wowieeitsisa · 2 years
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Just had an extremely fun idea with what to do w Ezekeu
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444names · 2 years
warhammer high elf names
Adagiel Adariendor Aedei Aediaodilna Aedilon Aeska Aespa Aessa Aethakon Aethon Aethya Aetulle Alondel Alossag Altarathin Altarin Althan Amenoly Amria Amrillos Amrin Anadilon Anadilos Anadyina Anahaircya Antar Anthazell Anticum Anwendis Anwendrei Anwesull Aphalac Aphalon Aphanaruin Araliand Aralinne Aralize Aralos Araniane Arasmira Araurel Arautarana Ardrethinil Ardriena Arhall Arhanian Arthoi Artlec Artlinia Arwenoril Arwenorn Arwesll Astara Astaratheus Aurellidl Aurenion Aurenya Aureonna Aureskarhil Aurethalize Avelga Aveliel Avessagiana Avest Avesullain Azrigar Azrion Baranan Barierth Barilo Belga Belia Beliandir Bellyn Cayadyalor Cayalfren Cayla Ceron Certhalmir Ceylahuir Ceylariana Ceylyn Cirath Cirene Cuolac Cuolshais Cyllin Cylyn Cythalon Cytheus Cythia Cythilin Damarus Damdiana Damithar Darillos Derel Derion Derossand Dithan Dithindyin Dithircya Dithurus Dorina Driel Drinordia Drisheus Dydil Dydiondei Dydisagiana Dydriellos Dydrine Edene Edera Ederei Edhavara Eilon Einhana Eldar Eldarathis Eldrei Eldri Eldria Eldriand Eldriel Eldrilinh Elecairo Elenel Elenyurelis Elinh Elion Eliondel Eliss Elron Elros Ennann Eponadir Erelaydrus Eshakon Eshan Esheus Exarathain Eydriel Fandolan Fendiar Fenlui Fenolyn Ferathon Ferei Ferel Fergh Feria Ferion Ferradya Feylle Fhindrelan Fhine Fhinocco Fiandyin Filiel Fillaya Fillindhan Fondruma Gaindrilan Galfa Galion Galonadiel Gemmir Gemmitheer Gendorione Genis Gereon Gergh Grian Griernael Gudei Gudel Gudenocco Gwessa Haerondr Halfrela Haliethaera Hallinora Hallos Harath Harinnadara Haron Heman Hemandyin Hemma Hemman Horel Horna Hornael Hullis Ichius Illag Illec Illenoland Ilonahn Ilondr Ingalora Inreldrinor Inril Iolahil Iolana Iolgo Iolgrei Iolsh Iolwenilna Iruarhir Iticly Itikaran Itilian Itilla Izuarlor Jindornhana Jinra Jolac Jolshinocco Jolthurel Kavalfa Kaveslliss Kavin Keelgaros Keerell Keeren Keevana Keevar Kerisa Kerondiel Khainna Khandrind Killa Kilnil Kjedion Kjedir Korhilo Kychian Kychiras Kyrion Kyriona Laratheus Laraunne Launn Laurel Laurendrel Laurus Lautlen Lautlinrel Laydis Laydrinne Layla Lecain Lecais Lianahurei Liandre Liaora Licly Licum Licumoi Lithene Littar Lorda Lorhis Loria Lornh Lothil Lothin Lothur Maerellise Maeren Maeriel Mallec Manaraunn Manrei Maruvar Mehria Meliona Meliulian Mellone Mellyn Menlutlize Menya Merana Merellenel Mergh Mernh Meron Merra Mlektra Mlennae Mlenol Morathin Mornh Myrienel Nashaise Nashalo Nashan Nashion Nathlen Nathur Noeghael Noeghazell Olfar Ophianan Ophiul Oriella Orienill Orishal Osydrion Prellyndrin Qinand Qinora Quinilna Quinissand Quinqui Quirel Retheus Rhain Rhaze Rhodilgrei Rhonne Rinnahiula Rinne Rodar Rodara Rodien Rodiethana Rodil Rowandalan Rowanluirel Rowantilian Ruybin Ruybindran Saathinocco Sadar Sadrenahir Sadrin Sakkaron Sakone Sammana Sammiren Sanahuinian Saradir Sarathion Seliandrela Sendri Shakeya Shala Shalize Shalo Shalone Shand Shanlui Sharielafyn Sharuara Shavinahur Sheerifeon Sheus Sikara Solasmir Solsh Solyn Sulinahanel Sulla Sullon Taindolsh Tainne Taion Taionn Talar Talion Taordrin Tefaroran Tendarin Tendel Tendiel Tenthon Thaion Thakon Thalafyndei Thalin Thama Thandil Thane Thara Thindri Thinian Thishion Thoitaron Tifor Tilla Tiron Torandrien Triel Triendian Urdril Valan Vallian Valmijn Valorn Verene Vertlis Veska Vigia Vigiel Waera Waerriel Waerro Wendagiana Wenilina Wenor Wenoriel Westar Westarro Weylitar Yasmira Yastil Yavelac Yelan Yelin Yelinildril Yorion Yrell Yretheel Yrien Yrifornar Yrion Yrthin Yrthinilos Yrtliene Yulla Zaamaron Zaamdillan Zaathia Zaathya Zamdil Zamdise Zamma Zilion Zilonellan Zubar Zubaria
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abbyew20 · 5 months
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partialsun · 6 months
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Tendel thats a new one
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arzooooo · 1 year
aww @napworthysunbeam ty for tagging me 💗
nickname: so many people call me so many things! childhood friends call me gayu which is why I get a very warm nostalgic feeling when anyone calls me that, my parents call me choti si, babyloo, yoli, latta tendel (small coconut in tullu cause as a child I wanted to be an astronaut but couldn't pronounce it so I said I wanna be a coconut) all random sorts of variations, my best friend calls me gayuumi, etcetc. I love the concept of special nicknames special people call you
sign: Gemini
height: 5"4
lucky number: 7
last google search: painting kit cause my bf and I wanna paint my new tote bag
number of followers: I actually don't know cause I've never checked it or been curious
song stuck in head: a shitty love song by jye, my bf introduced me to it in the valentines playlist he made
amount of sleep: oscillates wildly depending on the day, if I've been out a lot of if I'm feeling low I sleep more
what are you wearing: I have such a watpad bad boy look rn... I didn't realize. It's black boots, black jeans, black leather jacket, white t back top
fav media: star trek, gilmore girls, the good place, everything ghibli, love jab we met, watch zindagi na milegi dobara like 6 times a year
fav song: changes constantly, but rn I'd say Somewhere a Judge by Hop Along, Curls by Bibio, White Morning by Seoul (can't pick!), also love Gulzar's lyrics about life (Dil Dhundta Hai, Tujse Naraz Nahi Zindagi)
fav instrument: hmm... I love classical Indian instruments... sitar.. veena.. sarod...
fav author: oh I love love ursula le guin I've almost finished earthsea but I love her scifi stuff more like the dispossessed and left hand of darkness, I love ted chiangs short stories also, in non fiction I like reading anthropology I've been reading David graeber
aesthetic: I love pastels, especially pink and green. I love heart shaped objects. Basically I love wholesome happy things, the sun shower streaming down between the leaves, cats lazing around, sparrows eating grains, pastel maxi dresses, windchimes, artworks by Agnes Martin and Kurt solmssen, for love and lemons, cinnamon rolls, I love anything that emphasizes the wonderful euphoria of daily living and the mundane aspects of life, japenese haiku from masters like Basho and Yosa Buson, japenese woodblock art
fav animal noise: we keep rice grains on our window for sparrows, so I guess sparrows chirping!
random: this one and a half year I've had free of academic and professional pressure because I've been placed have taught me so much about myself. I've had the chance to do things I wouldn't have otherwise. I colored my hair pink. I learned pottery. I traveled. I wrote a short story. I know better now who I am and what I enjoy. My ideal morning is exactly this: wake up early, have breakfast with my mom, take a shower while listening to my favorite indie mellow songs, do pottery, cook lunch, settle on the couch to watch gilmore girls while having lunch, go on a post lunch walk with dad to look at the building cats. All this puts me in such a good mood. But I know soon it's all going to go away. I'm going to enter the drudgery of corporate law firms. How will I feel my sense of individuality intact? How will I remain soft and sweet? How much of myself am I giving up to ensure I have a secure future?
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elarchivodeariel · 2 years
A continuación comparto un texto que el algoritmo de mi red pescó para mí. Como el mensaje es excelente, sólo le haré algunos ajustes en la redacción. El contenido, reitero, no es mío.
"Un ratón, mirando por un agujero de la pared, vió al granjero y su esposa abrir un paquete. Quedó aterrorizado al ver que era una trampa para ratones. Entonces fue corriendo al patio a advertirle a todos.
"¡Hay una ratonera en casa!", gritaba.
La gallina, que estaba cacareando y escarbando, le dijo:
"DIsculpe señor Ratón, yo entiendo que es un gran problema para usted, pero a mí no me perjudica en nada".
Entonces el ratón se acercó al cordero, pero este le respondió:
"Disculpe señor Ratón.... pero no creo poder hacer algo más que pedir por usted en mis oraciones". Y el cordero siguió en lo suyo.
El ratón no claudicó, y se dirigió a la vaca con el terrorífico anuncio, y la vaca le preguntó:
"¿Pero acaso estoy en peligro? ... ¡Yo pienso que no!".
Preocupado y abatido, el ratón volvió a la casa, en estado de alerta para encarar a la ratonera del granjero.
Aquella noche se oyó un gran barullo,  como el de una ratonera atrapando su víctima. La mujer del granjero corrió a ver que había atrapado. En la oscuridad ella no vio que la ratonera atrapó la cola de una serpiente venenosa. La serpiente, veloz, mordió a la mujer.
Ell granjero la llevó inmediatamente al hospital, y cuando ella volvió seguía con fiebre alta.
Para reconfortarla, el granjero le preparó una nutritiva sopa. Para ello agarró el cuchillo y fue a buscar el ingrediente principal: la gallina.
Como la mujer no mejoró los amigos y vecinos fueron a visitarlos, entonces el granjero mató al cordero para alimentarlos.
La mujer no mejoró y, al poco tiempo, murió. El esposo, que no tenía mucho dinero, vendió la vaca al matadero para cubrir los gastos del funeral.
La próxima vez que alguien te cuente su problema y creas que no te afecta porque no es tuyo y por esa razón no te parezca importante prestar atención, pensalo dos veces. Tené presente que el que no vive para servir no sirve para vivir. El mundo no anda mal por la maldad de los malos sino por la apatía de los buenos.
Así que cuando alguien necesite de vos para contartesus problemas, tendele la mano o dale una palabra de aliento.
¡Que no te falte nunca la empatía!".
La autoría del relato me es desconocida. Pero la idea me trae a la memoria el texto del pastor luterano Martin Niemöller:
"Cuando los nazis vinieron a llevarse a los comunistas,
guardé silencio,
ya que no era comunista,
Cuando encarcelaron a los socialdemócratas,
guardé silencio,
ya que no era socialdemócrata,
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas,
no protesté,
ya que no era sindicalista,
Cuando vinieron a llevarse a los judíos,
no protesté,
ya que no era judío,
Cuando vinieron a buscarme,
no había nadie más que pudiera protestar».
Hoy por hoy está muy de moda decir: "este problema no es mío, yo no me hago cargo". No es extraño, entonces, que estemos cada vez más solos y alienados. Olvidar que todos somos uno nos conduce a un desenlace fácil de anticipar. Para cambiar el final, cambiemos y empecemos porque nos importen los demás.
Lic. Flavia Vecellio Reane.
Entrenadora en Conocimiento Personal.
Intérprete de Códigos Herméticos.
Octubre 26, 2022.
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essadapress · 2 years
وزارة التجهيز تعلن فسخ عقد الشركة التي تتولى إنجاز مكونة المباني ضمن المشاريع الملحقة بجسر روصو
وزارة التجهيز تعلن فسخ عقد الشركة التي تتولى إنجاز مكونة المباني ضمن المشاريع الملحقة بجسر روصو
أعلنت وزارة التجهيز والنقل أمس الثلاثاء فسخ عقد الشركة التي تتولى إنجاز مكونة المباني ضمن المشاريع الملحقة بجسر روصو. وقالت الوزارة في منشور عبر صفحتها على فيسبوك، إنه تم “فسخ العقد مع شركة  TENDEL المكلفة بإنجاز مكونة المباني ضمن المشاريع الملحقة بجسر روصو (محطة نقل للركاب، وسوق عام في المدينة و مركز اجتماعي.. ). وأشارت الوزارة إلى أن نسبة ما ��م أنجازه من هذه المباني لم تتجاوز 5٪ “رغم استهلاك…
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feretta · 4 years
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Street casual foxes.
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Now I wanna see Nik go full rage mode 👀
CW: “It” as a pronounce for dehumanization, discussion of murder/killing.
[An excerpt from “Madness”]
The Sorcerer leaned back and massaged his forehead tensely. That was a close call. This whole day was a close call. He needed to find a better place to store this creature, somehow keeping it secure and hidden but also connected to the earth.
He was running through a few ideas when glanced up to check on it. The boy was still, calm. Its breathing had calmed, its trembles gone. The Sorcerer smiled.
The grass around the boy began to darken. The blades grew withered and yellow, until they wilted away completely. The Sorcerer jumped up and away, as the circle of dying plants around the creature grew larger. It radiated out from it, withering plants, flowers, every green thing in its way. The destruction snaked out in dark tendrils quickly, seeking and finding nature to feed from.
He stepped back again and again, fleeing from the darkness that consumed, until it had slowed and stopped. After a moment, the Sorcerer tentatively took a step forward into the circle. The dead grass crunched underneath him, as though there had been a terrible drought. In the center, was the boy.
It lay peacefully, breathing deeply. Its skin was brighter, livelier. Its hair was a darker brown, more vibrant. Everything about it seemed stronger, more saturated and healthier. It shifted slightly, as if it was just asleep.
For the first time in a long time, the Sorcerer felt a pang of something he thought was long abandoned and far beneath him; fear.
Oh, little Niky boi is nothing to be trifled with if he tried. If he had to attack the Sorcerer, he would probably just trap him in living tendels from a tree. 
Now, if he was pissed and felt justified. He’s choke him to death. Have a spike of wood pierce him right through the heart. 
His people are a part of the forest, and he had no qualms in using that power just as he sees fit. He’s laughably more powerful than the Sorcerer, but shockingly timid. 
dear GOD if Kia ever got her hands on the Sorcerer tho.
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wowieeitsisa · 2 years
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Bimbo alien girl so true!!!! (+ Chaos scratching his butt on the floor)
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mizunokisu · 5 years
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ikuta shrine, kobe. by tendele. on Flickr.
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hydrox99 · 6 years
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Linking up Alderman Harris and Alderman Bengal through switcher studio. Talking mental health and the local entrepreneur community here in New Bern, NC. Always giving quality news at New Bern Live. #judges #alderman #newbernnc #newbernlive #switcherstudio #studio #radio #broadcast #mixingboard #mixing #sabrinabengel #harris #hooks #tendell #mentalhealth #health #education #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneur #community #quality #news #nc #link #live
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Handsome handsome I love you Tendell I wish you the happiest of birthdays and many more. @buzz_57bwa #happybirthday #heart #love #gemini #happyness #itsyourbirthday (at Atlantic City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLWajzFWNZ/?igshid=1tpho8jvh2qkb
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Saving Grace (TV Series) - ’Would You Want Me to Tell You?,’ S1/E5 (2007) Raymond O'Connor as Tendell Rusk
I like to call O’Connor, Bootleg Jack McGee. And that’s not a bad thing.
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littlerose2888 · 6 years
Figure Skating
Nathan Chen first olympics: How horrible. He completely bombed this. What a disgrace. He should have done better.
Bradi Tendell first olympics: Oh that poor dear. How tough it must be to be in your first olympics. That's okay sweetie.
I am rather annoyed the double standards. Nathan skated as best he could and got cruisfied for it. I understand it's difficult announcers but come on. It was clearly hard for both.
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feretta · 5 years
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One of Dread’s fox girls casually undressing for.. Something. Don’t worry though, Tumblr’s got your back so you won’t be corrupted by the evil female-presenting nipples.
Sadly, she’s available without censorship on my TWITTER, oh dear.
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