#thank you for asking bb!
ss-trashboat · 1 year
if your new douki tag isnt gonna be "trilingual unhinged boi" im gonna be very disappointed im just saying
welp let me go through and start tagging stuff then
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mrprettywhenhecries · 3 months
14, 16 (except Billy)
14. Fandom hot take? LOL I don't know if I wanna go into all of it, but basically it boils down to it's okay to not like a character/ship(s), but it's not okay to harass the people that do like them. There are so many ships that I just Do Not care for, but I've filtered those tags and ignore them. Like jeeze there is so much hate in this fandom. Also as a Billy fan, I'm always kinda afraid to interact with new people/blogs for fear that I might get hate;;
16. One death you would undo if given the chance? Other than Billy, I'd undo Eddie's death (and also Chrissy's).
[ Stranger Things asks ]
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behyunki · 4 months
"we're overdue for a revival / we spent so long just getting by / that's the thing about survival / who the hell likes living just to die?" you're gonna go far - noah kahan
hyunki didn't remember a time when he didn't have both of his siblings. of course, there was his twin brother, sungki, who he shared a special bond with due to doing everything together, there was also their little sister, soyi. she was only three years younger, and always right by their sides as they all grew up. now, she was almost 18, and beginning her last year of high school.
while both brothers lived out of their mothers' home nowadays, together in an apartment as they attended university, they made their way back to itaewon frequently to spend time with the women of their family. it was a common sight for hyunki to be sprawled across his little sister's bed, her sitting in her desk chair with her legs propped up on the desk, as they watched a movie together.
it was his sister's voice that pulled his attention from the movie as she turned in her chair to face him. "hyunki," soyi started, "what was your senior year like?" he gave her a curious look for multiple reasons. it was unclear why she suddenly was asking, but also because when he was finishing high school, she was around and witnessed both him and sungki going through that time.
hyunki shrugged, "it was stressful," he offered first. the college entrance exam was the most stressful part, even if he went into the year not 100% he was going to attend, and he voiced that to soyi, which seemed to visibly upset her to a degree. she had voiced her goal of attending a university, and was far more set on than he was at the time. "it wasn't all stressful though," hyunki then insisted. "it'd be boring if all we did was work." none of them were interested in living their lives solely to get by.
"i hung out with my friends all the time, and danced, and had fun with you guys too," he recalled some of the most memorable parts of his senior year. "and you're gonna have fun too." the words weren't much but soyi seemed more comforted by his overall answer than she had a moment ago. she even nodded in a sort of agreeance. it would be hard but she would have fun along the way.
"can we start the fun part now and go get ice cream," she inquired after a few moments. hyunki nodded before the two of them were off in hunt of their brother to drag him along as well.
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brattybottomdyke · 9 months
4 and 6 from the sluts-in-theory-but-not-in-practice! NSFW ask game
4. Do you have any sex toys?
i do! i used to have a lush but it died. but i also have a regular vibrator that i realllllly like and a glass dildo
6. Do you think you’re a top or a bottom? A dom or a sub? Or a switch/verse?
im a bottom leaning verse annnnnnd a sub 🥴🙈
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Um... uh.. *gives you this, blushes and runs away awkwardly*
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
your talia in your newest comic is very pretty 💜 shiny hair save me….
AHH THANK YOU SM I didn't shade her hair originally when I was coloring cause I was trying to streamline things but it looked so incomplete without it...I can't help it if she has L'Oreal model energy. Anyway you're always really nice on my Steph posts so here's some misc Stephs I had lying around as thanks for this ask (feat one of those alt cowl designs i posted back when!)
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emberfriday · 6 months
Does Sloth have a partner he repeatedly goes too 👀 or is he very,, spassy in which he goes from person to person?
Also he's really really gorgeous and he deserves all the things -gives him a few candies- and he deserves love too,,
nope he doesn’t have a regular partner
when I created Belial I wanted to make them a husbands, but later I thought they’d have some kind of open relationship?? (idk how to describe it better)
so yeah Sloth doesn’t stay long with anyone and often changes his partners, I don’t think he can handle a serious relationship xdd
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teyamsatan · 1 year
SOMEONE JUST SENT ME THIS SO I HAVE TO SHARE WITH YOU (and maybe I’m the last one to know about the existence of adult neteyam on a direhorse with perfect posture and gorgeous back but idc it inspired me and hopefully it will inspire you)
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Argh that does look so much like him omgggg 😩😩😩
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ss-trashboat · 1 year
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first i have absolutely saved some of these for science my god he's so pretty
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embraceyourdestiny · 8 months
tell me about the two vanitases. vaniti
Post I made a while ago about it (might be slightly awkward / messy bc it’s from 2 years ago) :)
Essentially, at the end of bbs Vanitas and ven have a “battle of hearts” (similar to Roxas and sora in kh2) and Vanitas, as the weaker heart, loses and retreats back into his “origin”, ven’s heart. We see sparkles dissipate into vens stain glass, signifying that Vanitas has become embedded into ven’s heart. THEN ven becomes embedded in Sora’s heart, thus making a sort of matryoshka effect inside of sora;
sora<-(inside, ven [<-inside, vanitas])
Cut to ddd where sora is DEEP inside his own heart and thus coming across a lot of shit embedded within. Including Vanitas who appears as a fractured vision saying Sora’s heart is a prison “even if he’s not the prisoner.” Upon hearing this most people’s immediate thought would be *terra/aqua voice* ven!! But most people miss the hidden layer (cleverness intended) that would also mean Vanitas since he’s inside ven. Of course if someone is locked inside a prisoner in jail that also means they’re in the prison, whether them also being locked up was intentional or not
Cut to kh3. The first instance we see Vanitas is monsters inc. but we don’t see Vanitas first, we see the manifestation of his power because as he explains he needed enough energy to come back to life. The clever part about this is this only happens because sora is there with ven in his heart, thus physically bringing Vanitas’s heart to a place where he can regenerate and, if the plan works out, extract himself/ven from Sora’s body. There’s an extra bonus that the power becomes even more potent by upsetting sora and therefor having a STRONG sense of negativity which had been building in our poor boy all game, and as Ansem The Wise said, sora is able to make things be real and that means he was able to make Vanitas come back to life without whatever Xehanort did to make him, even though he didn’t mean to
Then Vanitas gets bodied by scully and thrown into a door, seemingly gone forever
Then like 3 seconds later we see him again in the land of departure. But. Wait. Didn’t scully just throw him to somewhere in Connecticut?
Act II: The second Vanitas
This Vanitas is a replica Xehanort pulled from the post. Xehanort had no fucking clue where Vanitas went after bbs bc he just disappears and honestly he clearly didn’t care because hes always known could just make another one so he does. The reason I know this isn’t monsters inc Vanitas is because one that’s impossible, it was 100% intentional this scene happens after yeetus Vanitas, and two Vanitas acts. Different. For one he’s much more brazen than he was in MI, instead of just his long winded monologuing he’s actually goading them on and being arrogant and feisty and trying to fight, immediately transporting us back to the kind of personality he had before. You know. Ven kicked his ass. And he also teleports and does magic and is way stronger than MI Vanitas because that Vanitas had just formed. There’s no possible way he had all his strength back after being rebirthed for 3 seconds so the fact that he was able to hold his own against aqua who’s been fighting nonstop for 10 years definitely raises an eyebrow and points to this theory because how was that possible and why didn’t he fight in MI if this was the case.
Some people have pointed out that it’s weird Vanitas wears a cloak of darkness in MI and thinking about it I think there’s two answers. The first is he was weak and I think it’s possible the cloak could protect him, esp if he’s not fully darkness anymore bc he has his own heart, has regenerated on his own instead of being extracted by Xehanort’s dark power, and was touched by two very powerful lights for like 10 years (they probably got their light cooties on him lol) and two, I think he was hiding from Xehanort. Vanitas likely knew of his plan since his conception even though he might not have fully understood was it was and therefore he would’ve known what was going on in kh3 and been like “shit. I’m not following the plan bc I’m not even a part of the plan anymore so Xehanort can’t find out.” Because if you remember in com DiZ says the cloaks can hide you from anyone and if Xehanort knew Vanitas was back he would at the very least force him to do his plan again or at the worst destroy him because he’s an unknown factor
Then sora fights replica Vanitas and he goes back into the past and somewhere out there Vanitas is walking around the streets of New York (or shibuya) having no clue what the fuck is going on
So yes. Two Vanitases bc we can’t get enough of this boy. Two of them
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strawberrystepmom · 10 months
if there’s one thing I can stress it’s allowing your online space (tumblr for example) to be a place where you are really yourself.
don’t feel you have to behave a certain way (as long as it’s civil ykwim I don’t have to tell adults how to act I hope) to make friends on here. be you! don’t think anyone is judging you bc chances are they aren’t, they just are a little bit awed of how bold you are for being yourself!
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airenyah · 1 year
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Moonlight Chicken (2023) – Ep.4 | Bad Buddy (2021) – Ep.4 Dir. Aof Noppharnach Chaiwimol
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theplottdump · 4 months
Maybe 🖤, 💜,🍫 and 🫦 for Valerian and Chad? There's definitely too many good questions on the list
🖤 What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far (or in the future, if you don't mind giving spoilers)?
There's this large balancing act between them on how to keep Sunny safe and still give her the best childhood they can. This will become a point of contention later on, and we'll just have to see what happens I think. 😬
💜 How do they silently show love or affection towards the other?
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Val peeling 16 oranges out of love and spite at 3AM. Acts of service, doing something for you even if you never asked. (unless he thinks he's being pranked again) Chad's more of the soft kiss on the knuckles, affectionately wrapping his arms you, affectionate touching sort.
🍫 Who is more likely to steal the other's clothes? What are their favorite items to steal?
Val's started wearing more color because of Chad!!!! I specifically have one outfit for him right now that's a direct callback to Part 3. 😭
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I try to think about color, usually when they're compromising on something I try to I have them mix in a bit of their partner's color into the outfit. (Val is green, Chad is Red)
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🫦 What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
I think there's a sort of building tension in glance, an argument over dinner about nothing important. I like having them talk with their eyes whenever I personally pose them out.
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(literally eyefucking each other here askdjalksdjl)
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yuriinadress · 1 year
Bernard deserves to see that Batman Beyond vol 5 #5 Tim Drake
Literally all I could think about after seeing that Tim was him and older Bernard together
Like WHEW, Bernard really hit the jackpot in the DILF category
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justfriendsbestthings · 4 months
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🎀 Omar in pink 🎀
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daimyosprincess · 9 months
Do you think Boba would ever fall for someone who is shy but can bring out the sass once in awhile once they feel comfortable? And maybe who is quite sensitive? I don't know. I keep looking for Boba x reader fics for different types of readers and keep coming up with the same themes which are often quite triggering for me. I am in a writing slump or I'd try to write it myself, but I think maybe I just misunderstand him. I know this is fandom and fun, but I also care about the character and want to get him right and maybe he just doesn't care for someone like that. What are your thoughts on the kind of people Boba would love?
Alright my beloved anon, I have been sitting on this ask for a bit because I really wanted to give it some thought and give it the answer it deserves 💖
In short, yes! I totally think Boba would fall for a shy person, and the sass when they open up would be a bonus for him but definitely not a requirement. I write sassy/bold/loud and proud readers because that's how I am irl but by no means is that the only type Boba would go for. My thoughts on OT!Boba and Daimyo Boba below the cut.
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Ok so OT!Boba is much more rough around the edges than he is as an older man in TBOBF; he's driven, angry, and one big ball of pressurized emotion during the Empire era. He the best of the best and he does everything to make sure it stays that way, guarding his reputation with as much ferocity as he goes after his bounties with. He doesn't bother giving energy to things like "love" or "feelings," preferring to work out his frustrations and tension with a (preferably) nameless partner who feels the same. Anything else is too risky, too soft, too vulnerable. He's a lone wolf by choice.
HOWMSTEVER, when he comes across of his highest-paying repeat client's quiet daughter (just choosing for pronouns, def can be gn), he's struck by you. The way you move, quiet as a whisper and soft as a sigh, unseen and unheard by the ruckus around you. He notices you though, he sees you. And he knows you see him too, your watchful eyes flitting over him beneath your lashes when you think his helmet is pointed elsewhere.
You make him curious. Curious as to why a quiet little thing like you would so much as glance his direction twice. He pushes the thoughts away time and time again, but they refuse to be banished, coming unbidden to him in his bunk or during the long hours in hyperspace. What thoughts are swirling in that head of yours? Do you sneak looks at anyone else? Is your voice as sweet as he imagines?
It's nonsense really, he tells himself. You're just some girl, a tender flower who shies away from the sun. He would crush you, break your leaves and trample your petals. You're not made for men like him... so why does he watch you bloom under the moon's light, gentle and perfect? He would only be your ruin.
But oh, what it would be to be the one you blessed with inner light, to be the one who you found deserving of everything you kept to yourself. Maybe even be the one you trust. He certainly doesn't deserve it but, maybe, one day he could.
Boba aches for a balance to his tipped scale. That might look like an outspoken, smart-mouthed partner to match his fire with their own, corralling his blaze by channeling his pent up energy into them. A sun for a sun, a tandem orbit instead of careening through the galaxy.
Just as likely, however, his sun could be balanced with a silver moon, reflecting his light back on him and mastering his violent tides with undeniable, quiet strength. This partner might seem small or nonexistent in comparison to him, impossible that they would attract his desire. That is surface-level thinking--just because the moon goes through phases where it wanes and disappears doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In fact, while the sun sets, the moon never does, it's always there if one pays attention.
I think OT!Boba would admire and find himself attracted to the way a shy, sensitive partner is able to feel and experience their emotions in a way he does not allow himself to. Furthermore, as a man of few words who is in his own bucket more than anything else, he would understand solitude in both its necessity and its pain. There would be a learning curve if the two of pursued a relationship and Boba would undoubtedly hurt your feelings as he tries to learn to navigate his own, but ultimately, the two of you would find reward in each other.
ALRIGHT now onto Daimyo Boba. He's older, wiser, and more keyed into his feelings than his younger self even if he still has a LOT of work left to do in that department (my green tincan man is bunch of repressed emotions walking around in beskar and I love him ok). No longer is he a lone wolf fighting his way through the galaxy, now he's found his pack, his tribe, and he's able to open up to the possibility of having someone at his side.
Now, just as before, that person could be a fiery and bold or reserved and more delicate or anywhere in between. What I believe the theme here is his partner's sense of power. Whether that partner already feels a sense of empowerment or needs support to find it, Boba wants his cyare to appreciate everything that they are and will nurture his partner. It gives him pleasure to care for another, to be in a position to give rather than take, restore rather than destroy.
He is strong man, confident in his power, and wants the same for his partner. The sassy ones need a soft place to land and the shy ones need place to shine, and whichever end of the spectrum his beloved falls on, Daimyo Boba will happily provide them a safe haven.
I hope this coherent and what you were looking for anon 💕 for a shier, sensitive reader fic, I recommend @thirsty-boba-fett-posts Princess Saga series. It's beautiful and touching and isn't one of those stories where the protagonist is "fixed" by becoming an extrovert, but rather focuses on the character's growth and healing.
divider by @saradika
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