biologist4ever · 1 month
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Cell Division: Stages of Mitosis
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redreadretale · 7 months
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Remembering Summer…….
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obsessivefangirl · 1 year
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Towards the end of pachytene, chromosomes have condensed enough to be seen in the microscope as distinguishable threads (see Figure 2.5). (...) During normal meiosis, the chromosomes of a diploid germ cell undergo DNA replication followed by two rounds of division (meiosis I and meiosis II), producing four haploid cells (see Figure 2.5). (...) Diploid interspecies hybrids occur naturally, but they are frequently sterile because their chromosomes cannot pair properly during prophase I of meiosis (see Figure 2.5).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
0 notes
voldkat · 3 days
idea : the first instance of iterators going off string was pebbles accidentally plonking himself off of his can while working on self-ascension
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" seven red suns . "
" hello , five pebbles . is something wrong ? "
" is this some kind of joke ? "
" ... ? "
" that gold pearl you gave me . "
" ... did something happen to it ? "
" i did as the pearl instructed , and yet here i still am , with my puppet detached and on the loose . "
" your puppet WHAT "
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sacharowan · 28 days
why is biology so hard
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breadandbutterfly · 1 year
04.07.2023 - 005/100
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“It is interesting how often we can’t see all the ways in which we are being strong.” - Lena Dunham
Music: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
Today was mostly just reading and then being generally busy - lots of walking and meeting new dogs!
Finally getting ideas for my chosen lab I need to do later in the year and found a microscope I'd be interested in getting...
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reinherz · 8 months
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physics website
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cicadangel · 1 year
i should study for my bio final tomorrow... but i don't want to because i understand genetics to some extent and the cell division cycle is not real to me.
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astronada · 4 months
love singing my silly little made up songs to study
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soliarus · 10 months
Thoughts Of You: Prequel
-fluff, tiny itty bit of a suggestive thought, before reader and Dahyun started dating!! decided to make a part 2 of this only because I find gay panicking Dahyun cute
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: Dahyun's mind is full of one thing and one thing only, her crush
words 880
non-idol!college student!dahyun x fem!reader
“Okay, I think I get it now, metaphase comes before telophase, right?” You ask Dahyun who sits next to you. Dahyun, however, just stares at you. “Uhhh…Dahyun?”
You’re so cute when you stare at me like that…
You bring your hand up to her face trying to catch her attention, she jumps back in surprise. “Huh? What? I mean! Yes you’re right! Super correct!” Dahyun blurts out, placing her hand on her heart.
Okay, Dahyun calm down. Calm down, deep breathes.
The two of you were studying at your apartment, on the floor because your couch had yet to be delivered. Your roommate had gone out to spend time with their girlfriend, which meant that Dahyun was with you. The two of you were alone. Together.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Dahyun? You’ve been acting a bit off since you got here” You ask placing your hand on top of Dahyun’s rubbing your thumb against her soft skin.
Off? Of course I’m acting ‘a bit off’! I’m in front of a person sculpted by God! Ahhh! She’s touching my hand! She’s! Touching! My! Ha-
“I’m fine, today’s just been a long day that’s all” Dahyun nervously chuckles. You raise an eyebrow at her before getting off the floor and stretching your arms over your head.
Even the way you stretch is so cute!
“Let’s take a break then, I’ll get us something to drink,” You smile at her before walking over to the kitchen and bringing over two water bottles. You sit back next to her with a sigh and another stretch. Your phone goes off and you tilt your head, “who could that be?”
“Oh Dahyun, my roommate said that they won’t be coming back tonight. Apparently the rain is gonna be stronger than anticipated, there’s storm warnings going around”. You get back up and move the curtains to take a peak, the rain was coming down hard, and dark storm clouds covered up the sky. Dahyun walks over sticking her head next to yours to take a look herself, instead she finds herself staring at you instead. “It’s raining heavily, Dahyun. Do you have anything important to do tomorrow?” You turn to look at her, your faces an inch apart.
Ack! Too close! Too close!
“I umm– nooo, nothing important” Dahyun mumbles stepping back a little.
You beam as if a brilliant idea suddenly popped up in your mind, “then you should stay over! Spend the night here and leave tomorrow! Would that be alright with you, Dahyun?”
The way you say my name is just soooo ahhhh-
“I could—I mean yeah sure, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me, I’ll stay yeah…yeah” You chuckle at the response, “okie dokie! I’ll bring you a set of pajamas, and you could take a shower in my bathroom”. You place your hand on Dahyun’s shoulder before leaving to get her a set of clothes.
Her shampoo and her soap— HER SCENT!
Dahyun’s heart is doing flips right now as she dreamily lathers the shampoo on her head. She feels like she’s on cloud nine right now, her thoughts going crazy.
I wish she was here right now…I want her to touch me…lather the soap over my bod- wait- get those thoughts out of your head Dahyun! Ask the girl out first you hopeless romantic!!! Wait is that a Hello Kitty sugar scrub?!?!?!
“Huh?” Dahyun’s eyes are wide when she comes out the bathroom, and sees you setting up your bed.
“I hope you don’t mind Dahyun, my roommate doesn’t want anyone sleeping in their room and our couch still hasn’t been delivered yet… soo we could sleep on the bed together?” You were nervously playing with your fingers, your eyes trained on her feet rather than her eyes.
This is your chance Dahyun take it! Take! It!
“Yeah! No, I don’t mind” Dahyun says with a nervous smile, and the way your face lights up has her stomach doing flips, the good kind.
Soft mattress, soft pillows, soft clothes, everything feels so soft and comfy.
It’s been two hours and Dahyun still hasn’t fallen asleep, lying stiffly on her side, her back facing you. It was only about an hour after the two of you had tucked in when Dahyun had heard your quiet breathes.
Just turn around, she’s asleep, nothing bad could happen, absolutely nothing bad. right?
Dahyun prepares herself, thinking that everything will be fine, she closes her eyes and turns around. She lets out a quiet sigh ready to look at your back before opening her eyes.
Your face was barely an inch from hers, just like when the two of you were looking out the window earlier. A soft groan leaves your lips, “Dahyun…” you mumbled under your breath.
“Y-yes, Y/N” Both of you inched a little closer.
“It’s cold…is it okay if we snuggle up?” An eye-closed mumble.
“I don’t mind…” And you’re even closer to her now, wrapping an arm around her as Dahyun laid her head a breath away from your neck.
“Hmm…tis feels nice”
“Thanks for coming over for the study date Dahyun, i really appreciate it”
This… was… a…date?
“Dahyun? Dahyun? Did you fall asleep?”
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biologist4ever · 1 month
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Cell Division: Stages of Mitosis
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blondiest · 4 months
replication in reverse [podfic]
part 3 of our love is god; near POV of heaven is a place on earth with you
rating: E | category: M/M | chapters: 1/1 | words: 1.4k
Mello mumbles something into his neck, something to the effect of waiting until Near is ready for him to move, but Near only halfway registers it. Golden hair tickles his nose, and he pictures mitosis— prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase— then imagines cytokinesis in reverse. Two cells pushed together until, somehow, their membranes connect, two phospholipid bilayers self-arranging into one continuous structure, cytoplasms mingling. He swallows thickly and longs for something impossible.
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At telophase, a new network of microtubules and F-actins called the phragmoplast appears (Figure 1.31). (...) The microtubules have now lost their spindle shape but retain polarity, with their minus ends still pointed toward the separated, now decondensing, chromosomes, where the nuclear envelope is in the process of re-forming (see Figure 1.31, "Telophase"). (...) As the cell plate assembles, it traps ER tubules in plasmalemma-lined membrane channels spanning the plate, thus connecting the two daughter cells.
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Figure 1.31: Changes in the organization of the phragmoplast and ER during cell plate formation. (A) The forming cell plate (yellow, seen from the side) in early telophase has only a few sites where it interacts with the tubulovesicular network of the ER (blue). The solid phragmoplast microtubules (purple) also have a few ER cisternae among them. (B) Side view of the forming peripheral cell plate (yellow), showing that although cytoplasmic ER tubules (blue) intermingle with microtubules (purple) in the peripheral growth zone, there is little direct contact between ER tubules and cell plate membranes. The small white dots are ER-bound ribosomes. (Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of electron microscopy of the phragmoplast from Seguí-Simarro et al. 2004.)
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
0 notes
voldkat · 2 days
made a fucking conk skin
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( video ID : a rain world recording , showcasing the same skin as the previous two images , along with a regular no significant harassment skin . both are meowing at each other and the viewer in rapid succession . end ID )
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There were six injections required to complete a full mitosis.
Dean hadn’t been able to finish it all, as had his coworker, Rhett. The money his old boss had had dried up and that final essential injection had been forgotten. It left them stuck in just before full completion, sharing their bodies from the shoulders down with a brand new twin.
Dean and Rhett had been only convinced to even try it based on budget concerns. The past asshole had said duplicating his best workers would be better than trying to hire on more untrained trade school grads. He’d promised it would be easy. He’d pointed at his first batch of duplicated workers and had them extol its virtues. The Pats were a crew in of themselves, every happy to show off the benefits of triplicating your best worker.
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Dean and Rhett had wanted to be Pat, to some degree.
The Deans were taking their troubles as they came. They were happy to get the process over with after the first day of sharing the body, but that was a dream long gone. They were less receptive towards a mirror self than Pat, butting heads (literally), from the start.
Even if they tried to finish it now, they had waited too long. It would just end in two Deans both with two heads.
Rhett had taught them how to deal. The man preferred the singular, considering his two heads a asynchronous whole. He flexed on them, acting as if he was built to deal with this shit with his two calmly handsome faces.
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Dean had been nervous to masturbate with the other man sharing his dick. They had been awkward just pissing through the thing, barely getting over that even after weeks of their new existence. They hadn’t liked addressing their new state of being, one Dean primarily taking over as the other tried to fade into the background. It left the Deans tense and angry, left to whatever release wet dreams gave.
Rhett had convinced him to try it.
It was like having sex with a boyfriend for the first time. Either Dean unsure of what they wanted the other to do, despite years of knowledge on what they wanted. They had barely talked to each other despite weeks of sharing a body and negotiation was even more painful to overcome.
They’d gotten over it.
Masturbating with a shared body was better than the lonely shit they’d done before. Dean could relax as his twin took over their dominant hand, feeling the familiar rhythm that they’d done since they were teens. They’d diverged enough for it to be off though, just a little bit out of sync with what Dean expected. Just a little unpredictable.
Two brains pumping arousal into the same dick also helped a bit. Dean hadn’t even known he could get this hard, but his body continued to seem to find the blood to make it longer and longer. He didn’t even need to watch porn these days, both of his heads fixated on how long they could get their dick.
It was hard not to like your other self after sharing that every night. It helped them share everything else. Their favorite hat, who got to eat most of their dinner, who got to be the one with a cigarette or joint in their mouth.
Who got to suck Rhett’s dick after work.
Dean was still going to bash in his old boss’s head when he finally saw him again, but he was coming around to the idea of doing so as a team.
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