#the CONFLICT of it all is. however. very juicy.
cream-and-tea · 1 year
figured out a fiver backstory thing today while listening to his playlist. evil thoughts and villainous plotting.
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0daylighthours0 · 2 months
A Deep Dive into Milkvan and Byler's Development: If Milkvan Was Endgame All Along, Why Was it Written Like This???
SO. I've been rewatching st with my mother, who's never seen it before. And she was a fan of milkvan throughout seasons 1 and 2. Viewing those seasons again I could see why, they're cute. However, come season 3 and INSTANT distaste. And, listen, my mother is not the consciously shipping gal. She simply routes for main character pairings as writers intend, doesn't read between the lines, doesn't nothing. And she does NOT know my own opinions on the pairing. In other words, completely unbiased, uninternet drama influenced eyes. We've now reached season 3 and, after getting through a chunk of it, I asked her,
"so what do you think of Mike and El?"
and she expressed to me that they seem to be, quote:
"not very good together."
She said El's character doesn't suit the way she's acting now (in the first few episodes, concerning Mike), that Mike is more likeable and interesting when he's away from her. She doesn't like the way they ditched the party, and when it comes to their 'making out' the scenes are seen by her from Hopper's perspective (in other words, distasteful). She claimed that they'd be much better characters as friends.
And ya know what, she's right. And I mean like - duh, that's what we've been saying all this time, I'm not stating anything new here. But guys, wouldn't it be strange if the central couple of the show, pivotal that it is liked by audiences and is rooted for by them as they are THE pair, would be so dislikable like this? So uninteresting, so cliche.
I mean, okay, let's do a little mental experiment I like to do to test if I'm not just acting delulu. Let's play a game. In this game, milkvan ARE meant to be endgame. They are in love, they were all along, and they're here to draw in viewers and appease all El stans. Now, seasons 1 and 2 their relationship is honestly fine. Surface level, yeah, people will watch and appreciate them. They perfectly blend in with all the other neat pairings of the seasons, and have their own unique character traits to stand out as a main couple.
Just pretending our mate Will doesn't exist, we now get into season 3. Now, writers have nothing to lose here. If you've finished season 2, you probably like milkvan already. The issue is that they're already together now, so what's the conflict going to be? The arc? And every central couple needs that conflict to stay juicy.
Just take a look:
Jancy: quarrels, struggle to understand one another
Jopper: not yet together, one sided? will they won't they
Lumax: ...
Lumax? Lumax. Huh, guess they were simply together. Some loveable bickering, maintained a friendly dynamic while clearly in closer proximity. Well then, writers can do the same for milkvan right? Well, yes easily. But one might argue that since they are supposed to be THE pairing they need more going on between them than that. So what'll it be? Well, it seems that writers thought,
"hey, why not break them up?"
ok so.. that's a bit risky. I mean you want people to like this ship, if you break them up then that threats: 1. there being a disliking to one or both characters, 2. coming off generic if done incorrectly, 3. the break up might make no sense considering how in love they came off as just a season ago. But hey.. it could work, if done right. Some kind of misunderstanding, similar to Jancy. Maybe an argument leading to a sudden parting. I mean, yeah, Yeah! I can see that. Perhaps Mike is being too overprotective whilst El's trying to sacrifice herself for something, so she NEEDS to separate herself from him attempting to hurt him less. Or, I dunno, something akin. What's crucial is that us, AS THE AUDIENCE, still know them to be deeply in love. I mean, we have to still want them to be together. And we've seen couple trouble before. Just take a look at Lumax season 4 - did you or did you not want the best for both of them as a pair? You most likely did. See, it's doable. So did people like milkvan season 3 the same way, even after a separation plot? No.
Okay well, there are obviously those who'll always love milkvan no matter but, see, season 3 tainted it. "We need to write them like this cause it's more realistic to teenager behavior" my ars. You can make it messy without making it icky. Not only did it sour their unique dynamic, it flabbergastingly stomped on Mike as a character.
Honestly, I feel Mike has always been a mild struggle to write. Season 1 his motivations were 'find Will' (who still doesn't exist in our mind game yet shh) and 'protect El'. This worked well for him. Afterwards though, El and Will became more separate plots to him. But as a main character it remained integral that he be closely linked to them somehow. This sets him apart from Lucas and Dustin, who can easily be given any arc any season as their plots have the flexibility of a side quest nature. Since what Mike does is meant to matter more - with there probably being a better way of phrasing that but you know what I mean - it's harder knowing what he'll do when El and Will (who we'll GET to sh.) are their own separate people. And Mike is just a boy, he doesn't have super powers and he isn't a cop, which leaves there even less for him to do which is of significance. Season 2 writers decided upon having him support Will's arc, making himself of enough relevance by being able to take credit for some Will development in the story, and the plots that surrounded that, and then Mike was thrown a little bone by being the one to come up with the idea of burning those vines in the finale.
Truthfully, you don't really remember Mike's deeds much when reminiscing the series. It isn't like Dustin who's bond with Dart sticks to everyone, or Nancy and Jonathan responsible for kicking out Hawkins Lab. This is due to them, again, being able to traverse all sorts of adventures without limits. But my guy Mike can't do dat. Sadly, this kind of leads to him coming of as a little.. well... insignificant. And I know I know, the Mike truthers are gonna come at my throat. And hey! I love him too. I only want the best for my boy.
This makes season 3 a unique case cause it seems that, for the plot they decided they wanted, writers actually had to almost entirely change his character. I mean mate s2 Mike and s3 Mike are two different peoples, don't even. And I don't believe that the Duffers had their story and character turnouts completely drawn out from the very start at all. If I was to guess, I'd assume they have vague ideas of little plots they plan to include in future, but there is definitely a lot that has come unpredicted or changed throughout st's runtime. And one of those phenomenons are Michael Wheeler. So they decided to make this guy a di-
So they decided to make him more douchy, more movie typical teenage guy. It's not as if he wholly sucked, he didn't, but he didn't really do much. Whined about his girlfriend, separated the party. I mean what even was his arc? (UnLESS–)
You see, if milkvan is written to be loved, then season 3 was strike one. All of its charm was stripped away. It seems they had some cute scenes after their reconciliation, but it's not enough. It's just sort of
"oh, ok, so they're happy with eachother now. yayy."
and Stranger Things should want to be anything but boring. Sure they often enjoy indulging in tropes, but they always do something different with them. Something standoutish. And from this point on milkvan just got dull. Either writers ran out of ideas or lost interest, honestly (still with our mind game of telling ourselves they're meant to be).
But it's okay. Look, so season 3 was a bit rocky, maybe lost a couple of fans for the guys, but it is salvageable. Easily, easily. Looks like we want a plot of Mike struggling to tell El he loves her. Great! Much to work with.
So let's get into it. Season 4! Choices were... made. And, okay, now we can't go any further without bringing in our boy Will.
Mike is intrinsically tied to Will and El and has been from the start. Maybe Will was more of an accident. Maybe s1 Will was just a plot device for Mike, then s2 Will was a plot device again and Mike needed to be there as the main boy character. Come season 3 and it seems their relationship still matters. Will was sidelined - hard - so most of Mike's moments revolved around El. But as his bond with Mike is the only that's been properly built up, that's the only friend we'll get him interacting with in a way that matters. So the Mike and Will tie continues!
But that does not have to be the case for season 4. Now the writers have a chance.
They made Will gay.
Ok so.. ok so yeah that's fine. Yeah! I mean they didn't have to do that, might put them in hot water with the bylers since milkvan is their golden beauty but.. you know what no no that's okay. He's been hinted at being queer since episode 1, why not make it canon! Cool that works. Explore that, especially since we now have Vecna who can easily target Will for this. Give him a boyfriend! Or a guy crush. He's at a new school now? That's cool. Maybe we can explore some new male character Will's taken interest in. Hey maybe he meets someone who interests him which rises to surface his whole sexuality plot and-
he's in love with Mike.
Ok. No. No. What are you doing? What do you mean?? You didn't have to do that. Strike- strike EFING TWO mates! Strike. 👏 efing. 👏 2!
This was part 1. I am tired and gots to get my ars in bed. But ohohoh, do not worry. I am just getting started.
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creedslove · 11 months
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Dinner goes wrong when Murphy can't control his anger over Javi's association with Los Pepes and uses you as a way to offend him. Javier isn't pleased and ends up taking out on you
Warnings: incorrect narcos plot, angst, hurt, offense, asshole!steve murphy, asshole!javier peña, mentions of break up, insinuations of cheating, smut, oral sex (f!receiving)
A/N: Hi besties, I hope you will like this chapter. I don't know how I feel about it, I liked some parts and hated other parts, but I feel it was necessary to the story and well asshole!javi is back, so enjoy!!! 🥺
5k words
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Olivia chewed her food slowly, her content face as she savored the mashed potatoes and well-cooked veggies and very so often shot you and Javi adorable little smiles. She was an adorable child, eating her own food which you also prepared, while the adults enjoyed their Italian and the bottles of wine.
You had already finished one with Connie before the boys arrived, so you really knew you should stop yourself right there. You definitely didn't want to wake up vomiting all your way to work, you were definitely not ready to have Javier holding your hair back while you emptied your stomach in front of him. You knew he would do it without complaining, just as you would do it for him if he ever needed it, but you got really embarrassed at the thought of it. It wasn't a very sexy image. You were also in no mood to face any pregnancy jokes, because it seemed women were only designed to have one condition which implied growing a child in their womb, especially at your work environment where it was dominated mostly by men and their narrow points of view or women like Colleen who would love to overhear a juicy gossip and spread it through the country even if it had no proof of it being real.
And the third reason was because death would probably be sweeter than facing a hangover in the Colombian heat.
So when Murphy offered you another glass, you politely declined, helping yourself to another slice of lasagna, hoping you could filter the alcohol in your blood by putting something in your stomach.
He shot a glance and raised the bottle at Javi who also shook his head, which you thought was odd. Javier Peña never refused a chance to get intoxicated in alcohol.
You went back to focusing on Connie's story, though Javier's hand was restless on your thigh. That wasn't common of him either. Of course he had the habit of touching you, but he usually just rested his hand on your skin, however, you could feel how he squeezed your thigh softly, you didn't mind it at all, but you knew him enough to tell it wasn't normal. There was something bothering him, but not only him, Steve was also bothered, angry even, as he very often made snarky remarks towards your boyfriend. It wasn't unusual for the two agents to have conflicts concerning work, both of them were stubborn as a mule and if they didn't agree on something, things could get bad between them, but at the same time, they always managed to leave their work beefs at work, so whatever happened must've really angered Steve.
Javi took a deep breath, side glancing at you as you ate. He was hoping you would be satisfied enough so he could come up with any excuse to go home, at the same time he didn't want to rush you, it wasn't your fault he was a dumbass who only took bad decisions in life, well, not only bad ones, you were the living proof Javier could get some things right, but other than you, the rest was just a long shot.
When Steve mentioned something about work, Javi began to restlessly trace patterns on your skin. It was as if he had gotten into a nervous state, though you didn't get what exactly happened, it was like the two of them had an inside joke going on, one that was not funny at all.
You then remembered your interaction earlier that morning, when you put on his shirt and Javi had told you he was going to wear that during his meeting with Messina and you immediately relaxed at the same time you felt your cheeks and the tips of your ears heating up at the immediate memory that flooded you of what came after he had mentioned the shirt. The way he'd gripped your neck, touched you and filled you up with every inch of himself. It felt like you had been lost in paradise. Also, it became a fair assumption the discomfort between the two agents was their boss's doing. She must have been feral on them during their meeting and Murphy probably blamed it on Javier, or Javier blamed it on Murphy like they usually did.
The tension you felt dissolved completely and you actually enjoyed your boyfriend's little touches under the table, they weren't erotic, - Javier wouldn't do that. Yes, he was the kind of guy who would definitely finger you under the table in a crowded place, but no, he would never even consider doing that if there were any kids nearby. But the touches were intimate, affectionate. You bit your lips, pretending you were listening to every single sentence in that conversation, but in reality you were trying to distinguish what exactly Javier's finger was invisibly drawing on your skin, you could feel steady lines, following a rhythm order and you couldn't help but smile big when you finally broke the code.
That's what his fingers traced on your thigh.
It was so silly and childish, and yet a sweet reminder of your relationship. He marked you as his even unconsciously. You couldn't lie at all, it felt pretty good.
Olivia yawned big and felt her little eyes closing on their own as sleep became so intense she couldn't keep her little head from hanging low. Connie chuckled as she noticed her daughter being so sleepy and immediately got up, picking her up gently and disappearing into one of the rooms of the apartment.
Murphy took the opportunity his wife and daughter weren't in the room any longer and smirked as he raised yet another glass of wine towards you before killing it in one sip.
"So, Y/N… you and Javi are a thing, for real now, huh? Remember just how a few months ago he was a real dick to you? He treated you like absolute shit and even fucked a hooker that looked just like you, or so I heard…" he laughed softly "good thing you are a real sweet thing and you can overcome those ups and downs in your relationship, because trust me, sweetie, I'll really need this resilience"
Just as shock was everything that went through your body, anger was the only thing that ran through Javier's veins. You both could tell Steve was drunk from the amount of wine he'd had, but he should've known better than to bring shit up like that. It was none of his business, and still quite of a gray area for the two of you as you had pretty much ignored it and pretended it never happened, when in reality you just hoped everyone else would do the same. It had already been pretty humiliating and painful as it was and you definitely didn't need anyone, let alone Steve bringing that up.
Javier slammed his hands on the table, immediately getting up and pointing a finger at Steve's temporary madness. It was one thing if he was pissed off at him. If he wanted to punch Javier in the face he could even do it and Javi would definitely not give two shits about it, but teasing you and bringing you into that situation, that was too much for him.
"Shut the fuck up right now, Steve. Why are you even saying shit like that? I made a lot of mistakes but this is none of your fucking business, I don't talk about your personal life, so why are you doing this to us? To her?" He pointed at you, as you kept your head low, you felt so ashamed at that moment, still clueless to why such thing had been brought up like that, but Steve didn't care at all.
"Sorry Y/N, didn't mean to embarrass you, but I was also wondering if you know your wonderful boyfriend is being threatened by the head of the Los Pepes death squad? Do you know she has promised to end his career in the DEA by going to the american press?" He asked "can you believe that?"
You didn't say anything at the same time Javier's voice filled the room initiating an argument with Steve, hoping he would stop talking.
"Here's a great idea, Jav… instead of jeopardizing our entire mission, you could give in to your impulses and fuck Judy, maybe it will help us all… I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind, deep down she knows she can't expect much from you… or maybe she would understand perfectly, I'm sure she would take this bullet for the team"
You didn't know why Steve was acting that way, why he was suddenly so angry, you could understand his frustration, of course but it didn't explain why he decided to use you as a target to hit Javier. He could have just talked about his posture as a cop, insist on argumenting how wrong associating with that squad was, but using personal elements to provoke Javier was too much.
"Why are you doing this Steve?" You finally raised your head and stared at him, your cheeks already wet with tears you couldn't control at the anger and shame of being treated that way by someone you thought was your friend.
You could have raised your voice, defended Javier, defended your relationship with him, but you felt so weak and small at that moment, as if you were just a stupid little girl who fell for the Romeo's cheap tricks. You knew you couldn't let Javier's past intrude your relationship, he had changed, he wasn't that jerk anymore, he was a good man, actually he had always been a good man but he didn't believe in himself. You believed in him and that made him believe as well, and that was why your relationship was working so perfectly, but no one, and especially no one you considered a friend had the right to bring those things up. It was mean, hurtful and you felt you couldn't stay there any longer. If Murphy had a problem with Javier, he should solve it with him, and not drag you into the eye of the storm.
You got up and grabbed your coat, walking to the door at the same time Connie returned from the room and watched the warzone her dining room became. She didn't understand why Javier was screaming at Steve at the same time her husband pointed at you and mumbled something she couldn't actually understand and you cried, but she knew it wasn't good.
She called your name, trying to make you stop, wanting to talk to you and ask you what was going on, but you turned your back to everyone and walked away, running downstairs and locking yourself up in your apartment.
Javier on the other hand was livid, he wanted nothing more than throw punches at Steve, he didn't understand where that attack came from, Javi knew he had all the right to be pissed at the Los Pepes association but that should have been handled in the office and not during a double dinner date, and not by attacking and teasing his girlfriend. Javi also knew it was the only way he would get a reaction from him. If Steve had said anything about Javier, he would have probably shrugged it off, but the moment he brought you into the deal then Javi got angry. To the point he didn't know any better and finally punched his friend, feeling Murphy's face under his fist and blood immediately soaking his pained knuckles. He didn't want things to go like that, but it was partially if not mostly Steve's fault for acting like a dick around them all.
Murphy immediately fought back, throwing a punch at Javi, who groaned and was ready to get back at the other man once more if it weren't for Connie screaming for them to stop. She was terrified, in all the years they'd been together, she'd never seen her husband act like that and especially not towards his partner.
She desperately asked them to stop, but Steve seemed to only had fallen back into his senses when Olivia also screamed in fear, so scared at the commotion happening in the living room and snapping her away from her sweet dreams.
Murphy finally stopped and looked at his wife's shocked face, then looked back at Peña, who was panting and wiping the sweat off his face.
"See the shit you did, Javier? You can never do anything right!" He said angrily and paced the living room, "my daughter's crying now, scared because of your fucking scene!!! Not that you understand what that means, because you are never gonna have that, Javier. Never! You'll screw up just like you did with your job, I don't even know why you still try it!"
Javier immediately left the apartment and ran downstairs, the whole environment was suffocating him, but not as much as Steve's words. He knew people didn't take him seriously, not his friends, not his partners at work, not his hometown and not even his dad. And he never really cared about it, or the part of him that actually cared was long gone and buried. It was easier to handle things that way, Javier taught himself.
But lately he had learned to trust a little more in himself, because you had faith in him, you were the only good thing he had in life and he hated himself to be brutally reminded he didn't deserve you like that, he hated how you left the room crying, disappointment after disappointment. Of course to some extent blaming it on Steve was the logical attitude, but if it weren't for himself, there would be nothing Steve could have used against you. He had done all those things, he had humiliated you with a fucking prostitute, not only that, one that looked just like you, it was disgusting and low, and he honestly didn't know why or how you had forgiven him.
Even if the whole death squad drama didn't happen, you would still have to face shame for the rest of your life just because of the mere fact of being with him. It didn't matter where you went, if it was Colombia or Laredo, people would always point fingers at you, whispering and laughing at the fact you chose Javier Peña.
He wanted to disappear at that moment, it weighed so heavy in his chest, he felt so guilty and ashamed of himself.
At the same time he needed to see you, he wanted to avoid you. He hoped you weren't so upset, so broken at what happened, you were such a strong girl, but even he could tell Steve stroked a delicate point.
He stood in front of his apartment and opened the door, walking inside and calling your name, having no answer and swallowing hard, as he knew instantly you were back at your place. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed deeply, a bad feeling taking over him as his heart raced at the absence of you.
He turned around and went for your apartment instead, an anger filling his body, running through his veins. He knew he couldn't just aim his anger with Steve at you nor his self-hatred, but god, it made his blood boil not to find you there. All that talk about love, partnership and understanding just went to shit because of Steve's tantrum?
He didn't knock, instead he used his own key and burst the door open, making you jump off the couch startled. You sniffed as your eyes were red and puffy, being obvious you'd been crying for the past half an hour.
You looked at him, not liking how dark his expression was, he wasn't looking at you with soft, loving eyes, you could see the burning rage and you didn't know what else had happened, but you trusted he wasn't going to be childish and take it on you.
"What now?" He asked and folded his arms "is it because of Judy and her threats? Or is it still because of the hooker?" He asked annoyed and looked at you up and down. He was just so angry, at any other time, he would have wrapped his arms around your body, pulled you closer and made you forget all about what was hurting you, but at that moment, Javier's feelings were a turmoil and he couldn't control them.
You dried your tears and walked to him "why are you being so rude? It's not my fault" you said and stared at him, why Javier was snapping like that was beyond you.
Javier scoffed and shook his head "I'm not being rude, I just asked you a question, are you gonna cry about that too, Y/N? I thought all that talk about forgiving and believing I was a better man was real, but every single time something about my past comes up you're gonna cry like that?" He was visibly impatient at the same time he was willing to give everything in order to shut himself up before he could screw things up.
You frowned and shook your head "yeah, I meant all that when I said I believed you, and that I trusted you could be a better man, Javi… you are a good man" you said "but this is not the way of talking to me, it hurts Javi… I don't hold it against you, but it does hurt… it is something you did to hurt my feelings and you knew it… and now with Los Pepes… you are in danger, your career Javi… what if they try to kill you?" You blinked some more tears, but his expression was indecipherable.
He scoffed again and looked at you
"It doesn't make any sense, there's nothing any of us can do about it, cariño. I've always been a bad guy, too bad you couldn't see it, or you saw it and that was why you liked it so much"
Come on, Javier, don't say it.
He begged himself and bit his lower lip softly
"I don't think this will work, Y/N…"
You shook your head and took a step closer to Javier, he couldn't just regress to what he was before, no, you two had made such progress, you were so in love with each other, he couldn't just do what you thought he was about to.
"What are you talking about, Javi? It is working between us" you said as your breath accelerated and the blood in your ears almost made it hard for you to hear.
"It is working, but it's not gonna work in the long run Y/N"
"Are you breaking up with me?" Your voice cracked as you stared into his eyes.
No, never. He thought. He couldn't hold himself back now, he had made so much progress he was just so happy, he just wanted to fall on his knees and show you he was yours and only yours. But he didn't.
"Fuck this"
He said and turned around, walking out the door.
You didn't keep track of how long you were crying by yourself. You couldn't believe and wrap your head around what happened. Just as you had got Javi, you had made plans with him, you had envisioned and fantasized a life of happiness and love with him, moving into his ranch, living your life next to him, maybe getting married one day and even maybe bringing a baby into the picture, all of that, it seemed so real to you and just like that he walked away from you.
Anyone could see it coming, but you couldn't, because they didn't know Javi the way you did, they didn't love him the way you did and they didn't know he loved you the way you did. He was so affectionate, so in love, always in need of touching and feeling you next to himself, he couldn't just walk away from you. Yeah, what had happened was bad, but all the path you walked together couldn't be undone just by one simple occasion. Steve's words couldn't be that powerful, could they? Or Javi wouldn't just break your heart with that stupid excuse of keeping you safe or because he knew you deserved better. That grew old, you didn't buy anymore. One part of you didn't believe your Javi, your lovely handsome boyfriend would ever do that, but on the other hand that was exactly what it looked like. He had just walked away with no further explanation.
You felt so lost, so alone as if the ground had disappeared off your feet and you desperately needed to find a grip back to reality. The beautiful moment you lived with him couldn't be over just yet, you couldn't accept that was ever all you would get of him because the cold truth snapped you away from the fairytale you lived for the past two months.
Those two months of pure happiness and bliss, of affection and amazing sex couldn't be the only thing to your relationship with Javi, because you were certain those two months would ruin the rest of your life, you would never be able to be happy again.
You desperately felt the need of being close to him, even if he had just left you wanted to feel his warmth, his embrace, smell his cologne, you wanted to cup his cheeks and make sure he was real, he was still yours.
So you didn't think twice before walking into his apartment. It was where you were supposed to be sleeping, where you should be tangling yourself into his body in bed, naked, rapid breathing and rhythm moves bringing the two of you to the bliss you craved so much with your man. Everything about that place hurt when you stepped inside. It had become so cozy, your true home, more than your own apartment and yet, the desperate possibility of not having free access to it every single day just made your heart tighten in your chest.
You didn't know where Javi went, a teeny tiny little part of your brain tried haunting you, planting the jealousy and anxiety seed, reminding you of all the shady sketchy places he often went to to pick up women before getting with you, but you quickly dismissed it. You had hopes it wasn't nothing but a misunderstanding, and even if it weren't, you thought Javier was better than that. Chances were he just went out to some bar to get drunk and forget that night ever existed, and it was what you should do too. If he had the right to low-key break up with you and go get drunk, then you also had the right to forget.
With the exception you we're already tipsy from all the wine you had had earlier, before everything went to shit, and that you were in Colombia and that was definitely not a safe place for a woman to walk alone at night.
Also, the fact you weren't a DEA agent carrying a gun for protection weighed on it.
A gun.
A gut feeling told you to immediately look for Javi's badge and gun, if he had left them at home, it meant he left for a bar or somewhere else, though you really didn't want to even think of that hypothesis.
You shook your head and got off his bed, going to the safe place he kept them both and opened it, finding it completely empty.
Your mouth went completely dry.
He had taken his gun and that could only mean problem.
When Javier drove back home he wanted to punch and kick himself for being that stupid. He couldn't even begin to explain to himself all the things he did wrong. Was it jeopardizing a whole investigation by allowing a death squad to finish the enemies they had in common? Was it letting his temper get in the way of his friendship? Yeah, Steve was a douche and he deserved that punch, not only for himself but for embarrassing you like that. As Javi had thought over and over: Steve could have talked about anything about Javier, but not about you. Not when you were so good to them, not when you were his girlfriend and Steve's friend. It was mean, cruel even and also a cowardly move coming from him. But now, thinking clearer, Javier knew he could have handled things better, maybe he could have just left and let the soberness of morning light handle the situation better. It would've been wiser to do that.
But out of all the bad things Javier did that night, definitely his attempt of pushing you away was the cherry on top of the cake.
He didn't know what had got into him, the whole situation led him to an unbelievable anger, one he should have aimed at anyone but you, because you were the only good thing in his life, you were the one who made it all worth it, you were the one he loved and wanted to have a future with.
And yet, he acted like a real bastard. He purposely hurt you, he left you in the dark and now he was terrified you had taken things to the letter, he just didn't know what he was going to do if you walked out of his life. If you did it, he would deserve it, but he was sure he would die.
Javi parked and got out of the car, his head pounding at the adrenaline and the booze, the punch, the stress and the fear of being alone. He sighed, he shouldn't have done any of the things he did that night, especially not after he grabbed his gun and left, but he saw no other way out. Javier took a look at your apartment door, you were probably there, asleep or crying yourself to sleep, as everything was dark and silent, so he just entered his place, knowing it would be just as dark and empty as it was the first day he moved in.
And you were there.
You were there as if nothing had happened, as if you hadn't been treated like shit by Steve first and then by Javier himself. He just couldn't believe it.
"Y/N…" he whispered and walked to you, seeing your puffy eyes, the tears caused by him, still present. You were still wearing the same dress as earlier, and god, you looked gorgeous, he wished he had told you before. When you were still having dinner with your friends, when he had his hand on your thigh, tracing his own name on your skin.
You didn't move, as you watched him walk towards you, you didn't see the storm in his eyes anymore, but you didn't see the joy in them, they were empty, sad… red.. was Javier tearing up? No, you must've been seeing things, you had never seen Javi cry.
Suddenly, he felt a wave of disappointment in himself, he knew what that scene looked like, even if he still carried his badge and gun, anyone who'd met him before would've guess he had taken a quick trip to a brothel and he felt ashamed of that, of himself and the fact people would always either laugh at you or would pity you for it.
"You're probably thinking I went to a whorehouse or something… Y/N I-"
You cut him off, shaking your head and whispering no repeatedly. Even if, yes, for a split second your anxiety made you consider the hypothesis, but you dismissed it right away, others could think whatever they wanted of Javi, but you knew him. You trusted him.
"No, Javi… I think better of you, I think the world of you and I trust you you wouldn't do this to me"
And that broke Javi.
Because you were too kind, you were too good for him, you were everything he didn't deserve it.
You always assumed the best of him, and he could never find anyone better than you. He wasn't in a whorehouse, he was at a whore's house. He went over to Judy Mocada's and against any better judgment he pointed a gun at her head, how her sicarios didn't kill him on the act, he would never know, but she thought it was intriguing, amusing even. What made a DEA agent hold her at gunpoint in the middle of the night definitely caught her attention.
He had made her an offer, she agreed and he needed to wait for her at the Embassy the next day. A part of him knew it was easy, too easy, actually, but he didn't care at that moment. In fact, he felt he should've blown up her head when he had the chance to.
And then he just wanted to go home and pick up the pieces of what he'd shattered.
And there you were, being too kind to him, being too loving, too affectionate. It just showed him little of a person he really was.
And standing right next to you, Javi felt onto his knees. His head looking up at you, all the love and admiration back in those beautiful brown eyes, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer.
"Soy un perro a tus pies"
Javier told you, his breathing was uneven as he waited for an answer that never came. You didn't have words to tell him, after all that happened in just one night you didn't know what to say. So instead, he decided to apologize to you in the best way he knew, the way he could speak beautifully without any words.
He sank his face into your core, lifting your dress up and quickly pulling your panties to the side. He lips didn't tease when they wrapped around your clit and sucked on it, feeling your characteristic warmth, your taste, and when your moans filled the room and your fingers ran through his hair, tugging and gripping at them, he thought that maybe and just maybe things would be alright again.
A/N: it was a hard chapter to write, but it felt necessary to the story, I didn't want to ruin Javi's character development but I also wanted to show that deep down he is still the same insecure handsome broken agent we came to love 🥺🥺🥺
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sugarakis-p2 · 9 months
Ten-chan is the worst ch2
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Art by me...be sweeties and give credit if you steals it ;x
[previous chapter 1: Alternate universe Tenko a UA student but no hero. Reader x Tenko F/M]
You're a roller coaster of emotions has been full of conflict between you and Tenko. Despite your mother's warning, you decide to take matters into your own hands and ascertain the truth behind Tenko and Touya. You bask in the glory of a selfie with All Might and your excitement soon turns to another argument. As if that wasn't enough, you go a step further and force Tenko to confront your Dad so you can go on your first date in your life. Only that first date will be with Tenko of all people. But it's time to figure out how you feel about your blackmailer. Because things are feeling less and less pretend.
Warning: Toxic relationship, there is a reason I say the worst in the title. when really everyone seems pretty bad. There's fluff, romance, and naughty bits. Oral sex, fingering in front of Dad...Mom is boss though
Chapter 2:
You blubber into your body pillow when your Mom comes in with soup and places the comb next to it on your desk.
"Honey, I could better help you if you told me what is happening?" She said, sitting next to you on the bed. 
When you came home, you wailed. You didn't tell your Mom much of anything, and you want to keep it that way. You can not stand the thought of your Mom seeing that side of you and judging you. You stalked a boy, got blackmailed, and started having feelings for that jerk.
"That nice boy keeps coming over. When I told him you weren't feeling well, very sarcastically, I might add. He came back with soup and sits on the steps as we speak. He seems to care about you."
"I know, he won't stop texting me," you groan. You reach over and smack your phone to the ground. It was the source of all your troubles.
"Mmmhmmm, it has to do with him. If you want me to get rid of him, I will, but you haven't taken his clothes off, and you have a noticeable hickey on your neck from the charming man on my porch, I assume," Your Mom wryly grins. You cringe and curl in on yourself. However, when you think about it, your Mom can help you. Hell, you begged for it when you came home. You sit up suddenly, taking a page out of Tenko's book, and think of what you'll say before you say it.
"I found out that Tenko slept with all the past girls in the gaming club. The comb he gave me is the same gift he's given other girls. I'm not special to him at all," you snivel, your voice breaking on the verge of tears again. Mom mulled over what you said and then raised an eyebrow at you.
"Did Tenko tell you he slept with other girls? I thought you said there was only one other girl in the club," she questioned.
"No, he didn't tell me, and yes, there's only one other girl, but that is because I was given the impression he chased them off by sleeping with them like a one-night stand."
"Given the impression, huh? Was it from the girl he slept with? So, have you seen other girls with that exact comb?" 
"No," you huff. You may have reacted emotionally instead of logically. You didn't ask any of these questions, and it annoys you that you need solid answers. You try to shrink yourself more in the corner.
"Hmmm," your Mom reflected, "It appears as though a conversation between the two of you is in order. Speak to him calmly and rationally. I know him only a little, but I cannot believe that he does not find you special. A man would not go to such lengths, procuring thoughtful gifts and incessantly loitering on my doorstep, if he did not have strong affections for you." You cringe when your Mom says it like that. Your
Mom got up to leave you with that. You can't stand her having the last word.
"How did he look?" you inquire eagerly, your Mom's eyes widening with anticipation. She knows this isn't just idle chatter. You're genuinely hungry for the juicy details, and Mom is happy to deliver.
"He was sweaty and gasping because he ran here from the bus. He was worried you didn't answer his texts. So, your sweet Mother informed him you are ill and not seeing anyone in my most venomous tone. I also gave him this look," Mom demonstrated her disgusted shrewd look, disapproval radiating from her body language with pursed lips and a narrowed side-eye. It should have left no doubt in Tenko's mind of her dissatisfaction.
"Fierce," you said with an eye roll.
"I know, right. And you know what Tenko-san did? He left for two hours and then showed back up on my porch with that soup," she continued, her voice filled with emotion. The expression on her face as she recounted his gesture filled you with wonder. "Two whole hours!" she exclaimed. "He must have gone to the market and made the soup from scratch." She nodded her head, admiringly at her own conclusion. "I told him you wouldn't even come to the window to wave at him. He said that was all right. 'I will wait,' he said. My heart skipped a beat. Your father used to do things like that. You should really try the soup. It tastes like he poured love into it," she said with a sense of finality before she left. Her words lingered in the air as you felt that you had just heard something special.
Muttering a curse, you crawl slowly onto your desk and peek out the window. Tenko is playing a handheld gaming console and drinking a boa tea, seemingly ready to stay there for a while. You frown and sighed, annoyed, as you watch him stand up and unashamedly relieve himself onto your beloved bushes. You sink down, feeling the warmth of the soup on the desk beside you. She had said it was filled with love. You take a spoonful and sniff it. Not able to identify any of the ingredients. You throw away your apprehensions and bring a spoonful to your lips, only to nearly gag as you take a sip. 
Your face contorted in agony as you hastily spat out the dreadful concoction, "AARRGGHH! That tastes like pure salt! That doesn't taste anything like love!" Your scream echoed through the room as you dashed to the sink to rinse the wretched flavor. A hearty laugh from your Mom subsequently followed your moans of suffering. "That was so cheesy, Mom!" You yelled at her. Tenko did make it himself which means he did pour love into it. Why did it have to be so bitter? 
Your heart contracts with pain when you think of how you treated Tenko. You had jumped to conclusions, and you shook your head in disbelief. Is what they say about Touya true, or was he warning you about Tenko? You never wanted to admit just how much you were coming to care for Tenko. More than just a nice blackmailer. Your thoughts spin rapidly as you cup your face in stress. How could you have a real relationship with him dangling that over your head? You can feel your determination rising as you realize the only way to get out of this mess is to act. You are also not so naive as to think talking to Tenko will solve your problems. Despite what your Mom thinks.
The man is a liar, among other things. You can almost taste the fear that is rising in your throat. Walking towards the door, your head races with questions - will he threaten you again? Is he here because he knows you are his or because there is something more hidden behind his piercing eyes? Taking a deep breath and swallowing your dread, you pick up your phone. You steel yourself and head off to face Tenko.
Tenko jumped to his feet when he heard the door opening. His face more dower than usual, and relief washed over it when he saw it was you. Before you could say anything, he pulled you into a tight embrace, his lips melted onto yours, and it was like nothing you had ever imagined from Tenko. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. The energy that flowed between you became nearly physical, almost like the air quivered with electricity that pulled you together. A passionate kiss that seemed to last an eternity and ended too soon. Your eyes closed, and a low moan escaped your lips as your tongues tangled together before parting.
"Ten-chan, you moron. I'm sick. Not only that, my Mom is watching," you pushed him as you both looked over to see the curtain shift. You roll your eyes when you look up at Tenko, his expression unreadable.
"Why didn't you answer my texts and calls? Did Touya say something? Are you hurt? Don't ever make me worry like that again, or our deal is off," he snarled. His lips found yours again, this time with more passion than before. He gently pulled away, and you felt almost dizzy with emotion. You opened your eyes and saw the same feeling of awe reflected in his gaze. Tenko is very emotional in private. He is careful with it, and it makes you wonder why?
"No, nothing like that," you mumbled bashfully. 
"Was it what I texted you?" Tenko asked suddenly with concern.
"What did you text?" You growl, pulling out your phone. Shocked when he swiftly snatched it out of your hand. Your heart races as you feel Tenko's eyes burn through you. He offers no explanation for why he's taken your phone, but his searing gaze leaves you trembling and desperate for answers. He starts scrolling through the messages, erasing whatever he reads before returning it to you. 
A deep, uncomfortable silence stretches between the two of you until, finally, Tenko pulls you closer and wraps his arms around you. Despite the warmth that envelops you, the lingering mystery of what was erased remains, and you can't help but worry about what else was wiped away during Tenko's swift cleanup.
"I texted lies and stupid things," he admits, his embrace regretful, and he tightens it as if he's worried you'll run away. He lets you go with a worried expression, "Don't worry about it. They are gone now. It doesn't feel like you have a fever and are still wearing my hoodie." He reaches for it, but you smirk and push his hands away. His words hang in the air as you clutch his hoodie closer around you, stepping away from him. You can tell he's sorry for what he texted, but there's also a glint of something else in his eyes. Not just regret but something mischievous. 
"It's staying with me. I'm keeping it. It's an apology for whatever you texted," you tell him firmly. 
"It's an old rag," he says, trying to find some way to lessen the tension. "I'll get you something nicer." 
You narrow your eyes and shake your head. "No need. This one will do just fine. It's comfy, and I'm keeping it. Thanks for the soup. I'm super sick, so don't bother me. Quit watering my Mom's plants with your piss and go home!" You take a deep breath and shake your head in disapproval. You stepped back, going into your house, glancing at Tenko sternly, trying not to show too much emotion. "I'll see you at school. Good night," you said, firmly closing the door. You take a peek at him through the mail slot. You call out, your voice ringing with a tinge of worry, "Send me a text when you get home." Your phone pings, and you see it's from Tenko. A smile of reassurance rises on your face.
Ten-chan: I'll be back tomorrow
You: It better not be for my hoodie. I told you to stay away. I'll see you at school.
You won't tell him you're keeping the hoodie because it still smells like him. You grip the baggy hoodie and inhale. You can still feel his presence with every inhalation, like a phantom hug from the past. Must and plum rain, you are so distracted by the scent that you are caught off guard when your Mom says "boop" and shoves something in your mouth.
"What the hell," you shouted, horror-stricken as you tried to choke down whatever your Mom had shoved in your mouth. 
"It's the pill. I'm trying to save you from a lifetime of regret. Do not let that boy trap you with a baby. At least, not until your ready," she said, sweetly throwing a packet at you. Your stomach churned, you knew instantly what it was for, and you cringed inwardly. 
"No way! We're not doing that kind of thing!" You screamed, grabbing a glass of water to get it down. 
"Neither was your father and I until we did!"
You sigh. Flopping on the bed and putting the pills in your nightstand drawer. You pull out your phone and go into your archives. Of course, it's yelling, threat, threat, yelling, panic, panic, threat, panic, apology, hundreds of times repeated. What was more interesting was Tenko had erased Touya's messages. The last one from Touya was needy.
Touya: You didn't text me when you got home. I was a worried cute little mouse. (sad face)
You texted Shuichi, and then you sat at your computer. Downloading and printing pictures of Touya. You spent hours compiling before falling asleep in your new favorite hoodie.
A few days later, you meet Tenko at school and get settled back into your routine of pretend girlfriend. You and Tenko spend the days immersed in a whirlwind of passionate and heated encounters, everything from heavy petting, outercourse, and oral sex, to stealing alluring glances. Only stopping when the bell for class rings or you need to go home. Your infatuation for him has been slowly growing with each of these romantically charged meetings, and soon, Tenko is finding his way into all your fantasies. But, as your newfound relationship grows more intense, an unavoidable obstacle lies ahead, you don't understand your feelings for your blackmailer.
"Let me put it in. I promise to make you feel good," Tenko purrs. Weeks pass like this, with Tenko becoming more frustrated when you tell him no. 
You are heading to the front gate early to set up a surprise for Tenko when you see Tenko is already there and he's talking to someone. Shit, he is always here earlier than me, you pout to yourself. You are about to dodge behind a tree when Tenko looks over his shoulder and sees you approaching, surprise ruined. His eyes widen, and he says something to the person he is talking to. When you come closer, you are boggled by what your seeing.
With a powerful BOOM that shook the ground, vibrating the air around you, All Might burst through a cloud of dust and smoke like a magician, announcing his arrival with a booming voice. His massive golden frame seems to radiate in the morning light, and the legendary hero can't help but flash his signature confident grin. You squeal with unbridled excitement. His presence is larger than life. All Might proclaims: "HELLO! I am here!"
"IT'S ALL MIGHT! Tenko, it's All Might! Oh, my fucking god! All Might!" You screamed, yanking at Tenko like he didn't have eyes, your heart pounding wildly as you regarded the legendary hero standing just a few feet away. He didn't look like All Might from far away, but there was no mistaking it now - this was definitely the symbol of hope, the one and only All Might! Tenko looked bored. 
"Quite a mouth you got," All Might chuckled.
 "Oh fuck, I cussed in front of All Might! I'm so sorry! My mouth has a mind of its own when I get excited. Fuck! I'm sorry! Fuck! I'm sorry! Um ..uh..ummm, fuck! Sorry!" Oh no! I'm embarrassing myself in front of All Might! Your mind screeched. You are telling yourself to stop, but you are caught in an insane loop of cussing and apologizing. Tenko sighed and clamped his hand over your mouth. 
"All Might, this is my girlfriend. Would you please take a selfie with her so we can get to class?" Tenko drawled in his typical monotone. You nod yes like crazy. 
All Might beamed and exclaimed, "Of course! Anything for a fan and girlfriend of young Shimura! I see you're growing your hair out, Tenko." You were overwhelmed with gratitude that Tenko saved you from your mouth, and your joy was only compounded when you got a selfie with the most handsome and nicest hero. 
Tenko took the picture before suddenly shoving your phone back in your hand, dragging you away to class and from All Might. You had no time to expect it, and it felt like he wanted to rip your arm off as you stumbled to keep up.
"Tenko, you're being rude! Thank you, All Might!" You shouted over your shoulder. "Tenko slow down," you begged.
"We have to go, or we'll be late," he hissed.
"Glad to hear you're taking your studies and your future seriously. Consider the offer, young Shimura!" All Might shouted after Tenko. Tenko freezes and stiffens, violently scratching his neck with one hand and squeezing you too tight with the other, the black enamel flaking and cracking. His eyes almost seemed to glow with bubbling hate.
"My future? Why don't you shut up and die already?" Tenko seethed. Tenko's words were like venom as he snarled at All Might, his grip on your arm like death itself. You glance back at All Might, and the sight of him, so bereft, brings you close to tears. "Shimura," he sighs, and the sorrow in his voice is too much for you to bear. The doors closed on the saddest-looking man you have ever seen, and you look away. Tenko's hand pulls you in his wake as he ushers you down the long, abandoned hallways.
"Tenko, my class is that way," you yelped. Startled as he swept you off your feet. His grip was solid and powerful, yanking you into a rundown room. You felt a wave of dread wash over you as he pushed you down, landing on the musty wrestling mat. Suddenly, his lips were on yours with a ferocity you'd never felt before. It was aggressive, sloppy, and hurtful. Pushing him away, you gasped for air. It felt as if you were drowning in his saliva. This wasn't anything like the gentle, passionate kisses from before. This was something new and terrible.
"Tenko, slow down. This hurts," you panted.
"Good!" He roared, his eyes piercing you with their absolute hatred. Did he hate you? The question made fear ripple through your veins. "You gush for Touya like a dense little schoolgirl with a dumb little crush. But you gushed over All Might like a stupid slut. Disgusting. Are you wet for him too?" He spat, his teeth tugging at your nipple through your clothes as he shoved his hand between your legs. You acted instinctually and reared back, slapping Tenko as hard as possible. Panting with rage and fear, you scrambled away from his reach, desperation clawing at your heart.
"No!" you screamed, your fear quickly turning to rage. "I may have to pretend to be your girlfriend, but I refuse to be your emotional punching bag or your...your...fleshlight!" You breathed heavily, trembling with fury. "Do you understand me? Stop! Tenko, you're scaring me!"
He hadn't moved. Like a broken doll, he remained perfectly still as his cheek turned red. 
"You're right, but you can't leave me. We have a deal," his voice wavered. Your eyes narrowed, and you threw the bag you'd been carrying at his chest.
"Don't you come around me until you can treat me like the friend part of girlfriend," you hissed. Marching off to your class, cursing him.
Tenko looked in the bag. He stood there with eyes wide with surprise. You'd put so much thought into the gift you made for him. A bento box overflowing with all his favorite things neatened up carefully with a beautiful hanky. His sweatpants were cleaned and pressed. But it was the little bag and its contents that genuinely made his heart swell, chapstick and creme that you'd handmade just for him. He pulled out the card that sat amongst them, and little hearts swirled around, 'For Ten-chan!' it read.
I remember painting your nails. You said your quirk had changed your appearance. I could tell it hurt when we kissed, so I wanted to make it easier for you. With all my care, here's a gift to make life a bit less painful. About the hoodie,
Took my friend's hoodie,
A secret I keep inside.
Never leaves him warm.
I'm never giving it back (smiley face with tongue sticking out)
You remembered, he thought to himself. You noticed how kissing made him wince. You wanted to help, to ease his pain. It was a gift beyond anything he'd ever received, and for once, he genuinely felt seen and cared for. You even made a cute haiku. He clutched the bag to his chest and sighed, "I blew it. I don't deserve her."
A black swirl opened, and Sensei Kurogiri stepped through. "Ah. I thought I would find you here. Do not skip your next class. Midnight is more lenient than the other teachers, but that does not mean you can disregard the others," Kurogiri warned. Tenko growled and stepped through Kurogiri's quirk. 
Tenko had been sulking and stealing glimpses for nearly a week. Despite the bento box, you gave him as an excuse to talk to you, he hadn't made the first move to apologize. Ten-chan is a jerk, but not as big of a jerk as Touya, you learned after launching an investigation into the two of them. You weren't going to make the same mistake twice. Tenko needed to grovel, and you needed to talk to Touya. What you heard was not flattering to either of them. Shuichi interrupted your thoughts when he plopped across from you at the lunchroom table.
"What do you want?" Yuki growled at him, her hackles raised and her ears pinned back. He raised his hands in surrender and leaned forward to you.
"You know he's lost weight, abandoned his hobbies, and been holed up in his room, sulking over romance manga with tears in his eyes? It's pathetic. At least, go over and call him a jerk, so things get back to normal," Shuichi conveyed. Undeterred, you blew him an unmistakable raspberry. A deliberate gesture of contempt, accompanied by a resolute thumbs down. The other girls joined in, and you could see Shuichi wavering. He wanted to keep his composure but struggled to retain his stern expression. Shuichi narrowed his eyes at you, then unexpectedly, his lips quirked up in an amused smile. 
"Shiori has been sniffing around Ten." Shuichi pointed.
"The nerve of this tramp," Yuki said, glaring at Shiori as she crept closer toward Tenko. You look to see Shiori is sniffing around Tenko. Is she dumb? Tenko is not in the mood. You can tell by his scratching and glowering. "Yeah, it's pretty obvious it's time for the two of you to part ways," Yuki muttered. Without another word, you stealthily sat next to Tenko and cozied up to him.
"If they get back together, will we see you girls at the gamers club again?" Shuichi asked, his scales turning pink with a blush.
"Maybe," Yuki said as the girls stood to sit at a closer table to get a view of the action.
"Whatcha two talking about?" You asked Shiori. Tenko quickly took advantage and clung to you desperately, throwing one arm around your shoulder to close the gap between you. Shiori looked flustered, still holding her tray and ready to try to sit next to Tenko. But she was too late. Tenko clearly had no interest in her. She was graceful in her recovery.
"Well, Tenko and I talked about going to the festival together. It's said that if you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, you will be together forever. It's basically a marriage proposal," Shiori said.
Tenko's other arm snakes around you, pulling you close. It was almost hard to breathe. A deep thrill runs through you, and you can feel your cheeks heat. You desperately struggle to keep in character and lace your arm around him, leaning against his chest and offering him a bright smile. You carefully glance over to Shiori to gauge her reaction, your heart a cadence in an excited rhythm as disappointment and pain wash over her face.
Tenko nuzzles at the crook of your neck. You stiffen and squeak but still play his girlfriend. He only paused long enough to look and Shiori to ask, "Oh. You're still here? What was your name again?" Shiori can't even get two words out. Her mouth gaps in shock. The pain of seeing Tenko rejecting her is too much to bear, and she turns and runs away with her head held high. You can't help but giggle in the aftermath, feeling heady with victory and looking up into Tenko's gaze with a triumphant smirk.
"I like this side of you," he grinned back. Tenko's face lit up, and he leaned closer, nibbling at you as he did. You had surprised yourself, unleashing this hidden side of you that was so daring, so out of character. Even Tenko seemed to have noted the difference, his expression a mix of confusion and rare admiration. "I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?" He asked. You nervously chuckled and thought that seeing your rival driven before you was payment enough. But to him, you turn and say, your face radiating with a devilish grin.
"Come to my place after school."
"Huh? What? I can't invite Touya on such short notice," he graveled. He winced as you grabbed his face and turned his gaze to yours, squeezing how he did to you to make him look at you.  
"I didn't say Touya," you growled sternly, "I said you come over. It's official pretend boyfriend stuff. I want you to meet my Dad." You pulled his face down to yours, lips crashed together in a passionate kiss, your tongue dancing with his as you tried to explain the ways of dating to him. "That's what guys do when they're dating," you whispered as you finally pulled away.
"We haven't dated yet," Tenko rasped. He was astonished and delighted by your dramatic flirting.
"And who's fault is that?" You say. Unfaltering, Tenko pulled you tight to him until you molded to his body and continued to take you in his arms, his eyes smoldering with lust. You could only cling to him and pray that you had made the right decision. He stared into your eyes, a deep, remorseful sadness in his.
"I'm so sorry," he said softly. His voice quivered with emotion as he continued, "I never should have done what I did. It was unforgivable, and I wasn't sure how I could say sorry enough. I swear to you, I will never let it happen again." He released you to squeeze your hands tenderly with his own, and you felt a wave of understanding. You nodded, knowing that it sounded exactly like him. Tenko can sweet talk when he wants to.
"I would appreciate that. Are you willing to tell me what that was all about?" You ask. He shook his head, and you felt your hopes of him trusting you vanish entirely. You sigh. The disappointment is evident in the exhale of air. You slowly get up, and he follows you like a desperate, lonely puppy searching for love and attention. Despite your pressing desire to know the truth, you had to finish your lunch. You glare one last time at him before turning away, more determined than ever to get to the bottom of whatever is going on. 
"You got back together with him?!?" Yuki shrieked. She sighs and rubs her temples. The rasp of her scales is extremely loud, the other girls shaking their heads at you, "You are going to be that kind of couple. On again off again." Yuki shook her head. All you can do is shrug and blush.
After school, he seized you in a passionate embrace, twirling you in his arms, his lips crashing against yours. You gasped in surprise before submitting to the kiss, and when he set you down, you were breathless. His voice was soft when he murmured to you, "If we're just pretending, then why are you introducing me to your father?" There is no way you are going to tell him you want him until he confesses first. But that won't stop you from pushing the boundaries. You'll make sure he knows you've got your eye on him... one way or another.
 "It's time for me to have some fun," you declared. Your eyes sparkled mischievously as you nudged Tenko. "My Dad is a total control freak, never letting me date. I have two older brothers, and they got away with murder. But you're going to change that for me!" Tenko tensed. 
"Are you kidding me?" Tenko growled. Tenko glanced at you with furrowed brows and balled his hands into fists.
"Nope, and you owe me," You said as you guided him to your bus stop. You winked and chuckled. Wiggling your ass in a way that enticed him to reluctantly follow. Tenko gaped as he realized there was no escape. He begrudgingly followed you with a look of utter determination on his face.
Dinner was awkward as Tenko and your father locked eyes across the table and glared at each other. You told your Dad Tenko was your partner on a paper due soon. Your Mother made a valiant effort to lighten the mood with her conversation. Still, the silence between them made it seem like she was talking to a wall. You nervously watched the scene, wondering how this would turn out. You are really making Tenko pay hard for his tantrum.
"Tenko, would you like seconds?" Mom asked. Dad grunted for more, and Tenko meekly thanked Mom but refused seconds.
"You look weak," your father sneered, burning a hole right through Tenko with his icy eyes. "What class are you in at AU?" 
You and your Mother hastily admonished your Dad, seeking to impede the escalating tension. Yet, Tenko and your father continued their silent tug-of-war, unwilling to be derailed.
"I'm in the support course, and I'm not weak. My quirk makes me deadly," Tenko said flatly.
"Oh really?" Your Dad smirked. It quickly disappeared as Tenko reached into his pocket and dramatically pulled out a rock, eliciting a snort from your Dad. Tenko then slowly removed his glove, creating a tense atmosphere. With a swift movement, he brought all five of his fingers down and turned the rock to dust, careful to keep it on the plate and avoid making a mess. Your Dad could only stare in shock with an expression you've never seen before, body shuddering with chills, "You're not respectable enough for my daughter."
"I'm taking your daughter out on a date," Tenko announced. His hand resting on your leg under the table. His fingers massaging your thigh. His hand traveled up like wildfire, igniting a burning desire within your core. His touch was electric, leaving a slow burn that raced through your veins. Your heart raced as his fingers moved closer and closer toward your most intimate area, filling you with an overwhelming sensation. You gave him a look that screamed, 'What the hell are you doing. Not here or now!?!' Tenko smirked at you and continued slowly getting closer to your pussy.
"Tenko," you heard your father growl, "you think you can just come in here and announce that you're taking my daughter out on a date?!" Your stomach lurched as his words pierced the tense silence, dread settling like a heavyweight in your chest. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and mentally brace yourself for what would come. Tenko only stared at him with disinterest. "Are you hard of hearing? I just said you're not deserving of my daughter," Dad growled.
Tenko's tone was unyielding, his steeled gaze focused on your Dad as he rasped, "I'm not hard of hearing. I'm telling you what I will do. Nothing can stop me. I know I'm not worthy, but she chose me." His fingers moved with purpose. The soft brushing of his touch over your panties sent a jolt up your spine.
"Why you arrogant lil shi-," Dad was saying when you intervened. Jumping up and away from Tenko's hand to demand some equal rights. 
"Enough, Dad. Tenko is kind, and you let my brothers date at fifteen," you huffed.
Mom came to your defense with forceful authority. "I think she's old enough to date. Hun, let her grow up," she argued. Knowing the power and fortitude behind Mom's words, Dad gave up his opposition, succumbing to her point of view.
"Date all you want," he said, his eyes narrowing as he stared pointedly at Tenko. His jaw tightened as he got up from the table and stepped towards you, pulling you into a hug. "But we will be having a conversation later...about your taste in guys." You dramatically rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. Tenko simply smirked back.
"Thank you for the meal," Tenko flashed you a smile as he stood up from the dinner table. As he cleared his and your plates, he bowed to your Mom. Then turning back to you, his tone shifted to one of challenge, inquiring, "Do you still need help with that paper?"
With a firm grasp, you pulled him along, an expectation building between you. You know what that is code for. You rushed down the hallway, turning to catch a glimpse of Tenko's face, and you could feel the heat rising between the two of you. With a deep breath, you opened your bedroom door.
"Door open!" Your father exclaimed.
"Ok!" you replied. You spun around and met Tenko with an eager grin before quietly shutting the door with a decisive silent thud. "You did amazing, Tenko. You are so brazen and brave," you gushed.
"Your dad hates me," he rasped, "I don't care, but I'm concerned about how you feel." You couldn't help but feel a surge of elation. Tenko was brave and selfless, something you hadn't seen anyone do before. Despite fearing your Dad's wrath, Tenko stood firm, trying to make sure you were ok. Wetness gathered between your legs as your heart swelled with admiration. You've never seen anyone stand up to your Dad like that, and it made you want him more.
"Tenko, who wants a guy that their Dad can bully. Like I said. You're amazing," You giggle.
"Then I deserve a reward," he grinned. He trapped you against the door. His hand delved lower beneath the waistband of your panties, caressing you as he whispered, "Deny me if you can, but you won't. You want me just as much as I want you."
"I am not going to deny you. You do deserve a reward," you pant. Grabbing him tightly, you push Tenko onto the bed and straddle him easily. You slide down his front, locking eyes. His gaze smolders as you unbuckle his belt and yank his pants open. His colossal cock jumps eagerly out and nearly whips you in the face. In the soft dim light of your room, you drink in the sight of him, admiring its size. As you wrap your hand tightly around it, you can feel the heat emanating from it, thick and hard. Tenko whimpers and moans as you squeeze a bead of pre-cum pearls at the tip. You lightly kiss along his shaft, trailing up to his crown, gently pulling back his foreskin. Opening your mouth slowly, you take him in, licking and sucking as he jerks beneath you, muffling his cries of pleasure.
"Fuck, what the fuck are you doing to me? How am I supposed to contain myself?" His voice wobbled, and he groaned as you teased him with your lips and tongue.
He is so warm on your tongue, and you can taste the lotion you gave him, making you smile around the crown of his head. His shallow breaths grew deeper and faster as he watched with a wild desire, his gaze never leaving your face as you explored every inch with your hands and tongue. Your fingers don't touch wrapped around his shaft. His blush grew deeper, his body trembling with pleasure at your touch. He held his voice back with his hand. You tried to fit more of him in your mouth, but he is so big you mostly lap at his slit. His salty taste invades your mouth.
With a gasp, he parted his lips. He leaned back in ecstasy, his fingers weaving into your hair as you feverishly savored more of his deliciousness. His breaths were punctuated with tight gasps as he grabbed the back of your head, his hips thrusting into your grip. His face burned a bright red as he anticipated your next move, his eyes smoldering with desire as you effortlessly took more of him in. His breathing grew harsher and his grip on your head stronger, sending flames licking up his spine, threatening to consume him. You cup his balls and feel his heavy sack tighten.
"I'm about to cum," he hissed. You knew he was close as you felt his body tense and heard his whimpers. You eagerly embraced the challenge, willing to do whatever it took to bring him to the edge and tip him over. His thrusts became stronger and more intense as you buried him deep in your throat, using every technique you had heard about or could think of, your jaw and cheeks aching. You barely managed to fit him at the back of your throat as a hot stream of his pleasure spit onto your tongue, only to gag and choke as a hot stream hits the back of your throat. His cock twitched and pulsed in your hands. You pulled away with cum still clinging to your lips. He looked at you with a satisfied gaze, caressing your neck, asking in a soft breath, "Are you ok?"
"Yeah," you graveled, hoarse from his cock. Wiping his cum off with a shirt, adrenaline still coursing through your veins. Tenko yanked you up with a violent tug and threw you onto the bed, your flesh thudding against the mattress. Instinctively, you tried to push him away as he grabbed you, but his strength was too great. He used his own body to pin you down as he ravaged the delicate skin of your inner thighs, forcefully spreading your legs and tearing your panties away. 
"Tenko, I haven't showered yet!" you whimpered anxiously.
"You didn't care when you sucked me dry," he spat desperately. His eyes hungrily gazed at your body, his breath trembled against your wet pussy, and a shocked breath escaped as he begged, "Oh please, can I? I will clean you with my tongue. I've been craving your taste for a week, and now I want to dive in and lose myself. Unless you want to let me put my dick in the juicy pussy? Holding back is painful. Please, let me thrust my cock in you... but if not, just let me drink up your sweet juices. Can I have that much, pretend girlfriend?"
The sharp sting of the pretend girlfriend's comment hurt. You had put in so much effort, yet here was Tenko, still stuck in his games. Nothing had changed, but everything felt different. Maybe sex and true love are different? Questions flooded your mind, but you had to push them down. Of course, love and sex were separate things, but you had longed for it that week too. Tenko is amazing at pleasure.
"Please eat my pussy," you begged in almost a whisper, and you watched passionately as Tenko responded ravenously and started practically devouring your cunt.
His gloved hands roamed all over your body, sending pleasure tingles radiating through your core. You felt his tongue exploring your most intimate regions with fiery enthusiasm. His eager movements had a dizzying effect, pushing you to the edge of ecstasy. The sensation was almost too much to bear as you tipped your head back and moaned with delight. Your skirt had fallen back over his head, intensifying every sensation. Feeling overwhelmed by pleasure, you leaned back, savoring every moment of his talent. You let out a sharp cry as he suddenly thrust in two of his long, slender fingers.
"Damn. You are so tight. All that time breaking in your pussy wasted after a week," Tenko groaned. His lips found your clit, and his fingers moved deeper as he began to suckle hungrily at your pleasure point. Your body quaked with rapture as his expert caresses sent waves of sensation through you.
"You're clenching down and sucking my tongue in," Tenko teased. Tenko's relentless efforts pushed you to the point of no return.
Your breathing intensifies, and your heart races like it could burst. Close to cresting your pleasure when your door creaked open, and your Mother suddenly entered, carrying a tray of tea and cookies. You both froze in the heat of the moment, her gaze stilling the ticking time bomb of pleasure you were about to experience. You sit up, screaming in horror into a pillow, backing away from Tenko as if he were a deadly viper. His expression contorted into surprise as your Mother gave him an appraising look. Her eyes lingered on his exposed manhood. A sly, left-cheeked grin crept across her face, and she silently set down the tray and left.
"Oh. My. God!" you yelped and threw yourself into your pillows when the door cracked open. Your Mom's hand slipped in and dropped something on the tray. Tenko rises, putting his cock away to examine what was dropped. Mortified beyond words, you wanted the ground to crack open and swallow you whole. Tenko, amused by the situation, let out a mocking laugh before tossing the box to you. You felt heat rush into your cheeks while your hands started trembling in a mixture of humiliation and anger at yourself for doing this in your bedroom. Of course, your brothers got privacy. They are magnum condoms.
"I like your Mom. That was a mood killer, though." Tenko opened the door and sat beside you on your bed, "Let's go to the festival," he murmured. Sliding his soft hands around your waist, he pulled you into a gentle embrace. His fingers moved soothingly over your scalp as he spoke, each pass of his fingertips leaving pleasant tingles that traveled down your spine. He continued talking, his voice full of excitement as he dreamt of all the possibilities this first date could bring.
"We'll have to make a night of it, or maybe take the train to get there and fall asleep together on the way back. What do you say?" He asked, gazing into your eyes as if imploring you to take this plunge of a first-date adventure with him. Every whisper of his breath on your neck seemed hypnotic. His words lingered in the air as his lips moved close enough to your skin that you could feel the warmth radiating off him.
"Are you really going to leave me hanging?" he rasped.
"Maybe," you tease.
He gently kissed my neck, temptation in his words as he said, "What if I told you I had something extraordinary in store for you, but the only way to know what it is...is if you go out on a date with me?"
"The only way I'll agree is if you tell me why you flipped out about with All Might."
He sits up, back ramrod-straight, eyeing you but still consumed with contemplation of what he wants to say. The uncertainty of his emotions hangs in the air, crushing in its silence. He finally breaks it. "I'll tell you after our date," he murmurs, desperate hope and fear mixed in equal parts.
"You drive me absolutely crazy when you play coy," you seethe, your eyes narrowing in annoyance.
He sat there, seething with rage threatening to explode like a volcano. You leaned in close, running your hands along his neck and through his soft hair. It has been getting longer. His hate lingered until you touched him. You could feel his heart race in your arms, making every second seem like an eternity. He finally closed the gap between you with a passionate kiss. His lips were soft and gentle as they moved in perfect synchrony with yours. Every caress of your lips seemed to send electricity through his body, and you could feel the excitement building. You melted into his arms as they stayed locked in the kiss, neither wanting the moment to end. You forget time until you hear your father's voice calling for Tenko to leave.
 It was getting late. With a deep, tired sigh, you know it is time for Tenko to go and part from your kiss. Tenko stood there, facing your Dad with quiet determination. A tense silence filled the air as their eyes met. Your heart beat faster, knowing Tenko risked himself to ensure you weren't uncomfortable. Finally, with a strong yet gentle voice, he broke the silence.
"We'll leave right after school on Friday," Tenko graveled. It was after Tenko left that the real drama started. Your father loomed and growled like a beast. Tenko's kiss goodbye on your forehead was a parting shot, igniting the fire of fury within your father. The reality of you two leaving on Friday swelled up, and your father's mood shifted to a beastly one. A storm of emotion was unleashed as Tenko left.
"You can date as much as you want but not with 'that thing.' Your quirks are not compatible!" Your father bellowed, rage boiling in his veins, making them stand out on his forehead when Tenko was well out of earshot.
"What in the world are you trying to say? I don't believe a word of this 'quirk compatibility' stuff coming from your mouth! You and Mom, your quirks don't fit together at all!" You glared at your Dad, "Tenko might be a bit rigid, but at least he considers my feelings and isn't one to be pushed around. You've rejected every possible admirer that ever asked me out!"
"This is different. He is different. I would have let you date a million other boys had I known Tenko Shimura would have crossed our path. He is that Tenko Shimura and I have heard plenty about him. He killed his family. I will not let you be his next victim! He's only at AU because of All Might and his grandmother's legacy!" Your Dad screamed. Taking in a shuddering breath, despair crept up your throat, and tears sprang to your eyes. He said he would have let you date a million other boys. But it was too late for that now. You adore Tenko.
"You said I could date. I'm going out next Friday," you growl back.
"You won't date him, not if I have anything to say about it." Your Dad's voice boomed, drowning out the deafening silence which had taken you over. You had heard the rumors, but you never could've imagined it. Tenko Shimura, the boy you had been falling in love with, who had melted your heart with kind words and gentle touches, killed his family. How dare your Dad.
"He would never do that. Until he says anything, those are just rumors and lies. I can't believe he would do that on purpose. He is always, ALWAYS, careful with me!" You shout back.
"You've seen it. Quirks affect personality and desires. That boy is a walking time bomb, a menace to society. Hatred oozes off of him with every step. It's only a matter of time before he takes someone's life, and that someone will not be you. Not while I'm alive! No daughter of mine will date a serial killer under my roof," your father's voice rose as he glared at you sternly.
You glared right back, and with grim determination, you stormed up to your room. Packing up your school things, including your laptop and portfolio, for your final project. You can hear your Mother arguing with your father as you text Yuki. She is right down the street. Yuki always had your back and would let you spend the night in her family's den. Your Mom tried desperately to keep you at home, pleading with her voice laced with tears. 
"What worth is it, running away over a boy?" But you remained steadfast, refusing to be chained to the same pain that had scarred the women of your family for years. Your Mom grabbed you and pressed a credit card in your hand, "It's my money, not his. I really wish you would reconsider."
"The way people treat us and our friends. It's unacceptable. I cannot tolerate quirk prejudice, and I won't have Dad talking like that about Tenko," you said with conviction. Your voice carried the weight of injustice and a fire that could make the stars burn.
The following day your father had ruthlessly packed away every memento in your room, and the tension between you two left a heavy, silent void in the air as he watched you from the window. At least your Mother still offered you an embrace. Despite the turmoil, she wept like crazy, "I saw you rented a storage unit. Won't you come in and talk to your father?" Your Mom cried some more, and your father crossed his arms. 
"No. We both know he's not ready to be spoken to," you say as you pack up the cab. You belt out a dejected sigh as you pack up the cab, not owning much. It didn't take long. Your father stands tall with crossed arms, his expression implacable. A determination filled with fear. You hesitate. Your Dad is scared of Tenko, and that almost makes you falter. Tenko deserved the benefit of the doubt.
"You're both the same. So stubborn," your Mom cried.
The harshness of the week felt like a mountain looming over you. Your only sanctuary was the cybercafé you'd been sleeping at while trying to hide the truth from Tenko. But finally, the day of your date arrived, and with that, the dread of the week subsided its ominous presence. 
With a bag thrown over your shoulder with everything you needed for an overnight stay. Curiosity sparked in Tenko's eyes. You watched as realization dawned upon them, his sparse eyebrows furrowing together and a smile turning up the corners of their lips. You love that he is deceptively clever. Taking solace in each other's company, sharing vape, laughter, and talk of that made the train ride slip by in a flash. You even share each other's music. Who would have guessed he liked video game music? You created yourselves the perfect oasis away from the world as you leaned into his embrace.
"I invited Shuichi. He has a girl he would like to bring along. We'll meet them there and get a group discount," Tenko made conversation. Even though Tenko grumbled and found the small talk tedious, it was another example of his thoughtfulness and consideration.
"Is she someone I know?" You ask.
“Her name is Aya,” Tenko replied.
"Aya is nice. She has the softest fur. I don't mind a double date and a discount." 
"You're not paying for a single thing. I invited you. If you want to pay me back. I can think of a few things," Tenko leered. Tenko hung off you like a greedy, tantalizing vice as he suggested ways you could pay him back for taking you out. Giving you a modest kiss that surprised you. "I think I'll have you pay me back in the most delightful way…" he told you as his hands trailed up your arms, beckoning you closer.
"Any closer, and you'll be inside me, Ten-chan," You say snarky. 
"I don't mind that," Tenko teased. It felt strange, summer was two weeks away, and things didn't feel pretend anymore. 
When you arrived at the stay, he quickly grabbed your bag and wasted no time crossing the area. Tenko seems to like to drag you everywhere with him. You had him store your bag in a locker at the station. Tenko seemed to have a plan and bought you both a drink before pulling you toward the festival. He moved closer and closer, eventually turning his gaze upon you with a playful glint in his eye. 
You could feel the delight in the atmosphere as you both stared into each other's eyes, almost as if daring the other to make the next move. They are such bright crimson they almost sear your skin when Tenko gazes at you. His eyes lit up with a sultry challenge, and his hands moved from your waist to your back to entice you further. The only sound was the beat of your heart, which thrummed in your chest.
"Hey, guys!" Shuichi shouted, waving with a huge grin as Aya followed close behind. You waved back. Your heart sank when you noticed Shiori was there, arm intertwined with Touya's, her face an impassive mask as she stared you down. Tenko was not subtle, like a feral cat hissing and scratching at his eye. He narrowed his gaze as he spat out, "What are you two doing here?"
You watch in disbelief as Shiori rolls her eyes before responding, "I told you about this festival, Tenko." 
Your blood boils as you stare Shiori down. Your grip tightens on Tenko. Remembering your interview with Shiori filled you with dread. You knew asking her about Tenko was risky, but you didn't think it would have ended so badly. That was the moment the two of you became enemies. You can still feel the flicker of anger in your chest as you remember her laughter.
"I left the gamer's club because of Touya, not Tenko," she began, her voice low and throaty. "I don't mind him being a player, but there's a line. When he started chasing after my younger sister, that's when I had enough. Though..." she paused, licking her lips as she stared over at Tenko, who was down the hall stealing glances in the distance. You still weren't talking to him. "I had my eye on Tenko...Why do you ask?" she challenged. Her voice was severe as she stared deep into your eyes.
 "I'm taking a popularity poll for my management course," you answered smoothly, taking a deep breath, watching her, and not liking her body language. You then added, trying to keep your tone light, "I heard he has a girlfriend, though." Shiori's interest in Tenko left you feeling deeply conflicted. While you had very mixed feelings about Tenko, the thought of Shiori trying to sink her claws into him fills you with revulsion. Shiori laughed in your face.
"Well, it's not like they are married," Shiori said, flipping her hair.
Shiori's eyes tracked Tenko as she regarded him down the hall. She slowly began strolling in his direction, her hips swaying in a rhythmic obscene display. You hated how pretty she was while hunting. Her ambition is to be admired, but you still hate watching her stalk your blackmailer. Your eyes meet with Tenko's, and you give him a withering look. He looked away first and started talking to Shiori. 
Tenko bristled with sudden ire, turning and casting one foul look back at you before uttering something cold to Shiori. She followed his gaze, and it was too late. You hurriedly looked away, pretending to be busy writing something down. Seeing him reject her made you happy, and you think Shiori knew it. 
After that, your life sunk to deeper lows. You thought the Internet café was depressing enough with its mix of farting, snoring, and cheap snacks. But then came the unexplained bubblegum plastered on your seat at work and thumbtacks in your shoes, and now, here she was.
"Bigger  group discount," Shuichi said nervously.  
"Had I known we would all be here, I would have driven all of us," Touya said, playing with his car keys.
"Hey, let's have fun," you tell Tenko as you squeeze his arm. He pulls you with him with a slight grin. You stood as a couple hand in hand at the festival. Watching as a few brave souls climbed into the Ferris wheel and soared through the air with its egg-like pods. All around you, the aroma of fried food and the thump of ride music made the scene all the more lively.
The night sky was illuminated with the festival's bright lights, and the joyful laughter of children filled the air. You smiled as you swayed to the beat of the music, taking in the beauty of the carnival games around you. You let go of your troubles and ventured onto a few rides, but not the Ferris wheel. Your heart raced with anticipation to go on that ride with Tenko. Still, the only thing dimming your excitement was the presence of Touya and Shiori. Everywhere you turned, it seemed they had latched onto you like a pair of shadows, never letting you or Tenko out of their sight. They made you feel like prey.
As you passed by a cotton candy stand, your stomach began to growl. Tenko glanced over at you and asked, "What do you think? Do you want some cotton candy?"
You eagerly nodded your head and responded, "Yes, please! I'm starving!"
"You look a bit wobbly," He took your hand and led you to a bench. "Wait for me here. I'll stand in line." Your hand felt ever so slight in his, and he gently pulled you close for a swift kiss. You smiled before giving him one last hug and sending him off. You couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of your future dates. You are starting to hope it will be with Tenko.
Your heart sank as you watched Shiori ghost up on Tenko, her words a mystery. Before you could gather your wits, Tenko had vanished into the crowd, and you squeaked in panic. Frantically you looked around for some sign of him, and your mind raced with dread. Then, just when you thought all hope was lost, Touya appeared right in front of you. 
"Whoa there, little mouse, you look lost," Touya smirked.
"I…uh lost Tenko," you stutter out. 
"Don't worry," He said when he snatched your hand. You squeaked in surprise. Touya dragged you through the milling crowd, determination in his eyes, and you let him. I really am getting too used to being led around by guys,  you think. He pointed to the Ferris wheel, fervently declaring, "I lost Shiori too. I bet we can get a good view from there!"
Yelping in surprise as he hurried you both to the front of the line and before you could so much as protest, he murmured something to the man on duty, slipping him an undisclosed sum of folded yen.
"Wai-," you were saying when you were shut in a small two-person bubble on the wheel, with Touya too close. The wheel lurches, and you are thrown into him. You quickly scramble from him with a squeak. You frantically search for Tenko, and Touya chuckles at you.
"You really shouldn't let your guard down so much, little mouse," Touya grinned with delight, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. "You are so cute," he said in a low voice, his breath tickling your ear. "Don't worry, I don't bite unless you ask me to, of course. Wait until we are higher to look," he added. 
"H-h-hey, I have a name," you managed to spit out. 
"But you are so cute and squeak, just like a little mouse," Touya replied. You are trying not to get flustered but fail dismally. The cart jerks, and you clutch at him as the egg sways. 
"S-s-s-sorry," you sputter.
This thing seemed to be made, so you are thrown around. It felt like an eternity as you fearfully clung to Touya. You squirmed uncertainly, and Touya seemed to like that. When you notice you are pressing your chest against him, you shove yourself away. It was awkward for you as you tried to make yourself as small as possible in the corner. 
"Look at that," Touya says. Touya's eyes widened as he pointed out the window on his side, and a surge of adrenaline rushed throughout your body as you leaned forward to see if he spotted Tenko, and the wheel jerked suddenly. You land in his lap in surprise. You scrambled to get off him but ended up wrenching his jacket and inadvertently pulling him on top of you as you landed on the ground with a groan. You both grunted in surprise and as Touya grinned down at you like a mischievous imp, you couldn't help but blush.
"Little mouse, I like how forward your being," Touya purrs.
"I'm sorry! Fuck! Sorry! Fuck!" You sputter. Embarrassment flooding in as your face burns hot. Every instinct screams for you to pull away. But all you can do is lay there, trapped in an escalating spiral of humiliation. You feel something rigid and hard pressing against your stomach. When you look down, you see Touya's unmistakable bulge tucked in his pants, rubbing against you. You squeak and freeze, unable to speak.  
"That's a cute reaction," Touya croons wickedly, as the gap between your mouths is closing.
"Ah-ah, no!" you cried out, desperate to halt his kiss, even as his words reverberated in your mind. Trembling, you brought your hands up to cover his mouth, feeling his lips and hot breath move against your palms. Your heart pounded as his gaze burned into yours, and you weren't sure what would happen next.
"That's hot," he mumbles around your hands. He pulls back and grabs your hands to bring you up with him. The cart rocked, and you clutched at him for dear life, "Little mouse, you really need to stop teasing me like this. I'm at my limit here."
"OH MY GOD!" you erupt, pushing him away forcefully. "You're a real scumbag, Touya. I don't want to make out with a guy who would kiss his best friends' girlfriend while on a date. I don't care how handsome you are. Not acceptable," you continue, your tone dripping with disgust. You can't look at him. You are so revolted, your arms crossed, your face scrunched in utter fury, and you stare out the window. Touya roared with laughter. It only made your blood simmer more. You felt your lip tremble and your mind race with worry because Touya laughed so hard he held his ribs.
"You are even cuter when you put your little righteous foot down. Look at that pout. Your little foot stamp is adorable," he chuckled, wiping away tears and mimicking your posture, "Would it help if I tell you we are not even friends. Our partnership is purely based on the same endeavors, mutual acquaintances, shared wealth, and fiery hate for our fathers. What now, little mouse? I wasn't trying to kiss my friend's girl. I was trying to kiss my cute little mouse," A smirk twisted his lips as he waited for your reaction.
Your mind wandered as you said, "I didn't know Tenko had a father..." Something is wrong with these two, you thought. The warning rang in your ears as you remembered what all the girls said about these two. Touya's deception had the power to completely unravel you. As your thoughts raced, you felt a rising anger boil up inside you. You scold yourself mentally. This is just the thing you were warned about. Touya will toy with your head if you let him. You spun around to face Touya, eyes blazing, and spat, "I'm still Tenko's girlfriend!"
"Not from what I heard," he chuckled sarcastically. "You are being blackmailed. That would make sense. A cute little virgin like you, indeed, there is no other way he would get you." Your mouth dropped open in shock as Touya smirked, his eyes passing judgment on the rumor that had made its rounds. Tenko is blackmailing you, which means you have done something terrible. It is a bad reputation to have at AU. You need to be sure to squash it immediately. 
"I find the discussion about my virginity conceptually and physically inappropriate. It's none of your business," you gritted.
 "Ah, you know how I know? It's because he hasn't made you cry yet," Touya spoke in a smug and self-assured voice. "He can pretend he cares, but he has a cruel streak in him. He is a sadist. You can call me whatever you want, but I'm just trying to save you from having to come running to me, weeping, when he breaks your heart or pussy," Touya smiled. Now it was your turn to laugh, although it felt hollow and bitter in your chest. Your heart races as the Ferris wheel rises faster than ever, the world spinning below you. You cling to him, your chest pressed tightly against his. You look up into his eyes, and your voice is almost a whisper.
"I know you are heartless. This whole conversation proves what the girls say about you is true," you say, and you can feel his grip on you tightening. He gazes back at you, his breath quickening and heart pounding just as hard as yours.
"Are you looking into me, little mouse? Your gaze tells me all I need to know," he leans in to confide in you, "That you're fascinated by me. Everything I've heard suggests we were meant to be. I understand if you are unsure, but I'm here for you. You can rely on me to keep holding onto you." You shudder. Touya is a gamer. Only his game is manipulation, and it's scary. 
"E-e-ew, how did you get in the hero program? When is this thing going to stop? You don't know anything about me," You sputtered, repulsed, and unsettled the more you knew about the real Touya. 
He smirked at your fidgety movements, a twinkle in his eye that made you uneasy. You would be lying to yourself if you didn't admit that you are also afraid and turned on. He let out a deep chuckle as his icy eyes roamed over you. His quirked eyebrow carved into the tension, and he pushed some hair away from your eyes. 
"Oh, I've got eyes in the back of my head, little mouse. I looked into you, too," he said, his words echoing with danger. He leaned closer, his voice strong and sure. "And I'm here to make sure you don't become a mouse that gets stepped on. I paid for an extra-long ride," He added, a devilish glimmer in his gaze. "I never had any girl reject me or tell me no. It lit a new fire in me," he muttered as if lost in his own thoughts. Then his cold, mischievous gaze focused on you again, and he declared proudly, "All Might! All Might helped me to get into the hero program. Trust me. You will find that funny later on when you get to know me better," He laughed, triumphant.
You think you don't want to get to know him better, but part of your plan is to. The Ferris wheel continues to whirl around you, and the two of you are spinning just as fast, the sudden intensity between you becoming almost too much to bear. At that moment, everything seems to stand still. Even the Ferris wheel stops moving, and you know, you just know, that all the rumors and stories are true. All Might? What was that about? Another connection between Touya and Tenko is All Might. The Ferris wheel finally stopped, the moment still suspended in time, but you were soon brought back to reality as Touya extended a helping hand to you. A gentle reminder that all things come to an end. You stepped off the ride, ready to explore any potential link between them.
“Umm…Uh… I wanted to talk to you about something later. It has to do with what we've been discussing. Maybe tomorrow, if Tenko has me over," you say nervously.
"You're not heading back to our place tonight?" he asked, his voice laced with disappointment. You wished it wasn't so, but there was no denying the answer. You shook your head, allowing your feelings of guilt and shame to sink into the depths of your soul.
"I heard she's been living in a cybercafé," Shiori interjected. It's as if she appeared out of nowhere. Her words are like a slap in the face. The silence that descended at that moment was deafening, and you wished more than anything that you could disappear into thin air. Your shameful secret was out in the open. You had nowhere to hide.
"Is that true?" Tenko asked, appearing behind you. Tenko's expression shifted, his face turning steely as he faced Shiori and Touya. You could feel the tension in the air like a wave, ready to sweep you away and ruin any chance of a peaceful reunion. You bit your lip, trying to avoid Tenko and Touya's questioning gaze, dreading the moment he would discover the truth.
"I was going to tell you tonight. I got a hotel for us nearby," you say on the verge of tears. Avoiding the subject, you do not want to ruin tonight by having to turn down homing offers, like you are a lost pet. 
"That's not a big deal. I have a place you can stay," Touya offers. You flinched as you tried to force out your words, tears streaming down your face instead. Tenko cut him off with a snarl and a dangerous glint in his eye.
"Shut up. I'll take care of my girl. Why don't you keep your damn bitch on a leash?" Tenko snarled as he dragged you off, fingertips digging painfully into your arm. Tenko's face contorted as he shot Shiori a piercing glare. You wanted to explain, but things felt so tense this seemed like the wrong time. Tenko's expression changed to one of desperation as he searched your face. "You got a hotel?" he repeated, his voice strained with emotion. "For us?" You nodded, and he eased his grip. Still guiding you to a long line.
Shiori  sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Well, that was a definite bust for me," she said to Touya, her voice as light as a feather, feigning that rejection didn't hurt. Despite her despair, Touya offered her a reassuring smile.
"Not for me. My tutor told me, "Do not miscalculate the significance of heroes with remarkable abilities and the subtleties of deception. The effects of malicious intentions are a seed of destruction that will eventually manifest, yielding fruit and results." On that note, call the local hotels. Find the one they are staying at," Touya instructed.
"Separate beds and room service, or I'm not going along with this anymore. Tenko made it clear he doesn't want me," she remarked, perusing the local hotels in frustration. "I don't know why I accepted this in the first place."
Touya's voice crackled with impatience, instead of his usual smoky drawl, as he looked at Shiori, "Quit thinking. It's not your forte; no one put you in charge. Smile and do as I tell you. When I give you the signal, you pursue Ten. I want my little mouse to stop interfering. Trying to explain it all to you is an exhausting task. Money isn't an issue, so get whatever you please."
"I honestly don't know what you guys see in such a basic girl," Shiori grumbled furiously, her lackluster voice echoing in disbelief. A powerful blue bolt of flame suddenly rippled through the air in front of her eyes, bursting into a crescendo of searing light that stunned her, causing her to drop her phone and jump back. He issued a warning, and Shiori shuddered to see the real Touya.
"She is not basic. She could be the one to make my wildest dreams a reality. We'll separate those two," Tenko murmured to himself. Remembering how you refused him and saw the real him and stuck around, an evil grin spreads across his face. Watching where you had disappeared into the crowd while Shiori pouted.
"What  are we doing here?" you asked. Tenko hands you the box, nervously mumbling that Shiori had suggested it, claiming it had a shorter line and he hoped you'd like it more. Taking it from him, you tentatively open the box and behold a veritable explosion of color. There it sits, the hefty, sweet mountain of sugary delight, with a single plastic fork waiting to be plunged deep into the swirling mass. "What is it?"
"A cotton candy burrito. It is filled with ice cream and candy wrapped in cotton candy," he rasped. Scratching his neck. He held up the romance manga, his finger tracing its dog-eared corners, a broad smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You raised your eyebrows quizzically, and he whispered as if he was about to share a great secret, "I heard the artist who drew this was here today." You gasped, realizing that this was your favorite Manga from home. Another sign that you shared something special with Tenko. He likes romance too.
You pick up the fork and take a bite. Lightning strikes and a spark erupts inside of you. You can't help but be filled with passion. It was that good. You look at Tenko and realize the gesture wasn't just for yourself. His love language, physical contact, and gifts. What you have with him is something deeper than anything you've ever experienced. Waves of guilt start to crash around you, struggling with your inner criticisms. Tenko throws up many red flags. Tenko is slyly peeking at you from his side eye through his hair to see your reaction. You grant Tenko a weak but warm smile. Tenko catches sight of it, and his entire body relaxes. It reminds you why you slowly started to feel something for him in the first place. He takes a step closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, "Can I have a bite?"
You playfully hide it from him, shoveling more into your mouth, "Hell no." you say. A sudden chill runs through you, causing your eyes to pop open. You clench your head and groan, "Brain Freeze!" Tenko chimes in all too quickly with, "Ah, karma."
You can't help but laugh. Even if you haven't learned your lesson, you still offer him a bite. He chews and swallows with a grimace and shakes his head. "It's not as good as yours," he mumbled, letting you eat the rest alone. You both get your Manga signed and even a handshake with a selfie. Apparently, Tenko does have money because this had to be pricey.
"You have always considered me!" You say spontaneously. You have to ask him now before you chicken out.
"What?" He questions, scratching himself.
"I noticed. That you go out of your way to treat me as an equal. I hate it. But I also love it. That's why I want to go on the Ferris wheel together," you choked, building your courage to say the next part. "And spend the night together," your voice turned pleading as you gazed deeply into his eyes. He gave you a perplexed look, his brow creasing lightly as he narrowed his eyes.
"Did he touch you?" he grits, scratching his neck harder. That threw you off. 
"No. We went on the Ferris wheel to look for you." Which technically wasn't a lie. You fell all over Touya and stopped it from going further.
"Good." Tenko tenderly kissed your forehead, sending tiny shivers down your spine. His hand intertwined with yours, guiding you to the fateful Ferris wheel, a place that would offer a view and a promise of a lifetime. You whispered for him to pay extra yen for a longer ride. He pulled out a stack of yen, offering to spare no expense for an extra-long ride. He even bypassed the endless line, buying you the coveted view of the endless ocean at night. You hesitantly stepped into the shaky car, fully aware of the breathtaking view your eyes were about to behold.
You cling to Tenko nervously. Your heart thrums in your chest as you embrace Tenko tightly, "As much as I love this, why don't you buckle in?"
"There are seat belts!" you growl.  Damn Touya , you think. The night is alive, and every second is drenched with tension and excitement.
"It's ok. You can hold onto me. I'm buckled in, so you will be safe," Tenko reassures. You cling to Tenko and feel the warmth of his embrace as his heartbeat thumps louder in his chest. He looks into your eyes, and you feel the weight of the world fall away. Knowing that what awaits will be worth the risk. In private, he is very captivating and sweet. He plays with your hair, his chin resting on your head, looking at the lights dancing off the ocean. The air is heavy around you with anticipation.
"There are supposed to be fireworks. I paid for us to get the best view," Tenko grinned. You tenderly brush away a few stray strands of his hair from his eyes, carefully taking in his beauty. His hair had grown longer than you ever remembered. You meet his gaze and are lost in his ruby eyes. The fireworks are the last thing on your mind.
"I want to go all the way tonight," you whispered, your words dripping with anticipation. An evil smile slowly spread across his cracked lips, promising things you could barely fathom. His voice was like silk as he spoke.
"Then we should get you ready," Tenko purred. Giving into your desires, you let him adjust you on his lap. His hand went up your skirt and slipped between your legs, your breath catching in your throat as his fingers teased your lips apart. Heat rushed through your body as his fingers stroked and massaged your delicate flesh. The night sky sparkles with stars and twinkling lights when suddenly the sky is alight with an array of colors as fireworks flash and boom in the background.
The Ferris Wheel stopped at the top, and your face flushed Tenko's finger caressed you tenderly. His expert touch elicits a gasp of pleasure from your trembling lips, and your body quivers in response to every intimate stroke of two of his fingers. Your eyes close, and your head tilts back in his chest as the sensations grow more intense, your breath quickening and your fingers gripping the edge of the seat and the shoulder of his jacket.
"No, no. Open your eyes. I want to see you cum with fireworks in your eyes." The energy around you seemed to spark like electricity as Tenko ordered you in a deep, husky growl. When you obeyed, your heart nearly stopped when you saw that he was biting his lip while studying you intently, with a fire in his ruby gaze. "Good girl," he breathed, and it felt like tiny fireworks were set off inside you when he added a third finger. Your fingers dig into the seat and shoulder.
"That hurts, Ten-chan," you whimper, tears pooling in your eyes.
"Shhh," he soothed as he ran his gentle fingers through your hair. "I know it does, but I'm very big. We have to take our time so I don't accidentally cause you more pain. I don't want to hurt you. Open your eyes and keep them on the sky." His breathing became labored as he spread his fingers. The fireworks burst in the sky, enveloping you in their cascading beauty. Tenko increased the pressure on your sweet spots. He spreads his fingers, and you groan, trying to squirm away from the intense stretching he is doing.
"You're too tight. Relax. You look exquisite. So wet," Tenko moaned. Suddenly you are swept away in a wave of pleasure. Tenko's fingers wildly explore your innermost depths, and your body becomes an electrified conduit of pure bliss. Your pussy clenching down on him, pushing his fingers out, he clenched his teeth. You cling to him tightly, a loud moan escaping your lips as the ecstatic waves of pleasure wash over you and the last of the fireworks dissipates into the night. You mewl and pant.
"Good job," he praised. Pulling his fingers from you, he began licking them clean as the Ferris wheel moved in its slow circle. When your climax began to subside, you took a few moments of peaceful bliss before sitting up, still feeling his digits in you. He leans in to kiss you, and you stop him with a raised hand.
"There's a story that you will get married if you kiss on the Ferris wheel," you pant. Tenko face contorted in anger.
"Would that be the worst thing?" He seethed. You shook your head and regretted it.
"No. It's just that we are a little young for that. Let's take our time," you answer. You have been scared of this ride from the very beginning about going to the festival. Your family legacy had left a bad taste in your mouth. Now, you didn't want to promise anyone a marriage. Tenko doesn't need to know that, you think. Tenko softened, pressing his mouth and cheek to the back of your hand, and you could almost feel the longing in the air. He didn't kiss you, though.
"Then we'll take our time," he smiles, "Let this just be a taste of what may come." Your heart races as the Ferris Wheel slowly moves. The anticipation is mounting as you ascend into the encircling heavens, watching the silhouettes of the stars and the moon cloaked in the night sky. He tenderly holds your hand, and you look into his eyes, filled with promise and hope of what may come. Words are forgotten. Only you and Tenko are suspended in a world of pure bliss. Your knees are weak, and you silently pray that the ground will stay still and solid beneath your feet. As the Ferris Wheel slowly stops, the memories of the extraordinary experience imprint on your heart forever, and you can't help but grin.
Tenko caught you before you stumbled, lifting you up and carrying you like his bride, no matter how much you protested. An undeniable passion blazed through his eyes, and as his lips pressed against yours, the flavors of your desire and his vape pen burst on your tongue. He pulled away, eyes burning with urgency, his chest heaving as he uttered, "Let's go to the hotel."
Unsurprisingly, you didn't argue as you wrapped your arms around his scarred neck.
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pininghermit · 11 months
Dare I Desire (Chapter 4)
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Pairing: Adrian x Male Reader
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7|
AN: Introducing a bunch of OCs
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“How do you know my name?” Adrian asks you, who sat opposite him. He was still taking in the clean castle and changed surrounding and now this… The plate of food in front of him felt foreign. How long had it been since he had such food and not just alcohol.
“Why yes Adrian, it is nice to meet you too. My name is y/n by the way.” you cross your legs as you rest your head on the chaise’s arm. As if the debacle in the storeroom never happened. Adrian felt a pulse of annoyance the more time he spent with the intruder.
Stormy grey eyes stared back at him in a silent challenge. The suave smile that concealed fangs similar to his was equally infuriating. Anger, rage, wrath Adrian felt them all at once.
“Ai, don’t glare at me like that!” you said in pseudo hurt voice with an extravagant motion of your hands. “Believe me,” with a dramatic hand on your heart you continued. “I will tell you everything but right in sequence. I will reveal to you who I am and my reason for being here but before that we need to go back in time. The story goes like this-
Long ago, maybe decades, maybe centuries or maybe millennia ago there was a world that housed both the evil and the good equally. Elves, men, vampire, dwarves, faerie, even dhampir must I say, lived on the same planes. In those times monsters were not labeled by a kind. It was the deed that labeled right and wrong, not the specie or race.
However, such a world had to come to an end when humans grew. With their growth came the need for land, the need to conquest and conflict. Soon the world that once housed all now fell into the struggle of survival and death. One had to die for the other to live.
Wars raged and monsters came to being. Our kind was not different. Born with unageing bodies that withstood decay our kind wielded the weapon of pride. But that’s just the boring part of history. Do you want the juicy part?” Adrian blinked. He had been too engrossed. Almost enough to forget about the vampire sitting in his study.
“Ahh I must say my story telling skills are quite impeccable.” Ignoring Adrian’s snarl, you continue. “Let’s skip a few years. So, the humans, vampires, elves, fae fought blah blah blah. You know the boring parts.” No. Adrian in fact did not know. None of the books in his father’s study mentioned this. Whatever you were spouting. All his curiosity was shattered by the man child, who probably was way older than anyone he had ever met. Adrian would not grant you any of his curiosity.
Slouched on chaise you spoke of war like a bedtime story. “Whatever my parents were pretty sick of all that and decided to leave the humans alone. They created a veiled world for us magical folk. Of course, superior to the rest.” If obnoxious were a person, it would be you, who sat, in front of him.
“In return they pledged to give up on blood. A bargain made with the spirits of the land that offered them a hidden valley. And so came to be Asor, the kingdom and refuge for the beings of the past world. Humans were given their world and we were given ours.
With peace came time and oh boy did my parents use it well. Now, now no judgement of course but I do have six other siblings.” Well, that was hard not to judge Adrian wondered.
“Eldest are triplets Cenfrith, Estrid, and Rowena. Close knit than any of us. They gave up their right to the throne for the sake of their weird bond. Don’t ask me…I don’t know either. Then came Yorick, the second eldest or fourth if you do the math. He rules now. Being the most responsible of us it made sense.” Despite the light manner of your speech Adrian could sense the tightness in your voice at the mention of Yorick. A weird tension that did not suit you.
“After Yorick is Harold, the artist of our family. A lone soul, very hard to find on any given day. And then comes Saewig ten years older than me and the menace. Brutal with his words and bows Saewig is the hunter who is almost is a beast himself.” You take a deep breath and pause as if to gather your marbles after that long list.
“Last and the most precious is me,” you gesture extravagantly. “Of course, having me made my parents realize that a greater perfection could not exist.” With an unabashed smile you jump up from the chaise.
“And how does this all matter to me,” Adrian mutters his heart beating wildly with an emotion he did not know of.
“You,” you point with a finger that makes Adrian want to snap it. Somehow you are now sprawling on his couch, “have the immense privilege of being the mate to the youngest lord of Asor.”
A second later you crouch on the floor as Adrian’s fist throbs from the impact of his punch. Unfortunately, Vampire bones don’t break easily.
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omg new chapter so im back at it again hi :) the only way I can describe ch 11 is satisfying!! payoff for all of oscar’s conflict over control by finding and accepting love in spite of the circumstances! i am such a sucker for the trope of loved ones knowing someone better than they know themselves so the david & oscar scene was reread many, many times. kicking squealing fainting giggling unwell about oscar immediately going to logan and being all happy n stuff. Very cute. 11/10 no critiques! if you need an excuse to drop some lore about the background characters that we won’t get to see in the fic, i am always so incredibly interested in this au
hi!!!! :D i am so glad you liked ch11 and found itt so satisfying! hopefulyl ch12 will be equally satisfying since it is The Chapter.
lore? let's do lore!
Sir Carlos and Lord Lando
They are a love match! Lando, of course, came out the season before the current one, and it just so happened that Sir Carlos was visiting from Spain. Everyone had always warned Lando that if he did not mind his manners and behave properly he'd never catch a mate during the Season - but for Sir Carlos, it was love at first sight! Carlos' family is not very wealthy, so there was a long battle over marriage settlements that nearly nixed the marriage altogether, but Lando insisted to his parents that he would not take anyone else.
At the time of Ch11 Lando is carrying their first child.
Duke Mick and Marquess Jack
This one was arranged, and while happy enough, Mick and Jack are still learning a lot about each other, as they were married pretty much the second Jack hit marriageable age. The mating was planned by Archduke Michael and Marquess Mick from Jack's birth (had Jack been an omega, he would have been mated to Duchess Gina, instead) as a means of uniting the families of these two longstanding friends. Michael and Marquess Mick met on the battlefield and were renowned as two of the greatest generals of their time; however, in a fall from a horse while Mick was young, Michael was wounded, and no-one has seen him since.
Mick is very insecure about being older than Jack, though Jack assures him it doesn't matter, and Mick had plenty of offers. Mick is carrying their first child, but is also insecure about the fact that it took him some time to get pregnant.
Duke Lewis and Lord George
I won't drop all the juiciness of their story here - that's for the prequel! But they are a love match, and while it is not uncommon for an older single alpha to arrange a marriage with a much younger omega, it is very unusual for their marriage to come about from love.
George and Oscar have been friends for a number of years, and their love has been something Oscar has aspired to have in his own life.
Prince Daniel and Master Max Verstappen (and King Christian)
I won't drop the full story here - that's for the sequel! (Yes, lord help me, I'm planning both). Lord Webber is one of King Christian's favourites largely because in Mark and Oscar he sees a reflection of his own relationship with Daniel. Daniel is a wild free spirit who didn't much fancy the idea of marriage and was indulged by his father - until he met Max...
Duke Hamilton and Lord Webber
They met fighting in France, and became firm friends after saving each others' lives several times. Lewis is one of the very few people who knows the truth about why Mark never married.
When Lewis' family started to get on his back about marrying, he and Mark considered marrying Oscar to him, to serve multiple purposes: to meet Oscar's marriage requirement, to provide heirs for Lewis, for Oscar to be mated to an alpha Mark could trust, and to combine their political power and wealth. Both felt weird about it, but thought it the best option. Then Lewis met George...
Oscar's birth family
This was asked in one of the comments, and no, Oscar's birth family won't be showing up. Why? They don't know he exists!
(CW: abuse, scoundrels, death)
Oscar's birth father is a wool merchant who deals with the great estate, and unfortunately, had a reputation as a scoundrel. He seduced one of the maids of his house and took her to his bed, lying to her with promises of marriage and a happy life. When she confronted him after her heat, however, he threw her out, not knowing she was expecting. Later, he left Greenleigh to work at another estate up north.
She went to family at first, in London, but no-one would take in an omega pregnant out of wedlock, and she wound up giving birth in a poorhouse. She was very ill after the birth and, in the hope of giving her son a better life, decided to abandon him at Greenleigh - she had heard the staff were kind there and hoped that perhaps he would be taken in by them, and maybe grow up as a footman or a stablehand.
She never knew that Oscar was adopted by Mark himself, because she sadly died not long after.
While society knows that Oscar is adopted, they don't know his origins, and indeed, he looks enough like Mark that more than a few people believe that Oscar is Mark's bastard son. (There are also rumours he is a bastard of the King, given to Mark to raise to cover up his existence. Christian, Daniel, Mark and Oscar all find this very funny.)
Oscar and Lily
Lily is the daughter of a former chambermaid in Shell House and the head gardener there. (Their love story was so romantic that even Mark got involved to bring them together.) She was born only a few months before Oscar was found, and she was often allowed to be taken into the nursery to play with him.
When she was old enough to start in service herself as the scullery maid, Mark asked the housekeeper and David to keep an eye on her and ensure she was taught everything needed to be a lady's maid, as he planned for her to be Oscar's friend and advisor. Lily was put into Oscar's service when they were sixteen, and they are fast friends, as close as society and their roles will allow.
Oscar, Mark and their instincts
A lot of people viewed Mark suspiciously when he adopted an omega pup, because they believed that an alpha could never properly raise or love an omega pup he hadn't sired, without it being weird...
But because baby Oscar had never scented anyone before - his mother had never done so - Mark's was the first scent he smelled, stored indelibly in his brain as father. His instincts recognise Mark as his father, regardless of blood, which is why he can still chirp to him like a pup, and is unaffected by Mark's cycles. (The second person Mark handed the baby to was, of course, David.)
Logan, Kyle, and Dalton
Kyle is the under-valet of the Sargeants' house, and assisted both Logan and Dalton as needed from the time Dalton turned eighteen. With Logan often overlooked or ignored by his parents, not being the one who will inherit their fortune and business, Kyle became his best friend and confidante.
Logan has a modest fortune settled on him, but Dalton will be the wealthy one. Mark's concern was not with Logan's fortune during the settlements, but to make sure that Oscar would be properly protected; nevertheless he has promised that Logan will be looked after if the marriage goes sour.
Dalton married the daughter of a wealthy steel family as was required of him, but only agreed on the condition that his parents let Logan find a love match. To say he is angry that his parents went back on their word is an understatement. He has already decided that whatever the gender of the child his wife is carrying, they will not have an arranged marriage.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Alright. SPOILERS. It might take me a couple posts over today and tomorrow to process EAW ep. 14. I’ll try to keep things organized. My Big Thoughts on Young-woo are at the bottom. Long post warning.
1) I’m going to sound a far different bell than the reviews I’m seeing on the tag. I think the writing of ep. 14 was absolutely FANTASTIC. I am giddy over how good this writing was and I can’t wait to re-watch this episode. 
I think ep. 13 needed to set up a lot of conflict very quickly to get to the important penultimate episode next week, which we know can be huge. Today’s (Thursday’s) episode, for me, ironed out a lot of the sudden conflict we saw, including contextualizing Attorney Jung’s illness. When he says that South Korea has the best treatment for stomach cancer (a relatively common ailment in those parts of Asia that we don’t see as much in the US), I believe it, and I think the writers intentionally put those lines in there to give viewers who know that background a touch of relief (but we’re still worried about him). 
2) Content-wise, obviously, things are not going as linearly as us viewers would have liked or expected. But y’all -- I believe the writers know this and are doing this to us. Look at what Su-yeon said to Min-woo: “I almost reported you to the police for the crime of not staying in character.” The writers know what they’re doing! 
Another way I think the writers are injecting lightness here -- when Jun-ho said he wouldn’t drink, and then he got plastered. I think it was set up to be cute. I’m not reading a forever devastation and finality to the break-up, partially based on the existence of that scene. More on this below. 
(Also, side note, now we know that Min-woo knows. And, whoa, seemed to actually be supportive of his homeboy in the relationship -- Min-woo hadn’t tried to get them to break up, I guess?)
3) I believe the writers are setting up a moral dilemma conflict for Min-woo that I might be here for. NOT a hard bet, because I think he’s still scheming, but I wonder.
I also think that Su-yeon is fixing to be a freaking superhero vis à vis that dilemma. I’m getting that from the preview for ep. 15, where we see Su-yeon protecting Young-woo from reporters.
4) I’m seeing fam on the tag calling out CEO Han for being evil and scheme-y, but we already knew she was, and Young-woo’s dad knows this, too. Her scheme is not a surprise to me. Her hiring of Young-woo was going to lead to something like this. I just want to know their background in law school. Maybe CEO Han has a hereditary competition with Tae Su-mi. I want to know that juicy juicy drama. 
(I wrote this before, but this is why I think CEO Han eats Min-woo over this somehow. At least I hope so.)
(Frankly, and I know this is bad of me because it puts Young-woo in the middle of all of this shit, but I hope CEO Han blinks out Tae Su-mi. I think Tae Su-mi is pure evil.)
5) I think the big themes of this episode were: compassion, empathy, creativity, and revelation. Here’s why.
I believe the stories of Attorney Jung and Young-woo are linked. He’s the elder -- a senior partner who ignored his personal life, who ignored the people who loved him personally, to live and breathe the law. As his ex-wife notes, he’s more alive when talking to an attorney than when talking to her.
Wasn’t Young-woo the same as she was breaking up with Jun-ho? She was more energized about her law revelation than about communicating the reasons for the break-up. She kept that part to herself. And Jun-ho, bless him, was asking for that reasoning, continuing to demand to Young-woo that she work on empathizing with him.
We know that communicatively, there is a lot that Young-woo and Jun-ho need to say to each other. But this IS a drama, and the writers need to stave off that content to wrap up the series next week. 
However, I REALLY think we saw a lot of compassionate growth in Young-woo this episode. We saw her ignore Attorney Jung’s insistence to not fuss over him. We saw her absorbing the words of the song about the burden of love at the noraebang. We see her looking at Jun-ho on the plane. 
I think the way the writers are building Young-woo’s self-awareness and self-growth is absolutely gorgeous. In many instances, it’s wordless. Because -- we see her, as she’s growing into her adulthood, learning the words to use in these moments.
Autistic or not, aren’t we all doing that, growing as adults, learning about our emotions and ourselves? What’s the difference here, between her and Attorney Jung? Not a lot, in this moment. 
6) Jun-ho and ex-wife Ji-su, the two lonely left-behind lovers. Ji-su says she left Attorney Jung because of her loneliness. We see Jun-ho in his loneliness on the beach, left behind because Young-woo will not take him to where she thinks she’s going -- to always need to be cared for in her life, leaving her lover lonely.
First, we know she doesn’t need to be as cared for as she thinks, because we know she’s a breadwinning baddie. (She’s confident enough to take care of herself as the rest of the team eats the meat noodles with her take-away gimbap. She’s like -- I got me.)
Second, I don’t believe the break-up is final because of the pep talk Attorney Jung gives to Jun-ho. I think there’s a communication ultimatum between these two lovebirds, and Young-woo will need to decide to step up and believe she’s worthy of love, AND that she’s more independent than general society makes her think she is. 
7) This is where I think creativity comes in. After that pep talk, I think Jun-ho is fixing to fight for love. God help us, I think this is finally when some communication will take place.
Also, separately, creativity and empathy: I agree with Young-woo that we saw Attorney Jung at his absolute best when speaking to the Abbot at the end of the episode. Speaking to an opposing client is definitely skirting the edges of legal ethics. But he suggests that the temple work with Hanbada’s government affairs team, which is not technically a legal team. Genius. He wants to proactively help in the best way HE can. 
Did you see how proud of the team he was when his rookie attorneys were pitching the noodle restaurant owner? He’s realized he’s passed on his wisdom, creativity, and empathy. A huge law firm pitching a restaurant owner in Jeju. Even Min-woo getting into it. I love how the love for Attorney Jung is deeply spread out here.
8) One more point on empathy and compassion.
Did you notice, when ex-wife Ji-su was speaking to Young-woo, what was behind Ji-su?
It was a poster about women’s health. I can’t read Korean, but I did notice the small pink graphic of a set of ovaries. 
(Nothing like that will ever get past a mama.)
That shot almost certainly was not an accident.
Part of Ji-su’s sadness is likely not having a family with Attorney Jung. Yet she cared enough for him to fly down from Seoul to Jeju. And is concerned enough about his health to want him to have an earlier surgery.
Despite their break-up -- there’s still love and caring.
Despite Young-woo’s and Jun-ho’s break-up -- there’s still love and caring.
And, I think by including that poster in that shot, it gives us something to chew on. Young-woo, right now, is thinking she’s not deserving of love because she’ll leave her lover lonely in his caretaking of her. 
But I think -- in the most subtle, gorgeous way possible -- the writers have left us asking: can Young-woo deserve love and family of her own?
We all know that answer.
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I understand why Ricky and Gina shippers are convinced S3 will be a romantic exploration for their ship b/c so many of the newest sneak peeks may suggest this (and the fact they've been content starved since 2.06. I get it. I do😅). However, I can't stop thinking about this moment:
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Do y'all see how happy and playful Ricky is with EJ here? If you told S1 EJ and Ricky they'd be having a pillow fight someday they would have laughed in your face!😂 I just love how far they've come from where they started on the show. I would never claim that Ricky and EJ are the best of friends, because I don't believe that to be true, but you can't deny that they certainly started to really become friends by S2, esp 2.10 when Ricky tried to be there for EJ by helping him solve his problem. EJ seems to be wearing the same jacket from the trailer when he and Gina have what looks like another heart to heart (where he says he's "freaking out"). I believe that's 3.03, where Ricky and Gina go on a “spooky adventure” (or something like that). The very fact that Ricky is behaving this playfully with someone who he used to consider an enemy is major. In S1, Ricky very obviously tried to put a wedge between Nini and EJ b/c he wanted Ejini to break up so that he could get back t/g with her. Two seasons later, and what looks like could be the most fun he's had in a long time, I get the feeling Ricky isn't gonna try to cause intentional drama for Portwell. I actually think the fictional Corbin Bleu's character is going to cause more intentional drama this season for the Wildcats, including PW in 3.04/3.05 (I think those are the episodes):
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Do you see how satisfied Corbin looks at whatever drama is unfolding? I think he really wants his documentary to be juicy and drama-filled, hence Ricky seemingly storming off out of rehearsals, and EJ following after him while Ashlyn looks worried about what she's seeing. Channing is clearly following all the drama with his camera, which makes me think Corbin intentionally pushed some buttons for Gina, EJ, and Ricky, but again, it's not Ricky intentionally trying to come between PW. I think this scene may follow the above:
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You see how EJ initially looks happy as he approaches Ricky, then his smile drops when he sees Gicky playing around with that paper? I think it's possible he walked out after Ricky to try to comfort him after some drama Corbin started, but then he sees this scene play out in front of him, and maybe something (an insecurity, for example🤔) Corbin touched on earlier in the rehearsal space affects EJ in this moment. I think this might be Ricky just continuing to have fun during his summer, not trying to cause problems b/t PW. He and Gina are friends again, which puts them in a good place (which I was hoping for after S2😔). This might be Ricky just having fun with his friends, like with EJ in that pillow fight LOL 🤣but EJ misinterprets what he sees. Again, his girlfriend and the guy she used to have feelings for are playing romantic leads. EJ might be afraid history will repeat itself, but I doubt it. I feel S3 will have a diff outcome...*cough cough* Portwell Love Confession *cough cough*😉
Also, let’s stop acting like EJ will do anything to ruin his relationship with Gina (jealousy rising or otherwise). 🤦🏽‍♀️Did we forget what Gina said about him in 2.08? Let me remind you:
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Y'all really going to tell me this don't sound like foreshadowing for their journey in S3? Just like Mitchie in Camp Rock 2 and Troy in HSM2, I guarantee you EJ will lose sight of what's really important to him for a bit, before coming back around at the end of the season by doing what's right and remembering his priorities (like his promise for this to be the "best summer ever" in 3.01)). Mitchie and Troy made similar promises at the beginning of their summers to Shane and Gabriella, before conflict rises mid way, then settles/gets resolved again by the end of their summers. That’s my prediction anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️
(I should be writing up the 6 reports I have due soon, yet here I am. The power of Portwell. 😅 )
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semi-imaginary-place · 4 months
fe3h: which route is best?
Objectively, all 4 are equally good. Silver Snow is the strongest thematically, Crimson Flower is the most empowering, Verdant Wind has the broadest view and most answers, Azure Moon has a strong emotional appeal. Which one someone likes best I've found over the past 4 years depends on the person's personality and interests I've found. Each route has it's unique strengths and weaknesses that appeal to different people. In the end all 4 routes are about equally well made and only together do they paint a full picture of the game.
For example Azure Moon fans are crazy about it because Azure Moon has the most character driven emotional narrative, it has the single most focus on a single character arc. However because AM is all about Dimitri it comes at the cost of everything else. Unlike other routes the thematic progression of the other blue lions is either forgotten or reversed, and all the other interesting plot threads brought up in White Clouds are forgotten about in favor of Dimitri's angst. The strong focus on Dimitri is also a weakness, as unlike other routes where even if the player does not like other routes there is still a lot for them. In AM if the player does not like Dimitri there is nothing else to the route. Which is why AM is my personal least favorite by a long shot.
Verdant Wind takes the most holistic view of the war, it's the route where the player takes a step back to see the truth of the conflict in it's entirety instead of getting caught up in personal drama. It's also the route the provides the most answers as to what is really going on in Fodlan and why. Like CF and SS there is a strong narrative with the secondary cast/class but I'd argue VW is the strongest with some of the most dramatic character arcs in Ignatz, Marianne, and Lorenz. There's a strong sense of mystery through out White Clouds and VW, it has the most emotional and atmospheric continuity of all the routes and the smoothest transition between Parts 1 and 2. Claude as a lord enhances all this by being a mystery himself. He's the most misinterpreted of the lords as his character arc is subtle and presented through implication instead of directly told to the audience like Edelgard or Dimitri's, so it requires reading comprehension and critical thinking that is generally lacking on the internet. The main problem with VW and SS is that they end up sharing content you can tell some of the early part 2 chapters were designed for VW and last minute slapped into SS and that some of the later part 2 chapters were very much SS chapters copy and pasted into VW.
Crimson Flower is the most unique as it was designed as a secret route, in that sense it has the most "content". After an entire game about how messed up the Church is CF is the only one that let's you directly do anything about it. Then there's the interesting moral complexity of being part of the faction that instigated a continent wide war. CF's main problem is that it is the shortest of all the routes and almost feels like it is missing a couple chapters at the end. CF continues Black Eagles White Clouds sense of tension, it almost feels like a thriller.
Silver Snow is the heart and thematic core of FE:3H and the default route the others are written around. People call Silver Snow the Church route but it's really the Byleth route. SS is about Byleth's truth which ultimately is wrapped up in Rhea and the Church. Putting Edelgard on a different path/side than Byleth (and Rhea) is so juicy. Like all 3 of those characters and Nemesis foil each other and it's beautiful writing. Edelgard is such an important character in SS. Edelgard's cutscenes in SS are probably my favorite in the game. It's why the conflict between Edelgard and Rhea is so interesting. Neither is wholly evil but they both do questionable things (although personally I agree with Edelgard more). Both CF and SS are very interesting for the Black Eagles and this is best seen in Ferdinand who has a very different path depending ont the route. It is the lordless route however and the 3 lords is a big draw to the game. SS also ends with a totalitarian theocracy so morally many find it questionable. When people only want O play 1 route I recommend SS because it is fe3h at it's essence.
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thevoidable · 2 years
Does Chief know that Arbiter was behind the fall of Reach?
This is a question that I'm sure has crossed a few people's minds, especially if you're someone who enjoys the dynamic that Chief and Arby share.
Reach was basically Chief's home; he grew up there, he was trained to be a Spartan there. That planet holds a lot of fond memories for him, and losing it to the Covenant was a devastating blow that only made him all the more angry towards them. So, you can imagine that he would be pissed if he ever came face to face with the one responsible. But when he did, there was no malice beyond shoving a magnum in Arbiter's mouth. They're good allies by the end of H3, so, does he know?
Well, the short answer is: yes. He absolutely does.
So, the real question here is: when did he know?
In order to answer that, we first need to look at what confirmed Chief's knowledge of the Arbiter's dark past in the first place.
Halo 2 Anniversary introduced terminals that gave lore fanatics incredibly juicy details about the in-game universe, and the very first one on Cairo Station is a report by Jameson Locke that details EVERY major crime committed by Thel 'Vadamee. Upon opening up the terminal, we are greeted by this:
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A "blink and you’ll miss it” detail that I think a lot of people's eyes glaze over upon first watch. Now, I know what you're probably thinking - "Oh, he's viewing this report on Cairo, so he knew this back in Halo 2 then!" Ah ah ah, not so fast.
Locke specifies the date of the report as September 26 2552, but the events of Reach and the original trilogy all took place two months prior in July - if you remember how Halo 3 ended, that means that Chief is stranded in space by the time Semptember rolls around. Unless he has time travelling powers, there’s no way he’s reading a report from the future on Cairo, especially while it’s under attack. 
So, that said, when did Chief have a chance to read the report? 
Well, the answer is actually very simple: directly after the end of Halo 4.
If you need a refresher, Chief was thrown right into the conflict with the Didact from the beginning of the game, and it was non-stop action for him ever since. However, the ending cutscene of the game shows us his armour being removed (presumably for repairs), and he gets his first real downtime in years. This is when we can best assume that he found the report.
Now, allow me to paint you a picture.
Chief has just come back from defeating the Didact, but in the process he’s lost his closest friend. Fresh out of his armour and knee-deep in grief, he seeks to distract himself by digging through some files to find out what he’s missed. The last thing he remembers before entering cryosleep four years ago is discovering that the Foward Unto Dawn was torn in half, and the Arbiter was nowhere to be found. So, what happened to him? Did he survive? Is Chief’s newfound ally okay?
The database has several files listed under “The Arbiter”, but he ignores each in favour of one that immediately catches his attention, marked by ONI as highly classified.
He came looking for a distraction, but found only anger instead.
For the entirety of his time between the end of Halo 4 and during Halo 5, Chief had been dealing with his grief over Cortana and the indirect betrayal of someone he once trusted. Repressing those feelings led him to take on mission after mission back-to-back without rest, so much to the point that even ONI noticed. Blue Team was thankfully there for him through it all, but there wasn’t much that even they could do for him beyond supporting him. 
Fast forward to the end cutscene of Halo 5 - Chief doesn’t see Arbiter until he’s lost Cortana again. He failed to save her again. He’s at his lowest, the worst he’s ever felt, and there’s little anyone can do to cheer him up, if they can even tell he’s hurting.
But then in comes Arbiter, who - thanks to one of the books - provides the perfect distraction, taking Chief off to the side to have their first real conversation together, reminiscing about the past and catching up with each other. Chief gets to see how far Arbiter has come now, and just how much he still wants to do better. In the midst of Chief’s pain and guilt, he probably no longer has the energy to be angry, and he can see how holding a grudge against the Arbiter will benefit no one.
Forgiveness may not be in the cards just yet, and maybe one day Chief will get closure for the things Arbiter has done to him and millions of others, but for now, Arbiter can still inspire him to keep fighting, and he’ll value their alliance for as long as it lasts.
So I appear to stand corrected and have been informed that the original trilogy does NOT take place in July (Halopedia is the most convoluted rabbit hole I s2g) - CE takes place in September, and then Halo 2 starts in October with Halo 3 ending in December.
That complicates my theory a little BUT my point still stands that Chief is a busy guy and wouldn’t have read the report on Cairo while it was under attack (if you take accessing it during gameplay as canon). He also wouldn’t have an incentive to go looking for the information nor would he even know what to look for until Halo 4. There’s also a possibility that he was briefed about Thel at some point prior to H2, but wouldn’t have been able to make the connection that the silver-armoured elite he briefly met via the Gravemind and then fought alongside later was Thel. He just knew him as “The Arbiter”.
Either way, he still knows regardless, and it’s incredibly fun to think about the ramifications thereafter.
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sepublic · 2 years
Post-Hoot for Them’s the Breaks, Kid!
-They wrote TTBK at least a year ago (this Post-Hoot was recorded before Hollow Mind’s release), having started production pre-pandemic, and finishing it during that time. The episode was intended as a breather episode before some spicy plot developments and uh, boy was it. 
-The Raeda dynamic as kids was initially more antagonistic, Raine was more of this badass. There would’ve been a fight to get the badge and have Eda stay in school (like Lumity), but Zach Marcus felt the conflict was unnatural to how Raine and Eda ended up together, so he opted for an immediate friendship instead.
-Sarah remembers making a lot of notes while working on the show that no longer make sense, like “Moon Villain”...
-Boscha’s parent, the one with glasses, is named Larry in the art tracking system. 
-Eric Bauza recalls playing either Harvey or Gilbert, though he was credited only as Mr. Park, unhelpfully. He voiced Faust during the pandemic (which could mean anything lbr), and didn’t even know what Faust looked like, having to ask Dana what she thought he’d sound like. Eric’s delivery actually influenced Faust’s final design lacking any lips!
-The neck crack was devised as a means for Faust to maneuver and turn his head around (I guessed it).
-In Zach Marcus’ mind, Terra and Faust had a history together.
-There was going to be an episode that gave Bump a love interest, written by Molly Ostertag; “A very elven man”, but Dana shot it down.
-At one point Tibbles was the principal of Hexside, and Zach jokingly suggested to say he was the vice-principal now.
-JBO wrote a lot for Mattholomule, and Zach Marcus said he’d love to have him as the main character in a show like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where he’s always being beaten at his game and you love to see it. 
-According to Avi, Raine is more chaotic than Eda, and Sarah agrees. 
-Zach Marcus suggested that Faust used to have big, juicy, candy Bratz lips. He thinks Faust lives in the school (this might be contradicted later on or not), and before that he and Terra used to live together as a couple. However, there was a BAD breakup, and Faust lost both his voluptuous lips and the place in the fight. This is why he lives at Hexside now, it’s the only place he has any sense of control and so he exerts it so wildly because it’s all he has.
-Zach joked that Kikimora is a high school dropout, like him!
-Dana pushed to have Luz’s artistic journey progress, with the viewer seeing how her style develops over time.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Citrina Rocks - What Really Happened?
Pure speculation about Ravening War based on "Seeds of Conflict" (episode 1) and the entirety of A Crown of Candy. SPOILERS AHOY for A Crown of Candy
Calorum's history is rich and complex and the fact that we're getting The Ravening War is part of that. Lots of things were mentioned or alluded to in ACoC or the Adventuring Party episodes of that time. (Also possibly in Discord Q&As). I believe Jacques Tomaté being the catalyst for the Ravening War was once such thing mentioned on adjacent media (like AP or Discord).
But Citrina, like many of the Rocks sisters, died over the course of the Ravening War, and Calroy spills almost all the juicy details about the demises of Amethar's sisters. Calroy knows that Citrina didn't die merely by accident, that she was run down in the streets on the orders of Belizabeth Brassica - the broccoli woman's motivations, however, were a mystery even to Lord Cruller. Even though Citrina had always "been sweet" to him, he didn't object or didn't show any remorse for Citrina being eliminated.
Prior to the Ravening War, Belizabeth was "just a bishop". In the first episode of the new series, we see her assisting the aged Archbishop Camille Colliflower and speaking in her stead occasionally. Citrina longs to be associating more with the Bulbian faith. Does she bond with a young Belizabeth over religious interest? Does she become such a shining star of Bulbian excellence that overshadows Bishop Brassica? Camille seems to be an elder,
The part that has always been most curious to me is that Citrina was canonized as a Bulbian saint after her death. I can't decide if that happened in spite of Belizabeth's actions or BECAUSE of Belizabeth's actions, so I'm curious to see if this story will give us more clues.
Ordered to be run over in the street = accident, and nothing to link BB to the scene of the crime. Was death truly the intention or did an attempt at harm go too far? Was it supposed to be insulting or somehow a declaration of higher status on Belizabeth's part?
What was happening on the streets at that time? Was it an uproarious mob of people fleeing, or others of the faith that needed guidance? If she was trying to rescue or help others, it would contribute to the martyrdom aspect that maybe encouraged her canonization.
While there are obvious similarities, I don't want to ascribe a one-for-one ratio of transference between the requirements of canonization for Catholics and Bulbians. But if performing miracles is a part of it, I'm very curious to see Citrina's miracles.
This is the writer in me, but it would be pretty juicy if young Belizabeth, already fueled by jealousy, hears someone talk about how good and saintly Citrina is before she finally makes the order. "The thing about being a martyr means is you have to die."
Especially with rewatching ACoC recently, I want to know more about Citrina's understanding of the world. She was deeply devoted to the Bulb, but we don't actually know how she felt about The Church prior to her death. 5A: During the flashback about Catherine Ghee, Citrina makes a subtle distinction between the judgement of The Church and the judgement of The Bulb. She is concerned with the latter, which makes me wonder if she already saw how the institution was flawed. 5B: Presumably Citrina never had any direct AND public criticisms of the Church. Given that her magic relic is about honesty, I have doubts that she would be talented at covering her tracks like Sapphria.
The honesty power of her Book of Leaves - did that only start after she died, or is it an echo of an ability she had in life?
Did Belizabeth WANT Citrina canonized, or was it a great twist of dramatic irony after wanting her eliminated?
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eclecticopposition · 2 months
tell me about valsethera and those angels and jon 👀<
The specifics of Jon deValjio's extended family drama (which we CAN get into) will have to wait until we get back into roll20. Simply know that he's from a Pathfinder 2e campaign, in which four characters from four very different settings are brought into a world that appears to be grafted out of pieces of countless other worlds. All of them are great.
Jon deValjio is a human cleric from a desert continent that used to be a single massive kingdom, and has since fallen into chaos and been consumed by political infighting. He is a follower of Soralyon, a deity of architecture and ruins, and he basically wanders around trying to uncover pieces of lost history in the naive belief that people are all arguing because nobody knows what the truth is! Their history is being lost! So, naturally, if he can just find all the answers, he can tell everyone and everything will be okay again! No more endless conflict consuming the country or leading to heated political arguments over dinner! Right?
And of course Soralyon would never steer him wrong! That's why every time he gets a weird urge to do something or something unexplainable happens, he is more than happy to go along with it! Because they're in this together! Sure, he kind of got sent to the top of a tower and saw that he'd been somehow transported away from everything he's ever known, but that has to be happening for a reason, doesn't it? Of course it does! He's meeting people from so many new cultures! He is learning so much! And can he be honest? It's kind of nice to get away from all the... you know, all the arguing and everything? Everything with his family and his brother – not that he wants to get away from his brother, of course! His brother's great! Have you heard about his brother? He's a real hero! Like, a real one! Jon never really had the stomach for that. Never was the most popular. But this is great! He's like, a research hero now! He bets that he'll go back home when the time is right. You know, once he's learned the thing he's supposed to learn, and he can go back and teach everybody! Maybe it'll be the answer to everything! No one has ever had an opportunity like this before! It'll turn out okay in the end!
Notably, Jon is from a culture that has almost no non-humans. It does, however, have aggressive feral dragons that raid small towns and eat livestock, and sometimes people. This has led to some tension and confusion between the tiefling bard (who he assumed was some sort of dragon person??) and the party monk, whose monastery worships dragons (eastern dragons, generally benevolent). He gets along great with the party android investigator, because they are both awkward nerds who are determined to figure out all the secrets. We were expecting some juicy drama to come out of the whole situation. Two sessions in, everyone somehow ended up being legitimate fast friends. It even felt earned. He and the tiefling bard even bonded over their worlds being full of weird hierarchies and political bullshit! The monk taught the bard how to meditate! It was great!
Jon rules. He takes notes about like, everything. Very friendly. Kinda clueless. A little self-righteous. A lot naive and head in the clouds. He also has a sickass religious tattoo that makes his entire right arm look like it's made out of banded agate from the elbow down.
As for Valsethera and those funny angels... say, what do you think happens when beings of pure law try to help run a city of humans?
This piece of comedy gold happens. Please behold.
(Featuring the amoral lesbians Des and Aanei, one of whom fed her master to the other, and then who agreed to an ill-advised bargain for power out of a covetous urge to take control of her own life, and a deep and hungry curiosity. The sea demon was also fueled by the covetous urge to see a mortal gorge herself on power and desire and to see what havoc she would wreak if she accompanied her. Deep and hungry curiosity all around.)
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voraciousvore · 3 months
17 and 18 for the ask game :D
Ooh thank you for the asks! Sorry if this is a bit long but I love to ramble about my stories xD
17. My current WIP is The Giant and the Princess, which has a lot of lore behind it. The human world that Jackie comes from mirrors our own, yet is different due to the existence of magic and large fantasy creatures in the medieval past. As the story goes, the giants have trouble finding food and hunt most of the larger beasts to extinction, so they turn to attacking humans to feed on them instead. A brutal war between the giants and humans breaks out as a result, and ends with the human wizards banishing the giants to an alternate realm, which becomes the Land of Giants, sacrificing themselves and draining all the magic in their world to nothing in the process.
Ajax in this story is very young for a giant, only about 20 years old, whereas in The Giant he is very old, around 800 (Chester and Jasper, his sons, are closer to 300). So he is practically a different character at this point. This story seeks to explain how he became the bitter, jaded man he is in the current day, why he hates humans, the details of how the war between humans and giants started and his role in the war, how he lost his eye, and the details of his ill-fated romance with a human that he alludes to in The Half-Blood Giant (also, though technically the ending has been revealed, there might be a surprise twist there! What he told his grandson may not be the whole truth).
I like to use basic concepts/ stories and put my own g/t twist on them, so for this story I was thinking of Romeo and Juliet as the base. This is the tale of a forbidden love that blossoms between a giant and a human, natural enemies that are predator and prey, that we know will end in tragedy. This story was supposed to be short but I keep adding things so it keeps getting longer. I'm very excited to share! Anyways, next question:
18. Ooh, it's hard to choose just one passage, but since I'm already thinking of The Giant I have to talk about one of my favorite scenes I've ever written: the chapter where Chester first eats Jackie. This scene changed the plot entirely. Interestingly enough, this chapter was originally just supposed to be a nightmare that Jackie had, and wasn't supposed to be a real event in the story! Chester was going to be much nicer, and was not supposed to eat Jackie for real: The scene was merely a reflection of her inner fears.
However, after I wrote it, I realized it was too juicy to be nothing more than a dream. I realized I had struck gold, by creating the perfect and most disturbing conflict: Jackie is essentially a captive, and is relying on a dangerous, hungry, man-eating giant for protection in a very hostile world to humans. The dynamic completely changed between the characters, from one of benevolence to a more insidious, toxic relationship. It made the romantic element more interesting too: They fall in love, but their love is tainted by the fact that Chester could easily kill Jackie if he succumbs to his ravenous urges. I really enjoy darker themes of passion and temptation so I was very happy with how the story ultimately turned out!
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Feast Day: Michaelmas, or St. Michael and All the Angels
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"The Three Archangels and Tobias" by Francesco Botticini (1470). Michael is on the far left, wearing some snazzy armour (via wikimedia commons)
Happy Michaelmas!
Michaelmas celebrates the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael; and in Anglican and Episcopalian tradition includes two other angels from apocryphal (not in Biblical canon) texts named Uriel and Jerahmeel. However, as the name suggests, most of the day is about Michael. Regarded as the warrior who drove Satan out of heaven, Michael is associated strongly with protection and military might. He is the patron saint of police officers, warriors, the sick, mariners, against lightning and windstorms, and of many places including France, Germany, Vatican City, and Ukraine and its capital Kyiv.
Michaelmas was one of the major observed saint's days in mediaeval and early modern England, Scotland, and Ireland. Keep reading to find learn about how the Devil was yeeted from heaven, if you're going to get married soon, and why you shouldn't eat blackberries after October 10th.
As an angel, Michael doesn't have a 'life', per se, but he is well-known and venerated in a variety of Abrahamic religions. The earliest recorded mention of his is from the Book of Enoch, a Hebrew apocalyptic text from the 3rd century BCE. The Book of Enoch contains other bits of juicy information on the origin of demons, moral justification for the great flood in Genesis, why some angels fell from heaven, and a prophecy for the thousand-year reign of the Messiah. Though it is not accepted as canon in Christian and Jewish traditions, it provides extra scholarship on canon occurrences and apocryphal traditions. Michael is not given an introduction by the Book of Enoch, implying that readers would already be familiar with him, and his legend may date back much farther. He is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, which is included in the Christian Old Testament and is one of the Jewish Talmudic writings. The Quran and Hadīth also acknowledge Michael as an archangel (often spelled Mika'il).
In the Christian Bible, Michael is explicitly mentioned in Jude 9, Daniel 7, and Revelation 12:7-12. This last passage is the most famous, and depicts Michael doing battle with the Devil and driving him out of heaven. As a result, he has very militaristic associations, often portrayed as the leader of the armies of God in the warfare between Heaven and Hell, good and evil. In the mediaeval and early modern world, people lived with these images and concepts in their everyday lives. Vivid depictions of the Last Judgement, or the end of the world, adorned church walls -- they make up a whole genre, called "doom paintings", and were often on the west wall of the church, which was most visible to the congregation. They sent powerful, unmistakable messages to those who could not read or understand the Latin service. In addition, many people lived with firsthand experiences with brutal, real world conflict; and the power of the church in law and society created overwhelming preoccupation with the afterlife. We have only to look to paintings like Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights of Hans Memling's The Last Judgement to see what nightmare fuel people truly believed in and feared. Michael was therefore an important protector figure in a serious battle against the forces of evil -- the OG Satanic Panic, 24/7.
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"The Last Judgement" by Hans Memling (c.1466-1473). The right panel depicts heaven, the left panel depicts hell, and the middle panel depicts the judgement process, with Michael weighing souls in the foreground while Jesus looks on. (via wikimedia commons)
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Doom painting in Salisbury's Church of St. Thomas a Beckett. Again, Heaven is depicted on the right, and hell is swallowing people on the left. I don't know about you, but seeing this every Sunday as a kid would have given me religious trauma they haven't even discovered yet. (via seeingthepast.com)
A little bit about the other angels commemorated: Gabriel is responsible for announcing God's will to humanity, and communicates the birth of Jesus to Mary and of John the Baptist to her sister Elizabeth, respectively. Raphael is not mentioned in the Bible, but tradition identifies him as a healing angel who stirred the waters at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:2-4). Uriel is also not mentioned in the Bible, but is in texts recognised as apocryphal by the Roman Catholic Church, and is also a figure in folk Catholicism. He is usually depicted as a cherub, representing repentance and holding the keys to Hell. Jerahmeel is mentioned in texts recognised as apocryphal by the Anglican Communion, and serves as a gatekeeper to Heaven with St. Peter and guides souls on their journey to the afterlife. All around pretty metal stuff.
Michaelmas and its Traditions
As Michael served as a benevolent force against darkness and evil, his commemoration asked for protection in the cold, long winter nights, where Satan's powers were supposedly more powerful.
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Harvest activities, from the glorious Luttrell Psalter (c.1320-1340) (via johnclare.net)
In mediaeval England, Michaelmas marked the start of a new agricultural year, when the harvest ended and people could start preparing for the coming winter. In England, Ireland, and Wales, it was one of the quarter days, or four days during which major legal business was settled. Contracts for would begin or expire, rents and taxes were collected, school terms would start, &c. Hiring fairs were held around Michaelmas for labourers and servants looking for work. On manors, a "reeve" or estate manager would be chosen from among the peasants. Following this custom, the Lord Mayor of London is still elected on Michaelmas; and some British and Irish law courts and universities use a "Michaelmas term" to denote an autumn session or semester.
Michaelmas earned the name "Goose Day" from the tradition of eating a roast goose on this holiday. The end of September and beginning of October are naturally when geese were ready for eating, and they were also common fare for celebrations in general. Geese prepared for this time of year were referred to as a stubble-goose or an embling or rucklety goose. Goose fairs proliferated up and down the country, selling geese and other food, as well as providing entertainment. (The Nottingham Goose Fair continues in this tradition, happening around October 3rd every year.) A likely apocryphal legend provides a fun reason behind this tradition: Queen Elizabeth I was eating a goose when she heard of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and vowed to eat it for Michaelmas. Others followed suit, and thus goose-eating helped ensure financial security for the year to come. Geese were also a great way to bribe your landlord, as including one with your rent might gain you a little more favour. Another fun goose tidbit: if the breast bones of the goose are brown after roasting, the winter will be mild, but if they were white or of a slightly blue hue, the winter will be harsh.
Gathering blackberries after Michaelmas (old style October 10th) was deemed unlucky. Supposedly, when Michael cast Satan out of heaven, Satan landed in a blackberry bush and got tangled in its brambles. Cursing the bush, Satan either spit, stamped, scorched, or peed on it, or a combination of all of those things, making the fruit unfit to eat after that date. Blackberry pies, called Michaelmas pies, were often made to use up the last of the blackberry harvest. In Ireland, bad blackberries are also attributed to púca, a shape-shifting spirit that can bring both good and evil.
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Michaelmas bannock with blackberries (via allthehousehold.com)
Scotland and Ireland also have unique celebrations from those in England and Wales. In parts of Scotland, particularly the Hebrides, the eldest daughter of the family baked Sruthan Mhìcheil, or St. Michael's bannock, on the eve of Michaelmas. Sruthan Mhìcheil is a scone-like bread or cake, consisting of equal parts barley, rye, and oats, and without using any metal implements. Some recipes are cooked in lamb skin. As the person making the Sruthan turns it on the fire, they utter a variant of this blessing over it: "Progeny and prosperity of family, Mystery of An Dagda, protection of Bride". There is also a Hebridean blessing which runs: "Là Fhéill Mìcheil nì sinn struthan, Gabhaidh sinn dheth gu cridheil cairdeil, Mar bu choir a bhith" or, in English, "On St Michael’s Day we will make a cake, we will partake of it in a joyful friendly manner, as is proper". Special Sruthans, made in memory of absent loved ones or those who have died, are blessed at Michaelmas mass and given to the poor.
Another Scottish tradition involves carrots, the last of which are supposed to be pulled up on Michaelmas day. Finding a two-pronged carrot is considered extra lucky! There's a Gaelic rhyme for this task, too, which accompanies the carrot pulling: "Torcan torrach, torrach, torrach, Sonas curran còrr orm, Michael mil a bhi dha m’chonuil, Bride gheal dha m’chonradh" or in English, "Cleft fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, Joy of carrots surpassing upon me, Michael the brave endowing me, Bride the fair be aiding me."
I found a good deal of Irish traditions relating to Michaelmas, varying region by region. One legend tells of a king who choked to death on a goose bone and was brought back to life by St. Patrick. In honour of the saint, he ordered goose to be eaten on Michaelmas. In parts of Ireland, geese were given to the poor, and in some regions slaughtered sheep were also thrown in with the donation. Many people took pilgrimages to holy wells associated with Michael to take a drink from the blessed waters. A ring would sometimes me placed in a Michaelmas pie, and the person to find it would be married soon.
Towns often implemented winter curfew on Michaelmas. The church bell would ring at 9pm, once for every day of the month that had passed, to remind everyone to get inside. Curfews usually lasted from Michaelmas (September 29th) to Shrove Tuesday or Lady Day (March 25th), another quarter day. Chertsey in Runnymeade, Surrey, still rings a curfew bell between these dates; their oldest church bell dates from 1380.
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Michaelmas dasies (via butterfly-conservation.org)
Michaelmas daisies, or asters, bloom around this time of year, one of the last flowers to bloom before the onset of winter. Some say they represent a final, hearty burst of light before the darkness and barrenness of winter, just like the celebration of Michaelmas. A rhyme says: "The Michaelmas Daisies, among dede weeds, / Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds. / And seems the last of flowers that stood, / Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude." (Sts. Simon and Jude is October 28th).
And of course, no feast day would be complete without a plethora of weather wisdom! Here are a few:
"If Michaelmas bring many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow."
"If the ice is strong enough to bear a man before Michaelmas, it will not bear a goose afterwards." (see Martinmas, November 11th)
"So many days old the moon is on Michaelmas Day, so many floods after."
"If St. Michael bring thunder, rough weather will follow."
Thomas Tusser also advises to pick fruit after Michaelmas if you want it to last the winter.
If You're Still Interested...
Here is a Michaelmas bannock recipe, from the picture above!
Wikipedia (Michaelmas)
Wikipedia [Michael (archangel)]
A Countryman's Daybook, ed. C. N. French
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emletish-fish · 2 years
Johnny and Daniel and thematic journeys. Daniel vs the monster and Johnny vs the self.
This rant was inspired by a discussion with @arabianflowers ​ on this post.
TV is a visual story-telling method, so lots of hugs/smiles/closeness in one dojo vs lots of solo practice in another dojo is a quick visual short-hand for telling the audience something about the environments/priorities within those dojos. Cobra Kai is trying to tell us something about these two men by framing it this way.
Season 4 makes it clear that these two need to blend their approach and have a lot to learn from each other.  Johnny teaches with more physicality and Daniel teaches with more philosophy and the kids need both. 
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Short answer; I think this plays into the red-oni/blue-oni,  hot and cold, red and blue thing they have going on with Johnny and Daniel.  Johnny being a warmer sensei vs Daniel attemtping to be coolly logical and philosophical  ties into this red/blue theme. 
(I do not at all think this is deliberate or intentional on the part of the characters at all.  Can you imagine Johnny’s reaction to being told he has the cuddliest dojo and he’s the snuggly sensei?)
Longer answer -
This actually ties into something thematic in their overall arcs so far.
Daniel is on a daniel vs external foe (and evaluating how to fight that foe. eg examining his connection to and understanding of miyagi-do, what he is willing to sacrifice to win, price of victory, nature of evil, what is justice etc etc. All good moral and juicy questions that the show is in the process of answering.)
Johnny however is on an internal quest. It’s Johnny vs Johnny all the way down.  Can he overcome his toxic masculinity, overcome his past, and learn from his mistakes? Can he build successful relationships despite past failure. Can he atone? Can he have an improved relationship with his son? Can he break the cycle and be a better teacher/male role model than what he had as a youth?
Daniel’s story is about overcoming a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Johnny’s story is by nature more interpersonal, so that is why there is probably a greater focus on his interpersonal relationships as a result.
Caveat - it’s much easier to analyse stories when they’ve been completed and you see where all the loose threads end up. Cobra Kai is still in progress, so predictions are all just based on my best guesses. 
So yeah, it’s hard to predict where this is going to end up - but two thematic journeys are taking clear shapes.
Johnny and Daniel are mirror characters and foils for each other but they are on very different thematic journeys.
Daniel vs the Monster -
Jee, for someone who idolises a pacifist, Daniel does love to provoke and escalate fights, doesn’t he?
But that is kind of the point.
From season 1, Daniel’s driving action has been geared towards trying to defeat external enemies. First Johnny, then Kreese and now we are entering a new and probably final Daniel Vs Terry arc.
Terry is the ultimate big bad for Daniel.
Terry is the monster lurking in the traumatic shadows of all the things Daniel has suppressed.  Terry and the experience of everything that went down in Cobra Kai III are behind Daniel’s trust issues and his less noble actions. Terry is the undertow that pulls him towards escalating conflict.
In season 1, Daniel sees an instant enemy in Johnny NOT when he comes into the dealership. (There, faced with the man himself, Daniel can be magnimous and generous and tactful and kind).  No - the second that Daniel decides that Johnny is his ENEMY is when he sees the Cobra Kai sign.
Daniel is really fighting the snake - but it leads him to seeing enemies in people like Johnny and Chozen, when the real monster is just lurking off to the side.
And it’s so interesting that Chozen and Johnny and Daniel are all going to work together in season 5. I’m so curious as to how this dynamic will play out. 
The two people who seemed so bad and terrible to young Daniel will actually be his greatest allies and assets if he can learn to work with them.  We know that as soon as Daniel stops seeing them as enemies and starts seeing them as people, he can be the open and generous person he is in his heart. He enjoys their company and has fun with him. (We don’t get much carefree daniel).  And as of season 4, he’s acknowledged that there are things he can learn from both of them.
Daniel sees that Johnny and Chozen were messed up kids who were subjected to toxic idealogy when they were younger, and not inherently bad people or monsters.
he’s not a monster. he’s just a guy with a lot of demons.
He is much more forgiving of them as individuals - but also much more strident about his mission in ridding the valley of Cobra Kai. 
 But how much is Daniel willing to sacrifice to win and how far will this take him away from the Miyagi principles?
We see Daniel really lose sight of Miyagi principles in season 4 when he proceeds to do the opposite of what Mr Miyagi would do - all to beat  Cobra Kai and Terry Silver. 
(And I am predicting that season 5 will take us further down this rabbit hole.)
but this has been a building theme since season 1. Daniel drives all the escalation in season 1 and 2.  Aside from the dick graffiti, Johnny doesn’t instigate any of the drama and is much more reactive to Daniel.
Bizarrely, Johnny strike-first Lawrence is also more likely to be the one who reaches for de-escalation. eg the season 2 dojo confrontation and the season 4 battle both have Johnny attempt to diffuse the situation without violence.  He’s unsuccessful, because this is not his strong suit, but it is so interesting that the attempt is there.
Anyway, a pattern is forming.
In season 1 Daniel tries to fight Johnny indirectly through various means and close his dojo.
in season 2 he tries to out-karate him and open his own dojo to show everyone a better way.
(teaching karate is almost secondary to the goal of destroying cobra kai though ‘showing them a better way’, which is why Daniel’s storyline is more geared to  that, and has more philosophy etc.  The focus isn’t on the interpersonal relationships, but on daniel as a teacher.)
In season 3, Johnny is no longer the enemy and new villian has taken centre stage. Kreese is running the dojo, and Daniel tries to fight kreese indirectly and get the dojo shut down through various means.
Season 4, Daniel tries to fight Terry and Kreese by out karate-ing them at the AVT,.
I’m predicting season 5 will have Daniel once more trying to fight Terry through various means, rather than direct karate confrontations.  But in each season, the stakes get higher and the villians get stronger/badder/more evil, and Daniel has to make more compromises with himself and his values to confront them and the toll it takes on his family and his life gets bigger. 
Daniel is driven to fight the snake, often against his better judgement.
Daniel’s story is all about exploring how to be a pacifist in a violent world with violent foes, and what is the true meaning of justice and honour and mercy?
Daniel fighting an external foe means that he has his eyes on that goal and he loses sight of the bigger picture. Which is why he can use children to further his cause but justify it to himself as being for their own good.
Because Cobra Kai is terrible and Daniel will save them from it by using what saved him.
and Miygai-do is a solo practice for self-betterment, it’s for defense only, it’s good.
and cobra kai is bad. 
so the ends justify the means.
I mean, that’s clearly where we are at right now.  Daniel is going to be obsessed with taking down Terry next season, and I’m just wondering where that obsession will take him.
I am so fascinated by both Daniel and Sam’s black and white thinking and how it affects their choices. Sam has been able to grow through hers because all the kids are wiser than the adults, and I hope Daniel will follow her footsteps.  I am hopeful that through the course of fighting Cobra Kai we will see Daniel eventually reconnect with himself and rediscover a more complete understanding of Miyagi-do.
Daniel’s story is about our connection with our own values and how this is tested by external circumstances.
Daniel’s story is driven by his need to defeat an evil, and that is why we get such a focus on his devastated face at the end of season 4. Because evil won, and he lost and now a snake is going to coil all around the valley and a new generation of vulnerable young people are going to be indoctrinated with poison. 
But how does Johnny react to this same loss?
They are on the same team with the same goals at that point, after all.
While Daniel is devastated by this horrendous defeat and what it means for the big picture (Cobra Kais all over the valley and generation lost to a toxic idealogy that he knows destroys lives, Mr Miyagi’s legacy trampled into dust)
...  But Johnny’s son is looking sad and lost even after his dojo winning, so you know, Johnny’s much more pre-occupied with that.  Plus he’s had a falling out with Miguel, so that’s weighing on him too.
His biggest stake in the AVT are all mostly personal; a knee-jerk desire to get back at Kreese, and prove that he’s equal to Daniel and get Robby out of the crazy dojo are all personal motivations.
He DGAF about the All Valley or the nuances of karate philosophies in a general sense, he only really cares what is going on with the people close to him.
Because Johnny’s story is about connections with people.
Johnny vs Himself
Johnny, at the start of the series, is a very isolated character, but it seems to be largely self-inflicted.  He pushes people away. He’s estranged from his son. He has no immediate close bonds with other people.
He’s a trauma-ridden mess. an alcoholic. a loser.
Johnny struggles to genuinely connect with people because he hauls so much baggage into every interaction.  But through the simple, surprising state of being NEEDED by Miguel, Johnny begins to change.
(I will also argue that Johnny, even though he didn’t realise it at the time,  needed Miguel just as much as Miguel needed him  - and that’s a big part of why their relationship has always been on more equal footing than Robby and Daniel’s). 
Miguel needs something very simple from Johnny - karate instruction. And karate is something that Johnny feels confident in giving. He is able to give Miguel this piece of himself and it goes well.  He isn’t rejected. he feels like he’s helping the kid. and it feels kinda nice, to have someone to help and a reason to get up in the morning.  Teaching Miguel becomes a big priority for him. 
and once again, karate is kind of secondary.
Daniel teaches karate to fight Cobra Kai.
But Johnny teaches karate to build connections.
In Johnny’s lessons, we get a much bigger focus on the interpersonal relationships between everyone in the dojo, but especially on Johnny’s role as a teacher and how he develops this relationship with his students.
We see him initially copy kreese exactly, but very quickly he learn to soften the drill-sergent nasty stuff and he reaches out them as fellow losers, and take pride in their achievements and stand up for them at all valley committees, and it’s all part of his journey towards being a better sensei/better mentor than the one he had.
He clearly wants to be better than kreese.
And there’s the rub, and the tension.
Because try as Johnny might,  he has so many toxic and embedded patterns from his time with Kreese - and sometimes he is not even aware of them until it is too late.
Johnny’s biggest struggles mostly boil down to him trying to break his toxic cycles, move past his inter-generational trauma, and be better that any of his father figures.
And when he succeeds, it’s great. (Back half of season 2, Johnny kicking kreese to the curb because he could see what a negative effect the man had on the kids. the fact that he could do for the kids what he couldn’t do for himself and was finally able to stand up to his abuser because he thought they were being mistreated.  Johnny fully breaking with his indoctrination and fumbling to try and show his students a better way, more merciful way  - that was peak Johnny for me. A real high point in his journey.)
And when he fails, it’s tragic.  (The downward spirals, the season 4 insecurity leading to all manner of poor life choices, and the way his inability to overcome his trauma affects the younger generation, especially Robby and Miguel.  These boys both want him, and Johnny wants to rise to the moment and meet both their needs but he often fails and then hates himself for failing and withdraws. but that doesn’t do anything to help either boy.)
This is why Johnny’s biggest foe isn’t an external enemy.
Johnny’s biggest enemy is himself.
His inner kreese, the voice that whispers ‘you lost, you’re worthless, you’re nothing’. The insecurity and toxic masculinity and the need to be tough and the aversion to showing an vulnerability, the hyper-vigilance to threats and the overwhelming need to  over-compensate for any weaknesses are all things Johnny learned from Kreese alongside Strike Hard- Strike First - No Mercy. (A philosophy that no doubt has had an irreparably negative effect on Johnny’s life).
Whilst Mr Miyagi gifted Daniel a path to inner peace, what Johnny received from his Sensei was inner turmoil. He needs to constantly fight his inner demons and he doesn’t always win. And listening to his inner kreese causes some of his biggest mistakes with the kids.
But Johnny’s mistakes as a sensei can’t hold as candle to his mistakes as a father.
Robby and Johnny’s desire to connect better with his son has been driving the action in Johnny’s story since we first met the kid back in season 1.  I would say most of Johnny’s narrative drive is centred around him trying to improve himself and build better relationships rather than fighting external foes.  
Final thoughts:
so yeah, because Daniel’s story is all about how to fight and enemy bigger than yourself and how to stay peaceful in a world of violence and how to find balance  - his teachings are much more philosophical to mirror that sort of journey.
But because Johnny’s story is all about moving past inner demons/past experiences to build meaningful connections with others, his dojo has a much heavier emphasis on those interpersonal relationships and more found family vibes - because that is the sort of story that is going on there.  
It also leads to this wonderful dictomy, because Daniel is teaching more pacifist teachings whilst engaging in fighting  external foes. He’s got a much more active and aggressive character journey.  Daniel is much more rigid in his approach to most things, and his attitude to his students is no exception. He needs them to meet the Miyagi ideal because Daniel is fighting a war, and Miyagi- method is the weapon he is sure will win. 
(Oh Daniel, what a wild ride this season will be for you!)
Whilst Johnny teaches assertiveness, he’s actually far more passive in his personal life and has to work up the courage to reach out to people.  He’s more likely to question his own actions and second guess himself and change his approach depending on the circumstances.  He’ll respond if provoked, but we very rarely see him instigate fights (and will only really do so if he has some personal stake.  like, the only example I can think of is beating up the sleazy dude who was trash-talking Carmen back in season 2 and the bikers who insulted Tommy). He’s less invested in the karate war as a battle of ideas and much more focus on the people.
Season 5 has set up Johnny taking a break from the karate scene and peacing out from the drama so he can focus on Robby and Miguel, whilst Daniel goes down the fighting-terry rabbit hole.
And I’m excited to see where the rabbit hole goes.
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