#thanks again for the q!
mimiatmidnight · 11 months
Include pics: What are your top 5 ( 10 if you want) royal wedding jewelry ( earrings, bracelets, necklaces) you would want in your personal collection.
Hi, thanks for the question! I'm way less versed with other royals than everyone else who already answered this question, but I did a bit (a lot, lol) of retrospective research to try my best ^_^
Tbh I was surprised how the vast majority of the jewelry I saw was reallyyyyy not to my taste. I thought this was just a BRF problem, but man, most royal jewelry is . . . ugly. Especially what they choose for their weddings. I don't know, maybe I'm just too poor and plebeian to understand the tastes of the elite. But still, I managed to scrounge up a few pieces that I liked. Namely (and in no particular order):
Princess Claire of Luxembourg — Earrings
I don't know if this is a cheat or not, since she technically wore these to her civil marriage ceremony and not the actual big wedding, but whatever, I'm counting it, cause LOOK at that gorgeousness. Stunning aquamarine pendants with a sleek diamond halo? Absolutely lovely. I'd wear these in a HEARTBEAT.
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Princess Rajwa of Jordan — Earrings
Especially as bridal earrings go, these are so fresh and unique. She didn't go for the tired old look of dropped pearls that eeeeeeveryone and their mama falls back on for wedding looks. Plus that double-draped line is so cool, especially with how the stones are all irregularly shaped and sized. (My friend is reading this over my shoulder as I write this, and she says the shape of the earring looks like a vagina to her, but ignore her, she drinks). These earrings were a super interesting and pretty choice that complemented her tiara well, but would also not be out of place on a peasant like me to get dressed up in.
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Archduchess Gabriella of Austria — Earrings
If I absolutely have to go for dropped pearls, this, in my opinion, is the way to do it. Super minimal, sleek, letting the pearl speak for itself, with nothing but the tiny diamond stud to help balance it out. Very nicely done here. Tbh I don't think it matches particularly well with the tiara she chose, but that's not my business lol. We're just talking about what I'd take for my own closet, and these earrings are for sure the most wearable of any royal bride I've seen yet.
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Queen Sofia of Spain — Necklace
Similarly, Sofia's necklace was probably the wrong choice for what she had going with the neckline of her dress at the time. It's getting overwhelmed by all that high-necked lace, unfortunately. BUT, as you can see, she wore it multiple times afterwards (swapping out the cross pendant for a simple diamond), as well as her daughter-in-law Letizia, and both of them had the sense to pair it with much more open and clean necklines, where you can see that absolutely lovely shape and glitter of the piece. I don't know what this kind of pinched, V-shaped design is called, but I love it.
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Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex — Ring
Now, in my research for this post, I'm obviously not pretending I was able to closely scour every single royal bridal look ever. But I did go through a LOT, and none of the ones I saw ever experimented with some fun statement rings like Meg did. I love this absolutely enormous aquamarine on her, both because it's so bold and unexpected, it's objectively beautiful on its own, and of course, its connection to the story of her late mother-in-law.
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BONUS: Princess Eugenie — Tiara
Okay I know you probably did not mean for tiaras to be included, and so I tried very hard to work around that. But I'm sorry, I just have to sneak this one in at the end. As I mentioned in another post a while ago, I've been largely unimpressed with the tiaras I've seen in the past (though I did come across some interesting ones while researching this post), but I make absolute exception with Eugenie's wedding tiara. I suspect I might be partial to the Kokoshnik tiara style in general, but what the Greville in particular pulls off with those breathtaking emeralds and the perfectly sloped shape and all those lovely scalloped diamond details . . . perfection. Truly. Best piece of royal jewelry I've ever seen in my life.
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hellverse · 3 months
ah. I just read you introduction post. I would assume you read fanfiction if you write it. Sorry for bothering you.
-- Person who still reads fanfiction, but not introduction posts
no it's absolutely okay! i answered it anyways, because, honestly, i go through phases. right now i've been reading quite often, but sometimes i don't open one for months, there was even a period where i stopped completely. and!!! more often than not, on days that i write - i don't read, so it really does vary due to that and my current interests.
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The many times Toey got dragged around by Q in the amusement park.
And the one time he got dragged of to get a boyfriend.
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pikafaawork · 11 months
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huevobuevo · 6 months
ive fuckingggg HAD IT . i am going to talk about gegg qsmp because idk why but charlie slimecicle made one of the best representations of age regression ive seen in media and i am NOT joking.
so i dont rlly post alot about the qsmp on my blog, thus i wouldn't be surprised if this post goes unnoticed or ignored by a vast majority of my friends & followers. for those of you who ARE reading this with no prior experience with the QSMP lemme just quickly summarize some much needed background knowledge.
(Quackity Voice) The QSMP Is The Worlds First Multi-lingual Minecraft Server; it hosts a wide variety of twitch streamers who speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. the beginning plotline of the server (which is where Gegg came into existence) follows the various players as they are grouped into pairs to care for a dragon egg. The main ones that will be talked about today are Tilin, Quackity's egg, and Juanaflippa, Slimecicle & ElMariana's egg. The eggs are, of course, played by anonymous admins, who have given these eggs their own unique personalitys despite only communicating through signs and emotes. The players have quickly imprinted on their respective eggs, as expected, and have gone on to view these eggs as their own children. The rules were simple - each egg had two lives and two lives ONLY. each day the eggs have tasks for the streamers to complete ON STREAM or else the egg could die of starvation & neglect (points at Trump, Maximus & DanTDM's egg).
i will be referring to Slimecicles character in the QSMP as Charlie or Slime for better coherency. from now on i will be referring to the characters, not the streamers.
Slimecicle and Mariana were not the best parents to Juanaflippa, but it was clear that they truly and deeply cared for their daughter. They supported her transition and, especially in Slimes case, did everything they could to make sure their daughter was safe. Juanaflippa had lost her second life due to an accident, which caused Slime to loose his shit and go on a murderous rampage to try and get the literal Minecraft Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come back and revive his daughter (she came back after a court case. long story.)
Basically Juanaflippa was loved, and she loved her parents back- but there was someone else she cared for the most in the whole wide world
Tilin, who Slime offered to take care of once her father had to log off game. There was another accident, and Tilin was caught in the crossfire between Charlie and a few mobs at night. She was on her second life, meaning that Charlie had officially ended his daughters best friend right infront of her eyes. Distraught and ashamed, Charlie ran off into self-isolation and left Juanaflippa in the care of Mariana and their friend Roier. During his "Eggxile" while he was trying to find a way to bring back Tilin, Charlie learnt that Mariana killed Juanaflippa AGAIN. Instead of going on another tirade Charlie just lost it.
He's now carrying the deaths of two children on his mind, isolating himself from what little friends he had on the main island. During his initial stay on the island there were only English and Spanish players, but when the French and Brazilian players arrived he still spent a majority of his time in isolation. Charlie wasn't apart of a good chunk of the main island lore for a long, long time, and pretty soon it began to feel like he was completely, and utterly, alone. He attended a wedding and a few parties, but it was visible how outcasted he was from all the new events and connections. He had regular breakdowns and pretty soon began to believe that Juanaflippa wasn't dead, she was just... somewhere else. He was gonna get her back. He did it once, he'll do it again. Fuck, he couldn't even bring himself to attend her own funeral, and even when he was allowed one final goodbye with his dead daughter Charlie still refused to accept the fact that Juanaflippa was never gonna come back home. He built a campfire on the beach of his Eggxile house with three chairs- one for him, one for his wife (who hadn't logged on in months), and one for Flippa.
TL;DR q!slime is going the fuck through it.
Later on Quackity decided to get Charlie in on a plan to try and steal from other peoples houses. They both lost their families, so it seemed only fair to Quackity that they ruin other people's lives as well. Basically Charlie had to pretend to be Quackity's NEW egg so that he can get close with the other eggs and fuck shit up.
Charlie liked it. Charlie... REALLY liked it, actually. His egg name was Gegg, and without knowing it he began to age regress.
Im calling Gegg a form of Age Regression because not only is Charlie mentally AND physically becoming a child, but through Gegg Charlie is allowed the freedom to escape his grief and explore what it means to be a "child" who was loved unconditionally. On the last Gegg stream Slime referred to the little goopy guy as something that lives inside of him. Gegg takes over him and he just looses himself in the act. He's not just playing a character called Gegg, he IS Gegg.
In the very first stream as Gegg he expressed his desire to learn what having a family was like- a common reason most people have for regressing. When "regressed" to this state Charlie/Gegg is constantly acting as a young child and actually enjoys it! He LOVED being Gegg! Even if it got too far in the end, Gegg was allowed to be open about his wants & emotions. Charlie was pushed back into the lives of the other players and fully reconnected with several people again for the first time since his self-imposed isolation. He gained new friends, too, once Gegg was introduced to the Brazilian and French players.
In turn the players never made any effort to expose Charlie's regression. while at the beginning there was some distrust & confusion over Charlie's sudden egg act it never went farther then a few subtle jokes at Geggs "true" identity (commenting on his backflips, which is something Charlie was known for). Aside from Wilbur, everybody treated Gegg as any other egg-child. He was cared for, his tasks would be completed on occasion, and the French+Brazilian players ESPECIALLY loved him! They supported Charlie's regression since at this point they began to realize how much shit he has been through since the deaths of Tilin and Flippa. Not only that, but the eggs as well played along with Gegg's coping mechanism; Leonarda (FoolishGamers + Vegetta777's egg) was one of the first to try and adopt Gegg as their own baby, while Chayanne (Philza+MissaSinfonia's egg) & Tallulah (Wilbur Soot's egg) acted as his "Geggsiblings" (even though Tallulah sorta got a bit rude to him during their second encounter, im guessing due to a new admin who wasn't around during Tallulah & Gegg's first interaction),
Infact, one of the best scenes of the Gegg Arc was during an interaction between Gegg & Bobby. Bobby was Roier & JaidenAnimation's egg, and he was also close to Juanaflippa & Tilin. The two kids talked through signs, where Bobby confessed that he held a grudge against Slime for what he did. Gegg said that he had every right to be upset, the poor boy had lost two of his closest friends after all. But then Bobby did something that shocked Charlie- he forgave him. he told Gegg to tell that "green guy" that he shouldn't be hard on himself anymore, both of them needed to move on already. Not only was Bobby a child, but he was one of the main eggs Quackity wanted Gegg to kill off first. Bobby was the reason why Gegg existed, the reason why Charlie was given the chance to heal from his trauma, and now he is telling Charlie to his face that its ok to forgive himself for the deaths of Tilin and Flippa.
Bobby knows who Gegg is, everybody does, which is why they treat Gegg with the same amount of love that every other egg gets.
Age Regression has frequently been misunderstood, and very rarely does it get the proper representation that it deserves. It is a very "taboo" form of coping, which is unfortunate due to how common it actually is. Most people feel uncomfortable with the image of grown adults acting as toddlers in diapers, and lump it together with the whole Age Play/DDLG ordeal- yet they fail to take into account what age regressors are ACTUALLY like. while it is something that just about anyone can do, the type of regression I will be talking about stems from people who seek refuge from traumatic events usually in their childhood. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and is a way for people to explore & reevaluate what it means to be a child. it is just that- a trauma response, one that im sure many of you participate in but are too scared to discuss it due to the stigma around it. Children who have experienced abuse regress, Teenagers who struggle with mental health regress, Adults with severe PTSD regress, and yet it is such a misunderstood part of the healing process that is practically unaccounted for in media. There is little to nothing on age regression representation that delivers it in a respectful, honest manner, due to this stigma, which only serves to push it further into the shadows of mental health discourse.
So to see age regression be used on a fucking minecraft server of all places in such a healthy light is so refreshing to see. While ironic at first, Charlie showcased age regression as something that shouldn't be shunned. It actively aided him through a dark period in his life and showed that he deserves a second chance. After Gegg canonically "died" Charlie returned to the island for his birthday and was finally ready to move on from Flippa & Tilins death (and then, yakno, the whole Codeflippa Arc happened)
TL;DR #2 Charlie Slimecicle's Character In The QSMP Age Regresses As A Way To Cope From The Deaths Of Two Eggs & Oh My God It Was Actually Really Fucking Emotional
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luminouslotuses · 3 months
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q!jaiden and the bittersweet cycle of losing and loving
light by which i read by eric pankey // @sunrisepaintings // bobby fields qsmp wiki page // @keirawantstocry // jaiden updates on twitter // SAVING THE EGGS youtube stream // @keirawantstocry // MATANDO O CELLBIT PRA FICAR SEM VIDA NENHUMA twitch stream (reposted here) // @cubitozinc // petal by musubu hagi // @keirawantstocry // screenshots from 1/2/24 (reposted here) // wade by clairo // @sunrisepaintings // marshmallow by victoria hannan // musubu hagi on instagram // wade by clairo // @keirawantstocry
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sweetstove · 8 months
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"Perhaps then I'll learn how to be kind."
"Perhaps then I'll learn how to be honest."
"Perhaps then I'll learn how not to hurt others."
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pamela-lntt · 5 months
About the cc Forever Situation:
A brazilian twitter user posted a translation of Forever's statement from today's stream, in case anybody needs it (tw // suicide mention )
Also included is some context at the end of the thread and links to threads of what is being discussed ( tw // pedophilia )
I'm sorry if i missed any tws, i'm just trying to help
EDIT: reblogged with screenshots of the thread for those who don't have Twitter: https://www.tumblr.com/pamela-lntt/738713715054116864/translated-statement?source=share
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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Was that Travis?
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kristiliqua · 8 months
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nis-talks-qsmp · 6 months
Bad and Foolish being immortal makes their relationship make so much sense
That being said, Bad and Foolish's friendship to me is the same as the one this Colombian friend group I once met had
Let me explain...
I went to an exchange program once where 4 schools from 4 different countries would be given the chance to have 4 students go to Germany
The people from Colombia explained to us that in their country, most people go to public school, and a lot of private schools are extremely exclusive
Their school happened to be so exclusive that most classes had around 5 people
So for most of your life you saw the same 4 people at school
They seemed to always be either very close or genuinely hate each other. There was this one girl that the other 3 had at arm's length a lot of the time, but they would still hang out and talk casually
I didn't talk much with them myself, but the people I was traveling with confirmed that they seemed to be very toxic; doing things against the other, getting mad at each other about it, and then go clubbing together the next day as if nothing happened.
Because you kind of have to get along, you're gonna see them every single school day until you graduate. If you had more classmates, you could allow yourself to ignore them; but whether you like it or not, they're gonna be a constant in your life.
Now, imagine being immortal. You see most people around you die at some point (if you stay long enough for that), maybe you've even killed some people yourself.
They all come and go, in and out of your mind in a blink.
But there's this one guy you keep encountering. You've known him for a long time, which doesn't happen a lot.
Every few hundreds of years you'd cross paths and hang out. Because... why not? It's one of the only familiar faces you can think of
Sometimes, you get along. Sometimes you don't. Either way, you're still gonna gravitate towards each other and strike conversation every single time
Now you're forced to be in the same place. Of course you're gonna hang out!
You have the weirdest possible conversations (You've already talked about everything else)
You slap him with a fish for hours, you let him slap you with a fish for hours (you've got the patience for it, you've done worst things for longer and the gods know you have the time)
You electrocute him, prank him, flirt with him, offer him emotional support, set him on fire, compliment him, insult him, falsely accuse him of murder, you plan his murder right in front of him, you plan other people's murder together, you tell him your most secret plan, you know when he's hiding things from you
Because he probably knows you more than most people
Because he's your friend
Because he's your sworn enemy
Because what else are you supposed to do
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wolfsplosion · 26 days
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drawing bobo in his fancy new cape (WIP)
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alsojnpie · 1 month
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ineed-to-sleep · 10 months
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Commission for @talking-stop-sign of their nosferatu Shomer !✌🏻💕
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demolitionistic · 26 days
and we end the episode as it begun; peem and phum being disgusting and incorrigble together <3
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
I am SO curious about West Facing!!!!! Tell me all about it!!!
THANK YOU AHH I’m gonna reuse this doodle bc its still relevant lol
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So since I’ve been thinking non-stop about royalty and stuff (in case you didn’t know) I ended up going back to my old ocs and pulling some out of the freezer and putting crowns on them lol. I don’t have a ton down for a story yet but SO FAR. It is Quinton Bell, prince/highness of a powerful kingdom looking to annex another kingdom that had gotten sovereignty however many (many many) years back; and Bo Church, a prince from said almost-annexed kingdom.
Basically at the moment its a weird kind of “arranged marriage to avoid war” where Bo’s family basically gives him to Quinton’s family as a sort of peace offering, and it’s not specifically to marry him off but there’s a reason he was the one they handed off as the loudest and angriest black sheep of the children. He’ll be whatever the opposing royal family decides him to be. Meanwhile Quinton’s father has some plans or something about adding exactly such a foreign prince to his family line, and Quinton should get married soon anyway. So the peace offering works, technically, and the threat of invasion goes dormant for at least a little while.
Neither Q nor Bo are totally thrilled with this whole marriage thing.
8 nov 2023 ww game
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