#systemy MES
a2automation · 3 months
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sundropsystem · 1 year
Woa. New introject
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leikeliscomet · 5 days
(Reposting from twitter)
My POV as a Black fan that thinks Dot and Bubble's racism commentary is trash
Rewatched Dot and Bubble and I'm gonna break down from my POV as a Black fan why this episode didn't work for me & why it's an awful racism commentary. Long arse post incoming:
The whole "You should've noticed the cast was all white except for fifteen ha your bias is showing" doesn't work for a show that's been predominantly white for 60+ years. D&B casting has been the default for most of the show so its not abnormal enough to be a racial litmus test. An example is the Matt Smith era The only reoccurring character of colour in s5 (2+ appearances) is Liz 10. Artie n Angie in s7. 0 in s6. RTD's own era isn't fully safe either. For many eps Martha or Mickey are the *only* Black characters. Most POC are side characters or extras.
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White fans should be aware of the predominantly white casting of the show but this late in the game feels cheap. Most of the show has gone through 100% white episodes including fan faves and it was never an issue back then bc it was beneficial. This is so hollow. Representing racists as cartoon caricatures SEVERLY underestimates the danger of white supremacy irl. White supremacy is system designed and constructed and rebranded over centuries. It is not accidental. People aren't racist bc they don't know they're racist because they *do* They know the system that oppresses POC, Black people especially, benefits them socially and financially and that is why they participate. Its not stupidity it's intention. That should've been the Finetime core not Lindy goofing around bc the arrows are gone or some shit.
Human Nature showed us racist young people that exercised this power bc they knew this. They may be children but they are still dangerous bc of their views. Martha knew this. The silly tech obsessed gen z angle erases this danger and that of actual gen z white supremacy
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Instead of the camp goofy tone we could've gotten a serious focused episode. The slugs and millenial/gen z social media silly distracts from what could've been the main theme of colonisation instead of saving it for 10 mins of exposition at the end & scattering microaggressions. Saving Fifteen's racism scene for a goofy episode was a horrid idea. Spending 30 mins on representing racism as silliness then giving a dramatic dangerous score is the definition of tonal whiplash. Representing his oppressor as a blonde bimbo again does not take this seriously. Fifteen went to 1960s BRITAIN & got through it unscathed. Finetime is a fictional futuristic land but the racism of 1960s Britain was real. If anytime was right it could've been Devil's Chord. Distancing yourself from a panto villain is easy but addressing your history is hard.
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The scene itself is incredibly performed so I'll give Ncuti his flowers but what he used this skill for could've been so much more. Having his FIRST SCENE begging to save a racist is disgusting. It isn't Black people's responsibility to show compassion to people that want us dead. Yes the Doctor helps the baddies bc they care. But they're aren't ignorant to prejudice. The liberal anti racism of who is so jarring and why I still think Thin Ice is performative. When white people are angry at injustice it's radical. When it's Black people we're aggressive.
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Respectability politics is a tool of white supremacy. That if one pleads and is nice enough they can earn liberation. What would white fans think of Fifteen if he DIDN'T beg Lindy? If your allyship with Black people depends on showing kindness to racists you are NOT an ally.
Next up is Ricky. It was established ALL Finetime citizens have white supremacist views yet Ricky September stans refuse to see him in any negative light. Just like Joan Redfern white dw fans refuse to see racism if a character is likeable. If nice guy Ricky's a racist, then anyone no matter the niceness can be racist too and that's a pill white fans aren't ready to swallow. If racism is systemic and not about individual character, then what's keeping them safe? What happens when YOU are under the microscope.
THIS is why we NEED Black writers in Doctor Who. The nuances, depth and complexity of the Black experience can only be told at it's best by Black creatives and not guessed, assumed or spoken over by white fans and white writers. It's okay to put ego aside and say you don't get it.
"Im white but I loved the Doctor's reaction" "I'm white and i thought the racism commentary was great" "I'm white but i-" Yet again, we have to sit through another round of white and non Black fans of colour dictating Black representation for us. I'm so fucking tired man. AGAIN IM YELLING FROM MY HILLTOP TO WATCH SHOWS BY BLACK WRITERS. Almost EVERY single theme in Dot and Bubble and frankly most of the show has been done WAY better in other media. RTD is not the authority on Black stories. We are. Always have been and always will.
Tl;dr Dot and Bubble is an unserious and tacky racism commentary. It's core message is drowned by more RTD Who camp. Don't tell me this episode was good at representating my own experience. It wasn't. S15 having Black writers isn't a need it's a must. Goodbye.
Reblog this version pls
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sammie217 · 3 months
Call me baby like you used to.
he forgot to kiss you 3 times this week
at first you brushed it off thinking he is stressed because of the schedules.
“im leaving bye” hyunjin said and quickly left
“hyunjin your lunch-“ You said before he closed the door and left
“whatever ill stop by the company and drop it off later”you said to yourself in your head
you cleaned the house before packing his lunch in a cute lunchbox with cute tooth picks and made the fruit into hearts
you went to the cafe near the company building to get hyunjin and the boys coffee they were probably exhausted practicing
you went inside the building
“Hey Y/N!!! i havent seen you in so long” jian one of the staff member said
“yeahh ive been busy lately i missed you where is hyunjins practice room?” you asked
“let me check the systemi think they are at 3rd floor room 325, yeah it says they are” jian responded
“thank you see you around” you waved
“bye” jian waved back
you got in the elevator and pressed 3rd floor
“excuse me do you know where room 325 is?” you asked the lady in the hallway
“its to the right” the lady said
“Thank you have a nice day”
you knocked on the door and chan opened it
“oh hey Y/N come in” chan greeted you
“thank you where is hyunjin?”
“I think he went to help riko with their new dance collab” felix responded
“yeah he did” changbin said
“ohh okay here is coffee for you guys i know you guys are tired”
“thanks Y/N very much needed haha” jeongin replied
“No problem should i leave hyunjins lunch here or go hand it to him? “
“go give it to him he might take long” lee know said
“the room number is 408 by the way” seungmin said
“okay thanks bye see you guys around”
“BYEE” they all said at the same time
you got at the 4th floor and found room 408 you looked from the glass next to the door you saw hyunjin and who you believed was riko on top of hyunjin holding his hands on top of his head
he looked up at the door and saw you looking he looked shocked pushed the girl off and got up to follow you.
you just ran to the elevator with tears in your eyes
“Y/N angel wait” he yelled
he catched you before you entered the elevator
“Let me explain angel-“
“there is nothing to explain hyunjin. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME YOU DIDNT LIKE ME IT WOULD HURT LESS” you said while trying to escape his hug
“let me go!” you said
“wait listen to me” hyunjin said
“what?!!? what is it say it” you yelled while crying
“she was forcefully kissing me i swear!” he said looking into your eyes
“i don’t believe you Hwang Hyunjin” you said angry and sad at the same time
“don’t call me that angel call me baby like you used to”
hyunjin said sadly
“i swear im saying the truth just check the cameras please angel” hyunjin said while also tearing up
“fine. show me the cameras” you said still not believing
“ we need to ask JYPAPI to show” hyunjin said
(i had to include that im sorry)
you went to JYPAPI’s office
hyunjin knocked
“Hello jay papi park can i see the cctv footage of room 408 please” hyunjin asked while bowing
“Hello to you to Hyunjin” jay papi park said
“and hello Y/N” jay papi park waved
you bowed “hello papi park”
“ok hyunjin ill send u the fotage on your phone” papi park said
“okay thank you bye Mr Papi park have fun” hyunjin said
“bye Mr park” you said
“bye kids”
he sent the footage to hyunjins phone and there you saw how she forced him to kiss her
“im still sorry angel it wont happen again” he said while hugging you
“its okay baby i love you”
“how about i take the day off and we hangout for a bit ive been so busy lately sorry for forgetting to give you hugs ahd kisses” hyunjin said
“you noticed too hehe and sure if chan allows you to” you said happily
did i write this at 1 am again?
yes. help it turned out so bad i was planning to make it sad ending but i was like i already made 2 with sad endings anyways so YEAH hope you enjoyed HAVE FUN BYE BYE
send me requests please im running out of ideas 😔😔
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ssasukewasright · 2 years
is crazy when i talk to ppl about naruto bc for them Naruto is just a little anime they like?? Like i could write an entire essay about Sasuke and how the konoha system sucks but for them is just an anime about ninjas lmao. I have all this thoughts and opinions and they're just like 'haha naruto is cool'.
i was talking to this guy and he said 'he wasn't that relevant' when i was talking about Neji and then 'it's not that deep' when i started to talk about the shinobi systemI WAS DYING FROM EMBARRASSMENT WHY AM I LIKE THIS I HATE MYSELF AND NARUTO FOR MAKING ME THIS WAY LMAO
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Taming Paper Chaos
Something I think comes with being home more is you wind up seeing your mess more and that takes a toll when it is literally your only place to be. One thing that I struggled with for years that I finally have seemed to turn a corner on is paper clutter. While I have most things on paperless, there’s always still papers that I need to organize, whether because I have to keep a hard copy or those things that just don’t have paperless options. 
Note: If you don’t have your own place, I have options for bedroom and backpack options further down.
My System
I looked at A LOT of paper organization systems over the years and the one I’ve settled on is mostly inspired by the Minimal Mom on YouTube. One main difference is I have to keep my action items visual or I will absolutely forget them. 
I also don’t have “long term files” the way she does. I’m not sure why but it’s not really been relevant in my life. Perhaps because I don’t have kids and am not likely to be able to own a house.
A note - do not put this in your ideal place. Put this where people are dumping all their papers anyways. That’s usually going to be a flat surface, so try to find or make a vertical one right near it. 
With that in mind, here is my system. 
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Pretty underwhelming right? But let’s talk about the components. The most visual part are my action items which I clip to the front of the fridge. All items get tagged with the task associated with them. This is...so key. Before I’d clip things up and it felt like it would take forever to deal with so I avoided them. Now I realize most paper items really only require one or two tasks at most to deal with and I’m keep the executive functioning of deciding what to do separate from the executive functioning of deciding when to do it. 
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I also don’t fuck with due dates anymore. I just date them with the date they went up on the fridge so I can see how much time has elapsed. As you can see, this one has become a stuck task. I don’t feel too guilty about it because I know I’m working through the wall of awful around it and I’ll get to it when I can. I clear most things by the end of the week they go up. Anything that stays longer than a month - probably a stuck task. 
My items get clipped to the right side of the fridge and get green post it notes and my partner’s get clipped to the left side and get purple post it notes. That way it’s very easy to see who has what task and I don’t feel like I need to nag because it’s very clear, that’s hers and it’s her decision how to handle it. I don’t need to worry about it. 
I also use the post it notes to request her to do non routine tasks I need her to do (lifting things so I don’t throw out my back, maintenance she’s qualified to do but I’m not, etc). It cuts down on nagging because she sees it when she sees it and can decide to do it whenever she feels like it. She generally prefers to texts her requests of me which I’m fine with. 
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Next is the time will tell bin. Coupons you’re not sure you’re gonna use - they go here. Catalogs you might order from - also go here. Can’t think of the next steps with an item but you figure you probably shouldn’t throw it out - put it here. 
The idea with this bin is that is that you go through it every so often, either as if gets full or at regularly scheduled intervals. You see what’s expired, what’s out of season, what’s no longer important to you and you toss those things out. At some point you’ll get tired of seeing something every time you go through it and probably toss it. Or you won’t and it’s fine because it’s contained in this little bin. 
The rule with this bin though is that you can only keep what fits in this bin. If it’s piled up to the point where it’s falling out on the sides, you gotta find something that’s less interesting or relevant to you to get rid of. 
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Last is the important documents folder. This is for ID documents, legal documents, taxes, housing information like current and past leases, etc. This one was supposed to be very bright green so it would be easy to spot and direct people to in an emergency buuut the seller did not send what was pictured and I’m making do with this until I can swap it out. I sit it under the time will tell bin so it’s easy to file things when I’m sorting mail. 
If you only have a room...
If you’re in a dorm, living with roommates, or staying with family, you probably don’t have a big fridge to use to clip up action items. You could swap it for something like a bulletin board but I’m partial to wall grids like this and bulldog clips. You can attach them with removeable wall hooks so they’re very dorm/renter friendly. If you’re short on space you can even put one up on the back of a door. 
I still think it’s important to tag the paper items with the task associated with them and the date you put it up. Some grids have options for bins for pens and the like which would accommodate some post it notes as well, that way you can keep them close at hand. 
That takes care of your action items and the rest can stay the same. Find a spot on a shelf for your time will tell bin and important document folder. Set a reminder to go through it as often as you’d like to if it’s some place you will not easily see it fill up. 
If you’re very mobile...
If you’re very mobile, whether that’s for work or you don’t have a stable living situation or perhaps you’re young and you’re going between the houses of parents who’ve separated each week, you still have options. 
For your action items, I recommend a clear pocket folder with a zip so things don’t get lost and you can clearly see when it has items in it. I’d recommend putting the most urgent item at the front so it stays top of mind. You can keep some post its and a pen in the folder itself and make a rule to tag things with their action before you put it in the folder. 
For your time will tell bin, I’d probably use an opaque pocket folder with a zip. I don’t need to see what’s in it. If I need it, I’ll go looking for it and I’ll clear through it at least once a month anyways. If you get catalogs occasionally, it should be big enough to accommodate those - one of the main things that gets stuck in my time will tell bin especially in spring. It does mean you’ll have less space than a bin so you’ll probably have to churn through it quicker. 
You could also opt for a small accordion folder that isn’t brightly colored - to contrast with your important docs folder. I’d personally worry that that’d make me feel like I needed to sort things into categories which would slow me down and overwhelm me so I probably wouldn’t opt for that. But if that works better for you, go for it! 
And your important documents folder once again would stay the same - brightly colored accordion folder with tabs for personal ID docs, taxes, health records, etc. 
Since these are less visual, it’s extra important to set a reminder on your phone or calendar to nudge you to check them. I’d check the action folder at least once a week and I’d check the the time will tell bin whenever it starts getting full or monthly. Ideally whenever you’re setting up at a place, I’d keep them in a visual place, but I also get sometimes you’re moving literally everyday and that might be a hassle. Use your judgment. 
If you’ve got a backpack with a laptop pocket, consider getting a laptop sleeve for your computer and using the pocket for keeping your paper system in place. Keep it and your planner or bullet journal all in one place and you’ll always know where to look or in an emergency, where to direct people to. 
You have a document that you know isn’t trash. 
Is it important?
>>> If yes, is it urgent/requires action?
>>>>>> If yes, tag it with an action and today’s date. Put with action items.
>>>>>>If no, file in important documents folder.
>>> If no or I don’t know, put in time will tell bin. 
What About...
...school work?
Personally, depending on the amount of paper I’m getting from school, I’d probably just file it according to this system. Tag action items. Time will tell. Important docs - maybe a section for syllabi. I’d also probably use it mostly as an intermediary - digitize what needs digitized, get tasks into my task system (bullet journal; collections). 
But it really depends on what kind of school work you’re doing as to whether that would work. If you’re doing courses that are very paper heavy, an additional system for that work specifically might be needed. 
…receipts, more extensive financial files?
That is not my bag. I avoid that shit like the plague. Check out this video for mid and long term filing options. 
If you’re dealing with someone’s affairs after they’ve passed away, I highly recommend making a separate system (action, time will tell, important docs) for those items as they’re draining to see mixed in with your day to day items. Consider setting up a system like I describe for people who are very mobile and keeping it near by your main system so it’s easy put things where they need to go but you don’t have to look at it all the time. 
...children’s art work?
Memory boxes are great, for you and for kids. Check out this video. 
...schedules, papers I need to reference?
Tag schedules with a post it reminder to put the dates in your calendar, then toss (or scan and toss). For information you need to reference, use a scanner app on your phone to digitize it and attach to a calendar item if relevant or file with digital references. 
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twisting-roads · 11 months
Of the characters in PTOC, about how many of them end up dying? You don't have to give an exact number if it's too spoilery
HEHEHE I actually was over this in a call with some friends
Everyone who dies is X'd out here
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Transistor - Dies during the final confrontation with YEF and Fuel Rod. Her ass got fucking OBLITERATED it was. Kinda graphic
Floodlight - Killed by Photocopy-y with a pole
Krypton - Killed by Floodlight. Got fucken chomped
Systemy - Whereabouts unknown. Went missing a while ago, presumed dead
YEF - Killed by a god. They were just sick of him
Fuel Rod - Fell off a very tall cliff
Silva - Was mistaken for a demon and slaughtered on first sight
Cadmy - She died but?? She didn't???? She was brought back to life by Lkewe'oyn but she was still a corpse? I wouldn't really count her as her being dead now but she certainly died at some point
Io-Xe - The wire was cut
Potato - look at that guy and tell me he's alive and well
Platinum - Killed by Tuna
Goldie - Killed by Tuna
Tuna - Killed by Wolfsaw
Rat - Bled to death in the car
Radium - ????????????? ???? ???? ?????? ???
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idk if its on there but one of my fav things rn i like to consider systemy is chonnys charming chaos compendium album by chonny jash which follows the story of the conflict of Mind, Heart, and Soul. i relate 2 it a lot here and there because it sounds like the kind of stuff thrown around in my headspace with protectors n prosecutors. its a lot to listen to and read the lyrics on but the bidding and all the mind electric variants are good examples 2 me. spring and a storm/storm and a spring and night and light r good too. sorry for big ramble abt this im super interested in it rn tho
Haven't heard of that one before. And nothing wrong with a little infodump!
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writtenwolves · 1 year
Tag Game: This or That Writer's Edition
Thanks for the tag @pens-swords-stuff !
1. historical or futuristic
So, this is an interesting one for me because most of what I write is actually set in the recent past (i.e. 2018) or in the near future (2025-2030ish). I’ve considered doing long-form historical fiction and as of yet, haven’t had any desire for that with a futuristic setting.
2. the opening or closing chapter
(Note from the future: for some reason I read this as opening line, probably because I wanted to talk about opening lines. The principal still stands.)
It’s hard to understate how much I love a really great opening line.
All my stories that get any amount of them written have opening lines (coming up with them is often the thing that gets me to start on an idea). But only stories that both have chapters and get finished (thus far I can more or less only get myself to write chronologically) have closing chapters. I mostly write short fiction, so I’ve written far fewer closing chapters then opening lines.
Also, it’s much easier to create anticipation then it is to satisfy it.
3. light+fluffy or dark+gritty
Is it possible to answer light and gritty? Just to be contrary? My fluff needs an undercurrent of Problems.
4. animal companion or found family
If it makes sense to give my characters an animal companion, I will.
5. horror or romance
I just, do not care about horror. I’ve yet to consume any horror content that left me feeling, you know, horrified, or like I cared about what just happened beyond whether the characters involved are still alive. I haven’t read much horror though, and am interested in changing that at some point, but I don’t see myself writing it.
I’ll happily read, watch, or write romance. I do prefer the pinning phase, though. It’s about the barely concealed longing for me.
6. hard or soft magic system
I don’t have a lot of fantasy opinions, but I like my werewolves as wolves and with a genetic component.
7. standalone or series
A novel is already so long to me. I don’t see myself ever writing a series.
8. one project at a time or always juggling 2+
I think my ideal is to have two projects going at once. One I’m revising/editing and one I’m drafting.
9. one award winner or one bestseller
For some reason, it’s easier to imagine my writing winning an award then it is to imagine it on a bestseller list (Amazon’s fake genres not withstanding.) I guess I don’t know if what I really enjoy writing has that wide of an appeal, but there are a lot of awards out there and I think I could win one of them.
10. fantasy or sci-fi
I could incorporate elements of either, I guess. I have no strong interest in either beyond select tropes. For no particular reason, I’ll give the edge to fantasy.
11. character or setting description
Look, a tree is a tree. It’s treeing. Sunlight illuminates it's leaves emerald etc. A person does so much! They walk across the room, pick up a cup, stare across the room at another character whose also doing something. Both of their faces are creating expressions! Expressions that are impossible to describe! Unknowable thoughts and feelings and universes and the deaths of universes are all in their faces! They need to put down the cup! I am googling ‘what types of pants do men wear’ and ‘parts of the leg.’
That being sad, most of my stories are light on setting. I probably wouldn’t feel this way if I wrote things that required a lot more of it.
12. first or final draft
Depending on what it is, the final draft can be quite nerve-wracking. Nonetheless I like late-stage editing and I love the satisfaction of having written something I like.
13. love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
Love triangles can be done so well or so poorly. If I could either never write romance again, or always have to incorporate a love triangle into any romances, I think the latter could be an interesting challenge. My love triangles would be full of good people doing their best, and it would turn into polyamory a not insignificant amount of the time.
14. constant sandstorm or rainstorm
This is so specific, I wonder what this is a reference to? I have fics where it’s raining the whole time and it sets the scene so well. I have a fic named Rainstorm, actually.
Tagging: @electricbluebutterflies @writing-with-melon @adayforducks and @kissedbydragonfire
No pressure— to answer the tag game at all or to write explanations for the answers.
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noelashe · 2 years
Why ui Cant raed
ICANT REAAAAAAAAAAAAD I Dont read properly i read too slow and thatmakes reading so much tedious andim afraid it isnt worth th e time Buti..Dont want to...Decidea books worth based on the time it takes. I Dont want tpo have limited time..Nomore of this System... I want to read fasterthough For my own good and so that itsmore convenient toThe Systemi Obey.
I Really want to read thoughim gna Cry I Really love reading. I Love getting something fromtext i love stories I Love When ItClicks ANd The emotions it makes me feel..But readingis so difficult IHML
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My Battle with Chronic Illness: The Power of Gratitude
It's easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated when facing life's challenges, especially when you suffer from chronic illnesses like ME/CFS, and chronic pain, but have you considered the power of gratitude? Well, in my journey with chronic illness, I've found it to be immensely helpful in practising—gratitude.
Throughout my life, I have always made a conscious effort to practice gratitude. I firmly believe that being grateful for the people and things in my life is essential for my overall happiness and well-being. I am grateful for my amazing husband, my wonderful children, my mum, my home, my life-long best friend; as well as everything else that positively touches my life. It’s a tool I’ve used throughout my life, and I’ve continued the practice of gratitude with my chronic illness journey; the power of gratitude has shown me that it consistently works wonders. It helps.
I have always felt that it is crucial never to lose sight of the things I am thankful for, especially when life throws curveballs my way.
When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness it changed my perspective on gratitude. My thought process shifted, and I began focusing on being grateful for things that I might have taken for granted before, such as my health, the ability to the everyday activities, even the most mundane/smallest of activities, and especially the support of my loved ones during difficult times.
Gratitude has helped me reaffirm the importance of cherishing what I have and not taking anything for granted. It has helped me maintain a balanced and positive outlook on life despite the challenges I face.
Gratitude as a Resilience Tool
Why Gratitude Matters in Chronic Illness Management
When you're living with chronic illnesses, such as MECFS, focusing on gratitude might seem counterintuitive. Yet, acknowledging the good in my life can significantly impact my mental and emotional well-being. Gratitude diverts attention from the pain and fatigue to the aspects of life that bring joy and satisfaction, however small. It's about finding value in the every day—a conversation with a friend, a comfortable moment, or a personal achievement. Embracing gratitude can help build mental resilience, providing a buffer against the depression and anxiety that often accompany chronic illnesses. By reinforcing a positive mindset, we can cultivate a more hopeful outlook on life, which is crucial for managing long-term health conditions like MECFS.
Grateful for my Support System
I am incredibly grateful for my family and friends, especially during the challenging times I face with my chronic illness. Their unwavering support and understanding have been a source of immense comfort and strength for me. My family members have been my pillars of strength, accompanying me to countless medical appointments, ensuring I adhere to my treatment plan, and providing emotional support when I feel overwhelmed. Similarly, my friends have consistently shown their support through their kind words, encouraging gestures, and simply being present to lift my spirits when I'm feeling low.
Knowing that I have such a strong support system makes dealing with my chronic illness much more bearable, and I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
Transform Perspective
Gratitude has not only helped me cope with my chronic illness, but it has also transformed my perspective on life. Instead of focusing on what's going wrong or what's missing, gratitude allows me to appreciate what's going right and what I already have. It creates a sense of emotional "white space" in my mind, giving me a moment to breathe and refocus amidst the constant health concerns. One personal step that stands out is when I started jotting down things that made me happy despite the pain, and I began to experience unexpected moments of joy. Gratitude truly has the power to uplift me during the toughest of times.
Gratitude has the ability to shift perspective and bring about a sense of peace and contentment, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. It allows me to focus on the positive aspects of my life and appreciate the small moments of joy that may otherwise go unnoticed. By cultivating a grateful mindset, I can find solace and strength in the midst of adversity, knowing that there is always something to be thankful for.
Final thoughts
So, whether you're battling chronic illness or simply navigating through life's general ups and downs, don't underestimate the power of gratitude. It can be our emotional cushion during tough times, reminding us of the good that still exists around us even when it may seem hidden.
About me
I am a married mother of four children, in my mid 40's. I run a small business and enjoy writing, which is why I blog. My blog focuses on my experiences of living with chronic illnesses and disabilities such as ME/CFS, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia. 
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clearwitchcowboy · 2 months
Zarządzanie Nieruchomościami Praga Południe Zarządzanie Nieruchomościami, Administrowanie Niruchomościami Warszawa
3) rejestruje wpływającą i wychodzącą korespondencję, kieruje tą korespondencję do właściwych komórek organizacyjnych zgodnie z dekretacją Dyrektora, ekspediuje korespondencję wychodzącą. 4) Zgłasza propozycje do planów finansowych w zakresie swej działalności. 1) Opracowuje projekty wewnętrznych aktów normatywnych w zakresie realizowanej tematyki. Prowadzi wszystkie sprawy związane z kierowaniem pracowników na renty lub emerytury.
Stępniak Nieruchomości Sp Z Oo
Wynika z niej, między innymi, że blisko 80% najemców zainteresowanych jest mieszkaniami. Wycena nieruchomości ocenia wartość nieruchomości nieruchomości na rynku w https://660cbfc409341.site123.me celach podatkowych, kredytowych lub przed sprzedażą. Rezultatem wyceny jest operat – z szacunkową wyceną, opisem i analizą rynku. Wyceny dokonuje kwalifikowany rzeczoznawca majątkowy, który może korzystać z różnych metod (np. wycena porównawcza, dochodowa, kosztowa). Od momentu powierzenia mojego mieszkania na sprzedaż, do znalezienia klienta minął niecały miesiąc.
Współczesny Handel Nieruchomościami
Prowadzimy konsultacje i szkolenia dla Członków Zarządów Wspólnot i Spółdzielni mieszkaniowych. Nasze usługi są kompleksowe dzięki czemu zapewniamy bezpieczeństwo oraz komfort dla mieszkańców obsługiwanych przez nas nieruchomości. GRUPA AD-BUD funkcjonuje na warszawskim rynku nieruchomości od 1999 roku.
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Skuteczną metodą jest uczestnictwo w szkoleniach online i lektura wartościowych blogów specjalistów. Rok 2023 przyniósł kilka istotnych zmian i nowelizacji w polskim systemie prawnym. Niektóre z tych nowelizacji wpływają bezpośrednio na firmy działające na rynku nieruchomości, podczas gdy inne mogą oddziaływać na biznes w sposób pośredni. Nie bez znaczenia jest również rosnący nacisk na zrównoważony rozwój i ograniczanie emisji CO2. Polska ze względu na swoje strategiczne położenie geograficzne jest jednym z beneficjentów tego trendu.
Chcę otrzymywać informacje pomocne przy sprzedaży, zakupie lub wynajmie nieruchomości. W każdej chwili mogę zrezygnować.(więcej) Zgadzam się na przesyłanie informacji marketingowej e‑mailem, SMS‑em, MMS‑em, poprzez wiadomości w social media. Jedyny dom wolnostojący w inwestycji Owoców Leśnych Bezpośrednio od dewelopera. 116,70 m zlokalizowany w kameralnej inwestycji przy ul.... W wyniku działań firmy Piterson znacznie poprawiła się obsługa mieszkańców, a system raportowania pozwolił zarządowi na bieżącą kontrolę finansów wspólnoty. Bardzo dobra jakość współpracy pozwala mi zarekomendować firmę PITERSON jako bardzo rzetelnego i skutecznego zarządcę nieruchomości.
Zarząd Wspólnoty Mieszkaniowej Apenińska, będąc zadowolonym z dotychczasowej współpracy Status Nieruchomości Mieszkaniowe Sp. Renomę i pozytywny wizerunek naszej firmy budujemy w oparciu o rzetelną, uczciwą i sprawną obsługę naszych petentów oraz wykonywanie usług w oparciu o profesjonalne przygotowanie personelu. ARSAN jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się firmą, oferującą profesjonalną obsługę w zakresie zarządzania i administrowania nieruchomościami. Kiedy już znajdziesz odpowiednią nieruchomość, musisz ustalić cenę zakupu.
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a2automation · 3 months
Komunikacja linii produkcyjnej i zarządzania
Opisałem kilka problemów związanych z komunikacją pomiędzy linią produkcyjną a zarządzaniem/infrastrukturą ogólną firmy oraz sposoby ich rozwiązania przy użyciu systemów MES. Przedstawiłem również sytuacje, w których takie systemy nie będą opłacalne.
Artykuł przeznaczony dla kierowników, specjalistów ds. produkcji, inżynierów kontroli jakości oraz wszystkich zainteresowanych kwestiami optymalizacji produkcji.
Weźmy pod uwagę dwie podobne sytuacje: Pracownik zapisuje informacje dotyczące czasu i rodzaju wykonywanej pracy. Wszystko to jest wprowadzane do komputera na koniec zmiany, albo jest osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie tego zadania (co wymaga czasu). W rezultacie sami pracownicy rejestrują czas potrzebny na proces. Następnie inny pracownik lub kierownik musi ręcznie wprowadzić te dane do komputera. Problem tego podejścia polega na tym, że nośnik papierowy i długopis mogą zostać zgubione, uszkodzone, pracownik może coś błędnie zapisać lub się pomylić, być może nawet celowo. Osoba wprowadzająca te informacje może się mylić, albo danego pracownika może nie być na miejscu. Ponadto, wprowadzenie danych w takim przypadku nie tylko nie jest terminowe, ale zazwyczaj następuje pod koniec zmiany, co nie pozwala "trzymać ręki na pulsie". Pracownicy zbierający produkt w ogóle nie wprowadzają danych dotyczących czasu, etapów itp., a dostępne są tylko informacje o tym, że części zostały pobrane ze składu i wysłane na linię, informacje o tym, że gotowy produkt trafił na linię pakowania lub został przekazany do magazynu/na następną linię. Nie ma informacji na poziomie makro o każdym stanowisku pracy. Może być dostępna informacja od kontroli jakości, ale zazwyczaj odbywa się to przed pakowaniem, a nie na etapach pośrednich. W obu przypadkach trudno jest od razu zrozumieć, gdzie pojawiły się problemy i gdzie wystąpiło wąskie gardło (na przykład w przypadku części niskiej jakości lub uszkodzenia narzędzi przez pracownika). Kolejnym istotnym punktem jest przekazywanie instrukcji i informacji pracownikom bez konieczności organizowania spotkań, na przykład w przypadku zmian w procesie technologicznym. W przypadku dużych zakładów produkcyjnych często konieczne jest częste szkolenie nowych pracowników, a taka metoda za pomocą systemów MES znacznie skraca czas szkolenia i potrzebę kontrolowania nowych pracowników. Zmiana roli pracowników lub przeniesienie ich z jednej linii produkcyjnej na drugą, gdzie potrzebne jest dodatkowe szkolenie. Myślę, że warto wspomnieć trochę o kontroli jakości. Bardzo trudno jest przeprowadzić pełną kontrolę jakości - jest to drogie zarówno pod względem czasu, jak i pieniędzy. Często wszystko sprowadza się do kontroli gotowego produktu, a nie na każdym etapie produkcji. Kontrola na etapach pośrednich może być wykonywana tylko przez pracownika linii. Oczywiście nie można pominąć "czynnika ludzkiego". Nie mówię tutaj o zaawansowanych zautomatyzowanych systemach kontroli jakości ani o sieciach neuronowych.
Rozwiązanie takich problemów w postaci systemu zarządzania i monitorowania produkcją (MES) może pomóc, chociaż nie zawsze (o tym niżej). Dla pracownika interakcja z tym systemem sprowadzi się do kilku kliknięć na ekranie dotykowym, co jest bardzo szybkie i nie pochłania jego czasu, a wszystkie dane można łatwo zapisać w istniejącej infrastrukturze IT i ERP (o problemach z taką integracją opowiem jeszcze). Ponadto pozwoli to na uzyskanie informacji nie tylko z komputera, ale także z innych urządzeń mających dostęp do wewnętrznej sieci firmy. W rezultacie może to poprawić wydajność linii produkcyjnej i zarządzania do 15-20%, a w niektórych przypadkach nawet więcej.
W jakich sytuacjach taki system NIE jest potrzebny? Przy niewielkim obciążeniu linii, zbyt prostym procesie produkcyjnym, wysokim stopniu zautomatyzowania (w takim przypadku można rozważyć inne opcje), słabej organizacji linii (najpierw trzeba to wyeliminować, a potem patrzeć na sytuację). Na przykład, jaki jest sens wydawania pieniędzy na próby poprawy produkcji, jeśli jest ona nieużywana przez ponad 30% czasu z powodu braku obciążenia roboczego? Nie bierzemy pod uwagę sezonowości produkcji, ponieważ ten czynnik często nie odgrywa roli. W przypadku zbyt prostych procesów produkcyjnych taki system nie przyniesie znaczącego wzrostu wydajności i oszczędności firmie, ponieważ - jakie dane wprowadzić, jeśli będą one jednorodne i przewidywalne? W przypadku zrobotyzowanych systemów i maszyn z wieloma czujnikami sprawa jest bardziej skomplikowana, ponieważ często nie wykluczają one udziału człowieka w procesie produkcji, lub te systemy nie dostarczają informacji, która jest od razu widoczna w ogólnej infrastrukturze.
W tych przypadkach kwestia opłacalności pozostaje otwarta, ponieważ cena takich systemów obejmuje nie tylko sprzęt, ale także kod programowy (w moim przypadku kod programowy jest pisany pod potrzeby klienta).
Jeśli dotarłeś do tego miejsca i interesuje Cię ten temat - proszę o wyrażenie opinii w komentarzach, możliwe jest uzupełnienie, udzielenie wskazówek, podzielenie się doświadczeniem.
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elizabethtai · 9 months
Why I'm ditching Obsidian as a task manager
Sometimes a note-taking app should remain a note-taking app. Had interesting conversations with #PKM enthusiasts yesterday & I've decided to move my tasks out of #Obsidian. I list the reasons why here: #NoteTaking #Tech #ProjectManagement #Todoist
When Obsidian stopped working for me as a task managerThere are a few problems with this system, at least, for meI have to add tasks to more than a dozen project notesI have to schedule my tasksI needed mobile access after allI do not get good visibility of my tasksI needed more functionality to my task systemI spend far too much time organising my tasks rather than doing themI’m no longer taking…
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hakkiest · 1 year
respectfully, i think you and the people on that post are having different conversations. they were specifically pointing to behaviors they'd noticed in leftist/feminist spaces, where people lean too heavily into "men are ALWAYS scary and threatening, unlike women!" and just end up reinforcing gender roles and harming the marginalized men in those spaces. when they talk about "antimasculism", they're talking about how people treat masculinity as inherently violent and overbearing (like how you say "loud men are dangerous" as though it's a universally understood fact and not a massive generalization). the point is, they're not talking about a massive prejudice throughout society at large, they're talking a set of beliefs that cause harm in certain progressive spaces, a side effect of the patriarchy that can be harder to notice.
the point of using the word 'antimasculism' (a better known synonym that might also work would be 'toxic masculinity' imo), is to point out how prejudices like transphobia can stem from a fear of an inherently violent masculinity. trans women are hated often because they represent evil, foreign masculinity invading "women's spaces". trans men are often hated for giving up their femininity and becoming abominations, groomers, oppressors, etc by virtue of being masculine. and it's not just about trans people! leather daddies and butch women, for example, are gay subcultures which suffer from hatred as a result of how they express masculinity, being treated as threatening and unnatural and dangerous. racism is influenced by it too: just look at the "angry black man" stereotype and how much harm is caused by it. now, toxic masculinity isn't a form of discrimination in itself, but it's a contributing factor to all these other prejudices - a blunt weapon to keep people in line with their prescribed gender roles, lest they be labeled an Evil, Dangerous, Threatening, Violent Man. and it's wielded against anyone perceived to be masculine in the Wrong way: a woman with a shaved head and a tank top, a man of color being too loud at the wrong time, a man at a pride parade in a leather harness. it's not the sole root of oppression, nor is it a description of an existing hierarchy - just a factor that influences and drives prejudice, one of many.
Hm! That does strike me as a more reasonable interpretation! You might be right. I'd still maintain that calling it antimasculism isn't really helpful, if it is as such you're describing than it's far more helpful to call it what it is. If it's women exerting power over marginalized men, then it's racism, or xenophobia, or classicism. Antimasculism has a heavy 'prejudice' connotations that is just unfair. Men and masculine alligned people do suffer prejudice, but never on the basis of being masc or male. I especially think calling it antimasculism can risk legitimising the fad that masculinity can bring oppression, and that prejudice against marginalised men really is due to their masculinity and not due to other systemis biasis. I think that can be a way more reasonable and constructive conversation feminism spinning right back into being used against masculine ppl
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