#tardive syndromes
egopathic · 1 year
prescribing old generation antipsychotics to kids should be considered child abuse. the side effects of old antipsychotics are severe and not well understood. it is impossible for a child to consent to the possibility of life long averse reactions or to the hellish waking trance that the meds will put you in.
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kaiyodei · 24 days
To long. I lay down. My ears have a feeling. Like being boxed. Maybe 3 times. Maybe a minute in between. Before my heart feels startled. Then, maybe 5 min later, a limb twitch. Months ago before that would have a sensation like my head filled up and expelled something.
And now, after eating these cannibis gummies that are supposed to be trollie worms, every now and then make a chomping movement.
Sometimes all 3 at once.
Since maybe July. T has been going on. The chomp and worm thing was from a few weeks ago.
This goes on every night multiple times a night.I thought I would try not thinking .clearing my mind, and I injured myself. Or maybe it was going from .25 to .50 resperidone. Or maybe it was space candy damage. I do not know.
I am so tired. I wonder if I have paradoxal insomnia. I’m doing a medicine reboot, so after 20 years. Am f the lamotrigine. Thinking that is why I am akways jarred
Seeing all the AI is n Facebook and the whole Israel Hamas Palestine issue and thinking. Need to ruin everyone’s day with faces do not help an anxiety. A frustrating, twitchy, thing
I’m laying there with my arm by my head and I scrape the pillowcase with my nail. The sound sends me jumping with a big flinch. Like my whole body jumps.
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queerpossums · 7 months
next psych appointment is in december, hopefully shit gets better before then. i’m not going on antipsychotics again fuck that
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dissociacrip · 10 months
anyway um. shoutout to disabled people who move their bodies in ways that are considered "wrong" or "abnormal" regardless of the cause or how it's classified. and this isn't limited to just ambulation.
paralysis. dystonia. gait abnormalities. people with muscle weakness and/or atrophy. people with brain damage. rotational differences. clubfoot. knocked knees. other limb and bodily differences. functional deformities that affect movement. tissue contracture. muscular dystrophies. spasticity. impaired proprioception, balance, and/or coordination. chronic pain. spinal disorders. dyspraxia/DCD. apraxia. ataxia. dystaxia. tourette's syndrome and other tic disorders. conversion symptoms. tremors. neurodegenerative disease. degenerative bone diseases. joint instability. myoclonus. parkinsonism. tardive dyskenisia. various other neurological problems.
...and the list goes on.
personally i feel a bit surreal when my body not doesn't always move in the ways i want it to because that straightforward connection that's there for abled people has been disrupted in a myriad of ways. but no one is gross, ugly, or scary for being unable to move their body in ways that society considers "normal" and "healthy." no one deserves to be gawked/stared at or treated like they're subhuman because of the way their body moves.
it's okay for us to exist.
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mischiefmanifold · 8 months
Hey there, do you have some cool sources on other types on involuntary movement that are not tics?
Yes, I do! Here is a list of involuntary movements, a simple description, and links to resources on them:
Akathisia -> an inability to remain still
StatPearls article
cleveland clinic article (very good)
Akinesia -> the loss of spontaneous, voluntary muscle movement
StatPearls article (free article)
healthline article
Athetosis -> slow, continuous, involuntary writhing movements commonly affecting arms and hands
healthline article
Chorea -> rapid, chaotic movements that seem to flow from one body part to another
NINDS article
StatPearls article
Dystonia -> sustained or repetitious muscular contractions; often produces abnormal posture
mayo clinic article
NINDS article
StatPearls article
Hemiballismus -> sudden, intermittent, flinging, or ballistic high amplitude movements commonly affecting proximal limb muscles
StatPearls article
Myoclonus → sudden, brief, involuntary muscle twitches
mayo clinic article
NINDS article
StatPearls article
Parkinsonism -> a clinical syndrome characterized by slowness, rigidity, tremor, and postural instability
StatPearls article
parkinson's disease vs parkinsonism
types of parkinsonism (parkinson's UK)
types of parkinsonism (parkinson's foundation)
Stereotypies -> repetitive, rhythmic movements with typical onset in early childhood
stereotypies in adults
medlink article
Tardive Dyskinesia -> uncontrollable and repetitive movements of the tongue, lips, face, trunk, and extremities
webmd article
Tics -> sudden, rapid, recurrent, and nonrhythmic movements or vocalizations
mayo clinic article on tourette syndrome
NINDS article on tourette syndrome
child mind institute article on tics and tourette
Tremor -> rhythmic back-and-forth or oscillating involuntary movements
NINDS article
classification of tremor
(at request I can find Tumblr or blog posts talking about personal experiences with some of these movements)
Basic definitions come from this article: https://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/effects/drug-induced-abnormal-involuntary-movements-prevalence-and-treatment/
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mcatmemoranda · 9 months
If you miss three or more days of Lamictal, you have to restart it at the low dose and titrate up. If the patient gets any sort of rash whatsoever, they should stop Lamictal and never receive it again. It can cause Steven Johnson syndrome. Lamictal (lamotrigine) and Seroquel (quetiapine) are both okay for treatment of bipolar disorder in pregnancy. Lamictal is not as safe for breast-feeding a seroquel is. Lamictal can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills. Although Lamictal can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills, the likelihood of getting pregnant by accident is low. You start with 25 mg QD for two weeks and then increase to 50 mg QD for two weeks and then increase to 100 mg x1 week, and then increase by 50 mg every week if needing higher doses. You can go up to 200 mg a day if necessary. If you need more than that, then you can divide the dose b.i.d. You should use the lowest dose with the best effect.
Depakote and lithium should not be used in women of childbearing age.
So I asked her about lithium for bipolar disorder as well. Before starting you can check some baseline labs. At least check calcium, TSH, creatinine; monitor these as well as the serum lithium level. The therapeutic lithium level range is between 0.5 and 0.8. If the patient is acutely manic, 1.2 is a therapeutic level. When the patient is manic, serum levels of lithium are lower. When the patient is not manic anymore, he can have toxicity from increased doses that you needed during the manic episode. So you need to increase carefully and decrease it after they’re out of the manic episode. Monitor the patient two times a week with labs until they’re stable.
You can use mood stabilizers that are antipsychotics or mood stabilizers that are not antipsychotics. The mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder that are non-antipsychotics and therefore have no risk of causing tardive dyskinesia include lithium, Lamictal, Depakote, Trileptal, Tegretol. Lamictal is a moderate mood stabilizer and is not strong enough for patients with bipolar 1, who you have episodes of mania. It may be better for patients with bipolar 2, who have hypomania or not really any real manic episodes. Lamictal works for irritability as well in patients with borderline personality disorder. The antipsychotics that can be used as mood stabilizers include olanzapine, seroquel, Abilify, Latuda, vraylar, caplyta. The antipsychotics cause tardive dyskinesia because they occupy the D2 receptors. She doesn’t use Latuda as monotherapy. Vraylar has no sexual side effects. She said to stick with the lower dose, which is 1.5 mg, unless the patient is really manic. It takes 2 to 3 weeks for Vraylar to work. You can stay at the 1.5 mg dose for four weeks and then see the patient again and evaluate whether or not you want to increase the dose. Caplyta is sedating and you should tell patients to take it two hours before bedtime. Don’t start at the 42 mg dose. Use the 10.5 mg dose for elderly patients or the 21 mg dose for younger patients.
Ingrezza can treat tardive dyskinesia (send to Genoa pharmacy). Austedo is an older med for TD. Amantadine can also help.
Elderly patients should not receive benzodiazepines. You can use melatonin or trazodone for sleep problems in elderly patients. If they come to you and they are on benzos, she said you can slowly convert them to Valium (but Valium is a benzo so I’m confused by that🤷🏽‍♀️). There’s something called the UK benzo taper which is done over eight weeks.
Medication for schizophrenia include olanzapine and vraylar. Thorazine increases the risk of QT prolongation. Vraylar and caplyta do not increase weight gain. Injectable meds are also effective and are good for patients with poor compliance. If someone is of Asian descent you do gene screening before starting Lamictal. You can use Wellbutrin to treat ADHD but it’s not as effective. For children you can give them strattera, qelbree, or guanfacine, which are not stimulants. There are two classes of stimulants that can be used for ADHD which are the amphetamines and the methylphenidates. Some people have better success with one drug class or the other. So if they don’t do well on the amphetamines you can try the methylphenidates.
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schizopositivity · 1 year
please read this article if you are on antipsychotics and/or SSRIs!!
Akathisia is not the same as tardive dyskenesia, restless leg syndrome or restlessness from neurodivergence like adhd, psychosis or anxiety.
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auditionmarcboulet · 2 days
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groupnembutalstore · 1 month
Vraylar Cariprazine Capsules: Revolutionizing Bipolar Disorder Treatment
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Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by extreme mood swings, bipolar disorder can significantly disrupt daily life and relationships. However, with advancements in medical science, innovative treatments like Vraylar Cariprazine capsules have emerged, offering hope and relief to individuals struggling with this condition.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder encompasses several variations, including bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, and cyclothymic disorder. Each type presents distinct patterns of mood episodes, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows.
Symptoms and Challenges
The symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary widely and may include manic episodes characterized by elevated mood, impulsivity, and reduced need for sleep, as well as depressive episodes marked by sadness, fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness. Managing bipolar disorder can pose significant challenges, impacting various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and overall well-being.
The Role of Vraylar in Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Vraylar, also known by its generic name Cariprazine, belongs to a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics. It works by modulating dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, helping to stabilize mood and reduce the frequency and severity of manic and depressive episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder.
Mechanism of Action
Unlike traditional antipsychotics, Vraylar exhibits partial agonist activity at dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT1A receptors, as well as antagonist activity at serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. This unique mechanism of action allows for targeted modulation of neurotransmitter activity, resulting in improved mood regulation.
Efficacy and Benefits
Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Vraylar in reducing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, including manic and depressive episodes. Additionally, Vraylar has shown promise in preventing relapse and maintaining long-term stability in patients with bipolar disorder.
Dosage and Administration
Recommended Dosage
The recommended starting dose of Vraylar for the treatment of bipolar disorder is typically 1.5 mg once daily, with subsequent dose adjustments based on individual response and tolerability. Dosage may be increased to a maximum of 6 mg daily, depending on the severity of symptoms and therapeutic response.
Administration Guidelines
Vraylar capsules should be taken orally with or without food, preferably at the same time each day, to maintain consistent plasma levels. It is essential to follow the prescribed dosage and administration instructions provided by healthcare professionals to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.
Side Effects and Precautions
Common Side Effects
Like all medications, Vraylar may cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Common side effects may include nausea, insomnia, weight gain, and akathisia (restlessness). These side effects are usually mild to moderate in severity and may subside over time.
Serious Side Effects and Precautions
In rare cases, Vraylar may cause more severe side effects, such as tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements), neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), and metabolic changes. It is crucial to monitor for any signs of these serious side effects and seek medical attention if they occur.
Safety and Warnings
Drug Interactions
Vraylar may interact with other medications, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, and certain antibiotics. Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and herbal remedies you are taking to avoid potential drug interactions.
Vraylar is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to cariprazine or any other components of the formulation. It should also be used with caution in individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease, seizures, or metabolic disorders.
Patient Experience and Reviews
Real-Life Experiences
Many individuals living with bipolar disorder have shared their experiences with Vraylar, highlighting its effectiveness in managing symptoms and improving overall quality of life. Real-life testimonials provide valuable insights into the practical impact of Vraylar on daily functioning and emotional well-being.
User Feedback and Testimonials
User feedback and testimonials often emphasize the positive effects of Vraylar, such as mood stabilization, reduced mood swings, and enhanced social functioning. However, it is essential to recognize that individual responses to medication can vary, and not everyone may experience the same benefits.
Comparisons with Other Treatments
Contrasting Vraylar with Other Medications
When considering treatment options for bipolar disorder, healthcare providers may compare Vraylar with other medications, such as lithium, anticonvulsants, and other atypical antipsychotics. Each treatment modality has its unique benefits and potential side effects, and the choice of medication should be tailored to individual needs and preferences.
Pros and Cons
Vraylar offers several advantages over traditional antipsychotics, including a lower risk of metabolic side effects and a reduced likelihood of extrapyramidal symptoms. However, like any medication, Vraylar has its limitations and may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks when considering Vraylar as a treatment option.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Vraylar used for?
Vraylar is primarily used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, specifically for the management of manic and depressive episodes.
How long does it take for Vraylar to work?
The onset of action of Vraylar may vary from person to person, but some individuals may start to notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks of starting treatment.
Can Vraylar be used for other conditions?
While Vraylar is approved for bipolar disorder, it may also be prescribed off-label for other psychiatric.
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angeldustanalog · 1 month
i just found out about the ‘girl interrupted syndrome’ tag and not to brag but ive been hospitalized at mclean multiple times and have taken thorazine on/off for years to the point of a tardive syndrome because it sounded like itd be interesting in the book so basically
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its-ticsticstics · 1 year
Why do I find people using the term "Anxiety tics" Dangerous, as some with Tourettes Syndrome
First- "anxiety/nervous tics" is just a poorly worded category of anxious/self-soothing behaviours like nail biting, leg shaking, spine shivers, etc.
Tics are involuntary motor and/or vocal expression that are nonpurposefull, wax and wane in severity, and while can be worsened by anxiety, are NOT caused by anxiety.
TICS ARE CAUSED PRIMARILY BY DYSFUNCTION IN THE BASAL GANGLIA IN THE BRAIN (other cause however are Tardive Dyskinsia, PANS/PANDAS/BGE, FND, brain injury, and sometimes Frontal Lobe Epilepsy; never by mental illness).
And people believing that tics are "caused by anxiety" means that when someone like myself goes to the ER for a tic attack, we're treated like its mental illness when its NEUROLOGICAL.
I'm having a physically dangerous tic attack I need a benzo or anti-epileptic drugs- NOT a referral to a psychiatrist.
I'm not saying tics are worse than anxiety but I AM saying that they require different treatments and with this constant misinfo, those of us with Tourettes breaking our bones during a tic attack, will never get the proper help we need.
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swatikhanduri · 2 months
Arip MT 5 mg Tablet: In-Depth Exploration of Side Effects
Arip MT 5 mg tablet, a widely prescribed antipsychotic medication, can exhibit various side effects. While many users tolerate the medication well, it is crucial to be aware of potential adverse reactions. This detailed examination aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the side effects associated with Arip MT 5 mg tablet.
Common Side Effects:
1. Drowsiness:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may cause drowsiness, particularly during the initial stages of treatment. Users are advised to exercise caution while engaging in activities that require alertness, such as driving, until they ascertain how the medication affects them.
2. Weight Gain:
Weight gain is a reported side effect of Arip MT 5 mg tablet. This can be attributed to its impact on appetite and metabolism. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help manage this side effect.
3. Dry Mouth:
Some users may experience dry mouth, a common side effect. Staying well-hydrated and using sugar-free gum or candies can alleviate this discomfort.
Less Common Side Effects:
1. Orthostatic Hypotension:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may lead to a drop in blood pressure upon standing, resulting in dizziness. Users are advised to rise slowly from a sitting or lying position to minimize this risk.
2. Extrapyramidal Symptoms:
In rare instances, users may experience movement disorders such as tremors or stiffness. Prompt reporting of any unusual symptoms to healthcare providers is essential for evaluation and potential adjustments to the treatment plan.
3. Hyperglycemia:
Arip MT 5 mg tablet may influence blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with diabetes. Regular monitoring of glucose levels is recommended, and users should promptly inform their healthcare provider of any significant changes.
Serious Side Effects:
1. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS):
Though rare, NMS is a severe reaction characterized by hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, and altered mental status. Immediate medical attention is crucial if any symptoms suggestive of NMS arise.
2. Tardive Dyskinesia:
A potentially irreversible movement disorder, tardive dyskinesia may develop after prolonged use of Arip MT 5 mg tablet. Regular monitoring and early detection are vital for minimizing the risk.
Mental and Mood Changes:
1. Suicidal Thoughts:
Antipsychotic medications, including Arip MT 5 mg tablet, may, in some cases, lead to suicidal thoughts. Close monitoring by healthcare professionals is crucial, especially during the initial stages of treatment.
Allergic Reactions:
1. Skin Rash:
Allergic reactions may manifest as skin rashes. If any unusual skin changes occur, seeking medical attention promptly is advised.
2. Swelling:
Facial swelling, particularly around the eyes, lips, or tongue, requires immediate medical attention, as it may indicate a severe allergic reaction.
Understanding the spectrum of side effects associated with Arip MT 5 mg tablet empowers users to make informed decisions about their mental health treatment. It is imperative to communicate openly with healthcare providers, promptly reporting any concerning symptoms for timely evaluation and intervention.
Visit :
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Actually there’s a couple spots where I could see the possible illusion I spoke about in my last post, so just a reminder that anytime in this video where it looks like I’m looking at the camera, it just means my eyes passed that direction.  It’s not an indicator of what I was paying attention to.
So this happened to me during a gallery opening where some of my work was being shown.  And while I was heading into extreme shutdown, and often aware less of my surroundings and more of an internal scene playing out in my head way more vividly than it should have(1), I still had the presence of mind to tape this for a minute so I could figure out what it looked like from the outside and maybe ask people questions later.
This was also five years ago or longer.  Before my adrenal insufficiency or (probably-congenital) myasthenia diagnoses, but after they had begun to intertwine in extremely unpleasant ways.  I now suspect high stress caused my body to enter all kinds of weird states, some of them dangerous.  Later that week I took part in a stressful online interaction.  It was the last straw that led to my needing to use a bipap (on settings for central apnea that also work for breathing muscle weakness) to aid my breathing muscles for most of the rest of that week.
But anyway -- the things my eyes and face were doing were very common back then when I got tired, overloaded, etc.  I was sitting next to a blind woman here, and people assumed I was blind too, and began touching me to get my attention, which only made everything ten times worse.  I hate being touched by drunk people and everyone was at minimum tipsy.  
Anyway was wondering if anyone has experience with these kinds of eye movements that seem to be related to any of the following singly or in combination:
Autism (and/or cousins)
Catatonia-like and/or parkinson-like movement disorders (and/or cousins)
Myasthenia gravis
Congenital myasthenic syndrome
Adrenal insufficiency (not ‘adrenal fatigue’)
Any of the tardive movement disorders or things resembling them (permanent movement disorders brought on by us of neuroleptic drugs -- tardive dyskinesia, tardive dystonia, tardive akathisia, etc.)
Mayyyybe epilepsy but my seizures don’t normally look like this and I don’t think it was a seizure, just adding it for the sake of completeness
In the case of any of these, I’d be curious to know more.  It’s obviously not a big deal given this was 2012, and things like this don’t happen so much anymore.  But this used to be an incredibly common thing for my eyes to start doing when I got stressed, overloaded, or tired.  It obviously makes m visual processing go to crap.
This nightmare was the last art opening I ever attended. Here’s a crappy photo of the painting (with a lamp and people reflected in the frame).  My  art never photographs well at the best of times but this one isn’t terrible considering all the reflections and the fact photographing always makes my paintings lose layers and depth:
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I am glad I went-- there was a lot of great art there -- but i’d have to seriously question myself if I did it again, and take more precautions.  I had been in galleries before this, but this opening was the least pleasant I’ve ever experienced just for the sheer number of drunk people.  Drunk people always feel like their personal space bubble vastly overextends beyond their bodies so they’re smashing into me even when they’re not touching me, and touching me is even worse.  
I felt very grateful to be included with so many good artists though, and I tried to be polite to the drunk people but I eventually lost the ability to respond at all.  Hundreds of them filed by and wanted to talk or touch me or both and I couldn’t say enough to stop them, and my pre-assigned caregiver didn’t know me well enough to know I was in trouble.  And you can hear the sheer number of people just on the video.
Also I felt and saw that my eyes were all over the place but I was surprised to later see in the video that other parts of my face were twitching.  I didn’t feel that at all at the time.
(1) This sort of thing is highly unusual for me.  It felt like I was falling endlessly down a pit and lying on the floor and getting slashed to pieces with something sharp, or something like that.  At the time I interpreted it as an impending shutdown so severe that ordinary shutdown didn’t cover the experience.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
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This is from the First Aid Psychiatry Clerkship book.
You can also give benzos or cyproheptadine for serotonin syndrome.
From Medscape:
The evidenced-based guidelines of the American Academy of Neurology recommend the use of clonazepam and ginkgo biloba for TD.
Since these guidelines were last issued, the FDA has approved valbenazine (Ingrezza), the first drug to treat tardive dyskinesia. Valbenazine is a selective vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitor. These drugs modulate the presynaptic packaging and release of dopamine into the synapse, and may offset the movement-related effects of antipsychotics and other dopaminergic blockers. Approval was based on the KINECT 3 trial that included patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or a mood disorder who had moderate or severe tardive dyskinesia. Of the 225 participants, 205 completed the study. Based on the AIMS dyskinesia score, results showed valbenazine significantly improved tardive dyskinesia compared with placebo.
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guesswhogotaname · 2 years
Ça vous a plu? Et bien, on continue!
Hé l'équipe, ça dit quoi les bails?
On avait parlé longuement du prénom de Guenièvre, ainsi que ses origines. Mais maintenant, je vous propose de parler d’Arthur (ça lui fera plaise d’être le centre de l’attention hein)…
J’aimerais explorer l’aspect du prénom d’Arthur et le fait qu’il change très souvent au cours de sa vie, et la plupart du temps, contre sa volonté. Arthur a une relation très compliquée avec son prénom, l’héritage laissé par son père, son titre et ce qu’il représente. Il n’arrive pas à s’approprier son identité (+ p’tit syndrome de l’imposteur quand il devient Roi).
Quand il né, Uther est encore au pouvoir et c’est un fils illégitime, il ne peut pas rester au château de Tintagel, c’est trop dangereux. Le seul cadeau que sa mère lui donne avant de l’abandonner, c’est son prénom Arthek (en cornique, ce prénom signifie ours, Ygerne en laissant son fils lui offrir une ultime protection, celui de la déesse celte Artio, force de nature, invincible et symbole de la royauté). Il reste quelque temps sous la protection de Merlin, loin du courroux du tyran Pendragon.
Merlin ne peut s’occuper du petit garçon, sans éveiller les soupçons d’Uther. Merlin laisse Arthek chez Anton, très loin de la cour du Roi. Chez Anton il sera Arzh (qui signifie ours en Celte ancien).
Mais à l’âge de six ans, il est embarqué pour une nouvelle vie à Rome, loin de la Bretagne et de son père. Là-bas, il est appelé Arturus et le restera jusqu’à son retour sur l’île où il sera nommé Roi.
En acceptant son destin, il doit faire face à l’héritage de son père: Yrth Pen Draig (en gallois).
Uther Pendragon, qui avait établi son siège dans la région de Rhos dans le Pays de Galles. Arthek abandonne le prénom de sa mère pour honorer la mémoire de son père et de ses origines galloise. Lors de son couronnement, il devient Arthrhy Pen Draig (Chef dragon)
Lors de glorieuses et victorieuses batailles, le Roi Arthrhy gagne de nombreux surnoms tels que Ewnder-Owrek (chevalier d’or en cornique). Suite à une prouesse militaire en Carmélide, il est appelé Neartail Claidheamh (chevalier à la puissante épée). Dans le pays de Galles, il est aussi appelé Arfderydd (ardant combattant) en référence à une bataille où il a fait preuve de courage et de vaillance avec son épée flamboyante.
Au début de leur mariage Guenièvre l’appelle Artair qui est l’équivalant de son prénom en gàidhlig, bien sûr, elle essaye de prononcer son prénom en gallois, mais elle a beaucoup de mal.
Le couple, évidemment, ne se comprend pas. Ils ont toujours besoin d’un interprète, ou quelqu’un pour traduire. Au final, ça agace tellement Arthur qu’il décide de ne plus faire d’effort. Guenièvre, désespérée de ne pas communiquer avec son mari et aussi par agacement, utilise un titre honorifique pour lui Rìgh Fiùghach (Digne Roi), vu qu’ils se comportent comme des inconnus, Guenièvre est très distante et courtoise (poli à l’extrême). Elle s’adresse à son époux seulement par son titre de souverain.
Pour les habitants de la Petite Bretagne (Gaunes, Vannes, Armorique) on l’appelle Roue Arzhur (breton continental)
Le Seigneur Perceval est le seul à insister pour utiliser le titre Amerauder (empereur en gallois) devant son nom.
Le prénom Arthur deviendra tardivement son prénom officiel. Pendant plusieurs années il garde son prénom gallois. Mais au fur et à mesure que sa relation avec sa femme s’améliore, ils discutent ensemble et s’apprivoisent. C’est avec elle qui exprimera cette angoisse par rapport à son prénom. Il créera le prénom Arthur en utilisant le terme gallois Arth (ours/guerrier) + Thurel (roi) et il obtient Arthurel (roi des guerriers). Mais, c’est avec l’initiative de Guenièvre, qui avec son accent ne prononce pas le « el » à la fin et donne naissance au prénom Arthur (qui sera également utilisé dans les récits de la légende écrite par le Père Blaise). Et pour la première fois, Arthur est fier de son prénom, parce qu’au même titre que Kaamelott et le Royaume de Logres, c’est quelque chose qu’il a créé lui-même.
MENTION HONORABLE : En Irlande il est appelé Ruiri Artorí et le Chef Burgonde l'appelle Artour
MENTION UN PEU TRISTE POUR FINIR : quand Arthur remet Excalibur dans le rocher et abandonne le pouvoir, il refuse qu’on l’appelle par son prénom de souverain (celui en gallois et l’autre cornique). Il décide de reprendre le nom qu’il avait chez Anton, la période la plus belle de sa vie, où il était vraiment heureux.
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