#this is not typically the depiction of what a wyrm is
demodoggonetired · 11 months
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A little self-indulgent exploration of 'what if the demobats had a second form'
(still images under cut)
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starboy-squeakers · 2 months
Again not a dungeon meshi reader/watcher but every time I hear about that laois guy I get reminded of how my system had/has a hyperfixation on dragons so intense that we got that big fancy dragonology book and we treated it like the damn dragon Bible for like years
Now, obviously, we understand that there's different interpretations on mythical creatures, and no one interpretation on a dragon is necessarily gospel, but that multiple interpretations on the classic tale of beasts of scale and fire are completely valid and to be expected!
however if you call an Eastern dragon a coatl I'm going to come to your house and slaughter your family
#THEY'RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT#yes they have similarities but coatls have WINGS typically and dont usually have other limbs. they're more serpentine birds#meanwhile Eastern dragons (Chinese depictions for example) don't typically have wings and are more lizard-like#like Mushu !!!!!!!! Mushu is an Eastern dragon#and then there's drakes and wyrms. which are entirely different bc they can't really fly#drakes are more like draconic horses or dogs. no wings but four limbs and a tail with a reptilian appearance#wyrms are more serpentine with no limbs and no wings. though i think some interpretations of wyrms give them like.. two forelimbs#then there's wyverns. wyverns have two legs and two wings instead of the typical eight limbs (four limbs two wings)#(i also perosnally hold true to the interpretation of wyverns with poisonous stingers for tails but that's just me cause i think its cool)#..... how much of this is just me talking abiut dragons#explodes.#oh yeah and obv there's the HTTYD interpretations which i adore! they're interesting#the designs are so fascinating and from what ive seen seem to have some science behind them#and arent just the typical western style of dragons. which nothing wrong with the western style it's a classic ofc#but it's still fun to see some variation!!#and ofc there's WOF#which holds true to Western dragons in simple anatomy but has its own variations and of course its own lore#then there's. fuck i forget the name but it's a fantasy story based in China i believe#i loved it so much it was so cool#anyways it had a dragon character named Seryu. I love Seryu. he my favorite#anyways i liked the interpretation of dragons there bc iirc it held true to ummmmm some Chinese mythology involving dragons#cause Eastern mythology of drahons is . so much diffetent than Western#Western dragons are commonly very monstrous creatures‚ usually very animalistic#they tend to embody the Christian concept of greed/gluttony hence why they're so typically monstrous/villainous#which i find interesting but i wont get into that#meanwhile. i wanna say Eastern dragon legends more revolve around the idea of a dragon as more of a godly/fae-type creature?#that's probably a poor comparison but that's how i interpreted it. agian im probahly wronf about all of this#im some weirdo rambling about dragons on the internet. dont trust me explicitly#i need to get more dragon mythology books#HELP I REACHED THE TAG LIMIT I DIDNT THINK THAT WAS POSSIBLE GOOD LORD OKAY I'LL SHUT UP NOW
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lucradiss · 11 months
For the kiss prompt, maybe 10 or 30?
Hihi!!! I think I'll do a mix of the two because they're mix and matchable. like legos Comfort + Desperate, An Outlaw Called Wyrm TW: Period-Typical Gun Violence, Kind of Graphic Depictions of that gun violence
Word Count: 2570
Send me more kissy prompts!
Bilbo barely paid any mind to the hotel when they entered. Through his exhaustion, he saw only flashes of warm brown and gold from oil lamps, and perhaps the blue of the deepest night through the windows Gandalf spoke with who he assumed was the owner. He didn't know who he would be shacked with that night but he didn't very much care- all that he cared about, truly, was getting that warm bath he had been promised upon riding into town and getting some shut-eye in a bed that wasn't either bug-infested or a sleeping mat on the hard ground.  He stretched as he slowly followed the rest of the company, keeping his gaze down so as not to make eye contact with them. He had felt quite unable to speak to the rest of his party or even to meet their concerned glances for the entirety of the ride. Or, rather, the concerned glances that were also accompanied by the fleeting ire that seemed to be thrown his way every so often by the brooding outlaw riding at their helm. He sighed, feeling the new weight of the acquired revolver in its stolen holster. Not that the man he had taken it from would ever need it again, let alone report the theft. There was something about the presence of it that truly unsettled him; whenever he shifted a bit and felt it on his hip he shivered, remembering the events of dawn. Pulling the trigger had felt like the easiest thing in the world- the bullet had been right between the eyes. If you measured the distance between the brute's eyebrows and found the exact middle, there would be a bleeding hole where Bilbo's bullet had found its mark.
As he made it to the top of the stairs, he tried to banish the thoughts from his mind. The thoughts of that shocked, dead-eyed stare from the man he had killed before ever learning his name. Something about that didn't seem quite right, but he'd said nothing about it when Thorin found him lying there on the ground, propped up on his elbow and wide-eyed, blood spattered on his face like new freckles. He'd said nothing at all, really- Thorin's glares quieted anything he could say on the matter.  Glóin murmured to tell him what room he'd be in and he simply nodded before heading down to the baths. The basin had been filled and Bofur had told him to take the first wash and Bilbo felt like he was being coddled, but for now he didn't care. He simply entered, stripped his sweat and blood-stained clothing, left it out in the hallway for one of the attendants to wash (as he'd been told they would) and sank into the basin with a heavy sigh, allowing the warm water to wash away the tension as well as the grime. 
He felt a little bit more human the longer he stayed in the water. It had grown murky enough that he could not see below the surface; he pointedly ignored how, when he washed his face with the yellow sponge on the side-table, it came away a bit red. But this bath was something natural for him, something habitual. After the day he'd had... well. He rather thought he deserved a bath after all that.  He looked down at the water and the thought came to his head that it was the same color as the eyes of the outlaw he'd killed. Bilbo had caught those eyes- they were almost hazel, but more specifically a sickly, light brown. Perhaps in his more innocent youth they might have sparkled in the sun and been called gold, but he'd grown into something of a monster with his two brothers and the gold had lost its luster. And he would grow no longer.
The redness on the sponge came back to him then. The blood that was not his own, shed by his hand. He had not killed before. He had not wanted to kill before. That had been the one contingency for his coming on this quest- he did not want to become a killer. He did not want to create the same evil that had taken his mother from him. But he had, and then had been encouraged to take a souvenir to remember the experience- a beautiful silver revolver that Gandalf told him would fit his palm. And the worst part about it was that it did- the weight was horrifyingly comfortable, the grip fitted just to his hand. It was yet another weapon of death that he had to carry- first, it was his mother's pistol. That, he had been alright to hold- most of the time he could pretend it was nothing more than a keepsake. But this? This was a gun that had been pointed to his head and the only reason it had not been the metaphorical executioner's ax was simply because Bilbo's finger had squeezed faster.
He felt his lungs heaving and he realized that his breath had been coming too quick, too shallow. He bent over himself in the bath, paying little mind to the water or its filth, and put his hands through his curls to grasp them, to try and focus on that instead of the guilt of stealing another's life; of the fear of nearly losing his own; of the horror of wiping someone else's blood from his face and trying to pretend that nothing was wrong with that.  The panic put spots in his eyes, or maybe that was the lack of air. He tried to get a handle on himself but found that he could not. What was happening? His heart beat faster than it ever had, the blood in his ears too loud for him to hear the knocking at the washroom door. The edges of his vision went black- after all he had done to keep himself alive on that day, was he going to die to a heart attack in the bath? He felt like he was going to die. 
The one word, through the door, gave him pause. His breath hitched but he turned his head, hearing it again. The owner's identity came to him slowly through thoughts that mixed and melded, exhaustion and panic weighing heavily upon him; Thorin. It was Thorin. And Bilbo suddenly had the awful, aching urge to be held in the arms of the outlaw once more- just as they had in their bedrolls under the excuse of sharing warmth, just as they had in the last hotel, and for the first time in the one before that. Because Thorin's arms meant safety, despite the glares and the lack of conversation throughout the day.  When night fell, he had come to realize, was when Thorin became how Bilbo knew him.
"Thorin," his voice was rough. "I'll- I'll be out in a moment."
There was a pause as if Thorin was considering something but simply called an affirmative. Bilbo, very shakily, stood and stepped out of the tub, pulling one of the hotel's robes off a hook and wrapping it around himself. He fumbled with the tie but was able to get it with some trial and error before taking a deep breath and stumbling toward the door. Everything about his body felt weak and useless. He felt like he had been the one shot rather than the dead man who now rotted in that clearing.  He shook the image from his head as he put his hand on the doorknob, flinging water from his hair. No. He would not spiral again. He could not spiral again. All the emotion that was building in his chest would be gone come morning, he was sure- it would not do to show this weakness, especially to Thorin or the rest of the company. No, he had been enough of a drag on this journey- he would not saddle them with his own woes born from his inexperience. 
He took another breath and opened the door. Expecting to see the hallway, you can understand his surprise when his eyes met the chest of Thorin Durinsen, who had, apparently, been waiting outside the washroom door. 
"You waited," he said, though that was fairly evident by Thorin's presence. The outlaw peered down at him, his icy blue eyes no longer full of malice but rather concern and scrutiny. He was no longer wearing his coats and furs, stripped to a clean-looking linen shirt and trousers. His belt and holster remained- Bilbo had slept next to the man enough to know that the gun didn't come off until he was ready to get under the covers. 
"And you look like shit," Thorin very astutely observed. Bilbo swallowed, not having the energy to make a quip in response.
"Yeah, well," Bilbo replied, his voice weak. He cleared his throat, but it did nothing. "What did you need me for?"
Thorin frowned, staring at him as if the answer to his question was obvious. "You've been in here an hour, Bilbo. I- We're worried."
"Worried?" Bilbo croaked, though he tried his very hardest not to croak. "Why would you be worried? I was- I was simply taking a long bath. It's been a while since- since I've had one, you know."
"Aye, this is true," Thorin said, "but you also killed a man for the first time today."
Bilbo blanched, feeling his forced easy expression falling. Thorin's brows twitched in response.
"And what of it?" Bilbo asked, feeling that panic rise once more in his chest. "I- what of it, Thorin?"
The outlaw's frown deepened. "Are... you alright?"
Stirring in his chest, the grief and anger and fear and panic created something of a perfect storm in him. One that was too much to reach his face beyond his eyes, and one that overwhelmed him so much that he needed something to stop it. Some balm that would freeze time and allow him to burn away some of it before it burned him first. 
So, on little more than reflex, he reached out, grabbed Thorin's collar, and pulled him down into a kiss. 
Kissing was nothing they hadn't done before. Sure, Bilbo had been rather shocked by the notion at first -- two men, he had been told, were not suited for such an act, but the way Thorin had pulled him close that first time made him think otherwise -- but in time he had come around to it. But this was something different. This was something urgent, something pleading, something desperate. He pulled Thorin closer and overbalanced himself, stumbling backward, but Thorin's hands were on his shoulders to steady him, then they were on his neck, in his damp curls. 
It wasn't pretty- it was all clacking teeth and uncomfortable angles, but it had the desired effect. For a few blissful seconds as Thorin's hands found their way to Bilbo's hips, his mind went blank of any of the day's horrors. As his hands let go of Thorin's collar and found their way to his chest, Bilbo found he could think of nothing else but Thorin's lips. He couldn't breathe- he didn't want to breathe. But then Thorin's hands were on his shoulders again and he was pulling back; Bilbo whined and chased his lips, needing the calm that kissing Thorin provided. But Thorin pushed him away before Bilbo could nip his lower lip back and stared down at him, slightly panting, with the most concern he had ever seen in his eyes.
"Bilbo, talk to me." 
A hand reached up to caress his face and a thumb swiped under his eye- it was then that Bilbo realized he had started crying, the tears rushing down his face in rivers.
"Oh," was all Bilbo could say before his breath hitched, he sniffed once, and then sobbed, curling in on himself. Thorin made a small noise and pulled him close, his hand on the back of Bilbo's head as the smaller man cried into Thorin's shoulder. 
"I know," Thorin murmured. "I know."
And Bilbo didn't feel like Thorin was lying when he said that. Thorin did know. He knew what it was like to take a life for the first time, how it felt, what went through one's mind.
"I don't want to-"
"Shh," Thorin whispered into Bilbo's hair. "I know." The smaller man choked on another sob. 
After awhile, Bilbo's cries abated and he pulled back, rubbing the heels of his palms into his eyes. He sniffed, and Thorin caressed his cheek again, causing Bilbo to drop his hands and look up. 
"What's going through your mind, ghivashel?"
And there was one of those words that Bilbo didn't know the meaning of but loved all the same because of the tenderness with which they were said. He sighed shakily, leaning into Thorin's hand. 
"I can't"- he swallowed thickly -"Can't we wait to speak on it? I don't think I..."
"I understand," Thorin said gently, rubbing his thumb along Bilbo's soft cheekbone. Bilbo sighed again, feeling the exhaustion catch up with him as he let his eyes flutter shut against the warmth of Thorin's palm. "You're dead on your feet. Let's go upstairs."
Bilbo nodded but felt cold as Thorin pulled his hand away. Still, he unsteadily followed his leader up the stairs and to the farthest room at the end of the hall, slightly away from the others. It seemed that it was Bilbo and Thorin together again that night. Not that Bilbo was complaining.
Thorin sat on the bed and pulled Bilbo to him, and with a gaze illuminated only by the high moon outside the window, he put his hands on either side of Bilbo's face and brought him down for a gentle kiss. One of tenderness and comfort. It was not a balm or something to wipe away the thoughts of the day- no, this was something that soothed them, a comfort not in the absence of his despair but in concern for it. It was like a damp, cool towel on a blisteringly hot day; like a mother holding a child through a thunderstorm, teaching them to count the time between a peal of thunder and the lightning that followed, listening as it traveled far away. 
They did not talk any more that night. The next day, they would hang back in the hotel and speak in hushed tones as the rest of the company no doubt dined or went about their day of rest before they had to embark once more. Bilbo would tell Thorin of his plights, Thorin would relate and tell him that it got easier with time, though Bilbo had a hard time believing that. He would ask why Thorin glared at him the day before and Thorin would, rather bashfully, admit that the anger had been borne from worry. "I thought I'd lost you," he'd said, suddenly hoarse. Bilbo kissed the sorrow away as Thorin had done the night before. 
But it was still night, and none of that had yet happened. Bilbo still sat on Thorin's lap, and the gentleness that gripped them in the darkness was necessary. Thorin's hands were kind, his lips upon Bilbo's were slow, and in spite of how the world had seemed to crash down around him, he felt at peace enough to lay within Thorin's arms and sleep. 
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agentgrange · 2 years
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Part of my ongoing ideas on blending Lovecraftian themes and mainstays with modern magical principles and UFOology means looking at one of my favorite historical entities-- The llloigor.
Lloigor have always been these formless parasitic wells of bad psychic vibes and are able to merge into one larger entity as a Lloigor Field. Their ability to manifest as dragon-like physical entities has kind of stuck as how they're represented, but at the end of the day these are just holographic projection on reality using the orgone energy the Lloigor syphoned from living creatures. It takes an immense amount of energy to do and will leave the Lloigor dormant for years after, so I imagine they just have a preferred "optimized" form as a dragon or wyrm when threatened as a sort of battle form.
When I make a campaign I portray Lloigors less as a specific race of reptilian invisible aliens but fragments of a greater parasitic cosmic energy that broke from one original, massive Lloigor Field. Depictions of the Demiurge and Yaboloath originate from this larger being feeding on the suffering of the material world, with many poltergeist hauntings, "demonic" possessions, or other manifestations of negative energy being a fragment of this greater force attempting to rejoin the whole. What Delta Green interprets as the "Lloigor" phenomenon are just one of many forms fragments of the Demiurge Lloigor Field manifests as, along with Goetic demons, southeastern Naga and other malevolent serpent imagery in other cultures.
While gnostic myself I typically omit portraying how this manifests in non-European cultures however, to avoid misrepresenting them or projecting problematic themes where they don't really fit so if you have any insights into how to adapt and represent this more universally please let me know.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
INTERVIEW: So I'm a Spider, So What? Fei Voice Actor Eri Kitamura
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  In coordination with the current season of So I’m a Spider, So What?, Crunchyroll News was given the opportunity to officially translate interviews with the staff and cast of the series. You can read the original Japanese interview with Eri Kitamura right here.
The interview was conducted by Daisuke Iwakura. 
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    So I'm a Spider, So What? Relay Interview with Eri Kitamura as Fei: "I'm trying to portray reservedness as a human, and strength as a monster."
"Me" (a.k.a. Kumoko) has obtained Parallel Minds. Meanwhile, on the human side, the Hero Julius has entered the Great Elroe Labyrinth ...
Things are starting to take shape on So I'm a Spider, So What?  For Part 9 of the relay interview series, we speak to Eri Kitamura-san, whose character was reincarnated as an Earth Wyrm. We spoke to her about what it was like to play a character who isn't human.
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  —What was your first impression of this project?
Kitamura: I thought it was pretty bold. (Laughs) I think I expected the heroine to be a cute girl because of how things normally go, so I was really surprised to see Kumoko's design. But when I saw the way she was throwing around internet slang, along with the typical video game elements like skills and leveling up, I realized that the story and writing would be just as interesting as the designs, and how Kumoko is really iconic of the show's appeal as a whole. 
—When you auditioned, was it for the role of Fei? 
Kitamura: At the tape submission phase of the audition it was for the role of Katia, but during the studio audition I also tried out for Filimøs. After that, they suddenly asked me if I could read for the dragon. There was no art or script at the time, so when I asked whether or not I should go for something more natural or exaggerated, they told me to show them what the difference would sound like. (Laughs) I thought they were maybe looking for someone who could do monster voices on the side, so I tried making battle sounds and talking cutely, and at the time, I had no idea whether it was what they were looking for.
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  —That's interesting.
Kitamura: When I was on my way out the door, Director (Shin) Itagaki said I did a good job, and I had no idea if he meant my take on Katia, Filimøs, or the dragon. (Laughs) But something about what I did made them think I was a good choice for Fei, so I'm glad about how it turned out. 
—What's your impression of Fei?
Kitamura: Before being reincarnated, Mirei stood out a bit in her class, and tended to get on Wakaba's case, so she struck me as a pretty traditional high school character. The kind of person who is a bit more confident about themselves because they're one of the popular kids. But Director Itagaki explained that she wasn't just a simple heelish character, and that when everyone was fawning over Mirei, Wakaba was the one person who didn't, which is what caused that animosity. Essentially she's a young girl who was convinced she should be the center of attention, and that's why she picks on Wakaba and takes a high-handed tone with her specifically. It's not that Mirei is a villainous character, and that balance was something I tried to be careful about.
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  —She does have a bit of a precocious high schooler feeling.
Kitamura: I think so, too. I don't think she was quite what you would call a party girl, but she does come across as playful in the way that high school students who try to seem mature do. That was something I made an effort to get across, from Episode 1.
—Is there anything you're careful about because she's a monster?
Kitamura: Mostly just how monstrous to make her sound when she's using magic. An example of that is the scene in Episode 3 where they are using water magic for class. She becomes more powerful over time, so I didn't want to make her seem too strong from the get-go and tried to establish a baseline for how that she would sound initially instead.
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  —During the battle with the Earth Wyrm, Fei really demonstrated her strength.
Kitamura: There was something about that I was curious about. After the battle, she earns the title of Kin Eater, and I was wondering if there was a point in the battle that she realized her relationship to this other creature. It's pretty clear she's realized what happened in the scene right after the battle, but it's not specified in the script, so I wondered when she realized who she was fighting, and asked the director about it. Fei doesn't seem the type to be able to fight while keeping a lid on her emotions, so depending on how that works, I thought about maybe changing up the tone when she has to bite into the wyrm's neck.
—What did the director say? 
Kitamura: He wasn't sure about the specifics of the Kin Eater thing, but he pointed out that she would be more analytical and cool-headed than Shun, and that she'd have a better idea of what's going on. Essentially, even if she did realize she was fighting a blood relative, she'd be able to figure out what needed to be done quickly, and would be able to fight normally. That being the case, I tried to make sure that it didn't sound like Fei was wavering or not sure about what to do, and tried to match the way the animation looked. 
—You let the animation direct the way you performed that scene.
Kitamura: I think so. When your character's face is on screen, there's always a temptation to try and get across some kind of subtext for the non-verbal parts, but in Fei's case, I generally try to make sure it's a neutral performance unless something specifically suggests otherwise. 
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  —What's your impression of Fei and Shun's relationship?
Kitamura: They're pretty casual in an uncomplicated way, so I try to make sure that the performance comes across as low-key. She's a bit like Shun's pet in some ways, but instead of her being his familiar, their relationship is more of an extension of the one they had as classmates, which means they're on pretty even footing with each other. It's a bit like she's his adventure buddy and older sister.
—Adventuring Buddy and Older Sister is a great way of putting it. (Laughs)
Kitamura: She comes across as a lot more mature and reserved than Filimøs, who used to be their homeroom teacher. (Laughs) So when Hugo is being prickly, her reaction is to sigh and go, "Oh, well." She's not the type of character to push back when someone pushes her. She's reserved as a human being, and strong as a monster, and I think those two factors form the core of why I try to depict Fei with a pretty level-headed attitude.
—The way her relationship with Shun is so steady makes them seem like really good partners.
Kitamura: (Shun) Horie-kun is playing a character who's more calm instead of a really fiery young hero, so together we both give off a vibe of being level-headed. With these two, there's not a lot of, "Okay, let's do it!" "Yeah!" action. (Laughs) The way that they try to operate in a more collected fashion ends up making Hugo seem really impetuous in comparison.
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  —With Hugo in the picture, what's your take on how the human part of the story is developing?
Kitamura: The way they don't all get along despite being classmates is realistic to me. They're not exactly in open conflict with each other, but they're not forcing the idea of being friends, either. The fact that you still have different cliques among the class, even after reincarnating in a fantasy world, gives it a strange feeling of realism. Hugo and Yuri stand out a bit from the others, but I feel like the others don't let that bother them. 
—Now that you mention it, excluding Yuri and Hugo, everyone seems to respect each other's space.
Kitamura: That's the case with Fei and Shun, too. Nobody has any idea what Filimøs is up to, and nobody is sticking excessively close to anyone else. They've all got a fair bit of independence from each other. I think Katia might be the one who's most on guard about their surroundings, though. It's that awareness that leads her to warn Shun about Hugo's hostility. There's no telling how everyone's relationships might change over time, which is one thing I'm looking forward to.
—Are there any characters you find interesting other than Fei?
Kitamura: Sue's brother complex is genuinely cute. Half of that is just me finding Yui Ogura cute, though. (Laughs) Other than that, definitely Kumoko. We record separately, and when I see the footage of her and how many lines she has, it always comes as a shock. Her sessions must make her feel like a ping pong ball being knocked around. When I encounter Ao-chan (Aoi Yuuki) in the studio, I always tell her she should be getting paid for three roles' worth this time around.
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Kitamura: The simple fact is that the amount of lines means that it'd be a terrifying role for any actor who can't process that amount of material efficiently, which makes me believe that she's a character that can only be pulled off by someone like Ao-chan. I think a big part of that is that she herself is a bit of an otaku ... Granted, I am one, too, so it's not like I can talk. (Laughs) But the way Kumoko talks to herself and certain things about her speech have that distinct otaku style to it, right?
—I agree.
Kitamura: I think the otaku audience has certain things that they like to hear that they recognize, and Ao-chan is able to pull those parts off. Usually, if you're not an otaku yourself, it takes a while to really wrap your head around slang like that. And you can't just say it convincingly, but you also need to incorporate it into your performance in a way that feels natural and sounds good. With her, you're like, "Yes, exactly like that!" And between the chaotic action bits and the comedy parts, she does a great job of displaying her range.
—Thanks for speaking with us. Is there anything coming up after Episode 7 that you'd recommend people keep an eye out for?
Kitamura: A little bit further on, we're going to get a picture of what Fei ... or rather, what Mirei is like as a person, and I think that'll be one of the highlights for the first half of Fei's story. Not just her, but we'll also see what Shun and Wakaba were like during school, so I'd keep an eye out for that. I hope everyone enjoys it.   
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By: Guest Author
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rallis-fatalis · 4 years
Dragon Field Notes
A different fic of sorts, I wanted to write down a bit of world building. It contains a small description of details for dragons and other draconic species that exist in Rallis’ world and gives them all a bit more of a personality. It’s something that has been floating in my mind for a while and I always seem to drop hints to some of these things in some of the fics I write so I thought it would be nice to just write them all out in one place.
Chromatic Dragons Green Green dragons are the most physically weak of the chromatic dragons. Because of this, they stand together in large communities known as prides. They are extremely territorial and look after one another. Baby green dragons do not have two parents, as is the norm with most other dragons, but are rather taken care of by all adult dragons in the pride and raised communally. They can survive off of very little food and water and will take care of the young and weak first. They excel in flight. Blue Blue dragons are the most beautiful and diverse of the chromatic dragons. They come in the widest variety of shades and colors and are eager to mate with other dragons of differing species. This causes their offspring to be extremely unique and unlike anything seen elsewhere. Blue dragons are very paternal and are often seen adopting orphaned dragons or even other creatures. They are known to have a wide array of vocal capabilities that could even be considered singing and are only rivaled by wyverns. Red Red dragons are the most "typical" style of dragon in the chromatic family. They are the most often hunted and have the most stories told and there are reasons why. Red dragons are notorious treasure hoarders, even going so far as to steal from other dragons or even human settlements to satisfy their greedy cravings. They do not necessarily hoard gold or gems, but they will go to any length to flesh out whatever their hoard is. They typically live alone or with their mate and close family deep within caves or high atop mountain peaks, places that are difficult to reach. Once young red dragons begin to crave treasure of their own, they are released from their home to begin their search for a hoard. Black Black dragons are the most solitary and savage of the chromatic dragons. They are built strong and have the toughest hide and the strongest muscles and bones of all the chromatics. Baby black dragons are left by their parents once their hide has toughened and they begin to breathe fire. Black dragons will typically have many small clutches of children throughout their lives as most young dragons die soon after release. Despite their immense strength and power, black dragons do not actively look for fights. They are quiet and wish to be left alone, only going on the offensive when necessary. Brutal The term “brutal” is typically reserved for a unique kind of chromatic dragon. On very rare occasions, chromatic dragons can lose their mind and completely isolate themselves. They grow extremely aggressive, far more than a normal dragon, and feel compelled to attack anything that moves. They lose their ability to communicate, then their ability to think, and finally grow into mindless aggressive killing machines who only live to destroy. Some brutal dragons will even attack themselves. It is unknown why dragons turn brutal, but thankfully it is extremely rare and brutal dragons seem to not live long lives, whether it is because they picked a fight they could not win or because their body starts to fail them. Metallic Dragons Bronze Bronze dragons are the frailest of the metal dragons and are often depicted as spineless. They are smaller than the average metallic dragon and are generally very weak. They are weighed down by their metal scales as well and struggle to fly for long periods. They can be found lurking near other prides of other metals and sometimes even chromatic dragons. Bronze dragons frequently come to the aid of other dragons and use them for protection. In return for protection, they will bring gifts or food or even watch for enemies. Iron and Steel Iron and steel dragons have much of the same behaviors. They commingle and live together in massive caverns to create intimidating prides. They can be found near lava flows and will often take molten baths to stay warm and clean their metal scales. Iron and steel dragons have an intimidating power over fire, which grows stronger the closer to heat they are. An iron or steel dragon freshly emerged from a lava pool is a dangerous enemy, one who can burn flesh and bone in mere seconds. Mithril Mithril dragons are the most savage and cruel of the wild metal dragons. They have incredible power and strength and will use it readily. They have been known to attack anything that moves, including their own kind if caught on a bad day. They have almost no natural predators as their metal hide is too thick to pierce without special tools and their attacks are incredibly difficult to manage. They start fights frequently and are even known to kill foreign mithril dragon babies to ensure they have less rivals in their path of conquest. It is unknown what a mithril dragon finds purpose in, but many suspect it is simply to be stronger than anything else and they will kill anything to prove that. Adamant and Runite Adamant and runite dragons do not exist in the wild. They are entirely lab-made and have never found a niche in the world to live and breed like other dragons. They live solely in their abandoned laboratories and as such are very shut in and antisocial to the point of aggression. They do not seem to desire freedom outside of their ancient prison, or perhaps they do not believe they are allowed to take it, and so they settle away from any human civilization and out of everyone's way. It is unknown if they can naturally breed and no eggs have been found aside from leftover samples and specimens in incubation. Very little is known about these dragons and to most it's best that way. Other Dragons or Draconic Creatures Lava No one is quite sure how lava dragons came to be, but it is suspected that they were once black dragons that were born with too much fire. As years of breeding went on, or perhaps years of experimentation by their creators, their bodies turned molten and charred until they developed into an entirely new species. Instead of simply needing to live near the warmth of a fire, they must live in it, and most lava dragons are found lounging in the volcanic areas of the wilderness. They are actually quite docile and only take over small territories where they live in a tightly knit pride. They can not be burned by any fire and will begin to stiffen and slow if left away from intense heat for too long. Wyrm Wyrms are the most magical of the draconic species. They control not just a breath like dragons or wyverns, but can control actual magic without the use of runes. They can even use this magic to fly despite not having wings. Wyrms age far slower than any other draconic creature. Because of this, they act almost juvenile for many years. They are naturally pranksters and mischief makers. An elder wyrm, however, is the most dangerous draconic creature of them all. Adult wyrms ravaged the lands and armies during the God Wars, and an even older wyrm, an elder, could cause destruction on a global scale. It is without exaggeration to say an angered elder wyrm could end a world. Thankfully only two are known to exist at present and both are sealed away. Drake Drakes are sad and miserable creatures. Dragons born with too much fire they could not control, their bodies are constantly boiling and burning and must live in or near lava flows. Unlike lava dragons which coexist with their excess of fire, drakes have little control over their internal heat and it causes them unbearable pain and suffering. The wounds a drake receives never completely heal, their fire constantly heating open the wound until it turns into a magmatic sore. Their wings burn away when they are young, leaving two huge sores on their back and beginning their life of pain. They are extremely aggressive and are known to fly into blind rages because of this pain. A drake's end is typically an unpleasant one. As their pain builds, so does their rage, and then they rampage, and as they grow even more worked up in their rage, their fire grows until it can not be controlled and burns them alive from the inside out in a fatal eruption of fire and gore. Hydra Hydras are certainly the most unsettling of the draconic creatures. Other creatures tend to stay far away, even other dragons and draconic creatures. They are entirely unnatural and were created using matter that was not meant to interact with living creatures in such a way. As such, they are host to a great deal of issues. Hydras suffer from split personalities or incomplete personalities. While a two-headed dragon will have two fully developed but different minds, a two-headed hydra will have a single mind split in two and acting on different thoughts and instincts. This causes many mental and even physical issues and most hydras are driven mad within a few years of life. The more heads a hydra has, the more warped and confused they become. Hydras also need to feed on the chemicals that helped create them, meaning they can not wander far from their home (a pleasant side effect for all other creatures in the world). As they feed on these chemicals, they grow stronger but also more insane as the chemicals eat away at their mind until little of their self is left. Wyvern The scaled songbird, wyverns are the most avian-like of the draconic creatures. They possess the largest vocal capabilities of any animal in the world and often sing to one another. The language of dragons and draconic creatures is now called Wyvernic because of this great range of sounds even though it existed long before their creation. Although they can not breathe fire, wyverns have the ability to breathe icy breath that can freeze prey solid. They are one of the only known reptilian creatures to possess ice abilities and can live without needing constant heat like dragons. As a wyvern grows older, its bones turn black and sturdy and its scales lose pigment and they lose the desire for sunlight, becoming more nocturnal or cavern-dwelling.
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Hel = Queen/Goddess of Helheim Fenrir = Deity of destruction But Jormungandr = ? (I know it's a really simplistic view, I know Hel and Fenrir are involved in a lot of things but I don't know about Jormungandr) I've been pagan for a long time and I feel kind of silly asking this questions now lmao
Like you said, it’s kinda hard to shoehorn Norse gods into one singular role. They don’t really have a “one specialty per god” kind of setup. But it sounds like you’re not asking for that kind of glib label so much as wondering what Jormungandr’s about other than being a giant snake. In that case, there are several approaches you can take.
One is comparative mythology. There are a bunch of Indo-European myths where a sky god battles a giant wyrm. Archaeological finds depicting Thor fishing for Jormungandr go pretty far back, to the 8th-9th century, so it’s possible the tale stems from the same larger heritage of serpent fighting.
Some people believe this genre of myth symbolizes the forces of human civilization pressing back against the primordial forces of nature, or order battling chaos. Some people believe it’s more along the lines of “Snakes are scary. Duh.” I will leave where you want to go with that as an exercise to you.
An interesting wrinkle on that is that in the Norse version, Jormungandr and Thor actually manage to kill each other at the end of their age-old rivalry. But, you know, the world is ending, so fair enough.
I’ve also seen Jormungandr connected to the ouroboros, which carries a whole lot of symbolism that frankly is beyond the scope of a Heathen blog. A very quick and dirty summary would be that it represents the eternal cycle of creation and destruction. I’m not convinced that this connection existed in pre-Christian times, since few of the visual depictions we have of Jormungandr actually look like a typical ouroboros. But it is something to chew on. Pun intended.
A lot of Lokeans, in what is probably a more modern but still valid take, treat the Jormungandr myth as a narrative of thriving in adverse conditions. Jormungandr was rejected as a child purely because of what they were prophesied to do in the future. (One might speculate that the fact that they were a huge snake may also have contributed, but that’s never brought up in the text.) But instead of dying after being thrown into the ocean–remember, though there are sea snakes elsewhere in the world, there are none in the North Atlantic–and even instead of just, you know, chilling and doing normal snake stuff, Jormungandr grew big enough to encircle the entire world and eat their enemies.
I think there’s room for myths to be multivalent and also to evolve over time. There’s no single correct answer here. I’d encourage you to ponder your own interpretation of this stuff, and maybe even approach Jormungandr to ask them yourself if you’re so inclined.
- Mod E
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ao3feed-sambucky · 7 years
Dodging Bullets With Your Shattered Shield
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
by Gothams_Only_Wolf
Falcon's mission as Head Book Wyrm of New York's State Library was to cross the Atlantic Desert to arrive at Trinity College Library in Dublin and become their Book Wyrm. In order to get there, he'll need a guide and a guard; all he hoped for was that they don't mind Wyrms. What he got was the legendary duo of Nomad & Soldat in search of new books, an old friend and a rousing adventure.
Words: 4979, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Luke Cage (TV), Ms. Marvel (Comics), Iron Fist (Comic), Marvel (House of M), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Young Avengers (Comics), Truth: Red White and Black, Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Misty Knight, Kamala Khan, Luke Cage, Colleen Wing, Eli Bradley, Isaiah Bradley, Ororo Munroe, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Matt Murdock, Jim Morita
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Misty Knight & Sam Wilson, Kamala Khan & Sam Wilson, Luke Cage & Sam Wilson, Ororo Munroe & Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Luke Cage & Matt Murdock, Luke Cage & Jim Morita
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood, Slow Burn, Polyamory, Polyfidelity, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Sam Can Talk to Birds, Food
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
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ao3feed-freebird · 7 years
Dodging Bullets With Your Shattered Shield
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
by Gothams_Only_Wolf
Falcon's mission as Head Book Wyrm of New York's State Library was to cross the Atlantic Desert to arrive at Trinity College Library in Dublin and become their Book Wyrm. In order to get there, he'll need a guide and a guard; all he hoped for was that they don't mind Wyrms. What he got was the legendary duo of Nomad & Soldat in search of new books, an old friend and a rousing adventure.
Words: 5, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Luke Cage (TV), Ms. Marvel (Comics), Iron Fist (Comic), Marvel (House of M), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Young Avengers (Comics), Truth: Red White and Black, Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Misty Knight, Kamala Khan, Luke Cage, Colleen Wing, Eli Bradley, Isaiah Bradley, Ororo Munroe, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Matt Murdock, Jim Morita
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Misty Knight & Sam Wilson, Kamala Khan & Sam Wilson, Luke Cage & Sam Wilson, Ororo Munroe & Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Luke Cage & Matt Murdock, Luke Cage & Jim Morita
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood, Slow Burn, Polyamory, Polyfidelity, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Sam Can Talk to Birds, Food
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
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theao3feed-bughead · 4 years
To me, you'll be unique in all the world
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a8VHMl
by aliBlue
"A woman spent her last breath talking to you, whatever it was, it was the most important thing in her life, don't let that go to waste. She deserves better than that."
When Toni started her shift on the Wyrm that night, she thought it was going to be a night like all others. Instead she found herself holding a dead body in her arms, and a promise to fullfil to Cheryl Blossom, a woman she never met.
When Cheryl's wife is shot during a fight in the White Wyrm, Toni - who came to her rescue - is given the task of returning Heather's necklace to Cheryl, who doesn't know the truth of what really happened. Toni had a plan, going to New York, give the necklace back and face the consequences. What she didn't expect is that she would end up falling in love with Cheryl.
Words: 4933, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017), Riverdale (TV 2017) RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, Heather (Riverdale), Background & Cameo Characters, Sweet Pea (Riverdale), Fangs Fogarty, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Josie McCoy, Kevin Keller, Reggie Mantle, Penny Peabody, Malachi (Riverdale), Nick St. Clair, FP Jones II, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge, Penelope Blossom, Jason Blossom, Thomas Topaz, Peaches 'N Cream (Riverdale), Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Cheryl Blossom/Heather, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge/Original Male Character(s), Archie Andrews/Josie McCoy, Alice Cooper/FP Jones II, Hermione Lodge/Hiram Lodge, Fangs Fogarty/Kevin Keller, Sweet Pea (Riverdale)/Original Female Character(s), Cliff Blossom/Penelope Blossom, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Aged-Up Character(s), Married Life, Parenthood, Past Relationship(s), Cheryl Blossom Needs a Hug, Jason Blossom Lives, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Injury, Guilt, Lies, Promises, Falling In Love, Denial of Feelings, Friends to Lovers, Toni Topaz Needs a Hug, Protectiveness, Jealousy, Adoption, Fluff, Angst, Penelope Blossom's A+ Parenting, Family Bonding, Sexual Content, Smut, Lesbian Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Romance, Friendship, LGBTQ Themes, Oral Sex, Character Death, Plot Twists, Family Secrets, Toni Topaz Backstory, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Explicit Language, Illegal Activities, Sex Club, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Crimes & Criminals, Parent Cheryl Blossom, Penelope is actually a very good person... it's for the plot, Feels, Canon-Typical Violence, choni, Southside Serpent Betty Cooper
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a8VHMl
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ao3-lukecage · 7 years
Dodging Bullets With Your Shattered Shield
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
by Gothams_Only_Wolf
Falcon's mission as Head Book Wyrm of New York's State Library was to cross the Atlantic Desert to arrive at Trinity College Library in Dublin and become their Book Wyrm. In order to get there, he'll need a guide and a guard; all he hoped for was that they don't mind Wyrms. What he got was the legendary duo of Nomad & Soldat in search of new books, an old friend and a rousing adventure.
Words: 4979, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Luke Cage (TV), Ms. Marvel (Comics), Iron Fist (Comic), Marvel (House of M), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Young Avengers (Comics), Truth: Red White and Black, Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Misty Knight, Kamala Khan, Luke Cage, Colleen Wing, Eli Bradley, Isaiah Bradley, Ororo Munroe, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Matt Murdock, Jim Morita
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Misty Knight & Sam Wilson, Kamala Khan & Sam Wilson, Luke Cage & Sam Wilson, Ororo Munroe & Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Luke Cage & Matt Murdock, Luke Cage & Jim Morita
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood, Slow Burn, Polyamory, Polyfidelity, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Sam Can Talk to Birds, Food
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w2hMLX
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