#the cliffhanger I mean
miusato · 3 months
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Yeah but what if they're some oddly high budget cartoon from the 00s???
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reds-skull · 5 months
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Anatomy is one of the biggest thing I need to work on, so why not do it while drawing these two fuckers.
Tried to focus just on the sketch/lineart, so no shading on this one...
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dragonsareverycool · 2 months
A Brothers Reunion
The small summoning circle lit up, casting a soft green glow, as two eyes watched it with weary hope.
Two demons argued violently about a soul, and Danny sighed from his spot on the throne that fully claimed him a month ago. While he still found it hilarious how thoroughly this guy managed to swindle so many of the high ranking demons, it had started to cross into annoying territory. Danny was seriously considering making a whole office dedicated specifically to hold all the paperwork one ‘John Constantine’ was seemingly generating with his very presence. Suddenly, Danny felt a soft tug on his core, much gentler then the summoning rituals of all those crazy cultists that keep popping out of nowhere used. More like the circles he gave to Sam Tucker or Jazz. But he could feel the summoner’s emotions, and the poor guy on the other end felt like he was about to cry.
Danny mentally went through everyone he’s given his personal line to. Then, he shot up and called for Fright Knight to send the demons away while Danny quickly allowed himself to be pulled through the summoning circle to where his brother waited anxiously.
The circle flared, and a large eldrich like figure quickly crawled through. Then, a very familiar voice muttered
“Man I wish these things weren’t so dramatic. I already scared the shit out of the justice league because of it” as the being’s form shifted to the more familiar form he took when seeing Damian for the first time in a decade. His white hair looked a little longer now, and his eyes a less toxic green.
“Danyal” Damian said stiffly. Danny looked up, making eye contact with Damian before responding
“Damian” in response Damian lunged, pressing a blade to Danny’s neck before asking a question only Danny could answer.
“What’s the last story you told me?” Danny simply smiled nostalgically,
“There’s the Damian I know. I told you about Canis Minor 16 days before I died the first time.” Damian heasitated before putting away his weapon and paused before he quickly started to hug Danny, who returned the hug.
“… first time?” Damian asked, still in Danny’s arms.
“Mother didn’t tell you what happened to me after, did she?” Danny asked into his twins hair. Damian didn’t even bother to say anything and just turned his head to look at Danny balefully, before Danny sighed and said
“Of course she didn’t. I was dunked into the Lazarus pits, before mother dropped me off in the middle of nowhere America, where she forbade me from ever talking about my old life or ever attempting to contact you.” Damian paused to process this, before saying
“And the second time?” Danny sighed at that, his face set into a grimace. Damian started to move, bringing Danyal over to his bed, where Danny realized Damian had summoned Danny in his room. Damian sat them both onto his bed, and curled further into Danny’s arms, while gesturing to continue.
“I was adopted by a couple who claimed to be ‘ectobiologists’ who already had an older daughter named Jazz. She’s my sister.” Damian nodded solemnly at that, mentally adding ‘Jazz’ to his list of siblings. Danny pulled out his brick of a phone and started showing Damian pictures of his adoptive parents, his sister and everything else as he spoke about it. “They’d been working on a project in their lab since before they adopted me, longer then they’re had Jazz even. When I was fourteen, they finally tried to turn it on. It failed. It was a portal to what they called ‘The Ghost Zone’, but that realm is much more. The Infinite Realms are the glue that holds all universes together, and its a kind of afterlife. They didn’t know half of that, only that some souls of humans who died stay there, and even then, they thought that these ghosts were only a husk of their former selves, and couldn’t feel pain.” Damian started to connect the dots at that and asked
“You’re one of these ghosts?” It was almost a statement, but Damian wasn’t going to make many assumptions. Danny nodded before continuing
“I had two friends who convinced me to show them the failed portal. I walked inside of the portal we assumed was completely defunct, and I tripped over one of the many wires on the floor. When I tried to stabilize myself, I hit the on button.” Damian’s eyes widened, and he froze while Danny paused. After a moment, Danny continued, saying “My adoptive parents had connected the portal to the towns power grid, and the portal opened up on top of me. Electricity and ectoplasm, what ghosts and the Infinite Realms are made of, clashed inside my body, killing me and reviving me repeatedly until the portal finally spit me back out. I only half died that day.” Danny put his phone away and focused on playing with Damian’s hair. Damian reveled in his brothers affectionate touch like when they were small.
“Half?” Damian asks after a minute or two.
“Half. I technically have several ghost forms, and I have a human form” Damian looked up from Danyal’s arms, his eyes asking the obvious question he was a little afraid to ask, though he’d never admit it. Danny smiled at the unasked question, and rings of light formed around him, before dissipating and revealing a very much alive eighteen year old Danyal Nightingale. He grabbed one of Damian’s hands and pressed it against his neck, allowing Damian to revel in feeling his former dead brother’s pulse. Damian tested Danny’s wrist, and put his ear against Danny’s now warm chest.
Damian will deny the appearance of tears to his death, but Danny didn’t say anything, he just held Damian closer. After a while Danyal started to talk about the stars. Filling the silence with quiet but passionate rambling about stars and space. It was familiar. It was safe and warm and then Richard ruined the moment by slamming open Damian’s door yelling about a ‘Family Game Night’ and got a knife for his troubles. Of course he dodged with practiced ease, but then he realized Damian wasn’t alone in his room. Time seemed to freeze at the stand off. Dick had frozen, as the joy on his face seemed to leach away at the realization that there was an intruder.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 10 months
community that has only seen themselves represented in a small handful of romance stories that aren’t explicitly about their real-world oppression, watching a new show or movie where they are represented in a romantic story that isn’t explicitly about their real-world oppression: getting a lot of “that other show with a queer romance that isn’t explicitly about real-world homophobia” vibes from this
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chirpsythismorning · 7 months
Ya'll catch the final rose ceremony at the end of s4?!
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chronicowboy · 1 year
Eddie knew this was going to be a trainwreck ever since the moment Buck asked Cap if he could bring Natalia to the Grant-Nash barbecue. Now, of course, he had assumed it'd be mainly an internal trainwreck on his part, aching at the sight of Buck's arm around her waist, gritting his teeth as he smiles at her and attempts to be overtly polite. He just didn't expect the trainwreck to breach containment quite so spectacularly.
Its just...
Natalia says something about Buck's death being awesome and the entire garden falls deathly silent. Bobby's face freezes like he's caught in some terrible memory, whether its smoke or rain he's smelling, Eddie couldn't tell you. Hen steadies herself on Karen's arm, and Eddie is only the slightest bit bitter that the person he'd steady himself on isn't his to be steadied by. Maddie's eyes fill with tears almost instantaneously, and Chimney wraps her up, his own face tight with grief. Athena doesn't react beyond a poorly concealed scowl. Even Christopher has stopped playing with Denny to stare.
Still, its not quite a trainwreck until Christopher meets Eddie's eyes. The devastation on his face is enough to have the words falling off Eddie's tongue before he can bite them back.
"Awesome?" Eddie chokes out, swinging his gaze over to the happy couple. His eyes land on Buck, however, a ghostly pale, tight and drawn Buck. "What about it was awesome exactly?"
"Well, I mean, its pretty spectacular you have to admit," Natalia says, a hint of apprehension lining her words.
"Oh, sure. Spectacular. That's exactly how I'd describe it." Eddie nods, lets a cold, rueful laugh bubble up from inside of him and it feels like its been building ever since he joked about lightning striking twice. "What exactly about it was spectacular? His heartbroken sister sobbing in a hospital hallway, wondering if she'd have to watch another brother die? Oh, or was it his captain praying desperately by his bedside because he couldn't bear the thought of losing another child? Was that spectacular? Or was spectacular his brother-in-law's guilt heavy with grief and anchoring him to the hospital room because he thought he was supposed to be the one on the ladder? No." Eddie shakes his head, eyes darting to Buck's blank shock. "Do you know what was really spectacular? The eleven-year-old boy in the hospital waiting room begging to see his Buck on the brink of death just to ask him to come back. Was that spectacular?"
"N-no, of course not," she stammers out, eyes wide. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just..."
Eddie ignores her, eyes locked onto Buck's faraway stare. He takes a step closer, tries not to preen when Buck's eyes immediately focus on him.
"You think she sees you?" Eddie asks, voice raw and way too honest for an entire family and a stranger to hear. "She can't see past the lightning bolt, Buck. But I've been here the whole time." Its here that his voice breaks, cracking into an ugly, pained whisper. "Seeing you, just waiting for you to see me too." He squeezes his eyes shut, shakes his head, takes a step back. "Chris, its time to go, come on."
Eddie grabs their jackets from where they're folded over the back of a garden chair and puts a hand on Christopher's back when he's close enough. Eddie doesn't look back as they disappear into the house, but he catches Maddie's mumbled thank you when they pass.
The ride home is silent, Christopher's eyes teary and Eddie's throat still clogged with the words he left unsaid. They'll talk when they get home. Eddie will ask Buck to talk later too, not an apology for the words, but for how they were said.
Its fine, they have time.
But the blare of truck horns feels a lot like a wake up call.
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perigilpin · 7 months
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Amor Fati
Part 7/?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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actualhumantrashcan · 8 months
thinking about how so many other shows would have just released the first two episodes and led us to believe that Ed was truly dead for a week but OFMD specifically released 1-3 despite having an even numbered season. like yes there are very dramatic things happening but it just feels like they’re reassuring us at every turn that they aren’t going to kill these characters off for shock value or even use a fake out death to generate buzz for the show. it’s just nice to feel loved by media that you love, and to feel like the people telling these stories are treating you kindly. the bar is on the floor but I just love the way this show interacts with it’s fans.
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kokoasci · 8 months
so i started watching link click. yes you can expect art i Need to draw these guys i have so many cool composition ideas (hopefully)
pls tell me there are also enjoyers of this show here 😩
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pushing500 · 16 days
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Awww poor Mechi. I feel bad for him, but I do think, out of all the horrible diseases he could have gotten, sensory mechanites are the most mechanitor-appropriate.
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Grouchy showers make me feel better when I'm sick, too.
does it count as a fanservice drawing if I'm mostly drawing it for myself?
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I know what will make Mechi feel better- more entities to study! Provoking The Void sounds like a great plan with absolutely no repercussions! 👍
Eugenia is a wild woman who likes to lie on our very, very spooky psychic ritual spot sometimes. I don't know why she chose the hot paving stones instead of the cool grass, but whatever. If she gets consumed by The Void, she gets consumed by The Void.
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2897 hours in RimWorld, and this is my very first Man in Black event... How exciting!
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ripplerain · 3 months
Talking about the pokespe version (bc I love the mangas), how do you think the friends would react if they saw Nemona crying. Like not happy crying or fake or anything like straight-up SOBBING, and it's from NEMONA of all people to cry like that, how do you think they'd react considering their personalities in the mangas(so like Scarlet and Violet and Arven etc) because I'm intrigued what you think(and I'm glad there's more scarnemo fans)
I'm sorry for the late reply Anon
needed some time to think about this
so I did some sketches for you
and my thoughts 🫶
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fightwing · 4 months
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bruce immediately asking if he hurt dick after days spent infected yeah okay dc i see this and i raise you: 😭😭😭
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We have received vital information from a contact that called itself "The author". We were not able to trace back the origin of the received message, so unfortunately, no further information could be found out.
The message itself was rather simple. The "author" talked about how they were "going on vacation" and there were no communication tools aside from their "portable cell device" available, therefore this story would undergo a "short hiatus" until "June 8th".
Although the message seemed rather simple, it was almost entirely unfathomable to me. None of us were familiar with the term "going on vacation" or "short hiatus". I assumed that "June 8th" may be a way to measure time and a "portable cell device" was most definitly a tool of communication, although I have never faced any records on this one in particular.
All of this information is still currently under investigation. Until we have processed and analyzed the given information, the usual updating schedule will be adjusted to the messages' contents. Until "June 8th".
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themoodydoodles · 8 months
A theory I have for the upcoming show The Amazing Digital Circus is that the characters take the specific forms they take because it’s a reflection of their fears
I’ve seen a few theories on this so far floating about but I’ve decided to elaborate on it a bit more
For Pomni, it would be the fear of clowns. Ragatha? The fear of dolls. Fear of rabbits (or animals) for Jax.
I think Zooble may potentially have had a fear of things being out of place..? In their character introduction, they are shown to be frustrated that two of their pieces are misplaced. The ones I’m less sure about are Gangle and Kinger. For Kinger, it could be more of a representation. In chess, the king piece is arguably the weakest but also the most important. Perhaps he is afraid of being weak? Maybe his form has nothing to do with his fear. I have further theories that I may make another post speculating later
Finally, Gangle could have a fear of confronting her negative emotions thus trying to hide behind a happy face. I’m not sure why the ribbon though
Idk this is just my stupid ass analyzing shit but I’m really excited for this show, it looks fun!
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
I think I’ll visit Sally’s lore for the greyscale au tomorrow :)
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completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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But on the plus side! The moon is back to normal here!
Whatever that means!
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