belovedmuichiro · 11 months
Hi there I'm the one who asked about Urokodaki and Muichiro. I'm glad to know that they will get along well. Uro canonically likes kids and since Mui is his own grandson (well he considered Giyuu his son soooooo), I think Uro will spoil him rotten XD
[and the older guardians in his life either died (Kagaya) or turned out to be an old ass demon who tried to kill him (Kokushibo 🥲).] I'm dying at the Kokushibo's part XDDDD
Thank you for answering me. Another question about One Year: do you think Sanemi ever pull some dad jokes on Mui?
Urokodaki would definitely spoil him rotten you’re so right!!!
As for Sanemi’s dad jokes… personally, I don’t think Sanemi can be intentionally funny 😭 I kind of see him as a guy who doesn’t get dad jokes, much less actually makes them. He loves to rag on Muichiro and trade insults (in an affectionate, loving way) but if you actually try to “hey hungry, I’m dad” him, he won’t get it aldhsjfjkfgk. I would say Muichiro is more likely to make a dad joke than he is solely to fuck with him.
You know who does though?? Giyuu. Giyuu loves to, but he has such a deadpan delivery of it that nobody comprehends he’s joking until way later. He won’t elaborate either, once the joke is done, it’s done. He personally thinks he’s quite funny, and more people would agree if they ever knew he was joking 😭
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showvyourself · 4 years
Hi there, just want to tell you that I really enjoy your story! The last chapter gives me strong Forest of Shadows vibe but like, 10 times scarier!! How come you feed me all the fluffs and then hit me square in the face with all that angst and horror uwu please don't stop writing you got me hooked up so hard and I really want to see how our babies Anna and Elsa overcome this shadow man together. I wish you well aaaand can't wait for the next chapter!
Hi omg!!! First of all, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! I'm really really excited for what's coming 😊 Second of all, taking advantage of this to tell you how much I love YOUR Elsanna art, it honestly gives me so much life, so I'm really stoked that you read my story! Thank you again and really hope you're having a great day 🥰
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tonyphan27 · 4 years
Your comics are SO cute and SO fun, I hope Elsanna fandom gets to keep you forever! Plus, you are sweet!
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That’s me offering my body and soul for our goddesses 人´∀`) 
I thank you for your kind words, anon. You just brighten my day, you know that? I’m late for the Elsanna golden time, so I’m trying to keep up. I don’t know how long I will stay in Frozen fandom, until another fandom beckons, I guess, but I have every intention of making the best of my time here.
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l-egionaire · 3 years
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I want to wish a happy egg day to all of my friends and followers including @zexoguy @tonyphan27 @snowqueenofmyheart @guilty-as-battery-charged @mandareeboo @darkmasterofcupcakes @ullrs-skis @holidayeverynight @beingpassionateabout @fantasyscififan24 and everybody else. If you guys celebrate Easter, I hope you have a good one. If you don't, then just have a good Sunday.
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hereisisa · 4 years
Anon who was looking for a transformation fanart from Let It Go... @tonyphan27​ sent me this one and I think it’s beautiful, I hope you’ll like it:
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ronnieiswriting · 4 years
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@tonyphan27 @beingpassionateabout
you two must’ve heard that I am a slave to tags and rbs <3
I feed on feedback
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xx-lastshadow-xx · 4 years
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Source: @tonyphan27 on Twitter & Tumblr
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Do you have any recommended blog that have good Frozen analysis/contents/topic (also ship Elsanna is a bonus)? Thank you so much! ❤
hey! :) well.. apart from my pals at the Elsanna squad ( @hereisisa , @ullrs-skis , @anonym0us3s , @breckstonevailskier , @comfettii , @khonshu-cactus , @99884321 ) 
There are some ppl I think are worth following. such as: 
@elsannarights (gif making and analysis, ships Elsanna only)
@l-egionaire (ships Elsanna mainly as queerplatonic but has shared some romantic Elsanna headcanons too, great character analysis) 
@super-mam-te-moc (multishipper, ships Elsanna platonic, provides good analysis)
@elsa-agdardottir (mainly elsanna, provides good analysis too)
@priscilarte1 and @really-lesbian-reader (elsanna mostly and good commentary on posts)
@itchylich (elsanna and great sense of humour. also fic writer!)
@therealzorb (fic writer! elsanna and great commentary)
@gabxe07 (elsanna mostly and great commentary too) 
@loveable-elsanna (for elsanna and great sense of humour)
@cyrianu @the-awkward-feistypants @yun-fang-xiii (mainly elsanna, great content) 
@ice-bjorn (great fanart, do words sometimes too, elsanna only)
@tonyphan27 (makes the best fanarts! elsanna only)
There are many more I could add, but this list has become too long lol 
I hope this helps :) 
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psnowflake · 4 years
Quarantine Questions
Tagged by @let-it-show Thanks boo <3
1. Are you staying home from work/school? S c h o o l 2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? Roomate that is slowly driving me to insanity. 3. Do you have pets to keep you company? Does my roomate count? He can barely take care of himself.
I also have a two year old corgi, but he’s back at home with my family :( 4. Who do you miss the most? My corgi. SO fluffy. And of course, my family. They’re my world. 5. When was the last time you left your home? Yesterday for groceries. Costco keeps running out of stuff, so Kroger is my go to now. 6. What was the last thing you bought? Totino’s pizza rolls, cause why the hell not
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? Relaxing at first, but my roomate hates it, and spends at least half his day just complaining to me about it, which is driving me nuts.
8. Are you a homebody? Absolutely. 9. What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching? Parasite is the most recent one. I rewatch a bunch of disney movies too, Toy Story being the most recent. As for shows, I watch a bunch of anime.  10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? My best friend’s birthday :( 
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel? I missed my best friend’s birthday last year too. So this year’s was supposed to make up for it HAHA 12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? One of my finals got cancelled? So I guess that’s pretty nice. 13. Do you have any new hobbies? I tried drawing EA fanart the other day. I suck :P 14. What are you out of? Discipline to not procrastinate on my writing.  15. What music are you listening to? Classical piano and kpop 16. What are you reading? Fanfiction. Currently reading Legend of Elsa by Rinjin and The Joys of The Universe by reminaissance.
17. What are you doing for self-care? Appreciating Elsanna. It’s my drug 18. Are you exercising? Does walking from my bed to my desk on the other side of the room count? 19. How’s your toilet paper supply? I think we’ll make it. 20. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? My roomate watched a youtube video on how to cut hair, and wanted me to be his test subject. Yes, I regret it
I choose… @tonyphan27 @reminaissance @cyrianu! If y’all have been tagged already then I apologize :P
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amy-scans · 4 years
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❄️ Elsa 🌬️ Anna ❄️ 🌨️ 🌨️ 🌨️ 🌬️ Artist/Author: http://tonyphan27.tumblr.com 🌨️ 🌨️ 🌨️ 🌬️ #elsa #annafrozen #elsanna #annaelsa #elsaxanna #annaxelsa #Frozen2 #love #yuri #shoujoai #loveislove #lovewins #lgbt #lesbian https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NmbVClFRY/?igshid=93twd4tqg20f
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tonyphan27 · 4 years
I love your art (especially your Elsanna art, hehe)! Your style is super neat- thanks for sharing/showing your art!
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Oh anon, you have no idea how much I don’t want to answer this, just so I can read it again and again to have something to cheer me up when I feel down. But I want to say thank you so much and it means so much when someone say they love my art. How I am going to express it, I’m just a poor artist who doesn’t have my way with words. Better do it with something both of us are going to enjoy, like a good ol’ Elsanna kiss?
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elsa-agdardottir · 4 years
Tagged by @the-awkward-feistypants
how it works: choose between two words and make the chosen word bold, pass this game on to those whose answers would tickle your fancy.
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · greek mythology or egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
This is BRUTAL to ask me to choose between the moon and stars!!!!!!!! I have to break the rule for this one.
Let me tag @beingpassionateabout, @crezth, @let-it-show (I know you have already been tagged lol), @lovewillthaw-j, @tonyphan27
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Athena: Exists
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Cass: Gay Panic
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Athena picture from @tonyphan27
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hereisisa · 4 years
The memory scene was wrong on so many levels indeee. Arendelle fell, because Elsa failed to protect it. Then they had to rebuild it and Elsa, while still the Queen, refused to come back and help her people because she had to stay in case the forest needed her? Winter was coming and her people were homeless and the forest was fine but she still chose the forest over her people? Did Lee and Buck know they just painted Elsa in a terrible way?
Right?! A kingdom to rebuilt and Elsa is ‘fuck who cares? Let me stay in the woods’. LOL
At least I hope now who still defended Elsa’s ‘ending’ will realize she has no reason to stay behind SHE EVEN OPENLY SAY IT!!!
And she doesn’t even stay behind for a girl cause she’s NOT EVEN IN THE ORIGINAL SCENE!!!! 😂
And watch them find a reason for the next installment and some people falling for it like ‘oh i knew they had a plan!’ 😂
As @trabucooo and @tonyphan27 said, they wanted to make Anna enter the ‘circle of forgotten princess with an hetero boring happy ending’ and to do it they had to strip Elsa of EVERYTHING and they even gave her the typical queen end:
- she’s the mad who heara voices
- she stays behind in the woods alone
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sakuraayanami · 4 years
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xx-lastshadow-xx · 4 years
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Source: @TonyPhan27 on Twitter
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