#thx legacies
ekk0klo · 8 days
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"my star"
@measlyscrapofseafood Dtiys
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hyakunana · 2 years
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That Sword wailing like a banshee seeking vengeance, carrying the weight of thousands of lost souls.
Me: Although it would be nice to see Elsie with Lament, I also understand the sword was designed by her grandfather to his own exo version and so it's something she shouldn’t—
Fortnite collab, basically:
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blackghostm2o · 1 day
#I hope Flynn lives#and not Clu <--- cruel :(((
It do be like that sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jokes aside. Ik that he is a complex character and not only “Ha ha! Me bad guy”.
Clu 2.0 probably felt betrayed by Flynn since he wanted to fulfil the project, given by Flynn himself, of creating a perfect world, but when the ISOs showed up everything went south. Clu saw the ISOs as those chaotic (is this the right word? Idk…) entities that haven’t been programmed by anyone and are free, they don’t have to abide to a programming and he saw this as something that “destroyed” the order of things/ how things should be, thus pushing away their objective of perfection.
Flynn obviously was excited when he discovered the ISOs, he is an innovator after all, and saw their potential, but Clu couldn’t understand it and their “interest” clashed.
Was Clu in the right when he betrayed Flynn and Tron? Absolutely not, but he had his reasons and believed he was doing the right thing (considering he was created to help build the perfect world)
(I still think that what he did was wrong and it really fucked Flynn and Tron, they are completely different from their ‘82 counterparts and that’s really sad)
That said… Whoever hurts my boy Tron is an enemy of mine, so fuck Clu (tho lovingly, the only one that I truly despise is Dyson)
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thebramblewood · 10 months
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I tried @birdietrait's random CAS challenge for two Sims and somehow ended up with perfect counterparts. Apocalyptic hippie spellcaster and streetwear zombie were my main themes! Lore under the cut because my imagination went wild.
For Sparrow, I also rolled black hair, long hair, black eyes, warm skin tone, and gap teeth. She grew up in a nature witch commune/cult (you decide), where her strange all-black eyes were interpreted as a sign she would become an especially powerful spellcaster. But she's more of an alchemy girl who's perfectly content toiling away over her cauldron, so on the fateful day a roving pack of zombies slaughtered the rest of the commune, she stayed safely tucked away in the cellar. Her first few weeks as sole survivor were rough, and she has the scars to prove it. But now that she's scoured the dusty commune library for battle spells, she can easily wipe out zombie trespassers.
For Nash, I also rolled hazel eyes (or eye, in this case), fantasy skin tone, white hair, and tattoos (which you can't see, oops). He was just your typical San Myshuno tech bro strolling to the nearby hipster coffee shop to grab his morning latte when he became the unwitting victim of one of the first reported zombie attacks. Since then, he's lost almost all sense of his former self, but he's somehow managed to last years, questing across hundreds of miles in search of increasingly elusive human flesh. Now that he's met Sparrow, he's likely to wind up dead dead very soon, but at least his fit is still on point.
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 1 year
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Hes been on my mind 💔
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lapichro-leciel · 8 months
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fallincloversims · 9 months
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Josie mounts Iris and begins her ride back to town. Her heart is racing and she wills herself not to look back at the view behind her.
As she finally calms her breathing, she hears the mystery man call out...
?: The names Teddy, by the way. Teddy Keating.
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starberry-skies · 1 year
went on a bit of a blocking spree and noticed a silly funny little trend,,, even if you claim you're lgbtq+ inclusive, if you align yourself with the terf game, you get terfs in your notes! crazy how that works isn't it...
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starmaus · 1 year
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missed a few chapter.. but going into labour i guess ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ 
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blindhoping · 1 year
every time i see your username high infidelity gets stuck in my head for hours
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agrebel18 · 1 year
you are the cool willow expert mutual :)
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buckypascal · 2 years
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moonlitebay · 2 years
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Just Married
Why wouldn’t Ryder say yes to the love of her life? The couple wasted no time getting married. They didn’t need a fancy wedding, a courthouse wedding was enough to show their love for each other. 
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honeyblssom · 4 months
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Just trying to have a nice family breakfast, Kai 🙄
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david-talks-sw · 1 month
No, George Lucas is not a "traitor"
You may have seen angry tweets and thumbnails such as these, in the last few days.
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Context - Disney is going through a proxy battle, and George Lucas sent out a statement that read as follows:
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So immediately, all the grifting influencers who based their entire platform around the narrative that "Kathleen Kennedy & Disney betrayed Lucas' legacy" banded together and agreed that the new line was:
"Fuck George Lucas, he betrayed us and betrayed himself. Lucas sided with his own abusers!"
Here's why this line of thought is absolutely childish and uninformed.
1- Get real, he's a shareholder, of course he'll say this.
I don't need to expand on this, do I?
He owns stock. Someone threatens your money, you defend the money. The question becomes: why does he think that sticking with Disney CEO Bob Iger will result in more profit than siding with?
Variety theorizes that it may be because Nelson Peltz has admitted that he has no media experience. 
And if that's the case? I'm not surprised at all, because...
2- George has always hated amateur studio execs
The following is me simplifying a lot... but George's relationship with studios has never been a good one.
When he was working at American Zoetrope, with Francis Ford Coppola, they were commissioned to adapt George's short film into a feature, THX-1138. The studio execs didn't like it and forced Francis to refund them the money (which is why he agreed to direct The Godfather, to get out of debt).
Moving on to American Graffiti (1973). When George writes Graffiti, he shops it around to studios and they all essentially told him to go fuck himself.
"American Graffiti went around to every single studio twice and they all said, "It's not a movie, there's no story, and there are no movie stars in it." And Star Wars— it was, "What in the world is this? Wookiees and robots? I don't get it." [...] It'd be hard to make a movie [like American Graffiti or Star Wars] today in the system because all these middle management people get in there and interfere in the process. I think that's much worse for filmmakers than it's ever been in the past." - Star Wars Insider #43, 1999
Except Universal. But throughout the process they're being irritants.
They object to the title because they don't know what it means.
The president is convinced it's a bad movie to a point where when he sees audiences cheer for it in test screenings, he argues they're paid actors.
They force Lucas to trim 5 minutes out of the film. Why? Just because.
This approach the studio execs were taking comes from the fact that none of them were artists. At this point in time, studios had been and were being bought by corporations who thought they could make a quick buck in the movie business.
Eg: Warner Bros wasn't run by the Warner brothers anymore. Paramount was now a subsidiary of Gulf+Western.
So when he's receiving notes, they're coming from - you guessed it - amateurs who think they know what they're talking about, but in reality have no clue. They did market research and think they know everything.
This subject is covered in The Offer (2022), a series about the making of The Godfather (reeeeally good show, I watched it twice).
In this scene, for example, you have a studio exec with no artistic sense whatsoever trying to tell Coppola which poster he should go with, and you get the idea of what I mean.
(Fun fact, a young George Lucas even makes a cameo in the pilot episode, in Coppola's office.)
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George also went into this subject during his 2015 interview with Charlie Rose.
It's a 4-minute clip, so here's the relevant bit:
"[Big corporations are] known for being risk averse. And movies are not risk averse. Every single movie is a risk, a big risk, like... The movie business is exactly like professional gambling... except you hire the gambler. You use some crazy kid with long hair, you give him $100 million and you say "go to the tables and come back with $500 million." That is a risk! Now, the studios have been going to think of it that way, they say: "well, maybe if we told him that he couldn't bet on red, maybe if we told him because we did market research and we've realized that red wasn't" -- so they tried minimize their risk. [...] They're basically corporate types. They think-- some of the worst things happens when they think they know how to do it, then they start making decisions that ensure it's not going to work. " - Charlie Rose, CBS This Morning, 2015
Now, ironically, this is the same interview in which he compared Disney to "white slavers", but clearly he was still smarting from his own ideas for the Sequels having been ignored.
But considering how little a fuck he gave about those Star Wars films once they came out and how often he visits the now visits sets of like Ahsoka and The Mandalorian, I think he's over it.
Again, this doesn't align with some Star Wars influencers' narrative that "he's fuming, he hates these movies, he feels betrayed and angry!" But if you ask me, he likely couldn't care less, and dubbing Disney his "abusers" is giving them waaay too much credit.
He made his movies, told the story he needed to tell and is now probably just enjoying his retirement, raising his daughter and putting together his museum, part of which is possible because of the money Disney keeps generating for him, as an investor.
So it doesn't surprise me one bit that George Lucas, of all people, to side with the Devil he knows rather than the amateur exec, because the latter is a painful road he knows all too well.
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mewguca · 5 months
I finally made a lineup for my main Iterator OCs
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Left to Right:
Perpetual Umbra (they/them), Thorns Without Roses (they/she), Legacy Of Famine (she/any), Glimmering Seafoam In Sunlight (she/her), Starlight Symphony (she/her), Frosted Briar (she/they)
credit to @fauxbia for designing Frosted Briar and helping me with colors a lot
and @cloverlady for color help and moral support lol thx u guys a lot hehe love u both 🫂
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I'm still working on their proper refs, might update with links later
also tumblr is nice bc i can post this in proper quality and nice formatting oooooo ty tumblr
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