#the full thing will be on my channel same username
emositecc · 3 months
Cooking something special! 👀
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
here are some things that would help me as a blind person regarding online accessibility (mobile for me):
- all apps should display all text sizes (iphone goes up to 310%)
- all apps should display bold text if it's turned on in the system settings
- there should be a standard for text size; if my text size is 100% across all apps, then an instagram post, a toot, a text message etc. should all be the same size, no more "instagram and tumblr are always slightly smaller for some reason" bs
- an app's formatting (such as buttons, alerts etc) needs to be compatible with large text! large text doesn't help me if all the buttons are suddenly overlapping or i can't get out of an alert window because they forgot to program the ability to scroll. no more overlapping shit, no more missing shit, no more "i can't get out of this window without closing the app and changing my text size"
- usernames, channel names, all word and sentences should be fully visible even with large text! i don't know what channel "# ge..." is on discord. find a way to make it visible, either make it multiple lines, give me the ability to side scroll or make it move like a spotify song title
- make sure things that shouldn't be affected by large text aren't! if i need to scan a barcode and my large text settings make it unrecognisable to the machine, that's unhelpful
- all apps should have a light mode and a dark mode! certain conditions make it easier to see light mode, others make it easier to see light mode
- dark mode should be as high-contrast as light mode, i.e. white on black, not white on dark grey
- probably have other options beyond regular dark and light mode
- on apps that let you customise your profile a lot visually, give the option to view it in your phones' settings, i.e. if someone's got a dark red on black serif-font tumblr, i wanna be able to make it into a white on black plain font tumblr
- alt text should be accessible without a screenreader
- there should probably be a dedicated field for video descriptions too
- apps that give hashtags a different colour than the rest of the text should let you choose the colour
- all apps should let you view someone's profile picture in full size
- this one is specific to instagram: let us fucking zoom in normally! why do i have to do finger gymnastics just to stay zoomed in and read text on a picture? the zoom should work the same way it does in my photo library and literally everywhere else
most of these shouldn't be that hard and they would make my life a hell of a lot easier. i'm tired of running into issues because i'm too blind to read regular size text.
i WISH it was as simple as "describe your images" and "no fancy fonts", which is something people can easily choose to do to make things a little more accessible, and if they don't, i can unfollow and surround myself with people who post accessible stuff.
but all of the things i listed are things done my developers and not regular users, it's stuff i can't just ignore by surrounding myself with people who care about blind accessibility if the people who create the spaces don't care about blind accessibility.
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justallihere · 3 months
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Hi there! Welcome - I'm Alli (she/her). I like concerts, books, and science. My favorite color is pink and my favorite band is Fall Out Boy. At this time I'm writing fics for The Empyrean (Fourth Wing) series, but someday in the future I might expand that list. Thanks for joining the chaos!
Most of you probably know me from AO3 by the same username. Below you can find my entire masterlist of fics as well as some frequently asked questions. If there's something you'd like to know that isn't addressed below, my ask box is always open 🫶🏻
✨ masterlist:
storm in the quiet (E)
Xaden/Violet, arranged marriage AU, > 200k words, ongoing
It took only a few minutes for Violet to figure out what purpose she served. No one said it out loud—not yet, but they’d get there—but they kept throwing out words like formalizing alliances and uniting two groups, and she understood. Violet was a sacrificial lamb, and Xaden Riorson was the wolf, and her slaughter would be their marriage.
(find sitq deleted moments here, here, and here)
simmer (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 4.1k words, complete
The night that Tairn began channeling to Violet, she didn’t stumble upon Xaden in the snow. She found someone else to take care of her, and when Xaden realized, he was less than amused.
violence in my veins (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 4.1k words, complete
The Riders’ Quadrant had something of an obsession with piercings. The only person Violet Sorrengail knew without any was, of course, Xaden Riorson. Or so she thought.
invisible in a violet sea (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 2k words, complete
“It’s just me here, love. Tell me what you need so badly, Violence.” There was something about the way he said the private nickname in this context, with his voice low and husky, that made it feel entirely different from every other time he called her that. Like it was reverent and special and it, like her, belonged only to him. “You,” she said. “I need you, Xaden.”
void of all composure (E)
Liam/Violet/Cam, one shot, 2.8k words, complete
Liam Mairi figured it couldn’t be that hard to keep Violet Sorrengail out of trouble. Unfortunately, he didn’t account for the fact that her version of trouble was Cam Tauri, and Liam was certainly going to go down with her.
somehow i still love you more (G)
Xaden/Violet, kid fic, one shot, 800 words, complete
Xaden’s favorite time was the middle of the night, when his wife slept peacefully and he got to hold his daughter and watch the snow falling.
Do you have an update schedule?
Nope. Fanfic is a hobby for me—I have other responsibilities and a full-time job. I write because it’s fun, and in order for it to stay that way I write and post as I’m able, and sometimes I step away for a week or two to maintain my own sanity. Unless I specifically say it, I promise my fics aren’t abandoned just because it’s been a few days without a new chapter. Please don’t ask me about updates!
Do you take requests for fics?
I do not. I write things that I love or am inspired by. Trying to conform to specific requests kind of sucks the joy out of writing for me.
Can I write something inspired by your fics?
Go for it! Fanfiction is fanfiction. At the end of the day we’re all just playing in the same sandbox, and the tropes and ideas I use aren’t unique. Twist them however you want, and have fun writing your own take on them. If you want others to know where your inspiration came from, you can use the “inspired by” function on AO3, or link back to my fic in some way if you’re posting your work on another site. That can also be helpful for readers to find similar works.
Can I bind your fics?
Yes, for personal use only. You may not commission any third party that would make a profit off binding the fic to do the work for you. You may not sell bound copies of my fics. Everything I’ve written has been done for free, as my own personal love letter from me to fandom. Keep fanfiction safe and legal. And send me pictures—I’d love to see your finished projects!
Will you ever write your own book?
I'd love to one day! I have lots of ideas floating around at all times, even though I don't talk about them much. I promise if I ever publish any original works, you'll know.
How long will storm in the quiet be?
Right now I’m estimating about 55-60 chapters—that’s just a best guess, if it changes as we get closer to the end, I’ll update this answer.
Will storm in the quiet have a sequel?
Are you going to kill Liam?
No. I promise. I know you’re all traumatized, but please read the tags on AO3. There’s one that says “Liam lives!” and it means he lives all the way to the end and it’s not a joke 😅
When will Xaden and Violet fuck?
Never if you keep testing me. Enjoy the slow burn! I’m begging! (And if you can’t, go check out my one shots. They’re very smutty.)
✨ other info:
Find some of my favorite book recs here
Some great Fourth Wing fic recs here (my own faves and a lot of other good ones that I missed in the comments)
If you’re interested in what I might be currently reading, click here
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zoranadragon · 7 months
PSA: Do NOT buy anything from ArtWisher! Watermark your art!
Notice: Before you reblog, please check the original post to see if there's any updates.
The site ArtWisher is full of stolen artwork (and random shit like tiktok screenshots). Don't purchase anything from this site because none of the money is going to the artists.
If you're an artist, even a small one, make sure you're watermarking your stuff. Please try your best to keep the same or similar username across all platforms so people can warn you if they find stuff like this. This also applies to photos and scans of traditional work as I saw that on there too.
I found my own artwork on there without my consent being pulled from the following places:
TikTok (via screenshots)
Redbubble (via product mock up images)
These others sites also have stuff being pulled from them (that I know of):
Youtube (via thumbnails)
Places that are likely being pulled from but I'm not sure:
Below the cut are some screenshots of my stuff being stolen for profit without consent:
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This image is a screenshot from my art TikTok account.
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These are things from my Pixilart account from YEARS ago.
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A youtube thumbnail that's not mine (the video is from a music playlist I made public on my channel), A drawing that was pulled from ToyHouse before I was using a watermark on it, and a color reference I made that is on ToyHouse.
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Another TikTok screenshot.
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More TikTok screenshots from my GAMING account
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opinated-user · 3 months
(Both screenshots 1/3/24 posted together to not spam the inbox)
Pretty sure people easily spotted the similarities between Courtney's testimonials and plot points that across all of Lily's work.
And people HAVE explained those connections
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Not only, was "I can't do Stockholm, I wrote that one" either AI or Edited thanks to the Brittany Collectives powers, but it was an running gag?
counting this ask, i have received six about this post LO made. i wasn't able to answer because work and not having available my computer, but now that we're back in business it's time to take out the evidence. 1. no, LO didn't had that running gag. just no. that was never a thing.
2. so we used AI to generate that one clip. in 2014. full with voice that perfectly imitates LO, including her cadence and tone, and also the visuals that perfectly correspond to her style of editing at that time. that clip that was out and running before any of us made our blogs. that clip that corresponds to a time period in which multiple people, ex fans of LO, can testify to being there when LO still talked proudly about how much she loved writing stockholm. that clip was AI generated. we're just science fiction villains that have travelled through time, generated that clip and put it out there... just to say this reviewer of MLP wrote a fanfic about MLP. sure, that sounds plausible. let's say that is true for that one piece of evidence. what about this entire video in which she talks about writing Ascentia paired up with Twilight Sparkle in Stockholm, while showing the cover of Stockholm, and how nobody called her a Mary Sue?
did we AI generated this one too? 3. but let's say, to keep this science fiction villain story alive, that we did. we also travelled back in the past and uploaded this onto the internet and brainwashed Sega when she became part of the Brittany hivemind to believe she saw this video first on LO's channel. again, totally plausible! makes total sense if you think about it! alright, so that's what we did. what about the blog posts, some of them still connected to the current account that she's using right now?
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"but that image was manipulated". photoshop exist and we're actually very talented people so that makes sense to think about. but why then when you click on the "lily orchard" of this link it directly takes you to her current blog? did we mess with the tumblr code to make that happen? did we put a spell that makes everyone allucinate that they are reaching her blog when they press on her username and they're actually watching an entirely different person? oh, maybe we installed a brainwashing Brittany original gas in every computer and phone in the world, MK-Ultra style? i have more archives from other blogs, some active, some that are not, all connecting directly to LO one way or another.
the sankaku accounts can't be proven to be hers in quite the same way, unfortunately. but stockholm is and always was her most sincere creation and i say that with all the disgust that it's warranted.
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masquayla-the-splendid · 10 months
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It's so close to being retro.
If 10 years is the cutoff, then that makes like Metal Gear Solid vintage, and Donkey Kong ancient.
I had so much fun drawing this piece, even if my Chromebook crashed my painting program twice. Not only do I get nostalgia for the 2015 era of Fnaf, but also for looking at all the artwork on Sonic Mega Collection, and playing arcade collections on my Xbox, so this was like a culmination of all of those things for me. Including the music. Tried to make it as brain scratchy as possible. You can find the full version on my YouTube channel. (I have the same username everywhere.)
(Also I hate to admit I became a Fnaf fan when I was 10 years old. I knew it exsisted when it came out, I was terrified of it, but I got interested between fnaf 3&4. Then I figured out that that's the exact point in adolescence where you start to explore darker themes in media. That's why mascot horror is so popular with that age group. Because it's just kinda scary.)
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bi-hop · 4 days
Kabru's YouTube channel is probably just his full name btw, so when Laios saw Kabru's twitch username / handle he's like "must be a different guy" Lmao
ODJODSJD yeah this tracks. I have the same thing where most of my socials (Ao3/Twitter) are one username but my Tumblr is another and my Twitch is yet another on top of that to match my MC username so I've had mutuals go "wait... you're NYX?" on both platforms
Laios def seems like the type anyway to just call people by shortened username handles, even his mod team ODASJOSOD so that tracks. Laios voice: okay fine yes Uta I will take a break... wow, I've been doing this for 3 hours? huh.
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captivebrains · 1 year
The delirium files
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This is from my ongoing story on wattpad!
Chapter 2
My wattpad username is @gphobic
Hope you like it!
2015 February 4th; 4:13
The sound of plastic wheels scraping against concrete rang in Lana's ears; the same concrete that was making her lower body go numb from how long she had sat on it. She looked around her, becoming more aware of her surroundings. On her left, was her quickly developing best friend, Billie; talking to some boy who looked like he hasn't slept in days.  On her right was a group of boys, smoking a disgusting-smelling cigarette. The skate park was not Lana's scene; but lately, she's been noticing, wherever Billie goes; Lana follows. That necessarily isn't an issue, but occasionally Lana feels it can lead her into questionable environments. Her attention shifts back over to Billie; her eyes widening almost immediately at the sight of her kissing that boy. She was at a loss for words, and any words that somehow happened to make it out wouldn't be nice ones Lana was afraid. So she kept her mouth shut. She tried to look away, her mind racing with things to distract herself but her eyes kept glancing over. Amid her panic, she had failed to notice the group of police officers making their way over. A voice cut out into the air, "RUN!" Lana's head shot up looking frantically around, as of almost on cue; as soon as her eyes laid on the policemen Billie's hand was wrapped around her wrist pulling her away.
"Holy shit Billie, why are the cops here?"
Lana's legs were moving faster than her brain, Billie pulled her along, jumping over branches along the way. "Those boys" she replied, sucking in a breath before increasing her speed.  Lana shook her head and could feel her heart beating against her chest; becoming sore after a while.  "Why are we running? We haven't done anything!" Billie didn't respond, she instead focused on running; not taking the chance of slowing down.
2018 March, 15th: 3:28 am
Lana was propped up in the hotel bed, the blanket covering her lower torso. Her hand raised; holding a remote and mindlessly clicking through channels. In the room beside her, Billie was in a steamy shower; scrubbing the day's stress away. Lana could feel a headache creeping its way up, she sighed and held a hand to her head; reaching over in the drawer with her free one and grabbing a small bottle of pills. She twisted the cap off, her eyes flipping between the tv and her hands. With a small shake of the bottle, three small pills fell out onto her palm; Lana took the opened pill bottle and set it on the table. Commotion coming from the bathroom let her know Billie was finished with her shower. She sighed and threw the pills back, downing them with a gulp of water. Numerous abstract paintings hung around the hotel room, some held more recognizable emotions than others. The sound of a doorknob jiggling caught Lana's attention, her head moved slowly to face the door, and soon walked out Billie: her hair wrapped in a towel; same as her body. Her shoulders gleamed with water drops reflecting in the light; she smiled gently at Lana, her eyes full of contentment. " the hot water works great, and I brought the shampoo you like. It's waiting for you in there." She said, walking over to the bed and laying on her stomach beside Lana; her hand holding the towel up in a bunch. Lana felt Billie's wet hair brush against her exposed neck, she shivered at the sensation; running her hand along Billie's smooth arm. " I'm glad I'm here with you, I'm glad you chose me to come here with you."
Billie laughed softly and positioned her body to face Lana; "I wouldn't rather have anyone else here with me, everyone else means nothing compared to you." Lana forced a smile onto her face, softly shaking her head; " you have so many cool and talented people entering your life Billie, when compared to them I have nothing to offer you." Lana avoided eye contact, looking down at her hands. Billie just scoffed; pulling her hand over lanas waist, "hey, listen, you have more to offer to me than any of those idiots. Not just me, the world. You have just as much talent as any other prick in this industry." she leaned in and pressed a warm kiss to Lana's forehead; her minty breath wafting into her face. "That beautiful heart of yours holds more talent than anyone can imagine. You just have to let it free." Lana's face flushed, and she buried it in the crook of Billie's neck "I wish you were as good at doing the laundry as you were flattery."
2015 February 4th; 4:20 pm
"Are we ever going to stop running?" Lana gasped out, clinging onto Billie's sleeve with dear life. No response came, Billie was too busy looking around for anywhere to hide. "Billie!" Lana shouted trying to grab her attention, she just whipped around with a finger against her lips. Her eyes were filled with a crazed look: her muscles pumping with adrenaline. The sound of twigs breakings echoed in the distance, lanas heart leaped as Billie took off again; dragging her along. Fallen trees and piles of leaves whizzed past them, becoming globs of abstract pictures flashing before them. Finally, they came to a stop, with every deep breath she took in; kneeled to give her legs a break, and she looked around. They had stopped in an old abandoned building, the walls are broken down, and vines growing along what was left of them. Billie was quickly working to place loose boards over the entrances, tearing away leaves and mold. "Billie, we're not in a fucking zombie apocalypse-" she whipped around, her chest rising rapidly from her quick breaths. "I'd much rather be hunted down by zombies than spend the rest of my young years in juvie."
Lana's eyes widened "what are you talking about? Why would we go to juvie? What the hell were those boys doing?" billie just shook her head, throwing a small plank of wood to the side and sitting down; Lana did the same. "They were smoking weed; a lot of it too." Lana scoffed "why are you even hanging out with them Billie, you don't even smoke weed." footsteps could suddenly be heard from outside of the wooden shack. Billie sucked in a breath, her body going rigid; the footsteps walked around the property, pausing for a moment before moving on. Billie sighed, the tension releasing from her shoulders. "Do you think they're gone?" billie nodded her head, slowly getting up and dusting off her jeans. She lowered her hand; helping Lana up. "We have to hurry and get out of here before they come back"
2018 March, 15th: 3:28 am
The hotel door slammed closed behind them, billie struggled to slip on her flats as she jumped around on one foot trying to keep up with Lana. "Wait!" she spoke, but Lana was too busy racing cars that drove by on the highway their balcony overlooked. "Hurry up" Lana yelled, looking behind her with a mere smile on her face. "Not my fault you can never keep up" their laughs meshed together, echoing against the thin hallway leading to the outdoor pool. The reflection of clear blue ripples reflected on the plastic gate. Lana quickly opened the lock holding the door closed; Billie's hands snaking around her exposed waist and pulling her against her body. "Were all alone out here~" she whispered, her hot breath sending chills up Lana's spine. "If you want me you'll have to catch me," she said, darting into the pool area and slipping off her flip-flops; throwing them to the side, Her neon bikini seemingly glowing in the low lighting as she moved. Before billie knew it, Lana had cannonballed into the body of water, splashes of water flying everywhere. Billie snickered, watching Lana come back up with hair stuck to her face. "Smooth," she said; slipping her shoes off. Her hands moved up to her towel; Lana watched from the pool, her eyes following every move with anticipation. Billie gently untied the towel, letting it fall to her ankles; the air seemed to evaporate from Lana's lungs, the same body she had seen thousands of times never failed to make her starstruck. "You're so beautiful" Lana whispered, watching billie walk over and lean down to her; pressing a quick kiss to her lips. Lana gazed up at her lover, emotions swirling in her throat. Billie slowly slid into the water, the pressure sending waves crashing against Lana's chest. Her dripping arms took their rightful place around Lana's hips, her head resting on the girl's shoulder. "I've never felt this way for anyone Lana, it scares me. How easily you could ruin my life." their body's swayed in rhythm, the water encapsulating them. "But I won't, that's the scariest part, knowing someone could and having to accept that they won't." she shook her head, cupping small handfuls of water and letting trickles flow down Billie's back. "We always end up running from the things that scare us, but when you stick around and take your chances; you find out that the best of things always hide in the darkest spots." Billie's arms stretched, tightening the grip around Lana's hips. "Since when did you become so philosophical?" she joked, splashing a handful of water at Lana.
She spits out the water that landed in her mouth; laughing and wiping at her wet face. "When you became so unhinged" she spat back, splashing two times more water than billie did.
"Hey jokes on you, I've always been this unhinged"
2015 February 4th; 4:20
Later that day billie and Lana we're sat up in Lana's room; built in the attic. Lana was plucking at an acoustic guitar, making up small tunes from the top of her head. Billie was shuffling through small postcards that Lana had collected over time. Her head raised up to look at lana, her eyes lingering for a moment before she did so. "Where did you get all of these?" lana stopped playing for a moment and looked up at the girl, a smile making it's way onto her fave. She gently set the guitar aside on her bed and moved closer. " well.." she trailed off plucking a card from Billie's hand; "everytime my dad goes to get the mail, the postman gives me old postcards that were returned or never sent out." she gazed down at the deck, reminising. "I've always wanted to travel the world, but this is the closest I think I'll ever get." the room stayed silent for a moment, each of them waiting for someone to speak up first. "Maybe when your music blows up, you can haul me around on all of your tours and whatnot." she jokes, playfully shoving billie with her shoulder. Billie rolled her eyes "trust me, no one will ever hear a song of mine. Besides you and finneas of course"
Lana laid down, propping her head up with her hand. "Why not? You sound amazing billie. Depriving the world of your talent would be a crime." billie shook her head looking up at lana with a raised eyebrow "do you remember what happened today? Someone with actual potential wouldn't get themselves into situations like that." billie moved to wrap the blanket around her but the feeling of lanas hand resting on top of hers stopped her; she looked up with surprised eyes. "Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. Remember those guys? They probably felt the same way but look at them now.." she trailed off thinking of her words "well, no matter where they are now; they're legendary and you will be too."
Comfortable silence hung in the air, billie smiled softly looking at lana. "I can tell we're gonna be friends for a long time."
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throwaway2763 · 8 months
Hey, I don’t know how to start this, this isn’t the kind of thing I would usually post but I feel like if I don’t do something, no one will, I’m using a throwaway for my own safety and mental health
This is about a member of the object show community who harassed me, and others, please forgive me as I don’t remember their username clearly, but I believe it was Retroslope or something close to it.
All names will be censored but theirs will not be. (me in pink, unrelated people in white and other victim in blue)
When I was 15, and they were around 19, we were in a discord server together, I won’t name it as I don’t want all of this brought back to me, I’m scared of them.
I was on the mod team and a little strict, which caused people to hate me, Retroslope (who from now I will call TB as that’s what I knew them by) created a server outside of the one we were in originally making fun of dreamsexuals, then they created a channel specifically to bully me, it started as a joke, calling me annoying and such, but soon it turned into jokes about zoophilia, which I am not and am completely disgusted by
(Screenshots for proof of what they said)
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[2 screenshots from a discord server, one saying “(censored name) resisting the urge to fuck the caged goats at the zoo” the other saying “But I fucking hate (censored name) if I could I would absolutely tell her how annoying she is” “I bet she’s gonna go to the vent channel because of this”]
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[Discord screenshot of a channel named “shit on (censored name) bitch ass wanna be mother fucking cunt ass bitch boy looking ass dsmp wanna be fuck”]
I went into this server and me and my friends started yelling at them, which at first I believed myself to be in the wrong for this reaction
In this server it was also revealed that the person they had a queer platonic relationship with, and fell asleep on calls with, was 12 years old
They continuously sent Vore and other fetish art into a public server full of minors (I was In it) as a joke, a member who was around 16 years old would also make jokes about TB having their kids and TB would laugh about it (name censored for their own privacy)
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Just before this they got that same member to be their friend by saying “they have no one else” and they’ve gotten attached to them and can’t let go (remember, 16 and 19)
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[a discord screenshot “saying the only reason i still interact with tb is because i feel like i have to. he has no one else because gb left him and he clings to me sometimes :/”]
Later once all their accounts were banned from the server they made another one, to DM me and “start over” and I believed them, of course this wasn’t true, as they went back to their disgusting behaviour
They made me believe I was the bad guy for shipping a male character with a lesbian coded character (Gelatin x lollipop) which I no longer ship btw
I felt horribly guilty for my overreaction
Now this I can’t talk on as much as it was told to me second hand, but there was a second person who was also harassed, (the 16 year old mentioned before) where they would make jokes like the one seen before towards eachother, and soon they got extremely attached as TB made them believe they were good friends
As for myself, TB made me believe they’d changed, so I continued contact, joining a server where they would frequently traumadump to minors
I started to get an attachment and trying my best to give them love and support, I’m unsure if this counts as grooming however
I’m sorry for the long post but I needed to say something
In summary, Retroslope:
- made zoophila jokes about me when I was 15
- made a channel specifically to bully me
- groomed people
- sent fetish art to minors as “a joke”
- had a qpr with a 12 year old who they would fall asleep on calls with (they were around 18 or 19 at the time)
- had a discord where they’d traumadump to kids
So sorry to dig up something that happened a year ago but this isn’t petty drama, this person could be a genuine danger, although I haven’t interacted with them since this event so I’m unsure if they’re even still active
I’m not asking for this to become a big situation, I don’t want any attention on me for this, and I don’t want them to be “cancelled” all I want is for what they did to be known (if anyone has proof of the second hand claims being false please let me know)
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salemoleander · 1 year
where can we expect more vids like the last one (as in, are you gonna make a dedicated channel for them on youtube)? really loving it so far!! the effort is definitely worth it :D
I will be posting all videos to my YT channel of the same username as here, @salemoleander, which- Hang on.
HOLY SHIT that thing had my full fucking government name in old videos uploaded for school. I owe you my life, I never would've noticed if you hadn't said something.
🥰 Thank you!!! The response has been incredible. When I wrapped editing last night I was caught up in "oh this shot is awkward, it's not as polished as I want" etc - this has definitely made me more confident in the things I make!
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discoknack · 6 months
When AI started getting popular and especially now with attention on plagiarism, I grew more self-conscious about what I used to produce certain things.
At first when I started sharing screenshots of my favorite game, I didn't mention where I got them from, probably thinking something like, well anyone can get the game and record the cutscenes. But trying to record my own game footage to satisfactory quality has been a Trial due to my limitations in software/hardware. Oh that reminds me, supposedly I can turn webm into mp4 using handbrake, which would unlock higher resolution for me. Ah but then there is the matter of storage. Distracted!
Anyway, so now I try to put the username of which YouTube channel I snapped from in the tags at least.
Some things I'm not sure how to credit. For example, at one point I posted a screenshot of a character made in Dreams ps4. That particular puppet had been remixed by a few people to obtain the form it had when I took a picture. But it looked identical to the original, and so I only credited the creator of the original. I also contemplated trying to credit people who made certain items in the background, but those weren't what I was trying to show.
The thing about Dreams is that people post elements that are meant to be used in dreams, assembled with other elements. At the same time, there are weird clout-chasers who remix an item into a scene and back out again, essentially burying the OG creator's name in the genealogy of the item so the clout-chaser's name is the only one displayed prominently. For likes.
Uh I should go to bed. But my point is that. Zzz. I'm not sure when crediting becomes unnecessary. Wrong word. Because if I assemble a scene using items from many many people, which have been remixed by/from even more people, how far down the rabbit hole should I go? Dreams helpfully has a list of "full credits" on dreams, but they don't include the original usernames on a remixed version.
I feel tempted to just make my own items from scratch, but naturally is a major investment. I also feel compelled to disclose the use of references or who provided bits of images e.g. flower crown that I use to make something else. Similar principle. I try to use things in the creative commons where possible.
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pixiemage · 2 years
At this rate, I'm beginning to think this won't ever get resolved, but I'm going to rant about Twitch support anyway because I feel like my head's about to explode.
So I have a Twitch channel, and for the longest time I've been mildly inconvenienced by the fact that I had to make my username "Pixie_mage" as opposed to "Pixiemage" like I wanted it to be because my first choice was already taken. It's minor, really, so I've never been too upset about it even though I do occasionally check to see if Pixiemage is available so I can change my name.
That is, I did used to check...until about a week and a half ago. I was on Discord and noticed that I had my Twitch account linked, and I was a little baffled when the name attached was Pixiemage, not my actual channel. Not the one I use for streaming. And I was even more confused when I saw that I had a subscription for Jacksepticeye's Twitch attached to it. But then I laughed because - oh my god - I realized I must have made an account ages back for one purpose, stopped using it for a while, forgot I'd made it, and because it was connected to an old email I don't really use anymore I didn't get a popup saying I already had an account when I went to make a new one.
Basically, I was the one standing in the way of having my preferred username the whole damn time.
I could stop there, because that's a pretty hilarious conclusion - but I can't, because it only goes downhill from here.
I tried to log into my old account. Of course, because I literally forgot it existed, it took me a few tries to figure out what email and password I'd used for it way back when. I got it in the end, but it doesn't really matter, because I never made it past the login screen. It told me I needed to reset my password in order to continue, and it said it had sent me a link in my email.
Checked my email.
No link.
And I'm absolutely certain it's the right email because it told me when I had the wrong one. (I got stuck waiting for about 24 hours because I'd tried too many emails, so - yeah. I knew I'd gotten the right one when it didn't lock me out.)
I tried a few more times, checked my spam, checked to see if maybe I had a block on Twitch emails - but no, they weren't blocked, because I was still getting monthly invoices for the subscription I hadn't realized I was still paying for and - later - Twitch support emails were getting through no problem. (And yeah, maybe I should've noticed the subscription thing sooner, but to be fair the invoices were being sent to an email I don't use anymore and I have a few other subscriptions active on my current account, so even the stuff popping up in my bank account didn't really raise any red flags.)
ANYWAY. This is the point at which I contacted Twitch. All I wanted was to figure out a way to force the email through or send a link to an alternate email address or, hell, to my phone number. They asked me a whole bunch of questions to make sure I was who I said I was - and nothing. Apparently I'm not actually me, because whatever information I provided wasn't "accurate". Which, bullshit, I think I know my own email and phone number and username and birthday, and I have a list of every single invoice number from now all the way back until the damn of time, all sitting in my inbox...of the email address that you can clearly see is attached to my Twitch account. I have bank statements if that ain't enough, my old username is almost identical to the one I use today, I use Pixiemage on almost every form of social media on the planet and - hell - my profile picture is the same one I made on a goddamn pixie hollow character designer game a decade ago, the one I still use on multiple accounts including my other Twitch account, and I've got the full sized version sitting on my fucking USB drive from high school if you're looking for the source.
(And maybe, yeah, that last one won't prove anything, but I'm trying to make a point here.)
I am who I say I am, and in reality, all I want to do is go in, scan my inbox for friends I need to add back on my new account, and either change my username or delete the damn thing so I can use Pixiemage on the channel I'm actively trying to build a following on. There should be a way to prove I'm me, right? I mean, for god's sake, I have the damn thing still attached to my Discord. Surely that's a way to confirm my identity? Surely?
On the plus side, Twitch did cancel my Jacksepticeye subscription so I'm not paying for something I can't even use, which I'm grateful for. (Although, a bit weird that they let me cancel a paid subscription if they legitimately thought I wasn't the REAL Pixie_mage...but I digress.) But the crux of the problem is that this whole mess started because of Twitch itself. I did nothing wrong. I've had the correct login information this whole time, and if Twitch didn't decide to (A) bar me from my account until I changed my currently correct password and then (B) never actually send me the damn reset email I need in order to do so in the first place, this whole mess would've been dealt with in the span of an hour.
It's been a week and a half.
Twitch support keeps spouting stuff about their Privacy Policy and about how whatever I sent them isn't enough to prove my identity, and while I normally appreciate that kind of security, when they're barring me from my own fucking account it's more than enough to make me want to punch a wall. They won't even give me alternative options for how to prove my identity, and if it weren't for the fact that they did actually take care of the financial half of the problem, I'd probably be ten times more irritated than I am now.
But for real. I want my account back. Give me another way to prove it's me. Communicate. Because right now it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall.
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precisiontitta · 2 years
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If you want a quiet non populated channel join one with a blue diamond. If you are playing alone and want a busy channel join a channel with a red diamond. The channel you choose depends how many people you wish to play with or what channel your friends have joined. There are multiple channels for every server. A channel is a different instance of the server. If you wish to play together with a friend you must make sure you both chose the same server. The server you choose does not matter unless you wish to play with a friend.
Once you have inputed a Username and Password you will be brought to the Server/Channel Selection Screen.Ģa. These are the same Account name and Password as your Aeria Games account. Once your game loads you will be taken to a screen that asks for an Account and a Password. If you are having an error ingame you can click the “Full Scan” button and it will check for missing and or corrupt files in your install. Double clicking on this will bring up your launcher, from your launcher you can edit ingame options such as graphics and sound via the “Option” button. Once you have finished downloading and installing Eden Eternal you will see a shortcut icon on your desktop labeled Eden Eternal. Minimum requirements can be found here.Ī. What are System Requirements for Eden Eternal?Ī.
Either click on the big green download button or choose one of the mirrors to download the game from.ġc. To download Eden Eternal simply click on the download button on the Eden Eternal homepage. Once you follow the rest of the instructions recieved in an E-mail you can now not only play Eden Eternal and also many of Aeria Games’s titles.Ī. This will then ask for things such as a Username and Password, along with a E-mail and Date of Birth. To make an account for Eden Eternal, you must sign up with Aeria Games by clicking on the sign up button on the top right part of your webpage. What do all the Different Buttons on my Screen do? Part II Icon BoxĪ. What do all the Different Buttons on my Screen do? Part I MinimapĦi. What are Portal Stones for? And how do I get them?Ħh. If my characters are being removed why should I play Closed Beta?Ħe. Will Closed Beta characters be whiped?Ħd. What is the difference between INT? (Intelligence) and WIS? (Wisdom)Ħc. How does the Class System work in Eden Eternal?ģl. What are Knowledge Points? And what do I do with them?ģk. I Cannot Figure out Where I am Suppose to go for My Quest.ģh. How do I choose How My Character Looks?ģd. What are System Requirements for Eden Eternal?Ģb. To more easily navigate this page please use find function (or Ctrl + F for windows users) along with our Index to quick reference questions.ġc. Eden Eternal Frequently Asked Questions by SirNathanial
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lasclfunny · 2 years
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My Amazon music store: can easily unlock FL Studio 20 using the Image-Line account that is connected to your FL. Answer (1 of 9): Haha I knew this would be the question I was a2a! As a person who pirated Fl studio for 3 years (Image Line I'm a changed man please forgive me!!) I must say you're setting yourself up for failure by trying to get it for free. FL Studio 20, celebrating 20 years of innovation and Lifetime Free Updates! FL Studio is the complete software music production environment, everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master hit music. The fastest way from your brain to your speakers. £159.00.
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How to unlock FL Studio when your computer is not connected to the Internet - - Welcome this video looks at unlocking FL Stu.
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If you have not installed the latest version of FL Studio from here and install it 2. Unlock/update FL Studio - Open FL Studio and from the top-left menus select ' HELP (1) ' then ' Unlock FL Studio (2) ', 3. Enter your Image-Line Account e-mail and password under the ' Unlock with account' section and click Unlock. FL Studio 11 free version download for PC. Fl studio reg key mac download - NEWSOFT - DOWNLOAD powered by Doodlekit. FL Studio 20 Producer Edition - Activation Code sent via email. How to Download FL studio producer edition free 2020 - Ppvw. Free FL Account FL_Studio - reddit. Login | reFX. Fl studio 20 full pack free download - CATALOGUE.
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Fruity Loops by Image Line is one of the most popular digital audio workstations (DAW) for EDM producers.I personally use Ableton Live, but because a huge part of my readers are FL Studio users I decided to write this ultimate list of the 100 best, free FLPs for you.. Free House, EDM, Electro & Progressive FLPs. David Guetta & Showtek Ft. Vassy - Bad (Original Mix) (FL Studio Remake + FLP). Jul 17, 2016 · Yes, this is the exact same password and email as you use to login here. 1. Type your password and email into a text window somewhere. 2. Log out of this page. 3. Cut and paste the info into the Image-Line forums and confirm you can log-in here with that. 4. Try the same thing in FL Studio.
Password and email | Forum - FL Studio.
Password For Fl Studio Crack LoginAsk is here to help you access Password For Fl Studio Crack quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. Furthermore, you can find the “Troubleshooting Login Issues” section which can answer your unresolved problems and equip you with a lot of relevant information. Download fully activated program. Crack is pre-installed.🔒 Reference: Password: 996699⌚️ Updated was: ( 21.07.2022 )🖊 Ever. Free download fl studio 20.8.3 patcher download software at UpdateStar - FL Studio is a full-featured, open architecture, music production environment capable of audio recording, composing, sequencing and mixing, for the creation of professional quality music.
FL Studio (@FL_Studio) / Twitter.
This is the official Image-Line, FL Studio Twitter Channel. You can contact us at. May 05, 2022 · To download the free version of FL Studio, start by opening the browser that is installed on your PC. connect to the official website of FL Studio. Click on the button that says "Download trial version." On the new screen, press the arrow icon that is pointed towards the window. Once the download is complete, double click on the downloaded file. 10 rows.
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Download Free FL Studio Project Files, Loads of great FLP project files for your fl studio training and free fl studio project FLP examples.... A password will be e-mailed to you.... Recover your password. your email. A password will be e-mailed to you. ProducersBuzz. Home; Blog & Tips. Latest Music Production News; Studio Equipment. Studio.
How to unlock FL Studio 20 (full version) with Image-Line account.
FL Studio 20 Crack 2019 Serial Keys can be a digital audio workstation that allows you to definitely certainly mix and edit seem files using the wide range of latest tools featuring provided with this impressive software solution. Download FL Studio 2019 serial number that really helps clients to subscribe to this compensated software free of any cost. Username: A Password: Pablo10978 Other: Pablo10978 Stats: 10% success rate; 220 votes; 4 months old.
FL Studio 20 Crack With Keygen Free - Sena Technologies Help Desk.
About Updating FL Studio. To update FL Studio, download the latest installer and run it. If you are installing the same major release number (FL Studio 20 to 20.1 for example), this will install over the existing installation and update it. If you are installing a major update (FL Studio 12 to 20 for example), this will install in parallel. The serial number for FL is available. This release was created for you, eager to use FL Studio 12 full and without limitations. Our intentions are not to harm FL software company but to give the possibility to those who can not pay for any piece of software out there. This should be your intention too, as a user, to fully evaluate FL Studio 12. On the screen, Choose components, choose the plugin addition FL Studio to be included in the installation. Place a tick mark on the option that suits you. Press the Siguiente four times in a row and then click on the Install button. Wait for the progress bar to reach 100%, and press end up to complete the setup.
Can't unlock Fl Studio "Missing or invalid FL Username" - reddit.
Login - FL Studio.FL Studio 20 free for PC, Mac. Learn with one of the best tools and unleash your i. Login - FL Studio.FL Studio 20 free for PC, Mac. Learn with one of the best tools and unleash your i.... 2022.07.08 12:37. Fl Studio Email And Password Free. Kayla Moore's Ownd. It's Simple! Enter your email address and desired password. Click blue REGISTER button below. Check email inbox to confirm your account. Login to FatLoops and enjoy all free downloads! Intro. Orders. Downloads. Cara bikin account Fl studio gratis 1. Silahkan menuju site resmi Fl di -- - klik saja, 2. Isi semua formulir yang bertanda bintang sesuai dengan nama di Ktp, jangan di isi asal di bagian nama, alamat, kota dan data penting lainnya. Karena nanti akan menyulitkan saat proses payment menggunakan paypal atau kredit card.
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FL Studio 20 free for PC, Mac. Learn with one of the best tools and unleash your incredible inner creativity with the professional-grade Digital Audio Workstation FL Studio 20 (formerly known as Fruity Loops). Developed by the Belgian company Image-Line Software, FL Studio will be a game-changer in your music creation processes. The Trial Version of FL Studio (Free Version of FL Studio.) Starting with the FREE edition of FL Studio. To confirm, the trial version is the full version of FL Studio, which restricts you from re-opening saved projects. So if you made that awesome beat, you can save it, but not open it to work on it later.
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Please use this forms option to contact our management and tell us about your company and market. Other options: Customers: If you are a customer looking for FL Studio box or other Image-Line product distribution in your country, please contact the distributors listed on this page: Image-Line product distributors worldwide. 📁Download Links: 202211⭐ FL STUDIO 20 CRACK \ Producer Edition ⭐If you can't download / ins. Forgot Password Fl Studio LoginAsk is here to help you access Forgot Password Fl Studio quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. Furthermore, you can find the “Troubleshooting Login Issues” section which can answer your unresolved problems and equip you with a lot of relevant information.
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So, I recently got FL Studio (The trial version) and I want to unlock it with my Image-line account. So, I put my Email address and my password and it says: "Missing or invalid FL Username". What should I do? (NOTE! I use Windows 10, FL Studio version trial 20.8). You don't have to pay to make an account. Just go to , go to login and create new account if im not mistaken, otherwise there should be a sign up button. 2 level 2 Op · 2 yr. ago Oh found it, Thanks!! 2 More posts from the FL_Studio community 285 Posted by 6 days ago Tunesday Tuesday finished my 7th beat! feedback appreciated). Fl Studio Email And Password Free - everythingever.. Enter the email address you used to register at PluginBoutique.... We will send you a link that will enable you to change your password. Email. Check your spam folder if you don#x27;t receive the email within a few minutes... Discover.
9 Easy Steps To Get FL Studio 20 Free in 2022 - Gemtracks Beats.
Answer (1 of 9): Haha I knew this would be the question I was a2a! As a person who pirated Fl studio for 3 years (Image Line I'm a changed man please forgive me!!) I must say you're setting yourself up for failure by trying to get it for free. The "cracked" software sometimes contains viruses a. Answer (1 of 2): To answer your question it depends with how your friend uses the account. However, according to Image-line that makes Fl studio it is against company policy since they say it violates the terms of usage. I'm assuming in your scenario you already own a licence of Fl studio and y. Software Full Name: FL Studio Producer Edition 20 Signature Bundle; Setup File Name: FL_S, FL_Studio_20_P; Full Setup Size: 727 MB, 55.8 MB; Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup; Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64) Latest Version Release Added On: 23th Aug 2018; Developers: FL.
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Twitch Schedules
New Post to pin since some stuff has changed
Mondays, 5pm to 7:30pmish est are Minecraft Mondays, where I work on an absolutely ludicrous survival world build of a 1pixel:1 block map art of my infamous MS Paint Rose Lalonde drawing. There is a lot of resource gathering, hope yall enjoy the sounds of shears and blocks breaking. Music requests are live
Thursdays, 4pm to 7 pmish est are gamin’ Thursdays where I play a properly continuous game all the way to the end. There’s usually cocommentary from a cavalcade of jesters in my discord. The game is currently a full run of Hue.
Saturdays, 3pm to 6ishpm est are queue card streams, where I write up the 28 cards that go up throughout the week, these are backlogged from the askbox. Music requests are live. If you sub or donate bits during the stream you can skip the queue and get your card done live
Misc days but usually from any point between 2 am and 7am est are I am Terrible At Minecraft streams, where we try to beat the game but comedically die in hardcore worlds over and over and over again. Chat helps me choose names for these worlds. This is entirely contingent on if i feel like vibing in the middle of the night and want folks to come along with me
I also show up on a bunch of my streamer friends’ twitch channels in voice channels so that’s a thing to look for
streams are done on twitch under the exact same username here, theshitpostcalligrapher.
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