exhausted-enby-vibes · 9 months
do you remember what the lead up to the sin and the start was at the end of toa5? I've tried reading toa twice but the narration is honestly lost on me.. I wanna read the solangelo thing but what do you think I should know before that?
the sin and the start, my favorite rick riordan book lmao /lh
ok how much do you know about what happened in toa
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I’m genuinely wondering what’s the pun or joke of Will Solace’s initials, I’m new to the fandom but I’ve seen so many ppl joke about Will’s initials but I can’t for the life of me figure out the pun. I need someone to explain it 😭
annon sorry for the time it took to answer, it's been a while since i checked my asks box 😭
Nico mentions in TOA5 that will's full name is "willian andrew solace", so his nickname is will and his initials are W.A.S., if you're not fluent in english, it's just the same word, but "will" is present and "was" is past, also his surname is SOLace, "Sol" means sun in some languages.
Personally it's funnier that I headcannon him as asexual so he's solACE
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firxhearts · 4 years
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and just because I felt like it, headers of my three favorite fictional couples :))
like or credits on twitter @/annabbeth
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exodus-queen · 4 years
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— trials of apollo - tower of nero headers.
➵ like/ reblog if you save, credit on twitter if you use @exodusqueen
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cardiganloser · 4 years
Is there a Solangelo kiss in ToN it's vital that I know this
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tuesdaysinoctober · 4 years
The Rachel Elizabeth Dare content in Tower of Nero. . . like, FINALLY. 
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satorugojjo · 4 years
yo if apollo chooses fucking mortality???? i will personally drive up to ricks house and vomit on his door. MAKE MY MAN A GOD AGAIN PLS I BEG YOU I NEED HIM TO BE A GOD WHO HAS LURNT
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demidorks · 4 years
I just show up just to say that I read alleged TOA5 spoilers and I'm just going to say that if those spoilers turn out to be true, Rick literally stole one of those ideas from here ... I just came to say this. Goodbye.
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ailuj-miram · 4 years
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born-to-riot · 4 years
Something I hope to see explored in Tower of Nero: the relationship between Apollo and Will Solace
Okay so one thing I’m hoping to see in Tower of Nero is the relationship between Will and Apollo. Like gods arent really allowed to interact with their children for a prolonged period of time right. However, it seems like in this book we will be getting a lot of Will (and Nico!) content which would lead one to reasonable assume that Apollo is going to be there as well. Hence a lot of Apollo and Will content. Why am I excited about this? Well, one thing that the demigods have been complaining about the whole damn series is that the gods don’t give a shit about their kids and just let the demigods do all the work for them (which is valid and they have gotten better throughout the different series, although still need work). Now Apollo, in his time as Lester, has really worked on his relationships with mortals and has honestly developed so much as a character (and I hope he will be able to take this character development and be a better god because of it and then the future generations can experience a better and more caring gods because of Apollo whipping them into shape but I digress).
One thing we have not really seen so far is a prolonged interaction between godly father and son. Yes, in the Hidden Oracle we did see Apollo interact and save his children but at the time he was also heavily affected by the fact that he had just turned into a mortal and blah blah blah. Now I’m guessing that Apollo, Meg, Nico, and Will are going to go on some sort of adventure together to deal with Nero and python. This means that Will and Apollo have a lot of chance for fatherly/son interaction which will not only be even more humbling for Apollo’s character journey, but it will be something we haven’t actually seen before. Like I bet at the beginning it will be a little awkward, like it was in THO because you know Apollo is Lester. But I’m hoping it will turn into a bond you know. Like Will will be talking to Apollo about his insecurities about his powers and Apollo will be like “you are much more than just a healer” or telling him how important he really is. Like I just think this will be such an interesting concept to explore. Also I bet in Tower of Nero we will be able to see a lot more of Will’s personality and people can finally see more of Will aside from the fact that he is Nico’s boyfriend. But anyway I just think it will be interesting to see prolonged father/son of Apollo interaction. “Sing with me son!” And stupid shit like that. I mean I don’t know if Rick would touch upon this all that much, however, I think it could also open up for a possibility for Will to open up to Apollo about what it actually feels like to be the son of a god and the effects of them not really allowed to directly interfere. “I didn’t know you cared” and then like in the future maybe Apollo will finally understand that demigods just need more awknowledgement and will make more of an effort to make sure his kids feel more love in the future even if he isn’t allowed to directly interfere. Basically, overall I think this relationship is something that would be interesting to explore in terms of both Apollo and Wills characters and the overall godly parenting issue. Also it could add for some pretty fun moments like both Apollo and Will annoying the shit out of Nico and meg with songs and poems.
Also there’s the fact that currently Will is the best healer at camp half blood like really fucking talented and he is Apollo’s son. If him and Apollo get close it just puts that much more of a target on his back for enemies and the river styx to aim for BUT I DIDNT SAY THAT
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theelectronicbrain · 4 years
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Saw this on Twitter...
Trials of Apollo book 5 is coming out soon!!
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princessithaca · 4 years
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taumoeba · 4 years
ummm finals are coming up in literally 10 days for me so i will be logging off of this blog until im done w them🤪 see yall on the 24th ish
in the meantime i will periodically be on my other acct @lakelacrimosa if you need me lol
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my-lady-morgana · 5 years
guess who’s back with a new username
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cardiganloser · 4 years
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minyarday · 4 years
nico in toa1: will stop calling me your boyfriend
nico in toa5: my boyfriend my BOYFRIEND mY bOyFrIeNd hey fuckers! you know who this is? MY BOYFRIEND
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