#vee is going through it
They’re well into their cups when Voldemort finally broaches the topic that drove him here. 
“What if we went back to the old way of doing things?”
Narcissa meets his gaze and while she only delicately tilts her eyebrows at him, he can read how unimpressed she is. “Disregarding how often you attempted to give my son and husband impossible tasks during ‘the old way of doing things,’ and that you disposed of the followers who would be most willing to accept the return to former tactics,” she says with just enough deference, even as her eyebrow condescension intensifies. “What would you gain that you can’t achieve with your current position?”
“Truly, nothing,” he concedes. “Aside from the freedom to murder and torture and ‘disappear’ any political rivals or dissidents as I please.” And a little petty payback to his husband, who… wouldn’t even understand the slight currently. 
She hums. “I can see the appeal, and it’s entirely worth undermining years of work and an almost universal approval rating and support for the legislation you put forward.”
This magnificent bitch. “Narcissa, divorce your husband and run away with me.”
He’s not serious, of course, but Merlin, it would be simpler than dealing with the mess his life has become. And that’s truly saying something, given the epic tantrum Lucius would throw.
“A gracious offer, my Lord,” she replies, dry as a desert, only the slightest slur to her words to belie their third bottle of wine. “But alas, you have no albino peacocks to your name, so I must decline.”
“Hmm. Thwarted again.”
“Besides, I’m half your age, rather than a third of it. One would expect you to find someone younger still, if you intended to elope.”
“Have I mentioned lately that you’re so very fortunate I tolerate your insolence?” he grouses, looking askance at her.
“You are the very picture of beneficence, my Lord,” she says patronisingly.
“Ugh. I don’t know how Lucius puts up with you some days.” Narcissa giggles inelegantly into her wine. “Though, in fairness, I don’t know how you put up with him either.”
“Well, of course you don’t. You picked a ridiculous, bleeding-heart Gryffindor rather than anyone sensible,” she says lightly. “As if anyone else could have gotten through to you.”
(engrave the silhouette of you)
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Surprisingly, hearing Vox and Val technically (I love how technically needed to be added) aren't dating didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It did... for like a minute until I thought about how painfully much it fits them.
Val throws tantrums and is ready go out and kill people to let off steam, but decides to stay put in his room and sulk instead while he waits for his flat-faced prince to come and comfort him before he does anything drastic. He's killed and abused people for the slightest hint of non-compliance, which he sees as giving him an attitude or questioning his authority, but he doesn't so much as flinch when Vox raises his voice and starts shaking him in frustration more than once. He doesn't lash out or get angry when Vox tries to talk him out of marching towards the hotel, but instead listens to his points and takes his words to heart even when they weren't what he wanted to hear. He's not interested in Alastor, but is willing to sit through watching the extermination broadcast because Vox is a passionate football dad about his one-sided rival getting dunked on. He doesn't even act jealous towards Vox's obsession, just weirdly amused and supportive even tho he hates not being the center of attention any other times. And then there's Vox, who acts like he's annoyed to have to put up with Valentino but still does it anyway. He acts disinterested about Val's ranting over Angel until he hears that Angel might've quit because he's an jealous, insecure loser that wants that mf's attention to himself. He lights his cigarette and decides to call up their lowest earners for him to terrorize without being asked just to lighten his mood a little (unrelated but i feel for their employees). He keeps his eyes on him both in his room and when he's at the pub through the cameras he's got everywhere. He takes his hand like one would with a princess and smiles fondly at him before disappearing when noticing they're being watched. He's the only person that Val trusts enough to calm him down when his temper gets the better of him. And Val-- despite his volatile temper and obnoxious quirks-- is someone he respects and cares about, both as his business associate and romantic partner.
And they aren't dating. Val and Vox clearly have a connection and understanding and attraction yet are unable to confront those feelings in fear of being vulnerable. So they aren't dating. Val obsesses over Angel and Vox obsesses over Alastor to distract themselves of the other only to fall back into each other's arms at the end of the day. Even tho they aren't dating. They celebrate, dance, sing, support and shamelessly make out with each other. They're the only ones that would put up with each other's bullshit no matter what-- but for some reason, they're still not dating. They are two of the worst Overlords in Hell, capable of committing so many despicable acts and jumping to immoral tactics for their own gain without any regrets, but opening that door into genuine emotional vulnerability? Acknowledging their softness for each other? That's where they draw the line. They're clearly made for each other, but neither of them dare to step over that line to commit to something more.
Which means that we could get to actually see these changes take place. We could get to see more sides to these two we still haven't seen before. We could get to see them actually start dating and the complicated journey it took to get there. We could get to scream and kick and seeth as these two morons continue to dance around admitting their very much requited romantic feelings for every stupid reason under the sun episode after episode. We could get to see these two fix each other and make each other worse simultaneously. Mostly make each other worse. We could get to see them have a romantic duet. We could get to see them be happy together-- officially together-- while they make life worse for everyone around them.
All this mumbo-jumbo, sleep-deprived ranting will likely not happen, but the potential character growth, the dynamic development, the resolved romantic tension, the SONGS we could get??? I'm clinging onto this hope for dear life until it's ripped from my cold, dead hands.
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homicidal-slvt · 6 months
"That character wouldn't say that!!!"
That's your opinion. However, I am fueled by the power of delusion and the need to fuck them. I do what I want and you can't stop me.
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allastoredeer · 1 month
I just had to agree, that a huge Alastor fight scene is really all I want for season 2!
During "Stayed Gone", Valentino mentions a time that Alastor almost beat Vox, which implies that he narrowly lost in a fight between them.
He was badly injured in the fight with Adam, and had to retreat.
By the rule of three, it would be so poetic and amazing, if we got a fight scene where he doesn't back down, but continues to fight with everything he has, and emerges the unquestioned victor, wiping the smiles off the Vee's faces for good.
Bonus points if he actually accepts help from his found family, in the form of backup and helping him heal afterwards. He's so stuck on being a lone wolf (well, deer...), that him slowly learning to trust others would be such delicious character growth!
Actually, the way I interpreted Valentino saying that Alastor "almost beat Vox," is that during their fight Alastor was about to beat him. Like, if it continued, Vox was 100% going to lose. But the battle didn't see an actual end, with an actual victor, because, in my headcanon/theory, Vox was forced to retreat.
If Vox won, even narrowly, I don't think he would've been nearly as defensive or annoyed at Valentino for bringing it up. If the fight ended with Alastor retreating (or even losing), Vox would've milked the shit out of that. He would never let Alastor live that down. Hell, if the fight was recorded in any way, he'd be playing that shit on loop.
I think with Vox losing, it'd make him simultaneously eager for a rematch, but also nervous to fight Alastor head-on again considering he nearly lost (which might also explain why they never came face-to-face in season one. They only interacted from a distance, through their different mediums), and why he was SO happy when Alastor lost during the Extermination. He was living vicariously through Adam during that fight (Adams victory was HIS victory) because Alastor finally got a taste of the humiliation and defeat Vox felt all those years ago (and STILL feels, even now).
And considering all of that, I will go FERAL if there's a fight with all the Vees versus Alastor. I want to see what they can do. There are different ways to be powerful out side of strength and magical ability (see Rosie who's not physically or magically as strong as the other Overlords), so I want to see what Valentino and Velvette can do in a fight or on an intellectual level. The brains and the brawn (and whatever Valentino is.) I would laugh so hard if Valentino is actually the muscle of the Vee's. He's got very few braincells, but he can lift 2x his own weight, all they got to do is point him in the right direction. He's all muscle.
And I want that fight to be a close one too. In fact, if Alastor LOSES in that fight, my god, would that be such an angsty, complicated, even more humbling experience for him. Vox would be fucking THRIVING. He would be reveling. He finally beat the Radio Demon. He finally beat Alastor (and the complicated emotions. GOD the emotions that they'll both have during and after that)
But I also don't want Alastor to lose T.T He's my fav, and he already been so thoroughly humbled once, I think I'd collapse if he lost again. BUT if he were on the cusp of losing, got his second wind, and ultimately came out the victory, I would be screaming, jumping out of my seat, frothing at the mouth. I fucking LOVE that shit.
And super, serious 100% extra bonus points he gets help from his found family in the form of back-up or patching him up afterward. I think that would be amazing character growth for him. I WANT IT SO BAD ANON WHY DID YOU MAKE MY OBESSION AND YEARNING GROW I AM NOT A VERY BIG PERSON YOU'RE LITERALLY GOING TO MAKE ME EXPLODE WITH ALL THESE EMOTIONS
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llovehymn · 1 month
sss,, so
p people lamb's Huh?? haha uh
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Ludo is really cool, I like them a lot
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vse-kar-vem · 7 months
someone gif the mac demoni performance (the part where they're bouncing on the trampolines) for funnies please please please
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valoale · 4 months
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January, but in red.
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theolddivorcedzukka · 2 years
zuko and sokka are not divorced (didn’t even make it past that failed proposal) but i don’t think that should stop them from referring to their breakup as their “divorce.” i don’t think that should stop them from calling each other “my bitch ex-husband” for the first couple of months after their breakup. i think it would be funny
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nihiltism · 3 days
the actual context behind my url is that i was talking to (talking to is a stretch, consoling,) somebody with vaguely normal views on death and the afterlife earlier and i had absolutely no idea how to state my Words Of Comfort That Would Comfort Me because most people dont like being told that dead means gone and i was not sure if that was because of my bluntness or my philosophy. or both. one probably informs the other.
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tmmyhug · 7 months
the number of official batman medias i have started and then gotten bored of due to a lack of robin is like 4 or 5
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voxiiferous · 21 days
Vox's Tower
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Located in the heart of Vox's vast empire is his tower. It's the tallest building in the Blue Light District, in the part of the city that already tends to tower above the rest of the Pentagram. The overwhelming majority of everything Vox-branded goes through the tower to some degree
It's currently 115 floors, though that has slowly been added to over the last several decades. Like his district as a whole, and his branding overall, it has a sleek, modern aesthetic to it, and from the outside the overarching impression is just that it is replete and resplendent in windows. There are so many windows-- which, in fairness to his employees, they enjoy what natural light they can get.
There are vending machines scattered throughout the entire building, and they frequently become the testing grounds for new products. As for the building itself, it's a rectangular shape, with elevators in both ends, and stairs running all the way up and down it, though most people don't use them. The general layout of each floor varies in its specifics depending on what it needs, but general trends are evident. Most of the time, hallways ring the perimeter of the floor, and cut through the middle so the windows are not obstructed, but neither are rooms that require being closed in on all sides.
The bottom five levels are not open to the public, and see little traffic. These basement levels are mostly used as storage: old costumes, set pieces, records, et cetera. However, it also holds quite a lot of basic survival supplies like water, food, blankets, and places for people to sleep. In the case of Extermination, or some other major disaster, employees and others in the general vicinity of the tower can be brought in to wait it out without fear. In many ways, it is a relic of the war time bomb shelter mentality.
The lobby, which most people consider the first floor, even if, technically, it is the sixth, is built to to impress. Like with the building as a whole, there are windows on all sides, but of these windows, several have fancy waterfall features, some of which carry through some other areas of the tower that see the most traffic. From the outside, these waterfalls windows helps create an illusion wealth and modernity, and in the lobby itself are several other water features to further impress people who ender the building and create their first impressions.
The bottom half of the tower is the most public facing part of the tower, and the part devoted to media creation.
The lower floors are the larger studios. The first of these get used most for ad segments music videos, in which they need the space but in which props and sets are most often interchanged. Just above those are the sitcoms, gameshows, talk shows, anything else like that. these are the productions that need larger, but ultimately static set. These are more permanent and expansive, and thus, smarter to keep nearer to the ground. These floors tend to have quite a lot of traffic going in and out.
Productions that need multiple sets or just significantly larger installations than can be accomplished in the tower go in other outlying studios-- this is where movies get made.
Above that is the first major cohort of office spaces. These are areas used, primarily for behind the scenes personnel. It has writers rooms, spaces for people working on special effects and other post-production edits, it's where the costume designers are locate (originally all of these people were located in the uppermost office floors before realizing having them close at hand to the people they were working with was more useful.
Going up is the floors devoted to music. These floors have rows upon rows of recording booths of various sizes, designed for everything from single musicians or audiobook narrators, to full ensemble band sized spaces.
Above that is the section dedicated most to music. This has many floors of recording booths of various sizes, smaller ones for single people, most often used by audiobooks, and larger ones for whole ensemble bands.
The middle of the building is the section Vox spends, arguably, the least time in. It's devoted to the employees, and acts as a multi-floor break room in many ways. The bottom floor has the most seating, because the entire section is shaped as an atrium. These middling floors mean that employees who spend most time in either half of the building tend to be roughly the same distance from it. They have amenitites like a cafeteria, but scattered throughout ate other outlets like a Voxbucks; there's microwaves, and a communal kitchen that doesn't tend to see a lot of use but remains clean and well kept.
It's sort of like an in-house mall for the employees. The food is moderately priced and tends to be relatively good, there's clothing stores (because incidents happen and its easier to replace clothing if its on hand), and a gym (most often frequented by people on their breaks who are dieting, or actors that have been told to lose weight for a part), and showers (because, once again, incidents happen, especially on set).
The higher you go, it becomes evident the average person is not designed to be here. The floors above the break area are mostly used for people outside of the immediate media production.
Directly above the break area is the part dedicated to technology. This area of the tower is where actual hardware is developed, and prototypes undergo their first few rounds of testing in rooms set aside for that purpose. This means that when things like controllers for drones fail, the average employee is not impacted, and a controlled environment is provided. This is also where longer term tests are conducted, such as those set at varying temperatures to test for things like expiry dates. This serves as the R&D department. When cameras or microphones break down in the lower floors, it's the people on these floor called in for repairs.
The uppermost floors are boardrooms and meeting rooms, offices, and office cubicles. Business meetings are struck up here, and the windows provide an imposing view of the district and everything Vox has made. The lawyers, architects, accountants, HR, et cetera, et cetera end up here. If you're an office worker, this is where you're ending up almost without fail. Vox's actual office is on these floors (not counting the smaller space he has in his penthouse just a few floors up).
The uppermost floor is Vox's penthouse. The elevator doesn't lead directly into it, but to a small antechamber, because very few people actually have clearance to enter his house.
In part because he lives here, and there is no shortage of people who work late, the building itself never closes properly. Frequently enough when Vox can't sleep, he ends up walking through the buildings. Some of the people who have ascended to department managers with soul-bonds are people he meets walking through the building late at night.
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spyderdust · 3 months
hey vox writers who want to have a contract with angel give me the drama of val also wanting to use angel but vox is too possessive to let him
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desthebolt · 3 months
Ever since getting a cane, ppl ask me all kinds of shit. But the one thing that hits me the most is my family/ppl i know irl asking me “so how long will you have this? when will you be able to get rid of it?”
I know theyre asking cause they want me to get better and care about my health, but its a little unsettling. I was told my back pain would last for AT LEAST a year. All of 2024 will have back pain. No heavy lifting, no excessive bending over, having to correct my movements/positions that ive been accustom to, physical therapy twice a day, and other things.
But theres a chance that i could have pain for more than a year. There was never a guarantee, it will improve yes, but it might not go away. Especially since i also have (mild) narrow disk spacing which will become an issue when im older. I think my family just isnt ready/willing to accept that one of their children might have chronic pain and need a mobility aid for the rest of their life. All before I’m 30.
This paired with job hunting and other personal issues have just made me more aware of how alienated i feel. I dont blame anyone in particular, i just feel like im at a point in my life that i never couldve predicted. Ive accepted my health and am trying to do better, but i guess i wish others around me would accept that too and help in a way that wasnt dehumanizing.
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seffien · 1 year
uhh do you have any further story / lore for dutch and vee? alternative question what do you think are their worst traits in personality
(circa splatoon 2)
further story/lore
dutch: parents split when she was 4. pre-splatoon 2 she hasn't seen her mom in about 5 years and she doesn't really speak to her dad all that much despite them living together. also its very apparent that dad does not like mom at all. dutch doesn't speak—her father does. breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are eaten in silence, tension hanging over her head. dad never lets her out of the house, never lets her do anything fun. to get away from it all, she heads to inkopolis. she meets vee when they bump into each other at the crust bucket, and he orders something for her since he's got an extra ticket.
vee: born to upper-middle class parents and was expected to become a doctor or do some other fancy-shmancy job. everyone around him had an air on insincerity that he hated. since he went to private school (a different private school), work piled on quickly. his parents thought he could figure it out on his own, but he couldn't. he just wanted a normal life, so in the middle of the night, he wrote a note, left the house, and took a train to inkopolis. he met naoki when the train got to inkopolis. naoki had left something behind, and vee picked it up and went to hand it to her. they briefly made eye contact when naoki turned around before vanishing into the night. he's also considered one of the square's turf war stars, but his life really isn't all that luxurious. really, dutch and naoki are all he has.
worst traits
though not a super tryhard, dutch can get seriously competetive if need be. combined with her hyperness in battles, things can sometimes get messy.
vee tends to get anxious and the spotlight being on him doesn't help one bit. he also overworks himself and, while not as bad as naoki's, he does have some self-esteem issues
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thefact0rygirl · 1 year
Got any good fics with sex workers?
Hey there! Not sure what characters you're looking for, but off the top of my head there is Saved by Much_Ado_Abt_Novels on ao3. This is a Boba Fett x Twi'lek OC fic that is pretty respectful in how they handle sex slavery. It's not offensive or cliche. There is also Mutual by @the-scandalorian which features sex worker!Din. This one is so emotional and beautifully written I can't get enough!
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skylar-jay · 5 months
I need to ban myself from trying to simplify my ocs into a paragraph of description lol.
Words are not enough to describe the nuances between them.
Anyway, if anyone wants to ask about my Sky ocs go ahead. Maybe it'll give me some practice in describing their personalities
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