#so she convinced me to not skip the metallica parts and let her watch
lil-melody-moon · 5 months
Year summary #1
Carouselambra playing in the background How the fuck do I even start this?
I had to begin from changes that took place in this year and from what I know and recall, a few took place. So maybe let's start from the one that made impact on my personal life and that is a better relationship with parents.
I was working on that since the last year, but it kicked off good in this year. Got more into old music, got into The Beatles and parents started to be such curious little shits that dad started coming to my room to check what albums I bought and I've convinced mom to watch The Beatles' movies with me - I don't remember her laughing this much since I've made her watch "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" with me. Dad even started asking me about stuff, it turns out that now I'm showing my mom old music, not the other way around like it always was. I keep a list of albums to play her when the summer comes around in the next year and there's actually quite a lot already XD
I'm so happy from getting on better terms with dad, it fills me with joy *sob sob*
I also started buying more albums, bought some pins even and since they opened a band accessory shop I've asked about posters. They don't sell them yet, but the guy asked what I'm looking for, I told him and he said that he can get them if they'll be selling posters. That can mean that maybe I'll get lucky to get a Led Zeppelin's or The Who's poster - I'm mostly keen on The Who's one <3
With this year passing I also feel that I want to go to work, but I need to be patient. This library degree is very tiring, it's not as easy and chill as the last one was. I literally wonder how I will pass upcoming exams, especially from one subject that only one person gets? This professor isn't explaining anything, like, she teaches something she doesn't understand, I mean... Why are you teaching then?
I also started learning chords on my guitar slowly, very slowly, but it's going somehow!
One thing that changed, with me working on myself was putting a serious blockade away. Not entirely, but I started clowning around with friends and it's one of the best things to do. I even clown around with mom and dad, mostly mom though. We get stupid sometimes and it's fun!
So that would sum up my personal life I think, from what I want to say. And now to this blog...
It changed again, because all heavy metal bands disappeared and this blog became classic rock oriented. That's because I stopped listening to this genre. You can say that I kinda grew bored of it? Or that I noticed I'm getting a headache from it, but like, there was this one day when I drove with my dad and the album by Led Zeppelin ended and Metallica began to play. I listened and I was honestly bored. It just hit me that there's nothing special in it. Lars is still a good drummer but like... I heard better ones and didn't find anything interesting in his playing this time. It repeated with every band I was listening to so I just dropped out of that, deciding to stick to older music. That was a good decision, honestly.
But the biggest change on here that happened is the fact that I got so many mutuals this year that I can't wrap my mind around. I won't tag anyone here, because I might skip on someone and I don't want that to happen, but I love you all. You're making this place a lot better and honestly? Classic rock fandom is like a big family and I'm happy to be somehow a part of it. Never had I thought I will find such supportive people on Internet and yet, there you are. I'm glad I've met you all <3
That would be all for this one then. Tomorrow's one tho... Fucking hell, this will be a ride...
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papipopsicle · 6 years
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Genre: fluff, v v slight angst
Summary: In which the usual basketball practice is cancelled, and Billy is surprisingly happy when he finds out why.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abusive parents, racist father, Steve being a shitty friend.
Words: 3K
feedback is always appreciated
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"I actually hate you."
"Love you too." Y/N replied and rolled her eyes as the brunette she called her best friend practically threw his lunch tray against the table top. Nancy jumped at the noise, her wide eyes bouncing from the two then back to Jonathan's hand in hers under the table. "Mind telling me what's made you harbour such strong feelings towards me?"
"You just had to steal the gym on the one day we play basketball, didn't you?" Steve huffed, sending the girl a playful look of annoyance. In all honesty he really didn't mind, it meant he'd have a couple hours free to catch up on an essay due earlier today.
"It's not my fault the school is cheap and the studio now has a crater in the roof from the storm." Y/N pulled at the sleeves of her baby pink bomber jacket and shivered at the thought of leaving the warm confines of Hawkins High School, "Maybe it's a sign that you should join, Stevie, we're always looking to diversify the group with more male dancers."
"Fuck off." The boy shoved Y/N's shoulder lightly with his and the four carried on eating like normal. They were an unlikely group of friends, an ex-flame and ex-friendship turned into a new flame and a new friendship.
The day droned on as it always did and the final bell sounded throughout the building. Kids eagerly ran to their lockers and out the large entrance unable to stay in school for a moment more than necessary, but for Y/N, her day was only just starting. She weaved through the crowds, going against the current and deeper into the school until she found herself in the girl's locker room. Y/N greeted the other girls already there and quickly changed into a pair of pink leggings and a baggy black top, throwing her Hawkins High sweatshirt on top. She tied her y/h/c hair into a ponytail and double knitted her trainer's laces before making her way to the gym.
"Training's cancelled today, Hargrove." Montgomery shouted down the corridor, watching as his friend paused his movements and turned around, "Dancers are taking over until they fix the roof."
"That's bull." Billy groaned, his hand running through his long hair in annoyance. Basketball meant not needing to be a chauffeur for Max and not having his father on his back for another couple hours. Of course he had P.E tomorrow but that didn't make a difference.
Monty shrugged, "Its not like we can do anything, the Principal basically licks Y/L/N's arse for fun."
That stifled Billy. He'd slept with half of the cheer squad by week two in Hawkins. There wasn't a girl in his year he didn't at least know the name of, not that he ever used their name. "Y/L/N?" He asked casually, intrigued by the idea of fresh meat.
"Harrington's girl, Y/N. C'mon, you've seen that ass." The boy joked with a smirk, but when Billy simply knitted his eyebrows together, Montgomery hit the boy's chest out of shock and began walking towards the gym dragging him behind, "Mate, you're about to owe me big time."
The two athletes snuck into the bleachers undetected and as soon as Monty pointed her out as the girl leading the group warm up session, Billy's heart sped up. Of course he recognised her, but he didn't like the reasoning behind it. Sure, she had an amazing body, one the boy next to him clearly enjoyed jerking off to, but it was always tucked safely under Steve's arm in the halls. He was her own personal bodyguard. Billy's memory was still fuzzy from the events at the Byers' house three months ago, but Y/N was vividly part of that disjointed memory.
She demonstrated a host of stretches for the group to mirror as 'Immigrant Song' blasted through the large gymnasium. Both boys were in a trance at that moment and completely forgot that they couldn't play basketball, almost happy about it. Billy found himself in awe at the pure joy lacing the smile on Y/N's face in that moment, like nothing else mattered to her other than living in the moment. The girl dropped into the splits and that's when Billy lost it, his heart racing a million miles an hour at her confidence and finesse.
Montgomery shook his head and patted Billy's shoulder with a chuckle, "I bet she's so fucking dirty when Harrington isn't around to keep her in line, you know, daddy issues, that kind of shit."
The boy kept talking but Billy zoned out, not caring for his remarks. He hadn't even noticed Monty's disappearance for another half an hour after that. It may not have seemed like it, but the blond really was trying to change his ways one step at a time, one of those steps being not talking about or treating women like pieces of meat. It was a work in progress, but Y/N wasn't going to be a step back.
He stayed for the next two hours, sat on the uncomfortable wooden benches in the bleachers, completely mesmerised by the way Y/N moved with so much fluidity and grace. Only towards the end of the session after perfecting the new routine had Y/N burst her little dance bubble long enough to notice Billy. She sent him a warm smile, one he was sure he didn't deserve after what she must have seen at the Byers house, but he didn't think twice before returning it.
The music was all deafening disco apart from the odd Led Zeppelin, Scorpions or Metallica song standing out like garish yellow highlighter on a pristine white page of notes. Billy enjoyed it those though, humming along and forcing himself to hide the grin that tugged at the corners of his lips as he noticed Y/N singing along too. She winked at him and slid to her knees, fully committing to the worlds most embarrassing yet incredible air-guitar solo. Y/N giggled and began the usual end speech encouraging everyone to carry on with as much enthusiasm and all that bullshit.
When she had gathered all her belongings and turned off the stereo, Y/N turned back to the bleachers in hope of seeing Billy still sat there, but he'd somehow left as secretively as he came. She pouted but quickly stopped her mind from going down that route before it even had the chance.
Instead of getting changed back into her earlier clothes, Y/N shoved them into her gym bag and left the girls locker room in search of her ride. It was hailing heavily outside, the small pieces of ice beating at the building's roof and just as she peered out of the window into the car park, lightning struck, thunder following seconds later. Y/N jumped, always skittish in storms. She couldn't see Steve's signature car in its usual spot, even in this weather she'd know his car from anyone's. Surely he wouldn't have left her without at least saying, especially in this weather. But minutes passed and there was no sign of the BMW anywhere.
Y/N groaned and whimpered at the thought of walking in the torrential rain, why had she let Steve convince her into giving her a lift instead of taking her motorbike? At least then she'd get home quicker. Scouring the car park for any other viable options, she noticed Billy's car and honestly couldn't choose which was worse; walking half an hour in this weather and probably dying from the worst cold in history, or asking Billy for a lift. She'd take a hailstorm over his reckless driving any day.
Billy Hargrove was damaged, Y/N didn't know exactly what he'd been through, but it wasn't pleasant. He had now real regard for his own life anymore, let alone other people.
It took a few seconds to gather enough courage to exit the school, and by the time she had, she was soaked to the bone immediately. Y/N heard her name being called over the rain and soon a large black jacket was held above her head as a makeshift umbrella. It was a leather jacket to be exact, Billy's leather jacket. She looked up at him in confusion and was quickly pulled back into the school's foyer.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Billy asked rhetorically and put his jacket over her shoulders in attempts to bring her some warmth, but it only shrouded the girl in his scent. She didn't take any notice of his harsh tone, and instead pulled her hair out of the jackets collar as he continued ranting loudly, "Do you know how dumb it is to walk in this, Y/L/N? You'll freeze before you get home. Harrington will blame himself if you die and then he'll blame me if he finds out I let you walk home in this. I don't need him badgering me about your death for the rest of my life, so, let me drive you home?"
It was more of a request than a question, but either way Y/N had a snarky response lined up as she pulled the jacket closer to her frame, "I'd rather be hit by your car than let you drive me in it, love."
"Fine." Billy's voice came out in a low grumble and he took a step towards the girl, now only centimetres between them, "You can drive."
Y/N's mouth gasped open in shock, Billy was emotionally attached to his car, it was the closest thing he had to a functioning relationship. She didn't know whether it was appropriate to laugh or not, but when he held his keys out on front of her face for her to catch, Y/N raised her eyebrows, "Wait, you're being serious?"
He shrugged with a carefree smirk plastered across his face, jangling the keys a little, "Just take the damn keys before I realise how stupid this is."
"Excuse you, I'm an excellent driver, your baby is in good hands." Y/N smiled widely, one that made the dormant butterflies in Billy's stomach flutter about and do somersaults.
She pinched the metal key ring before he had the chance to retract it, and skipped gleefully over to the double doors. The girl turned back to see him still stood in the exact same position mulling over whether this was a good decision or not. "Hargrove." Y/N huffed out.
He sighed and finally came back to reality, zoning in on the y/h/c girl to find her intently watching him with a small smirk playing at her lips, "If you land even one fucking mark on the paint job, you're dead, got it?"
Y/N looked up at him, now standing right beside her in front of the doors, wide eyes acting startled by the words before crinkling as she let out an obnoxiously loud giggle, almost snorting, "Ouh, I'm so scared. Three, two, one, run!"
The girl sprinted out of the double doors quicker than the last flash of lightning, using Billy's jacket as a hood while unlocking the Camaro in haste, throwing her bags in the back and starting the engine. Billy soon joined her, his hair sopping and shirt stuck to his chest in just a few seconds.
He was about to ask her what was taking so long to start driving, considering pushing herself into the back seat and driving himself, but Billy turned from frustrated to weirdly warm and fuzzy as he watched the girl slip her arms into his jacket. It didn't fit her well, swamping her small frame and looking bulky over her sweatshirt, but somehow it was still an adorable sight.
The rain and hail beat against the roof constantly, filling any space for conversation, but he still put the radio on in case the air became too silent. Surprisingly, she hummed along to the Mötley Crüe song and drummed her fingers against the steering wheel while leaving the school car park. He noticed she was hesitant, which was pretty standard considering the weather.
Neither teenager tried to make conversation, and his eyes trailed across the exposed skin of her hands after a couple minutes of staring out the window. A few white lines mirroring gashes and wounds littered her flesh, and he wondered what the cause of such scattered scars might have been. He stopped starring like a crazy person and focused on the way she handled his car with so much care and affection, finding it oddly endearing.
But soon Y/N had pulled into her driveway and cut the engine. She turned to him and sent the boy a small yet warm smile, "Thanks for not driving me."
He shook his head with a chuckle, suddenly so self aware of the situation. A pretty girl was in his car, wearing his leather jacket, looking up at him with 'fuck me' eyes. It was a circus act at this point, trying to do something nice but ending up in the same place, well not always the same place physically- the backseat most times, rarely their bed, and never his. Billy leaned closer, his breath hot against Y/N's cool skin, and just as his lips were about to touch hers, the girl jerked back just realising what was happening.
She looked up at him sincerely, placing her hand over his on the centre console, "Don't kiss me. You let me drive your car home from school, this isn't the end to some elaborate date."
Y/N moved to get her bags from the backseats, only to have Billy cut off her movements, "You drove me home, didn't you?"
The question sounded a little strange at first, but the girl registered what he meant and bit the inside of her cheek before nodding, "A lot happened that night, a lot that can't be changed or taken back. Not that I've made it clear, but I have a bit of a soft spot for you, Hargrove. You've done a lot of unforgivable things, you know that, I'm not going to lecture you. But I understand why you did them." Y/N didn't know whether to carry on, she didn't want to leave the car but evidently this was a heavy conversation and a rather uncomfortable one at that.
She unclasped the seatbelt and turned to face the boy with a warm expression, "The only boy I've ever brought home, Nathan, he was the sweetest human on the planet. Considering we were fifteen, he treated me like a princess, always buying me little gifts and taking me on adventures. But my dad couldn't see past the colour of his skin, and then he decided to throw the entire twelve piece set of china-wear at me until I promised not to see him ever again. If I'm right, our dads are pretty similar in that regard. I get you don't want that to happen to Max, that it was your personal way of protecting her. It doesn't excuse anything you've done, not in the slightest, but I understand."
Silence enveloped the car and Y/N dared to look up at Billy, finding his facade of egotistical male dominance shattered. She didn't brush aside his problems, but didn't treat him with kid gloves either, he didn't know how to respond but he was still just as in awe of the girl in front of him now, a few escaped tears trickling down her soft cheeks, as he was with the confident dancer.
She cleared her throat and sent him one last smile, lighting his insides into an inferno like a match, and Y/N reached for the door handle. Billy tugged her back physically this time, holding her so tightly with so much hidden emotion in the embrace. She burrowed into the crook of his neck and hugged him back with everything in her, hoping he'd somehow realise he wasn't alone on this road of tragedy.
"If I'm not at school, I'm usually here." Y/N pointed towards the house, lingering close to Billy still, "I know I'm not much, but I can distract you from how shitty life is and the inevitability of death if you ever want me to." She giggled, her tone light as a feather but her words heavy with meaning.
"Or if you ever want your jacket back." She winked, wrapping the leather garment around her figure tightly and getting out of the car. Billy slid into the drivers seat and watched in amusement as she fumbled with her keys and entered the house, only after looking back with a dazzling smile and another wink. The door shut quickly to keep the house warm and then boy pulled away from the driveway, wondering how this girl had entered his heart so quickly and when exactly she'd be the death of him.
Y/N skidded through the house with a less than happy demeanour, hitting the number two key on the house phone and hearing two rings before someone picked up, "Hello?" She greeted through gritted teeth, needing to know which family member was on the other end.
There was some indistinct shouting before her best friend finally answered, "Y/N/N? Oh thank go-"
"Where the fuck did you go, Harrington?" She seethed, it might have turned out okay for her in the end but that didn't excuse the shittiness of Steve's actions. He didn't know Billy let her drive, and she was going to have fun making him work to get that apology accepted.
"Please don't hate me, but I gave Nancy a lift."
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persephonelovesbts · 6 years
The Line of Kim Chapter 14
Warnings: smut?, partner sharing?, sexual tension
WC: 1,869
Edited: 4/12/2020
Master List
AO3 Link
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The Club
You were cuddled into Taehyung's chest when his phone buzzed on the bedside table.  He let out an exasperated sigh. He reached for the phone and groaned. “Well, jagi, you’ll have the chance to redeem yourself for earlier today. We have another meeting.”
“You’re gonna let me come with you again?”  You beam.
“Yes, but this meeting will be much more fun. We’re going to one of my clubs for this meeting.”  He smirks.
“You own clubs?”  You cock an eyebrow at him.
“You didn’t think we got to skip lines and get in free all the time because we were hot, did you?”  He flashes you a boxy smile.
“Well no of course not.  The bouncers were always dudes.”  You joke.
He lets out a laugh.  “Go find something cute to wear.”  He slides off the bed and walks into his bathroom.  You move to leave but have to catch yourself on the bed when your knees give out.  “Sorry!” He shouts over the sound of the shower.
“Fuck you!”  You yell back with a giggle.  You pull your dress back on and head to your room.  You have to waddle from the weird empty feeling between your legs.
Once in your room, you pick out your outfit for the night.  You decide on black short shorts that look like leather but are actually very stretchy with black fishnets tights underneath, with a Metallica t-shirt that you tie up in the front to make it a crop top and black vans.  It was comfortable, casual, edgy but still sexy. 
When you go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, you practically scream at the figure looking at you.  Your makeup from earlier was smeared all over your face.
You hear a knock from your room, “Noona?” You hear Jungkook.
“In the bathroom!”  you shout.
“You almost ready?”  You hear him plop on your bed.
“I just have to fix face and hair.”  You open the door to show him your ruined makeup.
He pretends to jump in fear, “Ahh! A zombie! V never said he was going to kill you!” He begins to fake cry, “My poor noona!”
“Fuck you!”  You throw a towel at him.  You notice he’s wearing all black, skinny jeans with tears in the knees and a leather jacket that fit him like a glove.  He has black eyeliner on to make him look less innocent. He looks really hot.
He bursts out in laughter.  “Fix your face, before you scare anyone else.”
You go step back in the bathroom and take off your old makeup.  “Hey, Kookie. If Tae is a wolf and Jimin is a cat. What are you?”
“Don’t you already know?”  He asks confused, “You know, with the whole seer thing?”
“I mean I could but like I would like to actually have a conversation with you.”  You snark.
“Oh... I shift into a dog.”  He says nonchalantly.
You turn to him with a big smile.  “Oh my gosh! Really! What kind?” You say in a shrill voice.
He covers his ears, “The kind who will bite you for using that pitch.”  
You just laugh and go back to doing your makeup.  
“A pitbull,”  He says shyly.
“Oh, I love pitbulls!”  You say checking yourself out in the mirror.  “I think they’re so adorable.”  
“You’re probably the only person in Korea who thinks that.”  He says sadly.
You walk out of the bathroom.  He is very insecure about his animal form.  Probably because people think that pitbulls are dangerous as a breed.  You sit next to him on the bed and ruffle his hair, “Oh, but you’re such a good boy, Kookie.” You say like you would to a puppy.
He pushes you away, “Ah!  Fuck you, noona. Don’t make me bite you.”
You giggle, “Ready to party hardy?”  You do a funny dance.
He laughs, “Yeah, don’t do that at the club, please.  It’s embarrassing.”
You walk out to find Jimin and Taehyung waiting in the entryway.  Jimin is also in all black. His skinny jeans are not ripped and has on a burgundy tank top to show off his muscular arms.  Taehyung is in black leather pants, a white V-neck, and a black varsity jacket. They are also wearing that sexy eyeliner. They just smile in acknowledgment and walk out to the car. 
You take the same places in the car as earlier that day.  The club is in the city, so it takes a while for you to drive there.
“Jagi, I need you to do me a favor tonight,” Taehyung says after a few minutes of silence.  You look over at him. “The guy we’re meeting with is the leader of one of the gangs of Seoul.  And he just so happens to like girls that look like you.”
“Are you pimping me out, Taehyung?  Because if so fuck you, I’m not doing that.”  You say seriously.
Everyone laughs.  “No, jagi. But if you were to put on a show for him.”  He cocks an eyebrow. “He won’t lay a hand on you, you have my word.  I’ll rip it off if he tries.” He says evenly.
“Put on a show?  You want me to be sexy?  Maybe flirt with him a little?”  You question.
“Yes.”  He states.
“I can do that.” You nod.
“Good.”  He smirks.
Once you make it to the club, its already crowded. You follow your friends to the VIP section.  Taehyung pulls you into his lap. “After I introduce you to Im Jaebum, I want you to go dance and have fun.  I believe your friend Jiwoo is at the bar.” You immediately look for her at the bar. “I know she’s a party girl, so go have fun with her.  Feel free to tease him by looking over here while you dance. Make him think you’re dancing for him.”
You look back at Taehyung.  “Can I go all out?”
He smirks, “By all means.”
Jungkook clears his throat catching both of your attention.  He lifts the rope to the VIP section to let two men that were covered head to toe in tattoos.  
Taehyung stands pulling you up with him then moved to hug the smaller man between them.  
“V! What’s up, man?”  The man has a deep voice.
“Jaebum.”  Taehyung smiles.  He takes your hand and pulls you beside him.  “I would like you to meet my girl, YN.”
You flash him your best smile.  “Hello.” You eye him and bite your lip.  
Jaebum’s hair is pushed back.  He stares at you for a moment looking very stern, then he breaks into a beautiful smile, “What a beautiful girl.  American?”
“How did you know?”  You giggle. “You must be really smart.”
“Nah, just observant.  We don’t get girls that look like you here often.”  He rubs his chin as he eyes you up. He likes what he sees.
“Feel free to keep observing.”  You purr. You turn to Taehyung, “I see my friend at the bar, I’m gonna go dance.”  You lean on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
Jungkook gives you a wink as he lets you out.  You find Jiwoo. After letting her know that you are okay and that you’ve been staying with the guys and that she had no need to worry, you convinced her to have fun with you tonight.  You did a few shots and were feeling buzzed. You let the bartender know who you were and all of yours and Jiwoo’s drinks were free.
“Wow, how did you do that?”  She asked as you walked out to the dance floor, already swaying with the music.
“Well, Tae’s family owns this place.”  You lie. “Tae insisted that I never pay for drinks.”  That part was true. He also insisted that you don’t drink too much because you get sloppy when you’re drunk, and he was almost always the one who had to hold your hair when you puked your guts up.
A very upbeat song blasts through the speakers and you and Jiwoo move to the beat.  It feels good to let loose a little.  
The next song is sexy.  You look over at the VIP booth.  You lock eyes with Jaebum as he talks to Taehyung and flash him a sexy smile.  You start to move your body to the beat. You pull Jiwoo close and dance with her.  She’s had enough to drink that she doesn’t even question your actions.
You feel a new pair of hands on your hips. You look behind you to find Jimin. “Let’s put on a show, kitten.”  He says into your ear. He pulls you tighter to his body, your back flush against his front. Jiwoo finds a guy of her own to grind on.
Jimin moves his hips to the beat.  He was an amazing dancer. You had never danced with him when you went to clubs before because he could be so sexy that you couldn’t help but watch.  Now though, you grind your ass against him and wrap your arms around his neck.  
“You’re so sexy.  Look at him, show him how good you are.”  
You look back at the VIP section.  Jaebum is leaning forward with his elbows on his knees staring at you.  You lick your lips and smile at him as you roll your hips on Jimin. You turn to face Jimin.  He puts a leg between yours and continues to move to the music with you. “I think my show is affecting you too.”  You roll yourself against his erection.
“I think it’s affecting everyone who is watching.” He smirks.
Your fingers find their way into his hair and you pull him close, “I really wish I could kiss you right now.”  You say looking deep in his eyes.
His eyes darken with lust, “Later kitten, I promise.”  You bite your lip. “We need to go back now.” He takes your hand and pulls you back to the VIP section.  You’re very sweaty but Jimin seems unaffected by the heat of the club.
“Having fun?”  Taehyung asks you as you sit back in his lap.
“Yeah, Jimin really knows how to move.”  You smile over to Jimin. Your eyes drift over to Jaebum, “Do you know how to move your body?”  You smile and shimmy your shoulders.
“You have no idea, babygirl.” He smirks.  
You feel Taehyung tense underneath you, that pet name is reserved for him.  “Do we have a deal then?”
“Definitely,” Jaebum replies, his eyes still on you.  He stands and bows. Then offers a hand to you.
Take it.  Taehyung'Ys voice is in your head when you hesitate.  
You listen, and Jaebum kisses your hand.   “It was a pleasure,” Jaebum says then leaves.
Once he’s gone you turn to Taehyung whose eyes are still on Jaebum, stalking his prey.  I’m only your babygirl.  You send your thought to him.
He relaxes as his eyes meet yours, “I know.” He says.  He smiles, “Go have fun. We’ll leave in about an hour.”
“Dance with me?”  You smile.
His eyes dart to Jimin, “I’m not in the mood. Jimin’s a better dancer anyway.”
You narrow your eyes, then nod in understanding. You were Jimin’s tonight.
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