#soft Klance
mothmanavenue · 8 months
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to that bloodshed, crimson clover, uh huh, the worst was over, my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
Keith walks into his room after a deliciously vigorous training season, wiping his sweaty face with a towel, and immediately notices something is off.
He freezes, towel clamped to the back of his neck, and carefully scans his room from corner to corner. His lock was still intact when he walked in, so unlikely break-in. His bed is still exactly as messy as it was when he left it. His dresser drawer is still left cracked slightly open, as he always leaves it, because it’s harder to put a drawer back to the same level of open it was before than to close it (he’s caught Hunk snooping through his shit many a time with this method. Thanks, Pa’s paranoia).
His gaze lands finally on a nondescript black book on his nightstand, and his eyebrows shoot up. He finished his book this morning and returned it to the library on his way to the training room.
He did not leave that black book there.
Wary, a thousand anxieties running through his brain, Keith approaches his nightstand bayard-first, sword extended and sharp. He pauses before he comes in contact, taking time to analyse it, attempt to puzzle out any kind of traps or discrepancies before they jump out at him. He can’t see any — the book is on the newer side, with a roughened black hardcover, gold detailing on the spine but no title or author. The paper looks thick and it’s strangely uncut, raggedy.
Hesitantly, Keith pokes it.
Nothing happens.
Less suspicious, now, he prods at it with his hands, and when that does nothing, he picks it up. It’s heavier than he expected. He cracks open the cover to reveal a red paper lining. Stuck to the inside of the cover is a baby blue post-it note, crookedly place, with only a neatly drawn heart in glitter gel pen. Keith can’t help the smile, even as his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What even…”
Pinching the first page from the bottom corner so as to not accidentally rip any paper, he slowly turns it over.
He gasps, fumbling with the book as he nearly drops it.
“How did it…”
He recognises the first page — it’s his. Or he made it, anyway. Scrawled in every white space of the nearly parchment-esque alien paper is his own doodling, from a boring meeting several weeks back. He recognises the slightly mean drawing of the Capnir leader and his snooty expression in the left corner, and the ninety games of tic-tac-toe he played with Lance on the bottom half of the page (Lance insisted he won because he is a nasty cheater. Keith didn’t even know it was possible to cheat at tic-tac-toe, but it is. It’s crazy).
Gobsmacked, Keith begins to flip through the rest of the pages, eyes getting wider and nose getting closer to the book with every corner he turns. These are his doodles and drawings — hundreds of them, loose papers from meetings and scrawled diagrams from mission plans and notes to other paladins and dorky little drawings he made for his friends or because of his own boredom. There are grocery lists covered in drawings of engine parts and knives and strange alien vegetables, hand-to-hand manoeuvre diagrams, several drawings of Shiro as Captain America, of Pidge and Hunk covered in soot except for the line around their eyes from their goggles, of Allura with the mice in her hair, Coran in the wackiest outfit he’s ever seen, Shiro with his eye twitching from Slav, Matt making goo eyes at Allura. Some of Kolivan, even, with over-exaggerated eyebrows and a frown that touches his neck.
And dozens, maybe even hundreds, of drawings of Lance. Smirking at Keith from across the kitchen table before he instigates a Pidge-Hunk argument, crowing in victory after making a shot, serious and focused mid battle, face drooping and sad and fixed on a glowing blue Earth projection with his chin hooked over his knees. Drawings that itched at Keith’s fingers every hour of every day, that he barely tried to resist; snapshots of Lance that plagued his mind ‘til he finally found time to grab a pencil.
Drawings that he had, apparently, left scattered all over the castle without thinking.
He cradles his flaming face in his free hand, heart pounding in his ears. He’s sure — he knows he threw half of these out. Some of them he left lying around, sure, and others he left out deliberately for his friends to find, but — Keith knows he threw out the full-page and coloured portrait of Lance, bright and beautiful in a dozen shades of earth, smiling softly at Keith in the low-light of the common room well after midnight. He can see the creases and smudges from where he’d crumpled it, embarrassed, and where someone had fished it out of the trash and carefully straightened it back out, brushing dust out of the crevices.
“Oh my God.”
Hunk would never have been able to keep the secret with how long it would have taken to bind this book — by hand, by the looks of it. Allura couldn’t either. Both Pidge and Shiro would have been gleeful in mocking Keith about the clear affection in every pencil stroke. Coran would have probably stuck it proudly on the fridge — he did that, once, Keith remembers, with a sketch he’d done of the whole team during a movie night. It’s still there; it’s been so long that Keith doesn’t notice it anymore.
There’s only one person who would pick up the discarded slips of paper and slide them in his pocket — only one person who’s that kind of sentimental. One person who prints every photograph he takes of every planet they’ve ever been on, who pins up every drawing gifted to him by young children no matter how objectively horrible, who tears off notes written in the margins of battle plans and keeps them in a jar on his dresser. Only one person who has a scrapbook with a dried blade of grass from Arus and piece of sea glass from the mermaid planet and a napkin stained with food goo from their food fight all those years ago. Hell, there’s only one person on this castle with enough skill with a needle and thread to bind a whole ass book.
Keith drops his bayard to the floor with a clatter, book clenched in his fist, and sprints out of his room. He flies down the hallway, ignoring the startled shout from Pidge as she jumps out of his way and the wide-eyed stare from Allura. He almost runs straight into his brother, spinning to the right at the last minute and rushing past him without bothering to entertain his questions. He runs all the way to the MedBay, where he knows Lance is taking inventory for Coran, and nearly crashes right into the pods because he’s too pumped up to slow down properly.
“Whoa there, cowboy, cool it before you give yourself a concussion. Christ.”
Lance places a cool hand on his shoulder, concerned, bin of counted bandages left abandoned behind him. Almost immediately his face coils in disgust.
“Aw, gross, you’re sweaty.”
But he doesn’t move his hand.
Keith stares.
How did he — how did he miss it, before?
“Keith?” Lance asks again, alarm clouding his face. “You okay, buddy?”
His fingers curve absentmindedly along the junction of Keith’s neck, and he leans in closer, and he smells so fucking good and he always does and Keith is lightheaded from more than just his cross-castle sprint.
“You’re in love with me,” he blurts, and he didn’t mean to say it like that but there’s no doubt in his words.
Lance startles, yanking his hand back in shock. Keith darts out to stop it, fingers wrapped around his wrist, keeping him from going far. Lance’s breath hitches.
“You’re in love with me,” Keith repeats, steadier this time. He waits a moment, then says, much more urgently: “The book.”
Mortification rings off Lance in waves.
“Oh,” he croaks. His pulse is so loud and so fast that Keith can feel it in his wrist. “I didn’t think it was — oh.”
There’s a strange quality to his voice, besides the embarrassment of getting caught, and then it clicks — he’s afraid. Of rejection, of disgust, of Keith. Keith isn’t sure. But he hates that it’s there.
Faster than he can talk himself out of, he cups Lance’s face with his free hand, relishing in the sharp intake of breath, and leans in and kisses him. There’s a moment of rigid shock on Lance’s part and it could spell trouble but Keith holds steady. He keeps his hold loose and the pressure soft and soon Lance — melts, into him, there’s no other word for it; he sinks in close and sighs and the hand Keith has gripped goes slack. His lips are soft, and his hair tickles Keith’s forehead, and Keith can still feel his jackrabbit heartbeat, and he still smells like that intoxicating mix of flowers and — sunshine, somehow, straight from the brightest days in Earth. Keith’s hands have never been steadier.
“You collected my doodles,” he says, staying close when Lance pulls gently away. He can see the deeper browns in Lance’s irises, the places where the gold gives way to near-black. They look like the flecks of the precious metal Keith would see at the bottom of the river mud in the mountains of Arizona.
“They were worth keeping,” Lance says quietly. He holds Keith’s gaze. The tips of his fingers trace Keith’s temples; they’re rough with old guitar callouses.
“You think everything is worth keeping.”
“Only the things that — bleed.”
Keith thinks that they’re both right. Lance can’t leave anything behind because he aches for the soul he finds in it. He finds the worth in everything. He found the worth in Keith.
He found enough to make Keith stay.
Keith grips the book in his right hand, left still cupped around Lance’s cheek. The difference in textures is startling, grounding.
“No one has ever done something like that for me before,” Keith admits. There’s a lump in his throat but Keith thinks it’s manageable, thinks he can talk through it. Thinks he might hold the strength for it.
Lance waits patiently.
“I want to —” Keith stops. He opens the book. The drawn Lance smiles up at him, beautiful. He looks up and Lance smiles over at him, breathtaking. “I —”
He doesn’t know how to say it. It’s there, bubbling in his chest, spilling out of him; obvious. But he doesn’t know the words for it. He’s not sure anyone’s taught him before.
“Okay,” Lance says. He tugs his wrist out of Keith’s grip then laces their hands together, squeezing. His smile only widens and he — sparkles, almost. Keith’s throat goes dry.
“Oh,” Lance repeats, teasing. He leans in again. “I’m going to kiss you again, now.”
“Please,” Keith begs, and he does.
based on this post
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random-apollo-child · 9 months
Keith staring at lance
Lance: fuck you staring at mullet
Keith not thinking: your really pretty you know?
Lance who gets flustered anytime he's flirted with: uhh mm huh what? I- uhhh
Lance breaking: gfyfudfitditydo pssshhhhh I uh yeah you uh mmhm
Keith: shit uhh s-sorry
Lance: you uh you actually think I'm pretty
Keith: yeah I mean who wouldn't
Lance: I don't actually dislike your mullet it kinda looks like soft
Keith now flustered: I mean like uhh
Lance laughing: uhhh wanna like go on a date or somethin
Keith: uh yeah that sounds good
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
I umm uh minific
Lance glanced down at the small drawing of swords on Keith's notes (Lance couldn't be bothered to write anything down and he doesn't remember shit so he's stealing his boyfriend's notes even though he could barely read his handwriting). Well, not really the drawing. His eyes skipped to the lazily scribbled, "K.K." in the bottom right corner.
"Your initials are KK?"
"You signed your doodle with K.K."
"And you didn't realize those were my initials in the entire time that you've known me? If I remember correctly, Iverson called me by my last name in Garrison."
"Mmm.. Shut up, K.K. Slider. I didn't connect the dots until now."
Lance leaned back to lay on his back, his head on Keith's pillow and kicked Keith in the thigh. It wasn't really a kick. From his position, he couldn't really do anything more than a slight jab with his foot. Keith let out a stifled chuckle at the attempt.
Lance turned on his side to put the meeting notes on Keith's bedside table then turned back to Keith with a faux scowl.
"You're not allowed to laugh. You're Keith Kogane."
"Mhm, ok, Pumpkin."
Lance crossed his arms and "kicked" Keith in the leg again. Keith didn't laugh this time, though he did send Lance an amused look.
"What're you doing?"
"Just stop opening your mouth."
"Aw, is there something wrong with the way I talk, Bubblegum dear?"
His Texan accent was bleeding into his speech, making everything about this situation about 10 times worse. Lance could definitely feel his face get hotter.
"Yes. Shut your pie hole."
Keith turned his body to face Lance and leaned toward him, putting his hand next to Lance's leg to stabilize himself.
"Whatever happened to please?"
"Whatever happened to you acting- normal?"
Lance attempted to motion with his arms to no avail. Keith tilted his head like a confused dog.
"Poor choice of words."
"Do you want a thesaurus?"
"No, I hate you."
"You're currently laying on my bed."
"I'll shush when I want to, Ranger."
Keith shifted to lay on his side next to Lance. He propped his head in his palm, looking down at Lance.
"It is getting pretty late though.."
"What are you trying to imply, Mullet?"
"Nothing, just we should probably go to sleep. It's a shame that the lights are on."
"I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to get out of the comfy bed and turn off the lights for you. Well good sir, I say-"
"Not it!"
Lance gasped.
"You sneaky snook!"
"Go turn the lights off."
"How dare you!"
"The less time it takes for you to turn the lights off, the more beauty sleep you can get."
"Urghhh! Fine! But you owe me."
"Just go turn off the lights, you dork."
Lance got up and sprinted to the light switch, flipping it and running back in the dark. He hopped onto the bed and laid back into his previous spot.
"What's my time, coach?"
"I dunno but you were very speedy."
"It's absolute bullshit that I have to turn the lights off when Galras can see in the dark. You can see on the way back to the bed."
"Who lent you their meeting notes because you don't want to admit to Allura that you can't remember anything she said? That's right, me. Ungrateful."
"Who can't write legibly and spent the majority of the meeting drawing in the corners of the paper? That's right, you. Humble yourself."
Keith sighed and plopped his head on the pillow. It really was late.
"We really should get to sleep."
"Whatever you say, Texas Red."
"Good night, Bluebell."
"Sweet dreams, Keith."
While Lance can fall asleep in seconds (a real skill) it still takes Keith a little bit longer. He allowed himself to relax, letting the tiredness consume him. But before he let himself fall asleep, he put his hand on Lance's cheek and thought about how lucky he was to be the one who snagged this dumbass.
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inkmonster69 · 1 year
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“….que pasa cariño?”
Soft klance has my entire heart! Inspired by this tweet!
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hypfden · 29 days
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Soft sketches
In relation to the other post. Soft and silly
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bleh1bleh2 · 9 months
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sikuena · 3 months
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heynhay · 10 months
Bed sharing with drool and legs akimbo and messy messy hair and bleary woke up eyes but they smile softly at each other bc they are so in love …. then inevitably one of them pushes the other onto the floor and they commence a half naked extremely serious pillow fight
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can they be normal for 5 second ever
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Winter Wondering Part2!
(winterwonderingcomic hashtag for more)
Winter Wondering is a part of Winter Wonderland Series. If you haven't heard of Winter Wonderland you can find part one here ! Now it's a whole Zine, but the series is still about Klance+ Winter (+fluff)
Did you know I drew the first winter wonderland comic in December 2016? 🤣
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tomakehimfreeart · 11 months
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mothmanavenue · 7 months
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Oh, goddamn
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
Taking mine, but it's been promised to another
Oh, I can't
Stop you putting roots in my dreamland
My house of stone, your ivy grows
And now I'm covered in you
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autisticlancemcclain · 3 months
fic rec friday 58
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Value of a Moment by @a-fools-errand
When Lance’s previously obsolete skills in language suddenly become very useful, he finds himself wondering why aliens can’t account for the fact that humans, particularly him, need sleep and would prefer linear timelines. (Or: an Arrival AU because I love that movie)
yall OBSESSED does not begin to cover it. i have never read a fic where lance was so goddamn cool. and in like. the insanest of ways?? like of course lance is a polyglot but THIS....this is a whole new level. i havent even finished it fully yet but like god this thing is so fucking cool. if ur looking for a longfic stop looking
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arsonarson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world. And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead. A world that wants him to die. So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was. Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him. Until he has to.
oh god this has gotta be one of my CLASSIC fics. read it a few dozen times. i read it right when it came out, six ish years ago (goddamn), i can remember curling up in my old bunk bad and eating this up as the hours ticked by. i was HOOKED. my jaw was dropped my eyes were glued. could not get enough. if youre looking for mermaid lance with a twist....brother this is it
3. Looking for Rain by @thewriter2
Like most things, it starts with the little things: his smile, his confidence, his talent. Eventually, all these little things add up to one big thing that threatens to crash over them like a heavy rain. But, maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe something beautiful would come from it. A 5+1 (really a 10+1) of Lance and Keith falling in love.
oh god guys..... @thewriter2 knows how to fucking haunt you. if a 10+1 (!!) isnt enough for you, i want you to know this line has been echoing in my head since i first read: "He looks at you like you’re a storm and he’s a desert desperate to drown." UM??? EXCUSE ME???? SIMILE OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY???? keith being so so visibly obviously in love with lance is my actual roman empire shit never leaves my mind
4. Astronauts by @thewriter2
When they entered the Blue Lion, Keith was Lance’s rival--the person Lance was working so hard to surpass. But slowly, Lance found himself thinking of Keith less as a rival and more as something close to a friend. So of course, Lance’s traitor of a heart decided that it would be Lance’s kind of friend that it would fall in love with.
tags to sell you: "keith is a dork but lance loves him anyway" (dorky keith my beloved), "hunk is an a+ friend" (yes he is), "lance is a lovesick fool" (yeah), and "allura is older sister goals" yes yes YES you get it. and like....while keith pov is my favourite to write by far, lances pov as he realises he is in love....that will always hold such a special special place in my heart
5. his own worth by frogsterz
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
now usually anything but team as family isnt my deal. im not big on classic langst. but keith as a knight in shining armour.....what can i say i am weak willed. deeply. also " It’s what made it worse. I miss home and I miss being held and the rain, and I loved you. I thought you hated me." got me so bad got me WEAK like i have never recovered from that line and i doubt i ever will
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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k1ance-a-lot · 9 months
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Line-art: @k1ance-a-lot
Color: @callmelyc
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shatterinseconds · 8 months
Healing Pods
based on a piece from @coolnonsenseworld's 52 Weeks of KICK 2021 PDF
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Lance sits on the top step leading to the healing pods. He stares up at Keith, caught by his dark gaze. Ever since he came back to consciousness, Keith hasn‘t spoken a word, just continues to look at him as if afraid Lance will vanish the second he blinks. And considering the state of Lance after that battle, it’s understandable.
“You almost died,” Keith says, crossing his arms. “I think I have that right.”
“You gonna lecture me?”
Leaning in, Keith asks, “Will it work?” Fresh out of the healing pod, Lance is still clothed in that white bodysuit, and Keith starts to trace all the angles it reveals, the cut of his shoulders and swell of his biceps. Memorizing him in case he loses the chance to do so again.
Lance shakes his head, getting lost to that touch. “I think it’ll have the same effect that my lectures about self-sacrificing have on you,” he says in complete honesty. 
Keith’s mouth twists at the answer, but he reluctantly accepts it with a sigh. He moves his hand back up to the side of Lance’s face. His fingers bury in Lance’s hair and his thumb rests under Lance’ chin. Keith tilts Lance’s head up as he leans down, kissing him, open mouthed and careful, tentative. Lance releases a soft gasp. He draws Keith in closer by the waist, knee sliding between Keith’s legs, trapping him between his thighs.
“You almost died,” he whispers again, as if making it a running chant in his head to remind himself of what didn’t happen. He breaks from the kiss with silent tears slide down his cheeks.
Lance reaches up to wipe them away, smearing them across the pad of his thumb. “I survived.”
“You did.” Keith’s voice hitches in his throat. “Thank you.”
Lance pulls Keith towards him until their bodies are flushed and they fall back onto the ground, holding each other, never letting go.
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0xy--m0r0n · 8 months
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ty @numerous-bees-in-a-skin-suit for the wonderful stock image that i used as ref for this
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i just. felt like it worked.
also i was super tired while drawing this so its not. super detailed. idk
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