#spn new jersey
kindathewholepoint · 1 year
SPN NJ is somehow never my favorite con despite being the one closest to home but this year was made so much better by wonderful friends <3
Friend number one chooses to remain incognito and graciously invited me to join their Misha/Ruth op.
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I have always wanted one of those Dean hug ops but I never liked that he always looks so somber in them. So I walked up and said “Can I have a Dean hug, but like a happy one?” Jensen contemplated this for a second, like he was trying to figure out what that would look like. And then gave this tiny little smile and said “Yes.” And then I had to basically snuggle and his hand was in my hair and my brain absolutely separated itself from my body, because I walked the wrong way out of the op.
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Absolutely adorable Winchester kids photo with my wonderfully talented friend Liz.
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Jordan drove all the way from Ohio to join me in NJ just to hug this man. I think it was worth it.
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Some serious adorableness going on in this one. 
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Jordan needed an “I don't understand that reference” op. Misha delivered. And then promptly broke character to wink at me. Because Misha. 
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My big take away from this con is “do more ops with friends” because I’m more relaxed and less in my head and everyone looks so happy. Good times <3
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Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need
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audhd-nightwing · 1 year
all i’m saying is… jersey just does things to people. like make them bisexual.
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rainsongdean · 1 year
cant believe i started the bisexual misha renaissance. you're welcome. or i'm sorry
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here's a meme i made to honor all the feet that guy put in his mouth already and in anticipation of future conventions (in New Jersey specifically):
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If someone wishes you well before a trip to New Jersey and you don’t see the message until after the trip the absolute best way to deal with that is to wait until you’re about to go to NJ again the following year and then respond like it was that trip they were talking about all along. I learned this from Billy Moran and I’d say it’s almost as iconic as coming out in NJ and then taking it back later on even though WB pressures you not to, which is a trick we all learned from Misha Collins.
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hypnoticcastiel · 1 year
SPN con, New Jersey 2023: Jensen Ackles and JDM Main Panel.
(for all who want to know everything about their first dates^^)
[not mine/ytube/HD] 
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annarubys · 2 years
daily affirmations these days are like i will not become a full time mcr blog i will not become a full time mcr blog i will not become a full time mcr blog
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youchoseeachother · 2 years
i love not being american btw because sometimes on here i'll see people complaining about movies like "i can't believe they said this is utah when that type of cacti is CLEARLY only found in colorado" meanwhile you could show me people swimming in the ocean and tell me that's minnesota and i'd believe you
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hettolandija · 4 months
2024 convention schedule (multifandom and SPN cons):
January 19-21 - Albuquerque Comic Con - Jared February 9-11 - ATL Comic Convention - Jared & Genevieve March 2-3 - Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle - Misha March 9-10 - All Hell Breaks Loose 12 in Melbourne - Jensen and Jared March 15-17 - Creation Entertainment BURBANK, CA - Jensen and Misha April 19-21 - Jus In Bello 14, Italy - Jared and Jensen April 26- 28 - Cross Rroads 8, Birmingham - Misha
May 4-5 - Comic Con Stockholm - Misha May 4-5 - Comic Con Liverpool - Jared May 11-12 - Infinity Con, Düsseldorf - Jared & Genevieve -appearance canceled May 12 - Comic Con Finland - Misha
May 17-19 - Creation Entertainment NEW JERSEY - Jensen, Jared and Misha May 25-26 - Purgatory 8, Düsseldorf - Jensen and Misha + Jared June 1-6 - DarkLight Convention 6, Paris - Jared & Genevieve + Jensen June 7-9 - Creation Entertainment COLUMBUS, OH - Jensen and Misha
June 22-23 - Dutch Comic Con - Misha June 28-30 - Creation Entertainment SEATTLE - Jensen and Misha July 12-14 - Creation Entertainment SAN FRANCISCO - Jensen and Misha
August 10-11 Comic Con Wales - Jensen August 16-18 - Creation Entertainment AUSTIN, TX - Jensen, Jared and Misha August 23-25 - Creation Entertainment INDIANAPOLIS - Jensen and Misha September 20-22 - Creation Entertainment WASHINGTON, DC - Jensen and Misha + Jared
October 5-6 - Comic Con Scotland - Misha + Jensen October 11-13 - Creation Entertainment CHARLOTTE, NC - Jensen and Misha November 1-3 - Creation Entertainment CHICAGO - Jensen, Jared and Misha November 22-24 - Creation Entertainment ORLANDO - Jensen and Misha December 6-8 - Creation Entertainment NASHVILLE - Jensen, Jared and Misha
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This came to me in a dream
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles and Jeffrey Dean Morgan | New Jersey Convention, Main Panel (April 16, 2023)
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“hey dad! times been good to ya” (x)
when jensen and danneel had crushes on each other but were tied up with other people jensen wrote her a note that said “not now. but someday” and she still has it (x)
jdm was on jensens first date with danneel bc JENSEN INVITED HIM BC HE HAD NO IDEA IT WAS A FIRST DATE (x)
jensen: jdm got off a motorcycle in slomo and i saw hilarie’s jaw on the floor. she had no idea who he was (x)
fan: fav backstage moment from cons jdm: when i told everyone i was having a daughter bc i wasnt supposed to  (x)
jensen: when we announced the end of spn and at SDCC there were 7000 people and i told jared “take this in. this is it”  (x)
*everyone arguing over an answer* jensen; glad we figured that out. great job jdm: im still confused (x)
jensen got in trouble for sharing info abt a project last con so he will not be saying ANYTHING (x)
fan; SOLDIER BOY COMING BACK? jensen: uh…….no comment  (x)
theyre talking about their daughters jdm: mine will be the death of me jensen: one will be the death of me and the other will take care of me jdm; mine will be twerking over my grave jensen: HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW DADDY  (x)
.@JDMorgan : the year I did #Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy changed my life #SPNNJ (x)
.@JensenAckles getting the part of Tony in West Side Story in high school was life changing - after his baseball coach talked him into doing it. (x)
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the drama teacher at Jensen’s school wanted him to be in the spring musical and his baseball coach was like “you’ve played with me for three years. go give this a shot i promise we’ll be in the front row”  (x)  a talent scout was at the play and told jensen that he had it and he should come to LA and he went “lol take a hike” (x)  THE ROLE WAS TONY IN WEST SIDE STORY!!! and his whole baseball team was like “woah ” (x)
jensen: getting into the industry is harder now that it was back then jdm: i dont even know how to get an agent now jensen: yeah dont ask us for advice  (x)
Question: Jensen, what was your favorite thing about soldier boy? JDM: the codpiece. *crowd laughs* JDM: sorry, I thought you were asking me.  (x)
the boots soldier boy wore on the show are the same ones that dean wore on spn. they’re called carolinas  (x)
jensen: jdm texted me when i was getting fitted and he was immediately like “SHOW ME THE COD PIECE” and i was like “perfect timing i have five of them lined up which one” AND JDM SAID “PICK THE BIGGEST ONE” (x)
fan; nash was amazing. is there hope for touring in the future for radio co? jensen: thanks it took a lot of drugs jdm: he’s not lying  (x)
jensen: touring might be aggressive but anything is on the table  (x)
jdm: i watched it online and i remember texting you being like “what the fuck is going on that was amazing” (x)
jensen looked at steve and said “this is a bad idea we should leave” right before going on bc louden swain KILLED and they didnt wanna follow that  (x)
.@JensenAckles : even tho it was a vengeful mission, John set out to right a wrong. In The Winchesters we wanted to show John before that trauma.  (x)
jensen says the pilot of spn “holds up today”  (x)
fan: whats your fav format to play in (movies, tv, voice acting, etc) jdm; whatever has the best writing. we knew supernatural was going to be good by the first ep (x)
jensen turns towards tv bc he doesnt know where it’ll go and where it will end (x)
jensen: ive done soap operas and that was 20-24 pages of dialogue a day (x)
jensen: i heard “anyway you want it” in the car and almost got out before the second chorus hit bc i thought i was late for stage (x)
fan: go to karaoke song? jensen: have u ever done karaoke? jdm: never in my life. i think you asked me once and i said “goodnight 👋🏻 ” jensen: right but it was more like “goodnight 🖕🏻  (x)
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laf-outloud · 1 month
WALKING DEAD: DEAD CITY in NEW JERSEY We’ve been getting a ton of requests to do a special convention saluting this great show. We would tentatively do this event in New Jersey, let us know if you are interested so we can pursue!
Are they going to give JDM his own convention, now?
Huh... I guess his SPN-con sales must be good enough for CE to consider giving him his own convention. I wonder if that was the plan all along... either by CE or JDM. Could this mean JDM won't be doing SPN cons in 2025? Or would he do both? If he doesn't do SPN, Jensen and CE will have to find some other headliner for those cons, otherwise he's stuck with Misha, and we saw how well that sold (or didn't, lol).
I do applaud CE for finally thinking outside the box this year and reaching out to other fandoms. They finally saw the writing on the SPN wall (a year too late) and realized they would need other income streams.
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lol-jackles · 10 months
I get people want their favorite character being in the final, but I actually thought it was a favor to the character that Cass got killed in 15x18. If Cass were in the final, he might just stood there. It’s a shame Berens didn’t write better script. He was never my favorite writer, but his Rowena and Sam’s scene in 15x03 was pretty good. I love Rowena’s “I believe in magic …” lines. I wonder why 15x18 was like that. Although I’m indifferent with Cass, I wish he had better ending for the story.
You have to remember that Misha was an aspiring politician. The politicians you see on screen only shows 10% of their charisma, the screen almost acts like a protective barrier. To meet skilled politicians in real life is almost akin to witchcraft, you're under their spell.
I sometimes think this is why hellers like Jaistel goes to so many cons despite numerous reports by fans of Jai looking miserable and lonely. A real life encounter with Misha rejunevates that spell enough for Jai to continue their agenda of grifting and fleecing people until the next con.
So anyways, like Robert Englund whom Misha convinced to write "Man Who Would be King" in attempt to salvage Cas's character ahead of the finale "Man Who Knew Too Much" that would irreparably damage Cas's character that the general audience would turn on, Misha convinced Berans to help salvage Cas's ending and provide enough ambiguity to keep his paying minions on the hook. Look how long Xena's lesbian fans stuck around due to Xena and Gabrielle's ambidous friendship. The difference was there were enough build up to Xena and Gabrielle to eventually have a canon romantic relationship. There was no same build up to Cas's confession to be interpreted as non-platonic, but that was actually okay with Misha. Just like his fake bisexual confession at the New Jersey con, he expect it to just stay in the fandom and never get picked up by mainstream media.
Misha would know most of the digital low-tier media like Buzzfeed, Mary Sue, and Daily Got will disappear. Even the online TV Guide (not to me mistaken for the physical TV Guide that has different owners) have scrubbed many of their articles to make room in their server. It's why Misha will only say SPN is about Sam and Dean in mainstream media like Larry King and in WB's SPN retrospective shows.
Lastly, we give that ~confession scene way too much credit and attention in an otherwise decent episode. Castiel was never a main character so his farewell speech doesn’t have the same kind of impact.  Sure a lot of superfans find his overly praising Dean was be OOC or non-canon compliant, but that speech wasn’t for them, it was for general audience and casual fans to remind them that Dean is still a hero because they only seen Sam acting heroically trying to protect people from the Snap.  Dean going after Billie looked more like revenge and it was at the cost of Cas’s life.  So this lesson to Dean is that it isn’t all about him.  That’s right, a speech that seems to be all about Dean is actually saying it’s not all about him. 
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gooferdusted · 1 year
the thing abt spn is that u show it to someone and they're either like eh not my thing (respectable), or they're like damn this is baller. why is it that I can't watch the last 10 seasons tho and then u try to explain the insane plot points that occur in s6-15 and they're like but that sounds great why wouldn't I wanna see that bc they're thinking with their spn s1-5 brain before everybody stopping acting and supernatural became a 4D sporting event for people on tumblr dot com and people who attend supernatural themed conventions in new jersey and you're like I promise sam just stays in hell okay that's the end of the story trust me that's IT
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spnscripthunt · 7 months
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For every $10 you donate to RIP Medical Debt, you will 1) be erasing about $1,000 in medical debt and 2) be entered in a raffle to win one of the items listed below. The more total donations we receive, the more scripts will be made available as prizes.
If donations reach $3000 total, we'll add:
Set: 1.13 'Route 666' - Studio Draft (REPRO); 2.05 'Simon Said' & 2.06 'No Exit' episode arenas signed by Samantha Ferris at Crossroads 6 (Brighton, UK) and Chad Lindberg at Salute to Supernatural: San Francisco 2023; 3.10 'Dream a Little Dream of Me' - Call Sheet: Day 3 of 8 signed by Cindy Sampson at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023
3.04 'Sin City' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki at Creation Tour: Las Vegas 2023; Jim Beaver at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023. Set includes Blue Revisions.
3.08 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki at Creation Tour: Minneapolis 2023. Set includes Blue and Pink Revisions.
13.04 'The Big Empty' - Blue Draft signed by Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Charlotte 2023. Item is missing Act 5 but we'll include a copy of the Act 5 from our Yellow Draftand the Preliminary One Line Schedule from 13.12 'Various & Sundry Villains'.
15.02 'Raising Hell' - Pink Draft signed by Rob Benedict at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023; Osric Chau at Creation Tour: Minneapolis 2023. Set includes Yellow and Green Pages.
Jericho 1.18 'A.K.A.' - Blue Draft (Robbie Thompson's first episode of prime-time television).
The Winchesters - 'Pilot' - 4th Network Draft signed by Drake Rodger, Jojo Fleites, Meg Donnelly, and Gil McKinney at Creation Tour: Dallas 2023; Nida Khurshid at Creation Tour: Atlanta 2023; Jensen Ackles, Louden Swain (Rob Benedict, Michael Borja, Billy Moran, Stephen Norton), and Ruth Connell at Creation Tour: New Orleans 2023; Jim Beaver and Richard Speight Jr. at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023; Tom Welling at The Official Lucifer Convention: New Jersey 2023; Alexander Calvert at Momento Con 2023.
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