#this bitch is going in my studio
artist-ember · 1 year
Campe Diem, bitches. Look what arrived in the mail!
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
things i'd like from bg4 or any similar future games
I think BG3 is very detailed; but I would really like it if the backgrounds had mattered more. Or at least for every one. I heard if you're a drow/half-drow noble you get special dialogue with Minthara. But why didn't my Folk Hero!Tav with Wyll [or just in general?] Or my Outlander!Tav with Karlach? I love that your character gets special interaction with all and sundry, at times, re: class and race. But backgrounds make a charcacter. I don't need details. Just a bit of a nod. At least within the camp.
This brings me to point two. I wish there was a way to get friendship points. It is so strange the characters can be 'meh' about you, dislike you [and strongly], but high to exceptional bonds trigger romance. What about close friendships or growing into a family?
Speaking of, I definitely would have love some down time chatter. It is so strange to me that you get a 'this could be our last time in camp' but don't do anything with it. I appreciate the tiefling [or goblin] party. I love the idle banter on the road. But why not a couple of casual fireside chats. As a group?
I love Halsin but the fact that he is the only one we can have a polyamorous dynamic with, is bull. I'm fine with not every character being into polyam -- but maybe research more before diving into it. I am 90% sure Wyll would've been okay with Polyam - a triad too! - if it was Halsin or Astarion [maybe with Lae'zel but I have to play further to be sure]. I could see Astarion and Shadowheart swinging a 'v' dynamic, and being the best [or worst for Tav's sanity] of metamours! Maybe it would have been a hassle for coding to fit every configuration, but we deserved at least a COUPLE of Tav x Origin x Origin loving.
Also, I think we should have been able to encourage - or maybe it could have happened sans MC involvement - the npcs getting together.
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Tattoo session officially booked for Sept 2!!! Had the hour long in person consult this morning, artist was super sweet and seemed genuinely really excited to do the project. It's a full day (8 hr) session so it's not the cheapest, but not unreasonable given artist experience, selected style, HEALTH AND SAFETY STUFF, time spent on design, etc
Like I am so fuckin nervous and almost threw up this morning but the artist was SO kind and lovely and non judgemental, of this goes well I'll want her to do my whole half sleeve tbh
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bonefall · 1 year
Bonefall Rewrite -> Better Bones AU
Hey all, been stewing on this for the past day or so, and I'm gonna be making a couple changes. I may pin this for a bit so the word gets around;
The FAQ changes on the site indicating that Working Partners wants to go after projects that "retell warriors in whole or in part if it's too close to canon" have me unsettled and angry. I'm not going anywhere, but I am going to be doing a bit of rebranding.
The Bonefall Rewrite's goal is no longer to "stick close to canon." It's also being renamed to the Better Bones AU.
Not much will change, it's more that I am going to be putting emphasis on how much I have already added about Clan Culture, in-universe law and politics, regional ecology, and how I focus on fixing canon's blundering narrative which minimizes or even justifies sexism, xenophobia, abuse, and more.
It is not a substitute for canon because canon sucks. It's so barren I had to change a lot. Go on, read Onestar's Concussion. Cats can't remember their families unless the plot demands it, they can't keep consistent personalities, and rarely make persistent friendships. They don't even have gay cats!
The Better Bones AU (or BB AU) includes the following tags;
Clan Culture
Warrior Bites
Herb Guide
Millie's Radio Collar AU
Bonefall Rewrite (Retroactively)
You can abbreviate AU versions of my guys like BB!Spottedleaf now, so that's cool!
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khlur · 1 month
honest to god what in the WORLD happens to people in their late 20s and early thirties,,,, u all have 0 chill. zero. shoonya. like...are your friendships unfulfilling?? are you sexually frustrated?? is your career hitting a dead end?? why the fuck do you people take it out on people younger than you. i'm just trying to live my fucking life and navigate similar challenges to you all...
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class got canceled today you know what that means! i've been on a huge trevor kick (who belongs to @get-rammed) and was somehow motivated enough to pump this baby out in a single afternoon
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pikbugz · 7 months
hello! I was wondering what type of brushes do you use? I really like how you do lineart
Thanks sm!! <3 Here ya go! All are free brushes from Clip Studio Paint's assets store
Lineart pens:
II Ink Brush Leaflet (ID code: 1626870)
Rough-ish pen (ID code: 1792061)
SU-Cream Pencil (ID code: 1761353)
CSP's provided watercolor pack brushes
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quilleth · 4 months
My drawing ideas versus my inability to find good references for them versus how quickly i lose motivation trying to find them: FIGHT
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sadderrall · 3 months
someone did some fucked up shit like real fucked up shit then stopped responding and when i realized they weren’t gonna respond i told them “i’ll haunt you like your dead grandma” and apparently that’s the worst thing anyone has ever said to this person and im sorry girl but i hope someone who isn’t a nice person is mean to you one of these days
#so this fucking bitch ok#her bf got kicked out of his house with he was staying with her#she rents a room and her roommates said they don’t give a fuck if he stays a bit#last night i let him stay a few days bc she was ‘overstimulated’#keep in mind the bf is homeless rn since he got kicked out#he stays a few days#she picks him up right before new years#few days later he calls me up and tells me she told him she’s gonna take 3 years to focus on school and worth both full time#and only see him two days out of the month#and where does she tell him he’s going?#my house#when was i asked about this?#never#so she drops him off on the 10th#picks him up a few days later again#and while they’re leaving he says ‘i’ll be back on the 19th’#so i guess that was when he was supposed to live with me#in a studio apartment#for 3 years#a day after she dropped him off i hit my social limit#i messaged her ‘imma need you to come pick him up after work’#she starts spamming me asking me what’s going on#then before i had even told him i asked her she calls him and starts yelling at him telling him she’s not picking him up#and to go to a homeless shelter#so i tell her dude he’s your boyfriend he needs help just help him#and she’s like i can’t pick him up im sorry#and i was like dude no im putting up a boundary you need to come get your man#AND YOU KNOW WHAT SHE FUCKING SAID?#‘i’m putting up a boundary too im not picking him up’#bitch you dump your boyfriend at my house without asking me you don’t get to put up boundary
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bioswear · 6 months
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do not reblog
Edit: for context, I woke up to the stupidest fucking anon that I deleted but felt spiteful enough to respond to anyway (it was along the lines of, “if Disney didn’t make it why does Disney sell the merchandise… there’s no fucking commercial Pixar Stores…)
but are some of y’all fucking stupid or something? Do you all know what company subsidiaries are????
you can Say “Disney’s Pixar” or “Disney and Pixar” BUT DISNEY IS NOT THE SAME FUCKING COMPANY AS PIXAR
Pixar didn’t dissolve and become Disney. It just exists under the Disney Umbrella
This is like Platinum Games under Square Enix, Blizzard under Activision, XBox under Microsoft, etc.
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corvys-clover · 7 months
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"Bring your shovel." "What?"
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lycanr0t · 1 year
the further into trimax i get the more stampede just falls... totally flat for me lol. tristamps placement of events is just odd and makes the characters come off entirely different and it does a huge disservice to the story overall. it focuses too much on all the wrong parts of the characters while leaving out important aspects that the whole story is built on.
eurgh. idk. theres just so much about stampede that leaves much to be desired. i wish it wasnt so rushed feeling. i wish they were doing a proper trimax adaption rather than retelling. i wish it didnt shuffle around events. the claims that its "more like" trimax than the 90s anime are so far total BS. (both animes are inaccurate and only take pieces from the manga but the 98 anime is... more 1:1 actually)
I'm still working my way through trimax (5 volumes left) but i kinda dont care if stampede gets more or not ngl lol
(also dont try to like "convince me" that stampede is good or argue w/ me or whatever i do not care. i dont care! im saying my opinions on my blog its untagged and you can just mind your own damn business its as easy as clicking away try it sometime)
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I love my Nonna dearly but I also just got my first real "here's how you should find a man" advice so truly 2023 IS my Charlotte Lucas year
To be fair, I'll give them credit, this is one of the first times my family has pulled this shit on me. I suppose my "I'm too busy focusing on school" excuse that I used through all 8 years of undergrad and grad school doesn't really work now that I've been working full-time for a year. And she also didn't bring it up in front of everyone or out of the blue, it came up because we had been discussing how insane my motherhas been about babies lately and my Nonna said "oh it's BC she's waiting for grandkids"
And like??? Just because my mother got married and had kids by my age (which may have been the right decision for her, this isn't judging even if I think her life went to shit bc of it) doesn't mean it's the right decision for ME
In fact, it is the ABSOLUTE WRONG decision for me. Theres a whole long list of reasons why I'm not getting married + or having children, including but not limited to: the trauma of my parents marriage and my childhood, my own ongoing health stuff, the whole religious queer anxiety guilt complex I've got going, the fact that if I were to get pregnant the resulting mental health crisis and dysphoria would undoubtedly make me *** y'know not soemthing that is frequently a source of nightmares for me or anything, my inability to take care of myself let alone CHILDREN, and the anxiety of raising children religious when I don't even know wtf is going on with me, CHILDREN??? IN THIS ECONOMY????
Ofc I can't exactly say any of this to my Nonna who, while incredibly sweet and loving and Good, is also like. Not at all exposed to these concepts and would probably freak out if I was like hello yes I am a big fat queer and I rlly hate the concept of gender and societal ideas of womanhood :) it also doesn't help that rlly the only single, middle aged woman my Nonna knows is this lady who works at the church who is DEFINITELY a badly closeted lesbian but also she's super fuckin mean and condescending and no one likes her BC she's a bitch, on top of the whole being a badly closeted lesbian in a conservative heteronormative religious environment
Like even IF I were to get licitly Catholic married to a man. You wanna find one for me??? My Nonna was like "go to church more to find a man" HELLO??? WHERE??I GO TO MASS EVERY WEEK?? Every religious man I know irl is a radtrad women can't wear pants type or is a manchild. Even if I COULD find a normal man, he'd have to get real cool about some stuff real quick. In that forever dilemma of too leftist queer for the religious and too religious for the leftist queers. (Obvs your partner doesn't have to be your duplicate but I'm like. Generally being on the same page. The same BALLPARK. is probably conducive to having a healthy relationship, y'know?)
Besides a significant part of my having 0 social life is because I am living in my parents basement which is in a shitty not-a-suburb of mostly immigrant families with youngish kids or super old folks from when the neighborhood was built, so it's poor and run down but also super fuckin far from anything To Do, so it's the WORST of both worlds of urban sprawl. And I have no car. And I already spend 2.5 hrs a day commuting for work. And I'm chronically tired. And joining a fencing club or taking art class or whatever costs MONEY y'know the thing I'm trying to SAVE by living in this hell place???? She literally said in the same convo "live here as long as possible to save money" like??? YOU CANT HAVE UR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO as long as I'm living here I'm NOT going out and meeting ppl BC there is literally Nowhere To Go. Big box stores like Walmart? Yet another strip mall? The highway??? THIS IS SOULLESS HELL of neither nature NOR accessible city amenities
And anyway, I would rather be in a long term marriage for tax benefits relationship anyway. Not platonic, not romantic, but a secret third thing (jk but also serious). Like. Mutual devotion that blurs the lines and transcends labels. It could be completely chaste. It could not be. It's not a dealbreaker really. It's about trust and devotion and companionship and love. But also I'm insane and I KNOW how insane and obsessive I sound, and society prioritizes nuclear family relationships and not the weird ass shit I crave, and I feel too much too fast and would ruin any relationship I had even if I WERE to somehow find someone who prioritizes those things too
So like. It's fine. Most days (not all ofc, but I'm trying) I'm okay with this and being on my own and learning to cultivate my own peace and Goodness and I know who I am and what I believe and what I trust to be Good and I'm working toward that and I'm not sacrificing it for anything. But also. Can you give a bitch a break. Please. I'm so fkin tired
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twow · 2 years
i already know that im gonna become a Theme Park Person(tm) when im living in LA like 30 min away from some of the best parks in the country and i feel ashamed about it. im two months away from moving and im already planning my trips down to what i eat and wear and which rides ill ride in what order like i can feel myself becoming obsessive. sorry guys... but fear not i will never give disney a cent of my money that's the one park i refuse to visit. lets all have a mutuals meetup at knotts berry farm or six flags or super nintendo world <3
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kumomokiii · 1 year
Just some persona things and a cute icon I made :’3
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calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 36.5/52: September 5th - September 11th 2022 | First Week of School Day 📷
School day got me literally dead.,,,, I don’t even know what to say. I wake up at 4:30AM every morning, leave the house by 5am and then I don’t leave work until after 5pm... honestly insane lol wtf. This year is so much more exhausting than last year (would have never thought it could be more tiring than last year but here we are KDJKSFFSF). But first week of being a SD supervisor actually went a lot smoother than I had thought so thank goodness!!!!! Got so lucky with my school assignments this time around. I can only wish that the rest of the month will go well too...... A few more weeks until I can live like a regular human again. >_<
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