#so if they're gonna take the time to change up GG
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
I wonder what the new Gloomy Graveyard is going to look like.
I don't know what character they were originally based on, so I don't know which parts are clear signifiers of said character, but here are my guesses as to what's gonna change (probably not all of these, but at least a couple of these are bound to happen):
Hairstyle/tail change. The design looks very anime inspired, and an anime character's design is based 60% around their hair, so this is the most likely thing to change in my opinion. I think it's still going to be long, but we're definitely going to lose the ahoge and likely the "sharpness" of the hair too.
Horns change. I really don't know the character, but the horns look too specific to not have been from the original character. I expect both horns to point the same way in the new design.
Slight pallet swap. I can see 2 different options: either keep the blues, but use them in different ways, maybe darker hair and lighter clothes, or they're going to move closer to purple/violet.
Change the flower. I can also see just a different colored rose, but depending on how important that imagery is to the original character, it might be a completely different flower. I'm gonna guess forget-me-nots or violets.
Change the brooch shape.
Remove chains.
Change the type of hat.
I don't see the outfit itself changing that much, I think that no matter how it changes, we're still gonna get the shovel, the lace, the veil, and the vaguely Victorian vibes. Since they're only pushing the event back a week, the changes are likely going to be small to keep the edits from taking too long.
For the record, I'm not mad about this. I would rather they push back the event and take their time making meaningful edits than to rush something out.
I just feel bad that so much hard work from everyone has to be thrown away and pushed back to make-up for this error. I hope the original artist doesn't get into too much trouble, either with staff and/or people who don't know how to keep their petty comments to themselves.
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solradguy · 7 months
I’ve never thought about Sol having sex (<-lie) but genuinely it never occurred to me that if Sol had sex then he might pass down his FoC Prototype Gear genes. Do you think he could command them? Like in a non-parental, Command-type Gear-type way. Would they be Dragon-Install children?
Oh geez, this sounds like a nightmare Sol would have where Justice is the mom, and he would shoot up in bed and Jack-O’ would say, “What’s wrong? Go back to sleep.” And Sol would look over and Jack-O’ would be Justice in pajamas! And then he would shoot awake in bed! All a dream! And then he would look over at Aria and then-
All of this is ruined if you subscribe to the theory that Sol had rawdogged Justice though. Dizzy’s not even a little Dragon-Instally…
The depth of Sol's Gear abilities has never really been fully explored (probably because he hates being a Gear and mostly avoids tapping into it) so I'm not actually sure if he could command other Gears like Justice or Dizzy could? I'm gonna assume probably not though because being able to rip control of at least a few Gears from Justice during the Crusades to make them easier to kill would have been an insane advantage and we never got anything saying he ever did or considered doing that lol
But, kinda like what you're saying here, it might be a difference between him being a Flame of Corruption Gear and all the others being Scales of Juno. Justice says she couldn't control him in Missing Link because he's a "prototype" but they hadn't dug into the two different Gear seeds yet back then. It could have just been the difference in Gear cells preventing the control from working. I don't actually know what would happen if there was more than one FoC Gear.
Based off of how Sol talks about the FoC and the obvious side effects we've seen of it, I'm going to guess that maybe SoJ Gears are inherently more orderly than FoC Gears, which more naturally just want to go apeshit bananas without a real cohesive "leader" element keeping them in line. We can't know for sure though. Sol is the only major source of information (AFAIK) we've been given for Flame of Corruption-type Gears. It might turn out that the two seeds are basically the same outside of some aesthetic differences and Sol's just ended up making him want to kill all of the time because Asuka fucked it up somehow.
Dizzy has a canon install form via her +R instant kill "I Can't... Contain My Strength." Mechanically, it's completely unlike Sol's in-game install (or HOS's DI Sakkai "instant kill"), but she definitely has a powered-up state that changes her physical form like he does:
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Since Ky now has an install that makes him stronger and changes his body too, it might be fair to assume that any substantially powerful enough Gear can go into an install state no matter if they're FoC or SoJ.
I don't think Sol would have had the time to rawdog Justice (or even want to; they turned his fiancée into a giant murder monster) without someone else knowing or seeing it happen. I do think Dizzy wasn't originally meant to be his kid though and it was written in without taking the timeline into serious consideration lol Either Gears can delay their pregnancy for insane periods of time or Asuka somehow got a... tissue sample... and made it happen via mad science. I hope it's the former because the latter is dark even by GG standards.
Dizzy biologically being Sol's offspring crumbles apart under any amount of scrutiny lmfao It would be cool if they actually explained that in more detail some day. Top 3 biggest Guilty Gear mysteries tbh
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Green Leafy Croutons
The title's clickbait, it's just salad and bread. But with a ✨twist✨.
TW: raw chicken, knives, eggs, human blood
I'm gonna try out the recipe i had mentioned in chapter 2 of Break Down. My parents put this rule that me and the oldest sibling after me have to cook lunch and dinner ourselves on the weekends so after much toiling, i remembered that i had a recipe in one of my fics. So I decided to try it out. Except, i'm gonna change up some ingredients cuz they're not available and turn this into a salad with a side of toasted bread rather than a legit sandwich.
Here's the extract from the fic:
He was flashed back to a morning when Alfred was on a vacation and Jason and Tim were alone in the manor with Bruce. Since Bruce couldn’t cook to save his life, it was up to Jason and Tim to make breakfast. Alfred had said that he trusted Jason with his kitchen before he left. Tim hadn’t known what that meant, but he soon found out when Jason set out ingredients and started ordering Tim around on what to do. Within a short while, three halloumi cheese, salad, avocado, salami, and rye bread sandwiches with cream cheese and scrambled eggs were sitting on the table. It was Jason’s own recipe. And it was delicious.
So, Tim grabbed the ingredients from what he could remember and brought them back to Dick’s apartment. Setting them out, he got to work. He cooked the halloumi on the pan, chopped the tomatoes, parsley, and onions, mashed the avocado, cracked the eggs and mixed them with salt and a bit of chili. After the cheese was a light brown color, he set them aside on a plate and warmed the bread on the pan with the heat off. With all the mis en place done, he started assembling the sandwiches.
Dick, somehow, slept through the whole thing. Either he was knocked out, or he was really tired. Tim was slightly relieved that he wasn’t awake though. It meant that he had some more time to ponder things alone with no distractions.
He ate his sandwich and chewed in contempt, recalling the memory of when he made this with Jason.
I'm making this in bulk for like around 6 ppl with various different likes and dislikes btw so keep that in mind. Now let's move on to the mis en place!
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Halloumi cheese/Bri cheese
Cream cheese (optional)
Ginger garlic paste/chopped garlic
That's all I can think of for now. A note on measurements: don't ask me. Heck if i know. As Jason said, "The thing about original recipes is that you measure things with your heart. You have a meeting with your soul then take it to your brain and let your hands do the work." Wise words indeed. I admire the person who came up with them.
On with the cooking!
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A note on the chicken: Am I totally winging the cutting the chicken part while having 0% real experience in cutting chicken before? Totally.
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Alr i asked my parents and my dad said to cut it into long french fry-like strips cuz that's what salads have and-
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Yeah that's totally french fry-like
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Anyway, we're done
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Oil in pan and heat up ft. my messy stove that hasn't been cleaned for 30172496 years.
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Ginger garlic paste. If you dont have that, then chopped garlic.
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Salt, chili, black pepper, ginger garlic paste
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Put chicken in pan. Careful of oil splashes. That shit be flying.
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Now add the stuff i told you before. Some GG paste, some black pepper, some salt, some chili. My desi instincts are telling me to put more chili. Oops.
Now you mix-
Hold up.
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*narrows eyes* This be looking a little too WHITE. Imma add more chili.
Might add more pepper and salt along with it.
Now you mix again and-
It still be looking a little white but eh. It'll sort itself out later. Hopefully.
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Now put a lid on it and put it on low flame and wait till the water evaporates.
Till then, you can clear up the mess you made while in your hurry to get stuff. I need to pray Maghrib. But you can get started on the next step (if indeed you are following along and actually making this with me. If you're here for entertainment, that's cool too, you cna have the leftovers /j)
Alright, I'm back. I checked on the chicken and eyvfrbkead it's still WHITE. It's the water and ik the spices will absorb into the meat eventually, but i couldn't smell it all that strongly... so i added more salt and chili.
If the chicken ends up making my family visit the hospital to get a tongue and throat transplant, then it's not my fault. It's its own fault for not looking like the color of my skin.
Moving on! (Unlike your criminal past- jk jk. I swear it's a joke)
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Time for choppy choppy.
I like to use a cerated knife. Don't ask my why. I just do. It's easier for me.
You then dice the tomatoes into small cubes. But i... did not.
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Despite my height, i cannot chop tomatoes into short pieces. I cannot cop tomatoes period. Why? Because i don't usually cook.
Alright, i do cook but only occasionally cuz being a high school student and the oldest daughter in an ambitious and studious desi family means that you don't have time for a lot of things and therefor you become a dissapointment.
At least I know how to make biryani ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Time to stir and check on the chicen!
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Look... i dont know whether that's good or bad, but i'm just gonna let it be for now.
Now... time for the most dangerous part of the recipe.
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I've peeled the onion and my eyes are already burning with the pain and sorrow of a million ogres.
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Is it just me or is this onion be looking a little fishy?
I just checked the chicken again and a bit of it got stuck at the bottom oopsie. A reminder to stir your chicken, kids. May your chicken be forever stirred.
My chicken's looking like this:
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And it's looking rightfully white on the inside (like me) so i'm just gonna switch off the stove and put the lid back on and let it cook on the switched off stove.
Back to onions! *sobs*
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I don't need much onion so this will do. Excuse me while i go cool-dry my eyes.
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Hmmm... i might need more tomatoes...
Oh well, i'll figure it out later!
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Green leafy
You can use parsely too but my mom said that our family doesnt like the taste of parsely so i'm using lettuce instead.
I freaking love green leafy. Look at that lustrous green.
Aaaaaaaaand now you chopchopchopchopchop-
Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt that much.
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Look at that little poozer.
My dad told me to put my hand up and let it dry before i put a band aid on so i'm gonna have to pause for a while. I'm so glad the chicken was done before this. Take care of yourselves, guys. Don't be me.
Now to reread the chapter while I wait.
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My dad put a band aid now! I went around and showed the cut to my whole family. My li'l sisters were like "show me show me!" cuz those gremlins don't like being left out. My mom started scolding me (lightly) about being careful. My dad was the total opposite, telling me to put my hand up, get the band aid, etc. Anyways, back to chopping.
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Doneeee! It was a little hard with the band aid on, but i did it! We did it, we did it, we did it. Yay! Lo hicimos. We did it! And good news, the lettuce is cannibal-free.
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Fre shavacado.
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My mom cut it for me ^_^
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Time to serial-kill.
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We serial-killed the heck out of that one, guys. Good job. I'm proud of you.
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Time to break some humpty-dumpties (humpty-dumptys?)
We're gonna use the same pan (kadai) we used for the chicken because we hate washing dishes.
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I'm gonna have to leave you on a cliffhanger here cuz i'm allowed only 30 images on a post :(
Catch ya in part 2!
Part 2
Break Down ch: 2
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crawledthru500 · 9 months
Talk to Me (2023)
dir. Danny & Michael Philippou
Star rating: 4/5
changed to 4.5/5
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(spoilers free)
THIS is what i want from horror. holy fucking shit.
this was a BLAST, from beginning to end. i genuinely think this is the best horror to come out of 2023. the cinematography was great, the special effects were fantastic. i cannot give this movie enough credit. go into this completely blind, i beg of you.
(spoilers under the cut)
as i said up there ^^ this was the best horror this year thus far. it is gonna be VERY hard to beat. however, i do have some nitpicks, so lets get those outta the way first.
near the middle it definitely drags a little, but nothing really that took me outta the movie. some of the acting can be a little ehhh but again, nothing that took me out, i still had a blast.
it was SCARY?! and i dont get scared during horror most of the time. i was very shocked at how much tension it brought. and most of the time they didnt even have to rely on the loudest possible noise ever to get me to clutch the plush i brought.
the characters were incredible, i genuinely felt like i was peaking into the lives of this group of friends. and theres a trans person!!!! PLAYED BY A TRANS PERSON!!!!!!! i am so so happy, that made me almost cry when they were first introduced. speaking of crying, i actually did end up crying !!! theres a scene where Mia is looking at snapchat memories of her dead mom, and man. that really hits me very deeply as someone who loves my mother very, very much.
even despite the tension, the emotion, it was still funny (when it wanted to be.) theres a scene where Mia gets possessed and SUCKS on her ex boyfriend's TOES and he wakes up and is like "Mia you were suckin' on my foot?!" (said Australian-ly) and that got a giggle outta the theater.
the attention to detail is insane. Mista GG (who i love) touched on this in his review, but all of the hand symbolism is very nice to see. i love details like that. i picked up on a little bit of it, but he definitely opened my eyes to new symbolism like Mia's mom getting wood under her fingernails from scratching at the bathroom door after attempting to take her own life, or Mia constantly picking at her fingernails only to repaint them again. the little shit like that makes my heart happy.
the ENDING, god the ending. so hopeless. it fills you with emptiness. i LOVE IT!!! i love when horror is helpless and scary and dreadful!!!
the amount of love and care put into this movie makes me so, so happy. and it was made by YOUTUBERS !! thats crazy!!! i havent heard of these guys before but you can tell they LOVE their craft, they LOVE what they do, and i am so excited to see more from them. i want to consume everything they create and then some.
i honestly think i'm going to go see this one again if i don't have anything to watch this friday. i am so excited to see what these directors have in store for a potential sequel, the Street Fighter movie that they're directing, and the movie they've been wanting to make that they talked about in the Anthony Padilla interview. i am obsessed!!!
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allerod · 2 years
30 aka my own question, what's the absolute fucking worst "historical" movie series book whatever you've ever evered?
right, so they're not officially a couple, but i read them one after the other in a span of like three days, and they're both the same genre of alternative history so here are the worst two historical books i ever had the (dis)pleasure of reading:
the premise of the first one was simply "what if piłsudski haven't had cancer". and boy is the answer to that a doozy, according to the author! because, you see, if piłsudski had lived longer, he and hitler would meet up. and hitler would be so impressed by his mustache and strong belief in military supported dictatorships, he would fall in love instantly. and attacking your crush country is not a good flirting technique, so instead germany and poland would become allies in wwii. piłsudski would die nevertheless, and at this point hitler would start dating a polish girlie who reminded him of his, now dead, One True Love (piłsudski). they would be going on creepy dates and had creepy sex and all that, all while the war is going Great! woo! with the combined power of german-polish scientists, now not in camps, they could really invent a fully functional wunderwaffe, and a showing of it's power is scheduled. but sike! the girlie is working with the polish gov! using her position, she schemes with polish scientists! they change the weapon coordinates! the whole upper nazi management goes boom! poland takes control of german army and singlehandedly wins world war ii! hurray we're winner! but wait! the girlie was pregnant and now she's sad and she names her son adolf and writes down her memories of all the creepy dates she went on with her, now dead, One True Love (hitler). which her son finds after her death and sends to the publisher and that's this book apparently.
what a drag. the middle part was truly uncomfy. like bro why am i reading about hitler having sex. repeatedly. i can't recall the title of this, which is truly a tragedy, but whatever, it's over, let's read something else. oh what's this? a book named "the embaSSy"? well might as well, maybe this one will be better.
wait why is this set in modern day warsaw? ohh i see, this building we are moving into used to be a german embassy, okay. uh oh besties, these are the doors to a neighboring flat, ours is a floor above. huh, why is this flat full of nazi cosplayers. well, whatever, i need to pee i'm just gonna go to the toil- WHY IS HITLER SITTING ON THIS TOILET SINGING A SILLY SONG AND DOING FINGER GUNS. well whatever, we're returning to our own flat and we are taking hitler with us. who, upon getting to know him better, turns out to be a really swell guy. also turns out he knows nothing about any planned attack, he just wants to chill really, what do you mean world war. ooh could it be that this EVIL CLONE of him plans to take over ?! we gotta stop him, so back to the other flat we go! but first lets leave hitler here and give him a shave. okay now we can go. time for some wacky shenanigans! we get rid of the EVIL CLONE, but uh oh, there's a planning bombing of warsaw incoming in retaliation of killing hitler. and we shaved our bestie the real hitler, so no one will recognize him ; ; fortunately everyone knows his voice, so we just have to get him on a really high roof and give him a radio and he can communicate with the pilots to turn back and cancel the bombing. as soon as we find him in modern day warsaw because it seems he broke out of his enclosure..... time running out but we do it, the planes turn at the last moment, gg ez, we say a tearful goodbye to our new best friend and return home. if you disregard the noisy neighbors, this is quite a nice flat, right? and the view is beautiful, straight onto the palace of culture and science! wait where has the palace gone?
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i cannot overstate how incredibly cringe that book was. i have never in my life read anything more cringworthy and i am not exaggerating. it's apparently based on a comedy movie by the same title, and every day i live in fear that i'll be forced to watch it and die instantly from the amount of terrible jokes presented to me.
but reading these two back to back was truly an Experience. i like to think they're taking part in the same universe, and stalin's penis was amputated in that timeline because we actually won wwii. thank you girlie for your service 🙏
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asmodeus542 · 3 years
Every week, The Owl House just completely blows my mind. You expect one thing and then it goes the other way.
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So the Day of Unity is in fact uniting the realms. I wonder if this is Connecticut?
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What are you, Belos!? Also you're an Uncle!?
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Eda is such a mom. She's taking Luz to school and also helping out in the Palisman adoption day.
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I was really looking forward to seeing what Amity's Palisman would be and was bummed when she wasn't here. I'm guessing mom didn't like her hair color. They're not gonna change it back right? Right!?
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Seeing Luz panic about what her future holds is so relatable! We know she wants to go home to her mom, but what else does she want to do? On the Boiling Isles, she's a witch, her dream, in the human realm, she's just plain old Luz. Many, myself included, speculated that Luz would just stay on the Isles and travel back and forth to visit her mom if she has a portal. Now, I'm not sure what Luz will do.
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Luz and Golden Guard's (Hunter) dynamic was great this episode! Last we saw them together, they were enemies, now they have this sibling like relationship between them as well as a mutual respect for the other. Every time Luz interacts with a character, she changes their lives. Mostly for the better, but a few for the worse. Hopefully we see Hunter as the former.
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So Lilith wasn't the only one in the Emperor's Coven who thought that Hunter was a brat. Although while Lilith may have found him annoying, Kikimora hates him to the point of murder. For being close with Belos, for not being as powerful as he seems? Whatever the case, it was great seeing Kiki return and for her to actually do something villainous for a change. I really want to see her fight at full strength though.
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He's just a sensitive nerd like the rest of us. The way this show writes its characters is fantastic. Apparently, whatever happened to Belos, was done so by wild magic. Now we know why he's so strict on the whole one magic rule. On the other hand, Hunter wants to learn more about wild magic in order to help his uncle. Every time he brings it up however, Belos reprimands him! I guess we know how he got that scar now. So when he finds himself getting excited about Wild Magic, he quickly stops and even pushes away relics related to it.
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I find myself conflicted at the ending of the episode though. Throughout the episode, the cardinal wanders off, sneaks in Luz's bag, is always on her shoulder, frees her from her ropes and is always with her! I just expected it to bond with her. When Hunter got his staff back and was ready to attack Luz, I thought the cardinal might transform into a staff and we'd see Luz vs GG similar to the Eda vs Lilith fights in season 1. Plus, with it being a bird, it'd fit the whole birds associated with Clawthornes that Dana mentioned.
That being said, I also really love that Luz will make her own Palisman like Eda did! Luz is Eda's apprentice first, so Luz will earn her staff the same as Eda did, she mentioned it in the first season. But now that Luz is uncertain about her future, it'll be a while until she's ready to carve. I can't wait for the mother daughter bonding that those two will do when Luz does carve though. Wonder what it'll be.
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Belittled and threatened for failing his mission. We must protect Hunter and his new Palisman! Since Belos has this omnipresence when it comes to his castle, he knows that Hunter has this now right? A question of loyalty will be asked when Hunter is ordered to give it up.
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im-pok · 3 years
Just for fun (and to make these easier to find) I have made a compilation of JSRF quotes!
I did find the quotes from this video by RisingSonic17 on YouTube. I do suggest watching it as it gives more context to the lines:
Keep in mind that some interactions may be missing, as I have never played JSRF and may be unaware of some interactions. Characters and their quotes appear in chronological order according to the video.
"This is the GG's Garage. Hey, where's our pizza? Huh? You're not the pizza guy? Oh, you're here to join the GG's, eh? Heh... Tell you what. Find Gum. She's the one you wanna talk to. Just get close to her and pull the 'Right Trigger'. Got it?"
"Why don't you talk to her now?"
"Now, just 'cause you're new don't mean you can act like a big baby. The police are tightening up here, especially since the Rokkaku took over the police force. I know we look crazy 'n all, but even we know to pick our fights. So don't mess things up for the rest of us, got it?"
"Roboy's training changes as your skill level changes, so be on the lookout."
"I had a feeling Poison Jam would have their hideout in the sewers beneath Rokkaku-dai Heights. This is it... looks like the time to throw down has finally come."
"Man, those Poison Jam freaks are out of control. I say we start on Chuo Street and cover everything to Rokkaku-dai Heights and 99th Street in our graffiti. Chuo Street is probably the best place to start."
"Roboy told you, right? If you find a Mystery Tape, you gotta check the GG-notebook. It'll tell you where to find the Graffiti Souls in the area."
"Where the hell is Yoyo? Maybe he freaked out and skipped town? I'm sure he's alright. But we gotta take care of those Immortals. They've been walkin' around like they own the place. We gotta go and cover up all their graffiti."
"I'll send those Immortals back to the grave as many times as I need to!"
"We'll stop those Noise Tanks!"
"Poison Jam knows something about Yoyo. I know they do."
"Damn! Punk, I'll get you for that!"
"The fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
"Here they come. The crazies from the Golden Rhinos. Concentrate, and watch your back. These guys ain't no joke."
"We gotta protect the streets. That's not a choice. We can't let these fools just waltz in and take over."
"The real enemy is your own fear. Remember that."
"So you're the cat that wants to join us, huh? I don't know where you're from, but the streets are tough. Real tough. Let's see what you're made of. We'll start you off nice and slow. Let's see how much air you can grab. Press the "A Button" to jump."
"Dogenzaka Hill is GG territory. I heard there's some headphone wearin' freak creepin' up here. If I could just find him, I'd show him what's up...."
"You can do it, can't you?"
"There are a couple of places in Shibuya Terminal where you can get on the roof of some buildings. You can get there by jumping from a Grind. You should check it out. Who knows what you'll find up there? When you're looking for something, the best place to start is the Map. You can see it by pressing the START button."
"The area of 99th Street is built around a tower that has a bunch of places to Grind. Definitely check that place out. There are also telephone poles to Grind and billboards to Wallride... the most important thing is to just try everything out. Oh, and don't forget to check the map by pressing the START button. That should give you some helpful hints"
"We actually found Roboy in a dumpster. Corn fixed him up real nice."
"I've been lost in the severs before. Its kinda crazy in there, but as long as you keep moving up, you'll be ok."
"Yoyo just can't chill and stay out, can he? He'll be back soon, I'm sure. I heard the Immortals hang out in the skyscraper district or something..."
"Actually, they say Roboy is actually a Noise Tank prototype. Don't tell him that though, ok? We don't wanna make him cry or nothin'. In any case, we're gonna get those damn Noise Tanks."
"Those tracks should connect Sky Dinosaurian Square to the edge of the skyscraper district..."
"I hear that Poison Jam's woman leader has been showin' her face in town."
"Man, the Rhinos gotta be pissed off!"
"Shibuya Terminal is in a state of panic. I really wanna stay out of this, but we gotta go over there and take care of business."
"Don't use your eyes. Just try to feel it, ya know?"
"Graffiti has the power to wake up the energy that's asleep in the streets of Tokyo. The Rokkaku Group... the police... they don't know what's up. So let's just cover this whole place in art, yo."
"Yo, you know that dude Hayashi from the Rokkaku police force? That guy is one messed up dude. He's a complete psycho. Watch out for him."
"I heard through the grapevine that some weird-lookin' girl's been hangin' out at Rokkaku-dai Heights."
"So you think Poison Jam is after us?"
"We gotta get the Doganzaka Hill goddess statue that Poison Jam took. We better hurry, or things are gonna get real ugly."
"Anything go down while I was gone?"
"I've always thought that thing in Shibuya Terminal was nasty lookin' anyway! Let's do a little redecoration."
"Sometimes, you just gotta get moving or else nothin's gonna get done, yo.
"Hey, I've heard of you. You're one of the GG's, huh? Tell you what... I'll race you. If I can beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, then this place belongs to me. Got it?"
"Hope you won't regret that."
"Shibuya Terminal? Now that you mention it, there was this huge guy wandering around there... And fishy graffiti? That sounds familiar, but I didn't really look close enough to see if the graffiti that the fool was paintin' actually looked like a fish or nothin'."
"Hey. Is it true Poison Jam used to cause trouble in Chuo Street under a different name?"
"Rapid 99 of 99th Street. They don't show their faces in public very often. Some say Rapid 99 and Poison Jam are sworn enemies because something big went down a while back. I don't know the details, though. A friend of mine told me that the girls in Rapid 99 are real lookers. I just think he was too scared of 'em to say otherwise. In any case, it ain't gonna be easy to find 'em."
"You meet Rapid 99 yet?"
"Noise Tanks? Never heard of 'em. But we gotta find Yoyo. I'll go through the sewers and check out Kiboganoka Hill."
"Those Immortals really get on my nerves..."
"Crazy stuff is going down all over town! Looks like it's time for a little clean up... GG's style!"
"Time to get serious."
"This kid's kinda funny."
"This time we should be able to tell if it's the real one or the fake Yoyo just by talkin' to him, right?"
"That crazy guy?! What're you talkin' about? He looks nothing like me. Besides, we don't got time to deal with that fool. Remember? The Golden Rhinos??"
"Well, they told us to come. Don't look like we got any choice."
"There are some things that you can only feel when you're out in the streets, you know?"
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. I'm guessin' it was you... Its on! If you loose, you're gonna be answerin' to me from now on, punk!"
"You think you can do this too? Let's see it!"
"Man, you're not all that. Here, I'll show you one more time."
"The deep end of the sewers is closed off because it's contaminated. At least, that's what I heard..."
"Hey, why you gotta go out and get a dog?! There's only one thing I hate more than dogs, and that's goldfish."
"I heard Rapid 99 used to run under a leader named Cube..."
"Thing that ticks me off most is, the Immortals ain't worth all this talk and trouble. I wonder if they got somethin' to do with Yoyo's disappearance?"
"There's a bunch of real big guys with real big attitudes causin' a big scene over on Highway Zero. Maybe they might know something about the Noise Tanks. Man, where the hell is Yoyo?!"
"What is UP with Yoyo, anyway?!"
"Hey, Graffiti Souls are a big commodity, right?"
"I don't care if it's a golden rhino or a blue hippo, I'll send 'em right back to the zoo where they belong."
"What's their master plan? I mean, the Golden Rhinos don't seem like their just out here to run the streets, you know what I'm sayin'?" (This quote was spelled like this in game. From my knowledge it should be "they're just out here...")
"Here comes Gouji. Let's end this."
"Did you get all the Graffiti Souls? We still got a full laundry list of things to take care of, you know."
"Hehehe... So this is your hideout."
"Poison Jam are... kinda cute!"
"Is it just me, or does Captain Hayashi not look like he eats his breakfast?"
Poison Jam:
"I don't think Yoyo's that kind of a person."
"I think hes hiding something."
"This feels like a trap. Be careful."
"Someone's after DJ-K?! You sure about that?!"
"Gouji Rokkaku is kinda interesting. But, I think he went a little too far this time..."
"I love everything about Tokyo... even the things I hate."
"Hur hur hur. You want to get rid of us, don't you? Nothing in life is free. You gotta work for it. Beat us in this race and we won't mess with you anymore."
"Har har har!! I told ya'll you were a bunch of wussies!"
Rapid 99:
"ghahah! Next thing you know, you will be all crying like a baby."
"If you can win a flag battle against us, I'll tell you where Poison Jam' s hideout is."
"Suit yourself."
"I won't hold back."
"Hey. Keep it real."
"There's this lightning-quick girl over at Kiboganoka Hill. Dunno if she's still there. But man, I gotta say, I'm really trippin' out over Yoyo missin' and all."
"When it comes down to it, the Immortals are just dried up mummies, man. I bet they all nasty under those bandages."
"The Noise Tanks might look strong, but they're like cheap action figures! Just run into them and they fall apart! Oh yeah, that girl from the stadium... I heard she's been lookin' for us. You seen her yet?"
"Aww man..."
"The fortified residential zone... it's directly attached to the underground sewers. Man. I don't like that place at all."
"Is that dude in black even human? My heart's pounding... I don't know why."
"You're never as good as you can be! Don't slack off!"
"Y'all are crazy!"
"This doesn't look good."
"Alright. Stay cool."
"Yeah.... we were a little too laid back this time, I think."
"The fortified residential zone... hey, why don't we pick numbers to decide who goes?"
"It's about time the Rhinos brought things up a notch. We better be ready to get real serious too."
"What the hell IS that big thing, anyway? But, you better watch out for that fool in black..."
"If you get a "Jet" in the Trials, you can even use people who aren't here to take out into the streets."
"You're one of the GG's, right? Then tell this fool that they got the wrong girl! They think I'm one of you guys! So, they dragged me out here and looked what's happened to me!!"
"Hurry up! Tell him that I'm not a GG!!"
Noise Tanks:
"Hey, you're that GG that helped me out! Thanks for that man. Say... there's something that I've been wondering since then. You wanna find out who's the fastest? I KNOW I can beat you. Let's give it a shot!"
"Alright. Fine. See ya."
"I'll get 'em good no matter what!"
"The more worked up we get about this, the harder it'll be to find what we're lookin' for."
"There's somethin' not right about the way the Golden Rhino's are actin'."
"Why are those Golden Rhinos going after the Radio station? Well, make sure to be on the lookout for Captain Psychopath."
"We gotta save DJ-K! I can't stand listening to this music anymore!"
"If this town could talk, what poetry it would speak..."
"Practice all you want, it will not make a difference."
"It is not over yet. Prepare yourselves."
"Heh... Go on. Fight!"
"Are you ready?"
Special interactions:
"Sometimes it just doesn't matter how much you practice."
"Dude. I'm bored. Entertain me."
"Hmph. What a bore."
"My sources tell me that the Noise Tanks and the Rokkaku Group are in this together. Be careful."
"So is that Clutch guy in with Rokkaku too? Or is he just a little punk?"
"I'm about ready."
"The Golden Rhinos are really startin' to get on my nerves..."
"I got better things to do than play house with Gouji Rokkaku, but man, that big ugly thing has GOT to go."
"Graffiti Souls' sole purpose is to be sought out."
"You're looking for that kid, Yoyo, right? Tell ya what, if you go out and get some Graffiti Soul points... Hey! Wait a sec, you've already got quite a few. Lemme see those... Sucka! Thanks for the Graffiti Souls! See ya around!"
"Hah, hah! I look forward to it!"
"I dunno, but I just don't get what's going on here. Heh..."
"This Gouji Rokkaku dude is pretty funny!"
"Haaaahaha! Tokyo ain't half bad!"
"If you can beat me at my own game, I'll leave you alone."
"Suit yourself."
"The fortified residential zone... Unless you're absolutely sure of your skills, you should stay away from that place."
"I've dealt with the Golden Rhinos once before. If you don't take them seriously, you're as good as dead."
"I can't stand even looking at that thing. Its just so... so... damn ugly!"
"Yeah. You just have to try everything with an open mind."
Beat to Corn:
"So you're the leader of the GG's? Heh... How's this sound? If I beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, you and your buddies have to answer to me from now on. If you beat me... well, we'll just see when it happens."
"Huuuh? You're so boooring..."
Talking to Beat in the garage before fighting the police:
"Anyway, I'm ready to rock. But what's up with that pooch, eh? Where did ya pick him up? You sure that's not the leader in disguise? Heh heh. Its only a matter of time before I become the leader of the GG's anyway."
Combo to Gum:
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. Was it you, princess? You've been a bad, bad girl. You've better hit me with everything you've got, 'cause I ain't gonna hold back just because you're a girl!!"
"The cue tone get you all jumpy?"
"You liked that, eh? I'll do it again for you."
Yoyo to Rynth:
"You're... like... you know... yo."
"Where'd you come from?"
Gum to Rynth:
Rynth to Beat:
"Cool. Welcome aboard."
"You kinda... smell weird."
Garam to Boogie:
"Hey. I'm next in command around here, little lady. The name's Garam,"
Combo to Boogie:
"This group is growing bigger every day. Fool just dig me, I guess."
Gum to Boogie:
"So you're the one from Kiboganoka Hill, huh? Well, this is the GG's. What you see is what you get. Just be yourself, you'll be cool."
Garam to Jazz:
"Well, um... I... uh... be cool."
"That freak who's been making all those weird tags... you think he's connected with the Golden Rhinos somehow?"
Boogie to Garam:
"Alright. Stay cool."
Jazz to Garam:
"I feel ya, but I think you should try to chill a bit. Keep it together."
Corn to Clutch:
"What a fool. But the fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
Jazz to Clutch:
"Don't push your luck."
Beat to Clutch:
"You just wanted some attention from us, right? Aww..."
Combo to Clutch:
"Man, you're such a jerk I almost like you."
Garam to Clutch:
"One of these days, I'll get you one-on-one! Just you and me, fool!"
Boogie to Clutch:
"Fine. I'll let you off just this once."
Slate to Clutch:
"Heh... Stay outta trouble."
Corn to Yoyo:
"Long time no see, bro."
Clutch to Yoyo:
"So you're that Yoyo guy, huh? Heh..."
Jazz to Yoyo:
"So, you're the real deal, huh? 'Sup. I'm Jazz."
Combo to Yoyo:
"You gonna go and try to get back into shape, huh?'
Garam to Yoyo:
"Heh... I caused enough havoc for the both of us while you were gone, bro."
Rynth to Yoyo:
"The most unbelievable stuff was happening while you were gone! Hehehe..."
Yoyo to Slate:
"Hey, sorry about all that, yo. My bad. But thanks to those fools, I'm all out of shape now. Maybe I'll go out and cause a little havoc to warm up, yo."
Yoyo to Jazz:
"Man, things have sure gotten busier sice I was last here?"
Gum to Beat:
"That fool dressed in black who's been hanging around Chuo Street... now that I think about it, you guys kinda look alike."
Clutch to Beat:
"In times like this, you won't fall as long as you look where you're going. Heh heh."
Garam to Beat:
"Hey, you know that guy everyone's been saying looks like you? Well, is it you?"
There is some cutscene dialogue missing from these lines. If I can find all the cutscenes, then I'll be sure to add them.
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