#viking life
thesilicontribesman · 1 month
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Govan Old Stones Collection, Viking 'Hogback' Stones, Govan Old Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland
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vikings-til-valhalla · 2 months
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I... I'm supposed to be asleep right now. Instead I'm awake looking at armor memes.
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briarcrawford · 7 months
📰 “Glass windows could be found in Viking-Age Denmark and Sweden, study finds” 🪟
“What makes the discovery so startling is the fact that glass windowpanes were not prevalent in Denmark until several centuries later when medieval churches and castles were constructed.”
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er-cryptid · 26 days
Viking Age
-- lasted from 793 to 1066 CE
-- starts with the raid on Lindisfarne
-- ends with the Norman invasion of England
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Queridos todos en esta ocasión les voy a hablar de un tema muy interesante rituales dentro de tu rutina diaria para los que no tienen tiempo de hacer rituales aquí unos mega tips comenzamos.
Maneras simples de agregar magia a tu vida diaria
Si bien no siempre tenemos tiempo para hechizos y rituales elaborados, es sorprendentemente fácil incorporar tu oficio a tu vida cotidiana haciendo algunos cambios simples. Las formas en que puede hacer esto son infinitas, pero aquí hay algunas formas simples de agregar magia a su vida diaria: Establecer intenciones Cuando te despiertes por la mañana, tómate un poco de tiempo para visualizar cómo te gustaría que fuera tu día. Establezca sus intenciones. ¡Establecer intenciones claras es el primer paso para alcanzar cualquier meta!
Empodérate Háblate amablemente a ti mismo, afirma todas tus grandes cualidades con regularidad, ¡agárrate a ti mismo! Siéntete bien. Con demasiada frecuencia empoderamos a quienes nos rodean, sin tomarnos el tiempo para empoderarnos a nosotros mismos; ¡sin embargo, esto puede ser lo más importante que podemos hacer para agregar magia a nuestro día! Usa colores que coincidan con tus intenciones. Vístase con atención y use ropa o accesorios que coincidan con sus intenciones. Si necesitas romper malos hábitos o desterrar la negatividad, vístete de negro. Si desea atraer la buena fortuna, agregue algo verde, etc. Limpia tu espacio Realice una simple limpieza con humo usando incienso, o limpie haciendo sonar campanas para disipar cualquier energía estancada; Independientemente de cómo elija limpiar, esta puede ser una manera rápida y fácil de elevar la vibración en su hogar y hacer que se sienta más conectado a tierra y conectado.
Leer libros sobre el oficio.
Leer libros es un acto de autocuidado, es tiempo que se toma solo para usted y siempre es bueno para usted. ¡Al leer sobre el oficio, está ampliando su conocimiento y al mismo tiempo se está tomando un tiempo muy necesario solo para usted!
Usar sigilos
¡Los sellos se pueden usar en cualquier lugar! Dibújalos con crema facial como parte de tu rutina diaria, o en el vapor de tu ducha, agrégalos a macetas, revuélvelos en tus comidas y bebidas, incorpóralos a tus manualidades, etc. llevar cristales Cada cristal tiene su propia vibración y energía únicas; cada célula del cuerpo humano también tiene su propia energía, y cuando un cristal se acerca al cuerpo, las personas sensibles pueden sentir las energías del cristal, y esto puede ayudar a equilibrar su propia energía. Elija un cristal que crea que puede ayudar con cualquier problema que esté enfrentando.
Escribe en tu diario, libreta o journal son un lugar para que registres tus hechizos, recetas, rituales, etc., y toda la información, los pensamientos y las ideas valiosos que recopiles a medida que recorres tu camino. ¡Los libros escritos a mano tienen la ventaja adicional de tener poder y energía en sus páginas! Es una buena práctica acercarse a su libro cuando se sienta feliz y relajado, y asegurarse de que la energía puesta en sus palabras sea la energía que le gustaría sentir cada vez que abra las páginas. Encender velas y establecer intenciones La magia con velas puede ser tan simple como encender una vela y establecer una intención. No tiene que haber un ritual completo en torno a esto: ¡una simple vela blanca y una intención firmemente establecida aún pueden ser una magia poderosa!
Hacer baño de llervas.
Agregue magia a su té o al agua de su baño usando hierbas que funcionen con su intención. Por ejemplo, un buen té de jazmín y rosas puede convertirse en un brebaje de amor, o puede agregarse a un baño ritual para el amor propio y levantar la autoestima.
Espero hos sirva de ayuda con todo mi amor y bendiciones madame Vespertilio 🦇
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aesir-heimdall · 3 months
Y aunque me critiquen de manera abrupta,
como si no pudiera amar solo por ser mala conducta...
Hasta el más malandro se enamora, guarda su pistola y entrega respeto y cariño a una sola.
Pero sé por malos ratos en tiempos de antaño...
Que después de ser amantes somos extraños
Que después de ser felices nos hacemos daño.
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bigolbard · 7 months
Thinking about when AC Valhalla had just released and I would drink mead while playing the game. That was the life
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beautifulbitch-2 · 30 days
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thesilicontribesman · 1 month
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Govan Old Stones Collection, Viking 'Hogback' Stones, Govan Old Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland
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I was writing to a friend that the first thunderstorm of the year just began moments ago. Then I scrolled down and saw this immediately after sending the message.
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Remember, the Gods hate Nazis, oppression, and injustice.
"when in peril thou seest thee, confess thee in peril, nor ever give peace to thy foes." -Havamal 126
"rejoice not ever at tidings of ill, but glad let thy soul be in good." -Havamal 127
Stand against ALL injustice, protect the oppressed, and most of all remember to love and care for these people as much as you hate the oppressors, if not love them more than you hate. If you see injustice, fight against it by all means you're capable of. Call it out, defend those who are in danger, give what you're capable of giving, and never stop until all are safe and well.
And with that, free Palestine. Defend Palestinian people. Give what you can, share VERIFIED mutual aid posts and campaigns, and keep speaking up about the genocide, let the victims who survived speak first and foremost, and share the words they say so that others can learn and know what atrocities are being committed, and take action to end this genocide.
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juniemunie · 1 year
I have so many thoughts about this entire sequence, from the way Hiccup and Toothless get along to the MUSIC- (the music analysis is going to my tags)
But im gonna talk about Toothless pov again
I always think of this is like, the forbidden friendship scene for Toothless the way the actual forbidden friendship was for Hiccup
If Hiccup's scene was Toothless connecting to Hiccup through human things (sharing food, smiling, art and all that)
Then this scene is Toothless' because Hiccup connects with Toothless through flying, something I've always headcanoned to be what dragons (the ones that fly anyway) need not just to survive, but to live and bond with others.
if Hiccup's FF is the beginning of the potential then Toothless' FF is the "end", the moment where the potential is found and fulfilled, the thing that really solidifies their friendship because both has now experienced and accepted the other's unique sides
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Just, yeah Toothless sees Hiccup just getting it, understanding why flying is so wonderful, hearing him cheer and whoop in joy like a fledgling's first time in the air, and seeing him at the end instinctively understand what to do-
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Like that sudden spin near the end of the sea pillars- and both of them looked surprised they even managed to do that together instinctively- when just a few minutes ago Hiccup couldnt even dodge the two very obvious sea pillars in the beginning
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He looks up at this human, this strange clever, brilliant little human who has somehow made this even possible, who has broken every preconception he has, who is now flying with him with a dragon's instinct but baring his teeth in that human way of expressing joy, screaming something he could not parse perfectly in his dragon tongue but understood the meaning all the same.
"We did it."
#they did it. they achieved what they thought was impossible but together they reached it#the line can apply to a lot of things so ill let you think about it#i totally didnt get that 'we' thing from a fanfic COUGH#httyd#httyd movies#junie art post#can u tell ive gone insane#this was supposed to be a short caption but ive gotten carried away#toothless the dragon#toothless#hiccup horrendous haddock lll#hiccup#NOW. FOR THE MUSIC.#most of the analysis is already talked well by sideways and phoebe-kate so ill talk about my headcanons and interpretations#toothless' theme always repeats over and over. not ever really having a satisfying conclusion which ive always thought of as a silent show#that toothless was never really happy or content with his life before since he lived a dangerous and monotonous life of serving the queen#sure in exchange for his servitude he was given shelter to a place no viking can reach but he would never call it home.#he most likely wanted out of that sitaution. wanted something new and he got that rather violently through hiccup#now lets talk about hiccups theme. his theme is beautiful and sounds complete. but in the beginning you barely if ever notice his theme#unless youre really looking for it. his theme plays quite subtly and softly. showing how hiccup wants to be seen but he never is#at the start his theme plays after berk's which makes it sound as if hes following them. he isnt the same as berk but he tries to be#FF comes and hiccup and toothless connect both on screen and music. see you tomorrow has hiccups theme play clearly & confidently for once#test drive comes and toothless takes the lead- hiccup following right after him. it sounds amazing but theyre still not quite there yet#then the sea pillars moment and toothless theme plays twice waiting for hiccup's theme to jump in- to let go#and when hiccup does let go his theme jumps right after toothless' fitting perfectly and toothless' lets hiccup theme take center stage#its loud & beautiful and you get to hear it so clearly it takes your breath away and it ends with toothless theme finally reaching an end#they completed each other both musically and in character#they broke the rules of the world and are neither berk's theme or the dragon's they are two parts creating something new and beautiful#they completed their theme bros thats their theme its not berks or the dragons its their very own#okay im done i dont know if i got this across right i hope yall at least get the gist of my insane rambling
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er-cryptid · 1 month
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el-club-del-caldero · 8 months
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Ya estamos de regreso mi querida comunidad brujil para esta ocasión les quiero compartir un saquito portable un pequeño hechizo de amor propio el cual es muy fácil de realizar y es para traer en todo momento en tu bolso comencemos.
💖Un saquito de color café oscuro de 5x6cm
💖2ramitas de manzanilla seca
💖2 cuarzos rosas chicos
💖2 pétalos de rosa secos dentro de una bolsita de celofan
💖1rodaja de naranja deshidratado
Poner todo en un plato a las 12pm y decir las siguientes palabras
El el amor me cubra me cuide y me guíe hecho está hecho está gracias gracias gracias.
Dejas todo en el plato toda la noche abajo de tu cama y al siguiente día pones todo en el saquito y lo pones durante una semana bajo tu almohada para que se impregne de tu energía.
Al octavo ya lo puedes portar en tu bolso.
Esto te ayudará a que crezca el amor propio de parte de tu amiga brujil y con cariño Madame Vespertilio 🦇
Que el amor te guíe siempre 💖
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seaglassdinosaur · 3 months
I know we collectively agree that Hiccup isn’t romantically inclined, and his getting married and having kids didn’t make sense in the epilogue, but consider: Hiccup getting married for political reasons.
It’s a marriage of alliance, which is recognized both by him and his partner, and they enter it without expectations of romantic involvement. Since they’re now married, they live in the same castle, spend time together, and Hiccup finds he really likes his spouse. They’re funny, get along with his friends, and has the same interests and values. They both probably speak multiple languages. She understands why Hiccup is so dedicated to making the Wilderwest better, and holds similar views. She’s a good politician (her job after all, was to be an ambassador). Hiccup likes spending time with them, and the feeling is mutual. They’re not in love, they have their own lives, but they’re dedicated to each other and eventually decide to raise children. They teach their kids how to train hawks and hunt with dragons, riding, history, the Languages, and all the necessary skills of their world. They’re not in love and they’re happy together.
#pushing the aromantic hiccup agenda and also the queerplatonic agenda#as much as the idea of hiccup getting married was always a little off to me it was more the romantic angle#which I why I like the idea of a marriage of alliance and a partner who understands that#and then of course the montage of them being a good team and getting along#and going ‘yeah I like this person. I think this is the person I want to spend my life with.’#also a) a lot of arranged political marriages did have the foreign spouse function as an ambassador#b) polyglot hiccup is canon and I think it would be neat if his spouse was as well. it is a marriage alliance after all.#she isn’t from the small area of berm#(actually give all the Vikings regional accents. I think it’s neat)#c) she/they because I didn’t feel firmly about the partner’s gender and the nords were pretty gender diverse#anyway I think the partner would probably be fond of the library and admire hiccup got it open way back when#get along with Fishlegs and camicazi well enough#and enjoy dramatic stories of their adventures. maybe have some of her own#also: normalize people having their own lives outside their partners. hiccup and they are happy together but also have their own friends#oh and you know hiccup would be a great dad. he loves Stoick but he would so much be the dad he wished he had growing up#are the kids bio related? are they adopted (cast off and No Names)? who knows!#I could build in my head what hiccup’s spouse is like but I’ll leave it here#they exist as we construct them#httyd#httyd books#my post#book!hiccup#hiccup the third#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#book hiccup
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thesilicontribesman · 1 month
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Govan Old Stones Collection, Viking 'Hogback' Stones, Govan Old Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland
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