#tucker is still traumatised from seeing it the first time
jeena-says-hi · 1 month
Headcannon that Danny cracks his neck and knuckles all the time but when he cracks his neck, it full on breaks and everyone is horrified but then it just pops back to normal as if nothing happened
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bisexual-horror-fan · 10 months
"It's Been Almost A Year." Leslie Vernon X GN! Final/Survivor Reader.
I missed Leslie. I rewatched BTM today and got this out. I hope you are all into it, not much else to say but this was fun as fuck to do. Enjoy it!
Rating. Somewhat NSFW. Length. 2.8K. Leslie Vernon X GN! Final/Survivor Reader. No Pronouns Specified. Warnings: Slasher/Final Person Relationship. Breaking And Entering. Complex Emotions. Hard Feelings. Reader Is Traumatised And Confused And Mad. Leslie Being Leslie. Stalking. Mentions Of Violence And Gore. Choking. Softness. Grinding. Implied Hate Fucking. Praise.
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You had a long day and frankly were quite exhausted. Dinner was quick and dirty, made in a rush and eaten early, after leaving the dishes to soak, you retreated to your bed. 
The sheets are fresh and soft, you are stripping off your pants and hoodie before you are sliding into the welcoming comfort. The bedroom is dark save for the flickering light of your tv. You had put on a movie, not wanting to sleep quite yet. You have a steaming mug of tea on your bedside table and are curled up, the t-shirt, underwear and socks you have on are more than enough to keep you cosy and warm. You settle further into the multiple layers of your sheets and comforter and throw blankets with a pleased sigh. Fall is here in full force and you are feeling it. The temperature is cold but you can't feel it right now, nor can you resist having the window cracked so you can hear the rain falling outside.
You really didn’t mean to fall asleep so early. You were just so thoroughly relaxed and so tuckered out from the day's events it just kind of happens. The dvd’s menu was on loop, the gentle music from it playing quietly, it is raining harder, but that isn’t what is the main concern at the moment, no the biggest thing taking your attention is that you apparently are no longer alone in your bed. The body next to you is warm, arms around you are strong, the smell hits and it makes your stomach drop. You know that smell, intimately. You remember the night you smelt it for the first time. Rain and damp soil, sweat, musk, apples and more, the whiff you got filled your nose during your struggle, one of his hands in your hair, the other one he was using, attempting to embed his sickle into your body. 
The smell haunted you.
Permeated your nightmares and now it was in your bed. Were you having a nightmare? A really convincing one, you start to try and move, the arms hold you tighter, snaking closer, the grip is firm and you hear a hum followed by him shhhing you, “Hey, hey, no need to get up.” 
Your eyes open, the light from the tv is still covering the room in its low and easy glow, your tea is cold, the temperature has dropped and even with the window open it now feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. 
“Leslie.” You breathe it out, terrified and he responds just a hair louder than you do, “Yes?”
A hard swallow, the terror is thick, it weighs on you, as if a person is sitting on your chest with their whole weight and you ask, “What are you doing in my bed?” 
“You don’t sound happy to see me.” You don’t like or appreciate the deflection. You frown deeply and you force out, “No, I’m not.”
The silence stretches between you, music from the tv and rain from outside intermingling, your heart is hammering in your chest, sweat is making your clothes start to stick to your skin. How the fuck are you going to get out of this? You hadn’t seen him since that night and now he was in your bed, all over you, wrapped around you, threatening to suffocate you with his presence alone. Your mind is screaming at you to do something, get out, run away but to where? You are barely dressed, it’s pouring rain outside, he is stronger and faster, he could have a concealed weapon. 
Endless questions, no answers, you can’t make an informed decision yet. For now you are stuck. Helpless. You have to wait this out.
“I missed you, okay? I was feeling lonely tonight.” 
A guy, no, not a guy, not a man, don’t think of him in human terms, a monster like him gets lonely? The idea of it is strange. Your mind thinks of him in other scenarios, of him doing regular daily life things, cooking, laundry, paying bills and it just doesn’t feel right. It is like your mind refuses to accept it, the idea that someone like him is out in the world, and doing any of those things is so against all you believe that you reject the concept. It serves to turn your stomach. You don’t like lingering on it because it means that any number of people out there that you see in a day could be just like him, a murderer lurking under the surface.
There are only ever thoughts of him in the context of that night, of that killer persona, permanently tied to that, irrevocably damaging your perception of him, tainting it thoroughly. It was as if he didn’t exist, not really, not to you anyway, even though he stalked and followed you for God knows how long before you were not aware of him until very soon before that night almost a year ago, it was like he was simply blipped into existence for those hours of torment and tore away right afterwards. Ripped from the fabric of reality but you were still left with the aftermath, the memories, left with nightmares and trauma, with scars and fear that never truly left. 
You had been doing okay, for a short while but with the year anniversary encroaching you were scared shitless of what it could mean. Would he make a return, force you into a “sequel”? You feared some huge or grand reveal, dramatic and massive but not this, you never expected this, to wake up on an average night, less than a month out from the anniversary with him in your fucking bed. This is arguably so much worse. 
Your one real remaining safe space has been invaded by him. You think if you make it out alive that maybe you should burn the fucking mattress and buy a new one. Move somewhere else, far away, a different country, maybe you could go to Canada? It’s similar enough, isn’t it?
Mind has been running so quickly that when you respond to him it is only about thirty seconds later, “You know they have hotlines you can call for that problem, right?”
He laughs, he is so close you feel the rumble of it in his chest against your back, “Like any of them can be a substitute for you. Hilarious.” He says it in such a sweet tone, as if you are old friends or you suppose in this case, with how he is holding you while between the sheets, lovers. “Being with you is much more stimulating. No phone sex jockey could ever hope to imitate what we have.”
You are stuck on that, on him saying “what we have”. What the fuck did you have? You guessed you and he had a relationship truly unlike any other you have with anyone else but-
“I’ve been thinking about you for so long, planning out our next meeting, following you, watching you, but tonight, it just became too much, you know?” 
He is talking so much. You aren’t used to it. When he was masked up he was so quiet, barely made a sound even during your fight.
He is moving, propping up on one elbow, his other arm still around you, keeping you to him as he says, “I saw you get into bed and at first it was okay. I just watched the movie you had on through the window, it was good, like I was watching it WITH you.” 
His hand turns your face, the contact makes a chill run up your spine and you see him for the first time since that night but it’s different. When he had that mask off his features were streaked with makeup, twisted with anger and hate, malice, deep and method into his killer self. Now he is clean, bare faced, and he is looking down at you with what you could only really pinpoint as warmth, care, affection. How can he look at you like that after hurting you so much? Or is it because he wounded you so deeply that he could?
That night back then, his eyes looked black, lost in the smudgy rings of grease paint like you couldn’t tell where he began and the facade ended, but now in the low light you see that they are brown. His eyes are brown. You don’t know how to feel about that, about any of this.
“But then the movie ended and I went back to just watching you. So unaware I was here, sleeping so soundly.” His brow is creased, lips parted, he is studying you, as if he cannot believe that he is in your bed as much as you can’t. “I just wondered, why am I waiting around? Why am I not in there with you?”
His thumb is running down over your cheekbone and you squirm, “You make me reckless, I want to rush, abandon previously carefully laid plans to be near you. It’s a compulsion.”
The softness of how he says his words combined with the action wakes you up out of the apparent trance you were under, reminding you of just how awful and wrong this all was. “Leslie. Stop. You can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He asks quietly and you feel the anger break through the terror, feel it boil and you exclaim, struggling against him, “Because it’s fucked up!” 
You say it so loudly but he doesn’t flinch, as if expecting you to lash out. 
“This is all supremely fucked up! You-you tried to kill me almost a year ago, you nearly gut me, split me from end to end and now you are back an-and in my room, holding me, saying all this sentimental crap, it-it’s so fucked up. I don’t know how I am supposed to react, what am I meant to do?!”
Quiet falls again after your small rant. You are heaving, shaking slightly. You have no idea what his response will be but it isn’t what he says next, “What do you want from me?”
You feel tired. Heavy. Exasperated, You answer. “For you to leave me alone.” 
He scoffs, a roll of his eyes. “That isn’t going to happen.”
You want to cry, you squirm again, urgency renewed by his omission and you asked frantically, “Why not?!” 
His hand, the same one that was lovingly stroking your face a minute ago is on your throat, holding you down, it makes you stop instantly. He leaned down closer, “Because, honey, sweetheart, we are meant to be in each other's lives until one of us dies and further than that, whoever is left is meant to be haunted by the other.”
You hang off every word because you have no other choice. The helpless and captive audience as he expounds, “Even if I were to humour your request, leave you be, you know just as well as I do you would never truly be free of me.” 
His other arm is moved, he is still resting on his elbow but his hand is free, fingers pass feather light over your forehead, a stark contrast from how firmly he was holding your throat. “I live in that pretty little head. I’ve set up camp and ‘M never leaving. I permanently changed you just like you did to me. It’s mutual.”
Mutual. As if anything you could have done to him is in any way comparable to what he has done to you. He is sick, twisted, disgusting. You hate him. You hate how he is right. You just know that even if he fucked off forever you would still check the backseat of your car before getting in it, would still not want to be out after dark, would still have the nightmares and fear that he’d come back. He would still rule your thoughts, control and dictate your life even if he is absent from it. There was no true coming back from what he put you through. 
The innocence is gone.
“I know you feel it too, feel different after that night, a new version of you. It’s been so difficult watching from afar but not experiencing it up close, I was expecting more of a fight when I did this but to be fair, I did get the drop on you. This is usually ol Kruegers MO, not mine.” 
He stops himself to wonder out loud and amused, “Do you think he’d mind me borrowing it?”
“I don’t care! I don’t fucking care about your weird murderous friends Vernon-” You bite out and he ignores what you say and he is back on you, eyes flick back down, grip tightens, steals your breath, “I have to admit though, this is nice. This is what I really want, the ultimate goal.”
Ultimate goal? Isn’t the ultimate goal to kill you? Where is he going with this? 
“I want you to accept and come to terms with the fact that you’re mine”
Accept? Come to terms with? He talks like it is already done and decided, written in stone, immovable.
He reads the confusion in your gaze and fills in the blank, “Because you are already mine.” 
That makes the anger return full force, he smiles, wicked and twisted, “Like it or not we are bonded together.” 
You didn’t like it. 
He told you more, that you lived under his skin, occupied his waking days and sleepless nights, pushed him in his work more and more and during this, the movements were subtle. He was totally on top of you now. Propped up on one hand, his other one still around your throat, slotted between your legs, minute movements of his hips and your breath catches. His grip loosens, the blankets and sheets have pooled near your hips, your shirt has ridden up during his forced cuddle session with you, his eyes are down and you don’t need to guess where he is looking.
You know, you can feel his gaze resting on the scar he gave you, the sharp and jagged line that took almost twenty stitches to close up. You gave him a similarly gruesome and terrible wound but his was not on display right now. You feel exposed by this fact, naked and vulnerable, the brutality he inflicted on you on display but his is hidden away. It feels weirdly poetic. The rolling of his hips is more bold, you are painfully aware of how into this he is and how little you are wearing, worse still, you have to contend with the unwanted heat coiling low, making your skin feel hot. 
You hate him, you hate him, you hate him.
That is what you keep on repeating in your mind, but when he touches you like this, says those sweet fucking things, looks at you and talks about the future, destiny and fate, what you both went through and more it doesn’t feel like you hate him.
He is praising you, his breathing has picked up, “You were fucking beautiful that night. Soaked in sweat and covered in blood, screaming, clawing at me, like a feral animal. I loved watching you become the true you, the best version of you, totally unleashed.”
Your fingers are curling in the sheets, twisting them, focus on that, clenching your fists as you try to keep your expression hateful or at best neutral but you think you are failing as the beginnings of pleasure sink in. Your stomach is taut, thighs tensing around his hips, “You really hurt me, I was in bad shape by the time you were done, worried you might have really gotten me.”
Why did this feel good? Why was this shifting, bleeding, turning from feeling wrong to feeling right? 
You felt like he saw you, understood you better than anyone else might in this one respect. You had so many people who looked at you after what happened like you were broken, looked at you with pity and sadness and you hated it. 
Leslie looks at you like you are his everything, like you are strong, like you are fully capable and could do anything. Even before this no one looked at you like that and it is becoming more and more clear with every passing day no one will ever look at you like that. 
Except for him. 
You hate that you like being seen this way so much and hate that he is the one who is giving this to you. 
Between the friction, his words, and everything else, you break. You grind back and breathe out how you were desperately trying to convince yourself you felt, clinging to the emotions that plagued you for the past months, vocalizing it through gritted teeth, “I fucking hate you.” 
That makes him grin again, like he loves to hear that, as if it is music to his ears, a fundamental and unshakeable truth of the universe itself. “I know you do.” 
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silvfyre-writings · 4 months
Genichirou Thoughts (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Time for Fyre’s Genichirou thoughts! I don't know how much sense this will make, but I'll try my best. Note that these are my personal thoughts. I love studying characters (although this is my first time sharing thoughts), so feel free to discuss with me!! :D
To start with, I am a baby when it comes to BSD, cause I have only been in the fandom since season 4 aired last year, and boy it’s been a ride, especially when it comes to Genichirou’s character. Because my first ever encounter with him was during the Untold Origins where he made a cameo—and well, from the comments on that episode, I legitimately thought he must’ve been the worst character on earth. Like, Shou Tucker bad, that’s how much hate Genichirou was getting on this episode.
And for the longest time, I avoided his character because of that (I wasn’t yet caught up on the series), but then I finally reached Genichirou’s first proper appearance and suddenly I was more confused than anything. At first glance, a drunken, exuberant man wanting to uphold the justice of what he believed to be the truth at the time. At a deeper glance, a complex and interesting character, yet I still refused to give him the time of day because the fandom hated him.
Then I met a certain someone who loves Genichirou, asked some questions about his character, and yeah, that was that, I now love this man and his complexity.
With a newfound appreciation for Genichirou’s character, I went back and looked into him more deeply (mostly because I wanted to write fics, and needed to understand him more), and found him quite the interesting character. Because underneath that drunken, joking persona of his, is a man who has been traumatised and hurt by the world and his closest friend, and it changed him drastically.
As a child, we see Genichirou as a happy child, he has fun, he’s friends with Fukuzawa, and he seems to genuinely enjoy his life. But then he becomes a soldier and that’s where things change.
To start with the obvious; his relationship with Fukuzawa. Genichirou tries and fails to convince Fukuzawa to go to war with him, which puts a strain on their friendship, but ultimately what I took away from that, is despite him being upset with Fukuzawa, he still respected Fukuzawa’s decision.
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I personally think that it was the lack of contact that fractured their friendship instead of this decision as I see people think, especially since in the recent chapter, Genichirou apologised for not staying in touch.
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The next is the war. I don’t think I need to explain that much, since we all have a solid understanding of it, and how it changed Genichirou. Genichirou says himself that “it was in that battlefield, that I was born” which is a pretty powerful message in itself. War changes people, that’s a fact, and Genichirou is no different. He went to war, witnessed the brutality and futility of it, and it changed him, it gave him a goal, which is the goal we strive to see him complete within the series.
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Genichirou’s goal is a world without war, as we learnt in 112, after receiving a vision from Amenogozen, and his way of doing that was by making himself out to be the villain to try and unite the world into stopping him. In a way, similar to how William (MtP) works to unite London by becoming the villain if you need someone to compare to. Some would say that Genichirou’s goal of ridding the world of war by becoming its villain is the actions of a morally grey character. Some would say it’s an anti-hero. Personally, I think it’s a mixture of both. Mostly because unlike other morally gray/anti-hero characters we see (William Moriarty, Eren Jaeger, Lelouch vi Britannia, and Koko Hekmatyar to name a few), Genichirou worked alone.
Yes, he’s the head of the DOA, and yes, Teruko knew of his plans, but really, he worked alone to make his plan work.
The main issue with Genichirou’s goal is that he worked alone, but despite that, with the state of the current arc, we can’t say his goal failed or not yet. For that to be certain, we simply need to be patient and wait for the next arc. I would say though, that while his goal may not have succeeded as intended, he still managed to succeed in some aspect. The world will change because of his actions, but it remains to be seen how it will change (I am choosing the 2 hours later part until we know more).
As for why this goal of a world without war exists, well we have the sword, Amenogozen to thank for that, as it showed Genichirou a vision of a battle so terrible, that it prompted him into having this goal in the first place. The problem with this vision, is that we don’t know when Genichirou was shown the vision. All we know is that this fight takes place 36 years after he was shown the vision, which shows the severity of the situation for Genichiro to take action when he does.
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All in all, Genichirou is not a simple character, and never was; he's always been complex, and always will be. We see him laughing, we see him joking, we see him caring, and we've seen him brutally stab his childhood friend, and cause the Agency so much pain with his actions. I truly think Asagiri has done well in writing his character, and I’ll be genuinely sad to see his arc end.
That’s my thoughts, thank you for sticking around, I probably didn’t make much sense, but I tried, and I wish to share
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In relations to my last ask, how would you write Danny revealing his ghost identity to Sam and Tucker? Set somewhere in the month between Danny being vaporized by the ghost portal and the opening episode.
sorry for sitting on this one for a couple days, I didn't have the spoons to go into the answer I felt it deserved
I know there have been fics and aus about Sam and Tucker not being there during the accident, but it's been so long since I read one so I guess it's time for my take on it!
Danny would have been Freaking Out after it happened, like he sees his reflection and realises that something fuckin' weird absolutely just happened to him, he might not twig at first exactly what it was because he figures he could be hallucinating or his vision could have been fucked up by the light in the portal, it isn't anything serious right?
the power surge from the portal would have alerted his parents who come down into the lab and they go absolutely buck wild with joy that the portal finally worked!! and oh my god Danny you weren't standing too close to it right?
Danny's thinking 'why the fuck aren't they saying anything about the white hair and glowing eyes' but he glimpses back at his reflection and it's totally normal again, okay so maybe it was a hallucination okay that's good
his dad is pretty much doing a victory dance while his mum is scanning him for any contamination, she says his readings are abnormally high and they should keep an eye on him and run some decontamination procedures
boy goes back to his room feeling pretty shaken up, he probably calls Sam and Tucker immediately to tell them what happened, he might mention that he was seeing things after coming out of the portal but everything seemed to be fine now, he feels really cold tho
his parents pull him out of school for a few days to keep an eye on him but nothing especially unusual happens, he mentions to his parents that he feels cold all the time and they keep checking his temperature and ectoplasmic readings
it's an unpleasant few days, he has to scrub his skin almost raw in the shower and wash his hair three times in a row every night, as well as drink a fuckton of water and take a diuretic to flush out his system, they make him take some kinda medication they developed that's supposed to keep him from absorbing any more radiation than he already has, it makes him really sick but they keep making him take it
but in the end despite feeling incredibly unwell his readings DO go down and his temp DOES climb back up so the Fentons breath a sigh of relief and just tell Danny to make sure he tells them if he feels sick again or if anything unusual happens
what they DON'T realise, is the treatments worked to flush what was currently in his system and on his skin, but it didn't do anything for the fact that he was now producing his own ectoplasm, which very readily began to replenish itself after the initial purge
he goes back to school and tells his friends all about his terrible last few days, and suddenly Sam is looking at him in alarm and whispers 'dude your eyes are glowing'
Tucker looks over like 'what do you mean? they look fine'
'they were absolutely glowing! like just for a second they were-'
'bright green?' Danny asks, mildly panicking
he tells them exactly what he saw in the mirror when he came out of the portal, and they finally start wondering if maybe it wasn't a hallucination
they go hide in some empty classroom somewhere and discuss what should happen next, Tucker thinks Danny should tell his parents, Danny does not want to go through another few days of decontamination procedures, Sam sides with Danny, mostly because she's generally anti-parent in general but also because she thinks that the Fentons' methods sound dodgy as hell because of how sick the medication made him
'I mean have they even tested those meds properly? how do they know it won't make him worse?'
it's at this point that the school-bell rings and Danny falls through the desk he was leaning on
Sam and Tuck think he just slipped, Danny also thinks he just slipped, but Danny also noticed that he felt really weird and tingly for a moment there
in class his pen keeps slipping out of his hand, in science he drops two beakers and is barred from handling anything fragile for the rest of class, he finds himself feeling weirdly lightheaded and motion sick at random moments, his stomach flipping and his feet feeling almost like they aren't completely touching the floor
he doesn't know that it's his body very momentarily ignoring gravity, not enough to make him float completely but just enough to make him feel weirdly unanchored to the ground
Tucker is very much convinced that Danny should tell his parents about this, Sam thinks he should probably go to a hospital instead, Danny thinks telling his parents is probably a good idea, but he's highkey terrified of them making him take that medication again, they kept assuring him that it's harmless to humans and the sickness is just a reaction to the ectoplasm in his body, but he knew that each time they made him take it he felt more and more like whatever was in it shouldn't be in him
so in the end he decides that he'll wait to see if the side effects go away on their own, so far they don't seem to be hurting him, and he'll take being lightheaded and dropping stuff constantly over taking those meds and feeling like he's got pins sticking into every nerve in his body
(like it was Bad, kid's lowkey traumatised)
and then in class he falls right through his chair, nobody sees what happened, he was at his desk and now he's on the floor, everyone laughs it off but after school Danny drags his friends around behind the gym to tell them what happened
he is freaking out, totally panicking and that's when Sam and Tucker notice his appearance change, it's wonky at first, flashes of light keep sparking off him and his eyes are glowing on and off, his hair is flashing streaks of white and his clothes keep shifting into something black
Sam snaps him out of it with a slap, but instead of going back to normal his whole body flashes and suddenly he's in his ghost form
he is SUPER confused about why he's in his hazmat suit again and why the colours are all wrong and Sam and Tuck have to tell him 'uh dude, that hallucination definitely wasn't a hallucination'
then a football comes flying past and some jock chases it behind the gym and see them standing there and is like 'what are you two losers doing back here'
and Sam and Tuck are like 'two?' and they realise that Danny isn't there anymore, the jock grabs the ball and runs off again
then Danny reappears
cue all three of them freaking out
the fact that he's fighting ghosts without hesitation in the beginning of the first ep probably means it isn't the first time it's happened, he's probably down in the lab with his friends, showing them the portal and telling them exactly how his accident happened, when something comes flying out
it immediately attacks them and Danny probably goes instinctively into protective mode, he transforms and lobs a punch at one of the fuckers, and it hurts it, a lot, he grabs it and hauls it around, throwing it back into the portal
Sam and Tuck are just like 'holy shit dude you kicked ass' and Danny's just like 'uhhhh I dunno what happened guys but that felt really super cool'
he turns back to normal as his dad comes downstairs and gets all excited about the three kids being interested in the ghost portal, cue opening of the first episode
at this point Danny is pretty convinced he's going to tell his dad, but Jack doesn't give him a chance to say much before going off on his monologue
and then the portal opens up again and the ghost comes back, this time with friends, Danny barely thinks before he's throwing himself at the ghosts, kicking their asses and lobbing them back into the portal, he turns around completely expecting to have to explain himself and finds his dad SOMEHOW hadn't turned around even once during the whole fight and by a miracle didn't notice anything unusual
Danny loses his nerve and transforms back without telling his dad anything, and then we have the events of Mystery Meat where he's still struggling to control his powers and whether or not to tell his parents
soooo yeah that's my take ~ hope you enjoyed
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lanuvolanera · 3 years
Sept 19th - Cofession
Chapter 1
My first ever fanfic, lads, be nice and enjoy.
Coming out of Casper High mid afternoon, Danny and Tucker made their way down the school steps. Students trickled out the front doors in small groups and split their own ways as the duo began their trek to Fenton works.
"Man, I'm glad Sam didn't come today." Danny said, grasping his backpack strap slung over his shoulder.
"I know, right? She would've been miserable." Tucker replied, pocketing his PDA with a light frown on his face.
The day went well. Steady, in fact. They seemed to have kept off of Dash's radar and stayed on Mr Lancer's good side with the English assignment. Not to mention that it was pizza day at the cafeteria, the only good thing that the cooks knew how to make. Yeah, today wasn't so bad, it just felt empty without Sam by their side.
"She should be feeling better by tomorrow, right?"
"Honestly, I think she'll take the rest of the week off. If it wasn't for that ghost..."
"Oh god, don't remind me, I still feel awful." Danny said with a look of mild horror, still traumatised from the night before.
A pause in their conversation prompted more memories from last night.
Phantom, two feet above the ground, felt paralysed as he looked on and watched as Tucker ducked undercover from the ectoblasts firing in all directions from what looked like a regular bedsheet type ghost, only this one was different, this one screeched and wailed and gnawed it's black teeth, blood dripping from its mouth, staining its torso.
"We'll give her a call tonight, see how she's doing." Tucker said, dragging Danny out of his thoughts.
"Or we could head over, see how she's doing in person?"
"Or we could leave her be and let her rest."
Danny didn't like that idea, he was worried and felt guilty and ashamed that he couldn't prevent her injury. As minor as it was, she couldn't find the strength to come to school the next day, when he'd hoped to apologise again and ask how she's doing again and to offer her anything she needs again. He made his mind up right then.
"I'll fly over tonight then, when everyone's gone to bed."
"Sure, don't forget to bring her homework and tell her you love her."
"What?" Danny gasped in shock, a deep red blush covering his cheeks.
"Nothing." Tucker looked away with a sheepish grin and quickly changed the topic.
"We still need to do some research about last night's ghost, I've downloaded some pdf's which I'll send to you and Sam to see if there are other ways to dispell it if the thermos didn't work."
They turn the corner and can see the large Fenton works sign in the distance, two blocks away.
"Race you." Danny smirked, and sprinted off before Tucker had a chance to realise what was happening.
With a loud "hey!" from Tucker in the background, Danny slowed as he neared the steps to his front door and tried the handle, locked. Hmm, his parents are out, Jazz would still be at school studying in the library, looks like he and Tucker have the house to themselves. Danny pulls out his keys and unlocks the door just as Tucker catches up out of breath.
"That's cheating, you had a head start." He pants.
"Come on, the computer in the lab is free, go down and fire it up while I get some coffee brewing."
"Sounds like a plan."
Later that night, Danny flew Tucker back to his house.
They soared through the night sky, clear and full of stars, street lamps illuminating the buildings below them, his best friends arm slung over phantoms shoulders.
"Look, all I'm saying is if we go back tomorrow, what if we make things worse, pissed it off even more. If its trapped there like we think, what harm will it do if we leave it alone?"
"It's different though, what if when we found it there, we let it loose?"
"If we did then don't you think we would've seen it again by now?"
"I don't want to chance it, we need to find a way to deal with it permanently."
"Don't tell me you're going back there by yourself."
"No, I'm going to Sam's, like I said."
"You'd better."
Once he'd said his goodbyes to Tucker, and reassured him he wasn't going to do something wreckless, Danny took off into the air once more and set course for Sam's House.
With a backpack full with his thermos, his laptop, his phone, both his and Sam's maths homework, a couple of pens, pencils, markers and 2 cans of Sam's favorite soda, Danny sped across the rooftops when a blue puff of cold air burst it's way past his lips.
"Of course, I thought it was too quiet tonight."
Taking a quick glance of his surroundings, there was nothing to be seen in the empty streets. A brief pause, his breath held in his lungs, then glass crashing from a shop window a few blocks down caught Danny's attention.
Cackling laughter and bursts of light flashed from the window, Danny wasted no time reaching the building, turning himself intangible and flew through the ceiling.
"Oh, come on! What the hell are you doing here? In a pet store of all places?"
Danny finally arrived at his destination. Peaking through the window to find Sam laying on her bed, light from her laptop illuminating her face, in her black pyjamas and a cast on her leg.
He knocked on the glass, and smiled as Sam startled.
Waving him in, he floated through the glass and landed with a soft thump on the plush carpet, and settled on the edge of her bed.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" Danny said with concern in his voice.
"Fine. Hey, you need to sign my cast." Sam says with a playful smirk. Danny half expected her to be more upset about being injured, or at least, as upset as he is.
After the escape from the warehouse the night before, with Sam cradled in his arms and Tucker following not too far behind, all Danny could think was this was all his fault. Sam got injured because of him, because he was too late, too late to swoop in and protect her from the falling scaffolding from the ghost fight, that cost her her ability to run to safety. He's the hero, isn't he? And he couldn't save her from something as simple as falling debris? What kind of hero-
Sam could see the distraught look on Danny's face and he caught himself looking down at her cast. It could've been a lot worse, but still.
Danny looks up at her, he needs to confess.
"I'm sorry, Sam, I'm sorry you got hurt, I should've been more careful-"
"Hey, don't worry about it, these things happen, right? It could've been a lot worse."
"I know, I keep telling myself that, but still-"
"But still, we need to figure out a way to get rid of that ghost, I've been doing some research on this specific type of ghost and I've read through the files Tucker sent me, and I think I have a good idea on what we're working with."
Sam brings the laptop closer and turns it around for Danny to see pages upon the screen filled with information from different historic and religious sites.
"Does it say anything about why the thermos didn't work?" He asked playfully. Of course, the Fenton thermos only being a recent invention, there wouldn't be any information that hasn't been put online by the Fentons themselves indicating its presence in the ghost hunting community across the globe. Sure, there have been other containment methods but for this particular ghost, the best method would be to remove it from this plane entirely instead of just bottling it up.
Other pages on the screen suggest cleansing treatments of the haunted area using a mixture of herbs, minerals and rituals, witchcraft. If that could work, maybe the Fentons have other means of ghost study to pursue, if they believed in that sort of thing, of course.
"Hoestly, this stuff is giving me a headache, I need a break."
"Good thing I have just what you need." Danny says, reaching for his backpack.
He pulls out his own laptop, the 2 cans of soda and their homework, which Sam gives a mild look of disgust.
"You don't look at all enthused." Danny says with a cheeky smile, and pops open his can, passing the other one over to Sam who takes it gratefully.
A small awkward pause later and Sam has to snap Danny back to reality again.
"Look, I know you think this is your fault, so here's my obligatory I'm-not-a-damsel-in-distress talk, we're a team, we'll sort this out, and we can forget about it."
"It's not just that, I don't know, it's just that- I don't think I'll be able to forget about it. There's something about this ghost, it's terrifying." Danny says, setting his can aside.
"I know, ugly too." Sam smiles as Danny looks up, he remembers what Tucker said to him earlier.
Tell her you love her.
"I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if something happened to you, I couldn't imagine my life without you."
At this, Sam sits up and puts her can on her bedside table. They're face to face with each other now.
"I couldn't imagine my life without you either, and you're right, that ghost is terrifying, even more of a reason to fight it."
Tell her.
"This ghost fight seems to be putting things into perspective."
You love her.
"I know what you mean."
They don't know when they got closer, or when they started leaning in.
Danny lightly brushes his fingers across her cheek, tilting her head just so, and presses his lips to hers.
It's a little awkward at first, spending a few seconds in that position. Then someone, or maybe both, adjust their lips, and oh.
Oh wow.
The sensation is amazing, sparks running down their spines and they readjust again, and again.
Their arms begin to wrap around each other and oh god, they're actually making out, kissing. They don't even realise they've fallen onto their sides on the bed, eyes squeezed shut applying and reapplying firm presses of their lips together.
They stay that way for a few moments, or is it lifetimes, when a tune came from the bedside table.
They pull apart, dazed red faces inches from each other, before Sam sits up and grabs her phone.
"It's Tucker."
She answers.
"Hey, Sam, I know you're busy recovering and all and I know it's late but I think I have a lead."
"That's great, what've you got?"
"I've found a review online about a book at the town hall library, if we can get it checked out tomorrow we might be able to find a way to exorcise this ghost."
Sam and Danny look at each other with hope.
"What's the title?"
"Ghost hunting for dummies."
"Be serious."
"I'll make you laugh one day, I swear."
"It's called 'witchcraft untold', there are only 2 copies in town, the other is at the 'Skulk and Lurke'. The review made it sound like a work of fiction, and maybe it is, who knows? But I think it's worth checking out."
Sam makes a mental note of the title. There are a few books she's planning on checking out, some including cultural and religious beliefs on the undead, magic and pagan rituals, and scientific findings surrounding ghosts. If this book Tucker mentioned is as promising as it sounds, things could be looking up.
"I've been meaning to go to the 'Skulk and Lurke' tomorrow anyway, so I'll keep an eye out for it."
"Thats great, we'll talk more later, get some rest."
" I will do, see you later, Tuck."
"See you, and say hi to Danny for me!"
They glance at each other, and Danny moves to stand up.
"I should get going, um..."
"Yeah, you're gonna need some rest too if we're gonna face this ghost tomorrow night."
Danny couldn't believe he had to say this.
"Sam, you're injured, there's no way I'm letting you come along..."
"You're not 'letting' me do anything, I'm going. We still need to figure out a plan before then anyway, when I get a chance to check out that book."
The air surrounding them starts to tense.
"How am I supposed to fight this ghost and protect you at the same time? Or have you already forgotten about last night?"
"Excuse me? Have you forgotten what I said only ten minutes ago? I'm not letting you go off and play hero all by yourself!"
"That is not-"
"Save it. I can take care of myself."
"Fine, I'll call you in the morning."
And with that, Danny turns towards the window and lifts off, phases through, and rises into the night sky.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Dealing With The Devil - PhannieMay - Day 6 - Compromise
Summary: Danny is a little too willing to do anything to protect others
Warning: angst, gore, blood, death, character death, murder. 
“So let me get this straight”, Danny puts his hands on his hips and tilts his head at the other ghost, “you’ll agree to permanently wear repression cuffs, if I let you... kill my human half?”. 
Danny still can’t really believe this proposition and normally he would laugh at it, before promptly beating the hell out of whomever was requesting to fully kill him. But this, well this was Dan. The monster who could and would destroy the world and zone. Not only that but Danny didn’t have a leg up on him anymore, Dan didn’t need him to exist. And Danny’s no fool, he knows Dan will kill him now. He’s stronger sure, but still nothing compared to his much older full ghost self. It’s not a battle he’ll win, so he’s left having to genuinely consider this “compromise”. 
“Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ll still try to destroy you child. That, and all the other pathetic humans and ghosts”, Dan chuckles as he crosses his arms. “But you’ll be a ghost, fully, no more playing the line. No more human school, or going home a Fenton; just Phantom”, Danny hates the way Dan sneers at him and he fully gets that Dan is probably trying to turn him against humans or something. Cut him off from those he cares about, “my family will still accept me, human or ghost. How are you gaining anything out of this?”. Danny knows this is true and that only makes him more suspicious of Dan’s “proposition”. 
Dan leans in close to his younger self, with a wide grin, “yes well, we’ll see how that goes when you can’t change into Fenton anymore. I’m sure that spectacle will be very amusing to watch”. Danny refuses to flinch back from him but he knows Dan has a point here. His parents really don’t recognise him as Phantom, at all. There’s no way that won’t be worse fully ghost, but there’s no way he could leave his family, even at the rather nerve-racking prospect of revealing himself to them, “I’m still me, Phantom or Fenton. I’ll convince them”.
“Oh I don’t doubt you will, they’re fools after all”“So what? You’ll just enjoy my struggle to convince them? That hardly seems like you’re getting much here”, Danny crosses his arms and glares while Dan shrugs. “I get the pleasure of killing my weak human half again, always nice to relive your first kill. It really is the most pleasurable”, Dan chuckles at Danny’s grimace. While Danny can’t help but be thoroughly disgusted.
Danny still finds there are too many negatives for Dan in this deal, “I’ll be stronger, you know, fully ghost. And the repression cuffs will weaken you”. “Yes, no longer weighed down by human restraints. A worthy fight would be amusing, now wouldn’t it?”, chuckling deeply, “and I’ll just keep coming back, I’m sure all you’re weak little humans will be quite traumatised to see me”. Danny hates that he’s right there, literally everyone had nightmares for weeks. Tucker often still does, and it certainly won’t help Danny’s mental state much either. But he’s got Jazz, so he’s sure to be fine, “humans aren’t as weak as you think”. 
Dan merely rolls his eyes with a smirk, before brandishing the clawed gauntlets with a, now cruel, grin. Danny can’t help but jerk back from the things, they really do look evil. Dan’s chuckling doesn’t help, “Oh I’m going to enjoy this”. Danny stares at Dan, as he mutters, “I didn’t even agree to this...yet”. Glaring now, “no way I’m letting you do that first. Suppression cuffs”. Dan feigns disappointment for only a few seconds before stabbing Danny out of nowhere, “who said you had a choice”. 
Danny jerks and screams while Dan dramatically rips him in half, laughing all the while. Tossing Phantom out against a wall as Fenton breaks his leg landing on the building's ceiling. Dan builds up his ectoenergy, destroying the gloves before slamming his hand around Fenton’s head. Shoving his claws into Fenton’s gut and slowly tearing them up through his chest. Grinning as Fenton’s organs splatter out and ribs shatter, “Ah my old first kill, how nice”. Knowing full well Fenton's only got a few seconds, Dan promptly crushes his head as the boy screams. 
Laughing loudly as Phantom flies at him, looking utterly horrified. Dan sensing him, turns around with a cocky grin, licking the blood off his claws dramatically, “well now, wasn’t that a mess”. Dan easily dodges Phantoms attack and punches him in the head, “I guess I could live up to my end of the bargain, but I don’t work like that”. Danny, however, isn’t as much of an unprepared mess as he was two years ago. Carrying repression cuffs, amongst other things, with him at all times. Usually, they were for Vlad but... Danny almost can’t believe that it’s still so easy to lock things onto Dan, “you underestimate me old man!”. Dan slides away from Danny and glares at his wrists, “this changes nothing. You’re still a ghost, what hope could you possibly have to maintain your human life”. Dan stands up and grins at Danny, who’s cautiously awaiting Dan's next move. 
Dan simply dusts his shoulder off as he speaks, not even bothering to look at Danny, “it’s not like you can actually stay here, not without your human half to sustain you”. Danny knows Dan’s right, his human half was all that kept his ghost half from needing to spend most of his time in the zone. Though ghosts could stay longer in Amity Park than elsewhere, gritting out through the lingering pain of being split, “I’ll manage”. 
“Ahahaha! You can try and when you fail, inevitably have to spend less and less time here. They’ll move on, you’ll be alone. With nothing but enemies in the zone and unable to stay here, well, we’ll see what you do then. Won’t we?”, Danny can practically feel Dan’s mocking tone. But he smirks anyways, “I have friends in the zone too you know. Unlike you, I’m actually liked and pleasant”. Dan’s smile falters a bit at that, though he snickers, “and I’m sure they’ll just love your new look”. Danny blinks at him confused but doesn’t get a chance to dwell as Dan whips him with ectoplasm into a glass window. Cackling as Danny looks down at his reflection, “now I’ll be enjoying the show so run along home little boy”, as Dan leaves through a portal. 
Danny can’t help but feel a bit freaked out at his reflection, he’s glad his skin is a soft light pale blue rather than Dan’s blueish green. The pointed ears and flaming hair isn’t appreciated though, shivering a bit, “well I’m never having a damn ponytail or facial hair”. Sitting down and running his hand through his hair, sighing, “well, at least my eyes are still green”. Seeing his blunt fingers instead of claws only made him feel better, as he gets up and groans at the dark sky, knowing full well he was expected home over an hour ago. “This is going to suck”.
Danny sits floating above a building across from his home, he’s already tried changing back and nothing. Shaking his head and really wishing Jazz was here. Sure it was great her getting to go to university but not so helpful right now, but knowing full well doing this without her in the know would be extremely foolish, he pulls out his phone. It only takes a few seconds for her to pick up, like always. “Danny? Considering the time, what’s going on?”
“Way too much for phone but mom and dad are going to know. As in know know”
“I’m guessing it can’t be put off till I get home can it?”
“No, it can’t be put off at all. And I can’t change either so”
“Wait...why? What way?”
“Frying Pan and it’s, um, permanent”
“Danny...are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah it is”
“I’m sorry Danny. Do you want me to stay up for Skype? You know, just in case?”
“Probably for the best”
“Alright, you’ll be ok little brother. Like always”
With that he hung up, smiling a little now, as he floats invisibly over into his room. The first thing he does is throw on some of his regular human clothing, which is extremely odd to be wearing over his jumpsuit. Danny’s honestly thankful for all his parents' odd little inventions, as he chuckles down at the little spray paint like can; all it can do is negate a ghosts natural glow. Snickering at the can as he sprays it on himself, “this is probably the only time you’ll ever be really useful”. 
That just left him with the whole flaming hair situation, which is definitely giving off it’s own light. Looking around, Danny shrugs and throws on a thick black beanie and smirks at the mirror, “nice, well just gotta cut the lights now”. Danny’s glad Tucker managed to make it so that none of the house's defences could sense him as he cuts the main power, back up power, and back up for the backup power. 
Walking in through the front door, he closes it quickly so no light from outside can come in. “Sweetie? That you? I’m pretty sure where out for power for a bit”, Danny can hear her tinkering in the kitchen. “Yeah, it’s me”, he tries to keep his voice quiet and steady, hoping the echo goes ignored. Predictably, it doesn’t, “sounds like you might have a bit of a ghost flu or something, Danny-boy”. Danny mutters into his hand, “well at least he doesn’t sound alarmed”. 
Danny easily navigates to the kitchen door but intentionally makes it sound like the trip was less easy, having night-vision was nice and all but it was so very suspicious. Sticking his head in the doorway, he can see both his parents are tinkering away at the table; neither looking too concerned. With a quiet nervous sigh, he sits at the table, making sure to stay out of reaching distance just in case. 
Dan, meanwhile, is watching from the shadows and looking through a viewing portal; amused. His younger self has become quite the sneaky bastard. Danny rubs the neck of his turtleneck before summoning up the courage to speak, “it’s a bit more than a flu, dad. A lot more”. 
Danny watches as both his parents stop and put down their inventions, looking in his direction worriedly. “Sweetie what’s wrong?”, Danny’s glad she just looks concerned, not like she’s ready to go on the attack. His dad, however, looks way more suspicious. Opting to talk before his dad gets any, probably right, ideas, “there was a ghost attack a bit ago, I got caught up in it and well...I didn’t exactly survive”.
Danny watches as both his parents slowly go wide-eyed as they take in what he said. Most normal parents would not immediately jump to the realisation that their kid was a ghost now, but these were the Fenton’s; ghost was always the first conclusion. Maddie shakes her head, “are...are you sure? You’re not...glowing and none of our security is going off”. Jack blinks a bit but nods, before tilting his head at Danny. “Er, well I didn’t want to be, like, shot at so...”, shaking his head a bit before continuing, “you remember that Fenton de-glow stuff? Yeah, not really any left”. 
Both his parents look rather horrified now, Danny is seriously hoping that is not at the whole I’m-a-ghost-now thing. “Sweetie, we’d never. You still know who you are so you’re not going to...going to hurt anyone”, she almost looks guilty at even implying that her good-natured son could harm anyone. “You cut the lights too, didn’t you? Fenton genius right there, but I’d think we’d recognise our own son”, Jack pauses and frowns a bit, “you don’t look that different, do you?”. 
Danny’s a bit surprised that his dad is being rather toned down, he’s not sure whether to be worried or glad about that, “well I mean you guys get a bit...excitable about ghost stuff. I do look a bit different yeah, still clearly me but...different”. Danny puts a little bit of strength behind his next words, “and no, I’m not going to go hurting or harassing people”. Danny watches as his mom nods strongly, clearly believing him. While his dad looks a bit guilty, “yeah we are a bit overzealous and I’m way eager to see what you can do, but helping you adjust is more important son”. 
Danny can’t help but mutter about good timing, as the red back up light finally comes on. Though he’s got no clue what his light blue skin looks like under red light, he’s dad promptly gives him an answer with lighthearted chuckling, “light purple is a bit of a girl’s colour, Danny-boy”. Danny instantly blushes at that which only seems to make his dad a bit excited, “Oh! Ghost blush is yellow under red light! Neat!”. This only makes Danny blush harder and move to cover up his cheeks, feeling extremely awkward now. Which Jack clearly picks up on, “Oh, right, adjusting. Um, sorry son”. 
Maddie smiles warmly at her son, “ignore your father, but I’m guessing you’re more blue than purple”, snickering a little, “like the Box ghost”. Danny feels a bit bad for Boxy at how that instantly offends him a bit, not to mention embarrasses him more. Enough so that his long pointy ears flick downwards, out from under the beanie. Groaning with his hand on his forehead “mom! I could have done without that comparison”. In his embarrassment, he doesn’t notice his dad move to touch his ears, until he feels it anyway. 
Stiffening a bit and flicking his, currently yellow looking, eyes over to his slightly crouched dad. Jack pulls his hand back gingerly noticing that, “it’s hard not be curious son, um... you can swivel them?”. Danny honestly doesn’t know but considering Dan can, it only makes sense. Rubbing his sweater covered neck again, he flicks his ears back up by simply relaxing them and gives his dad a cautious smile. Jack beams back at him and nods, while Maddie speaks up, “if it’s anything, sweetie. I don’t think you look much different, though I could see how the fangs could be a bit threatening”. 
Danny blinks a bit before running his tongue across his teeth, muttering more to himself, “how did I not notice that”. Jack chuckles next to him, “well, hopefully that means you’re not too bothered by this”. Jack gets up and sits down near Danny before patting his shoulder. 
All of them jump a little as the regular lights come back on, revealing that Danny is very much blue-skinned and green-eyed. “Er, um, hi?”, both his parents can’t help but laugh. Though Maddie shakes her head at him, “I’m pretty sure we could already see you, Danny. You being dead is honestly more upsetting than blue skin”. Jack nods at Maddie before turning back to Danny, “your mothers right and you really don’t look that different. We really would have recognised you”. 
Danny fiddles with the beanie, “uh, well I’m covering up some stuff”. Jack notices his white-gloved hand as Danny plays with his hat, clueing in, “I don’t think I’ve seen you wear a turtle neck in years”. Danny blinks at his dad, not really expecting to get called out on the clothing yet, “yeah, my face is pretty much all I’m not trying to cover up. Kind of a long explanation tied to the clothing. Hairs weirder but easier, if that makes sense”. 
At both his parents nods, Danny slowly pulls the beanie off; revealing the lazy blaze of white fire. Placing the hat on the table before looking to see their reactions. Both of them are wide-eyed and Maddie’s mouth is gaping a bit. Jack, with a bit of a twinkle in his eye, “you’re hair, it’s fire! Can I touch it?”. Danny shrugs a bit, “I mean, I don’t know if you’ll get burned but sure I guess”. 
Dan, still watching through the viewing portal, is glaring at the spectacle of Jack practically patting and petting the flaming hair like it’s a freaking dog. Full-heartedly hoping the idiot gets burned. Cold icy fire is still fire and ice can burn too. 
“It’s cold!? Can’t say I expected that!”, Jack chuckles a bit as he tries to cup some of it and it promptly dissipates. Danny can’t help but snicker, “all of me is ice cold, so I’d say that’s pretty expected”. Maddie gets up then and puts her hand to his cheek nodding, “yeah, you are really cold. But that’s fine, so long as it’s not bothering you”. Danny shakes his head, smiling a little, at his mom. Making his hair wave around a bit as he talks, “no, I’m fine mom”. 
Maddie eyes him a bit suspiciously, which makes him a little nervous, “Sweetie, you seem...kind of like you’re already used to this. It’s like you were more bothered about what our reactions would be, than being a ghost”. Now Danny’s flat out nervous, knowing full well that he probably shouldn’t put this part off anymore, “Er, well, it’s new and I’m not quite sure yet how it’ll affect my life or well, death. But it’s not like I didn’t already know about ghosts, I’m more familiar with the zone than most ghosts, so spending a bunch more time there isn’t much of a worry. If I have a concern I could probably just ask ClockWork, though he might just give me a riddle instead of an answer”, glancing at his parents confused faces, Danny rubs his neck before continuing, “before you ask, he’s a friend and mentor. He knows pretty well everything, actually there’s probably nothing he doesn’t know...and I’m getting sidetracked”. 
Danny shuffles as Maddie shushes Jack, easily picking up that it’s best to just let him talk. Even if what he’s saying doesn’t make sense, “anyways, there really isn’t anything physically for me to adjust to. Outside of looking a bit different and not being human at all anymore, anyway”. Danny feels a bit like an ass, as he’s just confusing them more and more, “look, um, this ain’t really the first time I’ve died. Well, half died is more accurate. You see, I kind of lied...about the portal accident. I didn’t just get a little shock from brushing up against the frame,  when it activated”. Looking down at his hands in his lap and fiddling with them, “I was actually inside of it. So the zone literally opened up on me, completely engulfing me and electrocuting me to half death. See, somehow the zones ectoplasm bonded to me and protected the rest of my living cells. Thus half death, and now, full death”. 
Danny watches his parents nervously while they blink at him. Ranges of emotions flicker in their eyes, Maddie’s settle on worry while Jack’s are dejected. “Son, why? Why did you hide this? I’m sure we could have done something”. Maddie nods before going wide-eyed and looking sad, “you’re only telling us now. Because... because you don’t look human anymore”. 
Dan flat out cackles at this, waiting for them, in their pathetic human hurt, to reject him. Though he knows full well they won’t, but this evil bastard can dream can’t he? 
Danny rubs at his sweater neck and looks away, “you’re not wrong. And I’ll admit it was largely because I didn’t want you to kill me or send me to the zone or experiment or...try to fix it. But it was also to protect you, the less you knew the less likely you’d get involved in some mess or another”. Now both of them look completely dejected, with Jack flinching at his previous comment. Danny chuckles weakly, “stupid thing is, I knew you wouldn’t harm me if you knew. Figured that out for sure after about a year, but hiding it was routine by then and I guess I was a bit of a coward”.
Maddie’s speaks while Jack looks a bit less bummed out, “you’re right that we wouldn’t, I’m sorry that you ever feared we would. And all kids fear being open with their parents, sweetie. But what could you possibly be getting up to, to need to protect us?”. Danny grimaces and that only concerns Maddie more, “you've been abducted or trapped at least four times purely for being related to me. You were even murdered once for it”. Danny frowns and shakes his head as he keeps speaking, “my life is stupid dangerous, but I’m fine, I’m happy. I’m leading a good, um, existence; even if it isn’t exactly safe and I’m not about to say I don’t enjoy all the fighting, hurling witty insults, protecting people and so on”. 
“Son that is both strange and worrying, but I can’t say I don’t get it. What we do is dangerous too but we wouldn’t trade it for anything. Except family”, Danny can tell his dad’s trying to give him a meaningful look. Clueing in, Danny waves his hand dismissively, “you guys don’t need to quit being hunter’s, I’m ok with it. Though I could do without the anti-ghost stuff just laying around everywhere. Some of it affected me before, now probably all of it will”. Both nod, feeling more comfortable with this topic over their sons apparently dangerous lifestyle. 
Maddie smiles though can’t help eyeballing his hair, “of course, and I guess we really should put your ecto-signature in everything so you don’t set it off”. Danny can’t help but chuckle, “too late, Tuck did that well over a year ago. That’s part of the reason the house isn’t trying to destroy me. Though, I’m guessing full death probably made my signature stronger”. Jack slaps his son on the back and grins widely at him, “again, sneaky Fenton genius”. While Maddie sighs, “so you’re friends know then?”. Danny nods at her, “they were there, for the accident. There’s no way they couldn’t know, they thought I flat out died. Well, until I changed back into a human anyways”. Now their both looking at him confused again and this time he has no clue why. Jack tilts his head, “what do you mean back human? You were a ghost?”. 
“Um yeah? Can’t exactly be half ghost without also having a ghost form. I could change pretty well on command once I figured out how”, Maddie mouths “duh” and chuckles. While Jack is even more excited now, “so you already know what it’s like being a ghost! No wonder you’re pretty ok with this!”. Danny nods, “yeah that’s pretty much why the clothing is harder to explain. And why I wasn’t sure you’d recognise me. You never have before and I looked far more human before. You’ve see my ghost self nearly every day for the past two years. Heck, I have literally transformed right next to you. You even called me on it and yet...”. Jack and Maddie would feel a bit saddened if Danny wasn’t clearly laughing. 
“Well you sure seemed to have gotten some amusement out of fooling us”, Maddie shakes her head, amused herself, as Danny nods almost sheepishly. “Is it bad that I can’t think of what ghostie you could be? All of them seem so unlikely”, Jack tilts his head at his son genuinely trying to figure it out but no personalities really match is mild tempered, kind and rather shy son. 
Danny smiles almost pitifully, “I’m not sure if it is dad. But considering not even Jazz or the other halfa figured it out without seeing me transform, I wouldn’t feel bad. But if you’re trying to figure it out yourself the gloves are unchanged, and my hair has always been white, just wasn’t flaming before”. Danny will actually be a bit concerned if that doesn’t give it away, because really? How many other white-haired glove wearing ghosts are there? Especially ones that are daily occurrences in Amity. “Wait there is another like you? And halfa? Is that the title?”. 
Danny nods at her, “yup, halfa’s the name and the other one is a prick though. A completely power hungry, manipulative, creepy madman. Kind of sad that the only two of a species completely hated each other. The newer third one also hates him, and he created her so...”. Maddie mouths “wow” while Jack slaps his hand excitedly on the table, before poking at Danny’s turtle neck collar; clearly asking for permission to peak under it. Danny nods while chuckling, pretty well knowing his dad’s figured it out. 
Jack slaps the table more after seeing the, now iconic, white and black jumpsuit. Not enough to see the DP but it was enough to tell who’s classic outfit this was, “you’re a hunter in your own sense! And protecting Amity too!”. Jack shakes his head as he settles down a little while Danny just smirks. Jack speaks up again, “but you seem so different? He’s loud, assertive, cocky even”. 
Danny smirks even more, “if I went around acting exactly the same I’m sure everyone would know. Fenton was shy cause he had a secret to keep. And no way could I get into a fight as Fenton, if I genuinely punched a regular human I’d probably kill them. Even in human form, I was ghostly strong. So I let people push me around instead of fighting back. That and if people thought Fenton was weak and unwilling to fight, they wouldn't connect the dots. Especially since pretty much all anyone ever saw of ghost me was the fighting”. 
This is enough to get Maddie too figure it out, everyone knew who the cocky ghostly teenager that always seemed to be in some fight was, whispering, “you’re Phantom? Wow sweetie”. Danny nods and runs his hair through his hair, making the flames wave around his hand. Before phasing his clothing off rather dramatically, as they fall to a heap on the floor. 
Jack slaps Danny’s DP symbol excitedly, while Maddie talks as she looks him over, “Sweetie you are absolutely right, we would have freaked if you walked in like this; with the lights on anyway. Can’t say how I feel about the new look, it’s definitely more intimidating and fearsome”. Danny rubs his neck, knowing full well that will actually get him compliments from quite a few ghosts. But personally, “I can’t say I care for it either. Sure the fangs, and even possibly ears, would have grown in eventually; halfa or not. But the hair is way too similar to someone else, even if it’s not really surprising”. 
Even noticing Danny’s grimace, Jack grins, “well I think it’s kind of cool looking. Though I do think your previous look was more friendly”. “Yeah, made it easier for people to trust me and see me as the good guy when I kind of just looked like a glowing kid. I know lots of folks are going to be put off, not to mention wonder why my look suddenly changed. No one batted an eye at the addition of my symbol but that was not a major change. This... is”, plus Danny would have to explain it to people without giving away that he was once a halfa. That or tell the whole freaking town that the two Danny’s were actually one and the same, and now totally dead. 
Dan takes this as his cue to fuck shit up, promptly setting off Danny’s ghost sense just as he blasts him with an ectobeam. “DANNY!”, both his parents yell at the same time while Danny phases straight through a wall to avoid damaging it. Quickly zipping back out, crouched and looking around. Thankfully, he’s gotten good enough with his sense to actually tell what ghost had set it off, practically growling, “should have figured. What? You get bored of watching from the shadows, old man?”. 
Jack and Maddie both have weapons out and are frantically scanning the room, though making sure to not point their guns at Danny. Dan decides to be the dramatic over the top shit he is and walks through a wall with fire blazing around his feet and in his footprints. Uncrossing his arms, he shrugs exaggeratedly and sneers at Danny’s glaring face. While the Fenton’s gape at this guy who looks nearly identical to their son, which just makes Dan laugh, “fearsome is quite right I’d say, and it’s too bad those two fools reacted so acceptingly. It really would have been much more fun to watch them kill you”. 
Dan laughs as Danny fires a shot at him, teeth bared. And Dan doesn’t exactly care that the Fenton’s copy their child’s actions, but he’ll mock it anyways, as he easily avoids the fire, “and here I thought mother and father dearest said they wouldn’t shot their boy”. Dan’s a little too distracted enjoying his parents shocked expression to dodge Danny’s ectobeam and stinger attack, Danny growling, “that doesn’t apply to you! You gave that up when you murdered them!”. Dan grabs his side and laughs, “can’t change genetics, and really they got off easy. Highly combustible hot sauce is much more pleasant than what I gave the rest of humanity”. 
Danny, being much more of an up-close-and-personal fighter, promptly punches Dan in the face; though worried at Dan’s smirking. Quickly finding out why, as Dan’s duplicate slams him over the head with his human corpse. Danny can’t help but jerk back, completely disgusted and disturbed. While Dan cackles, “nice isn’t it? I think it’s a wonderful present. Don’t you?”. 
“You’re one sick bastard, it wasn’t enough for you to just kill me was it?”, this comment is enough for Jack and Maddie to fire at Dan very aggressively. Dan rolls his eyes, blocking the shots with a shield and freezing them, “ah ah ah, you’re not doing anything here”. Smirking as he jumps at Danny, claws and teeth bared; tossing the Fenton corpse to slide next to the parents. 
The Fenton parents are stuck watching as their two flaming-hair, black and white sons pretty much try to kill each other. Both of them can tell this is nothing like the fights they’ve seen Phantom in so many times. This is closer to a horror movie monster brawl than a superhero comedy sparring. 
Watching Dan stomp Danny’s face into the ground while Danny fires blind at him, Dan cackles “this is almost sad, child. Even with the agreed upon repressor cuffs, I’m still the stronger Phantom”. But Danny smirks as the houses security system finally boots back up properly, going on full assault against Dan while Danny chuckles, “forgot about that didn’t you?”. Dan glares at him as he jumps across the room, getting hit quite a lot before changing to look like 16-year-old Danny; as the room promptly stops its assault. Smirking at the bewildered Danny, “and what makes you think some security system is going to stop me?”. 
“You have no place wearing my form, monster”, Danny growls out as he pulls out his thermos. Dan responds as he being sucked it, “it’s my form too, always will be”. Danny shakes the thermos aggressively while glaring at it, as his parents unfreeze and collapse to the floor. 
His mom snaps him out of his angry assault on the thermos, “Sweetie, were you just...fighting yourself?”. Jack throws in his two cents, “an evil Danny, clone?”. Danny at first snaps his blazing eyes to his parents but then to his own corpse, promptly phasing it through the ground. Shivering a bit before looking to them and responding, “I wish I could say that thing is a clone. But no, he’s me from the future of timeline that, through cheating, I managed to avoid becoming reality. But due to that cheating, he exists outside of time, and yes, he’s the one who killed my human half. He killed his human half at 14 and wanted the “pleasure” of repeating his first kill”. 
Jack sits down weakly at the table and stares at the bloodied spots on the floor. Maddie walks up to Danny, talking as she notices he’s clearly injured and weakened, “so you... were supposed to become that?”, shaking her head, “you’re hurt, and I think we should all sit down”. Danny nods though his ears flick down in mild shame, talking as they head to the table, “yes, but I’m not him and I never will be. ClockWork saw to that, though I’m not impressed he escaped from ClockWork”. Sighing as he cleans himself off, “though, I guess if ClockWork allowed it then it was better than any other option”. 
Jack seems flat out pissed at this, “how is letting my son get murdered the best option! And he did-that thing did that!”, Jack points aggressively with both arms at the largest bloodied spot on the floor; where the corpse used to be. Danny rubs his neck awkwardly as his mom patches him up, “ClockWork is not really someone you question about things. He can see every single possible future, and he has a major soft spot for me. The only way he’d let something really bad happen to me, is if something far worse would have happened otherwise. That or if either the timeline itself or the world, would be destroyed otherwise. In some ways, ClockWork is better viewed as an omnipotent nearly unbiased god, than some ghost”. 
“As always, you are indeed right in your judgement of me, Daniel”, everyone snaps their heads to the childlike cloaked ghost of time. Danny’s the only one to smile fondly though, “let me guess, there’s some big revelation you’re about to give me. That or hint at something I probably should have already figured out but totally didn’t?”. 
ClockWork sly smile confirms Danny’s guess as ClockWork speaks, “all worlds need rulers, my little apprentice. And who’s to say how to best pick the worthy heir. I’m certain that time on this earth isn’t it”. ClockWork tosses the ring of Wrath to him, making the point crystal clear to Danny. Danny catches it as he gapes at ClockWork, before blinking and glancing at the thermos, “that...would have been more than just catastrophic. Would the Observants have even allowed that?”. ClockWork nods with a frown, “they only watch and somethings simply can’t be undone. Consider this a rare occurrence of only two doors”. With that ClockWork leaves as the two parents sit utterly confused. 
“Danny-boy? What did any of that mean? What just happened?”
“Did he call you his apprentice? And what is that ring?”
Danny looks at both of them and laughs, “well for one, I was right. The other option would have basically been world endingly bad. Pretty easy choice between being full ghost or world destruction. And ClockWork knows I’d gladly make the compromise of my human side for protecting the entire zone and earth. Especially from Dan”. Glaring at where the thermos used to be, Danny’s glad ClockWork took it though surprised he didn’t even notice, “for two, I’m just going with honesty here, you remember my defeat of the ghost king? Well, that stripped him of his crown. And I guess the zone needs a king, so that role fell to the one who beat him. I was still on the path to becoming Dan at that time so thus, he had the same claim that I did. But since he’s technically older, it would be his by default unless I genuinely beat him”. Danny smirks to himself, “and since Dan unwittingly agreed to the cuffs those didn’t count as cheating”. 
“Wait, son, you mean what exactly?”
“Well, it would seem... I’m the new ghost king now”, Danny holds up the ring as if to prove a point. While his parents both gape at their flaming-haired green-eyed 16-year-old Ghost king for a son. 
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crazycoke-addict · 6 years
Celebrities who are innocent of the crimes they were accused of or possible innocent
Keanu Reeves- a female fan accused Keanu Reeves of impregnating her by dressing up as her ex-husband and also hypnotise her as well. The woman sued him for child support and Keanu Reeves was fighting to claim his innocent. It was revealed that the baby wasn’t Keanu’s. Keanu has also been falsely accused of a hit and run. In 2007, Keanu was sued by a paparazzi named Allison Silva. Silva followed Keanu to a medical facility, where he was visiting a relative. She was taking a photos of him, but Keanu just ignored the photographer and got in his car to leave. Silva claimed the actor crashed into him, causing a painful wrist fracture that rendered him to unable to lift the heavy camera that was necessary for his profession. Keanu disputed Silva’s hit-and-run Story, stating that Silva tripped over his own feet. Silva demand $700,000, but when the case got to court, the paparazzi’s “evidence” worst than his wrist. First, a radiologist’s assessment showed Silva’s wrist fracture was from a childhood soccer injury rather than a recent incident. More damaging, Keanu’s defense produced recent footage of Britney Spears, with the “too heavy” camera in hand. Silva admitted his lawsuit was a cash grab and that he’d exaggerated his pain levels. The case was thrown out in less than two hours.
Brian Banks- In 2002, when Banks was only 17 years old, one of his high school classmates came forward, saying that while they were in School together, Banks dragged her into a stairwell and raped her. Banks served five years in prison and another five on probation before he was able to meet up with the accuser, while he was secretly taped with a microphone- she admitted that she fabricated the rape story,and he got her confession on tape. Only in 2012 was Bank’s conviction overturned.
Tucker Carlson- In the summer of 2001, a woman accused Carlson of raping and claimed that the two met in Kentucky. The problem was Carlson has never went to Kentucky and the women turned out to be a long term stalker of his. It was revealed that the woman was mentally unstable. Carlson didn’t tell anyone about the allegations since he knew it would affect his career and also his family.
David Copperfield- Copperfield went through a two year investigation by the FBI when former Miss Washington runner up, Lacey Carroll accused him of trapping her on his private Island in the Bahamas and recently sexually assaulting her. No evidence was ever found against Copperfield, and the charges were dropped after Carrol accused another man of something similar about a month before she accused Copperfield.
Faze Banks- Youtuber Faze Banks was accused of assaulting Jake Paul’s assistant Meg in 2017 at a club called Warwick. In Jake Paul’s video “my assistant got assaulted”, Meg claimed that she saw Banks at Warwick and was kissing another girl (Banks is dating Alissa Violet), she also said that Banks clothes lined her and knocked the wind right out of her and also gave her a bruise. In the video, Meg rarely talks and the people who were in the video with her (Jake, Erika and Anthony) aren’t key eye witnesses and kept trying to over exaggerate the story. Banks made a response that by saying before that video was uploaded that Nick Crompton got in touch by DM on twitter and said that Meg knew that he didn’t meant to, but later on potrayed him as a monster. Alissa Violet and friends that were there claimed that they didn’t see Banks assaulting anyone at the night and he wasn’t being aggressive at all. It’s odd that the incident took place in a club, which is public place. Meg had a bruise on her neck, but on one of Logan Paul’s video, when the camera zoomed up close to the bruise, the bruise was sparkling. She made a video to prove that the bruise was real by using “make-up remover”, the brand that she used was Burt’s bees exfoliating Towelettes. A girl on twitter made a video using the same brand and created a bruise on herself and tried to wipe it off and nothing came off which probe that Meg was lying. A former team 10 member named Max revealed that he did not see Bank kissing another girl or assaulting anyone as well. Max also said that Meg had a bruise when he came back to their table, but it’s impossible to get a bruise in 20 minutes. It’s possible that Meg has anemia. She also once tweeted that she was randomly getting 5-10 bruises constantly but than delete delete it. Banks revealed that they have the security footage and told him that there weren’t any indication/evidence of him assaulting anyone or even kissing anyone that night.
Ed Westwick- He has four allegations against him, but all four of them don’t make any sense. The timeline doesn’t add up, the stories changed and sometimes they turn the story into a traumatising experience to an romantic dinner. I have written an information about the allegations in which I posted it on Twitter.
Sylvester Stallone- Stallone has been accused of two sex crimes that happened around the 80s and 90s. However, I can’t say much about the first story. The second story has some plot holes. A woman claimed that Sylvester Stallone and his bodyguard raped her in his hotel room and said that he would beat her head in if she ever told. This incident happened in July 1986. However, Stallone’s second wife Bridgette Nielsen came to his defense and said that her and Stallone were newly weds and were inseparable. She said she saw him acting out his scenes, they had dinner and went to back to their hotel room, there was no indication that someone was with them. Stallone also said that no one contacted him about the accusations and found out about it in the media. This is actually common these days. Sylvester Stallone has sued both of the women for reporting false charges on him.
Michael Jackson- In 1993, Michael Jackson, known as the King of Pop, was accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy named Jordan Chandler. His father, a dentist named Evan Chandler, demanded payment from Jackson as damages, but this was refused. Evan was recorded on tape saying, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever. Michael’s career will be over.” Jordan’s own mother even declared that there had been no wrongdoing on Jackson’s part – but her husband still pushed ahead with charges.
Jackson’s home was raided by the police and the media storm had begun. Emotionally strained by the charges, Jackson settled with the family out of court for $22 million. A legal document signed by Jackson admitted no wrongdoing and no liability, which was signed by the Chandler’s and their family lawyer with no contest.
Then in 2002, Jackson allowed a documentary camera crew into his home, the program directed by Martin Bashir was broadcast in 2003 as Living with Michael Jackson. One particular scene sparked controversy, where Jackson can be seen holding hands with a young boy. After the documentary aired, the LAPD conducted a thorough investigation. The mother of the young boy who appeared in the documentary, told investigators that Jackson had behaved improperly with her son, and in November 2003 he was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent.
The People v. Jackson trial began on January 31, 2005, in Santa Maria, California, and lasted five months, until the end of May. The credibility of all the witnesses was questioned when private investigator, Paul Baressi, had taped conversations that revealed Philippe Lamarque, who was a potential witness, would say we saw Jackson touch Macaulay Culkin’s crotch outside of his shorts for a $100,000 payment, but if he was paid $500,000, he would say in court that the hand was on the inside of the shorts. On June 13, 2005, Jackson was acquitted on all counts. 
 He was also accused of child pornography possession after he died, but according to police report this is no documents or indication that Jackson even had child pornography.
George Takei- George Takei was accused of inappropriate touching a male model. Takei says that he can’t remember and even tried to but couldn’t. Recently it was confirmed by the male model that Takei probably didn’t sexually assaulted him.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Hiding The Devils Mark - PhannieMay - Day 31 Free Day
Summary: Danny’s a little too used to this kind of crap
Warning: corpse, mentions of taxidermy
Chapter 2. of Dealing With The Devil
Danny sits awkwardly on his bed, not exactly needing the whole sleep thing anymore. Flipping out his phone as he remembers Jazz. “Hey, you can sleep now” “Told you, you wouldn’t really have to worry. Well much anyway” “Well the talk went good but Dan showing up did not” “Dan!?! Are you safe? Are they? Is anyone? Please tell me he’s not just running around” “He's sealed away, again. Everyone’s fine, though the carpet has some new and very red stains” “Danny! That doesn’t sound like everyone’s fine!” “It wasn't from anyone alive Jazz” “God, that is disturbing and not what I needed for a good nights rest” Danny, chuckling, “at least you still get to have those” “We so need to have a talk about that humour of yours” “And that’s my cue to hang up. How about you just sleep better for the both of us” “Not sure that’s even possible Danny, but goodnight” “Yeah, night” Danny hangs up and opts to spend the night gaming, completely ignoring his everything for a time.
Danny frowns at his ghost-shaped clock, “well normally a Thursday wouldn’t be so bad but uh, all of this”, Danny gestures over his body, “isn’t exactly school material”. Flipping out his phone to text his now, most likely awake, friends. The two had pretty much forcefully become very early risers, to deal with whatever bullshit well before school. Not even bothering with punctuation, “My room frying pan with extra sauce parent approved” - d “Dude, fuck your life” - t “It’s the death of me” - d “You’re both awful, and I’m already here so beam me up Scotty” - s “Now see that was awful”- t Danny, invisibly, sticks his head out and sure enough, Sam’s there. Floating down just as Tucker arrives, grabbing both of them. “Dude, little warning. Especially after last nights bullshit”. Danny talks as he drops them in his room, still invisible, “Tuck, what?”. Sam rolls her eyes at the air, “pretty sure Dan got out, that or someone is a real ass. We’d been seeing him out of the corner of our eyes for like two hours”. Tuck nods, “very creepy. Did not sleep. Do not recommend Dan as a sleeping pill”. Danny though annoyed at Dan once again can’t help but laugh, “I’m pretty sure you got the more pleasant experience. Pretty sure the living room is horribly stained and my parents are probably traumatised”. Sam crosses her arms though clearly worried, “ok spill, what happened? And could you cut out the invisibility, we already know you look weird; extra sauce thing is always an “I look fucking weird or more ghost than normal” type of thing”. Danny rolls his eyes as Tuck questioningly taps on his own canines, “Tuck it’s way more than fangs. And the rundown of the night is grade A fucked. Even more so when the least fucked up or weird thing to happen was me literally dying”. “Uh don’t you basically do that everyday dude?”, Danny laughs his ass of at that and losses his invisibility. Scaring the crap out of both of them, “dude holy fuck! Uh, nice hair?”. Sam winces a bit, “ok the Dan hair is plain unpleasant, making your hair like that is probably the most petty thing he has ever done”. Danny glares a little, “ok I think there’s a slight misunderstanding here”. Danny sits on his bed, rubbing his neck a bit, “guys when I said literally dying, I meant it. Like, my human half was literally murdered. Which I’m pretty sure doesn’t qualify as petty. Especially since he showed up again to beat me with my own damn corpse, in front of my parents”. Both of them stare at him for a bit hoping he’s kidding, Tucker’s the first to speak as they clue he’s not, “dude, what the fuck. You mean you’re a full ghost now? Completely dead?”. “Fuck Danny, what are any of us supposed to do with this?”, Sam and Tucker both sit down next to him. Danny’s ears flick down a little, “yup, completely fucked. Very dead and fuck if I know. Oh and to add more to the pile, CW showed and you’re looking at the new ghost king”. Tucker weakly smacks Danny on the back, “king thing is almost expected dude but everything else is completely screwy”. Shaking his head, “but I’m guessing, since you’re still at home, the rents reacted not horribly?”. Danny smiles at this, “sure I had to turn off the lights and shit so I could explain before they saw me but yeah. Complete acceptance, dad’s honestly more curious than anything”. “Good, we all knew they would but Danny, is this just how you look now?”, Danny can’t blame Sam for being bothered by the hair. The rest is much more general ghost crap, but white flaming hair is very Dan. Running his hand through the flames a little, “yeah, stuck with it. Not exactly impressed but really? Can any of us really be surprised? Dan is me, sort of. So looking like him isn’t really unexpected”. Both of them nod, though Tucker wiggles his fingers in Danny’s hair as he speaks, “well at least it doesn’t burn, currently anyway. The town is going to freak and, oh fuck, school dude? Full ghost means no human form?”. Danny shrugs, “I know, but Dan can make himself look like human me so maybe I can too. Bastard did that in front of my parents too. Can’t say I’ve been successful thus far though”. Sam nods thoughtfully, “well how much can you cover up? Makeup will do for the skin, clothing over the suit but everything else?”. Danny smirks and yanks the same beanie over his hair and ears, and points at blackout sunglasses, “I’ve got nothing for the teeth though. But I can just not open my mouth very wide...”. Tucker pokes at Danny’s very obvious glow, “and ghostdeglow for that I’m assuming”. Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “if my parents can make more, yeah. Not really any left now”. “Contacts are another easy fix for the eyes, you just have keep them from glowing. Voice though”. Danny’s only response is a shrug, cause there’s really nothing long-term for that. But thinking about his parents' initial reaction, “ghost flu. Works short term and no one in Amity is going to question that. If I can’t make myself human looking and sounding, I'm fucked though”. Both them nod again, as all three flop back to lay on the bed. “And there’s the whole can’t sustain myself out of the zone for more than few days issue. Which I guess we don’t even know is for sure yet but still”, all three jolt as Maddie knocks on their door. Danny sits up a bit, “yeah?”. Maddie sticks her head in and looks at his friends, Tucker’s the one to answer, “we’re just making him human passing, school is still a thing after all”. “You’re doing that by laying on the bed? And I’m not sure that’s even possible”, Maddie eyes Danny a bit. Danny smirks, “both of them have passed themselves off as me before. Less drastic but still”. Sam grins and slams a Danny wig on him for emphasis, making Tucker chuckle, “ok that looks very weird over blue skin!”. Maddie shakes her head, laughing, “you have a wig specifically for this kind of thing? Jack would be calling you a sneaky genius again”. The three grin goofily at her while Danny asks, “need the ghostdeglow stuff though, so I hope that stuff is easy to make. Hopefully, I can take a human looking form so once I figure that out I shouldn’t need it anymore”. Maddie nods by then grimaces, “like what that thing did. To look like you, human you”. Danny nods which earns a curt nod from her, “well the ghostdeglow will take at least an hour but that’s do-able”. Danny smiles at her before she leaves. “Man Dan is an arse”, currently Danny couldn’t agree with Tucker more.
After about an hour of packing on makeup, “well that’ll probably work. But it’s really obvious you’re caked in make up, painfully so”. Danny glares at her, “yeah it damn well feels like it. If anyone asks, ghost flu makes your skin green and I wasn’t going to school like that”. Sam snickers as Danny throws on the same turtleneck and a pair of jeans, searching for some gloves. Danny’s adjusting the beanie over his wig, to fully hide his ears; when Maddie knocks again. “Done, Sweetie. And oh wow. That is way more convincing than I thought possible”. Danny smirks at her as she hands him the spray can thing, “welcome to the life, or un-life in this case, of having a secret identity”. Maddie only laughs as she heads back down. Promptly giving himself a good spray down and checking himself out in the mirror, “well damn, this might just work. But yeah it looks like I face fucked a jumbo makeup palette or whatever”. Earning chuckles from both of them as they all head downstairs.
“Son? I thought you couldn’t be human anymore?”, this makes all four of them laugh. Maddie composes herself first, “Jack dear, it’s a disguise. A scary good one apparently”. Danny lifts up his sunglasses to prove the point while snickering at his dad’s clearly impressed face, “Wow you are turning out to be the biggest genius in the family, just applied very differently”. Danny laughs while Sam and Tucker talk simultaneously, “he’s a moron”. Both his parents raise their eyebrows, as Sam smirks, “he’s swallowed at least six sporks accidentally and constantly forgets that dodging is a thing”. Danny shrugs as everyone sits down for breakfast, which he really only eats because it’s routine.
“Wow Fentit, I didn’t think your “fashion” sense could get any lamer”, Danny rolls his eyes at the sound of Dash’s voice, though hoping Dash doesn’t try to pry anything off. Danny can’t help but find it weird to have to force himself to be quiet. Instead just flipping Dash off, as Paulina comes up snickering, “wow, I never took you for makeup. I’m not sure whether packing on so much is impressive or sad”. The two A-listers don’t even get a chance to do anything as the trio just slides into class, with Mr. Lancer coming in early as usual. Unfortunately for Danny, Mr. Lancer calls on him to read, “I’d really rather not”. Nearly everyone snaps their heads toward him as they hear his voice, Star is the one to pipe up about it though, “what’s wrong with your voice? No way that isn’t some ghost-related thing”. Danny groans, “ghost flu, and no it’s not contagious”. A couple people make faces at him but Dash snickers, “I think Fenton should read”. Danny glares at him through the glasses, while Mr. Lancer asks him, “if it’s not bad for you, then, yes please read”. Danny rubs his neck as he reads while some snicker at his echoing voice.
“Well that was uncomfortable”, Tucker can’t help but snicker at Danny’s complaining. “Dude, you know your voice actually sounds good right? Ghostly, but powerful”. “Tuck Buddy, I’m damn well aware. If my voice wasn’t powerful sounding that would be weird. Considering everything, not a very good thing right now though”, Danny cringes a bit as some random kid does a double take at his voice. Groaning and talking much quieter, “yeah I so need to work on the voice changing thing. If I even can”. Sam nods at them as they join her for second class.
By third people were asking Danny to say random shit, Danny was only obliging because it seemed to put Dash off from bullying him. Come lunch, saying “I’m Batman” for the tenth time was getting very old though. Danny’s luck only goes downhill after lunch. Sitting in sixth for his second class with Mr. Lancer, as his ghost sense goes off. Sticking his hand up as Mr. Lancer shoos him off, “normally I’d say no and you’d leave anyway, but I’m not questioning it today”. Danny does genuinely appreciate that, until the ghost comes into the classroom and everyone starts freaking out. Danny glares at the laughing Technus, with an arm full of old calculators, “you have got to be fucking me”. Danny only glares harder as Mr. Lancer turns on the ghost shield and starts ushering the class out, while dodging flying electronics. The rest of the class just books it out of the school while Mr. Lancer tries to get Danny to hurry up, “Fenton now is not the time to be daydreaming!”. Danny glares at him, and just tries coming up with a good lie, “I’m not, I just can’t leave. Ghost flu doesn’t exactly react well with anything anti-ghost”. Mr. Lancer gapes at him so he proves his point by knocking on the, very solid for him, shield. Before having to yank Mr. Lancer out of the way of a blast. Glaring at the busted to Hell door and practically dragging Mr. Lancer by his shirt collar, as they avoid more calculators and ectoblasts. “Child! Why do you drag around the old man!”, Technus is genuinely confused as Phantom doesn’t usually want humans involved, but he also feels somewhat cautious because something about Phantom feels different. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because he was trying to get me to leave and then you pulverised the poor door”, Technus lowers his arms and tilts his head at Danny over his voice while Mr. Lancer throws a desk at him, which he easily avoids. Danny turns and gapes a bit at his teacher, “why are you the one teacher here that will actually try to fight the ghosts? And why the hell don't you carry hunter weapons? They’re allowed and I’m sure they work better than a damn desk”. Technus nods a bit before shrugging and going back on the attack, he’s not sure what’s up with Phantom but he’s notorious for being strange. Mr. Lancer yelps and actually drags Danny out of the way this time, “I’m not about to let my students get hurt or be the targets, Daniel!”. Danny can’t help but laugh a bit, being the target was like eighty percent of his life or death, “I think I’ll be just fine Mr. Lancer”. “The child is correct! Everyone knows him to be more than capable! But today I, Technus, will be the capable one!”, Danny can’t help but glare at Technus and his stupid big mouth. He can’t help but glare harder as the wind Technus is stirring up with all the damn flying microwaves and shit, blows his hat off. “Things can’t be normal for even one day, can they?”, Danny full force throws one of the coffee machines at Technus, which hits him way harder than either actually expected. Danny has a feeling Technus only takes the hit out of shock at Danny’s exposed light blue and clearly pointy ears. And Danny knows that while Technus is a bit of a fool, he’s not an utter moron. Nobody moves for a bit as all the tech crap just falls to the ground, Danny’s a little weirded out that Technus looks sad and angry. “Who did this whelp”, Technus doesn’t hide the venom in his voice, none of them wanted the special little halfa fully dead, but someone clearly did this. And even Technus wants that person to have a very bad day. Danny blinks a bit, kind of weirded out, putting a bit of power into his voice because he really wants Technus to just go away, “no one any of you know, keep it that way”. The two stare each other down for a bit before Technus frowns even more, talking quietly for once before slipping through the floor, “sorry”.
Danny kicks at the random electronics as he goes to retrieve his hat, as he’s picking it up Mr. Lancer walks up behind him, “I’m not exactly sure what just happened but, ghost flu was another one of your, oddly good and creative, lies. Wasn’t it?”. Mr. Lancer keeps talking as Danny straightens up, Findling with the seam of the beanie a bit, while Mr. Lancer keeps talking, “no flu can change a persons physical body like this, and ghosts don’t behave like that to regular people, so what’s really going on?”. Danny groans, knowing full well he’s kind of fucked here as he puts back on his hat. Talking as he sits on one of the few not knocked over desks, while adjusting his ears under the beanie, “I’d rather you didn’t ask but I know you’re smart, so how about you tell me”. Normally Mr. Lancer would glare at his most difficult student but his gut feeling just left him feeling sad. Knowing this particular student would lie about pretty well everything, Mr. Lancer goes for blunt honesty, “somehow you died and now, are a ghost”. Sighing as Danny doesn’t even attempt a response other than shrugging, “Daniel, I’d rather know what happened and you’re officially excused from your other classes. Hell, you shouldn’t really be here, not even sure how you are. But considering this town, a causality was bound to happen and with your reckless parents; I can’t claim to be too shocked”. Mr. Lancer sits across from Danny and just waits for him to talk. Danny groans a little as he eyes-balls his, clearly not going to believe anything else or let this go, teacher; before folding off his sunglasses. Looking at him, Danny can tell Mr. Lancer’s trying to school his expression, sighing, “like I said, I know you’re smart. But in case you can’t tell, I’m trying to not have everyone know. At least right now anyway, things are complicated”. Mr. Lancer nods understandingly, “of course things are complicated. That’s death, even more so when ghosts are involved. But it is my understanding that not only should ghosts not really remember their human lives but also not still be trying to live them”. “I’m different. I’ve been partly dead for years, two to be exact. I lie to cover up ghost shit. I run off to deal with ghost shit”, Danny’s honestly rather annoyed but considering he still can’t make himself look human, he knows he might have to have this talk with a lot of people, eventually. Because obviously, completely covering up his full death was not going to work out, it hadn’t even been a full day and someone had already called him out. “You mean to tell me that electrical accident, which you played off almost excessively as being no big deal, partly killed you? If it wasn’t for the fact that, knowing your house, that shock was likely from something ghost related; I wouldn’t believe you. But I appreciate this rare moment of honesty from you”, Danny can tell his teacher means it. Mr. Lancer is always someone who cared, sometimes too much really. Though that did result in Danny having a bit of a soft spot for the man, nodding as he talks, “yeah, though my lies and secrecy were and still are necessary. It’ll all depend on certain things if this becomes public knowledge. With Technus, I highly doubt he’ll keep his mouth shut. So I know it’s likely already public knowledge in the zone but that’s expected and fine. Things are more touchy here”. “Well, you are clearly more mature than I knew. Which is honestly concerning Daniel. Care to explain why a high schoolers death would be such big news? Yes, you being a ghost and still in school might be more than a little problem but otherwise? Not to mention why ghosts would care?”, Mr. Lancer can tell Danny’s debating something in his head but judging by Danny’s facial expression, he isn’t going to lie. Danny smirks almost playfully, after fully deciding that lying at this point would just make him a complete ass, “I’m pretty sure not only Amity but the stupid GIW might just lose their heads, finding out that not only was the local town hero not fully dead and now is, but is also just some Highschool kid”. Danny’s not sure whether to be impressed or amused that his teacher goes wide-eyed as soon as he said “hero”. Deciding to humour his, honestly favourite, teacher; Danny lifts up his sweater to show of his flaming DP symbol before dropping it back down.   “Well, that is certainly not what I expected, though it does explain a lot. You’re right this will be a big deal, anything Phantom is. But I am not about to allow some government dogs to harm one of my students, even ghost ones”, Danny shakes his head and laughs a bit as Mr. Lancer gets up, fixes one of the kettles and makes himself some tea. “The GIW can’t touch me unless I let them, pretty much. I’m more worried they’ll interfere with my duties or harass my family. But if they cause too much of a fuss then yeah that will be a problem, their dumb antics have nearly destroyed the zone and earth more than once. It’s entirely possible they could instigate a war”, this makes Mr. Lancer cough a bit and stare at his student. Composing himself a bit, “I did not know those men were that much of an issue. It’s almost impressive how blind the government can be to things. And I guess they wouldn’t exactly listen to a teenager or a  ghost would they? Government officials do tend to put themselves on a pedestal, unwilling to listen to those outside their ranks”. “Many have tried talking to them, so no they won’t listen. Though with an entire town telling them off, maybe. But if things go bad with them, I won’t be giving them a choice. I rank above them and if they don’t listen, then they’ll pretty well have to deal with the entirety of the zone dropping on them. Like I said, war”, Danny shakes his head and frowns, knowing even if he didn’t give any kind of command, a fair amount of ghosts would lose their shit at a bunch of humans going after and insulting their king. Especially since Danny’s actually well liked, he knows even his enemies are closer to frienemies. But at the same time, a human vs ghost war is bound to make the Observants flip and no way he wants those eyeballs involved. But he also knows that they’re not dumb enough to be unaware than he’ll do whatever he can to make sure shit doesn’t go totally south. Even if he’s not a halfa anymore, he wants to protect both species and worlds. And honestly, a protection based obsession is a pretty damn good one if you ask him. Mr. Lancer sips at his tea, thoroughly impressed but also saddened by his strange student, “why would the whole ghost zone come to your defence? And I know you don’t work with the government, so whatever ranking you have they likely will not care”. Danny blinks and smiles a bit warmly, fiddling with the ring under his glove. Sure he didn’t have the crown yet but it may as well be official, “I’m well liked by pretty well every ghost, even my enemies really. It wouldn’t take much for them to come to my aid. But I’m more than just a student, ghostly hero and sort of ghost hunter. The other title I hold isn’t public at all, and preferably will stay that way, regarding the human world anyway, even if everything else comes to light”. Danny will admit he’s kind of enjoying being a startling enigma right now. It’s moments like this where he really understands ClockWork and it really is no wonder the two get along so well. Danny can’t help but smirk as Mr. Lancer is clearly egging him to go on, “Mr. Lancer, being some operative high ranking official or even being president of the United States itself; is nothing when compared to the king of an entire dimension. Especially a dimension filled with powerful creatures”. Danny actually has to catch his teachers teacup as he gapes at him. Chuckling again, “couple that with the fact that the only two beings in existence that are actually stronger than me, are either sealed away or forbidden from interfering unless there’s a word ending catastrophe, I’m sort of a big complicated mess that nothing else can really compare to”. Danny sighs as his ghost sense goes off, “well I’ve probably freaked you out enough for a lifetime and duty calls. But, uh, being all that I may be, I’m not some high and might prick and I’m concerned with keeping people safe. So, um, don’t worry?”. Danny cringes at Mr. Lancers stunned face a bit as he turns invisible and flies out the school, after phasing his disguise into his locker. Making sure not to use his intangibility full body/on his face. because his stupid makeup will come off. He knows whoever it is will be shocked by the hair but it’s a ghost, they’re all going to know eventually. He’s more worried about the town’s reaction, can’t fight in a wig though.
“You...want my human corpse? What the fuck? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but seriously, what the fuck?”, Danny floats, bent over a bit as Skulker shrugs at him. “Still your pelt, whelp. And I’d say I’ve got the best claim on it”, Danny can’t help but gape at him. Promptly dodging a net and some harpoon thing, “pretty sure its owner has the best claim, tinman”. “Oh like you’re going to do anything with it, ghost child!”, Danny can’t help but admit he’s right, and the idea of having a funeral and burying himself is kind of really messed up and genuinely disturbing. However, “Skulk, can’t say I even want to know what you would do with it”. Danny snickers at Skulker looking disgusted and judgmental, shooting at Danny more aggressively for his comment, “you should already know full well. Like any hunter, I preserve my prizes”. Danny blinks a bit as he gets hit a couple times, he knows he really should get better at the whole dodging thing but it almost seems pointless. Sure it hurts but he’s way too durable for it to do real damage, “you want to preserve me? That is oddly sweet, Skulkie”. Danny feels almost honoured at Skulker’s clear mild embarrassment at being called out. But Danny flat out grins as he clues in that this could be a way to avoid the whole, how to bury his corpse without revealing he was dead or sticking it in the back yard. Because man was that creepy, but his body getting taxidermied is almost just as creepy. “Still very gross and creepy though, but you’re not exactly wrong”, Danny feels more creeped out as Skulker’s face clearly lights up. Skulker stops firing at him and glares at him eagerly, getting an idea because no way is Skulker keeping his pelt or whatever, not to mention being kind of curious if anyone knew about the king thing. Danny crosses his arms as he flies backwards in the direction of his house, “just take the damn pride in getting to preserve or whatever my “pelt”. Not keeping it though. If it belongs anywhere, it’s my castle”. Danny can’t help but laugh at the utterly bewildered look Skulker gets, “oh man that face is worth it. No point in you telling anyone one though, something tells me they won’t quite believe you”. Skulker is honestly more excited now, keeping his prize or not, this is basically a job for the freaking ghost king. Not too mention getting to work on such a unique and one hundred percent rarest pelt is beyond his obsessions wildest dream. Eagerly flying invisibly next to Phantom and not even caring that Phantom shoots him jokingly, Danny shakes his head, “you are such a damn creep sometimes. But at least I know you won’t be a disrespectful ass”. If there’s one thing Danny knows Skulker would treat with insane levels of respect, it’s his most sought after pelt. Which is both creepy and comforting. Skulker floats a safe distance away from the hunter family’s house while Danny invisibly digs through the living room floor, not having a damn clue how far down he phased his corpse. Frowning a bit at the utterly mangled bloodied thing, he almost can’t wait to see Skulker looking disgusted. Though he’s not sure if Skulker would be more disgusted by that being done to Danny or just by the not-so-pretty state of a “pelt”.
Floating out to Skulker, still invisible, “no ones to know for now you weirdo. You know how I love to be dramatic, CW will get his kicks too I’m sure”. Danny’s occasional dramatic and rather flashy nature is really one of the few things he doesn’t care that he had in common with Dan. “Whatever whelp, but very well. And wow I hope you beat the lights out whoever did that”, Danny nods frowning as Skulker gingerly takes in the shredded corpse; while they’re both hidden in an alleyway. “That thing is sealed away and being kept that way. He’s not from this timeline and he is not someone you should even try finding or going near. You met him in that other timeline, let’s just say you weren’t well off and you wanted him very much destroyed. So did every other ghost, that hadn’t been destroyed anyway, and what was left of humanity”. Skulker stares at him, “I’ll take your word then. I’m no fool, I know when you’re serious”. Looking back to the corpse, “it can’t be perfect but...” Danny tries to ignore Skulkers giddy grin. Rolling his eyes at him, “just get out of here before it’s spotted or before I hit you, again”. With that Skulker books it away, gingerly cradling Danny’s corpse.
Danny’s not too surprised his friends are waiting for him at home, “dude, the hell? Where’d you go?”. Sam and his mom both glare at him but he can see his mom is trying really hard not to laugh, “well, pretty much the whole ghost zone definitely knows, Mr. Lancer figured it out, and Skulker just flew off with my corpse. And what was so funny?”. Tucker actually laughs while Sam slams her head on the table and his mom looks horrified. Tucker wipes at his eyes a bit, “that is so something he would do but also just absurd, especially cause I know you just gave it to him, didn’t you?”. Maddie gapes at Danny as he rubs his neck sheepishly, “he had the guts to ask and he agreed to not keeping it. Just making it not look torn to shreds”. Sam snaps her head up, “taxidermy, nice. Honestly, you getting taxidermied is almost expected, very goth. I approve”. “How are you ok with that? How are any of you ok with that? And Danny the makeup is not helping this be less messed up”, Danny cringes at his kind of freaked mom. Rubbing his neck again, but phasing the makeup off above the kitchen sink. Washing it down as he responds, “we’re sort of used to all my weird mom, they’ve literally seen me get turned into jello and liquified. Skulker’s whole thing is that he wants my pelt aka skin. He’s a poacher and collector of all things rare and unique. It’s kind of hard to beat me in the rare and unique department. Plus I’m strong, so there’s respect there”. Tucker shrugs, “we’re pretty well sure Danny here is indestructible or something. Might have only been a halfa thing though so who knows”. “Aka I'm complicated and also, no offence or anything but I’d rather pass on the whole burying my corpse in the back yard or just leaving it under the living room floor. That’s way more creepy than getting it preserved, even if it is Skulker doing it”. Tucker laughs again, “and really dude, he’d probably rather destroy himself than damage or disrespect anything even close to being your pelt. He’s probably treating it like the freaking holy grail”. Maddie sighs while Danny smirks, knowing full well that Tucker is right. Skulker would probably destroy anyone who so much as even attempted to touch it, which was perfectly fine with him. Maddie pinches her nose as she plates everyone’s food, “I can see your point Danny and I’ll admit myself, just the thought of having a funeral for you is unnerving. Especially when you’re still walking around”. Danny frowns a bit through a mouthful, “agreed. But unless I can make myself look human or at least change my voice, there’s really no way to avoid Fenton dying going public; which means a funeral. Especially since I’ve already been called out on it”. Sighing a bit, “at least this way we don’t have to deal with someone asking what the hell happened to me, because my corpse didn’t exactly look pretty. And again, Skulker’s not keeping it so...”. Jack sticks his head out the lab door, “Son quick question, do you actually need to eat or are you just doing it because everyone else is?”. Danny blinks a bit though rather happy about the lighter topic, “I can still taste it so I can enjoy it just fine. Even if I don’t need it. Most ghost do still eat, just for the experience rather than needs”. “Well, it would be a bit awkward if you were the only one not eating sweetie, so thanks I guess? But if a funeral does have to happen then it’s closed casket, regardless of what state it’s in”, Maddie shivers a bit and glares at the, definitely stained, floor. Sam rolls her eyes at Danny’s slight green blush, “you are so extra Danny. I mean it’s very goth to display bones and taxidermy, but of your own body is almost masochistic and egotistical“. Danny shrugs at her, “um, guilty as charged? I rather like the notion of a reminder for pretty much everyone that I was human and part human, once. Not here though”. While his parents share a worried look, Tucker slams his hand on the table looking almost giddy, “dude Phantom, that’s right! Phantom Castle!”. Sam laughs, “well that’s one way to thoroughly both impress and amuse pretty much every ghost. No one else has probably ever or even would display their own corpse”. Tucker claps Danny on the shoulder, “talk about a power move! You freaking well better make one hell of an extravagant and unnecessarily over the top unveiling ceremony or something”. “Already got cheesy “I’m really freaking dead this time” ghost paper cut outs in mind. And at least one person will fake die. Plasmius piñata is definitely happening”, Danny is chuckling into his hand while his mom eyes him worryingly. Sam waves her off, “Danny’s sense of humour is out to lunch. If he’s joking about his death than that means he’s in a good mood and perfectly happy. We’d be worried if he wasn’t making a joke of this”. Danny nods at his mom, “joking about my half death and, I guess, full death, is practically one of my things. A trope I guess, all us superhero types have em”. Maddie’s still a bit weirded out but thinking back to all his strange jokes, it’s pretty obvious that Danny’s being honest. Danny smirks devilishly, “and I mean you are talking about someone who’s superpower was literally dying on command”. Earning him a few groans.
Danny is trying to figure out the whole human transformation thing when his mom knocks, “yeah?”. Danny looks to the door as Maddie pokes her head in, “not that I’m complaining but how are you not getting weak or dissolving? It’s been a full day, I figured that your human half was what made you able to stay here before, but now?”. Danny blinks at her a bit, knowing full well that he is a bit weaker nothing drastic though, he hadn’t really been thinking about having to go to the zone, “yeah my human half was doing that. And the reason I’m fine right now, is both because this is Amity and because I’m strong. Amity has tons of latent ectoplasm in the atmosphere because of all the ghosts. Our house and my room have by far the most, because of the portal and me. So ghosts can sustain themselves way longer in Amity than other places on earth”. Danny proves his point by manipulating some of the rather thick ectoplasm in his rooms air into a ball, tossing it in the air a bit, “the ectoplasm that’s latent in my room is more specifically mine so I can manipulate it and it supports me or whatever”. Chuckling and tossing the ball to his mom, who inspects it while Danny talks, “that’s why my room’s always so cold. I have an ice core so my everything is cold. But this is not the zone. I can’t just stay here. So yeah, I’ll have to go to the zone eventually but I’d like to try and sort all this out first”. Noticing her frown and sad glance at him, “obviously I’m not going to just stay away. I’ll be around, just a bit less. Can’t say I know how long I need to be in the zone at a time though. Like I said, not quite sure yet how being full ghost is going to effect my existence yet”. Rubbing his neck and glancing out the window, “probably have to deal with the whole ghost king thing as soon as I make a zone trip too”. Maddie chuckles a bit weakly, “kind of forgot about that. It’s pretty crazy to think my son is the king of the things I hunt”. Looking at Danny as he meets her eyes, “you sure you’re okay with us being hunters? I mean, you’re a ghost and aren’t we basically attacking your subjects?”. Danny smiles softly at her, “it’s fine. Any ghost who comes to the human world expects to get hunted, we pretty much agreed to it. Plus, most who come are looking to start problems. Amity is probably one of the few places that actually gets friendlies, like me or ClockWork. So I guess just don’t hunt the ones that aren’t causing issues”. Chuckling with a smirk, “and obviously don’t hunt ClockWork, that will end embarrassingly for you guys. And absolutely do hunt Plasmius and feel free to annoy any floating eyeballs wearing a cloak. Unless I’m talking to them anyway”. Maddie shakes her head, “if you’re sure. But consider all that talkabout experiments and destroying, off the table. Okay, sweetie?”. Danny smiles warmly at her, “of course, I don’t want you guys to stop being who you are and doing what you love, just because I’m different or because some of your theories were wrong. Being hunters is part of who you are as people, be like telling me to not be overprotective or not make jokes”. Danny chuckles a bit and waves his mom over to the bed, “now feel like being a scientist and shooting out wild theories on how a ghost would go about transforming to make their human form? Cause I’m gettin nowhere other here”. Maddie eyes him for a bit before sitting down, tapping her chin, “well, we both saw how that thing changed, so how similar looking was you transforming before to that? And I’m guessing you’ve already try replicating how your transformation felt?”. That was the first thing Danny had did pretty much, so he nods, “yeah, tried that, multiple times actually. I could transform in more than one specific way, so I just tried every one. And it looks and sounds the same, which isn’t exactly helpful”. Danny knows it’s entirely possible that he simply can’t, how Dan became a full ghost and how he did were not the same. Well, actually, the only real difference was the lack of consuming Plasmius. But Danny wasn’t about to go and do that, for so many reasons. Maddie pokes at him, “why not try the reverse?”. “Um, what?”, Danny’s not following his mom’s train of thought at all. “Why don’t you try the reverse of the transforming feeling or feelings?”. Danny blinks, “so try to transform ghost? Eh, maybe. Seems kinda backwards but”. Danny doesn’t really move or anything, as he tries, having done it so much over the years, made it so simple to do. Not exactly surprised when it doesn’t work, shaking his at her, “nothing”, Danny tilts his head as an idea hits him. He could just try this like using it the way he’d use a normal power. Instead of focusing on the cold light energy and little sparks of electricity inside his veins, that doesn't seem to be there anymore. His rings normally would form like a ball in his chest, where his core was, before shooting out into the rings; and they were cold... Maddie’s opting to stay silent as it’s obvious to her he’s got some kind of idea, both them jumping a bit as a bright ball of light forms only seconds before expanding outwards. Danny smirks at the floating, but not separating ring. It felt way colder and had a slight blue tint but otherwise not that different. Though it’s clear he’s going to have to work on this since the rings don’t just do their thing naturally anymore. His mom mouthing, “wow”, is enough to make him lose his grip on this. She cringes apologetically a bit as the light just snaps back into him. Waving her off as he brings it out again, this time cooking energy around the top half and the lower half, adding a down pull to the bottom and up pull to the top. Smirking as they do indeed shoot over him, and the change does feel different as it goes. Kind of like being compacted into the thermos but with more room. Looking at his glove free hands over before smiling at his mom, “nice”. Maddie shakes her head affectionately, “I would tell you to get some sleep but”. Patting him on the back but jumping as he just snaps back to his new normal look. Danny doesn’t blame her for glaring, rubbing his neck, “sorry bout the light show. This works like a new power, not like the transforming I’m used to. Always takes a bit to get good at new powers”. Especially when he hasn’t gotten a new one in quite a while, so he’s not quite as used to adjusting to new as he was in the first year. “Well, the weekend coming up will give you lots of time”, Maddie nods at him before kissing him on the head good night. “Oh gross! My head is literal ghost fire you know!”, Danny pats at his hair some while Maddie walks to bed with a soft smile.
Danny spends most of the night practicing with transforming but also watching to see if it can get exhausted, trying to figure out just how much of his ectoenergy it uses up. None to pleased when it’s clear it uses up a decent amount, nowhere near his wail but a bit more than a strong ectobeam. Eventually opting to see how long he can just lay and maintain the human appearance, preferably while focusing on it as little as possible. Not too surprised that he does have to actively maintain it now, but it was hardly different than forcing himself not to float; which he was very used to.
Stretching in the morning, before hopping down the steps. Aiming to be as human as possible for as long as possible, he needed to know the limits of this. “Wow son, either you’re concerningly fast at this or you solved a problem”, Danny sticks his head in the kitchen just before the doorbell rings. Talking as he walks to the door, “option two, testing out how long I can keep it up though”. Tucker only looks confused for a few seconds when Danny opens the door, “dude! Nice, you just saved your own ass!”. Danny tilts his head back and laughs, “we all have to do that way too much!”. Tilting his head back down and smiling as they walk in, “it’s not the same though. I have to intentionally maintain it, so no startling me when others are around”. Both them give him a thumbs up but he knows Tucker is going to intentionally startle him at some point, just not in school. All of them have breakfast around the table, before the trio wave as they head off to school. While his parents shake their heads, affectionately, at their overpowered ghost of a son; in the trappings of a human. End.
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