#so yeah funding some house upgrades
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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We have reached the second Building Interlude this week -- and this time, it’s actually relevant to what’s been happening in the main Chill Valicer save, as it’s a small makeover of the Valicer farmhouse! A makeover that was inspired by the following things:
1. My desire to clean out the household inventory so I didn’t have to go scrolling through all their various holiday decorations and whatnot whenever I wanted them to recycle a trash pile
2. My desire to also clean out their PERSONAL inventories -- particularly Victor’s, as he’s always carrying around loads of fruit and flowers and whatnot from the greenhouse to have on-hand for juicing and whatnot
3. “My Sims have over $100K in the bank? Time to jazz the place up a little!”
So yes, with all that in mind, I went ahead and, well, jazzed the place up a little. XD Here’s a list of all the most major changes:
Kitchen: I decided it was a little too brown in there and changed out the counters to ones with at least slightly more colorful tops (the Realm of Magic counters, if I recall correctly!), darkening up the wood-tones of the cabinets to match. I also replaced the fridge and the stove with Schmapple-brand ones to match their coffee maker and microwave (like I said, they have money now!), recoloring them all to the red swatch as I liked that best. After that, I got a longer side table to store both the VIP bucket and the picnic basket --
And then moved the entire dining table in slightly, because ta-da, we have an archway into the kitchen now! Yeah, I took another look at that wall and realized that the door kind of looked weird next to the arches into the front foyer and the study, so I put another archway to match. Now the downstairs feels more cohesive!
Study: Just one quick change in here -- I changed the wallpaper color to the blue with green trim swatch, as I decided I wanted a little more color in the room. I think it looks nice, and fits well with the rugs!
Front Foyer: A little rearranging FINALLY allowed me to put the coat-and-hat pegs that I had on a side wall beside the door, where they could actually be SEEN. Naturally, the shoe rack went underneath them, and the umbrella stand got moved to the far corner. Looks good! (I -- am reasonably certain the clock was there before, as part of an earlier upgrade, but if not, look, colorful clock.)
Living Room: As you can see, I went heavy on the Movie Hangout Stuff furniture in here -- replacing the downstairs couch with this nice wooden seat that has a nice colorful cushion AND matches the bookcases, and the side tables with these brightly painted variations. :) The coffee table also got a more colorful upgrade (pretty sure that’s the Paranormal Stuff one) -- but, of course, the biggest upgrade was to the TV, with me selling off the old Fallout 4 CC one to get a proper big screen for them to enjoy, along with a cute yellow trunk TV table for it to sit on. They may not watch TV often, but they might as well enjoy a proper-sized screen. The bizarre idol Smiler got recently watches over it all in her own little house shelf above said TV. :)
Crafting/Party Barn: The whole thing is ever so slightly bigger now, and that is to accommodate something new in Smiler’s party space -- namely, I have traded out the bubble blower (which none of Smiler’s guests seemed to like the one time I had them give it a spin) for their ping-pong table! Technically it fit in the smaller version of the barn, but I felt like it blocked the radio a bit too much, so I expanded things out to keep the “dance floor.” I also took the opportunity to rearrange the downstairs a bit -- adding some extra columns to “support” the party level, then moving the more technical crafting stuff (Smiler’s robotics bench and the Fabricator) to the front while the more low-tech crafty stuff (the woodworking bench and the candle maker) went in the back, with Victor’s alchemy cauldron in the middle. :) I even got to put the cool magical stone circle in there -- sized down slightly, of course. :p
(Oh, and outside, you may notice that the chicken coop pen is now flush with the corner of the barn, and that I’ve gotten rid of the large livestock barn. The gang seems to have enough to do with just remembering to take care of the chickens -- I don’t think they’re gonna get a cow or llama anytime soon!)
Greenhouse: Victor’s greenhouse actually got moved back slightly on the lot -- a somewhat fiddly process that involved enlarging the roof before adjusting the walls so that the plants stayed under cover the whole time. I also added a new shelf from Cottage Living beside the door to go with his other tools, and put his selfie with his first oversized pumpkin on it. :)  The biggest change, though, was to the crafting side of the greenhouse -- namely, there’s now STORAGE! The flower-arranging bench can already have flowers stored in it, so that wasn’t a big deal, but now there is an Eco Lifestyle cardboard storage box next to the cauldron grill for Victor’s herbalism plants, and a Discover University mini-fridge so he can store and access his fruits and veggies for juicing next to the juice fizzer! Which makes life so much easier -- his inventory isn’t PERFECT yet, but it’s looking a hell of a lot better, let me tell you!
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melsie-sims · 6 months
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Floyd came back from a stroll with plenty to sell as well as some fresh fruits he found in trees growing around the neighborhood. They were able to make a decent fruit salad out of it, probably the best meal they'd had all day!
"Have any one of you talked to Gabi recently?" Harley asked the other men.
"No? Why?" Floyd asked, looking concerned.
"She brought up an interesting idea earlier. We could help pay off the Simoleon Camp's debt since they're way behind. I wanted to run it by you two and Jack before committing to anything. Would you be open to give maybe..." he looked at their household funds. "500 or 600 simoleons to help them?"
"Yeah! Of course!" Floyd grinned.
"Sure, do whatever you want with the simoleons, I don't give a llamapoop," Jack shrugged.
"I'm down. I have a whirlyflower frog in my inventory. We can breed it a few times and get our simoleons right back in no time," Iggy added as he started with the dishes. "Plus I found a camera and some upgrade parts in the ocean earlier. I could sell those too. We'll be just fine. We're by far the richest household so far and we've got the best house."
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palialaina · 9 months
Every time I think I'm done with my house, I get new ideas.
This one, I blame on the bed
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Tish told me the bed was perfectly suited to me, and I won't pretend that after changing up the colors I don't love it to bits and pieces, but...
Well, I like my room the way it is!
But I can't just get rid of this thing either.
So now...
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I'm going to make a big guest room! This way when Lark sleeps over, they have a bed, not the couch!
My other debate is if I'm making the big bathroom, but I think I will, just so people that stay over can have a bath if they want.
This has, of course, decimated the funds I was saving for my storage upgrade, but honestly, I'm not that fussed about it. I can just save up again, and maybe this time I can finally say I'll be done building the house as soon as I finish with the bathroom that will be attached to this room.
It's a... a good distraction from the fact that Jel and I argued. It was a ridiculous thing to argue about, but I wish he'd stand his ground a little more! The dress he was going to make that Kenyatta would've loved looked amazing, and then he backtracks and makes her something elegant that she doesn't want?
I told him he was being dramatic. Because he was! And he got offended, and then I had to go and talk to Kenyatta, again, and she said if I planted a stinkbug in her mother's desk before an important meeting, she'd think about wearing the dress.
Think about it!
Ugh. I like these people, and also want to shove them both into Fisherman's lagoon. Ugh ugh ugh.
I mean, I did it, and she did decide to wear the dress. But honestly. Jel could have avoided all of this by just... stnading up for himself. He wants to make his name, but making something that conforms isn't really the way to do it. How's he supposed to stand out against his sisters if he just... knuckles under?
So yeah. There was that. I think I'll leave him alone for a few days, until we've both cooled off. Maybe then we can talk about it like... well. Like sensible adults.
Less dramatic; Dad got a letter back from his son. He also needs space, but he gave me this thing his son sent for the Inn.
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It's HUGE!
I was struggling to put something on that wall though, so it works out okay. But it does make me wonder if maybe I shouldn't go talk to Auntie Dal. (Uncle B might be okay, but I don't think I can take the Dad Jokes right now. I feel all scrungly in my brain...)
Oh, and Eshe decided I was trustworthy enough to get her a pearl for some heirloom ring that had lost it. Well, she says Kenyatta lost the pearl, but I wonder if the setting's just old and it slipped out. Wear and tear happens to jewelry, especially an heirloom... Still, I've got a small stock, so it wasn't any hardship to give her one of those.
She wasn't exactly what I'd call grateful, but her coin helped me pay for the big room, so... win/win?
I think I'll think about the layout of my guestroom while I work. Everything else will... Well. I'll figure it out. Eventually.
I hope...
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 6 months
"What....?" Aurora paused, holding a beaker with sigils halfway before looking back at Stella sighing, "For all that's worth, that armor can't be produced without the right materials & cost. It looks way too expensive. How would Elysium fund this? Do your world have starships? Augmentations are one thing, but I heard less than 1% survive it. I heard we had a super soldier project in Sky Roc but was scrapped shortly a long, long time ago. For some reason, they went berserk and the entire country went down. It was never revived again."
Aurora continued, heating the beaker with her magic and poured its contents into a small bowl, filled with what seems to be chicken soup with fish maw. Stirring its contents, she resumed calmly, "Technology is of course useful, but all I'm saying, you need the infrastructure and built environment to manage your gizmos. Can cars run without roads? Yes you can, but it will be tougher. But how are you going to house them? You need car parks, and it's going to make the city crowded with smoke. We need to be environmentally friendly too."
She picked up some meat from the side and started chopping, "l honestly do not know what is "America" but I bet it does not have flying cars. How are you going to regulate air traffic if idiots going to crash their vehicles everywhere? In hospitals? In air fields? Private property? Madness!"
"Almost done." Aurora looked back at the both of them before adding more liquid from a goldbox container filled with bones. It is labelled as "Elxir SSS Grade". "MMA refers to mixed martial arts. We don't have racing machines, unless you meant scooters. I was referring to e-sports... yeah, our world is really due for a upgrade, but it is charming in its own way."
"Her highness is suffering from some animal unknown animal wound. She sometimes cough blood and have seizures. It takes special ingredients to lead a normal life. But she does need regular treatment I suppose you could help me with hunting, but maybe you'll like to see her first."
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"I don't think Elysium would have too much issue with the cost. Equestria, though..." Stella shrugged. "Eh, I can just pay for the entire thing myself. I'm by far the richest back home, mostly because of the whole Council Agent thing. Still working on building stuff like starships, though. I have a personal gunship, but that's it."
She nodded, humming in thought to herself. "That... does sound strange. I feel like it's possible that their magic might be interfering with the augmentations, or vice versa. One's emotions have a pretty big tie to their magic, and the stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic. I've yet to test if it works the other way around, but if it does, that'd explain what happened. It'd mean the augmented magic screwed with their emotions, and probably drove them insane."
As Aurora continued, it made Stella really think about what she's turned Ponyville into. "Well... yeah... Our cars run on liquid mana instead of petrol, though. Not nearly as harmful, if at all, since the expended energy just gets recycled by the planet."
She giggled, which was strange due to the timing of it being when Aurora was talking about the dangers of flying cars. "Yeah, that stuff wouldn't ever work unless they were on metaphorical rails, and at that point you may as well just teleport. It's no fun when you don't get to drive it yourself. I try to educate Equestrians the best I can on driving, of course. Actually, I sometimes teach at the driving school in Ponyville!"
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Sol nodded. "I did say she was good at racing games, so don't worry, I know what you were talking about. She could probably go pro if she wanted to... but she always tells me it wouldn't be fun to always be sweating over a video game."
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"Well, of course it's not fun! Video games are like... my way of getting away from things, y'know? I don't want to turn it into a job, that would defeat the purpose of them being a hobby!" Stella sighed. "And don't worry about feeling outdated, okay? If what you have works, then it works. Sure, it could be better, but that's what R&D is for."
Stella felt bad for Empress... Midnight, was it? Not much was said about her, but it was the only Empress she remembered Aurora mentioning the name of. "Goodness... Yeah, I'd like to see her, perhaps sooner than later, because that really doesn't sound good. I'm not great with animals or providing aid, though... Gosh, I should've grabbed Fluttershy, she could've helped."
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simplesims24 · 1 year
Growing Together Thoughts
The quality of this new expansion pack is yet to be decided because even when things have looked amazing, we know it can still flop or turn out broken. Something I have not seen a lot when it comes to the opinions circulating around the Growing Together Expansion is questioning what this pack is actually going to do. 
Now, I am a huge family gameplay simmer and have been screaming for “Generations” for years, but when My Wedding Stories was released that dream kind of faded. Then with the High School Years expansion, for me it kind of looked like Generations was going to be individualized throughout different packs. I did not mind this considering these experiences like weddings in the Sims 4 received so much more attention, even if it did release broken. My point is we have basically received Generations already. 
We put a lot of credit on the Sims 3 Generations, and it was amazing, but all it added was an upgrade to weddings, high school events, and a few broader lifetime milestones. This was great for us because we did not have ANY of that before, which is why Generations is what it is. BUT once again we have in-depth weddings. we have high schools where we can actually attend class. If a baby update and a new compatibility system is what this “Sims 4 Generations” pack is truly aiming at, I am going to be deeply disappointed. 
I generally don’t like to be negative about the Sims 4 because I enjoy playing it. I am honestly not hoping the Sims 5 comes out anytime soon because then we are starting all the way back at square one, back to waiting years for those staple gameplay pieces. However, I am bothered by the fact that the Sims team is fully milking our wants for a baby update by making us pay for an expansion pack. I know the baby update is free, but they specifically stated some features (which we know will probably be the better features) will be limited to the pack. I wouldn’t mind this as much if it was not the only damn thing this pack was marketing other than having the ability to mark another sim with a “close” or “distant” tag. What? How is that Generations? How is that an expansion pack? 
So if you say Generations already exists what do you want? 
Honestly, my ideas for how I would have wanted it are not that realistic considering the game is about to release. But if I had an opinion: 
1. Lifestage overhaul: Not just babies. Adding a pre-teen stage or at least make the teenagers look a little younger. 
2. Pregnancy overhaul: There are so many ways to go about this, while keeping it within ratings. Something as simple as fertility, like miscarriages or infertility could be so game changing. 
3. Wills, trusts, and real estate (real estate could be its own pack but thinking kind of small here): Being able to pass down your “vacation house” or old house or other items. When your teen sim ages up and moves out they receive their trust fund. AND being able to pick specifically who it goes to. Could be your child or it could be your neighbor.
I am all for a compatibility system and some attention to elders, but these are real gameplay ideas that would expand the entire game permanently, not just for a few months. THIS IS WHAT EXPANSION PACKS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!! And is kind of the reason I lowkey dislike the aim they took with My Wedding Stories and High School Years. They centered it too narrowly in a specific area. Yeah you still get to have better weddings, but all of your planning stuff happens in Tartosa- what if my wedding is somewhere else? Then they placed the high school in a town with barely any residential lots + most of the lots are super small. These challenges are often looked over, but they are the reason we have so much difficulty playing long-term. Seasons is implemented into every single game; in every town. It unnoticeably enhanced the way you play your game and so did Cats and Dogs. Sure there are certain parts you limit yourself to among those packs, but the main feature is most likely present in every single one of your save files. And I’m sorry, better babies is not something I wanted to see as the main gameplay feature for this pack. Before anyone comments that those suggestions I mentioned are unrealistic-there is a mod for each of them, so if a modder can do it, I know the Sims Team is more than capable of doing so.
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garbagefarm · 1 year
Mutucule Farm #17
2023-05-15, session #17 of Mutucule Farm! Year 2, Summer 11 through Summer 22!
me (@mothmute​)
Belle (@snacco​)
Cam (@amanitaspore​), sadly absent
Erin (@salamand3rin​)
Highlights include but are not limited to:
Summer 11:
I’m still in the pocket of Big Hog
Sturggling with the Sturgeons
you weren’t just gonna eat a raw football, were you?
The governor seems a little hungry...
You ever eat soup so good you start vibrating?
we made so many friends! achievement soup!
Night farming! Didn’t have time to water everything in the morning!
Pompkin is your orange bastard? he’s our orange bastard
Summer 12:
Married life treating us well, Belle and I get stardrops! Erin is excluded.
so much friendship, we all get mailboxes full of recipes. spaghetti, salmon dinner, etc.
I go to continue funding the Hogs instead of housing upgrades ...
walk in on Shane drinking himself to death— I watered him, so he’s gonna grow up big and strong
... but I can’t get more Hogs until the barn upgrade finishes, whoops!
Hey, beach box! ... full of bombs!
(Erin has been visited by the yardwork fairy IRL, her audio is spotty for a while)
A train?? Erin lets me borrow Fella to go check it out. nothing.
Constable was stuck in a tree, but then he did a little shimmy and he got free
Evelyn is purchasing an octopus! —no fucking way, those things suck!
Summer 13:
Spirits have been displeased every day this session, must be ‘cause Cam isn’t here
Belle’s at level 9 farming, so she should harvest the crops (and choose correctly)
New pigs! Sheriff, Deputy, S.Trooper (”StateTrooper” wouldn’t fit), and Special Agent
set hogs to maximum!!
Cutscene with Kickflip— I go ahead and suggest experimental noise rock again, is there any point to suggesting anything else?
immediately get a second cutscene, wherein he gets an egg as a “snack” and drops it. Jody hears it from across the house and rushes to the scene of the crime, and gasped in horror; “This is absolutely terrible!”
I took the fall for him anyway— “no, the egg did.”
ANYWAY I was just here to give you some dumb soda
Belle finally got her axe together
“hey, what should I do today?” “it’s 8PM”
Erin considers making her house bigger to make room for Krobus, so he can come curl up in the corner and eat void mayonnaise straight out of the jar
Summer 14:
Pompkin is positioned for maximum obstruction; ConcernedApe clearly knows how cats work.
y’know, when the kegs were in the way, they were in constant use; now that they’re tucked neatly in the corner, nothing.
Erinbucks, making coffee
Belle loves Joja so much, she has her own Joja sign over her bed and everything
Summer 15:
Jodi wants a fish, the slimier the better
Kent wants a starfruit; “yeah, well, we all want things”
Pierre wants one (1) grape, so he can microdose on wine
Quest for the prismatic jelly!
Sebastian is fine with getting hammered, actually
Erin didn’t get the fish Jodi wanted, and now she’s anxious about holding up dinner and Vincent going hungry (see gallery)
Belle goes on a motorcyle ride with Sebastian (her husband), who says he “[doesn’t] normally bring girls here”
We conclude that Leah has both an ex-boyfriend and an ex-girlfriend, both named Kel.
Summer 16:
Accidentally gave Penny a cactus; she’s fine with this.
look, you don’t KNOW that my shirt was made with green little guy blood! it could be a vegan substitute!
bird wanders into the fire, emerges unscathed.
hey, know what fishers call the sewers? the carpal tunnel! 😎
Erin gets a soggy newspaper, but doesn’t tell us the soggy news
I spend all day in the mines hunting prismatic slime
Erin sacrifices herself for her coffee, but she didn’t even get the last one in, so it was all for naught.
Summer 17:
Pompkin clipping in the blueberries
Unethically sourced coffee; unfair trade; Erins were harmed in the making of this coffee.
I barely escape the mines with my life, after taunting the floating skulls one too many times
(and I almost go to Belle’s house instead of my own)
Summer 18:
back in the mines, I find a box of frozen tears. what’s the deal with those, anyway? whose tears are they?
Belle eats her pocket calamari
“where did that come from?” “I don’t understand the question”
no balrogs were harmed in the making of this film. they’re an endangered species, you know
Summer 19:
“just take the eggs and speak no more of this.”
Belle waters the goats; you don’t want your goat to dry out, do you?
Belle has collected 50 milk for my Purposes!
“don’t drink it all at once!” “but my bones would get SO STRONG!”
Camo pigs, hiding in the melons
(there’s a note in here about Jodi getting hammered, but I don’t remember the context. I feel like it might’ve been pam, actually?)
Can you imagine being a prismatic slime?
Summer 20:
oh right, my axe is ready, and probably has been for a few days
right, the milk! thank you!
Jas and Vincent meeting up without Penny, now that she’s a housewife
Penny probably left Jas in charge, Vincent is just like “I’m gonna eat dirt”
Erin is gonna get serial murdered!! (I jumped out wearing a mask)
I found the prismatic slime!
it’s late, so Erin just gets into bed with my wife.
Black? Phillip gave birth to a baby goat!!
named “lil phil”, got it in one!
default name was apparently “zenoze”, which kept sounding like “the nose” to me
Summer 21:
Penny watered some crops :)
Lewis wants truffle oil and says not to ask why, which IMMEDIATELY makes it so much more suspicious
I got two prismatic slime so I’m trying to figure out a way to preserve one of them for posterity
“maybe what’s his named, in the place" will buy it? (no, Marlon doesn’t buy it)
I try putting it on a table, which doesn’t work; and leaving its image on a sign, which does work (for now)
I go to make the delivery and try not to get eaten by the wizard
(“he doesn’t make it quick” “well, you wouldn’t want him to”)
Axe swap!
—“and my axe!” gets me a good grade in references, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
Penny wants to redecorate and gives me a choice of some themes...
I mean it’s gotta be pirates, right?
(she does want me to move my stuff though so this is a note to remind myself to do that)
after not being sure what to do, it’s suggested that I go pick up after all my pigs, leaving truffles all over the place
Belle telepathically (bellepathically) offers me trash bread from a dozen paces away
Summer 22?:
we have monster musk now, we can make ourselves stinky! (see gallery)
also bombing everything, of course
Upgrade coop?
Upgrade tools??
Upgrade houses???
Other construction? (slutch? fish ponds?)
at this point, I think any redesigns will be waiting ‘til winter
Bundles! ugh, we need a duck feather
Cam still needs to propose!
I need to clean house a little for Penny’s benefit (Pennefit)
Gallery: (courtesy of Erin)
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Abigail hanging out with Fella, while Erin fishes
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Portrait, holding our new monster musk axe body spray
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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next // previous
june 12, 2021 7:30 p.m. the callahan residence
[paddy] you’re right. mammy, i would never make you work harder than you need to.
[grant] does that count for when you were a child, too?
[paddy] some of us did have to be troublemakers.
[joseph] what brings you by this evening, my son?
[paddy] well, now i have to recruit your labor.
[joseph] something’s broken?
[paddy] we don’t have hot water at the house. i'd look at the heater myself but i might need some expert expertise.
[joseph] you want to look at it now?
[paddy] no, tomorrow’s fine. i mostly came by to borrow the service of your trusty washer and dryer set from the 1970s. avocado green and runs like a dream, eh?
[paddy] but yeah, we found it was busted when catherine went to shower. she’s now at bridget’s borrowing their ultra fancy jacuzzi tub. you know, since sean makes a boatload of money and whatnot and can afford that.
[aoife] you should have sent her with some cucumber slices and face wash. for the special occasion and all.
[paddy] wait a minute, wait a minute. joseph grant, what is that in your hand?
[grant] you definitely don’t see me holding a pack of daideó’s cigars. nope. that is an illusion.
[paddy] first you go fishing without me. then you smoke without me. what am i? chopped liver?
[paddy] wait! hey! when did you start smoking again? i thought you quit for the bright lights and glamour of flavored nicotine thingamajigs.
[grant] you know...the urge came back today. and next time! i promise. hell bells, i'll go back out right now and smoke another one just to do it with you.
[paddy] ah, i'm kidding. i don’t want to be responsible for ruining your lungs. anyway, come join us as we consume...what’s the name of this show again?
[aoife] love island!
[grant] no way, you’re watching love island!? which season?
[joseph] what is this?
[paddy] a weird british dating show where they try not to fuck each other. if they win, they get a shit ton of money.
[grant] no, no, that’s a different one. you’re thinking of too hot to handle. the one on netflix.
[paddy] i actually know nothing about these shows. chelsea rants to me about them, though.
[grant] this is one you have to pair up with people on. like you’re voted out if you’re single.
[paddy] get out then, grant!
[aoife] paddy!
[grant] HAHAHA that’s cold
[grant] wait, when did you find out i was single again?
[paddy] i didn’t. i just felt it in the air.
[grant] right. you’ve had enough divorces to sense that, haven’t you?
[paddy] ouch!
[grant] don’t dish it if you can’t take it!
[joseph] so...they are trying to pair up on this one?
[grant] yes! they have to pair up and there’s public voting that can kick people out. it makes more sense if you watch it.
[aoife] it’s quite a fun show! it’s so fun i can almost forgive the fact it’s british.
*door creaks*
[catherine] hello family unit! i'm here to join you all. i'm freshly pampered and i'm just saying, if i ever get a nice holiday bonus from work, it’s going into a jacuzzi tub fund!
[aoife] isn’t it just the nicest thing? you should get one! you might have to make one bathroom with only a tub so it’ll fit but it’d be well worth it, wouldn’t it?
[catherine] you should get one, too!
[aoife] oh, i would but we only have the one bathroom and it’d never fit. besides, we’re still enjoying the 1990 upgrade from bathtub to bathtub/shower combo!
[catherine] oh, grant! i just realized you were here!
[grant] hello, it’s me! i'm back again and hanging around like a bad habit. come join us for a love island viewing session!
[catherine] love island? perfect! if only chelsea and jasmine weren't busy tonight, they'd love this. oh, by the way, you’ve seen bridget's bathtub, haven’t you, grant? isn’t it amazing?
[grant] it is! and i'm jealous of all of you. i wish i were short enough to fit in one because a bubble bath would be absolutely magical.
[catherine] joseph, what do you think about it?
[joseph] well, i have to say owning one would be nice.
[catherine] now can you all gang up on my husband and convince him to help me fund my dream?
[paddy] no, no, i need no convincing. i'm in a potential spending mood. holiday bonus or not, i'll buy you the bathtub...even if the water heater costs me a fortune first.
[catherine] quick! someone get me a paper and pen! i need this in writing.
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wandaluvstacos · 2 years
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Chapter 20 of Good Investment is now up on my Patreon!
Good Investment is available at the $5/month tier. People who pledge $5 a month have access to not only Good Investment but The Sponsors series (ongoing), Pretty Things (complete), May the Blood Run Pure (complete), and Kept Man (complete), along with the $1/month tier books, the Reflections trilogy (ongoing) and The Halfwife (ongoing).
Adri Schvaneveldt has always felt split between two worlds. In one world, they are the adopted child of a large and conservative Mormon family. In another, she is the CEO of a burgeoning fashion empire that pushes boundaries. But in order to be the latter, Adri first has to find the funding. After gaining a hefty following as a social media influencer/model, Adri has the potential customers– if they can get a reliable production model pounded out. And that means a bit of groveling at the feet of investors, most of who have never even heard the term “non-binary”.
But Adri lucks out with Gideon Snow, whose youth and open mind bring much needed funds to make Adri’s dream of diverse, accessible fashion a reality. Of course, lifting a newborn company to its feet is no small task, and late nights drive Adri to occasional stays at Gideon’s nearby house, where their relationship begins stretching beyond business. Adri knows they can’t put an entire business venture at risk for the turbulent whims of their heart. But reason doesn’t always win out.
Adri jolted, then looked up. Just a few steps away stood Gideon in a puffy ski jacket, jeans, and hiking boots. Adri was speechless a second, then tripped over a surprised laugh and resisted the urge to jump up and hug him.
“Hey!” Adri said, grinning. “What are you doing here?”
“Catching a flight to Salt Lake City. Seems like you are, too.”
“You’re going to see your family?”
“Yup. It’s been awhile, so I thought I should. Plus I want to do some skiing.”
“You ski?”
“I’m not great at it, but yeah, I can manage. Do you ski?”
“I can snowboard.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah.” Adri chuckled somewhat self-consciously. “Uh, my parents put me in lessons for a few years in middle school to give me something to do.”
“Wow. Did not expect that, but okay.” Gideon glanced at his watch, then back at Adri. “Where are you sitting on the plane?”
“Oh, um…” Adri fumbled for their phone, swiping several times to find the airline app and their ticket. “36E.”
“You’re in coach? In a middle seat?”
Gideon frowned briefly, then looked over his shoulder toward the desk by the gangway entrance. “I’m in first class. Any interest in upgrading?”
“Hmm?” Adri struggled for a moment to comprehend, still reeling from seeing Gideon after several months apart. “Oh, you mean… you mean to sit next to you?”
“I won’t force it on you if you don’t want,” Gideon said with a small quirk of his lips.
“That’s—I’d love to, but I don’t think I can pay—”
“I’ll pay for it.”
“Gideon,” Adri said in a chiding voice that harked back to how they’d interacted before what had happened at New York Fashion Week. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“You’d rather sit in a middle seat in coach?”
“No, but…” Adri trailed off. “How much is it to upgrade last minute like this?”
“That’s for me to worry about.” Gideon raised an eyebrow with a hint of cockiness and Adri’s gut fluttered. Why did he have that effect on them? “You want me to upgrade you or not?”
“If—if you want, then sure.”
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grazhir · 2 years
MTaS - Upgrades
So, yeah.
Profile 1: mostly to become familiar with mechanics (and how they differ from Portia). Since been deleted.
Profile 2: modded, and I generously gifted myself like, 4 million gols (dev mode) to afford not only all those workshop upgrades, but inventory slots and plenty of mats for sale around town to supplement my determined efforts to mine the shit out of the landscaping and ruins, plus de-plant anything that isn't a full cactus, and whack random bits of wood, stone, copper, and odd mechanical things.
That one still exists and it sitting on yet another round of acquiring mats from the ruins or surface territory while building up a stock of things for quick and speedy commissions. It also has Fang's quests done to the point that they exist.
It also comes in handy for quickly checking certain things.
Profile 3: saved the second I could, has 4 million, and I'll probably just delete it (unless for some insane reason I feel like being helpful and updating the wiki so that all the workshop upgrades are actually listed, but because I'm inherently lazy, it's more likely I'll just delete it).
I mean, why keep it? It's awfully cheaty.
Profile 4: current save. Modded, yes, (I do like regen and map teleport, thanks) but she's earning every gol properly (even including making saws and stuff on the worktable for stuff to sell from all the extra stone and sand I keep accumulating, or glass). Also, selling off everything but 400 of the chilis, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, tea leaves, and coffee beans.
[Well, after I've made a bunch of meals for gifting purposes. Fang does like healthy, vegetarian (possibly vegan) stuff.]
It adds up, though I'm thinking maybe more trees once I have a fully expanded yard. (One chestnut, for when it's not buggy as bait, and for livestock.)
She's currently managed to pay for the level 6 upgrade, and is sitting on around 89k gols. I think I may have gotten my storage box habit under control (not sure, though, because I just bought three more from the Mysterious Man—I figure I can use any extras as gifts for Fang down the road), because that's roughly 6k every visit (not counting the grand each for garlic, Seesian spice, and cilantro, twice, but those I ignored this time, as I have close to 200 each).
I figure … while I refuse to even start love bombing Fang (I did do both the X/Coco quest and A Cheery Conspiracy, so I can gift if I want), I can still, even after I run out of content, work toward earning the gols to pay for upgrades, and then build a proper house.
So that's what, a month and a half until the Fang romance update? More than enough time.
It's even better if I have the mats to refine everything in sight, so I get more dosh for this stuff. It's after I've paid for the upgrades and house that I can afford to be careless with my funds and purchase out the local shop stock.
Though, assuming the MM ever sells more swag, there's another chunk of goodies to pay for.
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3.4.24 Monday
12:13 am
Still, have windblow... Can't sleep....I have so many frustrations in life.... They took my 17 years and repeated me showing that I'm poorish.... A lot took and still taking advantage of my situation now, coz we are really having a financial inconsistency in our fundings.
They took my original upbringing....I feel bitter....Some 20's or red that didn't even know me, but some wicked old friends and wicked family members and wicked new people who are trying to tell something about me but they didn't even know me....Some just saw me yesterday or just last month or some were just few years back...
8:42 am
I still have windblow.. I need to get my momentum back and I feel so ugly...
So many insensitive people on me!
9:53 am
I still have winblow....Still, fanatic of crime documentaries just like my old weird favorite crime story based in reality life that old,classic crime of "Twin Peak"... Yeah!
It is just weird if the victim found dead in the bathroom particularly on the "bath-tub"... I love English words and I unzipped almost everything except for that "bath-tub" .... Can anyone tell me from my angels???
What's with the "bath-tub"??? Well, I was thinking the people are divided into ultra-conservative and liberated and conserberated ( which I'm in the middle )...
I just feel that they took some of my glowing moments for 17 years...
10:34 am
I still have windblow ... I feel bitterish...
Anyways, I already mixed my last batch of Ettas bleach... Hmm... Well, I think Navarro's is much more smoother than Ettas.... Anyways, I have my own mixed but Navarro's bleaching powder is somehow smoother and I think a bit upgrade than my own bleach formula...
I need to whiten the bitten parts of bugs on me and my butt part. I have super sensitive skin and it frustrates me so much that we can't afford to get an assistant here but everything is DIY ( do it yourself )....I'm not relax in the house, I miss having yaya or assistant coz I have sensitive skin.
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are not sensitive enough on my toiletries and some of my vanity needs, like maintaining this low-cost bleaching powder and hoping I can get a laser in time....I really believe on having "golden aging" where you appear evenly smoothen coz your soul deserves it coz you are a good person. It is for self-esteem and being confident can lead to find a good relationship with someone...
I need to get a job for my personal expenses and to help a bit here but mainly for my personal expenses and for John my son-dog. Working in a call center is not that really a big time for me to shoulder everything here....I can't my salary in call center it is really for a personal thing or for single person only.
I still wanna travel in time....My frustration to join dog show coz I have a son-dog....My beauty perfection coz of "golden aging" I still wanna fix my nose and remove my deep smile lines coz it is"golden aging". Religious people deserve it like me....Hoping, I can have it...
I really need to have money and I will be out of money soon...I'm gonna ask help again from people that I know are good to me or from a friend nearby coz Aunt Karen and Uncle DD can't give assistance on my beauty needs but they can on their heads only like their 15k pesoses...
Uncle Jun we all know he is just a companion here and an observer...
12:20 noon
I hate the DJ's of Eagle and some fucking Church Of Christ they are traitors and mostly on the scene!!! Always a head of time, always on the lead and hating them for making me just a supporter!!! I don't like those most fucking unfair some "Church Of Christ"...
1:02 pm
This station is talking about "oral hygiene", the DJ is Kuya POY! 92.3 Radio Singko!
Just be straight forward... The oral breath is affected by a lot of different factors... It can be a damage inside your stomach, so it is important to check your breath and if you have ulcer it will affect your breath even if you brush your teeth...
It is important to keep a sugar mint candy for safety of your breath most specially if you don't talk for long hours, you need to brush your teeth.
I grew-up here having our own dentist named Dra.Castillio... When we transferred here when I was 13 and my brother next to me plus my adoptive parent's... We had a package for our teeth repair and fixed. Nana got a good teeth, no amalgams but the rest got some amalgams...Me? I have amalgams....My adoptive parent's got some dentures coz they smoked a lot.... That was our routine before... My brother RV and I, we had our teeth braces worth, for the 2 of us around 100k pesoses but it was on installement... All braces are always on installment basis....Plus, the cleaning and other stuff....We spent more around more or less 500k pesoses... But it was based on per visit coz we were 5 for that package. Teeth are expensive!
I was really conscious when I turned 15....I'm gonna repeat again my skin is really white but it is sensitive and I was just accidentally blackened myself for 2 years when I was in grade 5 and 6 when I transferred here in Cavite from Manila, so I just accidentally blackened myself coz of volleyball and I was not that aware and not yet conscious...
Then, when I entered Immaculate Conception Academy when I was 12 going to 13,then I started my bleaching to return my skin into white again. Then, it happened I turned white then on my 2nd year high-school I was not yet aware again and our sport festival came, I joined the volleyball again and I accidentally blackened myself again without awareness... When I turned 15 I had a good set of high school friends or barkadas who helped my family to take care of me and suddenly they just made me concious from 15 until I went to college... In fairness on my crazy high school friends...
1:45 pm
An additional story just a history.... I used to be a "choir member" in Church Of Christ.
Our head leader named Sister Ligaya or Sister Joy, she always reminded us to be aware of our breath coz we were seated side by side that we can smell or inhale the breath of each other. She said "bad breath can be a big distraction" on praising God and in the choir as well...
Hi Tita Fermin,nana is listening to you now most specially that "ultra-bio"....
2:36 pm
A lot died these days....People on TV but somehow I'm doubting....But I feel the sympathy on Antoinette Taus and Andy Eigemman. I have windblow and unfair to die this way.....Unfair to judge people sorry if doubt is here with me but I truly feel sorry for them...
I'm not yet fulfilled...
2:45 pm
I wanna leave Cavite, I do feel bitter their making me their supporter just like that most of "Church Of Christ".
For Immaculate Conception Academy stop damaging my image. A story that will just damage my image. Please shut up for the crazy old fake friends!!!
I hope some of the fake faces of Immaculate Conception Academy should stop telling stories that will not be my positive points or it means WAR! Coz they hate me that I don't know...
In Europe or for English people if you talk negative things about your friends meaning you don't like the person.... That's their way of showing or telling on other people that I don't like the person...
Example a situation that will not be adding up positively to the person's persona.... Like did you see her she asked for food at the party of Joe and she asked for an extra take out. Those things will never be a good points of your friend's image.
Bullshit that eperformax coz of my pronouciation they will not hire me, I need to reapply but I'm not gonna apply again I will remove eperformax on my list. I had a talked with Miss Anne... Bye Eperformax! Sya nga bisaya2x ang diction! I hate bisayaz now! Someone called me from Eperformax.I don't like Bisaya angels they are putting me down....Though my nana is Bisaya, but I don't like Bisaya other than my nana.....I will avoid Bisaya now in call center...
Waiting for Amazon!
6:17 pm
I don't wanna be with bisakol anymore....They are better than me in call center. I'm gonna break-up with someone coz of call center English, organization of just bisaya group, that they can go up....I don't like them for always putting me down.
I don't fucking care on Eperformax they are bunches of bisakoL!. Simply damaging my guts those fucking bisakoL of "Church Of Christ"! They didn't take me in those BisakoL! They didn't become my employer....Bisakol ng INC!
6:45 pm
Jack-knife is better than talking to bisakolish of INC who just planned to put me down even the windmills.....Go to hell!
Hell them angels those Eperformax!
7:06 pm
Waiting for Amazon,angels....
9:45 pm
My TL in conduent suddenly called me but I have FEAR, fear in a way that I respect my TL in Conduent....It is weird that after the call of Eperformax which I felt something is wrong to the point that a double-check somewhere and just want to put me down. I did a dead-end counter on Eperformax.
A mature way of handling things angels...I just texted TL Crizzy if we set-up the talk for tomorrow but if it is something negative I asked her a favour to simply mail it... What is the point of conversation if it is just a "termination".
I have a mixed-up emotion now that I have maturity to tell my TL that I'm doing something personal now that I can't manage any negative talk now...
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deadfag2u · 7 months
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Josh wanted to believe the lies
Josh wanted to believe the lies.
They all took everything and they lied and honestly I haven’t heard this is the Day of the dead of smiling because I know that they are going to be killed
I know that Monica Kinslow does not have any of my work as her own, because if she took anything of mine, she will be taken out in the middle of the field and murdered or worse
Siri, I don’t really like when you guys start problems with me when you’re on drugs and you really can’t afford to be starting trouble cause you’re on methamphetamine or maybe you’re on fentanyl
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You guys are going to be killed off one by one probably no later than 60. You don’t deserve to live any longer and your husband will be ready for an upgrade.
But it really fucked me up because you guys don’t care about me you care that you got fooled by a retard, like Monica or whoever
And I know that there are girls getting their faces cut off in the name of plastic surgery
And I know that Monica will not live a long life
But it doesn’t change the fact that she’s probably trying to dress in lingerie and brag to me about everything that I do not have because she thinks she is going to ruin my life as a landlord working at the Arbors Of Glasgow in Glasgow Kentucky three hours a day if that, but that’s her way of playing twinkly, because her husband will take care of her allegedly and that’s as good as it gets for a meth addict like Monica
But since she really wants to provoke me like this, I’m going to have to get in touch with her drug dealer
And have her murdered or rather have him deal with that because you know I don’t deal with murder. Well, it’s very gross.
I’m just hoping that I hope that we can signal the right FBI agents for Karen and her grandson. He’s needing a safe place to be.
Because Karen is a piece of trash
I said Karen’s a piece of trash honey that’s not your daddy baby do you have some problems? Are you needing territory? It’s about land for girls like you isn’t it Karen
Sucks to be you know honey, to be honest with
No baby I don’t think that you know I think that what you know is if I had a knife in my hand, the second, you and your little boyfriend made those comments you would be dead
And I think that you know that very well so the next time you talk about getting out of the motherfucking car to start a fight with a person like me
You need to first of all make sure that you’re not a child molester, and since you are a child molester, you probably need to back that shit the fuck up honey
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You say you’re not gonna put up with this shit you don’t have any say so honey I’m going to ask Kevin if I can stay at a guest house can we make that magically happen? Oh my God why do we have funding for that kind of shit we do Well I’m a little bit in the doghouse. I did something slightly dicey no I know exactly what the fuck I’m doing but I still did something very dicey what I learned well OK hear me out though yeah right well a couple of guys were like Rebecca honey honey Rebecca wake up I was like what do you mean? Those women are monsters honey
Yeah, Karen is running her cocksucker to the landlord, but I know your drug dealers remember that honey I know your drug dealers very thin walls, baby girls
Never in my life that I think I was going to be crazy enough to hope that Darren Hayes with fund my survival would fund my survival
Because if he didn’t, I promise you every goddamn worthless hooker like Karen and Monica would take over this entire goddamn nation you guys have made every goddamn white baby in this nation cry and I am done with you my love
No, you can go ahead and ask your white parents if you think that Monica has any kind of influence over propaganda which I highly doubt because lol women like her don’t get much say so in the end
Because of women like Ashley Pedigo, possibly because of women like Christina Aguilera, probably
Because of women like Rebecca Cooper most definitely
I know they are talking I know the girls talk all kinds of stuff about that little white Rebecca, but Rebecca isn’t what you goddamn jealous hooker I know somebody’s doing jealous jealous jealous, jealous baby I know but you know what you can do your own goddamn laundry service can’t you hooker
I know you’re jealous I know I know I know you’re jealous baby I know that’s why only a handful of those women get out baby and you’re not one of the lucky ones when I was outside and I ask you am I about to be addicted even though I didn’t do anything wrong
I said evicted
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All right Monica honey baby princess we’re not playing that game either because I didn’t get you addicted to meth and I know that you have a drug dealer locally and you probably don’t want me talking about your ongoing’s with drugs because the FBI is probably watching you if your husband has any kind of job at all and you say he does you also though tried to get with my ex lover I heard that’s what they told me that’s what the doctors tell me I mean they don’t tell me that obviously the doctors wouldn’t have anything like that to say
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In the dream, I was me but not me, I was a team member as part of a sports team like Ted lasso. Passing around some sort of fruit tray like for mangos and putting in something to commemorate what we all did together. Passing it around so other team members can put in ‘money’ which we will combine it together presumably. A gift for the coach? Or like in Ted Lasso, the money collection box as funds for a party. The main feeling is that before we put anything in we are thinking about how much we’ve achieved and there is a grateful, accomplished feeling of having worked together.
In the dream, we arrived at the mall, it is my family members and but not my mother. We park my car and go inside and we split up and walk around. I go to the food court and try to get a salmon and cream cheese sandwich but I think because they take so long to fill my order I leave and then after while I go to another food court stall which is selling the same thing but they are extremely busy and I don’t even bother lining up it. I am getting a new car, and upgrade, it is a little red car, very sleek, it looks like a sports car. Then I realise I am late for something, like really late and I can feel the time getting progressively closer to whatever time it is that I am scheduled to be somewhere. We are trying to find my dad and I don’t know where he is. We are supposed to meet him in the centre of the shopping mall and when I look at the map on my phone/watch, it keeps showing that the centre is not the centre but a little ways up to the top and that is exactly where we have gone, where we are waiting to meet him here but he has not turned up yet.
I see CN and I say to her, omg I need to catch up with you, and we just pick up where we left off and she isn’t even pissed that I haven’t talked to her in a long time. She says yeah where the hell have you been and I say omg I’m dealing with a lot right now like I crashed my car into something and I’m getting a new one and also there’s only 3 weeks left of my TAFE class and I’m freaking out about what to do with why my life and then she says sure sure and understands. I am saying all this with jest in my voice because the reality is, I am really not stressed, I am just using it as an excuse for why I have not contacted her. I hastily end the interaction (on good terms) but I really need to go because I'm late.
We really have to go find my dad and it turns out my watch was showing the wrong meeting destination, so I look at my sister's watch and it shows dead centre where dead centre is supposed to be so we go there. I am getting impatient and I am anxious and irritated. The GPS watch is black, with a bunch of strings criss crossing, it doesn’t look dynamic but some reason I am relying on it to know where the middle is. I don't know why my sister's watch is accurate, and not mine. I say to my siblings where the fuck is your father and then in that moment he walks past us and I feel bad that he might have heard how I just bad mouthed him but he seems not to have heard. He goes straight into the elevator and we do so too, and it’s like 8 minutes left for me to be where I need to be, we need to speed up and get on out of here
There is a bunch of people all hanging out in front of someone’s house and a police woman comes and says we need to move away. For some reason we’re not allowed to congregate all packed together like sardines and everyone scrams but then she is kind of following behind my siblings and I while we are walking away. She is on her walkie talkie probably telling her superior about what just happened and I am scared a bit like she might actually fine us. She kept trailing us for awhile. And after awhile we quicken up the pace to get rid of her.
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callunasims · 1 year
Courtlandt Legacy | Part 6 - The Proposal
We were about to end our night when Caleb called to invite us to a talent showcase! Daphne… has no talents, sorry Daphne, and as far as she knows, Caleb doesn’t either. But are we gonna watch? Heck YEAH we’re going to watch.
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Well, Daphne intended to watch, but she and Caleb got a little flirty and they decided to go upstairs for some hot tub woohoo instead 😉
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Somehow they managed to do this without getting caught. The talent show downstairs must have been a good distraction! Unfortunately, they were upstairs too long to actually watch the talent show and perhaps woohooing in a public hot tub is a little bit… well, dirty, but not too bad a way to end the night!
Daphne was feeling great the next morning. She got up bright and early, showered, got breakfast, and tended to her plants before work. She was starting to feel cooped up from being inside, so it was a breath of fresh air to step outdoors!
Hopefully Daphne will earn enough money after her shift to take Caleb out to a fancy dinner, so she can propose.
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However, she did all of that morning prep for nothing because… it’s the Spectacular Summer Bash! As in, it’s a holiday and she doesn’t go to work. So she’ll just have to make money the old fashioned way – by harvesting plants and digging up dig spots.
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She found some rare crytacoo from her yard after a recent thunderstorm, and managed to dig up a fossil, a chest, and some upgrade parts. After selling, she had $335, which should be plenty for a nice dinner with Caleb. Speaking of Caleb, he showed up at our house!
She also got promoted today!
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$800 is definitely enough to take Caleb out for a nice dinner and not go fully broke! Will he say yes? Daphne is suddenly very nervous… but also excited! She brought Caleb to Villa Bovine in Oasis Springs for a decent meal in a nice place.
They dressed up in their formal wear and got a table for two.
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Daphne ordered food for the table and the two of them happily chatted while they waited for their server. Caleb seemed quite impressed with his meal once it arrived, and so did Daphne. This date was getting off to a great start!
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Daphne ordered them both dessert and, while they waited, she worked up her courage and proposed to Caleb!
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He said yes!! Now Daphne has to save up for a wedding, but it’ll be so worth it! She knows she and Caleb are meant to be, and she can’t wait to start her life with him! Because Dine Out is bugged, we had to end the meal before we got our dessert, but that’s alright. Daphne is feeling positively giddy over the thought of marrying her beau!
When Daphne got home, she realized if she was going to have a family with Caleb, they’d need to expand the house some more. She sold the planter box she got with her promotion, some more harvestables, and the date night bucket she got from their proposal date to be able to add on a bedroom. The outside of her house looks a little bit funny, now, but Daphne has a plan for further expansion, and soon the home will make sense! For now, her bedroom is the largest space in the house, but soon she’ll be able to expand to have a separate living room, dining room, and kitchen. Hopefully her marriage to Caleb will bring in some extra funds for that, so they can prepare to have children!
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otherworldsjt · 1 year
Death's Fury Chapter VIII: New Introduction
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      Ahh, there's nothing like some well-needed self-cleaning. The bathroom here was practically a spa. The tub had jets that turned it into a jacuzzi, and it also contained sulfur sediments to help with relaxing. After soaking in the tub, I stepped into a class-cased shower that sensed my biometrics through the floor. The water immediately turned on to the perfect pressure and temperature for my skin. After washing, I simply needed to say "dry" for warm air to blow from vents in the floor and shower head. In just 30 seconds I was completely dry. My hair remained a little damp but that's fine.
      After that experience, I planned to talk to Mom and Dad about upgrading our shower system back home.
       When I looked in the long mirror over the sink, I stared at my grey streak of hair. Although it irked me at first, I think it was starting to suit me. It added character, so I decided I liked it. I just didn't need any more.
      After throwing on some clean clothes I stepped out of the bathroom. Then while walking through the bedroom, I sensed someone else had arrived.
      It must be the person Tymon wanted to introduce us to, I thought to myself.
      I tied my hair in a loose ponytail as I headed toward the room door. When I exited the room I saw Tymon, Trik, and the new person I sensed each standing in the living.
      When I looked at Trik I noticed he seemed a little tense. He must've found something in the house that bothered him and was trying to hold it in. How does a SAS have OCD, I don't know.
      As I approached them, I took a good look at Tymon's friend.
      I was amazed at how beautiful she was. Like Tymon, her beauty seemed inhuman. If not for the low energy I was sensing from her and Trik not jumping to tell me otherwise, I would assume she was a Primordial too.
      There wasn't a single flaw about her; she even smelled perfect. Her demeanor was a bit timid, but there was also something fierce about her like the wrong move would set her off. I liked her already.
      "Hi! You must be Tymon's friend. I'm Alissia," I said as I extended a hand to her.
      "Yeah, we've been friends for a couple of years now. I'm Za'Fia," she said as she shook my hand.
      Alissia noticed a ring on Za'Fia's hand glowing red. At a closer look, it had many tiny crystals embedded around the ring with one large diamond-shaped crystal in the middle.
      "Wow, those are pure rupture prisms!" I exclaimed. "That ring must've cost a fortune; you must be really rich."
      "My parents died in an accident a long time ago and I inherited a large trust fund," Za'Fia replied wistfully. "But I'm happy I could purchase the ring since it helped me become friends with Tymon. If I focus, the crystals ward off Tymon's curse."
      "I'm sorry about your parents," I said empathetically. I hope I hadn't reopened a wound.
      "You're fine. As I said, it was an accident, and it was a long time ago," she said.
      After an awkward moment of silence, Tymon spoke out.
      "Well, now that everyone's here let's get to it," Tymon said as he moved to the couch.
      Tymon and Za'Fia sat on the short end of the couch while I sat on the other piece. Trik decided to float next to me.
      We spent the next ten minutes explaining to Za'Fia how the "curse" they thought Tymon had was actually his spirit energy. Then I told her who The Primordials were and that they really exist, and it was my job to find them, which led to me revealing Tymon as a Primordial.
      "Are you sure you should be telling me all of this?" Za'Fia asked skeptically.
      "Since the secrets to spirit manipulation became common knowledge, Watchers don't stand out like they would have before, so we don't have any reason to remain a secret anymore. Don't get me wrong, we're not going around advertising it, but it's not how it used to be. Speaking of..."
      After that, I explained the rediscovery of Greed and Despair, my belief that they had something to do with the previous Death's death, and how I believed they needed to be put in line before they killed another Primordial. Trik stayed unnaturally quiet through everything but remained tense until the explanation ended.
      "So, Tymon's like the god of death?" Za'Fia asked for clarification.
      "We prefer to refer to them as Primordials, but in a sense, I guess so, yeah," I replied.
      "And the previous...Death Primordial, who was – as you say – a more experienced Supreme Primordial...was believed to have been killed by these Greed and Despair Primordials," Za'Fia restated. "Yet you expect Tymon, who doesn't know how to control his powers as a Primordial to stop them? From my understanding, they haven't done anything that threatens the Primordials or us humans since the previous Death Primordial was killed. Perhaps there's no reason for Tymon to risk his life fighting these other two Primordials."
      "We don't expect Tymon to confront them yet," I stated. "The plan is to take him to HQ tomorrow so that he can be trained and get a better feel for his abilities. Then we'll find another Primordial who's most likely already well established with their abilities to come along with us. We don't want it to come to a fight, but we don't know what Greed and Despair's agenda is. We want to make sure they understand the consequences of killing a Primordial in case they target another one. We also want to find out exactly how they managed to take down someone as powerful as Death, why'd they kill him, why'd they reveal themselves after so long, and why'd they start this Age of Conversion we're in. There's just too much unknown information for me to just ignore them. And my guts – along with the consideration of their titles – tell me nothing good will come from letting them go unchecked."
       "And there's also something else," Tymon interjected. "While I was learning to sense through my spirit energy, I felt someone more powerful than me watching us. That's why I asked if there were any other Primordials nearby earlier."
      There was a brief moment of silence.
      "So, Greed and Despair have been watching you," Trik said to Tymon. He seemed to be less tense now. "Perhaps they plan to target you again."
      I turned my attention back to Za'Fia.
      "As you can see, Tymon sitting back and doing nothing doesn't seem to be an option. I get that you're his friend and you're worried, but whether you want him to be or not, he's involved in these problems. You can't keep him from his responsibilities," I said to her.
      The room went still.
      Tymon nodded his head in agreement and said "She's right, Z. I don't think I'm going to be able to stay out of it even if I wanted to."
      Za'Fia didn't look at Tymon at all. Instead, her gaze went from the floor and locked on me.
      Trik had tensed again. If he had pores, he'd be drenched in sweat right now.
      "Lisa..." He spoke.
      Both Za'Fia and I stared at Trik.
      "What?" I asked.
      Trik stared at me, his eyes pleading. Wha– Oh! Was he telling me I was being rude to Tymon's friend? How had it gone from me making sure he doesn't tick off Tymon to him checking me?
      "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to come off as rude if I did," I said apologetically.
      Za'Fia simply smiled.
      I started to feel mucky. Was it getting warmer?
      Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
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cervidaedalus · 1 year
I don't really give care about MOST multi home owners, personally. I think the Mateus Ascian ward and Alice's ward are beautifully decorated. A lot of the pre-lottery MHO's were also pretty awesome about giving away free houses or relo upgrades. Some of them use the sub farm Gil to fund larger FCs, events, etc. There is a special breed of newer MHO's, though, that are largely in it for themselves. They'll buy up entire wards or close to it in current crisistimes, springing for meds and larges immediately. They are well aware of the current housing shortage and simply Do Not Care. "Well Squeenix should just demolish excess plots!" "Why not just nerf subs!" Nope. The amount of both MHO's and career FC house flippers is way more than people are aware of, and even a mid-sized FC really needs that current Gil income from a 4-sub fleet. You could demo all those excess houses. But, not only will this impact people who -aren't- even remotely malicious (my member-capped very active FC has 4 plots on Crystal, and that submarine money is used for our events and buying FC rooms), but it won't actually solve the problem, and committed MHO's and flippers will find a way around it like they always do. I saw someone suggest raising the cap on how many subs a single FC can run, and yeah, nail on the head. They've introduced those gold mounts as a Gil sink, but here's a better idea since most of that Gil is being minted in shell FC sub farms anyway: allow people to add more sub with a gradually, steeply increasing Gil price, and I'm sure people like this will opt for that instead. I'm close friends with one of those pre-crisis MHO's, and they spend HOURS per day resetting subs. Between the menu's, having to cancel out of the deployment cutscene, relogging all the way back to the start screen and having to go through login queues every time... Submarines themselves take weeks to level up and crafting enough repair kits for that number of subs (again, 4 per house) takes an equally ridiculous amount of time as it is. I'm pretty sure none of these MHO's enjoy that whole loooooong tedious process, so you could pretty much kill off most of the Gil Minting market by just... removing sub cap but making it more and more expensive to add them. You're not going to stop MHO's anyway, and in this case most of the common suggestions will just hurt large FCs, so just give them what they want but in a way that doesn't screw over others...
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Terry cheeseman got it and works Mac too. No codes sane one ok ugh.
Ssh is under siege more than normal we assist as is the treasury. Forg infiltrate to stop them from messing up ppl. Tons too. Our tax docs sent in one week ago are being handled now. We see them argue ok. Soon.
Tron will occur shortly they saw the ship last night seek it now. They beef up too to strike clones. Several entrances are major threats more to come Macs say. Tons here drilling and mining to get to adjacent tunnels. The war is on.
Huge numbers of clones and morlock hit at the USPS globally and in punta Gorda hordes gone. Soon out. Forgierners invade.
Macs prep a blockade. Take empire ships too from clones.
It's on shortly yes. All is coming together too. Saucers were at Mars only 30,000 most left yes it's teensie no way will he sit on cities.thry say
Punta Gorda is cleaning up and clearing all the garbage and it is about 70% clear Port Charlotte is about 60% clear other cities in towns on the west coast about 80% clear and it's going a lot faster we're delivering 500,000 more houses today and later on today another 500,000 and that will wrap up to 20 million replacement homes after that everything is for apartments we have permits and we have slabs going in and we have a schedule and it is working and we are moving along with it we do have projects that are approved and we're submitting more and a lot of his ideas a lot of dealerships to be renovated and we're looking at a few of them now and we want to put underground storage in and he's mentioning up down construction which we're going to entertain on the soils are not stable but you can pour a slab on the ground and put columns in and build underneath so you dig down four feet you pour a slab on top of that and then you build under it and you put stuff on top like a paving and so forth it's a great idea because that's how you do it here. And nobody was complain so they build all sorts of stuff. and we have a lot of activity in Port Charlotte and punta Gorda this way too many people here and we need people to volunteer now to go in I'm assigning troops now
Thor Freya
There's another effort that we're doing and he was talking about it is putting money into the system of ours and we're going ahead and doing that and what that means is that we will have spare money to use on our companies and it's a good idea we haven't been doing it and what it does is allows you to I'm crazy appearance music for commercials and more right now we're just going to Bare Bones but the advertising campaign is not even started and things are slow and so if that is initialized and put the marketing fund together and that marketing fund would include upgrades facelifts and more for buildings and structures and advertising local state and Nationwide and global and all sorts of forms of advertisement and also visibility and we don't have the visibility so pretty money into a full marketing program and we are accepting volunteers and we're hiring hours and other marketing people who want to actually market things some people real good at it and yeah Tom Elgin was pretty good at and we do have stuff for him and he'd love it because the building's going like a day and there's plenty of people who want them so we're going to try and arrange a meeting with him and others and of course my husband wants to start to take her 5150 company it doesn't have any money lol and pay money but he can't guarantee you can get the bikes together and it's all such other paperwork so we need to help me there's no money at all and he depends on social security and right now we need more troops for that too and we're requesting volunteers I do appreciate it and there's other things she was thinking but I have those yeah the bridge is under attack are we doing anticipate that the area following up north fairly soon maybe this evening if it does it will create the flood in several other areas are anticipating to fall this evening we have a complete list so you're not going to miss it and it's published on our usual channels online and more
I like to give an idea of where but she's right we want you to look it's about 10 middle areas on Earth several are huge
Thor Freya
They both said it but let's get moving on this now
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