#torcon 2016
nancylou444 · 1 year
Supporting wincest is literally disgusting. I mean, would you want someone shipping you and your siblings?? People like you make the fandom look crazy, and people like you ARE DEPICTED IN THE DAMN SHOW! I hope your family is proud that their kid likes incest.
Oh look it's an original idiot in my askbox.
Supporting wincest is literally disgusting. So is 'supporting' destiel, which is worse, since it involves an angel in a hijacked body. JIMMY didn't give his consent for his body to be used for SEX WITH A MAN.
Or ANYBODY for that matter.
I mean, would you want someone shipping you and your siblings?? Why would anybody do that? Nobody 'ships' real people in the real world, fool.
People like you make the fandom look crazy, and people like you ARE DEPICTED IN THE DAMN SHOW! Nope, sorry. When people look at the fandom as a whole, it's the HELLERS that are seen as batshit embarrassing.
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And as for our 'depiction' in the show, it's better then getting this look from Jensen Dean:
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I hope your family is proud that their kid likes incest. I'm far from being a 'kid', jackass. And 'shipping' should stay in fandom, so why would my family even care or know about it?
Now run along, don't you have new toys to play with, or did you get coal in your stocking again?
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aborddelimpala · 4 years
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Y’all need this on your dash 😜 🥰
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67obsessions · 5 years
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Classic J2. Torcon 2016
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Daily-sh Dose of Misha
Misha Collins Panel at TORCON 2016
2/2 Torcon 2016
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kidneys-and-custard · 7 years
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brothhwinchester · 7 years
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We’re expecting twins and we both were trying to figure out names and I actually threw a suggestion’s name
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i-am-catfood · 7 years
Found a video from torcon last year. Pretty much made my life.
I've got a bunch of short videos from various panels, so y'know.. let me know if you guys want me to post 'em.
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inacatastrophicmind · 3 years
Hi I went through few cons and I actually got my heart broken a little bit. Every one of them had Jensen denying the idea of Destiel or Dean being anything but the American male fantasy.
Vancon 2012 J2 panel he avoids the fan who is screaming Destiel. I understand that because he was going through something Misha shaped during 2012. Destiel was the last thing he wanted in his life then.
The controversial NJCon 2013 where he pretty much rudely avoids the Bi Dean question. I mean come on there were so many ways to back down there but just giving into that crowd like that and shooting down that girl who asked the question? I know she actually explained what happened there but he is saying things to convey he is unhappy where that question is heading. JP who is considered the immature even is considering answering the question the girl is continuously apologising it is a horror show there while Jensen is just being plain rude.
Jib 2014 solo panel where he is asked if Dean will ever get his pie. And he denies Cas ever being there at the end of the line. And ironically at the end, he was only there with all kinds of pie but no Cas. Amazing how life worked out for him.
Jib 2015 solo panel where he again denies both CasDean and Destiel from Fan Fiction episode. JPad was not there and Jensen was in a bad mood so maybe it had something to do with that.
Chicon 2016 he again invalidates Cas when a question is asked about him Cas and Mary.
TorCon 2016 where both Js are denying Cas's importance saying there's no necessity for him.
JaxCon 2017 he pretty much shoots down Destiel by saying Destiel doesn't exist.
In JaxCon 2018 he wrote NO infront of Bi Dean research paper a fan showed him.
Jibcon 2019 he asks audience Where does Destiel exist. but I think he was much like teasing the audience there tbh. No major harm but it still hurts.
I just.. I truly believe he knows what he and Misha were doing in the Destiel implied scenes. And now the cat is pretty much out of the bag. But still Jensen is pretty much staying on his ground and it is nice he is now more open for interpretation but the strength this fandom should have to forgive him for all he did...
I believe in Karma. I think Karma got to Jensen eventually for all hurt he did by those words to the fandom. I don't hate Jensen in fact I really adore the guy. But it doesn't mean I am not upset by his words. How I think Karma worked here is that he never embraced what he was portraying as a character and Karma finally said "Okay Dude enough foreplay.. You want pie okay here's pie and your car now die and be in heaven and your character arc is in garbage but your brother gets to live. There goes your male fantasy.."
I understand if he had internalized sexuality issues of himself that he didn't feel like exposing by talking about Dean and Destiel but still there are much better ways to shoot down fan opinions without being so rude.
In 2014 he pretty much says that at the end of the series Dean might get all kinds of pie with no Castiel and...Geez Is it not what exactly happened? No Cas and Pie on his face. Accidental foreshadowing spoilers..
I think he got Karma for hurting so many fan hearts and denying something he evidently portrayed in his character. At the end he didn't get a happy ending he got robbed by his own show. While the shippers actually got something out of it Thanks to Misha.
I don't need Jensen to embrace Destiel in an open hug because not in any universe that's gonna happen. I actually hoped he would eventually be open to it. He actually might be, considering his reaction to episode 18. But there's no proof actually footage of him saying anything positive about Destiel. It just... is such a bummer.
I know Jensen is hurt for his own reasons by his own show which actually hurt him in ways no fan ever did. I hope he understands how fans feel now being betrayed by a show they love.
May be he had the Karma coming..
In the past, Jensen hasn't been Destiel's biggest fan, and that's something that has always bothered me. Not because I didn't respect that he didn't like Destiel, but because every time Destiel was brought up, he was kind of rude. The same thing happened with anyone mentioned Dean being bi. It sucked and hurt because he could have handled it better. He could have easily said "I don't see Destiel/Dean as bi, but it's okay if you do". It's just that simple.
I don't know why Jensen was so rude about Destiel or bi!Dean. I don't know if it was of something personal or because certain fans were rude to him when they brought up Destiel and bi!Dean, or if he was scared that Dean would change if Destiel happened, because society and media think that anyone who belongs to the LGBTQIA+ community's personality is just their sexuality and gender and nothing else, so maybe Jensen was afraid that Dean would just become a character that was bi and that everything else that Dean was would disappear. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he grew up in Texas, which isn't the most liberal place. It could be anything.
However, since they started filming s15 and when he found out about Cas' confesion, he has been really supportive about Destiel. He might not be as vocal and supportive as Misha is, but you can see the change. And that's important. Even at a JIBcon, (I can't remember which one), after he haid said something negative about Destiel the previous year, he apologized. He knows how important Destiel is for a lot of us. And he has learnt from his past behavior. Even if he doesn't fully support it, he now knows that it means a lot to a lot of people and he isn't rude about it anymore and he respects it.
Also, I should mention that in most cons, all the panels that involve either Jensen, Misha and/or J*red are moderated, and 90% of them forbid Destiel questions. So I don't know what the cons organizers tell the actors to say when Destiel is brought up, or if anyone from the network forbids them to talk about it, but unfortunately, Destiel has been considered a taboo topic by TPTB, and that might have also affected on the way Jensen reacted any time Destiel or bi!Dean was mentioned. Although I still think he should have handled it better, but at least, he now seems to be on good terms with the topics, and as I mentioned above, that's really important.
As for the Cas thing, about how both Jensen and J*red always joked how he didn't matter, it's a joke that's been going for too long, and that's all it is. They have taken it way too far, especially J*red, because most of the times, when Jensen is talking without J*red by his side, he always brings up Cas and how important he is. Just look at some of the interviews he has done over the years.
With that said, I think you're being mean about the whole karma thing. What the writers did to Dean was just the writers being shitty writers. They wrote a whole season with the only goal of killing Dean. After Dean has finally found the will to live, after he is finally able to live on his own terms, the writers decided that killing him was a good way to end the story. That's not karma; that's bad storytelling.
And just because Jensen didn't handle Destiel or bi!Dean in a good way, it doesn't mean that he deserved to have Dean treated like shit. And I think that what you're suggesting is actually quite mean.
Jensen might have made mistakes in the past regarding Destiel and bi!Dean, but he seems to have grown and realized that he can't be that rude. It's not hard at all to accept that people love Destiel and bi!Dean, even if he doesn't. And he has gotten there. So accept that and don't be mean.
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archivingspn · 3 years
• 2014 - 9x22 Production Draft (cut Cas’ fake heaven scene) • 2016 - 11x17 - Production Draft (Dean isn’t thinking about Cas) • 2018 -  8x02 - yellow, 9x05, 9x23 - pink, 13x08, 13x21 (eyefucking) • 2018 - 14x01 - Studio Network Draft (Sam is described as surrogate dad not an uncle) • 2020-15x18 Production Draft and One Blue Page (not reciprocated)
• 2011-06x20 - (family) (brother) • 2013-08x17 - (family) • 2016-11x17 - (It’s a Sam parallel) • 2016-11x18 - (family) • 2016-11x23 - (friend, brother) • 2017-12x09 - (friend) • 2017-12x11 - (friend) • 2017-12x12 - (family, I love you, I love all of you, family, family) • 2019-14x12 - (friend) • 2020-15x09 - (friend) • 2020-15x18 - (I love you)
• 2009: Asylum 3 Saturday- Misha • 2009: Vancon- Misha • 2010: Vancon - Jensen • 2012: Nashcon - Jensen • 2012: Jibcon 3-Jensen solo • 2012: Jibcon 3- Misha & Jensen • 2012: Comic Con- Jensen, Edlund • 2012: SDCC Press Room - Jensen • 2012: Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo - Misha • 2013: ECCC - Misha • 2013: Vegascon- J2 • 2013: NJcon- Misha • 2013: SDCC Press Room - Kripke • 2013: SDCC Press Room - Carver • 2013: TorCon- Jensen meet and greet • 2013: Chicon - Misha • 2013: Burcon - Amy Gumenick • 2013: Burcon Autos- Robbie • 2014: Vegascon- J2 • 2014: Asylum 12 - Misha • 2014: Jibcon Saturday - Jensen solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jared solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jensen solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jensen & Misha • 2014: Torcon - J2 gold • 2015: Seacon- Jared • 2016: DCcon- Misha • 2015: Jibcon 6 Saturday - Jensen • 2015: Jibcon Saturday - Misha & Singer • 2016: Seacon Saturday - Sheppard • 2016: Vancon SuperWiki’s Wayward Cocktails - Wanek • 2017: Jaxcon - Jensen • 2018: SPNUK - J2M • 2018: Chicon - Alex • 2019: Jibcon Sunday - J2M • 2019: Dallascon- J2 • 2020: Twitter- #DCOnline - Richard, Misha • 2021: WonderCon - Cas’ voice actor
• 2007: TV Guide - Kripke (three year plan) • 2007: TV Addict - Kripke (rough two seasons outlines) • 2009: Channel Ten Interview with J2M - J2M (didn’t know if his character would stay) • 2009: Chicago Tribune - Kripke • 2010: Supernatural: The Official Season 4 Companion - Kripke • 2011: Zap2it - Edlund • 2011: TV Squad - Edlund • 2011: Zap2it - Edlund • 2012: Fangasm - Jensen • 2012: IGN - Carver • 2012: SYFY Wire- Misha • 2013: Supernatural Turkey - July - Jim Micheals • 2013: The Backlot- July- Misha • 2013: TV Guide Canada - Misha • 2013: HuffPost - Misha • 2013: Daily Dot - Kennedy, Chau, Bee  • 2013: Fail-fandomanon - needs source • 2013: Larry King Now - Misha • 2013: TV Fanatic- Misha • 2014: Fangasm - Misha • 2014: New York Times - J2M (no mention) • 2014: Variety - various (no mention) • 2015: ET Online- Misha • 2016: EW - Misha (outsider yet connected to both brothers) Highfill- (close to a third brother as one gets) • 2017: EW - Dabb (family) • 2017: EW - (Closest friend, Best buds, Family) • 2017: EW - (”now it’s Mom and it’s Cas“) • 2017: Hypable - Perez • 2019: MarySue - Dabb (no romance endgame) • 2020: Variety - Dabb • 2020: EW - (probably family and/or do anything for him) • 2020: TV Guide News - J2 • 2020: Daily Dot - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: Buzzfeed - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: Polygon - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: TV Web - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: PinkNews - internet reaction to 15x18 and DLCOnline • 2020: EW - Nov 26- rouge translators • 2021: London Screenwriters’ - Kripke
Social Media
• 2012: Twitter - Sep (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Jan (Robbie) • 2013: Twitter - Feb (Adam) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Wanek) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Glass) • 2013: Twitter - Sep (Robbie) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Kennedy) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Glass) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Osric) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Bee) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Nov (Robbie) • 2014: Twitter - Mar (Wanek) • 2014: Twitter - Mar (Misha) • 2014: Twitter - Apr (Jared) • 2014: Twitter - May (Robbie) • 2014: Twitter- May (Glass) • 2014: Twitter - Nov (Jensen, Robbie) • 2015: Twitter - Jun (Smith) • 2016: Twitter - Jan (Misha) • 2016: Twitter - Apr (Parks) • 2016: Twitter - May (Armstrong) • 2016: Twitter - Jun (Fitzmartin) • 2016: Twitter - Jul (Lee Rumohr) • 2018: Twitter - Apr (Official SPN Twitter) • 2018: Twitter - Aug (Williams) • 2019: Tumblr/Twitter - Feb (Jess, MonarchMish, Davy) • 2019: Twitter - Oct - (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Sep (Meghan, Emma, Jason, NF, Davy, Jeremy) • 2020: Twitter - Sep (DSilza) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 5 (Berens) • 2020: Twitter - Nov (narwhalltime) • 2020: Twitter -  Nov (Buchanan) • 2020: Twitter -  Nov 20 (Jay Julier) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (Misha) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (narwhalltime) • 2020: Twitter - Dec 11-12 (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Dec 12 (Williams)
• 2011: Supernatural Season 6 DVD Extra- Edlund (another brother) • 2013: Season 8 DVD Extra “Angel Warrior: The Story of Castiel” - Carver (talks of DeanCas as a humorous friendship dynamic) • 2014: A Very Special Supernatural Special - Kripke, Carver, Singer, J2M2 • 2014: The Essential Supernatural [Revised and Updated Edition]: On the Road with Sam and Dean Winchester - (the book kind of infers that Cas’ bond with Dean is a flaw? And that’s pretty much the only line specifically dedicated to it in there.) • 2016: Warner Brothers Market Research • 2018: Hot Topic - Dean Cas Shirt
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ubernaturalist · 2 years
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Happy birthday Jensen Ackles!
Throwback to SPN TorCon 2016 - Can't wait to see him again this year!
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cooloddball · 3 years
Hi I went through few cons and I actually got my heart broken a little bit. Every one of them had Jensen denying the idea of Destiel or Dean being anything but the American male fantasy.
Vancon 2012 J2 panel he avoids the fan who is screaming Destiel. I understand that because he was going through something Misha shaped during 2012. Destiel was the last thing he wanted in his life then.
The controversial NJCon 2013 where he pretty much rudely avoids the Bi Dean question. I mean come on there were so many ways to back down there but just giving into that crowd like that and shooting down that girl who asked the question? I know she actually explained what happened there but he is saying things to convey he is unhappy where that question is heading. JP who is considered the immature even is considering answering the question the girl is continuously apologising it is a horror show there while Jensen is just being plain rude.
Jib 2014 solo panel where he is asked if Dean will ever get his pie. And he denies Cas ever being there at the end of the line. And ironically at the end, he was only there with all kinds of pie but no Cas. Amazing how life worked out for him.
Jib 2015 solo panel where he again denies both CasDean and Destiel from Fan Fiction episode. JPad was not there and Jensen was in a bad mood so maybe it had something to do with that.
Chicon 2016 he again invalidates Cas when a question is asked about him Cas and Mary.
TorCon 2016 where both Js are denying Cas's importance saying there's no necessity for him.
JaxCon 2017 he pretty much shoots down Destiel by saying Destiel doesn't exist.
In JaxCon 2018 he wrote NO infront of Bi Dean research paper a fan showed him.
Jibcon 2019 he asks audience Where does Destiel exist. but I think he was much like teasing the audience there tbh. No major harm but it still hurts.
I just.. I truly believe he knows what he and Misha were doing in the Destiel implied scenes. And now the cat is pretty much out of the bag. But still Jensen is pretty much staying on his ground and it is nice he is now more open for interpretation but the strength this fandom should have to forgive him for all he did...
I believe in Karma. I think Karma got to Jensen eventually for all hurt he did by those words to the fandom. I don't hate Jensen in fact I really adore the guy. But it doesn't mean I am not upset by his words. How I think Karma worked here is that he never embraced what he was portraying as a character and Karma finally said "Okay Dude enough foreplay.. You want pie okay here's pie and your car now die and be in heaven and your character arc is in garbage but your brother gets to live. There goes your male fantasy.."
I understand if he had internalized sexuality issues of himself that he didn't feel like exposing by talking about Dean and Destiel but still there are much better ways to shoot down fan opinions without being so rude.
In 2014 he pretty much says that at the end of the series Dean might get all kinds of pie with no Castiel and...Geez Is it not what exactly happened? No Cas and Pie on his face. Accidental foreshadowing spoilers..
I think he got Karma for hurting so many fan hearts and denying something he evidently portrayed in his character. At the end he didn't get a happy ending he got robbed by his own show. While the shippers actually got something out of it Thanks to Misha.
I don't need Jensen to embrace Destiel in an open hug because not in any universe that's gonna happen. I actually hoped he would eventually be open to it. He actually might be, considering his reaction to episode 18. But there's no proof actually footage of him saying anything positive about Destiel. It just... is such a bummer.
I know Jensen is hurt for his own reasons by his own show which actually hurt him in ways no fan ever did. I hope he understands how fans feel now being betrayed by a show they love.
May be he had the Karma coming..
Wow. I-
Hmm. This was super long and I read each and every word of it. However, I feel like maybe you are a Jensen anti. Maybe you are not but that's the vibe I got as I read all this.
First of all I am a Dean girl since the pilot. I love Dean. I watched the show because of Dean. Even before I knew about Destiel, I loved Dean. When Cas showed up, I still loved Dean and to me, Cas was a part of Dean somehow, it just always felt that way.
Secondly. I love Jensen and Misha. I know some people don't like Jensen because of Destiel but I like him and I know he has said something's about the topic but truth is, I get why he did that.
Thirdly, I don't think Karma has anything to do with Dean's death. What they did to Dean was fucked up. Jensen doesn't write the show or control the direction that the show went. That is up to the network, the producers and the writers. Period. So, No. Karma had nothing to do with Dean's end. Jensen protested a lot about the ending. We all know why they did it. It's been talked about x10000000000.
Lastly, on the issue of Jensen and Destiel.
Jensen has on numerous occassions that he doesn't think Cas feels things the way human beings feel things. I believe Dean was on love with Cas but he wasn't sure whether Cas felt the same way because he's an angel.
Bi Dean. Not to discredit anyone but the notion that Jensen would deny that Dean was bi because of his own sexuality crisis irl feels like an insult to Jensen as an actor. I saw once an anti Cas/Misha person say that the way Dean hugged Cas in 12x09 was because Jensen hates Misha. Make it make sense. That is an insult to Jensen. There are directors and writers involved. Jensen doesn't get to decide how he wants to hug Cas or Sam. Yes, they have a right of input sometimes but it is very rarely. And thinking personal feelings would affect his acting or portrayal of Dean is truly a moot point. There are so many actors with feuds irl but when they are performing you would never know. Please let's not insult Jensen like that. He deserves an Emmy for playing Dean so well all these years.
Jensen denied Destiel and Bi Dean because it was never explicitly said he actually was bi or was in love with Cas. However, it is there in subtext. I could list all those instances but I'm guessing you already know all those instances from your research on various cons as indicated in the ask. I believe Jensen knew how he played Dean as bi and as in love with Cas. However, if he said "Yeah, Dean is bi and is in love with cas" then the show doesn't explicitly confirm it, then what. You would all start call him a liar and a panderer like many have called Misha. So he just said what was there. Do you remember Metatron's monologue in s9? What makes a story great, is it the text or the subtext? To me, it's both. To others it's the text while for others it's the subtext.
The network and producers. These are I believe the people who decide what the fans want and how to make money from the show. So if they believe textually confirming Destiel canon or bi Dean would've lined their pockets they would've done it. If watched the show, s12 was pretty gay. It's the gayest of all seasons followed by s15.
Anyway, I have a feeling that you might be an anti destiel or anti Jensen person trying to pose as destiel shipper. I honestly don't know. All I can tell you is that I am a Jensen Ackles apologist and I believe he did as much as the network would let him in terms of letting us see that Dean was in love with Cas.
12x23, 13x01-13x06,15x03,15x09,15x18. There's so much but I am neither a destiel meta writer or a film/tv critic so there's not much I can say. But please Jensen is a good man and I think people asking him over and over again about Destiel when he knew he couldn't give them the answers they wanted got to him and he had to shut it down. Maybe sometimes he was rude but he's only human.
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aborddelimpala · 5 years
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#Torcon 2016 [video: gonzosgirrl]
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67obsessions · 5 years
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Jared: Haha Jensen!
Jensen: I don’t know what you’re laughing about, you’re gonna, I’m gonna, need your help, so.
Jared: Yeah.
Torcon 2016.
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Daily-sh Dose of Misha
Misha Collins Panel at TORCON 2016 This particular edition goes to @silvie111. I know your life isn’t perfect right now, but the Casnatural girls and me will be there for you always. Here are some images that may not solve your troubles, but can help to feel better and prove that perfection is possible in the eyes of the beholder. Thank you for your patience.
206 notes · View notes
Hi I went through few cons and I actually got my heart broken a little bit. Every one of them had Jensen denying the idea of Destiel or Dean being anything but the American male fantasy.
Vancon 2012 J2 panel he avoids the fan who is screaming Destiel. I understand that because he was going through something Misha shaped during 2012. Destiel was the last thing he wanted in his life then.
The controversial NJCon 2013 where he pretty much rudely avoids the Bi Dean question. I mean come on there were so many ways to back down there but just giving into that crowd like that and shooting down that girl who asked the question? I know she actually explained what happened there but he is saying things to convey he is unhappy where that question is heading. JP who is considered the immature even is considering answering the question the girl is continuously apologising it is a horror show there while Jensen is just being plain rude.
Jib 2014 solo panel where he is asked if Dean will ever get his pie. And he denies Cas ever being there at the end of the line. And ironically at the end, he was only there with all kinds of pie but no Cas. Amazing how life worked out for him.
Jib 2015 solo panel where he again denies both CasDean and Destiel from Fan Fiction episode. JPad was not there and Jensen was in a bad mood so maybe it had something to do with that.
Chicon 2016 he again invalidates Cas when a question is asked about him Cas and Mary.
TorCon 2016 where both Js are denying Cas's importance saying there's no necessity for him.
JaxCon 2017 he pretty much shoots down Destiel by saying Destiel doesn't exist.
In JaxCon 2018 he wrote NO infront of Bi Dean research paper a fan showed him.
Jibcon 2019 he asks audience Where does Destiel exist. but I think he was much like teasing the audience there tbh. No major harm but it still hurts.
I just.. I truly believe he knows what he and Misha were doing in the Destiel implied scenes. And now the cat is pretty much out of the bag. But still Jensen is pretty much staying on his ground and it is nice he is now more open for interpretation but the strength this fandom should have to forgive him for all he did...
I believe in Karma. I think Karma got to Jensen eventually for all hurt he did by those words to the fandom. I don't hate Jensen in fact I really adore the guy. But it doesn't mean I am not upset by his words. How I think Karma worked here is that he never embraced what he was portraying as a character and Karma finally said "Okay Dude enough foreplay.. You want pie okay here's pie and your car now die and be in heaven and your character arc is in garbage but your brother gets to live. There goes your male fantasy.."
I understand if he had internalized sexuality issues of himself that he didn't feel like exposing by talking about Dean and Destiel but still there are much better ways to shoot down fan opinions without being so rude.
In 2014 he pretty much says that at the end of the series Dean might get all kinds of pie with no Castiel and...Geez Is it not what exactly happened? No Cas and Pie on his face. Accidental foreshadowing spoilers..
I think he got Karma for hurting so many fan hearts and denying something he evidently portrayed in his character. At the end he didn't get a happy ending he got robbed by his own show. While the shippers actually got something out of it Thanks to Misha.
I don't need Jensen to embrace Destiel in an open hug because not in any universe that's gonna happen. I actually hoped he would eventually be open to it. He actually might be, considering his reaction to episode 18. But there's no proof actually footage of him saying anything positive about Destiel. It just... is such a bummer.
I know Jensen is hurt for his own reasons by his own show which actually hurt him in ways no fan ever did. I hope he understands how fans feel now being betrayed by a show they love.
May be he had the Karma coming..
anon, i understand you being hurt and upset by things jensen has said in the past, but i think this is a very unkind thing to say and a very unkind attitude to have and i can't support you in it.
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brothhwinchester · 7 years
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[Cas arrived sooner] how do you think it would be different ? 
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