presumably get El to join him. He took someone who was feeling weak and made them an offer he thought they couldn't refuse. Because I mean, El's life was pretty shit at that time, like god awful. And so she was the perfect contender in his eyes. And not only that but she was presumably powerful.
And what did El do exactly to succeed in defeating him?
Well, she recalled the day she was born (her birthday).
The love from her mother she experienced in that moment, and the power she gained from that love, was much stronger than any power Henry had from all of his bitterness and hate he felt.
And so, is it possible Henry learned something that day? That maybe, if he were to try this again, but to instead get Will to join him, that he might need to rethink his approach?
How can he prevent Will from having the power to fight on?
How can he prevent Will from using his happiest moments to save the day again?
By taking them away all together? By erasing them? Stealing them? Whatever you want to call it, I think how exactly that will play out remains to be seen.
I don't have all the answers. I'm not the Duffers and I don't claim to have all the answers about how this will play out.
I don't think that takes away from the evidence though and the implications of what this kind of event would cause Will to feel, and us the audience to feel watching it play out.
Seeing Will suffer as much as he has, and this now topping it off? Vecna now using it all against him to join him? We're going to be feeling for him tremendously. Whether he joins him or not (by choice or not by choice), is going to be fucking incredible to see play out.
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biigiiiii · 7 months
I think I want to come back on here, but I’m struggling with the thought of indulging in the privilege of using escapism that I have. My white western guilt is keeping me off tumblr and I’m kinda stuck in this limbo; where the world seems bleak and any joy I find is tainted now.
I also find guilt in enjoying my favourite comfort show that I based this blog around (Stranger Things, more specifically Byler), and it is also my current hyperfixation/spin. Usually these naturally fade out over time, but they both came to an abrupt end with Noah’s and Bret’s actions last week so I’m feeling kinda lost, and I have had people berating me for spiralling which has caused multiple meltdowns.
I’m not doing good, but I feel so bad saying that because how can I complain when I have food Water electricity and a roof over my head?
But my life is completely changed in the last few weeks and I’m struggling to adjust to this new reality without my crutches, with less people to talk to, living alone… I’m just existing day by day, and with my birthday recently and seeing the stranger things play, and other family members birthdays and Christmas/new year coming up I’m feeling so much expectation to be happy, or not to be a burden.
Idk I just wanted to write that down, idk what to do. I just sit watching the news feeling like the world is closing in on me each day, and I’m alone through it all.
I’ve felt like ending it on one occasion, and that kinda scares me. I’ve never actually legitimately considered what it would be like to do that, and even just to slightly entertain the idea is terrifying.
I’ve been reading fanfiction still, which helps me feel like I’m turning the volume down and it fades in to the background, but when I come back to reality it feels like being hit by a cold wave.
I have no appetite, any food just makes me feel nauseous, and I’m losing any interest in the things that I like. Sure I had a great time in London last week watching the play, but I felt this anger the whole time knowing Matt Ross and Shawn were there, and then I felt so upset that something I had looked forward to for so long was a little bit tainted. Didn’t help that afterwards people seemed to hate it, and it just feels like there’s so much negativity in the fandom rn. Also seeing the video of David talking about byler being unlikely just was part of the tipping point for me. Why does any of this even matter when people are dying, why do my feelings even matter.
Doesn’t help that I’m sick rn but idk. I’ve been inside for the past few days and only gone out when I have to, not really talked to anyone… if anyone can help, or just talk to me, I’d appreciate that ❤️
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demadogs · 2 years
If the Duffers aren't lying their ass off about forgetting Will's birthday, then why do "sorry I forgot your birthday" cards appear in Will's room two seasons in a row? They went to all the bother of adding this detail as set dressing, even though it was never mentioned, but they couldn't be assed to check their own wiki before airing s4? That really makes sense to you? Plus all the birthday and forgetting references this season. I know you hate the idea, but the evidence for them lying is there
its a coincidence. the casual viewers who just watched season 4 when it came out and dont follow up with any fandom or what the cast or the duffers say probably didnt even notice that it was his birthday. if it was intentional they wouldve made it clear to the audience. if they randomly whipped that out of nowhere in volume two those people would be so confused. it would genuinely be terrible writing, not just because i love the character and dont want people to forget his birthday, but because if they wanted us to feel bad for will they would have made sure we were in the know of the situation?
also thatd be such a weird and unnecessary thing to lie about. his birthday is directly stated that its march 22nd and the show directly states that it opens on march 21st. its not some “big real” that its his birthday the next day. we literally know it is. so the duffers would have no reason to be all sneaky about it. its already canon information.
they explained that theyre gonna change the birthday and they talked about how someone sent them a list of all the important dates theyve ever mentioned so something like this doesnt happen again. again, very unnecessary thing to lie about.
i also dont think the duffers, or any tv writers for that matter, would just straight up lie and say the opposite of whats gonna happen in the plot. if theyre asked about something they cant reveal theyd say they cant spoil it or give a vague answer that can be interpreted in different ways. not just say the exact opposite of whats gonna happen. theyd never be like “yeah mlvns endgame” only to reveal that its byler. or say that a certain character doesnt die when they actually do.
they wrote season 2 six years ago and its just a single line in the show that says the date. its not like it was an entire birthday party or something it was one line. they were probably way more concerned about avoiding plotholes with all the upside down and hawkins storyline. this season had so many references to the first season. they made sure they maintained continuity with the entire supernatural plot, which is way more import tbh, that they werent thinking about birthdays or any other minor character traits like that. it completely makes sense that they forgot.
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merevide · 2 years
making a tumblr post about it since twitter has a word limit + no one cares about my stranger things thoughts on twitter but
there’s been some debate over byler/mileven (especially on twitter, no surprise there though since there’s debate in every fandom) and even though stranger things is the last show i’d go to for shipping, it has me curious where the show will actually go with both relationships going forward
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honestly i feel like byler will probably be one sided at best, on will’s part there’s a lot of evidence to show he has feelings for mike (the painting is going to play into it too i feel), but not much on mike’s part.
yes, mike has this whole issue with not being able to say he loves eleven but that doesn’t really prove anything besides his difficulty to open up about how he truly feels (which feels repeated from the s3 arc he had but anyway)
if the writers decide to pull the breaks on mileven and go full byler, all the power to them. again, not here for shipping wars. but they need to do it in a correct way to all three characters: mike, will, and el. mike’s feelings can’t feel like they come out of nowhere, they’re going to need to build on it, which is probably why if they’re going the canon route, it won’t be established in vol. 2
yes vol. 2 is about 4 hours long, but with the multiple groups and how much they need to get done, shipping is probably the last thing in their mind. i do think there will probably be a coming out scene between will and jonathan though, even a scene where will could give mike his painting?
will and mike have an interesting relationship that i could def see developing to a crush on will’s part, although the exact canon implications of their relationship are up in the air, i do think we’ll get more insight into will’s sexuality/his headspace since he’s kinda been on the back burner this season.
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as for mileven, the water is a bit more murky since when el and mike last saw each other, they had gotten into a fight. maybe they’ll decide to separate to work on themselves as people at the end of the season, or work out their differences, or if they’ll even get to have that convo at all, who knows?
mileven has changed a lot from season 1-4, starting off as a naive but cute crush, to one that currently on the rocks right now. kinda sad to consider if you remember season 2 when the both of them were fighting tooth and nail just to try and see/hear from each other again, but maybe the show will decide they could be better off as friends? or to give eleven the freedom to stand on her own two feet outside of a relationship and try and re-find herself again while mike could work on his ability to open up more. the romantic potential is there and always has been, i just hope they have are able to have a conversation about it and reflect on the connection they’ve shared for the past couple of years
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this post isn’t here to be pessimistic or to hate on byler / mileven. it’s just a thought sharing, possible discussion post. i wanted to get my thoughts somewhere since again the word limit on twitter kills me + i missed this site + this is my blog so i (kinda) do what i want.
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( this scene is so sad for will no matter which way you spin it, third-wheel, envy, feeling left out. also the fact it’s on his birthday which the duffers forgot, poor guy. poor el too since the whole angela thing as well. also what is up with mike’s outfit did he just imagine what californians wear and just run with it? lol)
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strxnger-things · 2 years
omg i finally found you!! I liked ur birthdaygate post AGES ago then forgot your url but im so glad i found you again bcos i have SO many questions- pls pls pls can you explain your theory more bcos its driving me crazy, a lot of people dont like this theory for some reason but im on the fence about how i feel about it :/
damn, I really thought I had the best hiding spot... *climbs out of a dark corner and stretches*
lol, hey!
ok so before I go any further into this, I just want to make something clear: I'm not the person who came up with the birthdaygate theory. I've seen a few people conflating birthdaygate with the post I made about something funky going on with the memories mentioned in the S2 shed scene, but they're like totally two separate things. Birthdaygate is the cool, big-brain theory that suggests Will's forgotten birthday is secretly a planned narrative tool that we'll see explained in Season 5 (whoever first put the evidence for that together, you rock and I have mad respect for you)
Memorygate on the other hand, is just a small expansion of it: my suggestion as to when or why Will's birthday might have been forgotten. Honestly, I'd not given the whole theory much thought before I unceremoniously threw it into the byler tag and watched the horror and heartbreak spread haha I'll do my best to explain it a little more, but I don't think I'll really be able to help much. My intention was never to convince people of anything. It was literally just me going, "huh... hey guys, isn't this kind of suspicious...?"
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and the thing is, if you don't believe in birthdaygate to begin with, then memorygate is completely moot. Like, it's just a lot of fun. But if birthdaygate is real, memorygate just might be one possible explanation. Maybe. ?? honestly? I think it would kinda suck if it was real. I totally understand why some people hate it. Whilst I'm sure it'd be a shocking twist, it would also be very deux ex machina, and it'd mess with the character's agencies.
but like, if it WAS suspicious... ...here we have a villain who can canonically a) view people in the present moment like they're all laid out on a chess board ("now-memories"), b) enter any mind he so wishes and spy on their innermost thoughts and memories, and c) seems to have a connection/obsession with time.
This villain is also literally told a bunch of memories relating to one of his primary antagonists. The S2 shed scene helped Will break free of his possession just enough to save the day, but at the same time, what if Vecna was being given precious ammunition that he could utilise for future use? It's kinda convenient that Will's birthday is A Thing™ now, and the ONE time it's mentioned in the narrative is one of the most powerful and important scenes. Coincidence? Yeeeeah, maybe.
and as to how Vecna could have 'used' all those memories for his own benefit, I can only speculate. We don't yet know enough about what Vecna is fully capable of. Can he flit through people’s mindscapes without the victim suspecting anything? Do they always have a nosebleed or a headache, or is that just for when he’s going to kill/ consume you to open a gate?  Memorygate is just the theory that Vecna’s done something to those memories, including Will's birthday, because he knows they helped Will fight back against his possession.
Of course, Will was physically possessed in comparison to the mind possession we saw with Max and the other victims, so we don’t know if that changes things either.  It could be time-related (like, the date itself has been screwed with) or it could be memory-related (e.g. nobody from the shed scene can remember it because at some point, Vecna has messed with their minds, one by one). I can't help but compare it to how Vecna entered Max's memory of the Snow Ball. She did the same thing that Will probably did, and entered a safe space in her mind to escape him. She fought back by remembering the good, anchoring herself to her friends and to her special dance/kiss with Lucas. But then Vecna found his way in to that memory, slowly but surely, and took it over so she could no longer hide there. 
We didn't see it as an audience, but what if that was kind of what was happening inside Will's mind in S2? 
I'm not sure what more I can say to explain the memory stuff because there's still a lot of guesswork when it comes to Vecna and his powers. But I can go a little further into the Byler part for you, seeing as I only briefly mentioned it in my first post and I assume that's what you want me to get into most. So Mike talks about DnD games and their swingset meeting, and I think the latter is arguably the most powerful memory mentioned in the whole scene. A lot of attention is focused on the swingset memory. It's super important. We can also pretty confidently conclude that Vecna is pissed at Mike, especially by the time S4 rolls round. He's long known who he is, and he knows he's directly foiled his plans on more than one occasion, just like El. So go back and watch the shed scene again, and think about what we learned about Vecna in Season 4. Was he watching from Will's eyes, a hulking presence stalking through his mind, clouding Will's sense of self and listening intently to every word Mike was saying? Yeah, probably. Mike was visibly emotional. Distressed, vulnerable, raw, honest. Vecna learned that day that Mike and Will are deeply special to one other. He knows they're best friends. He knows a lonely Mike first approached a similarly lonely Will on a swingset when they were in kindergarten ('it was the best thing I've ever done...'). He also probably knows how Will truly feels about Mike. So that's a lot of ammunition for him to help put his plans into action, whatever they may be. He apparently doesn't want to kill Will, but perhaps he wants to isolate him. To hurt him, to make him feel forgotten by his loved ones, in a long game to win him over? Who knows.......
Vecna plays chess with people. He spies, he collects information, he uses people's memories against them. And the shed scene would have been a prime opportunity. A feast, if you will.
Once again, I hope I'm wrong about this. :)
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inlovewithcharmers · 11 months
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Never in my life would I have thought to do this to a harry styles fan but they insulted everyone besides Joe Keery in the cast even though Gaten is literally on Broadway rn and they called MY BBG SEASON 3 TRASH- like don't act like seeing Steve harrington in a skirt was the best thing you have gotten to see. PLUS DACRE :((((( NO ONE GIVES HIM ENOUGH CREDIT FOR THIS SHIIIIIITTTTT HES SO TALENTED LIKE HE LITERALLY MADE PART OF HIMSELF CRY WHILE ACTING AS FLAYED BILLY.....
like girl......
Eduardo.....as soon as I seen the musical of everyone getting high I was genuinely scared....but Mike's beef with him is hilarious lmaoooooo.
I also love how they changed Charlie's character into being funny.....At first I was like I don't like how he stalks people like that?- but Steve s1 was an ass more than he was so I forgave him. He did a really great job changing his character a bit.
Finn is so amazing in mystery horror movies and series you don't even know- he can also sing so like WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT? HES SO SWEET. THE SWEETEST BEAN EVEEERRR. HES THE REASON WHY I EVEN GOT INTO IT SO MUCH. I LOVE HIIIMMMM.
Gaten :)))) The talent My grandparents are so sucked into this show and literally have 7 to see him on Broadway but just don't want to drive💀 like HIS SINGING WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS OUT ON. JAMIE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF HIM BRUH-
You sound like you only know one person that can sing and that's it? You are so wrong for that.
MILLIE DESERVES THE WORLD, SHE HAS A BOOK COMING OUT UNLIKE THE REST OF THEM.....Hell, she's living my dream talking to Winona writer and Henry Cavil. SHE. IS. LITERALLY. BESTIES. WITH. A. HOT. MAN. (Noah taking notes✍️) Not to mention this girl can rap like Ice spice who? No that's eleven spices. HIM AND DAVIDS FATHER DAUGHTER DUO IS SO ICONIC.
NOAH SLAYYYYYED THIS SHOWWW. OMFG WHERE DO I START?- When it was just us old byler stans. This man made us livid in a good way tbh. Finns my favorite ally, and noah not to sound homophobic 🙄 but he's my 3rd or 4th favorite LGBTQ bestie idk man Sadie's just so🦁 Rawr you know what I mean? I CRIED WHEN WILL HAD THAT BREAKDOWN IN SEASON 3 I WAS SOBBING. OUR POOR WILL :(
Jaime omfg. If you say this man is shit, sis we going to fight to the death. Jaime as Jace was a masterpiece. HE FITS THAT KIND OF VIBE SO WELL I LOVE IT. ALSO HE WAS IN TWILIGHT ❤️
SADIE IS FR A GODESS.🛐 She carried 2022 on her back. WAS AMAZING IN FEAR STREET. BREATHED DYLAN O'BRIENS AIR. I WOULD'VE FELT LIKE I WAS DIEING MAN WTH?. Not to mention the fact that her and dacre are my fav 2 duo in the show. I LOVE THEM. YOU INSULT OUR GINGER QUEEN WE RIDE AT DAWN.
Natalie, sure her character in season one was a little annoying and was pretty much a personality copycat to a shameless character, but THE CHEMISTRY OMFG. IF JOE KEERY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT- girl bye. WHO CAN EVEN SAY NO TO THAT JAWLINE LIKE DAMN GIRL?- D A M N.
Pryiah is my favorite girl boss d&d player feminist btw so if you mess with her ill literally hunt you down.
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