#the chosen daughter
golbrocklovely · 7 months
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter twenty-three
A/N: it took me a whole year to write this next chapter, and i am so sorry about that. i can't make any promises as to when the next chapter will come out, but i promise i'm seeing this story thru. mark my words on that. hopefully this long ass chapter makes up for the long ass wait lol lmk what you think and i'll see you guys much sooner than a year !!
story description
trigger warning: angst, cursing, mentions of abuse, SMUT, cliffhanger (wow i'm the worse for this lol)
word count: 7320
It was hard to get to sleep after the conversation Tara and I had. I slept on and off all night, never feeling fully rested. I finally woke up mid-afternoon, the sun pouring through the cracks of the almost covered window.
Even though Tara assured me that I wouldn't die, I couldn't help but feel deep within me that that wasn't going to be the case. The idea alone shook me to my core, draining all the energy out of me.
I spent most of the day in Colby's room, lying in bed. Unmoving. I could hear everyone outside coming in and out of the apartment. Colby would occasionally poke his head in, seeing if I was alright. I would just close my eyes, pretending I was asleep. I had no energy to talk about what was going through my mind. Hours passed and it wasn't until I looked at my phone and saw the time that I realized I needed to get ready for work soon. I groaned, getting out of bed, and leaving his room. I slowly trudged to the bathroom.
"You okay, baby?" Colby called from the living room.
I hummed out a response, hoping he heard me. I finished, washed my hands, and left the bathroom. I sighed deeply as I walked towards the kitchen, figuring I should make something to eat before getting ready.
"Jade..." I turned towards Colby, his arms lightly reaching out and his hands grazing my wrists.
"What?" I whispered; my voice unable to speak louder.
Colby cupped my face, making my look into his eyes. "Babe, you look... so tired. Are you okay?"
The softness in his voice and touch made my heart ache. My body felt so heavy, my mind going both a million miles a minute and quiet all at once. I slid my arms around Colby, almost collapsing against him. Tears welled up in my eyes, my vision blurring. Colby rubbed my back, soothing me as I cried into his chest.
"I-I just...." I stuttered, blubbering.
"What, Jade? What is it?" He cooed.
"Every time things feel like they are calming down, they just get worse. Nothing seems to be going right for me, for us. I-I don't know how much more I can take." I shook, my cheeks soaked with tears.
"Try to calm down, Jade. It's gonna be okay." He assured me.
"But how do you know that? I mean, every time I try to catch a break, everything blows up in my face." I pulled back, looking up at him. "I try to take off work to relax, a 500-year-old vampire comes into town and toys with me. And then his brother decides he wants to fuck around with me too. And not only me, but you! Ronnie is constantly getting on my case, and then Mike tries to kill me. And yesterday every vampire I came into contact with was acting weird, only for me to find out that I apparently smell better without my necklace on. And that just adds a whole 'nother layer to all of this."
I finally tried catching my breath, no longer sad - but infuriated. "Am I cursed? That's what it feels like."
Colby shook his head. "I don't think you are. I think you are one person going through a lot in a short period of time that needs a real, serious break. And after what Tara said to you last night, I can only imagine what's going on inside your head."
I scrunched up my face. "How do you know what Tara said?"
"I may have... listened in on your conversation." He blinked.
"Colby." I whined, leaning against the kitchen counter.
"What? You're lucky I haven't locked you up inside my bedroom forever until all this blows over," he joked. "Besides, I don't want to be kept in the dark."
"I would have told you eventually." I argued, somewhat telling the truth.
"Are you sure about that? Because I have a sneaking suspicion that wouldn't happen given the information Tara shared with you about Kat and Xiomara." He lowered his voice, getting close to me.
"Don't tell the rest of the group. Kat begged me not-" I started, placing my hands on his chest.
Colby cut me off, cupping my hands into his. "I don't plan on it. I know there are a lot of vampires out there that would kill Kat for even being a witch, let alone being related to Xiomara. Besides I owe her. She did try to save me."
I exhaled, lowering my head. "I wish I could go somewhere, get away from all of this."
"Even out of the city would be better than this. Especially this dump." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in.
"It's not too bad here. It's everything outside that's bad." I mumbled.
Colby held me in his arms tightly, rubbing my back soothingly. I breathed in his scent, warm and comforting. I knew I was safe in his arms. All I wanted was to freeze time and stay like this forever.
"You should call out." He stated plainly.
I huffed. "I don't know if I can. Roger would be really pissed-"
Colby scoffed. "Fuck Roger. Call out. Worse case he fires you."
"Some of us need to have a job that isn't hidden in the shadows or the apartment of a nightclub, Colby." I sassed.
"You can always work here if need be. God knows Kevin needs the extra hands when he can." Colby mentioned.
I paused, realizing he was right, "...That's true, I guess."
His face lightened. "So call out."
"Okay. I won't call though. I don't feel like talking. I'll just text Roger." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
"Sounds like a plan," he smiled, leaving the kitchen. "I have to step out for a minute and make a call. I'll be right back."
Colby walked out the apartment door, pulling out his phone as he closed it. I texted Roger that I wasn't coming in. I turned my phone on silent mode, not wanting to hear from him or Ronnie about me not showing up tonight.
I don't know why I was concerned about a job that barely paid me enough to live. With all the shit going on in my life right now, they're lucky I even show up at all.
Colby came back in a moment later, grinning. "Jade, go pack a bag."
"What? Why?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I want to take you somewhere, and we might be there for a bit." He explained, rubbing my arms sweetly.
"Well, where is 'there'?" I questioned.
"I can't tell you. That will ruin the surprise." Colby turned me towards the bedroom, slapping my ass lightly, "Now, go pack."
I didn't have too many clothes to pack in the first place, so it only took me a couple minutes to get ready. I changed into nicer clothes and walked out of Colby's room. He went in his room, grabbing a few things together, and was ready within a minute.
Vampire speed... must be nice.
Colby grabbed my hand, walking me out of the club's back entrance. He waved at Kevin, who gave him a casual salute as we passed. As we got outside, he pulled me to the garage across the street that was owned by the club.
"What are we doing over here?" I asked.
"Well, we gotta drive to get to our destination so I figured we could use my car." Colby replied, pulling out his keys and unalarming a car in the back corner of the garage. I followed him towards a car wrapped in a tarp.
"Is it a nice one?" I quired.
"Um," he shrugged. "I think it is."
Colby pulled the tarp off of his car, and underneath was an older model Toyota Corolla. It was a muted red color, and the interior was a beige nude color.
I stared over the top of the car at him. "This is the car you drive?"
"I don't really drive all that often anymore. But when I do... I ride in style." He opened his arms wide, gesturing to the car with a playful smile.
"Does Kevin not pay you enough to afford a nicer car? Hell, even a newer one?" I glanced over the car, biting my lip.
"Hey now, don't make fun of the honeywagon. She's gotten me very far in life, thank you very much." He rebutted jokingly.
"The honey-what?" I deadpanned.
"You heard me." Colby smirked, his dimples appearing for a brief moment. "Now, are you gonna keep making fun of my car, or are you going to get in?"
I rolled my eyes, opening the passenger door. I slid in, adjusting my seat a bit, and dropped my bag into the back seat. Colby got in, putting his bag in the back as well, and started the car immediately.
"I'm surprise she starts." I jeered lightly.
Colby rubbed the steering wheel, "Just because she's from 2007 does not mean she doesn't run like a champ."
"2007? Wow, that's... a long time ago." I snickered.
"Hey, when I bought this car in 2009, it was pretty new then." He responded.
My eyes widened. "You bought this car back in 2009?"
Colby backed the car up and out of the garage, starting us on our journey. "Yeah. When I turned 18, I found out that my mom left me a good amount of money. It wasn't enough for me to get my own place, but it was enough to pay for this car. I pretty much spent all of her money on this."
My stomach dropped, my previous words hitting me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made fun-"
"It's okay Jade," he chuckled at my expression. "You ain't the first to rag on the honeywagon. Mike has given me shit over it for years. But, like I always tell him, it's sentimental."
I paused before continuing, knowing this was a touchy subject. "What happened to your mom? ...If you don't mind me asking."
Colby swallowed, his eyes remaining on the road. "My mom died of a heart attack when I was 10, and my dad had died back when I was a toddler, so I never really knew him. So, I didn't really have any other family around... besides Aunt Susan. She was also legally my godmother, so she was obligated to take me in. She got the house and everything else my mom left, even though most of it was left for me."
I lowered my voice, "The vision I saw of her and you. She grabbed you by your throat so aggressively. How often was she... like that?"
"The one moment you did see was basically how every day went. She always treated me like I was a burden, even back when I was a kid. She constantly belittled me, told me I wasn't good enough, and compared me to my mother in the worse way. It made me sick living there. And I had plans to move out as soon as I turned 18, but things never lined up well enough for me." He laughed bitterly, "And of course she wanted to kick me out the moment I was an adult, but she couldn't afford to live in the house without my extra income so once I finished high school, I moved to the basement and basically turned it into a little apartment. I never saw her unless I had to and all I did was go to work and come home. And that was my life for a long time."
"Did you have friends?" I inquired.
"I mean, I had a couple, but none that were actually close. Plus, once vampires came out to the public, a lot of people saw me as a pariah because of my aunt." He informed.
I frowned. "Why?"
"She was known in our town, affectionally, as a blood whore." Colby drove us onto the highway, leading us away from the city.
"Jesus..." I whispered, surprised.
"When vampires first came out, a lot of people were scared of them. But my aunt wasn't one of them. She was very... welcoming, to say the least. And she found out very quickly that vampire's blood was something worth befriending over." He remarked, his tone dull.
"She used to drink vampire blood?" I gaped.
"All the time. She used to give her blood to vampires in exchange - sometimes for money, sometimes for their blood. She became an addict to it, to some degree. Vampire blood, if drank a lot and in high quantities, can cause the person to feel high. So, she did that a lot of the times. She had a lot of vampire boyfriends. None of them ever stayed around too long. Just long enough for her to get her fix and then move onto the next..." His voice fell off for a moment, coming back more emotional; angrier. "Until Xaiver."
I reached over, placing my hand on Colby's forearm, rubbing it softly.
"She didn't exactly hang around with the best vampires, but he was especially sketchy. A lot of local vampires didn't fuck with him, but of course she still found her way to him. I found out later what happened with her and him. Because he was a dealer, he would sell his blood in vials. They met in some bar, and a week later went out on a ‘date’. He gave her a vial of his blood. And he expected that in return she would do the same the next date. But there never was another date. She just stole his blood and dipped. Hid in the house for two weeks in case he was out hunting for her - which he was. Eventually he heard that she had a kid that she took care of and that's how he found me." He glared at the road ahead, his jaw tense.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that." I consoled; the flashes of his memory played in my mind.
"It was such a weird feeling... turning into a vampire. I had heard stories of what it was like, and none of them explained it the way I felt it. Everything became sharp and intense. I was seeing colors I couldn't see before, lights were brighter, everything smelled so strong, and I could hear everything around me all at once. And the emotions - those are what really took me by surprise. I felt.... everything," Colby took a ragged breath. "Anything I had ever held back, anything I ever thought, I felt it. In that very moment. It was all so overwhelming. That word doesn't even do it justice."
I laced my fingers with his free hand, giving him a squeeze. "I can only imagine."
"I think my powers also made it ten times worse, at least for me. The moment I touched my aunt... I saw everything about her. Her whole entire life flashed before my eyes. Everything she ever felt or thought came to me. And I hated every second of it." He fumed lowly, sliding his hand out of my own for a moment.
I stayed silent, just watching Colby. His eyes remained on the road, but they were intense, dark. His one hand gripped the steering wheel while other rested softly on my thigh.
"I always thought that she didn't love me. I knew for a fact she didn't like me, you didn't need supernatural powers to know that. But I had hoped she cared, even a little. And there were times in her life she did. But deep down she never... wanted me," he confessed, his voice almost falling to a whisper. He swallowed and continued, "She was extremely jealous of the life my mom had. My mom had a great husband until he passed, she had a house, a family - everything my aunt wanted but could never get for whatever reason. And I was just a reminder of that. She gladly took the house, the car, my mom's money, but she didn't really want me. And knowing that she was actually kind of glad when my mom passed... I couldn't have stopped myself even if I wanted to."
"I don't blame you for what you did." I stated, looking into his eyes.
He blinked, turning back to the road. "When the police showed up, I told them that a vampire came in and attacked us both. They believed me because of her history, took her body to the morgue, and that was it. I paid for a funeral I didn't attend and buried her. I sold the house and any other possessions I could and never turned back."
"What happened to Xavier?" I uttered.
"I killed him before I left town. He was the second person I ever killed." He revealed.
I furrowed my brow, "He was hardly a person. He was a monster for what he did to you."
"Sometimes I regret killing either one of them. But then I think most likely if I hadn't, someone else would've. They both messed around with a lot of strange people..." He trailed off.
I tried to change the subject, sensing that Colby was getting tired of talking about this one. "What age did you get turned at?"
"22. I was about to be 23." He answered.
"How old would you be now?" I thought out loud.
"I would be 28. I was only born in '91." He stated.
"Oh my God... I'm dating an older man?" I gasped. "Sexy."
He finally cracked a genuine smile. "Why don't you get some rest? We have a long drive ahead of us."
"You still haven't told me where we're going." I argued light-heartedly.
"Well, clearly it's up in the mountains." He pointed to the mountains in the distance.
"I can tell that. But where?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You'll see eventually." He teased.
"You never fully explained why you're driving there. Couldn't we have vampire ran?" I questioned.
"It's a couple hours away, and while I'm strong I don't think I could run that far. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you, even if you're just asleep." He turned to me, giving me a wink. "So, get some rest."
I snuggled into my seat, leaning back a bit and staring out the window. The quiet sound of the radio and Colby's breathing lulled me to sleep in no time.
"Baby, it's time to get up. We're here." Colby whispered, his soothing voice waking me.
I opened my eyes slowly, trying to focus them. The lights of the car illuminated the forest around us. And a few feet from the car was a cabin. A little porch with two red chairs rested on the outside with a set of stairs leading up to it. The cabin looked well taken care of, the light on the outside inviting us in. Little white flowers adorned the path leading to the stairs and around the whole property.
I got out of the car, my eyes widening at the sight. It was still dark out, but the sun would be rising soon, the sky a lighter blue than before. I turned towards Colby, who had both of our bags in his hands. He raced up the stairs, entering the cabin and turning the lights on. I walked up the path to the house, gliding up the stairs and into the cabin. I took in all of the little details of the place: the dark wooden interior, the rock wall fireplace, the cozy deep red couches, the soft oak table right outside of the kitchen. Everything about this place was beautiful. The house even smelled good, a mix of cinnamon and mahogany.
"So, what do you think?" He breathed almost nervously.
I gazed around the cabin, trying to take in every detail that I could. "Colby... how did you get a place like this last minute?"
"Well, Kevin knows a guy that owns this house. And I asked him to ask the guy if it was okay for us to come up here. And he said it was fine. We've all come up here before, sometimes just to get away from the city." Colby stepped closer to me. "Did you notice the white flowers outside?"
I nodded my head. "Yeah I did. Wait... are those-?"
He cut me off, smiling. "Angelica californica, to be exact."
"They grow here?" I questioned.
"Naturally, but we also add to the population occasionally." He joked, his dimples appearing.
"So... no vampires?" I whispered.
He replied back just as quiet. "No vampires. Except for me, of course."
I jumped up, hugging him tightly. "Oh Colby. This is the best present ever. Thank you."
"Of course, baby. You deserve this, and so much more." He pulled back, his arms still wrapped around me, "So, the closest cabin is about a mile away. Same with the closest town. I figured in an hour or two we can go into town, maybe get some breakfast at the diner? And then afterwards I can pick us up some groceries, that way you aren't starving the whole week we're here."
I gasped, "We're gonna be here for a week? Oh no, Colby, I only called out for a day.”
"Ehh, don't worry. You have off this weekend, right? Stay here with me, and we'll worry about all of that on Monday." Colby argued.
"I have a feeling I won't want to leave though." I exhaled dramatically.
He feigned concern. "Oh no... whatever will we do?"
I smacked his chest, a laugh erupting from him.
"Go take a shower, and I'll unpack our bags. Sound good?" He held my hands, giving them a light squeeze.
I nodded, walking into the bedroom and pulling out some clothes to change into for after my shower.
I took the longest shower of my life, scrubbing all the stress away and off my body. By the time I had gotten out, it had been an hour, and the diner was ready to open. Colby and I drove into town, enjoying the view of the quaint place. The diner wasn't packed, but a steady stream of customers were coming in and out for the breakfast rush. We sat down at a table and enjoyed our meal slowly, people-watching the whole time. We walked through town, looking at all the little shops and stopping in a few. I bought a mug with the town's name on it, Colby rolled his eyes as I did. We then went to the grocery store, picking up a few things to make lunch and dinner. Colby wasn't much of a cook, and neither was I, so we settled on pasta for tonight. We drove home, but I didn't feel like settling in yet.
"Do you wanna go on a hike?" Colby suggested.
And we did just that. The fresh air almost burned my lungs, the crispness feeling sharp with every breath. It had been overcast out all day, making it the perfect weather to walk in. I found a stream not too far away from our cabin, following it down until it opened up to a lake. We sat at the dock of the lake, staring out into the water, huddled close to each other.
Then the skies opened up, rain pouring and soaking us instantly. We laughed as we raced home, Colby holding my hand the whole time. Eventually when we were close, Colby picked me up bridal style and sped me into the cabin. Thunder crackled in the distance, making the ground shake. Colby started a fire, and the cabin warmed up instantly.
I didn't remember falling asleep, but I did. I woke up wrapped up in a blanket, a soft pillow resting under me. The tv was on, playing a random channel I hadn't seen before. The cabin smelled of butter and pasta sauce. I looked at the time, and it was already 5:36 P.M.
"Good evening, sleepy head. Dinner will be ready soon, if you wanna get up." Colby spoke from the kitchen.
I stretched, getting up and heading towards his voice. "You should have woke me sooner. I would have helped with dinner."
He snickered, "I'm not that clueless when it comes to making pasta. Besides, you looked too peaceful, and I figured after the long day of walking around your body could use some more rest."
"Well, I'll at least set the table." I pulled out two dishes, walking over to the table and placing them down. I noticed in the little vase there were three flowers: two things of angelica and a single rose.
He noticed me staring, "I got that for you at the grocery store. I made sure to hide it so you wouldn't see."
"You are literally too sweet to me." I leaned in, pecking his lips.
He shrugged half-heartedly. "I don't know about too sweet, but I'm definitely trying my best here.”
My face dropped, turning to look at him completely. "Colby, you got me a cabin, drove me all the way here just so I could catch a break. You bought me breakfast and groceries and are now making me dinner. If that isn't sweet, I don't know what is."
He looked down, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. He continued stirring the pasta.
Oh my God... I made Colby blush.
A moment later, he turned off the heat, dumping the pasta water out and into the heated sauce. He mixed that up for a minute and turned to me. "I think it's ready."
We ate dinner slowly, enjoying each bite. Maybe it was because I hadn't had a homecooked meal in ages, but the pasta was to die for. We chatted the whole time, commenting on our day and the different things we saw at the diner and the lake. Once we finished, Colby poured some wine for us. A lull finally fell into our conversation, but we still sat in the dining room, sipping our wine. Colby held my hand, lightly running his thumb back and forth.
I squeezed his hand gently. "Thank you so much for this, Colby. Truly. I needed this escape so badly."
"Of course, Jade. I'll be honest though; this wasn't just an escape for you. It was for me too. I'm not exactly... not stressed, about everything going on." He took a long sip from his wine glass, his voice low.
I sighed deeply, gazing down at the table. "It's insane how crazy our lives have gotten in such a short time."
Colby nodded his head, finishing off his wine. He reached out his now free hand, wanting to hold mine. I gave him it, cupping his gently. His grip tightened as he began to speak.
"I'm... scared, of what's to come, Jade."
My heart sank at his words, his voice catching me off guard. He kept his head down as he continued.
"I want to be able to protect you, and I think I can, but there is a part of me that thinks I'm not enough. That I'm not strong enough. And especially if someone like Rinaldi or Max is coming after you... it's true. And it terrifies me that that's the truth. Hearing what Tara said to you, that there's the possibility that my greatest fear could happen, that you could die... I don't know what I would do with myself. I can't lose you, Jade. You're the first person I've let in in such a long time and I just can't..." His voice waivered as he trailed off, his head lowered to our hands, resting on them.
I felt a single tear slide down my face, unaware that his words did that to me. I wanted to reach out and grab him, pull him as close to me as possible and never let go. I wasn't sure what to say, but as we both stayed quiet for a moment, I felt myself utter words I knew to be true.
"I love you, Colby."
I could feel Colby freeze, halting his breath. He picked his head up slowly, his eyes almost staring through me. My heart sped up at his intense look.
"I know this might seem sudden... but I've felt this way for a long time." I shuttered out a breath, not realizing how nervous I was, "I don't expect you to say it back."
"I-I... want to, though. I just," his voice fell off, his eyes boring down at our still laced hands. "I've never had anyone say that to me."
My heart shattered, "No one's ever said I love you to you before?"
"Not since I was young. All of our friends have made passing remarks, saying that they care about me, but... not ‘I love you’. Not like how you said it." He murmured.
I squeezed his hands, running my thumb over his knuckles. I leaned down and kissed the top of them, looking up at him briefly. The silence filled the room, and I could see Colby wanted to speak, but was unsure of what to say. I truly didn't expect him to say it back, but part of me hoped for some response soon. My ears rang from the quiet.
Colby's eyes connected with mine, his icy blues gazing deep. "I'm not good at talking. I've never been great at saying what I feel. But I think I can show you... what I feel."
He stood up, pulling me to my feet. He cupped my face gently, his hand feeling almost cold against my hot skin. He leaned in slowly, pressing his body into me. His lips captured mine, an electric charge surging through my body instantly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers running through his hair.
Colby pushed me lightly against the table, his hands sliding down my body until he reached my hips. He gripped them tightly, the feeling causing a light sigh to fall from my lips. He smirked into the kiss, pulling away briefly to lift me up onto the table. He placed me down, connecting his lips with mine again. I wrapped my legs around his hips, squeezing him into me. Our kiss deepened, our tongues dancing with one another. Suddenly, he scooped me up from the table, walking me to the bedroom carefully.
He got me to the edge of the bed, dropping me softly. I gasped as I fell back, my legs dangling off the bed as he stared down at me. I swear for a second, I saw his eyes flash red as he scanned my body. My heart raced at the thought of what he could, and would, do to me.
He leaned down, hovering over me as he murmured in my ear. "I want to make you feel good, Jade."
I bit my lip, "I-I want you to do that."
Colby chuckled, kissing down my neck. He nipped at my collarbone; goosebumps rose across my skin as he did. He kept kissing down my body, my chest heaving as he got closer to my sex. I could feel the fire already burning deep within me growing. I wanted him so badly and for so long. And now, it was finally happening.
He raised my shirt up slowly, his hands stopping just underneath my bra. He looked into my eyes and nodded my head, sitting up and letting him pull my shirt off. He gazed over my newly exposed skin, taking in every inch of it. He glided his head down, his breath fanning just above the button of my pants. I shuddered at the feeling, needing him to keep going.
"I've wanted to taste you for so long, Jade." He glanced up at me, a whine almost falling from his lips, "Can I? Please?"
My panties grew wetter from the desperation in his voice. I nodded, unable to speak. Colby unbuttoned my pants, sliding them down my body hastily. His hands cupped my hips, his mouth kissing just above my underwear. My breath hitched at the sensation, my body tensing.
"You're already so wet for me... God, I need to taste you now." He growled.
He pulled my underwear off, throwing it behind him. I bit my lip as the cool air of the cabin hit my naked sex. My hips arched, wanting Colby to give me some relief.
"Use your words, baby. What do you want from me?" He teased, kissing my thighs.
I shuttered, "C-Colby, please. I need you so badly."
"To what?" He blinked innocently.
"Make me come with your tongue." I mewled.
Colby clenched his jaw at my words, his eyes closing tightly for a moment. "Whatever you want, baby. It's yours."
His mouth immediately connected with my clit, pulling it into his mouth and gently sucking on it. Pleasure rolled down my body, my legs instinctively wrapping around his head and resting on his shoulders. As he continued to play with my clit, his fingers lightly brushed up and down my lips, teasing my entrance.
"Oh my God, fuck Colby." I moaned, my eyes fluttering close.
He buried his head deeper into my cunt, his tongue and fingers switching positions. He lapped at my hole, his middle finger rubbing slow circles into my clit.
My hips bucked out his actions, whines falling from my mouth. He kept his pace slow and deep, causing pleasure to roll down my body over and over again.
I could feel my body getting closer to the edge, but I wanted him, needed him, inside of me. "Colby...."
"Yes, beautiful?" He hummed, picking his head up.
"Please.... I need you." I whimpered, my fingers tracing up his face as he looked at me.
He slowed raised up to my face, his mouth pressed closed to my ear. "You need me inside of you?"
"Yes," I shook my head desperately.
"How badly do you need me, baby? Tell me." He demanded teasingly.
"Colby, please." I pawed at his chest, still covered by his shirt, "I need you to take this off, right fucking now."
"Yeah?" He smirked, sitting up and pulling his shirt off with one arm.
My hands immediately slid up his chest, feeling his muscles tighten under my touch. I bit my lip, taking in every inch of him.
Suddenly, Colby's face changed. He lowered himself back down to me, his body resting against mine firmly. I could feel his bulge pressing hard into my thigh. That sent a shockwave through me, knowing I was turning him on.
"Jade... I want you," he swallowed hard. "I want you so badly. I've needed you for so long."
He leaned in, our lips connecting in a passionate kiss. My breath was instantly taken from me, my chest heaving from needed oxygen. My hands drifted down his body, undoing and sliding his pants down enough so that I could grasp his hard member. He gasped against my mouth, his grip on my hips tightening. He thrusted slowly into my hand as I held him. I could tell just from a few pumps that he was big. My pussy clenched at the feeling.
"Are you ready for me, baby?" He whispered lowly, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.
I nodded, a tiny whimper escaping my mouth.
Colby kissed along my neck as he pulled his pants down all the way. His hands slid behind me and popped my bra off, yanking it away from my body quickly. I giggled at his actions; his neediness just as present as mine.
He reached over to the nightstand, opening the drawer and grabbing a condom. He rolled the condom down his shaft, my eyes widening at his now completely naked form. He was so beautiful, in more ways than one. My breath hitched in my throat as I took in as much as I could.
He leaned his head against mine, the tip of his cock teasing my entrance. "Do you still want this? Do you still want to do this?"
"Of course. More than ever." I cupped his face gently, pecking his lips.
He lined himself up, his eyes boring into mine for just a moment. As he entered me, he closed his eyes tightly, his mouth a gape. I moaned as he stretched me out, filling me deeply.
"Fuck Jade, you feel so good." He grunted, his chest vibrating from how deep his voice was.
Once he was completely inside of me, his eyes shot open, two red orbs staring back at me. Veins popped out from under his skin by his eyes. And his parted mouth showed fangs.
I gazed up at him, excited by the vampire before me. I've only ever seen him like this once, and now it felt completely different. Back then I barely even knew him. And now, he was the love of my life.
"I'm sorry, baby. Give me a second, okay?" Colby hissed, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against mine.
I hushed him, cupping his face, "No, it's okay Colby. I'm not scared. You don't scare me."
Colby exhaled. "That's good to know. But I still don't like having my fangs out while I'm fucking you."
I stuttered out, "I... don't mind."
"Oh? You like the fangs?" He sassed, his hips slowly starting to move.
"Yeah." I whispered bashfully, a light blush creeping across my skin.
"You're blushing.... oh my God, that's so fucking hot." He cursed.
I gripped his back a little hard, pulling him deeper into me as he thrusted. I matched his pace, our bodies moving as one.
Colby leaned into my neck, kissing and licking my skin. His fangs grazed against me, goosebumps forming. I let out a light gasp as he pressed his fangs in further, but never broke skin.
He groaned, his voice in my ear. "Do you want me to bite you? I can feel you squeezing around me tighter every time I almost do."
I inhaled sharply, taken aback by his tone. Colby chuckled darkly into my ear, his hips picking up speed.
"You want it, don’t you? Just admit it." He smirked.
I let out a raspy sound, unable to say anything. He was right, I did want him to bite me. But I wasn't going to say it. At least not yet.
"Make me." I uttered bravely.
His stare intensified, his lips twitching into a smile. "Fine."
Colby pinned down my hands to the bed with one hand, while his other shimmied down in between our bodies. He forced my legs apart wider, two of his fingers pushing lightly against my clit. He started stroking in time with his thrusts, which only got deeper and harder. I cried out in pleasure, my eyes rolling into the back of head from the new sensation.
"Tell me you need it. Tell me you want me to bite you." He ordered, staring into my eyes.
"Fuck, Colby! Pleaseeee." I whined, my brain turning to mush with his actions.
He grunted, his hips shuttering. "God I'm getting so close, Jade. Say what you want, baby. I'll give it to you. I'll give you whatever you want."
"Bite me, please." I whimpered.
"Say it louder, Jade." He hissed.
"Bite me, Colby!" I moaned louder, my pleasure building more and more. I could feel myself almost going over the edge. Fuck, I needed him to make me come.
"One more time, sweetheart. Say it for me now!" His voice thundered, his thrusts going deeper and deeper into me.
"Oh my God, please bite me! Please! I'm so fucking close!" I shouted desperately, my hips bucking wildly. I tried to force my hands out from under his hold, but they wouldn't budge. I just struggled against him as he kept up his fast-paced movements.
"Good girl, baby. Come for me." He growled, and then slammed his fangs into my neck. It was all overwhelming - the sensation of his fangs, his thrusts, and his words - and it immediately sent my body into overdrive. My orgasm ripped through me, my hips spasming in time with his. I cried out in pleasure, unable to hold back any sounds I had in me. He drank my blood slowly, but just the slight loss made my head all the more lighter.
"Oh shit I'm coming! Fuuuuuckkk-" Colby pounded into me over and over again, exploding in ecstasy as my blood leaked down his chin from my mouth. His red eyes almost glared down at me, intensely staring into my soul. I could feel his aura appear around us, engulfing us both. I was too out of my mind to care. Everything about this moment made my head spin and my mind blank out.
Once our orgasms subsided, Colby's body crashed down on top of mine. He let go of one of my hands, the other lacing fingers with his. We laid there and just breathed with one another, trying to slow down our racing hearts. It felt like forever before he finally picked his head up.
He picked his head up quickly, his mouth a gape. "Shit, I forgot you were bleeding. Here, let me give you some of my blood."
I slurred, "Nooo, y-you don't-"
"You're have no room to argue with me, sweetheart." Colby took his finger in his mouth, biting open the pad of it. Then he brought it to my lips. "Open up, baby."
I allowed his finger into my mouth, the metallic taste making me wince until suddenly changing into something sweet. I sucked on his finger, feeling the lightheadedness slowly going away.
"That's right... there you go. I didn't drink too much from you, so you don't need too much from me." A moment later, he slid his finger out of my mouth, a light ‘pop’ noise following.
"I-I was enjoying that, you know." I joked, sighing.
"I was too." He leaned in close, "There's a reason why I'm still hard inside of you."
We both giggled, his mischievous eyes softening. He pulled out of me a moment later, relaxing back on the bed beside me. We laid there silently, just listening to each other breathe. With a slight look, his hands grasped around my wrist, lightly tugging me over to him until my head was laying on his chest. He sighed deeply, snuggling into me more. I began to drift off, his soft breathing lulling me to sleep. We laid like this for hours, barely moving except to pull the blankets higher.
A ring tone ripped through the silent room. I glanced up at Colby who read his phone. "It's just Mike. He can leave a message."
I snuggled back in, waiting for the phone to stop. It did for a moment, only to start ringing again. The same tone and all.
"There's no reason for Mike to need me. He knows we’re up here. I left a note." He rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed.
"Okay." I laid my head down, but I didn't shut my eyes. Something churned in my stomach as I stared at the phone, hoping it wouldn't ring again.
But then it did.
Colby groaned, grabbing his phone off the table, and answering it. "What Mike?"
I could hear Mike's muffled voice, and it sounded panic.
Colby froze at Mike's words. He slowly rose from bed, my body falling off his. "What?"
My breath hitched. Something happened.
"Yeah. Yeah. We'll be there as soon as we can be. Tell him to hold on. I'm leaving right now." His tone was serious and pointed. He hung up the phone, getting out of bed quickly.
My stomach sank, my eyes widened. "What happened, Colby? What's wrong?"
He threw on his clothes hastily, turning to me. "It's Sam. Someone attacked him at the club tonight. We have to leave."
<< CHAPTER 22 || CHAPTER 24 >>
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slavonicrhapsody · 3 months
Ranni has every reason to hate Marika. She is the figurehead of an order that has caused her and her family so much misery… and yet, in the Age of the Stars ending cutscene, Ranni holds Marika’s head with such gentleness. It feels less like Ranni is putting down a tyrant, and more like she’s laying her to rest, after many long years of torment. 
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Ranni could have been Marika’s successor, but she rejected the guidance of the Two Fingers, slaying her own flesh in order to be rid of their influence: 
“But I would not acquiesce to the Two Fingers. I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away. I would not be controlled by that thing.”
Ranni goes to such drastic lengths because the most intolerable thing possible to her is to be a pawn; her will not being her own, but being at the mercy of a higher power. Ranni’s quest is above all about free will – it culminates with Ranni using the Fingerslayer Blade to tear her Two Fingers into bloody ribbons, at long last giving her full control over her own destiny.
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Marika in the present day is a prisoner held in perpetual torment. According to Enia and the Two Fingers,
"Queen Marika is the vessel of the Elden Ring, carrier of its vision. A god, in truth. But after the Elden Ring's shattering, she was imprisoned in the Erdtree. A grim punishment for shattering the Order, despite her godhood. The Fingers speak... "Marika's trespass demanded a heavy sentence. But even in shackles, she remains a god, and the vision's vessel.”
Marika shattered the Order, going against the will of the Two Fingers, and was punished for it gravely. In many ways, Marika’s fate is Ranni’s absolute worst nightmare. This is exactly the fate she took such drastic lengths to escape… serving a higher power with her entire being, her will not her own, but the will of the Fingers, with any attempt at change met with violent suppression, her body essentially being used as a puppet to defend the last vestiges of the Order.
“I would not be controlled by that thing.”
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I think that Ranni, seeing Marika’s broken body at the end of it all, felt nothing but pity for her in that moment, despite everything she’d done. To me, the act of Ranni holding Marika’s head in her hands feels like she’s saying, “you were my enemy. But there is no worse fate in this world than what you suffered. Now, you can be truly free."
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justanotherignot · 5 months
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The Sword of the Moonmaiden and the Servant of Selûne.
501 notes · View notes
strawberrybyers · 4 months
“it’s okay, babygirl. i got you…i got you”
i genuinely think being hit in the head with a brick would cause me less pain
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avionvadion · 5 months
Sesshomaru being such a strong advocate for autonomy is so freaking good, it gets me every time. Like, sure, dude may ask a question because he’s curious, but, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
And fucking- don’t even get me started with him killing Mukotsu and the whole, “I can survive just fine on my own” scene in later seasons. Plus him stopping every time Rin and Jaken go to speak so he can look at them and actively listen to what they’re saying is so-
I love him so much. And like the only reason he has travel companions is because they decided to travel with him and he just kinda let them.
Oh, Jaken wanted to travel with him? Fine, here’s a staff, this is my name, do what you want. Okay, just revived a child. Do what you want, I guess. Here’s a kimono since your old one is covered in blood. Oh, it’s the kid that tried to kill my child before. You want to travel with me too? Well, my child has forgiven you so go off, I guess. You’re already prepared for everything so I don’t have to give you a weapon or clothes. I’ll just save you when you’re in over your head against an enemy. Anyways, just do whatever you want. I don’t care. Unless it affects me. Or endangers you. In which case I care very much but will never admit it.
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341 notes · View notes
wheeloftimedevourer · 7 months
daughter of the night, she walks. AND SLAYED
255 notes · View notes
link-is-a-dork · 5 months
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117 notes · View notes
clickbaitcowboy · 8 months
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what if dallas and cassidy were in outlast trials
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flocklings · 8 months
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MR. ROBOT - 110 x 210
130 notes · View notes
beangfrisky · 1 year
what about single dad OSAMU getting so SO annoyed with his babysitters because his daughter is getting super influenced with whatever they are teaching her.. it's hilarious.
anon you literally pulled me out of my writing slump with this ask. i bow down to you
osamu’s daughter has been acting awfully confident lately and he has no doubt it’s thanks to his new pretty babysitter.
every time he makes pancakes for his babygirl now it’s ‘well y/n makes them in hearts for me. can you do that daddy? maybe she can teach you.’ he was a damn chef and his daughter thought he needed to ask for cooking advice.
your influence shows more and more everyday. you sing a fun little song while brushing her teeth so now he has to to stay cool too. you read the bedtime stories with different voices for each character than he did. you tied her shoes with bunny ears rather than the more practical loop de loop he does.
it took osamu weeks to realize he was jealous rather than annoyed with you. his daughter idolized you and had never seemed happier than she had with you in her life.
so he grit his teeth and reluctantly asked you to teach him the silly voices you do and how you tie the perfect bunny ears with shoe laces. you teased him the entire time but it was totally worth it
he draws the line when you try convincing her soccer is cooler than volleyball. he won’t have it lol
210 notes · View notes
golbrocklovely · 17 days
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter twenty-four
A/N: sorry for the long delay and leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. but hopefully this will make up for it. and fun fact - there's only a couple more chapters left before this series is officially over. that's so insane to think of, but truly i'm excited to finish this story off. and hopefully by the end of this year you will all have an ending you enjoy. lmk what you think and i'll see you next time :)
story description
trigger warning: angst, slight gore, vampire attack, blood and hurt mentions, cursing
word count: 4990
The drive back to L.A. was quiet, tense. Even though the ride up I had slept, the ride home I couldn’t even think of sleeping. Mike said he would keep us up to date on Sam. So far we hadn’t heard anything, which was a cause for concern but relieving simultaneously. 
He can’t get worse if we don't hear about it… Right?
Colby was silent, his eyes narrowed at the road. I had suggested to him that he could run home, and I’d take the car back. I knew how much hearing Sam was hurt was killing him. But he didn’t want to leave me alone; not to mention running home would tire him out because of how far we were.
I could tell we were almost home, the bright lights of L.A. illuminating the streets. Colby’s driving became more reckless. I trusted him and understood why he wanted to get there as fast as he could. But my heart sped up as we raced by familiar buildings. We were close now, and I felt like jumping out of my skin.
Part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to punch a wall. We tried to have a break from life and it came back at us full force. With vengeance.
We pulled into the parking lot of the Trapp Haus. I glanced at Colby, mumbling a ‘go’ to him, and he was gone in a flash.
I locked the car, running into the club and rushing up the first set of stairs. I gave a quick glance at Jake and Tara, who were behind the bar in the VIP section, talking to one another. Tara was comforting Jake, rubbing his back gently.
Mike and Kevin were in the office before the apartment, their voices low and muffled. As I passed by them, I exhaled. “Is he alright?”
They both looked up, their eyes dark. For a moment, I thought I saw Mike's eyes flashed red at the sight of me.
“Go look for yourself.” Kevin grunted, anger clearly on his face.
Mike glared at me, staying silent.
I blinked, nodding my head and going up the stairs. They were upset, but why at me?
Maybe it was because they knew I was the reason for Sam getting hurt. If I hadn’t come into their lives, none of them would gotten hurt. Their lives would be normal, ridden of drama and chaos. 
As I stepped into the apartment, my heart ached at the sight of Sam. He laid on the couch, a bandage on his neck. He looked tired and bruised, and it was clear he was still in pain but not as bad as before.
Colby was kneeling at his side, holding his hand.
“Hey stranger. Why the long face?” Sam joked, his voice strained as he gazed at me.
I held in tears, shaking my head. “Nothing. You just look like shit, that’s all.”
“You really know how to make a guy feel good about himself, Jade.” He smirked.
I shrugged, kneeling down next to Colby. “Well I gotta keep you humble. Don’t want you to get big headed.”
“Tell her what happened, Sam.” Colby’s voice was deep and serious, not enjoying our quips.
Sam cleared his throat, “Well, last night I was in the VIP section, drinking and hanging out with everyone. I stepped away to go to the bathroom and when I did... someone attacked me.”
“Who was it?” I gasped.
“I’m not sure. The lights in the club were low and the person, the vampire, had a hood on. I never saw their face.” Sam wrinkled his nose at the memory, “They did have a very sweet smelling perfume on though, so I'm inclined to think they were a girl. That, and the fact they were shorter than me. But again, I never saw their face.”
“Why did they attack you?” I glanced down at the bandage on his neck, noticing his red shirt was not red at all - but a light cream one soaked in dried blood. The realization made my stomach churn, my eyes refocusing on his face.
“They drank a lot from me, almost tearing my neck open. It was like they were in a frenzy. I tried fighting back, but they were incredibly strong,” he hissed. “It wasn't until Jake noticed what was happening to me that they backed off, disappearing into the club. They somehow got out before anyone could find them.”
I rubbed his arm soothingly. “Oh my God, Sam. I'm so sorry.”
He grumbled. “It only got worse from there.”
I inhaled a shaky breath. “What else happened?”
“When everyone found me, something happened to Kat. How she explained it to me over the phone, she couldn't control herself,” Sam shook his head in disbelief. “It was like the moment she saw I was in pain, her magic took over her. In front of everyone, she tried healing me in the middle of the dance floor. A lot of the vampires in the club ran out since most are scared of witches. But anyone else that stayed... they wanted to kill her.”
“Where is she now?” Colby chimed in, standing up and crossing his arms.
“Once she was able to come to, she ran off. I talked to her once the club shut down and I was up here safely, but that was the last I heard of her. She's at her apartment, and doesn't want anyone to see her.” Sam hummed, his eyes narrowing, “Mike and Kevin are pissed.”
“That would explain the sour looks they gave me when I came in. Minus Mike, who always seems annoyed to see me.” I huffed.
“She wasn't able to fully heal me, but she helped a lot. And I'm trying to make them understand that, but they're angry. Vampires and witches just don't mix.” Sam sat up slowly, wincing lightly, “And now they know I've known she's a witch all this time, they're... not happy with me. Or you two, for that matter.”
I scowled, “Well too fucking bad. They've been friends with her longer than we have. Maybe that should give them enough of a clue that if she was malicious she would have done something long before now. I mean for fuck sake she tried healing you. She even tried that on Colby!”
Colby mumbled. “They don't know about that.”
“Maybe they need to know. This isn't the time to split up and lose friendships over centuries old bullshit. We have Rinaldi and Max to deal with, and now this. It's not the time to let egos get in the way.” I argued.
“Why don't you say that to our faces?” Mike sneered.
I spun around, Mike and Kevin strutting into the apartment. Their faces were still bitter, glaring daggers at the three of us.
“You guys are really that upset that Kat is a witch?” I asked, standing up.
“Yes. Finding out that there's been a monster in our group, in our home, is not a pleasant feeling.” Kevin replied sharply.
I rolled my eyes. “A monster? Really? The person that tried healing Sam is a monster? How does that make any sense?”
“How do we know that's what she was doing? She could have been hurting him more for all we know. Or that this healing spell has consequences down the line for him.” Mike accused.
“That's not what she was doing and you know it. The only reason you even hate witches in the first place is because of some old ass beef between vampires and witches, specifically Xiomara.” I spat, “And Kat isn’t Xiomara.” 
“Oh, so I'm not allowed to hate the thing that created me? That turned me into this?” Mike’s eyes flashed red again.
“It's not like Kat turned you into a vampire! She tried saving Sam, and Colby, for that matter.” I snapped.
Kevin’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“When Colby was dying, before we ended up giving him my blood, Kat tried to save him. That was the night she revealed that she was a witch to us.” I informed them, my voice almost shaking with anger.
“So you guys have known she's a witch for months?” Kevin deadpanned.
“You've known her for years and she never felt comfortable enough to tell you. That should tell you something about yourselves.” I jeered.
Mike scoffed. “Like I give a fuck if a witch likes me or not.”
“Right, because that's all Kat is to you now. Not a friend, not someone that saved your friends, not a valuable member of this team.... just a witch.” I remarked bitterly.
Mike stared down at me, glaring into my soul.
“Do you know how she became a vampire? She's a blood witch, or was… before a vampire hunted her down and drank from her because he thought it would give him stronger powers. She almost died because she was a witch, because a vampire wanted her dead. Wanted her powers for their own. And instead of taking that anger out on other vampires, she befriended you, and you,” I point at the both of them, moving onto Colby. “And Colby, and Tara. She could have easily hated all of you, but instead decided to forgive your kind for hurting her. And you can't even consider doing the same for her in return?”
I laughed angrily, shaking my head. “Why do I even bother? Clearly you already made up your minds. Us being divided is how we're gonna end up getting hurt or killed by Rinaldi or whatever else comes our way, you know that right? Are you gonna be able to live with yourself when Sam dies? Or Jake? Or me? But let me guess. You would rather have me dead anyway, Mike.”
The strangest thing occurred in that moment. For the briefest of seconds, Mike's eyes fluttered an emotion I hadn't seen from him. Pain. Hurt.
My anger was too strong to deal with whatever he was going through internally. I turned on my heel and stormed out, racing down the steps and to the door. Jake and Tara must have left because they were nowhere to be found. 
I wasn't sure where I was going, but I needed to get out of the apartment.
“Jade, wait!” Sam's voice rang out behind me.
I stopped, spinning back around to see Sam and Colby following after me. Sam limped up to me, his body clearly still in pain from his attack. My anger dissolved slightly.
“Kat wanted me to give this to you.” Sam held out my necklace.
I took it from him, confused. “Why did she give this to you?”
“When she came to in the club, she basically chucked the thing at me. I kept it and when I asked her on the phone why she did that, she said she felt like it was what caused her powers to come out. Like it quadrupled whatever powers she had inside of her. She claimed it's been making her feel on edge since she started wearing it a night or two ago.” He explained.
“How... strange.” I commented, gazing down at it.
“She told me to give it back to you and that she would rather you keep it now than her.” Sam continued.
“Well, it's mine anyway,” I shrugged. “So her powers didn't fully heal you?”
“Not completely, no. It was like she was in a trance once she saw me bleeding out. When she came out of it, she ran like a bat out of hell. Plus, I don't think she fully knows how to heal someone. She told me she's a bit rusty.” Sam breathed out a laugh, rubbing his bandaged neck.
“Probably why her powers didn't work on me.” Colby responded.
“Maybe…” I placed the necklace back on me, “Hey, why don't you drink some vampire blood? It heals things faster.”
Sam grimaced. “I hate the taste of it.”
I hummed, “Really? I don't personally think it tastes bad, all things considered.”
“Yeah, well you're drinking from your boyfriend. I would have to drink it from Kevin or Mike since Kat isn’t here.” Sam mentioned. “It apparently tastes better coming from someone you love.”
Colby and I glanced at one another, a light blush crossing my cheeks.
Colby cleared his throat. “You don't think I would give you some?”
“Well you're spoken for Colby. It wouldn't be right.” Sam quipped, a small smile on his lips..
He pffted. “I highly doubt Jade would care, Sam.”
Sam sassed, “What if I don't want to drink your blood, Colby?”
“Are you saying my blood isn't good enough for your... refined palette?” Colby feigned a gasp.
“Are you guys done having your lover's quarrel or should I leave?” I joked, pointing to the exit.
Colby’s face turned serious. “You're not staying here?”
“Mike’s here. Do you really have to ask?” I deadpanned.
He blinked. “You sure as hell ain't sleeping alone at your apartment tonight.”
“Then come over with me.” I batted my eyelashes flirtatiously.
“Maybe I should head back upstairs now,” Sam took a step back, scrunching his face. “I gotta get some rest anyway. I've basically been up since eight A.M. and now it's... almost six A.M..”
“Go. Me and Colby will be fine.” I gave Sam a quick hug, “And thank you for giving me back my necklace.” 
“Of course. Goodnight Jade.” Sam turned to Colby, blowing him an obnoxious kiss, “Goodnight... lover.”
He caught it dramatically, “Missing you already, husband.”
I chuckled, “I shouldn't feel like I'm third wheeling, but I do.”
Colby rolled his eyes at me, grabbing my hand and walking us back to the car. “I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”
Colby stayed over at my apartment for the whole day. We passed the time by sleeping on and off, ordering food - since I never had any in my apartment anymore - and watching TV. I had called off of work for a day, then had the weekend off. But I texted Roger about coming in and he was delighted to have me come in. Going to work was better than wallowing in my apartment, worrying about what was going to happen next to any one of us. What dangers lurked around the next corner.
Colby decided to head out for the night as well, doing his usual routine of security detail at the Trapp Haus. It was especially necessary after last night's attack on Sam. Sam, luckily, had no plans to hang out in the club - thinking it was best to chill in the apartment. Jake was going to keep him company, and also keep watch. Colby filled me in on all of these details as he drove me to work, telling me he would pick me up once my shift was done.
He kissed my lips softly, his eyes studying my face. "Are you gonna okay tonight?"
“I think so,” I nodded. “Tell Sam I'm sorry.”
“Why?” He questioned.
“Because we all know why he was attacked. Because of me…” I trailed off, holding back tears.
Colby tilted my head up, his eyes boring into mine. “Don't place that blame on yourself, Jade. Me and Sam have made a lot of enemies over the years. We hunt vampires for a living, you know.”
“Yes, but clearly the uptick in attacks has only gone up once I came into your lives.” I pointed out, shaking my head.
“And I don't regret that for a second. I want you here. So does Sam. Do not take blame for some asshole vampire attacking him.” He dissented.
“I can't help it... It feels like my fault.” I murmured.
He leaned back in his chair, sighing. “It's not. Sam doesn't think it is. I don't think so either. And nobody else in our group blames you.”
“Mike probably does.” I mentioned.
Colby scoffed. “Well, Mike's an asshole. And he can fuck off for all I care.”
“I feel bad. You shouldn't feel that way about him. He is your friend.” I argued halfheartedly.
“Clearly he has to have issues going on upstairs if he thinks that talking to you the way he does is appropriate. You are my girlfriend, and no one talks to you like that around me.” He sucked his teeth, “I'll set him straight.”
I gazed at him longingly. “You know, you're really sexy when you get all protective.”
He smirked. “Then you must find me sexy all the time.”
I agreed. “I do.”
He bit his lip, giving me a once over. ”....Get inside before I make you call out.”
“Colby!” I gasped, unbuckling my seatbelt. “Fine, I'm going.”
“I'll see you in a couple hours.” He called out the window.
“Have fun!” I jested.
He snickered, “Yeah, I'll try.”
I waved goodbye to him, stepping inside the bar quickly. I exhaled, not excited for the night ahead of me.
“Hey Jade, glad to see you. Can you go to the back and restock all of our vodkas? We're running low on them.” Roger spoke quickly, carrying two big bags of trash. He stopped abruptly, turning back to me. “Also tell Ronnie to actually stick for her whole shift tonight. Last night she bailed a whole two hours before she was supposed to and I'm not letting that shit slide next time.”
“Good to see you too, Roger.” I chuckled, and Roger raced out the door. Then I mumbled, “But why can't you tell her yourself?”
I walked to the back, grabbing my apron off the wall and tying it around my waist. I shoved my stuff into my locker, fixing my hair in the mini mirror next to it.
“Hello? Roger are you back - Oh.” Ronnie yelled, stopping in her tracks when she saw me.
I made eye contact with Ronnie through the mirror. “I think Roger's taking out the trash.”
She pursed her lips, “I didn't think you were going to be in tonight.”
“I wasn’t supposed to be in. But I called out yesterday because me and Colby had a little trip planned, and then that fell through. So… I’m here.” I explained, giving a tight lipped smile.
She scrunched up her face. “Why?”
“Um... family emergency. His side, not mine,” I lied. “How has the night been so far?”
“Not too bad. All of our usuals are in and asking for you.” She giggled.
I rolled my eyes playfully, walking out of our little back area. “Lovely. Hopefully I make some good tips tonight.”
“So far I've made $15.” She noted.
“That's not too bad.” I grabbed a couple bottles of vodka, pointing the others out to Ronnie. “Can you take those for me?”
She nodded. “Sure.”
We strolled out to the bar - waiting for us was a line of customers all wanting drinks. They looked annoyed, glaring at me as I placed the bottles down.
I rushed over, smiling. “Sorry about that, yall. Let me start with you, and then I'll get all your drink orders in. Alright?”
The first man wanted a vodka cran, easy enough. I placed it in, charged his card, and went to the next customer. As they began to spit out their multiple drinks, I looked over at Ronnie. I waved at her, trying to get her attention to come help, but she was on the phone. The red neon lights from the bar reflected on her skin, a glow illuminating off of her.
For a moment, it looked like an aura. But I knew it was the lights.
I turned back to the customer, finishing up her order and taking her cash for the multiple beers and cocktails she got for her table.
The next two customers were still deciding on what they wanted, so I began making the vodka cran.
“Hey, so what did the girl order?” Ronnie asked, tapping the bar.
I topped off the vodka cran with ice, “It's on the screen. What were you doing over there?”
“What do you mean?” She stared at me, puzzled.
I turned to her, just as confused. “I was waving you down to help but you weren't paying attention to me.”
“You were?” She cocked her head.
“Yes…” I gazed at her, furrowing my brow. “Who were you on the phone with?”
She stepped over to the register’s screen, muttering, “I was on the phone?”
“Yeah? You had it up to your ear and you were saying something, so I assume you were talking to someone.” I deadpanned, annoyed.
“Oh... it must have been a wrong number.” She laughed awkwardly.
I raised an eyebrow, looking her over. “...Okay then. I'll get her order going, just give this vodka cran to table eight please. And I think table eleven needs a refill on their pitcher.”
She took the drink from me, leaving quickly. “Gotcha.”
I stared at Ronnie as she shuffled over to table eight. She looked fine, but how could she not remember she was on the phone less than a minute after being on it?
Before I could even think about it further, the two guys at the bar finally knew what they wanted.
“$73… $74.... $75.” Ronnie counted, laying out her dollars on the counter.
I whistled. “Oooh, new record. How much did you make last night?”
She revealed. “$70.”
“Maybe you would have made more if you stuck for your whole shift.” I joked, winking.
“I was only gone for two hours!” She smacked my arm, laughing.
“Yeah the last two, apparently. What did you have to go do anyway?” I asked, spraying down the bar.
“I... I don't remember, honestly,” her face twisted for a second, before it relaxed. “I probably just wanted to go home early.”
I hummed, moving onto the tables in the bar. “I get that.”
She followed me, sweeping around the tables, “So, Colby's picking you up in an hour? That must be exciting.”
I smiled, thinking of him. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“You're almost glowing at the mere mention of him. Did you two finally have sex?” Ronnie smirked.
I blushed, looking away from her.
She gushed, “Oh my God, shut up you totally did! Tell me everything about it.”
“I'm definitely not telling you everything.” I cackled, swatting at her.
“Well, was he good at least?” She grabbed my wrist, making me look at her.
It was my turn to smirk, “Very.”
She gaped at me, “You need to tell me more than that! You can't just-!”
Her cell phone rang loudly, cutting her off. She glanced at it, picking it up and walking away from me as she talked quietly.
I wiped down the table, making sure to get all of the nooks and crannies. I sprayed the seats next, rubbing the cleaning spray into the hard wood of the bar stools. A gush of air hit my back suddenly, making me jolt.I looked over my shoulder to see Ronnie.
“Sorry about that.” Her voice was low, almost monotone. 
“Jesus, Ronnie! You scared me.” I exhaled, catching my breath.
“Didn't mean to. My bad.” She commented, taking a step back from me.
I moved onto the next table, shaking my head jokingly. “It's fine, just don't do it again.”
“Can I ask you something, Jade?” Ronnie inquired, her voice even and calm.
“Sure. What's up?” I replied, finishing cleaning the bar stools.
She accused, her voice cold. “How long did you know Kat was a witch? Or did you not know at all?”
My heart dropped, my body freezing instantly. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as fear crept over my being.
I've never mentioned Kat to Ronnie. Maybe in passing, yes. But I've never told her Kat was a witch.
How the fuck does she know this?
I stuttered, moving onto another table to clean, trying to play off my nervousness. “W-What?”
“Kat, the girl that's dating Sam... she's a witch.” She stated.
I chuckled dramatically, “She is? News to me.”
“Really? You don't seem that surprised to hear about it.” Her face dropped, her eyes almost glaring, “Are you telling me the truth?”
I glared back, skipping the table altogether to put some space between us. “Of course I am. Why would I lie to you?”
“I feel like you've lied before. Or at least you never tell me the whole story.” She admitted fiercely.
“I always tell you the truth. You're my friend, I wouldn't lie to you.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket, “You know, this news is so shocking to hear, I better call Colby and let him know-”
“Don't do that.” She suddenly appeared in front of me, yanking my phone out of my hand. As I tried reaching for it, she crushed it into her palm, breaking it instantly.
Oh my God. “Y-you're a-”
Ronnie gripped my arms suddenly, pulling me close to her. "Friends tell each other the truth, Jade. You are my best friend, and you're gonna tell me the truth about Kat."
A yellow aura began to surround her, enveloping me. Her eyes bore into mine, and it became all apparent what she wanted. Her power was of the manipulation kind, but in a way much nicer - so to speak. She could easily make anyone befriend her. She used friendship as a method to get those around her to relax and tell her the truth. She wanted me to tell her everything, like a best friend would.
On the cusp of her aura, a red tinge glowed with hers; almost blending into it. 
I had to act fast, because there was no way I could get out of this one alive if I made it apparent her powers didn't work on me. Who knows how strong she is? And I really didn't want to kill or hurt her.
I took a deep breath, knowing what I needed to do.
I smiled up at her, nodding my head. “I'll tell you everything, Ronnie.”
She grinned back, “Good. So what do you know-”
“But first, we should have celebratory shots. To being best friends!” I exclaimed, tearing myself from her grasp.
She blinked, giving a minor shrug, “...Sure. That's the spirit.”
I raced around the other side of the bar, “Let me make them up real quick. Sit on down.”
I grabbed two shot glasses, and a bottle of tequila. I went under the counter, grabbing our salt container and dish to rim the glasses.
“You don't need to do all of that.” She told me, gesturing to the salt. 
“Yes I do. A friendship like ours deserves this.” I slid my hands into my pockets, tightening my hold on the vial of Angelica flower.
She cocked her head, “I thought you didn't like tequila.”
"Well, I've grown to like it recently." I faked a weird glance over towards the door behind her, "Jesus can't people read signs? We’re closed!"
She spun around, “What? Is someone at the door?”
I poured out the contents of the vial, rimming her glass quickly. I even made sure to put some in her glass for good measure. She turned back to me, staring at me oddly. "No one was at the door."
"Oh, must be my imagination then." I rimmed my glass, pouring the tequila in immediately afterwards.
Dear God above, I pray this works. I don't have any other vials with me and using my phone was out of the question. My only other option was my stake, hidden carefully around my ankle under my jeans.
I would hate to have to kill her. But I'm not dying to her, either.
I placed her shot glass down, a lime wedge next to it. “Cheers to our friendship. May it last forever.”
“Cheers.” Ronnie smirked, taking the shot quickly.
I watched her over my shot glass. Her eyes widened as she swallowed, the skin around her mouth burning and peeling suddenly. It was like her skin was on fire, being burned from the inside out. She screamed at the top of her lungs, clawing at her throat. Her eyes turned red, veins popping out from underneath as she launched herself towards me angrily. I was able to dodge her, jumping up on the bar as she collapsed onto the floor. Her gurgled cries and yells grew louder as she stood up, swinging for me, fangs bared. I kicked the tray of salt and Angelica flower into her face, a banshee-like screech ripping from her almost decaying mouth and throat. I landed on the other side of the bar, watching her like a hawk. My chest heaved, my skin prickling with heat and anxiety.
She reached an arm out towards me, trying to grab at me. Her evil eyes casted a vacant stare onto me, her teeth and fangs visible as her skin melted off. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she dropped to the ground loudly as glass shattered around her.
I waited to hear anything for a second, wondering if I just killed my best friend.
I raced around to the other side of the bar, seeing her still form. She was breathing lightly, and the amount of powder I gave her wouldn't have killed her, especially since she hadn't ingested it all. She was knocked out, but would most likely come to sooner rather than later.
I stumbled to Roger's office, locking the door. I took his office phone and pounded in the number for the Trapp Haus. I waited anxiously, hoping someone would pick up.
Kevin’s voice came through, muffled slightly by music playing in the background. “Hello? Kevin speaking.” 
“Thank God you picked up, holy shit.” I exhaled loudly, gripping the phone.
“Jade, what's-” He started.
I cut him off, “Tell Colby to get over here now. Ronnie's a vampire, and she just tried attacking me. And tell Tara I’m a great liar.”
<< CHAPTER 23 || CHAPTER 25 >>
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ginwhitlock · 1 year
yeah alice is the favorite sister, the favorite cullen to everyone who meets her, to her brothers, to bella especially— but rosalie is carlisle’s favorite daughter. and I don’t want to hear anything else
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rosepompadour · 7 days
Tumblr media
ColourPop x Beauty and the Beast Eyeshadow Palette
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smallest-turtle · 7 months
Fics where Noctis is trans are really funny in the grand scheme of things like
Congrats! The prophecy of your fated death respects your pronouns!!!
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flymmsy · 4 months
Fraternal ‘twins’ Orin and Durge - a ready womb was needed to prepare the way for Bhaal’s creation. Helena carried Durge and Orin together, with Orin as the ‘necessary side effect’ for Durge to be brought into the world.
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vyeoh · 10 months
I sometimes think people who aren't from parts of specifically the US with a very large wealth gap don't quite understand in a concrete way how absolutely fucked college admissions are here.
Please know that my mom and I just bumped into a family friend. And this lady straight up starts talking about how a lot of people pay people to write college essays for them. As if that's a common thing everybody does. And then she started talking about how she didn't know any asian kids that got into Ivy Leagues. What the hell was that interaction who wrote her dialouge options
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