#spirited away rin
heliphantie · 4 months
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Happy St. Valentine Day!
Have some thematic Ghibli fanart from 2022/2023.
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heathenoushound · 1 year
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Because of a friend she’s unintentionally become my favorite to draw
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rin-the-shadow · 5 months
Something that's been sticking out to me since I got my DVD copy of the stage adaptation of Spirited Away is the difference in the responses of the characters Chihiro calls "Grandpa" or "Granny," and how she came to call each of them that.
We have Kamaji, who initially claims Chihiro is his granddaughter as part of a ruse to allow her into the bathhouse, and does so almost casually. While Chihiro later does refer to him as "Grandfather" or "Grandpa," this is never really given much attention by the other characters. It seems to me as if, following Lin's initial surprise at Kamaji's claim, it's treated as something just completely ordinary.
Then we have Zeniba, who specifically asks Chihiro to call her "Granny," and Yubaba, who expresses bewilderment when Chihiro refers to her in that way near the end of the play. I haven't put as much thought into those two, but I do still find it interesting either way.
It's definitely something I'd like to revisit once I've had more time to observe it and put my thoughts into words.
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rinatepaste · 9 months
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Look at this sad, depressed man- TwT
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cakeandwine69 · 1 year
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Spirited Away Au anyone?
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ollywears · 2 years
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Olly Alexander carrying a Studio Ghibli Koro Rin Netsuke bell keychain of Spirited Away’s No Face in an Instagram story (May 10, 2022).
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wakanatranslations · 7 months
Eat This Matsumoto Wakana (23.10.30)
Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉
Thank you very much for your comments😊
Lots of you didn't notice that I cut my fringe😆笑lol
It's been about 2 weeks since I've seen any of you、and it's a pretty subtle change huh 笑lol
It had grown、to about eye level、so I ended up cutting it myself!💇‍♀️
I can see again!!!
Haku came to see Angerme!😳
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Haku came through the door、with music playing。
And、he said his famous line、「Eat this」 as he gave me an onigiri🥲
I cried while eating the onigiri!😭🍙笑lol
So yeah、Hashisako-san's costume this year was Haku!!!
She got really into role、which was super duper funny😂
It was amazing!Hashisako-san!
Thank you very much for the onigiri!!!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Angerme's Daily Life in Fukuoka has been uploaded!
Please look out for big lipped “Rinko-san” 笑lol
Hashisako-san is limitless、from Haku to big lips。
See ya!
Matsumoto Wakana
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ilsanslut · 10 months
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♰ featuring: sae itoshi + rin itoshi (mentioned) [blue lock]
♰ note: this one is a DOOSY and i'm not even kidding when i say it took me 9 hours and 45 minutes to complete this, over the course of two days of course. However, as my first time ever writing on tumblr, i decided to go all out! that being said, it would mean a lot to me if you would support this work by reading, liking, and reblogging!
sypnosis: why be with his lukewarm little brother when you could be with him instead? wc: 6.6k content/trigger warning(s): 18+. fem/fem-bodied reader. POST BLUE LOCK. sibling rivalry. implied thick/chubby!reader. sae is mean. jealous!sae. bully!sae. rin is 19. sae is 21. CHEATING. degradation. unprotected sex. fingering. squirting. rough sex. DUBIOUS CONTENT. spanking. dacryphilia. slut shaming. groping. implied size kink. minor angst. hair pulling. ONE face slap. pussy slapping.꒷꒦ view the second part here: part two.
Coming home for the holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions is somewhat of a family tradition that enables people to slow down and focus on spending quality time with loved ones. These kinds of celebrations give families that may otherwise be estranged from one another due to work or geography the chance to reunite and enjoy each other's company. And this reasoning was no different in the Itoshi household. What was the occasion for this month’s gathering? Well, it was Mama Itoshi’s birthday, of course!
You see, you have known Rin and Sae Itoshi since you were all very young. Your mothers were best friends, and by default, that meant that you three would become close as well.
Growing up with the Itoshi brothers, on the other hand, was . . . interesting, to say the least. Where Rin found your presence to be refreshing, Sae found you to be a nuisance. You didn’t care for football; you got in the way of his practice; and you were a girl. He always thought you were too weak to play with, and he didn’t hesitate to make his feelings known to you. Pulling your hair until you screamed, pushing you around when you weren’t even in his way, and calling you mean names until your little E/C eyes welded up with fat tears were just some of the things he would do to torment you. Had it not been for little Rinnie stepping in and protecting you from his brother’s outright bullying, Sae most likely would’ve continued until you cried to your mom about how mean Sae-chan was to you. But you would never do that. Your little crush on him would never allow you to get him into trouble.
Nii-chan! Don’t be too mean to Y/N. You’ll make her inner crybaby come out!
When Sae was especially cruel to you, Rin was always there to lift your spirits. He would tell you not to worry about his "meanie Nii-chan," take your hand and wipe your tears and snotty face, and lead you up to his room where you two could watch movies and play action figures away from his brother's taunts. Even if he could not take you away right away, for instance, if you three were at the park, he would always come and ride the swings or the big slides with you just to make you happy. Despite Sae’s every protest about how you were nothing more than a distraction to him, Rin, and football, you knew that your friendship was sincere and unbreakable.
As you three went through the ups and downs of childhood, you also weathered the storms of adolescence together. Sae left for Madrid, leaving you, Rin, and your previous feelings for his older brother behind to navigate the social awkwardness of junior high and share in each other's accomplishments while he was with his football team and you were at your respective clubs. Your friendship was a source of strength during those formative years, providing solace and understanding when the world seemed confusing.
As you two approached your high school years, something began to change. Accidental touches felt more like fleeting sparks, while innocent glances became lingering stares. Neither of you fully comprehended your newfound feelings, tiptoeing around the unsaid emotions that seemed to glimmer between the two of you until the day Rin asked you to be his just before entering Blue Lock. Now, for the past three years, you have been a happy couple, embarking on the dreaded hell of adulthood and the next chapter of your lives hand-in-hand.
Back in the present, the two of you were glad that Rin finally had some downtime from soccer—well . . . more so you than him. Even after the events of Blue Lock, he and Sae remained rivals, seizing any opportunity they could to humiliate each other on the field. That being said, Rin was almost always in the gym, meditating, doing yoga, or practicing his skills to pass the time. It was nice to be able to spend time together without the stress of his next upcoming game or press conference.
Because it was his mother's birthday weekend and all, she would, of course, invite her boys to come to stay with her and their father for the occasion, which included you too since you were Rin’s girlfriend. However, in the few days that you and Rin have already been at his childhood home, Sae had yet to arrive, and no one had heard from him since he texted his mother that he was on his way to the airport to depart. Regardless, the family was busy finalizing plans for their mother's big day. Mr. Itoshi was at the bakery finalizing the details for his wife's cake, Mrs. Itoshi was out for brunch with your mother, and Rin had gone for an afternoon jog because "staying cooped up all day will turn him into a lukewarm lard ass," in his words. As for you? You had just begun to rise, completing some housework in one of Rin’s old jerseys and washing the dishes on which you and Rin had just eaten a delicious breakfast.
After completing your tasks, you made your way back up the lavish stairs of their home with every intention of going back into Rin’s childhood room that you two were sharing for the weekend when you froze. Your gaze traveled to the opposite end of the hallway, to the closed door whose presence loomed in the distance—Sae’s room.
Memories from your childhood flashed back to you, of you watching him and Rin play all too violent and scary zombie video games, rewatching his matches, and, most begrudgingly, the numerous times he nudged your head with his foot and tousled your perfectly styled hair just to get a rise out of you.
Cringing internally at the past memories, you took a further step in the direction of Rin's room before hesitating once more.
It wouldn’t hurt to take a little peek inside Sae’s room, would it?
Despite your better judgment, you shuffled over the closed door and paused with your slender digits loosely encircling the handle. Your stomach churned and your heart thumped in your chest as your inner voice warned you not to enter another person's private space without their consent. But hold on—why were you getting anxious? Who was going to catch you when no one was at home? Turning the knob gently, the heavy oak door would give way with the tiniest of creaks, revealing a rather uninteresting-looking room. But given that Sae had rarely if ever, been home since junior high, it only made sense for it to be so plain. Aside from the plethora of trophies, medals, certificates, and framed photos that lined his dresser, what made it even more amusing was that those were only the leftovers from what could not fit in his trophy case beside his wooden dresser, which housed some of his youth team jerseys and junior trinkets.
You crept further into the cold room, wrapping your arms around yourself, and shuffled over to the plethora of awards from Sae's tireless efforts. As much as you weren’t fond of him, you had to admit that it was beyond admirable that a child was able to accomplish so much in so little time. He possessed a natural talent that professionals would kill for and others were envious of. Even though you were never interested in the sport, you envied him for being so naturally gifted at something he was passionate about.
“Some ‘monster genius’, huh?” You scoffed to yourself as your gaze fell on the last photo of Sae and Rin playing on the same team together before their relationship fell apart. Oh, how you miss those good old days of your youth.
“The fuck are you doing in here?”
Coming from behind you, an all too familiar voice startled you out of your reverie. Turning around, your wide eyes came to rest on Sae's form, which was motionless in the doorway, his stoic visage forever unamused, and his overnight shoulder bag resting by his feet.
When did he come in?
More notably, he’s . . . changed from the last time you’ve seen him since the U-20 vs. Blue Lock game three years ago. He was a bit taller, probably around 6’2” now. Because he was wearing a long-sleeved white compression shirt and gray sweatpants, you were able to see that his muscles were more defined than before, with every ridge and curve pronounced more vividly. His maroon locks had grown a bit longer, with his fringes now reaching slightly beyond his chiseled, clenched jaw, though his bangs remained forever lopsided and flipped back. And his turquoise eyes—had they gotten even sharper since the last time you'd seen them? The way they were glowering down at you, it was almost as though they were piercing right through your very soul.
“You deaf or something, you half-brained moron?”
Your eyes rolled exasperatedly into the back of your head as he rudely interrupted your thoughts. Only ten seconds after you reconnected, here he was spewing insults your way.
“Nice to see you too, Sae.” You grumbled sarcastically, internally dreading what this weekend would hold in store for the both of you.
In response, he hummed, remaining motionless in the doorway as his teal eyes bore into you with something unknown. The truth is, while you were distracted by his physical appearance, he was ogling you in the same manner. You had grown since the last time he’d seen you when you were back in high school. Your once innocent eyes now had a glint in them that could only be described as nubile; your once round cheeks had slimmed a bit to fit your maturing features; and your body . . . Damn, have you really grown over the years. You had developed a more feminine frame, with fuller thighs, widened hips, larger breasts, and a more prominent ass. You had developed into a truly breathtaking young woman, despite how much he hated to admit it.
“Almost thought you weren’t going to show at all.” You sighed, lazily checking your nails. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“I live here.” His voice was deadpan and monotone, yet it held an underlying hint of irritation. “All these years have passed since grade school, and you’re still as braindead as when you were a child.”
“And you’re just as much of an asshole as you used to be.”
You resisted the urge to sneer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction that he was getting under your skin, as you dropped your arms to your sides. When you made this motion, his brows would furrow, and he would cast a scrutinizing glare at your choice of clothing.
Talking to him was futile, and you did not want to be in this room any longer than necessary now that he was there. “Good to have you home, genius.” You spat sarcastically, attempting to push past him to exit the room, when all of a sudden his large hand would seize your bicep, halting your steps.
Your head snapped to him, your gaze a mixture of frustration and confusion as your lips parted to shout a rebuttal his way; however, upon seeing the blazing fire that had ignited in his eyes, you hesitated. His eyes narrowed to thin slits, like two fiery coals burning fiercely within his sockets. The intensity of his gaze was enough to send shivers down your spine, making you acutely aware of the gravity of his sudden wrath. His jaw clenched tightly, showing the strain of controlling his rage, and his brows furrowed, forming a menacing V-shape above his oculars.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He seethed through clenched teeth, his voice deep and full of poorly contained malice.
You blinked. Your jaw dropped as you gawked at him, beyond perplexed. He had caught you so off guard that even you had to check what you were wearing to make sure you were not wearing anything objectionable. Nothing worth offending—fuzzy black pajama shorts that hugged your plush thighs, plain slippers, Rin's worn-out football jersey.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, you coy little slut.”
That silenced you effectively. Your eyes enlarged—almost lamblike—and your pretty lips drew in a subtle gasp. Any previous spark that had been ignited within you had quickly diminished, choosing silence over tossing more gasoline onto Sae’s roaring flames.
It appeared as though his entire being was directing his wrath into his single, piercing gaze as every muscle in his face tightened with each passing second. His lips, which are typically flat or curved into an unamused frown, were now deep-set, corners tugging into an awful scowl.
“Why are you wearing that lukewarm loser’s jersey?” When you should be wearing mine?
Now it was your turn to be infuriated as he insulted your boyfriend—his brother—the same person he had thrown out like garbage all those years earlier. Your heart was pounding so loudly in your chest that you could hear your blood pumping in your ears.
“So I’m not allowed to wear my own boyfriend’s jersey now, fuckface?” His gaze faltered. “You going to call me names for that too, Sae? Pull my hair? Spit in my face? Huh?”
“*What did you just say?”
“I said are you going to—”
“No, you cow-titted bimbo. The first thing you said.” He leaned in closer to your face, his eyes owlish and unblinking since you opened your mouth. You could smell his minty breath from the gum he had been chewing wafting into your face, “Say it again.”
“I’m not allowed to wear my boyfriend’s jersey?” You repeated, confusion etching your tone.
“That.” He snarled, his voice elated in a sick way, as though he had just found out the answer to some legendary riddle.
The hand that had been gripping your bicep now violently jerked you to the side, shoving you into his door. Before you had time to react, he crowded your personal space as his forearm pressed against the wood above your head, allowing you to smell the faint scent of his expensive cologne. “When did that happen?”
The initial fire that fueled his rage now transformed into a different kind of heat, a simmering and bitter envy that gnawed at his insides. He found himself grappling with conflicting emotions - on the one hand, he was somewhat happy that his blockhead of a brother managed to get a girlfriend, but on the other hand, it was you. The same girl that he had been pining over since you were first introduced to him all those years ago. The same girl that he thought was prettiest when she pouted at him with fat tears in her eyes and pleaded with him to be nicer to her. The same girl that consumed his thoughts 24/7. The same girl that he jerked his cock to at night after seeing how her fat tits in that all too small jersey bounced every time she cheered for his brother at that stupid game against Blue Lock. The same girl that, on all of those lonely nights overseas, he wished that, instead of fucking his fist, he was pummeling himself deep in your sopping wet cunt. The same girl that he was about to ruin before his brother got home from his whereabouts.
“Before Blue Lock . . .” Your voice was hushed, barely above a whisper, as though you were afraid of awakening a savage beast.
Three years. Three fucking years, and no one told him?! Not his mother, not his father, not Rin, not your stupid little social media (that he may or may not have been stalking) where you posted pictures of cats, candid photos of your friends, or whatever the fuck you got at your local coffee shop that day—not even you.
His once-obvious fury and visceral expression subsided, simmering beneath the surface in a contained inferno that burned with a ferocity few could fathom. Despite the turmoil raging inside him, he remained eerily calm, his stoic facade masking the storm within.
His demeanor exuded a cold, steely resolve that sent shivers down your spine and, quite frankly, took your breath away. There was an ominous sense of stillness in his presence, as if the air itself dared not disturb the calmness he projected.
“. . . Do you love him?” He spoke in hushed tones, each word enunciated with precision and purpose. There was no need for loud outbursts; the intensity of his calmness alone was enough to make you cower beneath him.
You were dumbfounded by his question, powerless to respond, and yet the longer you remained silent, the more you could see the cracks in his facade begin to scorch through his surface.
“D-Don’t be stupid, Sae. Of course I do, he’s my—”
You would never be able to finish your statement quick enough before his hands were on you, meaty palms digging into your hair, blunt nails scratching against your scalp as he grabbed a visceral hold onto your roots. The searing pain and astonishment coursing through your frame had you shrieking—in what? You didn’t know. Fear? Agony? Guilt?
Using his grip on you as a lead, he would tug you forcefully out of your slippers and down the hall to somewhere unknown. He ignored your screams as the weight atop your head forced your sight to the ground, your manicured nails digging into his wrist and clawing in an attempt to be freed.
“S-Sae, I-I’m sorry! Please, let me go! You’re hurting me!”
He said nothing, his heavy and deliberate footsteps speaking for him before he paused a short distance later. He threw you forward carelessly with surprising strength, causing you to land painfully on the wooden floors in front of you, barely having time to brace yourself with your palms. You had no time to catch your breath, though, as he shuffled over to you with fast-paced footsteps. Looking up fretfully, you would see Sae towering over you, taking notice that you were now on the floor of Rin’s room just before his bed.
“Sae! Sae! Don’t be stupid; I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He openly mocked you, his lip curled into the faintest of sneers as he glowered down at you in hatred. Although even you could see that there was a bit of hurt behind his cruel teal eyes, “All you do is flap those pretty fuckin’ lips of yours, never knowin’ when to shut your stupid little trap.”
He relished in the way your bottom lip trembled and your eyes grew glassy, the same way they used to all those years ago.
“Still a little crybaby too, I see. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be sorry soon enough for leading me on all this time.” He grumbled, lunging for you again.
He snagged at your roots again, drawing a sob from your lips as he mercilessly dragged you to your feet. Releasing his grip on your hair, he instead chose to grab your jaw harshly in his palm, using his thumb and forefinger to squish your cheeks and pucker your lips so that he may smash his lips against your own. It was messy, sloppy, and full of passion and rage on Sae’s end. He smeared your gloss, claimed your brims, and forced his tongue into your pretty, pliant mouth, all with the intention of claiming you and your maw for his own—but you would never let him.
You belong to Rin! You were loyal to him! So then, why do Sae’s lips feel so damn good against your own right now? This was wrong. So, so wrong, and yet, why did you want more of him?
Your mind was cloudy. Your head was spinning. You couldn’t breathe. He was suffocating you. Your dainty fists beat at his beefy chest and shoulders, trying to get him to get off of you, but to no avail. Instead, he seized both of your wrists in the grasp of his other hand and squeezed painfully in a warning, forcing you to whine against his lips—a delightful sound that went straight to his hardening bulge that he shamelessly pressed against you, grinding sinfully against your hips.
When he finally pulled away from you, you clearly appeared dazed. Your eyes were half-lidded and glassy, yet you were silently pleading for him to give you more. Your plump lips had swollen from his being pressed so forcefully against your own, and a singular strand of saliva still connected your lips to his own—one which he would sinfully lick away with a salacious swipe of his tongue.
The hand he used to grab your face gently shook your head back and forth, his sadistic turquoise hues savoring your already fucked-out expression. “There’s the greedy bitch I know and love. Finally decided to show yourself, huh? What? You want more, hm? What about your little boyfriend, princess?”
“R-Rin . . . I love, Ri—” You were cut off when Sae’s expression flared, his hand releasing your face for naught but seconds before connecting with your cheek in a hard slap. You squealed from the impact, your head whipping to the side in shock, but you could not help but feel strangely aroused by the contact. He grabbed your cheeks in his palm once more and tightened his hold on your face, bringing you closer to him until you were nose to nose.
“Don’t lie to me, you little minx.” He snarled as he cut his eyes at you. “You don’t think I’ve noticed the way you’ve been looking at me after all these years, like you wanted me? Or that I haven’t overheard your stupid little conversations about how dreamy you think I am to your friends, huh? Or how about now, when you swear up and down that you love my loser little brother, when here you are already going stupid on me when I’ve barely even touched you?”
You clenched your eyes shut as hot, guilty tears rushed behind your lids. He’s right. You've wanted him—always have—but it was too late now. You were with Rin, and he was the love of your life. You could not possibly change that, could you?
“Just say it, Y/N.” He chided, his voice softer than it was before, yet it still held it’s cold, irritated undertone. “Say you want me, and I’ll make you feel better than that lukewarm little shit ever has.” He released your face and smoothed his thick digits over the top of your head, stopping only when he could rest his fingers beneath your chin and tilt your head to look up at him. Your gaze focused on him once more.
“ . . . I want you, Sae. B-But Rin . . . ”
Sae hushed you again, pressing his lips against yours. How badly he wanted that name to never again be uttered by your lovely tongue. When Sae pulled away again, there was the faintest hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“We’ll be quick, okay?” A lie. He was going to take his time fucking his brother’s name out of your memory. “He’ll never suspect a thing.”
Your apprehension was palpable, but ultimately you would succumb to sin and let desire and greed rule over logic and reason. You nodded, giving him the nonverbal go-ahead to stomp on the accelerator and never let up.
“Good girl.” He praised you, both hands abandoning your face to now grip at the collar of your shirt. In one swift motion, he ripped Rin’s jersey clean off of you from down the middle. “About time we got that shit off of you. The sight of it was makin’ me sick.” He spat as he tossed the tattered fabric over his shoulder.
You were not wearing a bra, so the violent motion had your breasts bouncing free after being momentarily released from their confines, allowing them to slap softly against the flesh of your rib cage—much to Sae’s viewing pleasure. You grew sheepish as he seemed to freeze, staring so brazenly at your bare breasts that you began to feel a bit self-conscious. Was something wrong? Did he not like them? Was he expecting more? Less?
In reality, the answer was none of the above. The midfielder swore under his breath as he shoved you back onto Rin's cozy comforter. He hastily climbed on top of you and used his body weight to pin you against the bed as his lustful hands began to grope and knead at your supple flesh, eliciting precious mewls with each delightful squeeze. His lips would latch onto one of your breasts as he dipped his head downward; the thumb and forefinger of his free hand would play with the other, teasing your nipples. His sharp teeth bit greedily over the delicate areola as his tongue flicked and laved over the hardening buds. The stimulation only served to heighten your arousal, as evidenced by the way you wailed his name like a sweet song meant only for his ears and how your thighs squeezed together from your excitement drooling from your folds.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Sae, who was busy alternating between pleasuring both of your breasts and growling under his breath, “Lewd fuckin’ body. S’all mine . . .” When he pulled away, there were visible marks left in his wake—light red splotches and indentations of hungry teeth imprinted on your skin.
He reached for the hem of his compression shirt and lifted it above his head, tossing it off to the side as he sat above you, staring lustfully down at you. He would manhandle you further after sliding off of your body. He pulled your shorts down in one motion, grabbed your thick thighs by the backs of your knees, and pushed them up towards your breasts. When he did, he couldn’t help but whistle, admiring how your puffy folds clung together and your inner thighs remained sticky from your translucent arousal.
“Has he ever made you wet like this?” Sae inquired, leering at you from between your thighs like a hungry lion with it’s eyes set predatorily on a helpless gazelle, to which your gaze would quickly avert. You and Rin had such a strong emotional bond that you never felt the need for frequent sex between you two. There were a few times, though, when Rin would fuck you after a winning game in a way that made you see stars, but those were always very far apart.
Your silence was all Sae needed for his answer. He crept back up onto you, chuckling sardonically as he held your thigh up with one hand, using his body to keep your other spread apart. He wanted to see all of your pretty expressions up close and personal when he ravished you. Swiping two of his fingers between your folds, the sudden motion caused your hips to jerk into his touch and you to keen with need.
Slowly, he inserted a single digit inside of you, hissing at how your walls selfishly gripped his fingers and eagerly tried to devour more of him. “Loosen up, will you, greedy slut?” He slapped your thigh with his other hand as your back arched with pleasure. “This tight pussy will never be able to take my cock at this rate.”
You tried to loosen up, you really did, but there was something so delicious—so tantilizing—about his thick, calloused fingers caressing your velvety walls that made you crave more of him. He continued to thrust his single digit inside of you, his teal oculars peering into your own with such intensity that it forced you to look away.
“Stop that.” His hand that grabbed the back of your knee slithered along your outer thigh until he could grasp your chin and force you to look back at him. “Eyes on me.” He ordered, to which you would nod dumbly amidst your pleasured mewls.
You felt the delightful stretch of another of his thick fingers pressing into your sopping cunt, thrusting in tandem with his previous one, as he leaned closer to you and his lips just barely touched your own.
“S-Sae, mmph, more, please, please, touch me more.” You begged, bringing a sinful smirk to the midfielder’s lips.
Unexpectedly, he would comply with your requests, pressing the pad of his thumb against your throbbing clit and rubbing quick, pleasurable cricles with his fingers as he arduously sought out that sweet, sweet spot inside of you. You could not help but start sobbing his name, his thick fingers filling you to the brim even though he had yet to stuff his cock into you. Each time he curled upward inside of you, his impeccable skill had you gasping for reprieve.
It was nothing like Rin’s. His fingers were slightly thinner than his brother’s, but they were a tad longer too, able to reach the deepest spots within you without even trying. Sae's immense precision and experience, which allowed him to know exactly where your sweetest spots lay within you, made up for his lack of length.
“ . . . Are you seriously thinking about him right now?”
You were startled out of your reverie by his curious tone and thinly veiled anger. You tried to focus on his hardened features through your daze, but you couldn’t. The knot in your tummy tightened, and you felt an enormous wave of pleasure wash over you. Something big was coming, and you could feel it reverberating all throughout your core.
“He could never make you feel this good, could he? Never get this pretty cunt this wet for him, hm?” All throughout his monologue, you could hear the sinful squelching of your juices soaking his palm, dripping down his wrist, and splattering onto the floor. You were a mess beneath him. He would abuse that rough patch just along your upper walls until your toes clung to the sheets in ecstasy.
“M’sorry, m’sorry!” You mewled, breath coming out in short, high-pitched pants as you writhed under him, his pace increasing as he felt your walls fluttering around his fingers.
“Who’s making a mess of you right now? Huh? Speak up, princess; let me hear you say it.”
“—You, Sae! You, you, you! Hah, please, I-I can’t . . . ! I-I’m gonna—”
“Do it. Cum on my fuckin’ fingers. Make a mess for me, pretty.”
You did just that. Your body went rigid for naught but a second before your back was arched into him, and your head tossed itself back into the pillows as a chorus of unabashed wails of your release erupted from your pretty, drooling lips. Your release was immense—loud—as a gushing of juices from your pussy thoroughly drenched the sheets, Sae’s sweatpants, his abs, and his entire forearm.
You squirted. For him. For the first time ever.
It was uncharacteristic how an almost feral grin twisted on Sae’s lips, his fingers removing from your sopping cunt to place a few well-directed slaps on your far too sensitive and overstimulated pussy.
“Atta’ fuckin’ girl. Can’t believe my baby brother was keeping such a sweet little succubus all to himself—selfish bastard.”
You couldn’t even hear him; your chest was rising and falling heavily as tears of pleasure ran down your cheeks (and thighs).
“Hey, hey. You still with me?” His tone was soft, his typically impassive visage now meeting your own with furrowed eyebrows and a tinge of concern behind his bright hues.
You nodded—it was all you could muster at this moment, but it was good enough for Sae. He brought his soaking hand to your parted lips, lightly tapping the digits on your plump flesh in a silent command for you to clean him off. He chuckled. Your lithe tongue and eager brims slurped, licked, and sucked your mess off of his thick fingers that were now shoved down your throat without you even needing to be told what to do.
“You wanna do that again for me? On my cock this time, pretty?”
You were exhausted, your body already aching beneath him, but you still craved more from him. Another meek nod was given, your dazed eyes meeting his only to utter around his fingers, words garbled from his fingers on your tongue, “Wantha’ squirth’ awound ya cahwk.”
That was all Sae needed to hear as he stepped off of the bed, making quick work to discard his soaked sweatpants and boxers into the growing pile of clothes at the base of the bed. His large hands grabbed your soft hips, tugging you toward him with ease as he flipped you onto your hands and knees. He let out a growl, his hand raising to smack your plump ass once, then twice, on both of your cheeks before taking big, greedy handfuls of your flesh into his ravenous palms. This was undoubtedly already his favorite thing about you.
Standing by the edge of the bed, Sae placed your body horizontally across the mattress with your head facing the door. With a forceful push of your face down into the sheets, your view of the room instantly became obscured. You craned your neck back, peering at Sae from over the arch of your back as he grabbed one of your fat cheeks in one hand and used his other to line his cock up with your entrance. He slapped his heavy cock against your folds, his blossoming mushroom tip connecting with your throbbing clit making you both keen with ecstasy.
He couldn’t wait any more. He needed to be inside of you. He entered your drooling cunt with a single, calculated push, and your fluttering walls were already trying to devour more of him in response to the intrusion. Sae groaned as his hips met the flesh of your ass once he was buried to the hilt inside of you. His head lulled back as he dug his blunt nails into your flesh.
For the past three years, this—this right here is exactly what he had been craving, yearning over, and lusting for—and now he had it. He nearly came from the feeling inside of you alone, though; he’d be damned if he let the fun stop there.
A steady pace was quickly established by the midfielder's hips, and his long, deliberate strokes were deep enough to feel in your tummy and cause your toes to curl up in pleasure. Having had such a powerful orgasm not even minutes earlier, you were still fairly sensitive; however, that only made things all the more enjoyable.
“O-Oh my god, y-your cock, it’s t-too much, I-I can’t—”
“Don’t tell me you can’t, you cock-loving slut.” He snapped at you, cutting your pleas short with a sharp thrust of his hips. The rhythmic plapping of your ass against his pelvis resonated off the walls of the bedroom, lewdly ringing in your own ears. “This is everything I—we’ve—been wanting for years. Don’t tell me that now, all of a sudden—” He paused, groaning deeply through gritted teeth as you clenched around him. “—That this pretty pussy can’t take anymore when you’re gripping me so desperately.”
“B-But Sae, i-it feels too good! Like I’m . . . I’m gonna make a mess again!” You whined.
He thought it was adorable that even in the most deplorable and deprived of acts, you still attempted to hold some semblance of modesty. Oh, how you were both far past that.
If anything, that just fueled his aggression. He used your words as justification to pummel your poor pussy harder and faster, putting both of his hands on your hips and lower back and pressing his weight against you to force you into an almost painful arch as his pelvis slammed into your ass. Your vision went blurry from his unforgiving pace, and your throat went raw from your cries and screams of pleasure.
“Who’s making you feel this good, huh?” He grunted in between thrusts, a hand raising to land a furious smack on your ass that caused you to mewl and your tiny fists to grip the sheets.
“Y-You, Sae! You are! Ngh, plea—”
“And who’s cock do you like better, huh, princess? Me or that lukewarm fuckface’s?”
You hesitated, but only for a millisecond, as you felt the blunt head of his cock caressing your sweet spot, pummeling into you over and over as your thighs began to shake, growing unable to hold yourself up from the stimulation. His thrusts faltered as his cock twitched inside of you. You figured he was close too.
“Yours, y-yours! Your cock feels so good, I-I’m gonna cum again! I’m ngh gonna cum all over your f-fuck-ing cock!”
He let out an almost animalistic groan, something between a chuckle and a feral snarl, “Yeah, princess? You really mean it?” He moved one of his hands to your hair, threading his fingers through it without yet pulling, almost as if he were waiting for your response.
Your response was almost instantaneous, and the adorable chorus of incoherent babbles and cries of "yes, yes, yes" left your head spinning. You had the sensation that you might pass out completely.
Your head was abruptly yanked out of the pillows, and your gaze was once again forced upward. Your eyes, albeit blurry and glassy, caught sight of the all-too-familiar figure standing in the doorway. Sweat dribbling from his forehead while dressed in a white windbreaker and sweatpants to protect himself from the elements during his jog, stood the one person who filled you with dread.
He was back.
As your eyes locked onto the all-too-memorable teal ones boring into your own, your moans ceased. The logic and reason that you had previously dismissed for giving into your desires came flooding back. Guilt, which had been gnawing at the pit of your stomach, reared it’s ugly head once more.
He caught you.
With his brother.
The realization of your actions, the feeling of knowing that you hurt someone you cared deeply about and promised your life to, left you reeling. The enormity of the situation left you speechless and unable to respond.
As the shock slowly gave way to the depths of your despair, tears welled up in your eyes, this time of anguish. Your ability to control your emotions ran out, and you began to sob, letting the tears run down your cheeks. Each tear that ran free was weighed down by guilt and regret.
All the while, Sae never stopped thrusting behind you. Almost as if he remained unfazed by his brother’s—your boyfriend’s—sudden appearance.
“—Save it.”
His initial shock, disbelief, and hurt gradually gave way to something else. He was angry, searing with anger as malice began to rise within him, a blaze of fury that threatened to consume him. Though he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at . . . Sae?
“You told me you would wait until I got back, Nii-chan.”
The air left your lungs.
. . . What?
Using the grip from your hair, Sae pulled you back into him, pressing your body flush against his own as he craned your neck back into an awkward angle, forcing your gaze to meet his own. A dark and unsettling satisfaction crept into his expression, the corner of his lips tugging into a smirk. His eyes sparkled with a perverse delight, reveling in the twisted pleasure he derived from your adorably bewildered and anguished expression.
Your breath hitched.
Your mind raced for answers.
Sae’s gaze lazily tore from your own and to Rin's, who still remained in the doorway, the forward’s eyes sinfully burning into the way your breasts bounced sinfully from each of Sae’s now slow, agonizing thrusts.
"You know, little brother, it is not too late to join in on the fun."
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ⓒ vampiie 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not repost my work outside of tumblr, modify, or translate my work in any form/means. please do not share my work to tiktok or any other site.
if this gets enough attention, i may make a part two!
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iwas-princess · 1 year
suna rintaro • christmas dinner
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“give me your hand, princess.” suna instructed, his own reaching across the center console and waiting for yours.
you obligated quickly, your ice cold fingers clasping between his warm ones, palms connecting in a warming kiss as he drove with his left hand effortlessly.
“oh, you are cold, sweetheart.” he pointed out. “here,” he squeezed your hand lightly before disconnecting his own and reaching behind your seat to grab something before handing the balled up item to you. “cover up.”
you furrowed your brows in confusion briefly before registering what he had offered to you— your favorite blanket.
“awe, rinnie, when did you put this in here? i was snuggled with it just this morning-“
“before we went to dinner, i sneaked it in while i packed the car up because i know how cold you get.”  he shrugged before looking away from the road to send you a wink.
your heart melted for him. he was just so sweet to you and treated you like a princess no matter how much you pout at him.
“that’s so sweet, thank you.” you gentle mumbled back, before unraveling the soft blanket and covering yourself with it.
“anything for my precious princess.”
“why are you so sweet to me? it’s not like i’m really anything special or anything…” you softly mumbled as you played with a stray seem of your seatbelt.
rintaro’s dark brows knitted together in deep confusion at your question. he had so many things he wanted to answer with, mostly scolding you for thinking so lowly of yourself after everything he’s worked up to for you to feel how you deserved.
but, yet, his answer remained as sweet as he always had been to you.
“because i love you, and you deserve to feel the way i want you to. everything i do for you reflects how my heart feels for you.”
the car was silent for a few fleeting moments, the air tensionless as he continued to drive the both of you home and you did your passenger princess duties, as usual.
the streets of your city was still decorated with christmas spirit everywhere, glares of red and green lights flashing through the car windows as you drove by. you could still smell the faint scent of your mother’s perfume was she hugged both you and your boyfriend goodbye after christmas dinner, hoping to see the both of you sometime soon.
rintaro loved your family, they loved him. they treated him as their own, even your siblings loved him like a big brother and could be found teasing him every time the two of you came to visit. you couldn’t wait to marry him someday, and finally claim him as your family’s.
“kay?” rintaro glanced at you, wanting confirmation that his answer was enough.
you nodded silently.
“words please, princess.” he gently corrected.
“i love you too, rin. so so much.”
he smiled to himself at you words, his heart growing a size larger at the sound of your voice.
he reached out his hand once more, opening it so your palms could kiss once more and fingers to embrace eachother.
“give me your hand again, angel. gotta warm you up.”
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t-r99 · 28 days
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Rin pushed everyone away in order to train to become the best, but that was a mistake.
the more i read it, the more i hate it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Itoshi Rin x reader
wc: 2.4k
Even though Rin has hated being at home ever since his brother came back from Spain, it was impossible to spend every single moment outside the house. Every morning he went out, not caring if Sae would be home or not, and spent the day out until nightfall. Blue Lock, while not particularly enjoyable at first, had still been an escape and kept Rin far away from Sae.
The only thing he missed was . . .
No. No, no more of that. He has more important things to think about. Crushing Sae and becoming the world's best are no longer his only goals, beating Isagi is now on the list, too.
Rin sighs. It's getting late.
He's barely two minutes from home when he sees you, feeling like he's been punched in the gut. You're standing outside your house and carrying a plastic bag with the logo of the small convenience store five minutes away. It almost slips from your grasp when you spot Rin.
The last time you actually spoke to each other was right here, in front of your house. It was snowing that evening, too, quiet and calm just as it is now.
I shouldn't, You tell yourself. You almost want to start an argument with him but you just can't be bothered. Rin already made what he wanted clear months ago so you just look away from him and say, "Congrats on winning."
Rin doesn't have a right to feel down, he knows that. He doesn't get to be upset that your voice is colder than the snow and ice around him, this was his own doing.
"Excuse me."
"Wait." The word flies out of his mouth before he even realizes it. Rin gulps, feeling way to warm all of a sudden. "Wait." He repeats, more quiet this time.
You don't turn to him, and why would you? Rin thinks back to that damned evening when his brother came home and proceeded to crush Rin's dreams and break his spirit down.
He gulps again. "Can we talk?"
He doesn't have the right to demand, he knows that. Rin doesn't get to make any demands after ending your lifelong friendship out of the blue. He was hurting back then and he just wanted to die, but he knows it's not an excuse.
"At least stand by what you said." You say it so quietly that he almost doesn't hear.
Rin wishes he could take it back. "What I said was wrong."
"Saying that won't erase it." You push the gate to your house open and close it behind you, not saying bye or good night as you walk inside.
Rin thinks back to when he ended your friendship. Looking back now, he knows that he hurt you just as badly as Sae hurt him. He was being unfair when he took his pain and frustrations out on you.
Rin wishes he was strong and brave enough to go and knock on your door and ask to talk again.
He wants to apologize, not beg for forgiveness. You don't owe him your forgiveness, but he definitely owes you a proper apology.
Rin sighs and whispers your name to himself. "Good night."
It's awkward at home.
Rin hates having to live under the same roof as Sae again. He spent all those years waiting for his brother to come home only for the bastard to stomp on what was once their shared dream and spit down upon Rin like he was nothing.
He just can't bring himself to say anything to their parents, and neither can Sae. There are times when Rin thinks he's hallucinating, brief moments when Sae's typical stoic expression changes and Rin swears he can see sadness on his brother's face.
It only pisses him off.
Rin gets particularly angry one evening and heads out after dinner, telling his parents he's taking a late walk. It ends up being quite a short one when he comes to a halt only a few houses down.
On the other side of the road, your house is mostly dark except for a single lit up room. Yours.
Rin remembers your shared childhood and teenage years fondly. He helped you decorate your room when you were ten years old and your family moved into that house. Well, Sae was there, too, but screw his bitch ass.
Speaking of him, though, if Sae was next to Rin right now he would probably call his little brother tepid, and a coward.
Rin looks up at your window. Your blinds are down, but the light is on. Are you home alone, or is your family already in bed? Should he go and ring the doorbell? Text you? Call? What if you've blocked him? Rin wouldn't know, he never called or texted you after that evening, after all.
Ah, forget it. You don't want to see him anyways and he knows it.
Rin lowers his head and walks away instead. Maybe he can find the courage to try to talk to you in a few days, before he returns to Blue Lock.
It starts to snow as he walks.
He thinks back to that evening after losing the one on one against Sae. They walked home together, but not side by side like Rin had grown up hoping they would after Sae's return from Spain. He had walked a few steps behind his older brother, absolutely crushed. They were both silent while walking, the only sound coming from them walking in the snow and Sae pulling his suitcase behind him.
You spotted the brothers outside and welcomed Sae home, but it quickly became obvious that he wasn’t happy to be back. Rin looked even worse than his brother and ignored you. He met you in school the next day and you were being your usual self, but Rin had changed. He didn't look at you, only told you to leave him alone. Of course you asked what was wrong, but he only repeated himself and told you to shut your mouth.
Damn, why did he do that?
He will never forget the talk you had outside your house.
What an idiot Rin had been.
His walk takes him around the neighborhood and past your house again. Rin keeps his head down and forces himself to not look at your house where you are, whom he so desperately wishes he could talk to.
It's snowing.
You sit in silence and watch it snow in silence for so long that you completely lose track of time. It's always nice to be home alone and sit by the window like this, watching the snow fall.
It takes you by surprise to see Rin outside. His hands are shoved into his jacket pockets, head held down and walking at a slow pace.
Maybe you should . . .
No, no, no. How could you ever forget what he said? The kindest thing he called you back then was a stupid and naive brat and to stay the fuck away from him. Why would you ever agree to talk to him now?
Stupid Rin, You think.
You're even dumber than him.
As fast as you can, you run downstairs and bolt out of the house, almost slipping a few times.
"Rin! Rin!"
He freezes.
You feel stupid now. This is probably a bad idea. "You wanted to talk." You feel awkward. Ideally you would have a speech planned and call him out for his words and actions, but instead you find yourself unprepared to talk to him and your mind goes blank.
Rin turns. There's so much he wants to say.
"Rin . . ." Your vision blurs as tears build up but you won't look away, keeping your gaze locked with his. "Why did you say all that?"
To say that he was hurting would be a coward's answer. Rin wishes he could give you a reason that doesn't hurt you even more. If he tells you that he was hurt himself then you'll ask him why he would end your friendship rather than come to you for support and he doesn't have an answer to that.
Shit, he's so pathetic.
"It was wrong." Rin finally says.
"Yes it was." You say, voice so harsh it almost makes him flinch. "That's not what I was asking, though."
He really has nothing. Rin's mind goes blank as he tries to figure out what to say. He's so used to being in control of every situation he's in that this feels nerve wracking.
His silence makes you sigh and look down. "I see." You murmur.
Wait, you're not going back inside are you? Rin can't let you walk away now, you'll never talk to him again. He doesn't want to live and chase his dreams if you're not at his side.
Rin doesn't think, he just acts.
He quickly rushes up to you, arms wrapping around and holding you tight. He hasn't hugged you like this since you were children, not realizing just how badly he missed it.
"R- Rin . . . ?"
He just squeezes tighter and hides his face in your shoulder. It feels good to hold you like this.
"Come inside, it's cold."
"What I said was wrong." Rin says again. He doesn't know what else to say other than admitting his words were cruel and wrong that day.
"So what made you say it?"
"It was . . ." Rin's sitting on your mattress, cross legged with his hands on his knees. He's uncomfortable and tensed up, certain you will tell him to piss off and never talk to him again once he's done telling you what happened. "My brother came home . . ." His nails dig into his jeans. "I was so happy to see him but he," Rin gulps. “he was different."
It doesn't take him long to tell you. After all, it's such a short story. All Sae did was show up, beat Rin, and use as few words as possible to crush his dream.
"I wasn't really thinking back then."
He holds his own knees tightly. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I know that now." He squeezes his eyes shut as tears start to build up.
"I- I'm . . . I'm sorry that I-"
He finally stops, looking up at you with a gasp.
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
That's a good question. Why didn't Rin just talk to you instead? "I don't . . . know . . ." He mumbles, looking down in shame.
It doesn't fix anything. It doesn't take away the pain he caused you. It only tells you why he did. It's ridiculous. All this over a damn sport . . .
"I get it . . ." Rin says quietly. "I get it if you never walk to talk to me again. I just . . . I wanted to apologize."
"No need."
"Huh . . . ?" Rin looks up at you.
You're looking out the window. "I won't forgive you anyway."
He knew that already. Why would you ever forgive him?
Rin gulps as he watches you in silence. He's never seen you sad before. You've always had a smile on your face, but he changed that. Rin's dumb ass hurt you enough to erase your smile and he hates himself for it.
Rin forces himself to say, "I get it."
"Hey, Rin . . ."
He feels a sliver of hope. "Yeah?"
"Did beating Sae-san make you feel any better?"
Maybe it did a little bit in the moment, but Sae managed to ruin that, too. He didn't acknowledge Rin as a striker, or even praise him. Sae hadn't even said something as simple as a quick, "That was a good match."
Was it worth it? Was pushing everyone, including you, away worth it? Sure, Blue Lock won and Rin beat Sae in that final moment, but now he realizes how stupid it was to end your friendship all in the name of dedicating his life to training and bettering himself.
"It wasn't worth it." Rin knows it's stupid to say that. He knows that it'll only hurt you more but he doesn't want to lie to you. "I shouldn't have hurt you."
Yeah, you're not wrong there. Rin really is a dumbass. "You're being nice by only saying that."
"You want me to yell at you and call you everything under the sun?" You ask.
Well, he does deserve it.
"I miss you, you know." You say in a small voice.
"I miss my best friend."
Still just friends, huh? Rin kind of wants to punch himself for having those thoughts, but he's not going to make things even worse so he says the same, "I miss my friend, too." You're still looking out the window. From where you're sitting you can see Rin's house where the lights are still turned on. "Maybe we should talk more tomorrow, your parents will wonder where you are."
Who cares about that? Rin wants to stay here with you forever.
He doesn't want to impose, though. Rin simply nods and stands up after you, but he can't bring himself to walk. You notice that he's standing still and turn to him. "You good?"
He's quiet, looking down at the floor.
He's so deep in thought that he doesn't even hear your voice. Rin is too busy trying to make a decision. He doesn't know if he should just leave and come back tomorrow to talk some more . . . or stay and risk ruining everything.
You step up to him and say his name again, putting a hand on his arm. It pulls Rin from his thoughts and he finally looks up from the floor.
Rin murmurs your name softly and holds your face in his hands. He doesn't know what to say, there probably isn't anything he can say right now. He still wants to apologize for hurting you, but you told him not to. I'm about to ruin everything, Rin thinks.
You’re quiet, eyes wide with surprise with how he's holding your face so gently.
"Can I stay?" Rin asks, thumbs caressing your cheeks softly.
Your face heats up at his touch and your heart is pounding from how close he is. He's close, You think, gulping. So close.
Rin's eyes, framed by thick lashes, stare intensely into yours and you suddenly feel the need to look away but he's holding you in place. You've never seen this look in them.
“Rin . . ."
"Can I?" He asks again.
Yes is on your mind, right on the tip of your tongue, but you can't get anything out when you part your lips.
Your pretty and soft looking lips that Rin's gaze travels down to. Rin wonders if they're as soft as they look, inching ever closer. "Can I?"
It won't erase the past and it won't magically fix everything, but you're willing to try to mend things, though it won't be as simple friends if he actually closes the gap and kisses you.
You really want him to stay. "R- Rin . . ."
Screw it, he'll take that as a yes.
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venerawrites · 1 month
Hi!! (: Could you maybe do some headcanons for what Gaara, Itachi, and Kakashi's type/ideal partner would be? In terms of personality, traits, looks, or anything else (: Also feel free to only do one of the above or add any other characters you'd want! Thank you!!
author's note: I love this request so much, I've been waiting for someone to ask me about Naruto characters' types, so I can rant about it. Thank you so much for sending this idea! :) <3
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➤ Gaara
Occupation - Gaara's ideal partner would either be a civilian or someone who is involved in state politics (for example, a member of the Council). Knowing how dangerous the life of a shinobi is and how many enemies he has out there, I don't believe he would ever fall for a ninja.
Looks - while I don't think Gaara particularly cares for looks and appearances, his s/o has to be more or less presentable (especially if they are to be seen next to the Kazekage). I've always imagined him with a s/o, whose style resembles the style of the ancients- clothes made of white linen, gold jewellery (especially jewelled collars and bracelets), and different hair accessories, symbols of their status in the village. I also definitely see his s/o wearing makeup as both a way to protect their skin from the harsh climate and a way to compliment their look.
Personality - the ideal partner for Gaara has to be someone who is calm, gentle, and cares for the people, just as much as him. They definitely have to be patient (being in a relationship with him would definitely require a lot of patience!) and understanding person, who is able to accept him for who he is and what he has done in the past. Now, if his s/o is involved in politics of some sort, I definitely imagine them as someone who is calculating and cunning as well. While Gaara has years of experience as a Kazekage, I don't think he is a political strategist, so his partner would usually be the one influencing the other members of the Council or important figures from other villages, in order to further Suna's best interests.
➤ Itachi
Occupation - healer or a civilian, who lives a life completely dissociated with that of a ninja. Preferably someone who lives far away from the Land of Fire, in a remote village or by themselves, and also had never heard of him or his clan before.
Looks - I think Itachi would fall for someone who is very soft and innocent looking - someone who more or less remind him of his mother. As someone whose main occupation is to gather herbs or do some type of craft, I imagine his s/o preferring more simple clothing, in which they can move freely and comfortably. They would probably have tons of amulets/jewellery on them, the majority of which are heirlooms left by their family. Their style is what I would describe as "bohemian" with an emphasis on organic elements and nature.
Personality - I think Itachi's ideal partner is someone who can serve as some form of escape for him - a free-spirited and optimistic individual, who can offer a different view of the world. They have to be caring, sweet, and respectful, especially when it comes to Itachi's personal space. I think he would appreciate having someone, who won't poke their nose in his business too much and press him to open up to them before he is ready. Still, his s/o has to be someone confident, loyal and also very honest. He would benefit from someone, who would tell him openly what they think and would be his pillar of support in moments when he dwells in self-doubt and regret over the past.
➤ Kakashi
Occupation - there is a 99% for Kakashi to fall for a fellow shinobi or at least someone who had worked a shinobi at some point in their life. His work is pretty much his life, so I definitely see him with someone who can understand how demanding this job is, as well as how it can affect people's lives.
Looks - as long as their s/o does NOT resemble Rin or an Uchiha, he doesn't care. If his s/o is a ninja, they would probably wear the same shinobi attire as him most of the time. If they are not a ninja anymore, I imagine Kakashi with someone who still puts some effort in their appearance, but they don't overdo it. Not a "must", but I do imagine him with someone with either shoulder-length or long hair, so he can run his fingers through their locks as a gesture of love or while falling asleep.
Personality - his s/o has to be someone who is strong-willed, honest, and has a deep sense of community and caring about the people close to them. I imagine Kakashi being with someone who can easily take the role of a "parent" or "the wise adult" (as he has to do quite often) and who doesn't shy away from their responsibilities. His s/o has to be someone who he can share his burdens with and who would stay by his side through good and bad. I imagine Kakashi being with someone with a strong personality, who can sometimes act before they think, yet they always have others' best interests in mind. They would often have strong opinions of stuff and while this can lead with occasional clashes with Kakashi, he would appreciate their honesty and their willingness to argue for what they think it's right.
cc artwork: Sin Jong Hun
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heliphantie · 1 year
Valentine's Day Ghiblies
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d34dg1rl5 · 3 months
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Opening your eyes you take in your surroundings. You're in Ormond. Quickly you decide to look for a totem since you're running Inner Strength.
After some while of running sround you finally find a totem in the corner of the killer shack. But you weren't alone. Mikaela also just arrived at the shack and started to work on the totem, she probably runs a Boon perk.
"Uhm, Mikaela... Could I maybe have this totem? I have Inner Strength, I could-" She glances at you and grunts. "Why don't you go find another totem?" You tilt your head. She never has been so mean, but maybe she had a bad day. You nod. "Yeah true..." You sigh and decide to work on a gen for now, you're sure you'll find another totem somewhere else on the map.
Just as you work on the gen, Jake rushes towards your gen - he's injured. Quickly you get up and try to heal him, but he backs away. "Don't touch me, I don't need your help!" You raise an eyebrow. "But. You're injured?" He starts to work on the gen and continues to groan in pain. You decide to also continue working on the machine. "Jake, I really hate to bug you, but you really should-" "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"
Quietly you let go of the issue and shake your head. What's up with him? Did he also have a bad day? A bad trial? More than one bad trial? Well, you didn't want to push any further... The gen is repaired and Jake takes off, leaving you behind, confused and thinking.
After some time you see a totem behind some crates and you quickly destroy it, unlocking Inner Strength. Well, at least something positive!
After some while the killer had downed it's first victim - Jake. You didn't feel to bad... He didn't want to get healed after all! Soon after Jake got hooked another scream erupted from within Ormond. Mikaela also met her demise. She also got hooked. You didn't meet the fourth survivor yet. Let's just hope they didn't have a bad day aswell...
Just as you were thinking that you run into said survivor. It was David. With a thud you fell on your butt. "Oh David! I'm sorry, I didn't see you-" "Quit the bullshit! Everybody knows you're working with the killer!" Your eyes went wide. "What? What are you talking about? I never worked together with any killer!" How could he say that?? What did he mean by 'everyone'??
He pushed you out of the way and makes his way over to the hooked survivors. You look after him as you could feel hot tears starting to run down your cheeks. "What the fuck..."
You trot over the map. Mikaela and Jake had been saved a while ago but you had lost your fighting spirit for this trial already. And you didn't meet the killer yet.
Let's analyze this! You were friends with some of the nicer killers like Susie, Rin, Anna, Carmina, Trickster and even Danny.
Susie is a nice girl, always listening to you and talking to you about all kinds of stuff. Like the rest of the Legion she is always down for the weirdest shenanigans.
Anna is a big woman, her hugs are almost bone crushing yet she always takes care of you outside of the trials telling you different russian fairy tales.
Even though you were friends with Rin, she is more reserved than Susie or Anna. You love to style her hair and learn more about japanese culture. But most of the time she rather wants to be alone than have any company. In all honesty she is ashamed of how she looks. Poor girl...
Carmina is a nice company. Sometimes you chill in her realm, watching her feeding the crows and paint new pictures. One time she surprised you with a picture of you she drew. You liked it alot and she was happy, letting out a proud croak.
Trickster. A hard case. Yes, you were some kind of friends with him. He LOVES talking about himself, his incredible shows, his murders and everything involving him in general. This man is in love with himself and sometimes it's annoying as fuck but you stick around because you're the only survivor he still kind of tolerates.
And the last person - Danny. Infamously known as Ghostface. He is really something. A deadly and quiet stalker, always there when you need him. He also is narcissistic but not as much as Trickster. He likes to talk about the murders he commited when he wasn't in the entitys world. You couldn't see his face but everytime he talked about this topic you could swear he has a big ass smile plastered on his face. And to admit this you kind of have a weakness for the masked stalker.
Looking around you decide to go for the gen in Ormond. Someone has already started to work on it but the killer has destroyed it. Just as you sit down Mikaela comes running towards you and groans in pain. "Heal me!" You get up and look at her. "You could ask me nicely instead..." Not waiting for her answer you still start to patch her up as she backs away and pushes you back, running out of the house.
You gasp as you fall against a hard thing. Immediately an arm wraps around your neck. "Hey doll... What's up? Didn't see you all trial, it was about time, don't you say?" Danny. Of course. Why didn't you notice that sooner...
"Please hook me. I want this trial to be over." He huffs. "You're no fun." He removes his arm and puts a hand onto his hip, making him look a little bit like a Karen. "Hm... I'll get back to you."
After some time Danny downed Jake, Mikaela and David, having them laying on the floor. You were still working on the gen in Ormond, not able to concetrate. The gen had blown up many times even though you were REALLY trying to make it work. Maybe todays events just got to your head...
Danny comes back and grabs your arm. Without questioning him you follow and see your fellow survivors laying on the ground, whincing in pain losing a lot of blood. David looks up to you. "(Y/n)! Heal- I fucking knew it... You're working with the killer! I fucking knew it!!" Mikaela and Jake look at you with looks of disapproval, annoyance and hate. All mixed feelings, but not good ones.
Danny grins and kneels down in front of David. "Heh.. I'll be right back." He brings Jake to the hook and then Mikaela. They get sacrificed immediately. Like promised, Danny comes back. You were still standing there, not knowing what to do. You WANTED to heal David, but after him being an asshole and just treating you like shit you were starting to question things.
Danny chuckles and hands you his knife. "Now (Y/n)... Why don't you show David what you think about his mean mean behaviour earlier? I think he needs to be punished..." He puts his head on your shoulder. "C'mon... Make me proud..."
You look at Danny and grab the knife tightly in your hand kneeling down in front of David. "David...", you start. David huffs. "You're a fucking traitor... You're the reason we always lose when we're teamed up with you... Sometimes I wish you were fucking dead. Forever."
Those words hurt. Like someone plunging multiple needles in your heart. David was always a guy who loved to brag about his fights but he was there when needed in trials. But now. You despise him. You really do.
You look at the knife in your hand, knuckles white from gripping the knife so hard. David grins. "You're weak... I knew you-" Before the brit could finish his sentence you plunged the knife in his neck, making him bleed even more. He gurgles for a few seconds before closing his eyes. Now he was really dead. Not sacrificed and not mori'd... At least not by a killer.
You slowly get up and look at your now bloody hands. From behind you you could hear slow claps. Slow claps. Just like a villain in a superhero movie. You turn around.
"Damn... I really didn't think you would be able to do that... Yet you proofed me wrong. Interesting..." He smiled and takes the knife from you, cleaning it from Davids blood. Danny sighs. "Saw how they treated you earlier... I couldn't let that go 'unseen'." He sits down on one of the benches, manspreading. Quickly he pats his thigh. Not even knowing what you're doing you sit down on his thigh and let your head fall against his shoulder.
"I didn't even see you.." Danny nods. "Of course. I am Ghostface, I am a master at staying hidden." He sighs and puts his hand on your head soothingly caressing your hair.
"I didn't think survivors could be like this... Y'all are supposed to stick together when a killer is trying to. Well kill you." You sigh audibly. "I was confused and then I thought they were referring to my friendships with some of the killers including you... I didn't even know you were the killer until Mikaela pushed me into you."
"Yeah, what a move."
The wind is blowing and you shiver. Danny notices this and holds you closer to him. "Cold, are we?" He move his free hand to his mask and. Removes it?! You have never seen Danny without his mask and he looks really pretty... You look at him.
"You must trust me a lot to remove your mask..." He smiles a cheeky smile. "Think whatever you want about this. You should get the hatch as a little reward. For killing David and basically doing the dirty work for me." You just nod and get off his thigh. He grabs his mask but isn't putting it on just yet.
After a while of looking for the hatch you finally find it in the killer shack. "I'll see you around. If you want it or not."
With that he pushes you into the hatch grinning. Just before you get engulfed in the black fog, you see him putting his mask back on.
What will the others think?
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cannellee · 3 days
i literally love ur headcanons ❤️ i was just wondering what hcs you have for alpha tokyo rev boys and their scent? like i imagine mikey would probably be really warm and smell like vanilla or sandalwood and baji would probably smell musky, like coffee and leather
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୨୧ alpha! tokyorev x omega! reader (pairing : mikey, chifuyu, mitsuya, baji, ryusei, kokonoi, inupi, kisaki, izana, rin)
— what do they smell like ?
I'm making my comeback after a huuge while. life has been kinda hectic recently so I took a few weeks off my phone to get everything together + my exams didn't help either- but holidays are around the corner so I have much more time to write now!
PS: I forgot to save this earlier, so I had to re-write it, it's not as good as the first version but I hope you don't mind
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mikey's scent is unmistakable, wrapping itself around you in a comforting embrace. it's a blend of caramel and honey, with a gentle aroma of wood. it's soft and warm, yet, the earthy scent grounds everything, it's protective and strong.
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chifuyu's smell is a refreshing blend of citrus and bergamot, sweet with just a hint of sourness. it instantly lifts your spirits, making you smile right away. his scent fills you with enthusiasm, a nice reminder of his optimistic and supportive nature. it literally wraps around you like a ray of sunshine, leaving you really energetic!
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mitsuya's scent is extremely soothing, calming you down in a second. he smells like the ocean and sandalwood that embody his tranquil nature and unwavering reliability. you particularly love the fragrance of rain which is what truly defines mitsuya. his scent reminds you of a soft, gentle drizzle that accompanies a quiet and warm afternoon. it's the smell of clarity, the calm after the storm. his scent gives off a boundless reassurance.
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baji's scent is powerful, a potent mix of burned wood, iron and dark chocolate. it's intense, somehow bittersweet, signaling his raw strength and protective nature, a warning to others. he has a musky aroma to him which adds a primal edge, reinforcing his alpha presence. you can also detect a touch of lavender, it has a calming effect on you. when you breathe in baji's scent, it fills you with a sense of security, wrapping around you like a shield which makes you feel fiercely guarded. you really enjoy this side of his scent, the gentleness baji reserves only for you. it also reminds you that he would go to any lengths to keep you safe.
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ryusei's scent is a blend of popcorn and peppermint, a mix that's both sweet and strong. the popcorn feels gentle and comforting, with syrupy undertones that make everything so much more reassuring for his omega. it reminds you of simple moments, it gives you a carefree feeling and makes you smile. the peppermint feels refreshing and gives an invigorating touch, making you feel really good. when you catch a whiff of ryusei's scent, it fills you with enthusiasm and, the musky fragrance chases your fears away.
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kokonoi's scent is very sophisticated, it's a mix of whisky and vanilla. the whisky brings a rich and manly aroma, exuding strength and confidence. the vanilla feels warm, like a comforting sweetness, which makes it inviting and approachable. when you breathe in kokonoi's scent, it's like being wrapped in a commanding and comforting hug, making you feel secured and valued.
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inupi's scent is a mix of nutmeg and cold air, with hints of wood aromas that feel both warm and grounding. it's calming and composed, making you feel his presence no matter where you are. his scent carries a kindness and worry for you that's undeniably manly, making you feel weak in a good way, instinctively seeking his protection.
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kisaki's scent is very intriguing, a nice blend of eucalyptus and brownie, with a touch of mint that adds a fresh, clean feeling. it's soft and almost beta-like, making him seem less imposing than other alphas. however, subtle undertones of leather hint at his second gender, reminding you that kisaki is your protector and can keep you safe. overall, his scent gives you a cozy sense of familiarity, very calming yet surprising somehow.
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izana's scent is a blend of leather too, of patchouli and fire, with faint hint of cotton candy. the leather and patchouli gives off a dominant and earthy aroma, while the fire adds an intense, almost dangerous edge. the subtle sweetness of cotton candy is deceptively charming, which masks his powerful nature and possessiveness. to you, his scent is both intoxicating and intimidating, which leaves you with a strong compulsion to obey. the sweet undertones provides a bit of comfort, but it's clear that his presence is commanding and that's what makes you feel drawn to him.
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rin's scent is captivating, a powerful blend of cedarwood, musk and cinnamon. it's a honeyed smell which gives you a sense of belonging, the strong fragrance of wood making you feel a rush of excitement and anticipation. every breath you take is filled with relief and a nice feeling of warmth, feeling like you just woke up from a nap, still feeing muzzy and unbelievably relaxed. his scent is actually very primal and dominant, it makes you crave it so much.
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nerdiellers · 1 year
First Date
Featuring Nagi, Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Sae, and Reo with Gn!Reader
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Has no idea what it means to date since he’s never been interested in the idea thinking it was a hassle to deal with
But when he met you, he realized that just being with you isn’t a hassle at all
He did everything he could to just be near you and keep you company
Little did he know you enjoyed it a lot more than he believed
As time went on, you both became so comfortable with each other’s presence that you naturally sought each other out
You went to every practice and game cheering Nagi and Reo on
Ngl Nagi wanted you to only cheer for him during games
Everywhere either one of you went, the other went with
Nagi’s love languages are touch and quality time so he prefers to always be touching you when he spends time with you
Always insists that you hold hands when you walk anywhere
Even with all of this, it took him a while to confess to you (Reo had to have MANY talks to boost his confidence) and when he did, he was so happy when you said you liked him too. Sweet bb’s ears were red the entire time ❤️
After contemplating, he decided to take you to the arcade so that he can combine two out of three things he loves: games and you
He plays co-op games with you and anything that wasn’t co-op, he had you sit on his lap to include you when it came to racing games and would slouch into your back resting his head on yours for games that require standing
Would win you everything you wanted in crane games
You left with at least two or three bags of stuffed animals of different sizes, your absolute favorite one being an axolotl dressed in a whale shark outfit (a/n my friend won this for me and it’s literally the cutest), which you keep out of the bag so you can hug it with one arm while your other hand is busy holding Nagi’s
Nagi would watch you while you’re hugging the axolotl plush and would smile thinking of how cute you were
After the arcade, he treated you to coffee while buying lemon tea for himself
You were curious how it tasted so before Nagi could offer a taste, you immediately attack by leaning over and taking a sip
The way Nagi’s heart was beating made him believe he was having a heart attack
He would walk you home even though he lived in the opposite direction
After you put the bags of prizes into the hall, you turn to tell Nagi you had a great time but a word didn’t come out because Nagi had placed his hand on your cheek and pressed his lips against yours
It was an awkward first kiss because your teeth crashed into each other, which had you giggling against his lips which he absolutely loved the feel of
Your first kiss together was better than you both could ever imagine. Nagi could kiss you forever if he could
Please help this poor boy he’s such a nervous wreck around you
He first noticed you when you decided to join as a manager in his high school’s football team
You were always so kind and beautiful that Isagi fell more in love with your personality and spirit rather than your looks, not that you weren’t physically beautiful
He hadn’t even realized you two were in the same class literally 5 seats away from each other
And when he noticed this the poor boy kept stealing glances at you every chance he could, which you knew because you also stole glances at him
He has the biggest crush on you and he couldn’t form a sentence around you, which you found cute
One day while you were both on cleaning duty, his nerves got the better of him and he ended up yelling his confession to you while looking down to hide how red his face was
After a moment of silence due to the suddenly loud confession, you giggled. You walked over to him and gently lifted his head so he could look at you
Face still red out of both love and embarrassment, he felt like his heart could burst out of his chest when you confessed your feelings right back to him
You decided to go on a date that day after practice
Your first date was simple, walking hand in hand to a takoyaki stand and munching on your treat while talking and joking around as he walked you home
It was such a simple date, but just being together was what made it a perfect first date for you both
As soon as he walks you to his doorstep, he overthinks on whether he should kiss you or not and ends up thinking that it would be better to wait so he turns to leave
You stop him by grabbing his uniform jacket, which surprises him
He starts to ask what was wrong only to be silenced by the feel of you pressing your lips against his
He immediately leans into your kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist while your arms wrap around his neck
When you both pull away, both of you are blushing, which you both notice when you stare into each other’s eyes
Isagi has the biggest smile on his face as his eyes soften and is sparkling
Gives you another kiss before resting his forehead against yours to tell you goodnight
You lean into his forehead and tell him the same before you both begrudgingly let go and disappear into your home
Isagi being the lovable dork that he is waits until your door shuts before jumping and throwing his fists in the air
Little did he know you saw the entire thing through your window. He truly was so cute
Being the outcast in school, he never believed anyone would like him
He had the biggest crush on you though, but due to his insecurities he kept those feelings to himself
In fact, it was you who confessed first. You had noticed him before playing football by himself while having the biggest grin on his face and that made you swoon like none other
So when you asked Bachira to meet you in the stairwell after school, he thought he did something wrong to upset you and wanted to tell him to stop being creepy with his staring
Boy when you confessed to him, he was dumbstruck for a second. It wasn’t what he expected at all
Seeing how earnest you were with your confession, his heart filled with so much love and that grin you fell for appeared on his face as he confessed to you as well
This made your face go red. You didn’t expect him to reciprocate your feelings!
Unable to contain his love and excitement, he hugged you so tightly. You wrapped your arms around him as your heart filled with so much love
Your first date happened on a weekend, which Bachira brought you to his home so you both could paint together
When you met his mother, your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest you were so nervous
His mother was beautiful and she immediately hugged you. She was so happy to hear that Bachira had found someone who liked him for him
You didn’t expect to meet your favorite artist so you end up freezing. You didn’t put two and two together when you started to notice Bachira
Whining, Bachira complained while holding your hand that his mom was taking all of your attention while pouting. It was the cutest expression you’ve ever seen from him and your eyes sparkled
Laughing, his mom let go of you and told you to have fun since she had errands to do and supplies to buy
Bachira took you to the art room where he paints, which was a different room than where his mom paints
Putting two canvases up, he suggested that you paint something you found beautiful
Unbeknownst to you, Bachira was painting you while you were painting him
After finishing your paintings hours later and revealing them to each other, you both didn’t realize you were painting the other
When Bachira saw his painting of you, his heart skipped several beats. He ended up dropping the canvas and ran to you, pulling you into a kiss, which you happily leaned into
He hugged you so tightly while you kissed to get you as close to him as you could and you loved every second of it
When he pulled away, you chased after him and kissed him again, your heart so full of just as much love as his
You knew you chose well when it came to crushes. He had exceeded your expectations and you fell hopelessly in love and Bachira felt the same
Finally pulling away from each other, you laid your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart racing and you smiled knowing that it wasn’t just you whose heart was racing
Once his mom came home, she caught you two hugging each other and she ended up running in to join
Both you and Bachira ended up laughing
After staying for dinner, Bachira walked you home, holding your hand
Once you got to your doorstep, you looked up at him to find that he was staring at you while smiling. You noticed that his eyes had glossed over, full of adoration and love
You gently held his cheeks and pulled him into you for a kiss. You were already addicted to his lips and could kiss him forever
He leaned into you, wrapping his arms around you. Little did you know he felt the same
Saying your goodbyes, he watches you close the door and ends up grinning to himself. He felt so lucky being given the opportunity to date you
Once he’s home, he texts you with a question that you didn’t expect to receive:
Meguru ❤️: Hey (Y/N) when we’re in school do you want me to keep away from you? I don’t want to ruin your reputation :((
(Y/N): What?! No! I’m not going to hide you from anyone. We’re dating and if anyone has a problem with it they can take it up with me! ):<
(Y/N): I will literally fight them
Bachira giggled at your text. He knew he was an outcast and you had plenty of friends in school. He was worried he would tarnish that so seeing your response filled him with glee
The next day at school, when your friends watched you and Bachira walk to class hand in hand, hugging when you had to go to your separate classes, you were bombarded
True to your word, you ended up lecturing your friends and anyone who listened shaming them for treating Bachira like an outcast just for being different when everyone is different from each other
Everyone fell silent and little did you and Bachira know, the lecture was spread around the school and Bachira ended up being talked to by others trying to get to know him and apologizing to him
He knew you kept your word and the feeling made his heart full
Mr. Stoic here never believed he would find love since his focus was on football and becoming better than his brother
Literally bumping into you changed that as you were reading while walking and he was looking at his phone
He ended up catching you so you wouldn’t fall and ended up staring into your eyes
He wanted to ask if you were ok but what came out of his mouth was “Watch where you’re going. You’re going to die reading and walking.”
What he didn’t expect was you giggling and thanking him, picking up the book you dropped
Ron noticed it was his favorite horror book that you were reading and his eyes widened a bit before going back to his emotionless expression
Nervous, he asked if you also liked horror, which to his surprise, you said yes with sparkling eyes
You ended up going on a rant about the best horror directors and books, which Rin argued with
During the argument, Rin ended up blurting out “I’ll make you eat those words. Come over to my place on the weekend and I’ll show you the best horror directors and authors!” before storming off
It took a bit for him to realize he just asked you out and his cheeks and ears turned red
You yelled after him “I don’t even know where you live!”
Rin about faced and stormed back to you, holding out his phone for you to exchange numbers, looking away with a blush still on his face
You giggled and held yours out as well, both of your phones connecting to each other and sharing your profile and number with each other
After hearing the beep, Rin stormed away once again
Later that night while you were doing your homework, your phone pinged to let you know that you received a text from Rin:
Rin Itoshi: {address}
Rin Itoshi: 2pm Sunday. Don’t be late
Chuckling over the abrupt texts, you responded
(Y/N): So serious! You must be determined to prove me wrong ;P
How dare you? Rin thought, his face bright red, not even bothering to answer
He kept glancing at his phone though, getting restless before he picked up his phone again and responded:
Rin Itoshi: Prepare to eat your words
(Y/N): Prepare to eat yours!
Rin’s lips pulled up into a smile as he chuckled. Then he stopped
Rin? Smile? Laugh?
What was going on with him? Rin felt his face flush as his heart skipped a beat.
Sunday came around and as Rin expected, you arrived at 2pm on the dot, holding a bag of snacks, movies, and books to share
“Let’s get started!” You said, grinning. Rin felt his ears get hot and he ended up pushing his hair away, trying to hide his ears from you
As Rin led you to his room to watch movies, you started with Rin’s favorite movie, The Shining
And let me tell you, it was secretly one of your favorite movies but you weren’t about to admit that to him. This was a competition and you weren’t about to let him win
Afterwards, you would watch a movie you recommend and would switch between his and your recommendations
Rin actually enjoyed the ones you chose, but his competitive nature, he wasn’t going to admit that
Both of you were so determined to defeat each other that you ended up having fun somehow?
Both of you were ribbing the other’s movie choice even though you both loved each other’s choices
It was you who broke first when the last of the movie was played and you muttered how Rin had chosen some great movies
Unfortunately Rin heard you and teased you about it to no end
You puffed your cheeks and pouted at his teasing, pretending to be upset, which just made him laugh
His laughter literally surprised you and you looked at him with wide eyes. He looked so beautiful with a natural smile and laugh and it made your cheeks turn pink
The stoic Rin laughing? You never thought this day would come
Rin tilted his head and looked at you wondering if he did actually upset you with his teasing until he saw your cheeks were pink
This literally shocked him and he ended up looking away, his cheeks and ears turning the same shade of pink
Only this time you noticed and it made your heart skip a beat
After you both regained your composure, you went on to exchange books with each other
Eventually, it was time for you to go home and Rin’s mom “forced” him to walk you home, carrying the bag of books he exchanged with you
The entire walk home, you both talked about the parts you liked in each movie. Because you were having so much fun, the walk was quick. Too quick
As you stood at your doorstep, you thanked Rin for showing you a great time and for walking you home to which he just hummed with a nod before turning and walking away
Gathering up the courage, you chased after him immediately, calling out to him
He stopped and turned in time for you to lean up and kiss his cheek before running back to your home, not even stopping until you were inside with the door shut
Rin was flabbergasted as he touched the cheek you kissed, still feeling your lips. This time, his entire face turned red and he continued his walk home, his heart racing a mile a minute
Meanwhile you were in your room with the door shut, sitting on the ground against it with your hands covering your bright red face
You felt your phone vibrate and you pulled it out to see a text from Rin:
Rin Itoshi: You better watch out. I’ll make you pay for this by paying this back ten-fold
Your face ended up turning an ever deeper shade of red as you internally scream
The eldest Mr. Stoic
You were the manager for the team in Spain and the day he noticed you was the day his life changed forever
Not to be dramatic but FOREVER
He didn’t have any interest in others, especially after moving to Spain and realizing the difference between him and his teammates, causing him to want to change his position to midfielder
You were the new manager as the other one quit and to say you were the most beautiful thing Sae had ever seen was an understatement but you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen
After practice, you walked up to Sae as he was drinking his water to hand him a towel to wipe the sweat off his face with a sweet smile
Sae’s eyes widened a bit before looking away with a blush on his face while muttering a “Thank you”
Afterwards, you went on to bring towels to the rest of the team, which bothered Sae
After a few weeks of his crush developing, he decided to finally admit it to you
After a game with you cheering them on, Sae had played better than before due to your cheers and it ended with them winning
You were there with drinks and towels, handing them out, Sae was first just so he could be the first one to touch you as he took the water bottle and towel
As soon as one of his teammates did the same while complimenting you saying they won thanks to her cheers, let me tell you Sae’s teal eyes turned a shade of green as he stormed towards you, shoving the towels in your hands to the assistant coach before grabbing you by the hand and pulling you away into the hall leading to the locker room
He ended up pinning you against the wall, the stereotypical forearm against the wall as he looked down at you
Let me tell you the way you looked up at him with those beautiful (e/c) eyes made him weak. He wanted to kiss you right then and there but controlled himself
You patiently waited for him to speak, tilting your head to the side a bit
Sae just stared at you, once again gathering the courage to confess
“Is everything ok Sae?” you finally asked, bringing the towel around his shoulders to wipe some sweat off of his face
That’s when Sae lost it
He grabbed the hand that was holding the towel and pulled you towards him, his lips connecting with yours
What he didn’t expect though was you immediately leaning into the kiss
Once he pulls away, he keeps his face close to you, only a breath away
“Don’t let any other man touch you. You’re mine.” Sae growled
Literally he just made your knees shake with that growl
After that, he properly asks you on a date after being teased constantly by his team
Your first date included a walk on the beach hand in hand
You were on the hunt for tide pools as you loved them and the life inside them
Sae, who questions your search, discovers why you love them when you finally found one
The aquatic life that included starfish, sea anemones, clown fish, and other life forms fascinated Sae
You wanted to take a picture together in front of the tide pool and he happily obliged
Ended up asking someone to take a photo of you two and include the tide pool
He hugs you from behind as you smile for the camera
Unbeknownst to you until Sae sends you the photo, he was looking at you with adoration in the picture
After that, you both ended up taking lots of pictures of tide pools, each other, and the two of you together
Sae absolutely asks for matching lock screens to which you happily agree with
You finish the date with dinner at a fancy restaurant that overlooked the ocean you were just visiting
As Sae drove you home, you both spoke each other’s ear off. You’ve never heard Sae talk this much as he usually kept to himself
Sae wanting to be a gentleman opened the car door for you and walked you up to your doorstep
Held your hand and looked you in the eyes. Sae thanked you for agreeing to go on a date with him
You smiled and told him that you would have gone on a million dates with him if he had asked sooner
It took Sae a bit to realize that you were confessing to him, which once he realized it, his cheeks turned red, causing you to laugh
Muttering, Sae placed his hands on your cheeks and quieted your laughter with a kiss, which you leaned into as you placed your hands on Sae’s
You know it we all know it but this mf is popular
Unfortunately you’re not and while you’ve crushed on him for a while but due to your insecurities, you never tried to approach him
But Reo noticed you
You were the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on
Like that one line from Terrible Things by Mayday Parade “The most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen” Yeah that’s you but you know, gn
He’s been wanting to talk to you, but nerves and being surrounded prevents him from doing so
However, he has a plan and he uses his bestie Nagi
Nagi ends up approaching you and asks you to meet him behind the gym
While you were friends with Nagi, you had no idea why he wanted you to meet there
So when you went to the gym only to see Reo, it all made sense and your ears ended up turning red at the tip
Reo noticed this and a blush appeared on his cheeks over how cute you were
There was an awkward silence for maybe 2 minutes before you both attempted to speak only for you both to apologize and tell the other they could speak first ending in another awkward silence
What finally broke the silence was you giggling at what just happened and I swear Reo heard heaven’s bells he was so in love with your laughter
This ended up giving him the courage he needed to confess
It throws you off guard because you think yourself ‘why?’
Reo blinks because he didn’t expect you to ask that
Oh crap was that out loud?
Reo ends up chuckling and lists the reasons why he likes you showing that he really had paid attention to you
Your cheeks matched the tip of your ears as you meekly answered his confession with your own
Now it was Reo’s turn to be surprised. He did not expect you to feel the same
He ended up bringing his hand up to his face and laughing saying he was glad they both felt the same
He took your hands in his and asked you out
Knowing how Reo was raised, he wants to take you to a fancy restaurant. Like one of those ones where formal attire is mandatory
You somehow ended up talking him out of it explaining that you didn’t like him for his money but because when you first saw him was during a game and you thought he looked so cool with his passes to Nagi
After that game, you ended up noticing him more and more, eventually learning more about him (with Nagi’s help) which only deepened your interest into a full on crush
Boy let me tell you his entire face and neck turned red before hiding his face with his hands screeching to not look at him when you try to reach out to him and ask what was wrong
You gently pulled his hands away to give him a kiss on the cheek because of how cute he was acting
This man could faint if he wanted to
You suggest going to a food truck and taking a walk in the park to which he happily agreed to if that was what you wanted to do
For the first time really, he learned that not everyone expects him to buy them gifts or splurge on them and with this being your first suggestion for a date made him fall more
He has a bit of a way to go but he’ll get there with your help
You ended up getting hot dogs and walk around in a botanical garden you found hand in hand never letting go of each other
You both ended up taking selfies together, which Reo sends to Nagi to gloat about how well the date is going (not that Nagi cares that much except that Reo is happy)
You and Reo had so much fun together that the day passed by so quickly
Reo wanted to have his driver drive you home, which you kindly rejected because you lived close by and could walk
So of course Reo offered to walk you home instead to which you happily agreed because come on, you get to spend more time with the guy walking than riding in a car
Your hands naturally found each other’s as you walked to your home, talking about places you’d both like to go with each other in the future
Reo plans to take you to every single place you just don’t know it yet
As soon as you reach your door, Reo pulls you in to a hug, pressing kisses to the top of your head, your forehead, nose, and your lips
You smiled into the kiss
When you parted and said your good nights, you go into your house fully believed this was a dream until Reo texted you thanking you for the wonderful date
Your heart swelled so much and you ended up throwing yourself backwards on your bed, holding your phone against your chest thinking of everything that happened the past few months
Reo honestly did the same and ended up saving your name in his phone as My ❤️
I’ve literally been working on this all day due to events that required me to drive but it’s DONE. Some are longer than the others and I deeply regret that with every fiber of my being which will haunt me for the rest of my days because Nagi is my absolute favorite
Blue Lock is owned by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura
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fuumiku · 2 months
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Day 2 : Role Swap
Ok I have thoughts for this one bear with me. He’s a mage with a half-foot guild still but his activism is especially targeted towards half-foot mages specifically since they’re rare and so looked down upon (and the two are correlated).
Marcille scouts out places all Tomb Raiser style for lost treasures and knowledge, keeps maps and written info etc in her book. She’s still much of a scholar but more in an archeologist sense, she wants to discover the truth of dungeons and see if it could revolutionize the world. She’s a buildings and engineering nerd instead of magic nerd. She hypes herself up as a passionate cool rogue adventurer like in books✨ Chil thinks it’s a silly and unstable profession. All her um, grace and agility when doing headstands and dancing are coming through with this new role of hers.
Chil does need to borrow mana and so they hold hands a lot. I am so taking advantage of the mana transfer thing. "I’m out of mana, you’re an elf and you never use magic, give some to me! You have so much, don’t be selfish!!" -inparty fight breaks out as he chases after her and she runs away- I imagine that’s just kinda how he and half-foot mages roll? Dunmeshi-typical worldbuilding monologue that explains how "Most people don’t even use their mana, they don’t even learn magic. If you give me your mana I’ll be able to do more magic, win-win, no harm done." I imagine you have to be magic-savvy to be able to transfer mana to someone but it’s fine he can just steal it methinks 🌟 So he gets to be the one who’s very casual about physical touch. He does NOT want to be a healer it stresses him out but ah shit there Falin goes.
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More AU details under cut
You’ve heard of onion knight now get ready for onion mage Y’know the saddest part of mage Chilchuck is that he wouldn’t use explosion spells
You know how Marcille uses her staff to grab people by the neck or head sometimes… Chilchuck would have a free choking stick he can use to make people listen to him. He can REACH THEIR NECKS . It doubles as a walking stick for his old man back… /j And a weapon, sort of. I think staff more than lance, but long weapons like that suit him I think. Holding the monster at bay with a 4 feet long stick like "Stay BACK!! Go for my party members shoo shoo!!!!"
From my observations, staffs for magic all have a ‘hole’ at one end, oh size, shape, material and form varying. For example both Marcille and Rin have a similar hoop, but Falin’s is a lantern which imo the metal frame of it and the glass form this hole I’m speaking of. Maybe it’s like, the staff condenses the magic inside the hole and helps channel it and give it form? What I’m saying here is I didn’t decide what it was made out of but I like to think it’s carved wood so it can be homemade but unique to him.
Marcille and Chil both fight in battles, but he stays where it’s safer and does long distance spells only. Marcile uses daggers probably… But yeah her role’s more being a scout rather than a fighter, while Chil’s role is being a magical fighter and his expertise on magical creatures and such.
I think he’d be self-taught, where it’s his own magic system… I think he likes theory more than vibes and working at the whims of creatures, so maybe elven with an half-foot script? He doesn’t seem like the type to get buddy-buddy with spirits much A bit like his cowl it’s like he always has a part of home with him a bit with his half-foot magic… He’d have sucked at the beginning, it’s pretty experimental magic, but he made it work and tbh he’s a Big Deal for it. Learning on the field ofc ofc he’s no honor student
I think the racial prejudices tension would be worse, because he’d be nervous of the whole ‘half-foots who get too curious about dark magic get taken away’, and I think as a half-elf who doesn’t do magic it might be uncomfortable for her to deal with how the half-foot is better at it than her and how her mana would have had better use with him instead of her? Idk brainstorming. I def think she’d habe more of a complex about being a half-elf… Still with existential dread and still Hopes to find a cure to death, but she goes about it through artefacts etc rather than magic. I’m unsure how her career would turn out that wqy exactly because job stability and academia are important to her, but yeah I think she went to school on an agricultural and history level and focused her research on that front? And then she could become that adventurer scholar who explores to pierce secrets of the world and ancient civilizations trope yeah I think that’s the angle.
Maybe his plans for the future after quitting being a dungeon diver would be teacher/mentor instead of shopkeeper 🤔 One one hand oh god have mercy on his blood pressure, on the other he likes contributing to his community and would want to encourage half-foot mages and pass down his knowledge and expertise I think. Empty nest syndrome where…- OHHH mage Meijack……. I was thinking becayse Meijack followed in his footsteps in canon but it could suit Puckpatti and Flertom too… Their dad would have shown them some magic tricks hehe. They can be a magical girl trio in my heart, Powerpuff Girls energy…
A rogue has gotta be able to make intricate af braids and updos with their fingers (ignore how in canon Chil is just barely decent at them nvm). I was thinking maybe one of Marcille’s lockpicks is Ambrosia-shaped… Or maybe it’s an hairpin. Maybe she keeps her lockpicks as pins in her hair but they’re easy to grab… Getting more gimmicky by the second but my heart yearns for it I cannot lie. I ended up doing something close to canon for Marcille’s outfits but at first I imagined she’d wear stuff more akin elven fashion, short dress with pants, light material, though also with a leather armor breastblate. She has long gloves like the ones that look fancy, maybe even up her upper arm rather than just forearm ooh… Also her little pouch, which actually contains stuff this time around (lockpicks). They still have matching pouches yay
In that last doodle Chilchuck weaved her a little familiar with twigs… So it is magical but it’s hers, and it’s a second stand-in for Ambrosia. Maybe a golem… It’s very silly and prob not real in the au but the thought of it is really cute. Someone on the discord said Fantastical Beasts Pickett which yesss lmao, it’s like a pokemon for "(lock)pick it!" I love arts and crafts Chilchuck so much. Sew clothes. Weave twigs. Woodcarve. Necromance a frankenstein. He can make himself a new wife (/J I AM SO /J)
Also for Izutsumi: I think the reverse of a ninja is a bard. Take that as you will. Angry bard who grew up in a troupe……
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