#sp ramble
bubblemoon66 · 1 year
China Sorrows’ Backstory Headcanons [1/3]
I’ve never shared my headcanons about China’s youth and that is a tragedy that needs to be rectified immediately because I’ve probably got a more vivid image of her backstory than I do for any other character. 
This was written before I read UTE and isn’t canon compliant with it but I don’t really care about canon anymore soo....  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TW for mentions of child abuse, sexism, death, cults, arranged marriage. 
China’s given name is Bébinn. She was born and grew up on a large estate in Westmeath, Ireland with her parents, brother and maternal grandmother.
China’s mother, Tristitia, was a natural omnilingualist. I.E. She’s an adept who can speak any language and didn’t get to choose her discipline.
Tristitia was born in Ireland, but her ancestry was mixed. There’s a lot of Irish, but the scorpion on the family crest can be traced through several empires all the way to ancient Babylonia.
She was an only child.
Her father, alongside his two brothers, died fighting by Mevolent’s side in the war against the Unnamed when Tristitia was young.
China’s father, Dì, was Han Chinese. He was a natural teleporter. His discipline meant he was well-travelled.
He had four siblings. Two older sisters, an older brother and a younger sister.
His family came from a long line of powerful sorcerers but had only relatively recently converted to the Church of the Faceless, so they didn’t have the same standing in the community until Dì and his siblings started marrying in.
Their marriage wasn’t exactly arranged, but it wasn’t a love-match either. It was just a practical choice among slim-pickings. They were both from old, distinguished, purist mage families. Their values aligned. Their families approved. They were both ready to start a family and figured their bloodlines mixing would beget some powerful kids. Also, they weren’t closely related, which was a real consideration. Faceless Ones worshippers like to marry within the church, so inbreeding is an issue.
The best word to describe their relationship is amicable.
After Bliss and China were born, both of them began affairs. Each had a vague idea about the other’s relationships. Neither minded so long as they were discreet and kept up the happy family facade in public. Basically, it was an open marriage with a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy.
Tristitia preferred short, torrid trysts.
Several of her affairs were with China and Bliss’ tutors. Several more were with family friends met through the Church of the Faceless.
Dì had a second family in his homeland. He spent a lot of his time with them.
Neither China nor Bliss ever recognised their father’s other children as siblings. They’ve never met and with the family crest and house coming from the maternal side of the family, they’re not really a part of the same legacy.
Overall, China’s and Bliss’ relationship with their parents was formal and distant. Their physical needs were taken care of by mortal servants, their education was left to hired sorcerers, and their moral instruction came from their maternal grandmother.
Tristitia cared for her children’s well-being but, in her mind, the best way to protect them was to enforce perfection. After all, they won’t be punished if they never misbehave. So, she just winds up parroting her own mother’s teachings but with less harsh punishments when the children’s behaviour deviates.
Dì was less strict than the other adults in the house (although compared to non-cult standards he’s still pretty strict) but defaulted to whatever rules his wife and mother-in-law set.
His affection for his children was expressed through gifts picked up on his travels.
China often received bolts of silk, jewellery and hair ornaments, calligraphy supplies and, when she was older, rare books.
Bliss was given weapons, musical instruments and mechanical curiosities.
The aforementioned grandmother was named Ishara.
She was fifteen when she married China’s grandfather.
They were first cousins once removed.
Their marriage was arranged and devoid of any affection.
She was a vitakinetic—a healer. Although she used her powers to inflict pain as much as take it away.
She also had a keen interest in botany and toxicology.
After the deaths of her husband and brothers-in-law, she became a matriarch who ruled the household with an iron fist. Life on the estate revolved around her will. Disobedience was swiftly and harshly punished.
Both Bliss and China (and Tristitia, during her early childhood) had their given names used against them prior to taking a name.
This is taboo, even among the Church of the Faceless.
Bliss was five when he took his name.
China took longer to escape that abuse; she was seven before she took a name.
The children’s education was excellent for the era. Subjects included grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, geography, music theory, astronomy, dance, Latin, Greek, French and Mandarin.
Although China revived a much better education than most girls of the time, there was still sexism at play. When Bliss studied athletics, she was encouraged to focus on drawing and calligraphy.
They were taught by mages (and mages only) with an expertise in one or two subjects. The mages would stay with the family for a few months, tutor both children intensely, leave suggestions for practice exercises and further reading so they could peruse the subject further and then move on.
Having a teleporter in the family meant tutors could be from all over the world.
The content of lessons was carefully monitored by Ishara. In particular, history and philosophy were taught in a very limited way that meshed with the family religion.
Unbeknown to the rest of the family, Bliss convinced a couple of his tutors to privately debate ideas and share books created by mortals. He was interested in the wider world from a young age and not all their tutors were anti-mortal.
All the family held a low opinion of mortals, although the extent of their bigotry varied.
Ishara believed, and encouraged her family to believe, that mortals were basically animals; useful if well-trained but incapable of the same level of reason and emotion as a ‘person’. Soft-hearted sorcerers might grow fond of individual mortals, but they shouldn’t be afraid to put a poorly tempered one down.
This view was mainstream but not universal among The Church of the Faceless.
Sorcerer’s who took this teaching to its extreme, view sexual relationships with mortals as akin to bestiality.
The mortals who served on the estate were kept out of sight (and out of mind) as much as possible. They navigated the house through hidden passageways, kept their eyes to the ground and were commanded to never speak unless spoken to.
The family never really hid their magic from their servants (or other mortals who lived near the estate). They didn’t flaunt it or discuss magic with them, but they didn’t hide their differences either. They were too insignificant to make an effort for.
Half the nearby mortal population was convinced the family was secretly sidhe. The other half swore they’d made a deal with the devil. All avoided interacting with them as little as possible.
It’s canon that China’s family’s beliefs veered away from traditional Faceless teachings. For millennia, they believed their family was more special and more deserving than other followers. This wasn’t shared with anyone outside the family.
These beliefs were enforced by sermons held twice daily in the family’s private chapel and led by Ishara.
However, at least once a week (sometimes more, for festivities) the family would travel to the church Mevolent led to listen to him preach.
If Dì was home, they’d teleport. If he wasn’t, they’d travel by horseback and/or horse and carriage.
Racing Bliss on horseback through stretches of countryside is China’s fondest childhood memory.
This is also the family’s chance to socialise with other sorcerers. After listening to a sermon, it was common to linger in the church afterwards to talk about it or catch up on news. This usually led to an invitation to dinner with a fellow church-goer (and sometimes breakfast the next day if they lived in the opposite direction).
While the adults wined and dined, the children were left to entertain themselves. So, yes, China got to play typical childhood games like hide-and-seek and blind man’s buff with other kids. She also got to play some atypical childhood games like what’s-the-worst-thing-we-can-drop-down-the-meurtrière because all her playmates were murderers in the making.
Young China and Bliss were very close. They were each other’s primary emotional support growing up.
They had an ‘us versus them’ mentality where it was the two of them pitted against everyone else in the household.
They’d act as lookouts and alibis for each other when needed. Also, if one of them was being denied food as punishment, they’d sneak some in if they could do it without getting caught.
That said, they never directly stood up to their parents and grandmother in defense of the other. Doing so would have only resulted in them both being punished (and their sibling calling them a fool).
Bliss was the more protective of the two, mainly because he was four years older and was in a better possession to protect (although their individual personalities also play a role).
They didn’t always get along perfectly, but their childhood fights were rarely serious or long lasting. Most of the time, it was just name calling.
Like most members of their family, China and Bliss were naturals. They didn’t get to choose their discipline or experiment with any others. One type of magic came naturally to them, and that was it.
They were taught to believe that being a natural is a sign of favour from the dark gods.
China is a venerian—a sorcerer who can manipulate a person’s sense of attraction. It isn’t just limited to romantic, sexual and aesthetic attraction either. She also affects their sense of platonic and social attraction. People who don’t know her are inclined to trust her and have a desire to protect her. The effect isn’t as strong if you’re used to it or are prepared for it.
NB: Signum Linguistics (symbol magic) isn’t a discipline. It’s a separate skill that isn’t limited to sorcerers alone, although many sigils require magical energy to activate.
Although she would have never had admitted it aloud to anyone, during some of China’s darkest moments she questioned whether the only reason Bliss protected her during their childhood was because she manipulated him into it—tutelary is a type of attraction too.
Obviously, Bliss’ magic is enhancement. He’s physically stronger but also more agile, resilient, durable, and dexterous. His senses are more keen too, although this isn’t as noticeable as his strength.
China’s magic blossomed slowly. It wasn’t obvious she had any magic until she hit double-digits. Although once she and her family had figured out what her discipline was, they suspected she’d been using it unconsciously for some time.
Bliss’ magic was apparent from a young age. Think three-year-old stomping their foot and cracking a paving stone.
China had very little control over her magic when she was younger. It’s the reigning in that’s a problem. It’s hard for her not to attract others, and it only grew stronger with age.
Bliss had the same issue with his magic. It was hard for him to reign in his strength. He broke a lot of furnishings during a gawky adolescence by misjudging his strength.
China’s magic and her lack of control over it led to many awkward to downright dangerous situations in her youth.
It started with a lot of staring from her fellow church-goers in public.
Then, when she was fourteen, an older mage belonging to the same church as China begged her to run away with him. After she refused, he grabbed her arm, intending to make her come away with him. An eighteen-year-old Bliss broke his arm two seconds later, but the incident stuck with her.
After that, China was permitted to study fencing and other fighting techniques—something she’d always wanted to do but had been prevented from doing.
The other consequence was constant chaperoning. Admittedly, her social circle had always been carefully controlled, but this was different. Where before she could have socialised with the children of family friends freely, now, she had to sit with one of her guardians every time she left the estate.
Despite this, more incidents followed. Nothing as dramatic, but always uncomfortable. China quickly grows bitter about the discipline she wound up with. Unfortunately, complaining about magic gifted by the gods would have been regarded as blasphemy, so she had to keep quiet about her feelings.
As China’s power and admirers grew, Mevolent began taking note of her. He saw potential in her and the opportunity to mold her into something useful.
During a dinner they’re both guests at, he strikes up a conversation with her. It starts off with a lighthearted discussion about her education and an innocently presented comment about how he wishes he had more time to devote to his pet interest, signum linguistics. The conversions ends with Mevolent promising to loan China several books on the subject.
Right from the beginning, China excelled at signum linguistics. The subject came naturally to her. She had the right temperament, and her educational background in languages, geometry, and calligraphy helped immensely.
After she had the basics of sigil magic down, China started modifying the house. The tallow candles were the first to go—replaced by illuminating sigils. She creates other conveniences and then defenses. It wasn’t long before she moved onto tattoos though. That’s where her real interest lay.
Tattooing sigils onto herself became her way of reclaiming her body. When she was young, her discipline made her feel vulnerable. Sigil magic turned her body from a weakness to a weapon.
Mevolent was too busy to devote himself to tutoring China formally, but he checked in on her progress after his sermons and would offer advice over dinners.
Her family approve of China’s study; it’s a suitable interest for a noble sorceress. They approve of Mevolent’s attention even more so. They’re already high status in their community, but the attention of the charismatic leader only helps their standing.
Ishara attempts to arrange a marriage between Mevolent and China, but he politely refuses. He has his eye on Serafina. She’s a better match politically and personally.
China’s mostly relieved. She’s fifteen at this point and not ready for marriage. However, there’s a minor part of her that’s disappointed. Even in her teens the idea of power entices her and a marriage to Mevolent would have come with considerable power.
Around the same time China began studying signum linguistics, Bliss took up traveling. It started with days away with sorcerers he knows through the church who are of the same age. The trips grew longer the older he got. After the first year, he started going off on his own.
Dì encouraged him. Tristitia and Ishara were neutral—they considered it a normal part of a young male sorcerer’s development to go adventuring before they settle down.
China resented him for it, though. His increased freedom came at the same time her own was being restricted. He’s allowed to disappear for months at a time and she can’t even spend time with her childhood friends without a guardian present. And frankly, she was lonely without him in the house.
They fought more often at this point when Bliss was home because China didn’t know how to deal with her jealousy or express her emotions healthily.
Although none of the family was aware of it, Bliss’ time away was drawing him further away from their beliefs. He’d always been inclined to question what he was taught, but being exposed to other ways of thinking and living cemented what he’d suspected for a while—he’d grown up in an abusive cult.
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some-pers0n · 5 months
I hate how people will look at popular indie artists who had one or two songs go viral on TikTok and start making fun of anybody who listens to them. "Oh you listen to Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Jack Stauber, Glass Animals, and Mother Mother? Tsk, don't you know that is stupid TikTok neurodivergent white transmasc preteen music? It's so mid and bad you should listen to real music–" you are a pit of misery
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every wound can be forgotten in the right light…
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ashartstuff · 6 months
South park fans when Tweek Tweak (a character from the show South Park) shows up in an episode of South park:
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the--firevenus · 2 years
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Dumb shit post, with two of my fav pairs
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creativity-deficient · 3 months
Anywayssss I genuinely think this is one of the most important creek scenes we have so far and I don’t see a lot of people talk about it so let’s get into it
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So it all goes back to this scene-
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I know it’s generally agreed upon amongst the fandom that Tweek and Craig were only fake dating/doing it for the town at first, but at some point their relationship became real, and it’s easy to see why, I mean, it is left pretty vague in all fairness.
I, however though, don’t believe this to be the case? Like YES, the town shipping them together is absolutely what brought them together in the first place, and they did not seem to have any interest towards each other before that, that’s indisputable. HOWEVER I don’t think that necessarily means their relationship was “fake” either. I do think it took time and work to get to where they are now, but I also think that the whole situation, as crazy as it was, not only helped them both to be more open and honest with themselves about their sexualities, but also in the end, DID genuinely bring them closer together.
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One thing I have always found super interesting about Tweek in this episode (and this could just be me) is that unlike Craig, he doesn’t seem to struggle as much with accepting his sexuality but rather, how he will be perceived because of it. His first thought when finding out about all the yaoi art is “what if my parents find out?” He’s afraid and anxious of what others will THINK of him if they know.
But in this scene, it’s clear that he’s no longer afraid, and I feel what he says to Craig here sums it up pretty well-
“I’m so sorry Craig, you made me believe in myself in a way I never have before. I didn’t think it had any of that in me but, you were right! I can do more than I think. You CHANGED something in me and I want to fix whatever’s hurting you now.”
It’s because of CRAIG that he now has this newfound confidence, and I truly believe it changed his perspective of him. Obviously I don’t think he full on fell in love with Craig right there and then, but I DO think that Craig being the first person to ever really make him believe in himself has made him start to see him in a different light, acting as the catalyst for what was about to come (in more ways than one, but that’s another rant)
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It’s no secret that Tweek lives a pretty tough life. He’s abused, neglected, and no one really takes him seriously
But Craig?
Craig is the first person who has actually made feel Tweek SEEN. Like he’s MORE than what others, including himself, think that he is
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It’s such a brief scene, but I feel like it says SO much, because even just being there, sitting together on the couch and being able to talk about WHATEVER without feeling like he’s going to be judged because of it is probably WAY more than anyone else has ever done for him
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And you can tell it means the world to him
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The potential for teen style is so amazing because Kyle and Wendy are DEFINITELY close friends in high school. Like, once they get past that weird: "ew girls/boys are gross and have cooties" age, they would 100% be like "hey wait a minute Kyle/Wendy's kinda cool" and end up hanging out a lot. They're so similar, they're bound to create the most powerful duo in the school. badass wlw/mlm solidarity at it's finest.
Stan would be going through it lmao. His hot ex girlfriend and his best friend whom he frequently has homosexual thoughts about are HANGING OUT, and TALKING, and HOLY SHIT DID THEY LOOK AT ME??? ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT ME??? WHY IS WENDY LAUGHING NOW??? WHAT IS GOING ON???
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kagooleo · 4 months
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aside from my rice here’s a doodle dump of my timeskip johto kiddos all scribbled during classes! forgot to upload this some time ago but it's a mix of silly doodles, profile studies and outfit ideations 📝
#kagoodles#pokemon gsc#pokemon hgss#rival silver#trainer kris#trainer ethan#trainer lyra#tag wall incoming guys waHA#practicing with profiles is fun but keeping consistency at various angles? hoogh#alright time for more rambling abt these guys (specifically lyra and ethan) for a bit :D#I wanted lyra's champion dress to have a bit more inspo from filipiniana dresses but also retain parts from her sygna suit in pmex!#celebi inspired to honor her role as ilex's shrine protector when her grandparents pass that torch to her#not sure of a specific battle gimmick but it would involve hp recovery and defense/sp def buffing with a mix of lessening critical hits#and then she hits ya with the steel chair equivalent azumarill backed with huge power + belly drum!!!!!!!!! sweep em girl!!!!!!!!!!#silver and lyra would be the last guys you'd face for double battles at the battle tower but Watch Out#what else what else uhhh ETHAN#ethan's revolves around the pokeathlon so he's a bit more showy in competition compared to when he does photography work#he can jump between being a popular pokeathlete to intensely focused on taking wildlife pictures with like. several 'mons surrounding him#very dedicated to his research and study; his friends would find him in crazy phototaking positions just to take a pic of a heracross#i think it'd be funny that ethan and kris are rivals at the pokeathlon they would have some beef (they'd tally wins against each other)#I haven’t forgotten abt everyone else tho I have so much on the mind I wanna draw#maybe I’ll finish some of these doodles for when I feel like working on my neocities but website building is a whole beast in and of itself#but I’ll persevere if the results come out decent >:]
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viveela · 10 months
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Caretaker role but make it gardening
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naitosutan · 1 year
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Pssst I commissioned some adorable stenny art from @mirrorshards you should too 👀💕
I’m absolutely over the moon about how these turned out, thank you again Shouri for your wonderful art! 💖
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ariose-ambrose · 2 months
I so desperately want to be bent over on the bed, my lover sitting me on their lap, being spanked so many times I’ve lost count. I’ll become such a drooly, dizzy eyed mess as I squirm, moans replacing any attempts at speaking that I might have entertained earlier. After a particularly sharp smack, you’ll press your fingers into my dripping hole, pleased to see how pliant I’ve become, but you’ll have no intentions of staying there long. I’ll listen when you tell me to present myself, a soft whine escaping my throat as your slick fingers are removed, but I won’t have time to mourn their loss. A smack and the sensation of two digits pressing into my ass in quick succession will leave me whimpering, pushing back against your hand for more. You’ll fuck me like this for some time, fingers being added while my tdick aches, entirely untouched, until you have enough and decide to push into me yourself. I’ll cry out, clawing at the sheets with shuddering moans as you fuck me, and I’ll beg to touch myself when I can think clearly again. Maybe I’ll just reach a hand down, so desperate for relief, without a care for what you say. You’ll come inside me, your perfect pet, and I’ll become a blissed out mess, ready for more
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some-pers0n · 5 months
It always hurts me whenever I see a friend's beautiful and drop-dead gorgeous artwork get like 20 notes max. My beloved mutual and buddy in crime who I would kill for, every art post of yours has 20k notes minimum to me <3
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soup-for-ghosts · 29 days
obsessed with octopath clerics… ophilia “I was not made for such battles” clement and temenos “fighting is not what I do” mistral and they’re both wiping blood off their robes after they just smited every enemy on the screen to smithereens
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space-bugcat · 6 months
Saw so many people said qPhil and qTubbo's relationship is uneven. I understand it may be in qTubbo POV affected the reflect on how you see the relationship. But I can assure you qPhil have a ungodly amount of trust for qTubbo cuz that man is so paranoid if he allowed you to take care of Chayanne and Tallulah alone then you good mate.
I literally can count on one hand how many people he ever lets his kid stay with.
#1 qBBH
QBhh is one of the top choice cuz his wealth and paranoid level.
#2 Forever
QPhil trusted him so much that his anarchy side was pushed aside to vote for qForever in the president arc.
#3 Cellbit
QPhil knows if anyone figures out what they are doing that is qCellbit so he is comfortable to let's the kid stay at qCellbit place when he is away.
This is the list people qPhil quote on quote allow the kid to stay over.
So when qPhil lets qTubbo be the primary caretaker for his kids especially when qTubbo just enters the server it takes a huge amount of trust from that man. He believes in qTubbo skills and dedication in grinding to be more than capable of looking after TWO eggs at once.
So again plsssssss, believe me when I say the relationship between qPhil and qTubbo are not one sided like you thought to be.
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ashartstuff · 23 days
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I love him
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e0nssadrift · 7 months
I wish people would not reduce characters down to just their gay ships… it’s honestly the most aggravating things about fandoms, and it’s not just one 😭
I can list several ships off my head that, for some reason, the fandoms (specifically fanfic writers and fanartists??) will just reduce to “gay twinks in love” or whatever trope their relationship is??? that or they give the characters NO individuality?? like looking for art of my favorite character and all I get it is ship art or fanfic of them with their ship and it’s like??? Enjoy what you want but trying to find cute art of one character and constantly getting ship art is INFURIATING ESPECIALLY WHEN THE SHIP ART IS LIKE??? SUPER NOT IN CHARACTER?? idk now I just sound like a bitch BUT I THINK SOME OF U WILL UNDERSTAND ME
also this whole post is not directed anyone, it just irritated me and idk where else to post about it 😔
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