What's the best portrayal of yourself you've seen in modern media?
Good day my darling mask.
Have thus a podium from nearest to farthest to me.
This one, I'd suppose. Svjatoslav Richter certainly knew how to play, which is the most important thing, and his mannerisms are exact to what has made me despised by many. Alas, he lacks in height and voice... One cannot have everything... This is what I would present myself as, all around and most of all as an artist.
Sviatoslav Richter as Franz Liszt in the "Glinka - The Composer" movie - YouTube
As to media centered around my person, the only two I would save are the long performance by Géza D. Hegedüs... Which stars as well as Daniel, my son, at one point...
...and, but to a much lower degree, fitting for looks and self-deprecament, Geordie Johnson in Liszt's Rhapsody.
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versinator · 2 months
Kigyöngyözött teleki
Csontjainkból fajod nyelveddel rózsalevél Hortobágyon kedvesi nyügét könyöknél Aszu tapodó itatod nevelnek Követném hatalmasoknak vívjak szerencsének Hintsenek sert toborzón vívtál Sírunkból hervadástól messzünnen harmóniánál
Istenkék gyávát lenyesve barnult Nyere plutarch pályabért érdemelt Rokonvér szárnyaiddal amalthea mindenhatóság Harcokon koncertjein phoenixként aggság Tanítni megszáná százfelé asztaloknál Elenyészett ugró bodrogra ablakoknál
Fridrik leveté megtámadni sírköveknél Iphigenia mezeink eltörlődik aurél Ingadoz áldozz gyökerit elrepülnek Epedez párducos vedreiből megfeleljenek Láncában barátságnak chloe bízzál Tájékon érdemet jegyesét zsámolyánál
Közjó ölelkezve hörpölték virúlt Legeltetik gazdagítja lángjaival virágszált Amellyet fájdalmakkal dugá balgatagság Tanácsán szavu szózatos gyarlóság Kardomat izzada pindar boltoknál Szűzei bujdostam kopernik tapodtál
Vigadoztak álomképet visszahozzák szöktél Készti körüled fonják tekintettél Lebegjenek lapályt kimondanom gyönyörűségek Tigrise rekeszbe amor tetőnek Változtatás nyeri athéne nyílásoknál Csatolod kinyisd korodban szakál
Elmenék megutált megúnták kiemelt Ösvényemet tí újolag béborúlt Példád választják kegyekkel viszontság Reszketi tornácába gyalázza aranyvilág Kóborolva nagyravágyás székiben Ragadjon tanuljatok csókolgatni
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aleesabella · 7 months
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IG/ thehotblend
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June 4th, 1920. Day of the Treaty of Trianon.
On this day, the Hungarian delegation signed a treaty that sealed the fate of the nation. We lost more than ⅔ of our country.
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After the First World War, Mihály Károlyi, who did not know how to lead took over the power of the country. This man disbanded the army returning from the war because he was so pro-peace. However, Károlyi did not see that this was a huge mistake, because the country was hit by smaller attacks and he did not want to defend, so control slowly slipped out of his hands.
Károlyi resigned and was replaced by a party allied with the Soviet Union, so the country was suddenly under communist rule. The communists were in the country for 133 days and I won't rant about it for a long time because we all know what it's like when they rule. Though we can thank them for creating a strong, unified army that recaptured the Highlands in two weeks. Just a bad decision as a result, half the army withdrew and the communists resigned too, so we were left alone with a vulnerable country.
Meanwhile, the Romanians attacked us, and a very small part remained for us, around Lake Balaton. The different governments changed each other every week, and in the meantime a letter arrived from Paris. Of course, that was an invitation to the peace talks, but everyone knew that this would not end well. Yes, the country came out of the world war as a loser, but then it was still part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Necause when the Germans dragged the Austrians into WW1, the then Hungarian Prime Minister (István Tisza) said that there was no question of war, but there was not much of a choice.
Count Albert Apponyi and Pál Teleki went to Paris to convince them of the better fate of the country, because a large part of the Hungarians would have been sent across the border. Teleki made a map, on which he marked the areas inhabited by Hungarians in red, and asked that the border line be drawn outside them. Apponyi gave a famous speech in English, but when the French responded in their own language, he gave it in French as well. Then in Italian. Then in Russian. The delegation was impressed, but not pardoned.
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The new prime minister, Miklós Horthy, refused to sign the contract, so two insignificant people were sent. One of them signed while standing because he didn't want to pay respect.
The country decreased from 282,000 km² to 93,000 km². 3,3 million Hungarians crossed the border. The Hungarian army was capped at 35,000 and reparations had to be paid.
Hungary suffered greater losses than the Germans.
„Szánd meg Isten a magyart Kit vészek hányának, Nyújts feléje védő kart Tengerén kínjának. Bal sors akit régen tép Hozz rá víg esztendőt, Megbűnhődte már e nép A múltat s jövendőt!“
Kölcsey Ferenc: Himnusz (részlet) (1823)
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dedibelyegei · 1 year
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Érkezik is az 1987-es Kastélyok második fele, a Kastélyok III. Tokyo Drift, úgymond betömni a lukat az előző értékek között. Kicsivel később jelentek meg ezek a bélyegek abban az évben, mint társaik, és a 100-as kivételével némileg kevesebb is készült belőlük, ezt a tiszta 50 Ft-ost néhány száz forintért vesztegetik, a 70 Ft-os postatisztán közelítheti az ezrest is akár, kár hogy az enyém picit be van tépve :( Itt már feltűnnek nem annyira 'elsővonalas' kastélyok is a minták közt, érdekes még, ahogy a 40-50-en kicsit viccesen oldották meg a hosszú név okozta problémát, de végülis eredetibb mintha kétsorban írták volna. Lássuk hát őket:
Edelény - L'Huillier-Coburg kastély (40 Ft)
A kastélyt 1716-ban kezdi el építettetni Jean-François L’Huillier. Na de, hogy kerül Edelénybe egy ilyen nyilvánvalóan francia ember. Nos Jean-François Elzászban született, és akkoriban sok fiatalemberhez hasonlatosan katonának ment. Úgy esett, hogy 18 évesen résztvett Buda várának visszafoglalásában a töröktől, aztán jól itt is ragadt, egészen a XVII. század legvégéig résztvesz a törökök elleni végleges kiszorító csatákban, majd 1700-ban magától II.Rákóczi Ferenctől (aki ekkor még 'csak' főispán) tíz évre bérbeveszi az edelényi birtokot. Ekkor azonban még sok minden nem történik, hiszen beköszönt a szabadságharc ideje, és hősünket is letartóztatják összeesküvés gyanújával, de aztán szük egy év után ártatlanságát nagy nehezen bizonyítva szabadul, és rövid időre el is hagyja az országot. Végülis a sok viszontagság és kisebb káosz után, végülis a meghosszabodott bérleti szerződéssel hozzájut birtokához és a fent írt évtől megkezdődik az építkezés, mely egészen 1730-ig tartott, és a gróf maga már nem érte meg az elkészülést, a '20-as évek végén meghal, neje fejezi be az építkezést. Egyébként Magyarország hetedik és egyik legnagyobb barokk kastélya az épület. Az 1770-es években a gróf unokája és férje (Esterházy István) nagyobb átalakításokat eszközöl, 'rokokósít' ekkor készül el a hat falfestmény is, ami az egyik legjelentősebb látványosság itt. A birtok a pár halála után Dessewffy Ferencre száll, azonban miután ő utódok nélkül huny el 1820-ban, az egész uradalom visszaszállt a kincstárra. A kincstártól 1831-ben vásárolja meg a német Szász-Coburg-Gotha családból származó Ferdinánd herceg, így lesz ez a kastély második neve. Ez a család azonban nem itt székel, az edelényi birtokot és vele az épületet inkább gazdasági és befektetési megfontolásból vásárolta. Az 1840-es években cukorgyár alapul, a területen pedig komoly mezőgazdasági tevékenységet folytatnak. A kastélyt az 1860-as évek elejétől elkezdik bérbeadni államigazgatási célokra, és közben az épület lassú pusztulásnak indult, hiszen lényegében a Dessewfy időszak óta nem volt főúri rezidenciaként használva. A századfordulón egyes épületeket le is bontanak, és a kertet is átalakítják (de szarul). A XX.század első évtizedeire annyira leromlik az állapot, hogy muszáj felújításokat eszközölni, ezek persze átalakításokkal is járnak, megjelenik a neobarokk stílus, manzárdtetőt emelnek, ilyesmik, összességében itt jelentősen megváltozik a kastély képe és struktúrája. '12-től bérbe adják a Bódvavölgyi bányatársaságnak, míg aztán végül 1928-ban végül megvásárolja a család leszármazottaitól az Igazságügyi Minisztérium. Innen a II.világháború végéig egy kis fellendülés történt a kastély életőben, több részét rendberakták és járásbíróság költözött bele, aztán viszont sajnos 1945-ben inkább már szovjet parancsnokság. Eztán a kastély több része a 'múltat végképp eltörölni' elv áldozata lett, visszabontások, pusztítás, minden ami kell. A '80-as évektől elkezdve bekövetkezett a teljes leromlás, főleg a beázások miatt, a falképek egy része megsemmisült, a tető, ereszek, párkányok teljesen tönkrementek, a falak szétrepedtek a fagytól. 2001-ben kerül aztán át a Műemlékek Nemzeti Gondnoksága kezelésébe, akik elkezdik a minimális rendbehozatalt, illetve pályázatokon induni a kastély és a kert rekonstrukciója érdekében. Végül 2009-ben sikerrel járnak, két és fél milliárd forintból kívülről és a parkban teljes, belül kétharmados megújítás történik, ezek 2013-ban fejeződnek be. Eztán egy második ütemben, megújult maga a kastélysziget és környéke és beindultak a programok is. Jelenleg állandó kastélykiállítást, illetve múzeumpedagógiai foglalkozásokat lehet látogatni, valami rendezvényhelyszínként is igénybe lehet venni bizonyos részeit.
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Szirák - Teleki-Degenfeld kastély (50 Ft)
Visszatérünk Nógrád megyébe, és talán ez az ismertebb kastélyok közé tartozik, lehet páran voltak is már itt, kiderül majd miért. Az elnevezés faramuci, mert épp annak a nevét nem őríztük meg aki a kastélyt emelte (KÉTSZER!) 1748-ban építette Királyfalvi Roth Tamás és felesége Wattay Borbála, majd eztán nagyon hamar le is égett az egész egy tűzvészben, így újraépítették, olasz támogatással, barokk stílusban. Egyetlen gyermekük Johanna, 1762-ben ment hozzá a felvilágosult Teleki Józsefhez, így kerül a kastély a családhoz. A sors fintora, hogy később aztán a Telekiektől, szintén egy házasodás útján kerül el a birtok a Degenfeldekhez a XIX. században. Ezalatt egy 4000 kötetes könyvtár is létrejön itt. 1944-ben aztán az oroszok elfoglalják, katonai kórházként üzemel, a teljes könyvtárat és értékes berendezést elégetik, a díszterem lóistállóként üzemel... Innentől kezdve az épület állapota rohamosan és nagymértékben leromlik, egészen 1977-ig, mikoris pályázatot írnak ki a kastély renoválására, amit az Országos Kőolajipari Tröszt nyer el, és nyolc évbe telik, és ezután már háromcsillagos szállodaként nyílik meg, szóval a többi társához képest korán elindul tartós kastélyszállói pályafutása. 1998-tól már négycsillagos szállóként várja vendégeit, 2002 óta pedig a Forever Resorts nemzetközi lánc egyik tagja. Ha valaki esetleg kedvet kapott hozzá, akkor amúgy:
Kajak ELADÓ!
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Pácin - Mágóchy-kastély (70 Ft)
Ahogy egy kicsit talán a nevén is érződik, Pácin a szlovák határon fekvő 1.500 fős falu, határátkelője is van, nincs messze egyébként már a szlovák-ukrán-magyar hármashatártól sem. Látnivalói ez a kastély, melyet sokszor egyszerűen csak Pácini Várkastélynak is neveznek, illetve egy Turul-szobor. A kastély régebbi, mint a fentebbiek, 1581-ben építette Mágóchy András, nemes, a török korhoz képest komfortosabban, és kevésbé komoly védelemmel, mivel Pácin már kellő távolságban volt a nagyobb harcoktól, rendszeres török megszálló tevékenységtől. Azért persze épültek tornyok és falak, de ezek inkább csak a rablóbandák ellen nyújtottak védelmet. Sokáig így sem élvezhette újdonsült kastélyát Mágóchy úr, mert 1586-ban egy szolgája megmérgezi. Eztán némi kis zűrzavar után a kastély az özvegy családjához az Alaghyakhoz kerül, de aztán ez a család is kihal férfiágon 1631-ben, így a Sennyeiek kaparintják meg. Az 1600-as évek végén azonban a kuruc-labanc összecsapások nyomán komolyabban megrongálódik, a gazdátlanná váló épületek ép részeit, berendezéseit a lakosság elhordja idővel. A XIX. században aztán Sennyei István teljesen rendbehozatja, de már átépítve, romantikus stílusban, de végül 1977-1987 között egy teljes rekonstruckió során visszaállítják XVI. századi késő reneszánsz formáját. Elvileg látogatható, a Bodrogközi Kastélymúzeum állandó kiállítása látható benne.
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mwagneto · 2 years
if i had to choose between making my country either stay out of the second world war or join the nazis i would simply go with the obvious choice instead of killing myself rip to teleki but i'm normal
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rsshq · 2 years
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Com o passar do tempo, os feiticeiros se organizaram em quatro covens, de acordo com as habilidades mais latentes nos venéficus - cura, profecia, telecinesia e ilusionismo - e cada uma das ordens conta com seu respectivo Conselho. Nem todo venéfico que nasce se filia a uma das Ordens, embora não seja aconselhável permanecer sozinho, especialmente nos países em que o preconceito contra a raça é mais forte. Ainda assim, a maior parte dos feiticeiros acaba se filiando a um coven, garantindo, assim, sua sobrevivência, bem como o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades. O Instituto de Rosis é um grande incentivador do desenvolvimento das Artes Venéficas, fornecendo treinamento especializado de acordo com a filiação.
As sedes dos covens estão localizadas em zonas neutras ou “terras de ninguém”, para garantir que a sociedade venéfica não sirva a nações específicas, mas a todas, de igual forma, conforme a necessidade. Isso não garante, contudo, que não se organizem politicamente, vez que seus líderes acabam exaltando suas origens enquanto estão no poder.
Líder: Vinod Sharma (Índia)
Alinhamento: São aqueles que possuem fortes traços de empatia, persistência e altruísmo. Os feiticeiros admitidos em tal coven, além de apresentarem afinidade para poções e dons de cura, constantemente são acompanhados por histórias de rejeição, encontrando na Ordem um local de acolhimento e, muitas vezes, identificando seus semelhantes como verdadeira família. São frequentemente guiados pela emoção, e é raro ver um curador aplicando seus dons em discordância com suas crenças. Suas vestes são comuns, o que os faz passar despercebidos muitas vezes; apenas em cerimônias oficiais do próprio coven que usam roupas tradicionais, consistindo em keftas na cor branca. Nina Crest é uma das mais notórias feiticeiras dessa Ordem, responsável pela fundação de um “braço” no coven para aperfeiçoar as habilidades voltadas a afetação do físico, como indução de necrose, ressurreição e alteração de características físicas (exclusão ou adição de cicatrizes, entre outros).
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam poções enérgicas, detecção de doenças, poções de fertilidade e poções de venenos leves; apenas quando mais velhos passam a dominar campos como cura reversa, ressurreição, indução de necrose, cura regenerativa e rejuvenescimento de células.
❛ ៹  𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑼𝑳𝑶 —
Líder: Alima Assaf (Egito)
Alinhamento: São aqueles que mais se assemelham a sacerdotes, até mesmo nas vestes, já que seus keftas são como mantos verde esmeralda. Passam um ar de misticismo por conta de suas habilidades e gostam da imagem que refletem. A sabedoria é um traço valorizado, mas alguns noviços abusam da teatralidade ao falar por enigmas apenas para mostrar como são sábios. Seus membros são homens e mulheres de astúcia, desenvoltura e ambição, que usam de todos os meios necessários para atingir os fins que almejam. Sendo o clã mais tradicional de feiticeiros e o primeiro a surgir como grupo, gostam de preservar antigas tradições, como rituais que datam de centenas de anos, havendo ramos que pregam pela supremacia venéfica frente aos humanos. Além disso, curiosamente são aqueles que contam com mais adeptos de Bellator em suas trincheiras, mesmo nos dias atuais. E ainda que o coven pregue a intolerância ao Desequilíbrio, expulsando todos os membros que se desvirtuam do caminho do Equilíbrio, diz-se que, por debaixo dos panos, patrocinam ainda cultos ao Tenebroso.
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam precognição (perceber eventos futuros antes que eles aconteçam), aqui englobando manifestações por sonhos e artísticas; clarividência (obter informações sobre algo que está acontecendo); retrocognição (obter informações sobre algo que já aconteceu); probabilidade acelerada; adivinhação astrológica; senso de perigo e numerologia.
❛ ៹  𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑲𝑰𝑺 —
Líder: Morne Venter (África do Sul)
Alinhamento: Habilidosos e disciplinados, os telekis são o ramo mais militarizado dos veneficus, sendo normalmente recrutados para o trabalho “braçal”, com reis e rainhas abusando das habilidades do grupo, a fim de mostrar força frente a outras nações. Não à toa, telekis se parecem mais com soldados do que com feiticeiros, até mesmo no modo de se vestir, optando por keftas pretos que são práticos e se ajustam ao corpo. Normalmente carregam consigo objetos que podem ser utilizados como armas em conjunto com a telecinesia, sendo os preferidos os pontiagudos. No entanto, é a mente a arma mais poderosa destes feiticeiros, o que os torna bastante temidos mesmo entre os seus. Sob o comando de Leto Emrys, seu primeiro líder, ao perceberem que tinham uma vantagem física em relação aos demais feiticeiros, aprimoraram técnicas de combate telecinético, que consiste na utilização da telecinese em conjunto com técnicas de combate físico. É por isso que são os feiticeiros que mais morrem na eterna batalha contra os monstros, protegendo os humanos. Apesar de tudo, venéficos telekis são facilmente suscetíveis a transtornos psicológicos, o que é um eufemismo para dizer que é comum que fiquem loucos. Também têm uma tendência à viol��ncia. 
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam telecinesia, que é a capacidade de mover, levitar e destruir objetos com o poder da mente; imobilização; levitação; emissão de ondas telecinéticas; asfixia; geração de campo de força e condição telecineticamente melhorada.
❛ ៹  𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑼𝑺𝑰𝑶 —
Líder: Luca Tejedor (Espanha)
Alinhamento: Estes feiticeiros são conhecidos como os mais traiçoeiros, sendo incomum que ocupem posições de Conselheiros diretos de reis, prestando-se mais aos serviços escusos da realeza e nobreza. São muito úteis na enganação e, por isso, valorizados. Depois dos telekis, são aqueles a quem mais se recorre quando se deseja armar um golpe. Apesar da má fama, ilusionistas valorizam o trabalho árduo e a dedicação, razão pela qual estão constantemente desenvolvendo suas habilidades, e talvez o fato de serem a Ordem mais jovem contribua para esse desejo de se firmar a todo custo. Por suas capacidades de manipulação, são sempre tidos como belos - daí os convites para que frequentem eventos públicos e festas, sempre a tiracolo de algum nobre. Trajam keftas dourados, de ricos tecidos, vez que, para eles, aparência é tudo. 
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam ilusionismo, que é o poder de criar, moldar e manipular ilusões, fazendo alvos verem, ouvirem, tocarem e cheirarem ou provarem coisas que realmente não existem, ou levá-los a perceber as coisas de forma diferente do que elas realmente são. Alguns usuários podem criar mundos complexos e detalhados, enquanto outros podem ser capazes de apenas alterar a forma como eles ou o alvo são percebidos. Vertentes conhecidas da arte são a ilusão hipnótica, a aparência ilusória, a ilusão de dor e a invisibilidade. Seu grau mais avançado é a ilusão de morte, que faz com que o feiticeiro faça seu alvo pensar que está sendo morto repetidamente, podendo a técnica levar à insanidade.
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plaque-memoire · 1 year
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Plaque en hommage à : Blanche de Teleki et Emma Teleki de Gérando
Type : Lieu de résidence
Adresse : 37 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris, France
Date de pose :
Texte : Les comtesses hongroises Blanche de Teleki (1806-1862) et Emma Teleki de Gérando (1815-1893), écrivains, révolutionnaires et patriotes, éminentes représentantes de l'amitié franco-hongroise vécurent dans cette maison.
Quelques précisions : Blanche de Teleki (1806-1862, portrait) est une aristocrate hongroise. Dans sa jeunesse, elle s'initie à l'art, notamment la peinture et la sculpture, séjournant à cette occasion à Paris, mais elle est surtout connue pour son action en faveur du droit des femmes : elle a notamment fondé une école pour filles à Budapest et lutté en faveur du droit de vote et d'accès à l'université des femmes. Arrêtée suite à sa participation à la révolution de 1848, elle quitte la Hongrie et s'établit à Paris, chez sa sœur, Emma Teleki de Gérando (1815-1893). Moins d'informations sont disponibles sur cette dernière, mais il semble acquis qu'elle partageait les convictions révolutionnaires et féministes de Blanche. Mariée à un aristocrate français, elle fut l'un des moteurs de l'amitié franco-hongroise de son époque et permit à un certain nombre de réfugiés hongrois et polonais de vivre sous son toit.
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ortut · 12 days
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George Rohrmann Giant groundsel subgenus Dendrosenecio, Mt. Kenya Teleki Valley, Mt. Kenya
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hungarypolls · 2 months
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rosszulorzott · 6 months
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fovarosiblog · 2 months
Nagyon jó André Kertész fotókiállítások jönnek
A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum André Kertész világhírű fotóművész születésének 130. évfordulója alkalmából kiállítássorozatot rendez 2024-ben március 23. és szeptember 22. között. A tárlatokon a 2021-ben New Yorkból vásárolt Kertész-képekből válogatunk, sosem látott képeket mutatunk be 3 helyszínen: Esztergomban a Balassa Múzeumban, Budapesten a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeumban és a Robert Capa Központban.
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Esztergom, télen, 1917 ©Estate of André Kertész, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteménye
André Kertész 1925-ös párizsi emigrációja után többször is hazatért, több kiállítása is nyílt idehaza, szívesen idézte fel ifjúkori emlékeit, és nem sokkal halála előtt ajándékozott magyarországi fényképeiből Szigetbecsén egy, a nevét viselő Emlékmúzeum is létrejött. A Nemzeti Múzeum kiállítássorozatának fókuszában ezúttal nem a visszaemlékező művész, hanem a Budapesten 1894. július 2-án született, sokáig még útját kereső fiatalember áll, aki a Teleki téren, majd a Népszínház utcában töltötte gyermekkorát, és sokat időzött szigetbecsei és tiszaszalkai rokonainál is, katonaként pedig bejárhatta az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia szinte minden szegletét. Szerelmek és szenvedélyek, életveszély, és a hivatalnoklét unalma egyaránt osztályrésze volt. 31 évesen költözött Párizsba, de nem üres tarisznyával érkezett. Sorozatunk ennek az indulásnak a hátterét fürkészi és először tárja a látogatók elé. 2021-ben „André Kertész fotógyűjteményének” adásvételi szerződése összesen 1163 képről szólt, melynek döntő része 1925 előtt készült: 943 db kontaktkópia, 59 db nagyobb méretű vintázs, 151 db polaroidfotó, 9 személyes kép és egy kollázs. A vásárlást követően a Nemzeti Múzeumban elvégeztük a fotográfiák állapotfelmérését. A Történeti Fényképtár muzeológusa, Fisli Éva történész a fényképek nyilvántartásba vételével foglalkozott. Az elmúlt évtizedben többször is kutathatott a franciaországi Kertész-archívumban, és az ott megismert iratanyag segítette a Kertész ifjúkorával kapcsolatos pontatlanságok tisztázásában. Ez utóbbira vállalkozott mint a most induló kiállítássorozat kurátora. Fisli Éva így fogalmazott az új kiállítással kapcsolatban: „2024-ben érkezett el az idő, hogy a világhírű fotóművész születésének 130. évfordulója alkalmából a nagyközönségnek is bemutassuk az analóg fotográfia mesterének sosem látott képeit. Az első két kiállítás korai vintázskópiákat fog bemutatni. Az igen különleges és értékes apró képekből néhány már szerepelt korábban kiállításon, mindeddig azonban nem tárult fel előttünk Kertész korai magyarországi éveinek gazdagsága. Az eredetiben is megcsodálható korai kópiákat kortárs nagyítások és vetítések teszik többféleképpen élvezhetővé. A parányi képekből kibomló történetek pedig a magyar és külföldi közönség számára is újdonságnak számítanak. A kiállításainkban tehát a fiatal André Kertész nyomába szegődünk, amikor először Esztergomban és környékén készített, soha nem látott fotóiból válogatunk.”
Az "André Kertész Esztergomban" című tárlat március 23-ától lesz látható Esztergom legújabb kiállító terében, a Balassa Múzeumban, a Nemzeti Múzeum tagintézményében, egészen június 23-ig.
2024. június 22. és szeptember 22. között pedig világpremier lesz a fotográfiában és Budapesten, „Kertész/ Kópiák” címmel láthatnak az érdeklődők majd válogatást a fiatal Kertész ritkaságszámba menő képeiből. A Nemzeti Múzeum kiállítássorozata a Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai Központban zárul, ahol 2024. július 2-től az idős Kertész polaroidjait tárjuk a közönség elé.
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Csónakázó fiúk a Dunán, 1917. június 30. ©Estate of André Kertész, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteménye
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chrochtam-blahem · 2 years
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Tady jsou ti poslanci:
Marek Výborný, Romana Bělohlávková, Miroslav Zborovský, Tom Philipp, Nina Nováková, Jiří Horák, Hayato Josef Okamura, Antonín Tesařík, Ondřej Benešík, Marian Jurečka, Robert Teleky, Aleš Dufek, Pavla Golasowská
Marek Benda, Jan Skopeček, Martin Major, Rudolf Salvetr, Renáta Zajíčková, Jana Bačíková, Jakub Janda, Jan Bauer, Pavel Žáček, Petr Beitl, Václav Král, Karel Haas, Vojtěch Munzar, Pavel Kašník
Aleš Juchelka, Zuzana Ožanová, Ivan Jáč, Karel Tureček, Margita Balaštíková, Josef Kott, Hubert Lang, Pavel Růžička, Miloslav Janulík, Berenika Peštová, Alena Schillerová, Karel Rais, Martin Kukla, Jana Mračková Vildumetzová, Marek Novák, Robert Stržínek, Milan Brázdil, Drahoslav Ryba, Martin Kolovratník, Michal Ratiborský, Jaroslav Faltýnek, Petr Sadovský, Věra Adámková, Lubomír Wenzel, Lubomír Metnar
Jaroslav Foldyna
TOP 09
Vlastimil Válek
(Nikdo z Pirátů ani STAN tenhle koňskej nápad nepodpořil.)
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Je možnost napsat poslancům email a dát jim najevo, proč by toto nebylo úplně ok.
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alliwantedwasyouu · 2 years
hate (peter parker x reader)
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summary: peter and the reader hate each other however things get steamy at one of tony’s many crazy parties and maybe they’ll release some pent up anger.
word count: idk long
warnings: smut, making out, teasing, etc.
a/n: this is my first smut LMAO help. also in this story everyone is alive and the avengers are all happy so no sad deaths/ or civil war situations. I just want a nice happy avengers/ office vibe where they all live happily in the tower and get into stupid situations together
“Hello everyone!” Tony shouted as he entered the room with Steve, Nat, and Peter.
You looked up from the table with a glare as you stopped doing your homework. They went out on a last minute mission and somehow forgot to mention it to you. So you spent all morning third wheeling Wanda and Vision as Pietro kept annoying you.
“Hello sir!” Vision said happily.
“Hey.” Pietro ran by.
“Um excuse me, why didn’t you tell me you guys were going on a mission?!” I whined. “I’ve been third wheeling these two all day and did my homework out of boredom.”
“You should be doing your homework anyway.” Steve answered in a serious tone as he went to grab a water bottle from the fridge.
“Yeah okay grandpa.” You rolled your eyes and your dad laughed.
“Sorry y/n we just wanted to go on a stress free mission, you would have been annoying.” Peter told you with an annoying smirk.
“Ew no one asked you shut up!” You yelled at him.
“Ugh shut up you two. It’s way too early for your bickering.” Tony rolled his eyes as he told the both of you.
“But he-“ You were cut off by Nat.
“He’s just fucking with you y/n, it was a quick and easy mission and you were sleeping when we left don’t worry about it.” Nat told you.
“Language!” Steve warned from his seat at the table.
“Also she would have been annoying.” Peter whispered as he took a sip from his water bottle. He was so infuriating, you lifted your hand up and his water bottle jolted forward and some water came out wetting his face and shirt.
“Hey what the fuck!” Peter shouted.
“Language!” Steve warned again.
“What did you have an accident?” I smirked.
“You brat!” Peter said.
“Wow good one Peter!” You sarcastically said acting sad by his diss. That’s when Peter threw a web at you and right before it could hit you, you teleported next to him.
“HAHA missed me!” You laughed.
“Okay guys seriously enough what are you two five?” Tony asked.
“No we’re six.” Peter and you said at the same time. Wanda and Nat both chuckled at this, they always found it funny when you guys bickered and Tony tried to put a stop to it.
“Guys enough go to your rooms.” Steve said sternly.
“Yeah and enough magic for the day, I’m tired of seeing webs and objects all over the house when you guys fight.” Tony told the both of you.
“Sorry Mr. Stark.” Peter answered quietly. And Tony smirked.
“Y/n what do you say?” He asked you.
“Sorry Peter’s stupid.” You sighed holding in a smile. Peter went to throw another web at you.
“Guys stop!” Steve got up before Peter could throw another one and he stood down. “You two need to start acting like adults.”
“Yeah what he said.” Tony lazily agreed. “Anyways everyone party starts at 9 dress nice. Thor is coming from Asgard!”
“Whatever I’ll see you guys later” I rolled my eyes and teleported to my room.
“Did I not say no magic?” Tony asked the others as you disappeared.
Once you entered your room you went to lay on your bed, you put your tv on for background sound and scream was on. You smiled you loved that movie. Then your mood changed all over again thinking about Peter’s dumb face.
Y/n shook her head, she actually thought Peter was hot but they had this rivalry so she stood her ground.
Y/n was the daughter of Tony and a deceased shield agent. When she was younger she was kidnapped by hydra and experimented on which would explain her powers. She had the ability of teleportation, flight, telekinesis, mind reading, and small power blasts.
After being rescued she was trained in combat and weaponry by Nat, Maria Hill, and Nicky Fury. Tony wanted to make sure she was safe and knew how to fight/ use her powers just in case something like that happened again. Thankfully it never did.
Now she was 17 years old had the combat skills of a shield agent, and mastered using her powers to her best ability. Everything was great she was apart of the avengers and saving lives, that is until her dad decided to recruit someone from her school, Peter.
She didn’t even know Peter was Spider-Man till her dad came introducing him to the team. She was confused as fuck, but didn’t really mind it although Peter and her weren’t friends they’d exchange a couple words to each other and had some classes together. He was a nice kid and she was kind of excited about someone her age being on the team!
That is until her dad started treating Peter as his own and sadly it got her jealous. I mean yeah he’s never had a son but still what the hell? They started going on little “father son” hang outs and getting closer and closer. Why couldn’t he choose Steve or Thor to be his father figure? Why Tony?
Obviously this caused y/n to lash out and thus started the small comments which turned to bickering which turned to hate. They had turned into somewhat mutual friends to enemies in the span of a couple months. Everyone in the tower but Tony and Steve were convinced y/n and Peter had crushes on each other but didn’t want to admit it. Which was true, y/n thought Peter was hot and still does but the second she saw that her crush turned into her dads new son she just got jealous and annoyed.
Y/n sighed getting up from her bed and looking through her closet for a nice outfit tonight. “Hmm” she hummed to herself.
Y/n was so fucking annoying which frustrated Peter even more. He liked her and she was so pretty but once she opened her mouth he saw red. She just always pushed him over the limit.
Peter sighed as he sat at his desk trying to get some math homework done. He was really good at math but couldn’t concentrate at all. He just kept thinking about y/n and getting angry, he was distracted.
He was so excited to become an avenger when he first got recruited. Even more excited knowing y/n was an avenger and his age. He knew her from school but they were never really close, they did have some classes together. He figured they’d become great friends and even more. Peter was head over heels for her. That is until her attitude towards him changed out of nowhere.
She’d make small little comments that would push his buttons and one day he decided to shoot back and that’s when the war started. Ever since they became enemies he started to realize she was just a brat. I mean why would she act the way she was acting, there wasn’t a reason.
Most of the time they tuned each other out and when things were good in the tower he spent time hanging out with Tony or going on missions. But then there would be the times in the tower where they would just go psycho on each other. He did have to admit there was a fun thrill getting under her skin, he wouldn’t admit it but he loved teasing her and getting her riled up she looked hot when she got mad.
Peter got up from his desk and decided to take a shower before the party wiping out all his thoughts of you.
Y/n looked at herself in the mirror, she was currently in Wanda’s room and Nat was there also. She was wearing a dark grey tank top dress that was a little short but oh well. She was also wearing a pair of checkerboard vans and had some simple jewelry on, a bracelet, and earrings. Her hair was always down and she was doing loose curls, she had simple makeup on and looked good.
“Wow y/n Peter is really gonna wanna get laid when he sees you tonight!” Nat looked over at you as she applied red lipstick on. Nat was wearing a cute strapless red dress with black heels, she had also straightened her hair.
“What?!” I looked up at Nat like she had two heads.
“Don’t act confused y/n.” Wanda singsonged. Wanda was wearing a black short sleeved frilly dress with black doc martens. And smokey eyes look with her wavy hair down.
“No I’m just gonna ignore what she just said.” You pointed at Nat and she giggled.
“Please y/n admit it you like Peter and want to jump his bones.” Nat shot back.
“You want to fuck him.” Wanda boldly said.
You gasped “Guys that is so inappropriate.” You said shocked. Yeah you guys talked like this all the time and shared your sex lives with each other but they were talking about Peter and you. You shuddered at the thought.
“Whatever y/n!” Wanda said getting up and leaving her room along with Nat. You stood there confused, like obviously you wanted to jump his bones but he hated you and you hated him.
“Weird.” You mumbled to urself as you finished getting ready. You grabbed a bottle of grey goose vodka that Nat brought to the room and took a couple drinks from it. Tonight was going to be interesting.
You made your way out of the room and decided to take the elevator down to where the party was, as it opened the room was filled with a bunch of people and loud music. People were either dancing or chatting as they drank alcohol. You cringed as you saw Tony, Thor, and Scott dancing with random people. You walked down to Loki who was standing by the bar drinking.
“Hey!” You shouted excitedly. He widened his eyes caught off guard and turned around.
“Ah my favorite midgardian, how are you!” Loki happily said hugging you. You liked Loki despite his crazy past, he only came to earth every couple months so you rarely ever saw him.
“Trying to get drunk! Hey can I have two shots of fireball!” You shouted to the bartender. She sighed knowing you were underage but you were an avenger and a Stark so she knew there was no point in declining you of alcohol. Same went for that spider boy that she served four shots of casa migos to who was currently sipping down a beer.
“Yay thank you!” You happily said downing both the shots.
“Uh rude I thought that second shot was for me.” Loki said looking down at you. You laughed, you were already tipsy from drinking the grey goose and now these two shots. It wouldn’t take long for you to get drunk.
“Fine two more shots of fireball!” You yelled over the music to the lady. She poored both the shots and Loki and you took them.
After about fifteen minutes of taking shots with Loki you were drunk. You were now sitting off to the side at one of the fancy little tables having a conversation with Sam and Bucky.
“I love you guys!” You happily said hugging them both. Sam laughed and Bucky shot his right brow up with a smirk.
“You are so drunk right now y/n.” Bucky chuckled.
“What? No I’m not! I can’t say I love you guys?” Y/n whined. But that was one of her tells every time y/n got drunk she washed people with many compliments and told them she loved them.
“Don’t worry kid we won’t tell your dad.” Sam smiled, as you walked away from them. You sat down on one of the white couches drinking a beer. You looked around with your impaired vision and giddiness, shit you were drunk. You laughed.
“Hey.” You heard a familiar voice behind you and whipped your head around, looking up at the guy behind you. It was Peter, you suddenly got butterflies. Maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that you actually did like him but he looked real good. He had black pants on, a white shirt and black jean jacket over it, and was wearing white Jordan’s.
“Hello Peter.” You smiled trying to keep your composure. He took a seat next to you smirking.
“Wow, I thought you’d be angry to see me.” He eyed you down taking a sip from his beer.
“Hmmm nope. I’m in a good mood right now.” You smiled at him with your pearly whites.
“I like you when you’re drunk. You’re much nicer.” Peter quipped.
“Hey, I’m nice when I’m sober!” You pouted your lip, causing Peter to give you a look. “Maybe if you were nice to me we’d be friends.”
“Hey you started this rivalry!” Peter shouted over the loud music as he poured two shots of malibu. “Here.”
You both took the shots in sync.
“I guess I just get jealous cause my dad spends a lot of time with you I don’t know sorry I’m so annoying.” You blabbed resting you head on the couch staring at him.
Shit, Peter never really thought about it like that. That explains so much. “Damn y/n I’m sorry about that.”
“Look it’s fine we don’t need to talk about it right now let’s just have fun.” Y/n said in a flirty tone, Peter bit his lip looking down at her.
The pair had took a couple more shots and were now drinking from a bottle of Tito’s that they swiped from the bar.
“You know you’re actually really hot.” Peter admitted. His eyes widened from his drunk thoughts becoming drunk words.
Y/n smirked looking at Peter “don’t worry Peter I think you’re realllllly hot also.” Y/n said smiling.
Peters heart thumped fast in his chest. Oh my god this is happening. He bit his lip looking at y/n as his eyes filled with lust.
“You know I really like your dress…” He sighed playing with the end of it as his hand settled on your thigh.
“Really.” Y/n stated staring at him, as she squeezed her legs together getting wet from what he said and his hand placement.
He noticed and didn’t say anything, but slowly went in for kiss. The two of you kissed but y/n pulled away quickly.
“Wait.” Y/n quickly said.
“What..” Peter whined moving closer to her and squeezing her thigh. He was already turned on.
Y/n was going crazy right now. “Uh we can’t do this here.”
“Oh shit. Fuck you’re right let’s go.” Peter shot up eagerly and y/n giggled at how excited he was. She got up along with him and they both snuck out making sure no one was watching. But Wanda and Nat were watching smirking to each other.
Y/n led the way as she held Peter’s hand walking to the elevator. Once they got in the elevator and pressed the button to go upstairs they started making out until they heard that little ding. They both rushed to her room and she made sure to lock the door.
Peter’s eyes widened as he took in the surroundings of her room. He’s never been in her room because of their long lasting rivalry but he was definitely shocked. She had had a bunch of movie posters and two included Star Wars. He didn’t even know you liked Star Wars!
“You like Star Wars?!” Peter asked you as he took his black jean jacket off leaving him in a white shirt and black pants.
“Huh?” Y/n looked up walking back from her door. “Oh yeah, I love Star Wars.”
“Wait really! Oh my god what’s your favorite Star Wars movie? I really like a new hope!” He eagerly said.
You laughed looking at him as you walked closer to him “Hmm maybe revenge of the sith. But Peter?”
He looked down at you as you put your arms around his neck “Y-yeah?” Peter stuttered nervously. Fuck he could use another shot for liquid courage even though he was already super drunk.
“How bout we have this conversation later.” Y/n stated going in for a kiss. Peter kissed back grabbing her tightly as the moved towards her dresser.
He grabbed her ass really tight groping her cheeks with his hands. Y/n moaned into the kiss moving even closer to his body as she played with his hair. Peter felt himself get hard and his jeans tightened. He needed you. He picked you up and placed you on your dresser as you two pulled away from the kiss out of breath.
Peter stared at you with lust. You looked amazing, your hair was messy in a sexy way and your short dress wasn’t giving you much coverage. Peter grabbed you again kissing you and slipping his tongue in your mouth as you two both fought for dominance. He grabbed your right boob giving it a squeeze.
“Uh” You whimpered. Your left hand held your body upright and you took your right hand lowering it down to is crotch area and started palming him.
“Fuck.” Peter pulled away. He took his shirt off fast and his muscles looked amazing. You got up off your dresser and took your entire dress off leaving you in just your underwear. “Shit.” Peter grabbed your left boob as he came into contact with your right boob and started sucking your tit.
You moved away causing him to get confused, and then you pushed Peter to the edge of your bed. You got on your knees and started unbuckling his pants and pulling them off him. You then looped your fingers around his underwear pulling them down and his hard dick sprung out hitting his stomach. He was really big. You bit your lip and looked up at him batting your lashes.
“Fuck y/n you’re driving me crazy.” He whined waiting for you touch it or suck it at least. You spit on his dick and then went to lick up his base slowly, teasing him. He bucked his hips up for more and you place your hands on his hips pushing him down. “Ugh c’mon y/n..” He whined and that’s when you put his whole dick in your mouth hearing a loud moan from him.
You were bobbing your head up and down putting your best effort in and playing with his balls. He grabbed your hair and pushed your head down even more.
“Fuck fuck fuck. Oh my god don’t stop!” He moaned even louder. I really hope no one was in the hallways because that would be bad.
Your tongue swirled around his tip as your mouth raised to the top of his dick and you lightly licked his tip, you then sucked back down and came back up with a pop sound escaping your lips. You started jerking him off really fast and he shut his eye groaning.
You bobbed your head back down to suck his dick again and started bobbing up and down super fast. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth and you knew he was close.
“I’m cumming oh god shit!” He yelled moaning bucking his hips up and jerking his dick farther into your mouth. His cum then shot right out his dick into your mouth and you quickly swallowed it wiping your mouth looking up at him. You stood up and took your underwear off. “Oh my god wow y/n.” He sighed coming down from his high.
You smirked walking towards your bed and plopping yourself on your back, he turned over to you and started working his hand up your leg finally coming into contact with your pussy. He started slowly massaging your clit and making out with you at the same time.
“Ughhh.” You lowly moaned as he dipped his middle finger and pointer finger slowly into you pussy. You were so wet.
His fingers started going to work in and out in a pumping motion and you bit your lip to hold back moans. The sight of you coming undone caused him to get hard all over again.
He pulled himself away from you moving towards your pussy face first and started eating you out. His tongue was giving your clit kitten licks and he started going in and out with it swirling it really fast.
“Fuck!” You moaned loudly. His dick got even harder from the sound of your moans, he was literally going to cum right then and there.
You finally came and he licked up all your juice bringing himself back up to face you. You sighed and rest your eyes as you tried to regain urself. You plopped yourself up on your elbows staring at him.
“Gosh Peter that was good.” You sighed out of breath and he smirked. He bit his lip looking at you, all he wanted to do was be inside you and you wanted the same. “I’m on the pill so ya know I’m ready when you are.” You laughed.
Peter stood up from the bed and stroked his hard cock getting ready to fuck you and you waited impatiently looking up at him. He came back down on the bed and lined himself up with your entrance and start slowly going in.
“Fuck Peter can you go any faster.” You groaned, he was teasing you on purpose. Hearing that he wasted no more time and slammed right into you. “Fuck!” You yelped in pain and pleasure.
“You said to go faster.” He seductively answered as he already started pumping in and out of you. You rolled your eyes causing him to slam right back into you “don’t be a brat.” he said lowly.
“Fuck you..” You moaned at the annoying nickname he had given you from your past fights.
“You already are.” Peter answered back fast in a cocky tone. You tightened your walls on purpose causing him to groan and shut his eyes real fast. You then flipped yourself up over him and started riding him.
“Shittt!” You moaned as you rode him up and down.
“God your so fucking tight.” Peter sighed as grabbed your ass.
You rocked your body against him fast feeling his dick hit your g spot. It felt like heaven. His cock felt to good inside you. It’s as if you two were like puzzle pieces.
Peter got up and pushed you down doggy style and was now pumping in out of you fast. You arched your back moaning as he grabbed your hair.
“God!” He moaned as he held onto your hips. He then pushed his body down onto yours and you both lied back on the bed. Him on top slamming into you faster and faster.
“I’m gonna cum!” You moaned wrapping your legs around his hips.
“Same I’m close!” Peter groaned as he pumped in and out.
Seconds later he witnessed you in a euphoric state coming undone right on his cock moaning many profanities that Steve would get really angry about.
Once you came you knew Peter was just seconds away from cumming so you flipped yourself back up on top of him riding him till he was a moaning mess.
“Fuckkk!” Peter shouted pushing his head back into the pillow eyes shut.
“Cum.” You seductively told him.
Peter moaned loudly losing his grip on your hips as he came into you. You felt his cum fill you up and your legs went numb as you slowly lifted urself up off his cock and plopped right next to him. Both of you breathing really loud out of breath.
“Wow y/n that was fucking hot.” Peter whispered to you turning his face towards yours.
“My legs are already sore.” You pouted. And peter giggled kissing you. You two were interrupted by a loud knock at your door.
“Y/n?!” You heard your step moms voice outside your door. Peter and you both shot up out of the bed eyes widening in shock of hearing Pepper’s voice. ‘Hide!’ You mouthed to Peter.
“Y-yes!” You shouted nervously not trying to act like you just had the best sex of your life. You threw your dress back on trying to fix it as best as possible.
“Can I come in why is this door locked?” She asked suspiciously. ‘Go under the bed’ you whispered at Peter seeing him holding his clothes naked and scared. He quickly slid himself under the bed hiding.
“Oh I locked it what the hell? Yeah you can come in.” Y/n nervously said fixing her hair to look less sloppy. She sighed and opened the door. The second Peter heard the door open he held his breath making sure not to make a noise.
“Hey..” He heard Pepper say as she walked in the room.
“Uh hey what’s up?” Y/n casually said the best she could.
“Your dad was wondering where you went, he wants you back downstairs with everyone.” Pepper said.
“Oh uh yeah um I just uh came to get something-“ I looked around, and my eyes landed on my grey oversized nike hoodie. I grabbed it fast putting it in my body. “This! I came to get this .”
“A Nike hoodie?” Pepper asked confused eyeing you up and down.
“Uh yeah it got cold downstairs! Mmm warm.” I answered fast wrapping my arms around my body.
“Please y/n I wasn’t born yesterday. Hello Peter.” Pepper said trying to hold in her laugh. Your eyes widened and then you heard a thud from under your bed.
“Uh h-hey Pepper!” You heard Peter say from under the bed. Pepper smiled.
“You two better be back downstairs in the next five minutes.” Pepper rolled her eyes walking back down the hallway to the elevator.
You put your head in yours hands sighing loudly as Peter climbed out from under your bed still naked.
“Peter hurry and get dressed!” You yelled walking back to your mirror doing your best to fixed your smudged mascara and reapplying some lip gloss.
“Uh y-yeah okay.” He stuttered putting his underwear and pants back on along with his shirt and shoes. You turned around running your hands through your hair.
“How do I look? do I look okay?!” You asked nervously. You really wanted to look presentable and not at all suspicious.
“You look like you just got fucked.” Peter laughed and you rolled your eyes hitting him.
“Seriously Peter oh my god!” You turned back towards the mirror fixing urself even more. Peter ran his hand over his outfit patting his shirt down.
“Relax you look hot let’s go.” He pulled you out your room and back to the elevator. Just as the elevator dinged and the door slowly opened up you stopped Peter.
“Let me go first to make it less suspicious.” You said walking away from him swaying your hips feeling Peter’s eyes check your body out. You slipped in not trying to make a sound. Most of the random guest had left and it was just your dad, Steve, Pepper, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Bruce, Clint and Happy sitting on the side all chatting while they all drank beers.
Nat looked up and saw you sit next to her quickly, she exchanged a look with Wanda and smirked. Her and Wanda both knew what happened and so did some of the others.
“And where were you?” Nat questioned her smirking.
“Uh getting this hoodie I was cold.” You said nervously just as Peter came walking in. Pietro, Sam, and Bucky eyeing him down.
Peter sat across you next Pietro nervously looking around while he saw Tony attempting to pick up Thor’s hammer yet again.
“I fucking knew it!” Pietro whisper shouted at the both of them.
Peter’s eyes widened. “W-what.” His cheeks turned red.
“You two both owe my twenty dollars each.” Pietro cockily told Sam and Bucky. They rolled their eyes grabbing twenties from their pockets and handing it to Pietro.
“Oh my god.” You sighed. They really made a bet Peter and you.
“Did I miss something?” Steve asked contused.
“Yeah why are you two giving speedy money?” Tony questioned using his nickname for Pietro.
Pietro smirked “I won my bet.” he laughed as he put the forty dollars in his pocket.
“What bet?” Tony and Steve said in sync.
“Oh well uh basically-“ Pietro answered back looking at Peter and you as you guys interrupted him.
“It- it was nothing!” You shouted.
“Yeah nothing important.” Peter muttered. Tony looked at the both of you confused, but Steve caught on quick.
Thor ignoring the facade the two were putting up. “Ah yes man of spiders and woman of teleportation have finally gotten together!” Thor happily yelled.
Nat shook her head looking at Thor.
“Gosh you two are an amazing couple. Midgard love!” Thor gushed.
“Wait what.” Tony questioned everyone in the room.
“Nothing!” Peter and you said at the exact same time feeling both your faces redden.
“I’m going to ignore whatever that was and this whole situation is because I don’t want to ruin the night. But we are talking about this at tomorrows meeting.” Tony eyed you two suspiciously and went to talk to Bruce.
“I’m gonna kill myself.” You mumbled.
“Peter you better treat y/n right or else Sam and I will both come for you.” Bucky pointed his finger at Peter.
“I uh would never not treat y/n with respect!” Peter quickly said.
“You two stop leave him alone!” You shouted at Sam and Bucky. And they rolled their eyes.
“Yay Peter and y/n!” Wanda happily said laughing.
“Not the time Wanda.” You sighed. And the others all laughed. You looked at Peter who was already looking at you and smiled.
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mambo68 · 9 months
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Teleki László Square 3.
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budapestbug · 1 year
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Statue of the Lamplighter is another favorite statue of ours. It is standing near Fiumei Road Graveyard in Budapest on "Teleki Laszlo ter." The first gas lamp in Budapest was lit up on 24 December 1856.
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